• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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21. Full of Living Water (EDITED VISION SWORD)

“What do you think?” Asked Celestia as she gestured to the stained glass window. Like many other events in Equestria’s history, the “Rescue of Equestria’s Heroes” depicted me charging with my light sword in hand, in the center of a red Changeling army that cut through the former Chrysalis’ hive. Chrysalis was sitting on her throne with everyone else (the Two Sisters and the Bearers of the Elements) in their cocoons behind the laughing queen. “Though, we’ll have to redo it.”

“Why?” I gave her a questioning eye brow before she pointed at my newly acquired wings. “Oh. Well now I feel stupid.”

“I assure you, you’re quite the opposite.” The Princess smiled as she started to walk out of the throne room. “Let’s head over to lunch. Luna’s probably already beaten us and is no doubt scowling at her bowl of cornflakes.”

I laughed at that. “Yeah, don’t want—” Thousands of knives stabbed my brain, faint images flashed through my mind’s eye. A tall hill, covered in golden stocks of corn with an orange sunset behind it. A set of huge oak and iron doors edged into a mountain side, six large bowls of burning wood flanked the steps that lead to said doors.

Another flash and my mind’s eye was in someone’s study, numerous books and scrolls piled atop a birch desk. Seated at the desk was a female Warg, her white fur reflecting the orange sunlight that came through the window behind her chair. Crimson runes dotted her snout, cheeks, forehead, and arms. The Wargess seemed to be in her forties, the only signs of age being her greying snout fur. She wore a silver dress with swirling white winds sown into the skirt, a pair of golden serpents rapped around her left wrist. As I seemingly stood there, her head bolted from her books and her purple/red ringed eyes met mine.

“Who are you?!” She demanded, standing up from her seat before I was whisked away again.

A yellow lightsaber, but not the one I possessed. This one was different in many respects. The three-foot hilt was smooth obsidian with five silver rings binding it together, along the guard were blue crystals that took the shape of fangs. Below the saber’s guard was decorated with a bronze ring with a twisted wire cross through it, a Norse inscription was carved into the ring. And finally, the blade flared like a raging fire, its six-foot expanse carving through the air with a terrible hiss.

All this took seconds, fading as fast as it’d come. The pain reseeded and the images drifted away into the back of my head. I lifted my head to find myself in the crystal caves below the city, a single light shone from above. I looked up to hear Celestia yelling down to me as she descended, the walls of the new tunnel still orange with heat. When the princess reached me, sweat was poring from her brow and she was heaving her breath. The tunnel was still too hot.

A soft hum filled my ears, coming from my right, just down the cave.
I am yours…

I shook my head and turned back to Celestia in time to catch her failing body. A small glob of orange goo fell onto my shoulder, I looked up in time to see a larger blob falling toward us. Relying on instinct, I pulled the Princess close and folded my wings over us, their feathers turning hard. The molten rock splashed atop me, but it didn’t hurt in the slightest, almost feeling like lukewarm water. The hum continued, gaining volume. It compelled me to follow, I had to go see. But I didn’t know these caves. Atop that, Celestia was in no shape to follow. I pulled her out from the light, setting her near an underground river, not wanting more lava to drop atop her. The cool water would give her a refreshing drink, hopefully she didn’t suddenly decide to go swimming.
Following the hum, I came against a wall of cold stone, the sound growing louder. Determined to follow and not allow this barrier to slow me, I raised a hand and pressed it against the wall. My eyes closed as I concentrated, allowing me a stronger hold on my power. With a faint hissing and the smell of smoke, I opened my eyes to see my handprint in the stone, an orange glow pelting away the rock. I gaped at my own power, putting the pieces together; I made the hole… ALL THE WAY DOWN HERE?! HOW HOT WOULD I HAVE TO BE TO DO THAT?!!
Shaking my head, I refocused on the task at hand. Within two minutes, I made a big enough hole for me to step through. The wall itself seemed about four feet thick. I found a room filled to the brim with purple, red, green, yellow, and white crystals, all glowing brightly like a flickering match. Yet the hum emanated from two in particular, a burning yellow and a glistening white.
I stared at the glowing crystals, the light and hum emanating from their tips. As I continued toward them, I stepped on something soft, almost leathery. I looked down and saw a leather-bound book, worn by age, sitting in the dirt. Looking at it curiously, I bent down and picked it up, opening it to find the pages filled with someone’s notes. No, not notes, journal entries. This was someone’s journal at one point. I looked up to the crystals and gently slipped the book behind my back and through my belt, stepping toward the crystals once again. When I got closer, I noticed that the glowing parts of the crystals were loose among the dim pillars, almost as if these tiny shards had been placed their and left detached from the main rock. Reaching out with each hand, I grasped one crystal in each hand. White in the left and yellow in the right. They seemed to pulse and hum along the rhythm of a heartbeat, implying that they were seemingly alive.
I turned my hands over to gaze at the stones, finding their glow to be softer, but still pulsing with the same beat. I am yours… I am yours… I am yours… we are yours… Celestia’s pained grunt woke me from my trance, bringing me back to the present.
I then took the crystals in my left hand and headed back to find Gleaming Shield bent over the Princess, several gashes and burn marks along her golden armor. The alabaster unicorn snapped her fiery glare at me before exclaiming, “YOU DID THIS TO HER! YOU DRAGGED HER DOWN HERE AND BURNED HER!!”
My brow raised, caution and confusion flooding my brain. “What?”
“I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU! NOW I HAVE PROOF, PROOF OF WHAT I KNOW TO BE TRUE!” She went on, not listening to me. That, and she was neglecting her leader, who needed help. “Now you listen to me, you’re going to—”
“Stop!” I snapped, wanting her to quite her rant and assist her Princess. “Get Celestia out of here and I’ll see about sealing the hole up behind us.”
The mare scoffed, shaking her head at me. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? For me to turn my back on you and get stabbed in the back?! I don’t think so.”
I balled my fists, grinding my teeth as anger flared inside me. This was ridiculous! “Just quite this, Shield. We need to get Celestia help and standing around here isn’t going to help that.”
“That’s another thing,” She ignored me again, waving me off. “Are you so buddy buddy with the Princess now that you dismiss all formalities? A—”
“Oh, Shut up.” I’d had it. With my mind made up, regardless if she attacked or not, I’d get Celestia help. Even if it was by my own hand. I stormed toward the mare and shoved past her, kneeling beside the downed alicorn. Cupping my hands into a makeshift bowl, I dipped them into the water and pulled them out, a pool of cool water resting in my hands. I gently lifted my hands to the Princess’ lips as she smiled at me, prompting her to drink. Celestia cracked open an eye and drank, her slurps being the only sound aside from the running river.
“How much did you hear?” I asked Celestia.
“From the ‘You did this’ part.” Was her innocent reply. She then scowled at her Captain of the Royal Guard. “You and I will talk later.”
Even though the cold voice wasn’t directed at me, it still gave me the ‘I’m a dead man’ feeling.
Shield gulped, but crisply saluted, nonetheless. “Yes ma’am.”
The Princess then turned back to me, her magenta eyes studying me. “Before, you spoke of your God as somepon- one who sacrificed his only child for all humanity. Why? Why would he do that?”
I gave her a curious look, wondering why she’d ask such a question. After a moment, decided to answer with a hum. “One could say that God sacrificed Jesus for all, not just humanity. This includes Ponies, Minotaurs, and all others. He didn’t restrict his grace and love for the Jews, so neither should I.”
“You still didn’t answer me.”
I took a breath, trying put what I knew into simple words. “I remember my youth pastor saying that if you can teach a six-year-old what God did, then it can be understood by anyone. I’m trying to—”
“Are you saying that the princess is stupid?!” Raged Shield, her glare suddenly decimated by Celestia’s.
“No, quite the opposite. I myself still have trouble understanding half of what Jesus says sometimes. But with only me being here, I only have the Holy Spirit to listen to. Even though He should be enough, I still have a hard time getting it all.” I paused in thought. “To answer your question; Jesus had a choice to sacrifice Himself for the world. He was given many chances to back out of it, but he didn’t. He went through with the beating, the insults, the curses, and the crucifixion.”
“What do you mean ‘crucifixion’?” Asked the Princess, taking the drink I offered again.
“He was tortured and hung on a wooden cross.” I touched the places where He’d been nailed; the wrists and feet. “Iron nails through the hands and feet.”
Both mares looked horrified, eyes wide and mouths agape.
“Well, what ever he did to deserve it better had been all that trouble.” Grumbled Glimmer, looking somewhat smug.
I raised an eyebrow, a scowl threatening to show. “He did nothing. Nothing but say that He was God’s son. ‘I am He who speaks from a position of mercy’, He says, ‘I am the Son of the living God.’”
Suddenly, a loud gurgling was heard, the sound of rushing water following. Seconds later, I looked down the cave’s expanse to see a wall of raging water approaching. Yet, as it rushed toward us, an overwhelming sense of calm took me. And so I stood there, waiting for the waters to engulf me. A rush of cold overtook me, but I stood still, as if the water were a soft breeze. I stood there for several minutes, my eyes closed and just being in the moment. I soon realized I wasn’t even breathing, yet I still lived. I looked around to see Celestia and Shield in similar predicaments, but as they began to panic, I motioned for them to calm down.
A voice drifted through the waters, bringing a powerful presence with it. With each word, all crystals in the cave glowed bright, as if trying to outshine each other to impress their Creator. “I am eternally blind, to what I’ve forgiven. I am the witness for you. I Am, and no one can reverse my acts. I am He who heals you.”
Celestia blinked, breathing heavily, suddenly regaining her strength, her burns vanishing. Gleaming hovered beside Celestia, struggling to comprehend what was happening. The Princess stared at the surrounding crystals through the water’s depths, her eyes wide. “Who are you?!” She managed to speak, bubbles flowing up to the surface. Our voices were distorted, but still we could understand what was said.
I am God, who speaks. I am the Lord, who hears. I am God, my secrets are with those who fear me. I will be found by those who seek me, with all their hearts and souls.” I felt Him smile and I did my best not to choke on my tears as they mixed with the water. A light shimmered among the waters in the distance, like that of a burning star, its many tails snaking through the water to embrace us. “I am your shepherd, you shall not want. I am near to those who have a broken heart. I am your confidence. I am Compassion. I am the refuge of the poor. I am the Spirit of Council. I am your Provider. I am interceding for you, right now. I am your peace and calm. I am your omnipotent Father, my beloved Celestia.”
Celestia looked to be in tears now, said tears dissipating into the warm water surrounding us. The Lord’s star-like form taking on the shape of man. He then turned His attention to Shield (don’t ask me how I could tell), His voice echoing with both love and joy. “I am God who leads you into all truths. I am the God who divided the waters. I am God, who turned blood into living water. I am God, who taught you the sword. I am the Lord, victory is Mine. I am your mighty shield. I am your fortress. I am the Enemy of the enemies of my children.”
His voice was then directed toward all present, lifting his arms to give us all a big hug. “I am, I never change. I am the first and the last. I am both the Ruler of both the night and the day. I am the word of life called the Bible.”
Celestia wrapped her arms around Him, Shield doing so hesitantly, I joined without a second thought. His warm presence filling me with untainted joy. “I am that I am. I am the One who constantly sees beginning and end. I am three in one, equal and eternal. I am here before the day was. I am all my names. I am God, the rock of Ages on which you stand. I see you, always.”
With His last words, the Lord departed, the waters retreating and flowing back into the caves, as if God had suddenly hit the reverse button for time. I managed to bow my head and let a tear escape my eye. The warmth still burned within me, as if His arms were wrapped around me. I could feel God hugging from behind, his chin resting on my head.
I love you, my son…” Came His soft voice once again before fading.
“What. Was. THAT?!” Screamed a shivering Shield, backing herself into the far wall.
I tried my best not to, but I looked at her as if she was nuts. “Did you not hear Him? That was God.”
“T-that could’ve been s-some… curse on these old caves. Some… dark magic, maybe there’s some old artifact that’s designed to give hallucinations?” She countered, checking herself to see if she was whole.
In my current state of mind, I couldn’t hold back a wide smile and a little dance. It wasn’t pretty by any means, but it wasn’t meant for those physically present. It was for God, and Him alone.
She looked back at me with distain. “Are you insane?! We just barely survived a dark magic trap and you’re dancing like a mad-pony?!”
I stopped my little jig and turned to her with my smile still present, not caring that my sharp teeth could be seen. “Yes, I am crazy. Crazy for Jesus! WOOOO!! HAHAHA!”
“Yeah, you’re defiantly crazy.” The mare scoffed and shook her head before turning to Celestia. “Princess, you can’t seriously…”
She trailed off at seeing the Solar Princess in tears, her eyes closed with a faint smile on her muzzle. Shield stepped toward her military and national leader. “Princess? Are you ok?”
Said Princess ignored her Captain of the Guard and turned to me, letting out shaky breaths. “I-Is this… w-what it’s like for you? The warmth in your soul, the wholeness?”
I gave her a smile and nodded. “Yes. Yes, it is.”
“Your Majesty! Are you alright?!” Called a stallion’s voice from above, through the yawning hole in the ceiling. “We haven’t heard from you in over an hour!”
I blinked in confusion, it hadn’t been that long, had it? But then again, who was I to argue with the Lord’s timing?
“Yes, I’m alright!” She called back. “Send down a recovery team, the hole’s too small for us to fly through!”
I thought for a moment, scratching my itchy neck. “Or maybe, we could climb?”
“How?!” Raged Shield, her eyes rolling. “We don’t have any harnesses, or rope even!”
I answered by extending my claws, a brow raised with a smirk. I then stepped below the hole and jumped, latching my claws into the tunnel’s wall. My fingers curved inward, better hooking themselves into the cooled earth.
“Climb aboard.” I grunted over my shoulder, my feet dangling three feet from the floor.
“Delay that order, Sure Cable! Fang’s assisting us!” Celestia shouted back up the tunnel before climbing onto my back, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her nose started to twitch, tickling my scruffy fur. “This is probably going to sound strange, but did you know you smell like pine?”
I furrowed my brows with a curious expression, admitting, “I did not. Must be my scent. Probably very strong to Luna, what with her nose being as strong as mine.”
“And what does she smell like to you? If I may ask.”
Feeling Gleaming grasp my ankle, I considered if I should’ve hold her. “Well…OUCH!! Watch the tail, that hurt!”
“Sorry!” Squeaked Shield as she pulled herself next to Celestia, muttering something about my stupidly sensitive tail.
I ignored her and started to climb, digging my clawed feet into the earthen wall to assist my aching arms. As I continued our journey upward, I decided to spill. “To answer your question, she smells like fresh mint leaves, if I had to choose a specific scent.”
“Hhmm, she’d said you had the scent of pine, but I’d put it off as something leftover from your usual treks through the woods. You seem to spend a lot of time out there.”
I huffed out a breath, pulling us up to lodge my feet into a ridge so I could rest. “I like a calm walk through the woods, very relaxing.”
Continuing upward, we only had another yard to go. “Well, this was definitely an exciting way to spend the morning.”
Shield cleared her throat. “Ehem?”
“Evening… for you at least.”

-=An hour later, 12:34 am=-

“If your God was true in what He said, I think I should like to get to know him better. After all, nopony like that just decides to pop up and leave without anypony noticing.” Said Celestia as we entered the dining room.

“He already does that. He’s everywhere at once and unseen.” I smirked, following the Princess to the table.

“…And here comes another headache… ugh.”

“Perhaps some Advil with assist in the aching of your head, sister. Or do you need something stronger for when I finally get my hands on you?” Asked a very grumpy Luna from her seat, arms crossed over her chest as she slumped in her chair. A half-eaten and soggy bowl of Frosted Flakes sat before her with a cup and two pots of coffee (one half way empty and the other completely).

Celestia tensed, trying to keep calm as her sister’s glare bore into her skull. “Good morning Lulu.”

“Don’t ‘Lulu’ me, Celly.” Came Star’s angered reply. ‘Celly’ gulped as I noticed her eyes were wholly silver. “We’ve been sitting here for two and a half hours. Luna decided to take a nap on the condition that I be nice when you got here.”

“And how’s that going for you?” I asked, sitting across from her. Celestia took her usual seat at the end of the table. “You going to be nice?”

“Depends on the story I hear.” She deadpanned.

Celestia and I took turns explaining what happened, providing what information the other skipped out on. I told them of the vision and the two crystals I’d found. I then pulled them out and showed the two sisters said gems.

“Do they hum now?” Asked an intrigued Star, her eyes wide.

“No, they hummed when I was finding them, but not now. I honestly don’t know what to do with them.” I shrugged, gazing at the yellow and white crystals in my hand. Each was about the size of a marble, but they were shaped like diamonds, still pulsing with light.

Celestia hummed in thought, clicking her tongue against her cheek. “Maybe you’re supposed to make that sword from the vision? When I usually had a vision, it was normally connected to something that day or week.”

I rubbed the top of my head, trying to think of what else I could come up with. Nothing came. “I guess so. Just means I need to get cracking on that blacksmithing idea.”

“Oh!” Gasped Star, her mood brightening. “I think I know a place you could learn. There’s a great quality blacksmithing shop down the road from Pony Joe’s. I had to go there once to fix my armor, very good customer service.”

“But is he taking on apprenticeships?” I asked with raised brow, leaning back in my chair.

“Not that I’m aware of, at least at the moment.”

I looked out one of the many windows, lost in thought as I muttered to myself. “Should probably move my house’s location closer to Canterlot then, if that’s the case. But I don’t want to live too close to the nobles, terrible Nabors.”

“You could build your house outside of Canterlot’s walls. Not too far away, but still close enough that you could go to and fro without much difficulty.” Suggested Star, her eyes’ rings slowly thinning to reveal teal irises. “What’d I miss?”

Celestia gave her sister a quick recap. “Fang and I had an eventful morning, I had to put Gleaming Shield on leave without pay for a week, we had a talk with God, Fang had a vision of a sword and a city, and we dealt with the grumpy troll that was your other self.”


“That, and Fang is thinking of relocating his house closer to Canterlot, and—”

“REALLY?!” Exclaimed Luna in the RCV, bouncing in her seat with a delighted squeal, only to shrink back into her seat with a blush.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm as I righted myself. “I figured you’d be excited, but not that much.”

The Solar Princess gave her sister a knowing look, a teasing grin spreading across her muzzle. “Luna, is there something you want to tell us?”

The younger Princess shrunk further, her blush deepening. “No.”

“You sure?” Celestia tittered. “Nothing at all?”

Luna shook her head, sending her sister a death glare.

I looked between the two, trying to find what they were talking about. ‘Luna suddenly bursting into happiness, blushing when asked about it, and it was when she heard that I was staying close to Canterlot. What could possibly cause Luna too… wait… w-was she… in love with me?! No, that can't be right.’
Why else would she be so happy about your new residence’s location? That, and the red face says it all.’
‘Oh, now you decide to talk? Right when—’
She likes you, ok. Accept that. Plus, Star’s taken a liking to us since the beginning.’
We, your other selves, have something akin to a hivemind. Not used for verbal communication, but intent, the heart. We can sense what another’s… wolf, I guess you could say, feels. We are so in tune with one another that we can tell if they’re in pain, frustrated, embarrassed, or (in this case)… in love.’
‘… I… have no words.’
I figured as much. But know this, Luna has no idea how to act either. She’s as new to this as you are. She’s scared of what you’ll think of her and of what you’ll do once you find out.’
‘So what do I DO?!’
You should—’
“Fang?” Came Celestia’s voice through the haze of panicked thoughts. “Are you alright? You look pail.”
“Uh…” I looked down at my body. My hands were gripping the armrests tightly, shaking all the while. I could feel the sweat pouring down my neck and back, slowly drenching my shirt. My eyes zipped from one object to the other, my fear and stress building. I swallowed a lump in my throat, only to find Luna’s hand on mine. I froze.
“It’s alright, you’re safe.” She cooed, her gentle tone calming my nerves. “Please tell us what’s wrong.”
Somehow, I knew she wasn’t talking about Celestia and Luna, but Luna and Star. “I, uh… f-found this… in the caves next to the crystals. Seems to be a journal of some sort. Don’t know who’s, couldn’t get a good look.”
I reached behind my back to pull out the book from my belt, setting it on the table. Luna ignored it and drew her claws out, scratched my thickened skin. She wasn’t backing down.
“Please?” She pleaded, leaning closer as she entered Puppy Pout territory.
I struggled with my emotions, feeling like they were taring me apart. On one hand; I wanted to tell her that I knew she liked me, but on the other, I wanted to focus on the book and deal with it later. I through my head back with a groan, grinding my teeth together. A small growl rumbled in my throat.
When I looked back, I found Celestia backing away and several guards drawing closer with spears raised. I’d been there for more than a month, where’s the trust? Luna was the same as before; undeterred.
I took a deep breath and held, slowly blinking as I answered. My back started to sweat tenfold. “Balder says that you like me.” I released the breath.
The Lunar Princess tensed, a mad blush returning. Meanwhile, Celestia blinked… and blinked again before stuttering. “W-what?”
I could feel my own face flush as I swallowed, wishing this embarrassing moment would pass. What if she asked—
“And… do you… like me?” Luna asked, her face split between hopeful and terror.
--that? I looked into her teal eyes, she was scared that I’d reject her. That I’d leave her in tears. I couldn’t handle witnessing that sight; Luna huddled in her bed, wrapped in her blankets and crying. The very though of it threatened to shatter my heart.
Those aqua pools shifted and pulsed with an unknown power, like how the bottom of a pool would alter the light through the water. Then came the white and silver rings, the inner silver fading into freshly fallen snow. You’d honestly have to be born in the northern countries to know how beautiful it was. Held within those rings were the black irises, the center of the eye, dark as a starless night.
Did I like her? In that way at least?
I didn’t want to send her off crying, nor did I want to say something that wasn’t true. From what I could tell from out past conversations, she’d taken an interest in the Lord, asking if she could read his word. Know Him better.
But was it too soon?
“Fang.” A voice said, though it wasn’t Luna’s. It was Star’s. I snapped myself from my trance, looking her in the eye once more. I noticed Celestia ushering herself and her guards out of the room. “Just say the truth, nothing more is required. The truth is better than a lie.”
I slowly nodded, watching as her eyes shifted back to their outer teal. So Beautiful. The lump in my throat went down before I cleared my throat. “I do like you, both of you as friends. But maybe, in the future, a-as more?”
A soft smile played on Luna’s muzzle. She dragged her chair closer to mine, leaning against my side as she grabbed the book. We decided to read the book together, finding that it was some guy named Radial Javelin. From what he wrote, I would say that he was recording the Queen Faust’s actions throughout a war. He gave sutle hints of the enemy being the Warg nations; multiple clans of Wargs who banded together to face an enemy who sought their extinction. Queen Faust seemed to believe that the Wargs were a threat to her new nation; Equestria. With the immense power that was recorded, ranging from manipulating the earth to breathing fire and ice, they could’ve done just that. But from what Javelin described, they were protecting their families and land.
By the end of the war, Faust was seen as a maniac. Killing Warg prisoners without reason. Sending magical alicorn bombs to obliterate villages they passed. It even got to the point that she was hearing voices, voices that pleaded with her to stop, to spare a people who had done nothing to provoke her. The Wargs seemed to be happy with the peace they’d had, Javelin risking several chats with the prisoners. From what he found, most Wargs controlled only one element from birth to death, only a small handful could gather more than one or two. It was revealed that there was one who held all the elements and, a very BIG ‘AND’, all six Chromas (six forms of fire magic; Rage, Ward, Portal, Null, Spell, and Blade). Each Chroma was a different color; Rage was red (anyone could’ve guessed that), Ward was yellow, Portal was orange, Null and Blade were blue, and Spell was green.
From what Javelin had written, Luna seemed to have a good grasp on Null and Blade. I had Rage and (maybe) Spell, I was only guessing from my little freak-out back at the Summit. Another look into his journal said that those with unparallel (on one side of the body) runes were either of the Nahar or Kaldor, they were better at controlling two Chromas. And those with symmetrical symbols were of the Gorokha, a formally neutral clan who’s Prince took command of the scattered clans, rounding them up under one banner and fought against Faust.
After three years of fighting, the Prince (or Alpha, as the Wargs called the position) was sent home to recover from his injuries. After returning, he soon fell in love with a Kaldor Wargess, her coat like that of snow and runes of fresh blood. They were wed a year after the Alpha was healed, soon heading back to war side by side. The new Queen soon gained the title Queen of Bones, being famous for using her bloodline’s special ability. Said ability wasn’t written into the journal, probably a closely guarded secret among the family. Any enemies who knew of it were probably killed on the spot.
We were half way through when Luna slammed the book closed, I looked over to find tears in her eyes. She then pushed herself away from the table, pacing down the length of the long table, eyes ablaze with cyan fire. Her arms crossed over her chest, she was between tears and a fit of rage.
“T-This can’t be! Our mother could never be this cruel!!” The Wargess stormed about, fire and smoke bursting from her lips. A Solar guard foolishly wandered into the room only to freeze at the sight of an enraged Luna, slowly backing out of the room to avoid getting barbequed. “UNTIL WE SEE SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS THE TRUTH, WE SHALL REFUSE TO BELIEVE SUCH THINGS!!”
“Luna, first; it was Stone. Who I dislike, but he was probably there at the time. And seeing as he was your supposed ‘uncle’, I wouldn’t shove it off yet. Second, we have this book. That, if I remember Equestrian history correctly, did have a Prince Radial Javelin who was married to Faust. Three, a personal note here, IF you’re not related to the crazy alicorn queen then I’d count that as a bonus!” I sat back in my chair, continuing to watch Luna burn a line into the marble floor. “But still, we have two sources to go off of here.”
She suddenly turned her fiery gaze onto me, causing me sink further into my chair. Suddenly, jumping out the nearest window sounded like a good option. That was, if she wouldn’t follow and plow me into the ground.
“Two. Two sources?! And how many would you say we needed to confirm such an accusation?!” A puff of smoke erupted from her huffing nose, the fire dimming in her eyes.
I quickly calculated the fastest escape route, gulping a lump in my throat before speaking. “Three? Four? A complete history of the Wargs would help. That, and… actually, are there any records of Prince Javelin in the Archives?”
“Yes, but there few and far between.” Luna calmed down enough to sit down without burning the seat. (I see you there, don’t write that comment!! This contact lens represents you, and my eye represents my eye… I got my EYE ON YOU!!)
“Anything that would confirm this?” I asked, pointing to the book. I highly doubted that they’d keep such a record, seeing as how a nation wouldn’t want to be reminded of their former maniac ruler.
“No, I’ve never seen anything to support this journal.” She huffed again, lightly clawing at the table cloth. “Tia could search the Restricted Section but bringing this to her would no doubt unset her. Nopony wants to learn that their mother was a psychopath.”
I gave my own huff, slumping onto a fist, looking down at the old book before me. “Yeah, I wouldn’t either.”
Silence hung over the room before Luna perked up, standing up and straightening out her jeans and white T-shirt. She’d also dismissed her crown for the evening. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’ve already had breakfast. I have at least thirty minutes before Evening Court starts, want anything special?”
“Hm?” I looked up to see her departing into the kitchen, pulling out an apron with purple flowers on it. I blinked at the sight, remembering Luna wasn’t such a good cook in the show. But then again, I could be wrong to judge by such things. “Please forgive me if I sound stupid. But… you can cook?”
Luna looked insulted for a moment but smiled afterward. “One doesn’t survive on the battlefield for long if she isn’t prepared with a hearty meal. If one is underfed when in a fight, it will end poorly. I wasn’t very good when I returned four years ago, but I’ve become much better since then.”
She giggled to herself for a second, recalling something funny. “I remember when I made Tia dinner once, she took the first bit and made a funny face.” Her giggling turned into fits of laughter, struggling to pull a set of bowls out from a cupboard. “She then raced to the bathroom, face comple-- completely green.”
As I stood, I couldn’t help but laugh with the Princess, sitting across the counter from her. “Really now?”
“Yes.” Luna managed to control her giggling, but only just as she gathered ingredients. “I once put too much sugar into a birthday cake for her too. I missed the measurement and put three cups of sugar into the batter, not three teaspoons. She didn’t eat cake for a whole month after that!”
I was now clutching my side, my ribcage burning. I was now clutching my side, my ribcage burning. If one were far enough away, our laugher could’ve been mistaken for howling. “Oh geez, no cake for the mighty Celestia?! I’ve never heard of such a thing! Did you check to see if she was a Changeling?”
“Thrice.” We continued our roaring fit of laughter. After thirty minutes of laughing straight, we calmed down enough that we could talk again.
Luna broke the silence, stirring her waffle batter with vigor. “Do you think I could see your book?”
I was confused for a moment before it clicked. “Oh, you mean my Bible?”
She nodded with a smile.
I struggled with my hands, trying to remember a teleport spell. “H-How do I teleport it here again?”
“Just think of the item; its weight and mass and imagine it in your hands. It’ll come on its own.”
I did as said and within moments, my Bible appeared with a swirl of red fire. I smiled at my achievement, opening the book and muttering to myself. “Alright, where to start?”
Luna leaned over the counter, looking over the book’s rim. “Where would you recommend?”
A hum filled my throat, looking over the table of contents. “I’ve heard of people who’d read it from cover to cover, but I also heard that the book of John’s a good place too.”
“I thought it was just one book.”
I smiled, turning to said book. “While it is a single book, yes. It’s a collection of books gathered throughout the generations of ancient people who follow God.”
Her face soured after a moment, her stirring slowing to a stop. “F-Fang?”
“Yes?” My own face twisted into concern. “What’s wrong?”
She slowly fell to her knees, her face buried in her hands, bowl falling to the floor. “H-How can somepony like Him… love me so much that He’d give up His only child to die? To die a punishment t-that I-I rightly deserve?”
I knelt beside her and pulled her into a hug, letting her tears soak my shoulder. “Love doesn’t keep track of wrongs. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is not boastful. Love is all things good… And God is love. So then, how can God deem you unworthy of His love if all wrongs are cast out?”
Luna lifted her head with a confused hum, her eyes red and puffy.
“Grace was born when Jesus died and rose again on the third day, His love extended to all in the world. You were forgiven before birth. Answer me this; what is impossible without God?”
Her sniffling died for a moment as she looked into my eyes. “N-Nothing.”

-=Underground Hive=-

The doors to the throne room burst open with a flash of Changeling magic, sending them crashing into the walls beyond. The Changeling responsible rushed forward, not caring for his previous handiwork, and knelt before his Queen. “Mother, the black mongrel has discovered Prince Javelin’s journal! Shall we retrieve it?!”
Chrysalis let loose an evil cackle, trying and failing to halt a coughing fit afterward. “No. He needs to know of his past and gain his full potential. Let him reach it and then tell me!”
“M-My Queen? Why?!” The drone quickly shoved his hands over his mouth, catching his rude request too late. His eyes shrunk to pin prick size.
“Why?” The Queen chuckled darkly, letting her millipede half rest over the back of her throne, its many legs curling under her elongated body. “To fatten him up, of course.”

Author's Note:

HELLO, how ya'll doin'? Another day, another chapter.
Fang burned through a hole in the Canterlot Palace (not too many people are going to be happy about that!) and found kyber crystals. Sweet! And he had a vision of a lightsaber!
Luna now knows of her "Mother's" past deeds, YIKES. How will Celestia react towards this?!

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