• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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28. Are You My Mother?

“Uh, excuse me! Silken Garb, right?” I said as I speedily walked up to the Princess’ hand maiden. Maybe she’d know where Luna had gone this night?
“Aye, but you can call me Silk. Is there something I can help you with, my Lord?” Responded the mare with a bow of her head, her gentle smile calming me slightly.
“Have you seen Luna about?” I asked, coming to a stop in front of her. “I know she asked that I leave her alone to figure things out, but it’s been three days. I’d really like to talk with her.”
“Hm…” She hummed, tapping her lower lip in thought. “I would try her room… but I was just there, and she isn’t. The only other place she could be is her special place.”
“Special place?”
“Atop the mountain? She did tell you that it was one, if not the only, place she liked to go to get away from Palace life,” She looked at me quizzingly. “right?”
I smacked myself in the forehead. How could I have forgotten?! “Right.”
“Yeah, thanks Silk.” I called back as I headed to the nearest balcony.
I then burst into the nearest room, dodged past a frightened maid, and leapt off the balcony. Trust me, there was at least one in every room. With a quick inhale, I stretched my vast wings, their numerous black feathers catching the midnight air. The stars clung to the dark sky that night, the crescent moon seeming dimmer than normal. It also seemed distant, as if it were shying away from the earth.
I felt a soft tug towards the mountaintop, urging me to follow, calling me. The pull had some will behind it, instructing me to come, but only enough to get my attention. I’d felt this pull before, when Luna had been in heat. However, back then, the pull had been stronger. I’d felt as if I had to be where she was, I had to go. But this, it was only an invitation, an open arm. I decided to follow and veered towards Luna’s sanctuary atop the mountain. With several flaps and a quick upward jolt, I made it to the top. My eyes scanned the frosted grass and rocks, finding a lonely She-wolf curled up on a large boulder.
Luna sat with her knees to her chest, her wings curled around herself, staring off into space with her lovely teal and silver eyes. Her breath came out in clouds of mist, the warm vapers vanishing after a moment. She stayed silent, never noticing my presence. After a moment of watching her, I glided down next to her, gently stretching my wing out to brush her back. Luna jerked awake, unwrapping herself, flipped up onto her feet, summoned a magical blue sword, and raised it to my neck. We stood there for a moment, neither one of us moving as we stared into each-others’ eyes.

“L-Luna?” I said in a shaky voice, finding the hard and hate filled glare she was giving me to be utterly unnerving. I could feel my hands shaking in sudden fear of her. Note to self: women are scary when mad.

Luna seemed to blink herself from her startled trance, her gaze softening as the sword disappeared. She took a moment to recall what had happened and stared at me in horror. I had time to relax but was suddenly crushed in a tight hug.

“Fang, I’m so sorry!! I-I didn’t…” She exclaimed, a fresh wave of tears soaking my shirt.

“I-It’s ok, Luna. No harm done.” I stroked her back and returned the hug, burying my nose in her neck, her scent filling my senses. In that position, I lost myself to the Princess’ scent. A cloud of fresh mint surrounded me, now becoming one of my favorite smells, to be honest. Her scent lured me in, pulling me closer until I held her tightly against my chest, my hands holding her gently.

In fact, so lost was I that I failed to hear her speak for a moment. When her sweet voice finally penetrated my ears, she seemed confused. “Fang? Are you ok?”

I shook my head, trying to clear it and smiled down at her with a chuckle. “Yeah, just… I’m sorry, I tend to stare off into space a lot. Sorry.”

She looked at me through drying tears. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you. I was just so lost in thought that… I kinda went into ‘battle mode’ if you will.”

I nodded in partial understanding, but then smiled at her. “Did you just use the word ‘kinda?’”

Her cheeks suddenly flushed red as her hands tensed around me. “Y-Yes? I-“

“It’s ok, I like that you’re relaxed.” I then laid my forehead on hers, our noses touching slightly, as I looked into her unsure eyes. “Now, what’s wrong?”

Luna blinked, shyly looking down before pulling herself away and looking over the city below. “I-I don’t know what to think.”

Despite the pain of her leaving my side, I listened as I sat down on the knee-high boulder. I motioned for her to continue, she did so with a small nod.


Now I was starting to understand another part as to why Luna had betrayed Celestia. She was not only jealous about her subjects praising her sister over her, but that her “mother” had cast her aside and praised her sister even before that. The hatred for Celestia had been kindled long before they had even ruled.

This only fueled my hatred for Faust even more.

“Secondly, I find out that I wasn’t even an Alicorn. I was a Warg; a powerful creature, capable of leveling mountains and burning entire armies. I’m far more powerful than I’ve ever been and Celestia ever could be—”

“Unless she somehow takes your magic again.” I noted, resting my head on my raised knee.

“—True. But I dread to feel that weak again.” She shivered, but not from the cold breeze. The She-wolf then took on a look of determination. “But I will not let that happen again! Anyway, where was I?”

“You’re more powerful than Celestia could ever be?”

“Y-“ She suddenly grew downcast as she realized what she’d said. “Yes… Fang?”


“Y… You don’t think I’m power hungry, do you?”

“Hmm…” I suddenly smirked. “Not unless you smell cookies.”

Her cheeks grew red as a tomato before she marched up to me and playfully shoved me back. The frown on her face turning into a smile, regardless how hard she tried to hide it. “Why you!! THINE WILL IS STRONG, AND THEE SHALT NOT PREVAIL AGAINST US!!”

“I SUMMON THE POWER OF THE COOKIE JAR TO PROTECT ME!!” I shouted as I pulled myself into a ball, guarding myself from her soft punches. “GAH, THEY HAVE FAILED ME! Fine then… I SUMMON THE POWER OF GREY SKULL!!”

“Grey Skull?” Luna asked as her laughter died down, watching me as I unfurled myself.

“Yeah, it’s from an old show I used to watch as a kid. That, and my dad grew up with the older version of it. I watched a remake of the old show. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.” I shrugged, I hadn’t seen that show in years. “Anyway, the third thing?”

She breathed a sigh before stepping back, sitting on a rock and looking at the ground. “The third is that when I finally met my real mother… she contacts me through a vision and doesn’t even bother to show up personally. Am I really not that important?!”

“Hey, look at it this way; it was the fastest way to contact you. Besides, coming here personally would’ve taken a while and I doubt she wanted to wait. Plus, you got to meet your MOM!! THE QUEEN OF BONES! Or Jurdehn, as she introduced herself to me. But you already know ‘cause I told you.”

“Yes, you did.” She rubbed her arm, pausing for a while. “But I guess you’re right, I think that was the fastest way to make sure I was ok. But why not contact me sooner?”

“She said that she didn’t know you’d shifted back and didn’t want to dump all this info on you without proof. And you becoming a Warg would’ve had been enough to spark it. That, and she’d said that your displaced magic was like a beacon, letting her know for sure that you were a Warg now.”

“I guess that makes sense.” She agreed, her brow furrowing and her scowl returning, waving her hands about in angry motions. She looked cute when mad. “But still, it only makes me hate Mother— I mean, Faust, more. She barely noticed me when she was actually home. Didn’t even bother to even smile, not once! Always paying attention to Tia!”

Luna stood up, glaring down at the ground as she went on, pacing all the while. Her magic ignited, a blue blaze engulfing her eyes as she stormed about. “And then! Whenever she came home near my birthday, she wouldn’t even say Happy Birthday!! Always fighting the ‘Monsters’, and always Tia!! ALWAYS PAMPERING HERSELF AND CURLING THAT… WRETCHED GLOSSY MANE!!”

I shrugged in response when she looked my way. “Yeah, I suppose you’d be mad at her for all that. Never showing you the love and attention you needed, fixing her cream colored fur and red mane to look perfect for the one child she showed any love towards. Not that I’m trying to be mean, it’s just—”

“Wait!” She stepped toward me, her scowl bringing a new light to her eyes. The literal fire puffing out as it faded into embers. “What did you say?”

“Uh…” I looked at her in confusion.

“I never said what that witch looked like, neither Tia nor I described her.” She glared with a critical eye, stepping closer. “So how do you know what she looked like?”

I suddenly felt my face go pale, eyes shrinking in overwhelming fear. I SCREWED UP!!! I SLIPPED!!!!!

“I, uh…” I smiled nervously, shrinking away till my back was against another boulder. “Um…”

“How did you know?” Her glare continued, making me sweat. THIS WAS IT, I WAS DEAD MEAT!! I COULD SEE THE LOONEY BIN FROM HERE!!!

“I-I didn’t—” I stuttered before Luna got in my face, her scent obscuring my mind.

“Didn’t what, Fang? How do you know what Faust looked like?!”

“I-I DIDN’T TELL YOU ANYTHING BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU’D THINK I’M NUTS!!!” I finally bellowed out, curling up with a whimper.

When nothing came, I peeked over my wing to see a confused Princess. “D-didn’t tell me what?”

I clenched my teeth, my heart pounding. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked her in the eye. “This world. You, everyone! Your sister, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Discord, Tirek, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, Dirpy Hooves, Time Turner, Raven Inkwell, Blueblood, and even Grogar!! YOU’RE ALL FAKE!!”

“H-how do you know about Tirek?! And for that matter GROGAR?!!!” She asked in a panicked tone, stepping back.

I took a deep breath before speaking, hiding once more behind my now hardened wing. “O-On my world, on Earth, you’re all fake! All characters in a kids show! I knew about you guys from the start and didn’t totally freak out because I knew who you were. At least as characters. Everything’s pretty much the same aside from me being here!”

“A-A child’s show? WHAT?!”

I could feel my heart clench when I heard her shock. “I only watched the show because my sister liked it. And then… it peaked my interest. I saw you as Nightmare Moon, both of Discord’s defeats, and Tirek’s!”

I peeked out from behind the wing again to see her staring at me.

“I watched the show, found it interesting, and decided to keep watching. I watched at least each episode once and I can remember a few events that happened. You, Celestia, and the Elements getting kidnapped. Uh, Starlight switching your magic. In the show, you took over for Celestia, and she took on your duties. You both walked in each other’s shoes for the day and as usual, everything turned sunshine and rainbows for you guys. But with me being here, I thought my knowledge might be useless.”

“W-why?” She stepped back again and sat on the rock from before.

“I-I thought that by me being here, my presence could’ve changed some stuff.” I answered, slowly calming down. “But I also didn’t want to be your guys’ treasure-trove of info. I wanted to get to know you guys before I told you anything.”

We sat there for about five minutes, staring at each other. Once the time had passed, Luna stood up and began walking toward me.
“PLEASE DON’T HURT ME!!!” I screeched as I hid away again.

I felt a warm hand on my head, softly rubbing between my ears as her silky voice reached my ears. “Fang, I understand your fears. Knowing all this, knowing the future, can be dangerous. Tia sometimes has visions of the future, from where she gets them, I don’t know.”

I slowly poked my head above my wing, looking Luna in the eye as she spoke. A soft smile was on her face as she brushed the tears from my eyes.

“But where Tia has visions, you simply had to turn on the TV. How this is possible, or why it is, I don’t know either. But know this; you are not a tool the be used and then cast aside. Faust used me as such for the better part of my life. I don’t want you to be used like that.” She drew in a breath before asking. “How far did the show go until it was done? What events took place before it was finished?”

I licked my dry lips before answering, sitting up. “Uh… right about when Twilight took over and you Princesses went into retirement.”

The Princess snorted in an undignified way and gave a dry laugh, a small trace of humor in it. “Princesses do not go into ‘retirement’. We can either step down or be dethroned.”

I chuckled with her, shaking my head. “Yeah, a lot of fans were saying how you guys retiring didn’t make any sense. But yes, in this case, you two would step down and let Twilight take over.”

“And did you happen to see how Twilight did as a ruler?”

I thought for a few moments, trying to recall season nine’s last events. “Fairly the same as Celestia did, but with her friends as a council. In my eyes, she pretty much just became Celestia 2.0. At least by how she held herself and her attitude.”

Luna giggled into her hand, the confusion and stress leaving her a bit. “I can see the headlines now; ‘Princess Twilight, Celestia 2.0?’”

“Eh, there were some who thought that she’d get the title ‘Queen.’” I said with another shrug.

“Yes, I suppose that would be more proper, seeing as how she would rule independently.” Her smile faded after a moment, looking to me in a serious manner. “But we’re getting off topic. Obsidian Fang…”

My ears flatted at her stern voice, something inside me wilting.

“…I ask that you describe something, an event from the past, that you weren’t present for. Some event that only I could know of or took part in. Can you think of something to prove the disposition of your strange claim?”

I thought hard, trying to remember anything that I could describe to prove I wasn’t crazy in her eyes. After several long minutes, I came up with one. “There was a wedding in Ponyville, I remember two donkeys getting married, and you and Celestia had forgotten the present.”

I saw that she tried to hide her surprise and disbelief, trying to mask it away from me. Yet somehow, I knew she was surprised at my answer. By no means was she trying to prove me wrong, I imagined she just wanted to know if I was telling the truth.

However, Luna kept her impassive mask on as she asked. “And what events took place outside of the wedding?”

She was testing me. I tapped my chin with a small smirk. “The village was being attacked by some… monster, I think. Some… panda and bee hybrid thing. A… Bugbear, I think was its name.”

The Princess smiled, her hands resting on her knees. “And another event?”

“Hm… The Elements of Harmony are connected to the Tree of Harmony. Grogar has an old bell that holds most of his power, it’s currently cast to the caves on a mountaintop somewhere.”

Luna’s mask finally broke at the mention of Grogar’s Bell, her eyes widening in shock as she zipped up to me and nearly shoved her face into mine. “YOU KNOW WHERE GROGAR’S BELL IS?!!”

“Uh…” I stuttered, amazed at how close she was and how fast she’d gotten there. “Not really, I only know that it’s in a mountain cave somewhere. It was placed there by… Gusty the Great, I think. But, one thing Luna.”

“Yes?” She asked breathlessly.

“You’re standing on my tail. And it hurts.”

The Wargess looked down to find that her paw had indeed stomped onto my tail, her face blushing red as she took in how close she was to me. Our faces were a mere inch away from each other, our breaths mixing in the cool evening air. Luna got my message along with a hushed whimper from me, removing her foot from its previous place. I let out a sigh through my nose, before my own face turned red as my eyes inadvertently gazed up and down Luna’s curves.

As stated before, Luna’s body wasn’t what one might’ve expected from a medieval-timed Princess. While she did have a thin layer of pudge on her, it seemed to be from sitting down for long periods of time. I’d seen her exercising on the Training Grounds for the Guard, pumping weights, running laps, and doing numerous workouts to keep in shape. With all the exercising she did, I was honestly surprised she didn’t have anything but muscle on her. Her abdomen was finely chiseled, as I could see a light six-pack under her dress. Her hips were generously wide, though not so much that she looked motherly. While her legs were currently hidden by the skirt, I’d seen her in her workout clothes, and she had finely tuned thighs. Her ankles had been shrouded in thick fur, swaying with the movements of her legs. Her arms were strong, the sleeves of her dress caressing her toned muscles. And her breasts… well… you could guess how I felt about those.

“Fang…” Came Luna’s harmonious voice, her warm breath sending a chill down my body.

I looked up to her eyes, the silver rings seeming to pulse as her face was red. “Yeah?”

“Please let go.”

I looked down to find my arms wrapped around her waist, hands resting on her hips. I quickly removed them and raised my hands in the air, trying to show her I didn’t mean to touch her that way. “Sorry, my fault.”

I could feel my face getting hotter as I remembered where my hands had just been. So close. My eyes snapped back up to the Princess as she didn’t remove herself from atop me, her eyes lidded as a soft smile claimed her muzzle. Without a response, the Wargess playfully wiggled her hips, pressing her lower half against me.

My face was burning red by that point, my brain plagued by… sexual thoughts.

I swallowed what saliva had built in my throat and pushed myself back. “Uh… L-Luna… I—”


“I—I don’t th-think…” I could feel my brain slowly entering a hazed state, the edges of my vision going black. I took another breath to try and center myself, only to find that a sweet and alluring scent filled my lungs. The scent itself was so powerful that it sent my already addled brain swimming.
“L-Lu… Luna?” I moaned, finding my arms wrapping around her hips again.
“Yes, dearest?” She purred, licking my ear.
This action sent my nerves ablaze with delight, an electrical surge traveling to every part of my being. My body shook and paws splayed, my traitorous body melting in her embrace. Through the haze, I heard a voice.
‘No, stop!’ It whispered, sounding very familiar.
Luna smiled at my eagerness, rubbing herself against me more as she let the shoulder of her dress hang loose. “Why don’t you take this off, and we’ll ravish each other ‘til dawn?”
Her hand lightly tugged at my pants waistline. Her action made my mind wake up slightly. This wasn’t right! No, STOP!! LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, HELP ME!!!
Breaking my frazzled mind from the haze, I gently pushed her away. Though I was against what she was doing, I still didn’t want to hurt her.
“Oh, going to unwrap the package, are we?” Luna purred, a sound deep in her throat, swaying her hips and smiling devilishly. Lord God, why did you have to make this woman soooo stinkin’ beautiful?! That voice… those gorgeous hips…
“NNNOPE!!!” I turned and bolted. Stretching my wings, I dove down the mountainside, putting as much distance between me and the crazed Princess. I needed to get away before these thoughts overtook me!!
I suddenly felt a warm point on my back, crawling up my spine as a delightful chill did the same. In the pleasure that struck my body, I almost lost my balance while flying. I then felt warm breath on my left ear, a small dribble of drool trailed down it as it was licked.
“Want to play tag? Why not?” Purred Luna again, gliding just above me. “I like to see you so… enthralled in me.”
Those gorgeous eyes threatened to hypnotize me, surrounding me in her warm embrace…
I shook my head as I pushed myself forward and away from my enchanting pursuer, purging those thoughts from my head. In a panicked attempt, I yowled for help. “CELESTIA, ANYONE, HELP!!!”

-=Thirty Minutes Later, Luna’s POV=-

“ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!” Screamed Clear Sight as she slumped back in her chair, looking over her notes for the hundredth time.

“A second heat?! How is this possible?!” I yelled, pacing back and forth in the doctor’s office. When I’d finally come back to my senses, I’d changed into a pair of pajama pants with fluffy clouds on them and a green tank top. The dress I’d been wearing was ruined from a scuffle with someone. That, and I’d found a terrified Fang hiding down in one of Canterlot’s alleys, in a dumpster. He’d apparently been trying to mask his scent. It didn’t work.

“To be frank, you Highness, I don’t bucking know how.”

“The first time it was bad enough, what with me and Fang being lured to one another, and then me acting out in the hallway. How can this be?! I’ve never heard of any creature having two heat seasons!!” I shoved my hands into my pockets, recalling Fang’s panicked and… sweaty, moist state.
Oh, how that body of his smelled!! It almost felt like I was put under a spell, his delicious scent stronger than ever. Every other day, his scent was pleasant, but now it was purely intoxicating. Luring me in and begging me to… well, lay with him.
“I. Don’t. Know.” Grumbled the mare, throwing her notepad into the corner.
I suddenly got an idea, turning back to the mare next to me. “I think I know where to get the answers, but I will need to be alone first.”
“Y-yes Princess.” She replied and motioned toward her private balcony. Why a unicorn had a pegasie balcony in her office, I’ll never know. “Just this way and you can soundproof the area.”
I nodded in thanks and stepped out onto the balcony, using my magic to create a soundproof barrier around myself. My thoughts then wandered toward Queen Jurdehn, contacting her through the established link she had with me. I still didn’t feel comfortable with calling her my mother.
“—Just a moment… yes?” Came the older Wargess’ voice though the dream link, as we stood in a black void facing each other. We stood about a foot apart. She towered over Fang’s height, making me feel even smaller, but at the same time, safe. Her face was stricken with confusion and then understanding as she nodded with a smile. “Hello, my dear. I can see you’ve entered your second heat. I can bet that Fang got quite the surprise.”
“So you knew?” I asked, my suspicion showing through my voice. “You knew about my second heat?”
The white Wargess nodded, her smile vanishing. “Yes, I knew.”
“So why didn’t you tell me?”
A small but hopeful smile claimed her face, tears starting to pour. “Because it was the first time, I’d seen my lost daughter in centuries. I didn’t want to bother you with something like this at the time because I knew it’d be too much. All the information I’d just given you about your family, and then learning that we, as female Wargs, enter a second heat if the first isn’t met? I didn’t want to give you too much at one time.”
“I see.” The hostility on my voice disappeared, replaced by curiosity. “And Fang? What happens to him? I noticed that it wasn’t just me giving out… signals.”
“Pheromones, dear.” The Wargess corrected. “During the second heat period, both the male and female give off these pheromones to signal each other.”
“B-But Fang and I, we aren’t even dating! We aren’t even close to it! He’s nothing but my friend.”
She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me. “Wargs don’t work the same as ponies do.”
I found myself shocked by her actions but found myself leaning into the embrace, nonetheless. “T-then—”
“Sh…” Her calm voice whispered.
I struggled to hold back tears, finding my emotions running rampant. Why was she doing this? Is she really hugging me? “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why are you being so nice. We’ve only just met a few days ago.” Again, I held back a sob.
The Queen looked at me in the way I’d always dreamed Faust would’ve. Eyes filled with sympathy and love, and a smile so gentle, that even the softest kiss would be dull. “I may not know you that well, but that won’t stop a mother from loving their daughter.”
I then broke down, the political mask I wore shattering in those precious moments. My tears soaked the Wargess’ shoulder as she rubbed my back, stroking the shivering feathers of my wings.
“We may not know each other now, but I’m willing to spend time with you, even if it’s just in here. Through the link, we can talk, laugh, and cry. I won’t judge you, it’s not my place. And I may have missed your childhood, but I won’t miss any more of your life.” She smiled at me, making my heart melt as she kissed my forehead. “Just as all my other children, you are precious.”
“Now…” She said, pulling me into a sidelong hug so she could look me in the eye. “You need to know that the second heat only lasts for about four days, a much smaller timeframe than the first.”
“H-How do I stop myself from lunging at Fang? I don’t want to do that in a crowd, or anywhere.” I asked as I wiped the tears away.
“Is he your chosen mate?” She asked, turning fully to me with a serious face.
“I-I don’t know.” I answered, rubbing my shoulder in embarrassment. “He’s kind, brave, loyal, funny, and he’s great with Haven.”
My mother nodded.
“But… he shared something with me before I went… berserk.” I explained as we sat down on a bench that the Queen conjured with a wave of her hand.
“Explain please.”
I took a breath before speaking, remembering what Fang had said. “He’d said that he’d seen our world through a television show on his world. That he knows what could happen. B-but the scariest thing… at least to me, is that… he saw me as Nightmare Moon. He saw my—our defeat.”
“Your other self, your wolf, had taken over?” She asked in confusion and slight horror.
I nodded in shame, remembering the feeling of losing control of myself to an enraged Star. “Yes, I let her sway me with false promises and honey-filled words. I let her take over. She was… no, we were just so mad at Tia. So mad.”
The Wargess pulled me into a hug. “I know the feeling.”
I wiped a few stray tears from my eyes as I looked up at her.
“When I was younger…” She tapped her chin in thought. “Oh, probably about your age, I was an ambitious princess who sought adventure and combat. One night, against my parents’ wishes, I snuck out of the palace and strutted towards a dark forest just outside the village.”
“Sounds like something from out of an old fairy-tale.” I snickered, receiving a humored chuckle from the older She-Warg.
“Yes, I suppose so. Anyway, I stocked my way through the forest, intent on finding an adventure worthwhile.” I looked ahead to see a shadowy and creepy forest surround us in the void, a younger Jurdehn sneaking through the foliage.

***Third POV***

A young Jurdehn, Princess of the Iron Mountains, stocked though the brown fauna as she searched for anything of interest. Though she was young, she wasn’t young enough to be considered a mere child. She was nearing the age of 1600, or sweat 1600, as some called it. While not old enough to be considered for marriage, she was old enough to choose her mate, though the pickings were slim in her pack. She carried with her a Silverhill-copper spear in her hands, the green tinted metal almost vibrating in her claws.
Jurdehn’s ears perked at the sudden snap of a far-off twig, slipping behind a nearby tree for cover like her father had taught her and her siblings. Hearing another sound up ahead, she ducked down into the bushes, keeping her spear at the ready. Soon, the sound of footsteps made her sensitive ears perk again, letting her know that her target was approaching in unusually strange pattern. Another minute passed and she peeked over the bushes to see her quarry.
Another Warg stood before her, draped in torn and broken armor. Well, stood was her being kind, more like he stumbled around until he fell over and over.
“H-Hello?” He called out, his voice sending a pleasant shiver from Jurdehn’s brain to her tail. “Is anyone there?!”
It was then that she noticed something odder than the way he walked; his eyes, they were silver. Completely and utterly silver. That only meant one thing; the Warg was blind. His silver eyes darted in her direction as she gasped, seeing the burn marks along where his eyes were. Someone had blinded him either on purpose or by some fated accident. She took a moment to look him over again, seeing that his pelt was a light brown with long black patches on his shoulders and chest. He wore only a torn tunic that only covered half his chest, the bare side of him showing huge scars, scars one could’ve gotten only from a Bjorn. Despite this discovery, she saw that he also had golden Gorokha runes, said runes curved and danced around his fur like a flowing river.

“Who’s there?!” He called again, bracing himself against a tree, drawing his long claws. “I’m warning you, I’m a Gorokha Prince of the High Woodlands, and I am trained in three different martial arts.”

His last words had been laced with doubt, fear creeping into his voice. Both their ears flicked at the sound of shouting and rushed movements. The Prince wasn’t alone, whether they be friendly or not.

Jurdehn froze in her indecision. She didn’t know what to do! What should she do? Call for help? But that would alert the Warg Prince’s pursuers. Fight them herself? No, that was crazy!!

The sudden yelp from the Prince yanked her back to reality, filling her with shock and fear as she watched four adult ponies surround the blind teenage Warg.

“You’re coming back with us, kid.” Said one pegasus dressed in gold armor, his green coat matching the plants around him.

At hearing this, Jurdehn made up her mind.

The blind Prince panicked as another unicorn stallion grabbed his arm, causing him to release a gush of ice from his throat. The pony’s head was frozen in seconds.

“Why you little—” By the time the pegasus grabbed the Prince, Jurdehn had sprung from her hiding place, her spear poised, and teeth bared.

Jurdehn stood between the two remaining ponies and the Warg, the third already dead from suffocation. The young She-Warg flared her crimson tipped wings in challenge, snarling as she readied her weapon. “Alright, who’s first?”

The unicorn made the mistake of rushing forward first. “Die freaks!!”

Jurdehn just smiled and blocked the strike to her head, holding the attack steady before stomping the ground, a large mound of dirt erupted from the earth and sent the unicorn flying. “Happy landings!!”

Seeing his two companions fail, the pegasus pulled out his trumpet and blew, calling for reinforcements. Not a ten seconds later, the two Wargs were surrounded by a legion of equines.

Jurdehn just smirked again, her red eyes shimmering with a purple light. “Aright, now the party’s started!”

“What?! Are we surrounded?” Panicked the brown Warg, listening as the ponies started to advance on them. “Crap!”

“Oh, look at this boys, this one’s not a mouth on him.” Mocked an earth pony, holding his spear tight.

“Pfft, I got a million worse words than that!” It was now his turn to smirk. “Want to hear?”


“You know what?” Said Jurdehn after she and the Warg Prince had come back to back, dropping her spear and raising her hands. “We surrender!”

“You do?!” Asked the shocked ponies, all staring at the She-Warg.

“We do?!?!” Gaped the Prince, his silver eyes widening in horror. “But WHY?!”

“I’m a Kaldor.”

“Of what house?” He asked, looking in her direction over his shoulder.

The white Wargess smirked. “House Skoll.”

“Oh.” Whispered the Prince in even more horror.

Before anypony could ask, they all froze and dropped their weapons. Jurdehn looked up to the night sky, seeing the moon was full. And so was her hunger for blood.

As the Wargess twisted her raised hands and fingers, the ponies obeyed her thoughts like puppets on strings. Walking towards each other, they each grabbed their spare swords or daggers, pressing them to each other’s throats.
Jurdehn’s wolf, Akra, wanted so badly to slay the cruel equines. The purple rings in Jurdehn’s eyes struggled against red as the two fought. Both struggling to gain control and either lash out to kill or to spare them. Finally, Jurdehn took hold and shoved her other-self back, keeping her wolf down as she spoke. Her eyes still struggled, lavender fighting against crimson.

“You will leave this place and never return, if you do, I won’t be so kind.” With a quick mental command, all blades struck the straps of their helmets, the golden headgear falling to the ground soon after. “Now go, before we change our mind!”

The frightened ponies didn’t waste any time and scurried off, leaving their weapons, gear, and dead behind.

The Warg Prince turned fully toward his savior, a smile on his face. “House Skoll, huh? The famous bloodline of Water Elementals and add the fact that some of your ancestors were blood benders… yeah, anyone has a right to be scared of you.”

Jurdehn smiled back with a blush, though he couldn’t see it. “R-right, anyway, you got a name?”

“Karipuur, Prince Karipuur. And you, my savior?” He embellished with a winning smile and stiff bow.

“Princess Jurdehn of House Skoll. A pleasure to meet you, handsome Prince.” Her blush returned with a vengeance as she curtsied. Both their eyes turned black as they locked gazes, their hearts beating faster.

-=Later That Night=-

Jurdehn struggled to hold Karipuur in her grasp, holding him up by his arm as she had him lean against her. Though he was relatively her height, his muscle mass was heavier than she’d thought it’d be. Her blood soaked fur had hardened in the time it took for them to exit the forest, her once silver runes drawing the blood into themselves. Soon, her runes matched her eyes; blood red.

She huffed as she heaved the Prince back home with her, sadly looking down at him as she stepped up to the gate. Her gaze was drawn to the one horrific casualty that night, at least on her side of the battle. The ponies hadn’t taken her mercy, so they paid for it. But they also took something from Karipuur; his left arm.

The white Wargess looked down at the stump of flesh what stained the once dry cloak she wore, a burning hate surging through her heart. Karipuur had lost his arm to one of the ponies’ spears, his detached arm held in her magic.
No matter how long it took, the ponies would pay for this. If the Alicorn monster was so hellbent on attacking them; she would get the war she wanted. And more.

*** Back to Luna’s POV***

I stared on awe and shock at the white Wargess, giving the illusion of the young Jurdehn and Karipuur one last sideward glance as it vanished. The current Jurdehn turned back to me, offering her a sweet smile that had never been on Faust’s face; the warm smile of a mother.

“Now even, with my story aside, I have something that will help with your heat.” She then lifted her hand, a small oval shaped white pill in it, a faint green glow in the pill’s core. “I’ve taken these pills, two a day, during my heat seasons through the years.”

“What do they do?” I asked, giving the pill a curious and warry look.

“They help calm you down and suppress your urges to mate.” She explained, offering it to me to look at further. I took it in my hand, noting that it had a slight vibration to it. “But, during this heat season in particular, it’s not just you giving off pheromones.”


She nodded sagely, her face turning serious. “While females give off these pheromones during both seasons, males will often times produce them during the second. This makes our instincts take a stronger hold if the one you fancy is near.”

“So, I’ll only feel this way and act accordingly if Fang is near?” I said with a blush, offering the pill back to her. She took it before answering with another nod.

“Yes, only when he’s near and his scent is strong.” She then got a strange look in her eye, a smile tugging at her snout. “So, I’ve come just in time to find that my lost daughter has a crush, hm?”

“N-no!” My face started to burn red. “No, not at all!”

“Mhmm.” She smirked. “Sure. Your mate seemed very shy when I mentioned that I knew.”

I groaned, trying to hide my embarrassment behind my hands.

“It’s ok. From I what I saw of him, he’s a good Warg. Strong, brave, kind, and quite the looker. Even with those scars, if I’d met him back when I was young, I might have gone for him.” Her voice returned to a soothing tone, her arm wrapping around my shoulder. “But, instead, I got a tempered and blind Warg who doted over me and loves me to no end. But in all seriousness, I would go for him. Fang is a good Warg and he’s helping you. And if your father doesn’t approve of him, which is highly unlikely, I’ll be there to sway him.”

She ended her speech with a wink, hugging me with a tender nuzzle. “If you want to take things slow with him, I don’t see the problem. Fang seems very shy about his feelings; it will take time for him to admit anything he has for you. Just be sure to usher it out of him a little at a time, he’d come through.”

“Y-you really approve?” I asked as my hands fell into my lap, feeling silly for being so vulnerable around her. “I-I myself have never…”

Her expression changed to sadness along with mine, tears starting to flow down both of our faces.

“I was never appreciated by that monster.” I whispered through sobs, pressing myself into her, finally letting myself open up. “She was always doting over Tia, my alicorn sister, and Faust left me in the dust. A-and then… Tia and I rose to power. She got most of, if not all, the praise from the ponies. Again, I was left in the shadows…”

As I continued to sob and weep, Jurdehn’s wing stretched over me, her power rolling off the appendage in waves of warmth. “So then, in your anger, you let your wolf take over and drive you to rebel against her. What happened?”

I shuttered as another breath escaped me, pulling myself closer still. “I allowed the Night Terrors, the monsters that plagued dreams to take over, they twisted my mind and body. I was a DEMON!!”

“No, never a demon.” She soothed, stroking my head. “I know what happened. In letting your guard down, you let these creatures reveal a small portion of your Warg self; your true form. Somehow, those creatures were able to bend the spell that confined your true self.”

“The spell?” I asked in between sniffles, looking up at her.

She took a deep breath before answering, seeming to struggle with something. “When the battle reached the Warg capital, your father wanted you and your siblings to be safe. So, in haste, he had our Archmagi transform you all into ponies, so that if the equines managed to break into the castle, they would pass over you. I was watching the northern gates at the time, so I didn’t know at the time what was going on. When they did break through, their Prince found you and took pity. He brought you back to his camp and presented you to Faust. And she, being an Alicorn of old, saw through the vail. And when we heard about you going missing, and I kid you not, we burst through the mountaintop we called home and rushed to get you.”

Her eyes were like rivers, letting tear after tear soak her face. She then wiped the offending tears away before continuing. “I got a letter from Scatha a few weeks ago, saying how you had found the Equestrian Prince’s journal. Is this true?”

I nodded, wiping my own tears away. “It was Fang who found it.”

Jurdehn then smiled anew, hugging me tighter as if there were no tomorrow. “Then you know the rest of the story. And thank the Maker that Fang did find it.”

We sat there for several more hours, moving onto brighter subjects, talking and laughing some more. It wasn’t until we were interrupted by very familiar voice that echoed through the void.

“Luna, you ok?” Came Fang’s voice through the dark.

My mother smiled, a coy look in her eye. “Oh, so your prince charming awaits you?”

“Stop it!” I shoved her playfully with a small blush. “I-I love you, Mother.”

She reached over and nuzzled me, kissing me on the forehead. “And I love you, dear Luna.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, how's it going? My largest chapter yet!! YAY!

Heard this on Air1 a few days ago and thought you guys might like it:

Art done by Lola Dotz:

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