• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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The Alicorn in shackles and Rainbow's discovery.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust



Disclaimer- Arthur's note at end. My little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

“Lieutenant Toudou, it’s for committing the heinous act of rape not committing the heinous act of raping.” Captain Samier of the Royal guard corrects LT. Toudou.

Gold Sky’s body tenses up when he remembers Applejack accusing him of raping Rarity, when she came to beat him. How did something terrible like that escape his mind and focus? Especially when the victim is his dear older sister Rarity, who could of done this to her?

Captain Samier swung his head at Toudou so the Unicorn can go and place the collar of black matter unto the Alicorn's neck.

Octavia jumps in front of Toudou.
“Stay away from him all of you! If you want to take him in then you must go through me first!” Warns Octavia with a voice that shows her great strength and honor.

Gold Sky’s wings drop to the ground. Right here before him is Octavia defending him from the Royal guards… she really loves him and once again is ready to protect him to prove it.

Toudou stops in his tracks and looks back at Samier, waiting for a new set of orders because he would never place his hooves on a mare. Especially since this mare is Octavia of whom he's a big fan of.

“Ms. Octavia please get out of the way because we have orders to use force if necessary, to arrest the suspect.” Orders Cpt. Samier.

Octavia stands her ground.

Cpt. Samier does not take any form of rebellion lightly and this mare standing in his Lt's way displays such traits of rebellion.

“Lieutenant take her out, we have orders to follow.”

“I can’t sir.” Replies Toudou.

“What! You dare to disobey a direct order you foal!” Growls the angry Captain of the Royal guard.

“Sir it’s not because I want to. It’s because she is a mare and also remember what Princess Celestia said to us before sending us here; she said to never lay a hoof on the suspect’s wife for our safety. Lastly I always wanted to meet Octavia and get her autograph.” Toudou pulls out a notebook and a pen from his armor and magically held both items in front of Octavia so she can give him her autograph.

The gray mare signs the paper quickly, which much to Toudou delight causes him squeal like a young excited filly when he saw the beautiful signature.

Samier’s jaw drops at seeing this.

Princess Luna who's still sitting on top of the hill notices the Royals guards around Octavia and Gold Sky. She just thought this was another one of Celli’s attempts to persuade Gold Sky to quit his job at the furniture delivery depot and barely any clients Psychologist profession and become a Royal Guard.

Luna was about to brush off the occurring event. Well, that is until she saw three of the guards aggressively approach Gold Sky only to beaten back by Octavia, who with great ease snapped their wings and broke the jaw of a forth who tried to grab her from behind.

Samier grows furious to wathc his guards get beaten like that. How he wants to put that mare in her place but at the same time he saw what she just did to four of his guards, and to add to his increasing list of worries is the order given to him by Celestia, to never lay a hoof on Octavia because it had something to do with their own safety.

Princess Luna flew down from the hill.
“What is the meaning of this!?” Roars Princess Luna with the traditional Royal Canterlot voice.

“Princess Luna…!” Cries LT. Toudou and Cpt. Samier as they bow down low before her.

“Why are you roughing up my friend Captain Samier? And also why do you have a collar of Dark Matter.” Princess Luna asks.

“We're sent here by Princess Celestia to arrest and bring in Gold Sky.” Answers Samier.

“Arrest him for wha…” *Ting* She remembers the words Applejack said to Gold Sky. “No. He is not, no NEVER capable of doing anything like that! This has to be a mistake!” Thoughts race through her head…Gold Sky is her best friend but her duty to uphold the laws of Equestria comes first before anything else.

“I’m sorry your highness but our orders are clear and true to the point.”

Luna look back at Octavia whose beautiful eyes widened at seeing her facial expression

“Very will then…carry out your orders Captain.” Luna frowns at saying those words. Her horn glows to keep Octavia from fighting the guards.

Gold Sky looks at Luna with disbelief. Right here is Luna his best friend is allowing him to be arrested for a crime he never committed. And just when he finally thought he got what he cherishes the most in this world back, it is once again taken away from him. He could see tears coming down from Octavia’s eyes.

Toudou softly places the collar around Gold Sky’s neck while other guards place shackles on the wings and legs of Gold Sky.

As the guards were about to lead the Alicorn away, he dart away from them and took Octavia into a tight embrace. This time he is forcibly being taken away from Octavia.
“You know I-I-I will never do anything like that.” Gold Sky whispers into Octavia’s ear.

“I know. And I believe you with all my heart.” Replies the heartbroken Octavia.

“I won’t leave you. I will be back…I will be back. W-we are one…” Gold Sky assures Octavia despite his voice having pain and agony.

The guards pull Gold Sky away from Octavia.

The Alicorn let out a cry as they drag him away.


Octavia reaches out for Gold Sky and Gold Sky reaches out for Octavia.

Gold Sky never got to kiss his wife before being taken away.

Twilight finishes eating breakfast with Spike.

Her plan is moving smoothly again, because right about now the Royal guards should be bringing Gold Sky into custody and Applejack should be arriving at the boutique.

But today is different. Because today is the day of her forced date with Delta Scorch, so she figures if she couldn’t do the stallion then she might as well just stick to Rarity and wait for the next stallion that may have a liking in her. But only for a taste of pleasure and not passion.

But before getting ready for her date she needs to deal with Spike first.
“Hey Spike remember how you wanted to help Big Macintosh with bucking apples today?”

“Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me Twi. I always wanted to spend some time with Big Macintosh.” So after swallowing the last spoonful of his porridge, Spike cleans the bowl with his fire and heads out the door.

Twilight laughs because she knew how Big Macintosh is scared of Spike. But anyway the mare went to her closet to see if she should wear a dress or something. So as Twilight looks through her closet she caught sight of a certain dress.

“This is the gala dress Rarity made for me…” Thought Twilight to herself.
But overall Twilight feels nothing…at all.


Huh? Spike is back so soon? Hmm perhaps he forgot something.”
So Twilight went to answer the door.

And there before Twilight, is Fluttershy who looks a bit tipsy…


Applejack arrives at the boutique. She felt guilty for being away from Rarity for so long but she also felt some more guilt if she had to tell her sugarlove what she tried to do to Gold Sky.

The earth pony knocks softly on boutique’s door and waits for Rarity to answer.

The door opens and instead of a smile from Rarity, Applejack got a look of despair.

“Where were you? I needed you, Applejack…I needed you.” Rarity sadly asks Applejack.
Applejack tries to get close to Rarity who in return backs away a bit.

“Rarity Ah know Ah-Ah should of been here for you. But please let me hold you so Ah can know you're doing ok. You don’t know how much hurt Ah am going through, but at the same token it’ll be nothing compared to what you went through.” Admits Applejack.

Rarity accepts Applejack’s plea and took her into her arms. Applejack closes her eyes and pours out her heart unto Rarity’s lips.

Rainbow Dash who's upstairs heard the knock and comes downstairs to see who it is. She made sure her hoof steps are quiet so she wouldn’t interrupt anything between Rarity and her guest.

The cyan Pegasus stood atop of the stairs and could only see the backside of Rarity along with two orange arms wrapped around her neck.

Rainbow focused her vision to see who it is that at the moment had Rarity in an embrace.

But she soon got her answer when Rarity and her guest turn to the side allowing Rainbow to see them both share a true love kiss.

Rainbow goes cold… all the time she spent with Rarity she took it to heart. And she finally understood what Rarity said. “I don’t want to lose her.”
The Pegasus thought Rarity misspoke and meant him instead of her. But her happened to be Applejack… all this time she never knew Rarity and Applejack were in love.

Rainbow’s eyes tear up. She loves Rarity, and how she wants to enjoy seeing the sun set with Rarity by her side as they both sat on a cloud.

The pain from the nightmare returns. Rainbow quietly went into Rarity’s room and closes the door behind her. She falls to her knees clinging her heart with her right hoof, Rainbow Dash grits her teeth so she wouldn’t roar to be in the sadness of absent love.

Rarity has Applejack…Twilight has Spike…Pinkie Pie has the Cakes…Fluttershy has her animal friends…Celestia has Luna…Applejack has her family and Rarity…and Gold Sky has Octavia.

Everypony she knows has somepony and a baby dragon who loves them. However she has nopony that loves her. All alone in this world… a warm world that is and the worse part is, it needs her.

Rainbow Dash suppresses her emotions and shapes up. Perhaps after she leaves Rarity’s boutique she can have Gold Sky use his mind magic to purge her mind of the pain and also of the misplaced love she has Rarity.

She cannot and will not take away the mare who Applejack loves. Rainbow…just like Rarity will give so much and get little in return.

But unbeknownst to Rainbow Dash is the fact that out there is a living and breathing sentient being in Equestria who loves Rainbow with all h** heart.

Rainbow Dash washes her face and dries herself off before heading downstairs to meet Applejack. "Phew okay just play it cool and act you're best."
Applejack saw the pegasus, so she got up and gave her a huge smile. To thank her for being with Rarity and taking care of her.
Rainbow simply smiles back but then her nose picked up a smell she knew all too well.

“Applejack why do you smell like the super sterilized sheets they use in the hospital?” Asks Rainbow.
Rarity’s right eyebrow went up in question.

Applejack’s body temperature rises to be put on the spot. She knew lying is a luxury she will never have, but she still needs to create a cover story.

“Hospital? Shoot, why in tarnation will Ah be in a hospital? Like c’mon now.” Applejack’s face twitches a bit.

“Applejack I know the smell of hospital sheets it’s something that won’t be leaving my system for long time, so please just us why were you were in the hospital. I’m sure it must have been for a cramp. Oh and where's your hat?” Rainbow then notices beads of sweat forming on Applejack’s forehead.

While Rarity could tell Applejack is lying. This gives her reason to ask Applejack why she was at the hospital.

Applejack saw there is no point in trying to lie, along with that she also knew how much Rarity loves Gold Sky as her brother.


“Look last night Ah sort of lost control of myself. Ah slipped out without telling Rainbow anything of my intentions and Ah ran all the way to Gold Sky’s house.” Rainbow Dash’s muscles tense up because she rapidly figures out where Applejack’s story leads to. “Ah attacked him with all Ah got and surprisingly he never fought back, not even to defend himself, but Ah didn’t care because all that mattered to me was to make him pay for what he did to you Rarity. But Ah didn’t count on Octavia arriving…she stopped me and gave me one hell of a beating. Ah ran away from her, Ah pasted out from the pain because Octavia broke some of my ribs, ruptured a kidney, and some inside bleeding whatnot.”

Rarity could not believe that Applejack went and attacked Gold Sky. "Applejack how cou..." But stops herself to let the Earthpony speak.

“Nurse Redheart could not explain to me how my body was able to heal so quickly, but it allowed me to leave this morning so Ah can send a letter to Princess Celestia about Gold Sky. Which Ah think he should be in their custody right now.” Applejack smirks after finishing the last sentence.

“What were you thinking Applejack!? What gives you the right to go and harm my brother!?” Rarity demands answers and the sudden wrathful tone in her voice compels Applejack to do so.

Rainbow and Applejack freak out to be gazed upon by Rarity's now glowing eyes.
“But he raped you Rarity…”

Given the telepathic chains Rarity can't say Gold Sky didn't do that to her but at least she can still defend him on her own accord. “HE IS STILL MY BROTHER! NOW YOU TAKEN HIM AWAY FROM OCTAVIA!”

Applejack did not know what to say. But at least she's here with Rarity.
“Rarity all the matters to me is you being all right! Look Ah’m sorry for beating Gold Sky, but Ah care about you very much Rarity and if you can’t see that then you must be blind.” Applejack shot back.

Rarity snorts out her breath at Applejack’s face and teleports to an unknown location.

"Oh what did Ah do?" Applejack racked with guilt can't reel back from being shouted at by Rarity.
She should have stayed with Rarity last night, instead of going to extract retribution.

Rainbow went up to Applejack and slaps her square on the face.
“I thought you were better than this. Think about it Applejack, if Rarity reacted like this at you did then that should tell you something.” Rainbow growls.

The cyan Pegasus flew away from the boutique, saddened because she now must continue living with the pain and worse now. Since she has no chance of having it purged from her mind for the telepath she knows is locked away somewhere.

Applejack frowns…but still she decided to stay at the boutique and wait for her sugarlove to calm down. At least here in the boutique she doesn’t have to worry about Octavia coming for her.

Because if there is one mare capable of instilling fear in Applejack’s heart.

It is Octavia.


“Fluttershy? What brings you here, because right now I'm not available to help you with anything.” Twilight exclaims.

Fluttershy with her infinite cuteness clears her throat before speaking.
“Oh, well since that is the case I will be brief then. And please don’t take what I’m about to do the wrong way.”

"Huh? I wonder what Fluttershy is up to now??"Twilight tilts her head as she saw Fluttershy close her eyes for a couple of seconds.

Fluttershy suddenly opens her eyes fast so The Stare can take Twilight by surprise.

Twilight lost complete total control of her body. "I should have seen this coming from a mile away!" Twilight goes over the warning signs such as seeing Fluttershy tipsy and just showing up from out of bloody nowhere..

“Look Twilight I am telling you in advance what to expect from me. Because I have some confessions to make to you and oh my Stare can make your mind suppress what I am telling right now. So you won't remember this event happening right now between us until later on tonight. So be expecting me. Because tonight...you.”

“Huh…why am I standing outside?” Twilight asks herself.

So Twilight quickly went upstairs to brush her mane because in the end, she knew her date would not care if she had clothing.

Just then the sound of a hoof tapping on her door fills her ears.
Twilight sprays on some perfume and went downstairs to answer the door.

“Ms. Sparkle, I take you are ready for our date.” Asks Delta Scorch who wore a fine suit, that complemented his groomed mane, and lastly he had with him a bouquet of beautiful roses all of which were grown by Roseluck.

Twilight gave the stallion a warm but false smile.

“Ready as I’ll ever be. Lets go.”


Bon Bon sat on a bench at the park. She waits for Flying Havoc to meet her here with the information he obtained of the red stallion.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity Flying Havoc arrives with a thick folder in his mouth containing photos and vital information necessary for Bon Bon to make Big Macintosh suffer.

“Here you go Bon Bon it took me a while but I think everything in the folder should give you what you want.”
Bon Bon smiles as she took the folder.

“Thank you Flying Havoc. Here have some candy.”
After Flying Havoc took the candy he gave the mare a nod and flew off to Canterlot so he can put on his armor.

Bon Bon opens the folder to scan some of the contents until one page in particular caught her eye. She couldn’t believe it will be so easy to break the stallion by simply taking out such a mundane object that Big Macintosh cherishes so much.

The only problem is getting to it… but she deduces it shouldn’t be hard to come up with a plan for that.

But before she could do some planning she got up to go have lunch with the mare she loves. Lyra Heartstrings.


Octavia opens the door to the closet in her room. There before her stood the silver armor that has been passed down from father to son.
As she grabbed hold of the silver helmet, Luna slaps it out of her hoofs.

“Do you honestly think you can take on the entire Royal guard?” Questions the Princess of the Moon.

“You call him your best friend but yet you let him be taken for a crime he never committed…hypocrisy at its best.” Octavia made sure her voice emphasizes the point.

“How dare you Octavia! But still think about it. You are just one mare against a whole battalion of Royal guards, so you do the math because I am needed at the palace.” Luna did not let Octavia’s reply rattle her.

Luna teleported before Octavia’s eyes.

Octavia did the math… in the end she ended up putting the helmet back in it’s place. With a heavy heart.


Heads up in telling you Nightmare Moon will be writing the next chapter for obvious reasons.

Little bonus here.
Originally instead of Rarity and Applejack being together, I wanted to pair Rarity and Rainbow Dash together. Why? Because I think they will be great together.

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