• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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End of an beginning. Beginning through an end

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 51

Disclaimer- This is the final Bon Bon, Big Macintosh, and Lyra Heartstrings chapter. Arthur's note at end. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

In the darkness of a study room a horn glowed. The soft light scattered the hard darkness to the corners of the room, the magic that accompanies the glowing light lifted up a small bonsai tree from the desk and a pair of golden irises found an envelope underneath.

Lyra Heartstrings sighed, the note Bon Bon wrote is sealed inside. “My Bon Bon.” She opened up the letter and with an open mind began to read the heart written words.

To who may find these written words.

My name is Bon Bon and I am an Earth Pony who fell in love with the most beautiful mare in the world. I know you’re thinking that through my name you recognize that I am a mare who is in love with a mare, you may imagine me in strangeness and out of, well, out of normality and I won’t blame you because I too asked myself if being with the mare I love is worth my life. For let me tell you my beginning of my joy that later turned into melancholy. My beautiful marefriend has golden eyes; a rare trait that makes her unique and so special. To be touched by their light is like to be touched by the glory of Princess Celestia herself. Her voice can only be compared to the beautiful voice of the Lyre Bird. And if I may also say, her talent lays with the lyre, oh the near irony of that sheer connection. But with all of those physical features they do not show the true nature inside. Compare her to the beauty of the monkshood plant. Very aromatic and eye pleasing on the outside but inside, poisonous, that it can make any heart stop beating. And Lyra Heartstrings almost made my heart stop beating on multiple occasions. Through the pain she delivered upon me for no reason even though I only gave her my love. She takes my love and just cast it aside while she hits me. I do not know why so does this to me… all I know is that maybe my life upon this earth will come to an end soon. You wonder why I let this happen to me…well…I have no answer for that question. But in regarding question, I asked myself if I should stay in love with Lyra Heartstrings. A mare, my love, my agony, my possible end. To think that in my tribulation only once I thought of being with a stallion because with a stallion I know that I will have a high chance of feeling the full power of true love instead of just pain from my marefriend. Nevertheless, I stayed with Lyra Heartstrings; I am in love with her and probably nothing can change that. Perhaps death and if those words create an emotion in your mind then that means my life is over…I have only myself to blame and nopony else.

Sincerely, Bon Bon.

Lyra Heartstrings dropped the note. “I can’t…I must change! I CAN’T!!!!! NO I CAN!!”

The impurity whispered its soft voice. “Why will you want to change?

“FRAK YOU!!” Lyra roared at the top of her lungs. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! GET OUT!!”

Why? You are the reason I’m here, we are one and we are united together.

Lyra’s magic blasted a shockwave in the study room which made the Newton cradle clang into motion and the bonsai plant to burn up. “Well I have the reason to get you OUT!!”

The impurity inside the core of Lyra Heartstrings mind passed a hoof through the hair on the young innocent, suppressed, chained, sad young Lyra that disappeared the moment she allowed hate in her heart. The imprisoned young Lyra is the virtuous Lyra her mother wanted her to be. “No you don’t.”

“GET OUT!!!!” Lyra stood on her hind legs while grasping her head to deal with this mental turmoil.

Hate is what allowed me to be here. Hate. An emotion that almost doesn’t exist in this land of ponies…until they reach death. Every pony in this land fears death and because of that my existence is limited. Only when the pony starts dying do I ever so prosper. Do you know why my dear Lyra.”

“Frak you!” Lyra wants to be free and be changed.

The impurity placed a hoof under the chin of the innocent chained Lyra. “I get that a lot, anyway before getting to the main topic I will first tell you why I love being around ponies despite having a limited existence. I cannot prosper in the Griffon Republic, their longevity sculpts them to be ready when I come for them even during wartime. They may have grief but they do not have hate. I cannot prosper in the United Zebra clans because they like to kill each other so they basically give death a typical shrug. Changeling Kingdom, those stupid bugs don’t know anything about death! They reproduce rapidly and are just slaves to that icky empty queen of theirs! But here with you ponies I prosper when your ends come! All of you don’t want to die; you can’t handle the belief of an end. You want one, two, and three but do not want zero. You are full of Love and all that love disappears when old age takes its toll.” The impurity laughed. “An end to a beginning is sooooo terrible for all of you ponies! The instrumentality of your existence lies through your abilities to see life with Hope and Purpose, while passing it on to the next generation. All of you exist to know what Love is before you succumb to the inevitable yearning to hate, heh, the existence of you ponies is just to feel Love and Hate. Pretty unfruitful if I say so myself. Yet you have Vanguards to show all of you ponies what Love is… your true Immortals. Whom you all adore with so much Love!” The Impurity remembered its greatest victim. “I finally met the end of one immortal who is the pure image of Love. I expected that immortal to just like I expect you mortals to have hate for seeing me instead this immortal welcomed me, strange for a pony to welcome me and stranger for this pony not to have any hate.”

Lyra fell to the floor fighting this impurity. “Why are telling me all of this! I want to end you so I can be with my Bon Bonny!”

You are different from the other ponies. You have hate in your heart and you’re not even old but still very young. What your father did to you changed you and I cherish it deeply, you are filled with hate so that is why I reside in you because you see the end of your own existence by killing the one who guaranteed your existence… ” Lyra interrupted the impurity.


The impurity stepped away from the young pure innocent Lyra.

The angel of Death.


In Canterlot Applejack felt another warm breeze lead her to the Glowing Kiowa where inside is Dj Pon 3 well at least that’s what she thinks because chero seems to be helping her find the mare. At getting to the entrance Applejack got awe struck by the grandeur. “Wow! This place is so frou frou!” Applejack took a little detour to a small galleria of photos ponies take and then call those photos art which to Applejack’s point of view is just plain lazy, stupid, and not even art in the first place. “Ah could take better photos than these posh ponies here in Canterlot.” Applejack shook her head to all the photos until one photo caught her eye but more importantly it caught her curiosity. “Rarity’s and Rainbow Dash’s tails are wrapped together. Ah guess Rainbow Dash has feelings for Rarity and Rarity has feelings for her too. Heh, but Pinkie told me Rainbow is with Princess Luna and Rarity with Spike. Either way they do look perfect together…*sigh* take care of her Rainbow Dash.” Applejack turned around to get out of the small galleria but found her path blocked by Unicorn mare with blond hair and renewed beauty.

“I see you’re admiring my photo.” Said the Unicorn.

Applejack looked back at the photo and then gave a nod at the mare. “It’s okay.”

The Unicorn mare’s lips curled with some unpleasant feelings of disdain. “Okay!? You call my photo okay!? The two tails are of two mares in love! I mean just look at them! Wrapped around one another telling the world of how their hearts are joined together also one of those tails belongs to Rarity. The most beautiful pony in Equestria and history. The other tail belongs to Rainbow Dash the most awesome pony in Equestria and history too!”

Applejack saw that this mare takes great pride in this photo so it will be smart to just agree with the mare. “Yeah you’re right about that anyway, what’s your name?”

“The name’s Victorious Ayla and yours?” She asked.

“Applejack now if you excuse me Ah got to find somepony.” Applejack tipped her hat to the mare and finally left the galleria.

While Applejack searched the Glowing Kiowa high and low to find Dj Pon 3, Running Sun and Apple Cobbler listened to Dj Pon 3 talk about her childhood.

“I always had a fascination for music and my parents encouraged me to visit a music teacher to help me find my talent in any instrument. But I saw that I couldn’t play any instrument…not even the maracas, pretty sad no?”

“Yeah.” Said Apple Cobbler said. “Ow.” She felt Running Sun elbow her. “Oh sorry about that.”

“Nah it’s alright. My parents decided to stop helping me find talent in music, but my music teacher saw that I still had potential in music. Not in playing a instrument of course. Hold on.” The white mare took a sip of milk. “He gave me a quill and some paper and then he told me to write music. At first I was like is he joking? But after getting a swat in the back of the head by a ruler I saw that he isn't joking. I thought of a rhythm being mixed with a many little sub-rhythms as I call them along with distorting or amplifying the sub-rhythms while adding new sounds to it as the main rhythm continues to its end. Once done I showed my music teacher the music I wrote and can you two guess his reaction.” Dj Pon 3 smiled at her two dear fans.

“He smacked you again with the ruler…errr, I-I mean he made you write some more?” Apple Cobbler grinned nervously at Running Sun.

“He jumped up into the air, did a back flip, land on is forearms, and spit out some fire?” Running Sun guessed.

Dj Pon 3 jerked her head back. “What??”

“I said that because there’s some dude over there doing that, look!” He pointed to a stallion doing just that.

Apple Cobbler and Dj Pon 3 looked at the show stallion performing for some posh ponies. “Damn, you don’t see that every day. Ahem, going back to the story. He fainted when he saw what I created. I got talent in music alright, talent in what he calls artificial music.”

Apple Cobbler lowered her glasses somewhat. “Artificial music? What that does that mean?”

“He means that the music I wrote can only be created with the help of a machine, he’s the old fashioned kind of music teachers but very adaptable to new things when it came to me. No instrument can play my music…okay it can, but it doesn’t sound as good.” *Ting!* “Hey! You two want to hear it?”

The young couple looked at each other. “How are we going to hear it if there’s no speakers or turn table around here?” Running Sun pointed out.

Dj Pon 3 waved her hoof in the air while her horn glowed. “Pffft. I don’t need any of that when I got my own mini record player!” Her magic levitated the mini record to the table. “I also got the mini record! Doesn’t it look cute!”

“Aww it does.” Apple Cobbler focused her vision on the player.

“Let me just crank it.” Dj Pon 3’s magic spun the handle a few times to crank up the player. “My music teacher recorded my first song and gave me the mini record so I can use it for inspiration for making new music plus he gave me the synthesizer I use to make my music! And here comes the music!” Dj Pon 3’s first song played in the mini record player. (Listen if desired.)

Apple Cobbler & Running Sun listened to the technological music, to their surprise they figured out why the music teacher fainted in the first place. It’s catchy! Very rhythmic with minor rhythms in the background if one listens carefully with good head phones plus very leading to the choir which is sublime because it feels like it’s reaching out to the listener and holding its han…hoof, yeah that. And lastly a good length to pick anypony up to speed and keep them on that course.

The one song on the record ran its course and the cute mini record stopped spinning.
“Wow!” Apple Cobbler exclaimed in such exhilaration. “I love it!” She jumped up to her hind legs at such a velocity that it made it glasses fly off. “Ah my glasses!”

“I got them!” Dj Pon 3’s magic caught the glasses in mid-air. “Let me put them on you.” She did so ever so gently.

“Thank you.” Apple Cobbler moved her glasses to the left a bit.

“Thanks Dj Pon 3 and your song is awesome! I can see why you’re so popular with everypony in Equestria! Oh, plus the Crystal empire too.” Running Sun giggled at the end of the sentence.

Hey his giggle doesn’t sound so bad after all.” Dj Pon 3 thought and Running Sun reached out to pound her hoof.

“Thanks you guys, I find myself listening to my first song more often now than ever so I can write my music. But as I write my music, some kind of a hole keeps presenting itself whenever I am on the main rhythm so I pause to think around this hole because no matter how hard I think about the main rhythm the hole prevents me from creating it so I have to improvise by combining many sub-rhythms which I find not so cool like today’s bland music that Madame Baba, Yanye South, the con stallions Flim Flam brothers, and other so called artists sing on the radio. They are just cash cows who just sing plain junk and most of the youth sadly like it. Now AB/BC, Supertones, and Sapphire Shores too if I might add are what I what real music and talent! Ho, ha, ha, I remember going to my first AB/BC concert with my mom.” Dj Pon 3 pushed her sunglasses up. “Rock and Roll!! Oh yeah!”

Apple Cobbler giggled.

Dj Pon 3 got her sunglasses covering her cerise eyes. “Ahem going back to my little music dilemma, I meditated day and night to find the solution of this problem.” *Sigh* “Hearing you two talk about how you both met got me thinking that maybe that’s why the hole comes up. I got no special somepony in my life, heck, my manager Smart Gina has a special somepony and it’s that Yeah Pegasus! How did she get a dude like him if she’s looks like a geek. But well I see that when it comes to special someponies it isn’t the outer qualities others may find unattractive, it’s the inner ones that make that pony the best one in the world.” Dj Pon 3 opened up some more to her fans. “Sometimes those inner qualities can be deceiving too if somepony just wants you for being you and not want you for being you.”

Running Sun felt a tug on his chest, hearing Dj Pon 3 talk like this reminded him of that phase when he felt that mares may not like him and will just flat out reject him causing him to crawl into his shell. For a time he thought about a future in which he will be all alone and on Hearts & Hooves day be laughed at when he buys chocolates and has nopony to give them to. Almost went into a depression…but luckily he had big sister Bon Bon to help him see that he’s slowly maturing to a stallion. Her love and her hugs opened his eyes that he will one day find a special mare and with some help from Lyra Heartstrings he found Apple Cobbler. Running Sun touched Dj Pon 3’s hoof. “You will find your special somepony either today, tomorrow, or any time. There’s somepony out there for you trust me it’s only a matter of time.” He smiled at the artist knowing that his smile will warm her heart.

And warm her heart it did. “Thanks Running Sun. Put it there!” Dj Pon 3 pounded his hoof a bit too hard causing the stallion to fall back completely.

“Running Sun!” Apple Cobbler hopes he didn’t hit his head on the floor too hard.

“Oops sorry about that Running Sun, I didn’t mean to poun…” Dj Pon 3’s tongue froze.

Running Sun sat in front of Dj Pon 3’s field of view. Behind him is the entrance to the restaurant of the Glowing Kiowa and standing at the entrance…

is Applejack.


In Sweet Apple Acres Bon Bon coaxed Big McIntosh into falling into the spell of drowsiness which will help her get the answers she wants because whenever somepony is between light unconsciousness and awareness, their normal mental activity lessens to a crawl making any pony like Big Macintosh for example open to Bon Bon’s questions.

Bon Bon tenderly stroked Big Macintosh’s head while he lied beside her on the couch. In her mind she wonders who Big Macintosh is in love with. If it’s not Lyra anymore then who could it be? “Big Macintosh who are you in love with?”

Big Macintosh blinked real slowly like Tank a couple of times. “Ah, uh, Ah am in love with Pinkie Pie. Her bright bright happiness is what, uhhhhh, oh help me when big bad Bon Bonny killed Ms. Smartypants.” Yeah Big Macintosh’s mental activity is really at a crawl right now. “You heard Bon Bon? Big bad Bon Bonny killed Ms. Smartypants. She bad bad like that Diamond Tiara who messes with Apple Bloom. Hehehehehehehehe, Pinkie Pie found me in my sad state when Ah went to deliver apples to the Sugarcube Corner. She saw me frowning so she came up to me and gave a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug woooo…” Slipping in and out of sleep and awareness puts on quite a show. “Pink, Pinkie Pie asked me to join her inside, so seeing that she only wants to cheer me up Ah went inside with her. ZZZZZZ…OH! Pinkie fired her boom stick, no a twig or maybe a boom barrel Ah don’t know but it just went boom. She sang to me and her voice is so happy with love that’s she’s sweeter than the soft Alabama apples Ah like to concoct sometimes as Ah graft them to the Zap apple trees so they can have a softer kick. Anywho, who, who, Pinkie Pie did everything I think she can do in a possible way to help me feel happy and the one thing that just sealed my feelings for her ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…” Dang! He finally fell asleep.

“Big Macintosh!” Bon Bon said loudly.

“Huh what, hey Bon Bon it’s you!” Drowsy Big Macintosh smiled at seeing Bon Bon.

“What did Pinkie Pie do to you that made you fall in love with her? C’mon Big Macintosh tell me!” Bon Bon pleaded.

Big Macintosh giggled wildly like a colt on sugar. “Pinkie Pie hugged me and she did not let go Ah hugged her too and Ah didn’t let her go. Ah felt a slow feeling of happy love spread across my body…feeling Pinkie’s intention to comfort me, just helped me get over my loss and Lyra Heartstrings. Big bad Bon Bonny defeated me so Ah saw that there is no use for having feelings for Lyra anymore now that Bon Bonny has her now.” Big Macintosh placed a tired hoof under his chin. “Ah want to be with Pinkie Pie and Ah think that’s how Equestria got made…night Bon Bon ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…” Big Macintosh fell asleep for good this time.

“Heh.” Bon Bon sort of understood what Big Macintosh explained. It would have been better to ask him when he’s fully aware because now that she thought about it he would have told her everything in a clear cut manner instead of this in and out method. She started to stroke his head again, smiling tenderly at him with those big cyan eyes. “Big Macintosh let me get you a pillow and blanket.”

The cream colored mare with the blanket and pillow abruptly paused to look at the sleeping stallion. “Now it’s my turn to tuck you in Big Macintosh.” She placed the pillow under his head and covered him with the blanket. “Sweet dreams.” She softly kissed him on the forehead and passed a hoof down his cheek.
Bon Bon went upstairs to Big Macintosh’s room to think up of a way to get Big Macintosh to confess his love for Pinkie Pie.

“Just have to wait when he wakes up from his nap.”

Applejack’s jaw slightly dropped to the sight of Dj Pon 3. “Oh my Celestia there she is and she sees me.

“Applejack.” Dj Pon 3 tasted the pain of that saying that name again even though Applejack is standing in front of her.

Apple Cobbler helped Running Sun back up. “Are you okay?”
The stallion nodded. “I think I’m good, man who knew you’ll be so strong Dj Pon 3.”

Dj Pon 3 stared through Running Sun, right now in her mind she can’t find reason in deducing how to react to Applejack’s presence, who does that down to earth mare think she is to just show up? Applejack broke her heart and Dj Pon 3 refuses to go through that again.
“Running Sun. Apple Cobbler. I thinks it’s time for both of you to go home, thank you, both of you for spending your most precious time with me and I will ask you both of you to join me and my manager for dinner some time.” Dj Pon 3 got up and hugged the young couple. “Please don’t ask me why I’m asking you to leave right now…something just came up right now. I promise both of you that you will join me again.”

The young couple understood Dj Pon 3’s words and left without saying anything to her. As they walked by the entrance to the restaurant Applejack lowered her hat so Apple Cobbler couldn’t see her. “Hey is that Apple Cobbler with a stallion?? Didn’t know she started dating already.”

DJ Pon 3 sighed deeply. “If she’s here then I might as well know why.” She sat back down on her seat. “I’ll be damned.” Her hoof waved for Applejack to come sit at the table.

Applejack’s heart gave a hard beat. “Here goes nothing. Hope Ah don’t mess this up or chero will be chewing me out like a worm that’s living in a apple.

Applejack sat down in front of Dj Pon 3 who has her cool sunglasses covering her cerise eyes. A waiter brought Applejack a cup of water and left.

Both mares looked at each other, studied each other, but did not think of each other in either a negative or positive light. Applejack is here to make something happen with Dj Pon 3, she does not know what Dj Pon 3 wants to say but whatever words that are bound to come out of her mouth, will be scorn.
“Applejack.” Dj Pon 3 took off her sunglasses, folded them, and placed them on the table. She wants Applejack to see her as a normal mare and not the famous artist. Creating this equality setting will make things somewhat easier in this meeting with the down to earth mare. “Why did you leave me.” Straight to the question of the topic.

For once Applejack wished she didn’t have to be honest but who is she kidding, she told Big Macintosh why she does what she does. “Ah…just wanted a good time and Ah prefer Unicorns over Earth Ponies and Pegasi.”

“A good time. So to you I am just a good time and nothing more. Just a good time instead of a mare with bright career and a mare fresh out of a hellish experience, I-I can’t help but think that you are just an empty mare who has everything she wants but doesn’t care because she is a foul addict!”

“Excuse me! Who the hell are you call me a foul addict!” Applejack shot back.

Dj Pon 3 snorted her breath out of her nostrils forcing Applejack to settle down. “You deceived me into thinking that I meant something to you and you sealed it with a kiss. I felt lonely but when I met you my whole world changed. Your heartiness erased that lonely feeling…I began to fall in love with you because I thought you will be somepony that will love me for who I am. A mare who allowed herself to go down low to the lowest point one can get, humph, got depressed too if I might add. But now look at me I changed I fought myself to change into somepony better. But all that progress didn’t matter when I woke up and saw that you left without even having the decency to close the front door.”

Applejack started to go warm at hearing all of this from the white mare. “Look Dj Pon…3! Ah am just not into commitment.”

Dj Pon 3 rolled her eyes at Applejack. “You just want sex, how disgusting of you! What is wrong with you Applejack, that you will prey on ponies with the sole intention to satisfy your sick nature. Oh no…” Dj Pon 3’s sadness made itself come into the flow between the mind and heart. “You used me.” Her voice clawed Applejack’s mind. “I love you Applejack, I think about you a lot. Your green eyes, hearty voice, beautiful hair, and your lips. I never felt so much pain when I woke up, I-I almost screamed! *sigh* You are a heartbreaker and I bet there isn’t any mare with whom you haven’t had sex with.”

“If this is what Ah call the first step to change then Dj Pon 3 is off on a good start…” Applejack little thought got interrupted by a familiar voice or voices.

She just told you that she’s in Love with you and you don’t even think about that. Stop listening to your pride and humble yourself Applejack.” Chero said in a voice of a mare.

A scared cold chill ran down her spine. “There is only one mare who Ah never had sex with.”

Dj Pon 3 scoffed. “Wow, how weird is that, this mare is lucky not to be your victim while I ended up to be another one of your victims. Tell me who this lucky mare is at least so I can go give her a free ticket to one of my performances.”

Applejack took off her hat and placed it on the table. “Rarity.” She muttered with a touch of harsh blemish.

Dj Pon 3 almost became speechless in amazement but not in the way that Applejack said Rarity’s name but for the fact that Rarity is the most beautiful pony in all of Equestria and Applejack isn’t pursuing that mare. “Rarity. Isn’t she the type of mare that I figure you will be after day and night so you can have sex with her and then use her as your greatest achievement to brag?” Dj Pon 3 has every right to mock Applejack and she is doing so in a light manner.

Applejack’s tongue pressed against her right cheek and both eyebrows shifted up while her eyes looked down at the table. “She was my marefriend.”

This nearly took Dj Pon 3 by surprise. “Say that again please.”

Applejack’s eyes looked up. “She was my marefriend.”

“So for her you changed. You decided to have a relationship with her instead of just using her and move on to the next mare.”

“No. Ah only wanted sex from her. S-so for two years we dated…before we started dated Ah always kept my eye out for her because Ah know that a mare like her will never want to date somepony like me, ever. Originally she had her heart set on Spike a little purple dragon who has a crush on her, but Ah guess she got sad when she saw that she can’t be with him therefore making her emotionally vulnerable something of which Ah took advantage and asked her out on a date. She said yes, so we had our little date, we laughed, hugged, nuzzled, and finally near the end of the day she invited me into her dwelling. Ah thought this is it. Ah am going to have the most glorious sex with the most beautiful pony in Equestria but instead we just kissed and she slept peacefully on my chest. From that moment came two years of a relationship that Ah patiently waited to have all her beauty, she on the other hoof saw our relationship as something real to the path that will lead to marriage. Oh my Celestia…two years. Ah spent two years close to the most beautiful mare and had her heart in my hooves and yet Ah felt no form of attachment to her…” Dj Pon 3 happily interrupted Applejack.

“You are just an empty pathetic excuse of a pony Applejack.” Dj Pon 3 bobbed her head up and down a few times. “But I will give you some of my admiration that for two whole years you only had your sights on her, well uhm, beauty, I guess. But tell me, what made you stop your quest of bedding Rarity?” This is something she needs to hear.

Applejack thought for a moment. She can’t decide who is right. Pinkie Pie in saying that Rarity is with Spike or Victorious Ayla whose photo shows Rarity and Rainbow Dash together. Applejack decided to say Rainbow Dash since she is much closer to Rainbow than Spike also she will not mention Rarity’s violation. “Something terrible happen to her.” Applejack raised her hoof. “Ah won’t tell you what happened to her so don’t bother asking but Ah’ll tell you that Ah should have been by her side. She eventually saw the true nature of our relationship and brought it to an end. Now she is with Rainbow Dash, a mare who has been by her side in her moment of torment and Ah know Rainbow Dash is the right mare for Rarity. Ah couldn't continue after what Rarity went through.”

“So you felt guilt for Rarity but it did not stop you from using me…ok you know what, just tell me the fraking true. Why did you come to see me? Why are you here? Sure I am in love with you but an empty mare like you does not meet with its discards and what made you so remorseful?” Dj Pon 3 leaned forward providing pressure to the Element of Honesty.

“Ah don’t know but Ah’ve been feeling empty now that Ah had some time to think. Ah feel so separated from my brother who practically raised me after my parents were killed by timber wolves, my friends love me but one of them know of my true self and may disown me anytime soon, Ah sometimes feel a lot of guilt three days after Ah have sex with somepony. Ah think it’s time for me to change and Ah want to apologize to you for hurting you and Ah’m just sorry.”

Dj Pon 3 leaned forward some more. “Please get close.”

Applejack got close and Dj Pon 3 slapped her. Applejack did not react but took the slap as a sign that her words had an effect on Dj Pon 3.

“I know your kind Applejack. You are trying to butter me up with false words of sincerity so I can come rushing into your arms before waking up all alone in bed again, humph, I won’t go through that again Applejack and do you think that by saying sorry I can just forget what happened? You may be feeling guilt but you will never change, a mare like you never changes. You are just scum who only wants physical enjoyment and will say or do anything to obtain it…just don’t frakken insult me with your past because it’s just plain stupid…” Applejack interrupted Dj Pon 3.

“Ah’m telling you the truth! Ah am trying change. Ah want to be different, Ah want to feel whole and close to somepony. Please listen to me, Ah want to change from this terrible hurting lifestyle Ah’ve been living for some time now.” *Sigh* “You won’t believe me what Ah’m going to say next.”

“Keep talking.” Demanded the white mare.

“The spiritual or physical embodiment of an Native Equestrian tribe called the Chero talks to me because my mother had chero blood in her but it couldn’t be passed on to me so the physical embodiment watches over me and it showed me things that are driving me to change myself. Dj Pon 3 Ah want you to know that Ah want to change and to please give me a…chance.” Applejack’s mind heard the voice of the chero again but this time as a stallion. “Ah remember a while back, my brother was smitten with Lyra Heartstrings. He talked on and on about her while Ah just listened and started to think about Rarity, Ah thought those feelings of love for her were going through my head by those so called feelings of love for her were not for Rarity but for Rarity’s beauty. Ah am so foul and feel very proud of it because Ah don’t think of what Ah do. Ah just do, Ah don’t think. Please Dj Pon 3 give me a chance to prove myself to you and for you to save me before Ah…get hurt. Ah-Ah shattered too many hearts but yours for some reason is so special. You are a stronger mare than me and you are my hope.” Applejack couldn’t be more sincere.

Dj Pon 3 thought of Applejack’s plea for her help and outreach for her heart. “Hers eyes tell me that whatever is making do this is strong enough to scare her but will that strong scare change her? More importantly why am I even thinking this!? She broke my heart and she would not bother doing it again! But I’m in love with her and she made me feel so wanted. No, she only made me feel important in order to take advantage of me.” Dj Pon 3 remembered something else. “She gave me alcohol breaking my hard earned sobriety.” Mind speaking. “But she wants to change for me and she wants my heart. Applejack wants to be with me and I want to be with her, she is my love. Oh my Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, I am so in love with her!” Heart speaking.

What will Smart Gina tell me?” Mind speaking once more. “She will say to take this cautiously and she will tell me to give Applejack something for good measure.” Heart and Mind speaking in unison.

“Applejack.” Dj Pon 3’s horn glowed; her magic levitated four pieces of colorful holographic cardboard cards and placed them in front of Applejack. “These are tickets and backstage passes to my next performance.” She said in a calm voice.

Applejack eyed the backstage passes. “Are these for me?”

The white mare heartlessly glared at Applejack. “You are so conceited Applejack, what in your stupid mind will you think these are for you. Heh! These tickets and backstage passes are for Rarity the mare of whom you will never be worthy of and the luckiest mare to be spared of your foul nature. Annnnnd! There are for Rainbow Dash who I think is the perfect mare for Rarity also she’s better a mare than you.” Such a harsh way to say the truth to Applejack who is started to see this in an unfavorable light. “You will give it to them all right and you will tell them it’s from me. Is that clear Applejack.”

Applejack’s ego will not let her put up with sort of treatment. She rightfully deserves it but she is too good to have Dj Pon 3 bite her in the flank. Nevertheless, the chero spoke to her again.
“Yes, Ah will give them to the happy couple.” She took the holographic cards and placed them in her hat.

The talented artist only listened to her heart this time. “I will give you a chance Applejack. If you are willing to change from your old ways just like I quit alcohol then maybe there will be a future for both us. However, if this is another one of your lies then I will hurt you in ways that you can’t possibly imagine. Let this be a warning to you Applejack. Hope waits for you and so does Pain.” DJ Pon 3 drank some milk that’s poured out of a champagne glass.

Oh sweet tarnation. She’s giving me a chance!” Applejack thought!

She is Applejack, she did her part now it’s time for you to do yours.” Said the chero.

“Can you help me change Dj Pon 3?” Applejack asked with some hope.

“No you will do this on your own; you must tame the temptation in your mind. Learn to look at a mare without lust in your mind, see her for what she is in the inside instead of the outside. It will be kind of pointless to have my hopes up for you but I want to be with you so please come close.”

Applejack leaned forward again only to be slapped again by Dj Pon 3.

“That’s for good measure Applejack.” Dj Pon 3 reached out to touch Applejack’s hoof.

“You and I…let there be light.”

Bon Bon nuzzled Big Macintosh on the cheek to wake him from his little induced nap.
“Hey Big Macintosh it’s good to see that you’re finally awake.”

Big Mac yawned. “Ah’m hungry.”

Bon Bon hugged him. “I know you’re hungry Big Mac and I know what will fill that belly.”

Big Macintosh got happy. “Oooooh! Did you cook something!”


“Oh…” There goes the happiness. “Well uh how are you going to fill my belly? Well we could always cook together, that can be fun.” Big Macintosh got optimistic.

Bon Bon let go of Big Macintosh. “Uhm that sounds like a good idea Big Macintosh.”

The red stallion nodded his head quite rapidly while having an enormous grin on his face.

“But I rather go to the Sugarcube corner. How does that sound?”

Big Mac tilted his head to think about this. “But Ah wanted to cook.” He wanted to show off his cooking skills in fact.

Bon Bon placed a hoof on his head; she decided to say a little fib that can motivate him to forget his cooking intentions. “Pinkie Pie will be more than happy to bake you some pie or cake for you. Oh personally that is.”

Big Macintosh lips twitched to conceal a raging smile. Hearing that Pinkie Pie will personally make him a pie or cake threw the cooking intentions out the window…his right ear. “Let’s go to the Sugarcube Corner!” Big Mac jumped off the couch, used his head to push Bon Bon from behind in order to get out, and began trotting to the Sugarcube Corner.

Bon Bon trotted alongside Big Macintosh giving him a loving smile to encourage him to trot faster. “I think I know what to do for Big Macintosh, just need to wait for him and Pinkie to in front of each other.

“Bon Bon, are you thinking out loud?” Big Macintosh asked.

“What!? Did you hear what I said because, because I didn’t mean anything what I said, I just said that in case there is a telepath nearby!” Bon Bon now thinks Big Macintosh a telepath and he doesn’t know it yet.

The red stallion giggled. “Oh Ah’m just messing with you Bon Bon. Ah just said that because Ah felt like putting you on the nerve for no reason.” Big Macintosh nudged her with his flank. “Thank you, for you know and for making the choices you know are right.”

Bon Bon moved closer to Big Macintosh causing body to body contact and at the same time use this gesture to show Big Macintosh she appreciates him very much. “You’re very welcome Big Macintosh and cheer up! There is still hope for Lyra but for right now let’s just enjoy our day.”

“Our day?”

“Yeah!” Bon Bon closed her eyes in delight. “Our day. You and me. Two partners in adorable crime, Big Maco and Bon Bonny taking on the evil world of a lyre playing Unicorn. Ha just you and me spending time together, c’mon don’t tell me you’ve grown all detached from me already?”

Big Macintosh exhaled with a laugh. “Ah will never grow detached from you Bon Bon, now get over here.” He placed his strong right arm on her shoulders. “How can some big muscular fella like me not fall for the cuteness of your eyes Bon Bonny and like Ah said before Ah love you very much.” Big Macintosh nuzzled her softly on the cheek.

The cream colored mare blushed adorably to the loving affection from the stallion who loves her very much and she too loves him the same way he does. “Oooooh love you too Big Macintosh now it’s my turn.”

“Your turn for what?”

“Nothing special really, just this.” Bon Bon lovingly nuzzled him on the cheek making the red stallion blush too.

Such a unique and special bond is shared between these two Earth ponies. In a moral point of view, both of them are testaments to the power of Lust, Forgiveness, and Love. Bon Bon fell to her Lust and with a smile she harmed Big Macintosh so for that she endured her punishment through Lyra Heartstrings who is under the influence of hate which is through her refusal to forgive, sure it’s only natural to hold on to grudges even though holding on to the grudge is what caused Bon Bon to leave Lyra’s side, Big Macintosh, harmed by Bon Bon held her in his anger for taking away Smarty Pants of course when Bon Bon came to his door begging for his help he had every right possible to slam the door on her face and leave her to the cruelness of Lyra Heartstrings. Instead with forgiveness he took her in and slowly with the love in his heart began to love her, he sees what resulted from forgiving Bon Bon…and doesn’t regret it one bit. Bon Bon humbled for what she has been through knows the feeling of being forgiven which in connection to that feeling felt the love of Big Macintosh and she loves him with astonishing admiration.

The bonded duo arrived promptly at the Sugarcube corner.
Now I just need Pinkie Pie to come out and get into position.” Thought Bon Bon.

“Where’s Pinkie Pie?” Big Macintosh asked.

“Right here!” Pinkie Pie’s head popped up from Bon Bon’s hair.

“Pinkie!” Big Mac exclaimed in a near blissful manner.

The pink mare with her mysterious powers jumped out of Bon Bon’s hair and conveniently or just very, very conveniently landed in front of Big Macintosh.

Alright perfect!!” Bon Bon started to whistle innocently as she inched back to get behind Big Macintosh. “Well here it goes!” She gave him a hard push forward making Big Macintosh’s nose touch Pinkie Pie’s nose.

Big Macintosh’s eyes got wide at seeing that he is touching Pinkie’s nose and Pinkie Pie is smiling despite what’s happening right now, Big Macintosh’s lips began reflecting the smile on Pinkie’s lips

Bon Bon, seeing that cute pink beating hearts are taking over the green irises of the red stallion cheered quietly.

“Big Macintosh and Pinkie Pie will make a good couple.”

All it took was just a push.

Lyra slammed her hoof on the Newton’s cradle, bringing the singular clacking to a halt.


The Angel of Death went back to the innocent chained Lyra. “Being alive is one and being a perfect host is another. I am the Angel of Death but I just can’t touch you whenever I want, I need justified reason first and then I can touch anypony. Like I said earlier hate makes my existence grow bigger and without hate my existence lessens. You are full of hate, hate for your father, hate for yourself, hate for Big Macintosh, and this new hate…against me. Hmm, odd but typical since I’m bring death any who, to answer your question of how you’re still alive. You time has not come yet. Duh! Also you are very weak Lyra.

Lyra growled at hearing this insult from the Angel of Death. “Weak!! You’re the one who’s weak you pathetic excuse of an angel!”

The Angel of Death mouthed a word. “Ouch. But who’s the one keeping my existence above the minimum level along with having so much hate in their mind. Hm? Please answer me Lyra Heartstrings.

Lyra’s ears drop at hearing that question. “Me…” She then dropped to her rump to feeling the shame in coming to terms to the angel’s intuitiveness. “You are a part of me and I am a part of you.”

Yes you are right and I going to say something that will get you thinking but thanks to your unwillingness to forgive and your hate, you will not try to change at all.”

“Tell me.”

All you need to do is forgive and the hate but more importantly I will disappear from your mind allowing you to be the mare your mother wanted you to be. Of course you will not forgive just like I will never leave your mind.” The Angel of Death said as it touched the chains holding the innocent Lyra.

Lyra cursed herself and pounded her chest. “Love…the Cure.”


I n Ponyville walked a lavender Unicorn who in her mind only has one thing set she wishes to carry out. Find the Alicorn, shatter him, watch him cry for a bit and wait for Rarity.

Twilight thought of something. Developing in her mind is the intention to enter once more the mind of the resurrected Alicorn. She wants to see of his mind before she goes in and desecrates it. Despite the fact that she will be in massive concentration as her telepathy enters Gold Sky’s mind, Twilight can still walk to the boutique with her eyes open. Her mind is very organized to the point where she can independently think, act, and react in any system of her body, independently of each other. Her eyes seeing something up front but her defense reflexes make her block anything that coming from her blind side even though she relies heavily on hoof eye coordination. Now this uniqueness has been expanded upon thanks to the combination of Gold Sky’s DNA. Her independent cognitive activity is enhanced therefore making her more like the Pure Alicorn trinity, who too can do many things as they do other things. Twilight’s telepathy traveled to Gold Sky’s mind as she avoided bumping into Amethyst Star, ducked a low fly by from Cloud Kicker, quickly jumped up the moment she landed to be out of a speeding Scootaloo’s way, used her magic to pick up a cart of full of anvils because it got caught in a big pothole, and finally teleported to the bench near the boutique to get comfy while she’s watching Nightmare Moon beat Gold Sky.
Here I go into the mind of this curious weakling.

Nightmare Moon looked down at Gold Sky who is simply lying on the floor in front of her hooves, her stardust mane went down to gently stroke his right cheek. Defeated and with tears running down from his eyes, Gold Sky lifted up his eyes to look at the beautiful mare. The fire in his former teal eyes is still raging, his spirit will never accept defeat but his body can only take so much damage just like his tissue regeneration has it limits in healing his body.

“You fought well son of Celestia but this fight was over the minute it started. You cannot defeat me you fool and seeing you right now laying at my hooves shows me that I am the most powerful there is. Your Elements of Harmony failed because the leader is a cute little filly with the mind of an innocent child, your Moon fights with herself and your Sun shall set forever allowing my Night to rule for eternality. But you Gold Sky, son of Celestia you have heart, I was thinking of killing you and let Celestia live.” Nightmare’s stardust mane went to the tip of Gold Sky’s chin. “The son dies for the Mother to protect her, such a noble sentiment on your part Gold Sky but you will be of much use to me as my personal slave for my pleasure and entertainment. Oh it’s much better for the Mother to die for the son instead. Especially if the Mother raises the Sun…” Nightmare Moon’s voice suddenly got high pitched and sped up. Twilight is fast forwarding this memory because Nightmare Moon gives her the creeps.

“…Power!” Twilight resumed the memory at normal speed at the last word of Nightmare’s speech to the defeated Gold Sky.

Gold Sky closed his eyes. “Nightmare…” Gold Sky’s collapsed lung is still not healed. “Nightmare Moon if all you want is po-pow-power and that’s all you’re here for so you can rule with a-an iron hoof and use me as your slave…” *Wheezing* Gold Sky grunted loudly, he is getting back up. “Power y-you don’t know what power is. Lo-love is power...” Gold Sky stopped to fight back more tears; he can’t handle any more pain.

Nightmare seized the golden opportunity to speak. “You tried to seduce me with a kiss that is infesting with your hideous love.” Nightmare’s mane moved away so she can place her hoof on his chin. “Your lips are tender but your intention is stupid.”

“I-I will keep fighting you as long as my hea-heart be-be-beats and lungs draw breath.”

Nightmare tapped his chin and did her lovely laugh. “You will make an excellent sla…” Twilight sped up the memory again.

Resumed at Gold Sky’s horn glowing. “If power is all you want and all you need. Then take my power, take it, Love is power and I-I am full of Love. Take it; I want you to take all my power so you can be the most powerful being in Equestria. Take it, do it!” Gold Sky got closer to Nightmare. “Take it! Please take it. TAKE IT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!”

WOW!” Twilight said as she sees Gold Sky giving everything he has to Nightmare Moon.

Meanwhile in the Boutique.

Gold Sky uncovered Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle please wake up.”

The little filly adorably yawned making the armored stallion smile. “Gold Sky what??”

“Sweetie Belle, Rarity is going to take you home.”

“Why are you wearing that armor and cloak?” She asked.

Gold Sky took Sweetie Belle into his arms like it’s the last time he’s going to see her. “Sweetie Belle, I love you very much. You are very important to me and I’ll do anything so you can know that. I’m going to help my daughter and possibly she can forgive me…oh my Celestia, Cadance and Lu… I might die again Sweetie Belle. So I want you to be strong for me and please don’t cry for me. I love you Sweetie Belle.” He ended with a loving nuzzle to her head.

Sweetie Belle began to tear up and opened her mouth but Gold Sky silenced her.

“Good bye Sweetie Belle.” Gold Sky tried to let go of her but she clung tightly to him.

“Gold Sky please don’t die! Please don’t die!” She moaned.

“I love you Sweetie Belle.” Gold Sky telepathically asked Rarity to take Sweetie Belle off of him and take her home.

“Come Sweetie Belle, I’ll be taking you home and don’t worry Gold Sky has his armor.” Rarity took her sister and teleported away.

Rarity came without Sweetie Belle. She saw Gold Sky staring out into space with fear in his eyes.

“Gold Sky, are you ready?” Rarity placed her hoof on his wing.

“AHHH!” Gold Sky fell to his knees. His right silver horseshoe covered hoof went over his strong beating heart.

Rarity dashed to Gold Sky’s aid, nearly giving in to the urge to become frantic. “Gold Sky what’s wrong! Is your heart hurting!?”

“Yes it’s hurting! Hearing Sweetie Belle beg me not to die caused a memory to flash before my eyes! Look.” Gold Sky synced with Rarity’s mind.

“Are you going to show me your memories like before?”

“Yes.” He took her to serine meadows of the Griffon Republic.

In the meadow is Gold Sky lying down on his back and next to him is a very young Gilda who’s lying down on Gold Sky’s extended wing. The both of them are looking at the clouds move across the blue sky.

“Daddy.” Gilda turned her head to look at her daddy’s face.
“Yes sweetheart.” He also turned his head to look at his daughter.

“Last night when you read me that book about the super loyal Pegasus saving the Unicorn with the biggest heart and they lived happily after yada, yada, yada, but what does that word mean?”

“What word?”

“Married. What does that word mean daddy?” Gilda’s face displayed textbook qualities of curiosity.

Gold Sky chuckled lightly to this question. “The word married means that when a stallion and mare are so in love they unite as one and live the rest of their lives together.”

“And happily ever after too?” Gilda added.


Hearing the yes, Gilda cheered to an idea. “Daddy do you love me?”

“Oh sweetheart.” Gold Sky picked up Gilda and held her in the air. “Of course I love you with all my heart, you are my little sweet, sweet, sweet, sweetheart.” He brought down to give her a big kiss on the cheek. “I love you Gilda.” He gave her another big kiss on the cheek.

“I love you too daddy so will you marry me?”

“Huuuuuuh????” Gold Sky totally got taken by surprise by that question.

“Will you marry me daddy!” Gilda asked again.

Gold Sky laughed ecstatically. “Sweetheart we can’t get married.”

Gilda gasped! “Why daddy!”

“Uhhh.” Gold Sky had to think. “Oh! Because I’m much older than you and wouldn’t it be much nicer to wait until you get older to find the perfect griffon for you? Uhmmm the perfect griffon who will capture your heart, respect you, see you with love because you are a beautiful rose and he’ll the luckiest griffon in the world.”

Gilda groaned. “But I want to marry you daddy.”

Gold Sky nuzzled Gilda on the head. “I will rather raise you than to marry you.”

“Hmmm.” Gilda thought. “That means you will still love me right?”

“Of course. Nosey nose!” The father and daughter rubbed noses and the father kissed his daughter on the nose before hugging her.
Nonetheless, Gilda couldn’t help but wonder if daddy is in love with a mare. “Daddy how come you are not married?”

Gold Sky stopped smiling to that question, Gilda is right, he’s not married yet. Being a single father is his top priority above everything else in the world and c’mon his world revolves around his dear Gilda but what will make the most since is that well obviously he’s a pony in the Griffon Republic where everybody is a griffon. So that will explain why he’s not married yet.
“I’m not married because…uhh, dang it, uhm…I haven’t found the right mare yet that’s why.”

This answer satisfied Gilda’s young mind prompting her curiosity to come up with another. “Daddy will I ever meet a pony with a rainbow mane like the one in the bedtime story?”

“Perhaps who knows, you just might a meet a pony with a rainbow mane someday.”

The memory came to an end.

“We’re going now Rarity.” Gold Sky got down to his knees so Rarity can get on his back.

Rarity's jaw dropped completely. Her curiosity about Gold Sky caring so much about Gilda got answered. "You were her father?? You were a father! How come you didn't tell me or Octavia about this!!!?"

"Because I was weak and a coward. I will show you everything and as for Octavia what's the point? She does not remember me anymore. Now let's go." Gold Sky's voice sounded very serious.

Rarity sighed. “Gold Sky, why did you tell Sweetie Belle, that you might die again?” Rarity’s horn glowed to wrap a scarf around her neck.

Gold Sky’s magenta eyes started emotionlessly at Rarity. “Rarity, before I answer your question can you please promise me something?”

“Well, I, of course.”

“This promise that I want you to keep is very important and what I mean by that Rarity. The promise will test every moral fiber of your body and rationale. It will affect you, either to a great or small degree.” The left side compartment of Gold Sky’s armor opened up.

Rarity didn’t go into deep thought about Gold Sky’s request. “I promise to whatever you want me to do Gold Sky.”

“Ehátas Gilda hie elo wicónte…oh, ahem. If Gilda dies I want you to take my knife and plunge into my heart.”

Rarity’s face flushed and took a step away from Gold Sky. “Wh-what? Gold Sky how can you ask me this…?”

“I failed her once and if I fail her again then death is what I rightfully deserve. I will watch over you, Sweetie Belle, mother, and Octavia from the other side permanently but I not live with myself ever again if she dies. Now you made me a promise and I expect you keep it, my blood is in you and you can hold my knife now.” Gold Sky took out his knife and tossed it to her.

Rarity’s magic caught the knife and got amazed that she can hold it. “I...” She cannot finish.

“Get the goggles Rainbow Dash gave you so you protect your eyes and get on my back now.” Gold Sky got up when he felt Rarity climb onto his back, for a quick second he checked if she has the goggles on. Check. Scarf. Check. Also she’s quite light.

“I hope you can protect Gilda Gold Sky.”

Gold Sky scoffed. “Please don’t insult me with that pitiful ideology. If hope was real then I would have been dead a long time ago.” He got up and made his way to the front door.

Brother and sister stopped at front of the door. “Rarity, thank you for coming with me.”

Rarity patted him on the side of his neck. “You’re very welcome Gold Sky.”

The moment the door opened a lavender Unicorn came into the Azure and Magenta eye’s field of view.

“TWILIGHT!! GOLD SKY RUN! RUN!!” Rarity nearly screamed.

“AH!” Twilight did her trademark yell at falling down because Gold Sky shoved her out of the way when he dashed forward.

Gold Sky’s speed increased with each passing second due to his unbreakable will to atone for the greatest sin he committed. “Faster must go faster!” He ran by trees, shredding off the leaves and the paint off of nearby fences. “For Gilda! Ahhhhhh!” The friction is making his horseshoes get hotter.

Twilight got up, she tried to use her telepathy to see what Gold Sky is thinking but can’t. “He’s running too fraking fast and he has Rarity with him. Frak!!” She predicated the Razor will be coming for her anytime soon.

Rarity got her goggles on. “Oh my, this is going to ruin my hair, awaha!!” Rarity grasped Gold Sky’s neck tightly now. “Huh what is that smell?” She looked down to see that the silver horseshoes are glowing red hot; they are burning his hooves. “He is still running forward, I now understand why he wants me to stab his heart if she dies.”

Gold Sky leaned forward more pushing his body to go pass the limit he is not longer required to follow. His heartbeat stayed the same and his breathing did not increase, his physical body is now immune to this limit. “Good thing my horseshoes won’t melt.”

“Rarity hang on this is it!” A mach cone formed in front of him distorting the clarity and a cone of condensation formed just behind Rarity. “AHHUGHH!!!”


“WAHAHA!!” Rarity thanked Rainbow Dash for the goggles.

Gold sky is now running faster than the false assurances of hope.


For my dearest readers who clicked on the second link, the reason why I selected that piece of music is because it's composed by Howard Shore, my second favorite music composer. Also in the piece I like the strong brass that gives the feeling of building determination that's driven by redemption along with the shrilling screams of the strings which delivers the feeling of a dreadful obstacle that is present and soon to come.

This is the end of the Bon Bon, Big Macintosh, Lyra Heartstrings saga. Of course what is set here will be integrated with the rest of the story.

Chapter 52- Judged and be held accountable.

"There it is!!!! I hear it!" Octavia shook in bliss. "His heartbeat!! You hear it Celli, it's his heartbeat!!!"

"Soldiers! Look at the enemy! Look at how they outnumber us a sheer ten to one! They know their end is near and so is ours! CHARGE!"

Gold Sky stood before everyone.
"All of you should come up and spit in my face."

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