• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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16. The Summit part1

“Are you serious?” I grumbled, sitting across from the two Princesses as they ate breakfast (breakfast for me and Luna, lunch for Celestia). A plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and white toast sat in front of me, though I felt like addressing the current conversation. I slumped into my seat, disliking the topic as much as the real individual.

“I am.” Replied Celestia, gracefully nibbling on her strawberries and pancakes. “Blueblood, while a great nuisance, is needed at the Summit. Through the years he’s gained a hoof-hold in negotiations, rivaling my own prestige on the topic. That, and he’s good friends with Norm the third, the Gryphon King.”

Luna huffed to herself, swallowing a thick paddy of sausage. “They pamper each other’s egos like a mare fusses over her makeup. The two should have at it and get a room since they’re so friendly.”

“Luna!” The alabaster Alicorn scolded her half-sibling with a scowl. Since Luna was still her sister, yet was a different species, they’d agreed that that term was better for their situation. Celestia calmed herself with a breath, enjoying her meal again. “While the two are obnoxious together, they still keep things interesting.”

“Much like the last summit.” The she-wolf mumbled.

I laughed at the concept of the two. “Sounds like my brother and sister; a pain when they ganged up on me.”

“Agreed.” Smiled the Lunar Princess.

“Anyway, let’s discuss a topic that’s not frustrating?” I proposed, hoping to defuse the bombs that were Luna’s and my own tempers.

Luna perked, her ears lifting excitedly. “Oh, you’ll love the Hippogryph capital…” She paused, looking terrified. “There’s—”

“Um, Luna. Let us wait till we get there, no need to give the secret away.” Chided the white alicorn with a sad wink.

“O-oh, yes. Sorry, I forgot.”

I looked between the two, brow raised. “Ok, now you got me excited.” I wagged my tail for emphasis, which made Luna giggle. The sound still tickled my eardrums, electrifying my senses.

“Don’t worry Tia, we’ll keep it secret, as we’ve done.” Smiled the Lunar wolf.

The Sun Princess said. “You and Mo- uh, Star?”

Nebula nodded, her eyes shifting to full silver. “Indeed Celly. We’ll keep the secret… hotly secret.” Star gave each of us a crafty smile, delivering her own snicker.

We smiled back before returning to our meals. After a moment, Luna came back and she too finished eating. Our breakfast/lunch was soon finished, allowing us to get ready for the Summit. We then took some time to pack and head down to the train station, and like everyone else, we waited to purchase our tickets. And aside from Blueblood’s grumbling and hollow demands, the line wasn’t that bad. In front of us, a little filly and her mother stood, waiting to get their train tickets also. The filly would laugh and giggle as I made funny faces, joining her, the mother, and the Princesses after. Blueblood just scoffed.

A familiar scent drifted in from the northeast, I turned to spot a silver tail vanishing behind a barrel. The head of a pink hippo plushy peeking out from behind it. I kept an eye on the scent, wanting to make sure it stayed close.

We soon bought our tickets and boarded the train, our walk ending in the royal carriage. Honestly, and dare I say it, the car was fit for a king. Patted seats lined the sides, their soft fabrics and fake furs creating a luxurious atmosphere. The walls were carved from dark oak, strong and elegant. Polished brass lined the furniture, cabinets, and bookshelves. Crystal chandlers loomed over the empty isle, illuminating the area. I nodded in approval, though Blueblood looked like this was normal for him and scoffed at my wonder. The scent from before grew stronger, the source following us.

I ignored him and took my sat in the car’s middle. The fair Luna lay on a sofa and a mountain of pillows next to the window, gazing up at the clears skies. The prince lounged on a nearby recliner, pulling a book out of his expensive satchel.

“How long until we get there?” I asked no one in particular.

“Until the gates of Tartarus yawn open for you.” Grumbled the unicorn. “And I’m finally rid of your pungent odor.”

Luna seemed to hold back a snarl and rolled her eyes. Celestia stretched out on the couch, soaking in the peaceful moment until her nephew spoke. “Blueblood, behave yourself. That’s not the behavior of a Prince. Especially in front of our guest and your equal. And to answer your question Fang; we’ll be arriving at midnight, in nine hours. Queen Novo has prepared rooms for us in her castle, the finest she has to offer, she said.”

“Probably not as fine as home.” Guest who muttered that remark? “The wench could at least fetch us some beds at the station and carry our tired bodies into her palace’s warm embrace.”

Both Princesses snorted at their distant relative, though I imagined he was going to be much more distant in the next few minutes. Again, I resisted the urge to slug the brat.

“Anyways,” I said, wanting to steer the conversation in a much more pleasant direction. “I brought some movies if we get bored. Some classics from home.”

“Oh?” Perked both sisters, looking to me with smiles and hope. Celestia asked, “And what are these grand classics?”

I smiled, pulling out said movies from my new brown backpack. “We have… Monsters Inc—”

“You’ll fit right in.” Snarked Blueblood.

I ignored him again. “Next is Iron Man, How to Train Your Dragon, the Spectacular Spider-man season two, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Party, The Lion King, Beauty and The Beast, and the Man of Steel.”

Luna hummed for a moment. “Could we watch… How to Train Your Dragon?”

I smiled, recalling that it was one of my many favorites. You could never go wrong with that movie. “Ok,” I looked around for the DVD player. “Uh, is there…?”

But before anything could happen, my ears perked behind me as I turned to find a fuzzy silver tail retreating under the seats. The body was hidden behind the chair’s drapes. I looked to Luna as she slowly climbed off her pillow mountain and sniffed the air, as did I. We both slowly stalked closer to the chair were the scent was strongest.

Celestia watched us curiously, Blueblood spared his superior glance our way and went back to reading. We bent down to our knees as we drew closer, our nostrils on fire, flaring as we soaked in the car’s odors.

“What is it?” Asked Celestia from behind.

Luna chuckled. “Oh, nothing.”

“We just found a… STOWAWAY!” I finished, lifting the drapes to find Silver giggling with a hand over her muzzle, smiling up at us. Her eyes a deep bronze, only to thin out into her lavender irises, stuffed pink hippo in her grasp. She crawled out and pulled us into a hug, her eyes misting. Blueblood screamed like a filly at the sight of her. We ignored him as always.

“P-please don-n’t g-go.” She sniffled, tightening her grip, both arms rapped around us.

Luna pulled her closer, nuzzling into the pup’s scruff. “Now why would we do that, we were meaning to return. Shadow Path would’ve looked after you, he’s a very nice stallion.” She looked into Haven’s eyes. I could hear her heart creak with the weight of guilt, some of it flooding into me.

“Are you scared that we’d leave you for good?” She answered my question with a nod. I huffed at my own ignorance. “We should’ve brought you along from the beginning anyway, you’ve been alone for too long.”

Luna looked at me. “What do you mean?”

“I…” I huffed again. “I’ve been thinking that she needs a place to call her own. Her own room and a parent who’ll never cease loving her. Don’t get me wrong, the castle’s nice, but I think she needs someone there 24/7.”

The she-wolf nodded, humming in agreement. “Agreed. She needs a place to call home and a parent.” She dipped her head and sighed sadly. “Unfortunately, though I wish I could be that parent. With my work getting in the way, I won’t have enough time for her.”

A silence fell over the room.

Luna slumped her shoulders. “I’m afraid that you’re the only wolf for the job, you love her more than I ever could, she adores you—”

“And you, she loves you too. And I don’t love her more, we love her the same.” I smiled, just going with what came from my mouth. “And if you could assist whenever possible, I’d welcome it. If you find time to help me, I’d be most thankful. A child should have two parents, not just one. I also feel like you’re the she-wolf for the job of being her mother-figure.” I felt like smacking myself in the face after saying that. We weren’t even dating, and I’d practically just asked her to be my other half in marriage.

Luna’s face turned red, looking over to her sister for support, only to receive a teasing wink. I found myself sitting on my tail, a very uncomfortable position. My own face red as a tomato.

I rubbed my face, groaning at myself. “Just great, idiot.”

“That’s an understatement.” Said the unicorn prince. Luna imediantly snapped at her nephew, leaping up into his face and snarling, a rumbling growl in her chest.

“Shut up, swine!” She roared through clenched teeth, her claws tearing into the armrests. Her fur stood up on end, eyes narrowed, and teeth showing. I was staring at her, impressed that she’d defended me. But I also had little sympathy for Blueblood, I’d never been fond of angering females, always finding the thought terrifying when they’d be mad at me. ‘Happy wife, happy life’ as my Dad always said.

The prince whimpered and curled himself into a ball, shriveling up as her shadow lifted. Luna calmed herself and sat down in her pillow throne, Silver rushed up to her feet and leaped into the she-wolf’s arms, cuddling alongside her. Luna draped a wing around the pup, pulling her close. I smiled at the adorable sight.

“Alright, let’s get this show on the road.” Just then, the train lurched forward, the sound of puffing smoke and grinding engines filling the cabin. I looked up the ceiling, spreading my arms in question. “I didn’t mean literally!”

The Princesses giggled at my remark, Celestia spoke up after she contained her smile. “Here, this should help.” She picked up a remote from beside her seat and pressed a button, I turned to see a large screen materialize through the car’s wall. Providing us with our own personal theater.

I gawked at the screen. “Now that’s what I’m talking’ about! That’s awesome! Where’s the DVD player?”

“Below the screen, there should be the player. Though, management said that our last one was acting up, so they may still have not put one in.”

I looked to where she’d directed and spotted the devise. “Found it!”

-=Luna’s POV=-

With the masterpiece of a movie finished and feeling my eyelids sagging, I’d slipped into sleep’s embrace.

A shadow loomed over me, its large body blocking any of the moon’s light. I looked up to see the towering figure of Obsidian, his eyes shifted to pure gold, staring at me as I lay defenseless on the altar. My arms and legs were bound by chains, restricting my movements as he crawled toward me. I looked up to the chains, trying to twist my hand out of its grasp. I stopped short, feeling somepony’s warm breath on my neck. My head turned to see the black wolf staring at me once more, his face directly in front of mine, his body parallel to me as I froze on the altar.

As I stared back into his eyes, shining like the glossiest gold coins, a darkness began to slither in their edges. The blackness continued to swallow his eyes until all that remained were pools of void. All was dark in those eyes, consumed by shadow. The black wolf’s lips then began to move, a loud growl sounding, rattling the world. With that rumbling snarl came a single word.

The sound of wood creaking and bolts shattering filled my ears, the shimmering armor of my sister’s guard entering my vision. The battalion surrounded the black wolf, spears raised, the wolf still slouched over me. His fur was standing on end, teeth showing, eyes narrowed, and throat snarling. Was he… protecting me?!
I jerked awake, blinking away my fear. Haven lay in my arms, her head resting on my chest. I gently traced my fingers through her mane, similar to mine, silver, yet had thin strips of black drifting down it. My fear withered away at the sight. I then spared a moment to look around, finding Tia and my arrogant nephew still in their chosen seats, fast asleep. Thank the heavens that Tia had remembered to cast her silence spell, forcing her thunderous snoring to be as loud as a butterfly’s wingbeat. I also noticed that Fang was nowhere to be seen, though the car’s door was slightly ajar. I sniffed the air, catching his scent and seeing it drift out the door’s crack.

It’d been strange at first, but I soon became familiar with the new awareness that came with my heightened senses. Each pony had their own scent about them, allowing me to know who had gone which way and how long ago. Tia had the smell of flowers and sugar about her, my nephew smelled like fresh seed and expensive perfume.

Taking Silver in my arms, I tenderly scooted out from her side. We both winced at I left her side; her because she’d lost her warm living teddy bear, and me because I felt her pain. I’d often awoke to find my mother not with me the next morning when young, leaving me with formally warm sheets and the room’s darkness. I was one too often have nightmares.

I focused back on Obsidian’s pine scent, following it out into the rushing wind and screeching iron wheels. But above the sounds of fast air and metal was a song.

…Born of his spirit, washed in his blood.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praisin’ my savior, all the day long,
This is my story, this is my song,
Praisin’ my savior, all the day long.”
Fang’s voice had gained a poor southern accent, his usually deep voice now higher, almost a whisper. Passion flooding his words as he leaned against the railing, bobbing his head and tapping his feet. His claws clanked and pinged on the iron railing, sending vibrations along with a pleasant and steady beat.

Perfect submission, perfect delight

Visions of rapture now burst from my sight,

Angels descending, drift from above,

Echoes of mercy, whispers of love,

This is my story, this is my song,

Praisin’ my savior, all the day long,

This is my story, this is my song,

Praisin’ my savior, all the day long,

Praisin’ my savior, all the day long.”
The black wolf breath, his breath mixing with his scent. Like tuna and bread. I walked forward and leaned against the railing with him, the wolf didn’t move, but his nose twitched.
“Hey Luna.” He greeted, his normally gruff voice making my stomach flip with butterflies. I’d found his informality to be a pleasant escape from the constant pampering of nobility. They’d often pepper me with flattery and hollow approval. However, his words of encouragement filled me with true joy and thankfulness. When ever he’d flatter me, it was always to get a smile or a laugh out of me, not a fountain of money like most. “Have a good nap?”
I smiled at him. “It was very refreshing, thank you for asking. A wonderful performance, what was the song?” That was another thing I liked about him, he’d always have a new song to sing. When ever bored or in the mood, he’d sing a number of tunes centered about his faith. While he’d sing one or two of another topic, these were what he’d fall back on. Was he so devoted to his faith that that’s all he’d sing about? Or was it for another reason?
“Blessed Assurance. One of my favorite hymns.”
There was that word again; hymn. What did it mean? “What is a hymn?”
He smiled with a light huff of laughter. “It’s an old song written by an ancient Christian, meant to praise God.”
“They can also reveal truths or speak to the listener. As they’ve done with me over the years.” I tilted my head at him, his smile widened. “Listen to the song, see if it speaks to you.”
Come thou fount of every blessing,
Tune thy heart to sing thy grace,
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise,
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongue above,
Praise the mount, I’m fixed upon it,
Mount of thy redeeming love.”
His voice deepened from its higher pitch, rumbling. Accursed butterflies!
Here I’ll raise my Ebenezer,
Hither by thy help I’m come,
And I hope, by some good measure,
Safely to arrive at home,
Prone to wonder, Lord I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love,
Here’s my heart, oh, take and seal it,
Seal it for thy courts above~
My heart fluttered, my pulse beat a thousand miles a second. His harmonious voice sent shivers down my spine, leaving me speechless in its wake. My mind was lost in the tune, the words filling me with that same love, but soon vanished once the song had finished. I wanted to feel it again. I wanted it within me, always, pumping through my veins. I felt like it could, but I didn’t know how to gain it.
A though then struck me; Fang’s black book. The one he kept in his room. Was that where he got this power, this feeling? I struggled with my next words, overcoming the bright fire that warmed my chest.
“Fang? When we return to Canterlot, c-could I-I barrow your book? The black one with the gold pages?” He seemed to treat it like his greatest treasure, keeping it atop a mess and never letting anything press into it. But what came next, made my heart pause.
I stared at him. “W-what?”
“I said; sure. You can barrow it, just please return it in one piece.” His head had turned to me at some point, his smile on full display. “Use it any time you want, but please ask beforehand, ok?”
I smiled back, the warmth in my heart strengthening. “Of course.”

-=Fang’s POV=-

Whether the song had revealed anything to her was between her and Yeshua, I had no want to interfere with their relationship. That is, unless I was predestined to help in some way. I could only love her so much, outmatched by my Creator’s infinite love for her. In a way, I was at the shallow end of the dream pool.
I blinked, feeling Luna’s warmth spread over my left side, her head resting on my shoulder. I didn’t mind, my sister did this sometimes, it was a welcome familiarity. Celestia had mentioned that others would join the summit; Cadence, Shining, the Prince Rutiford of the Yaks, the Elements of Harmony, and King Yu’ul of the Caribou. I didn’t know how I’d react to Yu’ul, seeing as how wolves are the natural predator of his species. For both our sakes, I hoped we could be friends.
My eyes shifted up to see the dark shape of a raven flying along side the train, its black eye staring into my soul. Yet, this raven (unlike R’ahk) had three blue feathers clipped to its scruff, their oily surface glistening in the sun. That, and the raven had strange artwork drawn in its wings, sharp angles like that of a circuit board. The raven croaked in my direction, angling toward us.
“Who calls to us?” I shouted over the train, watching the scavenger swerve in the wind.
The raven made a cackling sound in its throat. “Tah’kor, daughter-of-Shalk’ah. Who stands before me, draped in earthen pelt?”
Luna stirred next to me, humming as she too looked up at the bird. I patted her on the shoulder, then turned back to Tah’kor. “Obsidian Fang, the black wolf.”
Tah’kor chuckled, swooping around to face us. “No, wolf you are not. Warg, that is your kind. Black Warg of the Nahar, lost brothers to the Kaldor. And Luna, daughter-of-Althiirn, sister of the Gorokha. She who breaths the Null, and he who breaths his Rage.”
“Warg?” We both repeated, Luna mulled over the other words that were spoken, but I stayed on that name. “Warg? Isn’t that another name for wolves?”
“It is and isn’t.” The raven with blue feathers looped in the air, gliding on a drift. “Your kin are Wargs, not wolves. Wolves live to the east, were the land is truly wild and untamed. Wargs live to the west, near the unending mountains and rivers.”
“You know where other Wargs are?” Asked Luna, pulling herself away and looking to the raven. “Could we meet them?”
Tah’kor croaked again, her neck feathers rustling. “You could, you couldn’t. It’s up to you, daughter-of-starlight.”
“Daughter-of-Althiirn, daughter-of-starlight? What are those? Why—”
I tapped the Princess on the shoulder, getting her attention with a shrug. “It could be a form of greeting? I don’t know, but I think she means well.”
“I do, I do!” Chuckled the raven, flapping closer. “You go to meet the leaders of the nations? Good, go and see them. See who they are and melt their slag. The flaming mountains have waited far too long.” With that, she glided away without any explanation.
“Well, that happened.” Grumbled Luna, now heading back inside the train car. I followed, ready for a quiet nap. We had a lot to process.

*The Next Day, an hour before Noon*

The Summit. A time when world leaders would come and discuss diplomatically about their nations’ problems. Some would request of the others, many would simply heir others out on other state matters and give advice. Today though, they came to see what had become of Princess Luna and to judge me. All glaring down at me from their thrones of power… all eyes on me.
I’m giddy all over.
I was dressed in something Rarity had made for me last night, said she worked till three in the morning. And by the way she carried herself, I believed it. Applejack and Fluttershy held her shoulders, keeping her from faceplanting into the dirt path. She’d made standard grey slacks and a white button-up, but she also made a kind of cape. It spread over my arms, chest, and back, but stopped at my waist. It was black with tan marking similar to my own, lining the bottom rim and right shoulder, the old runes saying nothing but gibberish.

I felt like a mouse as I trudged up the hill to the stone hedge that sat atop the cliff. The grey stone pillars rose over me, looking to be thirteen feet tall, like an ancient fortress. Moss and vines clung to the stone, signaling the hedge’s age and lack respectful of care. This was a place of fellowship and union, how could they neglect this place and let it fall to ruin? When the Princesses walked below the threshold, Luna stopped, seemingly shocked and frozen by an unseen wall. I stepped next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me, her face a mix of emotions. But the moment I stepped further, I felt as if someone had barred my way and blocked my path.

I looked down to see the tiled floor, stones arranged in Scandinavian runes, alight with green fire. All the runes glowed with whipping green fire, slithering their way up the pillars and sparks shooting off into the air at their peeks. I froze mid-step, eyes darting from one spot to the next. Was this me?! I looked around at the assembled leaders.

“For the record… I have no idea what I’m doing.” I caught sight of the green flame edged into my claws, bringing a hand up, I stared wide eyed at it. The hedge’s pillars shifted, leaning closer to one another, seeming to want to connect and build upon themselves. What the heck was going on?! “Oh shoot.”

A small emerald ember drifted through my vision, a second later, I turned back and noticed everyone watching my runes. Luna stepped into view, awe and fear slapped onto her face. I gazed to each leader, silently crying out for help. The hedge creaked and groaned. I flicked the falling dust off my ear.

“Any tips on this?” I pointed to my flaming runes, swallowing a lump.

“Be still.” Said one of the leaders as he stepped forward. I ended up doing a doubletake. What walked before me was a being of literal fire. His entire body a smoldering husk (but in a good way). His face was obscured by the bright fire in his chest, his limbs sparking with embers and white smoke.

“I speak for the earth and all forces within it. I am the fire that burns I all living things! I am the fire that burns in the earth. I am the fire of the heart! You will yield!” His voice was like crackling fire, the soft creaking of something burning. He reached out with his hand, touching my face like a gentle father. “The fire that burns within you is greater than any I’ve seen before, you must learn to control it, young Warg. Breath and allow the flames and fear to settle. Fear mustn’t consume you like the wildfire, keep it contained, like the bonfire.”

I nodded, taking a slow breath. I felt the magic begin to subside, the fuzzy feeling in my chest and stomach fading. My eyes opened to see the fires vanishing, the green embers scattering to the winds and the fire runes puffing themselves out. I breathed again, relieved.

The fire being nodded, I think, you couldn’t really tell with all that smoke and flickering. “Well done. Fear will be your enemy. You must learn to banish it, or you invite ruin.”

I shuffled uneasily, becoming mildly embarrassed, and that didn’t happen often. I coughed nervously into my hand. “Heh, uh… sorry.” My ears lay flat, head down. A small whimper escaped my throat.

A minotaur, tall and wide with brown fur and huge horns, chuckled. He was dressed in a red kilt, no shirt, and had a monstrous axe strapped to his back. He processed no nose ring. His massive hand slapping me on the shoulder.

“Ha! Not to worry my friend, I imagine it’s like this with most unicorns when young. They have a few surges here and there do to stress or anything heart wrenching. But ease up! None were harmed, take comfort in that!” The great chief bellowed, his guards chuckling with him, armor and great swords clattering against one another. These guys were at least twelve feet tall.

I managed a smile, chortling along with them. “I suppose.”

“Well, this has all been very existing, but I think we should get on with the proceedings.” Said an aqua blue gryphon, her pink eyes searching me. She seemed to be part of the royal family, seeing as she wore much silver and opal jewelry. Atop her head, she had a greenish navy blue chain, a small ruby dangling from its crest.

“You’re quite right, dear.” A blood red gryphon remarked as he patted her folded claws, nuzzling her. His purple ropes and gold crown settling into the seat with him. He then turned to me as I sat next to the Princesses, Blueblood and the Main Six to the royals’ left. We’d brought Haven along because she still refused to leave us, she sat on Luna’s lap, reading a book. At least her parents had taught her how to read, she’d explained she learned so she could cook.

It was then that I notice we all sat at a large stone table, its dark surface carved with more runes. The Gryphon King turned back to the assembly. “Shall we continue without interruption?”

“I agree.” Grumbled the unicorn prince, slouching in his seat as if ready to take a nap.

“Once I received your letter, Princess Celestia, I’d sent copies to the other nations. I figured they’d want to hear and see for themselves.” Said Queen Novo, her white dress similar to Celestia’s, though her skirt filed out into glittering seafoam. “And I must say, Princess of the Night, your fur and eyes are stunning. Has Fang made any attempts at you?”

Luna blushed, trying to hide behind her hand. “N-no. I-I—” The she-Warg screamed in pain, clawing at the table as her sister came to her side. Haven rapped her arms around her neck, hugging onto her for dear life and crying. The pup was suddenly as scared as us.

“Luna? Luna!” Celestia was in a panic. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

I suddenly roared in pain. Agony oozing down my neck, right arm, chest, and back, threatening to burst my nervous system. These areas were indicated by the smoke below my clothes. Cinders drifted from the cuffs and collar of my shirt. I managed to hold in an agonizing scream, feeling the pain worsen. My runes glowed a bright red fire, their designs stretching below my clothes.

The Minotaur Chief stepped forward, urging me to remove my burning cloths, I did so. I flung my cape off and next ripped my shirt off Superman style. I looked down at my body, all eyes on the slithering and glowing runes at they snaked down and shimmered into existence on my chest, arm, and hand. Ravens, bears, and other animals curved themselves into my fur, their thin and bold lines the color of sand. Old Norse runes and artwork appeared in my fur, a single rune on each knuckle. Up the length of each finger were runes, seeming to spell a question.

Hva er kjent som en som ikke kan legges navngitt? (What is known that cannot be named?)

I stared at the words, transfixed on them. My body still ached, I groaned as the pain returned to the forefront of my mind. My legs grew weak, causing me to fall to my knees, a soft growl rose in my throat. My hands curled into fists, grinding themselves into the stone tile, the fires that now encased my hands blackening the ground. I barely managed to hear whispering to my left, where the Minotaurs, Zebra, and Elementals sat.

The sound of bongos and flutes reached my ears, filling the warm air with music. A bagpipe joined not thirty seconds in, the beat gaining pace as the pipes hummed. Two violins soared into the fray, their strings plucking and screeching at gentle and soothing speeds. Suddenly, all other instruments halted as the violins took over, their tune flooding the area. As the music went on, the pain slowly subsided. Little by little.

The flute glided into the tune, its sweet notes flowing gracefully alongside the violins. The drum soon followed, adding a steady beat to the song. The pain lessened, calm slowly washing over me like water. An African chorus whispered behind the Zebra shaman, her hands slapping against the sides of her drum. The Zebra were thin and tall, bodies toned and strong. Dressed in colorful tunics, they carried staffs decorated with feathers and gems.

I looked to the Minotaur chief, his meaty hands clasped around a thin flute. My eyes followed the sound of humming strings, finding the Siren Queen holding one, as well as her guard. Both plucked and strummed away on their instruments. The Sirens were predatory in nature, but they carried themselves with the grace and prestige of worriers and ponies.

My hand found purchase on the table’s rim, pulling the rest of me up with straggling pain. I pulled my legs underneath me, getting to my knees. I listened to the music, its tune picking up, gaining an encouraging note. A groan sounded to my right, I turned to see Luna still struggling.

I pushed down the want to stand and crawled on my hands and feet to the Princess. I crept toward the struggling Warg, her hands clenched and lips snarling. My head belt down to her ear, a series of words coming to me.
Gjennom sjøen,
Gjennom brannen,
<brGjennom redsel for livet,
Vi vil komme til skyen land
(Through the sea,
Through the fire,
Through horror of life,
We will come to the cloud lands),” I sang, my voice deep as I noticed the music had stopped.
Ingenting stopper oss,
Ingenting bryter oss,
Vår Far venter oss
I de gylne hallene i hjemmet
(Nothing stops us,
Nothing breaks us,
Our Father awaits us
In the golden halls of Home).”
I heard ravens croaking overhead, thousands swarming the trees. I dared not look up, focusing solely on the she-Warg before me.
Min skjebne tilhører min Gud,
Før den dagen jeg dør,
<brJeg må bli med min far i ham,
<br;Ingenting stopper oss,
Ingenting bryter oss,
Vår Far venter oss
I de gylne hallene i hjemmet (My fate belongs to my God,
Before the day I die,
I must join my Father in Him,
Nothing stops us,
Nothing breaks us,
Our Father awaits us
In the golden halls of Home).”
With that, my voice cut, breathing as all was still. Luna’s silver and sea-blue eyes looked up to me, revealing themselves from behind her silver locks. Haven pushed herself up and between us, holding us both in a hug. Luna stretched her wings out, the faint outline of white runes was edged into her feathers, from top to bottom. New runes had appeared on her snout, like the graceful a bending of river, was the Trinity.
Slowly, an old memory surfaced, ancient. I could feel it, this memory stretched back to the beginning, back to the first Wargs. With this memory, my other half came forward, the lyrics of the old song coming to grips in my mind’s eye. Luna and I locked eyes, she nodded, seeming to know the song as well. I rose my left arm and pounded it against the table, the sound echoing in the hedge. A steady beat, one fist hitting the solid stone. A hit and short pause, a hit and short pause, another and another. This beat continued as we waited for the drummers to pick it up. It took them a second, but the drummers started pounding along with me.
As the beat continued, Luna and Star raised their voices as one in a sweet tune, their eyes shifting to pure black. I gazed into the dark pools, staring into a starless void. But there was a peace to this void, one I could find comfort in.
The she-Warg stood along with me, the edges of my vision shaded dark, focusing only on her. Once standing, she began to circle me, eyes still locked on ours. She then broke out in song, Luna’s and Star’s voices mingling as we echoed them.
Jeg har søkt deg fra fødsel
skåret ut av ditt bein,”
We locked our wrists together, spinning on slow spirals. Our pulse quickened, looking into her dark eyes, finding our mate in the body’s shadow. We signaled the drummers to pick up the beat, the rhythm gaining speed slightly as we danced.
Jeg gleder i din styrke
Jeg gleder i din lidenskap
Min lidenskap driver ditt
Gjennom min respekt, du elsker
Gjennom kjærlighet, respekterer jeg <brFra vår kjærlighet, får vi vår pakke
Fra en pakke, får vi ære
Fra ære, får vi jordens respekt
Jeg har søkt deg fra fødsel
skåret ut av ditt bein
Jeg har søkt deg fra fødsel
Våre pups mate fra meg
Jeg feed fra dreper,”
We twirled our mate under our arm, she spun on her toes, her body arching gracefully. She still sung the sweet and strong words, filling us with hope and love for her. She’d asked for our Bible, perhaps the Lord was reaching out to her?
Gjennom dreper, vokser vi
Vi vokser for å bygge vår Far opp
Og som vi bygger, får vi
Som vi får, vokser vi
Jeg har søkt deg fra fødsel
skåret ut av ditt bein
Jeg har søkt deg fra fødsel
Fra vår pakke, våre barn vokser
Som våre barn vokser, får vi alder
Vår pels blir grå, vår styrke greatens
Våre kull gå ut og multiplisere, idet far sa
Deres kjød, deres make søke seg
Deres kamerater kreve dem og de vokser
Jeg har søkt deg fra fødsel
Jeg har søkt deg fra… fødsel~”
*(I've sought thee from birth
Carved from thine bone
I delight in your strength
I delight in your passion
My passion drives yours
Through my respect, you love
Through your love, I respect
From our love, we gain our pack
From a pack, we gain honor
From honor, we gain earth's respect
I've sought thee from birth
Carved from thine bone
I've sought thee from birth
Our pups feed from me
I feed from your kills
Through your kills, we grow
We grow to build our Father up
And as we build, we gain
As we gain, we grow
I've sought thee from birth
Carved from thine bone
I've sought thee from birth
From our pack, our children grow
As our children grow, we gain age
Our fur turns grey, our strength greatens
Our litters go out and multiply, as Father said
From their flesh, their mates seek them
Their mates claim them, and they grow
I've sought thee from birth
I've sought thee from… birth~)
Luna pushed closer, rapping her arms around me as I did the same. We stood like this, transfixed on one another. Only us in this hedge, I’d honestly forgotten that we weren’t alone. My fuzzy mind crawled out from the fog, now going over the entanglement of emotions within me. Me and Luna suddenly jerked at the sound of a loud holler, holding onto each other tightly.
“SORRY, YAK GOT STUCK IN TRAFFIC. PONY TRAINS VERY SLOW.” Bellowed the Yak Prince as he entered the hedge with four others. He gazed at all of us through his thick locks.
Blueblood snorted, looking bored as he looked over his nails. “Maybe because you were the cause of tardiness? Your titanic butts couldn’t slow the ride even more?”
“OW! Auntie?!” Whined the prince to his alicorn aunt. Celestia gave him the Batman glare. Blueblood shrank into his chair, whimpering to himself.
Luna and I looked at each other, our faces heating up and turning red, eyes reverted back to normal. We then slipped away from one another, I fiddled with my hands, flexing my sweating hands and claws. With that quick motion, I could’ve sworn I’d heard the sound of Velcro. A thick lump formed in my throat as I looked everywhere but the equally blushing Princess.
Oh boy.

Author's Note:

Lyrics to the song Luna and Fang sang were composed by the auther. Merry Christmas, one and all!

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