• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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9. Let's Talk

Needless to say, Blueblood’s attempt to arrest me proved null. As he spouted things about him being a prince and that it was undignifying for him to be dragged away, he also said some things that I’d rather not repeat. One of the lesser of these was saying that I was a monster that deserved to be locked away in the depths of Tartarus.

But thankfully, Celestia had ordered two of her guards to take him to his room and lock the door. After that the Princess rubbed her temples to ease her growing headache, no doubt caused by her nephew’s shouting. After she calmed herself, I stepped forward.

“Hey, uh, should I help with cleaning up?” I took another moment to think, looking around at the ruined yard. “Or did you have something you wanted me to do?”

The eldest Princess smiled. “Well…” She too looked around at the damage, assessing my request. “You could help with the broken pillars, otherwise there is nothing I can think of. The palace staff can take care of the rest.”

“Ok.” I nodded as I mulled it over. “I guess I’ll go and wonder around after I wash up.”

“Sounds good. But please stay within the castle grounds, I’d rather the populace not go into a panic.” She turned toward the ruined doors but stopped before turning back to me with a thoughtful smile. “Actually, would you consider my earlier offer?”

“About becoming a knight? A noble?”

“Yes. From what I’ve seen, you act like the nobles of old. A kind, gentle, and ferocious warrior.” She stole a glance at Luna’s armor, looking at the dents and scratch marks in detail. “And though what you believe is a little… strange, I mean no offence…”

“None taken. I’ve heard worse.” I shrugged.

“I see great potential in you Obsidian. The makings of a legendary knight. You are a good stal-er- wolf at heart.”

I chuckled at that.

“What?” Celestia smiled with a quick laugh of her own.

“That last line’s similar to what my Mom used to say.” My mood soured after a moment, remembering my predicament. I shook my head, mumbling to myself, “Never mind about that last part.”

The Princess seemed to pick up on my sadness, she placed a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry for your loss. If you’d like, I’ll have my top scientists working on a way to send you home and we can forget my offer. I’ll let you stay in the castle as my ward until you are sent back.”

“No, it’s ok. You don’t have to go through the trouble. If I was sent back, I doubt I’d change.” I gestured to my new body. “And I doubt they’ll take kindly to a real live Werewolf who can breath fire and control lightning. Plus, I think the receiving here will be better, seeing as how there are multiple species here in Equestria…. and, I think this is where I need to be.”

I took a glance at the younger Princess as she reluctantly removed her breastplate. “That, and Luna needs someone to help her with her claws, and possibly other abilities.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you. She’ll need all the help she can get.”

“Yeah,” I nodded as I sat down on one of the nearby bleachers. “And I imagine she’ll want to learn how to breath fire and do that lightning thing. *chuckle* I know I would.”

The Sun Princess paused for a moment, but then stepped closer and dove into a whisper. “I know she’ll probably ask this, but… what did it feel like to control the lightning?”

I took a long breath, remembering the flood of warmth and power that encased me. “It was like… like a bonfire was being stoked in my chest, then it spread through my limbs. It almost overwhelmed me when it first hit. I felt like my veins were burning, every bone in my body suddenly erupted, then rebuild themselves back together within a single second. It was… invigorating, to say the least.”

“I see…” She looked off to the side, humming in thought. “Anyhow, I’d find it preferable if you could answer my offer by tonight. It’ll take a good week to order and set up everything. And I’d rather have your answer soon as to prevent a rush.”

I nodded in return. “Ok. I’ll get back to you by tonight.”

With her current answer, Celestia smiled and waved us inside the crippled entrance. I followed behind as Luna hurried up beside her sister, her new black dress rolling like waves in the air, everyone else following behind me. Looking at them side by side, the sisters seemed to be at the same height. Yet, for some crazy reason, my eye level grazed the tops of their heads. Guess I was getting a growth pert at the time… funny. Not funny ‘ha ha’, but you get it, right? We soon made it to the main hall, a vast room with red carpet, four glittering dimond chandlers, two curved staircases on either side of the room, and a pair of twelve-foot double doors that led to the courtyard no doubt. The stairs I mentioned earlier led to the second floor with a railing separating anyone from a terrible fall.

I noticed Cadence look at a nearby grandfather clock, its hands striking eleven thirty-five. “Well, it was very nice meeting you Obsidian Fang, but sadly, we’ve got to catch the next train back to the Empire.”

I nodded but stopped and furrowed my brows, asking (though I already knew the answer), “Empire?”

“Yes, the Crystal Empire. It’s the kingdom where me and Shining rule over and protect.” The pink Alicorn smiled with pride. Flurry giggled and hugged her doll close to her chest, her little face squishing into an adorable smile. It took all my willpower to not ball over from all the cutest filly ever held in her mother’s arms. All I managed to do was smile back at her, the kid did a hasty wave back.

“Ah… sounds interesting. I hope to see it one day.” My focus shifted back to the couple.

Shining nodded, then turned to his wife. “We should get going if we’re going to make it. Let’s say our goodbyes to the rest.” With a grin, Cadence stepped past me to say farewell to the others.

“Speaking of the time, it’ll soon be time for Court.” Celestia sighed, her shoulders slouching. “I’ll no doubt be begging for Mother to end it.”

“Or you.” Luna chuckled with a playful nudge at her sister.

It took a moment for the Sun Princess to get her sibling’s joke, though when she did she gave Luna mirth filled smirk. “Oh, then I’ll haunt you till the end of time, dear sister.”

I tried and failed to hold back a laugh. “Oh yeah. I can totally see it now.” I took up a zombie/ghostly stance, arms raised as if I were the Phantom from Scooby Doo. I slowly limped my way over toward the Night Princess. “OOOoooooOOOOOooo!! Luuuunnaaaaa, IIII seeeekk reeveenggge-a!! Now you will pay!!”

“OH,Oh!! I’ll pay…” Pinkie reached into her pocket and pulled out a few gold coins. “How about four bits?”

A chorus of laughter erupted form the hall as we all burst.

By the time I managed to calm down, a maid and a mare in a blue suit walked up behind Celestia. The maid was carrying a large white shirt as she trotted over to me. I thanked her, removed my shoulder armor, and pulled the shirt over my head. With my upper body covered, I felt ready for a lazy day. Mainly because I had nothing planned and nothing was coming to mind to occupy the time.

The mare I spoke of earlier had a dark green coat and a white mane and tail. She whispered something into the Sun Princess’ ear, to which Celestia nodded with a graceful frown. After a second, Celestia cleared her throat. “I’m afraid the nobility are getting restless. Mist says their about to use one of the Shining Blight statues as a battering-ram.”

My curiosity peeked at the name. I leaned over toward Shining, hoping he’d have the answer since he no doubt knew a lot of military history. “Who’s Shining Blight?”

“My great ancestor.” The stallion replied as he looked up at me. “He was said to be one of the best, a true Knight of Canterlot. They say that the mightiest of legions and the fiercest of generals trembled at his name. The armies lay their arms down within seconds.”

I nodded, finding respect for the ancient Knight. “Sounds like a good stallion.” A thought then struck me. If this old knight and Shining possessed the same first name, and were relatives, it would stand to reason that Shining was named after this great hero in homage to him. “You didn’t happen to be named after him, do you?”

Shining smiled at my question, puffing his chest out in pride. “Yes, in fact, I am.”

I then offered the white unicorn a fist, my grin returning. “Awesome dude.”

He was hesitant for a moment, but soon got over it and bumped me back. I nodded in thanks before turning back to the sisters.

Celestia smiled at the display while Luna hummed in approval. The Solar Monarch stepped forward, her eyes glancing at the clock. “Sorry to say, but I have a court to get to. Shouldn’t keep my subjects waiting any longer.”

“If we want the throne room still intact that is… pests.” Mumbled Luna as she gave her sister a sly smile. That got a good laugh out of me… okay, one that I tried and failed to hide under a fist.

With a parting glare, Celestia left the room for Day Court, as Cadence informed me later on. I turned to the assembled group with a clap of my hands. “Ok, I’ll go get cleaned up and… meet you guys… where?”

Twilight smiled, “We can gather in the ballroom.”

I could hear crickets in the distance. “And that would be…” My eyes shifted around the room, as if trying to find the answer. “Where?”

This time, Fluttershy gathered the courage to step forward, her body growing more tense as the did so. “U-um, i-it’s ri-right by the-the garden-ns. Th-through the dou-double doors. N-ne-next to the tr-tra-trainin-g y-yard.” She was on the verge of shaking herself into a seizure.

I gently held her still. “Hey, hey. No passing out on us, ok?”

I then led her over to a nearby chair and watched as she sat, still shaking. Seconds after that, Fluttershy was swarmed by her friends, all asking if she was ok. Rarity took the liberty of fanning the pegasus, using a Japanese styled fan with a green forest depicted on it. Where did she get that anyway? Magic?

Fluttershy on her part just sat there, staring off into space.

From what I could tell the girl had sucked herself back inside her preverbal shell and was scared to death of me. Seeing as how she’d been so tight lipped around me this morning and the past day. The best decision I could see was to step back and let her adjust, let her warm up to me in her own way. Mainly so I didn’t cause her to faint on the spot. And I defiantly didn’t want to give the sweet girl a heart attack… everyone would be after my shaggy hide. I’d be the new rug in someone’s office.

One the bright side, I’d finally get to be a hermit like my grandfather was.

Putting aside the jokes and musings, I decided to take my chance and go take a warm (and very long) shower. Sadly, to my frustration, I managed to snap the handle of my room’s door, a good chunk of said door coming off with it. I growled in frustration, the guards on either side of me backed away, putting room between themselves and the short-fused bomb.

“Having trouble?” Asked a feminine voice behind me. I turned to see Luna walking up to me, her face showing concern and pity.

I exhaled deeply before answering, trying to calm myself. “Broke the door.” I huffed as I raised the hunk of metal for her to see.

She nodded, taking the knob out of my hand and raised her arms, revealing two plain silver bracelets on each wrist. Luna took a breath and exhaled on her left arm, the bands on that wrist shimmering in a pale blue fire. The bracelets looked as if they were set ablaze, yet they didn’t soften and melt. It was almost like… magic fire?

“Retainment cuffs. Though dialed back from their counterparts, these act as safeguards against my growing strength. They keep my power under control and allow me to interact with the world without braking anything… or anypony.” She explained, her voice smooth and calm.

I looked at the flaming bracelets, then I remembered the gauntlets I still needed to remove. Could she put the same spell on them, so I could control my strength better?

My gaze shifted down to the braces on my arms. “Could you—”

“Yes.” She intercepted, already knowing what I was asking. “I’ll sow the spell into your bands, so that this,” she raised the knob into view and finished with a laugh. “doesn’t happen again.”

I joined her in a chuckle. “Yes, save all doorknobs from my impending wrath.”

The Princess lifted her ears and smiled, a soft chuckle escaping her lips. “Very much so, all the doors in Equestria and beyond shall scream in terror at the sound of thine name.”

I noticed the two guards next to me share a nervous look, both eyeing the usually stoic Princess. Seriously? Everyone’s allowed to have fun once in a while, right? Luna’s life shouldn’t be all business and no fun. Who did they think she was, Batman?

After a moment of deep breaths, Luna performed the spell. Her eyes suddenly took on a brighter and thicker band of silver, blue fire swirling around her hands, all as she spoke. “Jeg fortrylle disse hansker a holde sine brukerens fantastisk styrke til hans onske. La ingen holde ham mot hans vilje og hans vrede vaere swift. (I enchant these gauntlets to hold their user’s amazing strength to his desire. Let none hold him against his will and let his wrath be swift)”

I looked at her sideways. “You know Norwegian?”

She tilted her head. “Nor-what?”

“Norwegian.” I corrected. “An old language that my uncle used to speak, and he taught it to me… that, and two years of it in high school.”

The Princess rubbed her chin in thought, then shrugged. “Was your uncle from the land they spoke this tongue?”

“Well,” I looked up at the ceiling, trying to recall what little family history I’d been told. “Yes and no. My uncle’s and mom’s ancestors hailed from somewhere in Ireland or Norway, that’s the jest of what I was told. That, and I really like the sound of deep drums, flutes, and bagpipes. That’s when I took an interest in my family tree and my Uncle Red taught me the old language.”

“Your uncle’s name was Red?”

“Yeah, his full name was Red-rose James Tukerson. He told me his dad named him that, a strange man he called my great-uncle. Uncle Red said he rather be called just ‘Red’, like the red in his beard.” I let loose another chuckle. “So, from that day on, we all started calling him Red Beard. And then, whenever we’d meet up, we’d always greet him with ‘Arg!’ or ‘Ahoy matey’.”

Luna held back her own laugh, but soon calmed enough to speak. “Sadly, I have no tales of my family tree…” She suddenly got a mischievous grin. “But I have a few of Tia’s younger years.”

An evil grin spread over my muzzle, I rubbed my hands together in a mock villainous manner. “Anything juicy?”

She giggled at my display. “Oh, oh so many.” She leaned in close, the guards following suit. “Far too many that Tia will be blushing from ear to ear.”

My grin only widened. “Do tell.”

Luna and I then retreated to her privet study/lounge. The study itself was very cozy. To my right sat a large desk crowded with papers and writing materials, a set of bookshelves behind that. To my left was a warm fireplace, two sofas on either side of the hearth, and a stylized chair of blues and blacks. Probably Luna’s personal seat for meetings. It might seem weird that the Princess had shut the door on us, but she didn’t want word of Celestia’s childhood embarrassments to be roam free through the castle. We spent about two hours trading stories, in which time a maid had brought us lunch. It was mostly Luna telling me of her and Celestia’s adventures, in and out of the castle when they were younger.

Numerous tales of pranks Celestia did on Luna, the Night Princess always sought revenge though. In all honesty, Luna admitted that she more than often failed to get back at her sister, the prank often being reversed back onto her. All the while, I sat on the opposed sofa as she sat on the other, listening and munching on a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup. The hearth crackling between us, bathing our bodies in its warmth and orange light.

In short, when it comes to pranking, Celestia’s the master.

And the reason it was mostly Luna talking was because I didn’t have many stories. Back on earth, my life wasn’t very exciting. I had a job, collage, and during my free time I’d often play video games. Yes, pour sad me was never the social type. Though Luna said she was going to fix that, I just laughed as she giggled. Both of us finding the prospect funny.

After we calmed down, I decided to ask Luna about her past. It was mainly so I could compare my knowledge of the show to this world’s history. Incase there was anything different from what I knew, I at least wanted to be sure. She was hesitant at first, but soon worked up the courage.

“Fang, I think that since you told me something of your past, I should reveal some of mine.” She took a breath, her breathing becoming shallow.

“If you don’t want to, I won’t push you.” I assured with a calming hand.

Luna shook her head. “No, you asked a question, I shall answer.”

I nodded in reply.

The Princess breathed before beginning. “Many years ago, far, far too many, Tia and I ruled over the newly formed government of Equestria. She was the high Princess, while I was basically second in command and master of battle tactics. Tia’s rule was strong and everypony adored her for her beautiful and boundless day…” Her mood soured slightly, her voice slipping into old Equestrian. Her frustration began to boil. “And We ruled over the night, where our subjects rejected mine shinning sky and our gleaming moon. Thine dear sister left us in her shadow, alone aside from our night guard. The Thestrals were kind to us, but in our yearning, we wanted more attention. As the years went by, our sadness grew to anger, anger turned to hate, hate became spite. And soon, we grew tired of our sister’s neglect. Tired of her ever-present glory.”

Her face hardened, her brows furrowing at the negative memories. “We turned against our sister, allowing our other half; Moon, to take control and cast the world in eternal darkness and night. We were foolish enough to believe that this act could give us what we wanted, but in the end, we were cast out by our sister. Banished to the moon, we became shunned, colder than ice. During our time there, we were driven into madness and starvation, though we couldn’t die. Starvation gave way to the freezing nights, yet we never froze solid. And the freezing nights transferred to the ever-silent void of space, no screams came from our lips, no weeping came to our ears… that we heard at least.” Her eyes began to water, she could barely talk without a single sniffle. “Three thousand, seven hundred, and sixty tree years we stayed on that cursed sphere of dust and rock. Nearly four thousand years we lay in the dirt, begging for a death that never came… And the worst part, we knew we would have to face our sister again… and she would hate our very being. We had many nightmares of that day, our sister literally tearing us apart in her anger.”

She drew in another breath, another sorrowful moan following. My chest ached, my throat scratched, my chin trembled, and tears fell from my eyes. I tried to think of something reassuring, but nothing came. Not now, anyways.

“After all that time, the night arrived when we were released.” Luna continued. “Moon had come to her senses during the thousands of years away but knew we would not be welcome because of the legends our subjects undoubtably made. So, in her attempt to toy with them and bring herself some enjoyment, she acted in our previous role as Nightmare Moon. Cruel, strong, and pure evil. The act worked, she had her fun, but in the end, she was put to sleep and I’ve been alone ever since.” Her voice fell into a whisper, cracking under the weight of past loneliness. “Gone was her encouraging voice, gone were the comforting words of mine other half.”

I scooted off my seat, sat next to her, and rapped my arms around her. She pressed herself into me, still crying. I slowly ran my hand over her back, doing my best to comfort her as I’d done for my sister in the past. In all honesty, my trust in Celestia was starting to rupture.

“For the longest time,” She went on, her voice muffled as she pressed into my shirt. “we’ve been alone. Our own thoughts in an empty void, the walls in our mind empty… but since our transformation, we’ve been reunited.”

I looked down at her with a quizzing look. “Moon?”

Luna nodded, a smile gracing her face. “She’s the same, yet she’s different.”

My curiosity peeked at that. “How so?”

“She seems happier. More joyful than before, full of life and love. Her encouragement and wisdom still shine, yet she acts like a child at times.” Luna managed a giggle, I saw darkened lines running down her cheeks from the tears. “Chattering like a squirrel.”

I chuckled with her, my hand slowly rubbing her back in circles. We lapsed into silence, no words passing between us. I slowly processed the info she’s just given me. So, not a thousand years like Celestia said in the show, but 3,763. How the heck was she still sane?!? I would probably be nothing but wild beast, snarling and laughing in my madness. Talking with the voices in my head as the endless days and nights pulled themselves along, forgetting to await the day I’d be released from the grey prison.

“Well, you’re here now. You don’t have to fear the void of space, the cold nights, nor the pain of starvation. Your sister has forgiven you, and no doubt is still hurting from her mistake. She sent you there with no knowledge of what was to come. She didn’t just banish to a prison outside of the world, she sent you to a place of isolation. Foolishly flinging you somewhere no one should ever go. But that time’s past now. Your no longer there, you’re here, in the safety of your sibling’s and friends’ arms.”

“And,” She sniffled as she looked up at me. “what do you call yourself in that area? A friend?”

I loosened my grip slightly, giving her some breathing room. I looked away before answering. “Hopefully.”

Luna smiled as she wiped her eyes dry.

“And just so you know, my ears are always open. If you need to talk and you want someone to listen, I’ll listen.” I chuckled out my next words. “If you ever need a hug, I’ll give you one. No problem.”

Her cheeks gained a pink tint to them, her eyes looking into the fire, away for my gaze. Finally, she gave a lovely smile and rested back into my arms. Again, we settled into silence.

After some time, the Princess calmed down and allowed a yawn to pass her lips. She stole a glance at the clock on her wall. “Well,” her eyes looked heavy, tear stains still visible. “I should get some rest after waking so early. I normally sleep till noon, then await my royal duties.”

A yawn managed to escape me as well. “When do your duties start usually? Two?”

Luna huffed as she pulled away. “No, I wish. Around one in the noon is when evening court begins.”

“Ouch, that’s rough… I suppose you want me gone so you can get your sleep?” Luna’s reply was a simple nod. Guess she didn’t mind sleeping on the sofa. I got up and dipped my head in a short bow. “Very well, your majesty.”

Before I could fully leave, my hand a foot from the door, Luna spoke up. “And Obsidian?”

I turned back to her, the Princess’ hands resting in her lap, a sweet and cute smile on her muzzle. “Please, no formalities… and, thank you.”

My lips drew into a smile. “You’re welcome.”

As Luna nodded back, I stepped behind the door with only my head facing her. “Sleep well Luna. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Fang.” Was her farewell before I closed the door and began walking down the hall to parts unknown.

<Later that evening>

It had been a fairly short day to say the least. I ventured around the castle, wandering the many halls. I eventually found the royal library, which thankfully, Celestia had given me passage to use. I then asked for any reputable novels, as I was always one for a good read. I eventually found a series that the librarian recommended, a book series of eight books and still ongoing. And man, did I eat it up! By dinner time I was a quarter of the way done, just nearing the book’s final battle. Though I imagined the story’s villain would make a comeback. Stabbed through the heart and gut with a spear as he was, I had my doubts.

However, it was at dinner that the Princess’ offer rang through my head. Me, a Knight of Equestria? A warrior of physical righteousness and honor? Well, God says I’m already one, even if I don’t feel like it sometimes. Why not? Along with becoming a knight, I’d be given a small fortune. I’d also be given permission to buy land and build a mansion. Though, I’ve never been into big houses all that much. If I had to choose in a split second, I’d pick a cozy little cabin in the woods.

But the main point is, I said yes to Celestia’s offer. And with her putting in the orders for numerous banners and things, I soon discovered that a knighting ceremony was something not done in over three thousand years. Wonder why that happened? That, and why didn’t Celestia at least try to bring her sister back and make amends? Why wait and let your sibling suffer?

Yeah, I needed to watch Celestia more. No telling what else she’s neglecting.

Author's Note:

Hello, how ya'll goin'? Collage classes just started for me, not much writing in the future but I'll still work on it when i can. Also, please leave comments, i really apresiat to hear what you guys have to say. Nine out.

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