• Published 5th Apr 2018
  • 17,796 Views, 709 Comments

Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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22. A Walk Throught the Park


“Why are you doing this?” Bravely demanded the grey stallion as he was shoved to the ground, his orange mane stained with mud, his clothes torn and dirtied.

Chrysalis’ laughter echoed throughout the chamber, bouncing off the polished black walls of her underground hive. “Do what, my dear?”

The stallion scoffed, rolling his eyes. “You know what; bothering to have a ‘friendly’ chat before eating me. You sick, twisted son of a—”

“Ah, ah, ah!” The Queen wagged her finger in his face. “Language, Iron Clop. Foals are watching.”

Iron gawked at the Changeling Queen. “H-How- How do you kn-know my name?!”

“It’s simple, actually.” Chrysalis tittered, her smile widening with evil glee. “You ponies came up with the saying, I think you’ll love this.”

In a flash of green fire, the ugly Queen was replaced by the queen of his life; Evening Rose. Gone were the hole infested body and oily green mane, now sporting a red mane and green coat, a set of pink eyes batting at him. The imposter wore a frilly black gown, the kind she’d always wear just for him. One that showed off her curves perfectly and a good portion of her cleavage.

Iron shook off his stare, choosing to glare at the false image of his sweetheart. “T-That’s not her! I know it, just some stupid Changeling trick, that’s all it is!!”

“Changelings don’t just consume love, though I certainly wish we could, seeing as how bad my cravings have gotten these past few years.~” The Queen said in Rose’s voice, a melody to the stallion’s ears. She sauntered closer, letting a seductive sway enter her walk. “But no, that’s not all we need.”

Chrysalis leaned down to his ear, her warm breath making him blush. “We also consume meat, my dear Clop.”

The stallion snapped around to meet her eyes, confusion striking his features. “W-What?”

“’We become what we eat’, isn’t that right? Though, I might have said it wrong.” She mused, her tongue licking his ear. The Queen then stepped back to give him a full picture of her acquired body, letting some of her plumpness seep through her disguise, patting her rounded hips. “How else do you think I got this good lookin’ and this lovely skin? Think I just copied it from memory?”

She paused to let it all sink in. And sink in it did.

Iron’s face morphed from confusion to understanding and then to complete and utter horror as he finally figured it out. “Y-You… a-ate h-her?! YOU ATE HER?!! YOU ATE MY WIFE?!?!”

Chrysalis put on a smile and clapped mockingly. “Bravo! And the stallion get’s it, give him a prize!”

“I-I won’t take anything from you, you bucking bi—”

The Queen suddenly rushed forward in a blaze of green fire and reassembled her usual form; top half of a mare and lower half of a spider. She pinned his limbs down with her gangly legs, letting their talons dig into his wrists and ankles.

“Now, now. What did I just say about manners?” Chrysalis chuckled in mirth, cupping the stallion’s cheek in her hand as she assumed Rose’s upper half.


“Well, that just won’t do, now will it?” Asked the Queen, hands over her chest in mock hurt. “You miss her so much? Why don’t you join her?”

“Why a spider?” He suddenly asked, attempting to avoid answering.

She laughed, a pair of mandibles pulling themselves from her jaws, clicking against each other. “So I can do this, little grub.”

White silk sprang from her bulbous spider half, wrapping the poor stallion up like a mummy. The Queen then grabbed the struggling stallion by the feet and dangled his head over her drooling lips. She laughed with glee as she slowly lowered him into her stretching jaws, moaning as his weight settled into her throat. She ignored the muffled screams and whimpers of her stallion meal, deciding to just enjoy her breakfast. Chrysalis continued from there, letting his own weight drag him down into her body. Within minutes, the Queen gave one final gulp as the stallion was deposited into her already bulbous lower half.

She sighed dreamily as his weight slowly settled into her, feeling his still fighting body relax and give out. She turned and patted her full stomach with a wicked smile. “Such a lovely little grub.”

<=The Canterlot Gardens=>

What is known that cannot be named?

Despite the question being written on my fingers and being asked it by the Angel of Harmony, I still had no answer. I’d even asked the Princesses, all of them, for help. Sadly, after two weeks of searching and theorizing, all came up null. The question still bothered me. What was it? Why was it important? What significance did it have for me?
‘What is known that cannot be named? Wow. That’s a tough one.’ I could hear the smile in his words.
‘Any idea?’
‘Hmmm… yeah, though you already have the answer.’
‘What? What do you mean “already have the answer”?’
‘Me… or us. The answer is us.’
‘Still drawing a blank here.’
‘Ugh… Ok, you know how we’re not permanently attached to our bodies, right? How we’re children of God and our names are just labels for our bodies. So, when someone calls you “Micah” or “Fang”, they’re ideally referring to your body and not you. You following?’

‘Scratching my head, but still with you.’

‘So, what’s your real name? Who are you to the Lord?’

‘Micah—No…’ I took a long moment to think, trying not to overwhelm myself as I leaned against an old spruce tree. ‘His son?’

“Yes. In truth, you have only the name that’s most important; a Son of God. Therefore, what is known that cannot be named?”

‘Tomatoes?’ A wise-guy smirk stretched across my muzzle.

I could feel his half of the brain go blank. ‘…WHAT?!?’ I ended up laughing until my sides hurt, rolling around in the dirt. ‘Ok, Ha-ha-ha. Very funny smart aleck, can we focus please?’

‘Fine. Anyways, yeah. Me, the answer is me. I am the Lord’s Son.’

“Very good, Son of Origin.” Came the voice of a familiar Tree Angel. I turned to find her face and hair morphed into a nearby tree’s bark, her cyan eyes being the only thing not colored brown. I was suddenly reminded of a Disney princess and her talking tree. “You’ve answered the riddle. Ready for another?”

“Another?!” I cried out in alarm, nearly smacking myself in the forehead.


“With this riddle, will we be cut off again? I’d like to see if we can do more “dream lessons”, as you put it.”

She hummed in thought, a warm smile appearing on her wooden face. “Yes, I’ve missed our time together.” Harmony paused, then smiled again before addressing me. “It seems you have visitors, I will let you tend to them in haste.”

“Obsidian!” I snapped around to find Luna walking down the castle steps into the garden, Haven prancing alongside her. I snuck a peek over my shoulder to find Harmony gone, the tree back to normal.

“Hey Luna!” I smiled as the Princess jogged over to me, dressed in a pair of blue shorts, a grey tank top, and her hair braided into a single ponytail. “What’re you up to?”

“Just going on a walk through the park, thought we could use the exercise and get out of the castle.” She presented her lovely smile, a picture of pure joy. “Are you joining us?”

I shrugged, figuring it’d be good for exercise, spending time with my friend and daughter, and checking out the blacksmith shop Star had spoken of. “Yes, that is…” I took a bow, acting like a dramatic knight, my best British accent to boot. “If thine Mistress will allow thee to escort thy journey?”

Luna giggled, trying to hide it behind a hand. She in turn curtsied to my bow. “We would be most honored, thy fair knight.”

I smiled back, motioning for her to lead the way. It had been a slow day for Evening Court, then Luna had a minimal amount of paperwork (So I heard). All this, combined with the shortage of other duties, made for a long break away from her work. That, and the fact that Luna said Haven gave her the Puppy Pout, the lethal weapon of females everywhere. So, we made our way through the streets of Canterlot, undisturbed but glared at by many nobles. Seriously, theses guys were as bad as (or worse than) Blueblood.

Oh yeah, and the snot of a stallion was still considered royalty because of his (distant) relations to Celestia. Meaning he was still lurking around and spouting insults and abuse at anyone he chose. (I know, we’re all jumping for joy… not.)

Anyways, within an hour, we’d arrived at Canterlot’s central park. The grassy planes were littered with bushes and trees of varying types, signature concrete paths and lampposts winded through the park. I noticed several fountains here and there, along with the numerous ponies walking and playing. I’d honestly never been one for parks, aside from when I was a kid.

I would’ve asked why we didn’t just fly there, but the familiarity of walking and running destroyed that thought. Luna and I walked on either side of Haven, the little pup happy enough to do so. All the unfamiliar faces must’ve kept her from wondering off.

As we slightly picked up speed, a certain memory of a vision flashed over my eyes; the Queen of Bones in her study. It still made me curious. Why did I see her? Why in her study? And how did she know I was there?! I came to guess as to why I saw her; it was probably so Luna could have more proof. Proof supporting the fact that she wasn’t originally an Alicorn, but a Warg Princess of Kaldor and Gorokha blood. Without dragging along the fact that her supposed mother took her as a trophy.

As for the study, I hadn’t the faintest. But for how she knew I was there, I could only think of one thing. Luna had obtained her real mother’s power over dreams, or at least something similar. Or perhaps Luna had only been able to tap into her dream power. Maybe the Bone Queen could help her harness it better? But then, how did I have this power too? We couldn’t be related in some crazy way, could we?! Hopefully not!!

I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts as Luna tapped my shoulder, causing me to look at her. “Yeah?”

She wore an adorable soft blush on her cheeks. “Haven and I need to use the little fillies room, could you wait for us?”

The Princess motioned toward a nearby restroom building, the grey walls holding their respective signs. I looked back to the girls with a smile. “Sure, take your time.”

I sat on a nearby bench as the two entered the ladies’ room, leaning back and listening to the birds sing their marry tunes. I whistled along with the birds as their songs seemed to interweave, gaining tempo before cutting off suddenly. I opened an eye to see I was all alone in the park, not a soul around. Quiet as a grave.

“Good evening.” Came a feminine voice to my right.

Startled, I jumped and snapped to face my visitor. Sitting next to me was a Changeling. This insectoid shapeshifter wasn’t in disguise, her pearly white chitin gleaming in the sun’s light, transparent blue skin and aqua blue eyes contrasting her shell. After a moment, I noticed that the skin wasn’t just around her abdomen, but her entire body, coating her hardened shell in a clear blue layer of flesh. The holes in her arms and legs were smaller than the other Changelings I’d met, being almost elliptical in shape. Her wings were an aqua blue color, their glowing membranes adding to their brilliance. I found her mane done back into a ponytail braid, several smaller braids starting at her bangs and winding over her scalp. However, her crown… wait, crown?!

I shook my head and looked again. Sure enough, atop her head sat an alabaster crown in a web-like pattern and little sapphires imbedded into its tips. It took the shape of a more traditional crown than that of Chrysalis’ or Carapace’s, bending down over the head like a Wonder Woman’s tiara.

The Changeling cleared her throat, regaining my attention and breaking my trance-like stare.
“I said, ‘Good evening.’” Sounding annoyed, she crossed her arms. Then it clicked; she wanted to talk, not fight.

“Oh, uh… Good morning!” I bowed my head in greeting.

“What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a good morning to be good on?”

“All of them at once, I suppose.” I managed not to cackle like a madman, succeeding to hold my peace with a gentle smile. “And a very fine morning it is for a walk in the park. There’s no hurry, we have the whole day before us… aside from when the girls get back.”

“Do you know my name?” She asked, looking me up and down, hands now resting in her lap. A regal posture apposed to my relaxed one.

I looked her over, not finding anything familiar. “No, I’m afraid I don’t. I’m sorry.”

The Changeling wilted slightly, letting a tired expression flash across her face. “I had hoped that Celestia had told you about us.” She then straightened herself and looked me in the eye. “I am Princess Olvar, fifth daughter of Queen Scatha. I am the Princess of the Whitetail woods.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You trust me with the location of your hive so quickly?”

“Mother trusts Celestia, and Celestia seems to trust you.” She explained, her smile widening.

“And you trust Celestia?”

“She’s never steered us wrong before, why start now?”

I hummed, grasping the fact that Celestia and this ‘Queen Scatha’ had been friends for a while. “How long have your mother and Celestia known each other? Good friends?”

Olvar smiled, slipping into a chipper mood. “Oh yes! Mother and Celestia have been allies for a loooong time. I think it’s been… five, no, six hundred years since Mother saved Celestia from that army of Dimond Dog Warlords.”

“So… why come to me?”

“Mother wants to consider you an ally too. She’s seen how strong you are, how brave, selfless, and magically powerful—”

“Keep talkin’.” I laughed, looking at her with a playful smugness.

The Changeling Princess giggled before returning to her description. “Yes, you are all those things, but Mother wants to be sure that you don’t cause our hive any trouble. So, she sent me along to act as a conduit.”

I paused as I processed her last sentence. “Conduit?”

She proceeded to close her eyes and breath deeply, opening them to reveal slitted ocean blue eyes. The Changeling smiled at me, looking me over before speaking.

“Greetings, Last of the Nahar.” She said in a voice unlike Olvar’s, a voice far older and wiser than the Princess. “I hope you are not frightened by our way of speech?”

“N-Nah, just a little odd, but nothing I can’t handle.” I suddenly smirked. “And I’m Riff-Raff Fang, the riffiest riff who ever riffed a raff!”

I imagine she tried, I really did, but the Queen burst into a short fit of laughter. I let loose my own chuckle before we both calmed.

Once the Queen breathed, she straightened into a regal posture with a serious expression. “Getting back to my reason for sending Olvar; I trust you found Prince Javelin’s journal?”

I nodded, growing suspicious of her question. Did she plant the book so we would find it? “Did you put it there?”

“No, one of my scouts found it in an abandoned tomb. The body had been removed, but the book remained. And seeing as nopony was there to claim it, I had my drones take it and bring it to the hive. After some deep studying in the Equestrian Archives and the journal, I’d found the truth and wanted Luna to uncover it for herself.”

“But why the caves?”

“My advisers suggested it. They saw how you would enter the caves—”

I chuckled at that. “More like melt my way down.”

“Yes, ‘melted.’” She didn’t seem too happy about the interruption. “They had a vision of you ‘melting’ your way into the caves, retrieving the gems and the book. But, on a small note, I found no mention of light swords in Javelin’s book. Not its innerworkings, nor any references to them. Where Faust had gotten that sword, I couldn’t tell you. But among my ancestors’ recordings, I found three remarks on an old Warg light sword.”

She paused to take a breath, or she was dramatically pausing to build tension. Either way, I leaned forward to show my interest.

“These swords,” Queen Scatha gestured to said hilt as it hung from my belt. “were apparently forged for the high nobility and royalty. So, seeing as Faust gained it from a battle long ago, she probably took it from a dead knight or the Alpha. Also, I found… um, Fang? Are you alright?”

My face had gone pale, eyes wide. The Alpha… the king… Luna’s father, was dead?! Bad enough that she’d never grown up with a father figure, but now (if the stories were to be true, which I was honestly starting to believe) her real father was dead. ‘WELL THAT’S FREAKING FANTASTIC!!’


I shook my head, focusing back on the changeling. “Well that’s just great.”

She looked at me curiously, head tilted to the left. “What?”

I sighed and shook my head, waving it off. “Nothing. Please continue.”

“Alright, if that is your wish. I’d also found that the Nahar were a widely known warrior clan alongside the Kaldor. I know for a fact that you read about Luna’s mother, the Queen of Bones?”

I nodded with a soft grunt, quickly looking over to the restrooms to see if the girls were back yet. Sadly, they were still busy.

“According to what I found, after Faust attained the sword, the Bone Queen fought and easily won against the alicorn. From what I read, an Alpha’s sword was to be buried with him and never used by any other. If otherwise, the ancient scriptures stated that the thief would be executed by the sword he stole. It made it seem as if the sword would come alive and slay them.”

A loud gulp sounded as I touched my neck, imagining my own sword attacking me. I looked down at the lightsaber, feeling ready to find the king’s tomb just to return the sword. “How comforting.”

Scatha rolled her eyes, shaking her head with a knowing look. “Isn’t it just. On a brighter note, if the Bone Queen is still alive, then she should see you returning the sword as a good omen for the Nahar tribe. Regardless of their warrior likeness, the Kaldor and Nahar were usually at odds. The old records spoke of several Warg customs that I think you and Luna should know about if you ever run into a tribe.”

I furrowed my brows, wondering what these strange customs were. My nose twitched at the nearing mint scent. “Well, Luna and Haven are coming, just a warning.”

The Queen smiled. “Good, less to explain.”

Once the two Wargesses exited the building, Luna happily greeted her friend, cancelling my doubts. Scatha really was her friend. The Queen took a few minutes to explain the situation, repeating and summarizing our earlier talk. Luna nodded at some parts… and others (like her real mother being alive and her dad possibly being dead) put her into a frown, sometimes even a quiet snarl. Haven for her part, admired the changeling’s sparkling chitin.

After a moment of silent brooding, Luna turned to me with the start of tears in her eyes. “Well, there you have it. Here’s our third source.”

The Princess didn’t object as I leaned over Silver to give her a hug, hoping to stall her crying. Everything she knew, everyone she lived with and called family; was false. They weren’t her blood related family. Celestia, Faust, nor Prince Javelin. Everything she’d known as familiar was shattered in that instant, the life she’d lived wasn’t true.

Luna continued to cry into my shoulder, Scatha coming over to offer her own comfort. Luna pulled the Princess/Queen into the hug, trying to stop her tears.

“T-Thanks,” She croaked, her voice dry from the full forty minutes of crying. I honestly couldn’t blame her; fining out and confirming that the people who you thought were your family was just a fiction. And in truth, her real family was possibly miles away, her last living relative being the mysterious Queen of Bones. Such a title for my mom would’ve put me on edge too (if I’d never met her before).

Luna cleared her throat, sitting up straight in an attempt to show some dignity. “I needed that, thank you.”

I nodded in return and sat back, letting the females talk as Haven snuggled up next to me. Haven smacked her lips, asking, “I’m a little thirsty, can I have something to drink?”

I stood and patted the pup on the back with a smile. “Sure, I’ll be back in a second.”

As I walked away, my ears perked as Luna and Scatha conversed.

“So,” Scatha started. “Anything new, aside from the obvious, of course?”
I soon found a water fountain with a stack of abandoned cups next to it.
“Oh, the usual; wining nobles, paperwork, new magic, and the occasional new law to over wright an old one.” Chimed Luna, a waning spark of sadness overtook her next words. “And I just found out that my entire family was a falsehood. My sister isn’t really my sister, and my alicorn mother stole me and used me as a LIVING SHIELD!”
As the cup I’d grabbed started to fill with water, I continued to listen in.
“Well, at least you have a new adventure awaiting you. You get to solve a mystery. Maybe you have actual siblings? That might be fun!”
Luna sighed with a note of laughter. “Perhaps, but… why not just attack Faust and grab me? Surely there was something they could’ve been to prevent me being taken. Right?”
Scatha took a moment to hum, thinking something over. “Speaking as a mother, I honestly think I’d beg for my child’s safety, even if she were to be separated from me all her life. I couldn’t live with myself if I lost a child like your parents did, they must have loved you very much. They knew that the only way for you to stay alive in that moment was to let her take you.”
I turned back around with a full cup of water in hand, keeping my ears glued to the conversation.
“Yes, I imagine so.” This brought a smile to the Princess’ face, her teal eyes sparkling. “Still, it would be nice to meet them.”
Scatha placed a hand on the Wargess’ shoulder. “And I’m sure they’ll be overjoyed to finally see you safe and sound.” She stole a glance in my direction, smirking all the while. “Though, your father might be a little hostile toward a certain someone.”
Luna sounded surprised and hurt, a slight growl entering her words. “You mean to say that my father, King of the Wargs, would want to hurt Fang? Why?”
“I didn’t say that he was going to hurt Fang, but with… y’know…” She bobbed her eyebrows with a smirk.
Luna leaned back on the bench, Haven leaned into her, pressing her little fluffy face into the Princess’ chest. “You know my father, don’t you?”
So, he wasn’t dead?
The Changeling Queen smiled with a nod. “Yes. Back when I’d just took my mother’s place as Queen, the Maker rest her soul, my drones alerted me of a Warg pack passing by my mother’s old hive. Being the curious proto-queen I was at the time, I decided to personally see what all the excitement was about. I soon met your parents, a charming couple with a litter on the way.”
Luna gasped, eyes wide. “Y-You mean to say that I—”
“Yes,” Smiled the Queen. “You have siblings. Eight, if I remember correctly.”
It was then that I reached our bench, handing the cup to Haven and sitting down in my previous seat. I looked between the girls and smiled. “Don’t stop on my account, this sounds good.”
The Queen smiled back, taking a breath. “Well, I—”
“Shush!” I snapped suddenly, sniffing the air as a strange aroma filled the breeze. Luna saw this and followed my actions, Haven doing the same out of childish habit.
“We are not alone.” The Wargess snarled, the fur on her neck standing on end as her lips pealed back, ivory fangs glistening in the sunlight.
I stood and stepped forward, my eyes scanning the area. Down the path, two stallions in spandex jogged, a troop of bikers behind them. I turned to find a group of five mares roller-skating towards us, seemingly chatting with one another but casting us the occasional glance. Both groups emanated the same fragrance. They smelt of ash and cinnamon. I couldn’t tell why, but it just didn’t feel right. I felt like they were trying to box us in and attack.
Within seconds, that’s what happened.
Both groups suddenly rushed forward, pulling foot long cylinders out from beneath their belts or pockets. I whipped out my lightsaber and ignited it, its golden blade hissing to life as I swung it at the attackers to my left. My assault was stopped by something hot. In all honesty, the heat was actually getting to me as beads of sweat rolled down my brow. I opened my eyes and froze in shock. Darksabers! The Priests had Darksabers?!!
The shadowy blades shrieked and hissed menacingly as the Priests struck at my sword with new vigor, seeing my stunned expression. How did I know they were Sun Priests? Because of the tattoos on their wrists; a golden sun with red flames circling it. Each time the Darksabers slashed at my lightsaber, the intensity of their heat would increase, almost as if they were feeding off my saber’s warmth. Suddenly, the dark blades passed through mine, almost as if it were air. I had to jump back to avoid the Darksabers but managed to keep my footing.
Two stallion Priests came at me from the left, looking to land a hit on me. By instinct, I unfurled my wing and hardened the feathers, hoping that my impromptu barrier would hold. I don’t know how, but thanks to God, my wing deflected the Darksabers’ attack. I cautiously looked over my wing, finding no burns or cuts. My eyes shifted to the two Priests to find them equally stunned. Taking this moment of surprise, I lashed out with my hardened wing, unintentionally slicing through both stallions. All action froze around us, everyone staring at my bloodied wings and the decapitated corpses.
Struck with an idea, I shut off my lightsaber and folded my arms behind my back, positioning my wings into a fighting-like stance. The attackers looked hesitant, looking at one another, as if daring each other to attack first. With no volunteers, I let Balder take control and slipped back into our mind’s depths.

-=Luna’s POV=-

If Balder had a cutie mark, it would’ve been something related to fighting. This was proved as he leapt and spun over our attackers, hands pinned behind his back as his wings slashed and carved through two bikers. With a flick of his left wing, it became a shield to guard himself and Haven from an onslaught of strikes. I however, had no time to ponder further as yet another stallion charged me, bringing his dark light sword to bare.
I managed to side step him and spin on my heel, clawing at his face and striking him down before chomping down on another’s shoulder. But before he could scream for help, I snapped his neck and ended his waisted breath. Tia would’ve never approved of my actions, saying that I was too brutal and violent. Diplomacy was Tia’s solution to almost everything, trying kindness and peaceful talks instead of resorting to violence. With the land of Equestria at peace, an old war dog like myself had little to accomplish. But here, amongst the ravaging battle, I felt somewhat at home.
“We’re not doing that!” Came Balder’s snarl, speaking to the only one who could’ve in this chaos. “We have more—”
The gold eyed Warg grimaced, then let out a sigh, punching another goon in the face. “Fine, we’ll do it.”
Balder then spun in a circle, scooping Haven into his arms with a shout. “NINJAGO!!”
With that battle cry came a tornado of red fire and lightening twice his height, raging toward the group of Priests gathered around Scatha. But the old Changeling needed no assistance.
While Olvar was anything but a fighter, her mother and Queen was greatly experienced in her people’s ways. Scatha took her time in assessing her enemies; two stallions and three mares, all with dark swords raised. With a burst of teal fire, the Changeling transformed into a monstrous version of her true self. Huge insectoid eyes, long and sharp mandibles, four arms with meat hooks for claws. Easily standing twelve feet tall, she towered over the now cowering assailants, spewing her acid saliva before their feet.
In a truly pathetic display, all her enemies fainted in seconds.
Scatha reverted back to her usual self and joined me in watching Balder pick off the last of our enemies. The Queen/Proto-Queen smiled. “Seems that your mate is handling himself well.”
I turned to her in shock, eyes wide and heart pounding. “WHAT?! We’re not together!”
“Hm, so you say.” She gave me a wiggling eyebrow and a coy smile. “From what your parents revealed to me; Wargs seem to be predestined when it comes to partnership. Regardless of what you may think, this old Queen can tell when two are meant for one another. That, and your mother mentioned that your eyes will turn black when you’re meant to be mates. Something about your other selves being one in soul?”
I had no words to respond with. How could I? I remembered my vision getting darker when we’d sometimes lock eyes, but that didn’t mean anything, did it? I knew that Changelings could sense emotions, but did Fang have something for me? Did he like me? Or even… love me?!
I suddenly felt week in the knees, my vision started to blur. One moment, I was staring at Fang gaining control once again from Balder. The next, I was peering at the sky as Fang, Haven, and Scatha bent over me. Fang’s perfect face skewed with worry and fear. The last words I could hear sent my heart skipping.
“Luna, are you okay?! Luna!!”

Author's Note:

Hi, ya'll! Chapter 22 is finally here. Please let me know your thoughts on this new addition and please correct me if I have spelling errors.

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