• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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43. The True and The False

“So, you are a Frost breather as well? Interesting.” Mused Queen Jurdehn as she took another sip of her jasmine tea. “Had I known that the Nahar had welcomed one of my mate’s kin into their clan, I probably would’ve treated them with more respect back in the day.”

“Were relations between you guys… hard?” Asked Damian from his seat at the table, sitting alongside Luna, Roret, Danny, and myself. “The Nahar and the… Kaldor?”

“Yes,” My girlfriend’s mother nodded, chuckling to herself. “It’s ok. But yes, the Nahar and my people weren’t… friendly, to say the least when the tribes interacted. Many saw them as savage brutes and nothing more.”

“And… y-you?” Danny asked nervously, clearly not wanting to anger the Queen. “How did you feel about them?”

Jurdehn paused, her mind reaching back to those ancient thoughts. “I personally avoided them, my grandfather was the Alpha at the time and my parents didn’t want me wondering off too far.”

“But that’s how you met dad.” Observed Luna, leaning onto her fist with intrigue.

“Indeed, and my parents were none too happy with me bringing a total stranger home. But once I told them that he was my mate, they relented and healed his wounds as best they could.”

“So… this mate thing.” Asked Greg from his side of the table, picking the onions out of his soup. “What is it exactly? I’ve noticed that you keep calling Micah Luna’s mate.”

“Yes. The mate bond, or Kameratene as we call it, is the magical bond between mates. When two Wargs meet—”

“Uh oh, get ready, here comes ‘the Talk, part two.’” Chuckled Asher, to which I gave him a scolding look.

The Alpha Female didn’t look pleased with being interrupted, a sudden spike in power overtaking the room as the mountain itself shuddered, her eyes alight with a pale blue fire as her shadow engulfed the room. “As I was saying…”

Asher clung to his chair, looking pale like death as he trembled under a fraction of her magical power. Jurdehn then relented her power, focusing back on Greg’s question, the room becoming less dim by the second. “When two Wargs meet and their eyes turn completely black, it signifies that they are bond by the will of the Maker, and that not even He will shatter their connection. It is seen as an intimate and private experience between the male, female, and our Creator. However, it is very rare that the mates will reject each other, or one rejects the other.”

“And weddings? Do Wargs have those?” Asked Maggie, shaking herself out of her fearful trance.


“NO?!” The Wargess gasped along with the rest of us.

“No.” She affirmed with a nod. “Wargs, unlike ponies, don’t have events such as that. When the two Wargs are mates, there is usually a large party—”

“DID SOMEPONY SAY PARTY!?!” Pinkie burst out from the large pot on the table, devoid of any soup covering her.

Again, the Queen did not take to being interrupted lightly, causing the room to vibrate once again as the few shadows in the room grew rapidly, but this one was slightly gentler. I could tell that she was being kinder than before. Seconds later, the darkness reseeded, giving way for a proper view of everyone’s terrified faces.

“As I was saying… again…” She scowled again, looking peeved as Pinkie lowered herself back into the pot, her watery eyes peeking below the lid. “Usually a large celebration is put together and the couple’s unity is exalted. A small ritual is performed by the fathers of the mates. The mated couple receive the blessings of their houses’ heads, giving the couple the titles of Alpha. They can either stay with one of the two existing packs or can go off and start their own.”

“Huh, so if Luna and Micah get hitched, could any of us go with them?” Asked Danny, getting odd looks from the rest of us save the Queen. “What? It can’t hurt to ask.”

“If they allow it, then yes.”

At Danny’s smile, Asher smirked. “Why, are you afraid of being alone?”

“No! I’m sixteen! Even if Wargs work differently than humans, I’d still feel weird living alone at such a young age. I was in high school when I was taken here and living with my mom.” He sighed, his thought seeming to linger on his distant mother, a tear soon falling to the table. “I-I miss her…”

Before any of us could comfort him, Maggie was hugging him a flurry of sparks. “It’s ok Danny, I miss my family too.”

We all took a moment of silence, remembering those we’d left behind. But a moment was all we got as two birds pecked at the window, drawing our attention. Two ravens sat on the windowsill, eyeing all of use curiously. They both looked strangely familiar.

“You two need to learn tact.” Jurdehn shook her head as she neared the window, opened it, and let the two ravens flutter to the table next to her chair. The Wargess then sat back down as the ravens looked us over.

With a few steps of her skinny legs, one of the ravens came up in front of me, seeming to smile as her three blue feathers shimmered in the sun. “Well, if it isn’t the Nahar wolf.”

That voice… “Tah’kor?”

“Yes. You seem to be doing well, Micah.” She grinned with a wink. “I like your new pelt, very majestic.”

“Do… you two know each other?” Asked Damian curiously.

“In a way. We met before and had a small talk.” I shrugged, looking back to the raven. “If I had to hazard a guess, you and R’ahk are the spies sent here to keep an eye on us?”

“Yes, they are. I know you and Luna have run into them a few times. They reported all that was done to me when Akiira couldn’t.” Informed the Queen, patting R’ahk on the head as he cooed.

“They’re the perfect spies; they go unnoticed and unseen because they are birds.” I deduced with a growing smile.

“Indeed they are, but they are far from ordinary foul. These two can change shape into whatever they please, be it any beast.”

“Seriously?” Asked Damian, looking between the Queen and the ravens.

Jurdehn giggled, looking to the Warg as if he were an ever-curious pup. “To put it simply; they are changelings. But not the pony and insectoid breeds seen before in Chrysalis’ brood. They are pure Changelings.”

In a flurry of blue and gold fire, the ravens shifted into large black insects. Large, unblinking eyes stared at us; the black orbs held by white masks, two long antennae flicking to and fro on each. The masks themselves were marvels to behold, works of masters, they shimmered in the light as four horns curved and bent along their boney scalps. Tah’kor’s three feathers were strapped to the second left horn, much like how they were positioned in her bird form. Four spindly black arms hung at their sides, ending in sharp taloned claws, each with three fingers. Standing on two taloned claws for feet, the strange beings loomed over most in the room at eleven feet. R’ahk was slightly shorter than Tah’kor, the female Changeling letting her long and clear wings buzz. Where tails would’ve been, they possessed large, thin thoraxes, each tipped with a glowing blue stinger.

“Unlike the Changelings found here in Equestria, R’ahk and Tah’kor are part a pure breed bloodline. No experimentation and no augments.” Jurdehn motioned for them to step down from the table.

“So then… what is Chrysalis? A half breed?” Greg took a moment to question her Highness before observing the two Changelings again. “And the other Changeling hives…”

“They are a product of warfare.”

We all stopped and stared at the Warg Queen, our faces measuring from surprise to horror. Mine was a mix of both.

“W-what do you mean by that?” I managed to choke out.

“Their kind are a product of Faust’s war with our kin. She sought to end us, but couldn’t by her own means, so she slaughtered Changeling hives to experiment with.” Jurdehn clenched her fist and gritted her fangs, a pained snarl echoing in the great dining hall. “She spliced them with pony DNA, creating a subspecies of Changeling, and one that the true Changelings were—”

“Dissatisfied when we saw how weak they were? R’ahk honestly hates how they flee… like powerless grubs.” The revealed Changeling clicked his mandibles, his eyes narrowing. “Soft shelled and useful for only meals.”

“But aren’t they…?” Muttered Asher, looking appalled.

“One of our kin?” R’ahk spat off to the side, three long tongues licking at his sharp teeth. “They are no more than a fox is to a wolf. Alike is our form, but nothing more. Faust sought to ‘improve’ them, but the only thing she improved was how easily their shells crack…”

“Much like the Krah’Tri Drakes are to the dragons mostly seen here in Equestria, such as Spike.” Nodded Tah’kor as she stretched her limbs.

“The what drakes?!” Greg and Damian asked in unison with raised eyebrows.

“The Krah’Tri Drakes. Like the one you all awake the other day, the one that ate Levi.” This sent a shiver down our backs, remembering the encounter. “They are the larger cousins to the dragons seen here in Equestria, and by extension, more powerful. They, like many others, are an ancient race. It was said that in legends of old, the Nahar were close companions of theirs.”

“Huh, so—” I didn’t get to finish as a portal opened next to the Queen, a tall Warg male stepping out in black armor.

His green eyes scanned the room as the brown rings flashed, his grey fur frosted with red. Then his eyes landed on me, a scowl set into his face as his muzzle scrunched up. However, the snarl vanished as he faced the Queen, bowing in respect.

“Your Majesty, his Highness and your sister have requested your presence back home.” He spoke in a rich voice, only placing his hand back on his sword when he stood back up.

“Another patron?” She asked, a somewhat bored tone entering her words.

“No, Ordem won another bet.”

Jurdehn rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “That boy… he makes far too many enemies in those games of his.”

“I agree. Would grounding him work?”

“No. Not even I, the Queen, have that authority over him.” The Queen stood, towering over all in the room at full height. “Besides, I’m his aunt, not his mother.”

Looking back to us, she smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry, but I must attend to this. I will be back shortly.”

With this, the Queen vanished into the portal along with her associate, leaving us alone in the dining hall. A still silence came over the room as I leaned back in my chair, my eyes staring ahead as I processed the information she’d given us. Wargs don’t have weddings…

If Luna and I wanted to continue with our relationship and get, well, married in a sense, would she want a wedding or not? And if so, how much would it cost? Where would she want it, or should I do it and make it a surprise?

Like how the Hebrews did it and the groom prepared the wedding as a sign of good prevision?’ Asked Balder, his part of the mind just as lost as mine. ‘She already has enough to work on as a Royal, so I guess we could take on wedding preparations to lighten her load…’

‘True, but then, what kind of dress would she want?’ I pondered, barely aware of the outside world.

‘…I don’t know…’ My mind wondered for a moment more, the topic changing from possible weddings to how I’d taken everything that this new world through at me in stride. From day one, I’d always done my best to stay calm and roll with everything. I often surprised myself with how well I could do so, but I’d not hesitated to take Celestia’s offer at becoming a knight.

Was me taking her offer the easy route? Was it just me being lazy? Not working hard for a living, I could just sit around and wait for a threat to arise, getting paid huge sums of cash as time went on. It seemed to me that I had taken this route; the easy way of life here in Equestria.

“Micah…” Came a voice in the distance.

And this got me thinking even more. Should I just leave this “knightly” work behind? Leave the easy road and find another way of work? As talked about before, maybe I could work as a blacksmith? A jeweler? A cook?


But then again, I could ask if Celestia wanted me to upgrade Tartarus’ security. I could become the Warden of Tartarus. It had a good ring to it, I thought.

“Micah!!” Luna nearly shouted in my ear, snapping me back to the land of the living. I looked around for a moment in shock, finally calming down as I saw that everyone, but Luna, Damian, and Greg had left the room.

“H-hey, sorry…” I said softly in embarrassment, halfheartedly waving to them. “I-I was thinking.”

“We could tell.” Damian pointed out, leaning back in his chair as I leaned on the table, hands folded in front of my snout. “What about?”

I exhaled heavily, looking over to Luna, who sat next to me with a worried and albeit curious expression. “Luna, do you think it was lazy of me to take Celestia’s offer and… become a knight?”

The Princess reeled back slightly and blinked, looking away for a moment, then turned back to me with a warm smile. The light from the windows made her heir seem to glow, her teal eyes gazing at me with what I knew to be love and admiration, her silver and white fur glistening in the light. “No. Sure, it might have seemed easy at the time to take the offer and get instantly rich, but I don’t think that’s why you took it. The reason I believe you took the job was because you knew there would be other threats to come. You couldn’t sit by and watch as we were torn to shreds. Even without your knowledge of the show, I know you would’ve still taken the task and preformed to the best of your ability.”

My eyes cast themselves down, my mind soaking in her words as she continued. “You have risked your life for this country that, sadly, underappreciates your hard work. And that alone deserves you praise. You fight for those that don’t ask and give it your all, even without any previous experience in the field.”

Bringing a hand up to my downcast face, she angled it up so that our eyes locked, her silver rings growing in thickness as they shimmered with power. “Time and time again, you not only risked yourself to save this kingdom, but us as well. You have been stabbed, poisoned, and impaled to protect us.” Moon spoke, her words were powerful yet tender. “Your loyalty, honesty, kindness, selflessness, and love outshines the former Elements of Harmony by milestones. God has gifted you with these qualities and more, I know this to be sure. And with these qualities, you would do well in this world without Celly’s help.”

Dipping my head down so that my forehead rested on my knuckles, inwardly tearing up as a smile edged itself onto my face. I then looked up and flashed my girlfriend with a grin. “Thanks Moon, you really are Best Princess.”

“It’s ok, Fangy! Auntie Pinkie is here to make it all better!” Said the puppy-eyed party pony as she latched onto me, my ears perking as Luna did her best to hold back a snarl.

“Pinkie. Two words; personal space.” I grumbled as she held me in a vice grip, like something from an anime. I honestly started thinking I’d need a crowbar to peel her off.

Not a second later, the pony was pried off me by blue flames and plopped into a seat on the opposite end of the table. “Aw, but why does Princess Luna get to be in your personal bubble?”

Said Wargess was leaning over the back of my chair, skillfully messaging my back with a kiss planted between my ears. “Because he’s my mate, not yours.”

Even though I couldn’t see her at the moment, I knew that Moon was glaring at Pinkie, seeing the pony was going pale as she gulped tensely. Pinkie then nervously slipped out of her chair with a giggle and dashed down the hallway, leaving a dust cloud in her shape behind.

“A little harsh, don’t you think?” Asked Greg, leaning over to watch the pony run away.

“You upset that she hugged me?” I asked, leaning back so my snout was under Moon’s chin.

The Lunar Wargess huffed, small wisps of smoke drifting out from her nostrils. “Yes—NO! No, I’m not jealous!”

Reaching up, I pulled her head down so that I could whisper into her ear.

-=Moon’s POV=-

“Sure you’re not~.” He purred, giving my ear a slow kiss that made me blush profusely. “My Queen~…”

My cheeks burned to the point I thought they’d singe my fur, his almost husky and deep voice sending chills up and down my spine, all the way to the tip of my tail. I even noted that said tail seemed to fluff itself at the last two words, my heart pounding like a war drum in my ribcage.

“Q-Queen?” I was just barely able to force it past my lips. Why was I so flustered?!

“Yes…” He said with that award winning smirk he had. “Many men back on earth called their wives their ‘Queens’. I know it sounds cheesy, but I thought it’d be fitting, seeing as you specifically always went as Queen Nightmare Moon in fanfics.”

I winced at the mention of my previous name. Seeing this, Micah stood up, came around to face me, and pulled me close, his head resting on mine. “I’m sorry for mentioning that, but I meant what I said. If you’d like, I can call you that as a nickname, like how I sometimes call Luna ‘Loon.’”

Letting his words sink in, I bit my lip as I fell into his embrace. I felt a soft nudge from Luna. “I’d like that, and Luna says that she’d like that to be her nickname too. None of that ‘Loon’ stuff, she says it makes her feel like you’re calling her nuts.”

“Well, she is nuts, in a fun way.”

“You know there will be payback for that comment in the future.” I pulled back in his arms, enough to boop Micah on the nose.

“That’s future me’s problem.” He said as he stuck out his tongue. If I were the old, vengeful me, I don’t think would’ve found his antics so cute.

I couldn’t help but let a giggle escape me, nuzzling my love’s cheek as I spoke. “Even so… yes and thank you, I shall gladly take up this title, my King.”

“King Micah… doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it?”

“Not really, but King Fang, it’s a possibility…” I purred, folding my wings around us both.

“Alright, that’s enough sappiness I can take from you two lovebirds.” Laughed Greg, standing up. “I’m going to go bug the Royal Guards, see if I can get one to break their stony character.”

“You have fun with that…” Yawned Damian as he too stood, stretching lazily. “I think I’ll go take a nap, had some trouble sleeping last night. My mattress is like a slab of rock on my back.”

“I will see about ordering a softer one for you then.” I smiled back, to which Damian gave me a thumbs up as he left the room.

Thick clouds slowly blocked the sunlight, causing the room to be cast into shadow. Yet I stayed in Micah’s arms, all four hearts fluttering as I pressed my head into his warm chest. He was so warm, much like the fire he breathed. The trickle of rain soon batted against the windows, the sound coming off as soothing.

“You know, some Lord of the Rings Shire music would go perfectly with this rain. Especially in this moment.” Micah’s voice thundered in my ears, the vibration of his vocal cords tickling my fur.

“Am I right in assuming you have some on your phone? I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing it.”

“Pfft, my Queen, I have the entire soundtrack.” My love nuzzled me and brushed his cheek atop my head. “Want to step outside? Our fur should keep the cold away.”

“I’d like that…”

And so we exited the dinning room, stepping out into the rain, and coming to rest at a large tree. The black Warg sat with his back to the tree, I lay beside him as we listened to the falling rain and the sound of flutes, violins, and cellos. I couldn’t help but smile at the moment we shared, listening to the rain and the breathtaking orchestra. I knew that we would cherish this moment for years to come, Micah, Luna, and I.

But it was only a moment…

“Um… excuse me, your Majesty?”

-=Luna’s POV=-

Moon had never liked being interrupted. I suppose she got that from Mother, but nonetheless, she retreated back so I could take control. We both knew she’d lash out at the pony who’d dared to halt this precious moment we had. Said pony was a Royal Guard, standing in the drizzling rain in his golden armor.

As I looked on him, Micah began to stir. I guess he’d fallen asleep. I really couldn’t blame him, the calming music and rain, I myself had almost nodded off.

“What is it?” I asked in hushed but irritated voice, bottled rage oozing from my lips.

“Princess Celestia has called for you. She said that we’ve found a Sun Priest hideout.”

“Is that so?” It was more of a statement than a question, but the pony answered it anyway.

“Yes, as said before, her Highness has—”

“I’m not deaf. Where is she?” I spat, standing up, careful not to bump my drowsy mate.

The pony looked ready to run like a coward. “I-In the throne room…”

Ignoring his fear of me, I trudged past him. “Wait until he awakes and tell him where I went. Leave him before then and you shall be discharged.”

I listened as I neared the great doors of the castle, hearing the voice of an elderly male singing along with the music. “The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow if I can…”

I found myself smiling as I walked through the many halls of the palace, mulling over the words. Indeed, life was a long road with many struggles and trials, but if we weathered it, we would receive the fruits of our labor in the end. Arriving at the doors to the throne room, the guards saluted and opened them, revealing Tia sitting on her golden chair as she signed several documents.

Upon my arrival, she looked up and smiled. “Ah, Luna, how was your meeting? I trust it went well?”

“Yes, but the guard said that you’d found another base. Where?”

“Well…” She rubbed her neck, looking nervous. “That’s the thing, my agents believe they’ve found one in Ponyville. We—”

“You agents couldn’t find a needle in a haystack.” I snapped, grasping at Tia with my magic and pulling her off the throne, floating her down to eye level. “Be absolutely sure next time. We hate having our time squandered! The last time we went off on your agents’ information, we disturbed several businesses looking for the hideout! We were even reported in the newspaper for it! ‘Princess Luna, Public Menace or Tyrant?’ I believe that was the headline they chose.”

“If you seek true information, R’ahk shall seek it for you.” Came a voice from above.

I released Tia and looked up, spotting the two Changelings as they clutched the ceiling. Their mandibles clicked and antennae flicked as a grounded Tia let out a scream of terror, but I was unfazed by their appearances. “And why offer? Don’t you work for my mother?”

“We do, but we are also contracted to keep an eye on you, Daughter of the Bone Queen.” Spoke Tah’kor with a buzz of her wings, her larger frame crawling over her partner’s as she clawed her way down. “I feel that surviving you would be a boon to my hive.”

I took a moment to process her last sentence. “Wait, your hive?! Would that mean…”

“Yes, I am the Queen of my hive. I have legions of drones much like R’ahk that could act as spies in my stead.” She seemed to smile, her long tongues lubricating her mandibles.

“Then why come here and spy on me yourself? Why not send several of your drones instead?”

“I needed some room to stretch and work. I do not do well sitting in the depths of my hive with nothing to do but give orders and lay eggs. I needed to… ‘get out of the house’ as ponies seem to put it.”

“If I do take this offer, promise me that you will only send out drones to spy for me. I would rather your hive not lose its Queen Changeling.”

Queen Tah’kor nodded with her smile widening, bowing slightly as she loomed over me, her deep eyes observing me through the holes of her exquisite mask. “It shall be done as you say, Daughter of the Bone Queen.”

Author's Note:

Before you ask, yes I did base the Changelings' designs off of Hollow Knight. I'm a total geek, please understand that!
As always, Hope you all enjoyed and let me know what you thought in the comments below. Till next time!

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