• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Cadance & Gilda among the Xenomorph through curiosity

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 75

Disclaimer-My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

“Sweetheart please don’t touch the ice holding the Xenomorphs, while yes I can control them they are pretty much loose cannons when there’s fresh hosts around and one of those fresh hosts just happens to be my dearest sister sleeping on my back.” Still he uses his magic to grab Gilda’s hand to prevent her from passing it over the ice.

“Father just how did you gain control over such nightmarish creatures and what are those things over there? They look like big eggs.”

Gold Sky brings Gilda closer to him just to make sure she will not touch the ice afraid that any form of physical contact will change the temperature therefore creating a stimulus for the Xenomorphs to adapt rapidly and wake from their frozen slumber. “Those are eggs and each one contains an insect like organism that will attach to the host’s face and implant the host with an embryo which gestates rapidly inside the host and once done it bursts out of the unfortunate host’s chest to finish development.” He also points out there’s one hundred frozen eggs ready to be used at his disposal and having a suitable host at hand err at hoof. “Going back to where I left off, I took it upon myself to eliminate every Xenomorph I can find and believe me when I say this Gilda. It was the bloodiest hardest task I ever took on! For they are stealthy like the Praying Mantis and when they sensed my presence they began to hunt me just like I was hunting them. So began the battle of all battles between me and them, thus in the first wave I took out the Xenomorphs with ease tricking me into thinking these creatures will be easy prey but looking back at that moment I can now see they sent their weaker brethren first to lure me in deeper into their lair where the prime Xenomorphs shall wait for me and boy were they waiting for me in the most ingenious way ever.”

Gilda not looking at father but looking at the frozen Xenomorphs asks him how genius these nightmares were.

“The second wave disguised themselves as statues and as part of their wall glyphs then they attacked with the great element of surprise by stabbing my back with their tails and like total ease their spear like tails penetrated my bronze armor amazing me with the hardness of the tips. So normally with two Xenomorphs on my back of which one is biting off chunks of my flesh I crushed them against the wall discovering their blood is acidic when it burned through my armor and melted the bottom half of my body leaving me to crawl around while the rest moved in for the kill but even then they made the mistake by assuming their prey is weakened. Thus with the wind I wiped out more Xenomorphs giving me the time to heal up completely and get back on all fours to draw out my swords of which when I sliced one in half all I was left with was just the handle of my sword. Still I did not back down from a fight that’ll put every piece of my will to the ultimate test and what I remember the most is firing a bolt of illuminating magic and in the few seconds of light I can see moving shadows surrounding me plus many little rainbows shining out of their drool before leaving me in pitch darkness to fight the Xenomorphs.”

Gilda shivers thanks to a chill running down her spine. “Were you afraid father when you saw those shadows father?” She asks.

“No…but I was greatly disturbed by their ability to traverse on ceilings like insects, their speed is unmatched by most predatory animals with the cheetah being the sole exception, yet their greatest advantage is their stealth which they employ in such masterful form. Also due to their blood being acidic I can say it also another advantage they have for they are never hunted instead they hunt for prey but as a secondary option for they need fresh hosts to keep their species alive and when they saw how I regenerated, I realized these creatures are capable of learning so they changed their tactics upon thinking how I’ll be able to host an endless amount of their parasitic embryos.” Gold Sky turns Gilda around so she can clearly see the one hundred frozen eggs. “Think of the Xenomorph reproduction as the Tarantula Hawk Wasp paralyzing a Tarantula then the egg is laid on the poor victim for once the Wasp larva hatches it eats the Tarantula killing the spider.”

Gilda backs away to hide behind father. “Da-da-daddy I’m getting scared can we please go! Can we please leave this place I WANT TO GO HOME PLEASE!!”

Before saying anything Gold Sky quickly looks at a lone Xenomorph frozen in an ice cube which is separated from the other Xenomorphs. “Very well let us go home so you won’t be afraid anymore sweetheart. Jump.”

Back in the boutique Gold Sky places the still sleeping Rarity on her bed to let her sleep peacefully. “Come Gilda.” Gold Sky covers the trembling griffon with his wing. “Let me groom you so I can calm you down my flesh & blood.” So Gold Sky gently passes his tongue over Gilda’s head and yes while his tongue does not have the rough surface like Felidaes use to groom themselves it won’t stop him from doing what Gilda loves doing onto him.

*slow relieving sigh* Feeling father lovingly groom her, Gilda calms down giving her the chance to take her mind off those frozen nightmares and focus on the shelter she has found under father’s wing. “So the Xenomorphs now wanted to capture you alive, I didn’t say you can stop father.”

Gold Sky goes on a bit more grooming Gilda before taking a pause to continue. “You make grooming look easy sweetheart anyway, I become the ultimate prize that will not give up. Uhhh let me just show you Gilda with my telepathy.” The stallion takes Gilda to the darkness of the caves where he fought the Xenomorphs where the only time light will shine brightly is when he fires bolts of magic.

“Damn…” Gilda says to herself as she hears the shriek of the Xenomorphs when he takes them out. She sees father on top of a Xenomorph punching it over & over until a tail wraps around his right arm stopping him short of the final death blow forcing him to swing his arm forward launching the Xenomorph into the wall then he turns his attention back to Xenomorph he was killing and sinks his hoof down its mouth killing it but bringing about the sizzling choir of its acidic blood eating his arm. “Great!” Gold Sky hates how his right arm is on the ground but doesn’t have the time to focus his regeneration when he sees the Xenomorph he thrown against the wall shaking its head as it recovers from the impact. “Táte!” The wind collides with the recovering Xenomorph crushing it and splatters its blood all over the floor creating a deep crater under it.
“I almost forgot he can control the wind.” Gilda tells herself. Suddenly she sees two Xenomorphs are coming forcing him to back flip and crush them with the wind while in mid-air. “They just won’t stop coming.”

“AHH my leg damn it!!” A Xenomorph stabs him with its tail behind the knee of his left hind leg then spits its acidic blood at his right hind leg making him crawl once again. “Perfect they damned themselves!” Upon seeing the Xenomorphs encircle him he uses his magic and fires a powerful beam as he spins three hundred sixty degrees before vomiting his own but non acidic sparkling blood while a circular moat forms around him . “Ahhh great more!!? Can they just give up! All my swords, knifes, daggers, helmet, and armor is completely eaten away by their acidic blood but still I will kill them ALL!” More Xenomorphs form up but suddenly from out of the darkness a roar fills the coldness of the caves making the Xenomorphs to back away from the stallion.

“Father who the heck roared?” Gilda asks.
“You shall see Gilda.” Gold Sky says while he feels the pain from the acidic blood eating through his limbs which is a sensation that he’ll never forget.

Shooting out another illumination bolt he finds himself absolutely alone in the cave until from the shadows a huge silhouette approaches him and once in the light he sees what he can only conclude is the Queen of the Xenomorphs. “Now we’re talking.” Without hesitation Gold Sky dashes forward and engages the huge beast.

“Sh-she’s huge!” Gilda gasps.
“She is and that is the end of it.” Gold Sky ceases the telepathic connection with Gilda. “Yes I know what you’re going to say Gilda but I’ll put it this way, the Queen decided to take it upon herself to subdue me, leading to me getting stabbed a bunch of times, a lot of acidic blood spat on me, and lastly being bathed by its hormonal glands causing the Xenomorphs to bow before me therefore I gained control over the Xenomorphs but it took me awhile to get used to the stench left over by the Queen’s hormonal fluids.” Gold Sky shudders to remember the seeing the Queen’s mangled head laying at his hooves which believe it or not it she wasn’t as smart as he thought she was.

“Oh…So that explains everything I guess but why if you control them do you still have them?” Gilda asks. “Please groom me a bit more before answering me.”

Gold Sky licks Gilda’s head for a few seconds.
“Don’t stop father.”
“But Gilda…”
“Please don’t stop it feels good.” Now to make this point clear she points to her head pinpointing where she wants father to pass his tongue.
Gold Sky rolls his eyes to Gilda taking somewhat of an advantage of this tenderness. “All right.” After a few minutes of grooming Gilda, Gold Sky finally senses the right time to stop to answer his daughter’s question. “Mother my mother Princess Celestia has her golden armored Royal Guards, Her graceful majesty Princess Mi Amore Cadenza has her Crystal guards, and Luna.” With a growl at mentioning the Princess of the Moon. “Luna has her Elite Commando guards thus showing you that every Alicorn in Equestria has their means of protection so to speak but more importantly has their means of extending their will. Thus I have my Xenomorphs as my guards which will also help in extending the fear the mortals will have of me whi…” Suddenly Gold Sky stops in midsentence when he realizes something.

“Father?” Gilda pokes the stallion’s neck. “Father can you hear me??” She waves a hand in front of father’s face which somehow is transforming into a smile a heartless fiend will only have. “Father?”

“Hosts! Fresh, fresh hosts for my Xenomorphs! Perhaps a honorable death can only for those who want it while those don’t shall become hosts for the embryos. While Luna ho, ho, ho I will have her face the ultimate pain by becoming a host and then I will have the ultimate Xenomorph which I will name Weytani the second.” Gold Sky licks Gilda’s head one last time and just starts laughing without any end of sight. “Oh how couldn't I think of this before!”

Once again Gilda becomes afraid for one father is going to wage war against this Princess Luna and two his Xenomorphs. A war of which she will be forbidden to take part of and she’s afraid to anger father If she persists in trying to persuade him to let her join which he will have to use his telepathy on her. Which he does not want to do for he told her many times he will never use his telepathy to enforce his will on her but now he is more than willing to do so if she gives him reason to. “I always thought it will be nice to fight by my father’s side but now I see that I can’t fight by his side but, but, bu-bu-bu-but how can he say that I deserve the love of a husband without any form of…sadness. I mean wouldn’t he be sad that I’ll be getting married and he will have to let me fly from his sheltering wing? Oh I shouldn’t be thinking this yet, perhaps later on I can talk to him about that nice red stallion and how warm I felt when I was checking him out.” Until then Gilda will much rather seek the shelter of her true aunt. “Cadance! Cadance please I know you can hear me, I’m scared!! I’m scared right now!!”


In the Crystal Empire.
I hear you Gilda but right now I’m stuck in a child custody and child support case, so please be patient I’ll get to you as soon as I can. OH! Where do I meet you?” Cadance receives Gilda’s response. “Alright I’ll meet you there.” Now back to the child custody case which is between a mare and a newly wedded stallion.

“Your majesties, all I want is for him to pay more child support that’s all I want! But this dead beat doesn’t want to pay child support so that’s why he’s seeking full custody from me!!” Says the mare.

The stallion being pointed at by Prince Shining Armor was about to speak his side of this case but Cadance being in a hurry raises her hoof stopping the stallion from speaking and causes the mare to smile but what the mare does not know is that Cadance is a Honorable, Just, & Fair.
“Uhhhhhhhh…” Shining Armor does not understand this sudden move by his wife nor does he have any idea of what she’s going to say next.

So first before anything else Cadance clears her throat. “Listen here you stupid pathetic mare!! The dead beat here isn’t the father the dead beat here is YOU! Yes you!! For yourself said that he told you he wasn’t ready to be a Father before engaging in intercourse with you and you also said that you told him you took precautions to prevent pregnancy. Therefore, you lied to him so you can extort him of his money by the means of child support and even then he cares for that child by paying child support along with babysitting that child even though he clearly said he isn’t ready to be a father therefore, he has no duty to be forced to wear the mantle of fatherhood. Hell even the mare he married also cares for the child but what angers me the most is you saying that he is a dead beat just because he doesn’t want to pay child support but much rather yearns to give the child a better environment by raising the child with his new wife therefore the child will have both mother & father which is the most beneficial environment for any child! So tell me, WHO ARE YOU TO DEMAND WHAT DOESN’T BELONG TO YOU WHEN IT BELONGS TO THE CHILD! You do not seek more child support for the child you seek it for yourself, right Shining Armor!”

Shining Armor is taken over by the sense his wife is making also he can’t believe why he didn’t think of this in the first place. “Yes you are absolutely right my dear wife.”

Seeing this will not go the way she wanted the mare opens up her mouth even when she has no permission to speak. “This is not fair! I-I gave birth to that child and as a mare…” Ho, ho she isn’t the only to speak their mind.

“Well of course you gave birth to that child; YOU’RE A MARE YOU IMBECILE! FEMALE, LADY, XX CHROMOSOME NEED I TO LAY IT ANY MORE BARE FOR YOU! He’s a stallion and stallions don’t give birth to children for they are XY chromosome or better yet don’t have a uterus plus ovaries so to even use that I gave birth clause is plain idiotic plus stupid! So I will grant the father full custody of the child and YOU…will pay him child support for clearly what you've done proves to me that you are unfit to be a mother while this stallion even though unready to be a father at least he has the will to do so and thankfully he has a loving, supportive wife by his side. Case close.” Cadance pounds her hoof telling everypony the decision has been made.

The stallion amazed how his child is now his and his newly wedded wife bows down low before the rulers. “Thank you, your majesties for your wise ruling, thank you.”

Now with that done Cadance gets up from her throne to immediately head towards Gilda except without any help from Shining Armor to keep him unaware in order to keep the griffon safe. “Okay I need to go oh and your visitation days are only on weekends you terrible mare plus he can deny you from seeing the child anytime he wants even on visitation days.”

Shining Armor also getting up from his throne jumps in front of Cadance for he never seen her so eager to leave from her royal duties. “Where are you going in such short notice?”

Meanwhile. “Aunt Cadance please I’m scared!!”

“Something calls out to me Shining Armor, look I really have to go!! Seriously I have to go my love and please the handle the rest of this case thank you, love you bye!!” With that Cadance flies out of the throne room window.

“Uhhhhh, well you heard her, you only get to visit the child on weekends and the amount you’ll pay in child support shall arrive in the mail in two or three business days and to you sir please take care of the child.” Shining Armor orders a guard to escort the child to the father’s side. “Scribe did you record everything?”

“I recorded everything.” Replies the scribe.

“Very well.” Shining Armor sits back down in his throne. “Bring in the next case please.” Truth be told Shining Armor prefers to handle the cases himself. “This better not be another case about the pronunciation of Aluminum.”

Two subjects enter the throne room and take their places before the Prince. “Your majesty this mare says Aluminum the wrong way!!” One of the subjects declares.

Shining Armor covers his face with his hoof and shakes his head. “Oh for the love of Cadance. What now Phyllis..."


“Faster Cadance faster!” The cerise mare pushes herself creating a mach cone to form around her and lessening the time between her and a scared Gilda. “This is how Rainbow Dash feels when she does this. RAUUGH!!” *BOOM*

*Ting* Gilda senses something. “Is that Aunt Cadance flying really fast? OH DEAR!”
Cadance with five magical parachutes creating drag slowly comes to a halt in front of Griffon.
“I’m here Gilda, I’m here. What’s wrong my dear niece.”

Gilda first touching Cadance loses the ability to speak.
The cerise mare understanding how frightened Gilda is takes the griffon into her arms to give her the ability to speak again. “Oh Gilda don’t be afraid I’m here and nothing shall ever harm you.”

“Aunt Cadance, it's father.” Gilda whispers into her ear as if the stallion is near by listening to her.

Cadance raises both eyebrows to hear more about brother. “Where is he right now?”

“He’s taking a nap b-but, but, but, but, he-he he’s going to wage war against Equestria and he can because cause he has Xenomorphs!!”

With this news hitting her ears and striking the core of her galaxy Cadance pulls back from the embrace for this is something she never expected. “War against Equestria and Xeno-whatever they’re called!??”

“Xenomorphs, Aunt Cadance that’s how you say it and father isn’t exactly going to wage war against Equestria just Princess Luna he just thought it sounds better to say he’s waging war against Equestria.”Gilda clarifies only to find out she’s calm.

The cerise mare discovers how quickly Gilda calmed down when she began clarifying things about brother’s incoming war with Luna and these Xenomorphs. “All right please tell me what I need to know Gilda.”

“Ooooh boy.” Gilda falls on her back to find a luxury in the cloud she’s on with Aunt Cadance. “Father is going to scout everything first then make his move also he’s going to kill the entire Royal Court but then he thought of something making him change his mind a bit by saying he’ll give Royal Court members a honorable death if they want it while for the rest he’ll use them as hosts for his Xenomorphs! Oh and also use Luna as a host too.”

Cadance lying down to join Gilda in her level just sighs to this new word being thrown out by Gilda as if she’s laying golden eggs. “Okay just what are Xenomorphs, because you keep saying that word like its normal when not even I who is ten millenniums years old ever heard that word until now so what are Xenomorphs.”

Gilda covers her face. “I-I can’t but I guess father has done an excellent job of keeping them secret for he said if any mortal were to lay their eyes on one then they will be driven into insanity…wait a minute, you’re ten millenniums years old and in all that time you never heard of Xenomorphs!?”

Cadance smirks. “Of all the pure Immortals I was the only one to keep count of our age still that’s not of any concern Gilda, so focus dag nag it! Focus your mind so I can at least use my telepathy to take a good look of these Xeno-whatever they’re called.” So without waiting Cadance just steps into Gilda’s mind eager to see these Xenomorphs but ends up seeing nothing except Gilda sitting alone in the lone beam of white light.

“Aunt Cadance, is my father as old as you?” Gilda feels like if she knows father’s age then perhaps it will explain how much he changed.

Cadance shakes her head.

*ting* “Wait a minute, if my father had parents and you didn’t then how are you two biological brother and sister??”

“The Son of the Great Spirit created us in his hands so by his acts we are biological brother and sister also our DNA is one hundred percent identical with the exception for the one chromosome containing his Chero trait which I guess was Father’s way of keeping a race from going completely extinct. But when I found out he was my brother you can only imagine my joy when I saw my DNA strand and his DNA strand match.”

Gilda tilts her head. “Just how did you obtain a DNA sample from father?”

“I-I-I obtained it while he was asleep hehehehehe…any way changing the subject from your loving father and these weird creatures can you at least picture the place where these Xeno- whatever they’re called are?”

With that said Gilda closes her eyes to completely remember the cave father took her and little by little pieces the memory to the very intimate detail of the cave.
“Hey I know that place!!! C’mon.”

“What!? C’mon wha-wha-wha-what do you mean by c’mon!!?” Gilda jumping up to her feet starts hovering above Cadance while the wind kindly pushes her away from the cerise mare. “Wait a bloody minute you want to go and see the Xenomorphs! Oh heck no I’m not going with you!!! I’ll only go if father is with me since he can kill anything like he did that Xenomorph Queen and why will I go back there in the first place seriously Aunt Cadance you can’t go there!”

Cadance flaps her wings to hover in front of her niece. “Look Gilda I need to see these creatures so you’re going to come with me just so you can see that I can protect you with the same caliber your father can.”

“No you can’t.” Gilda flat out quips without mercy. “You can’t. For no one can ever be my daddy’s equal when it comes to his skill in combat and he can protect me from anything. You can’t Aunt Cadance.”

Cadance’s jaw drops to Gilda’s lack of confidence in her. “Hey don’t be like that Gilda, I gave you Wing-Chun which helped you avenge your father and don’t think that I can’t fight since my coat is cerise…yeah I know…some may call it pink but it’s not! But to really convince you I am immune to death so let’s go now! Please.”

Convinced but only convinced by the short end of the stick Gilda stretches but Cadance tells the griffon to get on her back for the cave holding the Xenomorphs is quite far from Equestria thus Gilda obeys. “Hang on tight.”
Again Cadance flies faster than sound.


In the Palace.
“Dang, Delta Scorch you’re telling me that the daughter of Gold Sky defeated the best commando in Luna’s Elite Commando Guard well do you have any ideas who this daughter is?” Rainbow Dash asks.

The unarmored stallion shakes his head. “Our only lead or more specifically the only thing we can think of is the fact that she’s an Alicorn like the Immortal Father. So you can imagine the threat level that presents itself to everyone here and the levels of her magic just adds to her majesty’s worry.”

To hear this almost makes Rainbow want to smile with glee for how can everyone, every bloody one not consider the little bitty act called adoption. For everyone just automatically assumes the daughter is an Alicorn when the rest doubt it given Gold Sky’s near unbreakable honor. Nonetheless, Rainbow keeps herself from smiling or risk being seen as insensitive by her future well by marriage son but by Luna’s word he will be her future brother in law. “So who examined him after he was brought in?”

“Nurse Redheart.”
So with that name in mind, Rainbow decides to head towards the hospital to make sure if Redheart also believes the daughter is an Alicorn. “Sure we got off of at the wrong terms but I cannot let Gilda be hunted down if they find out she’s a Griffon.

*minutes later*
“I can thank my years in the medical field giving the Princess something not to worry themselves with allowing them to become almost mindless of the entire medical terminology and also giving me the chance to lie straight in Luna’s face. Oh bloody great! Gilda has done something very stupid endangering everything and so I have to carefully tangle up Flying Havoc’s mind with my passive manipulation while he’s asleep along with adding two CCs of tranquilizer in his PRN doses of morphine which will keep him down if Luna or anypony else is with him.” Redheart writes in her journal and what’s more interesting is her habit to write in shorthand to prevent anypony from reading her private thoughts which now is more likely than ever.
*Knock, knock*
Bloody, it must be Luna.” Redheart quickly closes her journal then covers it up with a bunch of DNR & Full code forms. “Come in.”

Thus Rainbow Dash walks in. “Oh it’s only Rainbow Dash.” Redheart breathes a sigh of relief.

The Pegasus in her mind. “I hope Nurse Redheart is as clueless as everypony else.” Quite optimistic when Rainbow is too ignorant of Redheart’s medical expertise.

“Hello Rainbow Dash what brings you to my office? Oh are you going to invite me for lunch.” Redheart talks to Rainbow Dash in a very simplistic manner for Rainbow Dash is Rainbow Dash.

Straight to the point Rainbow Dash asks Redheart if she believes Gold Sky’s daughter is an Alicorn.

But in all secrecy Redheart observed every facial muscle in Rainbow Dash’s face when the Pegasus asked that question and without the slightest sign of perplexity being expressed through the facial muscles it indicates Rainbow Dash knows something about Gilda. “Hold on.” First Redheart gets up, heads towards her door, and places her hoof on the deadbolt. “Why do you ask me this Rainbow Dash.” The Earth Pony asks with her back towards the Pegasus.

“I’m just wondering for I have doubts like Princess Celestia about the daughter being an Alicorn.” Rainbow replies.

That is all Redheart needs to hear. *thud* The deadbolt is locked and Redheart dashes from the door and slams Rainbow Dash against the wall by having her right forearm on Rainbow’s chest. “You wouldn’t dare to bring harm to my granddaughter Rainbow Dash when I know you are Princess Luna’s lover!!”

Rainbow gasps in fear from the nice nurse transforming into a furious mare in front of her rose colored eyes. “Y-Y-You know!!” Is what Rainbow Dash manages to say.

“I know it was Gilda who devastated Flying Havoc when I saw the slash marks on his face and chest, I knew she avenged my son by taking out the commando who stabbed his heart now I see that you know too and I can’t allow someone like you who by the way can’t keep their mouth shut let Princess Luna discover my granddaughter is a Griffon!” Redheart pushes Rainbow harder against the wall.

Rainbow wiggles to make herself comfortable in this not so pleasant pickle she’s in. “Look Redheart I won’t tell Princess Luna if that is what worries you a lot.”

However, Redheart is not buying it from the Element of Loyalty. “You Rainbow are one to open to their mouth without thought and besides I can’t let my granddaughter die for doing what she perceived as right so I will start with you Rainbow Dash!”

The Pegasus chokes on her saliva when Redheart says what Rainbow knows she’s heard. “Wha-WHAT!!”

“You’re known to speak when you shouldn't like making fun of Rarity’s dresses, Fluttershy’s animals, calling my son pups of all things, calling Twilight a bookworm, and calling Applejack’s lifestyle boring as a snail. So you are most likely to just blabber out Gilda’s name making Luna to go out and kill my Gilda, killing my future generation my granddaughter. Thus I have the option of using ricin which can appear that you died of a sudden yet natural death also it’s nearly impossible to detect in an autopsy, or I can inject you with a modified T8 Encephalic Virus which I myself bred allowing it to be immune to the T8 Encephalic vaccine, or I can simply inject you with four thousand CCs of adrenaline which will cause your heart to beat more than six hundred times a minute resulting in your heart exploding! Now which one will suit you best is the hardest part.”

“Redheart wait before you knew about Gilda which I bet happened recently I knew she’s Gold Sky’s daughter for years and when Luna found a picture of Gold Sky with little Gilda I lied to Luna saying that little griffon isn’t Gilda and she believed me. So when you found out about Gilda I-I already knew for years.” Rainbow squirms when she just notices a mini locked refrigerator with a sticker saying T8. “Redheart I’m telling you the truth! I mean…ooooooh.” A trip to the thoughts of the past is what Rainbow needs to do in order to save her life from the seemingly over protective Redheart. “Look I love Gold Sky and I almost fell in love with him long ago when we first met, while now I care deeply for him so why will I do something or in your case say something that’ll bring harm to his child, his daughter, his Gilda! Answer me Redheart please answer me. What benefit to I get from telling Luna about Gilda when Gold Sky means so much to me and if Gilda gets hurt through my acts then believe he’ll come back from the dead to get me! Please Redheart I’m telling you the truth!”

Nevertheless, Redheart does not believe Rainbow Dash. “Oh Rainbow you are a textbook example of somepony reciting Shakespeare to save their skins.” *ting* “Besides you’re almost too dull to even read anything from Shakespeare so why did I even say his name in the same sentence with your name.” Well Redheart couldn’t help but point out an assessment she made about Rainbow Dash’s knowledge in literature.

That’s it for Rainbow Dash; she’s now going to use harsh words to her bloody point across to the white mare. “Frak this Redheart and frak whatever is in your head that makes you think I’ll tell Luna about Gilda. You think I can’t be trusted when the most honorable stallion in the history of this fraked up world trusted me by telling me everything about Gilda without even worrying about a thing which allowed me to see why Gilda is the way she was and hell who can ever trust me if he did. And do you know what I find offensive Redheart is seeing that a lesser honorable pony like you having no trust in me, Rainbow Frakken Dash!”

“Uhh Rainbow…” Humorlessly Redheart is speechless by Rainbow’s liberal use of foul language.

“Don’t frakken Rainbow me Redheart you know what I just said is true and where in the bloody world does it say don’t trust me while the most honorable stallion did. Plus you know what! I wish Gold Sky was here to see how you threaten me when you have no damn clue to do so in the first place but the biggest bullscheiße is listing three ways to kill me which by the way is pretty clever so FRAK YOU!! YEAH THAT’S RIGHT FRAK YOU AND YOUR LAME CAP TOO!!”

Wow all those curse words rained down on the white mare. So more or less Redheart is convinced to release Rainbow Dash and just look at the calm yet upset Pegasus. “Rainbow Dash, hey don’t throw my cap around!” Redheart snatches her nurse’s cap from Rainbow. “Very well I believe you Rainbow Dash and forgive me for overreacting, I,I,I don’t want to lose a future generation when I lost two children already...it’s hard being very old and not have any grandchildren until now especially when it’s the daughter of my dear Immortal son.” Ahh yes, Redheart won’t let Rainbow in on the secret of Gold Sky being alive.

Rainbow nods in respect for Redheart’s words but that’s only for the words. “I understand Redheart.” A few more nods. “Still frak you!”

The white mare just sighs. “Fine get it out Rainbow Dash but please stop trying to grab my nurse’s cap and once again I’m sorry. Do you want some apology donuts?”

“Apology donuts? Hmmmm I like the sound of that Redheart let’s go and if you ever see Gilda please tell her I miss her a lot now time for some donuts!! Oh you’re paying right?”

Redheart just shakes her head. “Yes I’ll be paying Rainbow Dash now c’mon I don’t like wasting time.”

So both mares head out to enjoy some sugary delights and believe it or nor this misunderstanding ordeal just made the relationship of these two stronger and both don’t even know it but it’s all thanks to Gilda.

Despite the curse words.


*gulp* “We’re here Aunt Cadance, this is the cave where the Xenomorphs are frozen.” Gilda points to the lone Xenomorph of which Gold Sky calls Weytani. “I think that one is father’s favorite so please don’t touch that one even though he said that one is the most tamed and the only one to have compassion unlike the rest.” Still Gilda remains behind Cadance so the pony can be the one to have acid spat on its face.

“Okay Gilda, I won’t touch that one but I will like to see this one.” Cadance points to a Xenomorph that’s frozen farthest from the rest.

“NO!!!” Gilda grabs Cadance’s hoof. “That one is in metamorphosis stage and if you unfreeze it, the Xenomorph will complete metamorphosis.”

Cadance shakes her hoof from Gilda’s grasp. “So what will it transform into?”

“It will transform into a Queen thus that’s the reason Gold Sky kept this one so when he’s low on Xenomorphs he can get this Queen to lay more eggs for his own benefit of which he’ll take it upon himself to find suitable hosts.”

“Oh my.” Cadance turns her attention to another Xenomorph. “This is incredible! Such creatures to have existed for so long and just now I am seeing them for the first time ever! This is just so surreal! This is a discovery that’s worth more than Twilight’s cold fusion reactor, this, this, this is INCREDIBLE!!!” Cadance shouts at the end.

“Not so loud!” Gilda cries.

“Oh sorry Gilda, but can’t you see what I’m seeing!? These Xenomorphs will take the scientific world by storm…” Her sheer joy is not totally reflected by her niece.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you are not going to show these to the ponies of Equestria because father said if mortals were to lays eyes on these things it will cause them to go insane and that’s the last thing I want for the ponies an-an-and these are his instruments. Not yours to mess around with!”

Well Cadance backtracks on the intent to take one and show it to the rest of the world. *sigh* “Fine but that one looks like it can use a bit of a warm up.” Her horn glows as it points to a frozen Xenomorph that’s being held up by stalactite.

“WHAT NO!” Too late for Gilda to stop Cadance from firing a thermal bolt at the frozen Xenomorph.

*thud* The block of ice falls before the eager and uneager duo. “Oh you don’t know how much I want to see this almost abomination of a creature tick, I want to see it move, speak, drink, eat, jus-just do whatever it does! I want to see this Xeno-whatever it’s called be what it is before my very eyes, oh this creature only speaks of what my Father can create to maintain the balance of nature itself.”

Of course Gilda feels herself freeze in place when the steam of the melting ice is swept away by a swing of a long black tail. “Aunt Cadance, just why did you have THAW ONE OUT!!!!”

Obviously the cerise mare isn’t worried one bit which can be given to her by the fact her skin can’t penetrated by anything. “It’s only one Xeno-whatever it’s called my dear niece what’s the worse it can do us?” A swift breeze blows onto her cheek. “Uh-oh where did it go?” Now worry wants to take over Cadance’s mind but she distracts herself by asking Gilda a question. “Gilda, what was that word your father used describing them?”

As if being frozen in place was bad enough Gilda feels her tail go in between her legs symbolizing the fear zooming past the breaking point and just going without end in sight. “Stealthy.” Well at least she managed to say the word without a break in her voice.

“Oh the dear indeed.” Cadance fires a illumination bolt to keep them under the shield of light while the moving shadow continues zooming around them.

Meanwhile Gilda resorts to the last thing she thought won’t ever be necessary but Cadance had to push her to the last resort. “Father I know he’ll hear me!”

“NO!! Don’t call out to him Gilda for he’ll know that I know of his Xenomorphs and will not hesitate to use me as a host to keep me quiet or he might consider that, either way I don’t like neither possibility!” Cadance shuts Gilda’s mouth shut while she thinks she saw the Xenomorph zoom past her line of sight. “It’s only one Xenomorph and there are two of us who know Wing Chun. We can do this Gilda, I know we can.”

Well it has been a while since Gilda has fought alongside of someone. “Jun-Park…” But then she remembers Jun-Park by seeing his face flash before her eyes. “Damn it! Back to back Aunt Cadance so it can’t attack us from behind ehh a shield will be nice.”
With their backs touching both sweep every inch of the cave praying to catch the Xenomorph before it catches them.

“I HATE THIS!!!” Gilda roars in her mind.
Not the best situation to bond with my niece.” Cadance writes down in hers.

Suddenly from out of the black the spearheaded tails shoots forward and bounces off of Cadance’s left eye. “AHH, this thing is smart by going for the prey’s vision to blind it AWESOME!!”
“No don’t analyze it, KILL IT Aunt Cadance!!” Gilda shouts. “Hell!” Luckily for Gilda she caught sight of the spearheaded tail heading her way and manages to jerk to the left but gets nicked in the process. “Damn the Xenomorph scratched me!!”
“Sorry Gilda but I just can’t help it if I admire the Xenomorph, huh, AAHHH!” Cadance covers her face with her wings while blindly but perhaps understandably fires a bunch of magical bolts hoping one will hit the Xenomorph.”
Gilda flat on the ground to avoid the bolts begins to tremble to hear Cadance moan in pain. “Aunt Cadance, what happened!?”
“It spat acid on my face AH!” The black tail slams its broadside onto the back of Cadance’s head knocking her out cold.

“No Aunt Cadance no!” Gilda shakes Cadance to get her to wake up but to no anvil forcing the Griffon to come up with an analysis of her own. “Seeing that it couldn’t blind you along with finding out it can’t penetrate your skin it decided to distract you with its acid and knock you out so it can take me out! FRAK just plain frak!!” Gilda gets up feeling that her heart wants to jump out of her chest and run away but it can’t, forcing Gilda to get a grip in order calm the frak down. “Time to be a Marine once more.” *deep breath* “C’MON IF YOU WANT ME THEN COME AND GET ME YOU FREAK!!” To tell the Xenomorph she isn’t afraid her mighty roar shakes the entire cave triggering the enhanced senses of the Xenomorph.

*Hissing growls* The Xenomorph enters the vicinity of the illumination bolt to engage the now fearless griffon in its path. “OOF!” Gilda tackled to the ground grabs both of the creature’s wrists to prevent it from using its razor sharp claws. “FRAK!” Despite having drool fall onto her eyes Gilda reacts and saves her head from being stabbed by the tail. “Close…” *gasp* She almost forgot the most frightening feature of the Xenomorph. “Second mouth!” Gilda’s right ear rings to the loud snap of the mouth missing its mark on her face. “Must free myself to turn the engagement to my favor!” Using her tail as for leverage, Gilda pushes up the Xenomorph to allow her hind legs to launch it away from her. “My turn you son of a wret uh oh!!” The tail shoots towards her however, Gilda almost expected this. “Gotha!” With the tail in hand Gilda doing the same thing her father did long ago, Gilda spins the Xenomorph until she feels the force collected is enough to hurt this creature. “UGH!”

*Painful shriek* The Xenomorph flies straight into a stalagmite. “I got to do this right or the Xenomorph might get smart to reverse my counter attack, hell I wish I was a flawless fighter like Father.” With every one of her claws and talons sinking into the stone ground Gilda sprints onward sending up pieces of rock into the air with every step she takes.

Meanwhile the Xenomorph rubs its head to recover from this now resistant host. “Huuh??” The suitable host is coming straight at it when it is still trying to ignore its pain.

“This will hurt you more than it will hurt me!” Gilda lowers her head just before tackling the Xenomorph through the stalagmite and gaining the advantage she’s been looking for. “The hell you’re using your second mouth on me wretch!” With her left hand seizing the neck to keep the head down Gilda starts raining down the punches on the Xenomorph while her tail keeps the spearheaded tail down but in the cloudiness of her survival instinct the sharps talons flair out and lash the Xenomorph’s face which squirts out the acidic blood. *sizzle* “AHAHHHHHHHH!!” The griffon writhes in pain as her right hand dissolves into nothing but a liquidly mess. *Plish!* Gilda gasps in pain. “It got me…” Her eyes inch down little by little until they bear full witness of the spearheaded tail protruding out of her belly. “UGHH!” Now she’s face to face with the lone Xenomorph.

The lone Xenomorph now having its prey where it wants it starts to growl again causing its upper lip to curl up revealing it bright silver metallic teeth.
Gilda waiting to seal her fate spits blood at the Xenomorph. “FRAK YOU!!”

*Oooooooh…” Cadance slow yet for sure is recovering but her recovery is taking time, time of which Gilda may not have.
The Xenomorph shoots its second mouth at Gilda. “FRAK I GOT YOU!!” Thanks to her reflexes of steel Gilda catches the second mouth with her remaining hand. “YOU ARE NOT GOING TO KISS ME WITH THAT THING WRETCH!!” She pulls on the mouth making the Xenomorph retracts its tail and push the griffon away.

On the ground Gilda groans to the pain leaving her body, thus she picks up her right arm to check if her hand fully regenerated. “Thank goodness…my hand is back.” Gilda drops her head on the on ground to await her belly to heal as well. *ting* “Father…”
*Hissing* The Xenomorph drops down while its tail comes down pinning Gilda’s freshly regenerated right hand to the ground but at the same time the spearheaded tail is stuck in the ground giving Gilda some leeway to grab one of its arms with her left hand and the other arm with her tail. “Oh c’mon, why can’t you quit!!?” Gilda avoids the forsaken second mouth but fear tells her she may not be so lucky the next time the mouth comes forth. “I have no other choice.”

“Oh my…” Cadance fully recovers. “GILDA!” Thanks to her love Cadance sprints to the aid of her niece.

Gilda losing her ear makes up her mind. “DAD WHAT!!” Zero energy magic surrounds the Xenomorph completely immobilizing it and lifts it up from Gilda. “Thank you, Great Spirit, thank you, Great Spirit…” Gilda nearly faints thanks to Cadance’s last minute help. “Thanks Aunt Cadance.”

Cadance freezes the Xenomorph back in the spot where it originally was. “You fought well against the definition of insanity my dear niece.” The mare kneels down next to Gilda covering the griffon with her wing.

Gilda snorts out what can be seen as a reply. “Oh Frak you, Aunt Cadance.” Yes the frak you is for releasing the Xenomorph in the first place. “Thank you, Aunt Cadance now please take me home to my father.” Now that she’s fully assured that everything is safe Gilda throws away the will to lift herself up from ground.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take you back to your father but first get on my back so we can fly out of here because I don’t know how to teleport.” Cadance folds her wing back to her body.

Gilda’s tail comes and lightly slaps Cadance’s chin. “I don’t feel like moving.”

“Fine, I’ll help you onto my back.” So with magic the cerise mare levitates the tired out but at least now fully healed griffon onto her back but before Cadance can flap her wings she feels Gilda hugging her neck. “Gilda are you hugging me.”

“Hmmmmmm huh what!?” Gilda stops rubbing her cheek against the back of the mare’s neck.

“I said are you hugging me?”
Gilda blushes when Cadance turns around to look at her. “When I was a child, Father will always carry me on his back where ever we went and I loved looking forward to him getting down on his knees so I can hop on. Uhhhhh of course, I will hug his neck…oh and please don’t be a dweeb by telling anyone that I was hugging your neck. Now can you please take me home to father?”

“Why? Can we not enjoy the fact you went toe to toe with a Xenomorph just like you father?” Cadance points out making a cape of silence come over the both of them.
Until Gilda breaks it with sudden laughter that normally a mortal will be doing but that mortal will be insane after its run-in with the Xenomorph lucky Gilda isn’t a mortal so the laughter she’s doing now can be taken as a survivor laughing at its brush with death so to take this chance as another opportunity to bond with Gilda Cadance also starts laughing as well. “Hey you don’t get to laugh Aunt Cadance only I get to laugh!”

“Why do you get to laugh Gilda?”

Though no longer hugging Cadance anymore Gilda still has her arms wrap around the mare’s neck. “Because I wasn’t the one that oh in the name of science and never seeing one of these before thaws one out while we’re here with it!!” With a high pitch Gilda imitates Cadance’s voice to mock her for some good measure. “And then get knocked out almost giving the Xenomorph a walk in the park to make me a host or eat me, so yeah Aunt Cadance you don’t get to laugh only me! Because I had to kick its bloody bollocks!”

Cadance tilts her head in acknowledgement. “Well if you put it take way then we’ll leave it at that now before I take you home I say you should get a warm bath treatment at the Crystal spa.”

“The Crystal Spa? Pfft it sounds like something Aunt Rarity err I mean Rarity will enjoy.”

“You are absolutely correct Gilda, Rarity does enjoy the Crystal spa now hang on because I will fly fast…” Suddenly interrupted.

“What are we going to do there?”

With a hoof under her chin Cadance continues speaking like she wasn’t interrupted in the first place. “Well for one you can wash off the smell of the Xenomorph so your father won’t know you were here, also fill your belly with food, clean you up, and lastly we can talk about stallions and find out who is the most handsome of all.”

“STALLIONS! We’re going to talk about STALLIONS!!” Gilda’s tail shoots up like it too is happy to be talking about stallions. “D-d-do you think we can talk about the red stallion or the one with the vest maybe the stallion with the stallion who has a silver colored Mohawk oh I got to touch his flank!!” Gilda can go on and on. “Wait…you’re a mare.”

“Sooooooo is that a problem?”

Gilda not so open to seeking advice or much less discussing something she originally wanted to discuss with father with a female but nevertheless, with Cadance maybe she can try it since after all Cadance is her biological Aunt unlike Rarity plus she too is immortal thus talking about stallions may be somewhat practical. Somewhat. “I guess for a female you’ll do. Let’s go.”
With that said Cadance starts flying out of the cave but Gilda just can’t help but look back at her Father’s lethal instruments. “The hand of the Great Spirit saved me. Thank you, oh Great Spirit.


“Five minutes left.” Twilight says to herself.


Waking up from his nap Gold Sky looks around to see if Gilda is nearby thinking maybe he’ll groom her again if she wants but with her scent nowhere to be found he focuses back on the still napping Rarity. “Oh sister, even in your beauty sleep and as a child you still possess the beauty that can never be matched. Spike is the luckiest dragon in the whole world and you are lucky to love such an honorable dragon as him.” He nuzzles the little filly before giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Oh man got to pee.” Quickly the stallion teleports to the bathroom. “Oh there’s more than that.” And so the toilet seat goes up.

*Five minutes later* The stallion returns to be with little Rarity. “Rarity.” He says out loud to wake her up. “Do you want to sort some gems with m…” Without any kind of warning Gold Sky stops in mid-sentence for lying in the bed is the white pony who is not a filly but a mare a mare who now gains back the title of big sister and loses the title of daughter.

The age spell Twilight used finally wore off.

“Cúwe…” Gold Sky whispers in his native tongue as he stares at the white mare feeling lukewarm then his eyes look to the void of light shining through the window making his horn glow bringing his knife to his extended arm.

*POOF* Twilight reappears with her sights set on Rarity, haphazardly with this tunnel visioning she fails to see the knife flying towards her. *Plish* The knife plants itself in the right side of her chest. “AHH! How the hell did I not see that coming!?”

You are not welcome here Twilight Sparkle!” Gold Sky roars through his telepathy so he won’t wake up big sister. With speed almost parallel to his usage of his super speed Gold Sky’s right hoof seizes Twilight’s neck lifting her up then slamming her down on the floor quickly followed by his left hoof coming down on her on her stomach.

He’s in full battle mode.” Twilight tells herself the obvious. “Uh oh!” The stallion picks her up while he stands on his hind legs, knees her in the belly then his right hoof punches her along with the right elbow and with a back hoof strike Twilight goes flying towards the wall but an aura of grayish purple impedes her from hitting the wall which will make a loud noise waking up the white mare. “I think I can see where this will go next.” Gold Sky brings her back to the path of his forehead creating a halo of stars to spin around her head. “Ow…”

Let’s take this outside you bloody fool! JUMP!!” *poof* Gold Sky teleports to the Everfree forest and upon arrival he throws the vile mare away from him like she’s the most hideous piece of trash. “Surely you couldn’t have forgotten about me Twilight Sparkle for such an intelligent mare like you isn’t that stupid to forget about a threat like me.”

Twilight rubs the blood from her nose while being very impressed by the stallion’s sudden viciousness. “To be honest weakling, I completely forgot about you when I sensed the age spell coming to its end but any way thanks to you I’ll tie up a loose end right now. Given how you’re weaker than me and I’m way stronger than you Gold Sky both in magic & raw strength.”

Now there’s truth behind Twilight’s words, therefore those words are never ignored in Gold Sky’s mind but while he has two disadvantages major disadvantages he still has his super speed, air manipulation, and most of all his grand tactician trait. “You are correct Twilight Sparkle but even then I am full of surprises.” His horn glows once more bringing his weapons to his hooves. “I better concentrate to have Weytani in mind in case I need her help for as of right now I’ll be fighting Twilight alone. Heh, this is going to be interesting.

*poof* Twilight appears and begins unleashing her fury of strikes backed up with magical bolts but cannot find a single mark on the stallion while on the other side of the spinning coin the knife & tomahawk find their mark on her. *PING* The tomahawk is halted. “Take this!” Twilight attempts to kick him by using her magic to stabilize herself while standing on her hind legs thus in her attempt she performs a swing kick but Gold Sky simply put his knife in the trajectory of her kick sinking the blade deep into her shin.

“Classic.” Gold Sky tells himself.

Gold Sky holding up Twilight’s left leg knows her balance is simply hanging by a ligament so he kicks Twilight’s left hind leg making her fall straight into his coming right knee and collectively to maintain his advantage or get pummeled by Twilight’s magic he uppercuts her forcing him to let go of his knife so he can strike her from the left and sensing his leeway is coming to its end due to remembering Twilight’s rapid regeneration the wind feels it’s about to hear a command. “TÁTE!” Upon command the wind transforms into the force of ten category 5 hurricanes clashing into the vile mare carrying her through trees, earth, rock, and water. “I for one know that must have hurt.”

“Ow okay I’ll give him that, ow, ow, ow damn it ow.” Twilight spits out pebbles which well cannot be distinguished from her teeth. “Damn this knife AAH! Got it out, frak at least he didn’t coat it with some kind of venom.” Twilight holding the knife in front of her eyes notices a blurry figure behind the knife. “HERE!!” She throws the knife six hundred ninety nine miles per hour at him.

“Thank you.” Gold Sky catches the knife by the handle.

Seeing how he catches the knife Twilight’s jaw drops with disbelief. “That’s impossible!!”

“Thank you once again Twilight Sparkle.” Realizing this battle has shifted away from the use of his weapons he throws them into the trunk of a nearby weeping willow. “Jump!”

“Time to copy the magic ice move Rarity used on me.” Twilight’s magic absorbs the moisture lingering in the environment turning her horn into an icicle.

“Got you!” Twilight freezes the stallion then encases him with more ice. “Give it a few seconds until his atomic structure turns weak as a twig and I can shatter him into pieces then stab every piece of him just to make sure I get his heart.” Twilight plans. “Huh?” From inside the ice, a light of grayish purple glows and a whooshing pitch gets louder. “Are you kidding me!!” Twilight pouts in annoyance.

The ice shatters freeing the stallion from this minor bump on the road. “Do you think you can hurt me with the thing I can walk upon without the use of magic!”

Quickly remembering how he walked on water Twilight shrugs her shoulders in agreement.

Now hoof to Hoof combat by one soaked with pride and the other soaked with experience commences.

“Frak!” Twilight unleashes magical waves in the manner electrons travel around the nucleus to make sure she covers every angle the stallion may attack from. “Wait a minute! I been had…”
*BOOM!* “Oh frak AUGH!!!” A faster than sound punch hits her.

Perfect!” He brakes to regain control then dashes forward. “AUUUGH!!” *Boom* Another strike is delivered, then another, and another, and another in less than one second. “Time to mix the close quarter with my speed.” A uppercut makes Twilight stand on her hind legs giving Gold Sky easy access to the pressure points he wants. So he delivers the hits using his super speed making his hooves turn into blurs when they bury themselves into Twilight’s face while with his right hoof the heart, windpipe, the gap between the eyes, and the left section of the jaw are stuck. “Now before she predicts my next move. TÁTE!!” The wind blows her away. “Now let's take her overconfidence to its red line.” Luckily for Twilight her quick regeneration unlocks the briefly locked up muscles which proved helpful countering the hits to her pressure points.

How can I forget about the massive amount of inertia behind his super-fast hits! Well I only fought with Rarity mostly but never a one on one with I guess an upgraded Gold Sky who seems to know how to fully utilize his amazing super speed.
Magic never fails me.” Well most of the time anyway.

Gold Sky reappears the moment Twilight performs a magical sweep with her magical beam making him back flip thus Twilight redirects the beam back to him hoping to get him the instant he hits the ground but due to experience upon hitting the ground Gold Sky front flips forward and hammers Twilight with a double hoof hit then zooms away.
So thinking he’ll attack while running Twilight unleashing another praxis wave of magic but the stallion appears above her and drops down elbowing her in the back of the neck then punches in the back of her head. “Jump!” *Poof*

“Damn it! He’s using teleportation to toy with me, increasing gravity!” In the midst of her rising anger, Twilight somehow forgotten that the increase of gravity has no effect on the stallion. *Zoom* Five hits in less than one second leaves the mare staggering about while her eyes spin until a shake of her head brings back stabilization. “WHAT! HOW CAN HE NOT BE AFFECTED BY THE SHIFT OF GRAVITY!!?” Now Twilight is starting to become unnerved by the unknown of whether Gold Sky will teleport or use his speed to attack and using her telepathy won’t be of any use for she knows he is keeping his thoughts silent.
He already attacked with speed so he’ll teleport next, ha, I got you!” However, her thoughts are loud for the stallion to hear but it’s not like he needs to anyway.

I’ll be taking this.” Seizing the knife from the weeping willow Gold Sky runs towards the vile mare slashing the valuable tendons behind the knee caps of the hind legs making Twilight fall to her rump providing Gold Sky a chance to grab her by the tail, spin her around a bit, and send her flying into the endless trees.

“OOOF!” Being brought to a stop by a boulder Twilight is denied the time to think of anything to counter the stallion thanks her ears picking up the whizzing sounds of the knife & tomahawk coming towards her and burying themselves in her legs. Humorously. “Can anything go wrong!!” Her cute little ears are basked by the chorus of wind coming from the sky. “Oh frak me.”

The boulder breaks apart sending her to who the bloody hell knows, she’s struck by the stallion in usage of super speed, then taken by teleportation offense, super speed, super speed again once more to confuse her, teleportation, the wind, and lastly by a punch directly to her heart. “How does it feel Twilight Sparkle to fight the Soldier of no Sorrow because let’s be real here. You may be stronger than me in strength & magic but you have absolutely no experience in combat like I do and I know every inch of your anatomy thus I can hit you where it really hurts.”

Believe it or not despite her quick regeneration, Twilight’s body wishes to stay down to avoid any more pain. “This is impossible! When I fought you and Rarity I defeated you and when I fought the Razor I still defeated you so how is it now I can’t defeat you!?”

“Because Twilight Sparkle when I fought alongside my sister half of my focus was on her wellbeing while as the Razor that wasn’t me but now it’s just me the Soldier of no Sorrow the stallion or better yet the one being that has no equal in combat.” Gold Sky taps Twilight’s pressure points to paralyze her. “Perhaps you can call me a super soldier.”

*Ting* “Like Captain Equestria!” Twilight blurts out.


Twilight shakes her head while she can’t believe she brought up a comic book character in just the most uncalled for moment. “Comic book character. From one of Spike’s comics now never mind that, but I’ll be damned to see defeat ever coming from the likes of you weakling…”

Gold Sky shuts her up. “Face it Twilight. There is no outcome where you come out on top for I have beaten you at last now please Twilight Sparkle I ask you to stop this. Please stop this, for this isn’t you at all this is someone else. The Twilight I first met will never have done what you did to my sister, I mean who will do that, who! Tell me who can do that…you are an innocent, pure mare I mean you will much rather spend time reading books than to enjoy Hearts & Hooves day with your friends or special somepony. Twilight I know this isn’t you and believe me when I say this but it hurts me to hit you though you leave no choice, please end this, I don’t want to fight you anymore. I just want the mare who I call friend back not the mare I call my enemy.”

The Black Rose almost losing its foothold in Twilight’s mind due to the stallion’s loving words throws all it has left to keep Twilight’s mind under its lustful control by injecting its last, last, last drop of reserve venom. Stopping the love coming from Gold Sky from bringing back her pure innocence so the Black Rose maintains its hold and directs Twilight to stop listening to her hurting body and strike right now at the perfect opportunity. “How touching Gold Sky and of course loving. But that’s where you lose focus allowing your weakness to hold you back Gold Sky.” Twilight tries to get up.

Gold Sky frowns seeing his words had no effect on the vile mare. “Twilight please, your mind wants to fight but your body does not please stop, you can’t move no matter how much you try to.”

Realizing he’s right Twilight tries again to move but like he said her body just refuses to listen. “C’mon move damn it, MOVE!!

“Please Twilight, can we end this so everything can go back to normal.” In the back of his head Gold Sky feels his words are futile. “I fear this is going to backfire on me so I must remain on guard in case her mind somehow overpowers the will of her own body.

Twilight on the other hand or hoof is doing exactly what Gold Sky is thinking but while it’s easier said than done nonetheless Twilight still overpowers the will of her flesh resulting in her magic crawling past the ninety nine percent limit she has set upon herself to prevent corruption to join with her pride which will lead her to become stupid and thoughtless in her actions. “You’re love is your weakness Gold Sky.” Twilight’s horn glows.

“Jump.” *Poof* The stallion teleports to evade whatever magic had in store for him at that moment. “I presumed too much.

Back on all fours Twilight stretches herself to tone down the still radiating pain while she with her telepathy sweeps the area to locate the stallion but alas even when using telepathy Twilight can’t locate the stallion. “Well I’ve always studied the XY chromosome so why not put it to use with some Alicorn XY seeker bolts.” Three bolts of magic are fired and immediately they home in on the only Alicorn who has XY chromosomes.

“Uh oh.” Gold Sky side flips avoid the first one, then backflips to dodge the second, and lastly ducks to evade the last bolt. “That was clo oh man they’re coming back.” *Ting* IDEA as Rarity will say. Gold Sky starts running with the bolts hot on his tail theorizing he can make the bolts go back to their sender.

Oh look he thinks my own bolts of magic will be tricked by running up to me, grabbing me, putting me in the bolt’s trajectory, and hitting me but the bolts only seek XY and will make contact with the XY chromosome.” With that Twilight decides to stay still to continue with the illusion that Gold Sky’s plan will work. “Perfect he took the bait.
Gold Sky takes hold of Twilight quickly putting the vile mare directly in front of the magical bolts. “She must be frozen when she saw me outrunning her magical bolts.

The bolts detecting Twilight does not contain the XY chromosome sweep up completely missing the mare and come straight down upon the stallion two of which explode on impact while the third bounces off the plate of valyrian steel behind Gold Sky’s heart but that goes completely unnoticed by Twilight Sparkle. “Yes flawless.” Twilight turns over the stallion to gaze upon the failure that almost brought her to defeat. “Well I must say Gold Sky, you almost had me and I can’t overlook that accomplishment you gave yourself. Hey what are you doing?”

The stallion now fully healed decides to play a deception upon the mare by pretending he’s still in writhing pain from the bolts of magic allowing him to let his horn glow in the look of trying to fight back but is bringing his tomahawk towards him.

Twilight eyeing the tomahawk coming just laughs when seeing the tomahawk slicing Gold Sky’s horn clean off. “Ha you idiot, I like this! Despite your quick regeneration the pain is still great causing you to screw up and make the tomahawk slice off your horn instead of hacking me.”

In Gold Sky’s mind. “Táte.” The wind pushes the magical liquid towards his eyes.

Twilight being blind thanks to her pride places a hoof on the stallion’s neck which is a symbol of having victory in one’s hooves and just laughs at the top of her lungs. “I defeated you with one move Gold Sky and now once I stab your heart Rarity is mine!”

“Oh Twilight if only you knew that pride is your weakness NOW LOOK AT ME!!”

“Why? Oh frak me again…” Gold Sky’s eyes flash twice and unleash beams of powerful magic onto the mare while this time instead of being concussion force the beams are heat force burning the mare the same way she burned him before his death.

With Twilight carried away by his heat magical beams Gold Sky is back on his hooves waiting for Twilight to use those XY chromosome seeking magical beams on him again forcing him to quickly come up with a way to counter those beams. “Hmmm perhaps this is a bit excessive but it may work.”
On cue to Gold Sky’s thought three magical bolts shoot out from the downed foliage causing him to put his counter measure into use by slicing three pieces of his own flesh and tosses them high into the air. Thus as he predicted the three bolts fly into the pieces of flesh each one exploding upon contact. “Whoa that actually worked now to relocate myself to stage another attack pattern.” *zoom* The stallion zooms away just milliseconds before Twilight appears in the same spot he ran from.

“Damn it! He figured out a way to counter my XY chromosome seeker bolts now he could be anywhere waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack me.” Twilight in total franticness looks in every direction possible to find the stallion. “WHERE ARE YOU!”

“Right here.” Just as the last word left his mouth Gold Sky has Twilight held above his head while he stands on his hind legs. “Sometimes a wild mare needs to be broken.” Gold Sky chimes to the vile mare.

“Just how can you break me Gold Sky!!?” Twilight can never miss a chance to open to her mouth when it comes to questioning questionable things.

The stallion’s tail flicks like to say he didn’t have to think of what he’s going to say. “Physically that is.” Gold Sky brings her down towards to his knee. *CREEEEEAK* And breaks her back without having a hint of remorse. “Pathetic.” He drops the mare on the ground, turns around and begins walking away from her. “We’re done here Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight is silent for a change and no it isn’t to Gold Sky’s counter tactic it’s due to being in complete shock to hear the sound of her spine breaking and being thrown to the ground like Gold Sky is leaving her to die all alone in the Everfree forest. “I can’t feel my legs!! I CAN’T FEEL MY LEGS!!!” The mare’s magic levitates her right hind leg but it drops down when her magic lets it go. “Why can’t I heal!” Twilight being afraid looks to the stallion’s back seeking an answer from him.

Gold Sky stops to answer the vile mare. “Because Twilight Sparkle you are in complete shock and when in shock you lose valuable focus in controlling the speed of your tissue regeneration but never fear Twilight Sparkle you will still heal but it may take days so good bye, adieu, adieu, I leave you to your own fate Twilight Sparkle.” The stallion resumes walking away from the vile mare.

“Don’t you turn your back on me Gold Sky, don’t you turn your back on me!!” Twilight yells but suddenly changes her tone realizing she’s a mare and as a mare she can make herself sounds helpless. “Please Gold Sky don’t leave me. Please help me for I need your help.” And here it shows how the Victim card is a dishonorable mare's best friend and Twilight has everything she needs to use it well especially her voice.

*sigh* “Jump.” *poof* Gold Sky appears in front of the incapacitated Twilight Sparkle. “Now why should I help you Twilight Sparkle! You raped my sister and you had me killed so why should I expect any better from you now if I help you.”

“Uhh be-because you’re a stallion that’s why Gold Sky.” Truly Twilight didn’t think up her words in that moment.

Gold Sky snorts out his breath. “That’s like the stupidest I ever heard Twilight Sparkle did you not declare that you are stronger than me and you will defeat me? For I know you are a strong mare while I am a weakling.”

With fear slowing down her already crawling regeneration Twilight continues begging. “Please I beg you Gold Sky help me.”


Twilight forced to her last resort frowns and swallows her pride. “You have defeated me Gold Sky and yes I am being sincere right here, you have beaten me in this fight. You are the definition of what it means to be honorable Gold Sky while I lack it now I ask you to do the honorable thing and help me. Help this helpless mare who cannot fight. It is the honorable thing to do Gold Sky.”

“Say it again one more time Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight knows what Gold Sky means and will not hesitate to say it again as long as it gets her out of the Everfree Forest. “You defeated me, I lost, and you won.”

*sigh* “I may regret this or not but she is a beaten mare so the least I can do is get her home which maybe in return provides a few days of nothing happening between me, her, and Rarity.” As the Honorable stallion he is Gold Sky’s horn glows, carefully levitating Twilight from the ground and to his back. “I’ll take you home Twilight Sparkle.”

Amazed by this incredible show of kindness Twilight denies this is even happening. “Y-y-y-you wi-will?”

The stallion nods. “I will Twilight Sparkle.”

Touched Twilight’s mind regains itself allowing her regeneration to go into full throttle. “Thank you Gold Sky.” True words but with a dark thought behind them.

“You’re welcome.” The stallion closes his eyes to picture the library.

Fully healed Twilight is no longer touched by the stallion’s kindness and will no longer be at his mercy anymore. “Oh and Gold Sky.”


“You’re so weak it’s sad.” Twilight’s horn glows.

Sadly Gold Sky had no chance to do anything for before he knew it Twilight’s magic pushes him flat down on the ground. “You bloody dishonorable mare! How can you do this to me when I decided to help you in your ultimate moment of helplessness!”

Deep down Twilight feels a tad guilty to be doing what she’s doing right now to Gold Sky and take advantage of his kindness to help her get over her shock to speed up her regeneration. “I just had to find the ultimate opportunity Gold Sky.” With her right hoof on Gold Sky’s head she pushes him down on the ground.

Gold Sky spits out some dirt. “So you being all helpless was all a total lie Twilight Sparkle AHH!” He’s pressed down on the ground some more.

More guilt shadows Twilight for abusing Gold Sky’s honor. “Well in that part I was helpless for real and I couldn’t heal BUT one act of kindness can do wonders. The wonders began the moment you put me on your back allowing my mind piece itself back together shifting my regeneration from a crawl to full throttle allowing me to regain domination over you. But hey look on the bright side at least you managed to beat me in a fair fight something Rarity couldn’t achieve at all.”

“And that’s supposed to make me feel better!” Gold Sky retorts under Twilight’s hoof.

Twilight shrugs her shoulders. “More or less I guess…”

Gold Sky already with a plan in mind wants Twilight to make an attempt to stab his shielded heart so he can gain a chance to strike back while she’s taken over by surprise when her attack yields no results. “Well whatever Twilight Sparkle now finish me off already!! Give me the death worthy for a soldier like me Twilight for all this talk is pointless now kill me you damn dishonorable mare but know that you will not win in the end!!”

“Ho, ho, ho I like it when you start speaking sense Gold Sky…” Suddenly the Black Rose takes control and she looks down at the stallion’s beautiful jet black hair. “You have beautiful hair Gold Sky.”

“So what!!” Gold Sky snarls.

Alas Twilight changes her mind be removing her right hoof from his head and glide it slowly down his body until it stops over his flank.
“MEEP!” Whimpers the stallion.

Twilight’s mind goes back to the book she read when she studied the Chero. “You are Chero Gold Sky, you are the last of your race and just now I never knew how nice you look with jet black hair which makes the milky white parts of your coat even whiter.” Twilight passes her hoof over his flank almost becoming seductive in the process. “Stallions, you can’t blame them for trying to be the symbols of higher standing and honor when a majority of them can lose that in a heartbeat while others cling to it to stay in that pedestal. Like you, I can’t blame you for being almost immune to the corruption like other stallions but yet I blame you for clinging to it making you a target for those who resent the notion of honor. Humph, Stallions. They build the world and stand by without teaching the mares a thing to help maintain the world they built thus only a select few mares can maintain the world like me. Now enough with mocking your sex Gold Sky I will go back to blaming you for maintaining your honor…just now seeing how far you’ll go protect your big sister well angers me but at the same time pleases me.”

“MEEP!” Is all Gold Sky can say when he feels Twilight’s lips close to his ear.

“Stallions, can’t blame them for sometimes being a bit too appealing to even a mare like me. Heh, I think Big McIntosh looks sexier with the yoke on while you with the jet black hair look a whole lot appealing to me.”

Gold Sky ignoring the warm breath flowing down his neck tries to make sense of something. “I thought you only wanted mares so how the bloody hell can you find me appealing!”

Twilight takes a moment to think about the stallion’s words to which yes she wants a mare but on the other side of her corroded iron coin sometimes she can’t help but look at certain stallions who may appeal to her high level of fancy and thanks to his new hair color Gold Sky now really appeals to her high level of fancy also include lust as well. “True I want Rarity but I am only mortal and mortals do have the tendency of succumbing to their wishes be it good or bad but I on the other hand or hoof realized I can make my own wishes come true so why the frak do I need to wish when I am my own genie so to speak.”

*GASP!* Twilight told Gold Sky of the one wish she wished came true and now she has the horrible power to make that wish come true. “NO!” Fear embraces the stallion for now he is at the mercy of someone who wishes to have their way with him and the cold darkness starts taking over his galaxy with a force so great the chemical receivers in his brain cannot absorb enough of the Lorazepam therefore negating the power of the medication. “No don’t!!” Gold Sky bucks Twilight off of his back to get away from the vile mare and knowing full well in his current state of mind teleportation is out as a means of escape therefore he must run away from the vile mare. “Augh WHAT!!?” His attempt to escape is denied thanks to Twilight’s magic seizing him by the tail.

“You can’t run from me Gold Sky not this time now stop resisting and let me rape you just like I raped your sister.” Twilight slams him down on his back and commences the hard part of completely subduing the stallion. “Stay still and stop hitting me!!”

“NO DON’T PLEASE DON’T!” Gold Sky manages to kick her away with his hind legs but sadly Twilight seizes him by the hair with her magic and slowly levitates him off the ground. “AIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!” The stallion screams in pain then is thrown to the ground again. “PLEASE DON’T!!” Gold Sky fights with everything he’s got but little by little this fight is becoming ever more futile. “Think! BRING HER HERE!!” His mind thinks of something or better yet someone.

*Small poof* Something frozen is teleported here and Twilight does not notice at all.
Must hurry!!!” His horn glows shooting a mentally guided thermal bolt at the frozen object. “Please hurry!

“HA! You missed weakling now stay still damn it!” Twilight magic’s pins down Gold Sky’s forearms and hind legs. “There, isn’t that better Gold Sky now let me rub something to enjoy myself because in case you didn’t know it takes a physical stimuli to get you erect and no matter how much you try to stop it. You won’t be able to for the body or the body part I want will always respond no matter what.” So Twilight starts touching him down there. “Relax you may faint and we can’t be having that can we.”

“MEEP!! HURRY PLEASE HURRY!! HURRY!!” Now Gold Sky is just shouting his thoughts.

Twilight continues rubbing him down there. “I raped Rarity now I rape you oh this is the ultimate victory in the making for me huh…” Gold Sky is finally erect prompting Twilight to take a pause and absorb this hardy moment. “This is mine…YOU’RE MINE…”

Twilight’s blood splatters all over Gold Sky’s face making him stop screaming and look at the stone cold mare. “WEYTANI!!” Oh the joy in his voice reflects the major change of the situation.

Twilight spits out blood gaining the full consciousness of what just happened when a new pain struck her from out of nowhere. “Wha-wha-what…?” She looks down and sees what looks like a black spearhead protruding out of her stomach. “AHHH!”
The vile mare is lifted off of the stallion and comes face to face with a creature she has never seen before. “What th-the fr-frak!”
Weytani growls at Twilight Sparkle then opens her mouth to show the vile mare her second mouth and unleashes it smashing a hole cleanly through Twilight’s head then throws the mare away by whipping the tail. The Xenomorph sprints to Gold Sky, helps him up and then softly starts mewing at him like she’s asking him if he is alright.

Quickly giving the Xenomorph a hug Gold Sky shudders to see the hole in Twilight’s head closing up. “Weytani thank you for saving me but we must make haste and get out of here quickly!”

Weytani completely understanding every word spoken from the stallion nods in response and jumps up onto a tree to keep up with her flying master. “Good let’s go.”
But Twilight now fully healed rubs her forehead in hopes that whatever harmed her did not leave a big scar. “Oh thank goodness no scar left behind by whatever the frak that thing was.” But nonetheless, Twilight’s mind is almost completely unnerved to see this creature with two mouths and two sets of silver metallic teeth though more importantly no visible eyes growl like a savage animal at her. “FRAK THERE IT IS!” The vile mare completely forgetting about raping Gold Sky fires a bolt of magic at the creature traversing the trees under the stallion. “Damn it I didn’t lock on.

Gold Sky hearing the whistling of the bolt looks down at his compassionate Xenomorph praying that bolt was aimed at him and not at her but upon seeing a bolt strike the tree Weytani is on, the loving stallion dives back down to protect his Xenomorph.
On the ground Weytani’s attention is caught by the glowing bright light coming from Twilight’s horn causing the creature to stay completely still like a deer frozen in the light of a torch.
She’s mesmerized by Twilight’s glowing magic!” Gold Sky tells himself.

Twilight continues charging up her magic to wipe out this horrid creature once & for all. “DIE YOU FRAKKEN FREAK!!” She fires a powerful beam of magic at the frozen black creature without seeing Gold Sky coming down.

“TÁTE!!” Gold Sky lands in front of Weytani just milliseconds before the beam struck the Xenomorph. “AUGH!!” Thanks to the wind Gold Sky standing on his hind legs holds back the beam of magic with his hooves of his forearms. “Weytani run now!!” He yells at the Xenomorph.

“What!?” Twilight realizes Gold Sky is holding back her magic to protect that creature leading to her to just construct thousands of possibilities to way he's doing that. “WAIT A MINUTE!!” *ting, ting, ting* “If Gold Sky is protecting that thing then that means…he controls it! He has control over such a creature like that and I couldn’t even sense it…HE CONTROLS THAT THING!!
All the more reason for Twilight Sparkle to kill it but yet she still needs to contend with Gold Sky’s great power with the wind so comes the trash talking. “You think you can last long against my magic you weakling!”

Gold Sky pushes Twilight’s magic away from him. “Shut up!”

“Humph!” Twilight increases her magic so Gold Sky increases the power of the wind holding back her magic. “Whoa, his power over the wind is strong like if he had that same control over his magic.

Weytani seeing how her master is struggling will not leave his side for she will always be with him like a loyal guard when she isn’t frozen of course. “Weytani run NOW!!” Gold Sky roars.

He even named that thing.” Twilight dots down.

Still the Xenomorph will not leave Gold Sky. “I SAID RUN NOW!” Until that last roar made her run but not without looking back.

“She’s safe…” Gold Sky whispers. “Now let’s finish this your way Twilight Sparkle!!”

“Just how weakling!?”

Gold Sky takes a step forward. “Like this!” And starts coming towards the mare pushing her magic back towards her knowing what will happen when he reaches the source. “Bloody hell it will hurt but I’ll live and she will too.” The final thought.

With every step getting him closer to her Twilight just fires more of her magic but to no anvil it does not stop him. “IMPOSSIBLE!!” Twilight cries. “JUST HOW!?”

A perfect time for a one liner. “Because you’re a dumb wretch, AAAAAAAAAHHHHH” Gold Sky yells as he pushes Twilight’s magic back to her horn.

“Oh no…” A massive explosion erupts sending both ponies flying from one another while a mushroom cloud rises up towards the sky causing Weytani to stop and sprint back to find Gold Sky hoping he's alive for if he is dead then her life has no absolute purpose.

“I’ll be damned…” Twilight moans just before fainting in a bed of freshly bloomed daffodils.


At the donut shop Rainbow Dash finishes wolfing down seven donuts, three cups of coffee, one hot coco, and, a can of soda. “Well thank you Redheart for those good donuts now I can go for a brew.” *ting* “Do you want to go for a brew too?”

Redheart looking beautiful for she is without her nurse’s cap and has her hair is down shakes her head at Rainbow Dash.

“You don’t drink Redheart?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“Pfffft.” Redheart shakes off Rainbow’s question. “I do have a drink now & again but seriously when I do have a drink, I have a drink that a real tough mare like me will drink and c’mon a brew? Now that’s pathetic in my standards while on you it tells me the quality of your standards by the way.”

Heh Rainbow didn’t know that Redheart has an occasional drink. “So what do you drink Redheart?”

Redheart smirks. “Oh it’s not me Rainbow it will be us so let’s go and have ourselves a bourbon a drink worthy of a tough mare like me and perhaps to a certain extend you.”

Oh no she didn’t. “Hey I’m a tough mare Redheart! Who else can do a sonic Rainboom and who else can clear the sky of a bunch of clouds in a matter of seconds.”

Redheart shrugs her shoulders with a cool expression on her face. “What a mare drinks tells the world how tough she is. Besides there is a saying that goes like this ahem, there are two types of ponies in this world. The ones who drink like tough ponies and the ones who drink brews like sallys.”

“Sallys?” Rainbow tilts her head in confusion at how a name can be used as an insult and as an insult she does not know a lick about.

“Go learn some new things Rainbow Dash, now let’s go so you can drink something made for tough mares like me.”

“Well a bourbon does sound nice and perhaps I can try something new so I can show you how tough I am hey wait a minute Gold Sky doesn’t drink so what does that make him?” Rainbow utters out.
Redheart keeps herself composed when asked about her son. “Well killers are a whole different breed Rainbow Dash and yes I’ll be paying for the drinks.”

So both mares head to a nice restaurant to have themselves a nice of bourbon which Redheart herself selected. “This bourbon here Rainbow is called the Red Cross.” Redheart picks up her cup and sniffs the bronze colored liquid. “Hmmmm I can never get enough of this scent satisfying melody.”

“Heh why?”

“Because I myself distilled this spirit and though it took me awhile to produce a drink worthy of my taste buds I managed to produce a drink that’s almost everybody likes which yes I didn’t intend to do but hey it provided me extra money on the side. So I want you to try my distilled drink and give me your opinion.” Redheart taps the counter to have the bartender serve Rainbow a cup on the rocks.

“Well I didn’t know you made your own alcohol hehe that’s pretty cool and I wonder.” Rainbow lifts up her cup to her nose to take a whiff of the liquid. “Whoa, this thing has a strong smell!” It almost makes her gag and also wants her to change her mind. “Oh man I don’t know if I should drink this.” The cyan mare pushes away the drink then points to a pint cup and points at a brew on the fountain. “AH thank, thank you.” She smiles to see the light layer of foam on her pint.

Redheart giving a Rainbow a light humph downs her cup of Red Cross like it's simple cold water. “Oh yes that was smooth like a clear artery in a fit stallion.” The white mare points at her empty glass prompting the bartender to refill it then eyes the moment Rainbow is about have her lips make contact with the rim of the pint. “Hey, hey, hey give me that Rainbow Dash!” Redheart snatches the pint from the Pegasus and downs the brew. “AH man this stuff tastes like piss water! How the heck can you drink this filth!! Now you said you’re a tough mare now you are going to prove it to me by drinking my bourbon unless you’re a fraud which I won’t judge you for if you were but hey others may call you that behind your back.” Redheart has her ways to make ponies do what she wants which always works with patients who believe that taking their medications or taking vaccines will have negative effects on them and on a side note Redheart gives a healthy slap to the face to the parents that refuse to vaccinate their children which not only leaves a massive mark but convinces the parents to vaccinate their children.

“Fraud!” Now Rainbow Dash is more than convinced to drink the bourbon. “I am Rainbow Dash damn it!” *Gulp!* The whole drink is drunk without a pause. *cough* “Oh boy…” Rainbow faints.

“She couldn’t handle it.” The bartender chuckles.

Redheart nods then smoothly downs another cup of bourbon. “Well at least it will take her awhile to drink more than one.”

The white mare places the past out cyan Pegasus on her back and takes her back to the palace.


In the Crystal spa Cadance watches without laughing as Gilda gets every inch of her body washed until she is shiny as a cart full of gems. “There you are all clean Gilda and without the scent of those Xeno-whatever they’re called.”

Gilda like a wet Rough Collie shakes the water off of her getting her dry while getting the attendants who just washed her wet. “Oh this feels better, hey what’s that! It looks like a gelatin pool.”

“Huh?” Cadance briefly loses her train of thought. “Oh you mean that! Haha that’s a mud bath though yes it doesn’t look anything like mud but it is very relaxing along with warm would you like you take a dip in it.”

As it may be Gilda is amazed from the get-go at the Crystal Empire and pretty much amazed that her Aunt rules this beautiful kingdom yet Gilda can’t have herself asking Aunt Cadance question after question about how the ponies are crystal, how that spinning heart keeps on spinning, why they are two crystal Griffon statues in front of the library, why one of her guards isn’t a crystal pony, if she’s married, and where’s her crown?? Also when are they going to talk about stallions and is it alright if she checks out some of the crystal stallions here. “Only if you’re going to stay here with me than yeah I’ll take a dip.”

Cadance removes her little crown, her golden horseshoes, and crest. “It’s been awhile but I can use a mud bath.” Thus she gets in first. “Come, come Gilda.”

Gilda gets in instantly feeling her inner warmth spread all over her body and causes her to slouch down letting the gelatin liquid cover her body all the way to her neck. “Whoa I haven’t felt like this in a looooooooooong time oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh…” Gilda goes quiet.

Cadance chuckling to witness Gilda go into complete R&R takes moment to be silent to allow her niece to rejuvenate herself for fighting a Xenomorph can only have a massive toll on the mind. “Hmmmm call me a pessimist but is it wrong for me to think Gilda will have some kind of resentment against Octavia which if she does then it basically tells me the Electra complex is alive in her but at the same time the love my brother has for her is great along with their bond so I can’t blame any of them if the Electra complex is present. Though it’s kind of mind boggling if the Electra complex was the main driving factor that drove her to avenge him rather than the strong love for him.” With the thought of the Electra Complex Cadance can’t help but think that must be why she has her eye on stallions rather than on male griffons but still Cadance cannot take her thoughts as the whole picture when it comes to Gilda having her sights set on stallions rather than male griffons so after minutes passing Gilda finally makes the move that she is ready to speak.

Cadance takes the first chance. “Gilda, are you feeling well?”

“I don’t feel sick Aunt Cadance, just a bit shaken up from the Xenomorph but no more of that lame freak can we talk about something else, like stallions??” Gilda places both hands behind her head only to then be slightly startled by an attendant putting a cushion behind her head. “Oh thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Then the attendant brings Gilda some vanilla lemon drops and a hazelnut coffee.

“OOOH THANK YOU AGAIN!!” Gilda throws a vanilla lemon in her mouth. “I love these candies!”

Cadance nods. “That’s nice my dear niece.” Then she turns to the spa attendants. “Please leave us oh and if any of you breathe a word of what you seen here then I will personally give you a transorbital lobotomy is that clear?”

All the crystal mares nod frantically and leave with their mouths shut.
“Wow Aunt Cadance your bark is deadly.” Gilda complements.

“Oh my bite is much more deadly than my bark, just ask Cassie if she can still talk though.” Cadance says calmly.

*COUGH!* Gilda coughs out her coffee. “At least the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree between you and father.”

“You can say that again Gilda anyway tell me this why do you have your eye on stallions? Are they uhh more pleasing to you than Griffons per se?” Straight to the point to know what she wants to know.

Again Gilda does not feel totally comfortable talking about her inner core with another mare but then again this other mare is Aunt Cadance an Immortal like father so to talk about her inner core with a very mature mare is the lesser of two evils and besides Cadance won’t talk. “Uhmm, in case I haven’t told you, I was in the 501st Marine Corp of the Griffon Republic.”

Cadance having a question raises her hoof to properly pause Gilda. “Is Marine another name for soldier?”

“Yes Aunt Cadance though Marines are trained a bit more than the soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic and 101st Airborne since we Marines always go in first before the others and of course get a major chunk of the enemies blunt force.” *sigh* “In my years in the Marine Corp I was the only female serving and before you ask the only reason I was accepted was because I said I had nothing to lose so the recruiter stamped approval on my enlistment form. So from there I went to boot camp ready to be mocked, sneered at, questioned, put down, looked down upon, hazed, checked out, and perhaps experience some sexual advances but even when ready I nonetheless, was scared to step foot into the barracks.”

Cadance could not understand what will drive Gilda into joining the arena where only stallions can fight and have absolutely no room for mares. While rightfully so in the big picture of reality war is a sad thing that stallions face without question and they fight it for they are built for it. “If you were scared why did you join the 501st Marine Corp in the first place and why will you join the military? You’re a mare!”

Gilda does nothing in reaction to Cadance’s question. “I wanted to belong to something Aunt Cadance because I felt so, so well I guess I have to say I felt so lonely and the griffon who was caring for me at the time didn’t help much but I can’t blame her when she had dementia. And as a female I will never use my sex as a way to get things that I don’t deserve or to use it to make others especially males to do things for me besides my voice isn’t that much feminine like Rarity’s and yours so I couldn’t convince any stallions to do things for me even if I wanted to but on one thing which probably is the most important thing I am different from other Griffon females in the Republic.”

“Hmmm how so Gilda?”

“Well for one I am taller than most females; my tail is a few inches longer, my bone density is stronger, my muscles mass almost equivalent to males, and lastly I never wanted anyone to help me. So if I got into a fight with a fellow recruit and obviously he’s stronger than me I will take him on myself and go down swinging than to let others fight for me just because I’m a female. Thus even when I was afraid, I still stepped forward into the barracks found my bunk and when lined up with the rest of the recruits you can only imagine the face of the drill sergeant when he saw me plus I think that’s the first time he became speechless to see me in his beloved 501st Marine Corp. Heh, he said why the frak is there a wretch among the cubs.”

“Wow he sure wasn’t very pleased to see you.” Cadance lifts up her hoof mimicking the motion of a fist being put in front of Gilda as to say she understands the moment Gilda was once in.

“He told me to get the hell out of his sight and out of his Corp but from out of nowhere a superior leader came to my defense so to say and his name was dear Colonel Shaw who saw me full of potential while at the same time will not let his ideals cloud his judgement regarding me. So I began training, receiving brutality from some males, getting beat up by some, getting encouragement by few, eating by myself but sometimes I’ll be joined by a few recruits who admire my spirit, in the shower room I felt weird when they’ll wash themselves down there, treading through the merciless mud but at least I finished the fourteen klick regiment which had to be completed in twenty four hours and only on foot, and lastly I never felt any kind of attraction to any of them. Yes, I was surrounded by males but yet I felt no attraction to them.”


Gilda shrugs. “I just didn’t Aunt Cadance now to make you happy, I rose quickly through the ranks reaching the rank of Major until the war came and I was promoted to Colonel thank…” Suddenly Gilda comes to a complete halt for now that her mind is thinking about her past military background her past traumatic experience of the war hops onto her train of thought. “I-I-I held him in my arms as his life slowly slipped away…” Gilda’s eyes turn pink erasing her intention to give Cadance something to feel good about.

“What?” Cadance tilts her head in confusion.

Gilda wipes her tears away. “I cared so deeply for him, for now with my suppressed memories back he was my first friend my best friend, I-I loved him like he was my brother oh I can still hear his cries, I can still see his eyes full of pain, and I can feel his hand in my hand becoming colder. Oh I miss him and his wife well future wife is a widow.” Gilda just stops wiping her tears for to even attempt to wipe them away as a show of her Marine hardness is pointless when she is no longer a Marine and she is her true loving self therefore, displaying her emotions like she should be doing thus letting her tears run down her cheeks is a display of her pain. “The war, the sound of metal clashing, my brothers crying as they beg Great Spirit to give them one more chance in life or just enough time to say good bye to their loved ones, and then the three who tried to aid me when I was frozen with fear…I can’t sleep unless I’m near my father. My freakin heart beats like it wants to blow up then I feel adrenaline rushes as if I am charging forward to engage the enemy when I’m alone oooooooh Aunt Cadance sometimes I wonder if I’m damaged from the war.” Now Gilda just starts crying while in her vision she can see Jun-Park standing behind Cadance.

“Come here.” Cadance wraps her arms around the Griffon. “It’s okay Gilda, just know that you are longer a soldier anymore and you can now heal from your traumatic experiences.”

But then. “You don’t even know me Aunt Cadance!” Reality is also a pain that can distort emotions.

“You’re right; I don’t know you at all Gilda but does that mean I will not take any opportunity I can get to know you. For you are my brother’s daughter therefore, I have the responsibility to become a part in caring for your wellbeing which now I see is a big part which yes I bet your father takes up but I wish take a part be it big or most likely small, I bet small but still a part.” Cadance lets go of the griffon feeling that she stopped crying. “This is weird for you Gilda. But love has its way of making things go well for you uhhhhm oh great I can’t find anything else to say…damn it…” She pounds the gelatin mud making them both shake with the apparent vibration.
Cadance stretched herself a bit too much.

Gilda takes Cadance’s mishap realization as a sign of the cerise mare actually caring for her. “It’s cool Aunt Cadance, for just like my father I can see how both of you are alike but if he isn’t as old as you then explain things to me please. “

Cadance shifts back to her relaxation mode first. “In the millenniums I have lived there was one thing that I could not just ignore when I took the upmost risk to think about it.”

Of course as many will predict Gilda was supposed to say Well what was the thing you took the upmost risk to think about? But instead she asks the right thing for quickly or rather obviously she figured out the thing Cadance risked thinking about. “You thought about why you don’t have a brother or sister.”

Amazed at Gilda’s precise point Cadance however, does not express it. “Yes Gilda you are absolutely correct. I watched the sisterly bond shared between Tia and Luna day after day and how their love for one another helped them live every day like it’s new instead of being the same like the previous day something I used to do for some time. Every birthday was special to them while my birthday didn’t seem so special when I didn’t have somebody of my blood to celebrate with while when it came to personal things I couldn’t go to someone who fully understands me unlike Tia who had Luna who completely understood her which helped when Tia was asking Luna if she should go on a date with Starswirl the Bearded. As for me when I wanted to go on a date with Shining Armor I had to seek advice from Zecora OH! She’s a Zebra. So yes you can imagine my yearning for a sister or a brother and my many, many prayers to Father asking him to give me a brother or sister.”

“He answered your prayers but in his way not your way.” Gilda says before she consumes a vanilla lemon drop.

Cadance nods. “Father believes that if one wants something well something good that is then he will provide it but in a way which basically can be the definition of the word delayed gratification. So that’s why Gold Sky was born naturally and lived his life however, he lived it while Father didn’t tell me at all that he gave me a brother so it was all up to time that I will make contact with him then when I did I still didn’t know he was my brother so again through time I had to discover that he is my brother and when I finally did…you finish the rest of my sentence Gilda.”

“He bonded with Rarity and saw her as his true sister instead of ever bonding with you. Therefore, the role you are meant to be for him is taken by a mare who isn’t of his blood.”

Cadance nods. “Oh man, you can only imagine the pain in my heart when just as I was about to tell him everything plus show him our identical DNA he walks past me to embrace Rarity and call her sister.”

“Damn.” Gilda responds. “I can imagine that moment happening now…”

But before anything else. “Nevertheless, just because Rarity isn’t his full bloodied sister it doesn’t you have the right to be mean to Rarity for I can see in your eyes your subtle aggression for her. Please Gilda don’t be mean to her, yes family blood means a lot to you but still what makes family is love. Your father loves Rarity, she loves him, he loves you she loves you too, so that makes family now you must do your part and love Rarity unconditionally.”

Gilda frowns with a groan. “Can’t believe you of all ponies will be saying that…” Cut off by the cerise mare.

“Well you better believe it Gilda because if you are an honorable daughter then you will love Rarity unconditionally.” Cadance had to go to that point in order to align Gilda on the path she wants her on.

Gilda sighs in her subtle aggression that’s active for Rarity. “I..”

“Same thing goes for Octavia.”

“WHAT!!!” Now Gilda jumps out of the mud. “THE DECADE WITHOUT MY FATHER IS A DECADE SHE HAD HIM!”

“Yes.” Quite calmly said from Alicorn’s lips.

“IT’S NOT FAIR!” Suddenly. *fast sigh* To contain herself before she ends up being completely taken over by sadness mixed with anger. “I-I have nothing against her…it’s just…my time is sh-sho-short…”

*GASP* Just like her niece Cadance jumps out of the mud. “ARE YOU SICK!”

Gilda realizes the misunderstanding that just transpired so in her own way plus to recite a passage she’s read, Gilda will clear everything up to relax her royal Aunt. “For when the daughter comes to her full maturity she shall leave the protective wing of her father and journey into the world and where when ready she shall take the hand of her beloved husband to become one in Love, Spirit, and Soul. Allowing for them to be One in the flesh instead of two therefore the Great Spirit joined the Husband & Wife together and separation will never come.”

“Oh.” Now Cadance fully understands what Gilda meant by time is short. “You want every last minute with your father before fly from his protective wing.”

A simple nod comes from the Griffon. “I only got eight months until I’m fully grown Aunt Cadance…okay hold me I’m going to start crying like a dweeb.”

Thus Cadance once again takes Gilda into her arms not caring if Gilda’s tears fall onto her shoulder. “At least I know that is it your growth that’s driving you to want him for yourself and not the Electra complex.”

“Huh?” Gilda breathes out through her cries. “What’s the Electra complex?”

"Tell you later.”


In the Palace.
The gray mare sits in the balcony of her room feeling the wind blow through her hair while in her mind she pieces together music that she plans to write down in honor of her deceased husband. “I need to continue practicing otherwise all the work I committed myself to when I was younger will be in vain.
Her right ear twitches to pick up the sound a heart speeding up when a hoof is placed on the door of her room. “Come in.”

I didn’t even knock and she knew I was here already!” The entering stallion tells himself. “You wished to see me Milady?” Even though Octavia is not Royalty the stallion knows to respect the mare who for one was the wife of the Immortal Stallion and two she knows her majesty Princess Celestia.

“Yes Delta Scorch I wish to see you.” Before turning around Octavia passes a hoof over her belly as to reassure her developing son everything is going to be alright.

Delta who at the moment is without armor is trembling for what if hiding somewhere in this room is the daughter of the Immortal Father ready to lure out his mother by taking him hostage and Octavia is helping her in order to avenge the fallen stallion.
“But why!”

Straight to the bloody objective Octavia points directly at the stallion. “Did you stab my husband’s heart?”

The stallion now fully trembling like he’s going to be taken away by the daughter of the Immortal Daughter shakes his head like there is no tomorrow .

“Well there question answered now sit and let us talk.” Octavia points to the waiting cushion she’s set for him. “There is plenty I wish to discuss with you.”

“Yes Milady.”

Delta Scorch sits before the gray mare only to just now see her bulging belly.

What has mother done.


Chapter. 76- ???

"Isn't that punishment a bit too much Cadance!?" Shining Armor pleads with his wife.
"NO! It isn't enough Shining Armor for I believe the punishment must fit the crime and I say the punishment fit for her is only this...FLAY HER! FLAY HER ALIVE!!"

My dearest Readers I'll be taking a respite to write chapter 14 for Octavia and the Alicorn's Peace.

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