• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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17. The Summit part2

I kept my eyes on my fidgeting hands, my fingers tapping along the stone table in a familiar rhythm. The Doctor Who theme looped through my head over and over, trying to distract myself from previous events. Luna and I had sung a strange song, from where we got it, I couldn’t tell you. We’d sung it in my ancestors’ tongue, the language of the Norwegians, some famously known as Vikings.

My ears perked at the sound of voices. I sat in attendance of Equestria’s national leaders. The Gryphons, the Minotaurs, the Sirens, and the Elementals. Yet we still waited for the other leaders to show.

The Minotaur Chief, named Dual Blade, had been kind enough to lend me a forest green shirt. The T-shirt was broad in the shoulders, but otherwise fit snuggly.

Norm the third, King of the Gryphons, fixed me with a hard, piercing stare. His gold eyes boring into mine, talons tapping along with mine. He clicked his beak before speaking. “So, you’re the famous Obsidian Fang?”

I nodded, happily dropping my embarrassment and confusion to focus on the coming conversation. “I am. I’ve heard that you’re Norm, King of the Gryphons.”

The red gryphon smiled. “Indeed, and this is Frey, my wife and Queen.”

The blue gryfess looked my way, pink eyes searching me, assessing. She then leaned forward and straightened, gaining an air of superiority. “Good evening, noble wolf.”

“To you as well, but it’s Warg, not wolf.” I corrected, looking her in the eye.

The entire hedge froze. All sat or stood still, as if the air had become stone and ensnared them.

“W-wh-what?” Stuttered Dual Blade, his hand slowly rapping around his axe that he’d leaned against the table. “What did you call yourself?”

“A Warg.”

All the leaders looked at one another, wide eyed, then back to me and Luna. The wind seemed to have stalled, the grass on the hills no longer swaying in the breeze. All birds and insects ceased their calls, a murder of ravens sat in a nearby tree, watching us. Every eye stared at my bewildered face.

“Uuumm…” I looked around at the paralyzed gathering. “Did I say something… wrong?”

“Long ago, when many were young and whelp,” The Zebra tribe leader, the shaman known as Zepora, said. “There were tales and stories of a city that needed much help. Some went to provide aid, though none stayed. Winter had come and left all under their greedy king’s thumb. The people cried out for relief, and the king was killed that night by a thief.”

Dual Blade leaned over and whispered to me, “Zebras rhyme when they speak, supposed to be a sign of wisdom, but I think it’s just them being difficult.”

I nodded and turned back to the old Zebra, her black stripes faded to grey from age. “They came as healers and kind souls, but the kingdom was filled with fools. The healers called themselves Wargs and… an— AH, FORGET IT!”
The shaman raised her hands in rejection, grumbling to herself and shaking her head. “My old brain can’t keep up with all that rhyming! By this rate, I’ll die of a dusty mind, like wet mud in the sun! I’m too old to die!”

Everyone including me laughed at her outburst.

“Was wondering when you’d get tired of it,” Laughed Norm, chuckling. “Thought I’d have to start a timer and—”

The Zebra reached out with her staff and bonked the gryphon on the head, the knot of wood connecting to the King’s skull. Zepora laughed back as he rubbed his head, his wife giggling at him from behind her claw. “HA! Did that change your past? …No? How ‘bout another one?”

Norm squawked as he ducked in time to scoot closer to his bride, unfurling a wing to shield them both. “Ha, you missed!”

The old Zebra smiled. “Wait.”

The gryphon King suddenly received another nock on the head by a Zebra who’d stepped behind him, bonking him with his own staff. All in attendance laughed and giggled as the poor King rubbed his throbbing head. Once everyone settled, Zepora turned back to me and continued with her story.

“These Wargs came and slashed the streets with blood. Those who survived were put to work as slaves. Legend has it that these Wargs conquered thousands of cities and banded them together under one Empire. I also remember something about powerful weapons being used, swords made of light and forbidden magics.”

I leaned over to Luna, Celestia joining us. “Should I show them?”

The two sisters looked to each other and nodded, then back to me. Luna inclined her head toward the others. “No point in delaying it now.”

I turned back to find everyone watching me in curiosity. I breathed a sigh before standing, reaching behind on my belt to grab the lightsaber. Holding it with both hands and in front of my chest, the saber hissed to life, its golden blade crackling into existence. Several members gasped at the sight, my blue and gold eyes reflecting the saber’s light.
Haven sat in Luna’s embrace, watching me twirl the sword in front of me as it shrieked and hummed in the air. I noticed she still snuggled her hippo, the pink fluff ball held tightly in her grasp. It was deemed her favorite after I’d bought her five stuffed animals. Upon buying them, I feared she’d rip and tear them with her claws. However, she proved me wrong and was very gentle with them, cuddling them throughout the night without a hitch. I smiled down at her, winking as I spun the saber some more. She smiled back and waved cutely, hippo pressed into her face.
“That’s awesome! Can I hold it?” Asked the purple drake that sat next to Twilight, eyes alight with wonder. I looked to the youngest alicorn, her face struck with worry as she looked between me and her assistant.
“It’s your choice Twilight. He’s your assistant, not mine.” I held out the lightsaber, its yellow blade surging.
“Uh,” Stammered the Princess of Friendship, her worry building. However, Twilight was saved from that choice.
“OK, WHO DECIDED IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO HAVE THE MEETING OUT HERE?!” Yelled a stern feminine voice from my upper left, I turned to see Dragon Lord Ember swooping down with two dragons beside her. Garble and a green dragoness were her escorts.
Ember looked the same as she did in the show, though she was taller and more muscular looking, her blue scales and muscles shifting under her golden armor. Both escorts weren’t dressed, all dragons standing as tall as me.
Ember looked me dead in the eye, glancing over me. “And who’s this? Is he the wolf I received word about?”
Celestia nodded, putting on her usual smile. “Yes, Lord Ember. This is Obsidian Fang, Dark Knight of Equestria.”
Ember did a half snort and half shocked reaction. “Dark Knight? It fits, but was that the best you could come up with?”
“Should I have called myself Svarte Ulven?”
The red dragon scoffed. “And what’s that supposed to mean? Some stupid pony word meaning ‘suck my butt cheek’?” Snarked Garble, folding his arms before receiving a glare from Ember.
“No, it means Black Wolf in my ancestors’ tongue.”
Before Ember could respond, Garble stepped past her. His eye suddenly landed on Haven, still held tightly in Luna’s arms. “And who’s that? Some weak and useless baby of yours? Looks tasty enough to eat.”
Luna bent over Haven, putting herself between them. Her lips peeled back, her snarl sounding deep in her throat.
Garble just scoffed again. “What? Is that supposed to scare me? I’ve faced worms scarier than you.” He turned his advance to them, murder flooding his eyes. A wicked smile edged into his face, Ember saw and reacted as his course changed. But she hesitated.
“Garble, stop.” She commanded, but the red drake didn’t listen.
Before Luna could have her way, instinct took over and I leaped forward, claws unsheathing as my grip tightened on my saber. The crimson dragon had lifted a hand to grab them, though my sword charged and intercepted it. The burning light connected to his hand, the smell of cooking flesh and scales filling the air. With his wailing came the startled gasps of all present. Garble fell to his knees, whimpering in pain as he clutched his bleeding hand. He removed it to see my handiwork, a deep slit that opened until charred bone was seen. Dragon blood seeped into the tiles, my resolve never wavered.
Garble sucked in a breath, baring his yellow fangs. “You halfwit! Do you have any idea who you just cut?”
I’d shaken out of my hazed mind, grasping what I’d just done. I’d just harmed a royal’s escort, probably making it look like I wanted Ember dead. And for my stupidity, I’d end up dead. In a way, I’d just assaulted the Dragon Lord.
I barely managed to gulp down my fear. I turned to Ember, bending onto my knees, extinguishing my lightsaber and setting it on my belt. I bowed my head, breathing heavily as I spoke. “I-I’m so sorry, I lost myself for a minute and…” My lungs felt like led. “H-how can I atone?”
A scaled hand rested on my shoulder. “However much I’d like to smack Garble for his stupidity, regardless of your reaction, you don’t fall under my geriatrician. Your punishment is up to Celestia, not me.”
Ember turned to the alabaster alicorn, crossing her arms with a raised brow. “Celestia?”
I shifted to the Solar Princess, my eyes still down on the floor, refusing to meet her gaze. Her answer was simple. “Sing a song.”
“What?!” Shouted Garble, his smug expression snapping into shock. He stood next to Ember, cradling his injured hand. “Not even—”
“NO,” Snapped the Dragon Lord, her hard eyes set on his shriveling frame. “Fang’s not under us, so, he’s not our problem. That, and I’d rather not go to war with anyone.”
“B-but he cut me!”
“Because you were walking toward his kid without his consent and by that, labeled yourself a threat. Didn’t your parents ever teach you this? Every dragon knows to never get near a baby dragon when their parents are around, so why not him?” She scowled at him, smacking him across the snout. Garble yowled in pain, rubbing his nose after. Ember then turned back to Celestia. “So… why a song?”
The alicorn winked. “You missed his and Luna’s performance from earlier.”
The blue dragoness nodded, then hauled Garble up onto his feet, growling. “Get up, you’re making me look bad.”
“In front of who?” Snarked Garble, yanking his arm away from her grasp but stood all the same, ignoring the pain. “Your pony loving boyfriend?”
A smug grin played on his face.
Ember blushed lightly, her eyes wide in rage. All nearby wisely scurried away, putting as much distance between themselves and the enraged dragoness. Me included. She took several breaths, trying to calm herself.
“HE’S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!” I heard a THUD from behind and turned to see Spike sprawled on the ground, the girls trying to wake him. Rarity fanned him with a handkerchief, yet the kid stayed under.
I looked around. “Anybody got a bucket of water?”
Six gallons of H2O suddenly dumped itself from a green cloud, a Draconaquis lounging atop it, her mismatched eyes watching as the drake sputtered awake. Its eyes were a slitted green pupil and a brown egg-shaped eye. Her head was that of a cow, antlers of a moose and elk. She possessed a dragon claw along with a black bear’s, her serpentine body covered in white feathers. Her green tail slithered around a pillar, thrice the length of herself, ending in a scorpion’s stinger. Her crossed legs resembled an octopus’ tactical and a falcon’s talon.
The Draconaquis studied me, then Luna and Haven, and finally to each member as she rolled over in her cloud bed. Her head still in its position as the rest of her stretched and spun about, head undisturbed as if it were detached.
Her eyes shifted back to me, eyes steady. “Your shorter than I thought. Must be because you’re born a runt.”
My mood deflated at the comment, but I chose to greet her with a half-smile. “Hi, Obsidian—”
“Yeah, I know who you are.” She looked almost bored, lounging on her cloud, tuning her twelve string electric guitar. “Yep, the Warg that the universe spat out into this world. And you’re now discovering your new races’ origins… that and being a knight with nearly unlimited cash and a mansion. What’s new? In a few years you’ll be just like the rest; stupid and power-hungry.”
I looked at her oddly. “Yyyeeah, not happening. I don’t value gold highly, the only treasure I seek is what my Father gives me.”
The female Draconaquis huffed with a look. “We’ll see.”
She then dismounted her cloud with a puff of candy wrappers, reappearing in a seat next to the Sirens’ right, also next to the Yak Prince. She leaned back with a night mask over her brow, again, looking bored.
“Good evening Eris, Queen of the Draconaquii.” Said Princess Celestia, her smile never fading with a curt nod.
Eris huffed a cloud of bubbles, filing her nails with a porcupine. The little beast struggled in her grasp until she grew tired and through it over her shoulder, it crashed with a fiery explosion. She looked over Luna for a moment.
“Nice markings,” She seemed fixed on the Princess’ muzzle. Her eyes widened after a moment before relaxing. “Well, well. Seems you don’t even know what that symbol is.” She tapped her own nose.
Luna looked at her curiously, tilting her head. “What? What mark?”
Everyone leaned over to get a look, all gazing as the she-Warg turned a slight shade of rose. “W-what?”
“Well, the good news is that you don’t have any zits.” Said Norm, Frey smacked him in the arm and snapped her beak at him. “Ouch!... But the bad news is that you have three white circles ringed through your nose fur.”
Luna when cross-eyed trying to look at herself. “Anypony have a mirror?”
Celestia held out a pocket mirror.
“Thanks.” The she-Warg took said mirror and lifted it to her face, eyes widening as she saw. “T-that’s odd.”
She turned to me and her sister, worry striking her face. “W-what does it mean?”
Celestia shrugged, also looking worried. “I don’t know Lulu.”
I breathed out a sigh as Luna fully turned to me. “It’s the Trinity.”
Luna gave me a face before repeating. “What does it mean?”
“The Trinity is a symbol for God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Tribunal, as some call it. Three in one.” I walked around the table, pacing behind the Princesses. “It cannot be explained in detail, it’s something one has to accept in faith. I see it as three people, but all the same person. Confusing, yes. But it’s something you don’t want to melt your brain on, trust me. The headache will last a good while. But here, I have no clue what it could mean.”
“Oh great,” Grumbled Blueblood loudly, for all to hear. “Not only does he puke his stench all over the royal palace and entertain that mutt with games in the garden.” He pointed accusingly at Haven, sneering at the shrinking pup. “But he also brings along his wild and ludicrous fantasies of putrid deities!”
Everyone grew still, seething at Blueblood’s words. All eyes on the nephew of Celestia and Luna.
“I’ve had it up to here,” He inclined his hand above his head. “with your songs and talk of this God. You say he’s somewhere up there in the clouds and bending us all to his ‘perfect’ will. That we’re all a part of some… stupid plan, and that we should just sit down and be good little dogs like you.”
“Blueblood.” Celestia warned, her eyes narrowing. I looked to Luna and Silver as they buried each other in their bodies, both with eyes watering.
“NO AUNTIE, I’ve kept quiet about this for too long!” Actually, this wasn’t the first time he insulted me, just this time he was doing it in front of everyone’s faces. “This…thing! These MUTTS you’ve let into our home and desecrate our name is completely unacceptable! And to think of it, you haven’t lifted a finger to try and change Auntie Luna back to normal. It seems you insist on not trying to change her back, to let her remain in this accursed beast. Furthermore—”
“BLUEBLOOD ENOUGH!!” Luna shouted with tears in her eyes, baring her teeth, still clinging to Haven. My hands had balled into fists at some point, my anger boiling and overflowing. How I’d managed to stand still and take it was beyond me, only a fraction of self-control held me back.
“You have no room to talk!” She went on, handing Haven to me as I cradled the whimpering child. My own chest burned with rage, that rage wanting to burst from my lips in a jet of fire. “You are nothing but a hellish brat with nothing to his name. We could easily take all you possess and burn your house to the ground with our own breath, but we don’t. Know this; that with all you’ve said just now, we no longer consider you family.”
Everyone except me and Haven gasped in shock.
“We disown you Blueblood. For the countless crimes you’ve committed throughout the years—”
“What crimes?! I’ve done nothing wrong my entire life!” Whined the unicorn. I noticed the Main Six giving him dirty looks, Rarity especially. All looking ready to tear him apart like a hungry pack of wolves.
Luna shook her head. “Oh, you’ve done far more than we’ve let everypony know. Raping the maids, threats to guards who disobey you on our orders, blackmail, stealing from merchants and stores, buying and selling numerous drugs, and that’s only counting the past two weeks. We’re sure there are some we’ve missed, but we care not.”
Star’s voice mixed with Luna’s, creating an almost alien speech with the two. “Yes, we. We are most displeased with you, former nephew. And that’s putting it lightly.” She started to walk away, stomping past the cowering Main Six, but looked back at the prince. “You want to know why I chose to stay as this?” She motioned to her toned body, turning back around to face him again.
“Why do I stay like this? Before, it was because I didn’t want to loose Moon again. I didn’t want to be alone,” She tapped her forehead. “up here. Not again.”
The she-Warg took a moment to breath and collected herself. “But now, now we don’t want Haven to be alone. Never alone, not like we were.”
“So,” He scorned, finding the ‘courage’ to stand up to her, face in hers. “I’ve seen how you look at that dog, the adoration in your eyes. You swish your tail when he’s around, though I have no idea what that means, but I’m sure it’ll sicken me. Oh, and the time you pulled that little stunt on him in the hallway.”
Luna’s eyes widened, looking almost defeated and embarrassed. Blueblood just smiled at her dismay. “Oh yes, I know what’s going on with you dear auntie. The maids are quite helpful when persuaded, a little wine here and some bedtime after that, it gets the job done. You’re in heat. Sex-crazy, aren’t you? But then again, with the way you’ve been acting, you’re just as bad as me.” He smiled wickedly. I choked down a snarl and the urge to lunge at him and kill. “You are nothing but a whore—"
“BLUEBLOOD!!” Celestia frowned, her mane engulfed in orange fire, eyes glowing with alabaster light. “Shut up and sit down.”
He did so without a word and slumped in his seat. A smile still tugged at the edges of his snout. Celestia was shaking in fury, her face stricken, jaw clenched.
“On second thought,” She turned to the four guards standing behind her. “Place my nephew under arrest and have him locked in his guest room.”
Blueblood stared at her, too shocked to yell in outrage.
Celestia looked to Queen Novo, who gave the unicorn prince the dirtiest glared at her disposal. “If that is allowed with her Highness.”
Novo spared a second to look at the alicorn, face twisting into momentary sympathy. “So be it.” She went back to glaring daggers at Blueblood as he was carried away, kicking and screaming.
I managed not to growl. “I think we should’ve tied him up on the train and given the guards earplugs.”
All present nodded in agreement.
I looked to Celestia as Luna sat down, the she-Warg looking sick. “Why did you bring him, you saying Norm and he were friends seems to be a lie.” Haven wiggled out of my grasp and went to comfort Luna, the pup hugging her. “Why was he here? And don’t you dare lie to me again.”
Celestia looked hurt, a fresh coat of tears coming. “Queen Tsunami requested it.”
I turned to the Siren Queen, her green and blue scales glistening in the sun. “I asked him to be brought because I wanted to see how you’d handle someone of his character. If you’d attacked, I would’ve deemed you unworthy of your title.”
“And now?”
“You’ve earned my respect. Though what you believe may be odd, I still look to the heart. I don’t judge based on appearances, but by actions and if your beliefs revolve around peace and harmony, we have no quarrel. I wish you well in life, Obsidian Fang.” She bowed her head, the rest of her escort followed suit.
I bowed my head as well. “And you have earned my respect. Yes, my faith is on the teachings of my Creator, my God. He sent his son to earth to teach a new covenant to his people, though there were few who listened and believed.”
“And how does this story go? I’d very much like to here it.” Said Duel Blade, looking intrigued.
During that time, other leaders came and listened, the others quickly filling them in. Some were interested, others not so much, but they respected each other and didn’t make an argument.
I then told them of Jesus and his works, relaying to them what I believed. How the Lord created the world, how the Israelites kept messing things up and went back and forth between God and idles, and finally, how God promised that a savior would come and bring a new covenant to light. One that would stick and didn’t require sacrifices, because Jesus was the final and only sacrifice needed. Though Jesus was given opportunities to back out and not go through with it, he still died to give us his place in Heaven.
“So wait.” Tsunami asked, sitting up in her chair. “This Jesus gave himself up to be beaten, tortured, nailed to a wooden cross, and died so you became immortal?! Sign me up!”
I laughed. “No, no. Not like that.” It took me a second to calm down. “Yes, he died so we could live. Yes, we are immortal, but not like that. We’re already immortal, our souls are. The soul that’s under the flesh and bone can’t die. But Jesus basically switched places with us. He died a horrible death, so we could go to Heaven when we die and live forever. May sound a little nutty to you, but it’s what I believe.”
“I get it,” Said Frey, leaning against the table thoughtfully. “He died so we could take his place, but why did he go through with it? You said that he was given many chances to let us die, but he didn’t. Why?”
“Because he loves us. Each and every one. The good and the bad. He looks past the dark to see all the light, ignoring and forgetting the bad. He loves us like a brother.” I remembered my relationship with my own brother, when he first came and was adopted. “Like a brother should.”
“Did you not treat your brother fairly?” Asked Ember.
I sighed, remembering. “No. Not at first. I was about eight at the time, and I was a total jerk to him. Before he came, I thought it’d be awesome to have a brother. I wouldn’t be alone, I’d have someone to play with. You know, the usual lone kid stuff.”
Everyone stilled, listening as I poured out my heart. “But as time war on, we fought, we argued. I’d blame him, he’d blame me.” My heart sagged, plummeting into my stomach. “The next few years rolled by and we adopted my sister.”
“Did things get better?” Eris spoke up, mismatched eyes boring into mine.
I leaned my head back, recalling events. “Yeah. We got along, everything was ok. We fought and played as siblings did, the usual. More years went and came, I soon entered high school and then college.”
“DID WARG AND BROTHER GET BETTER?” Asked Rutiford, looking at me through the mop of heir he sported.
“Yeah, we became less aggressive. But we still had our moments."
Norm smiled. “I know how you feel. I had nine brothers and three sisters, all a pain when younger, but we’re better now. I guess that when you get older, relationships get better with other siblings.”
I nodded with a hum, agreeing. “Yeah.”
“So, you were saying?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah. Sorry, got caught up in the moment.” I pushed my previous thoughts away, remembering our original topic. “Anyways, as I was saying—”
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” Asked an insanely deep and gravely voice.
Everyone but me gasped as I turned around, staring into a pair of red eyes. The area where white usually dominated was swarmed in emerald green, wisps of purple smoke trailing off the eyes, all surrounded by grey fur. “But I seem to be late.”
Celestia gulped, eyes wide in terror. “Sombra.”
The Umbrum King smiled, crossing his arms as best he could with his polished armor on. “Hello, my lady. How have you been, dear Celly.”

-=Out Past the Hippogryph Kingdom, Near the Far Canyons=-

Ten stallions and six mares stood on either side of the canyon, all chanting as the lead priest read from an old book. Its pages cracked and brown from age, the stallion held the book in one hand and a lantern in the other, shouting from the page he read.
“From the dust and earth, from the spans of time and centuries long past. I bid thee, rise! Rise noble warriors of old! Rise O ye! Rise O warriors of ancient days! Seek those who did harm to you and your kin, seek vengeance! Take up arms!”
An explosion of purple fire burst from the stallion’s lantern, wisps of flame dispersing into the dirt. Seconds later, the earth rumbled and groaned, sending boulders and sand from their perches. A hand ruptured from the sand, ancient claws crawling forth. A quiet moan filled the valley, sending all living flesh shivering and hearts quivering.
The stallion smiled. “Take up arms against your ancient enemy. Against Faust’s wretched spawn. Kill the Sun Princess, Wargs of old!”

Author's Note:

Hope you all enjoyed another chapter, please let me know what you think. Also, please help me with spelling errors, I've recently noticed that I have a problem with them.

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