• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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23. The Recovery

“No Blueblood, he didn’t curse her.” Celestia repeated for the twentieth time, rubbing her temples and trying to remain calm. “She fainted, but for what reason I don’t know. She keeps muttering something about ‘black eyes’.”

“And what if he told you that just so his curse couldn’t be disrupted? So whatever fiendish deed he’s committed can take full effect?” The unicorn argued back, looking over his fingernails before polishing them again. “You sure your scurrying spell was powerful enough? No hitches, no lapses?”

The Solar Princess grumbled to herself, finally sitting down in her sister’s favorite recliner. “As I said before and the time before that; no, she is fine. Just unconscious.”

“What if that forbidden magic’s blocking yours, can’t be too careful with such potent witchcraft. He could’ve ignited a flame inside her that’ll slowly burn her away.”

Finally fed up with Blueblood’s harassment, I stood and crossed my arms with a huff. “Or turn her organs to stone? Freeze half the blood in her veins? Maybe even transform her blood to water?”

“STAY OUT OF THIS MONSTER!” The alabaster unicorn his brushed golden locks back and straightened his jacket, lifting his nose into the air. “Besides, Equestria has had peace since my Auntie became its sole ruler. That is, until you came and ruined everything with your breath and—”

“Shut. Up.” Growled Celestia as she stood, glaring at her nephew. “If you’re not here to help Blueblood, I must ask you to leave.”

He looked between her and me, disgust clear on his face. “And leave you alone with these two wild mutts? I think not! I will—”

“BLUEBLOOD. Leave. Now!” The alicorn all but burst into flames, her mane sparking and eyes pure white.

The prince stepped back at her outburst, tripping over his hooves as he began to exit the room. But before the door fully closed, Blueblood shot me a glare and mimed that he’d kill me. I shook my head and looked away as the door closed, trying to ignore his blunt threat. My mind began to wander, rolling around to a verse in Matthew; “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

How could I love someone like that? How could I? Someone who persecutes everyone around himself and curses his family?

‘It starts with a prayer.’ Balder offered with a solemn and soft tone.

With this in mind, I ignored Celestia as she apologized and knelt at the base of Luna’s bed. I folded my hands and bowed my head, my heart still burning with anger toward the lunatic of a prince.

“Lord,” I muttered, choking on a tear and a drying throat. “Why must he be as such? Why must he hurt everyone around him and think he’s the best person in the world? Lord… I need help. I-I don’t know how to face this, this anger that I feel is rightly deserved. I’m sure that there were people who rightly deserved your anger, but you showed them mercy and love instead of wrath. I feel like my heart is being crushed by this hate and all I feel for him is disgust.
“I know with everything, you’re with me. You calmed the seas, the storms. Lord, please calm this storm inside me, this festering anger.” I was barely aware of a hand on my shoulder, too engrossed in my prayer. “Please show me your love again, give me a drive to seek it and claim your gift. I know that I get angry easily, and I shouldn’t. I should be slow to anger and quick to forgive and love, but I also feel like this anger is surrounding me. Keeping me prisoner. Lord, break these chains… help me to see what you see in him. Please help him in some way to stop and look at what he’s doing. To look at the lives he’s hurting and make amends. Please help us to also see where we need fixing, be it anger, jealousy, or just seeking you Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

A muffled sniffle sounded from behind me. I opened my eyes and turned around to find Celestia on her knees and crying. A moan came from Luna’s bed and I looked up to find her too in tears, but a smile graced her muzzle. I was suddenly aware of a streak of warmth going down my cheek, wiping it away a moment after.

“Thank you, Fang.” Celestia croaked, blowing her nose with a tissue from seemingly out of nowhere. “He needs that; somepony who sees the good in him besides me. I keep thinking it’s because I spoiled him after his parents died. But I can honestly say that I love my nephew, regardless of what he’s become.”

“What would you do if he wasn’t family? Just out of curiosity.” The question had just popped into my head.

“Toss him down the stairs and ban him from the country.” Came Luna’s instant reply, earning a scowl from the alicorn.

“Luna! Even if he was not family, I would at least make an effort to smile and be courteous.” Celestia put on her widest and cheeriest grin.

The Wargess rolled her eyes, her ear twitching as the door opened. I looked over to see Doctor Clear entering the room, a medical bag in hand. Luna nodded to the mare before replying, I then turned back to listen. “While I agree that courteousness is needed in most royal duties, I can not stand his horrid antics for the life of me. That and the putrid stench I get when ever I pass by his room, it irks me to no end.”

“Smell? What smell, Lulu?” Asked Celestia, her eyebrow lifting.

“You know what I mean.” She said dryly, allowing Clear Sight to test her pulse. “I could still smell him on—”

“Yes, Luna!” The Solar Princess cut in, a small frown on her face. “I know what he does, and it irks me too.”

“Then why not do something about it?” Luna challenged, her brows furrowing with the littlest snarl. But Clear would have none of it and asked the Princess to remain still as she worked. Luna grumbled but obliged, leaning back into the mountain of pillows behind her.

The Princess of the Night breathed and calmly looked her sister in the eye. “Imagine Equestria under his rule, sister. What would it be like? Who would be here and who wouldn’t?”

Celestia ground her teeth, a scowl present on her muzzle as she looked down at her hooves. “I dread such a place. I imagine the city in ruins, ponies starving and the enemies of Equestria at every angle.”

“All the while, Blueblood’s happily soaking in the comforts of royalty in an underground fortress.” I added darkly, my own scowl coming into play. “In any case, let’s talk about something less dark. I’d rather not get any nightmares.”

Both Princesses nodded in agreement, the room settling into an uncomfortable silence. We sat there for a little more than ten minutes, all absentmindedly watching Clear work.

Nurse Sight gave a dutiful nodded and a smile, standing up as Celestia sat back in her chosen seat and I on a large chest at the foot of Luna’s bed. “Well, you’re all good. No injuries and no concussions.”

The medical mare’s smile faltered for a moment. “Your Majesty? Remember when you asked me for a full anatomy analysis two weeks ago?”

“Yes.” Luna nodded, Celestia looking at her sister curiously.

“You never told me about this Luna. Why the sudden interest?” The alicorn paused for a moment, then her coy smirk reared its head. “Unless you just wanted the analysis for… you know?”

Luna’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, bathed in a heated blush from cheeks to ears. “N-NO, TIA! NEVER!!”

My eyebrows rose as I suddenly uncovered the meaning, a grin crossing my muzzle. “If we’re going there, let me plug my ears and get a head start, huh?”

The Wargess’ face doubled in its crimson hue as she squeaked. “WHAT?!”

“Thankfully, we’re steering clear of that subject… at least after this little bit.” The Nurse then turned to Luna, puffing out her chest with bravo. “For one, your heat season seems to be coming to a close. I’m honestly surprised that you kept yourself under control for so long, what with how things usually go for us mares.”

Luna and Celestia coughed awkwardly and glared at the mare, causing her to start sweating. Luna voiced her thoughts. “Moving on.”

“Uh, yes. Quite so, your Highnesses.” Sight looked over her notes and the two Wargs present, her smile returning. “On an interesting point, your bones are reinforced with an unknown material. I’m not sure what it is, but with how Fang was tossed around like a doll by the Hydra and came out of it with only a few scrapes, I’d say you two are just plain tough cookies. Another note was your increasing mana pools.”

“Say what?” I skewed my head and frowned curiously, somewhat grasping the concept thanks to the few fanfictions I’d read. “Mana pool?”

“One’s magic reserves… or the magic in the surrounding area.” Clarified the Lunar Princess, earning a nod and hum from me.

“Oh… so, kind of like what the Chinese call Chi, or life force? If you can put it that way.” I racked my brain for anymore terms that I’d heard over the years, finally just shaking it off. “Anyways, what about it?”

Clear and the Princesses nodded, the medic continuing. “Yes, it seems that you two absorb small bits of mana energy wherever you go. So… like a sponge. You automatically gather small amounts at a time, slowly building up your power.”

“But… we don’t suck it away from anyone around us, do we? Like Force Drain?” I asked, rubbing my itching neck.

“Force Drain?” Everyone else repeated in unease.

“Where a Sith would suck, essentially, the life force out of a target and add it to their own.” At the perplexed and horrified looks I was getting, I added with a shrug. “It’s from Star Wars, one of my favorite sagas. Only the bad guys use it… at least to my knowledge.”

“Uh… well, basically yes. But to the extent of sucking them dry, like I’d expect these ‘Sith’ to do, no. Your bodies only absorb little flecks at a time, not huge quantities.” She looked over her notes for a moment before looking back up at us. “How your bodies use and store all the magic absorbed is still a mystery. One which I’d like to uncover soon.”

Luna stole a glance at the clock hanging above her closet, watching as the hands clicked to seven thirty. I looked out the window to find the sun setting, the sky alight with brilliant oranges, violets, and pinks. The scene reminded me of the sunsets we’d get in Alaska; dazzling and breathtaking.

Celestia gave her sister an encouraging nod, gesturing Luna over to the balcony as she stepped toward it. “It’s time sister.”

The Lunar Princess nodded solemnly in return and followed, Clear and myself in toe. I watched as Celestia lit her horn and began setting the sun, the star’s golden glow fading into a dull orange behind the mountains. Turning to Luna, I noticed her struggling, her slightly trembling body evidence of that. I leaned to the right to get a look at her scrunched up face and saw her eyes alight with blue fire, then turned back to see the pale moon shakily climbing into the sky.

A bead of sweat trailed down the Wargess’ forehead, letting out a grunt as she continued her daunting task of raising the moon. A few moments passed before I noticed that the moon was quivering in the dark sky, slowly descending. I leaned around the Princess of the Night to find her sweating profoundly, her brows furrowed, hand stretched out toward the moon and shaking.

I hesitated for a moment, mindful of my hand that hovered over her shoulder. But after a second, I felt that my decision was right and placed my hand on her shoulder, leaning forward next to her ear. Her ear flicked toward me and I felt a shiver run through her.

“You can do this, Luna.” I whispered, placing my second hand on her back and the other branching out to her own hand. I then gently grasped her shaking hand and held it still, rubbing her back in slow circles. “You have the power; we can see that now. The moon’s rising with your hand, isn’t it?”

Luna nodded, taking a long breath. “It used to be easier; controlling the moon. But ever since I- we were changed, the magic almost feels… alien, as if it’s been torn from our reach.”

“Can you jump and grab it again?”

She let out a small giggle. “That would be a very difficult ‘jump’. But… yes, though it would take time to fully grasp it again.”

“I’m nine feet tall now, maybe I can help you reach?”

She turned her head to me with a bashful smile, letting her fangs show without remorse. “What? You want me to stand on your shoulders? Is that how it’d work?”

I smiled back, chuckling to myself. “If it would help.”

“I thought you were supposed to be wise.” The Wargess playfully scolded, turning back to the shivering but steadily rising moon. “I was speaking metaphorically, not literally.”

“I know.” Laughing, I poked her in the side, earning a petite yelp from her. “I’m pulling your leg.”

“Lift the moon any higher Luna and you’ll risk shooting it out of orbit.” Celestia chimed in from her side of the balcony, muffling a laugh behind her hand as she watched us. I looked to the sky to see said celestial body slowing to a stop above the mountains, Luna’s arm dropping to her side. “You two are just too cute together.”

Suddenly gaining a sense of self-consciousness, I noticed how close Luna and I were. Finding this to be awkward and (very) embarrassing, we stepped away from each other, both trying to hide our beet red faces. I settled for stuffing my hands into my pockets and turning to watch the stars. Luna’s face still burned hot as she wrapped her arms around herself, sneaking an occasional glance at me. I did what I could to seem oblivious to her watching me, but my own face was red from snout to ear.

“Sister… Could I speak with you?” Luna turned fully to Celestia, glancing between her and the floor, then finally landing on me. “Alone, please?”

Getting the message, I cleared my throat and nodded, moving toward the room’s door. “Uh, sure. I’ll, uh… go get something to eat. I’ll be in the kitchen if ya’ll need me.”

The Princesses nodded as I exited with Clear not far behind. (If everyone’s wondering, Scatha had gone back to her Hive and bidden everyone a good day after we returned Luna to the castle.) With nothing to do but grab a snack, I decided to head down to the kitchens where I’d last left Haven. Apparently, the day’s chef had baked a fresh batch of peanut butter cookies and offered the silver pup a handful to help her calm down. She’d been shaken up at witnessing the attack, though she thankfully wasn’t scared of me or Luna, she was frightened from the numerous ponies we’d dissected in the park.

However, upon nearing the dining room, I heard voices shouting. One of them striking as painfully familiar.

“KNOW YOUR PLACE, WELP!!” Came Blueblood’s almost squeaky bellow.

“GET AWAY FROM HER!!” Shouted Shadow Path, muffled sounds of armor clanking and a vase breaking. A scream, a smacking sound, and then the whimpering of a child reached my ears in seconds. I didn’t need to be a detective to know what was going on, but as I shoved open the doors, the sight before me seized my heart.

Blueblood stood over a cowering and crying Haven, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks and the shoulder of her shirt torn. Path was struggling against two guards in gold armor, white sashes lashing on their shoulders (the prince’s personal guards) as they held the lone Thestral back.

My blood was beyond boiling point as I stared at Haven as she cried, her little body curling into a ball with the unicorn towering above her. My nostrils flared and my lips pealed back with a mounting snarl, claws growing in length to four inches long. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and I through my head back and roared. With that roar came the quaking ground and shattering of windows, mares screamed as statues cracked and toppled over. After what felt like an hour (twenty seconds) of roaring, I sent Blueblood such an intense glare that I could’ve melted him right there and then. Wings flared and claws fully outstretched, I stomped my way toward the shocked prince. Each stomp sent a tremor through the floor, the remaining glass shuttering as the result.

Blueblood stumbled back and tripped over Haven, the pup sobbing as the prince payed no heed, scrambling away from the gigantic beast that lumbered toward him. When I reached Silver Haven, she latched onto my leg and hickuped, drying her tears with my pant leg. The touch sent a ping of remorse through me, my heart skipping a chilled beat and I looked down at her, my chest tightening as the cold feeling intensified. Without a second thought, I pulled my shirt off, knelt down and wiped away her past and present tears. After her tears were cleared, Haven sprang up and clutched herself onto my chest, letting a fresh wave of weeping shower my collar bone. Still knelt, I wrapped my arms around her and gently but firmly hugged her, my own tears threatening to spill over. Holding my daughter tighter, but still tenderly, I folded my wings around us for extra warmth.

“It’s ok now, Haven. You’re safe, you’re safe.” I whispered as I fell back on my bum and rubbed her back. With Haven safely in my grasp, I spitefully rolled my eyes back to the unicorn prince.

Said prince was staring at us in shock and disgust, his nose wrinkled and high like the snob he was. He stood up, rubbing any imperfections out of his navy blue suit. “There, now the little rabble of flees knows not—”

In a flash, I stood over him with a loud bark, snapping my jaws in his face. I glared down into his eyes with so much distain that the moment I was close, his face grew pale (if that was possible) and the smell of salt filled the air around him.

“You ever come near her again,” I growled, my words falling into a thunderous rumble. “I will personally—”

“Y-You’ll do wh-what?!” He almost smugly replied as he stood up straighter, pushing his glowing horn into my face. “Cuff me? Through me into the dungeons? Blind me with pepper spray?!”

I heaved out several breaths, my fists begging to curl in on themselves, but Haven was still in my grasp. It was at that moment that I felt Balder nudge himself into the forefront of my mind, his snarl heard only to my ears. Finally having enough, my other half shoved his way into the driver’s seat and took the wheel. Haven still in his careful grip, he grabbed the prince by the neck and pulled him up to our face.

It was now Blueblood’s turn to whimper as Balder glared into his wide eyes, my other’s yellow and black eyes, his gaze holding no remorse for what he was going to do next. Spinning on our heels, we both used the quickly built up momentum to send the prince through the air, over the 22 foot long table, and onto Celestia’s golden chair. We watched as the unicorn’s eyes spun in their sockets, finding a hint of satisfaction in our efforts.

With the prince now dazed, Balder turned around and lumbered over to where Shadow was still being held. My other-self glared down at the two guards and they immediately let the Thestral go, stepping back and shaking in their armor. With our work done, Balder stepped back to allow me full control again. Shadow nodded his thanks and followed us out, past the table where Haven quietly asked me to grab her napkin of four cookies and out the door. With the sounds of hushed sniffles and crunching cookies filling my ears, I almost missed that the Princesses were standing off to my right. Once I did, I did a quick doubletake and Shadow said his goodbyes, I turned to the Solar and Lunar monarchs to find them both smiling, if a bit smugly.

“I personally would’ve thrown him out the window… if given the option.” Grinned Luna, giving me her wickedest smile and a wink. Without warning, she stepped forward, stood on her toes, and licked (kissed) me on the cheek. “That was most kind of you, Obsidian Fang; protecting Haven.”

The compliment flew through one ear and out the other as I touched the spot where she’d pecked my cheek. “You kissed me.”

“On the cheek.” She chimed, her smile widening.

A lopsided smile spread over my muzzle, twitching upward as I subconsciously rubbed my cheek. “Still counts.”

Celestia took this moment to clear her throat, coughing into a fist. “I hate to interrupt, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t go around and toss my relatives around like dolls. However, I would agree that my nephew needed a shove to remember his place… and it’s not in my chair.”

All turned as the princess’ horn glowed a vibrant gold and the prince was lifted from the golden throne and plopped onto the floor next to it. Luna just rolled her eyes at her alicorn sibling, taking the cookie Haven offered and enjoying her snack. The silver pup then turned to me, face free of tears and stains, and offered me a cookie. I smiled warmly and accepted her offering, nuzzling her ear before turning to my baked treat.

“You’re the boss.” Luna smiled, her fire-like magic swallowing her hand, watching it coil and wreath across her palm.

“Yes, I’m still the boss with the big chair!” Celestia walked over and bent down to take a seat in said throne. I watched with a smirk as Luna’s magic engulfed the chair and it vanished without a sound, leaving Celestia to fall back onto the floor with a thud. “By the way… WHERE IN TARTARUS IS MY BIG CHAIR?!”

Haven and I did our best to keep quiet, trying not to burst into laughing fits as I managed to finish my cookie. Thankfully, we were able to keep it down to hushed snickers.

The Lunar Princess shrugged with a giggle; her smile filled with mirth. “I imagine it’s found its way into the custody of the birds.”

At our confused looks, Luna clarified as she leaned forward and smiled. “It’s on the roof.”

I kept myself from laughing as Celestia’s eye twitched, her mouth falling open. “YOU SENT IT WHERE?!”

“The roof.” She replied matter-of-factly, turning to exit with a grimace. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have much needed paperwork that needs filing... my hands are going to ache SO BAD when I’m done.”

“B-bu-but… MY CHAIR?!” Panicked the Solar alicorn as she blinked at her Warg sister. “SERIOUSLY?! This is payback for all those pranks I did as a filly, isn’t it?!”

Luna looked over her shoulder and offered her sister a sly smile. “Maybe.”

With that, the Wargess departed and left me, a baffled Celestia, a snickering Haven, and a stumbling unicorn prince. Blueblood mumbled something that I ignored, having his guards carry him to his room. But just before they managed to carry him out the door, the unicorn fully awoke and demanded he be released. My ears perked as Celestia openly groaned, I then turned to see the prince stalking up to me. Haven pulled herself closer and whimpered, prompting me to hide her with a wing. The Canterlot prince stomped closer and raised a pointing finger at us, ready to deliver his outbursts and threats. Yet, this would never happen.

As he clopped his way closer, a large black and blue blur swept past us and thrust Blueblood into the north wall. Arcs of lightening spread from the Nocturnal Princess’ flared wings, her eyes alight with fire as she held the prince by the collar of his suit. She licked her lips as they peeled back, revealing her sharp ivory teeth, a snarl rumbling in her throat. The once brave prince sobbed in her grasp, mumbling his pleas and begging for his life.

With a roll of her eyes, the flames died away as Luna brought her former nephew down to eyelevel. “You ever come near Silver Haven… EVER, and I will not spare a moment in punishing you. I won’t kill you for Tia’s sake, but if I find your scent on her, then not even the gates of Tartarus will save you.”

The Princess then dropped the unicorn and stepped back, calming herself and holding her arms out toward me. It took me a moment, but I saw what she meant by the gesture when Haven asked for Luna to hold her. Surprised, I handed the pup over and gave Luna a curious look.

She just smiled and winked. “I know you’ve been wanting to give him a piece of your mind. I won’t stop you.”

I blinked at her, my head reeling back slightly in my stupor. “Thanks.”

At least wanting to explain something to the unicorn, I trudged forward as my steps shook the floor. Without a second thought, I grasped the prince by the wrist and held him at eyelevel, grinding my teeth as I spoke. “You know, I was actually willing to forgive you. I even prayed that I’d have the strength to do so. But it seems that my prayers were in vain. Why should I forgive someone who has not asked for it nor deserves it? Even though I myself was not deserving of mercy and forgiveness, Jesus forgave me and you.”

I found myself staring off into space, continuing my musings. “Jesus forgave me before I’d even asked for it… yet, here I am, choosing not to forgive you.” I silently thought about it for a minute, mulling over the prospect. “It’ll take time… but I’ll eventually forgive you.”

The prince gathered enough stupidity to glare at me. “I don’t need your forgiveness! I’m the Prince of Equestria, I need nopony’s forgiveness!”

I gave him a deadpan, the hope in my heart fading like a candle. “I’ll still forgive you.”

With that, I dropped the unicorn with a huff, turning around to join the two Wargesses. As we passed the doors to the dining room, Luna leaned toward me, carrying a yawning Haven. We left the prince to his aunt’s mercy.

“You did very well.” She then leaned in and planted another kiss on my cheek. I felt my cheeks burn as I looked at her, a pair of bold silver orbs stared back at me.

“T-Thanks Star.” I smiled, trying to forget my reddened face before growing serious. “I need to put the plans for my house into action, need to get away from the… brat. Know any construction companies with good records?”

Luna’s other-self hummed in thought, shifting her hold on the now slumbering pup. “I know that River Ways Construction has a very strong reputation, they’re also the company that assisted in Luna’s new room after the parasprite attack last year.”

I gave her a confused look. “There was a parasprite attack? What happened?”

“Well…” She then shifted Haven in her arms, struggling to hold the shifting seven-year-old before wrapping her wings around her. Haven immediately stopped wiggling in her sleep and settled into Star with an adorable smile. Star seemed to get distracted with Haven, smiling as the pup settled against her chest. “She’s so cute when she’s like this; at peace and her face all scrunched up.”

I gave my own smile and nodded in agreement. “Yes she is.”

“Anyhow, the parasprites had come from the east and somehow gotten into the palace. They ended up eating more than half Celly’s cake stash.” The Wargess giggled to herself, careful not to wake Haven. “You should’ve seen the look on her face, she was so mad.”

I gave a chuckle but stopped short when something occurred to me. “Wait, you said a year ago. And Luna said it was about two months ago that you and Luna were reunited. How do you know this?”

Star’s smile vanished to make way for a scowl. “Just because I wasn’t seen, doesn’t mean that I wasn’t there. It’s great to interact with the world, but a living Tartarus if you’re stuck in the back of someone’s head and can’t do anything.”

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! Today's the end of classes for me, praise the Lord!! Hope ya'll are having a fantastic day and please let me know what you think of the chapter. Till next time!

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