• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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44. Lifting Burdens

“Son of the lost and broken…” Came a soft voice from the void surrounding me. “He seeks an end to the Sun Plague… seeks to end the pain.”

“W-who’s there?” I asked, hopelessly looking around the cold black.

“I am Oktorr, Daughter of Halglox.” Said the creature as suddenly, a golden eye the size of a football field opened, its slitted pupil narrowing as it caught sight of me. Surrounded by an armada of white scales, the great eye blinked, the sound itself like thunder in my sensitive ears. “And you are Micah, Son of John Knight and the Nahar. Greetings, little one.”

I stared at the massive drake before me, her expansive form coiling around my tiny body twice over in the void. She seemed very familiar for some reason… but, why?

“Uh, hi. Introductions are currently out the window… so…” It finally clicked. “Are you… by chance, the dragon that—”

“Awoke below the caves? Yes.” She spoke, her words rumbling in my ears. “Waking to a battle overhead wasn’t something I expected, but I felt I’d slept long enough. Thank you.”

“Y-your welcome. And… e-eating the guy we were…?”

“I could tell that you were annoyed with him, and seeing that he was close to death, I thought I’d lift the burden of ending him from your hands.” Her enormous head turned toward me, a curious look overtaking her gaze. “Though, there are very few Wargs that could wake me with just a single strike. It felt as if a great gong bell woke me. And though I’ve never experienced it myself, I’ve been told that such a sensation means that we are to be paired.”

“’Paired?’” I asked in shock, a sense of unease overtaking me. “Do you mean… like, partners? Or… mates?”

The dragoness blinded and grew suddenly displeased, her voice coming off as insulted. “I can smell the scent of another on you, Nahar. You already have a mate. Do not confuse me with her. You two are one flesh, not even I can sever you two. What I meant was that, according to our people’s traditions, if a Nahar was to mentally connect with one of my kin, we would be considered equals in combat. That whenever you had need of assistance, call out, and I shall come.”

“Right… sorry.” I flushed at my stupidity, smacking my face. “I-I’m sorry, I assumed too much.”

The dragoness nodded. “But, I shall say this, your mate is very lucky to own such a kindhearted and strong soul.”

"So, just out of curiosity, are there other Warg tribes that have partnerships with dragons or other creatures?”

“I know that the Yuur once had pacts with the Great Owls, but I’m not too sure nowadays. As for the Haaldr, I remember hearing that they traded with the Serpents of Jörmungandr once upon a time.”

“Ok… so, how do I call you?”

“Let the parallel mind inside call me.”




My eyes cracked open to the dark of my room, the light from my phone illuminating the nightstand it sat on. Lazily reaching out, my hand brushed against the table’s lip, only to slide off. The beeping continued. My barely coherent brain managed to direct my hand back to the nightstand, finally grasping the phone and aggressively pressing the screen. I would have gone back to sleep had it not been for the hand flopping into my shoulder and a warm, feminine body pressed against my back.

“Is there a reason I keep waking up to you next to me in bed?” I asked as the scent of mint flooded my nose.

“If you must know…” Said the voice of Moon, her head coming to rest behind mine as she nuzzled my neck. “I was lonely and you’re warm.”

“Three times and I’m honestly hardly surprised anymore…”

“But do you like it~?” She asked in a sultry voice.

It took me a long moment to sort my thoughts as I sat up, looking her in the eye. “While it is nice, I’d rather we do this kind of thing after we’re officially hitched.”

“Oh~?” Moon perked up, sitting up as she set her head on my shoulder, an arm wrapped around my collarbone. “Are you proposing? Usually for ponies, the mare makes the first move.”

“But we’re not ponies.”

“Good point.”

“Say that we agreed to be official mates; would you want a wedding? Walking down the aisle, a big white dress, flower girls, and a long fairytale kiss to wrap it up?” Though I kept myself collected, I still felt like I was freezing, and equally burning. My emotions swam like a raging river, chief among them being anxiety.

Moon hummed and looked to the window that was draped in thick curtains, the room still dark as a starless night. “In the past, we were guests to numerous weddings and parties. The ponies had always seen alicorns attending their wedding was a boon for their futures, so I have born witness to many a wedding. To me, at least, they are a ceremony for ponies. We are a Wargess now. I think I’d like to experience a tradition of our own peoples. In a way, I think in doing so, we’d feel a little closer with our blood family. You?”

I drew in a long breath, taking my time as I fished for the answer. “I honestly don’t know. On one hand, weddings are something I’m familiar with. They were a traditional ceremony back on Earth too, so I’m fine if we have one. On the other, just having a huge party with the family and friends sounds better. No big ceremony, and again, being honest here, the only major expense would be all the food for the feast… and all the tables. I imagine that the family we’ve met thus far is only the bare minimum.”

The Wargess hummed happily, her long tangled hair draping over my back as she rested herself on me again. “I stand by my statement, but if it is in your interest to have a traditional wedding, then I will not judge. Now however, I need some breakfast.”

“Eggs, manticore bacon, and waffles sound good to you?” I asked as I got out of the bed, noticing that Moon had slept in another blanket instead of joining me under the covers, her top half draped in one of my large sweaters. She looked very cute with that baggy and wooly jersey.

“Sounds good… though, do you want me to leave so you can get properly dressed? Or do you want me to stay and watch the show?”

“Get out.” I laughed along with her as she left the room.

-= Later =-

Hunched over my desk and absorbed in my work as I was, I failed to notice the tree quickly growing outside my window. Only the sounds of light tapping from the glass stirred my mind from the sketches on my desk. Blinking away my previous focus, I looked to see the branches of the tree pushing the window open, the sound of birds chirping and singing in the clear morning.

“Greetings Son of Nahar, I hope I’ve not disturbed you in anything important.” Spoke the ancient voice of Aesc, as several birds scouted out this magical tree for possible homes.

“Uh, no Aesc, you haven’t. Just drawing designs for new houses, I’ve been planning to build a small community for the Wargs I find.” I admitted with a rub of my eyes, wiping away the sleep. “Was there something you needed?”

“Ah, you are crafting new dwelling for your friends. How very kind of you. But to answer your question; I’ve come to teach you.”

“Teach me what?”

“Well… I had heard from several of the trees near here that you were planning on working with metal.” Hummed the Elemental, a bright joy in his voice. “I believe that since you are one of the few Nahar sons still about, that it would be wise to teach you how to summon the Eternal Forge. I imagine it is yours by birthright.”

“Y-You don’t have to—”

“Or course I don’t, but I want to. There are so few Nahar left, and it would pain me to not have shared this with you.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle, my hearts touched by his words. “Thank you, my friend. If you’ll give me a moment, I’ll be outside in a second.”

“Of course…”

I then made my way downstairs, passing Haven as she sat before the crackling hearth, nose deep in her book. As I passed her, a smile slipped onto my muzzle before addressing her.

“Hey Haven?” She looked up from her book. “I’ll be in the workshop if you need me.”

“Ok Dad.”

-=Luna’s POV=-

Walking amongst the Royal Gardens was always a favorite pastime of mine in days of old. The quiet space had always gifted me with a clearer mind. But that was not so today, not when Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, was lounging in a hot tub of chocolate milk.

“Oh Luna, the great and beautiful, have you ever wondered where all these stone statues ever came from?” He smirked, his odd words making my brain stall for a moment.

I decided to humor him. “Not particularly, I remember Tia saying—”

“She lied.” He said with an uncharacteristically serious tone and a scowl. Such demeanor I could expect from anyone else, but never the playful, if annoying Draconaquis. If he was being so sincere about this matter, then it would be best to listen. “If you recall my words from my first release from the stone prison, you’ll understand, I’m sure…”

Thinking back to the reports I’d read from the Element Bearers’ first encounter with him, also keeping in mind what he’d said about the statues, I remembered a single. Horrible. Dreadful phrase. ‘After all,I don’t turn ponies into stone…’

With these words echoing in my mind, my eyes slowly scanned the cold sculptures, my heartrate speeding up. My eyes soon landed on the nearest statue, scanning the smiling face of the mare as my stomach twisted in on itself and dropped, a trembling hand brushing my lips. “Tia… what have you done…”

It was some time later until Discord broke me out of my stupor, smacking me upside the head with a floating boot. “You know, I was conscious the entire time I was imprisoned, but these ponies should be locked in sleep. Once released, they should be quite sane… at least, as relatively sane as any pony can be…”

Pushing my misgivings with Tia from my mind, I took a calming breath and addressed the Draconaquis. “Discord, please gather my sisters, Micah, Tia, and the former Element Bearers. They all need to know.”

“As you wish.” With a snap of his fingers, all who were requested of me were teleported to our location.

My gaze snapped to find Micah in mid-swing of a small hammer, barely missing his other hand as it had looked to be holding something in place. Spinning around, Micah caught sight of the others, his stormy eyes landing on me. “What’s going on?”

“T-Tia…” I swallowed the lump in my throat before facing my alicorn sister with a hard glare, my rage boiling. “What did you do?”

“Lulu, wha—”

“YOU TURNED YOUR LITTLE PONIES INTO STONE!!” The proverbial lid flew off, my temper surging as I stepped closer to the alicorn. The ponies gasped at my outburst with the stone floor cracking beneath my feet. “What possessed you to turn your subjects, your ‘precious little ponies’ into stone?!”

“P-Princess… Celestia?” Wept the Princess of Friendship, her magenta eyes welling up with tears as she stared at her mentor. But her words were ignored by the alicorn.

“B-Blueblood… he—” An instant later, a portal opened and out tumbled the shrieking noble.

“Prince Blueblood.” I scowled down at the cowering stallion, looming over him as my eyes lit up in blue flame, motioning around us. “Explain this.”

“Auntie Celestia! Auntie! She did it! She forced me to help her!” He shouted, graveling at my feet. “I was a pawn in all of this!!”

Without a word to Blueblood, I turned to Tia with an even sharper glare. “Then you will explain, dear sister…”

“Ok, let’s not ask the accused for answers.” Said Micah as he pulled the heavy apron he’d been wearing off, irritably rubbing the bridge of his snout. “You said that these ponies had been turned to stone? Then let’s ask them. Anyone know how to undo spells like this?”

“I’d do it, what with my reality warping magic and all, but if I couldn’t do it to myself, what makes you think I’d be able to undo them?” Discord put in as he received several looks. “The Elements of Harmony did this, and as we all know, their magic seal is hard to crack.”

“T-the Elements… did this?” Gasped lady Rarity, her eyes widening as tears soon plagued her, falling to her knees. “W-why?! How-how c-could they!?!”

Applejack knelt beside her weeping friend, joining the other mares as they huddled together. “Ah don’ know, sugar cube. Ah don’ know…”

“So…” Snarled a seething Micah as his fists shook, red fire breaching his teeth. “Not only did you seal them away in stone, but you used the Elements to do it?”

In a swift motion, Micah slipped past me, clutched Tia by the throat, and rammed her into the far wall with a trail of green fire behind his feet. And all this was done as a sonic boom erupted. Tia struggled and gasped as his grip tightened, his runes alight with his anger growing. “Why?

“S-Stop!!” Shouted a distressed Twilight as she rushed up to grab Micah’s arm, failing to pull him away from the alicorn. “Stop, you’re killing her!!”

Ushering my own magic into my limbs, I dashed forward to came to my mate’s other side. Placing a gentle hand on his face, my hand was enveloped by the flames in his runes, yet they never burned. “Micah, please let her go. I’m upset too, but now is not the time.”

His eyes turned to look at me as I gave him a small reassuring smile, a frustrated snarl rumbled through his chest. “Fine…”

Tia dropped to the ground in a coughing and wheezing fit, hugging Twilight tight. “I had no choice… they were terrorists.”

With a snarl of my own, I spun around, bashed my fist into my open palm, and with a single thought, pulled a flaming blue sword from my open hand. It’s curved blade captivated by wisps of blue energy, magic-stealing fire flickering along its sharp edge as it shone like the dawn. With a twist of my wrist, the blade was held in a reverse grip before I slammed it down into the ground. An explosion of light erupted; thousands of miniature swords came with the light as they carved the ponies free from their stone tombs. With gasps for fresh and breathable air, every pony tumbled off their pedestals atop the fractured gravel. The first to awaken was a navy-blue mare with a silver mane, her forest green eyes opening as she wearily slumped into a sitting position.

It was at this moment when Blueblood tried to flee.

Faster than my eyes could track, a portal split open and launched a dark green gauntlet, it then latched onto Micah’s arm. My mate jumped and spun around, green fire propelling him toward the fleeing stallion as more armor sored through the sparking portal. The spiked gauntlet tore through the marble wall like butter, obliterating the pearly stone before the hand wrapped around Blueblood’s face, mere inches away from the door. Micah then thrust his hand up, holding the screaming stallion aloft as the armor quickly covered his body.

The sheer effortlessness he gave the action made my spine shiver.

“Now, what do you want to do with him, my Queen?” Came Micah’s smooth voice seemed to vibrate behind the blue visor, rolling his shoulders as his armor set into place, a large black canon mounted on his shoulder blade. And… was that heavy metal music I was hearing from inside the helmet?

I blinked away my surprise, regaining my composure. “Call for the guard and have him detained. We shall deal with him later.”

Micah nodded and stood off to the side, keeping an eye on his charge. Tia chose that moment to stand up and stumbled toward me, a plead in her eyes. “Lulu… ple—”

“You have lied to not only me, but to everyone, Tia. You are no more a ruler than I am a diplomat.” I snarked, turning my back to her as I knelt to address the awakened mare. “Can you tell me your—”

I suddenly felt something collide with my head, my vision blacking out for several moments. I barely felt my collision with the grassy earth, my mind left blank as my head spun. When I finally was able to get enough sense back, I found myself in the steel arms of my lover.

“You ok?” Asked the masculine voice of my mate, his blue visor reflecting my bloody face.

“Yeah… what happened?”

He didn’t answer for a long moment, a soft snarl coming from his throat as rage consumed his voice. “She smacked you upside the head with a vase. I’d rather that she be dethroned immediately.”

“I…agr…” Was all I could say before I blacked out again.

-=Micah’s POV=-

It took two days until Luna awoke, and in that time, the ponies of Equestria had gone into a blind panic. Why? Because news of the destroyed Elements of Harmony had finally gotten out. I suspected Pinkie Pie had leaked the news, seeing as she was more than likely to spill the beans than anyone else. From Manehatten to Hooverville, Cloudsdale to Appleloosa, the news spread like wildfire.

While Celestia and Blueblood were imprisoned, bound in enchanted chains, and guarded by Luna’s sisters, I dispatched the numerous Guards to stop the building riots across the country. I also put together a council with the previously stoned ponies, officially forming the High Council of Canterlot… believe me, there was a lot of paperwork involved. And I hated it.

Presently, Luna sat back on a mountain of pillows with her head dry and bandaged, thankfully the bleeding had stopped on the first day. As she slowly came back to the waking world, I retold her of current events. She sat there for a moment, letting it all sink in. I nervously rubbed my hands together at seeing the defeat in her eyes.

“I never thought she’d do something this terrible…” The Wargess muttered, referring to when Celestia had bashed her over the head with a stone. Granted, it had only knocked her unconscious and left a few scrapes, but it thankfully hadn’t broken her skull.

“What do you want to do with them?” I asked, jumping to the subject on my mind.

“With Blueblood and Tia? Blueblood will have to be executed… but Tia…”

“You still love her as your sister?”

“Reluctantly, yes. Regardless of what I may think, I still feel like she is my sister, putting aside that we are different species.”

“I understand.”

“Do you?” She asked with tears in her teal and silver eyes.

“I do. Both my brother and sister were adopted, so I never had any bias when it came to the different shades of skin humans had. And regardless of heritage, I still call them my family to this day. Nothing could change that for me.” My hands stilled as I leaned forward so our foreheads were genteelly touching. “Love thy neighbor as thy self. Same goes for your sister, even if she has gone loopy.”

“That’s putting it mildly.”

“Yeah, well… I did consider her a friend until she started slipping up. Knocking you out only served as the final nail in the coffin.” I leaned back and connected my fingertips, probably looking like a brooding warlord in my seat. “But getting back on topic; do you want me to banish Celestia for you, so you don’t have to do it yourself?”

It took a long while before she answered, a number of emotions crossing her face. “No, I will do it.”

It was later in the day that the stage was set. We stood atop a raised dais, towering over the ponies of Canterlot as news reporters filmed and broadcasted our actions. I stood with my great sword in hand, waiting along side a chained Celestia and Blueblood as a beheading block sat before them. They were both gagged and handcuffed, their magically chained legs bolted into the dais, and their coats soaked with sweat. Celestia, in a moment of sympathy, leaned over and nuzzled her nephew, only to get shoved away by the furiously shaking stallion. The alicorn recoiled as her heart fell, staring at the unicorn in disbelief. Blueblood had just thrown away his only safe line.

After a bit of grooming and a long caped, navy blue dress, Luna purposefully strode up the steps like the regal Princess she was, flanked by her two Warg sisters. I watched as they marched up to the front of the stage, Luna taking a deep breath before speaking. “My little ponies, as many have already heard, the Elements of Harmony are no more. I know that this has brought on much panic and fear… but there is yet an even more horrific event that was discovered not three days ago.”

“My sister and Princess of the Sun has kept ponies imprisoned in stone for thousands of years within her gardens.” She paused to let the ponies gasp and let the news sink in. “Not only had she not freed the slumbering ponies, but she also placed several there herself. Any who saw the flaws in her kingdom or plans, she froze using a caged Cockatrice or the Elements themselves. Through this action, she has shown that the Elements were not only impure and corrupted, but that ancient power had attempted to kill myself and others who opposed Harmony’s plans.”

“B-But the Elements were said to be artifacts of holy power!” Shouted a pony from the crowd. “Why would they try to kill you; a Princess?”

‘At least someone wasn’t being a total racist.’ Snarked Baldur.

“Because those ponies did not fit with her version of harmony. I do not and have never supported Celestia’s half-baked plans to protect our country. From the return of the crystal empire, were she sent six untrained civilian mares and a baby dragon to face off against the former Umbrum: King Sombra. Discord’s return was inevitable, yet she chose to keep his imprisoned form in the gardens—”

“And I’m very thankful for that!” Said the Draconaquis as he sprouted in the midst of the crowd, waving joyfully.

“…yes…” Luna represented an eye roll with an unamused frown. “An action that put the ponies of this nation at risk. A risk that nearly cost Equestria its peace, casting it into a reality warping hurricane.”

“I was going through a faze…” Pouted Discord.

“Hm… Discord, if you would please stop interrupting…”

“Ugh, fine…” With that, he literally zipped his mouth shut.

“Anyways…” The Wargess recomposed herself and continued her speech. “Then came the return of Tirek, and I believe we all know how that went. We trusted a trickster to capture a rogue villain and look what happened. We trusted a being still in darkness to capture another engulfed in darkness.”

She shot a glare at Discord to remind him of his shortcoming.

“Harmony is said to be a balance between the light and the dark, and due to recent events, I have come to shatter that reasoning. No more shall we compromise with the forces of darkness! No more shall Equestria see itself as the pinnacle of modern society, instead, I will work to create a civilization built on true love and humility. All the darkness shall be snuffed out!”

The crowds cheered, but many of the nobles sneered at the Wargess.

“…Starting with the nobility of Canterlot!” The gathering went silent as they were suddenly surrounded by Royal Guards, shields raised and spears at the ready. Protests, complaints, and swearing raged through the air as the fat nobles hesitantly pushed back against the armored guards.

Akiira handed Luna a thick scroll, the long parchment unraveling as the Princess overlooked the list. “Lord Deep Pockets and Lady Pricey Fragrance are to be detained to Tartarus for extortion, bribery of the crown, and attempted assassinations of Filthy Rich. Lord Swift Wallet is to be detained for offences against the crown and… far too many minor crimes than I care to mention at this time. Next is Duke Heavy Dimond and Duchess Silver Quartz…”

This went on for around two hours as the nobles read aloud were chained and forced into rows in front of the stage. Once this was all done, Luna handed the scroll back to Akiira, and turned again to face the condemned nobles. “Chief among your offenders is Prince Blueblood. His many crimes range from extortion to conspiring with terrorists, wasting the crown’s finances for numerous personal projects, as well as two assaults on a ward of the crown. For these crimes, formally Prince Blueblood is to be sentenced to death.”

The nobles and several ponies exploded in terror and outrage at this, Luna held up a hand to silence them. But when they continued to scream at her, a wave of blue flames erupted out as it singed their manes. “Are you all quite done? …good.”

With a nod from Luna, I grabbed the stallion by the scruff and dropped him over the large wooden block, his head resting above a basket. His restraints disconnected from the stage for a moment, ensuring the block to keep the former Prince detained. However, I kept my sword on my shoulder, its weight pressing in.

“Prince Blueblood.” Luna turned to the stallion in question, magically removing his gag. “Do you have any last words you wish to say before your eternal departure?”

“Go to Tartarus!” Was all the fuming unicorn said.

The Princess looked saddened by his choice in words. “So be it. May the Almighty have mercy on you, Blueblood.”

With that she gave the order, and I raised the sword over my head.


We all turned to see the thirteen ponies of the High Council, now dressed in fine clothes. An older dark grey stallion stepped up onto the stage first, walking up to me with a large axe in hand. His white mane and beard almost shined in the sun’s light, his brown eyes looking on me with regret and a knowing pity.

“Before I was sentenced to my imprisonment, I was the Que— Faust’s executioner. In my life, I have spilled much blood in an unjust and evil cause. I killed too many in her name. That sadly won’t change, not with my talent.” He pulled up his sleeve and indicated an axe embedded into a pony skull as his cutey mark. “Allow me to do the same for a righteous and just cause instead. I imagine that I have more blood on my hands than you, young Warg. I already have enough of a burden on my shoulders, let me take one from yours.”

I stared at the stallion for several long moments, my chest becoming warm with gratitude and pain. “You were freed for no purpose except to live. So, if I may suggest, good sir, live a fresh life away from your past sins.”

“But my past sins are all I know. And I would be remiss if such a good and mighty soul were to carry such a heavy burden. From what I have heard over these past few days, you are more of a protector than a killer. So I urge you, good sir, keep protecting.”

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t crying. My chest felt like it was about to cave in on itself, overwhelmed by how selfless this stallion was being. Finally, I looked the old stallion in the eye once again. “Then I will do so, if you promise to not let your past sins define you.”

“I shall.” With a bow and a smile, the stallion took my place and raised his axe. My eyes slammed shut as the axe was brought down, the sound of splitting flesh and bone echoing, and the smell of blood overtaking my senses.

After the silence prolonged and the lifeless body of Blueblood was taken away, Luna turned back to the crowd. “As with the death of any noble family, all expenses and assets shall go to military funds and the working people of Equestria. This not only goes for Blueblood, but for all the former nobles of Canterlot. All your connections shall be stripped, your houses pillaged and sold. All past sins shall be put onto display for all Equestria in the daily news. All but a select few houses, those who rejected such criminal acts, shall be stripped of rank and cast into Tartarus. All colts and fillies shall be escorted to family outside of Canterlot, they shall not pay for their parents’ sins.”

Luna stepped back and let Roret and Akiira take centerstage, the two sisters sparking their Chroma as runes circled the bound ponies’ limbs. This was their first official appearance to the whole of Equestria, their flaming eyes and maws alight as they spoke their native tongue in union. “Den som ikke vil overholde din Guds lov og kongens lov, la dommen bli henrettet raskt på ham, enten det er død, forvisning eller inndragning av varer eller fengsling. (Whoever will not observe the law of your God and the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily on him, whether it be death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment)”

NKJV Ezra 7:26

With that, all bound ponies vanished in a fiery pillar, sent to their intended destinations in Tartarus. The remaining ponies all looked around in astonishment, mouths agape. Then they all erupted into cheer, surprising me. They would usually cower and run at this point, especially if I’d just flexed my magical muscle. I felt a little jealous at the praise Luna’s sisters were getting. Maybe it was my scars that scared them?

Soon after the ponies quieted down, Luna stepped up next to her sisters. “As you have just seen, these two Wargs are very powerful, and as such they should be treated with great respect. But do not fear them, they are of no threat to those who respect them. After all, sisters should know each other at least that much.”

The ponies gasped in astonishment, several whispers reaching my ears.

“They are sisters? Those two?”

“No, you idiot, they’re Princess Luna’s sisters.”


“But they look nothing alike.”

“They’re so awesome.”

“But speaking of sisters… Celestia?” Asked Luna as she turned to the alicorn, kneeling to remove her gag. “I can honestly say that I regret doing this, but I’m afraid it must be done.”

Celestia looked on the Wargess with teary eyes, a weak smile playing on her lips. “Do what you must…”

Luna then leaned forward, hugged the alicorn, and whispered something in her ear before standing again. Celestia now looked to be crying tears of joy, her smile in full force. “Princess Celestia, for your actions, you are to be banished beyond Equestria’s borders. May the Lord keep you and lead you to green pastures.”

It was apparently an old spell created by Faust to show how ‘merciful’ she could be. And as the ancient magics surrounded Celestia in a flurry of green sparks, she mouthed the words, ‘I love you, sister’ and vanished in a flash of light.

-=To the East of Equestria’s Borders=-

The former alicorn princess opened her eyes to find herself in the deep woods, surrounded by tall pines and the occasional beach tree. The sound of a rushing river caught her attention in the distance, the cold wind blowing brown and yellow leaves through her mane. And among the sounds of common birds and other beasts, there was one cry that played a familiar symphony on the mare’s ears.

A loud screech made her turn to see Philomena, her pet phoenix waiting for her on a rock, a large pack of supplies next to the fiery bird. Celestia’s tears returned with a vengeance as she cupped her gaping mouth. “Thank you, Lulu. Thank you.”

But this happiness was not to last, for as the alicorn walked forward, she became aware of a growing heat that bore down on her. This heat was unrelenting in its attack, forcing the former princess to gaze upward, only to shriek in pain as the images of two fiery orbs burned themselves into her retina. "WHY ARE THERE TWO SUNS?!!"

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Praise the Lord, I was able to get this chapter done before I left for training. As always, hope you all enjoyed and let me know what you thought about this installment.

Cheers to DeathWolf06 for his help with this chapter!

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