• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust


Chapter. 66

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Arthur's note at end.


“My own brother has no fear when he is ironically being the angel of death at this very moment.” Cadance to the very shade of an unbiased observation is impressed by Gold Sky’s lethality. “Smooth as a King Cobra, swift as a wasp, and fast as a cheetah.” Such still with the knife is unparalleled with Cadance’s skill to spread love. “What he does out of Love is what I do out of my benevolence.


Inside the four massive zeppelin landing craft the troops are tapping their feet, breathing rapidly in & out through their mouths, reading words from epic poems, talking a drink out of their canteens, having an early smoke to calm the nerves, looking at pictures of loved, and for the soldiers in the leading zeppelin they for the first time lay their eyes on General Oliver’s shining silver armor of valyrian steel. They for amazed because with the bright shining armor he is a very noticeable target which perhaps if they think about is what he wants to be. One of the soldiers took the incentive to find out where he got the armor. “Gold Sky, our Vanguard gave it to me like a father passing down his armor down to his son.”

Now the soldiers of the Republic wait for the single and to make their little wait a bit disturbing is the weather changing causing black clouds to blanket Hajazar with lighting arriving not a second later. “Please, please be okay.”

Suddenly from black clouds comes bright bolt of grayish purple magic exploding with a bright sequence of dust in its trail.

“There’s the signal! Geoghegan, signal the others. Now dive! Remember Colonel Shaw and the Brave Eighty!” Oliver jumps out to lead the soldiers into battle.
In the rear, Phillip trembles. “For my children, my dearest children!” Phillip diminishes his fear by reminding himself what matters the most to him.

However despite Oliver’s valor and Phillip overcoming his fear the real test against the odds lies with the females going into sands of the male arena where before entering they talked the talk and now it’s time for them to prove if they can walk the walk or just end up in the way of the male soldiers because either way as of right now both sexes are EQUAL. One of the females backslides but her comrades push her out and tell her to be a real female and suck it up. “Welcome to Equality sweetheart, you wanted it well now you got it!” Deborah Sampson snarls at her fellow soldier.

Through the black clouds Oliver with every soldier he’s brought with him control their rate of breath, they cannot see their path but they know they’re travelling the right one simply by the small coldness rising in their gut. The lighting shrinks around them nevertheless, Oliver controls his breathing to make sure his air mask won’t fog up. “This is just like before Oliver, this is just like before, never forget about my fallen brothers. Never forget my fallen brothers and never forget Gold Sky is protecting me like I’m his son.”
Finally after what seemed like forever the troops dived through the thick cover of black clouds… “Oh my Great Spirit!” Oliver almost screamed in horror to the sight of innumerable bodies many of which are dismembered. “That’s why he’s called the soldier r of no sorrow!”

At least for the good of all things the AA batteries are destroyed.

“SIR!” Geoghegan takes Oliver’s attention away from what looks like an ocean of blood on the defense walls. “Incoming enemies!”

Oliver spins his spear. “Looks like the enemy are sending in reinforcements giving us a fight to take out and more kills for Gold Sky. FORWARD IN FORMATION!” The Republic forces fly upwards to meet enemy. “ARROWS INCOMING! SPREAD OUT AND RAISE SHEILDS!!”

“No need for that, TÁTE!” The Vanguard appears from out nowhere in front of the Republic forces covered in enemy blood while a hurricane force wind returns the arrows back to their respective owners. “Oliver, I’ll lead the forces! You and Zeta squad go to the temple I’ll be there shortly! NOW!”

Oliver and Zeta squad bank away to find the primary objective.

“SOLDIERS OF THE REPUBLIC! SHOW THE ENEMY WHAT YOU’LL MADE OF!” Gold Sky speeds ahead to thin out the enemy numbers with the Republic forces far behind him. “Raised up in anger, born to do battle…more than a soldier, more than a killer…the soldier of no sorrow.” Gold Sky sings the parts of the battle cry the soldiers sang as he in went during the first campaign. Well only the parts he remembers because he doesn’t like having a battle cry created just for him. “The more I take out the less chances of Phillip will be in danger.”

The Soldier of no Sorrow engages the enemy wiping them out before the Republic forces can join him in battle.

“The temple! Look at the size of the thing, its bloody huge!” One of the Marines complements in awe.

“Soldiers here’s we’re going into the viper’s nest, stay sharp, and don’t fight the Primordials alone is that clear also they have extreme body density so they’ll probably weigh at least two tons! But the head of their religion is mine!”

“Yes sir.”

“Help me Great Spirit.” Oliver prays.

In the battle in the sky and the battle in the providence’s streets males and females of the Republic are fighting it’s amazing to see the bronze shields of the Republic block the enemy’s battle axes, spears plunging through the enemy’s chest, and the sound of music. Yes, the sound of music are the melodies of metal tearing open flesh accompanied by the gasp before death comes oh can one not find it so calming to the nerves.

Gold Sky chops off a wing of an enemy and wishes him a safe landing from the sky. “Talk about a splattered ugly street pizza.” Gold Sky takes a quick glance at air and land. “The Republic forces can handle everything from this point on given I took out eighty percent of the enemy, heh, new record and now my number stands at forty or ninety thou…find Oliver! And Dad will keep Phillip safe.” Except Gold Sky does not know Phillip is in Zeta squad also the high ranking officers took command. “OH!” Telepathically plus mimicking Oliver’s voice orders the Airborne to bomb out the enemy’s military establishments along with telling the Airborne soldiers his mind is telepathically linked to them thanks to the Vanguard. “Get out of my way!” Gold Sky raises his tomahawk at an enemy that flew into him.

“Please I have a family!” The Hajazarian griffon pleads for mercy.

Gold Sky releases the griffon. “Then go to them!”
The Hajazarian griffon complies and flies away after stripping himself of the armor to show he is not a threat anymore.

Inside the temple Oliver takes out the guards and goes down the hall to find the chamber of the enlightened one. His ears are being strained to their max capability for the temple is huge and in the setting there are many shadows for the enemy to lay ambushes but Oliver has nerves of valyrian steel so whatever the enemy has ready he is ready to counter it. However, an ambush is a surprise attack and a surprise attack is about…

“AURGH!” A Primordial strikes Oliver from the shadows not only getting Oliver off his feet but along with freezing all the troops in Zeta squad because for the first time they see a Primordial and they are big as the songs say they are. (Princess Celestia’s height.)

“I will kill anyone who steps on the sacred ground!” The Primordial raises its hand and flares its talons. “Your end comes now!”
Just as the Primordial swings down his hand a blur of silver tackles it. “GOLD SKY!” Oliver realizes who it is.

Ramming through a brick wall and landing on the sacred ground Gold Sky punches the Primordial’s face with his left hoof. “Weak!” Gold Sky ducks a swing from the large griffon. “Worthless!” He punches the griffon with his right hoof in the side suddenly as he jumps up to swing down both hooves on the Primordial’s head to shatter its skull the griffon lunges forward with great power. Gold Sky with his tomahawk and knife in his armor compartments flares out his horseshoe blades. “Oof!” Both the griffon and pony hit the ground but the great power of the impact made the sacred ground reflect the power back on to the fighters sending them back into the air. Seeing Isaac Newton’s third law of motion in action Gold Sky takes advantage and slits the Primordial’s throat with a lightning fast stroke then plants both blades in the carotid artery just in case the slitting the throat didn’t work.

“He killed him with ease!” Says Phillip.

“Look out!” Gold Sky throws his tomahawk at a charging Primordial taking him out and saving Phillip’s life. “We must press forward!”

“Let’s go!” Oliver presses on through the corridors of the temple hoping the Primordials are just few in number. “I don’t think even Gold Sky can take on many at once.” Truly this is only doubt in his mind.

With Gold Sky at point everyone enter a large chamber and having the opportunity to use his sharp sense of smell Gold Sky sniffs the air just in case. “I think we’re going down the right path.”

“You know this by smelling the air?” Asked a marine.

“No.” Gold Sky’s horn glows. “I think this because the enemy is blocking our way. Both regular and Primordial.”

“I will take care of the Primordials the rest of you take out the regulars.” There are only two Primordials along with the temple guards. “Perhaps the rest are guarding the head of their religion.”

Gold Sky flies forward engaging one of the Primordials but quickly gets completely occupied with that one. Gold Sky’s heart rate skyrockets to see the other one going directly towards Oliver.

“Bring it Primordial!” Oliver dashes forward doing a flip over the Primordial and quickly raises his shield to block a back hand swing from the large griffon. “Incredible! His strength is so strong he dented my shield!” Oliver strafes to the left avoiding a fast downward tail swing cracking the sacred ground. “Here!” Oliver stabs the Primordial with his spear and from the angle his spear went in the tip glided just under the inferior angle of the pectoral girdle breaking through the high ridge of the lateral border and jamming itself into the right shoulder socket. “Majorly disabled you Primordial!” The general broke off the stick of his spear, plunging the end in the back of the neck breaking the cervical nerves, and then slammed the edge of his shield on the neck to make sure the cervical nerves are completely severed. “I declared I will put you to the sword.” Oliver retrieves his sword from its sheath, spinning it a few times in rapid motion before holding it with the blade pointing down. “And put you to the sword I shall!” Oliver stabs the Primordial in the back of the head and twists the sword. “This is for them!”

Gold Sky knees the Primordial in the stomach then deals a great number of punches to the brachial plexus nerves located just below the clavicle on both sides shutting down the use of both arms, allowing Gold Sky to stab him with both blades in the belly then journey up slicing open the griffon. “You can’t even give me a fight worth my skill!” On a side note there seem to be no end of the intestines slithering out. “Suffer.” Gold Sky crushes the head of the Primordial. *Gasp* Gold Sky sees Oliver panting over the body of the Primordial and instead seeing the feat Oliver accomplished he fears the worst. “Oliver! Are you alright!”

“I’m okay Gold Sky, not a single scratch on me.” Oliver looks over Gold Sky to watch Zeta squad take out the temple guards. “Zeta squad report in!”

“Phillip here! Amir here! Wiglaf here! Eddard here! Shawn here! Stannis here! Apollo here! Marcus here! David here! Francis here! Malcom here! Adam here! Shang here! Nathan here! Edgar here! Hao-Cun here! Alexander here! Cassius here! Hiram here! I’m not here, oh wait it’s the enemy’s blood, Peter here!” All of Zeta squad is alive.

Nonetheless, Gold Sky will not take any chances along with cursing himself for forgetting to give Oliver his blood something of which he should have not forgotten. “Is there a medic here?”

“That’s me.” Peter raises his spear.

“Give me a syringe now!” Gold Sky’s magic snatches it out of the griffon the second it’s presented to him. “Oliver, I am going to give you my blood and it will give tissue regeneration. Therefore if you get wounded your body will heal it no matter the severity of the wound. “Now open wide and drink my blood.” Gold Sky’s magic opens Oliver’s mouth and forces him to drink his blood.

Oliver nearly gags but stops to taste the sparkling blood. “Whoa it tastes like something I never tasted before.”

Gold Sky gives Zeta squad his blood too starting with Phillip.

With the Vanguard taking point Gold Sky uses his telepathy to locate the prize he discovers the Primordials can cloak themselves from his telepathy as for the temple itself despite gigantic interior, the head of their religion had one of his/her servants paint a path to the sacred chamber of the enlightened one making this battle a short one just over the horizon. “Here’s the door...oh c’mon!”

As Oliver presses his hands against the door many temple guards show up to protect the enlightened one. Phillip stops Gold Sky from stepping forward by using his spear to bar the Alicorn’s path. “We’ll handle them; you and General Oliver go inside and break Hajazar.” Zeta squad creates a wall of shields in front of the chamber’s entrance.

“Thank you.” Gold Sky takes one last look at Phillip before going inside the chamber with Oliver.


Meanwhile outside the magnificent temple and in the providence’s street where there’s fire raging about, one of the soldiers of the Republic rushes inside a burning house to save a mother’s & father’s only child. “Here you go.” He hands the babe to the parents.
“Hey help me here!” A female soldier asks for some help from her male comrades to lift up a piece of an oak truss off of a trapped griffon.
“Cover us!” The male griffons tell the female to take on two coming enemy Hajazarian soldiers.

“Roger!” And cover them she will.

“There you are!” Oliver points his spear at the enlightened one who for the moment is kneeling before a shrine. “You will pay for what you’ve done.” He flies forward unaware of something coming down from above.

“Oliver!” Gold Sky with his magic pulls back the griffon from being crushed by a two and a half ton Primordial. “Be careful.”

This Primordial unlike the rest Gold Sky and Oliver have killed looks bigger by a few inches and instead of being dual color like the rest of the griffons this Primordial is completely black like the night sky. “You are not going to lay a finger on the enlightened one and if any of you think you can get through me then you’re in for surprise.”

“He reminds me of the pictures of the leader of wolf packs always being a black wolf.” Oliver thinks to himself.

Gold Sky snorts. “I have killed a dragon and its young so what makes you any special besides your height.”

“I am the first Primordial to breathe in life thousands of years ago when the earth was just a few days old and I am the Kaiser of the Primordials.”

Gold Sky’s magic places Oliver behind him and gives the griffon a light smile. “Oliver, I will keep the Primordial busy while you can break the enlightened one. Got it?”

Oliver nods.

Before anything else is entice the Primordial to a friendly fight to the death. “So why do you protect the uh enlightened one?” Gold Sky asks.

“Because the enlightened one has given us purpose, direction, and control when our knowledge began to overcome our ability to stay sane…” The Primordial stops. “I know of your kind Alicorn. You have wings and a horn, features only present in the ponies who rule over Equestria and you, son of the Sun Princess I will not show you any mercy.”

“Hahahaha!” Gold Sky just laughs, it has been a rather long time since anyone has laid a authentic threat on him and be able to be a match for him. After all Gold Sky has the fighting style of the Chero in his genes plus he’s incorporated the fighting style of the Zebras, Griffon assassins, and the Griffon Republic’s military close quarter combat specialties. Also Redheart has taught him extensively in medical science, especially circulatory and nervous systems, two very important systems of the any living body and if damaged the consequences are dire. So he knows where to strike to shut down nerves and where to stab to bring forth internal bleeding. “If you think I am worthy of any kind of mercy then you’re wrong, when it is you worthy of mercy for know that once we start fighting and you start beg for your life like a puny incompetent coward who spoke big words I will not listen I will just kill you and throw your body outside so the vultures can feast on your soft tender millenniums old meat.”

The Primordial sprits forward and Gold Sky follows suit waiting for the perfect moment to put his King Cobra trait Cadance has given to him to use. “Now!” Gold Sky leaps up and punches the Primordial down to the ground, then seizes its head, and pours down the pain with many punches and ends with an uppercut sending the Primordial to his back.

“This is unreal.” Oliver distracted by Gold Sky’s fight with the Primordial momentarily forgets about going for the enlightened one. “Damn it!” He remembers his objective and starts flying towards the shrine.

Gold Sky punches the griffon with a right hook and then sends the griffon back down to the floor with a strong left swing. “Your high density isn’t an issue to me.” He grabs the Primordial that weighs two and a half tons, lifts it over his head as he stands on his hind legs with his wings flapping rapidly to ensure his balance, and throws the mighty griffon into the pillars of the chamber.

The Primordial groans while shaking his head to gain back orientation. “You know Alicorn; the thing about being a leader is having followers. PROTECT THE ENLIGHTENED ONE AND KILL THE ALICORN!” From the darkness looming above three more Primordials come down, one landing in front of Oliver and two land behind the leader.

“Great! If only I didn’t get distracted!” Oliver scolds himself before raising his dented shield.

“Once again the odds are against me.” The Alicorn pops his neck. “I’ll take you all on!”

Gold Sky goes low to avoid a swing from the leader of the Primordials while shooting out both wings to hit the other two coming at his sides. Gold Sky rises, blocks a left from the leader punches the leader then ducks to avoid a right then rises to knee the leader in the stomach. “Pathetic!” The Alicorn flares out his right horseshoe blade and stabs the leader in the arm then does a downward slash from the chest to the stomach. From below Gold Sky elbows the leader with his right arm and swings his left hoof sending the leader across the chamber.
One of the other Primordials recovers and sees Oliver having the upper hand so he decides to help his fellow Primordial.
“No!” Gold Sky gallops with great speed tackling the Primordial; suddenly he senses the third Primordial coming from behind so he flaps his wings to give him a boost upwards allowing him to buck the Primordial in the face. Gold Sky head butts the Primordial he tackled making stars fly around the Primordial. “Nice try!” The Alicorn catches the leader punches him and takes him again in his grip from behind the third comes at him again but Gold Sky shoots out his left wing hitting the griffon again. Gold Sky still having the leader in his grip punches the griffon in the back rupturing the right kidney, tosses the leader up, and hits him in midair.
“Oooh my head.” The Primordial who got head butted decides to go after the Alicorn instead of Oliver who currently slams his dented shield into the Primordials face. “Wait for it.” The griffon waits to strike at the perfect time. “Die Alicorn!”

“Huh?” Gold Sky receives a flying punch from the Primordial causing him to lose his vital focus. The other Primordial taking advantage of this moment grabs the Alicorn from behind and sinks his talons repeatedly into the Alicorn’s side spilling sparkling blood on the sacred ground. Gold Sky swings his head back striking the Primordial and getting free from its grip only to get struck square in the face by the leader so Gold Sky swings his right horseshoe blade forward to have his arm caught by the leader.
“Have you now Alicorn!” The leader slashes Gold Sky’s face with his talons, then slashes the throat, and lastly the chest before taking hold of the Alicorn slams him on the floor, picks him up and slams the Alicorn on the floor again. “My power reigns supreme!” The leader strikes Gold Sky with all his strength shattering the entire ribcage.

“Aahhh forgot how much that hurts.” Gold Sky spits out a tooth.

“Your Power Reigns Supreme?” From out of nowhere the Enlightened one speaks. Stopping Oliver’s sword from stabbing the Primordial’s face.

“S-s-s-she speaks????” Oliver can’t believe it’s a female who’s the head of their religion because he automatically assumed like everyone else that it’s a male.

“Potestas.” So that’s the name of the leader of the Primordials. “Remember. The only reason you have power is because I showed you it through my control and without my control you will be a powerless insane Primordial. I Reign Supreme keep that in mind while you Reign in the dire darkness of fear.”

Potestas bows his head to the Enlightened One. “Forgive me for my poor choice of words oh holy Vanitas.” The Primordial returns his attention to the Alicorn rising back up to it hooves. “I am Fear, Alicorn, I am what gives griffons nightmare when they close their eyes to sleep, I am the blackness which comes from above in the full light of day for I am FEAR. I am FEAR! AND AS FEAR I WILL KILL YOU ALICORN ALONG WITH YOU GRIFFON OF THE REPUBLIC FOR DESECRATING THE SACRED GROUND!”

A metallic thud echoes throughout the entire chamber. “Fear? Fear?? Truly you think you’re fear? I will show you fear.” Gold Sky’s magic throws his helmet aside. “Do you know what fear is Potestas?” He removes his white cape. “Fear is a mother waking up to see her only son is gone. Fear is a child seeing someone she trusts swinging down a sword upon her. Fear is one who can kill innocent children without hesitation and the parents can’t do anything to protect them. Fear is a father praying he won’t kill his own child. Fear is the enemy knowing they will die by the soldier of no sorrow. Fear is having to wear a crown that no one else capable of wearing and no else can withstand wearing…but me.” Gold Sky’s unfolds his wings spreading them to their full span. “I am fear. I am what parents are afraid of the most. I am the harbinger of death and only death can stop me. I am the darkness that comes after the light. I am the ruler of a kingdom no one will ever be a part of…”

The eyes of the enlightened one widen. “The words the Alicorn speaks are true!”

“I AM KING IN THE SEA OF SPILT BLOOD!” Gold Sky roars at the top of his lungs.

Oliver drops his sword and by accident kills the Primordial he was fighting.

“Now you shall feel fear running through your veins!”

“Feel my power for today marks the complete extinction of the Primordials!”

Gold Sky extends his other blade and charges at the three Primordials, directly engaging one giving the Primordial a fight for its near ending life. Gold Sky buries his knee into the Primordial’s stomach, breaks the arm by slamming his elbow into the joint, elbows the face, slits the throat, and ends by stabbing the heart for good measure.

“I’LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!” The Primordial makes the worst mistake it can do by blindly charging towards the Alicorn to avenge its fallen brethren. Gold Sky moves to the side avoiding the stupid attack. His horn glows seizing the Primordial’s wing pulling the griffon back towards him.

Potestas comes at Gold Sky so Gold Sky with his right wings hits Potestas sending the griffon across the chamber and into the wall. Gold Sky spins the Primordial around sinks his hoof then knee into the stomach, hits away an approaching fist from the griffon. Stabs that arm in the nerve so the pain can be so distracting, feeling a twisted sense of relish, Gold Sky stabs the side so he can hear more beautiful screams of pain, and wonders how else can he make this Primordial scream. Before anything else however, is keeping Potestas down so bolt concussion magic does the trick. Coming back to just kill this Primordial for the sake of just killing the stallion slams the Primordial’s face into the sacred ground to mock the enlightened one for having blood of a faithful follower smeared across shows what was once sacred is no longer sacred from outsiders. Magic holds the Primordial’s wings, blades go through the wings like fork through stag meat, and for the fun, fun, fun, part; Gold Sky rips off the Primordial’s wings ushering two fountains of blood.

Potestas drops his jaw in utter horror to the sight of his brethren being ripped apart like a worn out rag doll. “Must use the divine dagger.” His hand reaches into the tuft of his down and takes out a dagger shining with untold power. “The divine dagger will end him!”

“Hey you talking to me?” Gold Sky asks the torn off head of the Primordial. “I thought you were talking to me?” Sad to see Gold Sky enjoying this because this is allowing the Razor to seep in.

“DIE ALICORN!” Potestas pounces on Gold Sky and stabs him with so much force the divine dagger sinks itself into the T1 disk of the spine, breaks off, and the wound heals the instant Postestas takes out his hand leaving the blade of the dagger inside.

Gold Sky feels like his whole go cold as ice and his magic becomes unresponsive to his will something about the dagger had to do this.

“How does it feel Alicorn!? How does it feel to be infected by the venom sent from the divine!”

But the Alicorn knows why the dagger had this effect. The blade has been dipped into the saliva of a deadly animal he has seen in action when it hunts and luckily never had the opportunity to encounter it. Even Gold Sky who is fearless of almost anything will rather run away from this creature than to face it even with armor on. “Salvia of a Chimera…I’m impressed. Not very divine, Potestas but very ingenious on your part to disable my magic but that is all it does…ooooooooh…” Gold Sky nearly collapses to the excruciating pain coming from his spine. “Despite the pain and my magic being useless it will not stop me from killing you.”

“But you are without magic Alicorn! Magic is your greatest weapon.” On one thing Potestas is right, other Alicorns use their magic for everything as for this Alicorn he does not need his magic.

“It doesn’t matter.”
The Alicorn with a sudden burst of speed delivers a strike to the Primordial having the griffon go into the air, on his hind legs the Alicorn spins his body with his right wing extended hitting Potestas.
Potestas manages to land gracefully against the wall and push himself forward. Gold Sky seeing the griffon coming his way stays practically still. “Feel my power!” Potestas punches Gold Sky square in the face.

*bones crack* Every bone in the Primordial’s fist break. “UGAH!” His throat is seized by the Alicorn.

“Time to put out the light of the Primordials.” Gold Sky grapples Postestas to the ground grabs one arm and breaks it making bone stick out of the skin. “One down.” Gold Sky proceeds in breaking the other arm. “Now crawl.”

Postestas cries in pain. The Primordial using his hind legs crawls away from the Alicorn but then thought to fly away but a knife to his left wing joint stops this thought from flapping his wings. He whimpers to the sound of approaching hoof steps coming from behind. “Get away from me!”

Vanitas attempts to intervene to save her most faithful disciple. “Please Alicorn, spare my disciple. You have already beaten him in combat and he is no longer fit to fight, spare him already.”

The Alicorn just cackles like a strong pony getting threatened by a weak pony. “If you care so much for your disciple then please come and protect him.” He points his hoof at Postestas. “Come, protect him, use your power as the enlightened one to protect your disciple. Surely you can.”

The Primordial looks up as his teacher to save his life.
“Humph, I thought so.” Gold Sky takes hold of the griffon.

“NOOOOO, LEAVE ME ALONE! LEAVE ME ALONE, LEAVE ME ALONE! I’M BEGGING YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME!” Postestas screams in fear while trying to get free from the Alicorn. “LEAVE ME!”

“The Primordials end today and I shall write the name of your species in the list of extinction.”

“B-b-but if you kill me then you’ll be committing genocide!” Potestas thinks this Alicorn is not capable of bringing the complete end of a species. “You’re the son of a Princess!” Point out who is the Alicorn’s mother and give Oliver a question to ask later. “No Royalty can commit genocide!”

“I committed genocide before Potestas and what’s to stop me from doing it again? I mean really…I am completely desensitized. In fact I am enjoying this though I shouldn’t given who I am and having something dear waiting for me back home. You are at your end Potestas. From the beginning of your creation to your inevitable end by me, oh how can you be afraid of this when you had so much time to prepare for it? Since the beginning of time and yet you’re not prepared? Even I was prepared for my death but you? That’s sad. Don’t worry it will be…” Gold Sky hits the side vent of his armor to make it open up and gets the knife. “Painful.”

The knife sinks into the Primordial’s flesh but what makes sight of the griffon’s pain so apparent is Gold Sky keeping the griffon quiet. “Ssh, ssh, ssh. It’s painful, I know, but let it in. Ssssh, sssssssh.” The knife comes out and makes its way to the bott…the griffon’s reproductive organs.

Potestas shakes his head but cannot say anything just moans, whimpers, and groans.

“Sssssssssh, it’s okay, it’s okay, you have nothing to fear Postestas because at least.” The tip of the knife touches the external body part. “I don’t have to hunt down your descendants to bring the complete extinction of your once remarkable species.”
Gold Sky stabs the external body part and moves the blade up slicing open the body in the process and splitting apart the Primordial’s head.

*Thud!* The two and a half ton body makes a crater on the sacred ground.

“There’s the end of the Primordials.” Gold Sky says it like it isn’t apparently obvious.

From Above. Lauren, invisible to Gold Sky, touches his forehead with her horn to keep him from dousing himself in the Primordial’s blood and completely embracing the other side. For the time being.

Oliver lands before the Enlightened one, with one question in mind. “Were you the Enlightened One fifty seven years ago?”

The Enlightened One nods her head. “Always have been and always will until my time comes.”

“Good.” From out of nowhere Oliver strikes the Enlightened One in the face. “This is for them!” He strikes her again with all his strength. “This is for them!” Another strike to the face is pretty loud.
The Enlightened One tries to fly away.
“Come back here!” Oliver grabs her tail, slamming her to the ground. “You think can run away from me!! Tell me. Can you!” Oliver with his hind leg on her back to keep her down he extends one wing of the Enlightened one and breaks it to prevent any future attempts of escape. “BE QUIET!” Oliver hits her again. “THIS IS FOR MY MOTHER AND FATHER WHOM YOU KILLED!”

“I thought so.” Gold Sky tells himself.

“You killed my mother and father by letting your followers join the fascist army! I saw my father trying to protect me and my mother with a sword in his belly but ends up succumbing to his wound and looks at us for the last time dying knowing he couldn’t protect us. My mother kisses me one last time before she tries to protect me only to be ganged raped in front of me over my father’s body before they slit her throat! How can you let your followers engage in the slaughter of innocent griffons when they follow every word that comes out of your mouth!” Oliver seizes the Enlightened One’s neck. “Because you let them! Because you view fascism as an extension of this religion either you created or you took over the established religion here and corrupted it.” Oliver raises his fist.

“It you strike me then you risk the wrath of the deities.” The Enlightened One warns.

Oliver pushes the Enlightened One to her knees. “Go ahead, call upon them. Let them rain their wrath upon me so call upon them but I know they won’t because no deity in their sane mind will let innocent blood be shed on their account.” His fist strikes the Enlightened One.

“This is for my mother and father you killed!” A strike comes down. “For my grandparents you killed!” Another strike. “For my friends, my aunts and uncles, my village, and every innocent griffon you killed! You reap what you sow Vanitas and now you are reaping my WRATH! For I am the last of my village and shall always be the last thanks to you!” Now the strikes come down even if Oliver’s strength is leaving him.

Gold Sky stops Oliver’s fist in mid-swing. “Anymore and you’ll make her a martyr putting this entire conquest in vain.” He slowly lowers Oliver’s fist. “Leave her with a mark she will not forget.”

Oliver backs away from the Enlightened One thinking what can be used to mark the Enlightened One to remind the griffon it’s broken. “Ahh yes.” A quick swing of his sword severs off the left hand of the Enlightened One. “You are broken Vanitas. Your own converts couldn’t protect you and your armies have been brought to their knees by this lone Alicorn allowing my troops to wipe them out like its practice. So I ask you now Vanitas, are you ever going to rise against the Republic ever again!” Oliver delivers the terms once & for all.

Vanitas with a rag covering the stump where her left hand was once was shakes her head.

“Answer me.” Oliver asks in a calm voice for a change.

“I won’t.”

“I will take your word but if you ever break it then know I will kill you myself and place your body on the shrine.” Oliver throws a med aid kit to Vanitas. “I pray you keep your word and may we never see each other again.” Before leaving Oliver picked up the Enlightened One’s severed hand.

Gold Sky looking over his shoulder to make sure Oliver won’t see what he’ll do. Cleans his knife and prinks himself on the vein in his neck to get half a drop of his blood. “Forgive him, but you sowed anger in him and reaped his wrath. Anyway, not that it’s any of my concern here.” He drops his blood in her mouth. “It will heal you but it won’t regenerate your hand.” With that act of mercy out of the way Gold Sky joins Oliver.

Outside the chamber. “There you are.” Says Philip. “Thanks to your sparky blood Gold Sky, we’ve been able to fight effectively seeing our wounds heal.” Philip extends his hand to Gold Sky of which without a seconds hesitation shakes it.

“You’re welcome my friend.”

As the General, Vanguard, and Zeta squad fly out of the massive temple, the general flies up ahead to be by the Vanguard. “Gold Sky, I see why you take away the memories of my birthparents. You knew I will grow up with nothing but the desire for revenge for my parents and that will never have allowed me to bond with my adoptive parents. You sure acted like a father to me by doing what you did so I can have a good life. Thank you.” Nonetheless. “If you had the chance to be my father then how come you didn’t take it?”

“There was a war that needed to be fought Oliver so what kind of a father will I be to you if you had to live every day with fear that your father may or may not return also I thought I will die one day in one of the battles but I didn’t and I found Gilda in the fascist’s headquarters. Perhaps or most certainly I’ll be a good father to you and you will strive to be every bit like me. Sadly in the end I’m a coward and just like I failed Gilda I will have failed you.”

“Wha-what do you mean? You’re a great father Gold Sky and I remember how you looked at me when I asked you to sleep under your wing when we were making our way to the Republic. Those eyes which if I remember were kind of bluish not pink err I mean magenta, still you looked at me with great care. So how can you say you’ll fail Gilda and me?”

“I will not tell you Oliver. Some things are best kept secret and I will not tell you ever, it’s my greatest sin. A sin I finally forgave myself of.” Gold Sky’s left ear twitches upon flying out of the temple. “Something is not right. Jump!” A puff of smoke shoots out of his horn. “AUAAAAA not again.” The same pain he felt moments ago resurges. “As long as the blade is stuck inside my body then I can’t use my magic.” Gold Sky dives down to what disturbs his senses.

Deborah Sampson, with wide eyes looks upon a dead child lying on the streets of the providence.

“Did you kill that child Deborah!!?” A fellow soldier uneasily asks.

The griffon shakes her head. “No, no, no I didn’t kill that child! It just fell down in front of me, I swear! I swear!”

“What do you mean it fell…oh no! The Vanguard!” The soldier points at the coming Alicorn.

Gold Sky lands in front of the dead child, softly as softly as he could he nudges the child with his nose to see if the child will respond, sadly, the child does not respond. “Did you kill this innocent child.” Though he’s not looking at Deborah the question is directed towards her.

“No! I didn’t kill the child! I swear!” Suddenly she finds herself against the wall with the Vanguard’s forearm pressing on her neck.

“DID YOU KILL THIS CHILD!” Gold Sky growls while he extends his right horseshoe blade.

Drops of sweat run down Deborah’s forehead. “I-I-I-I swear didn’t kill the child! Please I will never kill a child and I heard your warning. Please Vanguard, believe me! I didn’t kill the child!”

Gold Sky uses his telepathy before taking any form of action.

“Ugh!” Deborah falls down on ground gasping for air.

“My apologies, PVT. Deborah. The child fell in front of you because it tried flying out but it couldn’t.” He helps Deborah up. “My apologies.”

Oliver orders the medics to treat the any wounded Hajazarian citizen and soldier. Also he orders the Airborne to bring down food and medical supplies for the citizens to prevent seeds of hope from being planted.
As Oliver helps Gold Sky treat a wounded citizen, a veteran from the war who asked what fubar means comes to Oliver and Gold Sky while not getting to close to the Vanguard seeing that he’s stopping the flow of blood from a wound. “Uhh, General Oliver sir, is it all right if I can ask the Vanguard a question?”

“Yes, you have my permission.” Oliver holding a syringe once filled with Gold Sky’s sparkling blood discards it in a sharps container.
“Vanguard, did fight against any Primordials??”

“I have soldier and so has General Oliver. In fact General Oliver has killed two Primordials with his own hands.”

The Veteran not satisfied with the Vanguard’s answer asks another question. “General Oliver, how did the Vanguard kill the Primordials?” Other soldiers gathering interest in this Q & A session going on along with wander how did the pony kill the Primordials.

Oliver will say one word. “Fubar.”

“Ooooh.” Groans the veteran soldier. “Even with the fancy language dictionary Colonel Gilda told me to get, that word it’s not in there! What does that word mean??”

Gold Sky after helping the citizen up turns to the veteran. “It means and I can’t believe I have to use this course language. Fraked up beyond all recognition.”

“Oh…well thank you, Vanguard and you fraked them up?”

“Yes.” Gold Sky looks around seeing the body of a dead Hajazarian soldier. “I killed husbands, fathers, and sons to protect this father standing by me. I killed these males to protect one and all through the word of a wife.”

“Wife?” Oliver repeats.

“I find it odd how a female will say the first victims of any war are females when the first victims are the males fighting to protect them and the children.” Gold Sky frowns. “All these dead Hajazarian soldiers are first victims of war for they were doing what their duty calls them to do. I killed them; I mercilessly killed them, to protect you Oliver.”

Many troops gather around to listen to the Vanguard.
“I killed them when they didn’t do anything against me, I shouldn’t have killed them, I shouldn’t have! I could have used my telepathy to subdue them instead I gave in to my will to kill. I took away children’s fathers, wives husbands, parent’s sons by accident by sparing Mao now I take away these fathers, husbands, and sons because I choose to. What am I! I am a killer that Valerie asked me to become again so I can protect a father.”

The, for the time being Lauren created has come to an end causing Gold Sky to fall to his knees feeling the great conflict between him and killer commencing. “Once I become the Razor I won’t be able to telepathically have Gilda fight the Razor because it will have complete control over me. Forgive me, Oliver, but I won’t join you in anymore in your conquest. I only joined you in this part of the conquest because your wife asked me to, now, in the end I’m fighting myself to stop myself…” Gold Sky stops to continue his fight with Razor trying to step foot onto the galaxy.

“Stop what?” Oliver isn’t unnerved by Gold Sky’s words instead he’s saddened by knowing Valerie is the sole reason Gold Sky is here and it’s hurting Gold Sky to kill when the Alicorn sees in the end he’s killing husband’s, son’s, and father’s. For the Alicorn is right…the enemy though the enemy are the first victims of war.

“From killing all of you.”

Francis feeling sympathy for the Alicorn comes and lays her hand on his shoulder to tell him she thanks him for doing what he did. *gasp* The Vanguard seizes her neck.

Alarmed “Gold Sky, what’s wrong!” Oliver asks. *gasp* Gold Sky seizes his neck. “It’s alright!” Oliver says that to reassure his troops there’s nothing to be alarmed.

Gold Sky’s looks up revealing his left eye is turquoise life Nightmare Moon’s and his right eye is its normal magenta color. The conflict is reaching pinnacle point in his mind. “Forgive me!” Gold Sky lets go of both of them. “I-I need to go! I-I need to g-g-gooo tsssssh n-now!”

“But your magic isn’t working so you can’t teleport back home!” Oliver still stays close to Gold Sky while the rest of the soldiers back away, even Francis but Philip stays close. Why? He’s heard from Oliver that Gold Sky is single father like him. Establishing a kinship.

Gold Sky stands up eying the exit of the providence. “Oliver, the next time Jonathan calls out to me please tell Valerie not to be around me. Now good bye Oliver and please stop thinking about the prospect of you being my son, I would have failed you just I like Gilda and as I said before I see you as a son I can never have.” Gold Sky looks at the troops. “None of you died, now go and hug your families and thank the Great Spirit for giving you what you love.”
With that Gold Sky ignoring the pain from the dagger jammed in his spine runs out of the Providence to protect Oliver and the troops from himself.

“Até.” Gold Sky calls out.

“Yes my son.” Yahshua answers.

“Pilámayaye kìci awáŋyaŋka Philip.” Gold Sky, thanks his father.

Oliver scratches his head. “Soldiers, as of this day don’t you dare say any form of profanities about the Vanguard! He’s the reason all of you are alive and the reason we haven’t a single causality, now as soon as the airborne finish unloading the supplies and our medics finish treating the wounded citizens we’ll go back home.” With that Oliver nails the severed hand of the Enlightened One on the doors of the temple to show the Providence he has broken their head of religion.

“Gilda! I am not going to fail you again! I am not going to lose you again because of my own troubles!” The Alicorn leans forward going faster and faster along with his horseshoes becoming red hot due to the friction. “AUUUGH!”

The sound barrier is broken.

The conflict is still going on inside, the immortal father reminds himself of the daughter he can’t lose, Gold Sky reminds himself of the revenge he wants against Twilight plus the ones who violated him, the immortal son reminds himself of his loving mother, and the physical manifestation of Love will not let itself be taken by something that’s not love.

“Gilda! Forgive me!” *Boom* Another barrier is broken. Lauren hasn’t given Gold Sky the specifics about his ability to run with great speed but it is limitless so if he can break the sound barrier then there’s no stopping him to reach the next threshold. Light speed. “FASTER! I MUST REACH MY DAUGHTER!”
But there is a factor besides his daughter Gold Sky wants to embrace, a factor that now enters the projection plane of his psyche given he’s afraid to hurt his daughter and afraid for anything that can hurt him again. This factor has been there for him whenever he has felt sad, alone, or just down. “Mother…”

An Immortal when in need of comforting nurturing Love can only go to another immortal for that love. Yes there’s Lauren, along with Yahshua, and the Great Spirit but they are not the ones whom he wishes to seek, he wishes to be with mother. The mother he knows will never go away unlike his birth mother, will never be given a clean slate unlike his birth mother, and will never die unlike his birthmother. It’s sad for Gold Sky to completely let go of his birthparents but they’re nothing to him so there’s no use to even think of them much less let the love he has for them surface for that love cannot be given anymore. “I will go home, comfort my daughter, then I will go to mother so I can be comforted by her. I need mother.”

Gold Sky runs through lush jungles of the regents of earth leaving in his aftermath trees stripped of their precious leaves. “Mother. Faster!” Bolts of energy begin streaming out of Gold Sky’s pores. “Faster! I want to get home so I can be with my daughter and mother!”

“I am not a killer!”

“You are!” This is the Razor trying to anger Gold Sky to give it a purpose.

“I am not a killer!” Now a field of energy is forming a mach cone around him.

How can you say that when you murdered fathers, husbands, and sons. In the battlefield.

“It isn’t murder when the killing is in the battlefield! Those are the rules of war!” On the mountains of the dragon’s back avalanches starting raging down the sides of the mountains.

It doesn’t matt…” The Razor is stopped from saying those words.

“You shall not advance! I am in control, I am Love for I am my mother’s son and Gilda’s father. I AM LOVE! You think you can take control from me and kill my daughter when she beat you in my mind. No! I will not let myself by taken over!” The energy mach cone starts distorting the clarity.

“He’s approaching light speed.” Cadance is very impressed for her brother’s accomplishment.


“I am going home!” Gold Sky screams to the Razor. “You will not take control of me! I am better than you and will always be better than you!”

“You say that now but when the push comes to shove I will take over and you will let me.” Those are the last words from the Razor before it abandons its attempt to take over the galaxy causing Gold Sky’s left eye to turn back to magenta.

“I will ask mother to forgive me.” Gold Sky remembers mother holding him in her arms just days after he returned from his two hundred year journey then he remembers that moment after he defeated Nightmare Moon that drove a wedge between them. "I will not be alone!"

From the rings of Saturn Lauren clears her throat. "Gold Sky, slow down right now."

The Alicorn obeys and completely stops running, the physical emission of energy to an end and just slides with still great. "Was I really running that fast?"

After what seems like just seconds Gold Sky skids to a complete stop in front of Rarity's front door. "I'm back." Gold Sky knocks. "Hurry, before anypony sees me still covered in blood."

Rarity answers the door. "Gold Sky! Thank heavens you're back!." She throws her arms around him. "Oooooooh..." Not realizing she just touched blood. "There's blood on me!"

"Sister dearest sister, where's is my daughter." Gold Sky shuts the door behind him upon entering. "Aohhh." Gold Sky collapses again to the pain.

Rarity comes to Gold Sky's side to help him back up. "Gold Sky, you're hurt! What happened, where were you, and why are covered in blood?" She helps brother up to his hooves.

"Where's Gilda." Same question with a voice of authority.

Rarity sees Gold Sky will answer her question until he sees Gilda first so she takes him to the griffon.
"Gilda." Gold Sky nudges Gilda on the cheek with his nose to wake her up. "Please wake up."

Gilda wakes up to the sound of father's voice. "Daddy!" The daughter ignoring the blood wraps her arms around father's neck. "Please don't do that again! Please don't you ever do that again!"

Gold Sky sniffs Gilda's hair to keep his anger away. "I'm sorry sweetheart for putting you in the center of fear, forgive me sweetheart, please forgive me. Auoooh!" Gold Sky falls out of Gilda's arms and collapses to the pain.

"Daddy are you hurt!" Gilda jumps out of Rarity's bed.

Gold Sky rolls over to his side clinging to his abdominal area where the divine dagger went in. "Postestas stabbed me with a dagger it broke inside me, leaving the blade jammed inside my spine! Also I can't use my magic as long as the dagger is struck inside." He groans again to the pain.

*Ting* An idea comes to the white mare. "Gilda, stay here with Gold Sky, I'll be right back!"

"Rarity wait!" Gilda stops Rarity by grabbing the tell. "Where are you going in a time like this!? We need to help daddy!"

"I'm going to get help."

Gilda gets closer to Rarity while Gold Sky groans again but manages to remove his armor. "But you said no one can't know of Gold Sky's whereabouts."

"Yes I said that my dear niece. But on my own fault I forgot to tell you about somepony else who we can trust. Now please I need to get her before the pain becomes too much for Gold Sky to handle. Jump!"

Gilda with her strength picks up father and places him on the bed. After she removes the rest of his armor, Gilda gets a big bowl of water with large cloth inside and begins washing off the blood. "Daddy." Gilda stops washing Gold Sky and kisses him on the cheek. "I don't care what you did, but I'm happy you're back."

"I love you sweetheart." Gold Sky, tries to pick up his head but the pain from the dagger in his spine prevents him to.

Rarity appears at Redheart's house. "Redheart!" With unladylike acts Rarity pounds the door. "Please open up!"

Redheart answers the door. "Rarity? Why are you knocking so hard?"

Straight to the point. "Redheart to need to come with to the boutique now, it's a big emergency! Please you need to come with me!"

"Well uh, I, uhh, okay I'll come, whoa!" Redheart feels an arm drop on her shoulders. "Must be a big emergency if you're this urgent."



Appearing in front of Rarity's room that has the door, Rarity lays a hoof on the door and sighs. "Redheart, please do not tell anypony what you're going to see and please...just don't tell anypony!"

Rarity opens the door and leads Redheart in.


Chapter. 67- Redheart's joy...(still working on title.)

"M-my boy!"

"Rarity it's time we face our enemy."

My dearest readers I'll be taking a respite from this story to write a chapter for Octavia and the Alicorn's peace.

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