• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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The Eye of Jupiter.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 54

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

In the night that shadows one part of the earth, Iron Cloud stands in the light of the moon and remembering through the stories his father told him wondered if the Chero were once as numerous as the stars her majesty Princess Luna can control. Iron Cloud shook his head to clear the clouds away.
“Ina Makóce.” Iron Cloud called out to mother earth. “Mitawa tokáta kicí Cheerilee is ciŋtók, i tawaci hígágo ta!” Such a bold declaration to come from the last son of earth and from the last Chero. “Ŋaho mihi! i tawaci hígágo ta!” Love oh precious Love. “i caŋté ta!”

Nearby is Fleur listening in to Iron Cloud make his emotions known to mother earth.
“Oh it’s so beautiful how he speaks his native tongue.” If only she knew what Iron Cloud is not saying lovely things but rather disobeying mother earth to follow his heart.

Mother earth sent a warm breeze to Iron Cloud to voice her disapproval but she can’t do anything to change his mind.

Iron Cloud sighed. “I am sorry but I will follow my heart. Besides mother I may be the last of my tribe but even I know that you will not allow yourself to be childless.” At those words being said the warm breeze ceased. “There will be others to have the hollow turquoise diamond and I love her.”
Love is what brought the Chero to the doorstep of extinction and Love is what the earth forgot to take into account when she gave birth to her children. And again her Love is what gave another Race the hollow turquoise diamond; it’s only a matter of time.

Iron Cloud will go down his path and not the path mother earth wants him to go.

Even the earth knows that there is one thing that can never be controlled…Stallions. Stallions who are in Love.

Iron Cloud just may damned himself but even if he damned himself through Love. Mother Love Cadance will be very pleased with him.

In the Palace Princess Luna stopped short of going into her room where Rainbow Dash is snoring loudly. Luna thought how long it’s been since she last wrote in her diary. Perhaps it’s been a week or decade but she feel likes writing her thoughts.
“I need to engrave my thoughts in the safety of the pressurized gases within the eye.” Luna blew a kiss at Rainbow and went to a balcony.

The Alicorn flapped her wings a few times and leapt into the air creating a crater on the balcony due to the exertion of her mighty hind legs. She flew up towards the stars breaking the sound barrier and within seconds journeyed out of the earth’s atmosphere to be in the inhabitable habitat of outer space.
Luna continued flying while her speed evermore increases gaining distance from earth, her moon, and her sister.
“Here we go!” Luna concentrated to have her sights set on Jupiter. “I know for a fact Rainbow can never reach this speed.” Long streams of energy flowed out of the tips of Luna’s wings while dots of energy became long around her.

Luna reached the speed of light. “Beat this Rainbow Dash.” The beautiful Alicorn smirked.


Within a matter of seconds Luna reached her destination.


“Hmm came in the right moment to find the eye in the same spot.” She flew into the gas giant where normally the massive pressure will crush anything to the size of an atom. Of course she’s immune to limits so the pressure has no effect on her. Luna flew through the gases to get to her diary that is floating on a pedestal in the pupil of the red eye. “To hide my thoughts I hide them in the pupil of this planet. Pretty extreme to most but I know that I value my thoughts ever since I returned home thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her friends.” Luna’s magic levitated the diary. “For one thousand years I just had my thought to give me company while I stood with chains over my corrupted body inside my moon. Now that I’m free, my thoughts have the potential to light Equestria on fire and to prevent that I come to the Eye of Jupiter to write in my diary. I know Celli won’t ever read my diary but it’s better to be safe than to be sorry. Any who now comes the time to write my living thoughts.” Luna opened up her diary.
Dearest diary. Believe it or not I have been forgiven by Octavia, the loving wife of my best friend whom I had killed in order to prevent something identical to Nightmare Moon from attacking Equestria, therefore endangering my Rainbow Dash and my son, Delta Scorch, both of whom I love with the full capacity of my heart. Of course I know that my love for the both of them is nothing compared to the love Gold Sky had for me. Odd about that but ending that thought I come to the main reason.” Luna paused to look at the stars in the universe. “Ever since Delta Scorch met Cloud Kicker he has been spending less time with me. I feel like I became a thought placed in the back of his mind and kept there, of course I am not in any way displeased, he’s very happy to be in love with that mare but I want to spend more time with him, I took him under my wing, nurtured him to be a fine stallion, provided him with the comfort only a mother can provide but is that enough? I mean, he does see me as a mother but he’s in love with Cloud Kicker.” Luna thought of Celli’s maternal instinct and how lucky the older sister is to have the physical manifestation of Love as her son. “Celli is always the lucky one and Delta Scorch is in love. I just want him to have a bad dream so I can go and take him into my arms and tell him that I’m here for him. Being in love with Rainbow Dash is different from my maternal for Delta Scorch. Oh well dear diary, Delta Scorch is mortal and has a set number of days. Just like Gold Sky…oh my dear diary! I finally took the milliseconds to think about what I’ve done. I took away Celli’s son and I know that a mother will never forget such a thing but unlike mortal mothers Celli maternal instinct is infinite, perhaps diary I could be wrong but maybe Celli is behind Delta Scorch spending less time with me, I took away her son so it will be natural for her to take away mine by doing so passively. Still I could be wrong and at least I have Rainbow Dash, my lovely awesome Rainbow Dash!” Luna smiled to that thought, however she still has some kind of a thin film lingering over her mind. Rainbow is in Love with her yes, but, there is still Rarity in the picture and both Rarity and Rainbow Dash were made for each other like Cadance and Shining Armor. There is always that probability of Rarity’s and Rainbow Dash’s deep love for each other to just evolve to lasting love in the blink of an eye.“I must be very careful in the amount of time those two spend alone together. Rainbow Dash is my love not Rarity’s; I will have my Rainbow long after Rarity breathes her last mortal breath! So my dearest diary this is the end of my thoughts for this day. I have nothing to worry about, like my dead best friend being dead…I miss him, but what’s done is done and I’m forgiven so that’s that. Rainbow sure snores loudly too by the way but hey when in love you love all flaws, besides if Scootaloo got used to it then I can get used to it too!” Luna signed the date on her diary entry and placed it back on the pedestal safe from Celli and Cadance.

“Time to head back home and see if I can zone out Rainbow’s snoring this time by going into rapid eye movement stage of sleep.” Luna flew from the surface of Jupiter and entered the singularity of instantaneous travel by traveling faster than light. Something of which Rainbow can’t reach or can reach if breaking one limit can open the door to another. Except Rainbow can’t fly in space.

Luna arrived back to earth to enjoy a magnificent reentry into the earth. “When thy fun is doubled, thy experience is enhanced through immeasurable expectations!” The friction once again caused her horseshoes to glow red hot.
The beautiful Alicorn entered the biosphere of earth making her wavy hair and coat color to change into stardust and dark blue. “And for Rainbow Dash I give her a better landing!” With a strong flap of her wings a powerful gust of wind slowed her down completely.

*Soft ting* Luna landed like a leaf on the ground.
“And yet Rainbow hasn’t seen my soft landing, oh well.” Luna thought of her room and teleported to her dear sleeping snoring Rainbow Dash.

“The Son becomes the Mother and the Mother the Son.” Those words echoed in Celestia’s mind who failed to fall asleep in this calm night. Celli said those words to Gold Sky when he returned home and after Gold Sky painfully defeated Nightmare Moon those words came into true effect. For in the end Gold Sky felt the pain Celestia felt when he left. Becoming fully aware of what he’s done.

Celestia in her privacy took the time to just think, nothing more, but just think. “Gold Sky, I have known you so much in so little time but in that little time it took place when you’re already full grown.” Her horn glowed to retrieve something from a chest in her closet. “A gift I gave you on your second birthday.” The item is a plush griffon she gave to him.

The Princess of the Sun remembered Gold Sky’s joy when he opened the present; such happiness in a child’s face cannot be expressed in thoughts but just images. “My son. In your short but long life you have been a son and a husband but sadly not a father. You have been my son and Octavia’s husband. You have been colt before my eyes and then a stallion. Oh I longed to see you in your teenage years my son.” Celestia rolled to her back to look at the ceiling of her room. “I wanted to experience that little moment in which a teenage stallion looks at his mother finally seeing that she was the most important mare in his life during the early stages of his development.” She wrapped her arms around the plush griffon and hugged it. “The teenage son will embrace his mother and kiss her on the cheek telling her how much he loves her.”

Celestia’s magic levitated the picture frame of her and Gold Sky. “But you my son, killed innocent children. Not intentionally because I know you will never do that but forcibly. The stallion I raised killed children…such a sin he has carried upon his shoulders throughout his life. Still as I told him before, the Son becomes the Mother and the Mother the Son. He almost died protecting me from Nightmare Moon and Cadance saved him from what would have been a terrible ending from the sky.”

Celestia stopped thinking. “At least through you there is still hope for the Chero. *Sigh* You died through the accusation of terrible crime you did not commit. Sadly you killed children by the sword and you died by the spear through your heart. You are Love and Love couldn’t save you my son.”

The white mare remembered that disgusting moment. That disgusting moment! Who dared to do such a thing to her will pay greatly. If only she can find who it was but vengeance is not a part of her because what she plans to do that pony who cursed her is beyond the wings of justice. Celestia being the purest of the Pure Alicorn Trinity will always be wondering who it is. For she will not despite her anger but still she will not cross the threshold that will make her became like the mortals, who are weak to the needs of vengeance.

Maintaining Integral Purity above mortal instincts is an unbreakable law that Celestia must follow.

In Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack peeked her head in the dining listening in on Big McIntosh and Bon Bon chat endlessly while eating peanut butter sandwiches. For some odd reason her chest began to get cold like she’s experiencing something sad in front of her eyes. The Element of Honesty finally understands why she’s feeling this sort of feeling in her chest; Big Macintosh has those loving eyes he’s always had when he will come and give her brotherly paternal advice under the biggest apple tree. Seeing those eyes look at Bon Bon just seemed a little too agonizing. Big Macintosh is her big brother not nopony else’s so why does he bask Bon Bon with those loving eyes? Applejack thought the answer is within a flashback and a scan of her rationale.

“Applejack, the world is not a place that can be very open to one’s dreams and wishes. You see the world operates like watch, it has so many gears that if you were to take one gear away the watch stops functioning and the world being the watch will do anything to keep you from obtaining your dreams. Why you may ask? The world will see your dreams as a danger to its mechanism, so it will do anything to stop your dreams from taking shape of a gear so it can join the mechanism. But Applejack you must not let the world stop you.”

“How can Ah do that Big Mac if the whole world will try to stop me?” Young Applejack asked.

Teenage Big Macintosh nudged his little sister with his shoulder as he feeds a infant Apple Bloom some warm milk. “The world will try but it cannot succeed because everything has limits except for one little thing Applejack.”


Big Macintosh smiled warmly. “Hope Applejack. When hope joins together with your dreams not even the world can stop you as you create the gear and join it together with the mechanism of the watch. So Applejack never let go of hope, because even when everything you make crumbles down around you, hope will allow you to see the foundation that you use to build your dream.”

Applejack tilted her head. “I don’t get it Big Mac.”

Big Mac softly laughed. “Ah knew you will say that Applejack. So to simply it, do not let go of hope and anything you put your strength into will rise up and never fall down.”

“Still too cryptic to understand.” Applejack said to herself after having the flashback. “I bet Twilight can tell me what Big Mac’s advice means.” Of course getting back to the issue that’s giving her the cold feeling in her chest. “Ah think Ah know why Ah’m feeling this cold feeling in my chest, jealousy to the fact Big Macintosh is being like a protective father to her and to me he’s giving me his scorn for going down the path Ah’m going. He wants the best for me and he knows that Ah can get hurt but why does he expect me to change if Ah can’t change not matter how har…oooooooooh. Now Ah get it!” Not so cryptic anymore. “Hope! If Ah can dream of being somepony different then Ah can hope to be the mare Dj Pon 3 will love forever! Therefore creating a foundation that Ah can build upon.”

All sounds good expect for the fact that she herself is the world that wants to stop her dreams from coming true. So it will be a tough war against the will of her flesh and the dreams of her mind. The material fights with the immaterial. At least the Chero likes what she’s thinking though.

Applejack quickly trotted upstairs to her room to get a good night’s sleep before putting her realization to the test in the morning. “Ah will go about Ponyville admiring all of the beautiful Unicorn mares and see if Ah can see them for who they are rather than just being a beautiful pleasurable one night stand.”

Sounds like a good plan for Applejack as for Big Macintosh and Bon Bon they are head off to bed too so Bon Bon can dream of land flowing with milk and candy and Big Macintosh will dream of Pinkie Pie. Three ponies all in a mission.

One hopes to change, the other protects, and the last one waits for forgiveness to do its work.

In the Griffon Republic.
Nature in a being comes about through the molding of the nurture provided, albeit Gilda who sees that she isn’t some hard, prideful, mean griffon, no she is a loving, caring, and soft griffon, which explains why she cared so much for Jun-Park, she saw Rainbow Dash in him even though she left the mare to be. But besides herself is something way more important, the stallion who raised her.
“You are my daddy, Gold Sky. I remember everything now! I-I-I see why I’m drawn to you but how can…” Gilda stopped to just understand the power of her memories clashing with the consequence of every action she committed in her temporary misguided identity.

Gold Sky did as Lauren told him he needed to do in order to see if Gilda will allow him back in her life if forgiveness allows. “Gilda please forgive me for what I did to you, forgive me for leaving you behind and forgive me for now as you are back to your true self you will feel the great shock of the things you’ve done.”

Rarity wanted to tell Gilda to please forgive Gold Sky but it’s not in her place to do so, she is only here to provide Gold Sky with the courage he needs and to be shoulder to sob on if every goes into the pit of misery for him. “Hope…Gilda please forgive him.”

“You love me Gold Sky; you love me so much that you always smiled at me when I looked you.” Gilda’s hand on Gold Sky’s face traveled down to his cheek. “You are my father, so why will I forgive you for leaving me behind?”

“Gilda think about the words you just said.” Gold Sky said softly.
Gilda thought. Within seconds her loving mind realized what she just said. *Gasp* Gilda pulled her hand away from Gold Sky’s cheek. “You left me behind!!!” Gilda covered her face as she trembles. “How, why will you, will you, will you… DO THIS TO ME!!! WHY WILL YOU DO THAT TO ME!! YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!” Tears flowed out from in between her fingers. “I remember your Love for me father.”

Rarity sees that Gilda will call Gold Sky father instead of daddy. But now comes the grief of the daughter.

Gold Sky at the very moment has no emotion on his face, he will be straightforward with everything because he needs to in order for Gilda to understand because her mind is in emotional distress so logic will not be utilized much. “Gilda, please clear your mind so you can understand why I had to do it for your own good. I had to protect you from myself because I almost harmed you and if I harmed you, I don’t know what I could do to live every day.”

Gilda uncovered her face. “For my own good! Everybody says that father! You think by leaving me behind was for my own good because you thought you will harm me! You love me very much father, you always protected me from everything, from bullies, bad dreams, and expired food! So don’t tell me that it was for my own good when I know that it wasn’t it!” Gilda pointed to her heart. “I know it from the bottom of my heart!”

Gold Sky still had no emotion on his face. “You don’t know anything Gilda. So please don’t use your heart in this because if any heart is going to be mentioned it is going to be mine, because you are my heart living outside of my body. Also you don’t know how I as a stallion had to make the worst choice for your safety and wellbeing. You’re right in expressing your heart felt beliefs of me because you felt my great Love for you but my Love for you is what made that decision.”

“NO, I don’t believe you!!” Gilda shouted through the cracks in her voice. “Somebody forced you to leave me behind!” More tears flowed out of her eyes. “You love me father…I will not believe you. And if it’s true why will you do that to me…! Why father, why!?”

“Because I am weak and a coward that’s why. It took death for me to finally realize that without forgiveness I can never be free from the innocent blood I shed.” Gold Sky got a little close to Gilda so she can look upon him as he explains everything. “You think I am the strongest daddy in the entire world. You think that I am the bravest, most awesome, and loving daddy there is. Well you got the loving part down and that is without a doubt the truest thing there is. Even my mother knows that my love for her surpasses hers and she is the mother, as it is said; what can be stronger than a mother’s love? But me being brave, awesome, and strong? No Gilda in that you are very wrong.”

“HOW!!?” Gilda got within a hair length of Gold Sky’s face. “You fought by side, you admitted your guilt and you are confessing to something that may be true.”

“BECAUSE IT IS TRUE!!” Gold Sky roared as he eyes began to glow a bright grayish purple while seeing his dear Gilda cower before him with fear in her eyes. “I murdered innocent children to protect one insignificant life! Just for one life I ended one thousand four hundred and twelve futures. What do you call a murder of children Gilda!? I want you to tell me what you would call a murderer of children!”

Gilda shook her head out of fear, she will never think of anything terrible to call her father. Nothing will come to her mind.

“Tell me Gilda.” Gold Sky growled softly while his wings spread out to their full span making him way more intimidating to the griffon. “Tell me please my dearest daughter.”

“A-A barbarian.” That is all she managed to think of but only because of being called dearest daughter.

Gold Sky folded his wings back to his body and his eyes stopped glowing. “That is exactly what I am despite being Love in its physical form. Please Gilda please sit back up and stop being afraid of me.” He waited for Gilda to sit back up and look at him with less fear in her eyes. “You felt so much of my love that you will not believe me and I understand. But Gilda because I killed the innocent children, it just opened the door for me to kill without any form of guilt and hesitation. So Gilda because of that, I chose to never forgive myself for killing those innocent children. So through my decision I have been punished by visions, screams, and the warm imprint of their blood on my hooves.” *Fast deep breath* “Gilda, I know you remember that day when I shouted and used the wind to push you against the wall.”

Gilda’s mind without waiting for the griffon to act on the intention to find that memory showed her that moment. “I remember that, but why did you do that to me?”

“I did that because the Razor wanted to be free so it can kill you.” The truth can be so revealing as the voice who speaks it with no emotion but has it in the words.

Gilda backed away from Gold Sky the pony who she loves so dearly but yet he almost had the intention to end her life. Rarity kept herself from gasping.

If the Razor killed innocent children then what’s to stop it from killing Gold Sky’s daughter.” Rarity said to herself

“Why!” Gilda begged.

Gold Sky made no move to be close to Gilda at the very moment for right now the distance is okay just like it has been for the last ten years. “The sole purpose of the Razor is to protect the ones I love but at the same time the Razor protects the one it is a part of. Me. The Razor saw that you are the reason all of the terrible visions so it decided to end you in order to end the pain. But I fought it; I fought with every ounce of my power so it will not come forth to harm you. After that moment it stabbed my heart with realization…I am a threat to you…I your loving father has the ability to end your life. A father who has the ability to end the life of his daughter is a indication that the father must cease being a father in order to ensure the complete wellbeing of his daughter.”
“You chose to stop being my father!?” Gilda’s eyes focused on the scars on the body of her father but the one over the heart showed her that he never ceased loving her and being her father but was absent from her life. She still can’t understand the sheer mystic understandings of a father’s decisions, it’s like every decision a father makes is a decision that he knows there will be a consequence but is willing to deal with it knowing that in the end the child will benefit the most. After all when it comes to family the father will anything for its benefit while ignoring his own.

“I chose to never become a father ever again Gilda. Because of what I did to you I decided to never ever have a child with my wife.” The Alicorn dropped his ears. “I decided that my linage will end with me and never expand. My blood will never be part of a new generation nor will I ever look upon a child of my own like I did with you with loving eyes, you must take in the fact I left you behind and you must hold me accountable for that sin because not only did I fail you I sinned against you and to seal that fact you took my love and grafted it to your heart. My decision will be your pain.”

“What do you mean? Oh! Sorry!!” Rarity quickly bolted her mouth shut after saying that impulsive outburst.

Gilda rapidly nodded in conjunction.

Gold Sky continued. “It means that since my telepathy created a new identity in her she will start feeling the pain of having too much pride, taking lives, and hurting others. You true self will never do any of those things however you will still feel the pain of those actions because you still did them.”

A silence fell on the father and daughter. Gilda now understands everything Gold Sky has done to her, he did it to protect but he wants her to be mad at him.

As her father he raised to be akin in his love meaning that she is like him. In traits, perspective, and existence. Yes, Existence. Though Gold Sky absolutely had no input in Gilda’s creation he had complete control of her developing instrumentality of reason & purpose in this world. He may be a pony and she a griffon but perhaps since the beginning when time ticked its first second it may have been written somewhere in immemorial that Gilda will be Gold Sky’s daughter and Gold Sky will be Gilda’s father. Who would have thought that a little pony who grew up under Celestia’s wing will be a father…from a colt to a stallion. From a damaged spirit to fatherly Love, Gold Sky loves Gilda so with that Love he has to feel her scorn in order to live with this given second chance. The act he committed deserves such before receiving forgives.

“Well you be here for me wh-when the pain hits me?” Gilda softly asked.

Gold Sky nodded with his eyes closed. “I will always be here for you Gilda but I really need to know if you are willing to forgive me.”

Gilda dashed up to Gold Sky. “Of course I’ll forgi…” Gold Sky stopped at seeing she is saying those words through the weakness of emotion rather than the strength of logic

“STOP! Gilda please think. Feel the pain and connect it to my absence. I don’t deserve you as my daughter and you deserve a better father then me.”

Gilda snorted out her breath. “So you don’t deserve me but yet you get married to a beautiful mare and forget about me! What kind of a stallion are you father! Tell me because you left me behind here with a griffon who seems to forget who I am and takes every day as a step to know me.”

“As a stallion Gilda there are things that I will do and you will not understand but let me simplify. As a son I fought to protect my mother from the beautiful amazing Nightmare Moon. As a husband I fought as the Razor to protect my wife only to be killed in the end. As your father I will protect you and even if by protecting you I have to kill every being on this earth then I will kill every being on this earth if it ensures your life.” Time for the father to just tell his daughter what he sees in himself. “I am a killer who is also the physical manifestation of Love. I am Light and Darkness. Truth and Lies. Despair and…”

“Hope?” Gilda filled in.

Gold Sky shook his head. “There is no such thing as hope Gilda even the story of Pandora’s Box does not mention anything good happening after the characters take in hope, so please don’t ever use that word with me. You are going to feel pain that isn’t yours but will inflict you because of what I did to you. A innocent daughter who has never done anything until I left.” Gold Sky stood up on his hind legs with his wings spread out and glowing as his telepathy shows Gilda along with Rarity what he caused her to do and to leave. “You left your best friend Rainbow Dash because of your pride and anger. You fought in this war when I always taught you that if you are going to fight you should fight for family alone not for anything else. You allowed yourself to be controlled by the poison of emotions. Yes Gilda, sometimes emotions can be poisoning to the mind causing you be filled with a blind rage for vengeance and guess what, you end up killing innocent beings in the mix. So Gilda you see what I’ve done to you? I’ve hurt you mentally not physically which is much worse because scars in the mind are harder to heal and trust me when I say that. I tried to heal my scars by trying to do suicide…pretty funny, no? I basically went against my own nature to escape the pain like a coward who cannot face their own afflictions but you know what, instead of suffering death I suffered insanity.”

“Insanity?” Gilda repeated.

“Yes Gilda, insanity. Reason and Logic left my mind therefore I lost all forms of…anything that allows me to be what you call normal.” Gold Sky stopped, he is swaying a little from the truth he’s showing Gilda so his horn glowed to retrieve a cold soda from the refrigerator. He knows of that trick General Sherman likes to use on troops. “Drink this soda and then your loving mind will truly understand what I have done to you and why you should at least forgive me while you think of casting me out of your life. I am your father yes but should continue that is up to you but I will point a observation that I have seen during your growth. Never once, did you ever have the yearning for a mother or much less a mother figure in your life. You never asked me why you had no mother and you didn’t care at all. Which means it just adds more pain to the eternal guilt in my heart.”

“What does that mean father!?” Gilda still turns to her father for the answers she seeks in her slow unification of her true nature or physique.

“It means my dear Gilda that I, your father gave you everything you needed and wanted. And you saw me as your true and only nurturer. So why did you need a mother when you have me.” A revelation that is real as everyone’s existence in the earth.

Rarity’s mind can finally see the full power of Gold Sky’s love. He is the physical manifestation of Love but at hearing that she can compare the tiniest amount of Gold Sky’s love to a mother’s love to which the tiniest amount is infinitely greater than a mother’s love even greater than Celestia’s love. By the infinite equation.“Gold Sky loves me and Sweetie Belle so much! I can almost fathom Gold Sky’s love now to a certain degree, so his love for Octavia is great too but now I see that his Love for Gilda is beyond anything that be calculated. I have Love as a brother and his blood too! I am a part of Love! I may become Love just like him!” Rarity’s heart went warm which unwillingly gave her a false conception to her little connection to Gold Sky’s love.

“Gilda please drink the cold soda before I continue.”

Without thinking, Gilda obeyed and drank the cold soda which will open the floodgates in her old identity’s mind.

Please work so forgiveness can be put to the test…LAUREN!! Will it work!!!?” The cold fear in Gold Sky’s plea persuaded the Archangel to respond.

Just watch Gold Sky.” Lauren reassured in her caring voice.

*Gasp!* Gilda’s pupils shrunk to black dots when she heard Jun-Park’s dying words, the death rattles of fallen Marines, the reoccurring feelings for taking lives, blood, death, fear, hate, vengeance, anger, guilt, pain, pride, losing Rainbow Dash her best friend, being mean to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, almost giving Granny Smith a myocardial…heart attack, being easy enraged, and being in a war with nothing to lose. “I-I did kill, I-I killed griffons, oh my Great Spirit! WHAT HAVE DONE!! WHAT HAVE I DONE, WHAT I HAVE DONE, WHAT I HAVE DONE!! Oh no! I killed the captured citizens of the Republic!!! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!! RAINBOW DASH!!” Gilda collapsed in front of her father; sobbing to pain Gold Sky needs her to feel. “I hurt the feelings of her other friends who have done nothing to me, and I acted rude to Aunt Rarity.”

Rarity’s eyes widened. “Now I am aunt again and I’m more than sure Gold Sky had no input in that!


Rarity wanted to do something but felt a strong intrusion into her mind causing her body to stay still. She knows this touch very well and it’s a touch only telepathy can have.

Gold Sky has no emotion in his face as he being strangled by his own daughter however, his loving magenta eyes looks into Gilda’s golden eyes.

Gilda came to her senses to the vile act she’s doing to her loving father her whole body went cold to realizing what she has done and how no matter the reason it’s not right. “Father I-I didn’t mean to do that but I-I just need…to think! I need to think!”

“Then fly Gilda, fly into the sky and recollect yourself. And whatever choice you are to decide, please forgive me that is all I ask of you.” Gold Sky’s magic opened the door for Gilda allowing her to fly out.

After some passing seconds of silence Gold Sky turned to Rarity and embraced her. “Dearest sister I love you so much and I can never thank you for coming here with me. I love you Rarity, I love you Rarity so much that I’m sorry for not talking to you earlier about Applejack.” Gold Sky squeezed her causing her bones to pop and give a nice feeling afterwards.

Despite the words of the Archangel and ignoring Gold Sky mentioning Applejack. “I love you too my dearest brother.” Rarity gave him a loving kiss on the cheek.

Gold Sky let go of Rarity and headed for the door. “Where are you going Gold Sky?” She asked with a tilt of her head.

“To hunt some stag.” Gold Sky walked to the door.

“Gold Sky wait!” Rarity needs to know how far will Gold Sky’s love drive him to protect Gilda. “If I was a threat to Gilda, w-will you kill me?”

Gold Sky looked at Rarity with his soft eyes; he didn’t say anything but instead left to commence his hunt.

“He truly is a father...from birth to now.” Rarity said to herself with no ill feeling.

In a forest near the Capital, Hsin with his niece spends time with her to alleviate her mourning pain. As the two Griffons look at the scenery Hsin’s niece spots a beautiful stag being illuminated by some sunlight.
The young griffon pointed at the stag. “Look uncle! There’s a beautiful stag AHHHHH!”

The two watched in complete utter horror a pony rip the windpipe out of the stag and commence eating it.

Hsin grabbed his niece and flew away so she will not see such a thing.

Gold Sky swallowed the tender soft flesh of the stag while blood covered his lips but he did not lick it off his lips. Gold Sky tore off a chunk delicious stag flesh and slowly chewed it to absorb the sweet taste of the flesh. Suddenly Gold Sky stopped eating, he is alone at this very moment so allowing him to just express a emotion that has been resonating in his mind.

“Octavia…” Images of the gray mare flashed in his mind. “Octavia my lovely Octavia.” Gold Sky dropped the piece of flesh in mouth and fell to the ground, curling up into the fetal position. “Octavia! My dear wife!” He began to cry with real tears again. “I should have never asked Celestia to purge her mind of me, oh Octavia my now gone wife! Octavia!” Gold Sky reached out to his wife. “Octavia I am so sorry for leaving you like that. My dear love I love you so much and now that is the only thing I can do now...just love you.” The scar over his heart glowed quietly. “I will always love you no matter what and may you marry a stallion who will gives what you want…a son. A family, huh!!?” Gold Sky immediately stopped crying. He got up to all fours to see that there are five armored female griffons with weapons in hand and with faces that tell him they want to kill him.

“Please not now, not again. I don’t want to fight you.” Gold Sky pleaded with the five female griffons.

The leader of the five shook her head. “We will kill you pony and every one of us shall have a piece of you.” The leader griffon spun her sword.

Once again, Gold Sky said yes to a decision in his head. “If this is what you wish…then so be it.” He flapped his wings to hover while his horn glows.

“What in the world!” Rarity freaked out at seeing the silver horseshoes, tomahawk, and knife fly out of the house.

With his hooves covered and his weapons in his strong grip, Gold Sky stood on his hind legs in a combat stance. “You want to kill me then come but if all of you fail I will kill every one of you with no mercy just like I did to the griffon earlier today.”

The five female griffons scoffed and charged forward.

“Time to spell more blood and pray nopony sees this little battle that is already over before it even started.” Gold Sky dashed forwards to fight with his adversaries.

Chapter 55- (Title) ???

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