• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Love for Rainbow Dash and the Second Victim.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.



Disclaimer- Due to my new work schedule new chapters will still be posted on Sundays, but in the afternoon instead of morning. My little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

“Like some chocolate syrup for your milk Rainbow?” Princess Luna asks.

“Sure of course! Man, it’s been awhile since I had time to just sit down and enjoy a stirred glass of chocolate milk. Thank you your majes, I mean Luna.” Rainbow took the syrup and squeezes half the bottle into her milk.

"What?" Luna can not believe how Rainbow is able drink all that sugar, much less try stirring the incredibly thick milk which might as well be called chocolate mousse now.

“I wonder if Rainbow is diabetic.” Luna thinks to herself.

Rainbow took her sweet time chugging down her chocolate milk, its sweetness made her feel whole again. After all chocolate is a mare’s best friend…well for most mares.
“Luna If it’s all right with you, can I please ask you why did you come to have breakfast with me?” Rainbow asks with curiosity.

Luna gave Rainbow Dash a kind smile before answering her question.
“Of course it’s all right, Rainbow. You see, I’ve gotten to know the rest of your friends, Twilight being the first, Applejack, sweet n cute Fluttershy, the too happy or too obnoxious Pinkie Pie, and recently Rarity who was very generous to make me a very beautiful dress. So it was just you left.” Luna notices Rainbow smiling at mentioning Rarity’s name and seeing her wings move slightly up.

“Maybe I should read her…NO! That will be intrusive and disrespectful on my part.” Luna mentally tells herself.

“Oh that Rarity, always happy to make dresses or suits for anypony, anyway what do you think about Cloudsdale?”

Luna picks up a piece of cloud from the cloud floor.
“It isn’t as puffy as I imagined it, but it is very light if I do say so myself.” Luna jokes.

Both mares laugh, Luna on the other hand or hoof laugh so hard that the tea she was drinking squirted out of her nose. Causing Rainbow to fall out of her chair and just laugh even harder, so hard that she started to become a darker shade of blue.

“Oh that was so rich! Luna please don’t that again! Because I almost laughed myself to death, oh… woo, okay I think we can get back on track now. Anyway how about we ditch this café and head over to my place? All these stares from the other pegasuses are starting to make me uncomfortable.” Rainbow said as she regains her composure.

Luna looks around, she indeed notices all the other pegasuses looking at them with glee. A white muscular Pegasus in particular with red eyes and tiny wings, who's also staring at them, simply gave her the creeps.

“Thou are right, Rainbow, I’ll be more than happy to. Ahem, ditch this café and head to your place.”

“YEAH!” Yells the white muscular Pegasus who startled Princess Luna.

“QUIET YOU!” Luna shot back with the royal Canterlot voice.

“Ok…” Whimpers the white pegasus in defeat.

So both mares spread their wings until Rainbow decided to make a proposition to the Princess of the Moon.

“Race you.” Rainbow Dash tempts in a daring voice.

Luna smirks. “You know I’ll beat you, but if you insist. Let’s do it!”

“Ho ho ho! Is that a challenge? That’s not very royal of you Luna.” Rainbow retorts.

Luna rolls her eyes in a loving way. “Ha ha, less talk more fly.”

So both Luna and Rainbow Dash shoot each other confident expressions, as they spread their wings.

“GO!” Shouts Rainbow.

Both mares zoom forward.

Streaks of rainbow and dark blue can be seen in the sky. Luna slowly moves ahead of Rainbow. Teasingly Luna gave the cyan Pegasus a childish raspberry.

Rainbow gasp but then smiles slyly as she flaps her wings even faster, pretty soon the sound of a jet engine begins to be heard from Rainbow. She quickly passes Luna and kept gaining much distance from her.

Luna laughed at this…her horn starts to glow.


Rainbow quickly turns her head back to see if Luna was still behind her, but she did not see the Alicorn.

“Hmm, guess I lost her. Yeah!” Rainbow squeals.

“HUZZAH!” Yells Luna who teleports in front of Rainbow.

“AHH!” Screams Rainbow, causing her to crash into Princess Luna.

Both mares fell from the sky, luckily their landing was comfy due to the softness of the clouds. The duo rolls all the way to front step of Rainbow’s home.
At coming to a complete stop.
Rainbow saw that she's on top of Princess Luna.
Princess Luna saw that Rainbow is on top of her.

Luna starts to feel a loving warmth spread throughout her body, she smiles at Rainbow and slowly yet gracefully wraps her wings around Rainbow bringing Rainbow evermore closer to her. Soon Luna lost herself to bliss.

Rainbow meanwhile freezes, because she did not know how to react to Luna doing this tender act to her.

“Is Luna wrapping her wings around me? What do I do? What do I do? Uhhh…Oh what will Octavia do! Yeah maybe that can help, no wait she’s married so maybe having a pair of wings wrapped around her is a normal thing and I barely talk to her, so why did I think of her? AH! What will Fluttershy do! Oh wait that is more of a joke then an idea. Twilight…? Maybe she’s reading about it right now. I don’t want to be rude to the Princess, but I never been treated like this before. It’s just sooo umm, romantic…maybe I should see where this goes.” Rainbow contemplates within herself.

Luna looks into Rainbow’s rose colored eyes, this is how connections are made…Rainbow Dash the element of Loyalty…such a beautiful mare who is truly one in a million. Luna fell in love with Rainbow when she first laid her eyes on her, but having a lack of communication skills created a wall for Luna. But still Luna swore to let Rainbow Dash know how she feels. Hopefully being the one of the immortal Princesses of Equestria will not be a factor of determent.

Rainbow feels Luna’s wings wrap tighter around her, she becomes lost to all of this sudden intrusion of affection. Not to the tenderness but to the fact that this is Princess Luna doing this to her! Next thing Rainbow knew is Luna nuzzling her in the cheek.

Rainbow’s body temperature rises intensely and her face became red.

“Princess…” Rainbow Dash whispers softly.

“Yes Rainbow?” Luna answer with such a loving voice that it can melt any heart including Discord’s.

“I’m starting to feel that you do this to everypony you meet. Did you do this to Rarity?” Believe it or not Rainbow does not feel uncomfortable at all.

Luna finally came back to her senses.
“Huh? Oh. OH!! I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash! Pray tell, I did not know what came over me, um, it must be the tangy smell of those pizzas plastered over your door. Of course can you please get off of me?” Luna said while her face became a red reflection like Rainbow’s face, she wishes time went slow. Having her wings wrapped around Rainbow just felt so mesmerizing, it’s like holding the lynch pin of the universe. It’s fragile but also the most magnificent object anypony can have and love.

Rainbow can't move. “Yeah…I could get off of you if you unwrap your wings.”

“Sorry about that.” So Luna folds her wings back to her body and watches Rainbow get off of her and help her up.

Luna helps Rainbow pat away pieces of cloud that got stuck on her mane, Rainbow wants to return the favor but since Luna has a stardust mane no pieces of cloud are stuck in it.

“So…” Rainbow starts to fill in the awkward silence.
“You want to come inside? It’s really awesome inside!”

Luna nods but then felt compelled to ask Rainbow a question in regard of Rarity.

“Rainbow what did you mean when you said, did you do this to Rarity?” Now Luna once again remembered Applejack saying Rarity got raped. But just as before Luna brushes off that important event, to focus on her needs first.

Rainbow shrugs with a spontaneous random facial expression.

And Luna took this action as a good response.

So Luna walks in, Rainbow gave her some tea and asks her to please sit on the couch.

Suddenly a letter appeares and fell to the floor.

Rainbow Dash took it, opens it, and read it’s contents. One of her rose colored eyes focuses on Luna… She wants answers and to get those answers brash measures have to be taken.

“Okay Pinkie invited me to a party tonight, I’m sure Pinkie won’t mind if I bring Luna along. *sigh* I hope Luna doesn’t call Delta Scorch for what I’m about to do.” Rainbow says within her scared mind.

“Luna.” Rainbow bashfully calls out.

“Yes Rain…OOF!”


Nurse Redheart sits in her office updating Octavia’s medical record. During the check up she collected a urine sample to have a test taken and confirm an unnerving possibility.

Dr.WholookslikeCarameleventhoughhe’saUnicorn came back with the results.

“Nurse, right here are the results as you requested.” He cheerfully says.

“Tell me straight.” Nurse Redheart took a pen in her mouth to fill in a blank she thought she’ll never fill out in Octavia’s medical record.

Dr.WholookslikeCarameleventhoughthe’saUnicorn opens the folder to read the outcome of the results.


Nurse Redheart sighs deeply and thanks the unicorn.

After he left Nurse Redheart places the pen over the blank and wrote one word…



Rainbow pounces on Princess Luna and quickly pins Luna on the couch.

“I like this.” Luna thought to herself.

Rainbow’s heart beats rapidly and her adrenaline rushes throughout her body, oh what a crime she may be committing right now.

“Luna I’m sorry for doing this but I need to know one thing!” Rainbow desperately cries.

“Of course Rainbow, what is it you wish to know?” Luna replies in complete coolness like she actually enjoying what was happening to her.

Rainbow can’t believe Luna’s relaxed composure.
“Look, be truthful alright! Just be truthful! Please tell me the truth!! Do you…do you… do you like me!”

Luna places a hoof on Rainbow’s left cheek and smiles lovingly at her.
“Rainbow I want one thing to be clear, I don’t like you. I want you to know that I have feelings for you, not because of your beautiful looks, but because you captivated me the minute I laid my eyes on you. And I want to be with you, I want to fly with you, and I want to love you with all my heart. So what if I’m a princess and an Alicorn, I just want to be with you. I just hope you can see beyond my royal title and race…because in the end both of us are ponies.” Luna spoke each word with true dignity, because each word came from her heart.

Love…Rainbow trembles. Somepony told her straight up she loves her! SOMEPONY LOVES HER!


Rainbow’s rationale goes crazy as it digests Luna’s words, it just seems too good to be true.

Rarity’s words ran through Rainbow’s head again.

“The right pony…the right pony! Princess Luna!? But she’s immortal…NO! She wants me to look past that! And look past that I will! If Luna can love me then that means that maybe I too can love her…just like Rarity and Applejack…and just like Octavia and Gold Sky. Who knows maybe Luna can make me immortal.” Rainbow just looks into Luna’s eyes, she feels Luna stroking her face with tender gentleness.

Rainbow decides to make the ultimate decision, because this is something she always wanted.

“Luna I don’t know what to say, but if you really have feelings for me then perhaps I should start searching for my feelings for you. I just don’t know if this can work out since you’re a Princess and all, I’m just…so scared. I’ve never been loved by somepony before…I’m new to love.”

Luna moves in to kiss Rainbow in the cheek.
“How about I help you overcome your fear of love. Rainbow Dash I…Love…you.”

But Rainbow still had a question about the obvious…unlimited days compared to limited days.

“Luna you’re immortal and a Princess. I know we can make this work and I know I shouldn’t be thinking of the future already. But what will you do when I die…?” Rainbow caught a lone tear with her tongue.

Luna just nuzzle Rainbow and wipes away a lone tear she saw running down Rainbow’s cheek.
“You won’t die, you won’t leave me. I’ll make sure of that. I will make sure you become immortal, we can be together forever…forever together, forever in love. I promise.”

Those words touche Rainbow’s core. Rainbow stops holding down Luna and just hugs her tight.
“Luna, let’s make this work. Oh and please wrap your wings around me again.”

Luna smile and embraces Rainbow with her wings. But this time, Luna is wrapping her wings around her marefriend.

Alicorn and Pegasus.

The moon and rainbow.


Princess Celestia escorts Gold Sky back to his cell, but before she closes the cell door, one question lingered in her head.
“So I take you met Zecora.”

Gold Sky frowns and sighs.
“I only met her once and I intend to keep it that way."Gold Sky said with a deep rough voice.

“Why?” Celestia asks while slightly tilting her head.

Gold Sky sat down on his bed, grabs his pillow, and hugs it like a child does with a teddy bear.

“Because the rouge tribe never got completely wiped out…one warrior with his daughter got away. The warrior overslept, so he never got paralyzed by my telepathy. When the united warriors started to massacre the mares and I the children he grabbed his daughter and ran away to hide in the hut where me and Ruby stayed in, because who will look in there. After, after, committing the greatest sin, I went back to my hut and that is when I saw him with his daughter cowering in the corner. His eyes, her eyes…I just wanted them to know I didn’t want to do it. I wanted to at least be forgiven by somepony. I asked them to forgive me. The warrior understood my request with double meaning. One as a passageway to life, the second as my original intent for asking, both ran past me but stopped to thank me. He forgave me…” Gold Sky lies down on his bed, his voice now became light along with his wings wrapping around the pillow.

“Zecora is a descendent of the warrior’s daughter; she is the last of that legendary rouge tribe. She is the last of it because it’s my fault. That is why I never talk to Zecora, so I won’t be reminded of my sin. Thank you for listening, your majesty. My dear Octavia forgiven me, I finally told somepony of my sin, I lived my life the way you wanted me to live it, and I’m sorry for leaving you, your majesty. I just felt guilty for calling you mommy, that is why I left, but you really were a mommy to me. You took me under you wing, even though you had the choice to treat me as a pupil, you didn’t. You loved me as your flesh and blood. You really loved me as a son. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Gold Sky threw the pillow aside, got off his bed, and embraces Princess Celestia.

Celestia hugs him back one last time.

Gold Sky decides to say his last words early. “My trail is over as it is, even with Pinkie’s remarkable silver tongue. The Royal court will still find me guilty. Good Bye…Mommy.”

One tear fell from Celestia’s exposed eye, she kisses Gold Sky on the forehead and gave one him one last smile.

“I will watch over Octavia and purge her mind of every memory she has of you when she is done mourning…my son.” And with that Celestia leaves.

Gold Sky went back to his bed hoping he can talk to Octavia, but that possibly is low. Just then he hears hoofsteps approaching.

An unknown voice issued a command.
“Guard you are relived of your guard duty, go take the rest of the day off.” The voice belonged to a stallion.

“Gee thanks! I’m going to Pony Joe’s doughnut shop.” The guard hands the keys to a duo which Gold Sky’ field of view blindside.

Augustus Vincent and Victorious Ayla approach Gold Sky’s cell with a bottle of wine.


The Black Rose suffers tremendously to the semi twisted love of Fluttershy.

The Element of Kindness is the only thing that can kill this foul excuse of a rose. And the Black Rose knows this, but it can’t do anything now because it used up all its venom. Now its delegate life will be decided through every decision Twilight makes.

Twilight who sleeps in the arms of Fluttershy dreamt a dream that touched too close to home.

“I forgive you Twilight. Trust me, you don’t know how close I was in losing myself to rage so I can kill you. But I didn’t…But that doesn’t mean you’ll go unpunished…yay.”
Twilight woke up and to her undesirable convenience Fluttershy also woke up. Why do things get worse by the minute?

“How did you sleep love?” Fluttershy asks in her default meekness.

“That’s it!” Twilight’s horn glows she starts to enter Fluttershy’s mind.

Fluttershy fought back with The Stare. “Not this time Twilight!”

But when two equal forces collide none of the two can advance. Neither Twilight nor Fluttershy are able to make any lea way.

“DAMN IT!!” Yells Twilight.

“Phew.” Fluttershy cutely sighs in relief.

Twilight got out of Fluttershy’s loving hold and went to the far side of the bed, why can’t she do anything about Fluttershy. Is like Fluttershy is immune to any plan she can conjure up.

Fluttershy moves in close to Twilight and starts to kiss Twilight softly on the back of the neck. Each soft kiss combined with warm breath intervals, slowly arouses Twilight.

The Element of Kindness carefully nips the tip of Twilight right ear, the way she did it just seems right to Twilight’s preference.

A spark or two flew from the tip of Twilight’s horn, a sign that indicates a unicorn is aroused and ready for an adventure of pleasure.

Fluttershy took great notice of this, but her hopes had to be nailed down because she made a promise and last thing she wants is Pinkie Pie dropping in because she broke a pinkie promise.

But nevertheless the yellow Pegasus went on kissing Twilight in the back of the neck, she wants Twilight to snap and just lose control.

So Fluttershy can use that as a loophole while having romantic physical adventures with Twilight, after all Fluttershy is curious about that position she saw in a mature magazine she read at the spa.

Twilight feels warm down there.
She starts to shake like a leaf in a windy day. How she wants to quench her desires, but despite not being with in a relationship with Rarity, Twilight has a strong fidelity for the white unicorn. Twilight will not give in. She won’t!

“Fluttershy can’t this wait till tonight! You know I cannot escape your grip. So how about you stop torturing me with your cute and weird love and just hold it till tonight. Please!!!” Twilight turns toward Fluttershy so she can use her puppy eyes and cute begging expression.

Fluttershy gave in, but kisses Twilight on the nose to torture her one last time.

“All right fine, you managed beat me at my own game, Twi. I guess since its past noon we should go somewhere and have lunch. Does that sound like a good idea?” Fluttershy asks.

Twilight just nods.

So both mares left Fluttershy’s cottage and as soon as Fluttershy closes the door behind her Angel hopped out of his home.
The little bunny hippity hopped into Fluttershy’s bedroom, grabbed all her sheets, threw the sheets into the washing machine, and put it on extreme wash cycle.

Just in case.


The couch where both Princess Luna and Rainbow lie on becomes wet with sweat.

Both mares held each other. Their body heat radiated between them, causing both them to become extremely warm.

Rainbow nuzzles Luna in the neck. Oh how great she felt doing that. Rainbow ignores Luna’s crown, she ignores the crest on Luna neck, and lastly she ignores Luna’s shiny horseshoes.

Both Rainbow Dash and Luna are equals to one another.

“Luna can you do me a favor?” Rainbow Dash bashfully asks.

“Anything my lovely Rainbow.”

The cyan Pegasus took a deep breath before making her request.
“Can you please kiss me?”

Luna smiles. What a sweet request to fulfill.

So the Princess of the Moon move in close to Rainbow, who closes her eyes and puckered her lips a bit.

Luna kisses Rainbow on the cheek…on purpose.

Rainbow Dash quickly opens her eyes. “Luna you missed.”

Luna giggles like an immature filly because she always dreamed of doing this to somepony.
“I know.”

Rainbow soon felt Luna’s soft beautiful lips locking with her’s.
Rainbow's world crumbles around her, because the old world she lives in had no love but now this new one will give her immortal love.

The kiss ends and Rainbow’s eyes are wide with awe.

“What did you think?” Luna asks.

Rainbow took a few seconds before answering, the last piece of her new world finally fell into place.

Just then Luna remembers Delta Scorch.

After explaining some things to Rainbow Dash, Luna let's go of Rainbow Dash and got off of the couch.
Both mares left the house flying side by side together.

Both of them found the right pony.


Big Macintosh carefully lays Applejack on her bed, he didn’t want his sister to experience more pain than what she is already experiencing.

He quickly went downstairs to get some morphine he jacked from the hospital, he found the bottle and a syringe.

But before he can head back upstairs a bright light flashed before him.

Rarity teleported to Sweet Apple acres because something told her Applejack was in trouble.

Big Macintosh drops the bottle but luckily Rarity caught it in time with her magic.

“Where’s Applejack!” Rarity asks in complete haste.

“She’s upstairs, hurry! She is in great pain. It appears like somepony attacked her and left her for dead.” Explains Big Macintosh.

Rarity enters the room. But seeing the protruding bone, blood, and missing teeth almost causes Rarity to faint.

“Be strong!! YOU MUST BE STRONG FOR APPLEJACK!!! YOU MUST!!” Rarity yells in her mind.

Rarity took the syringe from Big Macintosh, she was about to place the needle inside the bottle until one little problem made itself known…

The syringe has no needle.

“FRAK!!” Rarity roars.

But the blood of Gold Sky starts to do its work. Healing Applejack’s jaw and replacing her lost teeth first before shutting down her pain receptors before regenerating her body.

“Both of you leave me alone for a couple of minutes, now!” Applejack barks while she tries not to sound amazed by the fact her jaw healed in a matter of seconds.

Rarity protests. “Applejack we can’t leave you like this, we need to get Nurse Redheart here immediately she will know what to do.”

Big Macintosh also protested but it is to no anvil.

“Do it now!” Growls Applejack.

Both ponies complied and leave the room.
Applejack just stays still, she felt her pain completely disappear and saw her chest rise up to its normal position. Meaning all her ribs healed.

She can't tell Rarity the truth.

“Damn you Octavia!” Applejack groans out loud in seeing the shattered bone go back in her leg, the skin closing, and her leg coming back to its normality.

“I have to convince Rarity not be worried…oh that will be hard. I don’t want my sugarlove to get harmed.” Applejack speaks loudly to herself.

She got out of her room and heads downstairs to meet Rarity and Big Macintosh.

Applejack makes up her mind to distract Rarity by telling Big Macintosh about her relationship with Rarity. She could not believe she had to do this in order to protect Rarity from Octavia. Why can’t she lie?


“Hello Gold Sky.” Victorious greets happily.

Gold Sky got off his bed to greet both Royal Court members.
“What brings both of you here?”

Augustus clears his throat. “We just want to see the accused close up, because tomorrow is when your trail begins. Plus we also wanted to know who your lawyer is.”

“Pinkie Pie will be my lawyer and if you don’t mind me asking what’s with the bottle of wine?” Gold Sky asks in complete question.

Augustus and Victorious ignores Gold Sky’s question, because they came to make a daring proposition.

“Look Gold Sky we know how much you love your dear wife and both of us have the power to decide if you live or die. So we have a sweet deal to offer you.” Victorious lays out.

Gold Sky has a bad feeling about this, but there is no harm in asking.
“What sort of deal?”

Augustus took over in explaining the deal.
“We will set you free IF and I mean IF. Because your freedom rests entirely on your free will, so pray you make the right decsion.”

Gold Sky tilts his head.

“Gold Sky in exchange for your body, we will drop the charges and set you free so you can be back with your wife. Sounds like a win-win, no?”

The bad feeling in the Alicorn got bigger. “What do you mean in exchange for my body?”

Both Augustus and Victorious exchange lustful looks.
“It’s simple Gold Sky we have our way with you…sexually that is and you will be a free stallion first thing tomorrow.” Augustus casually explains.

Gold Sky is repulsed by this disgusting proposition. Do both of them take him for a desperate stallion?

“You sick perverts! What makes you think I ever accept your deal! Get away from me!! Both of you! You plan to give justice by commiting injustice, by using me to satisfy your sick nature! I will not commit infidelity to my wife in order for me to live, I will take my chances and hope Pinkie can convince you!”

Bad choice Gold Sky made…bad choice.

Victorious’s horn glows in opening the bottle of wine. "Okay ." She pours the white liquid into three cups.

“So be it then Gold Sky, what a pity because it would have been easier if you picked the easy way, but anyway since you made your choice join us for a toast for your lawyer Pinkie Pie may she save your sweet flank,eer I mean life.” Augustus declares.

Gold Sky reluctantly took the cup, he just wanted both of them gone.

“To Pinkie!” The two Royal court members said in unison.

“To Pinkie Pie.” Gold Sky toasts as he downs the wine which tasted more like grape juice for some reason.

Augustus and Victorious never drank their wine.

Gold Sky starts to feel weird very weird. His legs give out, the rest of his body became too relaxed while every muscle in his body falls into deep sleep.

He remembers this sensation.

“NO!!” Yells Gold Sky… he’s been drugged.

Augustus starts to laugh while Victorious grabs hold of Gold Sky with her magic and places him on his bed. She makes sure his limp member is exposed and his buttocks raised to Augustus’s level.

Gold Sky hyperventilates for this can’t be happening! This can’t be happening!

“Gold Sky in exactly four minutes you will pass out and not remember a thing that both of us are going to do to you right now.” After finishing what he wanted to say Augustus mounts Gold Sky.

Gold Sky’s heart beats faster and faster in each passing second. Huge beads of sweat run down his face. Next thing he knew he felt warm breath brushing against his external body part.

“No please! Don’t do this please! I’m begging you! Don’t do this!” Begs the alicorn.

First minute
Augustus decides to explain his motive because after all, Gold Sky will not remember anything.
Victorious meanwhile starts extracting immortality from Gold Sky.

“Stop! Please! Don’t do this! Ah! Don’t do this! Ah!” He pleads with Victorious, but she didn’t answer because her mouth is full at the moment.

Second minute.
“Look Gold Sky before I start I want you to know why we’re doing this to you. Both of us want immortality, we want to live forever like Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and you of course. So for many years we both researched ways in obtaining immortality until finally we found a book written by Starswirl the Bearded, that had our solution. The solution required us to engage in either intercourse or oral sex with an Alicorn. Princess Celestia and Luna are immediately out of the picture, because they control the moon and sun, and we didn’t want to bring the end of the world by accident. Princess Cadance…well she looks too fragile but she is quite tough believe it or not. But you! Oh yeah! You are the perfect specimen. You’re not royalty, you are not protected by guards, and you have no important duties, because you are just a regular somepony who happens to be an Alicorn. So with all that said here I go and just on a side note. This will be very unpleasant for you, Gold Sky.”

Third minute
Gold Sky tries to move but he can't because of the drug, soon he felt his tail being moved out of the way. The inevitable is coming.

“Augustus please! Please, you don’t have to do this…you don’t have to do AHHH!” Gold Sky screams in pain.

The Earth pony ventures inside the Alicorn.

Tears start to fall from Gold Sky’s eyes… so much pain, so much pain.

“AHH!” Gold Sky yelps in pain. “Please!” He continues begging.

But Augustus ignores him and moves at a faster rate.

Gold Sky can feel his insides being torn apart by the brute strength of the Earth pony.

“Why me!” The Alicorn cries out in pain.

“Shut up! And give us your immortality!!” Yells Augustus.

The Last minute.

Gold Sky felt a tongue rub against his external body part. He no longer cannot hold back his tears…this is far worse than death.

Augustus now moves even faster with stronger thrusts. While Victorious forces Gold Sky’s ding dong inside of her.

He feels his pain rising… raped by the ponies who have his life in their hooves.

The irony…complete damn irony.

Gold Sky fell into a world of blackness.


Victorious got out from under Gold Sky swallowing whatever fluids she exacted, while Augustus finishes up with some last moves.

“Are you done yet?” Questions Victorious.

“Almost, almost, and now I’m done. Man that was tiring.” So Augustus proceeds in taking his member out of Gold Sky’s rectum and as soon as he did, sparkling blood flowd out.

Both of them gasp.
“You tore him up! This is not good! He might bleed to death!” Franticly exclaimd the unicorn mare.

“Relax alright! I’m sure he’ll heal! Ok! Besides all the matters now is our immortality. So how do you feel?”

“I feel different! So much energy, so young…so renewed! And you?” Asks Victorious.

Augustus closes his eyes so he can feel the change in his body.
“I too feel so much energy! So rejuvenated! I feel AWESOME!”

Both of them then turn to look at Gold Sky who now lie on the floor of his cell, while sparkling blood continues flowing out of his damaged body.

“So do we set him free?” Asks Augustus.
Victorious thinks deeply. Both of them got what they wanted but a deal was a deal and Gold Sky rejected the deal.

“Nah, he rejected the deal remember. Let’s go to Pony Joe’s, all of this made me hungry. Hope we don't run into that guard.” Victorious proposes without a care in the world.

So both the Unicorn and Earth pony stallion closes the door of Gold Sky’s cell and left.

Gold Sky…Beaten, Tortured, and now Raped.

All because of Twilight’s doing.


Chapter 22. Transcending Pony limits

The Wonderbolts and Cpt. Samier will be appearing in the coming chapter. And if you are wondering so will Shining Armor. But in a later chapter.

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