• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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33. Loss and Blood

It had been two days since the Gala, and still Luna gave her sister the silent treatment. In all honesty, I didn’t blame her. Neglected to be humiliated by hundreds and be consoled back to the safety of one’s room, dripping wet did not inspire forgiveness.

We sat at breakfast; but Luna hadn’t come to join us yet. Attending our morning meal along with us were the Main Six, all seated across from one another down the length of the table, Celestia taking her usual place at the head. I sat at the other end of the table, eating my meal in peace as the ponies chatted loudly amongst each other.

“I-Isn’t Princess Luna coming?” The dainty Fluttershy asked, her quiet voice just barely loud enough to hear.

Applejack shook her head. “Ah don’ know. All Ah know is that the Princess just shut herself in since the Gala.”

My neutral face fell into a slight scowl, glaring down at my bowl of Cinnamon Life. I gripped my spoon tighter, its handle bending in my fingers.

“Maybe she just needed a change of clothes? I wouldn’t want to be at a party in a wet dress.” Remarked Pinkie, stabbing her tower of pancakes and downing them in one bite.

A change of clothes?! She was embarrassed that she had fallen in the fountain! Embarrassed that she had been humiliated in front of her subjects, and not one of them respected her enough to bend a knee to help! She was angry that her SISTER hadn’t rushed to her side when she needed her!

“Pinkie! Come now, we know Princess Luna, she would just shrug of soaked clothing as if it were a breeze.” Thank you, Rarity! “She obviously was tired from the evening’s events and wanted some ‘alone time’ with her handsome knight.”


“I mean, honestly, do you expect her to be whisked away by her dashing date, and not have some private lessons?” She looked over and gave me a quick wink.

“O-oh…” Blushed the butter yellow pegasus, looking away and hiding behind her mane.

An equally shocked and sputtering Twilight scoffed. “T-that wasn’t it… was it?”

I was now glaring dangers at my cereal, and though it went unnoticed by me, the bowl’s contents were boiling. Steam billowed from the bowl, wafting up along my snout. With narrowing eyes, I looked up at the ponies across the table, looks of terror and worry greeting me.

“I’m going to go check on her.” With that, I stood and exited the room, face hard as stone.

My gait was swift as I walked down the twisting halls toward Luna’s room, as I figured that’d be where she was. Once reached, I knocked on the door, my Element ring making a small dent in the wood.

“Just a moment!” Came the Princess’ voice, the door opening several seconds later. I blinked and my head reeled back in surprise at the sight before me, all previous anger forgotten. Luna stood timidly, not in her usual dress attire, but in more modern clothing. She wore a white and yellow striped V-neck shirt, the collar going on to create a stylish hood with two holes for her ears. A black jean jacket lay over her shoulders, laying open to show off her striped shirt. A pair of grey jeans were held up by a brown leather belt, said leather having been set upon by rows of diamonds. And finally, the Wargess had set a pair of sunglasses over her head, her silver locks pulled back into a neat bun.

“What?” She asked, her eyebrow raised with crossing arms.

“Wha— Y-you look good. I like your clothes; they suit you.” I smiled, fidgeting with my pockets.

The Princess smiled in return, batting her beautiful eyelashes, a hand on her chest. “Why thank you, kind sir. A Princess does have to look her best wherever she goes.”

“W-well…” I felt really stupid for what I was about to say. “R-regardless whether you’re royalty or not, you’re gorgeous no matter what you wear. That, and you’re sure to turn heads.”

Her face lit up like the fourth of July along with mine. “U-um…” After a moment of us blushing, she regained her composer, pulling a stray heir back behind her ear. “W-well, thank you. And… you too. N-not the Princess part, but…”

“Yeah, I get it.” My smile widened with a soft chuckle. “So, anyways… you coming down for breakfast?”

It was then that Luna’s stomach gurgled, prompting a blush onto her cheeks and a weak smile. “Um… I could use something.”

I hummed in agreement and turned to lead the way, only to hear a gasp from behind. I turned back to see Luna covering her mouth and her eyes wide in shock.


“Y-your wings…” The Wargess gulped.

“My... wings?” I twisted my neck to look, my eyes bugging out at what I saw. I felt my stomach flip, clench, and deflate.

Luna imediantly looked to one of the Guards. “Go and get Clear Sight!”


“You said that the prime Element gave you your wings, is that right?” Asked Clear as she looked over the x-ray images with her magic.

“Yeah, it gave them to me when we crashed in the North, when Luna’s undead uncle showed up.”

“And this Element was given to you by…?”

“Harmony, she said that she was a servant of God. Though now with what’s happening, I have reason to doubt her.” I frowned at my hands; the ring held in my magic to my right. Sitting on the medical bed, I watched as she paced back and forth across the room. “The Element is poisoning me, right? It’s somehow corrupting me?”

“Y-yes...” She gave the pictures a confused look, looking them over closely. “But… I’ve never encountered anything like this. It’s almost like your body’s natural magics and the wings’ are somehow fighting, struggling to strangle each other.”

“Do you know anyone who might know? And when did this all start, can you tell me?”

“Sadly, no. Nothing like this has ever been recorded in medical or magical history.” The mare shrugged as she set the papers down on her desk, setting them into a folder under my name. “But if I had to hazard a guess…”

“You think the Wargs might have something? A cure?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, folding my arms, and leaning back against the wall.

Clear hummed to herself. “They might. Didn’t you say that you and the Princesses—”

“Princess, singular. Only Luna has ever contacted her.”

“Sorry, Princess Luna, spoke with their Queen?”

“And her mother. Turns out that Luna is indeed royalty, not just… well.” I hung my head, not wanting to say what had already been explained. “In any case, we’ll talk with them tonight and see what they say. Otherwise, I don’t know what to do besides pray for a miracle.”

“Let’s hope we don’t become that desperate.”

“It’s not desperate, it’s aiming a tank at a fly. Prayer is the strongest weapon I’ve got, a shame I don’t consider it more.” I smirked, pushing off the wall and walking towards the door. A sudden sense of dizziness overtook my mind, the world disappearing.

“Or… we could just speak now.” Came the gentle voice of one Warg Queen as I found myself in the dream realm. “Luna spoke to me and told me what you found.”

I nodded, noting to thank Luna later. “Know anything that could help or cure my wings?”

The Queen shook her head, stroking her chin in thought as her crimson runes shimmered. “The only thing that can be done is to be rid of whatever caused your illness. What was it that gave you those wings?”

“A ring I got from the Tree of Harmony, said to be the tree’s seed.” I shrugged, taking a glance at my molding wings, white veins flowing with energy. “Though now… I’m starting to think I was lied to.”

“I know nothing of this Tree of Harmony, but if this ring is what gave you these wings, perhaps it is best that you destroy it.”

“O…k. I… don’t know how to.” Rubbing the back of my neck, I remembered how the Elements were destroyed in the show, but I doubted that this one would go down without a fight. Come to think of it, the Elements themselves were fairly useless. Acting only as a way to imprison the evil and corrupt, nothing else. Or, in generation one’s case, send all bad guys to the gates of Hell!

“May I see it?” She asked, extending her hand.

In response, I grasped the ring and pulled. It didn’t budge.

“What the?!” I tugged some more, using all my strength, but it was no use. The Ring of Harmony was there to stay. “S-Stupid thing!”

The Queen then stepped forward, looking over the thing, a frown claiming her face. “The stone, it is Amaur, one of several magical stone types. And it is one that can dominate a Warg’s natural Chroma.”

Using her own strength, Jurdehn pushed my hand out of the way and grabbed the ring herself, a flash of yellow fire overtook her eyes. A shield of boiling light surrounded the ring as it started to slide off my finger. After two more tugs, the Wargess flew back with the ring in her hand. Once her footing was purchased, she focused her magic on the ring and it vanished in an orange flash.

“It is done, but in the ring’s destruction, you will lose your wings.” She said, looking at me in sorrow with her red and purple eyes, flexing her large white wings. “I know the joy one gets from flying.”

I huffed in resignation and humor, shrugging as sadness claimed my heart. I’d always liked flying. Well, at least I could enjoy it for a little while. “It’s fine. Besides, sleeping with these things flapping about was a pain anyways.”

“Yes.” The Queen smiled with a light chuckle. “I suppose for one who was born without them, they are hard getting used to.”

“Amen to that. Will the wings come off on their own, or do they need to…?” I didn’t want to finish the sentence.

“They will have to be removed.” I gulped, feeling a chill scale up my spine. “But not to worry, I shall send over the best surgeon at my court’s disposal.”

“How long until they—”

“She will be there within the hour.”

I pulled a face. “H-How? Aren’t you guys on the other side of the world?”

“No, Equestria and Hjemjord (Home ground) are close together. Hjemjord, our country, is to the west of Equestria in “undiscovered territory.”” She explained with a smile. “And not to worry,Roret is a master at the Døren Chroma.”

“Døren Chroma? You mean portals or doors?”

She nodded, fixing her pink and white dress.

I nodded in thanks, feeling Luna tap me on the shoulder. “Thanks your Highness.”

“Please, call me Jurdehn, no titles are necessary.” She smirked, picking up an invisible sheet of paper and a pen, writing something down. “I’ll just let her know who you are. And by the way, it is best to never keep your future mate waiting.”

With that, the dream channel was cut, and I came face to face with the Lunar Wargess. How did she know?! “Micah, are you alright?”

“Yeah… I spoke with your mom again.” I said as I rolled my shoulders, shrugging off the previous thought.

“I know, she said she would speak with you. Anything of importance?”

“That rock on the ring,” I looked down to find said ring gone, yet another supernatural occurrence with the dream realm. “was poisonous to Wargs and it was killing me through my wings.”

Luna gasped, bringing a hand to her lips as she looked at my ringless hand. “But… seeing as it is gone?”

“It’s influence is done with and I don’t have to worry about being poisoned. But the one drawback is that I have to get my wings cut off for the poison to fully be gone.”


“Yeah, I’m beaming with joy over here.” I scowled at a nearby wall, crossing my arms. “I don’t want to lose my wings either, but… I’d rather lose them than my life. And your mom’s sending someone over to do the operation.”

“But who—”

A sudden wave of wind blasted through the hall, the sizzling of sparks following. Looking down the hall, I saw a ring of winding orange sparks, chasing each other through an eternal ring about four feet in diameter. Through said ring came a red furred Wargess, wearing a loose grey shirt and dull leather trousers, a heavy satchel was slung over her shoulder. Her eyes were a deep green with sky blue rings, her left forearm was encased in many bracelets.

Another Warg, one of silver and grey fur, stepped through after the first. He had lavender eyes and orange rings, a thick band of black fur over his eyes and down his snout. He wore a long caribou fur coat, his strong upper body contained within an olive-green shirt. He also wore a pair of black pants with an aqua green chain winding up his left leg. He carried with him a large brown backpack. The female then set her eyes on me, her walk suddenly becoming filled with confidence as her eyes’ rings grew in size.

-=Luna’s POV=-

I strode down the hall, stopped, turned, and stalked down the hall’s length again. I briefly glanced to Tia, who sat patiently with the Elements of Harmony, hands set gracefully in her lap. I huffed at her calmness. Here was Fang, a dear friend of ours, in a room with two doctor Wargs who we knew nothing about, and on top of that; he was getting his wings removed! I was sure that if he were in serious pain, I would’ve heard a groan or a scream, but I had yet to hear such sounds.

“Luna, calm down. Fang will be fine.” Came Tia’s voice through the fog of worry.

I huffed again with a soft growl, the effect frightening a shivering Fluttershy. “How can you be so calm Tia? Fang is losing his ability to fly, and all your doing is-“

I caught myself and breathed deeply, my shoulders going slack as I whispered to myself. “’Be still and know that I am God.’ ‘Be angry, and do not sin,’ Do not let the sun go down on your anger.” I then looked to Tia and the Elements of Harmony, my balled fists relaxing. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gotten angry.”

Ever the benevolent Princess, Tia smiled. “It’s alright Lulu, Fang will be fine.”

‘Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.’ Recited Star, her words counseling me.

Suddenly, the doors to the operating room creaked open, the mysterious Wargess walking toward us, a solemn look on her muzzle as she was followed by her companion. “Well, the good news is that the wings came off and the infection wasn’t too deep.”

“And the bad?” I asked, clenching my shaking fists.

“The bad news is that the infection was able to strike his mana pool at some point…” The ponies let out a collective gasp. “-and he will not be able to harness more Elemental magics. But it didn’t get to his primary resource of Chroma, so, Fang is still able to learn new Chromas.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding, sighing in relief. “Anything else we should worry about?”

“No, other than what I already told you, he is fine.” Said the male, his brass voice making the female’s ears twitch.

“Uh…” Piped up the Element of Loyalty, Rainbow Dash, as she raised her hand. “I thought you guys only had fire magic. What’s with this Chroma and Elemental stuff?”

Roret smiled at her question, turning to the blue pegasus. “Wargs have two main groups of magic we can control: Chroma, the fire magic, and Elemental, like Lightening, Wind, Plants, Metals, and Earth. Just to name a few.”

“So, that’s that C-chroma stuff? I know Fang can do Lightening… and I heard that he could do Earth, but what’s the other magic do?”

I found myself tuning their conversation out, waiting for a moment to speak with Roret. When the discussion hit a laps, I spoke up. “Would it be alright if I go see Fang?”

The Wargess nodded, pointing to the doors, and moving back to her lecture. I was honestly surprised Rainbow Dash hadn’t fallen asleep yet, from what I heard about Twilight’s impromptu history lesson in the past. Yet, being one of the smartest mares in Equestria, she forgot about Dash’s ADHD. I soon arrived at the operation room door, pushing it open to find Fang looking over his bandaged chest. I dared not look on his back, for fear of seeing two nasty, bloody holes.

Fang sat propped up on the bed’s head railing, playing with his phone. I kept my movements slow and silent, sneaking toward him like an assassin.

“Hey Luna, did you hurt your foot?”

Without even looking, Fang had somehow detected me with my perfect stalking technique. I gave him a deadpan look and stomped the rest of the way toward him.

“No, my foot is fine, if you must know.” I huffed with crossed arms, but dropped my pout upon looking over Fang’s shoulder, seeing the digital bible app at work on his phone. “What book are you reading?”

“James 4 in the New Testament.” He answered, looking up at me, concern in his eyes. “You ok?”

“Y-yes.” I smiled, leaning against the wall behind me, my wings being smushed between my back and said wall. My wings. “Fang, I’m sorry that you had to lose your wings. If you could… would you have kept them?”

“You mean, if I had a choice in the matter?”

I nodded, to which he gave a long and hard sigh. “I honestly don’t know. I have no official use for them outside of combat and joyrides, and on top of that, I’d rather keep my feet close to the ground. There’s something about flying, while at the same time enjoyable, can be terrifying. To sore above the clouds at sunset, and to plummet from the skies, rushing toward the ground at breakneck speeds. Like many things on earth, everything has its ups and downs.”

My eyes continued to watch him as he switched off his phone and drew in a shaky breath. “But to answer your question; I leave it to God to decide, for I have no way to rectify his actions to my will. I am what I am, be that man, Warg, or chicken.”

I smiled at the last word, imagining Fang as a black rooster. But I could understand his words. He would rather not make the decision himself, and so he left it as God has it, no wings.

“Luna. I have something to confess to you…” Said the Warg suddenly, gulping down what saliva had built up in his jaws, he looked down at his lap with unsteady breaths. “When we had entered the second heat…”

My face turned a cherry red, as I prayed that he wouldn’t see it. I shifted uncomfortably and stood, fluffing my wings to cool myself off.

“I-I had… im-impure thoughts a-about you…” His back curved, shame oozing out of his words and posture. His words came through clenched teeth as I saw tears starting to pour from his eyes. “I… I coul- I…”

By now his eyes had become rivers, his body shaking as each sob was cradled by his hands. His head hung low to the point his nose almost touched the sheets of his bed. “I… hate myself…”

I stared at him, his words sinking in. But why? I’d always imagined stallions had such thoughts, as evidenced by their dreams. But then, I considered who this was; a noble and respectable male who respected others, whether male or female. Fang found his thoughts toward me, at that moment, impure and was seeking to rectify.

“Why?” I finally asked, coming to sit on the bed with him. Resting a hand on his back, my claws brushing against the blood-soaked bandages.

Then I remembered a passage in Matthew 5; “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery’ but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

“Fang…” I brought my hand up to his head, rubbing between his ears, bringing my other arm up to pull him closer. “I’m not going to make this easy… but, yes, you did commit adultery. Yes, you looked at me in lust?”

The poor male looked up at me, his dark eyes had long since turned slightly red, soaked fur matted his cheeks. With another whimper, he nodded and hung his head again. I felt my chest clench and my gut churned, my pity for him rising. “What do you do when you sin Fang?”

“Repent… I repent.” Came his cracked and raspy voice, the sound of it sending daggers into my heart. “But even after I do so, the guilt still chases me. I feel like I can’t escape it. Like I’m crushed by a mountain of it.”

I remembered another verse as it came to the forefront of my mind. “And what does God say about mountains? ‘If we have faith…?”

“’Like that of a mustard seed, we can move mountains.’” He sniffed, brushing his nose with the thick fur of his arm. After a minute, he nodded, his back straightening slightly. “I’ve already asked for forgiveness and stopped, but I wanted to tell you. I don’t know why, but I felt that the Spirit wanted me to confess. Maybe it was so I could get it off my back, forget the sin as Jesus has, and truly repent.”

“And I’m glad you did; you were brave to do so. I honestly am ashamed that you would think such things, but I’m glad that you confessed. Not many have the courage to do so.”

My friend grunted in thanks as he pushed himself back against the bed’s pillow, finally resting and wiping away his tears. “I see you’ve been memorizing scripture.”

“O-oh, yes.” I shied away, looking away in embarrassment with my hands clasped between my knees. “I-it just felt right.”

“Memorizing the verses from a book that has been breathed on by the Creator of this world? Possibly the oldest book to ever exist on the earth.” He smiled in my peripheral vision, using his green fire to summon his own bible. “I think the Spirit told you to.”

“Humph! I am a Princess, nopony commands me!” I said playfully, holding my nose high and peeking back with a coy smile. Yet, when I laid eyes on him, Fang wasn’t smiling. He had a dark look in his eye, a frown on his muzzle. I turned to him with a worried look. “What?”

“I get that you where joking, but when it comes to the Godhead like that, please don’t act more powerful. Pride is unbecoming of a Princess, or anyone for that matter. Pride is what made the Devil turn against God.”

I wilted under the look he was giving me. And he was correct, as I’d seen in Revelations, the former angel had turned on his maker and had been cast out. And later in Genesis (later in real time), more angels rebelled against God along with the humans of Babylon. A “Twin Rebellion” as Micah had called it. *

(* The Satan and Demons, Bible Project on YouTube)

My eyes refocused on the dark Warg, finding a small smile tugging at his muzzle. Apparently, he could tell I was reconsidering my actions and prideful attitude. “I-I’m sorry…”

“It’s ok. We all get struck by pride, it’s part of the curse.” He shrugged, looking off to the right for a moment before he looked back at me. “Let’s move to another topic… I’m tired.”

“If you need me to—”

“No, it… it’s not that I’m… sleepy, I’m just mentally tired of my struggle.”

I sighed, my mind figuring out what he was saying. “You feel as if in the heat of battle, surrounded, with no way to freedom?”

“Not just my own internal struggles, but nearly everyone of the ponies is afraid of me. They think I’ll kill them in a moment’s notice and feast on their bones!” He stopped himself for a moment. “But then… look who I’m talking to…”

“Yes… it could have gone better…” I felt a soft stab in my chest, knowing what events he was referring to. My first Nightmare Night in Ponyville. “But, in this instance, I shalt be your anchor and friend. Though I am no substitute for the Holy Spirit, I shall do my best to help you through thine troubles.”

His smile returned twice as big. “Thanks Loon, you are a good friend.”

I nodded in return, remembering the nickname he’d given me. And just as I was about to speak, the door opened and a large party of seven ponies, two Wargs, and one dragon entered the infirmary room.

“Woah, dude.” Exclaimed Spike, his slitted eyes wide in astonishment as he looked over Fang’s wingless body. “Did it hurt?”

“Not really.” The Warg shrugged, his nose twitching slightly. His eyes widened in shock suddenly, his look becoming serious.

“Micah? What’s wrong?” I asked, managing to mask the panic in my throat.

“Celestia, I’ll probably say this again at some point, but your security stinks.” Just as he said that the door to the room opened and a maid rolling in a cart of covered food, escorted by two royal guards. Fang moved like the lightening he produced and rolled off the bed, crouched, and through a bolt of cold fire at them.

One of the guards magically called a shield as the other guards grabbed Twilight Sparkle, holding a knife to her throat. “Death to the Night Demon!”

“Ah, shut up you quack!” Shouted Fang in response, rushing to meet the guard’s magical barrier.

I chose this moment to push myself up, summoned my Null-Chroma blades, and got into a fighting stance. My mind taking the guards in, I noticed that they specifically wore gold armor and the maid had the covered tray in her hands. I watched as she removed the lid to see a Mana bomb, a device capable of igniting any magic waylines in the area for five miles. It was a weapon once lost to time.

Twilight saw the bomb and tears poured from her eyes, looking over to a stunned and shocked Tia. “Please, I-I don’t…”

…want to die? Not to worry Sparkle, you won’t.

Dispelling one of my blades, I focused my Chroma on the shield, waving together a runic spell. I watched as a dome of blue fire engulfed the stallion’s shield, only barely noticing an orange portal form around Twilight’s captor’s knife hand. The hand vanished into the portal and just before he could pull it out, it closed, leaving a gushed stump and a shocked mare behind. My eyes then caught sight of Roret as she cut off her end of the portal, the severed hand and knife at her feet.

“Luna, I’m going to intertwine my Chroma with yours, be ready. Together, we’ll be rid of the barrier and I’ll get the bomb.” She said with a stern voice.

I nodded, feeling her own fiery magic mix with mine. It was unlike anything I had experienced before, as if I were a single gear in an entire mechanism, finally joined by another, more powerful gear. Roret’s magic, when compared to ponies’, felt like an ocean. Such a vast power behind her skin and bones. And as her power mingled with mine, I felt a strange warmth spread through my mana, almost familiar.

“How can I help?” I heard Micha to my right, as he looked to me.

I looked to him for a moment, feeling Roret’s Chroma nudging mine into the right places within the shield’s matrix, allowing me a moment of clear thought. “Get the remaining Elements and Tia out of the room. We need this barrier down as fast a possible, and I can’t afford any distractions.”

I heard Tia softly gasp at my words, but I paid her no heed. I had a shield to break and intruders to deal with.

“Luna! I’ll stay and help!” Tia said over the now crackling and slitting shield.

“NO!” I shouted back, feeling Star’s irritated voice mix with mine. “You get out and let us deal with this.”


“She said go!” Fang shouted over her, startling the alicorn as he dragged a struggling Spike and Rainbow out the door. “She’s the one doing the dangerous stuff, don’t distract her!”

“Twilight!!” The two screamed, Spike having tears leaking from his eyes and Tia was close to the brink of crying.

After the doors to the infirmary shut, I turned back to see Roret standing along side her mate, both extending their Chroma to the crumbling shield. The three farce ponies had begun panicking at this point, the second guard pulling his sword out and aiming for Twilight’s head. He reeled it back like a baseball bat and swung. But just before it could strike the mare, Røre thrust his arm through a large hole in the shield and grabbed the pony’s hand, crushing it along with the hilt. Said pony screamed along with his accomplice, clutching his crippled limb. By this point, Twilight had backed up closest to me, her green face looking between the three other ponies.

“Oh my Celestia…” Whispered the shocked mare, her wings going slack from the state her mind was in.

Finally, with a flicker, the shield fell. And the instant it was down, both I and Roret rushed the would-be suicide bomber. Roret’s claws snatched the bomb away from the now shaking mare, her eyes as small as pinpricks. Mine went for the pony herself, one clasping around the throat and the other curled around both her hands.

“I will ask this only once,” I snarled, my teeth bared, lips peeled back, and ears pinned to my skull. “Why?”

“F-For the… glory of the Sun Goddess…” Her eyes suddenly went dark and cloudy, her magic aura fading, the heat of her body dimming.

Whether by bomb or not, the mare had just committed suicide. I sniffed her, only to smell a rank odor and the scent of rotting eggs. Death by poison.

I heard Roret let out a sigh. “It’s done, the bomb’s off. But now what to do with these two?”

My eyes turned to the whimpering stallions as I dropped the mare’s corpse, both clutching their bleeding arms, pools of their blood soaking the marble floor. Why had they come and infiltrated the castle? But then my mind brought up Micha’s previous words, “your security stinks.” While I agreed that our security had been lacking when compared to the previous Everfree Castle’s, I took a moment to look back on recent years. My return as… Nightmare Moon… not a fond memory, as all should know by now. But the part I focused on was the lack of Royal Guards that had been protecting Tia, leaving her open to attack.

Cadence’s wedding was one of the larger embarrassments, the guards being next to useless when the Changelings attacked. And then there was the fact that Cadence, a Princess, had been replaced and nopony had even noticed!! Tia hadn’t even supported Twilight, nor had looked into the possibility of Cadence being kidnapped. And to top that off, we’d recently been assaulted by Tirek, sent to Tartarus, and then kidnapped again by the Changelings!! Were we of Equestria’s Capital really that pathetic?! What did that say about the nation as a whole?!

Oh yeah… and FINALLY, I was kidnapped by the cultists! Again, were we THAT sad?!

Just as I huffed in frustration, setting my hand on my brow, the room’s door opened, and Fang stuck his head through. “Are you guys ok? No one’s dead… well, except the intruders?”

I looked up at him to see his eyes going from the false guards to me, worry and gratefulness striking his face. “Yes Micha, all ‘tis well.”

“DEATH TO THE WARGS!!” Shouted the two intruders, igniting their black light swords with their able hands and drove for me. Roret’s magic grabbed the two, but it was dispelled by glowing green runes on their chest plates, freeing them from her grasp.

With her magic useless, Roret leapt after the guard closest to her, locking him in a chokehold. The sound of bending metal and a cracking spine reached my ears. I stepped back, pulling a fiery shield up between me and my oncoming attacker, but it was just short. The dark blade pierced through the shield like butter, the rising stench of burning magic making me cringe, like sulfur and rotting flesh. But before the blade could reach me, in the blink of an eye, Fang was in front of me, using his body as a shield. And so, with the spray of hot blood on my shirt, I watched in horror as my savior grasped the magic burning blade and pulled it deeper into himself, it’s other end poking out from between his shoulder blades.

Fang drew in a hitching breath, grabbing the stallion’s head in his hands and squeezed, his face chiseled into a glare of disgust. The stallion began screaming, his wordless cries chilling my heart. I rushed around to Fang’s right side, staring as blood poured from his teeth as he began coughing.

With blood pooling on the floor, the dark Warg snarled, the crimson liquid drooling between his teeth. “Die!”

The pressure on his head increasing, the stallion shrieked and looked at me with pleading eyes. I turned my head away from the stallion and looked back to Fang, panic and fear rising as I grasped his weakening arm. “M-Micha, stop! You’re bleeding!! STOP YOU IDIOT!!”

But the Warg didn’t answer, drawing out the stallion’s agony with steadily growing pressure. All this took moments, and just as Fang applied even greater strength, the door burst open as the Elements and Tia ran in. They halted in utter shock, laying eyes on Fang as he finally did the deed. With a sickening crack and squelch, the stallion went limp, tumbling to the floor like a sack of wet meat. The expression on Fang’s face was nothing but hatred, only for that look to fade as he collapsed. I being the only thing from him kissing the floor, a river of blood soaking my clothes.

Author's Note:

WHEW! After a long while of RL stuff and the Quarantine, I finally got around to the next chapter! OY!
Anyways, yeah, been busy as of late, but I thankfully found the time to upload this chapter. Hope you all enjoy and please give me your thoughts and any ideas you may have.
P.S. I've noticed that when I post Blogs, i barely get any, if no comments. I would honestly like your feedback on thinks I blog, as it helps me make discussions and helps with the stories.
Thank you and have a good night!

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