• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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53. You've Reached Max Level

I sat in a dimly lit room, a wooden table splayed out between myself, Luna, Damien, Karipuur, Jurdehn, and several of the High Alpha’s council. All this, and add I had a killer headache… oh, joy…

“…and so, we ask to hear what your full plans are, Havaak. We wish for your plans to be laid bare to us.”

“Could…” I clutched my forehead, like the pounding of drums, the pain slowly increased. “Could I get some painkillers? Only then, will I reveal.”

Jurdehn nodded, and summoned one of her servants, the bowed Warg produced a vial filled with a blue liquid. It seemed to shimmer in the candlelight, like moonlight on a clear lake. I took the vial and looked to my new in-laws, who nodded. Uncorking the vial, I gulped it all down, giving the empty thing back to the servant. The pain slowly went away to the point it was almost unnoticeable, but not all together gone.

“Are you well enough to speak?” Karipuur asked.

I nodded, sighing. “Yes. Where should I start?”

“Perhaps the parting of your pack? You said that you wanted to send those who wished to return to earth. Do you still wish that?”

“And to where on earth shall we send them?” Jurdehn asked alongside her mate.

My hands cupped over themselves under my chin, elbows on the table. “Sending them back through a city would give us unwanted attention. I doubt we want that publicity.”

“No, that would not do. So, the countryside?”

“That’d be best. Less people to witness us dropping them off.”

“We can send them back with supplies, though not very much. I imagine that there will be many leaving us, that will leave us with many mouths to prepare food for.” Karipuur thought aloud, humming for a moment. “Perhaps we send them with bags of nuts and berries? Not very hard to pack, but enough for them to live off of for a time.”

“How many do you think will leave?” Luna asked, looked to me as I rubbed my tired eyes.

I blinked, gathering my thoughts on the matter and shrugged. “Hard to say, but I think quite a few.”

“And you will be Alpha of those who stay?” The Queen asked, looking at me with an almost worried glance. “We could find another to take that responsivity. I’m sorry that we hadn’t asked you sooner; but do you even what to be the Alpha? We’ve been so focused on Luna and the Nahar returning, but we failed to ask if you even wanted the job.”

All motion in the room stopped, barely even breath was perceived as I thought deeply. Did I want to be in charge? Did I want to lead?

I tried to be a protector. The castle was under attack regularly, lives were still lost and threatened. Ponies vanished half the time, to only God knew where. And then I couldn’t even protect my own house, my servants, or… not even Haven…

I tried being a father, and look how that turned out…

If I tried being an Alpha, a leader, would I fail in that too? Would I even make the cut? Before coming to Equestria, before Baldur, I sucked at handling pressure. When under pressure, I’d usually freeze or panic. I only had Baldur keeping my nerves cool, keeping my head on straight whenever anything big happened. And Luna thought of me as some big-shot hero? It was only because of Baldur that I was even alive. Without him, I doubt I would’ve made it on the first day.

While this is touching, you’re the selfless guy who sacrificed his face, hand, and a gave yourself a hole in your chest to protect her. All of it was for Luna, not the ponies. By keeping them safe, you helped keep Luna safe. I only keep the stress from overwhelming you. All I did was make sure you didn’t freeze up; you did the rest Micah. You kept everyone safe, not me. As for Haven… I’m sorry, but… you can’t always save everyone.

As sad as it was, he had a point. Haven’s death was something I couldn’t prepare for, and I imagined that the guilt and pain would take long to heal.

But, in the end, being Alpha shouldn’t have been something I wanted to do. As cheesy as it sounded, I needed to become the Alpha. Nobody else at the moment stepped up to the plate. The Nahar needed a leader, regardless of if I did good at it or failed. And if I failed at that even… then, I’d say to just keep on moving.

As I reached my mental conclusion, I felt a soft and warm hand drape itself over mine. I blinked and looked over to see it was Luna, an equally warm and reassuring smile on her muzzle.

And, even as the Alpha, wouldn’t I also be doing it for her too? I became a protector for Luna, became a boyfriend for her, and even now, a husband. Which was a fact I was still trying to get used to… but happily so.

I took a deep breath, steadying my mind. “There’s no-one else to do it, so I will. Would I much rather have an easier job without all this stress? Yes. But, again, someone needs to keep all of these Wargs in check.”

“Hey, I could always take over.” Damien offered, smirking as he leaned back in his seat. “At least when you need a vacation.”

My hearts felt light in my chest, a smile coming to my muzzle. “Thanks, I’d appreciate that.”

“We assume you’re taking Damien as your Beta then?” Karipuur asked, a smirk of his own playing on his lips. “With how he’s helped keep the masses in check, I couldn’t make a better decision.”

“I agree.” My smile kept.

Luna had decided she’d had enough sitting regally and slumped onto my shoulder. “And what about our new lands? I, as well as others, would very much like to be anywhere but Equestria.”

“We will have to see how many are left come this afternoon, but we have a few places in mind.” The Queen smiled at our display. “Then, we shall leave you two alone, to tend to one another.”

“Uh… sure?” My jaws lightly clenched as I bit back a blush, my ears splaying back slightly.

Jurdehn’s smile widened at her victory. “But, after that, you will have a choice to make, Havaak. Because you are proclaiming yourself to be the Alpha of your clan, the other Alphas will expect you to process even great power than now. To Wargs, an Alpha is more than a leader, they are a symbol of power. And I imagine that many in the Nahar will want to be awakened. But also, your Beta, according to tradition, will have to awaken at least once. The Beta, as well as the Alpha, are the faces of the pack, and should either of you be seen as weak… I dread to think what others will do.”

“So, in short, I have to get an upgrade too?” Damian asked, stunned.

I shrugged in response. “And a new fur coat. Who knows what you’ll come out with?”

“As long as it’s not pink…”

“If that happens, I’ll take a picture, so it’ll last longer.”


“And will I also need to be ‘awoken?’” Luna asked, sitting up as she rested her elbows on the table.

“Should you wish, yes.” Jurdehn nodded, frowning softly, like she regretted some far-off outcome. “But you’ll lose your beautiful coat…”

“Yes, it would be a shame…” My mate mused as she looked herself over, smiling as she gazed back at her mother. “But I’d like to think that Mic-I mean, Havaak and I are shedding our old lives. We rid ourselves of this land and our troubled pasts, stepping into a new age. New looks and new roles. The Alpha and his mate, leaders of the Nahar. We will never forget the events that shaped us, and the ones we shared close bonds with, but I pray that this is a step in the right direction. I hope you can both understand this.”

Both Alphas smiled, shedding several tears. Jurdehn wiped hers away as Karipuur still cried a river. “I wish we could’ve been with you when you were younger, but we are thankful to see the wonderful Warg you’ve become, my dearest. To leave behind one’s troubled past is no easy feat, and we commend you.”

“I agree, you’ve become a wonderful Alpha, Luna. I do hope you can help Havaak with the challenge of leadership. As you know too well, it is no easy deed.” Karipuur choked down his fleeting tears, standing as the rest of us followed. “With that said, we should prepare all those who wish to leave. I will get the elders ready.”

With a flash of Chroma, we all stood outside in the soft wilds of winter, our clothes billowing in the wind. I turned to see a large crowd to the east of our village; they had already gathered to return home. We soon arrived, the King and Queen standing before the crowd with us behind them, seven elder Wargs to their right.

“Greetings to all. I trust that you wish to return to the lives you left behind, and this wish I will grant. But be warned, not everything will be the same as you left it. Time has passed on earth, and with it, so have events. Your former homes could be owned by another, loved ones moved on without you, and many other things may have happened in your absence. And do know, this will be a one-way trip. Once back on earth and human, you may not be able to return. Choose wisely, and all those with raised hands will go.”

We waited for a long, baited moment. Seconds turned into minutes, until finally, a hand was raised. Another followed, as did others. Soon after, almost every hand had raised. Only a small percentage of them had decided to stay.

“Very well…” Jurdehn nodded, motioning to the elders. “Begin.”

“Everyone that doesn’t want the return trip, come to the right of us!” I called out, watching many exit the crowd as the elders surrounded the masses, wings extended and Chroma blazing. We all watched in awe as a massive portal, laced with green whisps, opened above the crowd, slowly descending on them. Soon, they were engulfed, the portal closing after it reached the ground. But one had managed to roll out from under the portal as it closed. I looked to the remaining Wargs as the elders returned to their Alpha’s side, meeting their gazes as I went over what I could say.

But Luna beat me to the punch, seeing my hesitation. “We’re very glad that you’ve decided to stay, but we would like to know as to why you wanted to, if that is alright with you. May we prove to be the leaders you need.”

And so, we listened to their reasons. From wanting to start over, to dreaming of living in a fantasy world, the list went on. It was close to the end that I noticed the Warg who’d exited the portal, the same one that had been mouthing off to me when we’d rescued everyone.

“And your reason for staying?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.


“Any other reason besides that?”


“Then leave.” At my command, he snarled, only to be stopped by Damian. “We plan to leave Equestria to start anew, and we don’t need anyone with a vendetta slowing us down. If you want vengeance, go for it, but don’t drag any of us into it.”

“Are you fucking serious?” He snapped, struggling to push past Damian. “You’re just leaving? No payback?!”

“I don’t see a need for it.” I answered truthfully, standing taller. “The ponies are on the brink of their civilization breaking down, many will be starving and scrounging for food and shelter. If you feel satisfied by picking on a weakened foe, then you’re not worth keeping around. Not in my pack. You prove your strength by beating a strong enemy. My pack is no place for bullies.”

“You bit—” He didn’t get far into his tackle, as Damian had him pinned to the ground in seconds.

“To first beat me, you would first have to get past my Beta, and he is not someone to be trifled with.”

“I-I’m gonna kill you, I swear…”

“You can try.” I then looked to Damian, nodding as the cursing offender was dragged off by my Beta and two others who offered to help. After a minute or two, they returned, having dumped the Warg outside the village.

“Do you think he’ll become a problem?” I asked as I felt my father-in-law coming up behind me.

“For you, possibly. But for now, he is a problem for the Equestrians. Will you aid them if they ask?”

I heaved a sigh, my eyes downcast. “I don’t know. I’d honestly rather not.”

He nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder. “You are the Alpha, and your actions effect the pack. It will be your decision, and only yours when the time comes.”

I heaved another breath. “Yes sir.”

“And speaking of you being Alpha,” Jurdehn smirked as she strode up behind me, bringing Luna to my side. “You two ready for a last Awakening?”

“But she can’t go into lava.” I nodded toward my beloved.

“Not unless you will it.”

Luna and I looked at each other in confusion, but in her eyes, I saw complete and unyielding trust. Once more, a nervous breath was pulled in, exhaling slowly to calm myself. “What do I need to do?”

Karipuur then leaned down and whispered in my ear. I nodded to what was said and turned toward the north, looking to the base of Canterhorn Mountain, stretching out my hand. My Chroma spilled deep into the earth, farther than the deepest drill had ever gone, the lush meadow soon cracking with gas and heat. The earth split open with a burst of boiling stone, the magma leaking out over the grass as it burned. A cool, dim path lead out into the lava’s deep, my feet stepping out onto it as I held out my hand for Luna. With one fast look at the boiling magma, she reached out and joined me, huddling close to my side as we walked out.

“Keep me safe, my Alpha?” Luna asked in a sweet tone as we neared the end of the path, standing over the bubbling vat of lava.

I leaned down and pecked her on the forehead. “Now and for always.”

With that, we stepped off, plunging into the smoldering deep. Chroma flooded my systems, from my nerves to my bones, fur to skin, and muscles to limbs. I kept my eyes shut though, dreading the feeling of the hot liquid touching my delicate eyes. Pain sprouted behind my ears as I gritted my teeth, struggling not to scream into Luna’s ear. Probably noticing my struggles, her large wings wrapped around me, soothing my aching head. But something was different, it almost felt like another pair of horns, but they had decided to grow where the pain was now dulling. Luna suddenly began tapping my shoulder, my fully awakened power reaching down and pulling a pillar of earth rising, bringing us up to the surface. The action felt easy now, like how one would wave a hand.

We breached the surface, the magma cascading off us as if we were stone. I finally blinked my eyes open, seeing that my snout was a new light grey color. Looking down at Luna, where her once pure white fur was, now lay a carpet of midnight black. Below the eyes were wisps of white, on each brow sat one pearly dot. Her inner ears were a fluffy snow white, the appendages flicking about as she opened her own eyes. Her bright teal and silver eyes landed on me, a small gasp leaving her ebony lips.

“M-Micah?” Her voice was shaken, as if she couldn’t believe it was me.

I smirked. “Who else would I be? Ronald McDonald?”

That got a little giggle out of my mate. “Here.” With a wave of her hand, the Wargess blinking at how easy it was, a perfect mirror of water formed in the air.

I had indeed changed. The brown in my fur was obliterated, replaced by varying shades of greys and whites. But most striking was the coloration of my face. My snout was the same light grey as my shoulders, stopping in the middle of my forehead in a sharp point, my brows eclipsed by the shadow of a crown, a white pearl set on each brow. The rest of my face was a musty white, flowing down my neck into another piercing angle, only a thick band of dark grey reached down from my nose to my chin. Turning my head, my suspicions were confirmed by not just another pair of horns, but I now had six horns. Two behind my ears, and two more below my original ones. Similar to my first set, they all curved upward, almost two inches from touching my original horns midway.

And then, there were my eyes. They were still blue and gold, but the blue had faded slightly. A greyish blue having taken over, like stormy clouds. They reminded me of my human eyes, unlike the almost cartoonishly blue eyes I’d had before.

“How do I look? I’m not pink anywhere, am I?” Luna asked in concern and mirth, a small smile on her lips as I looked back to her.

I found no pink, but that wouldn’t have made her any less beautiful. But I looked closer than before, spotting a bit of white on the back of her ears, the underside of her eyes looking more like fading eyeshadow. A span of white ran down her throat, reaching past her chest, I presumed. While her outer clothes had been burned off, she still wore her under garments thankfully. Though… I wouldn’t have minded seeing her uncovered. Something for later…

“Stunning.” I winked with a smirk, seeing her blush with her own smile. As for me, my clothing was gone as well, only my boxers remained. “We need some clothes that won’t burn. This seems like something we should’ve worked on sooner, but…”

“When fighting a war, one tends to forget the little things.”

“Yeah, but for right now…” With another flex of my power, we were clothed.

My mate looked over her new set of pants and baggy green sweater. “Handy and comfy.”

“Verily.” I then scooped her up and began walking back toward the pack, a cloud of thick smoke having divided us while Luna and I’s lava bath.

“I know you want to make an entrance.” Luna smirked as she snuggled into my new fur. “Mm, so soft~”

“I do, give me a second.” Asking Baldur to gather power, I watched as the clouds grew dark far into the horizon, the entire sky blotting itself out in moments. Thunder boomed overhead, powerful bolts of lightning following. I heard several Wargs shuffling in fear on the other side of the smoke. Looking back down to my mate, I couldn’t help but ask. “Want to stand? Join in the show?”

“Nah, too cozy~” She snuggled deeper into my fur to emphasize her point, fluttering the one eye that was visible to me.

I shrugged, clearing my throat as I blushed. She really thought my fur that that soft. I usually just took a shower before bed, no conditioner or anything over-the-top. “Ok.”

Lightning struck the area around us as I stepped through the haze, my eyes alight with the cold fire, smirking. The lava behind us dipped and sloshed of its own accord, the earth shaking as the mountain rumbled. I noticed from the corner of my eye that a tower had collapsed on Canterlot’s north wall. Cold lightning flickered and flashed in my eyes, powerful arcs flowing off my new fur into the sky and beyond, a cyclone roaring overhead. I looked the awestruck crowd, my smile widening. “I think I may have capped my level.”

“Well, you wouldn’t be much of a boss without multiple stages.” Damian laughed as he strode up to me, unafraid.

I chuckled along, finding the joke in good tastes. “Yeah, though I’d rather not go strutting around, stroking my ego.”

“What ego? I see no massive ego around here.” Damian smirked as he looked around cluelessly.

“Tis true,” Luna voiced her two cents. “In much of our time together, I’ve never seen you be vain or arrogant.”

I wilted slightly, remembering darker thoughts. “I have my moments. Rare, but they do surface.”

“Well, if they do, I’ll smack them out of you.” She said this with a soft bonk to my head, the touch not even hurting.

“I’d appreciate the ego check.”

“Alright!” Damian spun around with his arms out, facing the pack. “Two down, who’s next?!”

“You.” I smirked, teleporting the weapons I’d made from Chrysalis’ corpse into my hand. I then held them out for a stunned Damian. “The Chaos Blades are yours now. Can’t have my Beta defenseless, can I?”


“Princess Luna! Princess Luna! I’ve found something that I think you’ll want to see!” Shouted Starburst as he entered the Canterlot throne room, the doors bursting open and waking the guards.

“Can’t you see that the Princess is busy?!” Neighsay chastised over his shoulder, watching as Twilight approved several new laws. “And Luna is no longer the Princess, that duty falls to Twilight Sparkle.”

The unicorn steadily approached the dais, stunned by the news. “O-oh, well… she may want to hear this… and did you see the storm outside?”

“Yes, how big is it? What is it Starburst?” Twilight asked excitedly, her head snapping up to look at the scholar.

“From what I’ve seen, it spans throughout all of Equestria. The weather teams are having a hard time with it. But, besides that, I believe I’ve found the missing journal of Starswirl the Bearded; it may pertain to his whereabouts. Maybe—” In a flash, Twilight teleported from her throne and into Starburst’s face, eyes wide with delight.

“R-really?! You can identify that this journal really belonged to Starswirl the Beareded?!” The new ruling princess couldn’t help but let her wings flutter in excitement, squealing with glee. “OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!!! I have to tell the girls!! We have to get him back! Starswirl could help Equestria in so many ways! Neighsay, don’t you think this is wonderful?!!”

“Yes, isn’t it just…” Unbeknownst to the alicorn and scholar, the Chanceler let a small, wicked smile grace his old face as he whispered to himself. “One of our oldest supporters returned. Wonderful knows indeed…”

He then pulled a small medallion from his pocket, golden in the likeness of a burning sun, watching as Twilight hugged the old journal like a stuffed toy. “The Sun Queen may have fallen, but the Sun Princess will soon return… this one is just a keepsake, for now.”

But he then looked out the window, seeing the storm raging outside, reaching out into the world. He could only deduce that this was the work of one annoying Warg King. “But all that will be dead if that monster isn’t taken out…”

Author's Note:

We shall soon see just how powerful the Alpha has become.

The Alpha of Desolation (just add the horns, scars, and eyes. Sorry):

Totally forgot about the music:

Aaaaand then I decided to change his horns from four to six. I’ll stop changing him now 😅

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