• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,533 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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The Party of hurting Laughter.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By.Nightmare Moon.


Disclaimer- Arthur's note at end. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Octavia’s mane covered her face, she sat there frowning. She had her eyes closed because she didn’t want to see a new reality in which her Gold Sky is no long present in. Why is realty so real when it shouldn’t be? Octavia just didn’t want to accept that Gold Sky died in her arms and seal that fact his body disappeared into silver glowing dust leaving behind his wedding band. She loved him so much, she always enjoyed answering every little question he asked as if he never knew what he’s asking about in the first place. She will miss the warm comfort his wings provided on cold nights, the food he cooked for her because he liked being in kitchen trying to cook recipes he’ll read in cookbooks and his enjoyment of her music, even when she is just practicing he’ll be there listening and rocking back n forth the same way he did when he first saw her ten years ago. But of everything Gold Sky did for her she will ultimately miss his undying love for her…Gold Sky treated her with so much love, she could practically say everyday was almost like hearts and hooves day except flowers were not always around since Rose sometimes charges a lot. So he’ll write her poetry and slip it in her cello so when she opens her case to get her cello she’ll see the paper with the beautiful words that will always make her smile.

Princess Celestia gently placed a wing over Octavia, she wanted to cry but she couldn’t because if she did, it will cause Toudou and the four commandos to think she doesn’t care for the mortally wounded royal guards. It’s a miracle Gold Sky didn’t kill any of the guards, sure one got stabbed in the chest but the horn didn’t pierce the heart or lungs, while another had his ribcage shattered none of the pieces punctured a lung and broken wings can healed with time. Celestia knew she will have to use her magic to reattach the wings and horns to the guards, some guards became shell shocked but at least they will thank her helping them heal.

Iron Cloud, Helo Fox, and Delta Scorch finally came back around. “Where’s Gold Sky?” Helo asked.
Flying Havoc scoffed quietly before answering.

“I took him out by using your spear and stabbed him in the heart from the back. Pretty efficient if I do say so myself…then he ended up becoming shining glitter. ”

Octavia’s head suddenly rose along with her eyes opening. Celestia knew what intentions Octavia had but she didn’t have any time to keep Octavia from carrying them out.

Flying Havoc did not see Octavia attack him with such ferocity, she struck him with all her strength. The scorn of a mare is something that not even a commando can defend from. Octavia gave it her all, tears fell from her eyes with every blow she gave to Flying Havoc, images of Gold Sky flashed before her, and the rest of Lakota squad became afraid of her.

*POOF* Celestia teleported Octavia off of Flying Havoc, she knew Octavia will kill him without having any remorse.
“Octavia that is enough! Do you think killing him will avenge Gold Sky! This is not the Octavia Gold Sky came to love and cherish with all his heart! Octa…” Celli got cut off.

“Him or the Element of Honesty… yes Celestia you know what I mean by that. She is the reason all of this happened, so the choice is yours. Give me what I want or she dies. Oh and I won’t kill him I’ll just make him suffer tremendously. Make your choice Princess, after all, you do not command the Elite Commando guard… Princess Luna does.” Octavia’s voice had the sound of deadliness just like the deep screeching sounds that come from her cello whenever the bow is pressed too hard against the strings.

Princess Celestia looked at Flying Havoc, Octavia, her fallen Royal guards, and the rest of Lakota squad. Applejack is vital to the safety of Equestria, if one Element is lost, who knows what will happen to the rest of the Elements of Harmony. She couldn’t take the chance. The look in Octavia’s eyes showed that Octavia can and will kill Applejack.

Celestia released Octavia from her magic and gave Flying Havoc to her on a silver platter.

“Oh my Celestia, Luna, and Cadance! Your majesty you can’t be serious!” Helo Fox questioned.

“All of you stay back and stand down, that is an order.” Commanded Princess Celestia, Delta Scorch, Iron Cloud, and Helo Fox obeyed.

Flying Havoc still had stars traveling around his head. Octavia slowly took off his armor and horseshoes. She struck him in the face…she broke his left hind leg…she yanked off his tail from his body…and lastly she grabbed one of Delta’s kukri knifes.

Octavia placed Flying Havoc on his stomach so his wings can be facing her.
“You know Flying Havoc, you could have chosen to maim my husband instead of killing him. But now I maim you!” Growled the gray mare.

She placed his wings together and with the kukri knife she slowly stabbed both wings.
“There I clipped your wings together.”

Delta Scorch just gasped.

Iron Cloud started to pray.

Helo Fox vomited his lunch.

Princess Celestia started to frown once more.

Octavia is no longer the same.

Did she become a Razor…?

So Princess Celestia called for more Royal guards to come take the wounded Royal guards back to the palace so she can heal them.

“Lakota squad, take your Captain to Nurse Redheart. Iron Cloud I want you to take a message to Shining Armor informing him he is once again Captain of the Royal guard, because Samier failed in maintaining his duty which led to many guards getting injured. And Octavia please come to the palace with me, your home is completely wreaked. Please come with me.” Celestia stood before Octavia.

“Yes your majesty, let me just get some things first.” Octavia got her cello, her wedding album, and lastly Gold Sky’s wedding band.

Iron Cloud cautiously went up to Octavia to give her something. “Madam, this came off of him.” Iron Cloud gave Octavia one of Gold Sky feathers. Octavia took it and thanked Iron Cloud.
Iron Cloud went back to the rest of the squad, but before departing to deliver the message to Shining Armor he had one more thing to say.

“Gold Sky did not become glitter. He became one with the Earth, you see when somepony who comes from the Native tribes die, their body does not rot and decomposes like everypony else’s; it joins the Earth becoming part of the seasons, sounds, and sky. May his spirit be with his ancestors in the heavenly paradise.” Iron Cloud started to recite a chat in his native tongue because Gold Sky is from the same tribe he came from. Deep down he felt terrible for being part of Gold Sky’s death.


Rarity and Applejack arrived at Ponyville. They were greeted with the sight of extensive damage. Like so many shattered windows, so many buildings missing their roofs, Lily yelling the horror, the horror from the top of the town hall, and Derpy having a field day delivering furniture by dropping the furniture in the roofless buildings.

“What in tarnation happened here?”
A nearby pony answered Applejack’s question by giving her a simple shrug.

Derpy spotted Rarity and Applejack, so she flew down to fill them in with the details. “Hey you two, if both of you are wondering what happened I’ll tell you so there’s no need to wonder no more. *Ahem* Gold Sky ran through town faster than a uhhhhh well faster uhhh… well he ran fast! So fast that all the windows in his path shattered! Like dannnnnnnnnng they shattered! Anywho that’s what happened! If you don’t believe me then I’ll eat ten muffins! Your boutique suffered no damage Rarity, so yay! Got any muffins?” Derpy held her head high at the end of question.

Rarity looked at Applejack who avoided making eye contact with her. “Derpy, do you know why Gold Sky ran so fast through here?”

Derpy started to think a bit. “If I am not mistaken I think he broke out of some kind of medical facility located in Canterlot, got a bunch bone breaking arrows in his wings, landed safely from a free fall, uh started running, and I think he prayed to the son of the Great Spirit so he can run faster than the speed of sound so he can beat me to the free muffin samples at the Sugercube corner. Well that’s one possibility because let’s face it those muffins are good! Well I think that’s what happened, but hey that’s just me. I could be wrong which is…most of the time.” Derpy muttered under her breath.

Applejack just facehoofed herself and Rarity thanked Derpy for telling her what happened.
“Ah think we should just go to the party and ask somepony who knows later on.” Applejack suggested. So both mares trotted over to the Sugarcube Corner when they entered, they spotted Pinkie Pie chatting endlessly with Fluttershy.
The yellow Pegasus tried to escape but Pinkie with her mysteries powers snatched her back. Rarity and Applejack mutually thought this is simply Pinkie being Pinkie.

Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash made it to Ponyville they too were surprised by the damage but unlike Rarity and Applejack who wondered about the damage, both of them did not, since after Spike ravaged the town long time ago, Discord had his little mayhem fun, and the parasprites ate almost everything. Luna and Rainbow figured this will be a regular thing. After entering the Sugarcube Corner, Luna expected Pinkie to commence her screams of fright but instead she noticed the pink mare chatting endlessly with Fluttershy. But instead of feeling relief run through her she had some things to get off her chest by shedding some feelings for Gold Sky.

“Rainbow I will be right back, I need to use the restroom.” Luna told Rainbow.

“Have fun.” Rainbow said while holding back giggles.

“Ordering of the death of my best friend is not fun my love.” Luna locked the bathroom door. She also placed a soundproof spell on the door to prevent anypony from hearing her cries. Luna’s legs gave way, she started to cry for Gold Sky. All the memories she had of him played in her mind; the lunches they had, the chats she’ll have with him that sometimes lasted the whole night and his childlike fascination with the moon that just drove him to ask her so many questions about it. However, one flashback in particular played in her mind.

“Luna, I came here to ask you a very important question.”

“Gold Sky, the next solar eclipse is set to happen in two years if that is what you came to ask.”
“No Luna I didn’t come here to ask you about the next solar eclipse, I came to ask you a question in regard to my wedding.”

“Oh. Well if it’s about not having it in the night like I suggested then it all ri…”
“Luna I came here to ask if you wanted to be my best mare… Big Macintosh declined in being my best stallion because he didn’t want everypony to see him cry because he said something about some new Gabby-Gums being revived or something, Gilda also declined because she doesn’t want Rainbow to see her cry because she has a soft spot for happy endings, and Rarity said no because she wants everypony to focus on me and Octavia, instead of everypony focusing on her wearing a beautiful dress. So is it a yes or a no?”
“Of course I’ll be your best mare! Thanks Gold Sky!”

Princess Luna wiped away her tears. She took away Octavia’s husband and killed a fellow Alicorn. She didn’t want to, but Gold Sky became either Nightmare Moon or something identical to that wretched mare. Worst part…Gold Sky talked to her six weeks ago about becoming a father. She could see the hope and fear in his eyes but he also said that he doesn’t deserve to be a father. But she started to guess that after spending so much time with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they probably changed his mind.

Luna finally finished mourning for Gold Sky. She washed her face and just before leaving she said a few words to herself.
“I will have to face Octavia. I pray she forgives me.” Luna went back to join Rainbow Dash until one major flaw stood out. “NO! I never got to ask Gold Sky how he made Octavia immortal! How can I be so stupid!”


Twilight turned off the water after feeling that she used up all the warm water. She took off the black cloak and left in the tub. She had a party to attend, her beautiful dear Rarity will be there. So perhaps Twilight can erase her teeny little guilt for unleashing Gold Sky by having Rarity come to her bed again. But this time she’ll want Rarity to dominate her because after being dominated by Fluttershy it just felt soooo… euphoric and she wanted to experience that once more, even though she will have to cheat. Telepathy will make Rarity warm up to the idea.

Spike on the other hoof was with Applebloom helping her around the farm, it just seemed Spike spent so much time lending a hand that Twilight sort of got used to his absence.

The lavender mare dried up her mane, quickly checked if she had any form of cuts or scars but Gold Sky’s blood healed her but before leaving she decided to spray on lavender perfume to mask any leftover smell from the small confrontation she had with Gold Sky.

Twilight made it to Sugarcube corner, her horn glowed. Telepathically telling Pinkie she can stop holding up Fluttershy, so Pinkie stopping yakking and bounced around the place doing some finishing touches before officially starting the party.

“Hey Rainbow Dashie! And hello to you toooooo… Princess Luna! I’m happier than a peacock that you came! Here you should try my new creation I call them mooncakes.” Pinkie pulled out some mooncakes from out of nowhere and truth be told she is the last one to know that Princess Luna came with Rainbow Dash to the party.

Luna took a mooncake. “Pray tell I think I seen these before, but yet I could be wrong.” Luna took a bite; she chewed slowly to taste every detail of this pastry, the chocolate must be Pony Dane because of its rich thickness and the cream could be made of the richest milk not sure from where but it is good. “My, my Pinkie these mooncakes are a beautiful delight! Can you please make me more!” Luna gave Rainbow a piece of her mooncake. Rainbow’s eyes shot open wide at tasting the yummy pastry. So Pinkie went into the kitchen to make some more.

Rarity stayed close to Applejack being here with the rest of her friends provided her with some needed comfort, seeing Rainbow Dash and Princess Luna here added to her sense of security.

Until… She saw Twilight Sparkle.
Rarity’s heartbeat started to accelerate because Twilight started to approach her.

“Hey Rarity and Applejack how you two doing?” Twilight asked causally.

Applejack shot Twilight a friendly smile. “Both of us are doing mighty fine today Twi, say, me and Rarity were wondering about who caused all the damage to Ponyville. Do you happen by any chance to know who caused the damage?”

Rarity trembled lightly because right now Applejack is talking to the mare that violated her. What is going through the mind of Twilight Sparkle? Does she still plan to finish what she started in the boutique before Rainbow flew in to try and protect her.

“No, I am just as clueless as you are.” Twilight responded.

“Aww, shucks well, thanks Twi.”
Rarity got closer to Applejack. She wished she can just tell Applejack and Princess Luna that pony that violated her is right here under the same roof, but telepathy is so powerful. If only Gold Sky was here help her with his telepathy. If only she knew her brother is dead.

Twilight winked at Rarity before heading over to talk with Luna. Rarity mentally felt cornered, Twilight is planning something.

Delta Scorch and Helo Fox left the hospital. Nurse Redheart told them Flying Havoc will in there for a long time and she also added the hard part will be removing the knife from his wings because it’s near a cluster of nerves.

By default in rank and duty. Flying Havoc is unfit to lead so now the leadership of Lakota squad and Luna's powerful Fox Company falls on LT. Delta Scorch.

“Great…Luna’s little favorite is leading us now.” Helo Fox muttered below his breath.

“What did you say Helo?” Delta asked.

“Uh nothing…sir!”
Delta is the youngest of the Elite Commando guard but that does not mean he is not capable of leading or disciplining.

Delta pressed his face close to Helo’s “Listen here Helo Fox and I want you to listen well. I may be the youngest, I may also be close to her majesty Luna, and always a victim of your pranks. But I am Lieutenant Delta Scorch and as your superior officer and now your leader. You will show me respect! I did not get this rank by being Princess Luna’s little favorite, I worked hard for it. I trained hard and I nearly got killed by Gold Sky! I almost got killed by that monster but then out of nowhere he let me live… now that I think about it he only wanted to protect his wife. Anyway, Helo I am now Captain! So unless you don’t plan in giving me the respect I deserve perhaps we should have a go right here, right now.” Delta’s horn started to glow.

Helo Fox backed away from Delta Scorch.

“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to offend you… Captain Delta Scorch.” Helo Fox saluted at Delta Scorch.

Delta smiled and his horn stopped glowing. “None taken Helo Fox, let’s go home.”

In the palace Cloud Kicker laid upon her bed waiting anxiously for Delta Scorch. She worried greatly for him; by the look on his face before he departed it looked like he had fear running through him.

Suddenly she heard knocking on her door. Cloud Kicker quickly jumped off the bed and ran to open the door.

Before her stood Delta Scorch. Next thing she knew he had his arms wrapped around her. He started to cry.

“Cloud Kicker I’m here…I almost, I almost…” Delta couldn’t finish.

The Pegasus mare too wrapped her arms around him; she flapped her wings taking her and Delta to the bed. “You almost what?”

Delta let go of her to wipe away his tears… he just realized he is crying without having Luna’s permission, hope she doesn’t find out. “I almost died.”
Cloud Kicker gasped.

“That monster defeated so many Royal guards, he tore off their wings and ripped off their horns. I have never seen anything like it. When we got there, we managed to quickly defeat him but our progress went down the drain the minute he went on the offensive. He took out Iron Cloud first and then Helo Fox but he didn’t kill them. I tried to fight him but he pulled a cheap shot on me, by spitting on my eyes. The monster took me down, h-he had silver horseshoes and in those horseshoes were blades…by the look in his cold eyes he was going to kill me. I thought of you Cloud Kicker, so I begged for my life. He let me live, can you believe that? That monster let me live because I told him that I just fell in love. Cloud Kicker you saved me and I love you…and those were his last words. That monster is an Alicorn but he stopped being a monster when his wife called out for him. And then he died in her arms.” Delta kissed Cloud Kicker on the cheek.

Cloud Kicker inched closer to him. “Delta I love you too. Please stay with me.” Delta Scorch nodded and just closed his eyes so Cloud Kicker can stroke his face.

Princess Celestia walked in surprising both of them.
“Delta, where is Luna?”

“Uhhh…” Delta searched his mind.

“Don’t give me uhh give me her location, now.” Celestia’s voice became demanding.

“Oh! She went with Rainbow Dash to a party in, ah what was it, oh Ponyville. In Ponyville your majesty!”

“Thank you. Oh and Delta Scorch, love Cloud Kicker with all your heart. I hold no form of anger against you for being part of the squad who killed Gold Sky.” Princess Celestia said to him and she closed the doors as she left to go find her sister.

At the party Rainbow Dash spotted Rarity and Rarity spotted Rainbow Dash. Rarity turned to Applejack, at first Applejack had a stern look on her face but her lips dissolved into a soft smile allowing Rarity to go greet Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow turned to Luna.

Luna secretly read Rainbow’s mind, she saw Rainbow used to be in love with Rarity, but has now come to terms with Rarity being with somepony else. Rainbow see’s Rarity as her best friend now.

Luna nodded at Rainbow.

Rainbow and Rarity smiled at each other, well Rarity tried to smile but it’s pretty hard to do so. Both mares tenderly nuzzled one another. Pinkie Pie got back from the kitchen with a tray of fresh mooncakes, her eyes started to scan for Princess Luna but a crosshair locked on Rarity and Rainbow Dash nuzzling each other. Seeing her friends nuzzling each other like they’re marefriends disgusted her once again.

“Eww! Rarity why are nuzzling Rainbow Dash!?” Pinkie said in a voice loud enough for everypony to hear.

Both the faces of Rainbow Dash and Rarity became red with fearful embarrassment. “Uh! Rarity was not nuzzling me Pinkie!”

Pinkie Pie’s head popped up in front of Rainbow’s face, it’s amazing how she can do that.
“Then explain why YOU were nuzzling Rarity on the cheek then!? Since you say Rarity wasn’t nuzzling you.” Pinkie seriously questioned in the same manner she did to Spike.

Rainbow tried to find words but her mind completely froze, how she wished she can become invisible right know. But a feeling of bravery started to rise inside of her.
“Because she’s my best friend Pinkie, Rarity is my best friend! So what if I nuzzled her.” Rainbow replied with great dignity.

Pinkie didn’t buy it.
“Best friends of the same gender do not nuzzle each other! I don’t see Big Macintosh and Caramel nuzzle each other when they meet and I don’t see Bon Bon and Lyra eer…Uh I mean Lily and Rose nuzzle each other. Rarity, I thought you wanted to find the right stallion! Surely you of all ponies can’t be…into mares.”

Rarity couldn’t believe Pinkie of all ponies is doing this to her and Rainbow. A revealing truth hit her. Just because Pinkie Pie is the happiest of all ponies it doesn’t mean she is the most accepting pony when it comes to certain things.

“Pinkie why are doing this to us! So what if Rainbow and I think of each other as more than just friends. Why does this make you so hostile?” Rarity felt Applejack becoming angry. While Rainbow sensed Luna’s getting furious.

Pinkie now popped up between both of them. “Because it is yucky that’s why! Yucky as drinking the cider brewed by the Flim Flam brothers! I can’t believe both of you are mare lovers! Especially you Rarity. You of all mares. How disgraceful!”

Tears started to form in Rarity’s eyes, she thought this party can help her but instead it only made the scars deeper.
Rainbow saw how hurt Rarity became, lovingly she embraced Rarity. “Pinkie leave us alone! It is better to be loved by another mare than not to be loved at all! Stop this!”

Without warning Rarity teleported both her and Rainbow to an unknown location.

Princess Luna lost it. “HOW DARE YOU HURT MY RAINBOW DASH AND RARITY HOW DARE YOU!” Luna roared with the Royal Canterlot voice.

*POOF!* Princess Celestia reappeared in front of Luna with her wings spread out and with a face that didn’t display her beautiful loving kindness but instead it showed her rare beautiful anger.
“No Luna, HOW DARE YOU!”

Everypony stopped what they were doing to focus on Luna and Celestia instead.
“Luna, we’re going to the palace, we have an important matter to discuss now.”

“But…” Luna Pleaded only to be cut off.

“Now!” Growled Celestia. Luna figured this had to with Gold Sky and she knew Celestia is mad at her because she is here at a party having fun despite ordering her commandos to kill Gold Sky.

“Fine! But your naïve nature will not allow you to understand why I gave my commandos that order.” Luna retorted before teleporting with Celestia.

The gears in Twilight’s mind churned so it can comprehend what just happened…her eyes suddenly widened! When Luna mentioned the Elite Commando guard, Twilight remembered she wanted them to use to hold down Gold Sky so he can’t get near Rarity and free her with his telepathy in case he were to ever notice her changed behavior.

Twilight hoped Luna dispatched her commandos to subdue and not kill. The second possibility was never part of her intentions. Not even the Black Rose desired that.

Both Celestia and Luna reappeared in Celestia’s study. Celestia controlled her emotions from getting the best of her.
“Why Luna! Why did you kill Gold Sky, he did nothing wrong!”

Luna snorted. “Celestia I felt the return of a terrible presence, didn’t you feel it?”

“Feel what sister!? The only thing I felt is Gold Sky fading away and dying i-in Octavia’s arms.” Celestia turned away from Luna to blink her eyes dry.

“Celestia, I felt Nightmare Moon… but then I realized only I can turn into Nightmare Moon. Gold Sky became something like her. He became a threat to Equestria. Celli, do you think for one minute that I will let something that shares every quality of my corrupted side roam free? Do you! No, I had to, so Equestria can be safe.” Luna emphasized deeply about Nightmare Moon so Celestia can understand.

Celestia turned around to face Luna.
“He may have become a threat but that is only because somepony attacked Octavia and that something was your best friend, a son of mine…”

“Don’t give me that Celli, you used to love him as a son but you replaced him with dear Twilight Sparkle, remember. Gold Sky was my best friend but he became a monster.”

Celestia got closer to Luna, how she wished she can slap her.
“Gold Sky is not a monster and I never replaced him, he grew up… why did you kill him? He’s just an innocent stallion who loved everypony and now Octavia is cursed with immortally…” Celestia started to tear up.

Her voice started to crack because her mind started remembering that she used her magic to check if Octavia had any injuries. That is when she found out something even more shocking then Gold Sky becoming a Razor.

“Gold Sky was a son to me. He was your best friend. He was a fellow Alicorn, a husband, a brother to Rarity an-an-and…” Celestia took a deep breath. “A father to be.”

Luna gasped, this couldn’t be! She felt guilt slowly pricking every part of her beautiful body, now she felt the same pain Celestia is feeling.

“No…no, no, no…NOOO! He talked about being a father… oh my Great Spirit. WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!! GOLD SKY!! OCTAVIA!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!!” Luna slowly broke down.

“And you know what is the worst part Luna, Octavia does not know that she is pregnant and neither did Gold Sky. You took away a child’s father… if he knew that she's pregnant, he would of killed your commandos. Gold Sky wanted to be a father but because of his past sins he was afraid to be one. Now Octavia will be reminded everyday of Gold Sky after she gives birth. Luna, you’ll face the consequences of your decision. Because Flying Havoc faced his through Octavia’s fury. Octavia will never be the same…her music can no longer comfort you. Your punishment.” Celestia left Luna alone so she can cry in peace.

Luna slammed her hoof on floor, causing deep cracks to appear.
“I’m the monster…”


Octavia placed her cello in the corner of the room. She gently placed Gold Sky’s wedding band and his feather on the bed. Octavia got on the bed. The second pillow just lied there mocking her, because from now on she will sleep alone. Nopony will cuddle up with her at night. The joy of waking from a terrible dream which will prompt Gold Sky to take her into his protecting arms and assure her there is nothing to fear because he will always be there to protect her from anything is forever gone now. His smile, gone. His constant loving affection is dead.

Seeing the final moments of his mind devastated her.
“He wanted to be a father, he already had a name for our child if it was a filly. I never got to teach him how to play the cello. But he wanted to be a father so much… Gold Sky my dear Gold Sky why did you have to die! Why did you have to leave me! I don’t care if you blame yourself, it will never be your fault. Your love drove you to protect me and you did. I wish I did the same for you. Gold Sky please come back…” Octavia cried once more for Gold Sky.

Her mind recreated the first moment of Gold Sky's last moment when his mind showed him what his life could of been.
"I did not know that Gold Sky wanted a daughter...does he really think I could be a mother? Seeing the way he had "Tavi" under his loving wing shows how much he'll love our child..." Princess Celestia came in interrupting Octavia's train of thought.

"Octavia, do you mind if I join you?"

Octavia moved Gold Sky's wedding band and his feather. She shook her head in response to Celestia's question.

Celestia joined Octavia in the bed.

Both mares stared at each other, as if on cue. Octavia's beautiful grayish purple eyes and Celestia's magenta eyes both shed tears. Octavia moved closer to Celestia and placed her head on Celestia's chest.

Celestia gently stroked Octavia's mane to comfort her, but this kind gesture can only be a kind gesture and not a comforting one.

Octavia pressed herself closer to the Princess."Celestia can you please wrap you wings around me."

The Princess of the Sun slowly wrapped her wings around the gray mare. Right now is the right moment to tell her she is pregnant.

"Octavia there is something that you need to know...what I'm about to tell you will affect your life more than it is right now." Princess Celestia softly spoke.

"Celes...I mean Celli, if this has to do with what happened between you and Gold Sky, it's alright I already forgave you. But I might as well ask...how was it."

Celestia became redder than red, did she really hear Octavia ask her how the sexual experience between her and Gold Sky was?

She came clean..."It was awesome." Not subtle, not at all.

Octavia chuckled. "Of course it was, he saw me not you."

Celestia still maintained her regal poise along with demeanor. "Octavia I must tell you this. Because what we've seen in his mind... *sigh* your reaction is up to you."

Octavia moved her head up and down to tell Celli she is ready to hear whatever Celli has to tell her.

"Octavia you're preg-preg... you're pregnant."

The gray mare started to shake, sniffles can be heard, and she placed a hoof over her stomach.

"Gold Sky...why."

A new life at the cost of an other.


My dear subjects I am now under FoxofRarity's weather eye now, ever since I posted that little leak, but he can't erase it though since we have a deal that nether of us will touch each other's chapters.

Any who. I, Nightmare Moon wished I appeared in this story.

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