• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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24. Ding Dong!

“DING DONG, THE WICKED PRINCE! DING DONG, THE WICKED PRINCE IS DEAD!!” Came the thunderous praises of Canterlot, the masses of citizens singing with joy as they paraded through the streets.

“Ah, now if only our sister could at least send him FAR away on a very long trip from Canterlot. Now that would make for an amazing birthday present.” Star sighed as she stretched out on a lounge chair, her striped fur glistening in the dream’s sunrays.

I myself relaxed in my recliner, happily melting into the cushions as I listened to the singing ponies. “While that would be preferable, I fear Tia won’t be too happy about it. Much less if she finds out what we dream about.”

“So don’t tell her.” Star hummed to herself, sipping on her glass of lemonade. “Our birthday’s in about two weeks, right? I don’t know, maybe our mate could kick that mule out… that is, if we play with him a bit.”

Why did my face have to blush in a dream?! I sheepishly looked over to my counterpart, finding her coy grin on display. “Why must you refer to him like that? Even if he is, I-I’d rather yo—"

“Didn’t call him what he is? Our destined mate? The only one for us and who’ll fully accept us, regardless of our misdeeds and flaws? That the mere sight of him sends your heart skipping as much as mine? Or your fur standing on end when he smiles?” She countered, looking at me with a knowing smile.

I couldn’t deny that when ever he chuckled or laughed that it sent my heart fluttering. Or that his nearly constant smile filled me with butterflies. Or even that night… that night in the cave. The night that we slept toge-- next to one another. I still remembered his thick arms wrapped around me, his wings covering me like soft heavy blankets. The only downside was the smell of his breath, he must’ve forgotten to brush his teeth the day before.

“Yeah, that’s something we’ll need to remind him to do.” Star chimed; her smile still present as she took another sip. “Anyway, can you think of anyone else who does those things to us? Anyone who’s sent us nuts over them?”

“Hm…” I thought back to our pre-Nightmare days, trying to think of anypony who we’d fallen head over heals for. “Well, there was Summer Streak, he—"

“Extorted us for money and a shot at marrying into royalty?” Star deadpanned, which was something she rarely did unless the situation was serious. “But sure, he was charming, graceful, a swordsman, a real gentle stallion—”

“And a real jerk. I’m not saying he was perfect, but he was our first love interest. We courted him for over a year, and we found him cheating on us.” I struggled to hold back my tears, even though they weren’t truly real, they still felt like it. Nevertheless, I still felt them damp my cheeks as I slept. After a moment, my alarm blared through my sensitive eardrums, startling me awake with a pained whine.

Begrudgingly, I went through my morning routine of a warm shower, brushing my mane and fur, cleaning my teeth (which consisted of gnawing on a manticore bone, much to every pony’s panic), and putting on my glittering makeup (on the silver fur around my eyes). Once this was all done, I went to my closet to choose a dress for the day. Looking at the army of garbs, I contemplated on whether I should just dress in a shirt and jeans. I’d never liked wearing those constricting dresses, always feeling like I couldn’t breathe.

As several minutes ticked by, my ears flicked toward the door, the sound of hoof steps following its creaking. In hindsight, it probably wasn’t proper of me to stand there in a towel and stare at my closet, but with Silken Garb it was alright. She was an orange furred mare in her early forties, a cyan blue mane and tail. Silken had been my hand maiden since I’d returned five years ago, being gentle and loving to me alongside my sister. Yet for the short time I’d known her, and since my transformation, she’d never been frightened of me. In fact, upon seeing me as a Warg for the first time, she’d seemed almost happier than normal.

“Good morning your Grace, having trouble?” The mare chimed, fixing a wrinkle in her sunflower dress. Silken wasn’t required to ware any work attire per my instructions, anything she wished to wear was allowed, so long as it was appropriate. “Or would you rather go through the day as you are?”

I both laughed and grimaced at her tease. “Hardly, just wishing I could dress in something more mundane.”

My hand maiden smiled back, walking down a row of hanging dresses before stopping at a silver laced dress with purple and blue galaxies in the skirt. “How about this one? I’m sure you’d be stunning in it.”

“I reserve dresses like that for the Gala, you know that.”

“Oh, speaking of the Gala, your Highness. It’s due in about three weeks, just after your birthday!”

I offered a smile to the mare, one which she returned. “Same as every year. But, why do you say so? You know I detest the event; the Gala, not my birthday.”

She suddenly gained a knowing look in her amber eyes. “I know miss, but perhaps Obsidian Fang would attend? Dressed in a tux? Fur trimmed and combed?”

My heart fluttered at the mention of his name, distracting me from our dress-hunt. “Y-Yes. So he might. Wh-Why do you say so?”

“You like him, don’t you?” Silken gave me a sidelong smirk, an almost knowing smile on her face. “I’ve seen the way you get when he smiles, all gushy and sighing. It’s the same way I got when I fell in love with my husband.”

I could feel an all mighty blush spreading over my muzzle. Sighing after looking into her eyes for a moment, I couldn’t find it in myself to lie to her. “I will admit, he is quite… fetching.”

The giggling mare then exited the closet and opened the room’s drapes. As the sun’s light filled my bedchambers, Silken called back to me with a smirk. “And speaking of tall, dark, and good-looking… he’s out in the training grounds, fighting those magical drones your sister set up for the Guard.”

My nostrils flared at the thought of the mighty Warg smashing the magical training dummies with his bare fists. I quickly grabbed my bathrobe and wrapped it around myself, not wanting to be seen as I was. I then rushed over to the window and looked down to find that, indeed, Fang was beating the living Tartarus out of the dummies. Using both a monstrous sized mace and his hardened wings, he took to crushing and dicing the magical figures like a duck takes to water. When he grew tired of the mace, he flung it at another dummy and drew his claws to bare, tearing eight to shreds like a savage beast. Haven sat off to the side, playing a game of checkers with a Solar Guard.

“Wow, I would hate to be on the receiving end of that.” Commented my maiden, whistling at the chaos down in the yard. “From what I heard; he must’ve gone easy on you in that dual.”

My reply was snuffed by the sight below us; the black Warg breathing a jet of fire into a drone’s face. Said drone melted from the head down in seconds, leaving nothing but a puddle of cooling slag. He did this to another that tried to out flank him, it met a similar fate to its counterpart. Amongst the glowing claws, razer sharp wings, and bursts of flame, none could attack and fend off against the towering Warg.

“I suddenly feel a little bad for those changelings. What with all THAT against their entire army?” Silken waved her hands back and forth, looking slightly but playfully unnerved. “No thanks! I’m staying in Canterlot with my husband where it’s safe.”

A thought suddenly struck me as I turned to her. “You’ve hardly ever said your mate’s… h-husband’s name or described him. What’s he like?”

The orange mare gained a distant and dreamy look in her eye, a soft smile spreading along her muzzle. “Well, he has dazzling orange eyes, rugged grey fur, and a sleek white mane and tail. His name is Grey Stone and he’s an architect, very good at it too.”

“At being an architect or just plain handsome?”

Silken snorted before we both erupted into mad snickering fits, this continued for about two minutes before a blinding vein of light flashed across the window. We both stopped as we looked out, finding Obsidian spinning a hammer in his grasp and mowing down oncoming drones. White lightening sparked from his hands and eyes, striking any that got too close. At one time, he’d punched one in the face, sending a bolt of energy through the air and several more forms behind it.

“He’s been doing that since nine this morning.” Came a stallion’s voice from behind us.

Both I and Silken spun around to find Shadow Path standing before the door, a somewhat smug look on his usually stern face. I regained my regal composer as my hand maiden gave the Night Guard a straight-face.

“Think you’re pretty sneaky, don’t you?”

The Thestral’s smile broadened a bit, choosing to fold his hands behind his back. “A little bit.”

Silk rolled her eyes with a smirk of her own, shaking her head as I spoke up. “What brings you here, Shadow? Not just to scare us I hope.”

The Thestral was aided by his years of training and stood at attention, saluting us before speaking. “No, your Highness. Just reporting that the night was uneventful and quiet.”

“Anything of note?”

“Not unless you count the yowling of alley cats and the chirping of crickets, Ma’am. As stated before; the night was uneventful. One could say even dull.” The Guard shifted in his stance, worry flashing across his face. His heartrate picked up for a moment.

“Are you sure? Nothing of note?” I questioned, my brow lifting as I stood with practiced grace. I found myself looming over the guard, my eyes narrowing. “Nothing?”

“W-well, uh…” The stallion stammered, close to sweating under his armor. “T-There was a minor disturbance over on Trottingham street, just some teens causing trouble in the night. Breaking bottles.”

Star mentally groaned, adding her own comment. ‘Well, at least they were doing that and not starting fires.’

I felt that there was more to the story than that, but I chose to keep it at that and dig for more later. I stepped back and allowed the Thestral some breathing room. “Even things such as this can be important, many little things can add up to one large event, Corporal. I expect a full report by midnight.”

“Yes, your Majesty.”

“You are dismissed. Have a good day.”

“You as well, Princess.” With that, Shadow bowed and exited the room, leaving Silken and me to our business.

A few minutes later after breakfast, I soon found myself walking down an empty hall towards Evening Court. The air seemed thick and warm. Another two steps and I froze, a strong chill slithering up my back. My heart pounded a mile a minute, the chill working its way up my shoulders, almost as if a hand were grabbing them. My breathing quickened as I felt a cold hand rest on the back of my neck, but when I worked up the courage to turn and face this adversary, I found nothing. Yet, the cold feeling was still there, clinging to my skin. I slowly began walking backwards, trying to blink away my growing fear.

I then felt another hand brush against my neck, as if someone were stroking me affectionately, yet it was the same cold touch. All I could feel from this hand was a cold hatred. As if this stallion knew me, but only just.

“You are mine.” Ringed in my right ear.

I turned to find no-one, only the empty air. But I could feel it deep in my being; I wasn’t alone.

“Always mine.” The whisper came from my left now, I only snapped that way and find the same thing. Nothing.

“Wh-Who are you?!” I demanded, receiving only silence as my answer. “Who are you?!”

“I go by many names.”

I whipped around to find a ten foot Warg leaning against the wall, his strong bear arms crossed over his chest. His fur was brown with black patches and burn marks, looking as if he were tossed into a volcano and barely made it out. He wore a green tank-top and a sleeveless jacket, a pair of ripped jeans, and a satchel around his shoulders. His grin was warm yet mysterious, bordering on playful. He had no runes.

“But you can call me Lucy.” He then pushed off the wall and stood before me, his grin ever-present.

Another shiver crawled up my spine. Something about this Warg didn’t settle well with me. Where had he come from? Why was he here? And why hadn’t I seen him if he had been here all this time?

I gulped down my fear before speaking, but my heart still pounded. “Why are you here? And how come I’ve never seen you before?”

Lucy chuckled as he stepped forward, looming over me as his shadow engulfed me. But he continued to advance, his face inches from mine as I was suddenly backed into the opposite wall. As my wings and back met the wall, Lucy placed his hands on either side of me, blocking my escape routes. His yellow and red eyes bored into mine, his smile widening in an overly creepy way.

“I’ve always been here, and you’ve never seen me because I didn’t want you to, sweetheart.” His hot breath wormed its way across my ear, prompting me to lean away from him.

His hands suddenly pinned my arms to the wall, preventing my escape further. I struggled against him, but with his strength the same or even greater than Fang’s, Lucy held me with ease, and he chuckled. I was helpless against my assailant. I felt my legs begin to shake; my entire body filled to the brim with fear. Panic shrouded my mind as he leaned in close, his wet nose brushing against my scruff. He then whispered, his tongue licking my twitching ear. “I know you love this.”

“Well, I can tell you she doesn’t.” Came a gruff, deep voice before a clawed hand yanked Lucy off me. I stayed put, pressing myself into the wall as I watched an obsidian-furred Warg throw Lucy into the opposite wall. “All that fighting this morning was just a warm-up for you!”

“Clearly.” The grey Warg spat out some blood as he stood, smirking all the while. He then tilted his head to look at me, only for Fang to step between his gaze and me. He just smiled back at Fang. “She’s still mine, she’s not claimed by your God.”

Fang extended his claws and snarled with his response. “That may be true, but she still has the choice. A servant can only serve one master, not two.”

“Yeah, but she’s still mine.” The brown Warg licked his lips, glaring at me as I pushed myself against the wall, preying that the wall would somehow engulf and protect me. But he would have to get through Obsidian Fang before coming to me.

“We’ll see. But for now, she’s under my protection and by extent, the Lord’s.” Fang then shifted into a battle stance, curling his hands into stone-shattering fists. “Come on!”

Lucy charged forward with a howl, his own gnarled and battered claws coming to arms. He leapt halfway and tackled my protector, his terrifying eyes trained on me. A dark fist slammed into his face a moment later, causing four teeth to be sent flying. The punches kept coming, adding to Lucy’s injuries with bruises and swelling muscle. The brown Warg landed several speedy punches of his own but was outmatched by Fang’s brute strength. I then noticed that each time Fang pulled back, his ring seemed to release a strange white fire, burning Lucy further. Lucy screamed in pain as the ring’s fire scorched his chest, placing a scar shaped like a star, thousands of tails spreading in all directions.

The brown Warg stared at his new scar, eyes wide and teeth clenched, his yellow eyes full of rage. He then snapped his head up to look at Fang, glaring at my protector. Fang then went for his lightsaber and pressed the button, the blade springing to life. The Warg suddenly rushed forward and grabbed the lightsaber’s blade, a shrieking sounding as his hand had yet to burn.

“Your power is small potatoes compared to mine!” Lucy smirked and slid his hand up to the blade’s tip, pushing down as the saber obeyed. Seconds passed as the lightsaber was coaxed to shorten, the brown Warg’s hand still yet to sizzle. The glowing blade vanished as he shoved the last of it into the hilt, Fang’s expression holding only shock. “I’m an all-powerful angel, remember?”

But that shock was soon replaced with his own smirk. “Yeah, but not a god.”

Lucy only scowled in reply.

“You think I’m weak compared to you? Fine. But know this, God is far more powerful than you or me. He is Power.”
Fang then holstered his lightsaber and raised his right fist, the Element of Love glowing fiercely. Lucy’s eyes went wide, and he stepped back, only for Fang to follow with a step of his own. I noticed that the gem seemed to vibrate, almost as if something was preparing to free itself.

“God cannot be contained, no matter how someone tries.” The black Warg jerked forward, startling Lucy into backing against the wall. “He cannot be overpowered, for He has no equal. His love is infinite… so, how can this be any different?”

Fang pressed his glowing ring to Lucy’s chin, the brown Warg whimpering as I began to smell smoke and cooking meat. I listened intently as Fang whispered, his eyes narrowed. “In Jesus’ name… go home.”

A blinding flash of light engulfed the hall, showering all present in its radiance. A loud and unsettling scream thundered from Lucy’s mouth as the light dimmed and he sank to his knees, holding his head in agony. Within seconds, his fur turned to ash, his flesh turning to sand, and his bones to dust. I watched in horror as his face melted into an earthy tan, his features fading and decaying. All that remained was a pile of dust. But then, just as I relaxed, the earth shuttered, and the pile was sucked into a crack in the floor. Said crack snapped shut after the last grain of sand was pulled in, forever lost.
I almost felt a stab of pity for him at that moment… almost.

I sat there for several long moments, trying to wrap my brain around what I’d just witnessed. Some demented Warg had breached the castle’s security and tried to rape me, Fang had saved me… again, and my savior had seemingly banished the fiend in the name of his God. My breathing became shallow, a mental breakdown was incoming. The world around me became a haze of color and sound.

This was it! Critical failure in three… two… one…

A firm pair of arms wrapped around me, pulling me close to a broad and strong chest. Another arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into the lap of my protector, holding me close and letting me rest on his crossed legs. I leaned into his warmth, taking comfort as a pair of large black wings acted as blankets against the world. His cheek rested atop my head, his powerful lungs pumping and adding to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

“Are you alright?” Chimed the Warg’s deep voice, sending a shiver down my spine and butterflies into my stomach.

“Ye-yes. Thank you.” I breathed out, letting go of previous events as I melted into his gentle embrace. “Are you?”

I couldn’t say how, but I could tell he was happy and smiling. “I’ll live… and you’re welcome. But as much as I’d like this to last, you’ve got somewhere to be.”

My eyes shot wide and I groaned, gently nudging myself away from his warm grip. “I’m late for Evening Court. What time is it?”

Fang reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, pressing the button below the screen. The phone sparking to life as an image of a red and gold warrior flew through a barrage of missiles, shooting blue lasers from his outstretched hands. At the top of the screen lay the time; 12:32am.
I groaned even louder as I faceplanted into Fang’s chest, his firm torso padding my forehead’s impact. “I’m late.”

“For a very important date?” The dark Warg chuckled as I glared up at him, his smile sending those traitorous butterflies fluttering again. “Don’t think of it like that. Think of it like; a Princess is never late, everyone else is just early.”

My downtrodden mood lifted slightly as I gave him a smile. “Really? Then I best be off and explain that it was your charms that held me up. Seeing as you’re one for poetry and beautiful words, and that adorable look you’re giving me.”

His face suddenly turned beet red, looking away as he cleared his throat. It seemed to be a nervous tick he had. “Uh, yeah. I mean, if you explain that THIS was what held you away…” He pointed to the general spot where Lucy had once been. “They might not believe you.”

“True, bu—”

“Your Majesty.” At the sound of a guard’s voice, both of us jumped and turned toward the speaker. It was one of Tia’s guards, a smirking blue unicorn mare in gold armor, spear in hand. “The patrons are getting restless. I think they may start a riot.”

Both our faces had turned rosy red. I strained to burry my face into my hands, trying in vain to hide my embarrassment. Fang suddenly gripped my waist and hoisted me up without any effort, standing up and setting me down on my feet. He then stuffed his hands into his pockets and started whistling innocently, his blush growing as he rocked on his heels.

“You should, uh…” Fang stroked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, coughing into his fist a moment later. “Get going. Don’t want the throne room getting redecorated, do we?”

“Y-Yes, um…” I looked from Fang to the tittering guard and back to the Warg, unsure as to how this situation should be handled. I then settled for just giving up and heading to court, much to my dismay. “Quite.”

Fang nodded with an awkward smile, shaking his head before bowing. “Good day, your Highness.”

I stifled a giggle before curtsying, settling for a warm smile. “And to you too, Obsidian Fang.”

After turning away, I followed the guard to the throne room, begrudgingly accepting my duty as Co-ruler of Equestria. Just as we exited through the side door to said room, I could’ve sworn I heard a grumbling Fang smashing his head on a wall. He was probably trying to banish his embarrassment… but by smacking his head?

I shook my head with a soft smile, taking a seat and preparing for a long and exhausting day.

-=White Tail Woods, the Cortez Hive=-

The constant flow of water filled all ears present, creating a calm atmosphere that eased the room’s tension. Thousands of alabaster changelings stood along the polished floor, the grey, organic walls illuminated by magical crystal chandeliers. Drones, Warriors, Nurses, and Caretakers alike had assembled at their Queen’s behest, eager to hear current events outside the hive. While Scatha wasn’t a harsh or cruel Queen, she felt that keeping her children closer to the fortress of their hive was necessary. She didn’t want them, the drones especially, to wonder off and not make it back before nightfall.

The attacks had been growing in frequency, adding to her troubles. Yet, she felt that keeping this news from the Equestrian Princesses was needed. She knew they could handle themselves. The Cortez Hive was one of the very few who still remembered their roots since the beginning. Knowing that they had a place in this world, as all life did, and were happy to play their parts. The Hive stuck to their territory and everyone else stayed in theirs, simple. Yet other Queens, like those who supported Chrysalis, sought conquest. The Queens had no fear of each other, most holding a mild respect for the other. While ties between the Queens weren’t strong, those who supported their allies stayed in contact regularly and opened trade. However… there was one Queen, one Hive, that brought fear to all who knew of it.

This Hive had no exact name, going by many but never holding to one. This was the oldest Hive to ever be left standing. A Hive so ancient, that even Discord himself had no memory of it. Its Queen was said to be a monstrous beast, speaking no words and understanding only violence. Her Drones were no better, chattering like massive insects and hunting the small and weak. It was said that not even her consorts could survive against her, becoming food once the cuddling was done. In fact, there were even rumors that the Hive was more insect-like than the present changeling.

But this was not the cause of this meeting. Scatha looked over the assembled hive with an even smile, sending her gentle touch over all in the Hivemind. The Queen stood from her bladed throne, ignoring the wrinkles in her sparkling grey dress.

<Salutations to the Hive!> The Queen’s melodic voice carried over the Hivemind, forgoing the need to physically speak. <Many have been worried for our Princess’ safety since the attack in the park. But know she is safe, as all can tell, otherwise her place in the Hivemind would be void. Revel in this comfort, our future Queen is safe and well. She completed her task in joining the final Nahar as an ally, treat him as such whenever he visits. He had earned my trust in protecting not only Olvar, but his destined mate and child as well, solidifying his position as our hive-mate.>
Hive-mate was an apposition rarely offered, granted only to those who’d earned the Queen’s trust and respect. This title went to any none-changeling that was considered a brother or sister of the Hive, a close friend.
<Rest assured that Chrysalis hasn’t made a move against Equestria or the Wargs as of late.> The Queen continued. <From what our allies’ scouts have reported, she’s locked herself way within her inner Hive and has remained there since her clone’s death. As we all know, her Hive are experts in biology, giving her a wide range of possible tactics. We also know that Queen Carapace, Chrysalis’ younger sister, is a forced ally of hers, be warry of any crimson changelings. Sentries, be on guard in case any scouts of her Hive or another comes. We don’t want any of our enemies spying on us.>

<What of Althiirn’s daughter?> Asked a male Drone, Finwe, over the Link. <Do we count her as an ally?>

<Given time, yes. I believe so, Finwe.> The Queen soothed. <But for now, the night is young! Go, enjoy the evening that the Maker has made! He has not forgotten us, so we shall not forget Him. Hail to the Father!>

Every-ling raised their hands to the roof and mentally shouted. <Hail to the Father!> With that said, the gathering of changelings dispersed, vanishing down the many tunnels that pulsed with veins of golden light.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, hope you're all having a fantastic day! We all need those once in a while.
Anyways, here's the new chapter. I'm still looking for an editor, so if anyone knows someone else or would like to help themselves, I'm all for it.

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