• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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45. A New World





“Two hours of this! Let me be miserable!”



Luna grumbled and groaned into the pillow that separated her face from the hard wood desk, having attempted to scar her lovely features in her mental agony. Lifting her head from the cushion, she glared at me and flopped her head back down, turning her glare toward the four stacks of two-foot-tall documents and reports.

“After all this is done and gone, I shalt most certainly condemn paperwork to the depths of Tartarus alongside the nobles. At the least, I know how Tia felt when dealing with this. At least let me go get my drum set so my brain doesn’t melt.”

I followed her gaze to the massive piles of accursed paper, my brow furrowing. “Want some help? We could split it.”

“But you hate paperwork with a burning passion…”

I rolled my eyes at her pun. “But I hate seeing you miserable even more.”

The blushing Wargess smiled. “How is it you can send my hearts fluttering with simple words such as these?”

“That is simple, my dear Queen; I can be quite the charmer when I want to be…” I grinned with a wink.

The doors to the study suddenly opened, both Roret and Akiira speedily walking up behind me. “Luna, we have something to tell you. You too Micah.”

I turned around with a brow raised to high Heaven, looking to Akiira as Luna followed my gaze. “What’s up?”

Both sisters looked to each other uneasily.

“Well….” Roret began, biting her lip nervously. “There was another secret that Faust had hidden from Equestria that we’ve been meaning to tell you…”

“And that is?” Luna urged, gesturing for them to continue as she sat up.

“Equestria is sequestered from the rest of the world. It’s trapped inside a magic dome that supplies it with air and the sky that the ponies know.”

“And what’s the world outside like?” I asked with intrigue, excited for what new and alien aspects could hidden beyond. Hey, I was always an explorer when gaming!

“Well…. It’s a little hotter than Equestria is, as the world is governed by two suns rather than one.” I squealed on the inside after hearing this. “As one might expect, the world is similar to what Equestria is like, but there are several floating islands in the upper atmosphere. This is where many Krah’Tri dragons make their dens, as the islands are large enough for a single drake to lounge on. Otherwise, green grass, blue skies, trees, and mountains.

“The bronze city of Hjemmebane is to the west of Equestria, its gleaming towers reaching into the sky, our homeland. Next is Stadigfri (Everfree), the city of the Gorokha is a massive forest of Wood Elementals. Sterk Tidevann (Strong Tide) is the town of the Kaldor along the eastern sea… yes?”

I put my hand down and smiled sheepishly. “Do you think there is a reason that the Everfree forest has the same name as Stadigfri?”

“Yeah, the Everfree was named after the town, is what I suspect.” Akiira answered my question for her litter mate. “Probably so the ponies would fear the name if they ever ventured to the city. And probably because mother was the one who made Faust fear Wargs to begin with.”

“Makes sense… if you wanted to make them fear the outside world, Mother Gothel style. Anyway…”

“Yes, anyway…” Roret stuck her tongue out at me in a playful manner, one that got a small glare from Luna. “There is also Slange Venn (Snake Friend), the home of the Yuur. It’s a quaint little village set in a valley, surrounded by mountains. It would usually be a bad spot for an ambush, but their drake-like wings definitely help if that ever happens. Next is the Haaldr, and their home city is set in the murky forest of Grønt Treverk. Then there is the Fenihr, and since their departure from these lands, they’ve held up in the tundra within the mountains of Mye snø (Much Snowia).”

I couldn’t help but think that there was a Veggie Tales reference in there….

“And why is it that you didn’t tell us about this dome until now?” Asked Luna, looking to her sisters incredulously as she crossed her arms.

“We only found out about it today from a secret page in Prince Javelin’s journal, written in invisible ink. And we teleported into Equestria, we didn’t bother looking from the outside in. Plus, this dome is invisible to the outsider’s eye, even if we used some spell to enhance our vision, the dome itself would be hard to point out. And our nations have kept clear of Equestria for many millennia.” Said Akiira, summoning said book and flipping through until she reached the back page, where a dull script lay depicting the dome and how to destroy it. Apparently Prince Javelin wasn’t too happy with it and wanted to dispose of the dome at some point but was inconveniently killed beforehand. “We were looking it over in case we missed something.”

“Good thing you found it, so how do we take it down?” I asked, putting my weight on my left leg, stretching my asleep right. “But then we need to think about how everyone else will react to there being two sons, and we’ll probably get complaints about the sudden heatwave. And to the fact that Celestia was never in control of the sun in the first place, just an illusion.”

Groaning, I pinched the bridge of my snout. “I can already hear the riots…”

“Regardless of the riots, we’ll need to keep everyone from killing each other. But how will we do that? There’s not even enough Royal Guards or local Police to stop such a vast population…” Pondered Roret, stroking her chin. “Maybe we could ask father to send one of the detachments?”

“Yeah, but which one?” Questioned Akiira. “The 501st, the 38th, or maybe the 117th?”

“No, none of them are experienced in riots and crowd control… maybe the 186th?”

“THE DEATH KORPS?!!” Akiira shouted in a panic, both Luna and I perking at the red Wargess with intrigue and horror. “ARE YOU SERIOUS, RORET?! THEY’RE A UNIT FOR BRUTE FORCE AND CONQUORING, NOT CROWD CONTROL! And besides, they aren’t the most… tamed detachment…”

“True, but if things do go south and the ponies do riot, they will know how to handle the situation.”

“How is that, besides flat-out massacring them?!”

“We order them to not use lethal force.”

“And you think they’ll listen to us?”

“No, but to father, yes.”

As the ladies continued with their evil scheme, my mind drifted away to recent events. As anyone could’ve guessed, not many were happy with Celestia’s banishment, chief among them being the Sparkle siblings. From what I’d heard, Twilight was in tears after hearing the news, stepping into the first stages of denial soon after, locking herself away inside her castle. I still had yet to hear if her mood had changed. Shining Armor was just as peeved as anyone else, demanding that Luna bring her back and undo her sentence. He even tried to drag Cadence into the ordeal, though sadly for him, she got on Shining’s case for that. Legend has it that if you listen hard enough, you could still hear her screaming in rage at the weeping stallion. Then there was—

“PRINCESS LUNA!” The mare of the hour roared as she pushed through the door.

…Gleaming Shield.

Captain Gleaming Shield, what is the meaning of this intrusion?” Snarled Luna and Moon together, their claws scratching the desk before removing the pillow.

The Captain hesitated for a moment, eyeing each Warg with suspicion and fear before standing at attention. “Princess Luna, I respectively request that you undo Prin—C-Celestia’s sentence and return her to office.”

“And why would we do that?” Glared the Wargess as she stood, silver eyes narrowing. I could feel that Luna was irritated by Gleaming and had let Moon take the wheel, not wanting to deal with this argument again. “Your brother had asked us to do the same thing, and the answer will still be the same.”

Gleaming looked on with a foolish hope in her eye.


The mare almost reeled back in shock. “W-what?! Why?!”

“Didn’t you hear anything that Celestia was charged with?” I asked with no shortage of annoyance. “Ignorance of station, prolonged imprisonment, wrong of imprisonment, purposefully not protecting her people, and a few others that I’m not in the mood for discussing. In short, she had to go. Be thankful she wasn’t executed on the spot.”

“But that’s not fair!”

“So?” I snapped back with a glare. “Life is never fair. Deal with the hand that you’re given, regardless of what happens.”

“So we’re just supposed to sit back and let you change your government? We don’t have any say in it?!”

“You don’t.” Moon snarled, twirling two sparks of blue fire between her claws. “As far as I care, you work for the military. Thus, whatever we say goes. If I wanted you to quarantine the city in an attempt to back an enemy into a corner, then you’d do it. If I wanted you to barge into a noble’s home and lock them away, you’d do it. If I wanted you to kidnap Micah and lock him in my personal chambers, you’d do it. No. Questions. Asked.”

“I’d like it if you didn’t do the last one.” I deadpanned.

“I know. I’d just do it myself.” With a wink, the Wargess licked her fangs teasingly.

Chuckling, I did my best to suppress the shiver that made my fur stand on end. “Good luck.”

“Is that a challenge?” She asked in a sultry tone, fluttering her silver eyes as her wings fluffed themselves. “I accept~.”

“Ugh…” Groaned a blushing Captain of the Guard, her face red behind her helmet. “Get a room…”

Akiira and Roret did their best to suppress their giggling, clearly amused by their little sister’s teasing of me. I inwardly groaned with a building flush, rubbing my face. Slowly, my leg fell asleep as Gleaming slowly began to beg the former Nightmare, gritting my teeth as she continued her fruitless argument. From the brief look I got from Moon, she was getting tired of it as well, though I also noticed that she was being much more patient than usual.

“While your augment is heard, I think we’ve spent too long in this office.” I stated as I stood, stretching with everyone’s eyes on me. “We need some fresh air.”

“That will be all, Captain.” Moon nodded with practiced grace and a soft smile.

However, once Gleaming had left, Moon slumped into her seat with a loud groan. “I tire of these ponies’ demands. Why can’t they just accept that Celly is gone? It’s not like I sent her to her death, we made sure to pack her supplies and her obnoxious fire parrot.”

“That, and you’re sending the guard out to officially hunt down the Priests. With that rouge cult destroyed, this land will be a bit safer.” Akiira added from her corner of the room, shoving off the bookshelf to stand next to Roret.

“Plus, you and Luna now have a strong mate to work alongside you~.” Sang the red Wargess, winking at the two of us.

Both of us were blushing as I quietly groaned, dragging a hand down my face. “It still feels a little weird with everyone calling us ‘mates’ without us officially tying the knot.”

“And until that day comes, you had better not let a single female make a move on you.” Moon’s shadow suddenly loomed over me as the room became increasingly dark, only the blue fire of her eyes lighting the space around us.

I gulped whatever saliva I had in my mouth, shrinking under the Wargess’ glare. “W-wh-what makes… what makes you think I would?!”

The shadows rescinded as Moon blinked, shame overtaking her features and she stepped back. I could tell that she wanted to remain strong, to not show weakness, but at the moment she looked to be battling herself. Finally, she took a deep breath and stood tall, meeting my gaze with a confident tone. “It will not happen again. We shall not doubt thine loyalty to us, me or Luna. And even when we do… may the Lord remind us of who we are. We can be so double-minded sometimes.”

“I hear that.” I chuckled and smiled back.

We soon made it out of the city without a guard escort, leaving the four of us alone in the woods along the side of Canterhorn mountain. I had called ahead and asked if the others wanted to join us. And so, we waited for the others. Thankfully, we didn’t have to wait long, as Damian, Danny, Greg, Maggie, and Asher came racing through the brush in a near stampede.

“What’s the word boss?” Asked Greg, brushing the twigs out of her grey fur.

I gave him an odd look. “Since when am I the boss?”

They all looked to one another for a moment, an infectious grin overtaking them as Maggie stepped forward. “We kinda decided that if we were like a wolf pack of any type, we voted that you would be the leader. We all saw how you took charge when attacked by that pervert. And we’ve heard a lot from the news and the Guard about your past adventures. So, we all thought you were the natural choice.”

“Aw, but I wanted to be the boss.” Danny chuckled, making it clear that he was joking.

We all shared a laugh at that as I looked around, scratching the back of my head, just below the horns. “I-uh, r-really don’t know what to say…”

“Say ‘yes’ and we can go on our run.” Hooted Damian, pulling off his button-down shirt and showing off his white tank top and buff muscles. “I’ve been needing a good stretch and sitting around your house isn’t doing me any favors.”

“Says the guy who pumps a thousand tons of iron before bed.” Asher snorted, poking Damian in the bicep. “Seriously, have you been gym buddies with Dwain Johnson?!”

“Speaking of which. Damian, do you think I could join you from time to time?” I asked, looking over my less muscular self. “I’ve been needing to hit the gym.”

“Sure. We ready?”

I looked around to find everyone giving me nods or thumbs ups. “Alright. Autobots, roll out!”

“Yes Optimus Prime!” Greg and Danny hollered back as we sprinted through the forest and down the mountain.

-=Luna’s POV=-

“No way! Grand Admiral Thrawn was one of the best parts of the series!” Micah stubbornly insisted as we took a break, sitting atop a fallen tree with me leaning against him.

“Yeah, he was pretty ‘grand’, but I still say the Bendu was a great character.” I smiled at Danny’s pun.

“No argument there.”

Greg decided to put his two bits into the conversation. “But then came Maul. Now he was the best.”

“Aw man, I loved Maul. Especially in the clone wars seventh season, ooh! ‘We’re all going to burn! We’re all going to die!’ Goose bumps!” Micah grinned.

“KANOBI!!!” Asher shouted in his best Darth Maul impression, falling to his knees with clenched fists.

“I would’ve never thought that a child’s cartoon could be so good.” Snickered Akiira next to me, draping an arm over my shoulder. “I loved Anakin, a good character all around.”

I smiled to my sister and draped a wing over her back, giggling along with her.

“You and everyone else.” Maggie shook her head with a giggle.

Micah smiled, flexing a snore hand. “Oh yeah, and that scene with Anakin controlling an entire planet! Gives me chills every time.”

I suddenly froze, hearing the faint crunch of dried leaves under hoof, the hushed breathing of a stallion coming our way. I motioned for everyone to be silent, receiving nods as I sniffed the air. Peaking around a tree, I found a white furred unicorn with a black goatee and swept back mane. His build was slim and covered in rich crimson robes, fine rings and a gold chain around his neck.

I groaned silently before stepping out from cover. “Chancellor Neighsay.”

“Princess Luna.” The stallion wasn’t surprised to find me, in fact, he seemed pleased. Had he followed us somehow without us detecting him? “I half expected for you to have an escort lurking about.”

“I need no escort.” I snorted in annoyance. Why was it that he hadn’t been banished too? It would’ve saved us much trouble.

“Apparently, that’s not what they think.” The Chancellor noted pointedly as he eyed the others coming into view.

“Mic- Fang thought it would be a good idea to invite everyone to socialize.”

“While I can see the point in taking time to relax, wouldn’t it be prudent to finish your work before playing with your friends, Princess?”

I had never taken a liking to this stallion, but it had been a while since I’d first met him. Now I remembered why I hated his guts. “Yes, well… unlike you who obsesses over his work, I like to take a moment and slow down. I am the Princess, Chancellor, not you.”

“Unless you count his whining as being a princess.” Coughed Micah, causing several of our group to giggle quietly.

What did he say?” Demanded the stallion with a snort.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. “Nothing of importance.”

“Mmm.” He hummed in irritation. “I would advise you to stop fraternizing with such ill associates, Princess. I would hate to see the leader of our nation fall into such immoral practices. Especially with this strange and… destructive doctrine you’ve adopted.”

“’Immoral practices’ and ‘destructive doctrine’, you say?” I snarled, feeling Moon suggest we teach him his place.

“Indeed. Afterall, isn’t Equestria a pony established country? Shouldn’t we as a government in such a crisis as we are in give it back to the people? I would hate to see such a great leader such as yourself to be… untimely dethroned.”

“Was that a threat, Chancellor?!” I seethed.

“We have a Racist Communist in the house…” Whispered Danny.

“And I mean no offence Princess, but shouldn’t a pony nation be run and governed by ponies, not… another species? I highly doubt the griffins, or the zebras would be too happy if anypony else were to take control of their governments. And according to the public news, Wargs have been seen attacking hard working ponies and establishments all throughout the capital. It’s a disgrace to pony kind—”

In an instant, my clawed hand stopped before his neck, claws outstretched and aflame. My eyes following suite as my wings unfolded, stepping closer to the now trembling stallion. It was then that I noticed another limb grabbing the back of his head, raising his face to the sky and exposing his throat. This limb was covered in black fur, a sweet pine scent invading my nose. Gazing through my peripheral vision, I found Micah had rushed up behind me, runes alight in red flame. He’d no doubt sensed my rising anger toward the stallion, and once that final jab toward me was said, he’d intercepted.

I then picked up the hum and sizzling of lightsabers, all manner of blades pointed at the stallion. Apparently not just Micah, but everyone had rushed to my aid, as I noticed them accompanying the black Warg.

Taking a heavy breath, I glared down at the stallion. His face twisted between utter terror and defiance. “I would choose your next words carefully.”

“T-This is foo—” With an inverted crack of thunder, a void yawned open below our feet and hooves. With nothing below our soles, our entire company was sucked into the void.

I opened my eyes to find ourselves in a large vibrantly green meadow, the world around us having become almost sickeningly cartoonish. Lifting myself up, I found with a gasp of horror that I stood on not two, but four legs. Looking around, I saw that we had all become quadrupeds, feral, like the many beasts of the earth.

“Ugh… what happened?” My ears perked at the sound of Micah’s voice, spinning around to find him looking around as well. His curious gaze soon set on me, pausing in thought. Then, a sly smile sneaked onto his muzzle. “Regardless of where we are, you are still drop dead gorgeous~.”

“Really? We fall through some black hole and you open up with a cheesy one-liner?” Groaned Damian as I blushed.

“What?” The black Warg asked in his hurt. “I wanted to help calm her down. She looked stressed.”

“Dude, you could do a number of things to help her calm down that are better than one-liners.” Asher wiggled what would pass for eyebrows.

Micah rolled his eyes. My brows furrowed, my front paws feeling off from what would be expected of quadrupeds. Looking down, I gaped at the sight of bird talons where my paws would’ve been. Much like that of hawks, my “fingers” were three in the front and one acting as a thumb, each tipped with a long and sharp claw. Looking back to Micah, I found that his, as well as the other Nahar, were that of owls. Each limb had four toes, same as mine, but they were arranged much like and X. Two on the top, two on the bottom. Two thumbs, if you will.

“Well, this is… weird.” Danny commented, looking over his strange beastly appearance, giving voice to everyone’s thoughts.

“W-WHAT IS THIS?!!” Came the shocked and almost hysterical voice of Chancellor Neighsay. “What have you done to me?!”

“Well *quack* you too!” Cursed Damian, only to clamp his mouth shut after hearing that had come from his lips. “What the *quack* was that?!”

I found myself snorting and giggling at the absurdity of Damian’s lack of swearing.

“Geez, the profanity filter is strong with this one.” Micah commented, observing the Chancellor along with me. He still retained his slim physic, but was that of a quadruped, same as us. At least, in a sense. “I know I’m just saying what everyone else is thinking, but; what happened?”

“Come sister! I think they’ve doubled back on us!” A distant voice sounded, an all too familiar voice.

“Questions can wait. Hide.” The black Warg commanded, dashing into the nearest bush as everyone followed his lead.

Everyone except Neighsay.

“W-where are you all going? Don’t leave m—” A golden spear suddenly whizzed past his head, impacting the ground a few feet behind the frozen stallion.

I looked from the spear’s origin to see a quadruped Celestia, almost exactly like the pictures Micah had shown me of the show. Dressed for battle in golden armor that no doubt cost a pretty penny, the mare glared down at the stallion.

“Who are you?” The alicorn demanded. “Where are the Dimond Dogs?”

“D-Dimond Dogs?! I haven’t seen any—"

“Don’t lie to me. I am a Bearer of the Element of Harmony; I will know if you are.”

“T-The Elements of Harmony?!” Neighsay stammered, aqua-green eyes wide. “B-But, they were destroyed! T-The Wargs—”

“Celly~!” Came the all too familiar voice again.

I honestly wasn’t surprised when I walked over the hill and stood next to Tia. At least, it would’ve been me had I stayed an alicorn. Navy blue fur, check. Starry mane, check. Horn and wings, check. Silver armor, check and check. And I wasn’t even surprised when she hoisted a huge Warhammer over her shoulder. Did I (all versions of me) have a thing for Warhammers?

“Oh, it seems it was one of our little ponies. Hello there.” Smiled my doubleganger.

“B-but I wasn’t alone.” Neighsay finally got ahold of himself, standing as tall as he could without falling over. How we all had stayed upright to this point, I couldn’t say.

Both sisters took interest in this, eying the stallion warily as Tia stepped forward. “Where are the rest?”

“Hiding like cowards.”

“Says the idiot who insulted their sovereign not a minute ago.” Spat Micah as he stepped out of hiding, prompting all four hearts to drop into my stomach. What was he doing?!

“Says the monster who killed hundreds of ponies to ensure his reign.” Neighsay snarked back, not bothering to look the Warg in the eye.

“They were trying to KILL MY MATE YOU RACIST NUMBSKULL!!!”

“Enough.” That signal word from Tia silenced them. “Creature, from where is it you come? And are their more of you?”

“We come from another world. I’m sure you’ve heard of the multiverse. And yes, there are more than me.”

“Is that so? Interesting.” Tia hummed, a smile playing on her lips. “Are they surrounding me and my sister as we speak?”

“Not unless I give the order.” Micah firmly stated, ears and tail erect with his horns sparking.

“Hm, so you are their leader?” The other Luna asked. You know what, I’m just calling her Lulu. I hate using my own name for my doubleganger.

“I am.”

“Do you wish us harm?”

“Not unless you strike us first.”

“And what of the pony? Is he with you?” Tia asked, eyes filled with intrigue.

“No. He approached us when we were in the woods and annoyed us to no end.”

“Hm, how forward of you.” Lulu hummed, looking him up and down. GET YOUR SULTERY EYES OFF HIM YOU WITCH!!!!! “Would you be so kind as to introduce yourself and your company?”

Micah gave a deep hum of his own, the earth trembling. “You heard her guys, get out here.”

We each removed ourselves from hiding as I ruffled my wings to remove the offending leaves. I winced as Akiira stepped out from a thistle bush, her fur covered in thorns. “Are you ok sister?”

The rusty Wargess huffed, glaring at the irritating thorns. “Yes, just give me a moment.” With that, the thorns evaporated in a flurry of blue flame, looking almost like fiery combs.

“Well now, it seems we have much to discuss.” Smiled Tia with a captivated look on her face.

“So it seems…” Micah echoed, a slight growl entering his throat.

I had a feeling that this wasn’t going to end well.

Author's Note:

WHEW!!! Geez, between working my but off and writing... I'm a sleepy guy....
Anyway, thanks to DeathWolf06 for helping with the chapter. Was stuck with an idea that I wasn't sure would work, but I'll hopefully put it in at a latter date.
As always, plz leave your thoughts and impressions in the comments. Let me know how you liked it!

:flutterrage:OR ELSE!!!!!!:flutterrage:

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