• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Love's blood in Loyalty's veins and Applejack's submission.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.

By. Nightmare Moon

Ch. 73

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Just minutes after listening about the sad tale of Romeo, Rainbow Dash speed gaits down the corridors of the palace to find somepony she can talk to. “I hope she isn’t asleep right now.”

“I know I shouldn’t be doing this but yet I can’t help myself. I mean yes, this wedding band was a sign of his undying fidelity to me so why am I spinning it around?” Octavia spins the wedding band again. “Shame on me.” The wedding band falls flat on the table. “I need to take a moment to remember his smile he had when I came out of the dressing room wearing the wedding dresses that Rarity made for me. He approved of each one but I could not make up my mind on the perfect dress and Father oh Father like Gold Sky he approved of each one, I guess seeing me in a wedding dress made his heart happy to know I’ll be getting married.” Slowly lying down on her bed Octavia takes out the photo she’s stores in her bowtie and holds it in front of her eyes.
“HUH!?” The out of the silence knocks startle the gray mare. “It must be Princess Celestia coming to check on me.” The gray mare puts away the photo to open the door. “Oh Rainbow Dash it’s you.” Octavia opens the door wider for the Pegasus. “Please come in if you want.”

Rainbow exhales her breath to be under Octavia’s hospitality. “Thanks Octy, I just need somepony to talk to about something freaking me out.”

“Oh.” Octavia thinking this something has to do with flying decides to say something in the motion of a quick thought. “Well if you are careful while you fly then you won’t get hurt like last time.”

Rainbow nods. “Yes you’re right Octy, I should always maintain my flight angle when I bank to do descending barrel rolls, OH, wait, wait, wait, I’m not here to talk about flying I’m here to talk about something really frightening.”

Octavia changes her tone of voice on the spot in order to accommodate Rainbow’s needed comfort. “Let’s sit down on the bed first so you can relax because judging from your voice this is something serious.” The gray mare lays a big pillow for Rainbow to lie on.

“Why the big pillow Octy?”

The high pitched C note ting of a Glockenspiel reminds the gray mare of something. “Uh it’s a habit I have whenever Rarity and I talk.”

Rainbow waves it off. “Okay that’s cool. Ahem ooooh boy Octavia today I found out Luna has a son and it’s one of her Elite Commando guards catching me off guard…HA! No pun intended now back to seriousness the Commando is surprised to see me and Luna are together. So I’m sure you can imagine his general surprise to see his mother is with me a mare.”

Octavia pictures the stallion’s face. “I can imagine he was trying to keep himself from gasping and embarrassing you in front of Luna.”

Rainbow just before nodding realizes she isn’t going into the frightening reason she’s here in the first place. “Forgetting that. Luna, to keep her son from being too over swept by emotion started telling me and him about her first Love which believe it and yes believe it. Her first love was a stallion.”

“I knew Luna may have loved somepony in the past and I knew it was a stallion seeing how one will always try both first before picking a final one.” Says the gray mare. “Well what happened between the two lovebirds that frightened the awesome out of you?”

Rainbow’s wings go completely limp as she looks down to the silk bed sheets. “Both of them wanted to be together for the rest of their lives meaning Luna will forsake being a Princess, she will marry him, start a family, and live happily ever after in their own Forever.” At last Rainbow reaches the much or so rushed upon on anticipated part of the story. “Sadly the stallion whose name was Romeo had a genetic disease that starts killing him once he reaches a certain age, greatly saddening Luna to see her dear love dying before her eyes. Of course, knowing Luna she stayed by his side in his deterioration until finally Luna couldn’t take it anymore.”

“What do you mean she couldn’t take it anymore?” Octavia in her core is slowly piecing together how Luna can kill her husband even though he is family. “If Rainbow says what I think she’s going to say then it will explain how Luna can kill family so easily for to kill family a first step needs to be taken.”

Rainbow being silent pushes her right hoof forward waiting for Octavia to respond first.
“Oh Rainbow dear sister.” Octavia puts her hoof over Rainbow’s extended hoof. “I’m here for you.”

“Thank you Octavia. Luna took out a cyanide capsule and placed it inside the mouth of her dear Romeo but yet Luna took a pause to look into his eyes one last time as if to remember his love…then she closed his mouth cracking open the capsule thus bringing an end to his life.”

“Well that explains everything. Luna will bring an end to anything that isn’t of use or is a threat to her without even giving them a chance to clarify everything.” Octavia gained a better understanding in why Luna had Gold Sky killed. “Yet from killing Romeo, Luna no longer has the will to kill family herself but can still kill family nonetheless.”
“Rainbow Dash, it’s alright please don’t be afraid anymore.”

“How can I not be afraid! Luna had her Love put to sleep like putting down a dog and no one should do that. What if I get sick and since Gold Sky isn’t here to give me his blood which I know can heal anything, Luna will put a capsule of cyanide in my mouth and put me down. Hell, I’m the Element of Loyalty but even then Luna will still put me down…” Rainbow Dash covers her face with her hooves as if concealment will keep her from shedding any tears. “I don’t think this relationship is for me Octavia if she is capable of doing these things I-I-I mean how come I accepted this out of the blue relationship when I should have instead took the time to know Luna before getting into a relationship.”

Octavia using her soft touch prompts Rainbow to lower one hoof. “Getting what I can get from you Rainbow, I can now say you instantly accepted the aspect of being with Luna without taking the needed time to get to know everything about her out of the need for loving attachment to somepony but you cannot retreat from something you’re already deeply embedded in. I mean there are maybe some things my dearest Gold Sky has hidden from me that I don’t know about and will never know about but yet I will always love him.”

Now Rainbow being one to say unthought-of things will blurt something even though she knows Gold Sky isn’t capable of doing things on the same level as Luna. But to be fair what Rainbow knows is what she thinks she knows of the Loving stallion. “W-w-well what if Gold Sky has done bad things like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…”

Octavia decides to help Rainbow out. “Like always leaving the toilet seat up?”

“Yes!! Like leaving the toilet seat, wait what?? Whoa, whoa, whoa back up you’re telling me Gold Sky doesn’t use the toilet seat like at all?” Rainbow never knew this thing about Gold Sky.

“He always said using the toilet seat made him very uncomfortable so I had to get used to seeing the toilet seat stay up and only up.”

Rainbow takes what she can get. “Well that is something bad because it’s inconsiderate, yet still kind of useless to even bother using as an example. Yet you get where I’m going Octavia in all of this but I want to listen to everything you have to say Octy, I mean you are an expert in telling me about the relationship business.”

Octavia with both hooves takes hold of Rainbow’s hoof. “The thing about Love Rainbow is I will always be with him no matter what. Though sickness & though hell no? Besides I took the time to know him before giving in to my heart and magically fall in Love with him. Still Rainbow I am no expert in the relationship business but you do have feelings for Luna but those feelings can always come into question whenever you discover something unexpected about Luna.” The gray mare momentarily pauses to come up with some more things. “Look she is an Immortal so that will automatically take things to the bigger picture you on the other hoof is just rough as sandpaper thanks to your trademark thoughtlessness when you open your big mouth. Any who you just can’t leave Luna just because…eh, well if Luna killed her Love as a mercy then killing my Gold Sky wasn’t much a thought to her, still believe it or not is there anypony out there who is a good match for you. I mean is there is a somepony out there who can stand every word that comes out of your mouth?” Octavia is saying this so Rainbow can see why departing from Luna isn’t a decision well suited for the cyan Pegasus unless she changes nonetheless but that’s a prospect of fantasy not reality.

And in this very instant Rainbow is going to blurt something out instead of thinking her words first. “Rarity can stand every word that comes out of my mouth and I mean really she can stand every word that I say.”

“What!!?? Rarity!?? Are you trying to lighten things up here or you are being serious?” Octavia was not totally open to hear Rarity’s name be thrown out like that.

“No I’m serious Octy and before you ask I once was in love with Rarity and she was once in love with me so we took the time to talk about the feelings we had for each other now we’re closer than ever still she can stand anything I say but we’re cool now and she’s with Spike. And probably the next pony who can stand every word but I’ll first say please don’t get mad. Please Octavia don’t get mad.”

“Why will I get mad oooooooh I know why.” Octavia figured out who Rainbow Dash is going to say next.

“Gold Sky.” There Rainbow Dash said it and there’s no added need to go into further detail.

Of course being completely understanding the gray mare can see why Rainbow will say Gold Sky. “I can see why you will say his name, after all you two are close, you made him into a better flyer, and other things that I don’t want to list anymore because the more I do so the more I see he is probably the best pony for you though some things were already set.”

Rainbow judging from the words spoken by Octy she comes to see Octavia is basically telling her to stay with Luna despite the cruel mercy. “Maybe Octavia in your way of saying things, I should stay with Luna and being who I am I will end up doing just that even if I know how her cruelty can be given in ways that are never seen as cruel. Oh boy I solved my own problem though it does feel good to be with you right now Octy.”

The gray mare gives the cyan Pegasus a lovely smile. “Oh Rainbow Dash just like you are unique your life ends up being unique as well, still I understand you fear Luna but do you really think she is capable of killing the pony she holds most dear again?”

“Yes.” Maybe Rainbow is saying it as it is.

Octavia with a low groan under her breath maintains her lovely smile for the cyan Pegasus. “Just to humor you I’ll go along with your yes.” But in the mind. “Even though you’re right in saying yes. Yeah without a doubt.” Back to the vocalization of words. “Still I don’t think you have that same disease this Romeo had back then oh man I just got to say it I just find it plain ironic that Romeo will be put to his end by a poisonous substance just like the Romeo from that Shakespearean play?”

*Doink* “What’s a Shakespearean play?”

“What the fra…oh sweet bloody offspring of total unknowing ignorance…alright to be brief & yes spoilers, it’s a nice romantic play about two soulmates who can’t be together which is almost like you and Rarity per se and in a failed attempt to be together the mare pretends to be dead but when the stallion finds her he takes it literally and takes poison instead of having to live in a world without her as for the mare when she wakes up she finds her love lying dead next to her and just like him the mare chooses not to live in a world without him so she stabs herself in the belly. Now can you see why Romeo’s death was ironic?”

“You’re talking about Luna’s Romeo right?”

Octavia wishes she can shake her head right now. “Yes that’s the Romeo I’m talking about.” And the hard part is not letting her voice turn in a rough sourness. “Rainbow Dash, you are not going to have the same disease Romeo had…”

“How do you know that Octy! Are you a super nurse like Nurse Redheart!?” Rainbow Dash interrupts.

Octavia brings her right hoof over her forehead and groans. “No I am not a super nurse Rainbow but the probability of you having that disease is just plain low like Gold Sky putting the toilet seat down uhh the probability is low and to show you how about we take a nice trip to the hospital so Nurse Redheart can do a test on you.”

The word test totally turned off the openness to Octavia’s suggestion. “You know what, I think you’re right about the probability thingy Octy.”

“I can’t believe Rainbow is still scared of needles heh I found it funny when she asked Gold Sky to go with her when she gets her flu shot…” *Ting* “Wait a minute perhaps I can help Rainbow Dash here for her sake and cause I just love her very much.” Octavia finally has something that might help Rainbow.
“Rainbow Dash, I have some of my dearest Gold Sky’s blood somewhere. If you help me find it then you have it and you will never be sick again for his blood will make you immune to anything even poison. So Luna’s mercy can’t get you.”

Rainbow Dash calms the heck down. “You will do that for me Octavia.” Hey saying the gray mare’s full name shows how Rainbow is completely humbled all the way to the core of her spiral galaxy. “You will give me the very blood your loving husband gave you.”

Octavia nods. “My dear husband gave me his blood and kept vials of it in case I needed more but I have plenty of his blood in me so let me do something I know he’ll do without any hesitation. By giving you his blood.” Octavia gets off of the bed and stretches to prevent her joints from popping before she does what she’s going to do. “Give me my hug Rainbow, you look like you need one.”

Without saying a word Rainbow embraces the gray mare happy to have somepony taking care of her in ways others can’t. “Oh Octavia, you are taking care of me to keep me happy. Oh I’m glad to have you and Rarity to comfort me and I guess I can continue being with Luna as long as the both you can help me. Though Luna does not like it when I’m around Rarity.”

“How come?” Octavia asks.

“Well ever since I told Luna about how close we were she thinks I’ll have some kind of a secret affair with Rarity which will never happen at all! I mean like at all! Also I don’t want to anger Spike and make him go all giant again.” Rainbow gently while a little bit rough tightens her hug.
“Thank you Octy, thanks for helping.”

Both mares just hug out their love for a few minutes until the need to find the vial of sparkling blood comes into the pictures of their minds. “Rainbow can you help me find the vial of sparkling blood.”

“Yeah sure. Just where do we start?”

Octavia going over to the walk in closet pulls out some boxes full of stuff she took from her now demolished home. “I know the vial is in here some uh just look through everything.”

Rainbow got a box for herself. “Sure thing Octy.” So Rainbow and Octavia start looking through the stuff to find the vial of sparkling blood.

Upon grabbing a thick book Rainbow quaintly notices it doesn’t weigh so much despite being nine inches thick. “This is odd, this book isn’t heavy like it should be.” With the gray mare still looking about the other boxes Rainbow opens the book only to see why the book weighs less than it should. “It’s hollowed out but hey what’s this?” On the left where the page is intact a thick line of red underlines the title which is On Nihilism. “This chapter pretty much caught Gold Sky’s full attention to point he wrote on the side this is means so much while it should be taken with a grain of salt when it comes to what he Loves but everything else, it doesn’t matter. If only I knew what this word means and if only I knew how to pronounce the word too.” Now Rainbow’s rose colored eyes shift to the right to the hollowed section of the book. “Oc-Octa-Octavia!” She couldn’t say the gray mare’s name without a stutter first. “Is this what we’re looking for?”

Octavia peers into the hollowed out book and instantly her beautiful eyes widen with joy. “Yes! This is the vial of his sparkling blood no wait ahem, this is your vial of sparkling blood.” The gray mare gives Rainbow the vial.

With the vial in hoof Rainbow smiles until her ears pick up the noise of many hoof steps coming to an end in front of their door. “Hold on.” Rainbow opens the door to see what’s going on outside. “Hey why are you five commandos doing here?”

“We’ve been ordered by her majesty Princess Luna to watch over you and Octavia for the night.”

“Why??” Rainbow asks.

Princess Luna told him Rainbow will ask him that. “Ask her in the morning.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes to the answer that has Luna’s smell all over it. “Well Octy just how am I going to get this blood inside of me?”

But the gray mare has a question of her own about the five Elite Commando guards standing outside the room. “Why are there Commandos outside?”

Rainbow waves off Octavia’s little question. “Don’t worry about it we’re find out in the morning now back to the blood, how do I get it inside of me?”

“Just drink it Rainbow Dash or I could get a syringe with a long needle to inject it in you.” Octavia has her ways to trick Rainbow Dash into doing things when the more preferred option will not be picked.

The vial now open and Rainbow Dash with an anxious face takes a quick whiff of the sparkling blood to see if it smells like whatever blood is supposed to smell like but her nose picks up a aroma it cannot decipher. “Well…it doesn’t smell bad so if I taste it then it shouldn’t taste bad as well.” On the last word she turns to Octavia waiting for the gray mare to voice a yes.

“Don’t look at me Rainbow Dash; I didn’t drink his blood. I got it in my system the easy way with the help an IV now you will drink it soooooo just close your eyes and do it.” Octavia places back everything in the boxes then sits down to enjoy watching Rainbow attempt her whatever number of attempts to drink the sparkling blood.

*Fourteen minutes later*
“Wow this is taking longer than expected.” Octavia notes.

Rainbow still hasn’t drunk the sparkling blood. “Okay this time! This time I’ll drink the blood…”

“JUST DRINK DANG IT I WANT TO GO TO SLEEP ALREADY!!” It’s the hormones doing that.

“Okay, okay!!” *gulp* The sparkling blood go down the hatch. “Whoa I didn’t taste anything OH!” The blood of the Alicorn stallion binds with the Pegasus DNA creating the fifth base in her genetic bases and more importantly giving her complete immunity to every disease known and unknown.
“Oh boy I’m feeling tired I think his blood is doing its stuff to me.” Rainbow barely makes it to Octavia’s bed before being taken over by sleep.

“Heh guess I’ll be sharing with Rainbow Dash.” Octavia pushes Rainbow Dash to the right part of the bed and gets into bed. “Oh man can’t believe watching Rainbow wore me out.” The future mother first throws a blanket over Rainbow Dash then takes her place in the left part of the bed. “Good night my dearest son in my womb for at least you will look like your Father and I pray I can be the good mother you rightfully deserve because one thing I know is your Father Gold Sky will always be a better parent than me.” She rubs her belly and succumbs to the poetry of sleep.

In the soft verses of the night, the Immortal Father’s heart is once again stabbed for his daughter took vengeance into her spirit, the gamble of fates falls into Cadance’s favor, more black powder is added to the mountain inside the Immortal Father’s core, and the days of some are now numbered.

For Gilda toppled a domino and that domino will now topple thousands…

The Pacifist her Father once was is no more.

Rarity will become stronger than the pure immortals.

And some no hundreds will die by Love’s own will.

It Doesn’t Matter.

It’s all meaningless.


In the nice warmth of the rising sun, Cadance rolls over to her back dreaming about her journey through Candy land followed by an occasional kick from her right hind leg. “Hmm I love me some penguin pastries yummy ooh with Swiss cakes too yeah, yeah now we’re talking!” Annnnd Cadance talks in her sleep so there is a reason why Shining Armor takes prescribed sleeping pills.

Nearby Twilight is awestruck to discover Cadance talks in her sleep and about deserts dipped in melted chocolate. “Wow I never knew Cadance dreams about food OW!!” Too bad she discovers the random kicks through a hooves-on method. “Why do I always get hit in the face?” Twilight shakes her head from the unexpected blow. “Hey where’s Spike so he can start cooking breakfast for Cadance.”

In his comfy basket Spike too is dreaming of the perfect team of super heroes who are from two no three different universes and the leader of the six hero group is none other than… Spike wake up!”

*Gasp* “Huh what aww man!! Why did you have to wake me up! I was dreaming of a super hero team consisting of Captain Equestria, Hulk, Captain Marvel and that’s his real name not Shazam it’s Captain Marvel, Starfire pre new fifty something whatever it’s called, Hellboy I-I mean Hellcolt, and the leader is Power Girl!” Spike’s little dream team of these super heroes actually sounds pretty worthy of a eight to ten issue comic book arc.

“Hey that sounds nice but right now we got more important things at hoof like you getting up and making Cadance breakfast! So please get up, brush your teeth, then start cooking given you have enough time.”

Spike throws his blanket onto Twilight’s horn. “What makes you think I have enough time to cook before Cadance gets up?”

“Hey not the horn.” Magic removes the blankets, throws it out of the picture to which a pink arm catches it, and will have it dried cleaned ready by tomorrow. “Don’t worry, Pinkie will use extra softener this this time ahem anyway Cadance is dreaming about Candy Land sooooo she won’t wake up until somepony wakes her up now please cook, chop, chop!”

“Fine, fine, Candy Land, Pinkie doing dry cleaning, and you being so persnickety whatever, just don’t help me while I’m cooking because the last time you helped you almost started a grease fire so shoo, shoo.” With his right hand Spike draws the red line on the floor so Twilight will not step foot in the kitchen.

Twilight heeding Spike’s invisible red line decides to set the table. “Ooh Cadance is going to be very pleased with Spike’s incredible cooking.

Back to Cadance.
“You can’t run away from me you yummy gummy bears; I will find you and eat you! You can’t run from me! Ha got you!!” From the way her arms are moving, Cadance has caught herself a yummy gummy bear. “Yummy!”

Poor gummy bear.” Twilight feels sorry for the delicious victim Cadance is eating right now. “Hey wait a minute she’s only dreaming. Oh Spike is almost finished cooking so I better get ready to wake Cadance.” Officially Twilight is just asking to be hit in the face again by being close to her sister-in-law. “OW!” It’s her fault.

Spike scooping out the last chocolate flavored waffle from the mold sighs in relief to be done and to see Twilight didn’t do anything unintentionally stupid in the guise of helping him. “Twilight you can wake her up now.”

“Hahaha perfect OW!” Seriously Twilight is just getting hit on her own fault. “Cadance please wake up.”

“Finally I can sit down.” Spike rubs his hands in delight to enjoy his breakfast and his plans with Cadance which by the way excludes the bookworm.

Cadance being Cadance uses magic to groom herself to save time. “All cleaned up though it’s the first time I go without a morning shower.” The Princess has this little pet peeve where she’ll only shower in her own shower not anyone else’s. “Ho, ho, ho! Spike you’re so kind to make me breakfast!” She walks past Twilight Sparkle whose face turns dumbfounded and takes the dragon into a tight hug.

“Hey why does she hug Spike first!?” Twilight pouts in her mind.

“You’re welcome Cadance.” Spike holds his head high to be a fortunate recipient of Cadance’s affection.
Then. “Good morning Twilight.” Now Cadance gives the lavender Unicorn the awaited hugs.

So all three sit to eat but Twilight with her penchant to see the glorious results of her work or better yet pride let’s her telepathy go free to read Applejack’s mind. “She’s on her way to pay Dj Pon 3 a visit. Wonderful! Poor Applejack has no idea she is practically nothing to the deejay and I just have to be there when she starts crying her heart out. Oh I so have to be there.” And what be seen as a stroke of unexpected luck Spike is about to reveal his plans to Princess Cadance.

The dragon quickly wipes his mouth clean in the same manner Rarity taught him. “Cadance the traveling hoopla fair is here in Ponyville and I wonder if you want to come with me.” But under his breath Spike tells her more details. “Twilight doesn’t like going to the fair because she thinks they’re a waste of time.”

“Huh.” Cadance can somehow understand why Twilight will see the fair as a waste of time when that time being used to have fun on a ferries wheel can be used to read about herbal mixtures. “That sounds like an excellent idea Spike, also if I think about it we don’t always have the opportunity to spend time together.”

All the more goodness for Twilight’s ears. “Oh the yes indeed!” Wait what!!?

“Twilight what did you say?” Cadance is the first or probably the only one to notice Twilight’s way out of the normal speech pattern.

“OH! Uhm I read one of Spike’s comic books last night and Starfire must gotten stuck to my mind the most, hehehe sister fun time! HAHAHA! Man Starfire is so innocent she’s adorable! Oh and this before that new 52 filth which made her into nothing more but a sexualized object. Hey!” Twilight is amazed at herself for being immersed in comic books like Spike or maybe just immersed in one comic book character that stands out the most to her. “I got some plans of my own so go ahead you two have fun I got to go.” First before anything else Twilight reassures Cadance she’ll pay the Alicorn a visit and teleports away.

The Princess of Love uses her telepathy to connect with Shining Armor’s mind. “Shining Armor my dearest Love I’ll call you when I want you to teleport me back home.

“All right.”

Me and Spike are going to have fun together at a fair.” Cadance still sees it useful to provide Shining Armor with more details.

Fine with me.” The stallion tilts his head to Cadance telling him more then he needed to know.

Applejack feeling high & mighty with confidence thanks to her own will power to be a changing mare for Dj Pon 3 and what can add to this good feeling is having Chero here to talk wisdom into her whether it be in the voice of a wise stallion or a wise mare. “All righty Chero we’re going to see Dj Pon 3 and perhaps she’ll want to go to the movies.”

I’m very pleased to see how far you have come Applejack even though you’re not there yet but thankfully you are past the point of return. Meaning you can withstand the temptation and the option to backslide.” Spoken in the voice of a stallion with a Gaul accent.

“Heh Ah like that voice you’re using Chero.” Applejack complements. “Any who, Ah’m still kind of surprised how Big McIntosh came to my utter defense when he stood in front of Prince Shining Armor without an ounce of fear and in front of Princess Cadance too.”

Well I see I have to remind you that he loves you very much and yes he will do anything to preserve your honor as well. He was very upset for what happened to you and believe me when I say this he was on the verge of going over to the library to beat the intelligence out of Twilight Sparkle.” Now Chero speaks in the voice of a mare with a Welsh accent.

Applejack being silenced by Chero thanks Big Macintosh for being Big Macintosh. “Uhm do you think she’ll be surprised to see me?” Also quick to change the subject.

I like surprises as much as the next Griffon so I hope things go for the best my dear Applejack.” Chero can be another that knows of the Immortal Father’s offspring.

Alas through the trek of a ten minute canter which only seemed like a few seconds thanks to the dialogue Applejack is in front of Dj Pon 3’s door and without bothering to even say anything in her thoughts Applejack knocks three times.

Nearby and out of sight Twilight awaits the best part.

“Here it goes.” Chero says in its mind when the door is opened.

“Hi Dj Pon 3!” With physical joy clearly being apparent in her voice Applejack is almost floating off the ground.

Twilight smugly grins for Dj Pon 3 is going to speak.

“Who are you?” The deejay asks.

Applejack on the other hoof laughs as if this is a random joke from the deejay. “Oh Dj Pon you’ll sure in a joking mood today.”
“Wait a minute…” Chero is beginning to feel what it thinks it’s starting to feel.

“No seriously who are you? Are a fan, my new banker, one of Smart Gina’s friends, or just somepony?” Dj Pon 3’s mind is wiped clean of any trace of Applejack.

Applejack who has a one joke until after eleven o’ clock lays everything down before the deejay. “Wha-what do you mean Dj Pon 3? It’s me Applejack, you know Ah am the mare who is changing for you. We are something DJ Pon 3, Ah am the mare who harmed you but Ah am the mare who has your heart and Ah want you to have my heart as well.”
Applejack stop, we need to leave right now, please listen to me we need to leave right now!” Chero has a full understanding of what’s happening right now.

Dj Pon 3 jerks her head back in a complete show of being repulsed by Applejack’s words. “What the hell! Are you being stupid or just absolutely stupid whoever the heck you are, I never met you, I don’t know you, you never harmed me, and my heart does not belong to you. So get out of here right now or I will use my magic to throw you out!!” Her horn glows brightly.

Applejack is too overwhelmed to even feel heartbroken at this very moment and even process this very thing as well.
Applejack we must go.” Chero insists.
And the orange mare complies.

“Humph!” Dj Pon 3 slams the door shut.

Applejack walking with limp in her slow trot frowns and silently lets the tears run down her eyes as she tries to process everything. “She hates me Chero an-and she is getting back at me for harming her Ah mean it all makes sense…Ah bedded her, Ah broke her heart, she wanted to get back at me so she takes advantage of my guilt, tricks me into changing, and Ah start feeling the very meaning of attachment to her…”
“No Applejack.” Chero stops her in midsentence. “This does not add up at all, I saw in her eyes how much she cared for you…” Now Applejack will stop Chero.

*TING* Chero senses a presence. “Applejack!” And the reason for the distress in Chero’s voice is what Applejack will do in her emotional instability.

“Hahahahahahahahaha!!” Twilight leaning against a nearby tree laughs sealing her quiet victory over the Element of Honesty. “Oh Applejack are you feeling so down when just yesterday you were so high and mighty.”

“Twilight why are yo…” Applejack’s emerald eyes catch the lavender mare’s right hoof tapping its own forehead. “Mind magic!! YOU!! YOU DID SOMETHING TO THE MARE AH LOVE! IT WAS YOU TWILIGHT FRAKEN SPARKLE!!!” Wow Applejack is really upset.

Twilight without feeling the least bit intimidated just flicks her hair in the manner Rarity will do to brighten Spike’s day. “Yes it me, Twilight Fraken Sparkle, Applejack who wiped Dj Pon 3’s mind clean of you.”

Applejack being taken over by anger bucks out her grief and charges forwards to beat up the lavender Unicorn again.
“Applejack don’t!! If you do this then I can’t protect you for you are the one being the aggressor not her!” Unfortunately Chero has rules it must follow.

Applejack leaps into the air with her right hoof pulled back to deliver a Earth Pony powered punch to the Unicorn.
“Stupid mare.” Twilight with the speed of an eye blink spins in the perfect moment catching Applejack’s right hoof and slams her on the ground. “You stupid, stupid mare!” Twilight’s magic picks up Applejack. “Do you honestly think I’ll let you lay a hoof on me! Do you!!” And sinks her right hoof in Applejack’s belly then her magic drops the Earth Pony.

Applejack vomits everything her stomach had. “Wha…”

Twilight takes her cue. “Oh yes Applejack I’m stronger than you and I can also heal. But more importantly I couldn’t let my brother know of this so I let you beat me. Happily but for me not for you I get to return the favor!” Another punch to the stomach is the tip of the favor. “Because really! I will never let a harlot like you lay a hoof on me!!” Twilight slaps Applejack and with the tremendous output of her powerful strength the Earth pony goes about the ground rolling until a tree brings her to a complete stop. “You stupid disgusting foul horrible selfish harlot!!” Twilight without worrying about Chero upon realizing the entity hasn’t made a move continues beating Applejack. “I am the strongest and the hope for all our kind! So to really hurt you Applejack I took away what really motivates you to change into something you’re not and perhaps you did love this mare which this all the more painful for you Applejack and the worse thing about it all.” Twilight’s magic brings the bloodied Applejack close to her face. “You brought all of this upon yourself for bring a little tattle tell.” A magical bolt explodes in front of Applejack sending her about with high damage to her body.

“Chero.” Applejack cries. “I need you.”

But Chero tells her he cannot help since she is the aggressor by making the first move.
“I’m sorry Chero.” Applejack at least has the chance to apologize before being dragged back by Twilight.

“Now we’re almost done here Applejack but there is one more thing I need to hear from you. Ahem, who’s stronger than you.” Twilight presses her hoof onto the center of Applejack’s sternum.

Applejack instead spits on Twilight’s face instead of saying the truth to please Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight’s magic wipes away the saliva. “Again. Will you kindly tell me who’s stronger than you Applejack.” This time Twilight slowly pushes down applying pressure to the bone structure forcing it to tremble under the ever increasing pounds per square inch.

Applejack starts moaning to the soft pain turning dire in the passing seconds. “No.”

Twilight presses harder. “Please spare yourself of the pain Applejack, you know your pride is the worst thing to even hold on to. Still I like to keep the mental pain alive and before I wiped you out of Dj Pon 3’s mind I saw every one of her feelings for you. Also if I may recite one of her thoughts it went like oh dear coming days, I saw my future and it’s orange like my lovely Applejack and wrapped in the silk of happiness. Uhhh I think it went like that.”

“No! Noooooooo! NO! NO!” Applejack grasps Twilight’s hoof and tries with all her might to free herself from the Unicorn but no matter how hard she tries nothing can free her.

“Yes, yes, yes, and one more yes Applejack. So accept it Applejack you lost her forever and there is nothing you can do about it. So please just say who is stronger than you, just say it, say it Applejack tell me who is stronger than you in strength and everything else you pride yourself in.”

Applejack gives up. She lost everything to Twilight Sparkle when of all the things that can beat her is a bookworm with adorable bangs and telepathy. *sigh* “You’re stronger than me Twilight Sparkle and never will a harlot like me ever lay a hoof on you ever again.”

Still a well-earned prize isn’t always a well-earned prize for Twilight Sparkle for this well-earned prize does not have any warranty. “A friendly incentive just so you will never forget your own words.” Twilight shatters the sternum. “I always get what I want Applejack, by ny means to an end. Jump.” *poof*

Applejack still lying flat on the ground let’s her body heal from the damage but once done she can’t get herself to stand and walk back home to seek some comfort from Big Macintosh. “Chero forgive me for what Ah said to you.”

It’s alright Applejack and please don’t say anything else now for I will say it for you.” Chero’s voice changes to the fatherly paternal voice. “Though all seems lost nothing can ever be erased from the heart.

“What does that mean??” Applejack standing on all fours asks that question.

It means help from an unlikely Immortal will give everything back to you.


Chapter. 74- Of the Little Fox and Alpha Wolf.

My dearest Subjects allow me to clear some things about the names of the super heroes.

Captain Equestira- Captain America. (Marvel Comics)
Captain Marvel- Captain Marvel (William Joseph "Billy" Batson) not Shazam since once in Captain Marvel form if he says "Shazam" as his name then he will revert himself back to his child form of course, some writers just like bending long established character aspects. (DC comics)
Hulk- Hulk (Marvel Comics)
Starfire- Starfire (DC Comics)
Hellcolt- Hellboy (Dark Horse Comics)
Power Girl- Power Girl (DC Comics)

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