• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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To Advance one does (not) need to Kill.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 85

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Arthur's note at end

“Hmmmmm.” In the Tree Library Spike turns the page on the comic that Gold Sky started writing and Princess Celestia finished for him. In the page, Power Girl thinks of the words Kal-El said about The Source, to which next to her with a MK II knife in hand Deathstroke asks her what The Source is.

Power Girl shrugs. “I don’t know. It can be the beginning, it can be the end, it can be whatever it chooses to be or what anyone can expect it to be.”

Deathstroke scoffs to Power Girl’s description. “I’m not paid to think just kill but for you at this very moment I’ll give you a freebie . So basically this Source can or may be a...deity??”

Another shrugs displeases Deathstroke. “Perhaps or maybe just a river of energy who knows but I have to find out.”

Deathstroke places his knife back in its sheath. “Well...I know you want to ask me to go with you and I’ll say no because I do not want to be stuffed into some spacecraft and tugged to the edge of the Universe.”

“But think about it! If The Source is a deity then it can be reached! How many deities out there can be reached without having to die? Tell me how many and please exclude the ones who call themselves deities like Orion and Darkseid because real deities don’t bleed.”

“I-I can’t think of any…”

Within his words Power Girl picks up something from someone who’s gone toe to toe with the Flash, Zatanna, Atom, and Black Canary all at once and maimed them all without breaking a sweat. “You’re nervous!”

Deathstroke looks straight into Power Girl’s right eye. “That’s the thing Power Girl if The Source is some reachable deity and if its name really is what it says it is then you will be face to face with the SOURCE of life itself. And if you were somehow infuriate it then it will spell the end for all of us and my revenge!”

Power Girl sighs. “Then leave it to me to do everything I can to make it take its wrath out on me but The Source may be the only thing that can give me closure anyway here’s the down payment for your services I need to watch over the my company’s Board of Directors in my absence.” A suitcase full of money and a few diamonds finds itself in Deathstroke's hands.

“Normally my profession is killing not making sure some Board Member does not ruin the harmony of your business but I signed the contract and you paid upfront...hold on.” Deathstroke removes his helmet showing the Kryptonian his face.
“You have gray hair!?? How old are you again??”

“Older than you I bet and never mind that.” Before continuing, the Well Seasoned Assassin extends his hand to the hero he sees as possibility of what he could have it been not been for the loss of his son. “Whatever you’re looking for out there may you find it and close the hole in your heart. Godspeed Power Girl.”

Power Girl shakes his hand. “Thank you Deathstroke.” The Kryptonian flies up to the sky beginning her journey to edge of the Universe.

Down below Slade sighs. “May you have the closure I will never have.”

“Coooooool!” Spike squeals as he turns the page to continue the Super Heroine’s adventure.

Now reading her own book about the half-life of Uranium, Twilight’s mind is encapsulated in the world of science as it should always be yet she has some faint thoughts of Rarity and Gold Sky revolving around her mind like electrons doing around so the nucleus. “Just how long is the comic Gold Sky wrote?? Ahh almost forgot about Plutonium for if gravity can’t hold him still then perhaps enriching some and figuring out a catalyst for a fissile reaction.” Perhaps a massive release of energy can subdue the Alicorn if he ever decides to fight back.

However, Twilight is now interested in reading about theoretical physics a subject Big McIntosh once told her he wanted to master in but taking care of family took that away from him and in Twilight’s point of view the Red Stallion can do as well or even better than her given his natural talent in fancy mathematics. “What was that equation I thought of again??” With her magic fetching her nearest notebook with quill Twilight writes down the equation she thought up for to facilitate the difference in energy output between compressed magic and electricity. To see which one has the most potential to power up Equestria in the long run.

*knock, knock* Funny thing is Twilight is the one whose attention is taken away from her book while Spike is fawning over Power Girl.

Upon opening the door, the Gray mare greets the kind bookworm. “Oh Twilight please forgive me for interrupting whatever you’re doing at the current moment.”

Taken aback by Octavia’s sudden plea, Twilight composes herself. “Octavia I was just reading up and I will like to finish so if you’ll be so kind come in and please give me ten minutes.”

Smiling to being accepted in, Octavia takes a seat in the dining room and helps herself to some coffee and waits out the ten minutes of watching Twilight read, Spike giggle as he too is reading, and listens in on Spike quiet whispering. “Twilight looks quite serious when she studies. Heh it’s nice to know she takes the collection of knowledge to heart. While Spike takes the light hearted route but still he’s learning a thing or two.” Perhaps heroes can teach something morally wise but not much educational wise still to Octavia being taught something is better than being taught nothing.

“Alright done!” Twilight slams the book shut and smiles in glee to finish her fourth book of the day. “Ahem, Octavia what can I help you with?”

“Uhmmm are you sure you’re done with your studies because I really don’t want hinder your studies Twilight.”

Twilight waves her right hoof in the air. “Oh don’t be so worried about my studies Octavia, I photographic memory also you apologized in advance so all is well.”

“Are you sure.” Still Octavia can’t get over interrupting Twilight’s daily reading.

*sigh* Twilight sighs with the least amount of annoyance but it does go unnoticed by the gray mare. “I am very sure my dear Octavia anywho let us depart and do something nice together.”

Reassured, Octavia weakly smiles and looks over her shoulder to look upon the purple dragon. “Are you not going to tell Spike anything?”

“OH! Ahem, Spike I’ll be going out!”

“Yeah sure have fun don’t buy too many book or quills.” Spike doesn’t even know what he’s saying right now not that Twilight minds and understands Spike’s absorption into the comic book.

Now outside the library Octavia feels enough confidence to let in Twilight on her intentions while up above Meadow Flower watches and as extra layer of security to herself from being discovered by the gray mare’s sharp hearing she has a foam pillow in front of her hair to muffle her heartbeat. “I didn’t know Octavia is friends with Twilight Sparkle and her belly is becoming more noticeable than ever. Hmmmmmmm.”

“Twilight I’m sure you know what I will be going to ask you.”
Twilight deduces rather than to pull out a response. “You’re planning to see your mother no?”

Octavia nods. “Yes. Because the last time I was there I sort of got her hopes up of seeing but not holding a grandson. However, Princess Celestia has other plans in mind and she is dead set of carrying them out.”

Twilight puts on her curious face. “What sort of plans does Princess Celestia have in store for you??”

*sighs* In midst of a coming end that that leads to a continuation of what life should have with mortality which will ultimately lead to meaningless once a mortal minded Octavia realizes she has Immortality. “Celestia plans...after I give birth she will completely erase my mind with her telepathy. She will raise my child as her own to break the cycle of infidelity that began with my mother and continued through me. She lost all respect for me and in fact she no longer refers to me by name she instead calls me the vessel as in the vessel carrying the child of her now gone son.” Octavia pauses to sharply exhale her breath. “Quite a fate I’m waiting for and I will not live the rest of my numbered days trying to deny the inevitable. Rather I will just prepare myself for the future and know that I still have my friends.”

Now coming to a complete halt Twilight shifts her eyes all over the place processing the words the gray mare relayed to her. “I-I don’t know what to say Octavia, I know Princess Celestia extremely well but this is unexpected but given the circumstance it is quite lenient. A never forgetting mother can very wrathful as someone with a lot of patience and determination...uhhhh I don’t think what I’m saying is helping...is it??”

Octavia softly chuckles. “Your methods of over analyzing things and turning approaching woe into agonizing passion does me some good Twilight. For I know that when I become a new mare once the cord if cut you will always remain you and my friend. You and Rarity will always be with me and my son will have a wise mother raising him.”

“Wise she is though OH!” Twilight does it again.

“Don’t worry, at least when you’re right you’re right now come here please.” Octavia takes the lavender mare into a hearty embrace. “Please don’t be mad at your teacher Twilight, I committed the wrong that angered her in the first place.”

Taken by the utmost surprise Twilight can’t do nothing but simply rest her chin on Octavia’s shoulder feeling a sense of awe of being so connected to the gray mare and guilt of being the catalyst that’ll lead the gray mare to be mind wiped in a matter of months. Still Twilight isn’t one to frown at the lot she’s given, this lot is much better for at least through her very questionable actions Octavia accepts her fate for as Octavia said. “She wronged him, she committed infidelity, she made that choice out of her own free will, and Celestia will hold her accountable. Better a fate such as what Celestia will grant her then a fate where Celestia grants Octavia a rare show of justice specialized for Immortals.” So, ending her thought Twilight also embraces Octavia.

Once the significance of the hug has passed both mares let go of each other and for a few seconds stare at each other. “Anyway let us be on our way,” Twilight starts the trot to Harmonic Breeze’s home with Octavia closely following.

I don’t know what to say to mother once I get there, nor do I have the slightest clue to on how to even start a conversation that’ll lead to telling mother, about Princess Celestia’s plan.” Octavia thinks to herself. “Either I have Twilight with me.”

Finally arriving at Harmonic Breeze’s home, the gray mare takes a deep breath and knocks on the door awaiting for mother to open.
In Twilight’s mind. “Perhaps now that she accepted her fate she will throw away the notion of reconnecting with her mother or she may not, I just have to see how this plays out.”

“Octavia! It’s you and your friend. Please, please come in!” Harmonic Breeze opens the door wide for the duo to come in. “Will you like some soda, coffee, or some water?” The old mare offers.

“Water please.” Twilight requests while Octavia declines.
“So.” Harmonic Breeze starts. “How are you doing today??”

*TING* In this very moment Octavia realizes she’s been worried for no reason...there is no reason to continue trying to mend her relationship with Harmonic Breeze. The small linchpin holding the prospect for a mother and daughter to start anew is gone and as her late spouse will say. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Mother, I know you’re actively waiting for the news of your grandson being born one day but you won’t receive that news months from now and you’re not going to receive the news not because I’m going to withhold it from you but...Princess Celestia is going to wipe my mind clean with her telepathy after I give birth and she will take my son to raise as her own to break the cycle of infidelity you started. Basically Princess Celestia is taking my son away from me because I dishonored her son and there is nothing I can do about it.”

Harmonic Breeze gasps to hear of Princess Celestia’s intention but what she finds most shocking is Octavia being so calm about this. “Octavia, you know this yet...you’re going to do nothing about it!? Are you not going to run? Are you not going to get as far away as possible? This is your child and how can you not be worried about this!!”
Twilight takes a sip of water. “I can’t tell if she saddened about Octavia losing her child or she’s upset she will not be see her grandson ever.”
Octavia lightly snorts. “Do you honestly think I can hide from a mare like Princess Celestia whose son I was once married, dishonored, and left his side before his death. She isn’t someone you should take lightly mother she means what she says also I’m a Earth Pony. She’s a Alicorn, so what can I do? I’m nothi, besides! In the grand scheme of things Celestia will raise my son and shape him into a honorable stallion.”

Harmonic Breeze’s jaw slightly drops to Octavia being to accepting of such a fate and declaring no second thoughts. “So this what you’re going to do. You’re going to let your life be changed forever and your child will be raised by another mare.”

Octavia nods. “Yes and I can live with that. See it as a moment of Enlightenment that I can not look away from, my mind has finally reached its peak. I am a mare of all mares whose fate can only be thought of as a fantasy but in reality I’m living it. Ha! For at least father’s bloodline and mine live on through my future son who I know will do great things.”

At the notion of bloodlines Twilight realizes Harmonic Breeze will interject something that may no will most definitely infuriate Octavia but Twilight has been prone of being proven wrong every once a while...and today at this very moment Twilight wants to be proven wrong. “Hmmmmmm?”

“My bloodline too maybe.” Harmonic Breeze adds in.

Hearing this Octavia turns to her mother. “Albeit not everything is without flaw and the flaw being YOUR blood mother. Though I will live with that for I will forget ever having a child.” The gray mare smirks at Harmonic Breeze for stating who she considers abhorring though that is the only jab she’ll present to the old mare. “I guess I can say what could have been was the only motivator to attempt reconciliation between us mother not I have no reason to try anymore, this is the last you’ll see me mother, I know it’s short, unexpected, and anticlimactic. But hey it could have been much worse and may have resulted in spilled roise.” With all that done Octavia goes up to Harmonic Breeze. “Farewell, mother. You will die knowing your grandson is out there, perhaps you may see him too, but you will never know him. Humph, a fate far worse than mine I can say. Perhaps my scorn was just the least of the punishment being bestowed on you for betraying father.”

“You betrayed your husband!” Harmon Breeze fires back.

“I know, but at least I’m paying the piper and accepting it you still deny it.” With that, Octavia pats mother’s shoulder and leaves. Once outside Octavia trots a couple of paces until being some distance from Harmonic Breeze’s home, she comes to a complete halt looking down as if she is thinking about the words she has said to her mother with regret. However, to what was said Octavia has no regret. *sigh* “I said to her I reached an enlightened state by coming to terms with the fate Princess Celestia has in store for me, heh, can you believe I said that Twilight Sparkle? I said I was enlightened, without the need for books, philosophies, adventures, battles, near death experiences, and amnesia. I am at a higher state of mind where I know I can continue living without any negative premise thanks to my talent in music which will always keep me busy years from now.” Octavia looks back up establishing eye contact with Twilight Sparkle. “Now what do you say to having ourselves some nice chocolate milkshakes.”

“Sure but when you said you reached an enlightened state is that true??” Twilight asks. “Also was this truly the last time you’ll see your mother?”

Octavia sighs once more. “Yes Twilight. I see things much more clearly now and a if you want you can use your telepathy on me. As for my mother yes, I will no longer see her again after this moment...time for me to plan now so later on I can peacefully go about my way. Hopefully she’s cremated. AHEM, chocolate milkshakes??”

“Sure, sure, just let me analyze your mind very quick!” With her telepathy Twilight analyzes Octavia’s mind, seeing how the gray mare is right. Her mind is much more refined plus some clusters of stars in the galaxy of Octavia’s mind have disappeared getting rid of useless notions thus enabling much deeper thought. “Incredible! This is almost like seeing the evolution of a mind going from mortal to IMMORTAL!!” Once the amazement has reached its due, Twilight expresses her delight in chocolate milkshakes.


In the Griffon Republic.

Rienne sits upon the roof of his home looking at the horizon where the light is still soft as the light emitted from a freshly ignited candle. The griffon is now free. Free to walk on his own without the care of mother & father lingering upon shoulders, albeit thanks to his father he finally obtained the will to move out and buy his own house thanks to saving his money long before the war came. “I am my own griffon. I am slowly learning how to live with myself and be in control of the pain.” Now after saying the word pain, Rienne turns his vision to his left hand and looks upon his shiny wedding band. “Pain, well I don’t have to face it alone.”

On cue with his thoughts Sayoko comes up to the roof finding her husband sitting as if with not a care in the world. “I knew you will be up here.” The wife sits next to him grabs one of his hands, and awaits the sun to rise. “Tell me, I know you are still recovering from your experiences from the war and I can see in your eyes your pain. I saw this yesterday when you were washing the dishes, you suddenly stopped and looked upon your soap sud cover hand. I can go out on a limb and say you saw blood. Please tell me when you’re going through something dreadful Rienne for I can’t stand seeing you in that entranced state.”

Rienne sighs. “I’ll try my best...no promises...I-I just don’t like being seen, you know what I mean my love. Still.” The Griffon passes his hand over her cheek. “I’m glad to know you’ll always be there for me.”

“Of course my love, oh.” The sun rises basking the couple with its warm light. “Are you going to join your brothers today, I think today is your group therapy.” She reminds him.

“OH! I almost forgot!” Rienne gives his wife a kiss on her cheek and right before flying off he also remembers something he’s been meaning to ask his wife. “Uhmm Sayoko is it okay if I can get a cat?”

Sayoko smiles in response. “What are you going to name it?”


With that Rienne flies off to join his brothers in their mission to have many more sun rises.


In the Crystal Empire Princess Cadance with her extended hoof helps her brother up from his bow. “There is no need for you to bow before me from here and here on Gold Sky and the rest of you rise no need to bow before me and my dear Prince Shining Armor.” Still feeling the tremendous love flowing from him and into her, Cadance ceases physical contact to allow him to feel less tense.. “I’m pleased you can visit my kingdom Gold Sky and I pray you will enjoy your stay here. Any way please follow me and I’ll lead you to your quarters.”

Gold Sky, Gilda, Rarity, G, Red Heart, Weytani, and Vetra follow Cadance while Shining Armor trails them but looks at Vetra trying to figure out what she is but only ends up thinking how adorable the little three horned creature looks.”Looks like something from my old comic books.” Along with admiring the Triceramorph, Shining Armor notices the floor glows with each step Gold Sky takes upon it. “Huh?? The ground glows with every step he takes...wait the wall next to him glows as well, also the crystal guard he just passed just glowed! I should really speak to him whenever I get the chance”

In Gilda’s mind. “So far father is calm around Aunt Cadance which is a good thing and Uncle Shining Armor is here too! I can’t wait to talk to him!”

Weytani meanwhile is thinking. “How does the food here taste?”

Rarity using her senses, can see the joy in the Cadance’s face as the cerise mare takes quick glances at the painted stallion while ever so lightly glows due to the painted stallion’s love. “Something tells me Cadance will do something that I somewhat expect and at the same time don’t.”

G just looks at her dear Gold Sky while flickering her tongue to taste Cadance’s scent.

As for Gold Sky his heartbeat is beyond the limit any living being can withstand, he feels that her majesty Princess Cadance is already scheming his end where his daughter witness it well that is only if Princess Cadance knew how to penetrate valyrian steel, adding to that Two of his trusty guards are here to wreck havoc on Cadance to provide much needed time to escape with everyone he holds dear to his heart. Nevertheless, if Her Majesty Princess Cadance wanted him dead she would have attempted doing so long ago. “Perhaps having the others with me is what’s keeping her from killing me or perhaps it’s just Shining Armor. Hmmmm well, as soon as Princess Cadance shows me to my quarters I can rest for bit, eat no maybe not that, and then start training immediately. It will only be a matter of time before Twilight Sparkle deduces we’re here in the Crystal Empire.”

For Cadance. “I will put brother together with that Lovely Toltecian Cobra. I’m more than sure brother has deep feelings for G given how she has a hand on his croup, a action that borders on intimacy. I will rectify my mistake. Octavia’s fate is acceptable and I can live with that and I will not lose any sleep over it.”

At last coming to a complete stop Cadance turns around face Gold Sky while having a lovely smile on her face for now comes putting her intents into action. “Gold Sky this the most luxurious room in the palace for you and your dear wife and I will be very pleased if you will accept my hospitality.”

Gold Sky is impressed by the room being offered to him along with asking himself. “Wasn’t Princess Cadance at my wedding??” For Cadance saying G is his wife is worth correcting but he can sense G being very pleased upon Cadance’sfreudian slip, so forget correcting her majesty when a comfy looking bed is waiting for him and G. “I am humbled by your kindness your majesty.” After a short bow to the Princess of Love, Gold Sky nudges with is wing to follow him inside.

Next. “For you Gilda, here is the second best room across for your father’s. It’s pretty nice no?”

“Mh-hmm!” Gilda likes what she sees.

As for Rarity, Redheart, Weytani, and Vetra, Princess Cadance leads them to their quarters while making sure the room for Weytani and Vetra have enough beds for Gold Sky’s guards.

Back to G and Gold Sky. “I must say Princess Cadance’s palace is very beautiful and says very nice things even if her words are a mistake.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Gold Sky smiles to the divine softness of this bed. “ Do you think she said what said as a mistake or was it intentional?”

G flickers her tongue as she slithers towards the stallion and goes around the bed to properly ‘sit’ next to him. “Intentional, unintentional it may or may not matter to us. Does it my dear?”

Placing a hoof under his chin Gold Sky thinks and quickly comes to a conclusion. “Maybe not. After all for you I like to hear anything that describes a wonderful future for us.”

“Really…!” G mummers with thrilled drag. “OH!” G finds herself lying flat on the bed with Gold Sky lying next to her. “Now we’re talking, Gold Sky.” The Lady Cobra’s hand grabs Gold Sky’s hoof. “You know Gold Sky I’ve thought about you alot...did you think about me before this very moment?”

When it comes to G, the stallion feels the utmost confidence to discuss anything with her. “I thought about you sporadically during the ahem ‘good’ years of my marriage but when Octavia betrayed me I instantly thought of you…” Suddenly interrupted.

“What do you mean by betrayal?” Gilda plays the role of being in the unknown regarding Octavia’s infidelity to hear every detail from Gold Sky. Given how he was the one who experienced it and unlike Celestia he will paint a better picture for her understand.

*sigh* “Octavia wanted a child, she made her intentions clear to me many times and it got to the point where she built a nursery without even notifying me. I couldn’t be a father G, not because I wasn’t ready I mean I had more than enough experience in parenting, nurturing, and guiding...look G here comes the part that’ll put your faithfulness to the test. The reason why I could not have any children with Octavia was due to my tremendous guilt to leaving my dear daughter Gilda being in the Griffon Republic for ten years.”

The Lady Cobra refrains from gasping but squeezes his hoof to persuade him to carry on.

“I left my dearest daughter behind because long ago during my journey and before her birth I killed one thousand four hundred and twelve innocent zebra children to protect my dear traveling companion Ruby whom I loved as a sister. I killed children G, many children, and when I killed them I became the ultimate killer. I can now kill without hesitation without remorse, without guilt, and killing I see it as a tool like a mallet rather than questionable act. Unfortunately, killing all of those children did not completely ensure Ruby’s life for a few months later a dragon killed her...I killed the dragon and her freshly hatched young.” *sigh* “Her young even when they just hatched knew they going to die and tried to escape, that poor little dragon, so young. Afterwards, I became insane due spilling so much innocent first with no choice second by choice.” Gold Sky stops to rub his with his hoof isn’t being held by lovely cobra’s hand. “I asked for forgiveness which of course the Great Spirit granted but I could not forgive myself.”

The Lady Cobra kindly cuts in. “So killing all those children is what allowed you to become a fighter without equal?”

Gold Sky grunts in response. “Because I could not forgive myself, I was plagued with screams from all the children I killed. Day in, day out whenever, my dearest daughter was with me I’ll hear their screams add in nightmares, so you can only deduce that all that internal pain will cause the Razor residing inside of me to see my daughter as my enemy and after an incident. I-I-I had to leave her behind, the Razor will kill my daughter which will end up killing me.”

*Ting* “Killing you how??” G asks.

“If Gilda dies I die. I made her immortal by giving her the love from my Spirit, thus if she dies I die and if I die she does not. I had leave so she can live on. So I made a unbreakable promise to never have another child well that is until I was casted out from the heavenly paradise allowing me to finally forgive myself thus giving me back my daughter.” He turns his head to look at G. “Like I said this will test your faithfulness.”

Taking in everything the Lady Cobra thinks about all Gold Sky has gone through along with somehow getting through everything even when death is mixed in. He may not have lived as much as she has but his experiences greatly surpasses her’s but in the end the Lady Cobra comes to an understanding. “Everything you did, all the blood you spilled, raising your daughter and leaving her behind so you won’t harm her. You only kill to protect the ones you love as family, you never kill for enjoying or experiencing the act itself. That Griffon Ruby you loved as your sister...look I am quite shocked to hear about all of this, you killed children, baby dragons, became insane out of the sheer guilt for spilling innocent blood, and of course what I’m sure is damning is having to leave your very daughter behind to protect her from the beast inside of you.” G flickers tongue. “I know you regret all you’ve done, I also know you accepted what you’ve become, but more importantly you redeemed yourself by keeping to your promise and of course forgiving yourself. I still love you and will always stay by your side.” To prove her words the Lady Corba’s tail wraps itself around Gold Sky, lifting him up, spins him one hundred and eighty, and gently place him over her. “It’s times like these that we live for.”

“Live for?”

The Lady Cobra wraps her arms around around the stallion’s neck bringing him close. “Why else would you be given a second chance.”

“Well to forgive myself, be back with my dearest daughter, wage war against Luna, make Equestria fear me like it should, and accept the fact that my daughter will go about her way in this world.” All the reasons he believes he should live for to which none seem to include G.

“Hmm.” The Lady Cobra softly groans. “Oh but still Gold Sky, surely you must have other things to live for?”

Realizing how close he is to the Lady Cobra, add in her arms wrapped around his neck, and of course being on top of her. Gold Sky knows he has deep feelings for the Lady Cobra, he misses her touch and yearns for the love that comes from a companion...especially from the Lady Cobra that he loves as much as Octavia luckily he’s strong enough to put aside that love in order to maintain monogamous to the gray mare. “Now that I think about it, I do...getting to know you better, G.” With that said the stallion becomes a bit daring. He moves in to kiss the lovely Lady Cobra.

But G who so desires to kiss the stallion decides to forgo this opportunity, by jerking her head to the left. The reasoning behind her decision is wanting a environment that will perfectly suit the celebration she’ll experience in her spirit when she kisses him. “Oh this is something we’ll look forward to my love but not yet.” Nonetheless, she gives him a sample by flicking her tongue on his nose providing him a slight loving tickle then kisses it. “I can say we’re very close no?”

“Very.” Gold Sky replies. He has been denied performing a act that he considers very meaningful when executed for the first time, however, he wasn’t quite ready to begin with nor does he believe he has the ability to please her. So seeing G tease him like this is more of a relief than a let down. “Huh!?” He feels her tail move him to a position where he’s lying next to her.

“My love, I can sense how worried you are, I believe it took a unmeasurable amount of courage to come here, greet Princess Cadance, touch Princess Cadance, and remain under the same roof with her than fighting an entire army by yourself. I want to help you relax even if it’s just for a moment.”

Very surprised by how she can pick up on his stress even when he isn’t sweating reminds him she has very keen sense like his sense of smell. “How can I relax when Princess Cadance is waiting for the perfect moment to KILL ME! My Gilda is here and last thing I want is to have her witness me being killed! I know I am the best fighter or killer in this Earth but Princess Cadance is something else...for if I am King in the Sea of Spilled Blood then she is the Empress...of the entire Universe. I am but a lonely bug when she is a galaxy. She appears to be kind and Loving to which perhaps she is maybe even more loving than me but uhhhh I-I she knows of the Innocent blood I spilled, she’s ready to make me pay. For even when the Divine has forgiven me I am not immune from Earthly Justice.”

“And Cadance is the sword that will strike you down.” The Lady Cobra puts her words before the worried stallion.


Now wanting to end this quickly so she can enjoy being with the stallion, G scoots herself close to him, with somewhat of a seductive look on her face. “Gold Sky let’s take a nap you can use one and you have me to protect you from Princess Cadance.” Placing his arm over her belly as she lies on her side, G does what a wife will typically do to put a stressed husband at ease. “You have me my Love.”

Calming down, Gold Sky presses his hoof against her belly feeling he isn’t in bed with some mare he is in bed with a loving spouse. This state of mind that has been absent from him for quite some time is returning like the Prodigal Son. “I’m glad I have you with me, I couldn’t have asked for anything else.” With that said Gold Sky softly kisses the back of the Lady Cobra’s head and covers her with his wing. “Thank you for being so understanding.”

Drifting away into some much needed sleep.


In her Room.

“Ooooh look at them, she already acts like a loving wife to him! While he does not hesitate return the affectation.” Cadance observes her brother and Lady Cobra thanks to Lauren creating a hologram of the occuring event. “This is the first step of rectifying my mistake has been put into motion! My plan is flawless, and brother shall be happy with the wife he rightfully deserves, I will make sure G spends as much time as possible with him. Hahahaha! He will be happy and so will she. So what do you think Lauren? Is my plan not flawless and going quite smoothly?”

Lauren remains mum on Cadance’s plan, for she does not want to give credence nor denounce Cadance’s noble intentions. “Cadance means well and I feel really glad she is trying to be a loving sister by doing everything she can to make him happy. Still I feel in the end Cadance’s plan may backfire if she did not all the variables into consideration. I will stay neutral in all of this though I agree with Celestia’s reasoning...the lovely Cobra is the perfect spouse for Gold Sky.”

Cadance continues her monologue. “Also my dear niece Gilda will be bonding with Shining Armor her uncle that will maybe introduce her to comic books. Oh...almost forgot about Gilda accepting G as her mother but nonetheless, I feel my niece will gradually warm up to her.”

Lauren exhales sharply. “Don’t rest on your laurels Cadance, for just because you got involved in your brother’s first marriage it doesn’t mean you’ll have another successful consequence through your subtle involvement.”

Surprisingly the wise words of the Archangel produces a testy response from the Princess of Love. “Do you not see what I’m seeing! Look at them! Doing acts that would not be if he did not have deep feelings for her and she did not love him. I seen the way he looks at her also she had her hand on his croup! HIS CROUP OF ALL PLACES! I mean the last time a mare who wasn’t his wife laid a hoof there he struck her in the face. Lauren they will be together, all acts that occur in their interactions point to that…” Cadance remembers something her Father told her. “Also for your sake he’ll be happy which will make you happy in return.”

The Archangel now sighs. “Clever girl, you clever, clever girl Cadance. Dig into my caring for the stallion as a way for me to turn a blind eye to what can potentially go wrong in your plan. I have no intention in stopping you nor encouraging you just remember you are his sister and don’t forget to fulfill that role.” With that Lauren departs.

Cadance flicks her hair before sitting down on her couch to review her plan. “I have accounted for every variable from Octavia, Celestia, Luna, his Xenomorphs, and of course Gilda. So I can’t go wrong. However, I will doing everything to make Gold Sky get over his fear of me plus I have to make sure Shining Armor does not breathe a word about this to anyone. Hmmmm though I wonder if he’ll be a good Uncle to Gilda.”

So for the meantime The Princess of Love will let this day go its course.
Until. “I wonder if brother and the lovely cobra were to start ‘doing’ things will it cause the crystal around them to glow??”

Good question.


Outside the palace Gilda and Rarity walk around while Redheart, Vetra, and Weytani decide to take a look around at the shops with Redheart having the idea to introduce the Xenomorph to a bottle of her Red Cross alcohol. “Hey do you think they serve wroshyr leaves here because I’m down for some right now.”

Curious, Redheart clears her throat. “Excuse me Vetra but I am curious just how did you learn to speak? While yes you have the ability to speak but how did you learn to speak the common tongue, understand the meaning of words, and your vernacular?”

Vetra sits on her bottom. “AHHH!” But then sees something that catches her undivided attention. “That looks good!” What caught the attention of the Triceramorph is a stand filled with the most pleasing leafy greens. “Hmmmmm!” Standing on her hind legs while resting her front legs on the stand, Vetra licks her chops at the sheer variety of leafy greens she can pick from.

The owner of the stand takes notice of this strange creature almost drooling all over her produce. “Is there anything of your particular liking uhhh creature??”

“Oh yes!!” Vetra replies.

The owner nearly gasps at hearing this strange creature talk. “OH!? Well ahem, I got plenty of fresh vegetables to choose from, say will you like a sample.”

“Huh?” Vetra’s drools retreats back to her mouth. “What’s a sample?”

“A sample is giving you a try of my vegetables so you can see how good they taste before you buy any.” The owner chuckles to herself for patting herself on the back.

“Oh ok uhhhhh that one!” The Triceramorph with her head points at a pile of leafy greens.

The owner gives the strange creature some leafy greens. “Do they meet your expectations?”

Vetra nods ecstatically, prompting the owner to figure out what the strange creature will want a few pounds of. “I can say the spinach tickles your fancy so how many pounds do you want?”

“A lot!” Vetra is now drooling and is happily tapping her hind legs in anticipation of indulging herself with what is called spinach.

“Sooooo four and a half pounds then?”

“Is that a lot?”

“I-I guess.”

“Okay!” Vetra agrees. “I’ll take that!”
*Squee* The owner grins in delight. “Very well then that’ll be two bits.”

Vetra’s enthusiasm screeches to a halt when demanded something in exchange for the spinach. “What?”

Luckily. “Don’t worry Vetra I got it. Here you go.” Redhearts drops two bits helping the Triceramorph out of her predicament. “Any way let us find a place to sit so you can enjoy your leafy greens.
With her yummy spinach laying in front of her Vetra remembers Weytani. “Oh, Weytani will you like some?”
The Xenomorph shakes her head.

While eating Vetra remembers what Redheart asked her earlier. “I almost forgot you asked me how I learned how to speak. I remember after emerging from the tar pit I spent a few days traveling about until I remember seeing a group of half furs and half feathers living in a house made out of trees. They spoke to each other and at first I could not understand what they were saying but after some time of listening in by luckily finding shelter in a spare room they did not use. I began to slowly understand their language, word by word shared between them I understood and in fact the smallest half feather and half fur found me when a marble wandered into the spare room I was staying in.”

“Was the smallest one scared of you.” In her mind Redheart deduces that half feathers and half furs means Griffons and smallest half feather and half fur means griffon child.

Vetra shakes her head. “She wasn’t and in fact it or was it a he?? I think it was a he given he was impressed to see me. Uhm anyway, the smallest one saw I wanted to learn how to speak by speaking in broken sentences with words I learned from them. So the little one taught me how to speak, he will tell me words from two large books called a dic-shin-nary and therasaurus.” Yes Vetra is pronouncing it the way she heard the little Griffon tell her. “Also that’s when he found that I was a dinosaur well that is before master telling me I’m really a Triceramorph, but I digress…” Vetra pauses to wonder if she’s properly used that word correctly. “The smallest half fur and half feather became even more amazed with me once finding out I was a dinosaur, eventually he introduced me to the bigger half furs and half feathers to which at first they were shocked but they warmed up to me no wait it wasn’t cold uhmm they began liking me when I spoke a complete sentence without a mistake. They fed me, taught me how to speak the common tongue, read what else ah! While I helped plow the biggest half fur and half feather’s field, killed a Draco name Dragon by ramming it with my horns…”

“Wait!?” Redheart interrupts. “Isn’t dragon skin impenetrable??” But just then in her mind. “Unless of course the speartips of the Xenomorph’s tails or in this case horns can penetrate dragon skin! Hmm I better inform my dear Gold Sky of this in case Luna plans to use any dragons in the coming war between them.”

Vetra shrugs. “Well that’s what the therasaurus said…” Vetra stops once again to remember things. “Once I learned enough, I said goodbye and allowed the smallest to give me a big hug and then I found Master.”

Well that’s quite the story. “So that’s how you learned will I must say that’s quite the time for you Vetra. Anywho what do you think of your master?”

Vetra looks over to Weytani as if expecting the Xenomorph to say something but instead received silence. “From what I seen, Master is kind, caring, and I can feel a deep rage within him. He will protect me and my sisters as much as we will protect him.”

“That’s good to know.” Redheart smiles and pats the cloaked Weytani on the shoulder as they wait for Vetra to finish eating her leafy greens.


With Gilda, Rarity walks out of the palace with the intention of spending some time with her niece before starting coming hectic training with brother. “Gilda darling something tells me you came to the palace because you knew your father will follow you.”

Gilda nervously laughs to Rarity’s amazing accurate point.

“Well I can say you and Princess Cadance share a telepathic connection, but ending that I have to know something Gilda and it is very important that you be very truthful with me. However, with that said if you become very uncomfortable then there is no need to press on.” Rarity assures.

Gilda nods.

Clearing her throat Rarity formulates her words. “I know seeing your father with that lovely cobra is quite a bit much for you given how you never seen your father with another mare. I saw how you were surprised and at the same time confused, so please tell me how you feel? So I can try my best to help you darling.”

The Griffon is quite pleased to know Rarity is being the way she is right now, so ever motherly. “I never thought father will ever find a mare, I always thought father will simply go his own way and just see me as his world with nothing else to take away his focus. But I something wondered if father feels lonely...you know a stallion like him can’t live alone forever once I finally come of age. Or can he?? Can a stallion really live a life of solitude? As for the Lady Cobra how can she fall in love with father? I mean she is quite beautiful and obviously father is handsome but she seems well I-I…” Gilda briefly loses the will to speak for she does not want to say the wrong thing regarding the Lady Cobra for she realizes her father cares a lot for. “She is a cobra my dear father is a pony, how!! I mean if she loves him dearly then I don’t mind but father he loves that Cobra...how can he love someone of a different species!?” Deep down Gilda is not concerned about the mare father loves being a different species she more concerned about father being with a mare that will by marriage become her mother and Gilda is quite afraid she will not live up to the Lady Cobra’s standards. “I still need some time to really think about my thoughts so I don’t come off as untrusting.”

Rarity is quite taken aback by Gilda’s words. “Gilda...I-I don’t want to come off as a bit harsh but...oh darling, I think I should tell you something about me first. I am in Love with a dragon, he is loving dragon, he bleed for me, he fought for me, and I know he thinks the world of me as I think the world of him. While I am a pony and he is a Dragon we are different in species and united in Love. Nonetheless, you should talk to her Gilda, get to know her, ask your father about her, or you see it like this if you don’t approve then your father won’t approve.” *TING* “I think she’s aware of that OH! Think about your father’s happiness!”

Gilda meekly smiles to Rarity being really careful with her words. “I wish Rarity didn’t stop herself from saying what she wanted to say.” Now back to speaking to Rarity. “It’s weird though that we share the same name. Still you’re right Rarity, I have to think about Father’s happiness and I’ve never seen father smile like he’s a lovestruck guy. I just want to get used to this thing where father is with somebody. He is going to probably marry that lovely Cobra be happy...oh father after all he’s been through with me, the wars, his death, and his coming war with Luna. I think the Lady Cobra can help in ways I can’t...but it will take me awhile to call her mother when I have mother walking with me.” Gilda takes hold of the white Unicorn and embraces her. “No one can replace yo for you’ve been here for me when you didn’t have to.”

“I’m happy to hear that darling, thank you for appreciating me as your mother.” Rarity smiles to herself.

In a distance Shining Armor notices the Griffon that he saw before and Rarity. “I didn’t get the chance to say hi and ask how the Griffon know Cadance.” So the Prince makes his way to the duo with a happy trot. “Hello Rarity! It’s nice to see you and it’s nice to see you too!”

Rarity gives the Prince a small bow while Gilda smiles at him. “Hello Prince.”
“Hello Shining Armor.” Gilda greets as she extends her hand to shake her Uncle’s hoof.

“Ah.” Shining Armor shakes her hand. “Gilda right?”

“Mmhmm.” Gilda replies.

“Good, good. Anywho, what brings you two here to the Crystal Empire?”

Rarity starts first. “I came here because my brother intends to train me and I do remember the Crystal Guard’s having a training grounds and with your kind permission I will like to utilize it.”

Training? And for what? Shining Armor asks himself. “What need does a fine, elegant mare like Rarity will train for? Hmm it has been awhile since I trained somebody and perhaps I can give Rarity a few tips in fighting if that is what she is going to ultimately going to train for.” Shining Armor feels a bit of the old days rising when he once was captain of the guard and trained the new recruits. “Why of course you can utilize the training grounds and if you want I can teach you some basics such has your footwork.”

“Hey that’s very nice of him Rarity.” Gilda speaks gleefully to the white mare.

But Rarity knows when it comes to combat she can only have one teacher for between Gold Sky and Shining Armor, only one has the will to deliver the killing blow and has no equal in combat. Also Shining Armor has no combat experience so there’s that if anything can taken from the surface rather than comparing the two stallions. “With all due respect Shining Armor, I will have to decline. My brother will be teaching me and he has everything that no one else has. Also if I recall you did say you saw him take on five of Princess Luna’s Elite Commando Guards and defeat all of them in less than two minutes.”

“Oh…” Shining Armor remembers saying that. “Well in that case I will like to watch you train so maybe I can learn thing or two.”

“Uhhh.” Rarity does not want Shining Armor to witness her coming harsh training. “Are you sure you want to watch me and my brother train? It will be quite a spectacle that will probably surpass your tolerance in regards to training and actual combat.”

“Key word is as you said Rarity is spectacle besides I seen many things so whatever I will see between you two as you train will mostly impress me.”

Oh dear.” Rarity tells herself. “Very well Shining Armor it will be an honor to have you observe.”

Shining Armor gleefully smirks and trots off, eagerly awaiting what the elegant mare can do other than perhaps get a bunch of bruises. “Good thing Nurse Redheart is here to cure Rarity the minute she starts to sweat.”

Gilda turns to Rarity with a somewhat astounded look. “Mother, how come you did not want Uncle Shining Armor to show you some things he knows?”

Rarity softly passes a hoof through Gilda’s hair. “Darling, it’s your father that’ll be training me. That alone invalidates all of Shining Armor’s curriculum.”

Gilda concedes to Rarity’s point but still expresses discontent. “Darling, it isn’t Shining Armor that I’m worried about. I’m more worried about you and please don’t ask why, I think its better you find out.” Now with that said Rarity fixes her hair. “Now come darling, let’s make our way to the training grou...on second thought uhmmm.” The Training Grounds is where the Crystal Stallions train to become guards, a duty that will remind Gilda when she was once a Marine who lost many of her dear brothers thus reigniting the aching dread that will claw so much at the spirit that it can bring down Gilda, engulfing her with immense fear mixed with shame. “Perhaps we should go to the palace’s highest tower to have ourselves a nice view of the Empire.”

*ting* Gilda caught Rarity’s change of words. “Why not the training grounds mother? I know my PTSD will flare up if that is what you’re wanting to protect me from, hmm I have to face it as father said. Because some things can never be forgotten but they can be lived with and tolerated. Besides if all goes wrong, I have you with me mother.” Gilda emphasizes her words by softly passing her fingers through Rarity’s hair.

“Very well.”

Both mares make their way to the training grounds but Gilda couldn’t help but take a deep breath out of some building anxiety for Gilda is ready to live with what she has seen she just has to get used to it first.


In the palace.

Cadance calls her dear husband to her side. “Shiny my love as you already know my brother is here but what you don’t know is the Griffon that came with him you know the one you’ve met earlier. Is his daughter.”

*gasp* Shining Armor gasps to hear that. “He mated with a Griffon!! Incredible so it is possible for a pony to mate with a mare of another species huh good thing I didn’t know about that long ago when I had that fantasy to one day mate with a Olmecan Monitor. Oh yes that beautiful hair of theirs I mean how can those monitors have long flowing hair, well for reptiles it looks amazing on them.” *GASP!* “Did I ramble again??”

Instead of being taken aback, disgusted, or humored Cadance is quite amazed her husband once had a fantasy like that. “I didn’t know you once wanted to mate with a Olmecan Monitor, I’m glad to know you don’t see a mare for her species but for her self. Now back to Gilda, no he did not mate with a Griffon he adopted her after fighting a long war. So she is my niece as she is yours.”

“Heh, I’m a uncle then.”

“Oh most definitely Shiny, therefore I need you to do what a Uncle does and bond with her she already is curious about you so a introduction is not needed. Also do not inform Twilight, Celestia, or anypony else about our guests. He is only here because daughter wants to be here otherwise he would have avoided me like the plague, try to do everything you can keep him comfortable here or better yet keep our dear niece happy for if she’s happy then my brother is happy giving me more opportunity to bond with him.”

Shining Armor takes in the role he is given. “For you Cadance I’ll do everything I can. Although I found what may be a secondary reason our guests are here. Rarity is going to be undergoing training from Gold Sky.”

“Training as in combat training?” Cadance asks.

Shiny nods. “From what I gathered yes.”

“Well that is quite out of character for Rarity still if training her keeps him happy then let him train her.”

Once what had to be spoken between the two is spoken, the mare kisses her husband then remembers the words of the Archangel but reminds herself her plan is without flaw. Just then their stomachs growl. “Dinner time.”

Thus a servant is sent to wake the Alicorn and Lady Cobra for does not have the will to wake them herself.


*Knock, Knock*

“Gold Sky, I think somebody is knocking.” The now awakened G whispers to the stallion.

“Well they can wait. We’re here, I have you with me and I just want to feel your smooth scales rub against my skin, relish your scent, hold you in my arms, and lie in the same bed together as if we’ve been doing so in so many nights past.” Gold Sky whispers into the Cobra’s ears followed by a kiss to the back of her head.

“Oh Gold Sky, you romantic opportunist. It’s your choice of words and how you use them to tell me how you feel is what makes me love you even more!” G rolls over in order to be face to face with her Dearest. “Let the world wait we have all the time in the world for us.” G kisses Gold Sky on the nose.

Just then.
“Her Majesty Princess Cadance requests you join her and the Prince for dinner.”

*GASP!* Before long Gold Sky is out of bed with the Lady Cobra quickly following suite. “I almost forgot his fear of Cadance.” G tells herself.

“Let’s not keep her waiting.”

But the Lady Cobra’s tail wraps itself around his left hind leg. “Wait my love, let us first make you presentable.” Leading him to the bathroom, G with a moist towel cleans the stallion’s face. “You know ever since we’ve been on that train you haven’t quite groomed yourself.” Now with a dandy brush in hand, she gives his coat a nice brushing then with a comb passes it through his hair, and lastly hands him some mouthwash. “Well since we don’t have toothbrushes or even toothpaste for that matter. The mouthwash will have to do.” A few seconds later. “There we go you look quite dashing my love and fit for the eyes of a Princess such as Cadance. Now let’s go eat.” G lightly tapping the stallion’s flank to get him moving looks over her shoulder to make he’s following her. While in her mind, she can’t believe how much of a wife she acted to him. In fact she acted did not come out of choice but from instinct. An instinct of caring for the one she loves in ways other than being loving. “Almost as a wife taking care of her husband.” G declares in both cores of the galaxies of her mind.

In the dining room, Princess Cadance has a round put in order to make the environment more inviting to the stallion, also it gives her the opportunity to sit next him as if to apply some pressure to the stallion to which if it is constant and is at a steady gage, then the stallion will slowly get used to her as long as she does not do any bloody sudden moves.
Rarity, Gilda, Weytani, and Redheart are already seated. Vetra per Cadance’s word leads the rest of her sisters down below to tables full of delicious food then the Triceramorph comes back to the dining room and takes her seat after somewhat of a struggle to get on first.

Right before entering Gold Sky stops to take a few deep breaths. “All right.” Gold Sky and G enters.
“Gold Sky please sit next to me for you are the guest of honor.”
With everyone in their places the food is served however, what Gold Sky does not know is Cadance going out and killing a stag so her brother can have some meat plus for Gilda along with Weytani.

“Wait…! Gold Sky y-you eat meat! Real meat.” Shining Armor nervously asks.

“Yes Prince and it is quite a delicacy. Well it depends how you cook it your majesty.”

In Shining Armor’s mind. “I wonder what going through the Chef’s head while he cooking it.”


Meanwhile in the kitchin.

“What is it with you twots!?” Chef Gordon Ram scolds as his pupils vomit into some trash cans.

“Chef!” One of his pupils squeals in discontent. “We just cooked meat! Its smell was horrible and it’s meat WHO HERE IN THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE EATS MEAT!”

“So what!” Chef Gordon Ram shoots back. “We cook whatever her majesty wants besides as chefs we cook whatever there is and we should not get disgusted.” And to show he means what he says the Chef grabs the pan where the meat cooked on and takes a big sniff. “You smell that! It’s smells like stop being a little pansy twot! So what if we’re cooking meat…”

“But what if the meat cooking is pony! Wha-what if we’re cooking PONY!”

“Well uhh.” Gordon Ram searches for the right words. “Well if we’re cooking pony then that means we taste good and I doubt it but that’s beside the point! As chefs you cook and pour your heart into our craft. Also you, yes YOU! Come HERE!!” He presents his pupil a tomato(Tuh-Mah-Toh). “You see this abomination! IT’S ROTEEEEEEEN!! Fraken Rotten!! You almost served this to her majesty! HER MAJESTY! Now smell this pan and prepare desert! Hopefully your scheiße filled train of thought doesn’t screw up something as easy as a crème brûlée.” With that said Chef Gordon takes a deep breathe to personally cook the desert for the Guest of Honor. “I never thought I’ll witness a pony eat meat...frak me.”


OH!” His fear prevented him from remembering his guards.

Instantly Cadance figures what Gold Sky means when he said oh, albetit what she’ll say next will be a gamble that will result in him either staying or going. “Don’t worry they’re being well fed also two of them are here with us.”

Gold Sky understands what Princess Cadance is implicating and truth be told he is put at ease to hear Princess Cadance is aware of his Xenomorphs being here. Thus whatever wrong move she performs there will be a utter consequence from Gold Sky’s mighty praetorian and adorable yet deadly Triceramorph. “Thank you, your majesty.” He eyes both guards as he thanks the cerise mare of which he receives a nod from both.

Eating, Princess Cadance is nonetheless, pleased to have her brother eating with her in the same table for it feels like having something valuable back. “Well what I just said fell in my favor, thus he will start being more at ease around me still I shouldn’t press on too much. Plus I can ask Gilda to help me get closer to him.” Cadance smiles at Gold Sky when he turns to take a careful look at her.

Just then. “Right, here you go good sir. “ Chef Gordon Ram presents as he comes out of the kitchen.

“No way!” Gold Sky gasps in disbelief. “Is that Chef Gordon Ram!?”

“Why yes it is oh and please tell your mum, Nurse Redheart I will on time to my next checkup.”

“Uhm you can tell her yourself she’s right there.” Gold Sky points out.

“Huh!?” The Chef composes himself. “Oh hello there Nurse Redheart, I’ll be on time to my next checkup.”

Dinner goes on and G who luckily sits next to Gold Sky wraps her tail around his tail as a sign of loving affection.


In the corridors.

“Tell me sweetheart what do you think about the Crystal Empire?” Gold Sky asks his daughter.

“I really like it father and the food is great!”

Gold Sky rubs Gilda’s back with his left wing. “But tell me Sweetheart how was your attempt to lessen the grip your PTSD has over you?”

The griffon makes no attempt to hide her surprise to father’s all knowing nature. “Mother was with me father and I did experience my pain...this time I fought back with the memories I’ve had with Jun-Park. I felt the pain but it did not take over me still I know I have to take this slow father and thank you for having faith in me. You have your telepathy and did not use it to help me. Thank you, father, I am the luckiest daughter in the world.” Gilda wraps her arms around Gold Sky’s neck tightly hugging him. “Huh? Father is that one your guards??”

“What?” Gold Sky notices a cloaked Xenomorph approaching them. “Uhh okay, I guess Rarity made them cloaks, ahem, Cynder what brings you here?”

“Father how do you know she’s Cynder?” Gilda asks.
“Oh I know who my dearest guards are sweetheart.” After saying that the stallion approaches his guard who upon further study looks worried. “Cynder you, you look worried. Is there something you wish to discuss?”

The Cloaked Xenomorph nods. “Master, I-I have to speak to you about something that creates a feeling I do not understand inside my head.”
Perplexed Gold Sky tilts his head at his Xenomorph. “Of course Cynder. Come lets us go outside to ensure the utmost privacy for your thoughts you’ll spill out. OH! Is it alright if my daughter accompany us?”

Your daughter can come master.” Cynder follows master to the courtyard. “Master, I-I feel something weird inside me. It all started when my sisters and I retook the fort...I mean after seeing you bury Eve, I felt a cold tremor when I realized I killed a lot of those Griffons. I killed, master, I sliced them with my claws, stabbed them with my tail, bit off chunks, and ripped them apart. Master that cold tremor returns when I look upon claws. I don’t know what's going on! The others brag about their kills but I don’t. I walk away and try to ignore them but I can’t. Master, tell me what am I feeling, for I know you are wise and understanding, please tell me.” Cynder mews in a downcast tone.

Gold Sky thinks about the cold tremor Cynder described but then it hits him! Each mind of his Xenomorphs are still developing and if there is one thing every sentient being has and that is including the emotionlessness are Morals. Cynder may be the first out of all her sisters to be in the early stages of developing morals however, she does not understand them. “Cynder, that cold tremor you feel is guilt.”

Guilt master?? What is guilt?” Cynder asks.

Before proceeding Gold Sky tries his best to cover Cynder with his wing but her dorsal spines present a problem. “Guilt is feeling shame after doing something that does not agree with you. It does not have to fit under the mantles of right or wrong Cynder it simply has to rattle your morals which are belief that you hold to help you from doing wrong or to the very least question your actions before you perform. You feel guilt for killing those griffons.”

“Wait!! Killing brings about guilt! But master, killing is what I and my sisters are made for! Our purpose, how can I be against my very purpose!?” The now frightened Xenomorph asks.

“No Cynder. You are made to be more than just a killing machine. What you don’t understand Cynder is you are slowly becoming your own mare, bit by bit, day by day you are changing for the better. You are developing your morals but the big question is where did you get them from?? Hmmm I pray it isn’t from me, I pray they’re coming from your own will because it will only prove my belief that the more sentient you become the more you become as I said before your own mare. Now to get to the most important part that we have to discuss. Killing. You are questioning the act of killing even if I command it or are fighting against enemies. All life matters to you, which says more than what I can say for myself Cynder.” The stallion places a hoof on her shoulder. “Hmm, ultimately Cynder you’ll leading to where you do not want to kill.”

No master. For if killing gives rise to this cold tremort called guilt then I want no part in it master...please forgive me.” Nonetheless, Cynder feels that she has failed master, not only here but here on for as long as she lives.

Luckily Gold Sky does not feel the need for Cynder’s apology. “No need to apologize…” But just then a voice rings out and it’s a voice only Gold Sky can only understand.

You can’t kill!” Jupiter cries. “How can you not kill! You are one of us and master’s guard!”

“Jupiter how-how did you get here??” Gold Sky asks while Gilda with the same surprised expression as him looks around to find the way the Xenomorph popped out from.

Master!” Jupiter turns to Gold Sky to speak her. “If Cynder can not kill then she does not deserve to serve you! If she can’t kill then she has no place among us!” The Xenomorph hisses at her sister.

Gilda only by what her father says to Cynder figures out that Cynder does not want kill due to the Xenomorph’s mind developing morals which to Gilda is good. Now judging from the tone being...hissed or whatever word that can be used to describe how the Xenomorphs sound when they speak, Gilda deduces Jupiter isn't very pleased. “Can they get mad at each other?”

“Jupiter.” Gold Sky remarkably speaks in a soft tone in a situation where normally he’ll be cross. “It pained me to lose Eve, but it will not very painful if I were to lose you.”

Huh, what!?” Jupiter utters in surprise.

“I will kill you myself Jupiter. You must understand, that even when I am your master…” Gold Sky realizes he said the word he does not want his guards to call him but carries on. “I want everyone of you to know there will be no remement of a hivemind to cling to when the time comes Jupiter because you will like your sister here develop your own individuality. Thus a true diversity, that is not by skin color, species, or sex but by thought. Cynder is coming to cherish all life even our enemies, she does not want to kill anymore and you will respect her choice Jupiter. She is still your sister and it does not make her any less of a Xenomorph. If she does not want to kill then so be it just know I am alright with that and you’re not then I will replace you with Erso that is of course after I find a good host.”

Erso, Master!? You already got a name in mind!!” Now Jupiter understands the seriousness of Master’s words. “Forgive me master, I did not mean to get mad at Cynder. I’m just surprised she does not want to kill anymore.”

“All is forgiven Jupiter, now please move on.” Once Jupiter is out of sight, Gold Sky refocuses his attention back on Cynder. “As I was saying there is no need to apologize Cynder, just at least defend yourself if attacked that’s all, thank you.”

Turning back to his daughter Gold Sky. “I know you’re strong sweetheart. Now come with me, perhaps you can watch Rarity train with me.” Then with his telepathy he contact Rarity. “Sister it’s time to start your training.”


“Hey look!” Shining Armor points. “I think Rarity is going to start her training!” He gives his wife a look that replaces the need for him to ask her if she wants to join him.

He is quite eager to see her train.” Cadance says to herself as she hurries up to join him.


In the training grounds, Weytani takes a seat with Vetra, Redheart wonders if Gold Sky is showing Rarity proper stretching techniques and the Royal duo is there with Cadance concealing her scent.

Alright sister, remember you wanted to be trained without any restraint so do not be shocked when the hits land and the pain engulfs you. Now tell me you understand everything I’ve told you.” Gold Sky settles for telepathic communication so no one will hear what they’ll say to each other.

Rarity nods. “I understand.”

Still just to ensure full understanding. “You will learn to tolerate your pain. Now come sister, take your first step show me what you know for I have to see everything you have before formulating your training..”

And so it begins.

Rarity after taking a deep breath, analyzes everything that can be possibly analyzed before making a move. “Fake a right to make him focus on that of which I’ll use a left followed up with a knee to his chin.” Rarity dashes forward. “What!”
Gold Sky didn’t flinch to the fake right, he effortlessly blocks her left with his right arm and with that same arm swings it down intercepting her right knee. “Hmm.” The stallion verbalizes.

With her left she swings towards his side but witnesses him moving his side towards her incoming hoof which will negate the impact of her hit.

“Is he teaching her how to fight? That’s odd, very odd!” Shining Armor voices. By training he thought exercise or workout or any thing like that.

Rarity utilizes all the fighting moves she’s used against Twilight yet no one hit lands upon brother, fifty percent of her hits are deflected, twenty percent are avoided, and the remaining twenty five percent countered with his wings. “Time to use magic.”A bolt of magic zooms back brother’s ear. *TING* Rarity senses something. “OOOF!” A punch in the stomach drops her to her knees.

*GASP!* Gilda stands to all fours upon seeing Rarity on the ground struggling to get her breath, she’s about to run over to Rarity’s aid but is stopped by seeing Rarity shake her head towards her.

Gold Sky walking around Rarity clears his throat. “Hurry up! Get back up Rarity! You must learn to get your breath back when it leaves you. Also your moves have power but predictable, they follow pattern that our enemy Twilight Sparkle will happily exploit before you even know it. Rarity, you have to let go of your patterns, and instead act upon reflex in both striking her and using your eye to detail to act upon in defense. Now get up NOW!!”

Despite being out of breath, Rarity rises to all fours with a slight tremble and now comes to see the reality of the training she’s venturing into. “Only I will fight Twilight, only I can can defeat, her and I have to prepare, mold myself, and see pain as just a sting.” *ting* An idea. Rarity teleports behind Gold Sky, then teleports again with the coordinates to appear in front of him. “Wha…!” Gold Sky seizes her by the neck.

What did I just SAY!!!” Gold Sky throws her away from him. “You are still predictable Rarity. But I know where to start with your training Rarity and that is your reflexes. Twilight was exposed to my super speed and was completely humiliated by it. She perhaps has developed something in order to increase her speed. Now Rarity, put your talent to use and read my body movements. Speed will be of your reflexes will be of the essence.” Gold Sky goes on the offensive with three fast hits two of which are from the left and the last from the right.

“Agh!” Rarity blocks all three.

Shining Armor is impressed by the ability of the white Unicorn to block Gold Sky’s hits. “Hey do you think he’s teaching her how to improve in her blocking ability?” He asks Cadance.
“I don’t know my love, I don’t know much about combat.” Replies the Princess of Love.

Good.” Gold Sky compliments. “That’s three now let us try four and make every effort to read my movements. One, two, three, four. Ah very good! Okay now focus.” His kicks followed up by sudden wing sweeps are blocked, now he is rather impressed with Rarity’s swift blocking all his strikes from high to low, from unreadable to readable however, this is only cqc and magic has not been utilized more importantly teleportation has not been utilized. *Poof* Gold Sky teleports to Rarity's side, kicks her then teleports back to her front, seizes by the neck and slams her to the ground. “Now we must work on your defense against Twilight’s teleportation attacks.”

Yes brother.” Rarity acknowledges. “Ahhhh ow.” But at trying to get up, Rarity can’t, her pain is under control thanks to her regeneration but as Gold Sky said to Twilight Sparkle her body refuses to move due to all the pain she just experienced.

Witnessing this, Gold Sky silently gasps to see in great pain thus resulting in his paternity that was once prevalent for the elegant mare. “We’re done for today.”

“NO!” Rarity growls once figuring out brother only said out due to his paternal instinct. “We’re not done yet! Not yet!”

“Mother!” Gilda gasps but at trying to get up, she feels something wrap around her. “Huh!?”

“No. Let your father train her.” The Lady Cobra whispers into Gilda’s ear.
Rarity now up on all fours gives him a nod. “I have to enhance my regeneration.” The white mare comes at Gold Sky. “Huh!” Gold Sky teleports. “Have to try.” By try Rarity decides to get creative to which in combat, creativity can tilt the balance in her favor or for the very least allow for a tactical retreat.

*poof* Appearing to see Rarity is nowhere in test Gold Sky’s ears twitch about to catch any sound. “Clever WHAT!” Turning around Rarity is not there. “Hmmm stop.”

“What did you think brother?” Rarity asks.

“No verbal.” The stallion reminds her. “If there is one thing I really have to commend from what I’ve seen so far is your reflexes Rarity they on par and can be why you’ve been able to last as long as you did against Twilight Sparkle. However, your sudden use of creativity just comes right about now? You fought our enemy yet no creativity, you withstood her offensives...and lost multiple times. You have to learn how to accelerate your regeneration, you need to always have escape...plans, plans. Utilize the environment to your advantage, there’s more than your eyes when it comes to ‘seeing’, figure out how to use that tremendous power residing inside of you, and then I can properly train you. You have to do your part and I’ll happily do mine. ”

Hearing brother’s suggestions, Rarity takes them to heart. He is right her reflexes are good but everything else she lacks immensely especially her creativity. However, Rarity remembers losing when Twilight became enraged so if she wants to start somewhere then...perhaps enraging brother will be a start. “He fears becoming blind also I think his emotions can control the speed of his regeneration so keeping him blind will eventually engage him.”

“Huh?” At flicking her tongue G notices a strange scent suddenly being emitted from the white mare. “What are her intentions?”
Just as Gold Sky is departing he hears Rarity call his name and at turning around a bolt of magic explores in front of his eyes, blinding him and all he now see is a dim white. “I can’t see! I-I CAN’T SEE!!”

Seeing’ her master scream, Weytani tosses off her cloak ready to engage the mare Master calls sister who just maimed him while her cloak ends covering Gilda in the process. “MASTER.” The Praetorian Guard leaps from where she sat and lands in front of her Master in a pose that mimics the defensive stance of a scorpion.

“Sister why!?” Gold Sky asks.

“Uh oh!” Shining Armor looks at his wife to see if she’s affected by Gold Sky calling Rarity sister.
“Rarity is taking a risk here for she did not intend to be facing brother’s Guard but she intended to take on her brother’s anger through exploiting his fear of becoming blind.” Cadance tells her husband in a nonchalant manner.

In Rarity’s mind. “Oh this isn’t what I intended…” *TING* “Still she’s close to brother’s skill.” So that will have to do and if keeping him blind will eventually drive to fight with his senses which will still prove testing then Rarity will have to go through Weytani.

Weytani meanwhile, is poised to attack but is still reserved, after all the white mare is master’s sister.
Gilda does not know how to react at this very moment. “I never seen father lying helpless on the floor like that...but what is wrong with Rarity!! Why did she attack him like that!” Inside of her Gilda’s anger is rising and her urge to protect father wants to come out. “Weytani looks so fierce.”

So with somewhat of a hint of tenacity Rarity fires another bolt of magic at brother keeping him blind. “WHAT!” Gold Sky yells in disbelief.

MASTER!” Oh all bets are off now. The Xenomorph’s tail launches forward and Rarity being focused jerks to the side avoiding the speartip tail and then jumps up now that Weytani is going completely on the offensive without a second of hesitation much less a chance for Rarity to find a opening.

“Ah!” Rarity feels her side being sliced by Weytani’s claws. “Here.” Rarity delivers a strong front kick in to the Xenomorph’s chest but that does nothing to slow Weytani’s ferocious offensive. “Aoh!” Rarity blocks Weytani’s left and right and holds the Xenomorph off but with great deal of strength Rarity trembles slightly and frees herself by headbutting the Xenomorph, delivers a quick close quarter combo that ends with a strong kick. “I am keeping up with Weytani!!”

“Incredible.” Cadance says to herself at seeing Rarity keeping with Weytani’s incredible speed.

Gilda on the other...hand, can’t believe what she is seeing. “Rarity is fighting Weytani better than I did with that wild one. Mother can fight and father is training her but I think mother wants to be better and by fighting Weytani she will convince father to go all out on her.”

“Ooof!” Weytani gets in a well times tail swipe onto Rarity sending the mare down her back. “Move!!” Rarity rolls out Weytani spear tip as it stabs the ground she rolled upon. “Jump!” *poof* Rarity teleports and decides to use Gold Sky’s technique by using random teleportation jumps to confuse the Xenomorph. Thus, amazingly Rarity turns the tables on the Xenomorph.

I don’t know what’s going on.” Gold Sky says to himself for he knows that his regeneration will take up to day or two to restore his sight.

Ugh!” Weytani lands on her side. “She is being difficult.” But then. *TING* The Xenomorph seizes Rarity by the neck. “I have you now.” Weytani slams Rarity on ground and has the rather dreadful business end of her spearhead tail pointed at the mare’s forehead.

“STOP!” The now blinded stallion orders his guard to leave Rarity alone and gets up to stand in front… “Wait am I facing Rarity?”

No master.” Weytani responds.

“Can you please turn me to the right position.” The stallion stays still allowing his trusting guard to carefully turn him towards Rarity. “Am I facing her now?”

Yes Master.”

“Are you sure?”

Yes Master.”

In Rarity’s mind. “Huh, he’s not using his telepathy. Strange.” This thought shows how little Rarity grasps her brother’s fighting capability.

“Okay. Ahem, if this is what OH!” He realizes he’s being verbal. “If this what you want Rarity fine, give me everything you have and try to knock me out. For if you can knock me out then your training is complete.” With a swing of his arm, Weytani leaves his side. “Oh! Weytani can you please give some cloth to cover my eyes.”

Grabbing the hem of her cloak the Xenomorph tears off a piece and blindfolds master in order to conceal his blindness. “Thank you, Weytani.”

“Hmmm?” Rarity notices brother’s ears twitching about in all directions, his left hind leg tapping the ground a few times, the wind suddenly comes from out of nowhere but not in a strong gust rather a slow breeze, he sniffs the air, and lastly magically tightens his blindfold to ensure it stays on. “I think he’s training himself to fight without his sight so maybe his style will be more reserved and on the defensive. Well perhaps that’ll help me approve my offensive capability,”

Redheart sitting calm on the inside while being extremely worried in the inside connects the dots the dots to Gold Sky’s intentions. “He can still see without needing to see...well at least that is what I think, I pray that I am right though, for even if he can heal it still pains me to see him get hit.”

Rarity rushes forwards and with full power lands a hit on her brother causing some of his sparking blood to land on Gilda’s face.
*GASP* “Father!” Gilda cries.

However. “Is that it Rarity? Is that the best you can muster when I gave you the ultimate opportunity to show me you can beat Twilight. Humph, good thing I’ll be training you then and I will grant your wish...you shall be thrown into the fire.” Gold Sky spits out a tooth. “Try again.” He remains motionless with the exception of his ears twitching back and forth.

“IMPOSSIBLE!!” Rarity is shocked. She believed her mighty hit will be able to knock him out but she concludes maybe she held back at the last second due to a sudden impulse of not daring to hurt the stallion she freshly remembers as father. “What!”

Gold Sky ducks avoiding her attack then uses his wing to swat Rarity on the back of her head, and finally to just perform four moves copies Weytani by miraculously seizing her by neck, slams on the ground and buries his hoof in her stomach. “I’M BLOODY HELL BLIND!!!” The stallion roars in utter disappointment. “HOW EASY CAN THAT BE FOR ANYONE! I AM AT MY MOST VULNERABLE AND YOU COULDN’T CAPITALIZE UPON IT!!” *Sigh* “We’ll continue tomorrow so rest up also decline Redheart’s suggestion to give a acetaminophen-codeine 300mg-30mg, for some reason she likes to prescribe that heavy duty pain killer. Is that clear.”

Slowly getting up by herself, Rarity nods. “Yes brother.”

Smiling...but not in her direction...Gold Sky gives her a nod. “You have a lot to learn Rarity but you will become a great no better fighter than me WAIT! Am I looking at you!?”

“Yes!” Rarity lies.

“Okay good.” Taking a step forward Gold Sky falls off the platform, then at getting up he bumps into a weapon rack, then trips by stepping on a spear, and lastly ends up on his back. How? Well not even Gold Sky knows. “Ooooh as if being blind is bad enough I’m making myself look like a utter twit. Can somebody help me please.”

“Oh yeah!” Gilda gets up to help to her father out and lead about the place so he will not be bumping into things. “Huh?” Gilda sees the Lady Cobra already beat her to the punch. “Ummmm.”

“I got you, here give me your hoof.” G gently takes hold of his hoof and passes her hand through his hair to tell him it’s her. “Are you alright?”

Gold Sky nods. “Say where’s Gilda?”

“I’m here father.” Gilda reports while her curiosity wants to remove her father’s blindfold to see how scarred his magenta have become. “Father do you need my help?” The griffon asks despite the Lady Cobra already being here helping her father.

“No it is alright. G here will help me, but I think Rarity will need your company, for a Marine can provide advice that will be most useful in creativeness.” Taking his hoof out of G’s hand, Gold Sky reaches out to touch Gilda’s cheek. “Don’t worry about me my dear I’m in good hands until my sight returns.”

Now with some fright in her voice Gilda asks him if she can see his eyes. “Yes.”
So with a great amount of care Gilda moves his blindfold up to see his eyes. *gasp* “Father your eyes...they’re nothing but clouds! Are you sure you’ll be alright without my care?” Be as it may Gilda still has a tiny bit of reservation for the Lady Cobra and it isn’t by her choice per se it’s just out of her instinct of being protective.

Leading him away G smiles to hear how much he trusts her. “Whatever were the intentions of his sister I have to give her my thanks though I do hope she does not take it the wrong way. Also his daughter may start getting used to me albeit little by little.” G flickers her tongue in delight while looking at her most lovely stallion but seeing his blindfold she realizes he won’t be seeing her flicking tongue of which he takes most delight in. “Watch your step my Love.”

“Oh G thank you for putting up with my ailment.” His tone is quite humble and what can be noticed as he’s being led by the Lady Cobra he ‘looks’ at her for he once more after what appears to be ages feels the reasurrence of having a partner...a Wife.


With Rarity.
“Mother, just what do you seek to accomplish by this training?” Gilda asks while using her sharp vision to look for any cuts or bruises.

“I’m afraid my reasons to why I’m training have to stay with me darling Huh?” Redheart interrupts by presenting a transcript for a thirty day supply of PRN Acetaminophen-Codeine 300mg-30mg 1 tablet PO Q 8hrs.

“Here you go Rarity, go to the nearest pharmacy to get you pain killing medication, remember only take one every eight hours IF you need it.”

Hearing brother’s words echo in her mind. Rarity declines taking the transcript resulting in Redheart ripping it up and joining Princess Cadance.

“Anywho!” Rarity continues. “I’m up for a soft drink, what about you darling?”

“I could groove on a soft drink.” Gilda replies.

Thus as they’re making their way, Gilda sighs quietly. “Well father said I can teach mother something and even when I don’t to I think mother will be most open and accepting to whatever I have to say.”
*sigh* “Mother if you’re going to continue training then perhaps I can help you to the best of my abilities.”
HUH!?” Rarity gasps in excitement. “You will! Oh thank you darling!!”

Rarity squeezes the daylights out of Gilda and Gilda couldn’t…

Be anymore happier.


My dearest readers I thank you for your patience and I appreciate it. I can't this time blame my studies for the long delay, rather I can say I never knew Fallout New Vegas, 3, and 4 can have such high replay value then add in their downloadable content. Thus the coming chapters will be shorter to delay the wait. Again I thank you all for your patience.

Chaper.86 preview-
"I know it isn't your intention Rarity but to put it simply...his world will come tumbling down." Lauren reveals to the flawless Unicorn.

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