• Published 5th Apr 2018
  • 17,796 Views, 709 Comments

Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

  • ...

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57. Sisters and Heroes Returned

Joseph tilted his head as he heard their talks, summoning a football sized gourd with a stopper. "Why don't you try this?" he commented, swinging the leather thong it was firmly tied within his grasp. He knew since he could hear the sloshing, they likely could as well. He had a good half dozen more as well.

He explained what was within it: a peach moonshine infused with blueberries, so it had a sweet yet fruity flavor with just a hint of smokiness as he'd added charred oak cubes to add just a bit of smokiness.

While Uur had gone to go pick up Celestia and discharge her from his care, Harha had stayed to test some of the recipes from earth. Joseph had… somehow pulled his treat from limbo and presented it to the Kaldor Alpha.

Harha took a bite and hummed in bliss, humming as she chewed. “A splendid dish. Could I possibly have a few of those breakfast cakes, Lulu?”

“Of course Aunt Harha.” My mate then procured a plate for her relative.

"Subspace pocket works wonders for storing things, almost as good as sealing scrolls, though I seem to have more talent for Runic Magic than Fūinjutsu, as they call it. Though one talent I find rather relaxing is brewing alcohol. Mead is a bit cheaper in cost and supplies in creation, but doing moonshine, brandy, cognac… they allow creativity, and I'm sure…. what's-her-name with the bar knows that," Joseph commented. It wasn't that he was trying to be insulting to the female Warg and bar owner, but more that he genuinely didn't recall her name. "Though I never drink in excess. In fact, I think I've given away more alcohol than I've drank," he commented thoughtfully. "I've always been one, more often than not, to do as David once did though it is not always easy to 'Sing a new song to Him; play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout. For the word of the Lord is right, and all His work is trustworthy. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the Lord’s unfailing love. The heavens were made by the word of the Lord, and all the stars, by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea into a heap; He puts the depths into storehouses. Let the whole earth tremble before the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it came into being; He commanded, and it came into existence.'"

“Psalms right?” I asked, standing up from the couch to grab a drink. Having taken a swig of precious H2O, I leaned against the hearth, its ember flames popping. “Hm… speaking of booze, want to get a small drink? Gwen’s got a few shot glasses she can let us use.”

“While a hearty drink sounds good, my mate is returning.” True to Harha’s words, Uur stepped into the house with a snowy alicorn in toe. Her normal pink mane and everyday clothing, Celestia looked far from the regal Princess she’d once been.

“P-Princess Celestia?!” The ponies shouted, rushing to the stunned alicorn.

The alicorn blinked. “Y-yes, my name is Celestia… but a princess?”

Joseph tilted his head. "Aye, Psalms 33. I don't see why not," he commented before he blinked at the female Warg's comment moments before he saw the broad-shouldered Alpha step in. If the ponies' reactions didn't give it away, this was the supposedly infamous Princess Celestia. He was never one to judge on hearsay, but his own observations.

'Rather obvious she's suffering a form of amnesia. No telling if her memories would return or not, but I suspect if they do, she'll have a nasty realization,' he mentally noted, Baldur allowing me to hear his thoughts somehow. HOW WERE WE DOING THIS, NOW OF ALL TIMES?! BALDUR?!?

I honestly don’t know… apparently the guy is so relaxed, he’s not putting up mental barriers… but then, WHY COULDN’T WE DO THIS BEFORE?! Maybe it’s just with this guy for some reason? I have no idea…’ My alter sighed in exasperation.

“W-well, I used to be one… at least, a long time ago.” Celestia started to sniffle, gritting her teeth. “A-at least… until my sister was taken over and I was forced to… to…”

“Celestia…” Luna teleported to the alicorn in a flash of blue sparks, looking over the weeping mare, both their wings sagging just a bit. My mate then wrapped her adopted sister in a hug, wings and all. “I know for a fact that your sister forgave you a long time ago.”

Celestia accepted the hug, but her eyes shot wide, pulling back after a second. “L-Luna?! H-how?!”

“It’s a very long story, sister. Will you come and sit so that I may tell you of many heroics?” The alicorn nodded gleefully, now tearing up in her joy as she was led to the couch.

“Well then,” Harha smiled, standing up before joining her mate and their pack at the door. “I suppose we’ll be off. Let you two catch up.”

“But your family too, ya know.” I smirked, coming up to either in continuation of being their host or to escort them out. “You can stay if you want. It’s no issue.”

“While we’re delighted to hear that,” Uur bowed with a genuine smile. “The duties of an Alpha never rest.”

“Mm,” I hummed, returning the smile. “Alright then, want me to escort you back to the edge of the town?”

“That would be appreciated, yes.”


Joseph had noticed, from the corner of his eyes, especially, Fluttershy and Rarity watching him. He noticed Rainbow looking away as if trying not to be noticed, apparently unaware doing so made her more noticeable.

Luna soon told Celestia of the year’s past events, trying her best to deliver it slowly. By the end, the alicorn remained silent, head down with her magenta eyes wide.

The Wargess reached for Celestia’s hand. “Tia?”

But the alicorn pulled away, softly sniffling. “I… I need to be alone.”

Luna watched in stunned silence as her sister left the couch and slipped into the bathroom. The Alpha Female wilted, sighing as she rubbed her face. “Lord, please give me strength…”

"He never gives us more than we can bear, sister. Believe me, I know regrets very well," Joseph commented wryly. "Hmmm… I have to wonder if you've ever heard of The Tale of Two Wolves."

Luna managed to get her emotions under control, looking to Joseph in curiosity. “Not to my memory, Havaak’s never mentioned it.”

“It's not a Christian tale, but a Cherokee one. Though in my experience, even if I follow Christ's example in my life… other religions do hold wisdom that prove useful," Joseph commented wryly. "It goes as follows — ‘An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”’

“And… what wisdom does this story hold?” She asked with a raised brow, watching him scepticly.

"That makes no sense," Rainbow's raspy voice commented.

"No? Don't be so certain it doesn't 'make sense'. It’s easy to feel like a victim in challenging situations and circumstances in our lives. We want to understand our negative thoughts, feelings and experiences, so we place blame on other people, objects, or events. We look outward to try to make sense of what’s going on inside of us. We do this all the time. Why? It’s our way of coping and feeling more in control of uncontrollable situations.

“The problem with this approach, however, is that it takes away our personal responsibility and freedom of choice. In our attempt to feel more in control, by faulting others for our experience, we actually strip ourselves of our own power. That power is lost the moment we become dependent on other people or things to make us feel a certain way. Whether that feeling is positive or negative, we are no longer taking sole responsibility for our own emotions or experiences when we believe that they are a result of anything other than our own choice.

“By exercising your freedom of choice, you can make a life-changing decision of which wolf you want to feed. Do you feed the wolf who is hungry for anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego? This evil wolf is also your inner critic. The one who tells you that you are a failure, the one who says that no one will love you or understand you for who you are. This wolf is a representation of your depression, your anxiety, and your low self-esteem. Do you want to feed this wolf? Are you feeding him already?

“By cutting off his food supply, you will be making a choice to use your energy and resources on thoughts, feeling, and emotions that serve you in healthy ways. While you can recognize the negative emotions occurring within you, you don’t have to attach to them or continue to give them attention. You shifting your focus is a sign to that wolf that you are not interested in giving him food. And while it may take some time for that wolf to lose his strength and power, eventually he will surrender – as will your unhelpful thoughts and emotions. Once you stop fixating on them, they will eventually drift away. So what about the other wolf? Well it certainly isn’t going to feed itself.

“Just as you would with the bad wolf, it is imperative that you exercise your freedom of choice and decide to nourish the wolf of joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. We often look to external objects for our fulfillment and happiness. We develop expectations that these things such as a new job, a relationship, a lavish vacation, a brand-new pair of shoes, a glass of wine, etcetera will finally make us feel the way we want to feel. And while this may bring momentary gratification, it isn’t realistic to maintain this long-term.

“Happiness isn’t a conditional state. It’s a state of being. True lasting happiness comes from making an active choice to be happy, rather than depending on external things to make you happy. The more that we seek out happiness and look for it as if it is a treasure we will find, the less we are feeding the wolf that is inside of us. You already have everything you need to be happy because you are whole as you are, right now. The feeling and experience of happiness comes from feeding the wolf from within. As he becomes bigger and stronger, he will be better equipped to handle life’s challenges. If you choose to feed only him, he will always win," Joseph commented wryly.

“Darling, I think it might be best to… shorten your answer? Perhaps, try and shrink it down to fit into one sentence? Just so that those of us who are…” Rarity asked, daintily patting his shoulder, shooting Rainbow a look. “… mentally challenged can understand.”


"Simply put, when you help others with no desire for gain from those around you, indulging humility, generosity, kindness, and empathy, it feeds the goodness within you. Indulging such things as arrogance, self-pity, hatred, lies, and ego feeds the darkness within you. I'll be the first to admit that for the first few months after my… incident… that landed me in the hospital… all I did was feed that wolf of hatred and self-pity, anger and envy. Then, I found Christ, who guided me out of that darkness… as Pinhead would have put it 'my own personal hell'... and I do slip, trip, stumble and fall just as much as anyone else. But Christ is one whom, when you feel like life has crushed you to the point where you don't think you can get up… he offers a scarred hand and helps you up. All you need to do is trust in Him," Joseph said wryly.

A soft hiss came from the kitchen as Spike put his dishes in the sink, the six-eyed Drake turning to look at the human. “So… the complete opposite of the dragons in Equestria… whereas the drakes around here do just that… usually, at least from what I’m told…”

"I suppose. I haven't met any dragons or drake's yet. Admittedly, 'Tre has told me about meeting Jörmungandr, though if I'm honest, I don't expect to meet any creatures like that," Joseph commented wryly.

“W-well… the dragons back home are really scary…” Fluttershy mumbled, scooting closer to Applejack.

“And the dragons here are even more so... even though you just met me outside.” Oktorr stated as she stepped into the house, briskly trekking into the kitchen, looking to her student. “Ready Spike?”

“Yeah.” Spike replied back, trying to hide the smile on his scaly lips with a flick of his long tongue. “What’s the lesson today?”

“More fire breathing practice.”

“Oh… yay…” He began following her to the door.

"In my experience, anything unfamiliar could be thought of as 'scary'. I mean, two months ago, had someone told me I'd be standing in a village of what my world knows as 'werewolves' with a bunch of talking ponies, I would have called them crazy… yet at the same time, I didn't know that my great-great-great-great-grandmother just happened to be the last Greek Titaness though most of the time she was acknowledged as an Olympian, so I suppose that would most certainly be 'scary' to find out that you're related to a deity," Joseph's low voice spoke.

“Hm, well, if it’s any consolation, my parents are the High Alphas, the crown of all Alphas and the most powerful Wargs of our generation. However, with how Havaak’s been doing, he may outrank them in raw power.” Luna mused, watching the drakes leave and one purple alicorn mope.

Joseph hummed softly in thought. "Huh. Power is nothing without control and discretion," he muttered gruffly, unconsciously letting his voice shift into a dual tone as he and Kratos spoke simultaneously.

Luna smiled as Moon joined her own voice, the two minds speaking as one. “True, but we know that our mate, mother, and father are not mindless with their power. Our father even offered Havaak a chance to challenge him for the position.”

The human noticed that the ponies had backed away from Luna, terror creeping into their gazes. But it didn’t seem like it was “Luna” they were afraid of.

Joseph cocked his head, wary. "From what I've seen, he declined it, I assume," he commented warily.

Luna smiled, her voice returning to normal. “Yes, he turned it down. He said that he’s happy here, ruling over one small village, rather than an entire nation. Could he still be seen by others as an Alpha worthy of the status? Yes, but he chooses not to.”

"I was trained by the Greek Deity of the Dead as well as my own ancestor who was the second God of War. However, I choose only to use my blades in defense of others, never in hatred or vengeance as the Lord clearly states, 'Vengeance is mine'. Though I was rather surprised when Aphrodite admitted that I'm related by blood to her," Joseph sighed. "And just because I have their training and gear doesn't mean a situation will arise where I can use it. If it doesn't, so be it. I would be content as a barkeep or musician just as well," he said wryly.

"Where the heck did you learn music?" Rainbow blurted.

"Though the most difficult and, for some, boring part of music - repetitive practice. I can't read music to save my life, so I do the next best thing: I memorize it. One of my personal favorite songs happens to be an old acoustic ballad by a band better known for wilder music — Poison," he commented wryly.

He saw Fluttershy's head tilt at his comments.

"Honestly, I'm not a warrior by choice, but I will lift my blade in defense of those who cannot defend or protect themselves," Joseph sighed.

“That’s good.” Said Havaak as he pushed the door open, his ears having caught the conversation outside. “Because the ponies could definitely use some of that at the moment, from what I was just told.”

At Joseph’s raised brow, he elaborated. “A rouge Warg has led an army of Diamond Dogs to Canterlot. If it’s who I think it is, they have some serious payback due in his eyes. They’ve been laying siege on its walls all night, at least according to Uur’s spies.”

Joseph growled low in the back of his throat, unaware it sounded much like the growl of a Warg. "I don't know the ponies in Canterlot that well, obviously. However, in this case, they are innocents caught in the crossfire. I very much doubt this rogue Warg doesn't have specific targets in mind… but I'd wager he swore to his army they'd be able to do as they pleased with the ponies," he deadpanned.

“I can say from personal experience, the nobles are terrible, no better than their predecessors. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were secretly plotting to escape the burning city as its people were swain.” Luna scowled, her teeth grinding as a bit of blue flame slipped through her teeth.

“They’re Diamond Dogs, Sugercube. Ah highly doubt them varmints want anything other than gems and gold.” Applejack sneered, sitting back in her chair.

Joseph tilted his head. "The only thing they're gonna get is a boot in the ass," he deadpanned, "because I'm gonna stomp a mudhole so deep in their collective asses that you'll be able to see whatever equivalent of Japan you have here from Canterlot," he deadpanned. "As for the nobility… the fact they would abandon innocents shows their unworthiness to even be considered as 'nobles'. They aren't even worthy of being used as toilet paper," he commented flatly.

Rainbow blinked at his blunt, crass humor.

“What are your plans then? Go and help them, even if many see you as a monster?” The Alpha asked, recalling his own experiences.

"Most likely. I honestly don't give much of a damn how others see me. If they want to assume shit, they can be the ass in the situation… and hope they don't get the boot. Besides, the only ones I care about the opinions of are those precious to me and the Lord himself. Anyone else can go fuck themselves with a lit road flare. As some might say to those bugging them - a fuck might fall into my empty hand and I can give it to you," the Spartan commented wryly.

Havaak hummed, looking the human in the eye. “Then I’ll have Queen Tah’kor get a teleport ready for you…”

As the two Alphas shared a look, Luna nodded and flared a bit of green fire between her claws. A moment later, the Queen Changeling materialized in a wisp of green smoke. “Yes?”

“Make sure to get a teleport spell ready for these folks.” The Alpha Male said, chin in hand. “Get these heroes back to Equestria.”

-=Luna’s POV=-

“So what were your thoughts on him?” I asked my Alpha as we settled into bed, pulling the covers over us with my magic. “The… human?”

Havaak smiled, the scars on his face twisting. “He’s cool, and it’s honestly a relief to have a Brother here. But I have a thought I wanted to run by you.”

I turned on my side, looking into his lovely eyes. “Oh?”

“Before Joseph came here, were there any incidents with those types of Wendigo? Besides the ones that were spirits of winter.”

“Hm…” I thought hard for a moment, but my mind drew a blank. “No. Why? You’re wondering if he somehow was summoning them? And the undead Wargs too?”

“Probably not the Wargs. I imagine that there are burial sights all around. But, unlike me, he was brought here fully on purpose. Maybe by his wanna-be-greek-god gramps, maybe someone else. I don’t know.”

“Well…” I reached around his chest and pulled him closer, my own strength outmatching his overall weight. “Whatever the case may be, the Lord is with us…”

“I know.” He let out a tired sigh. “I just feel lost more than half the time… usually just rolling along with events.”

“It’s an aspect of you I love. You don’t let things weigh you down, you keep moving.”

A frown set in on his muzzle, his head turning to me. “Luna, I also let guilt overtake me. I don’t always keep moving, I get stuck in my past, often-times… trapped…”

“God has helped me overcome my own guilt, why not yours?” I asked as I hugged him tighter.

It took him a while to give voice to his thoughts. “Because… I don’t let Him… I keep running away, even though I surrendered to Him…”

“And yet, He still chases you.” I buried my face in his chest, nuzzling him. “Then I’ll join His hunt for you…”

Author's Note:

Whew. Last chapter of the colab done, good work KukriRyuTsukino!
Let me know what you all thought down in the comments, always look forward to your guys' words. Probably will hold off on collaborations for a while, honestly. Happy to take things at my own pace.



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