• Published 5th Apr 2018
  • 17,819 Views, 709 Comments

Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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46. Restraint Level...

Author's Note:

Hello everyone!! Been having a blast out here in the middle of nowhere, working on this fanfic *cough* obsession *cough*.
Hope you all enjoy and as always, let me know what you thought in the comments below. I'll do my best to respond what with staying in a cold tent with nearly zero service:fluttercry:

Ok, confession time. Remember when I’d previously said that I had used full power when fighting the Priests that one time? You know, the time I blew a hole in the castle infirmary’s roof. Yeeeeeaaaahhhh… apparently, I had barely used twenty percent according to Baldur. He had kept most of it out of my reach so I couldn’t destroy the entire mountain… or the country… maybe.

So, in short, I hadn’t used my full power yet and no one knew. And Luna, sorry to say, but you might be losing your spot on the most powerful in this happy couple. Thank you Baldur for FINALLY telling me… as we’re in an alternate world and meeting an equally alternate Royal Sisters!!

It had taken us twenty-five minutes to reach the alicorns’ camp. A massive, cleared forest with thousands of tents, carts, and weapon racks rose into view as we came over the hill. Celestia had mentioned the Dimond Dogs before, so was that who they were fighting? We had yet to meet any thus far though.

Upon entering the camp, almost all the ponies stopped what they were doing to stare, gathering around our party. The two alicorns noticed right off the bat and addressed their troops.

“These creatures have shown themselves to be of valor and are under the protection of the crown!” Shouted Celestia in the Royal Canterlot Voice, making my companions wince. I however, felt I needed to play the part of a powerful Alpha. And while I inwardly cringed at her volume, all I actually did was flick an ear away. “As such, any attempts to harm or mock them shall be met with a swift punishment. We are fighting the Dimond Dogs after all, not them.”

That at least answered one question.

“We art terribly sorry, but we hadn’t gotten your kind’s name yet.” Luna’s doppelganger looked at us curiously.

“We are Wargs.” My Queen answered, her wings stretching and fluffing. “And if you recall, we are from another world.”

Alternate Luna gaped. “Wha… y-your voice…”

“That is right.” With a dramatic flair, the Wargess lit her eyes and stood tall. Standing over Celestia’s height along with the rest of us, each of our eyes were at eye level with the tip of her horn. “I am you from an alternate world. Luna of House Skoll.”

The two Lunas slowly began comparing notes on each world, swapping battle stories and the occasional Celestial secret. Much to Celestia’s silent dismay.

“Hey, uh… not to bother you, but could we find something to eat?” Danny asked, his ears splayed down, and tail tucked as he came near me. “All that running took it out of me. I had packed a lunch, but… well…”

“Yeah, I understand.” Nodding, I turned to the alicorns. “I know this is probably uncomfortable for you, but do you happen to have any meat within the camp?”

Luna’s doubleganger gawked and looked ready to vomit, yet Celestia kept a calm smile… as she always did. Seriously, how was her face not aching?! “Sadly no, but if you would like, we will let you hunt in the forest to the east. Hopefully, you all can find something.”

I could tell that she was trying to hint at the subject without actually saying ‘meat’ or ‘prey’. “You mentioned Dimond Dogs earlier, we’ll keep an eye out for them.”

“Thank you.”

After exchanging nods, I gathered everyone up and we headed east.

-=Third POV=-

Celestia found herself giggling as her sister emptied her stomach, said Princess giving away her lunch to a former pitcher of water. Once Luna had stopped barfing, Celestia draped a wing over her in the shadow of their private tent. “Are you really so easily queasy around such subjects, Lulu? Does the thought of another species’ food make you ill?”

“Ugh… I don’t know how you can stand the thought, Celly. Sharing tables with mannerless Griffins, Minotaurs, and other carnivores?” Groused the Lunar Princess, setting the pitcher down and letting her body relax slightly on a large pillow. “I mean, I can understand keeping one’s self composed, but you didn’t miss a turn.”

“Practice, dear sister.” Beamed the Sun alicorn, smiling like a little school filly. “Practice.”

“Practice at the thought of-?” Her cheeks bulged as she turned green.

“Must you be so improper?”

“I understand that other species can’t eat the same food as we do, but I can’t help the fact that the thought of… that, makes me fall ill.”

“And yet you can stand the sight of blood in the heat of battle?”

“That’s with magic casting, where I’m far off and not within the enemies’ eye. Getting up close and taring them apart…” Lulu shuttered, wrapping her wings around herself. “I can’t even begin to think of such things. And to add to that fact, that white Warg. The alternate… me, how can she stand committing such… horrid actions?”

“Their world is different from ours, and they have had to make decisions that we hopefully will never have to.”

“That… I am unsure of, Celly. I caught a glance at the other me when we were walking here, and she seemed to be almost… reminiscing. She smiled as we talked, looking as if she were remembering fond memories. Like an older version looking at an old painting…” Luna mused, licking her dry lips. “I fear that these beings have committed acts of war… but for what purposes I do not know.”

“Their leader… Fang, seemed exceedingly honest. And, at least from what I saw, your other self seemed to have eyes for him.”

Luna glared at nothing. “Now I know why I felt death’s shadow over me when I looked him over…”

“At least from that, it seems she is very possessive of him.”

“In short, don’t get between them. Got it.”

Celestia suddenly got an evil smirk. “Especially when they’re eating… she really has an appetite for him.”

“Oh Faust…” The water jug never knew cleanliness again. Fare thee well, O Brave Little Pitcher!

-=Fang’s POV=-

Fangs tore into hot flesh. Cold and dead eyes stared at the sky. Once warm blood coated my face.

I turned to see the others waiting for me to be done eating, having inadvertently established a pecking order. I hadn’t enforced the prospect, but everyone seemed to feel that it was only right for the Alpha of our group to have his fill first. I held no pride in getting first dibs, but none the less, I had been the first to take down the hydra. Its tough scales leaving an almost spicy aftertaste. Even I if it wasn’t my favorite flavor, I endured to prevent starvation.

“Alright, I’m good.” I nodded, stepping away from the carcass. “Have at it.”

Immediately, everyone rushed forward. Tearing and shredding the multi-headed dragon apart. At this moment, these Wargs seemed more like beasts than their intellect would suggest. First to return to my side was Luna, dragging a large thigh along with her.

“It seems that there are more changes than just physical, but mental ones as well.” She mused, gulping down a shred her meal. “What more has changed?”

“I couldn’t tell you.”

“Think we should take some back with us?” Luna asked, nodding toward the carcass.

“If we do…” Yawning from a full belly, I arched my back and stretched my back legs. “We’ll need to hide it off on the camp’s borders and hope no one finds it… and faints.”

“Or you could just let us have it!” Our heads snapped toward a stray Dimond Dog, his body like that of a grey husky. He was flanked by a platoon of armed Dogs, all dressed in iron with crude swords and shields. “And why not die while you’re at it, makes eating all that juicy meat all the easier. Hehahahaha!!”

“If you want it, come and claim it!” I snarled, my fur standing on end as I get ready for a fight. I noticed that everyone else had come to my side, all standing ready to attack. But, going back to what I had discussed earlier, I wanted to see what I was like at 100%. “No.”

Everyone looked my way in surprise. “They’re mine.”

“M-Micah.” Luna voiced her worry, shooting me a look.

I stared back with determination, Balder letting his own voice mix with mine. “We’ve got this.”

It took the Wargess a moment, but she nodded reluctantly and motioned for everyone to step back. I then approached the Dimond Dogs as they all started heckling me.

“Oh, is big bad wolfy going to bite us?”

“No, me thinks he’ll roll over.”

“One mutt against us?! He’s joking, Dog laughs!!”

I inhaled deeply, holding my breath for a moment before letting it out, my eyes and runes lighting up in red fire. “Balder, RELEASE RESTRAINT LEVEL 40!”

What?! I still wanted there to be a forest when I was done, not a smoldering crater.

The ground suddenly split, spouts of lava and magma shooting around me. The lava flowed around me in waves, soaring above me as two massive wings came into being, their molten shoulders stopping just short of my scarred back. With a thunderous roar, my oozing wings flared and the area ahead of me was barraged by a horizontal landslide, suddenly looking like a two-mile-long warzone. Standing on my hind legs, my talons began to glow hot red. Slashing the air brought waves of fire and heat that assaulted the surviving Dogs. And for those who survived even that, I howled and the lava at my feet leapt overhead and rushed the cowering Dogs, burying them in molten rock. And to pay homage to the Cautious Hero, I scorched the area with torrent of fire from my throat. Too bad I wasn’t overly cautious.

With another soft breath, the wings melted away and the ground cooled. Ok, remember when I said that I wanted the forest still standing? Half of it was burning.

Whoops… and scratch there not being a crater…

“We were never here.” I stated after turning around to see everyone’s stunned faces. To which they slowly nodded, gathering up the shredded Hydra body in their Chroma, and following me back to camp.

We soon berried the husk, returning to camp with full bellies. The sun had come to set, the last few lamps and torches lit in the dusk. Making our way toward the largest tent in the area, we soon came upon the Two Sisters. They sat outside their tent entrance with patient faces, smiling as we neared.

“Ah, Alpha Fang.” Celestia greeted, the title not going well with the name in my opinion. “Seeing as it is nearly the night, I will direct you to your courters personally. But before you retire, we would like to speak to you about a certain… development.”

I spy a red flag!

“Sure, lead the way.” I nodded for them to lead, the sisters taking point as we weaved through the maze.

Celestia soon stepped aside and opened the entrance to larger tent on the camp’s outskirts. “I imagine that you will want access to the forest for your… well…”

“Yes, thank you.” I stepped aside as the others entered the tent, leaving only me and Luna alone with the alicorns. I looked to Luna in slight confusion. “Um, don’t you want to get to bed, Luna?”

“Yes, but I think I shall stay with you. And I wish to hear what it is they have to say.” The Wargess gave me a look, one with a sly twist to it that went unnoticed by anyone but me. “After all, I am the Alpha female.”

She was right. I had previously told her about how wolf packs worked, at least to my knowledge. Where there was an Alpha male, there was usually an Alpha female right by his side. But I made no complaints, as having Luna there with me made things easier on my nerves.

I smiled back, leaning forward and nuzzling her. “Very well, my Queen.”

The white Wargess froze and blushed, driving a chuckle from me.

The navy blue alicorn cleared her throat. “As much as it pains me to end this adorable moment, I would like to speak to you out of earshot.”

Making our way out of camp, my ears could still pick up Danny’s snoring. Seriously, that guy hits the hey instantly. I found myself jealous several times. “If this is a topic of secrecy, we should head out a bit more. If I can hear Danny and the others snoring, we’re not far enough.”

“Is a Warg’s hearing really so strong?” Asked Celestia, amazed and baffled.

“My mate’s father is blind, and he can find my backside through hearing and smell alone. Plus, it helps that he has tons of power at his disposal should he like to skin me.” I deadpanned.

“I highly doubt he would do so.” Refuted my mate, raising a brow.

“Staring down the barrel of his shotgun would be a mercy compared to that…”

“You are hopeless. Besides, if he did do something like that, I would stand against him.” Luna snuggled up next to me, pressing herself into me as we walked along. “You are far too precious to lose.”

“Hey, that’s my line.” I grumped, snapping back to a serious expression at the Two Sisters’ coos and giggles. “Ahem… anyway, what was it you wanted to discuss?”

“Yes, well…” Celestia struggled to cease her giggling, putting on a straight face. “Our scouts reported a massive explosion and mass destruction that was equal to our levels of magic. They also reported the… charred husks of Dimond Dogs. That wouldn’t have been you, would it?”

“It was him.”

“It was me.” I blinked and looked back to my Luna, struggling to hold in a cackle and a snort. “Yeah, it was me.”

The Two Sisters paled.

“You needn’t worry.” The Wargess assured, gesturing for them to calm down. “They came and threatened to take our hunt, but my mate delt with them. He—”

“More like served them extra crispy…”

Luna gave me the scariest deadpan ever known or unknown. “Please don’t interrupt me, Mr. ‘Extra Crispy.’”

“Shutting up.”

“But yes.” The Wargess answered, turning back to the alicorns. “Should the need arise, we shall aid you.”

“Yep, just send her out there with not an ounce of coffee.”

Luna’s head slowly turned, eyes alight and face screaming with furry. “You are not sleeping with me tonight if you make… One. More. Wise. Crack.”

I stayed frozen like stone, not daring to utter a word.

The Wargess spun around with a happy smile. “Well, if that’ll be all…”

“Y-Yes, that was all.” They turned and left with shaky steps.

Luna then turned back to me, the anger gone from her face, replaced by a tired sadness. “Micah, when I ask you to stop, please do so. Once is fine, twice is a warning, and if not the third time… should set off doomsday sirens.”

“Duly noted.” I squeaked, my posture softening as she snuggled up to me. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. It was rude.”

“I understand that you like making jokes, but please read the room beforehand.”

“Understood.” I nodded, my mind picking up on something she’d said earlier, a hard blush claiming my cheeks. “So… you want to share a bed tonight?”

An equal flush spread across her as well, prompting a tiny squeak from her. “Y… I-I wasn’t thinking… Well, we are technically already mates.”

“Would you, you know… want to be my—”


I blinked, pulling away, my brain trying to process what was said. “Uh… why so sudden? Why say yes? I thought we were going to take it slow.”

“We were already talking about marriage, and the fact that I just… I can’t think of a moment I wouldn’t want to spend my life without you. You; the nerdy, smart, brave, and dorky Warg who has helped me deal with the long and boring days, as well as the chaotic days. I love you, Micah. God has blessed me with you, and I will be happy with you until my days end.”

I couldn’t help the warmth that spread over my face, ears, and chest. My tail wagging. “And I love you, Luna. The Princess of Equestria who overthrew her sister in an attempt to repair the country she loved… actually, I’m sorry if this ruins the moment, but why do you want to fix Equestria?”

“Yes it does…”

I winced, looking away in shame.

Luna sighed. “To answer; I suppose I’m doing it because… deep down I do care for Equestria in a way. But I’m mostly doing it because it’s what I feel God is pushing me to do. Heal this broken government and make it anew. No longer shall the ponies of Equestria be isolated from the world. Instead, free to experience the good and the bad that the world has to offer. And after that, I’ll take a lesson from Tia and pawn the duty off to Twilight.”


“Anyway, what were you about to say, O Romeo?” She fluttered her eyes, clearly wanting me to continue buttering her up.

“You are a total bomb in the beauty department—”

“Keep saying stuff like that and you’ll get a kiss.”

“Then indeed I shall~.” I smirked with a bob of my brows. “You are… for lack of a better word, a badass and I love that you can take care of yourself in battle. So often I see girls in shows and a few anime being objects of beauty and nothing else, either clumsy and/or incapable of fighting, leaving the hero to save them. But you? We’ve saved each other on multiple occasions, and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather spend my time with than you. For once, the lady has swept the guy off his feet. The way you work with the blade is like a graceful dance, elegant and stunning. Before, at least with the show… I saw a character that I could relate to; someone who had committed many sins, yet strove forward, keeping to the path she knew was right. But with you, it’s so much more. You’ve helped me come to terms with some of my past sins and helped me forgive myself to a degree. I’ve always had a problem with beating myself up when I screw up.”

“I noticed. And I’m no better. I chastised myself often for past mistakes, not letting them go as if I deserve the pain.” She stepped forward, her warm breath running through my fur. “But then you introduced me to the Lord, and He has guided me out of my own shadow. I have left my sins behind and have let Jesus take them as far as the east is from the west. You didn’t step in the way of our building relationship, only helping me understand the things I had trouble with. You showed me the door, but it was Jesus who ushered me in, and I thank you. Even if we were not mates, I couldn’t be more thankful than I am now.”

A bright warmth flooded my chest. “Then I ask this of you; Luna, will you take me, a total rude dork, as your mate?”

“Yes. And will you take me, the total ‘princess’-and-cover-stealing-grump, as your mate?”

“Yes—Wait, so that was you?! I’d wondered where that wool blanket went off to…”

“You have a nasty habit of ruining the moment…”

“Sorry. But yes…” I blushed, gazing into her eyes slyly, enveloping her in my magic and pulling her close. “I’ll take you as my mate, and no-one else.”

“You’d better. Just expect to deal with a very peeved me if another female makes a move on you.”

“If that happens, I’ll shove them away. I’ve only got eyes for my beloved mate.” I smirked as the moonlight drifted in from the treetops, bathing the white Wargess in soft, pale light. Said light made her eyes sparkle and fur shimmer, her large wings looking like that of a graceful swan. With the enchanting beauty by my side, we made our way back to camp.

But unbeknownst to us, two pairs of eyes watched us from the bushes. One magenta and the other teal.

“I want a husband like that.” Griped Princess Luna, her face red.

Celestia giggled. “Jealous Lulu?”

The Lunar alicorn huffed.


“Sir, should we halt the shipment?” Asked a mare in red ropes, stepping up to the stallion in question.

“Princess Celestia has been dethroned and that demon is nowhere to be found, so we should have free reign of the country.”

“Do you think she’ll return and figure out that we supplied her the pills? The ones that made her suggestive to her advisers we planted.”

“We sent her off with a small cache of them right? No, and if she does return, it’ll be to get more of them.” The High Priest sighed in the dark room; his cream face lit by dim torches. “For 600 years she’s taken those pills, I doubt she’ll have an easy time suddenly coming off of them.”

“What do you mean?”

“That was our way to keep the Sun Goddess off our scent, but her body will crave them, nonetheless. She’ll go looking for them outside Equestria, but she won’t find any. That need will destroy her. It’s what addiction does to you.”

“And what about the Princess of Friendship? She’s taken up the throne while the demon and her followers are… vacant.”

“She’s doing patchwork, and she’s sloppy at best. She won’t be a problem. And if she does turn into one… well, there could always be another… accident. Afterall, we know alicorns aren’t immortal.”

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