• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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18. Through Dead Eyes

Ok, I’m about to drop a bomb on you. A pretty big one, too. You ready?

So apparently, Sombra used to be Celestia’s boyfriend before Luna’s episode as Nightmare Moon. Sombra was someone who liked to sweep Celestia off her hooves, showering her with gifts and praise. Luna had expressed that she’d seen past all his charm to find that he was just buttering the Solar Princess up. He wanted something.

When Luna had tried to expose him, Celestia had ignored her and went back to being oblivious to her sibling’s worries. After a few years, Luna tried to catch him in the act of his plans. Only to find out that he was planning to build his now soon-to-be wife a get away house. His plan was just to keep her happy.
However, she had been correct and Sombra had revealed his true plans once Luna was banished. With her defensive sister gone, Celestia had agreed to marry him in the hopes of strengthening Equestria and drowning out her sorrows. But that’s just what Sombra had wanted, to rule Equestria. When the Dark Prince told her that he wanted to keep the peace and help her through her troubles, Celestia didn’t listen and banished him to the frozen north, where his Umbrum kin lived.
Since then, Sombra had built his new kingdom up, forged entirely by the Umbrum. Mørkedal, or Dark Valley, he’d named the Umbrum Kingdom. He’d come to the Summit so he could assess me and ask (demand) Norm for permission to use his northern trade routes. Apparently, business in the north was slow going and taxing on his civilians.
“So, how was my big sis?” Piped up Discord’s voice as Rarity’s chair came to life and shifted into the legendary Draconaquis. The mare shrieked and clambered over to a comforting Fluttershy. “THAT’S RIGHT, I AM LEGENDARY! And don’t you forget it.”
He received no applause, the train car’s wheels screeching against the tracks.
“Anyway, Eris didn’t try and roast you over a checkered fire, now did she?” Discord zipped up to me as I lay on a couch, the train whistle sounding as we entered a tunnel in the mountain range.
Silver Haven crawled atop my body, snuggling with me under the blanket. I hugged her tightly, her little face burrowing into my neck’s fur. Again, she feared the dark.
“The lack of burns should speak for itself.” I groggily countered, my eyes barely opening.
The past few hours had been long, the leaders asking countless questions. One atop the other. If all the questions had been placed on paper, it’d have been twelve feet longer than Twilight’s list.
Discord literally deflated with a frown, his hollow form piling on the floor. “You’re no fun.”
“Being asked more questions than necessary tends to grind me down, Discord.” I gave an exaggerated huff, stretching out along the couch, careful not to disturb Haven. “That and not getting much sleep the next night brought the bar down to exhausted.”
“I had no idea you wanted to be a blacksmith, darling.” Rarity suddenly brought up, now settling next to her friend. “I think you’d be marvelous at it with your fire breath.”
“Ehem.” Coughed Ember, the dragons wanting a lift after their long flight. Celestia nor anyone else had the heart to turn them down.
“Dragons excluded, of course.” The white mare finished, nervously blushing. “Apologies dears.”
The Dragon Lord nodded, Spike snuggling into her side as she draped an arm over his shoulders. “It’s fine.”
Garble huffed and rolled his eyes at the sight. “Ugh, I’m gonna barf.”
I spared the red drake a look. “So sweet it’ll rot your teeth?”
The dragon chuckled. “Yeah— Wait… bah… you little!” He glared down at me, claws out and ready to puncture. Haven hugged my side tighter.
“Garble.” Ember warned, snarling at the male drake as he slowly backed away from her. He slipped into the next cart over with a grumble, where numerous screams and wailing roared over the tracks.
Ember rolled her eyes and stood up, leaving poor Spike by his lonesome self. “I’ll be back.”
“Do that with shades and a leather jacket, it’ll be ninety percent cooler.” Said Rainbow from her seat, looking up at the grinning drake before going back to playing on her phone.
Ember left the car and I closed my eyes, ready for sleep. However, moments later, a shadow fell over me. A sweet voice prompted me to look up. “Obsidian?”
I opened my eyes to see Luna, her face stricken with worry. She anxiously rubbed her hands together, eyes boring into mine. Though I wanted sleep, this seemed to be more important.
I sat up, settled Silver into my lap, and let the She-Warg sit next to me. “Yeah, what’d you need?”
She licked her dry lips, trying to find the right words. “Um… it… it’s about, uh…”
“You being in heat?” She nodded, face turning red.
“Y-you’re not mad, are you?” She began combing her heir with her claws, looking away. Why so timid?
“Why would I be? You have no control over it, neither do I. I have no room to be mad.” I smiled. “It also explains why you’d been staying away from me, wanting to keep away from all this.” I grinned, flexing my arm as if lifting a heavy weight.
Luna’s blush deepened as she looked away, her eyes straining to not stare at my toned arm. I chuckled at the display, I wasn’t usually like this. But then again, I never had an awesomely fit body before. It felt good, but off for that same reason.
“Anyways…” I relaxed my arm and returned to the conversation. “Yeah, no. Not mad, just putting the puzzle pieces together. We’re good.”
She nodded with a warm smile, turning back to me. We locked eyes and they started to turn back again. What did that mean? Was it something to do with a Warg’s heat season, or something else entirely? From what I could remember from the multiple fanfictions I’d read, a mare’s heat was when they’d go berserk, filled with an overwhelming desire to have sex. However, and much to my relief, Luna seemed more relaxed. She was less driven, almost as if she just had a crush and was admiring her interest from afar. Aside from that one moment in the hallway, which Blueblood had found out about. My vision cleared as someone yelled just down the in the other train car, the door left ajar.
“AM I GOING MAD OR DID THE WORD ‘THINK’ ESCAPE YOUR LIPS?! YOU WEREN’T HIRED FOR YOUR BRAINS, YOU HIPATATANIC LANDMASS!!” Yelled a dwarf of a bald stallion, his voice calling back old memories.
“I just don’t think it’s right, washing the toilets with toothbrushes.” Gently argued a grey stallion, standing as tall as Celestia, his large frame taking up most of the passageway.
“DO YOU WANT ME TO SEND YOU BACK TO WHERE YOU WERE?! UNEMPLOYED, IN GREENLINT?!” With that, the tempered stallion stormed off, down the hall muttering curses to himself. “Inconceivable!”
The grey stallion moped back into the restroom, another stallion working in the stall across the hall from him. The brown stallion smiled at his coworker, his long curled mane rolling down his shoulders. A light mustache graced his upper lip as he leaned over to look down the hall after their boss, he turned back to his friend with the same smile.
“Fuzzy Wig, he can fuss.” Said the brown stallion.
“Fuss… fuss… I think he likes to scream at us.” Replied the giant, going back to work on his toilet.
“Probably, he means no harm.”
“He’s really short on… charm.”
The shorter stallion smiled with a sigh, scrubbing out the sink. “Ah, you have a great gift for rhyme.” He handed his companion a larger brush, tossing the pink toothbrush away in the trash.
The grey stallion took the brush happily, smiling at his friend. “Yes, yes. Some of the time.”
“Enough of that!” Shouted the dwarf from down the hall.
“Fuzzy! Are there rocks ahead?” Asked the brown stallion.
“If there are, we’ll all be dead!” Panicked the giant playfully.
“No more rhymes now, I mean it!” Thundered the short pony.
“Anypony want a peanut?”
“GAH!!” The bald pony then noticed the Princesses and rushed down the hall to greet them. He bowed fast enough that his hat fell off. “Your majesties, please pay them no heed. They’re a couple of buffoons that need a good straightening out. If you’ll allow me—”
“I believe that won’t be necessary, conductor.” Said Luna, straightening her posture and eyeing the stallion with a hard gaze. “They are not a nuisance; no harm is done.”
“Quite so, dear sister.” Chimed Celestia, smiling to her sibling as she set down the book she’d been reading. “I myself wouldn’t be apposed to playing a game of rhymes. It sounds like a wonderful way to pass the time.”
The two stallions looked at one another and smiled. The brown pony smiled at his majestic Princess. “We would be honored, your Highness.” The giant bowed his head.
The Solar Princess smiled down at the grumbling pony, his jaw clenched as he huffed lightly. “Very well, your Highness. I hope they serve you well.”
She nodded again before the bald pony walked away, grumbling some more. Celestia soon joined the two for a game of rhymes.
Haven stepped over to the far window, looking through the glass as we exited the tunnel. She then pulled back and pointed outside, looking back at us in fear. “Um, Fang? What’s that?”
I dove to pull her and anyone I could away from the window and hold onto something sturdy. Then, the impact struck, sending the entire train off the tracks.

-=25 minutes earlier=-

My bright, pulsing purple eyes scanned the mountain tops exhaustlessly. The peeks covered in fresh snow, like they would’ve been back home in Grå Fjell, back when it was still around. It was difficult, knowing that I was dead. Yet I breathed the clear fresh air again, felt the cold wind through my remaining pelt and rotting flesh.

With my returning senses, I recalled our task; find and slay the daughter of Faust. It seemed so simple, but it was undesired. The daughter had no hand in our deaths, she only took up the crown after her mother died, so the ravens had told us. If Faust were still living, I might’ve considered the concept, but no. She was dead, and we had no quarrel with her offspring.

Through the twisting and whispering wind, I could smell other Wargs. Strong and healthy, both male and female. I heard laughing and talk of rhymes through the breeze, talk of a female’s heat. This reminded me of my beloved Harvah, her golden pelt striking against my own earth brown fur. My remaining mind was brought back to the present by an echoing whistle. I looked to a large tunnel edged into the mountain’s side, a set of iron tracks (like an old earth road) spread themselves down the highland. I sniffed the air, the scent of pony, dragon, and Warg filling my nose.

“Brother?” Asked a distorted voice behind me, sounding like my old friend Garthuun, my fourth sister’s cousin. “I hear the sound of iron and howls of steam, shall we pursue?”

I sighed, my mouth filled with worms and broken fangs. “The scent of Warg follows that steel beast, gather our brothers and sisters, await till it appears.” I looked to the iron road’s far side, seeing the steep cliff.

“And then?”

“Ram it.” I turned back to the friend I’d once died beside, his olive green eye looking me clear in the face. His grey and red fur waving through the harsh cold wind, already snow had begun to drape over his armor. “But caution is needed, Garthuun. Careful not to drop the iron beast, many ride it.”

My risen friend smiled, his battered skull crushed inward where his left eye had gone amiss. The grey Warg fluffed his wings, stretching those ancient joins. “It will be done.”

I nodded, my green cape flapping in the wind.

Within several minutes, thirty of my largest and strongest warriors had circled around the iron road, standing ready for when we rammed the beast. Most of their muscle had been claimed by the earth and time, reducing them to strands of flesh and bone, yet they still held their former strength. Something to do with the necromancer’s enchantment, I assumed.

We all waited for the beast to show, more time passed until we finally watched it appear. Draped in pink and blue crystal, the beast moved with astonishing speed. With a snarl from me, we all charged. All ten thousand of us. Like a murder of ravens, we descended down the slope. On we charged, some gliding and others running, but all ready to ram our target. And finally, we hit.

With our sudden burst of force, we toppled the great iron beast. Its wheels creaked and pistons snapped as it rolled onto its side, a cloud of snow and ice trailing behind it, attempting to blind us. Those who had wings ruptured into the sky, grasping onto the contraption and beating their wings to try and help slow its decent. I however, didn’t have the privilege of possessing natural wings. But I had another method of flight, one my father had taught me as his had taught him.

I stood tall, remembering his teachings. I focused on my fire, spreading it’s influence throughout my body. With a rush of power, red fire burst from my back, large green fiery wings spread over the now boiling earth. Oh, how I wished I could’ve taught my son this! With a single flap, I took flight, emerald embers drifting in the sun’s rays. I veered around to the front of the metal serpent, joining my strongest brothers in arms. I braced my hands against the hull, my body straightening as the fire in my wings brightened. I opened my tearing eyes to see a black Warg with no armor, just a red tunic and dark tan trousers. The right side of his midnight fur was decorated in pale tan Nahar runes. The lost tribe?! How?!

But I pushed that from my mind, focusing on the task at hand. All my undead strength being poured into this one task; stop the contraption before it falls off the cliff and takes us with it. Within four long seconds, just barely enough room, we finally managed to beast to halt its plunge. The cliff’s drop coming not three paces away.

The iron serpent had stopped, allowing me a closer look at the black Warg, landing before him by a single pace. He was well built, plentiful muscle draped over his bones. His eyes were dark ocean blue with golden rings, different from my own once forest green with sky blue rings. Now, they were purple and shadow, as the fire that brought us back from our sleep. Five long scars stretched from his left temple down to the right side of his jaw, as if someone had tried to rip open his face. His dusty runes were drawn in the shape of a snarling maw enclosing over his right eye, a sign of his strength and commitment to battle. He looked at me and my army with a span of curiosity and wariness, his eyes flickering between gold and blue.

I bowed my head and tapped my forehead, my tribe’s version of a greeting and farewell. “Good evening, I am Steinkjøtt, or Stone Flesh in the Equis tongue.”

The warrior nodded and relaxed, but still held his guard up. Very wise in such company. “I’m known as Obsidian Fang.”

I tilted my head, looking at him curiously. “Strange, you must have been named by an equine, for we don’t have names with such fancy wording.” I rubbed my chin. “If you were of my tribe, you’d be known as Mørk Klore, better known as—”

“Dark Claw, I know.”

This peeked my interest further. “You know our tongue?”

“I do.” Fang nodded. “My grandfather taught it to me when young.”

My head bowed. “I respect him already. Tell me, were you alone, or is my old nose playing tricks on me? Because I smell three Wargs amongst the ponies, including you.”

Obsidian Fang tensed, his claws slipping into view as her bent low in a battle stance. “And if I’m not alone?” His voice bent into a snarl.

I smiled with my already exposed teeth, the flesh around the left half of my face rotting away. “I have no ill will toward them, just curious my friend.”

He started to say something but was interrupted by someone calling his name. “Fang!”

The black Warg and I turned to see a midnight Wargess stumbling out of the serpent, her dark blue and black fur swirling like waves. Silver Gorokha runes, like that of old Nahar, but slimmer and with more curve, equally lined her body. Her silver tipped wings matched those of my mother’s, the black feathers edged with a seamless luster. Her eyes were a cool teal and silver, a beautiful array of color. Unlike Obsidian, she had no scars that could be seen.

The She-Warg fell into a fighting stance and summoned two magical blades, both engulfed in rich blue fire. Null fire. “Who is this?” She demanded, stepping next to Fang.

“Stone Flesh, or just Stone.” The black Warg turned to look at her, eyes glancing back to me in wariness. “Luna, you alright?”

The Wargess nodded, glancing back as several equines stepped from the metal serpent. I recognized none. “Are you alright? Nothing broken?”

Fang seemed slightly puzzled by such worry for him but nodded all the same. “Yeah, I’m good.” He removed something from his belt, then, a golden blade erupted from a leather bound hilt. Its miniature cross guard reminding me of my own sword. I in turn flicked out mine and ignited its silver blade, the soft hum echoing through the mountains.

The black Warg looked stunned for a moment, but kept his peace, then took notice of my wings, still alight in green flame. “How do you have a light saber and how are you doing that?”

“I am my king’s general. And theses?” I nodded to my wings as they fluffed and smiled. “Magic.”

Fang rolled his eyes, a small frown tugging at his lips. “Well yeah, but how?”

My smile widened and I deactivated my sword. “Do you feel that fire inside?”

He nodded, the Wargess stepping closer to him. They both relaxed and lowered their weapons.

“I’ve spread it throughout my body, my veins and bones and flesh absorbing it until I come close to bursting. I’ve stretched the fire into my limbs, and in doing so, I can create new limbs. My wings are a manifestation of my magic and flesh. Neither pure magic nor flesh, yet both entirely.” I motioned to my wings, flapping them once and causing a small gust of wind. I turned my attention to the Wargess. “You already possess wings, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn. You’re welcome to join and listen.”

But as I began, the group slowly approaching, something caught my ghostly eyes. A blinking white light glimmered on Fang’s right hand, nearly blinding me.

-=Fang’s POV=-

I hadn’t even brought it with me. I’d left the ring in Canterlot in my room, sitting on my nightstand. Yet, through unseen methods, it appeared on my hand and started to glow. The white stone shinned like the star that once shone above Bethlehem. I squinted, barely able to keep my eyes open as the light threatened to blind me. As the light continued, a soft tickle traveled up my back and ended its journey behind my shoulder blades. The sensation grew to the point where I strained against a giggle, wanting desperately to attack a developing itch on my back. Within a few more seconds, the itch and tickle ended, and the light dimmed. My back felt slightly heavier for some reason. Like someone had put a heavy backpack on me all ninja like.

I looked around at everyone’s stunned faces, all staring at me wide eyed. I eyed them with concern. “Uh, what? Do I have something on my face?”

RD pointed behind me, jaw slack. “Dude, look behind you.”

I turned my head to find the beginnings of a strong limb on my back. My eyes traveled along its murky, dark feathers. With a light nudge from my brain, the limb stretched out to reveal a large wing. The feathers were slick with oil, not dripping, but still sleek looking. It looked almost ten feet long, easily longer than Celestia’s wingspan. I looked to my right to find the same appendage. Two wings, coated in midnight black feathers and ready for use. However… I didn’t know how to use them.

Let’s do a recap for today, shall we? Wake up and boarded the train heading for Canterlot, get bulldozed off the tracks by an army of the undead, the undead are friendly and help save everyone, and now I suddenly had wing given to me by the Element of Love. The makings of an interesting day people.

I managed to blink, but I still felt zoned out. “What just happened?”

“Y-you have wings.” Stated the remote voice of Luna.

“Yep.” I squeaked, my voice feeling distant.

-=The Underground Hive=-

A single drone buzzed his way into the Throne room, the dim green lights making no difference for his strong eyes. The Changeling bowed before his Queen, gasping for breath. “My Queen.”

Chrysalis slurped up the last of her pony meal, swallowing the stallion she’d been snacking on, his muffled screams slipping into the background of her hearing. She turned to her drone, a brow raised. “Yes, my son?”

The drone had calmed himself enough to speak properly. “The Priests have done it! They’ve raised the dead army you requested.”

She smiled as she leaned back into her throne, stroking a whimpering mare’s mane with a hum. “Good. Good, yes. It’ll serve as a good distraction for Celestia, and hopefully that dead prince will keep Luna occupied for a good long while.”

“Absolutely, my Queen!” Smiled the drone as he stood, daring to look at her plump figure. “You’re the most graceful, the most cunning, the most stupendous, the most—”

“You’re awesome!” Praised another drone as he slunk up beside his sibling, smiling like a nymph.

The other drone didn’t have such joy though, as he scowled and hit his clutch mate over the head. The other drone fell over with a tired moan and slumped to the floor. Chrysalis snickered at the display.
“Anything else?” She purred.

The triumphant drone faced his Queen once more, his face becoming serious again. “That was all, my Queen. Was their something you needed of me?”

The Changeling Queen nodded, adjusting her long spindly legs, and motioned for her offspring to come to her. Once the drone was close, Chrysalis launched herself onto him, opening her jaws. The mare who she’d been petting before was pulled under her bulbous lower half, clutched between her eight legs. The mare struggled below as she was slowly being rapped in webbing, the unbreakable silk shrink wrapping her. A gentle shove later, the packaged mare was deposited down a smooth slide behind the throne, where more drones caught her struggling form. The Queen smiled as she licked at the drone’s hooves, opening her drooling lips to draw in the last of her meal and swallowed.

The Queen sighed to herself, patting her lower half as it stretched out, plump and full. She eyed the still struggling mare in her drone’s arms, and evil glint in her eye. “Take her to the nurseries, I hear mares are very fond of kids. And I’m sure they will be very fond of her.”

She turned to another drone beside her. “When were they last fed?”

“Uh, about noon, your highness. Four hours ago.” He replied, then stepped back into position.

“Hm.” She hummed, licking the taste of drone off her lips. “Send her there and open the webbing a bit, let the sample it before they dig in.”

Author's Note:

Hello everybody! Hope you're all enjoying your week.
I had planned to give Fang his wing later, probably during some epic fight or, like, a spiritual voyage. But then he'd have to learn to fly either during or after the battle, and that would probably end with him doing a faceplant... so, not a happy ending on that note.

I think I'll go back and number them so it's a little easier for everyone to navigate. Seeing as how I like it when a story's chapters are numbered and you're not stuck with guessing which is which.Anyways, please let me know if you've enjoyed this chapter.
I've thought about changing the story's pic;
1. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/412220172123428075/
2. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/819021882205097073/
3. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/323555554476396380
4. (keep as is)
Note: All art is owned by the people who make them, I suck at digital art.
Till next time!

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