• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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48. The Elder Destroyer

The impact of my enemy rocketed me back as I clawed at the earth, slowly halting myself before coming to a stop. Bob had made the first move, rushing forward with a scream of rage. I blocked, fire pouring from my eyes and maw, the black armor around me creaking in anticipation for a crack. I gritted my fangs, grunting from the strain of his magically added bulk. I smirked as I looked up to his unfurled bat-like wings, igniting them ablaze with a breath. My counterpart screamed again, but not in rage. Only in agony as I tore the remainder of melting meat and charring bone free from his spine.

I had no quips, no jests to give. All joy had been sapped from my body, all consumed by one thought; he will not harm my family, no one will. At least, not without my say. And that day would never come.

My eyes focused back on Bob, watching as he squirmed and whimpered, the bones and bloodied meat that once made his wings strewn along the ground as he shakily gasped for air. With an upward thrust of my claw, the earth followed my movements, casting the now wingless Warg to the skies. Another thrust and I was up to meet him, his shrieking body trying and failing to flap his wings, only to be met with more cries.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” I asked with no amount of venom in my words, a cold glare in my eyes. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Just like I did.”

With a gasp, he suddenly seemed to notice the scars that lined my back, wincing as if he felt sorrow. “I-I’m sor—”

A front flip and a kick to the head sent him down. His chariot had been there waiting for him, only when the dust cleared did I see that it was in the center of a crater. The former pony slaves took that moment to flee from the wreckage, racing off toward intended safety. But, truthfully, I didn’t care.

Landing with a thud and another crater, I slowly walked up the ruined chariot, mulling over why Bob would want to conquer the world. The reason I wanted to know was because, deep down, I did want to spare him. I wanted to prolong his sentence to the Pit… at least in terms of stalling it. I knew that he was an obstacle in our way, but I wanted to know why he was blocking our way. Why did he want to control everything? Why did he want to…

So distracted was I that I didn’t see the bracelet from before fly and latch onto my arm, its green gem shimmering with power for a moment. But, again, I was interrupted as a screaming Bob charged his way out of the wreckage and towards me. I would have time to look at the bracelet latter, but I needed to focus on my counterpart for the time being.

My eyes focused in on his movements, I sidestepped and roared into the side of his head, sending a torrent of fire and a charred body rolling over the dirt. “Sadly, compassion alone won’t save you.”

“F-fu** you!” He shouted, swinging his claws at me, only for me to dodge with a spark of Spell Speed. Spotting his discarded axe, Bob recovered it via a flash of magic, not Chroma. “I showed you pity because I care! I show pity to those I’m trying to save!”

“Oh, like that soldier who got in your way. I saw no pity or forgiveness there! And what are you saving them from? Themselves?” I halfheartedly laughed, spitting out a stream of Rage before it formed into a blade to block his now retrieved battle-axe.

“Yes! Those ponies are nothing and they think they are! I’m trying to save them from their illusions! Their own falsehoods!”

Apparently, this guy thought he was their savior. NOT IF YOU HAD TO ATTACK ‘EM TO PROVE IT!!!

“So what?!” I snarled back, diving below the earth and springing up beneath him, bringing a fountain of magma with me. “If they fool themselves and they don’t want help when you offer, then leave them alone!”

A shrieking Bob was sent back down to earth again as I barreled down atop him, hammering his gut and shoving the breath from his lungs. I then leapt off him and grabbed his tail in my flaming jaws, burning the fur and flipping him over myself. Bob kissed the ground for the hundredth time. “And even if they don’t want your help, you’re still not good friends, so your forced help would be intrusive. Your ‘help’ would do nothing but shove them back into their— GAH!!!”

I was interrupted by a kick to the jaw that sent me staggering back, my teeth coming in to clamp on my tongue, the now wounded organ filling my mouth with precious blood. Bob shoved his face into mine. “And what if they do want my help but are too much of cowards to ask?! Ponies are stupid that way!!”

My lips grimaced through bloodied teeth, the red liquid drying to my fangs thanks to the flames. Looming over the crouching Bob, I bared my fangs, a deep and shuttering snarl rumbling in my chest. “You’re righ’; ponieth ca’ be stuthid. The’ are selsh-rightheous, foolif, dum’, and ofera’ pafetic in ferms of comwaf. Buf af leasf shey swrife for peash and accefance, rasher shan—"

“Then if they’re so pathetic, why are you protecting them?!” My enemy asked in an almost crazed manner, his eyes twitching. “And you sound totally stupid by the way, just like them.”

“Becaufe if’s she righ’ shing to do. I woulf rasher defen’ a weak peofle I harfly kno’, fhan smosher shem in ruifn.” My eyes narrowed as they sparked, the red flames swallowing the edges of my vision, ignoring my pained lisp. “If’s becaufe if’s wha’ mah Lord wanfs mey fo do. Defen’ the weaf and uphol’ she brofen.” I choked down my lisp and forced my mouth to work how I wanted, pushing the right words out through gritted teeth. I half expected him to interrupt my speech again, but for some reason, he let me talk. “Those who are weak, He shall make strong. And those who are strong, He weakens. He casts the sinner into flames and brings the righteous to His side.”

With that said, I roared in his face, bathing the alternate Warg in red flame. I didn’t know if he could withstand heat the same as me, but this was a small test to see if he could. But seeing as his tail had burned when I’d grabbed it, I honestly doubted my test would prove anything but his death. Seconds later, the flames died away to reveal the charred husk of one alternate Warg. “Fhe siffer ish deaf. Eh… stupif shongue…”

Why was it that when the hero monologs, he’s hardly ever stopped. But when the big bad does the same, he’s always beat? Why doesn’t the enemy just take the chance and crush the hero? Seems logical… but then, that was the trope.

“Micah?” Luna’s voice drifted in through the haze of adrenaline.

“Feah?” I grimaced as I’d momentarily forgotten my injured tongue, gazing on Luna’s equally bloodied frame. Her silver and white fur tainted with the blood of her enemies. A strangely haunting and entrancing sight. “Fou Ogay?”

“Yes, but are you? Did you bite your tongue?” The Wargess walked up to me and sniffed, no doubt catching the scent of blood from my mouth. “I know this is a silly question, but… does it hurt? If so, I’ll get Roret right now.”

I bobbed my head from side to side, trying to display a 50/50 look. She seemed to get the message and nodded.

“Rofef fissk?” I tried keeping my sentence short and to the point, only to wilt as Luna giggled.

“You sound like a toddler. Very cute.”

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. “Harg to talwk.”

“I know.” Luna ceased her giggles, nuzzling my neck. “I’ll get the doctor so she can make my little baby all better.”

She ended the tease with a kiss, trotting away with a sway in her gait. I blinked several times until the… shock? Embarrassment? Lust? Whatever it was, wore off. Shaking my muddled head, I surveyed the battle.

The Dimond Dogs had apparently surrendered upon seeing their leader on the brink of defeat, as their remaining forces were being rounded up and tended to by the non-barfing ponies. I felt myself wanting to sneer at these ponies, a small part of me mulling over bob’s words. I knew the ponies were weak, they were soft, but that shouldn’t have left room for anyone to disrespect them as a whole. No, the part that had me sneering was that they, as a species how I’d known them, had always seemed ill prepared for battle and war. But I banished that thought before it could plant anymore dark feelings toward the ponies. Regardless, I still took an oath to protec—

“The doctor is in!” Beamed Roret as she slipped up next to me, startling me out of my thoughts. “Open wide and I’ll see if I can make your lill’ tongue-y all bewter.”

I rolled my eyes at her diminutive teasing, no doubt driven by Luna, and did as she asked. A warm green fire overcame my tongue, the numbing pain slowly dissipating over the next few minutes.

“There, all done.” The red furred sister smiled cheekily, reaching into her medical bag she had strapped to her back, and pulling something out. “A good boy always gets a sucker!”

“I am one.” I playfully deadpanned, sticking my healed tongue out at the sister, taking the candy in my magic. “Funny doctor routine.”

“Well, as a medical personal, one should always strive to make their patients as comfortable as possible.” She gave me an innocent eye-flutter.

“So long as I’m not too comfortable, that’s Luna’s job.” I chuckled, noticing that the Wargess herself was hiding behind a nearby bolder.

“It certainly is… isn’t that right Luna?” We both turned as my Queen let out a squeak, ducking behind her hiding spot.

Roret and me shared a nod, sneaking around either side of the bolder, my nose coming to bump against Luna’s. The Princess opened her eyes to lock onto mine, both sets turning black for a moment before my limbs plunged me forward… right onto Luna’s lips.

Baldur, you sly dog!!

Roret circled the bolder to find us sharing a passionate kiss, her own squeak signaling her surprise. I was about to break the kiss, but Luna’s claws reached up and hauled me back. Though I wasn’t one to complain… until my lungs screamed for air.

Okay, Luna, you can stop…. You can stop now… LUNA!!! PLEASE HAULT THIS PLEASURABLE ASSAULT!! LOVE OF MY LIFE, I NEED AIR!!! ….need… oxygen….

With a strong jerk, I pulled free and loudly gasped, glowering at my mate before breathlessly speaking. “I might be fireproof, but I still need to breath…”

“S-sorry!” Luna held up her claws in ceasefire, her face as red as mine was becoming. “M-moon and I… we got lost in the moment… b-but it was mostly Moon.”

The Wargess’ eyes suddenly shifted into silver discs, devious smirk playing on her lips. “Huh, and you practically begging him in our thoughts to keep going? I know your dirty secrets, Lulu. I know them all…”

The accused Princess took back control, flushing all over again and waving her claws about as if to deflect the assault. “W-what?! N-no! N-nev—”

“Admit it.” Roret giggled, trying to muffle her titters with a wing. “You were practically pleading him to take you here and now.”

“I-I was NOT!!!” Luna denied once again. I somewhat expected for a rooster to crow twice.

After a few more accusations, the Alicorn Sisters and one stuffy noble soon joined us, both sisters trying to avoid noticing all the dead bodies in the area. Celestia smiled and bowed, followed by her sibling. “The day is won, and our contract is almost complete.”

“Yes, I do hope that we can return home without any further incidents.” The Chancellor snarked, to which the rest of us ignored.

“The portal?” My mate asked, stepping up next to me, her fur back to its usual pearly sheen via Roret’s blue fire.

“Just about. We think we have your world pinned, though we’d like for you to check just in case.”

“Don’t bother…” An elderly voice rasped from behind, we whirled around to find a black Warg with massive pitch wings. His aged form doubled in mass, looking larger than even Damian. The muscle below his thick fur rippled and flexed, his aqua blue eyes narrowing with their brass rings. His claws were like Luna’s and her sisters’, looking a lot like the Peace sign that hippies used. That, and…


If this guy’s physic weren’t intimidating enough, his overall power would leave titans and wanna-be gods shaking!! I knew Wargs got stronger as they got older BUT COME ON!!!!

I stood there, paralyzed by the immense strength the old Warg immitted, waves upon waves radiated off him. My body desperately tried to pant and relieve the mounting stress, my breathing becoming high-pitched as he stopped. The portal behind him swirled, to parts unknown.

My breath hitched, a squeak echoing in my throat. “Who—"

“Grandpa!” Both Akiira and Roret screamed in joy, rushing the old Warg and shocking me even more.

My brain stalled as they hugged and nuzzled him.

T-This guy… was Luna’s… grandfather?!

“YOU!!” I turned again to see that Bob had somehow survived. HOW?! DID HE CAST SOME RESURRECTION SPELL BEFORE DYING?!! “I WILL KILL YOU!!”

Before anyone could react, a dark blur passed me by, colliding with Bob. My counterpart was sent flying into the distance and replacing where he’d once been for a second… was the old Warg. In another flash of speed, Luna’s Grandfather rushed forward, jumped, and caught Bob by the throat, bringing him down to earth. An explosion of air and stone erupted, sending debris and broken Dimond Dog bodies flying for miles. We ourselves were sent back several feet. I was able to claw the ground enough to stop myself, everyone else doing something similar far behind me. The Alicorn Princesses had been literally blown away and Damian had reluctantly held onto Chancellor Neighsay, the weeping unicorn for once shutting up and clinging to the Warg’s side. The maelstrom of dirt and rock flew above, leaving us with minimal views of what happened. After another minute, the dust cleared for me to see the elder trotting up to us. My eyes shifted to see Bob burning in green and orange fire, portals opening and closing, chopping him into bits and sending them to wherever. The green fire kept him pinned as a tear fell from his eye before a portal opened over his head, closing and ending him.

“He won’t becoming back from that.” He grunted, drawing me back to the present as he loomed over me, my body shrinking below him.

“So this is the mate of my lost granddaughter?” His inspecting gaze narrowed. “I watched you fight, you did well. But you’re not strong enough if you wish to become an Alpha. An Alpha is more than a tittle, it commands respect from all under you, even those who outmatch you in strength. If you wish to be the Alpha of the Nahar as I, and many others, see you becoming, you will have to fight for it. The position will not be handed to you. Unlike if you just had a family of your own, if you become an Alpha of many, you will need to command their respect, and that of your allies.”

I swallowed the biggest lump in my throat to date. “Y-yes sir…”

“Now, let us return home.” With that, he turned and walked back to the portal he’s come from, looking over his shoulder at the rest of us. “Are you coming, Nahar Alpha?”

I nodded like a child scolded by his dad, though I couldn’t tell why I felt that way, slipping in behind him with my head and ears lowered. Battered and bruised, our armor broken and chipped, we stepped through the threshold. But stepping through the portal, returning home didn’t fill me with joy, especially if there is no home to return to. My house was in scorched ruins. The roof had collapsed, walls had turned black and brittle, and the front door had fallen over to show the interior. The inside didn’t look much better.

My three Kitsune agents lay scattered about the yard, all with severed heads. I stared at their headless bodies before screwing my eyes shut and choking down a sob. All I could do for them was morn.

Being back in a familiar body did nothing to quell my mounting panic. Before we’d been spirited away, we’d left Haven here, thinking we would return within the hour. With a racing heart, I burst through the house, searching every nook and cranny for the precious child I called a daughter. Luna soared up the shattered steps, coming to Haven’s old room, only ti turn back with tears in her eyes as she shook her head.

I fell to my knees and folded my hands, eyes squeezing shut as Luna wrapped her arms around me. My voice began to crack. “L-Lord, wh-where did she go? Please tell me!! I-if not, then p-please, in the name of Yahweh, please keep her safe…. A-amen.”


Queen Chrysalis observed in contempt and sick humor as her once great hive fell like an old tree, the thousands of colorful and inky Changelings morning its fall. Said Changelings didn’t get to morn long though, as a sea forged of three Pure-blooded hives rose and engulfed them, their tears mixing with their own blood. A combined roar of victory reached Chrysalis’ ears as she shivered with dread, fearing all those billions of pitch-black eyes settling on her.

“Farewell Thorax, you idiot. Pfft, ‘make ponies our friends’, I can’t believe you were ever allowed to think as such.” Chrysalis spat, hoisting a single pod over her back. A slumbering Warg pup within, her silver fur dampened by the pod’s warm fluids. “Let’s hope you’re more useful to them than you were to me, you useless grub. But now, I have to hunt by myself… phooey.”

A chilled breeze made her shiver with that downward thought, the Changeling lumbered off on eight spindly legs into the naked woods, grumbling as it began to snow. “I just hope you’re worth the trouble, Snow Haven. Or was it Soot Haven?”

However, unbeknownst to all eyes and hears, hidden in the veil of things unseen, six hundred angels surrounded the Queen. Their eyes alight with bright golden flames, hovering over the ground in flaming chariots with flaming swords drawn. But two were not like the rest. These angels had three pairs of wings; two to cover their feet, two to cover their faces, and two for flying. Thousands of eyes covered those swan-like wings, all staring at the Changeling’s shadowy puppeteer.

Author's Note:


Hello from Hurricane! Transferred again, so I took some time yesterday to get settled in the new room.
Please let me know what you all thought and let me know down in the comments.

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