• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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40. En Passant

“Master, I found two bases here in the city.” Explained the Kitsune, standing next to me as I continued to unpack a large box. “One is down in the loading docks and the other is one noble’s establishment.”

The nobility’s home concerned me, but not because I really cared about their pretty house, it was going up in flames. What concerned me was that a member of high society had joined the cult’s cause and threatened to kill the royalty they served. “What about their defenses? Anything noteworthy?”

“They have minor defenses inside as well as out, a very small personal army. There were no more than twenty-five.”

I huffed with mixed laughter, putting several ornaments above the grey stone hearth. “Not much of an army.”

Niko watched as I worked for a moment. “Would you like my help, Master?”

“No but thank you. I have a question for you; do you know of any other Kitsune that are looking for masters in the area?”

“No, I am assuming that you wish to take more servants.”

“Yes. I know that the task I’ve given you will be very hard on your own, which is why I’d like for you to have all the help you can get.” I said, looking at him, away from the nails I’d gathered to hang pictures.

“Hm, I do not know for sure, but if you will allow me, I will take some time to search for more.” Niko proposed with a soft bow.

I nodded in thanks. “Thank you Niko, I’ll be praying that you find some.”

With a deeper bow, the Kitsune was gone, disappearing like a gentle wind. I looked back to my new house, my eyes scanning over the warm stone floor; course, yet not unbearably so as to hurt anyone. The dark wooden walls stretched as they reached the front of the house, containing both the kitchen, living room, and the entryway. A small sunroof lay above the kitchen island, letting the evening light seep through. Turning to my right, a staircase led up to the loft where the master’s and Haven’s bedrooms were, both separated by a short hallway. A small bathroom was placed next to Haven’s room, as well as one downstairs next to the kitchen. Overall, I made sure that the house wasn’t too big and still kept that homely cozy feel.

Most of the furniture had been ordered and delivered, all except the second bookshelf I’d planned to put next to the hearth. I already had the one, so why was the last one taking so long? A question for later, I decided, going back to work on the next box.

After another hour of unpacking, I got a cup of cool water and sat out on my deck, the railing held up by six large wooden pillars carved like wolves. I watched the mountains in the distance, letting my mind drift. After an eternity, I was brought back to reality via an explosion from up the mountain. I then stood and walked to the edge of my deck, looking up through the thirteen tall stones that fenced my property to see a pillar of smoke wafting from Canterlot.

-=Earlier, Luna’s POV=-

“Tia!” I called to the alicorn as I stalked my way down the hall.

“Yes?” She answered, turning to me with pleasant smile, only for it to vanish at seeing the look of disgust and fury on my face. “D-do you need s-something, Lulu?”

As I stepped up to her, I thrust my fist into her gut, the force sending the Princess down the hall. Her journey came to an end when she smashed through the far wall, tumbling two stories into the courtyard. With a flap of my great wings, I gave chase, calling my spear to me as it flew into my hand. And so angry was I that when I breached the hole the alicorn had made, the crippled walls started burning, sending a column of smoke into the sky.

My eyes scanned the ground below until I found Tia, surrounded by several guards and their captain. I then ceased flapping and plunged next to the group, a small crater forming where I’d landed.

“S-stay back!” Yelped Gleaming Shield, holding her spear toward me.

In response, I lifted my own spear and saber (it had been clipped to my belt), my secondary’s blade coming to life in seconds. “You dare hold your weapon against your Princess?”

Gleaming snarled back. “You aren’t my princess; I was assigned to protect Princess Celestia and nopony else!”

“Check the fine print next time you sign into a job. You are contracted with the military, not under a single princess. Just because your corps’ tittle is ‘the Solar Guard’ doesn’t mean you answer solely to Celestia. You, as well as all members of the military, answer to the head of the armed forces.” I stepped forward, letting the spearhead brush against my chest, eyes ablaze in my anger. “And that military commander stands before you, while you have a spear pointed at my first heart.”

Gleaming’s eyes shot wide, her grip shaking slightly. “F-first… h-heart?!”

“Did you not know? Wargs have four hearts all together, so even if one heart was destroyed, we have more to spare.” I then cut the mare’s spear in two with a flick of my lightsaber, the glowing stub left steaming in the evening air. “Step aside.”

Gleaming stared at her severed weapon, her frantic eyes dancing between me and the ground. Finally, she seemed ready to answer. Throwing down her mangled weapon, she stood tall against me, a frown on her face. “I serve—”

“Luna!” Called a masculine voice from my left, causing me to look over and see Fang flying up to us. He looked between me, Gleaming, and the group of guards surrounding a downed Tia, his eyes landing on me in the end.

“What happened?” He asked in a firm voice, one that made me wilt slightly.

I ground my teeth, looking off to the side as he approached me on foot. Micah waited patiently with his arms crossed. “Yesterday, I hated that she insulted you, asking if you’d used black magic on me. I hated that she could think that after all this time! I wanted an apology from her!”

The Warg took a long and deep breath, his eyes lighting up with fire for just a moment. He then stepped forward and hugged me as he whispered. “Thanks for thinking of me, but you also asked if I had. I don’t know why you asked, but I didn’t like it just as much.”

My eyes were welling up with tears, a few soft sniffles escaping me, much to the surprise of the ponies. “I-I’m so sorry, Micah. I w-wasn’t think-inking, please f-forgive me.”

“You’re forgiven, but when a thought like that crosses your head again, remember that many thoughts like that come from the Devil.”

“Yes.” I agreed, hugging him back as I brushed my tears away with his fur. “I’ll remember. I think you showed me a story in the bible once, wasn’t it with Jesus and Peter? Jesus said that Peter received thoughts from both God and the Devil, right?”

“Yeah, I can’t remember where it was, but I remember.” He smiled, pressing his forehead to mine. “And did you just use me as a tissue?”

“… maybe.” I smirked, kissing him on the nose.

“Hello! We have a bleeding Princess here!” Snarked one of the guards, helping Celestia to her hooves. “The least you could do i—”

In one motion, Fang grabbed my spear from my hand and pointed the head at the guard. I blinked; how could he hold my spear? Hadn’t Aesc said that only I could hold it, or else it would destroy itself?!

“A few cuts and bruises, that’s all I see. I don’t think she has any internal bleeding, otherwise she’d have a swell somewhere on her and probably be coughing up blood. And you lot would faint on the spot.” Micah smirked, his eyes turning to Tia as she looked at him. “No pain in the stomach area?”

“Only from that punch she hit me with.” Groaned the alicorn, cradling her bruising stomach. “Ouch…”

“She punched you, was that it?” He asked, looking up at the hole Tia’s crash had made. “Dang, must’ve been some punch.”

“Do you want a fight Luna? Is that what this is about?” Tia asked, standing on her own as she shrugged the guards off.

“If it will help prove to me that you aren’t weak, then yes Tia. And I still have yet to hear an apology! A dual is welcome!” I shouted, my eyes and maw alight with both Null fire and lightening, the sky growing dark.

“Meanwhile, I’m going over here so I don’t get squished.” Said Micah as he handed my spear back to me and shuffled to the side, ushering the guards to follow him. “Get over here, unless you want to get crushed.”

“Shouldn’t you have a weapon, Tia? It is always best to enter such a battle with a weapon.” I smirked, offering my lightsaber.

With a reluctant nod, the alicorn took said weapon as her eyes glowed white, her hair set ablaze, and her horn shimmering. “And when I win, you’ll tell me about that book you have stuffed in your dresser? Prince Javelin’s journal?”

I nodded in return, my teeth grinding as I remembered my fears. I hadn’t told Tia about Faust’s atrocities yet, feeling it would feather destroy our weakening relationship. I had meant to tell her after the Gala, but after what happened, I’d felt a wedge drive itself between us. And I didn’t want that wedge to grow, but I knew I had to tell her at some point. “Very well, your terms are accepted.”

“But you should know something, Celly…” I smirked, using Moon’s nickname for her to make her really listen. “If Fang is three times stronger than you, and I’m now stronger than him, how do you think you’ll fare against me?”

This fact had seemed to leave Tia if her gasp and cringe were anything to go by. And so, with gritted teeth and an already defeated look in the back of her eye, the alicorn charged me. Blocking her slashing attack with my sear, I roared in her face, a massive explosion of fire erupting in her face. Tia was sent flying through the air, her once beautiful dress singed and smoking as she skidded across the courtyard’s floor.

She looked up to see me rising into the air, my wings outstretched as chunks of metal ore rose from the earth below. The ore shrapnel shifted and molded, forming into iron, copper, and zinc spears before launching themselves at her. Celestia rose as quick as her sore limbs would allow and took to the skies, dodging and weaving between them as she advanced toward me. As she drew closer, I summoned more metal and brought it up to me. The various metals began coating my body, encasing me in mismatched armor. Steel had gathered on my wings, forming sharp blades between the feathers, ready to slice anything that came near me.

As Tia was still busy, I took a moment to look down, seeing both my sisters and Haven talking with Micah. They seemed to be discussing who would win. I partially wanted to know what they thought, but I knew I had a fight to win.

Looking back to Tia, I saw that she was getting closer, weapon poised to strike. Screaming at the top of her lungs, she rushed me, and we locked blades. “YOU SAID YOU WANTED A FIGHT, SO GIVE ME ONE!!”

“You want to see my power?” I asked her, annoyed. “Fine!”

With that, I pushed her back and summoned a tornado, lightening flying from my eyes and hands. Gripping my spear tight, I held my power back, not wanting to destroy the castle along with my alicorn sister. If I even let loose for a second, my magic reserves could wreak havoc on the capital. Blowing a thin stream of fire at the tornado, the twister was soon enveloped in blue flames, heading straight for Tia. The alicorn barely dodged out of the way, her wings becoming singed as she made her way back toward me.

“Quite with the lightshow and fight me!” She shrieked.

I could tell that she was scared, and she was fighting rather than running. I breathed a groan, knowing what I had to do. With a flick of my wrist, a torrent of cold wind struck the alicorn, turning her sweat and the moisture in the air solid, sending her plummeting to the ground in a block of ice. Then, with a breath, the tornado and clouds cleared.

Hovering my way back down to earth, I caught Micah and my sisters thawing Tia out. Tia lay on the ground, sore, bruised, drenched, and thoroughly peeved.

“F-fine, I-I’m sor-sorry.” She stood with chattering teeth, Gleaming placing a blanket onto her back. “Y-you wi-win.”

She then turned to Micah, slumping in a very un-princess fashion. “I-I’m s-sorry I s-said that y-y-you u-used dar-dark magic.”

“You’re forgiven, but in the future, be careful what you say. A Princess should be aware of what she says all the times.” He said, crossing his arms with a slightly annoyed look.

“Tia, I will still give you the journal, you need to know.” I said, watching as her tired face lit up in bewilderment.

“B-but I… lost.”

“You need to know, and I was afraid that if I told you myself, you wouldn’t listen. You need to know how much Faust was different was from how you knew her. She wasn’t kind, only pampering you because you were her real child. Her real daughter, Celestia. And you need to know what happened to your dad.”

“M-my dad?” She gasped, smiling sadly as she looked at me. “I had thought that you were somewhat different, Lulu, when we were foals— well, when I was a foal, anyway. And seeing as you spend a lot of time with these two, I’m guessing that they are part of your original family?” She nodded toward Akiira and Roret.

“Yes, they are.” I breathed a sigh of relief, finally being able to get all this off my chest. “They are my sisters.”

Tia looked at them oddly, chuckling to herself, no doubt too worn out to get mad at me. “I somewhat figured, but I thought they’d look at least a bit more like you.”

“Have you noticed with ponies? Foals of the same parents don’t always look the same.” Akiira rolled her eyes at the alicorn.

“Yeah, I just thought it’d been a little different with other species.” Celestia sheepishly rubbed her head. “Well, I better go get patched up.”

As Tia limped off with her guards, I felt a weak smile come onto my muzzle, not quite happy but not quite sad.

“You ok?” Asked Micah as he placed a hand on my back, softly rubbing my sore wings.

I took a moment before answering, leaning into his warmth. “A bit, I’m happy that she’ll know, but I’m also afraid she won’t accept what reality really is. Faust was never the person she thought she was, killing her own husband and trying to commit genocide. Her world will crack and I’m afraid we’ll have to help her pick up the shambles of her life.”

“Well, when that day comes, I’ll be there to help any way I can.”

“You two lovebirds doing ok?” Roret snickered, followed by Akiira as they came up beside us.

I smiled for real at that, finding the nickname appropriate. “We’re doing fine, Akiira. I hope you liked the show.”

“We did, I was somewhat expecting for Fang to jump in and help, but I know that a dual is between only two.” My sibling winked.

“Mom that was so cool!” Smiled Haven as she rushed up to us, wrapping her arms around Micah and me. “But do you think Aunt Tia is going to be ok? She looked really hurt.”

“I think she’ll be fine, she’s tough.” Akiira ruffled her hair, causing the pup to squirm away. She then looked over to Micah. “But we need to gather our forces to the two bases in the city. I suspect your spy has gathered much information?”

“He has, though I asked him to seek more of his people, those who have no masters.” The Warg explained, gently giving Haven a hug. “I imagine that the cult has lots of bases around the country, so I knew that Niko probably couldn’t search them all out on his own. I figured that he needs help.”

“A good decision, and I agree with Akiira. I’ll start gathering the Guard.” I nodded, turning to go do just that.

Within the hour, Canterlot’s Royal Guard had come at my call. We set up two barricades down the street at the noble’s establishment, preventing anypony from entering or leaving the area. I had the Guard surround the mansion’s perimeter, boxing the reported party of nobles and cultists inside.

“Listen up, we have the building surrounded! Surrender peacefully and her Highness will show mercy!” Shouted the Captain of the Guard through a megaphone.

Their answer to this message was an explosion that obliterated the front door. And once the smoke cleared, I stopped and stared in horror at what lay behind.

-=Fang’s POV=-

We’d previously sent another portion of the guard off to the city docks, hoping they would catch the cultists at their second hideout. I secretly prayed that they would be alright in the end, hoping that the second base didn’t have any surprises like ours did. Said surprise was a Nahar Warg bound in aqua green chains, with a collar wrapped around his throat.

“P-please, don’t—don’t come…” Gagged the brown Warg, flames dancing on his tongue as he seemed unable to control his own power. He lay on the ground, pinned down by the pole that locked with his collar, the pony holding it pushing his face into the ground. But overall, he didn’t seem to care about how he was treated, as if he were used to being abused.

I ground my teeth at the sight, my eyes and maw blazing to light as I roared, my red flames surrounding me as my runes glowed. Glaring at the smirking cultist who was pinning the Warg, I seethed further with a mental promise that I would kill him.

I then looked down to the Warg, watching as he struggled to keep his jaws shut, but the tears he shed showed his pain. “What’s your name?”

The Warg looked up in shock, tears still spilling from his yellow and green eyes. “D-Danny White…”

“I’m Micah.” I glared back up at the pony, wishing that I could just tear him apart and be done with it. “I imagine this is asking a lot of you, but you need to fight if you want to get out of this. Can you do that Danny?”

Danny started to answer, only to be interrupted by the pony. “Oh shut up and just kill each other!”

The pony then forced Danny to stand and lunge at me, how his little body was able to do so, I didn’t know. The Warg and I locked each other in a grip, holding one another tight. I was able to get him into a headlock, hiding the collar under my armpit as I attempted to burn it off.

“HA! You think that’ll work?” Mocked the noble. “They’re made of the same metal as the chains you were bound in during the Princess’ birthday! By the way, what was her reaction when she found you naked in her closet?!”

My eyes shot wide, my brain putting the pieces together. If he knew what happened then, he would’ve either had to have been there and been apart of the attack. He could’ve just been a spectator. But at the same time, how did he know about the last part?! Wasn’t that kept under wraps by the Princesses’ orders?!!

I then looked back at the noble with a glare that could kill. “You know, the more I spend time around your kind, the more I realize how stupid a good number of pony-kind is. HOW STUPID DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO REVEAL SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! NOW I KNOW YOU’RE IN LEAGUE WITH CHRYSALIS!!”

The noble turned pale and dropped the pole.

“That was a big mistake.” I took a deep breath and roared, a single jet of red fire blasting the pony into next week. When the flames dissipated, I was somewhat surprised that he was still alive as he lay smoking on the floor.

“Micah, are you ok?!” Called Luna from behind, holding her spear in hand as she glided over to me.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said, letting Danny out of the headlock, helping him sit down to rest.

“T-Thanks for that, it’s been weeks since I’ve gotten to just take a breath.” The Warg sighed, trying desperately to claw the collar off.

“That won’t work.”

Danny tugged one final time, grunting as he let the leash fall back onto his shoulders. “Yeah, I guessed from what that guy said. So, how did you get out last time?”

I walked over to the fallen pony, searching his person for the key. “With this.” I smirked, holding said iron key up for him to see, only for my smile to fade. “But this gets me wondering… how did they forge all this? From what I’ve been told, this metal is very, very hard to work with. And are there any others trapped here?”

“Yeah, there’s two more on the second floor. And last I saw; they were chained up too.” Danny popped his joints as the key unlocked his shackles, the chains clattering to the polished marble floor. The Warg stood on shaky and weak legs, leaning against me for support.

I felt my temper starting to boil as we slowly headed up the single stair case, my eyes sparking to life with red flames. Once at the top, I looked to Danny as he panted, noticing that his body was practically skin and bones. “Which room?”

“At—at the end—of the hall.” He gasped for breath, pointing down the hallway that was lined with stone busts.

I nodded in thanks, helping him lean against the railing and calling back to the entrance hall. “Hey Luna, send a doctor here! This guy needs some help!”

“On it!” Shouted the Wargess back, gathering her guards to storm the mansion.

With that taken care of, I trekked down the hallway as my anger grew, going from a whistling kettle to a boiling cauldron. By the time I reached the door thanks to my sensitive nose, the floor was catching fire with every step. Not even bothering to open the door, I let the heat of my body grow to the point it melted the steel door. Needless to say, the room’s occupancy were a little frightened by my entrance. Four Sun priest guards had been set to watch the two Wargs, all of which I batted away like flies.

I then looked to the other Wargs, one male and one female. The male was chained in the corner of the room, wrapped from head to toe in green chains, only the guy’s brown and purple eyes visible under a pelt of dark grey. The lady was bound like how Danny had been, except her hands and collar were tied to the wall. She was a dark tan with light brown mixed in, her hair a messy burnet’s color. Both of them also had gags over their snouts, and they were both freaking out at the sight of me, muffled shouts and cries penetrating my ears.

“Hey!” I barked, the firmness in my voice driving them to silence. “Do you know where the keys are? And if not, I have one here.”

Both shook their heads, unable to speak. “Ok then…”

Pulling out said key, I stepped toward the female, unlocking her muzzle. “ThankyouThankyouThankyou!”

If this were an anime, I would’ve been sent flying from the hurricane of gratitude and hugs. I soon finished freeing the Wargess, turning to the other as he tilted his head for me to reach the lock.

“Your not going to bite me, are you?” I joked, kneeling down next to him. The Warg rolled his eyes with a muffled laugh of his own, shaking his head. “Alright.”

“Really, that joke was a bit dry.” Was the first thing the Warg said after his gag was removed. “I take it you were dragged here too from earth. Where are you from?”

“I used to live in Anchorage, Alaska. You?” I asked, working on untying him as we talked.

“Washington D.C. and my name’s Greg. I’d shake your hand, but…” He grinned without a care in the world, shifting his hands under the mountain of chains and locks.

“Yeah, I hear ya.” I laughed with him, looking to the side to look the Wargess in the eye. “And you? What’s your name?”

“I’m Maggie.” She smiled, rubbing her sore wrists. “I used to live in California, and I’ve been here for about three weeks. How long have you been here, with these… horse people?”

My ears picked up the sound of footsteps… or paw steps, as I looked over my shoulder to see Roret peer into the room. “Hey, Akiira, I found your missing boyfriend! And he’s all wrapped up for you, how sweet!”

A knife flew past the rosy Wargess, imbedding itself into the wall behind her, Akiira’s flustered voice piercing our laughter. “Oh no you don’t, don’t go betting on me again!! Cousin Ordem has too much Marrow as is!”

“I’ve been here for about half a year, to answer your question Maggie.” I looked back to a blushing Greg, grinning at his embarrassment. “Looks like the Doctor’s got you set up with a date already.”

“Y-yeah, s-sure…” Greg muttered, looking away.

“Eh, don’t mind her, she just likes to tease people.”

“Alright, anyone need band aids?” Asked said Wargess as she entered the room, ignoring her sister’s vows of revenge.

“Just looking at them, Roret, they’re going to need more than just band aids. From just a glance, I can tell that they’re malnourished.” I remarked, growing serious as I undid the last of Greg’s locks. “But then, I’m no doctor.”

“But a good observation nonetheless.” Smiled Roret, walking over and checking Maggie’s physic.

“Micah!” Luna called as she too entered the room, Danny leaning against her for support. I suddenly found myself growing angry and envious of the guy, Baldur pushing me to get between the two. “We should get these three to the infirmary and haul these ponies off to the dungeons.”

“Your Highness!” Saluted a guard upon reaching the Silver Princess, gasping out of breath. “The cultist base at the docks has been taken. We just received word that they’re being gathered up as we speak.”

-=Beneath the Changeling Hive=-

“WHAT?!” Screamed the Changeling Queen as she crushed the glass of wine in her fist.

“T-the Sun Priests’ bases in Canterlot have been found, my Queen.” Stuttered the drone as he shook on the floor. “W-we saw that the Warg named Fang has s-some new allies.”

Chrysalis took a deep breath as her anger cooled, shifting her bottom half to pony-like legs. Upon seeing this, the drone started to weep, fully knowing what was awaiting him. The Queen stepped down from her throne. As her hooves connected with the ground, a nuke worthy explosion erupted behind her, shattering everything behind her, even the nurseries below weren’t safe. With each step, an outburst of magical power obliterated a path behind the Changeling Queen. As she drew closer, the Changeling went from violent sobbing to silent defeat, not even shuttering as she stood in front of him.

“I-I hope… I s-served y-you well… m-my Qu-Queen…” He muttered.

“You did…” With that, Chrysalis opened her jaws and consumed.

Author's Note:

Hello all, One Of Nine here! Hope you enjoyed the next installment, let me know your thoughts. As always, plz let me know if I missed any spelling

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