• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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54. From Dark to Light and Light to Dark

“…72, 73, 74, 75, and 76. Ok, is that everyone?” I shouted to the gathered crowd of Wargs, all of us standing in the mucky snow. Winter had only lasted four months, and we were on the last. Seeing as the snow and long nights would soon end, we set about moving to our new destination.

Thankfully, the High Alpha had gifted us with a cargo frigate to make the journey, the massive ship hovering above us, blocking the suns. A light haze had also covered the suns, a soft drizzle pouring from the heavens as we rounded up our things. We soon had the frigate filled with what little belongings we had, many taking their things to their temporary cabin rooms. Luna and I made our way to the bridge and once there, ordered the captain to take off.

The engines roared to life, the crystalline sails on the sides of the ship shimmering to life with a surge of power, propelling itself from the ground. All on the bridge watched as the earth retreated below, soon replaced by endless plains of dark clouds and blue sky, the suns peeking through every-so-often. I stood next to the holographic map, mountains and valleys of blue light dancing across the large table. On it was marked a particular valley, one that was lush and protected by looming mountains, our new home.

“Master?” My draconic servant materialized next to me; in a form I hadn’t ever seen her in before. She looked just like the dragons in Equestria, aside from the fact that her scales were smoother and looked more like white thorns. It honestly surprised me.


“Would you permit me to leave your side for the day? I would like to go to the town of Ponyville to meet with someone.”

“A friend?”

“No, but I feel the need to explain a few things to the young… drake who lives there.” She had paused on that word, as if trying to fill the name with something it was not. Was Spike not really a dragon? I found it hard to believe, but I didn’t let it bother me too much.

I nodded. “Yes, but please return to me by the day’s end.”

“I will.” With that, she bowed and exited the room.

Luna came up beside me and draped an arm over my back. “Something wrong?”

I gave a long sigh, leaning on my elbows, placed on the table. “Just excited for an uneventful life. Hopefully.”

“But knowing how we love getting into trouble… probably not.”

Chuckling, I smiled. “Yeah. Sad but true.”

-=Oktorr’s POV=-

Shouldn’t there have been at least some security here?

As I neared the castle of the famous Twilight Sparkle, I noted that there were no guards present. She was a Princess; shouldn’t she have had at least some form of security?

I approached the large golden doors and nocked hard, leaving a small dent. I softly gasped before fixing the door with my magic, all seven horns glowing a light blue. A few moments later, the great door opened, my quarry looking at me with tearstained eyes. A thick blanket lay over his shoulders as he clasped it over himself.

The moment he saw me, his eyes shot open and the fins on his head perked up. It was only when his tongue flicked out and smelled my scent that he blinked. “Uh… hi? D-did you need something, miss?”

“Yes.” I smiled back, letting a small hiss rumbled in my chest. “I would like to speak with you, if it is to your liking.”

“Sure, whatever…” He dipped back down into his gloomy state, but still looked back at me as we entered the castle.

I decided to follow the sulking drake, padding behind him as his mind seemed to wonder elsewhere. It was only until we came to the doors of his room that he noticed I’d followed.

“H-hey! W-What are you…” He trailed off as I pushed a bit of my power into my voice.

“Sssshhhh… I will do nothing to you without your consent.” It felt like he wanted to refute, but my power had too much sway over him. His face reflected his astonishment and horror, his words failing him at my command. This confirmed my suspicions. Had he really been lied too also? My heart broke at such a revolution. “You may speak.”

“Wh—” He clamped his hands over his throat, his eyes wide in terror as he looked at me. “W-What did you do?!”

“All I did was use a smidge of my power over you. And it’s as I feared, you don’t know what you are, do you?”

“I-I’m a dragon! I’ve always been a dragon.” He stepped forward, the blanket falling on the floor as he spread his wings in defense.

“Yes, but you are particular breed of dragon.”

“Seriously? W-why should I believe you?! You snuck up behind me and you used your weird magic on me! How do I know you’re really not just some lunatic?!”

I tilted my head at this, thinking over my answer. “Because I’ve employed myself under Havaak… or Fang, as the ponies call him. He wouldn’t have taken me if I was insane.”

“T-that’s… fair. But why are you here? What did you need to talk with me for?”

“Well…” I paused, thinking it would be better if we sat and talked. “Actually, could we sit? This conversation will be quite the bombshell.”

“Uh, ok…” He then opened the doors and waved me inside.

“Holding the door for a female? My, the ponies did raise you as a gentleman.” I purred, swishing my long tail as I passed him.

“U-uh, yeah…” He blushed as he stepped in after me, quickly sitting in a beanbag chair by a TV. He turned the volume down on the soup opera that was playing a very dramatic and gloomy scene. “So… what did you want to talk about? I’ll roll with it for now, but I’m not just taking your word for it. So… I’m not a dragon, right?”

I sat across from him on his bed. “You are a dragon, but a subspecies of one. You are a Kobolt, or at least… partly one. Evidenced by the amount of command I had over you. I was able to sense you some time ago, and I had heard of your exploits from the ponies. At least the one about you saving an entire empire, or a small kingdom.”

The little drake blushed again, scratching the back of his head. “Heh, i-it wasn’t a big deal…”

“That’s not what I’ve heard. But I didn’t come to praise, I came to educate.” I then slid down onto the floor before him on my knees, leaning over him. “And console, if you’ll let me.”

“W-what? Console?!”

“Evidenced by the mountain of tissues around the trashcan, the soap opera on your television, and your bloodshot eyes. What happened, Spike?”

“I-I… s-she…” He began to tear up, sniffling.

“As a Krah’Tri, I ask that you tell me. I don’t demand, Spike.” I scooted forward and draped a wing over him, which he didn’t resist.

“O-ok… I-I was dating the Dragon Lord, Ember, for a while. And… and she dumped me.” The unsung hero wilted, face red with embarrassment and… guilt? “S-she said it wasn’t working, t-that I was too clingy…”

“And would you say that both of you were at ease with each other when this affair started? Were you reseparating her efforts?”

“Y-yeah… I mean, we were apart for long periods of time, I just wanted to spend time with her. I even brought her a basket of gems.” He held up said basket, which had been next to the nightstand and looked a bit singed. “It, uh, got burned when I dropped it… after she told me…”

“Well, it is her loss.” Scooping him up in my wings, I held him close. With him being half my height, it was very easy to cradle him. “I don’t know you very well Spike, but I can tell that you are an honest drake. One who isn’t afraid to speak his mind and assist others. In fact, at least among most drakes, these traits are highly valued. I don’t know about the dragons here, though. What are they like?”

“U-uh, s-sure…” He muttered as he wiggled out of my grasp, sitting back in his chair, looking properly flustered. But it didn’t last long, as he sat straight, attempting to look strong. I didn’t deny him this, I found it cute, admittedly. “Dragons here in Equestria are tough, never backing down from any challenge, and always facing every foe!”

“Even if that foe could very well be the death of you?”

“Er… maybe?” He shrugged, chuckling to himself after. “Garble would be stupid enough for that.”

“And not you? How would you face such a rival?”

“Me? I’d probably just book it in the other direction. But if I had the power to protect my friends, I would give it my all.” He wilted soon after, stopping his pounding on his puffed chest. “But… everypony’s practically left me here, in this stupid castle, alone…”

“I’m here.” I rested a hand on his shoulder. “And I’m listening.”

Spike looked at me in disbelief, smiling after a moment. “Actually, I’d like to hear about what I am, seeing as you’re obviously a different type of dragon. I know I’m a dragon, but what type? I had no idea that other dragon species existed.”

“That’s what happens when you’re raised amongst ignorant ponies.” I snarled softly, trying not to scare him, but still showing my distaste.

“T-they’re not that bad… most of the time.”

I raised an eyebrow. “In honesty, I have come to understand my master’s viewpoint on the ponies. They were a foolish and oblivious species, choosing to hide away and live in their fantasies.”

“I mean, yeah. They are dumb half the time, but Twilight’s not too bad. She’s smart and always knows what to do. Usually, at least.” He sighed, taking a deep breath as he seemed to gather himself. “But she does get absorbed in her work so much that she often forgets me. And then half the time I have to pick up the slack. A small part of me feels like she uses me, like… I don’t know, she just keeps me around because I’m useful. Sure, we have our moments where we love each other, but… something always feels off. It feels right, but at the same time, not.”

Scooting closer, I looked him in the eye. “Kobolts are usually a subservient species. Often serving a draconic master, whether they be kind or not. You were raised amongst ponies, and that need to serve flowed onto them. You felt as if Twilight was your master, but a part of you yearned for the drake you needed.”

“So, you want me to be your servant?” He raised a brow suspiciously.

“No. Only if you want to be. I have no wish to force you into anything. You’re old enough to make your own decisions, Spike. No-one should force you into anything.”

“Wow, thanks.” He looked surprised, as if he’d never been told such a thing. He paused in thought and brought the basket of gems in front of us. “Want a snack?”

I smiled at his kindness, feeling that he was becoming more comfortable with me. “Thank you.” Taking a handful, I poured a bit of magic into them before tossing them into my mouth, a delightful crunching and a soft warmth flowing into my belly.

“Wow, w-what did you do? Those gems were glowing!” Spike looked at me and back to the gems, astonished.

“Y-you mean to say that… you’ve never pushed some magic into the gems you eat?” My heart sank at the thought and shattered as he shook his head.

“I tried once, but Twilight freaked out and told me not to do it again. She thought that the magic would hurt me somehow. ‘Maybe make you explode’, she’d said.”

Rage replaced sorrow, my teeth grinding against each other. “So, not only did she keep you sheltered as the rest of her kind, but she kept you malnourished? For HOW many years?!”

Spike shrunk back from my aggression. “S-sixteen… I-I’m sixteen…”

My shoulders slumped as my anger dimmed, but only a little bit. I sighed, grabbing another gem and filling it with my power. I then held it out to the little drake. “Eat it.”

With no magic mixed with my words, Spike was free to hesitate, but nonetheless ate the gem. With the first crunch, his eyes lit up as he loudly hummed in bliss, more moans following as he savored his meal. The sight managed to bring a smile to my snout.

After a few more seconds of savoring it, he swallowed and blinked. “Huh, that… actually filled me up. I usually have to eat a lot before I’m full.”

“Eating unpowered gems is like a pony eating baby food for their whole life, thus is why you are short and skinny.” We shared a sorrowful look.

“And… I can’t grow anymore. I’m s-stuck being small?!” He was almost in tears.

“No!” I then scooped him up as he cried into my chest, cradling him in my wings. “You will still grow, but… possibly not as big as most. If you eat more gems like this, you’ll slowly get better, but… you will be handicapped in a way. Just don’t eat too much, you don’t want to upset your stomach.”

“W-will you be here to help me?”

My heart sank again. “No, I’m moving away with my master. This was the second reason I came here. I had hoped that you would come with me. I had feared that you weren’t getting what a dragon needed, I had hoped to convince you.”

He was quiet for a long while. I kept silent so I wouldn’t disturb his thoughts. Finally, he spoke. “I-I think I will.”

“I hope you’re not coming just because asked.” I gave him a raised brow.

“N-no.” He gave me a long sigh in return. “I just got dumped, Twilight left me here in an empty castle alone to deal with all that baggage, and I’m not going to get any better by staying here. I’d like to stay with you, so that I’m not alone and so you can teach me how to be a real dragon. The dragons here are pretty weak compared to you. Besides, a baby chick’s got to leave the nest at some point, right?”

I couldn’t help but giggle at his previous words. “You know how to butter up a dragoness, that’s for sure. And yes, I shall.”

“Cool. But, uh, what do you mean by ‘butter up?’”

My smile grew as I slipped him back into his bean bag, standing as if to educate. “When addressing a dragon of any kind, it is ill advised to call a dragoness delicate or weak. Males often say such things to each other to start fights, so with them, it’s a common thing.”

“So… first lesson; don’t call the ladies fragile. Regardless of species, none are weak… except Garble.”

Another chuckle split my smile. After a bit, I gave a long sigh. “Do you wish to pack?”

“Uh,” Spike looked around his room, standing up. “Sure.”

He then got to work, packing clothes and all essentials. He paused at his desk, looking down at a picture of himself, Twilight, and their friends hugging. He hesitated, but with tears in his eyes, he grasped the picture and stuffed it into the side pocket of his bag. He then wrote a letter, one which he packed into an envelope and lit aflame with his breath, the magical ashes flying out the window. Zipping the duffel bag shut and swinging it over his shoulder, he stepped up to me.

“All set.” He smiled with finality.

It was then that I finally noticed a small charm around his neck, I sensed an illusion spell connected to it. I grimaced. “Spike, what is that necklace?”

“Oh, this?” He looked down at the silver medallion, blinking. “I-it was a present from… T-Twilight when she first hatched me. She said that it was…”

He blinked again. After a moment of thought, he brought it up to his face, looking it over. “Actually, why did she give it to me?”

“May I see?” I asked, holding my hand out.

“Sure.” He stepped forward, holding it up, but not removing it. I looked it over, scanning the spell.

“Spike, this is a powerful spell, used to conceal creatures with shapeshifting properties.”

He blinked again, his bag falling off his shoulder. “W-what?”

He was a dragon; this I was sure of. But… I could only think of one species that were shapeshifters, and they were an endangered species. “Spike, you’re not just a Kobolt dragon. You’re a mixed breed. It makes sense, hardly any family is pure blooded nowadays. But you are an Ahamkara. The only dragon species known to the shapeshift, and owners of powerful illusion magics. Some have even been so powerful with their illusions, that it was as if they could warp reality itself.”

The little drake was frozen, his eyes misting over. “W-wha… S-she l-lied…?”

My head bowed, heart pounding in rage. “Do you know where she got this from, Spike?”

“C-Celestia…” His eyes hardened, his brow furrowing, and jaw set. Snatching the trinket out of my hand, he tore it off his neck and threw it out the window. Tears overflowing, the illusion faded. His once brilliant purple scales darkened, turning almost black. Eyes shifted, becoming three sets of slitted pupils, the whites nonexistent. His vibrant underbelly became a mossy green, tail extending to be twice as long as he was tall. His head narrowed, snout going from round and chubby to angled and sharp, same with the spikes down his head and spine. The wings all but melted into his back, as his species didn’t have wings. Overall, Spike had gone from an adorable babe to the visually edgy teen he felt like. His six eyes locked onto me, standing up to my chest, as opposed to his original height at my hips. “Now, I’m ready.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, a little unsure and worried for him.

“Yeah…” He looked back to the room, reminiscing. “I know she was just trying to help, but it wasn’t the help I needed. I think I’ll forgive her someday, but… not now.” He shook his head. “The wound is too fresh. I need room to grow, literally and figuratively, and I can’t do that here.”

I nodded, motioning for him to follow. He did so with determination. We entered and made our way through the town, getting many curious and frightened looks. Most eyes were on Spike, his numerous eyes wondering and his thin tongue flicking out, tasting the air.

“I never noticed how they reeked of sugar.” He commented, eyeing the bakery as a particular pink pony burst through the doors.


“Yeah, Pinkie, it’s me.” The Ahamkara blinked as she ran up to him, stepping back with a surprised hiss.

“Wowie! Nice costume. Going for that awesome Edge-lord look? Oh, and how was your trip to the Dragon lands?”

The young drake looked annoyed. “No Pinkie. This really is me.”

“Sure~” She gave him a wink, her usual smile present.

“Spike?” Applejack whistled as she came up behind us. I turned to meet her gaze, looking down at the orange pony in slight exasperation. “Uh… howdy?”

I nodded back with a soft huff, turning back as Spike turned to the left, his three eyes staring at the farmer. She reeled back in shock, whickering in her terror. “S-spike?”

Spike turned around to meet her, his new look casting Applejack into denial. She then glared at me, reigning in her fear. “What did you do to him?! You better turn him back, you snake!”

My teeth clenched, but my new friend beat me to the punch. “She didn’t do anything, Applejack. This is what I really look like. Remember that necklace I had?”

“The one you said Twiligh’ gave to ya, yeah.” It was then that she noticed the missing pendent. “Wait, where is it? Wasn’t it supposed to protect ya’ll?!”

“No.” He snapped, snarling with fists clenched. “It kept me from discovering what I really am. Applejack, I’m not just a dragon.”

“T-then what are ya?” She took a step back.

“An Ahamkara.”

“An’ that is?”

“The manifestation of illusions and trickery for us dragons. Masters of shape and eye.” I smirked at my cleverness, winking at Spike as he nodded in thanks.

“Ah was askin’ Spike, not you!”

I blinked at her aggressiveness, my eyes narrowing. But Spike stepped between us, rescuing me from my temper again, his voice dropping with his own rising anger. “And she knows more about dragons than the collective of ponies in history. So, unless you somehow know something about my kind, Applejack, then please. Share.”

“Ah-… You… you’ve changed Spike.” She took another step back, more fear entering her eyes as she shook her head. “W-why are ya so angry? A-ah thought we were friends…”

I could tell that this was hard for him. He was close to shaking, a mix of wrath and anguish at war inside him. My tail slipped around his, coiling around and gently squeezing. This was enough for him to stop his trembling and look over his shoulder at me, a soft pink shade claiming the underside of his jaw. It was the equivalent of a blush for dragons, as coiling tails was similar to holding hands. I nodded to the young Ahamkara, putting a wing over his shoulder.

He swallowed, gathering himself with a breath. “Applejack, I’ve been kept in the dark for all my life. I didn’t know that I needed magic in my gems to nourish me. I didn’t know that there were different species of dragons. I didn’t know that I was a mixed breed. And most certainly didn’t know that I was an Ahamkara! No more lies! No more lies Applejack! I need to know what I am and how to be an actual dragon, not just a pet that’ll die of starvation in the next decade! I’m still keeping the name Spike for now, but I’m not going to be the pushover and weak dragon you met. I am an Ahamkara, and I will become one!”

He ended his speech with a loud hiss as he stepped forward and out from my reach. Standing alone, he lifted his head and roared, a long beam of black and teal flame erupting from his jaws. The dark clouds overhead crackling with lightening as the flames met them. Spike then snapped his head back down and coughed, snorting a plume of smoke.

“Now let’s go.” He said, turning to me. I nodded with a smile, both of us walking side by side as we walked to the edge of the town, ignoring the ponies behind us.

Once we were out far enough, I turned to my companion. “Ready?”

“As ever…”

With that consent, I shifted into my true form, towering above the village and meeting the mountain peaks with my gaze. Looking back down, Spike’s jaw had found a new home on the ground, the young drake’s eyes wide in astonishment. The sight made me chortle a bit. My eyes flicked over to see the ponies all cowering, all but the two former Elements of Harmony were brave enough to watch. I felt Spike had broken from his stupor and had begun climbing, shimmying up my wing. Before long, He made it to the crook of my neck, settling himself between the scales.

<All aboard?> I spoke through a magical link I’d made with him. It was standard for any dragon with another in their service.

<All aboard. I-I’ll be safe right here… right?>

<So long as you don’t go jumping off, yes.>

I felt Spike try and grip my scales tighter as I started off, deciding to walk for a while before we reached the nearest mountain. The ponies continued to watch as I climbed, pushing off as I took to the skies. Like the natural disaster I felt like, I let loose a roar that shook the valleys. We then made our way back to the Nahar, following the link I had with Alpha Haavak.


“Good work everpony!” Twilight congratulated everyone present. But despite the praise, her friends looked worried.

“Uh, Twiligh’? There’s somethin’ we need to talk about…” Applejack muttered, stepping up to the alicorn’s side.

“Can it wait Applejack? I really want to focus on bringing Starswirl back.”

“Uh… no. I-it’s about Spike…” The farm mare removed her hat and placed it over her heart.

“What about him?” Twilight asked, not quite getting why her friend was so worried.

“Well, uh…”

“Hey!” Starlight rolled her eyes, blowing a strand of her mane away. “Could we get this show on the road so I can say ‘I told you so?’”

“Oh, right…” Twilight joined Starlight and Sunburst by the pillar they’d set the book down on, angling their horns toward the artifact.

Applejack went to confront her friend about the day’s previous events but was stopped by the explosion of magic. The unicorn strained to keep their magics on par with what the spell demanded, but having the dome removed lessened their overall magic output. But finally, after sweating bricks, a hexagon of light bridged the artifacts together. Twilight smiled at their accomplishment, gasping as the ponies of legend reappeared in flashes of light, falling onto the ground after centuries of sleep.

The alicorn stared at a grey unicorn in a blue cloak, a white beard dangling from his chin. The old unicorn rose his head, eyes opening with dreariness. “W-Where…? What? What has happened?”

“It worked!!” The alicorn squealed in glee, dancing on the spot. “We brought you back!”

Starswirl’s eyes blinked, but then shot open in alertness and horror. “W-WHAT?! YOU MUST UNDO WHAT YOU’VE DONE!”

“W-what?! Why?” Her ears folded back, her dance halting.

“You cannot bring us back!” Starswirl grew steady enough on his hooves to walk up to Twilight, hands grasping her shoulders as his pupils shrank. “You cannot only bring the Pillars back!!”

The clouds suddenly grew heavy and dark as lightening crashed overhead, a mass of pure shadow pouring out of a tear in reality. The mass grew into the size of a male Warg, sprouting wings, and then the form of a male alicorn stood before them, cackling with black mist surrounding him like a veil. His white eyes shone like hot stars as a sharp, curved horn jutted from his forehead, wings billowing with the same black smoke.

The titan cackled some more upon seeing the small crowd of ponies, his pupilless eyes landing on one in particular. “Your pitiful attempt to imprison me has FAILED, Starswirl!”

Applejack huddled in with the rest of her friends, cowering under the shadow of the monstrous alicorn. “M-maybe… it can wait…”

A trail of ash blew in through the wind, a scroll materializing in Twilight’s hand, but her mind hardly registered it.

Author's Note:

Dang, Spike had it rough enough, now this?! The dude deserves a break from the crud
Hope you all enjoyed, have a good day!

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