• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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15. Hail Hydra!!

The golden blade hummed and shrieked as it danced through the cool air. Slowly spinning as I traded it between hands, its glow flashing in the wind, burning several dried leaves.

I’d been out in the fields, down by Canterlot’s mountain roots, practicing swordplay with four books from Luna’s personal library. Upon learning that I wanted to know sword fighting, she instantly brought these books and insisted I learn. She’d said that if I needed any help, just to ask her or her guards. Saying that they’d be more than willing to show me a few moves.

During the past five days, I’d kept to myself mostly. I was still processing my earlier encounter with Luna. The way she moved, gliding her hands and body over me… I couldn’t deny that a part of me wanted more of that. My body seemed to ache for hers. What mostly sent me into a whirlwind of emotion was when she nipped at my fur, pulling on it. That might sound painful, but it was actually soothing. The gentle tug of her teeth, the smell of her fur, and the peaceful glow of her gorgeous eyes. It all entrapped me, ensnared me. Calling me to her and begging me to stay… again.

I brushed those thoughts from my mind, focusing on the sizzling blade in my hands. I swooped the saber around, spinning on my heel and preforming a graceful arch with my blade, bringing it down on one of the nearby rocks. The meadow was filled with them, I’d already shattered two. But before the light could touch the stone, I halted my attack and froze. The blade was an inch from the rock, hissing as it came to a stop. I stood back into a casual position, turning off the saber and looking down at on of the four books. I hooked my saber to my belt, finding no present use for it. Using a spell Luna’d imparted to me, I trapped the book in my orange fire, levitating it over to me. Though the path was wobbly, it made its way over to me without dropping, a true mark of successful progress.

I grasped the tome in my hands, reading along the pages as it explained the flow of energy one builds up while in motion. The key was to exert all power into the blows, providing the most damage possible. But with my strength, I could just flick them and be done with it… right?

My eyes instinctively looked up to see Luna standing before me, dressed in a pair of sweatpants, indigo tank top, heir done up in a ponytail, and wielding her foot crushing Warhammer of doom. However, my brain didn’t register this, and I went back to reading. After a second, it finally clicked, and I looked back to the Princess with wide eyes.

“Uh…” I stuttered, trying to find a way to leave without running away like a decapitated chicken. “Hi.”

“Hello.” She greeted with a warm smile. She started to circle me, her eyes looking me up and down. “Are you training?”

I nodded, listening as her paws sliced through the grass, her claws slaughtering the dirt. “Yeah, just going over some combat moves.” I eyed her hammer. “Why?”

“Can I show you some moves~?” She batted her eyes at me, inching closer, her breath spilling over me. Huh, refreshingly minty.

I gulped, my face heating up like a hot stove. “U-um… uh. I… um.” The back of my neck became sweaty, an ich developed under my fur. I resisted the urge to scratch.

The wolf Princess giggled, the sound tickling my ears. My face reddened even more, causing her to smile sweetly with a wink. “I jest, Obsidian. Relax, you have nothing to fear.” Her tail began wagging.

I took notice of this and remembered what it meant; she wanted to play. Feeling a smirk appear on my muzzle, I sent the book back to its spot on the rock. My smirk broadened into a wide grin as I followed her example and circled with her. The Princess smiled back and looked at me quizzingly.

“What are you doing?” She asked with a mischievous edge in her voice, still rotating with me.

I folded my hands behind my back, smiling at her from the side. I looked to my right and saw a thin stream that flowed through the meadow, its crystal clear waters glistening in the sun. Moving like lightning, I knelt down and swiped my hand against the water, splashing the she-wolf. She whirled around to avoid my assault but was still dripping wet by the time she turned back to face me. Her eyes narrowed as she lunged at me with a giggle.

“Why you!” The she-wolf growled with glee, her giggling continuing tenfold.

I took my chance to book it and ran at top speed across the meadow, bolting for the trees. My paws pounded through the brush and dirt, claws extended to grip and twirl amongst the trees, performing serpentine through the forest. Luna was gaining, determined to catch me. She laughed with childish delight as she raced through the trees with me, her face stricken with glee. Once close enough, the she-wolf pounced onto her prey.

Turning to instinct, I whirled around and grasped her in both arms. With my claws extended, it was possible to harm her, though they gently glided over her thick skin, leaving her unscathed.

I fell backwards as she landed atop me, pushing us down a slope in the path. When we reached the bottom, I lay on my back, Luna’s head laying on my chest. She smiled and snuggled into me. I lay there, completely stunned by what happened. As my mind reeled on what to do next, a purr came from the female wolf.

“Thank you for that.” Breathed the Princess, closing her eyes. “It’s been rough these past few days.”

I nodded.
After a long moment, the Princess hummed, filling out into a sigh, breathing deeply. Her wings unfurled, draping around my shoulders, giving me their warmth. She opened her breathtaking eyes, just gazing into mine and I into hers. A sudden rustling drew our attention to an over hanging branch, a dark bird resting among its twigs.

The raven clicked its beak, looking down at us with its black eyes. “Young blind love. Grand when the Arbitrator is conducting, but frightening when they dwindle in the dark.” Croaked the bird, a smile stretching into his beak. “And blinded, you both are.”

Both me and Luna sat up, embarrassed and intrigued by this scavenger’s presents. How was he talking? Why was he here? Why’d he say we were blind?

“Yes, yes. R’ahk knows of your plight. He knows of your shame and guilt, son-of-Light.” The raven fluffed his feathers, seeming to know my thoughts. The bird’s head turned to Luna, a sadness overtaking his expression. “And you, daughter-of-Althiirn, you still are not one. Neither of you are, so sad… so sad.” The bird dipped his head.

The princess blinked. “D-daughter o-of… w-wh-who?”

The raven chuckled, his beak snapping shut. “Oh, R’ahk knows of you. Yes, yes he does. But he doesn’t… know you.”

I was quickly getting tired of this bird, too many riddles.

“Yes, yes! Riddles!” The raven, R’ahk, squawked. “R’ahk loves riddles. So fun! So much, much, much, much fun!” R’ahk hopped from leg to leg, preforming his little jig.

“What do you want?” I managed to remain calm… calmer than what I wanted, at least. For whatever reason, I just didn’t like that he interrupted the moment.

R’ahk paused, stopping mid-dance, his eyes blinking in bewilderment for a second. “Oh, yes! R’ahk came to warn you.”

“Of what?”

“Of the hydra that’s currently stampeding through the woods, headed right for you.” The raven laughed, as if finding the situation hilarious.

My brain stalled. I growled at the bird. “Lead with that next time please!”

“The beast comes! The beast comes, son-of-Light!” Screeched R’ahk before he lifted off into the trees.

The cracking and creaking of trees was heard, the distant sound of an earthquake rumbling toward us. But what we saw was beyond my expectations. What came before us was the hydra, though it traveled in a very amazing and peculiar style. It had its tail clamped between its jaws, using its entire body like a wheel as it tumbled its way through the underbrush. When it stopped, the hydra uncurled itself to present its five heads, all eyes glaring at us as we slowly stood. Both parties stared at each other, the hydra in hate and us in bewilderment. Ok, I was shaking like a leaf (figuratively, I literally stood still as a statue), it was Luna who seemed curious. She studied it with a critical eye.

“Hydras normally don’t come to this region of the forest. They usually live in the Everfree, where the bog is warm and damp, not here where it’s all trees, rocks, and grass.” She slowly stretched her hand out, a small flicker of blue fire embracing her fingertips.

I shrugged, managing to calm myself, my nostrils flaring as I breathed long and hard. “Maybe old scaly here wanted a vacation?”

She glared at me from the side, bashing my joke away with a soft snarl. “Not helping. This is serious Fang.”

I nodded my apology, wincing slightly. “Sorry. In all seriousness, he was probably just spooked. But what could scare a hydra? Either that, or he was run off by his packmates… do hydras live in groups?”

“No, they are very solitary.” She corected her body, getting into a fighting stance, hand still out. Waiting. “I’d go with your first theory.”

“Same. Why are you—” All further conversation was stalled as the hydra whipped its tail around and slapped me into the trees. I felt like I got hit by a freight train, my back aching and eyes spinning in my skull. “Ouch.”

I found the strength to stumble onto my feet and dizzily charge back to the battle. I watched as Luna rushed forward, hand still outstretched, the distant cracking of branches and trees coming closer. Another hydra?!

No, what broke the foulage was Luna’s Warhammer, alight in her blue fire magic, speeding toward her hand. She leaped into the air, wings stretched and battle crying as she raised her hands as if the weapon were in her grasp. The next moment, the hammer slipped between her fingers as she brought it down, the sound of shattering scales and bone thundering from the hydra’s third skull. The head shook to get rid of the burn, but the others demanded vengeance.

I took this moment, as I ran, to grasp behind on my belt to retrieve the saber. I flicked it out and the blade came alight with a terrible hiss. The hilt sounding after. My ears twitched behind me as the sound and smell of burning grass hit my senses.

“Fang, be careful! The middle head breaths fire!” Shouted the Princess as she punched another head. The same head spat out a tooth seconds later.

One of the heads swerved over to me, its green slitted pupils glaring at me. It took a deep breath, an orange glow showing through its chest and neck scales. Oh crap. I didn’t think, didn’t react rationally, just going along with my first thoughts. I slid along my back, coming to a stop at the beast’s foot. The light orange fire shaving my ears in the process. Taking my lightsaber, I plunged it into the leg and the hydra screeched in agony. I then extracted my sword and spun to cleave the first neck, I successfully freed the head from its shoulders. My victory was short-lived as a hydra head just smiled smugly at me. Then it clicked; “Cut off one head, two more shall take its place.”
The beast’s stump of a neck then churned and gurgled, two lumps growing until long leathery necks sprouted, then two heads. The two looked at each other and grinned, glaring at me after. The middle head turned to me and took another breath, but my reaction time was slowed, and I paid a price. The flame reached me, burning my shirt to cinders and flinging me through the air and into the trees.

Through my second daze that day, I listened to the sounds of battle as Luna now faced six heads. Great job, idiot. The enraged cry of Luna thundered, the sound of spewing fire and a beast’s roar filling my ears, though it wasn’t the hydra’s. I suddenly froze as crunching metal filled the air, the sounds of metal on scales now silenced. I stood up on wobbling legs, stumbling over to the nearest tree, watching as the hydra now lumbered over to an unconscious, she-wolf.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins, a snarl leaving my throat and lips pealed back in challenge. I then rushed at the six headed dragon, unknowingly tapping into a new strength. I glanced to my left and scooped up my saber, igniting it as I charged. But I knew this wouldn’t be enough.

Recalling the spell I’d preformed once before, I summoned Luna’s now broken hammer. Once its hilt was three feet long, now barely a foot, its massive head weighing down. The Warhammer swung itself from its position next to the fallen Princess into my awaiting hand, the blue energy crackling around it. Thunder clapped above, lightning surrounding the area as I ran for the hydra. The hydra veered to meet me, jaws snapping and throat flickering. As I gazed into the beast’s glowing gullet once again, I thought of something; if I wasn’t hurt nor burned from before, how could I be now? I angled my awareness around my body in that moment, finding no pain except for where I’d hit the tree. Then, realization hit me, I was fireproof. More than that, the hydra’s fire burned at temperatures beyond the hottest volcano. I was heat resistant, I couldn’t be harmed by fire nor its heat. That would explain why I didn’t melt into a puddle in the Badland’s dessert.

Determination flooded my systems, the knowledge that I couldn’t be burned dampening my fear. I continued to rush my enemy, sending my own glare. Lightning coursed through the air, striking the hammer as I swung it at head number two. The middle head attacked with its fire, only for me to shrug it off and punch him in the teeth. Steam rolled off my body, I grinned evilly at the dragon, his faces twisting into concern. I then ran and dived under the beast’s chest as it tried to chomp me in two, spinning on my knees as I sliced its front legs off. Pushing off of the stump of a leg, I managed to slide to a halt on the wet grass. With the lightning came the rain.

I looked over to Luna as she began to stir, my heart quickening. But helping her would have to wait, I had a dragon to get rid of.

-=Luna’s POV=-

My eyes slowly opened, the pain in my thigh and back becoming almost unbearable. Keep in mind that I’d dealt with worse, though with the cold rain pouring down on my shivering body, it was hard to flee my misery. My ears suddenly perked at the sound of a beastly roar, the sound sending happy shivers down my aching spine. I turned to find Obsidian Fang using his glowing sword and the remains of my hammer to beat the hydra. He swung the Warhammer wildly, pounding it into the beast’s faces repeatedly. And with the hammer came blasts and eruptions of blue and white lightning, the flashes and sizzling flesh being evidence of its afflictions. He then cut the beast on its undefended chest, through the right lung. The hydra slowed.

My mind started to become hazy with my heat building once again, finding the sight of the muscular wolf fighting a dragon strongly attractive. Suddenly, I didn’t feel the rain or pain, all I felt was that itching need to be with him. But again, a still voice echoed in my mind, clearing away some of the fog.

Neither of you are ready. Wait, my precious daughter.

I huffed silently to myself, I’d felt an overwhelming wave of calm and love wash over me as those words came. The same love I felt when He spoke to me. I didn’t know who He was, just that He was someone I could trust. Someone I could listen to with no worry of what I’d do, for he wouldn’t judge me. He loved me just the way I was.

As a last ditch act to go out with a bang, as someponies called it, the hydra reared up its now seven heads. It was going for the kill. The beast struck with its middle head, barraging the black wolf with a burst of fire and heat. But Fang didn’t move, he allowed the flames to wash over him, incinerating his body. WHAT WAS HE THINKING?! And I mean was… and now my beautiful wolf was gone!

But from out of the fire, walked a grinning wolf, weapons tossed aside. He then sprinted forward and grasped the dragon’s jaws, gathering his own fire. Right hand on the dragon’s upper jaw, left on the bottom. His chest glowed a soft orange, yet his fire seemed deeper in color. Whereas the hydra’s fire was a light orange, Fang’s was a deep orangish red. Lightning gathered above the two combatants, striking Obsidian as he stared into the beast’s eyes, but the wolf didn’t notice this. As the energy continued to crackle around them, the wolf finally let loose a torrent of red flame down the beast’s throat, overwhelming its fire and burning it from the inside out.

Is it weird that I think that’s totally hot?’ Asked a marveling Star, sighing dreamily.

-=Fang’s POV=-

I stood over the smoking husk of the hydra, breathing heavily as I let the adrenaline settle. The strength from the battle faded in seconds, my legs fell out from under me. I hit the forest floor with a thud, breathing heavily. My back was burning, tears flowing from my eyes like waterfalls. My limbs felt heavy, as if they’d been smashed with the very hammer, I’d used to beat the dragon with.

My eyes shifted to Luna, who lay on her side, staring at me with an open jaw. I only managed to give her a thumbs-up before passing out. But before I lost consciousness, I heard a voice I knew very well.

Be strong. Though my bride is not ready yet, she soon will be.

I awoke two hours later, Clear Sight said that a vertebrae in my spine were ok, I’d received some new scars and a back full of splinters. She’d said that my back was practically drenched in my own blood, that she’d never seen an injury so severe. And yet, I was doing better after these next few hours. She’d proclaimed it a miracle, saying how none had ever faced a hydra alone. That coupled with the fact that I emerged without a broken bone was amazing. I was honestly surprised too; did I somehow get Deadpool’s healing?!

Luna had come in to check on me later, asking if I was fine and if I needed anything. Another few minutes later and she returned with Haven. The pup was happy to see me better, a big smile on her face, tears of joy running down her face.

After more questions, the nurse came in and asked everyone to leave so I could rest, though I just lay there, staring out the window. I then heard that same voice again, neither male not female, just a small voice.

You’ve done well.

‘How?! How could I’ve done well?! I got smacked around! I still beat the dragon, but I feel like I could’ve done better!’

You’ve learned, haven’t you? From failure you learn, haven’t I said that failure is a great teacher? And now, you’ve learned.


You have done well, my son. Know this, no matter what you do, you’ll never earn my disappointment. Regardless of situation, I love you. The Spirit’s voice cooed, humming through my mind. Now, rest. You have much ahead, my friend.

With those words presented, I leaned back into my pillow, closing my eyes. Soon after, I fell into sleep’s embrace, mindlessly drifting through the dream realm.


I awoke to the sound of the door creaking open, my eyes hesitantly opening, barely a crack. Nurse Clear Sight walked to my bed, her calm face greeting me. She tapped me on the shoulder, forcing me to fully acknowledge her presents.

“Obsidian? The Princesses wish to speak with you.” Said the nurse as she waited for my response.

I suddenly yawned loudly, not bothering to cover my mouth as my teeth glistened in the moonlight. Its pale glow drifting through the drapes. After my yawn, I lay there for a moment, replaying her sentence in my head.

“Sure,” I yawned again. “I’m up. I’m up.”

She nodded and left. A moment later, both Princesses entered. Celestia looked her usual self, her perfectly snow-white dress reflecting the moon’s light. Luna gracefully sauntered over, her navy blue gown stretching behind her feet, the stars in the skirt twinkling.

“Fang, are you awake enough for us to talk?” Asked Celestia, her magenta eyes gleaming.
Luna looked to her sister’s smiling face, a quiet growl edged into her breath. She then turned to me, her face softening and smile forming. “We hope not to cause you any lack of sleep.”
I gave them a thumps-up, stifling another yawn. “No, I’m- I’m good. Please keep going, I’m listening… however… slowly.” Another yawn broke my thoughts.
I paused, going over my words and shaking my head. “Yep, still not awake.”
Luna giggled, a hand over her lips. “We can have somepony bring you a cup of coffee, would you like that?”
I blinked owlishly. “Nope, I’m ok.”
Celestia nodded, her usual smile still present. “Well, it took some time, but we’ve asked the other nations’ leaders to meet us on the Hippogryph Kingdom’s boarder. There stands an old structure we’ve all appointed as our meeting place for the Summit. Once there, you and Luna shall present yourselves and we’ll discuss what the others think of you.” She stepped closer, to which Luna looked warry of. What was up with her? “In my personal experience, they rarely find somepony they don’t like. Though, the Summit does have new members; Queen Novo of the Hippogryphs, Queen Carapace of the Rose Hive, and Dragon Lord Ember of, well, the dragons.”
I looked to the Sun Princess, confused. “And who are the ones that usually show? The ones who’ve been ruling a good while?”
“Ah, that would be Chief Copper Wind of the Minotaurs, Eris of the Draconaquii, Empress Tsunami of the Sirens, Dirt Biter of the Dimond Dogs, Norm of the Gryphons, Zepora of the Zebra, Dark Stride of the Buffalo, and finally, Ash of the Elementals. They’ve all been with me since the beginning of Equestria. Ash, speaker for the Elements, was the first to ally with me. I wouldn’t have made it this far without his support and wisdom. He’s always been a good friend.”
I hummed in acknowledgement, nodding my dreary head. “The oldest friends are always the best.”
“Very true.” Agreed a calmed Luna.

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