• Published 5th Apr 2018
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Wolves of Night and Blade: Book I - One of Nine

Once, I was your ever-day twenty-year old nerd. Now though, I fight demons and monsters in the land of Equestria. And on top that all of, I think Princess Luna has been ogling me.

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13. You're WHAT?!

“Calm, Child of Origin. Relax.”

“Easier said than done.” I grumbled as my foot sank beneath the water for the hundredth time. I growled at the water, its crystal-clear surface reflecting my own image back up at me. I sulked my way out of the lake and plopped down on a nearby rock, hands on my chin. Heart deflating as I stared at the meadow around us.

Harmony had been talking about an ancient people that founded their civilization of Christian (Baptist) beliefs. But through some great tragedy, this civilization was lost to time and myth. The old teachings of these people said that once they were truly one with God, that they could do impossible feats through His love. To sum this all up for you guys; Harmony was trying to teach me to walk on water through “believing a different story”. See, she was saying that I still believed the story of “if you step onto the water, you’ll fall though”, but the story I needed to believe was “Re-member who you are, and you shall know yourself”. You guys confused too?

Harmony smiled at my childish response. “What is known that cannot be named?”

“What?” I asked in complete bewilderment, my face scrunching into a frown.

“What is known that cannot be named?” She repeated, looking deep into my eyes. “Look beyond the laws of the polarized world. North and south, east and west, up and down, light and dark. These are the stories you’ve known all your life, now lift the scales and be blind no more. See beyond your shell, your earthen vessel. Do not be afraid of the light, nor the shadow it casts. Only then will you see the unseen.”

I thought long and hard in the riddle. My head swimming as it began to ache, the pain frying my mind. What is known that cannot be named? Look beyond my earthen vessel? I didn’t know. My brain was fried, and my frustration was at its peek.
Then there were the matters of Luna’s history gap and finding Silver a new home. Not that I didn’t like the kid. She was sweet, kind, devoted, and very curious when she felt like it. However, I didn’t know if it was right to simply take her as my own. If she chose to stay with me, I’d be overjoyed with that. But I also felt that she could also live with Luna, seeing as how the Princess adored her just as much as I did.
In the end, I decided that I needed some one on one time with God. To meditate in his word and find out what he wanted for me.

“Until you answer this question, you’ll only be able to contact me in the Everfree. Near the Tree.” Harmony wilted for a moment, looking at me sadly. “I do wish we could talk more like this, but you need to find this riddle’s answer soon.”

“How soon?” I asked, my voice filled with worry at hearing her departure.

“Very soon. Until next we meet, Son of Origin.”

With that departing sentence, she vanished in a flash of light and I was left alone it the dream realm. Wait! I was there in the dream realm… and, I was lucid?! I jumped up and looked around, spotting a lone oak door at the meadow’s edge, leading into the dark forest beyond. My feet moved on their own accord and I found myself before the door, looking behind it to see nothing but leaves and trees. I looked down at the wooden handle, its sanded and darkened surface taking on a slight shine before I grasped it and pulled. The door creaked open, its hinges needing oil. What lay beyond made my jaw drop and eyes widen in awe. A vast darkness yawned before me, the light of stars twinkling and blinking in the distance. But what hovered before me was a strange sight to behold. Orbs, thousands upon thousands, drifted in the cool breathless air, all suspended by an unseen means. Within these orbs were what one could only describe as dreams. Strange and sometimes insane things were happening within their spaces.

I slowly stepped forward, inching closer to an orb that contained a screaming yellow mare in a grey nightgown as she ran from a ten-foot tall manticore. Chomping and swooping its paws over her. The moment I touched said orb was when everything fell away like water and was replaced by the scene I’d witnessed. The mare was running for her life, fear consuming her blue eyes. Her long pink mane wiping behind her, wings folded tightly to her back. Fluttershy.

Leaping into action, I landed before her, glaring at the offending beast. The pegasus ground herself to a halt, skidding to a stop as she stared up at me, fearing my towering form. The manticore only glared at me, its pace quickening, barreling toward me. Seeing that Fluttershy was between me and my quarry, I stepped over the trembling mare and dug my feet into the earth. Claws extending, their ivory edges shining in the dream’s light as the beast drew closer. I readied my stance, arms raised and ready for when it hit. When the manticore headbutted me in the gut, I dug my claws into its shoulders, the sound of tearing flesh ringing through the dreamscape. Using all my strength, I heaved the squirming beast over my head. Tail in the air and legs flailing, I turned to my left and slammed the manticore into a plaque of stone, its frame suddenly turning to colorful dust.

But my victory was short lived as the sky darkened and the clouds began to swirl. Fluttershy whimpered, covering her head with her arms in an attempt to hide from the storm. The trees bent and twisted, an army of scary faces edged into them as they all glared at me, picking up rocks and animals to through at us. Remembering my second form of magic, I called on the power of lightning, its blue energy crackling in my claws and eyes. Yet, I never got the chance.


Within moments, the forest was literally blown away, vanishing like a trail of warm breath. I turned to find Fluttershy fading away like a ghost. Soon, where a void once stood, now lay an eternal plane of grass and flowers. Fluttershy sat amongst a group of animals and her friends, all laughing and cheering as they ran and played. I stared at the display, my mind wrestling with what just happened.

My musings were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, by their tone, they weren’t pleased. I turned to find Luna glaring at me with her arms crossed.

I gulped. “Hi.”

“Hi.” She raised a brow, but closed her eyes and breathed, calming herself before speaking. “We need to talk.”

Before I could answer, we were both engulfed in earth as the ground yawned open and swallowed us. I opened my eyes to see that we’d returned to the dream realm. The sight still amazed me. But I was stopped as Luna grabbed my shoulder and spun me around, her glare still present.

“Two things, one, how did you get here?” She asked, her brow raised again.

“Uh… I was dreaming, and I found a door, it lead to this place.” I motioned to the realm.

She looked unimpressed, but a small grin showed. “Second, y—"

“YOU CAN DREAM WALK?!?” Squealed a very excited voice from behind me.

I turned with a yelp to find a black she-wolf with stripes of blue and silver fur, her eyes completely silver, a wide smile gracing her lovely face. She wore a white T-shirt with tan jeans, an olive-green sweatshirt over her shoulders, hands stuffed in her pockets. I looked between the two, comparing their looks, only to notice that Luna’s eyes were solid teal.

I looked back to the striped she-wolf. “Star?”

Her hands clapped together through the pockets, her smile never fading. “I can’t believe you’re here!” She squealed with a leap.

“Yeah,” I laughed, looking around at the dream realm. “Me neither.”

Star and Luna looked to one another, then back to me, their faces showing curiosity. Star stepped forward, her eyes studying me. “I heard you, then listening to those songs on your phone yesterday, you kept muttering something. ‘To die is gain’. What did you mean by that? You couldn’t mean that you want to die, right? Because I’d be very sad if you did.”

I smiled down at her. “No. Not in the slightest. You didn’t hear the first half; For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.”

The two she-wolves tilted their heads at me, Luna scratching her scalp.

“What’s Christ?” Asked the silver eyed wolf.

My smile broadened. The next few words I spoke rolled off my tongue, their structure holding such power and warmth, a spark of electricity going off in my mind. Before I spoke, I felt as if someone else had grabbed the steering wheel and was now driving my body. The realm around me grew distant, my vision centering on my body’s actions and the two females before me. “Love keeps no record of wrongs. Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not conceited, does not act improperly, is not selfish, is not provoked. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. God cannot fear loss, for God is perfected in love.” My body turned to face them fully, filled with an unearthly warmth, flowing in all directions like an endless wall. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

I felt fear starting to sink its claws into my head. What was going on? Why was this happening? I knew this was ok, but I still felt scared. My brain started thinking this was some crazy nightmare, losing control of my body.

Ssshhh, it’s alright, my son. You are safe. I am in you and you are in me. A soft voice chilled my spine, the warmth spreading over my body as if someone was hugging me from behind. Have I not loved you as much as all those before and after you?

‘Lord?’ I mentally asked. The warmth intensified, growing over my back.

My mouth paused, catching my breath. I could see they were more than just confused, they were staring at me in wonder. Like children hearing an amazing tale. Once my body calmed its breathing, my jaws continued. “Your sister showed you love when you returned, did you show her love in return? Did you ask for forgiveness, and then leave what wrongs you’d done behind, like the chaff of the wheat? Or the bandages of an old scar? No? Are you still afraid?” A smile grew over my lips, speaking in a soft and motherly tone. “Nonetheless, you are beautiful, even when fear gripped you.”

Tears streamed down Luna’s face, her cheeks becoming streaked with wet lines.

“Dry those tears, for you’ve never been alone, dear daughter.” My knees bent, kneeling before her, taking her chin in my hand to lift shying her face to me. “Let the scales fall from your eyes, know the light. Look past the evidence that blinds all, know the light that stands before you. For once he too was lost, now he stands in Light, safe from doubt and fear. But for now, answer me this, my brave child. What is White that pony has made Black?”

The Princess gulped, her teary eyes clearing. She let out a breath, shuttering as my shell’s hand combed through her silky heir. “I… I d-don’t… I-I can’t—”

My body pulled her into the gentlest and tightest hug that it could, guiding Star in with a wink. We stayed like that for a minute or two, all feeling the overwhelming warmth that flooded our systems.

After a moment, Luna looked into my eyes, gasping softly as she stared into them. “F-F-Fa-Fang?”

My lips curled up into another smile, my eye winked again. “Be strong, firm like the oak tree, and wielding like the pine. Also…” My head went to her ear, my breath rolling over her ear as it twitched. “I always love it when you dance for me. Keep dancing Luna, you are very talented, and I adored it when you leaped for my sky.” My eyes shifted to Star, her head resting on my chest, eyes closed as she hummed sweetly. “And you, you paint such wonderful works of art for me. I still have them on my fridge, my shining Star.”

With those last words, the warmth faded to a dull glow. Still present, but not as intense. The she-wolves stepped back, both overwhelmed by what just happened. My hands trembled, one lifting to my chest to touch my aching heart, the other touching my lips, as if trying to find the almost foreign words that left my throat. My legs felt like twigs, snapping under me as I fell to my knees, the stars under me rippling like waves on water. Streams of tears suddenly burst from my eyes, soft whimpers and shutters filling my now lukewarm body.

What is known that cannot be named, my son? Re-member.

-=Luna’s POV=-

I awoke with a start, my eyes flying open as I bolted upright. My mane had its usual rat nest appearance, I felt slightly embarrassed about that. But I had other matters to focus on now. I suddenly looked to my right to find Silver still asleep, the bags under her eyes nearly gone. Further to my right was Fang, but he wasn’t sleeping. He sat on the bed’s edge, head in hands, muffled crying reaching my ears. Had that been as… wonderful, terrifying, and thrilling as it was for me and Star? Or was it too much for him?

Remembering that we’d both fallen asleep with Haven last night, I saw that he was still in his day clothes, but his shirt was discarded on the floor, their scent filling my nostrils. But along with that came his own scent, the heavenly crispness of pine. It filled me with a sweet longing, not consuming me, but it was enough that I wanted to be near him more. But at the same time, it was nothing compared to what I felt last night, from the stranger that stole Fang’s body. Who was that? Was that the Christ character Obsidian had spoken of, or somepo—one else? And then there was that question, or riddle; What was White that pony has made Black? Deciding to push all of this until further notice, I moved around the bed and draped my arms around the black wolf’s muscular neck.

I then noticed his face was distraught, his eyes distant, tears fading into the thick midnight fur. His markings taking on the tears as they darkened with streaks. The lump in his throat was swallowed as his eyes faced mine, their golden rings flashing with the same white fire I’d seen before in the dream realm. One moment, the fire was there, then it vanished like smoke.

Then, from out of nowhere, his deep rumbling voice echoed through my ears. Tickling them with his warm voice as he sighed. “If I can speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy, but I don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. If I speak God's word with power, revealing all His mysteries, and making everything as plain as day. And if I say to a mountain jump and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing. If I give all I own to the poor, or if I even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't have love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what we say, no matter what we believe, no matter what we do. We're bankrupt without love.”

My lips curved upward on their own accord into a smile, my heart fluttering. Stomach filled with butterflies, I did what I could to quiet my own sigh. I wanted so badly to feel that warmth again, to be in that embrace once more. It was beyond words; the warmth, the love, the words. Filling me with an unmatched love that Tia could only dream—no, not dream, she couldn’t dream of this love. I felt like it was beyond her mortal reach. Until she felt it, she couldn’t know it. I might be able to tell her about it, but she couldn’t experience it yet, not until she was introduced.

Was this what He’d meant? To Know something? To experience it? Not just know about it, but to feel it and touch it. To feel its embrace and lean into it. To accept it fully for what it was? For what He was… or is?

“You ok?” Obsidian’s voice broke my train of thought, his head tilted toward me. I rested my head on his shoulder as I savored the aftermath of his God’s power.

“Never better. Is this what it’s like to you, to know your maker?”

He smile with a small huff. “Yes. I would say that you just hit the tip of the iceberg… but, I never really met Him face to face before. So… you’re lucky, I guess. I saw Him through me, heard him daily, and believed. But He also said that ‘blessed are those who believe and have not seen me.’”

I smiled at him, feeling his words fill me with hope. So, I was considered special to have talked with Him?
He let me lean against him, my head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. But after a few moments if thinking, I was feeling in the mood for a bit of teasing. I lightly nipped his ear, causing the wolf to stifle a sharp breath, eyes widening. He slowly scooted away, his face turning red. He swallowed a lump in his neck. I smiled, feeling a little naughty.

“Enjoy that?” I teased, winking at him when his blushing face turned to me. I couldn’t help but giggle at the cute sight. I could feel Star urging me on, I couldn’t find it in myself to disappoint.

He cleared his throat, shuffling nervously. “U-um… L-Luna.”

“Yes?” I fluttered my eyes at him, my body leaning against his, the wolf’s response was another hard blush and a gulp.

“U-uh, I-I’ve never…” He coughed and tugged at the collar of his shirt over my arm.

I tilted my head, curious at what he was saying.

“I-I’ve ne-never been… with, uh.” He didn’t have to finish, I already knew what he was saying. He’d never been alone with a female before. A virgin. I quickly tore myself from his body, putting a foot’s distance between us as my face grew red.

“Neither have I.” I answered his unasked question, it was written all over his face. “Never been with a stallion, I mean.” I continued to blush hard, embarrassed by my actions. Where had that come from? I was usually so professional.

He nodded, probably just as embarrassed as I was, judging by his still red face and tucked tail under his thigh. We sat there for a while, listening as Silver slept soundlessly behind us, her body huddled below the sheets. I stole a glance at her, her little head peaking out from below the covers, a sweet smile on her fluffy muzzle.

Despite the adorable sight, our visitor’s question rung through my ears. What is White that pony has turned Black? I didn’t know the answer now, but I felt like I would soon. I wish I did now, but I didn’t. I’d have to wait on that.

I’ll uh…” Obsidian stuttered, standing up as he retrieved his shirt and pulled it over his head. I inwardly grumbled at his actions, liking the view of his flexing muscles. Fang coughed into a fist, saying, “I’ll go get ready for the day. See if I can get started on my house’s plans.”

Before he left, he turned back and looked me in the eye. “See you later, Luna. And good morning.”

“Good morning to you too, have a lovely day.” I waved back, he nodded with a smile and left, leaving me with my ashamed thoughts and a sleeping pup.

-=Around 3:30pm=-

I sat on my silver throne, still awaiting a visitor from Canterlot to bring a case before me. I was dressed in one of my frequent dresses, a black dress that fell to my heels, speckles of silver and violet/blue dancing over its skirt, taking on the appearance of a swirling galaxy. I also wore my obsidian crown and crest, I’d found that the shoes made my walking all the more uncomfortable and stranger. So, to remedy this issue, I simply when barefoot now.

We’d presented Silver to Tia earlier that day, the two got along swimmingly. Seeing that there was no problem with this, I asked if my sister could look after Haven while I worked. And since Fang was working on his house plans, I figured he didn’t want to be bothered.

As the next thirty minutes rolled by, I did what I could from slumping over and snoring the next boring hours away. My eyelids felt heavy, head threatening to bob up and down, and my limbs went numb on several occasions. My boredom was starting to chew away what little awareness I had left, my body finding it difficult to remain awake.

By the time the doors finally budged open, my rear fell asleep, a sharp numbness flowing up my spine. To my surprise, Obsidian walked in, looking behind himself in bewilderment. He then turned back to me with a small smirk.

“Quite the line you got, I think I saw the end of it over in Baltimare.”

I struggled to hold in a giggle, my boredom being cured in seconds. “Oh, truly?”

“Yes, but I think a turtle just passed a family of eight on the way here.” He paused. “But I think I found a good present for your sister when her birthday comes up.”

“And what’s that, my fair knight?” I tried to hide a blush after the words left my mouth.

“How about a nice bottle of snob repellant?” I let out a little titter of a laugh. I awkwardly thanked God that Fang hadn’t noticed my earlier words.

The wolf smiled at his own joke. “Anyways,” He looked behind him at the empty hall behind him. “Seriously? No one’s come? Not even Twilight’s family or some of the nicer nobility?”

I breathed my frustration out, but also remembering that we’d told Fang of the normal snobbish nobility and the few kind-hearted ones in our capital. “None have come. I fear that my appearance has made the same affect that it did in Ponyville. Amongst the outrage of the nobles and chaos of fear, my sister has received complaints and letters about my appearance. I feel like I’ve simply thrust my problems onto her, an over baring weight that is crushing her.”

Obsidian looked at me with a tired smile. “Remember what He said? Fear is the enemy of love. Do not fear, for God has you in his arms and is ready for when you stubble.”

I stood and slowly walked down the steps, my paws traversing without a sound. Though the soft click of my claws against the marble floor didn’t go unnoticed. “And what if I don’t want His help?” I didn’t ask this in an aggressive way, but merely out of curiosity.

“Then He still stands by and never leaves your side, regardless of how pushy you are, for you who are His chosen.” He said with a widening smile.

I smiled back, feeling comforted that Fang’s God would never abandon me. “And what do you propose I do about the nobles pestering Tia? Go there myself and confront them?”

He puzzled for a moment, rubbing his chin. “Maybe. But I feel like I should go, seeing as your day begins at noon and I don’t want to disrupt your sleep.”

My heart fluttered at his concern. “I do appreciate your thoughtfulness, but if they dare to bring these matters to my sister and not to me, then I shall be extremely displeased. Not facing me on these things face to face is very frustrating to me.”

The wolf nodded, seeming to agree with a discrediting hand. “Yeah, and if they can’t even look you in the eye while saying it, then they are a waste of one’s time and effort.”

I nodded in satisfaction. “I whole-heartedly agree.”

A very wide smirk played on his lips, striking a heroic pose with his fists in his midriff and bellowed in a strange (somewhat British) accent, “Then, before noon, we STRIKE! WHO’S WITH ME?!”

I couldn’t help but to laugh at his dreaminess. I felt as if he was a great stallion ready for battle, dressed in armor and his light sword. My heartbeat picked up at this vision, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I left similar urges from beforehand, wanting to stay with Obsidian and make him mine.

After that last thought, I decided to pay the castle infirmary a visit. I wanted to know what was going on with me. I recalled that it was nearly four months away from Heat Season, but me now being a wolf, I didn’t know what to expect.

-=Palace Sanitorium=-

My paws tapped the floor nervously as I waited. Once I’d arrived, nurse Clear Sight ran some tests to try and assure me everything was fine. I’d told her of my actions and experiences with Fang, though I left the part out about our dream walking together. I still needed to tell Tia about that too. But it’d have to wait, as I was now, nearly chewing my nails down to nubs.

After five more minutes of waiting, Clear entered with a worried expression. The mare held the clipboard to her chest, her jaw angled in fear. “I-I’ve analyzed the test results… a-and—”

“What did you find.” I found myself close to growling, I was becoming impatient and irritated that she was hesitating. ‘Just tell me and be done with it!’

“I-I f-found…” She cleared her throat and straightened herself professionally. “I found that your hormones have taken on a slight… um, upgrade, if you will.”

I huffed, my nostrils flaring. “What do you mean?”

“Long story short… yes, you’ve hit the beginnings of your heat season, Princess.”

I did what I could to keep a straight face, only faltering for a second. I stood tall and unfazed. “It’s four months before heat season.” I pointed out.

“You’re a completely different species now, Princess. It honestly doesn’t surprise me that your physiology has changed, and therefore, your bodily needs are at different times than ours.” She paused. “Have you warned our newest addition? I-I’m sure he—”


“E-excuse me, your Grace?” The nurse seemed perplexed, pushing her blue glasses up her nose.

“No, no please. Please keep this a secret.” Gone was my calm deminer, I now paced in panic, and on the verge of tears? I found myself imagining that I was held in a pair of strong arms, their black fur warming me up like a blanket. A soft growl entered my speech. “I don’t want him to avoid me. Too many have already been doing that, I don’t want to be alone. Not now.”

“But… he’s a male wolf… and you’re female. Surely you know you need to tell him sooner or later. Keeping this from him is only going to push him away when he does find out, from one source or another.”

“I SAID THIS STAYS BETWEEN US!!” My thunderous shout shook the very mountain to its roots, hearing a few ponies scrambling down in the streets in their blind panic. Clear Sight stood frozen, eyes wide with terror. I whipped my head around to look in a mirror, seeing pure silver eyes where my usual teal was. I managed to take a breath and calm my nerves, my eyes reverting to normal. “I’m sorry, Clear Sight. Please forgive me for my outburst.”

“D-don’t be sorry. If I were you, I’d probably be having a panic attack right now. I suggest to go to your sister and notify her of what’s going on, that and anything else that’s nipping away at you.” The nurse delivered me a kind smile, her eyes only holding honesty.

Yeah… nipping at me.

So, with a heavy heart, I went to confront my sister for the millions of windows I’d broken… among other things…

-=Three minutes later, in Celestia’s Office=-

“YOU’RE WHAT?!?!?!” Came another deafening cry.

Author's Note:

Fang can control dreams and Luna's in the first stage of her heat cycle?
Oh, dear...
Happy Thanks Giving, everyone! Know it's a little late, but it still counts right?
Anyway, here's the new chapter. Hope you all like.
Cya'll next time.

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