• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Comforting Rainbow and the White Mare.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.

by FoxofRarity

Chapter. 9

Disclaimer. I guess Derpy is canon now. No more Ditzy Doo. My little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.


The white unicorn fell hard onto the floor of her boutique.

She has ultimately failed to avenge herself.

Her rage is smothered in it's crib and it too suffers the same fate as her mind.

Rarity all too well knew the cliché saying that is always said among Luna’s Elite Commando guard and Celestia’s Royal guard when they challenge each other to friendly matches of hoof to hoof combat which always result in one sided victories for the Elite Commando guard.

“At least he went down swinging.”

Rarity delivered a brutal punishment onto Twilight and she did go down swinging…but in the end Twilight got the last of Rarity’s innocence.
With a limp she walks into her room while letting her black cloak slip off her graceful body.

Rarity got into her bed, buried herself with her cloud soft blankets, and tries to fall asleep.

But all she could see is Twilight looking down on her and with such a heartless sadistic smile that matches perfectly with the debauchery in Twilight’s eyes. Rarity gave it her all. But all she needs now is the comforting love Applejack can provide.

Outside in the blue skies above the boutique, Rainbow Dash flew with such Joy in her heart while holding season tickets to the Wonder Bolts performances. Today marked the beginning of the season and to add even more reason to be happy were the fact the tickets were also backstage passes for every performance.

So as she flew by. Rainbow suddenly feels a sudden strong urge between her legs.

“Oh this is just plain great! I forgot to go to the bathroom while I was eating lunch at Fluttershy’s house then picking up the season tickets for the Wonder Bolts performances because she kept them for safe keeping.”

So Rainbow started to scan the town and by default of being the tallest building in Ponyville, the Carousel Boutique gives out a the glowing lights of a runway.

“Perfect I hope Rarity won’t mind if I borrow her bathroom.” So she lands precisely on the front step and knocks. But the door just swings open upon receiving the force of Rainbow’s hoof.

Obviously surprised she walks inside to see why the door is left open.

“Uhh…Rarity are you there.” Groans Rainbow.

The cyan Pegasus walks upstairs to Rarity’s room to ask her if she can use her bathroom along with asking why her door was left unlocked which might prove a hazard if Spike waltzed in and found her gem chest.

Rainbow Dash stands outside of Rarity’s bedroom of which the door is slightly ajar, but just as she was going to knock she hears a pain filled sniffle come from the white unicorn.

“What happened to her? Did some Canterlot Elite geezer insult her again? No, I think this is worse…much worse. Should I…” Something caught Rainbow's eye.

She sees from a window at the end of the hallway a good view of Cloudsdale with fireworks booming marking the beginning of the first Wonder Bolts performance.

The Pegasus mare looks at Rarity, looks at Cloudsdale, and then back at Rarity who has endless tears flowing from her eyes.

Rainbow Dash closes her eyes, lets out a deep long sigh, and softly smiles. Without knowing that her characteristic Loyalty has begun to enter the flow between the mind and heart.

“You know what I got the whole season, so it won’t matter if I miss the first performance.”

So Rainbow enters Rarity’s room, confident as she'll ever be .

“Rarity are you okay?” Rainbow Dash quietly asks.

“Please Rainbow leave me. Let me wallow in shame.” Rarity with a voice of deep despair laments to Rainbow. Causing the
Pegasus to forget that she needs to use the bathroom.

“No, Rarity. I can see that you experienced something bad and I won’t leave you. Because you are my friend, Rarity…a friend who gives so much but gets so little in return.” So Rainbow climbs into the bed and took Rarity into an embrace.

Rarity softly buries her face onto Rainbow Dash’s chest. For the first time in what seems like a an eternity she feels a true nurturing touch from a pony.

“I’m here, Rarity. I’m here.” Whispers Rainbow in sensing Rarity no longer trembled.

Rarity slowly falls asleep in Rainbow’s arms. Telling herself that Rainbow saved her once again, she felt safe knowing that Rainbow Dash is with her right now and caring for her, which is supposed to be a trait of Fluttershy.

“Applejack…” Moans Rarity before falling asleep making Rainbow raise an eyebrow.
Rainbow starts to smile in seeing her friend relax from her pain and fall asleep, so mark this as a happy ending Rainbow softly kisss Rarity on the head.

But also because she relived herself in Rarity’s bed…

“I need to get Nurse Redheart and Applejack here soon, and also clean the sheets since I… yeah I could of held it longer.”



Gold Sky reappears in the living room of his home. He deduces his body is now starting to relax, now that he is in the safety of the home that belongs to him and his dear wife.

His wings slowly fold back to his body while the excitement down there ceased.

The Alicorn slowly makes his way to his bedroom. Once there, his horn softly glows and a picture frame levitates before him.
The frame held a picture of Octavia hugging him tight on their wedding day ten years ago.

He starts to smile remembering that day, the day in which he and her created an eternal union to forever love and guide one another.

Gold Sky puts the picture frame back on his bed table and got on his bed. How much he misses Octavia and even though her performance lasts only two days. It seemed as if time started to go even slower on purpose. Like to torture him because of the great love he had for her or just a old feeling that resides in the back of mind

So he grabs her pillow, brought it close to his nose, and begins to smell the lovely scent of her mane.

“Oh Octavia…I will always cherish the lovely scent of your mane. I wish you were here though. I could use some of your wise comforting words to help me forget about Twilight. Hmm, was she using me in some sort of experiment to test my fidelity? Well, it’ll be hard in forgetting how she constantly licked my cutie mark.” Gold Sky shivered in thinking of Twilight. But his thoughts went away after he took another whiff of Octavia’s pillow.

Just then a scroll appear before him.

“Must be from Octavia!!” The Alicorn gleefully said out loud.

So as he reaches for the scroll his hoof oddly stops midway… a thought reminds him of somepony who sent him a scroll earlier in the day.

After contemplating with himself that it wasn’t Twilight who sent this scroll but probably Octavia he grabs it and ever so slowly opens it.

Dear Gold Sky
I am hosting a small party in the ball room and knowing you of course. You must truly miss Octavia. So why not come to the party so you can put your mind at ease, it’ll be fun and I can promise you that since Pinkie Pie will be there. And perhaps maybe, just maybe, I can sneak you in the backstage where the musicians are, so you can see Octavia. But remember it’s a huge maybe. Because Luna has her commandos guarding the entrance. Anyway I will be expecting you.

Sincerely Celestia.

Gold Sky knew he will end up going to the party Celestia is hosting partly because she’s right in the reason of having his mind put to ease.

“Since Pinkie will be there, then I’ll know that the food will be yummy in my tummy. Hehe...why did I say that? But at the same time…hmmm. I’ll be a rebel and not wear any sort of clothing since stallions always wear clothing to parties.” Strangely

So the alicorn brushed his mane, gave his gold colored feathers a fast cleaning so they can shine bright as Celestia’s sun, and decided to just to wear one of Octavia’s bowties around his neck just for laughs. "Sherman always said my nickname should be cheeky bastard."

“I hope she won’t mind if I wear one of her bowties. And it’s a good thing this one is a dark color.” A dark velvet red always seems neutral.

So after checking himself in the mirror to see if the bowtie is on properly around his neck, he trotted outside to check if
should fly or teleport to Canterlot.

After seeing there is some sun light, the Alicorn spread out his golden wings to fly to the party.

Not knowing that a certain lavender Unicorn will be there too. Who still intends to carry out her plan.

“All right stallions! I need one of you to deliver a very important letter that is personally written by Princess Celestia, to somepony ASAP!” Yells the Captain of the Royal Guard.

“Who is it for sir?” Asked a golden armored guard.

“It’s for a mare named Twilight Spar…”


“I’ll take it!!” Delta Scorch who from out of nowhere interrupts the captain of the Royal Guard in mid-sentence.

“Uhh, where did you come from?” Asked the captain.

“Do you want me to deliver the letter or want me to beat you for the sixth time in the ring?” The silver armored commando snorts out in impatience.

“Ok, ok, here’s the letter.” As soon as the captain gave the letter to Delta Scorch, he ran off so fast that he created a small whirlpool in the air.


*Knocking on door*
Twilight went to answer the door.

“Here you go Ms. Twilight a letter from Princess Celestia.” Delta Scorch who stood in a state of complete question, because he didn’t know if she will teleport him to the roof of the Sugarcube Corner again.

Twilight’s horn glows to take the letter but it also caused Delta Scorch to cringe in thinking that the glowing of her horn meant she’s ready to teleport him to the roof.

“Thank you.” Twilight said to the commando. And quickly read the letter.

“He’ll be there all right. And I can use his great love for Octavia against him.”
Twilight declared to herself while looking at Delta Scorch. Now knowing she can have a bit of her curiosity answered by him.

“Wow I guess Celli can throw a good party and have Pinkie here as a back up.” Thought Gold Sky.

“I say young stallion what a wonderful bowtie you have there. Despite not wearing any form of clothing. Being a rebel are you not.” A white mare regally vocalizes to Gold Sky.

“Young?” Gold Sky unfolded his wings so he can correct the white mare.

“Oh…I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t notice your wings. Anyway my name Fleur-de-Lis and you must be Gold Sky. I’ve been quite eager to meet you, especially after hearing all the wonderful things Octavia told me about you.” Fleur in casual elegance delivered to the young alicorn.

“Have you by any chance seen Octavia today?” As usual Gold Sky perks his ears forward.

“No, I’m sorry dear. Anyway I hope we meet some other time and have a pleasant chat. Bye dearie.” So Fleur trots over where Fancy Pants is filling his cup with punch.

“Good thing Rainbow Dash is not here. Hehe. I wonder where she is though? And where is Rarity? I haven’t seen her in two days… forget that I’m here to have my mind put at ease. PARTY! ”


Twilight arrives at the party. She already had in mind an illusion spell that once casted it causes the target to see the pony they cherish most in their heart. But what’s worse about that spell, is the fact Twilight modified it a bit where the target will see the pony they cherish and have their feelings of arousal over take their mind. And it’s activated once the target lays their eyes on the first random pony they see after the spell has been cast, mare… or stallion.

Gold Sky pours himself some punch but before drinking some he sniffs it, just in case some bad stuff been put in there. After picking up no traces of bad stuff he happily downed the punch.

Big Macintosh also got invited to the party so he decided to come because Applejack wanted the house to herself so she can meditate.

The red stallion has never been to a party of this fanciness but hey, he figured it’s good to try new things out. And at least Gold Sky is here so maybe he could go and chat with him.

“Hello, care to have a dance…Macintosh.” Rang a familiar voice. Causing Big Macintosh to snort out a breath.

“Now why would ya care to have a dance with me, Ms. Bon Bon?” Big Macintosh drawls as he slowly turned to face his rival for Lyra’s heart.

“Why not? Look I’m here to have fun just like you, so how about we leave our little contest outside and in here we dance like we’ve never met before. C’mon be a gentlestallion.” Bon Bon chose her words and tone carefully, she knew for a fact this stallion is smarter then he looks.

“*Sigh.* All right Ms. Bon Bon… lets dance and perhaps later we can go to Pony Joes for some donuts.” Big Macintosh did his best to mask his dismay. But if it meant in using this moment to create some kind of a bridge of rationality between them, then he guessed it’ll be the right thing to do.

“Perfect he took the bait, this is sure to give Flying Havoc enough time to find anything on Macintosh.”

So both Earth ponies walked to the dance floor.

“Man, this punch is good… huh!?” Gold Sky felt a hoof tap him on the shoulder causing him to turn around and face Twilight Sparkle.

“Hey you want to dance Gold Sky?” Asked Twilight like she completely forgot what she tried doing to him earlier.
Gold Sky’s jaw dropped and his pupils shrank to black dots. How dare Twilight ask him if he wanted to dance with her.

“Absolutely naaaaaaa…” Princess Celestia stood behind Twilight. “I mean yes, I-I will be more than happy to dance with you Sparkle.”

So both of them went to the dance floor. And started to dance gracefully to the slow rhythm of the elegant music like a genuine couple.

“Don’t you dare try any funny business Twilight!” Gold Sky telepathically growled at Twilight.

Twilight got taken by surprise by his warning sent her to mind.

“Oh I won’t Gold Sky. I won’t. Not right now anyway.”She smiled slyly to him so she can anger him.

“Don’t try me… I mean that. Look Twilight I respect you very much, and you taught me many things. But there lines that you must not cross, know your place just like I know mine. You are my friend and my friend alone. If you can’t respect that…then you will leave me with no other choice.”

And what exactly will that choice be? Wait; let me guess, you will tell Octavia on me.”

“Yes, that is exactly what I’ll do. She will put you in your place Twilight. You can count on that.” The teal eyes of the Alicorn shows the truth in his words.

Twilight knew he meant every word and to add insult to his warning she also knew Princess Luna taught Octavia the fighting skills of the Elite Commando guard.

“HUMPH! You win this time, colt!” Roared Twilight.

“I’d rather dance with Princess Celestia.” Gold Sky purposely said out loud so Celestia can hear him.

“Somepony wants to dance me? Sorry Twilight but I will like to dance with him.” Princess Celestia injected as she took Gold Sky to the center of the ballroom, causing all the eyes of the ponies to focus on them.

“Hmm, thanks you majesty. Now time to place that illusion spell in his drink. Now here we go… oh great which one is his cup? Uhh I got to hurry before both of them finish dancing; it must be one of those two. Damn it! I’ll just enchant both of them.” Her magic is let loose in placing the spell on both drinks.

“Hehe this will play out well, once he gulps down the enchanted punch things will go downhill for him. Which I also spiked with alcohol to serve as a backup in case his body shows some sort of resilience to the spell…which I hope not!” Twilight thought to herself.


“My, my Gold Sky you are quite the graceful dancer.” Celestia in astonishment admits onto the young (compared to Celestia.) Alicorn.

“Aww you’re making me blush Guardian Aunt! Octavia taught me how to dance and if you don’t mind me asking but are you able to sneak me in the backstage so I can see her?”

Celestia saw the begging expression on his face, so much love he had in him just so much. Which is funny with taking into account that he is the physical manifestation of Love.

“I’m sorry Gold Sky I’m afraid I can’t. Luna has four of her commandos guarding each exit and entrance. I’m truly sorry.” Celestia sincerely apologized to the stallion.

Gold Sky’s ears dropped. “Oh…well that’s ok. She will be back tomorrow night." He bows low before Celestia and left her presence to get his drink.

Twilight smiles in seeing the Alicorn stallion down his drink.

“Whoa! This has a strong kick!” He suddenly started to feel strange sensations running throughout his body. When he looked up and placed his eyes on a mare (luckily not a stallion) he saw Octavia.

Excitement flowed throughout his body and he trotted up to Octavia taking her in a tight embrace, to which in utter surprise Octavia also hugged him back.

A white mare happened to drink the second cup and also placed her eyes on Gold Sky.
Both of them started to walk side by side upstairs to a bedroom.

Twilight looked on with glee.

“Hahaha…oh." The glee disappeared


The doors of the bedroom closed. And Gold Sky lovingly nuzzled Octavia on the cheek.

“I’m so glad you’re back…” He got interrupted by a kiss from Octavia causing his wings to shoot up.

The mare and stallion got into the bed, kissing passionately, and feeling each other’s body heat.

The doors of the bedroom opened and closed quickly, something of which went unnoticed by the loving couple.

Gold Sky looks down at Octavia who laid below him.

She smiles at him.

Both bodies joined together in ecstasy of love and physical union. Thus mkassive pleasure flowed between them.

Moans and grunts came from both of them. Until finally the power of love settled down and both slowly started to fall asleep.

Gold Sky rested his head on Octavia's chest…the spell is still in motion so he did not notice the white coat of the mare whom he thought and saw was Octavia.

“I love you Octavia.” Gold Sky said before being put to sleep by the gentle heart beat of the white mare he see was Octavia.


Twilight Sparkle journeyed through each hallway and corridor of the castle to locate a certain stallion.
After some time she found him trotting to the kitchen to get something to eat.

“Perfect there is that stallion who been trying to talk to me. I wonder what his name is though. Well time to find out.” The lavender mare closes her eyes and teleported behind him.

“Hello there.” Seductive voice of Twilight.

Delta Scorch drops his meal when he heard the most beautiful voice in the world.

Twilight walks pass Delta Scorch and while doing so she brushes his chin with her tail. *ting* Many emotions raced through his head, can this really happening to him!? The mare of his dreams brushing his chin with her tail.

“Take me to your room please so you can…show me what a commando is really capable of, besides combat.” Twilight bats her eyelashes at him as her eyes sparkled.

“This is real!!!! VERY REAL!!!!!” The commando shouted to himself in his mind.

So Delta Scorch led her to his room which unbeknownst to Twilight, his room is in the same hallway where Princess Luna’s room is also located.

And closes the door behind him…

On Sweet Apple Acres Rainbow Dash flew into Applejack’s home without even knocking the door.

“Applejack I need you to come with me right now.” Demands Rainbow.

“Why what happened?”

“It's Rarity and she needs your help.”

Applejack’s eyes widen with deep concern.

“Ah’m on my way. HEY! Where in bloody tarnation are you going!?” Yelled Applejack.

“I’m gonna go and get Nurse Redheart, something terrible really happened to Rarity! It took me awhile to get her to eat. Gotta dash.” Rainbow flew to the hospital while Applejack running beyond the limit of how fast her body will let her run.

“Nurse Redheart are you there? I need you to come with me its urgent!”

Nurse Redheart approaches the cyan Pegasus.

“What happened? Explain everything to me.”

“Well I think somepony attacked Rarity. She won’t eat, told me many times that she wants to be alone, her mane is a huge mess like c’mon this is Rarity we’ll talking about, and when I tried touching her she will flinch and cover herself like I’m gonna hurt her or something.” Explained Rainbow Dash.

Nurse Redheart thought for awhile as her mind processed the information to come up with any possibilities…until one possibility stood out. One she knew she’ll have to face one day.

“Let me get my gear and I’ll meet you at Rarity’s house.” The white Earth pony seriously laid out to Rainbow.

Rainbow saluted and flew off.
Nurse Redheart packs her saddlebags with the items she needed. But then she realized she needs one more thing. She went to the safe where all the sedatives and antibiotics are stored.

She took a syringe and a small glass container of Sodium thiopental and Amobarbital. Also known as truth serum. She needs to know who raped Rarity.

“Rarity what happened to you? You can tell me, sugarlo…err sugarcube. I’m right here, you’re safe now.” Applejack comforts Rarity as she gently stroked Rarity’s mane in order to get her to stop flinching.

"She won’t say anything Applejack, I asked her the same question after I cleaned the sheets.”

“Why did ya clean the sheets?” Asks Applejack.

“That’s not important right now. We need to know what happened to Rarity.”

“She was raped. If that is what you want to know.” Declares Nurse Redheart. Startling both Rainbow Dash and Applejack who did not hear Nurse Redheart enter the room.

Nurse Redheart carefully approaches Rarity, sat down so she can be leveled with Rarity’s line of sight, and gently placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Rarity I know this is hard and you went through a hellish nightmare, but you must tell me who raped you.”

Rarity’s pupils widened and she immediately covered her mouth with her hooves. The alibi that Twilight set in her mind started to do its work, but the last piece of Rarity’s iron will prevented her from saying the name of the innocent stallion.

“Please Nurse… don’t do this to me. An innocent stallion will die! Please don’t do this.” Begs Rarity.

Nurse Redheart looks at Rainbow Dash and Applejack before turning back to Rarity.

“Signs of the victim blaming herself and not her attacker.” Redheart dots down in her mind.

“I will ask you one more time Rarity. Who raped you?” Rarity once again covered her mouth with her hooves and the alibi tried to get out but once again the last piece of Rarity’s iron will stopped it.

Nurse Redheart closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

“Applejack, Rainbow I will need both of you to hold down Rarity.”

“Why?” Questioned Applejack.

“To get the truth out. Because we will get nowhere at this rate.” Nurse Redheart took out a syringe and placed the needle inside the truth serum.
Rarity saw the liquid filled syringe and tries to run away but Applejack and Rainbow Dash held her down.


Applejack looks away from Rarity and shut her eyes tight. Tears start to run down her cheeks she can’t bear to look at Rarity like this. She just couldn’t.

Nurse Redheart quickly injects the serum into Rarity and waited for it to force the truth out of Rarity.

The alibi broke through the last piece of Rarity’s iron will.

“Rarity who raped you.” Applejack painfully asked.

Sparkling tears come forth from her eyes. She sealed her mouth shut but the alibi is fully unleashed now thanks to the serum.

“Its, its, its…” She failed the innocent stallion.

“G-G-Gold Sky…”


Nurse Redheart, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash yell in unison.


Giving you a heads up in telling you that Nightmare Moon will be writing the next chapter.

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