• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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The long Night.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust


Chapter. 12

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Twilight Sparkle- Magic, lust, malice, remarkable intelligence, and elegant in the simplicity. Traits that make her who she is… now.

Rarity- Generosity, agility, flawless beauty, determination, and giving the limelight to her friends.

Applejack-Honesty, stubborn, powerful strength, humble, and suspiciousness of the new.

Octavia-Grace, honor, dignity, strong, and immortal beauty.

Gold Sky-Extraordinary love, integrity, immortality, faithful husband, and decades of hidden anger.

Nopony is perfect…but Everypony has a part to play when the dice fall and The Dire Wolf, Alpha Wolf, and Little Fox make their move.

The terrible beauty of the lightning and the colossal boom of the thunder did not hinder a cloaked pony from stealthily entering the library of Ponyville.

With padding on his/her hooves, the cloaked pony gracefully treks upstairs and stops right at the bedside of Twilight Sparkle and stands there watching her sleep peacefully.

The cloaked pony slowly moves in close to Twilight so her sense of smell can pick up the sweet scent of magic. Such a simple attribute of Twilight satisfied this pony.

“One day you will be with me. I will have you so I can love you, and show you true passion, and give you kindness.” Quietly whispers the pony into Twilight's ear.

The cloaked pony ends this little escapade by licking Twilight’s neck causing the Unicorn to stir slightly and once done with the act, the cloaked pony departs because it’s needs are meager and quick.

Once a couple of yards away from the library the pony removes it’s hood before making a true promise.

"Tomorrow night…whether you want it or not.” Declares Fluttershy.

In Canterlot Princess Celestia no matter how hard she tries cannot get herself to fall asleep, because of the guilt for enjoying the pleasure Gold Sky unintentionally gave her and partly because she sensed massive amount of anger in him. Since her, Luna, and Gold Sky are connected by a mental thread because they’re Alicorns. But since then the connection to Gold Sky has ceased.

So Celestia decided to research the illusion spell that has been casted upon her. She knew this spell ia not a normal illusion, because a normal illusion only affects the vision interpretation part of the brain.

This spell not only affected the vision but also her sexual desires. And to be fair even the regal ruler of Equestria has needs, but they were fulfilled the wrong way.
But the more she thought about it, the more disgusted she became…Reasons?

She loves Gold Sky as a son.

Celestia remembered before Gold Sky left on his two hundred year journey, she will always come into his room, nuzzle him on the head, and say good night my son.

On stormy nights she’ll wait in her study room in front of the fireplace because he’ll get scared and run into the study where Celestia waited and like a caring mother she’ll lift up a wing so he sleep under it feeling safe and sound.

That more the past came to her, the more she became more determined to find the heinous pony who casted this spell upon her.

Celestia’s wings start to glow brightly as her magic flows through her. This only happens on ultra rare occasions when anger enters her mind.

But anger is not part of her nature so as fast as that emotion came, it left.
Celestia knew there is only one pony who can help her with this ordeal and it happens to be her most faithful student Twilight Sparkle. The Element of Magic whom she loves as a daughter.

So Princess Celestia got a scroll to write a letter to Twilight. But just then she decides it’s best if she does this alone, because what if Twilight dug her nose into something she is not supposed to know…like telepathy. Only four other ponies know about that unfortunate event and nopony will ever believe the crossed eyed Pegasus.


“Lose yourself.”

Gold Sky sleeps in the rain.
But his mind did not sleep. Two conflicting emotions; Love and Anger play a game of shogi.

“He has nopony to love. So why should he stay who he is right now?”

“Love is his talent and nothing can separate him from that.”

“You know she hates him, ended the marriage, and no longer has any desires to see him again.”

“I know but he will always love her.”

“Why are you so naïve? I want him to use that power.”

“Power? Love is not power! Love runs in his blood and spirit. Love is the most beautiful emotion. Besides why will he want power? He has no use for power plus it’s not right for him to use his talent the wrong way. Also the trigger for it is half a world away. Good luck in trying to convince him to go to it.”

“It’s not right? Hmmm? Uh was telling Octavia what he did with Celestia the right thing to do?”

“Yes, it was the right thing.”

“True, don’t get me wrong it was the right thing to do yes you're right about that. He is a true stallion instead of a cowardly one. But where is Octavia? Is she still with him? Is she lying next to him? Is her scent giving happiness to his sense of smell? No…The truth took her away from him. He knows that all too well.”

“But he still loves her; He made her a promise to always be with her. She is his heart and his pulse!”

“His heart and his pulse is gone! Remember that!”


“Never again.”

Gold Sky’s body twitches as anger said those two words.

“Don’t do this to him.”

“Never again.”

“It’s not his fault; it’s the honor Celestia instilled heavily into his mind when she was raising him.”

“Remember Gold Sky, never again.”

Blackness start to crawl inside the vast galaxy of Gold Sky’s mind, the glow of his spirit located in the center begins to turn black. His wings and horn glow, as he slowly loses himself.

“You leave me no choice then… Gold Sky remember your purpose. For when you came back you had none, but after you’ve met Octavia, you have a new purpose to live and love…. Don’t abandon Octavia. She is your heart and she is your pulse. If you lose yourself…what purpose do you have then?”

Suddenly white light erupts from the spirit of Gold Sky cleansing the mind of the blackness. And the glow from his horn and wings dies down.

“I told you. Nothing can separate him from love.”

“Humph! He’s a monster you know.”

“Honor made him a monster. Not his free will.”

“She will find out and will soon question herself how she came to love a monster…”

“We’re done! She will never find out.” And with making its final move Love wins this little game of shogi.

Love and Anger finally went to sleep.

Rainbow Dash wonders where in the world was Applejack. All she remembered Applejack saying before was something about apples, beating a tree to death, rough cider, and vengeance. She couldn’t find any form of connection in those words.

The cyan Pegasus made up her mind to spend the night at Rarity’s boutique so she can watch over her. This for unexplained causes Rainbow feels attached to Rarity. Like she wants to be with her at all times.

Rainbow quickly checks on Rarity before heading towards a window so she can see the rain and lightning.

Each flash remind her of Soarin, for such a long time she loved him and disired to be with him. But he never had the same feelings for her. His feelings were for Derpy… what he sees in her, he loves. Rainbow knew if she couldn’t love him then she might as well watch and admire him.

Something unattainable.

After catching a lone tear on her tongue, she heads back to Rarity’s room just in case she is having a nightmare.

The Pegasus witnesses Rarity trembling while she sleeps so she comes up with the idea to hold her gently like she did before.
Slowly Rainbow crawls into Rarity’s bed to be by her. Instinctively even when asleep Rarity moves in close to Rainbow.

Rainbow smiles seeing Rarity get close to her.

“Why is Rarity so lovelyl? I’ve never been this close to her, and I feel so warm when we're close.” Rainbow thought to herself.

Rainbow Dash’s sudden emotional attachment to Rarity can be deduced to the hole created by the rejection from Soarin.

“Rarity?” Rainbow whispers in a soft voice.

“Yes Rainbow.” Though asleep Rarity wakes up to the sound of Rainbow's voice.

“Um. Are you feeling all right?”

Rarity’s lips perk into a soft smile.

“Rainbow as long as you are here with me, I will always be all right. I just don’t know how I can pay you back. Especially since you missed the first Wonderbolts performance because of me.” Rarity inches a bit more closer to Rainbow because she wants more of her nurturing touch.

“Ah c’mon who cares about the performance …you’re my friend Rarity and I will miss many more performances if I need to. It’s just well I’ve been going through some things, uh things that are not so dash.” Rainbow’s ears droop showing her the shade of emotions.
Rarity again inches closer much to Rainbow’s delight.

“Darling you can tell me anything, I’m here for you just like you are here for me.” Rarity tries her best to smile, but how if the scars are deep.

Rainbow focuses on the beautiful lips of the white unicorn. Her mind speaks up telling her that the feelings she's developing for Rarity are out of place.

Rainbow tells Rarity about the feelings she had for Soarin.
“Well I-I used to be in love with Soarin. I met him briefly after I saved his pie and after that crazy fiasco at the gala we met once again when I was going back home.” Rainbow smiles as she remembers that moment.

“We had so much in common. Flying fast, enjoying the company of friends, and hey we each had a griffon friend. But he never saw me anymore than just a friend. He fell in love with Derpy.” Again Rainbow caught another lone tear with her tongue.

Rarity frowns. She never took Rainbow as the type to be struck with emotion but time reveals everything about a pony.

So the white unicorn lovingly strokes Rainbow’s face.
“It’s all right darling. I’m sure you will meet the right pony soon.”

Slowly Rainbow moves closer to Rarity, she just wants to be closer to her…more than just a friend.
Rarity on the other hand or hoof thought Rainbow was getting to close to give her some more nurturing touch.


“Yes Rainbow?”

“I hope you’re the right one…” Rainbow’s voice had hope and boldness.
“Wha…” Rarity never got to say what she was about to say.
Rainbow took hold of Rarity and kisses her passionately.
Rarity could feel Rainbow’s warmth coming upon her.

Rarity did not know what to feel. Here before her is her friend that is taking care of her and has a fresh broken heart. But why did she have to be the cure for the hole in Rainbow Dash?

After a couple of long seconds Rainbow Dash ends the kiss and looks deeply into Rarity’s eyes, but all she could see is nothing.

Rarity’s horn glows and Rainbow felt an aura push her slightly away from Rarity.

“Rainbow don’t. Please don’t use me as your cure for your broken heart. I’m just your friend, not your love. I’m sorry for what happened to you. Don’t Rainbow, just don’t. I’m already in love with somepony and I don’t want to lose her.” But Rarity felt some guilt telling this to Rainbow.

“Oh.” Only seen as a friend again. “I-I-I’m sorry Rarity. I don’t know what came over me, I’m sorry…” Rarity places a hoof over Rainbow’s mouth.

“Just hold me Rainbow, be the good friend you are to me and just hold me. Let me feel safe with you by my side. Please just hold me tight.” Rarity got to close Rainbow once again and fell asleep.
Rainbow held on to Rarity and felt her warm breath on her chest. More than one tear ran from her eyes.



In Octavia’s home Princess Luna sat in the living room. She was quite busy looking at a picture album that contained many photos of the loving couple.
Luna smiles at seeing the pleasant life her best friend had and with a purpose.

She starts to remember words Gold Sky said to her when they first met.
“Why am I an Alicorn?”
Because that’s what you are Gold Sky.”
“But I have no purpose like you and Guardian Aunt. So what is the point of being one? Especially knowing I am the last of a near extinct bloodline.”
“Look Gold Sky everypony has a purpose all right. You may not know yours yet but you will pretty soon. And cutting off your horn does not mean you’re no longer an Alicorn.”

Luna felt bad lying to Octavia by telling her Gold Sky will return, because chances are… he won’t.

Meanwhile upstairs Octavia trying her best to play something on her cello, but she can't since guilt has a noose around her.

Princess Luna’s feathers ruffle up when she remembered Octavia asking Gold Sky if he will pleasure her next.
“Why did Octavia have to go there? *Sigh* Well I can’t blame her that’s for sure, and why would I in the first place? When ponies are hurt they say things they don’t really mean.”

Going back upstairs Octavia places her cello back in its case. There is no point in trying to practice and also no chance of getting past Princess Luna so she can look for Gold Sky. Octavia went downstairs and sees Princess Luna looking at a picture album.

“Thinking of him are you Octavia? Don’t worry Octavia he’ll be back.” Luna lies once more to Octavia without even looking at her.

“Your majesty please don’t lie to me… because I heard your heartbeat quicken when you told me that.”
Luna sighs once again, Octavia's keen sense of hearing never fails to amaze her. So she placed the album back in the shelf and slowly approaches Octavia.

“Just be patient Octavia…how can he live without his heart and pulse?” Reassures Luna.

Octavia did not hear Luna’s heartbeat beat faster.

“You mean that Luna? Because I-I don’t feel him anymore… it’s like he went numb. I sensed massive amounts of anger along with feeling physical pain.” Octavia did not dare to make eye contact because of she said earlier.

“Princess what I said earlier…”

“It’s all right Octavia I know you didn’t mean it. Just go to sleep right now please.” Luna’s horn glows in placing Octavia to sleep. She didn’t feel like putting up with a worried Octavia.

After placing Octavia in her bed, Luna notices something shine from Gold Sky's half of the big walk in closet so she goes to take a quick peek.
Once opening the doors and a mannequin with a silver helmet, horseshoes, and armor happily greets her.

“Must be the armor of Gold Sky’s father, Silver Wind” Luna told herself.
Luna closes the doors of the closet and heads back downstairs to wait for Gold Sky, that is if he comes back.

As she waited a thought ran through her head.

“Applejack said something about Rarity being raped…”

Of all the things could have heard from the closet it had to be that.


Nightmare Moon is now kind as Fluttershy, yay!

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