• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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26. A Royal Problem part 1

I knew for a fact that everyone has had an early morning shift, we all have. The grogginess, the groaning, the regret of rolling yourself from out of the warm blankets, and the need for one’s annual sixteen cups of coffee.

That was me that morning. Grumpy and stomping around the halls of Canterlot castle, bags under my eyes as I wandered toward the dining hall. Just a small bit of info for anyone who hadn’t guessed; I’ve never been one for mornings. Why was I up at seven in the morning? Simple. Princess’ orders, so to speak.

Celestia had asked me and Luna to join her for breakfast that morning. Personally, I thought it was because she hardly ever saw us. I mean, Celestia usually had Day Court, mountains of paperwork (the incident we shall not name), and then several meetings and disputes she had to attend. Luna on the other hand had Evening and Night Court, a small pile of paperwork, and then her Dream Walking to do for the remainder of the night. At least until she slumped off to bed at three in the morning.

“DON’T PRESUME TO KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE TO GOVERN THE DREAM REALM!!” Speaking of which, Luna seemed to be having a pleasant morning as she bellowed with the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“And yet you know exactly what it’s like to be ME?!” Came Celestia’s return outburst from behind the large golden doors. My eyes widened once the conversation felt familiar, waking me up as I rushed forward.

“OH PLEASE!!” came the Solar Diarch's snapping retort.

I took to racing down the hall toward the doors, my legs pumping at full strength. Yet, I was too slow, as the words left Starlight’s mouth in a yell. “ENOUGH!!”

I then burst through the doors, fell on all fours, and dug my claws into the floor to skid to a stop. I watched in horror as the Unicorn’s horn lit, causing Celestia’s cutie mark and Luna’s runes to vanish. The Wargess’ runes slithered down the Solar Princess’ face, arms, and back. Celestia looked to Luna in equal horror as gold replaced her silver fur and her silver feathers shifted to golden tipped.

“There. Now you’ll know what it’s like to… be each other.” Starlight gulped, looking like she was about to bolt from the future enraged Princesses.

Celestia took a moment to look herself over before rounding on Starlight, anxious eyes and pink mane ablaze with red fire. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” she shouted.

“I…” Starlight shook her head and smiled nervously with another gulp. “Went with my gut?”

Luna shook herself from her shock and glared at the small mare, the bags under her eyes adding to the glare’s intensity.

“Sw- Switch our…!” she started to stutter out though as soon as she took a step forward, her legs gave out and she tumbled to the floor, eyes becoming glassy. We all stared in shock as Luna fell to the floor, her limbs shaking and her eyes going distant.

“LUNA?!” Celestia shouted in dismay, slipping over to her sister and trying to shake her awake. But after a moment, she realized it was useless.

I joined the Solar Princess, going to Luna’s other side and both of us lifting her up, an arm on each of our shoulders. I placed my hand under her jaw, checking for a pulse, said pulse was still strong, she would live. But as we made our way to the door, Celestia cried out and she too fell to the floor, though for a completely different reason.

Her mane burst into fire, her eyes becoming slitted and gold with crimson irises. As her jaw hung agape in shock with her nails growing long and sharp, her once flat teeth did the same; becoming sharp as fangs appeared. In essence, she became a nightmare version of herself.

Daybreaker had awoken.

The Solar Princess looked herself over again, only to start hyperventilating at seeing her unconscious sister in my arms and her “demonized” body. Starlight looked to be in shock, eyes wide and mouth agape.
With everyone besides me out, I yelled for the guards. However, just as they entered, Celestia snapped out of her trance and her magic suddenly went haywire. Through massive arcs of golden lightening, solar flares rolled off her body, melting the dining room table and incinerating all the food. The Solar Princess began to hover above the floor without using her wings, squeezing her eyes shut in an attempt to control her overflowing power. The Princess’ power only grew, turning the floor below her to boiling sludge, I just barely covering my eyes as she shone like a star. A large solar flare burst from the frightened Princess, nearly shaving my ears off, but I bent over in time to cover Luna’s still form.

I looked over to see the guards trying to take off their armor, their hands burning as the metal liquefied. Their cries of agony filled my ears, causing me to wince and shoo them out the doors, to the medical wing. I looked over to Starlight to find her sheltered by the broken table, tears rolling down her cheeks. I could barely make out what she’d said in an ashamed murmur, “I did this. This is all my fault.”

Angling myself so my back was to Celestia and Luna cradled in my arms, I shouted over the crackling flames surrounding the alicorn. “Yes, Starlight!! You did this! It’s your fault!”

She looked at me with a mix of irritation and guilt, settling for a glare.

“But how are you going to fix this? Yes, you made a mistake. Deal with it.” I shouted.

“But how are you going to fix it?!”

The mare looked between me, Luna, and Celestia, back and forth for a few seconds. Then huddled in on herself and shouted with tears in her eyes.

“I CAN’T! THE SPELL LASTS TWENTY-FOUR HOURS, AND ON TOP OF THAT, I CAN’T SWITCH THEM BACK IF I WANTED TO!!! I can’t do anything right!!” she cried in shame.

I grumbled through clenched teeth in annoyance. I knew what was going on, but I wanted everyone still conscious to know what was going on. Turning back to Starlight, I shouted. “GET LUNA OUT OF HERE!!”

She stared at me for a moment, mouth agape. “What are you going to do?!”

I looked back in full seriousness. “I’m going to punch Celestia.”

Her eyes looked ready to pop out of their sockets. “WHAT?!?!” she said incredulously.

Without another word, I turned around and sprinted for the Solar Princess, now surrounded in a miniature sun. Spreading my wings, I pushed forward, gaining speed as I pulled back my fist. Runes alight in red fire and mere feet away from Celestia, I thrust my clenched fist toward her face. A small part of me hoped I’d knocked her unconscious so she wouldn’t remember. Finally, after what felt like hours, my fist connected with the Princess’ cheek. The result? An alicorn was sent flailing through the window and wall like a comet, a trail of golden fire behind. As glass shards and rubble collected in the streets below, I took flight and steered toward Celestia as she gained her composure, flapping her wings to stay aloft. The Princess was rubbing her sore cheek with an agitated look, a large bruise under her hand.

“What was that for?!” She shouted with annoyance, the fires around her pulsing with heat. I shielded my eyes from the brightness, coming to a stop before her before I spoke. “I needed to get you out of there. You were going to melt to entire castle and everyone in it if you didn’t leave.”

“Ok, fine.” The tears she attempted to cry turned to vapor. “Is Luna ok? Is she alright?” she questioned with nervousness and worry.

“I don’t know, but I’ll have the doctors and anyone else take a look.” I sighed, silently thanking God that she wasn’t mad.

“Good.” She breathed a sigh of relief, but then looked at me with a very peeved expression. “But as soon as all of this is resolved, you and I are going to have a talk about who you should and SHOULDN’T punch.”

That hope was quickly put out to pasture.
I swallowed before speaking, taking note of the anger that filled her voice. That and the immense power I felt rolling off her, didn’t help my worry. “An-and Starlight?” I said cautiously.

Celestia’s expression turned grimmer still. “We will also have a serious talk about using one’s talents with the proper intent and thought.”

I looked around to find a suitable place for the Sun Princess to stay till her power was switched back. Though, due to the fact that she’d melt and burn everything she was close to, or even touched, it was probably best that she remained in the air.

“So,” Sighed Celestia as she rubbed her temples, looking me in the eye with her slitted pupils.
“What do we do? Starlight said that the spell won’t switch back until the day is done. AND WHAT HAPPENED TO LUNA?!” As she spoke with forced calm before her tone regained that hit of sisterly concern.

“I don’t know!!” I shouted back, my nerves mounting in stress at the situation. I exhaled a stream of fire along with a breath, trying to calm myself. “I don’t know. Just… stay here where you can’t burn anything… or anyone.”

“O-Oh…” Celestia lowered her head, the full weight of what I’d just said mounting onto her shoulders as they too sagged. She then put on a brave face and regained her composure, looking me in the eye again. “Then I hereby transfer all royal powers to you, Obsidian Fang. Now for a day… Prime Ruler of Equestria.”

I stared at her with wide, unblinking eyes. “…WHAT?!” I barked in confusion.

Celestia gave me a motherly smile as she spoke. “With me and Luna out of commission, I would like for some— one to lead the nation for the day. I would honestly rather it not be my nephew, as you well know.”

“Don’t you already have someone else in this position?” I said dryly.

“Yes, but she’s in Ponyville, and I’d like it to be somepony that’s close by and that I can count on. That being you,” she said with a small teasing smirk.

I blinked at her in unbelief and awe. “And you so happened to volunteer me? Why?” I said, still confused.

“For starters, I don’t want Blueblood on the throne,” she started.

“That’s a given.” I smirked.

“The second reason is because I and Luna speak very highly of you to the public, and this is a chance for them to see the real you firsthand. From what I’ve heard, most ponies think of you as a towering, and bloodlust driven Warg. They need to see the real you... as we do,” Celestia said warmly.

I thought this over for a minute, bringing what she said to heart. Slowly, I smirked again with an eyebrow lifted. “Prince for a day, huh?”

The empowered alicorn smiled with a rolled her eyes playfully. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

“Careful, you probably just jinxed us.”

“Oh, pinfeathers!!” She dramatically wailed with a hand draped over her forehead. “Will this accursed day ever end?!”

“Again, don’t jinx yourself.” I chuckled as I quickly descended back to the dining hall. “God once halted the sun during an entire battle for three days!! …If I recall correctly.”

Once I touched down on the newly black carpet, the first thing I saw was a prone Luna surrounded by dozens of unconscious maids, medical staff, and guards. I looked to find a nurse and two guards on the other side of the room, pressing themselves away from the Princess of the Night. I also noticed thick strands of energy flowing from the ponies to Luna, the each the color of their magic. I watched in wariness (and slight horror) as the ponies fell to the floor with a glassy look in their eyes, optics drained of their bright color and replaced with dim, bleak colors. I took this moment to walk toward the downed Princess, careful not to step on anyone and scooped her into my arms.
Once this was done, I suddenly felt like my strength was being sapped away from me, like I was in the middle of running a marathon. I looked down at Luna and thought back to the ponies from before. Twilight had said that ponies who’d tried to take on elemental magic had barely survived the process, that their bodies couldn’t handle its power. From what I recalled, Celestia had taken on Luna’s power, and she was barely holding it together.

And seeing as Celestia’s magic had gone to Luna, the magic being weaker than what her body was used to, she was basically like a soon-to-be dead battery. It seemed that she was draining the magic of others to try and sustain that usually full mana pool. Luna was draining magic around her to keep herself stable. Like a certain Centaur we all knew…

Storing this information away for later, looked up to see a unicorn mare in gold armor ushering a troop of guards towards us.

“DROP THE PRINCESS, TRAITOR!!” Commanded Gleaming Shield, narrowing her eyes with her sword drawn. “Come along peacefully—”

“GET EVERYONE OUT OF THIS CASTLE NOW!!” I shouted at rates that would make Luna proud. “LUNA IS DRAINING MAGIC, AND SHE’S STARTING TO DRAIN MINE TOO. If we don’t get her quarantined, the radius of her drainage could grow, consuming all magic… and possibly life forces within that range. NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY!!”

“Fat chance, dog boy.” Snarked the Captain, failing to notice that one of her guards fainting as his magic was taken. “You’re not a royal, and I don’t have to do anything you say.”

I gritted my teeth, feeling more of my power being stripped away. I breathed a short sigh and stepped into her face, letting my teeth show. “If you don’t ge— You know what? Forget this.”

Taking whatever power I had left, I charged forward, knocking over the guards and bolting down the hallway. I kept running through the halls as I tried to recall anything that could block Luna’s magic draining, sadly though, nothing came to mind.

I then spotted a maiden dusting a vase, stopping once she caught sight of me. “Get everyone in this castle out and tell me where the best place is to block magic.”

The maiden nodded shakily, dropping her duster in the process as she spoke hastily and nervously. “J-Just down th-the h-hall is the V-Vault, I-I know that i-it has the beh-best magic b-blocking spells.”

“Good.” I nodded and stepped forward, remembering that Celestia had made me a Prince. “Now get everyone out of the castle and indoors, Princess Celestia has been… empowered and is nearing unstable levels. We don’t what anyone getting burned as her power continues to grow.”

As I spoke, I could feel Luna’s draining ability getting stronger, leaching off nearly half my power. I groaned in an effort to shake off the feeling. I trudged forward, listening as the mare ran away to fulfill my directions. I soon made it to the vault, only to find Gleaming and a full platoon of Royal Guards waiting, blocking the entrance to said vault.

“HA! Try and get past us now, mutt!”
Taunted the mare with a winning smirk.

I sniffed the air to gather a frustrated breath but stopped short. There was something familiar about Gleaming’s scent. Familiar… and distant. Then it clicked. The white coat, the blue mane, the cyan blue eyes, and the shield cutie mark.

“Your twin would be ashamed of what you’ve become.” I said, my impatience building.

The mare stopped short and stared at me in shock, mouth agape and eyes wide.

“You would rather stop me and risk Luna killing everyone you ‘protect’?” I growled, narrowing my eyes as she regained her composure. “You disgrace your brother’s legacy in doing this! She is draining magic at an increasing rate, and it’s only growing.”

“Y-You don’t know that!” Shouted the unicorn as she raised her sword.

“I think I do.” I stepped forward, deciding to use what Celestia had given me.

“The Princess gave me command of the entire nation while she is otherwise engaged, you WILL listen,” I growled bluntly.

“Yeah, right,” she scoffed as she rolled her eyes, again, failing to notice that four of her guards were already down and magically drained. Thankfully, they weren’t dead… yet. “Like I’ll ever believe you.”

“You should…” Came a familiar voice from above. “I gave him the right to be a Prince of Equestria for the day. Therefore, anything he says, should be treated as if I am saying it.”

I looked up to find a sweating Princess Celestia, seeming to struggle with her magic as she glowed brighter.

“A-and I have to say, he’s right; you’ve brought shame upon your family by your actions,” she said sternly.

As the Captain wilted under the Princess’ gaze, Celestia came to hover next to the vault, the surrounding guards giving her a wide girth. The floor beneath her sizzled and smoked, the Princess not having to use her wings to stay aloft. I brought Luna to the vault’s doors as Celestia magically opened them with a wave of her hand. I stepped through the archway, carried Luna to the middle of the chamber, and set her down on the polished marble floor. I then took a long breath to try and think clearly, my body getting weaker still.

‘Starlight said that she had basically put a wall between the two Princesses’ magic, keeping them apart till the day was over. Why a full day? Why not eight hours?’ I mused but was interrupted by my other half.

‘I’ve been thinking about that.’ Said Balder, finally speaking up.

“And?” I said aloud, not bothering to answer when I was asked about it. “Do you have an idea, maybe even a plan?”

‘Hopefully. Maybe instead of breaking down the wall or waiting for it to go away, we go around it?’

I shook my head in confusion. “What do you mean? ‘Go around it?’”

He was silent for a minute. ‘Put your hands so they’re facing both Princesses.’

Even more confused, I did as told. Suddenly, I felt as if I were sucking in a large gulp of air, yet I didn’t inhale. As the sensation continued, I looked to my left to see Celestia getting the magic drained from her. Said magic wormed its way to my hand and coiled around it, seeping in through the fur and skin, joining what remained of my own. The pulling continued until Celestia was sucked dry, her body falling to its knees as the guards rushed to help their Princess.

I felt the power inside me, its light seeping through my runes as they glowed with ethereal fire. My eyes sparked with electricity, arcs of white lightening stretching across the room along with my body. The ethereal fire only grew in intensity, the right half of my frame consumed in its lashing flame, yet all of myself was engulfed in lightening. My legs suddenly grew weak, and I gasped as my legs gave out, the power growing still. Now on my hands and knees, I felt my magic and Luna’s swirling together. The two magics seemed to try and become one, but it was not to be so. Within moments, the two powers stopped and Luna’s magic (seeming to know that it was not where it should be) tried to escape my body and into its owners.

However, a literal barrier was hit, and the Princess’ magic couldn’t return to her. Just a mere foot away from her, the fire-like magic was stopped by a crystal clear wall. Luna still lay on the floor, unconscious and unaware of us trying to save her.

Suddenly, I felt as if my body were burning. Every limb, every fiber, and every atom were incased in an unseen flame, burning. Tears streamed down my face and I held back a scream of agony, only letting out a quiet whimper. Threw the grit of my teeth, I whispered a prayer.

“Lord God,” I said under my breath so only He could hear. “Why is this obstacle placed before me? Is Luna to die by the drainage of her own magic?”

I took a shaky breath in, gathering my next words. “In the back of my head, I feel as if she’s calling to you. Is that true, or is it just me? I hear her in her dreams; asking for you, asking that you come and enter her. Yet you have not come… why? Is she to burn? Is she to be trapped by her sin forever? Please Lord, I need an answer to this.”

I then rested my aching head on the floor, my whispers becoming quieter than before. “But, back to the point. I know that nothing is impossible with you, but I’d also like them to know it too. Please Lord, show them your power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

With my prayer ended, and a new strength filling my bones, I stood up on weak legs. Determined to finish my task, I raised my hands toward Luna, gathering her magic that so desperately tried to reach her. Focusing on her power, I rushed it forward like a battering ram, intent on breaking the wall. The magic hit but failed to make even a dent. Pulling back with my arms, I readied myself and rammed the wall again.


I tried several more times, still nothing. I then looked up to the ceiling, picturing the sky beyond. “Lord, lend me your strength.”

“In Christ’s name, let me in.” I whispered, reeling my arms back and striking once again.

A small crack had developed, and several gasps sounded from behind me.

“T-that’s not possible, nopony can break a Magic Seal.” Muttered Gleaming Shield.

“In Christ’s name, let me in!” Another punch to the barrier saw the crack grow.

“C-Close the d-doors.” Came Celestia’s voice, still weak with fatigue. “W-We don’t wan-want to be close when that b-barrier goes down.”

“Uh,” was Gleaming’s reply. “Why?”

“When your boss tells you to do something…” I shouted, still pounding away. Looking back, I looked her dead in the eye. “You do it. NOW GO!!”

The Captain glowered at me, raising a hand and preparing to argue.

But the Solar Princess wasn’t having it. “Captain Shield, stand down and do as he says. I made him the ruler of Equestria until we’re able. Now move!” she barks sharply.

“Y-yes, your Majesty.” Gleaming did as ordered and exited the vault with everyone else, leaving me and Luna alone.

With yet another punch to the magical wall and another command in Jesus’ name, the crack continued to spread. After a few minutes, I decide to pull out my phone and played some music, as it helped me focus.
The process took nearly two hours to complete, my hands going numb as blood soaked my fur. But soon, it all paid off.

“IN JESUS’ NAME…” I raised my fists above my head, preparing for the final blow. “LET ME IN!!!”

With that, I finally brought down the barrier. Fading away like sparkling powder, Luna’s magic finally returned to her. Her lips sucked in a long and heavy breath, exhaling a small plume of smoke with a cough. The Wargess sat up with a groan, slowly rubbing her head and blinking furiously.

“Wh-What happened?” She took a look around, noticing her surroundings and me sitting on the floor, panting. Luna gave me a genuine smile, her eyes twinkling with joy at seeing me. Only for that joy to crumble into concern at seeing my bruised and bloodied hands. “Fang, your hands… what…”

She didn’t get to finish as tears welled up in her eyes, before she rushed toward me, only to fall on her face with a yelp as her weakened body forced her down. Mere seconds after this, the vault doors opened as Doctor Clear rushed in with three nurses. Clear Sight and two of her medics tended to Luna, while the third looked over my hands. Needless to say, my hands were frozen into fists. I couldn’t move them.
The nurse did her best but ended up clearing away the blood with rags and water. Once mostly cleaned, she started to open my fingers, only to jump back as I snarled at the pain. Having previously dealt with me, Clear Sight took the task of tending to me while her nurses hauled Luna off to the infirmary.

Clear very slowly stretched out my fingers, causing a whimper to escape my throat. I ground my teeth, doing my best to keep quiet as she worked, struggling against the pain. I looked down at my hands to see them covered in bruises and cuts, wincing as Clear started to bandage them up.

“I would advise against doing anything to further injure your hands.” She said, looking up at me. “Don’t do anything to aggravate them. So, use your magic to lift stuff, not your hands. You can’t use them if you want them to get better.”

I did what I could to flex my hands, only to wince and groan as pain flared through them. I then looked to the doctor in all seriousness. “Will do, Doc.”

With my hands bandaged and her work on me done, Clear packed up her things and left to the Princesses’ sides. Resisting the urge to use my hands to help push myself up, I made my way out of the vault and was greeted by half the Royal Guard standing at attention on either side of the hall. To my left stood Gleaming Shield, trying to remain stoic, but small amounts of shame and worry could be seen in her posture.

‘Remember, we are the Prince. The Alpha.’ Said Balder in my mind’s ear.

“Yeah, how could I forget?” I whispered, putting on a hard frown as I looked at the Captain.

She seemed to notice my attitude’s shift and she started sweating.

“You went against me.” I all but growled out, letting some of my anger toward her leak through into my words. I leaned down near to her face. “Why?”

She gulped, the scent of salt wafting around her. “I-I thought you w-were trying to hu-hurt the Princess. So, I-I acted on impulse and attacked.” she stuttered with shame.

“I may have never been in the military, but even I know you NEVER charge into battle bull headed.” I snarled, the Captain flinching in the process. “You look, plan, and THEN attack. You don’t charge in with no plan, that’s how you get yourself and everyone under your command KILLED!!”

Every guard in the hallway stiffened, looking between me and their Captain.

“If I could kill two Changeling Behemoths.” I huffed, letting my teeth show in the sun’s light. “Kill five thugs who tried to kill me and my daughter. And then, kill a squadron of Priests armed with swords that could BURN ME, even before I killed a Hydra when on fire, no less. I killed that beast by breathing fire down its throat and burning it from the inside out, even when it tried to roast me and Luna alive. I would’ve crawled inside and torn it from within its guts if need be.”

The hall was silent, all guards staring at me with wide eyes and jaws dropped at the declaration. “And even if I wanted to take Equestria for myself, I could’ve done it many times before this day,” I grumbled, though I would never have done them.

I took a long breath, thinking of all the ways I could’ve taken the kingdom. “I could’ve killed the princesses and everyone else when I ‘rescued’ them, leaving this country leaderless and defenseless. With the Element Bearers dead, I could’ve taken this kingdom, or burned it to a crisp… with EVERYONE STILL INSIDE!! I could’ve done it when Luna challenged me, killed her and then Celestia with you nowhere nearby. I could’ve killed Luna during those two painful hours just now. Both of us locked in a vault, alone? I could’ve done some very bad things to her…” I deadpan.

I let it all sink in for a moment, standing back up to full height. “However… I didn’t. I did not, have not, and will not kill the Princesses. This is their land. Their home. I’m just a guest here, in their territory. I will follow their directions unless they collide with my faith. Do you understand, Captain?” I said in a low growl.

Despite her shaking, Gleaming saluted with her blunt is slightly shaky answer. “Y-yes your Majesty.”

I huffed with a nod, turning to walk away. Once I reached the doors, I motioned for the guards to not open it for me. They reluctantly stepped back before I raised my bandaged hands, gathering my magic through my limbs. I then closed my eyes as the Chromatic magic engulfed the doors, starting to pull them towards me. Only for my power to flicker and die.

“Um ,sir. If you’d let us…” One of the guards said, only for another to silence him with a jab.

I glared back at the guard who poked his friend as he shook under my gaze. “Let him speak.”

The first guard gave me a small nod before speaking up again. “Let me help you. You grab one door and I’ll grab the other, we’ll pull them open.”

I nodded with a soft smile and complied, shifting my magic over to the left door. A navy blue glow submerged the right door, and together, we pulled. For the guard, it was easy. For me though, I’d never really used my magic for anything mundane, only for big tasks. So, upon seeing my magic spark and fade, whispers traveled between the guards. They thought I couldn’t hear them.

“Is he serious? He’s taken on an adult Hydra for the princess’ sake. He gets a little banged up and this happens?” one muttered.

“Yeah, some Knight,” another snorted.
“This is the guy Princess Celestia left in charge? I could lift a feather with less force than that,” a third grunted.

As one could imagine, I wasn’t happy with those words. My anger started to boil, I ground my teeth, trying and failing to keep a calm face. My brows furrowed and a frown set on my face as I turned back to them.

“I could always have pink slips sent to your rooms.” I snarked, having been fed up with how the guards (and nobles) had been treating me. “Would you like that?”
All guards present shook their heads with panicked faces, all but Gleaming. Who, at this point, looked solemnly at the ground and nodded.

“I deserve it,” she said bluntly.

“What?!” Everyone besides her asked, some sounding surprised, others confused.

“W-With the way I’ve been acting…” She sighed, looking up at me in shame. “It’s unbecoming of a Captain. Especially for the Captain of the Royal Guard. I’m not strong, I’m brash, and I have a temper. I’m nothing like my twin. Shining would be ashamed of me… not to mention how Twi would react to my behavior. That’s why…. I’m going to give the princesses my two weeks’ notice tonight,” she said quietly but firmly.

The surrounding guards stared at her and gasped. I shook my head and took a breath, suppressing my anger towards the Captain. “Well, I don’t think you should,” I said bluntly.

Another round of gasps sounded as everyone then looked my way. I just rolled my eyes at them and spoke up. “For one; you’re Shining Armor’s twin sister, and if Leia could pull off using the force, then I’m sure you could.”

“I-I’m sorry… what?” The unicorn gave me a look mingled of confusion and annoyance.

I lightly smacked myself on the forehead. “Sorry, pop culture reference. But the point being, you are the Captain of the Royal Guard, own it. Sure, you may have committed treason and assaulted the head of state,” I deadpan.

She glared daggers at me with a grumble.

“Not helping? Sorry.” I chuckled as I rubbed the back of my neck. “But, uh. My point is; you did your job, regardless of what happened. You’re charged with protecting the Princesses, but you’ve got to learn that others can help with the job too. I was trying to save everyone’s lives by getting Luna—” I sighed.

“Princess Luna.” she interjected.

“Ok fine, Princess Luna, somewhere she couldn’t drain everyone’s magic. Yes, you were brash and didn’t read the situation. I’ve been there, where you’re so caught up with overthinking stuff that you miss the big picture. I get it. But my advice to you is to just take a step back, breath, and look at what’s happening. Look at the full picture and not just what you are seeing,” I sighed.

“So… you want me to stay?” she said uncertainly.

“I’d rather you stay, at least until the Two Sisters are back on the throne and not me.” I reasoned, flexing my stiff hands to keep the blood flowing.

“I’d like to be running the kingdom, but not while also looking for a new Captain. When the sisters return, then you may go. But until then, please stay,” I advised.

“Good, until the Princesses are ok.” Gleaming nodded with a smile at her comment, looking up at me. I nodded in return.

Just then, someone came up behind me and tapped me on the arm. I turned to find a Lunar Guard, Shadow Path, looking at me as if asking to speak. “The Princess of the Night would like to talk with you.”

“Alright, I’m coming.” I nodded solemnly and followed soon after.

-=On the outskirts of Appleoosa=-

Night had fallen over the dry cliffs of the Earth Pony town, Luna’s moon casting a soft glow over the rocks and sand. Everypony in town had settled into their beds long ago, drifting off into the realm of dreams. All was silent in the small town.

But it was not to last.

From deep below the soil, below earth and stone, a steadily growing rumble shook the ground. As the rumble grew, the town began to shake. Snuggling couples, colts, fillies, and the elderly were shaken from their beds, cast onto the cold floor as their houses trembled around them. To their dismay, the quake only grew further. In a burst of dirt and grit, a loud hissing erupted from the land. Following this terrible sound came the long scaled body of a serpent. But not just any serpent, a giant serpent. From the ponies daring to look upon it, the snake seemed to be nearly 500 feet long if stretched out to full length. Its scales were a dull gold along with green, blue, and silver hues, glittering like a hummingbird’s feathers. The snake’s ember colored eyes looked down on the tiny houses as it coiled around itself, pulling itself in, away from the houses. Its forked tongue slipped in and out of it’s fanged mouth, tasting the sweet evening air, picking up the thousands of scents around it.

Then, it spoke in a voice that would’ve had the bravest and strongest warriors of the ponies and even gryphons shake in fear.
A voice so emotionless, rumbling, and deep that it shook all who listened to their cores. “We are the children of the Níðhöggr (Nidhogg), and we come for our home.”

Before anypony could gather their fleeing courage to ask what it meant, the earth burst open with more serpents slithering out.

By all means, there weren’t that many, possibly a good number of fifteen to twenty snakes in all. They weren’t many, but they were large.

“This is our home, and we are here to scatter the grubs in our abode.” With that, the lead serpent roared into the sky, his fangs coming to bear as his comrades rushed forward, devouring a banquet of suffering.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I'm back and College is almost over for me. Hope you're all enjoying the latest chapter.

Chapter was edited by /KukriRyuTsukino

… And my sister just came in to give me a bag of fresh popcorn!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

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