• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,530 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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A Promise One can Keep.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust


Chapter. 39

Disclaimer-Arthur's note at end. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

The Archangel and the Native Equestrian Chero appeared in the Griffon Republic.

Lauren asked why Gold Sky wanted to come here but he simply responded that this is something extremely personal and wishes not to talk about it at all.

“Well if this is really important to him then I shouldn’t press the matter or read his mind. I doubt he’ll even tell the Son or Father about this personal issue.”

Both Alicorns walked into the room where a female griffon slept soundly covered by a blanket that had Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark. Gold Sky went up to the griffon and with slow grace placed a hoof on her forehead.

“Gilda, oh Gilda.” It did not take long for Gold Sky to fall to his knees and break down before Lauren without tears flowing out of his eyes.

Lauren quickly took him into her arms. “It’s all right I’m here, everything is going to be fine. Focus on my voice Gold Sky, please come back.” Lauren soothed.

“I deserved my death…I deserved it.” Gold Sky whispered below his breath.

Lauren did not get taken aback by what he said but at the same time she didn’t expect him to say anything like that.

“Gold Sky?”

“I’m weak.” Gold Sky buried his face on Lauren’s shoulder. “I’m a coward.”

Lauren just wrapped her wings around Gold Sky and honored his request by not asking him why Gilda means so much to him.

Acceptance and Self Forgiveness are two different things.


“What’s taking her so long!?” Running Sun asked himself. “Bon Bon is never late whenever I invite her for lunch.”

“Who said I was late Runny Sunny.” Bon Bon said from behind.

The eyes of the young stallion lit up with joy, so quickly before Bon Bon had any second thoughts he took her into a loving embrace.

“Running Sun you know I am never late for our lunches, say where is Apple Cobbler? I thought you two are an item?”

Running Sun giggled, his way of giggling is just plain immature and stupid but a young stallion will be a young stallion along with having the growing attachment to Apple Cobbler.

“She’s having a family reunion and you know how those events only want family. So I invited somepony else to our lunch.” Running Sun smiled a gleeful smile that produced an adorable sound. *Squee!*

“Oh, who did you invite?”

A voice from behind answered Bon Bon’s question.

“Me, my love.”

There is no point in being surprised; somehow Bon Bon knew this will happen, ma and pa already see Lyra as part of the family and it won’t be long when ma will ask when she will tie the knot with Lyra. But Bon Bon cannot marry somepony who is still showing the apparent scars inflicted upon her by a terrible and weak father who allowed alcohol to bring ruin to his wife and daughter.

While Lyra, who without remorse killed her father and chose to ignore her dying mother’s request to forgive him.

Forgiveness brings peace.

But vengeance brings a twisted clinging joy.

Lyra Heartstrings means a lot to Running Sun so for his sake Bon Bon will the act the way Lyra wants her to act.

Like the genuine loving couple they are…to Running Sun’s eyes.

“Perfect now that all of us are here let’s eat!” Running Sun declared happily.

Bon Bon caught sight of Big Macintosh, for unknown reasons she needed his help.


Only Love knows.


In Golden Harvest's farm Big Macintosh harnessed himself to a plow so he can begin to till the earth into soft manageable blackness which of course will allow Golden Harvest to plant her cash crop of carrots.

All ponies love carrots just like all ponies love apples.

However, Big Macintosh isn’t here just to plow Golden Harvest’s field. He’s here to serve as some sort of bridge for Applejack because she now has her eye on the elegant yellow mare. Of course being the superb noble stallion he is, he found this to be very, very disgracing. He wondered why Applejack is not with Rarity anymore, he already started sewing a little welcome the family banner for the white mare but now he will just have to use the undone banner as a handkerchief.

Suddenly he thought his thoughts were loud enough to be heard because a beautiful yellow Earth Pony is coming his way.

“Speak of the devil.” The red stallion saw Gold Harvest coming towards him while holding a hat between her teeth.

“Big Macintosh, thank you so much for coming over to plow my field.” She spoke while she still had the hat in her mouth.


“Oh!” Golden Harvest placed the hat on Big Macintosh.

“Thank you kindly ma’am.”

“There that should keep the sun and gnats out of that handsome face of yours along with thank you so much for coming over to plow my field.”

Big Macintosh gave Golden Harvest a nod of respect. “Say Ms. Golden Harvest if you don’t mind me asking. But where is Dr. Whooves?”

“He’s in Canterlot prescribing medications to some Royal guards but Dr. Whooves is not his real name. His real name is Time Turner, Dr. Whooves is just his pen name for the books he writes because some are good and others are not so good…well I guess it just depends on the predicament the reader is in. Say have you read any of his books?” Golden Harvest asked.


The yellow earth pony tilted her head in surprise.
“Really!? You’ve never read any of his books!”

Big Macintosh carefully picked every word he’ll say next because never in any form or way does he wish to mean disrespect.
“Ah don’t read any of his books cause Ah want to experience everything myself, like love, Ah want experience it my way because sometimes things are sweeter when you make it from your own hooves. But the one book Ah found most interesting is the one he wrote about forgiving somepony, you see a while back Ah remember having a chat with my friend Gold Sky and in our conversation we talked about forgiveness. He said to me that forgiveness no matter how big or small it will always bring peace, holding a grudge may sound good but it shows that you’re weak. In other words simply by telling the pony who committed a wrong against you that you’ve forgiven them shows who the better pony is.”

“Hmmmmm.” Golden Harvest sort of agreed with the red stallion. “Well it’s nice talking to you. I’ll leave you to your work and I will be back shortly with ice cold water.” So with that Golden Harvest turned around to head back inside.

Just then Big Macintosh remembered Applejack’s request.
“Hey wait!! Uhhhh…Applejack wanted me to ask if ya wanted to join her for some c-cof-coffee, err, Ah mean t-tea yeah if you wa-want to join her for some tea.” For quick moment Big Macintosh hated himself.

Golden Harvest thought for a tiny bit. She saw that Big Macintosh is a nice and noble stallion so why not pay him back by having tea with his sister.

“Sure. I’ll be on my way just after I leave you water and snacks.” Quickly the yellow mare did what she said and happily trotted over to Sweet Apple acres.

“Oh Ah hope Applejack doesn’t do anything stupid or drastic with Ms. Golden Harvest.” He told himself.

So Big Macintosh started plowing the field, to his surprise the earth is thick. A bit too much for his mighty strength to handle but nevertheless Big Macintosh fought on.

“Ah sure can use the Earth pony part of Gold Sky to help me out here.” The red stallion said out loud but still pushed on.

Golden Harvest lifted up her hoof to knock on door. A few seconds later Applejack promptly opened the door with an impromptu smile.
“Golden Harvest!” The orange Earth pony exclaimed in real joy, but her voice is secretly lined with the satisfaction an empty quick but patient pleasure seeking pony like Applejack will have. “Ah’m glad you can join me for coff, err, Ah mean tea, otherwise come in, come in.” Applejack stepped out of Golden Harvest’s path.

Golden Harvest smiled warmly at Applejack. She has always admired Applejack's cunning but humble strength so she couldn’t wait to enjoy some nice time with her. Golden Harvest hoped this little get together will be the first step for a wonderful friendship.

Applejack was busy setting up the cups and brewing the tea so Golden Harvest helped herself in taking a seat.

From the corner of her emerald eyes Applejack studied every detail of Golden Harvest, starting from the flank before moving up to her beautiful face.

“Applejack is time to use ja apple family suave because if Ah got Rarity then Ah can get this married beauty.
So with the tray on her back she stopped behind Golden Harvest and nuzzled her lovingly on the cheek.

Golden Harvest did not react to the sudden affectionate act and Applejack didn’t notice this at all.

That’s how it’s going to be eh.” The yellow mare thought.

Nopony messes with Golden Harvest.


A warm sun shined above Ponyville, its harmless radiation touched a body healed from the damage of abuse. No more black eyes, bruises, and make up.

Nice calm warmth to keep everypony happy and kept an anxious Bon Bon from sweating because she’s heading to Sweet Apple acres.

Hundreds of thoughts raced through her head the first one being.
Is she doing the right thing?

The main thought.
Will Big Macintosh even open the door to her? She took away something he loved so much to keep him away from Lyra Heartstrings. So who is she to go and ask for his help? She knows that he has every right to spill his scorn on her, tell her she got what she deserved, and to stay away from Sweet Apple acres. Still she has no other pony to turn to so her only chance of hope is the red stallion.
“Please I hope he helps me, please Macintosh …Big Macintosh please forgive me for what I done to you.”

Lyra on the other hand or hoof wondered where in the world Bon Bon went, henceforth she decided to go look for her and ask Bon Bonny why she left without telling her in the first place.

Bon Bon being a mare of keen sense felt that Lyra is following her so without thinking she quickly detoured off her set directions and went into a lounge that mostly served beverages.

The cream colored mare spotted Dj Pon 3 enjoying a cup of milk. “Hey can I please borrow your sunglasses!”

“Uhh, sure I guess, knock yourself out.” She handed Bon Bon her cool sunglasses.

Bon Bon quickly donned the sunglasses, same as before she looked to see if any other ponies will have some article of clothing to spare. Luckily she spotted one of the Iron Horses who used to pull the train to Appleloosa. “Excuse me, If you don’t mind can I please borrow your cap?”

The brown stallion nodded at Bon Bon and placed his cap on top of her head.
Bon Bon took a seat next to a random dude, grabbed his drink to blend in with the other patrons, and acted causal.

Lyra Heartstrings walked into the lounge with weather eyes. Bon Bon’s heartbeat accelerated at seeing the turquoise unicorn but still maintained her poise.

I know she’s in here but where?” Her golden eyes scanned everypony until she spotted a pony who by definition of Rarity’s standards is a complete fashion disaster.

There she is!” Lyra slowly homed in on the pony wearing a cap with non matching sunglasses. “Clever attempt at a disguise though.”

Bon Bon’s heartbeat accelerated even more.

Little by little Lyra crept up behind the poorly disguised pony.

“A HA!!” Lyra’s magic snatched off the cap and sunglasses.

“Hey what’s your problem!!!?” Derpy demanded angrily.

Nopony ever makes Derpy mad!

“Oops! Sorry I-I didn’t mean too, I thought you were somepony else, s-s-sorry Derpy!” Bullets of sweat ran down Lyra’s forehead.

Derpy got into Lyra’s face. “So that gives you the right to snatch off my sunglasses and cap!”

“Look I’m sorry and I will never do it again!!! Please don’t hurt me!” Those cute cross eyes can be fierce if need be. “Y-y-you want a muffin!” Offered the shaking unicorn.

Within the blink of an eye, the anger on Derpy’s face disappeared and got replaced with cross eyed happiness.

“Why of course I do, thank you very much Lyra.” Beamed the cute Pegasus.

So Lyra quickly got Derpy a yummy muffin and ran out of the lounge.

After seeing the door close Derpy sat down to enjoy her muffin. “All right Bon Bon She’s gone you can come out from under the table.”

Bon Bon let out a sigh of relief at hearing those words, she carefully got up to make sure that she wouldn’t bump her head on the table.

“Thanks Derpy I guess I owe you one.”

The blond mane pegasus waved her hoof in the air. “Nonsense you don’t owe me anything…” On second thought. “Just get me another muffin and I guess that will make us even if that makes you happy.”

“I’ll get you two muffins!” Bon Bon bought Derpy two muffins, thanked her again, and left through the back door.

“Muffiiiiiiiin!” Chanted Derpy.

Bon Bon continued back on her way to Sweet Apple acres.

Big Macintosh took his last step of softening up this hard patch of earth, never in his life has he sweated so much to the point that felt like he just came out of a quick dip in the Ponyville lake.

“Phew, well that’s that. Time to head back home and check on Applejack.” An unnerving thought entered his pure mind. “Those two better not be on mah bed doing stuff. Oh what is wrong with me!! Golden Harvest is a married mare so why will she commit infidelity with Applejack, that likes saying Gold Sky, will commit infidelity with uhhhhhhh.” He searched for the perfect candidate. “With Twilight Sparkle!” Big Macintosh giggled at his self set worry. “Those bangs make her so cute and both of them sure danced like a genuine couple back at that party.”

Big Macintosh placed the plow and reins back into Golden Harvest’s shed and after shaking the dust off he proceeded to canter towards home.

At arriving home the red stallion spotted Golden Harvest walking out of his house with sly grin on his face.

Big Macintosh stopped in his tracks because he never seen Golden Harvest is this seductive light. Golden Harvest saw Big Macintosh in front of her. She stopped, nuzzled him lovingly on the cheek which made a red line run across his face, and kissed him on the nose.

“I guess I owe you that and you can keep the hat.” So as Golden Harvest walked past Big Macintosh she brushed his chin with her tail.

Big Macintosh’s lips moved up and down in trying to figure out what in the plowed world happened.

He turned to look at Golden Harvest whose flanks moved side to side in slow pristine motion. She turned around momentarily to shoot him a wink, adding to his speechlessness.

“She’s something special…something special.” Big Macintosh managed to breathe out.
He walked into the house to ask Applejack what she did with Golden Harvest; upon walking in he spotted Applejack rolled up into a ball shaking wildly on the floor.


Applejack mumbled a few unintelligent noises. “She beat me B-Big Ma-Mac sh-sh-she beat m-me at ma-mah-mah o-own…” Big Macintosh stopped Applejack.

“She hit you!” He fearfully asked.

Applejack shook her head. “N-no Big Mac, she didn’t hit me but sh-sh-she beat me at my own game, s-she beat me at my own g-ga-game.”


“Y-you don’t want to know.”

“Did she…?” Big Macintosh’s eyes widened. “Did she touch you!?”

“No she didn’t touch me.”

Big Macintosh let out a sigh of relief. “Then you’re right, Ah don’t want to know. You hungry?”

Applejack ignored his question to ask one of her own. “Hey Big Mac is Dj Pon 3 si-single?”

“Uhh.” Really?

Dj Pon 3, Dj Pon 3, think, think because her name sounds familiar. Think Big Maco think or Ah bet Applejack will ask me if Cheerilee is single.” He thought.

“Dj Pon 3? Is she the Unicorn who wears those funky looking sunglasses?”

“Mm-mmm” Applejack nodded.

“Yes she’s single.”

“Thanks Big Mac.”

Big Macintosh rolled his eyes at Applejack, he’ll miss the old days in which she was with Rarity but those days are over. It would been pleasant to have the greatest fashion designer in all of Equestria as a sister in law, but sometimes not all things go as hoped.


Big Macintosh went to the door to see who it is.


Big Macintosh opened the door.

His heart gave a mighty beat causing a tiny shockwave to stir up the dust below him.

“Bon Bon.” The red stallion voiced with absent emotion.

Humbled…she said his full name.
“Big Macintosh I-I ne-need your help.”
The memories of dearest Smarty Pants flashed in his mind it’s only natural for anger to cause somepony to say things they don’t mean

“Bon Bon…fra-fra-frak you.” Big Macintosh growled.

Bon Bon frowned but hope told her to continue.

“Please Big Macintosh I really need your help, please, please.” Just from the way her voice sounded caused Big Macintosh to feel guilt for the horrible curse he laid upon Bon Bon.

But still. “Help you? Now why will Ah help you huh! Tell me why”

“It’s Lyra.”

Big Macintosh snorted a strong steam of breath from his nostrils. “Lyra. Oh Ah see it, now that you got Lyra she isn’t what you wanted so now you come here hoping that you can dump, err, uh Ah mean drop her on me! Do you take me as the sad pathetic heartbroken love bird that you can use to get some mare off your back!?”

“No.” Bon Bon said quietly.

“Then why are you here asking for my help!”

The cream colored mare took a deep breath to tell him the hurting truth.
“I’m scared of her; she scares me beyond mental comprehension and that is far worse than the physical abuse she inflicted on me.”

The red stallion wanted to say something but he couldn’t because he remembered having lunch with Lyra Heartstrings, she seemed so kind and caring but how can she be abusive? Some things don’t add up. But everything runs through an equation so calculating the possible numeric reasons that Bon Bon will tell him that Lyra abused her seems too probable…that she’s lying.

“Bon Bon, Ah will never help a stupid mare like you. Ah know when a pony is lying and Ah know that Lyra Heartstrings will never hurt anypony! C’mon Ah spent some time with her and from what Ah seen she is nothing of what you’re telling...” *Ting* “Where are the bruises Bon Bon, show me and Ah’ll be more than happy, no, Ah will promise with every ounce of my strength to help you.” Big Macintosh declared in serious modesty.

“They healed.” All signs are pointing that this attempt will end in vain.

Big Macintosh scoffed. “Go back to…” Speak of the devil.

“BON BONNY, WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING BUGGING BIG MACINTOSH!!” Lyra Heartstrings shouted from the gate entrance of Sweet Apple acres.

Big Macintosh couldn’t help but chuckle.

“How did she find me!?” Bon Bon asked in her now troubled mind.

Slowly the turquoise unicorn made her way to where Bon Bon stood.

Bon Bon turned back to Big Macintosh “Please help me!”

“Like hell Ah wou…” Her eyes. Her eyes.

They show fear. Fear of the past, present and future.

“I’m sorry Big Macintosh, please forgive me.” Begged Bon Bon.

Lyra is getting closer for she’s already halfway to where Bon Bon and Big Macintosh stand.

Gold Sky’s words played in his mind. “Forgiveness is always hard to give but when given you are the one who receives the most.

Lyra is getting closer.

“You have the right to hold a grudge but it will only hurt you and not the pony who wronged you first.

“Please Big Macintosh.” Now her voice is filled with fear just like her eyes.

Lyra hoofsteps are faint but with the passing seconds they are becoming louder.

You can tell somepony you’ve forgiven them but if you don’t mean it through your heart then you’re just as terrible as the pony who harmed you in the first place.

“I’m begging you Big Macintosh please help me.”

The whites of Lyra’s eyes are now visible to Big Macintosh’s vision.

Peace will be given to you.”

“I’m sorry for what I did to you and Smarty Pants Big Macintosh.”

Lyra is just yards away from them.

Never and I mean never are you more like the Great Spirit then when you forgive.”

The flow of time slowed to a crawl. Big Macintosh looked into the fear ridden eyes of Bon Bon and then looked into the golden eyes of Lyra. Those gold irises are filled with rage and Big Macintosh knows what that means because he seen those eyes in the mares whose husbands cheated on them.

He has the choice to help Bon Bon, but why? She took away something that he cherished with his heart so much. He remembered all those nights he held on to Smarty Pants because having her in his arms protected him from the horrors of the day his mother and father died. Bon Bon took away the wonderful little chats he’ll have with Smarty Pants, before he went to sleep. BUT, as Rarity said, Smarty Pants is in a better place. He has the chance to let Bon Bon suffer in the hoofs of Lyra something of which seems like the perfect punishment for her.

However, who is he to allow such pain to come upon somepony when he has the opportunity to prevent it. He knows that he must forgive Bon Bon but why when she comes to him begging for his help when she’s going through tribulation. She didn’t seem to have any form of remorse when she told him about the message she’ll give him before he fell into deep sleep.

To do the right thing takes will and will takes strength.

Time resumed its normal course.

Lyra is now just feet away from Bon Bon and Bon Bon now trembled like a pony that has Parkinson’s disease.

Big Macintosh’s heart made its decision.

“Bon Bon! You are coming with me at this ver…” Big Macintosh stopped her in mid sentence.

“Lyra it’s alright. Applejack invited her here for a sleepover right Applejack!”

“Huh what yeah whatever yeah she cool.” Applejack blurted out from the house.

“Oh.” Lyra couldn’t do anything now; she knew something is up because she expected Big Macintosh to be scornful towards Bon Bon but this weird behavior is something in which she did not foresee.

“Say Bon Bon, how about you go inside and help Applejack with the preparations and all the other whatnot you girls like to do on sleepovers.” Big Macintosh said.

The cream colored mare rapidly dashed inside without making any sort of eye contact with Lyra.

“Thank you.” Bon Bon whispered at passing Big Macintosh’s ears.

“Good day to you Lyra Heartstrings.” Big Macintosh turned around to go back inside.

“Why will you protect somepony who doesn’t deserve your sympathy.” Lyra voiced.

The red stallion stopped in his tracks.

“You owe her nothing but she owes you many things, wouldn’t you say?” Lyra smiled devilishly.

Temptation attacked Big Macintosh, Lyra is very right in saying that he owes Bon Bon nothing and she owes him for what she did to Smarty Pants.

“You’re right Lyra.” Big Macintosh said without turning to face Lyra because he didn’t want her to see the tears running down from his eyes.

“I know I’m right Big Macintosh.”

Doing the right thing brings pain.

“But that doesn’t mean that Ah don’t at least take the chance to help somepony in need.”

But through the pain will come joy.

Lyra stomped her hoof on the ground, she failed in trying to corrupt the red stallion through words. He is a very, very noble stallion.

Big Macintosh went inside, locked the door behind him, and fell to the floor. What has he now gotten himself into?

“Ah will do the right thing no matter what.” Big Macintosh whispered to himself.

He got back up on all fours to walk over to where Applejack and Bon Bon were at.

“Applejack go upstairs to your room, now.”

“Yeah sure.” Applejack cantered to her room.

Bon Bon felt the strong power of Big Macintosh’s eyes staring at her. Slowly he walked towards her and told her to sit across from him on the dining room table.

Bon Bon was the first to speak.
“Big Macintosh I-I can’t tell you how much thanks I owe you a-an-and than…”

“Shut it!” Big Macintosh said in a razor sharp tone.

Bon Bon closed her mouth.

Big Macintosh sighed and moved his head closer to the cream colored mare. His eyes are no longer in there half closed coolness but now wide open with serious set emotionless peace.
“Tell me.”

Bon Bon tilted her head. “Tell you what?”

Big Macintosh growled below his breath.
“Tell me everything. Talk!!”

Bon Bon froze, this isn’t the Big Macintosh everypony knows and loves.

Seven seconds of silence passed.

Big Macintosh stood up with his forearms on the table, he will not tolerate silence. So he slammed his right hoof on the oak table causing cracks appear all over.

“Ah said TALK!!! NOW!” A small distortion in the clarity occurred in front of Big Macintosh.

Bon Bon talked; she told him every detail of her relationship with Lyra Heartstrings starting from the joy and then the downward spiral of terror.

Big Macintosh with his fancy mathematics redid the calculation he made in his mind…Bon Bon’s calculation. She is suffering tremendously and through that she is now humbled, she came to him because she has no other pony to turn to.

Big Macintosh just listened while not making any sort of facial expression. The more he heard the more the X equaled to one answer.

Hours passed.

Bon Bon finished telling Big Macintosh everything he needed to hear.

Big Macintosh got up. “Follow me Bon Bon.”

Bon Bon obeyed and followed the gentle giant. He took her upstairs to a room that had an enormous bed with plenty of pillows to spare.

“All the stress you endured today must have made you tired so you will be sleeping in my bed, it is the most comfortable bed in the house and you will be joining us for breakfast tomorrow morning. Oh and you can stay here for as long as you need.” Big Macintosh tucked in Bon Bon but stopped himself from kissing her on the forehead, because this isn’t Applebloom whom he’s tucking in.

Before he closed the door Bon Bon spoke up.
“Big Macintosh th-thank you for helping me, I don’t kno…” Big Macintosh raised his hoof to make her be quiet.

“The less you talk the less Ah will regret the decision Ah made, now get some shut eye Bon Bon, you need it.” Big Macintosh closed the door behind him.

“Thank you.” Bon Bon whispered before falling asleep.

The red stallion sat down on the couch in the living room to think about the choice he made. Hard times are coming towards him. The scorn of a mare is also a high factor to expect. Everyday will become unpredictable now but Big Macintosh loves surprises even if the surprise is the scorn of a certain unicorn.


The answer to X. “Ah forgive you Bon Bon…Ah forgive you. Ah will do everything Ah can.” Big Macintosh reached underneath one of the couch cushions to open up a secret compartment that hid a Xippo lighter and a pack of dust covered smokes. He lit the cigarette and smoked.

“Only fools drink alcohol to make them forget their problems. Heh, but who the heck am Ah to say that when Ah’m here enjoying a smoke.” Big Macintosh blew out a smoke ring. “Ah haven’t smoked for two years. Talk about a new record…” A shout from Applejack stopped him in mid sentence.

“Hey are you smoking Big Mac!?”

Big Mac rolled his eyes. “If you want one just get your butt over here.”

“No Ah don’t want one!”

“Then shut up! Can Ah get a moment of peace here!?” He yelled.

“Sorry Big Mac.” Applejack went back inside her room.

Big Mac took one last puff and crushed the cigarette between his hoofs.

“Ah forgive you Bon Bon, with all my heart.”


The crow of the rooster woke up Bon Bon, she yawned before picking herself up to stretch her muscles. After feeling her muscles relax she took some time to look around and familiarize herself with Big Macintosh's room. She spotted some hoofmade models of miniature boats, blue ribbons hanging on the wall, pictures of family, a top hat, and on a night table a picture of Big Macintosh holding Smarty Pants.

Bon Bon frowned at seeing that picture. Big Macintosh looks so happy and probably the same can be said about Smarty Pants too. She got up from bed to head downstairs, walking down, her nose picked up the smell of apple fritters being baked.

Arriving at the dining room She spotted Applejack sitting down and a young filly with a red hair bow.

The little filly looked up at Bon Bon with the childish look of question. "Who are you?"

"Applebloom! Be nice, she's guest of Big Macintosh and you will show her respect!" Applejack reprimanded.


Bon Bon smiled at Applebloom. "It's alright little one, my name is Bon Bon and I guess your name is Applebloom."

"Eeyup!" Beamed Applebloom.

"Take a seat Bon Bon." Applejack placed Bon Bon's food before her and poured her a large glass of apple juice.

But Bon Bon noticed something. "Applejack where's Big Macintosh?"

"He told me you will ask that. He said something about having a morning chat will Lyra Heartstrings and might be back till later in the morning or afternoon."

"Oh." Bon Bon sat down to eat.

"Thanks Big Macintosh."

*Big sigh.* "Ah don't know how to approach Lyra about this...she is still stuck with the scars of a traumatic childhood. Oh boy oh boy oh boy, Ah should of read one of Dr. Whoove's books before coming here but since Ah'm here lets get this started."

The red stallion knocked on the door. "So help me Great Spirit."

Lyra Heartstrings answered the door, her unbrushed mane looked pretty good.
"Uh, good morning Big Macintosh how are you doing today."

"Fine and you?"


A silence fell between them and Big Macintosh's heartbeat sped up because he started to have a bad feeling.

"Come in Big Macintosh, I'm more than sure you're here about a certain somepony." Lyra said passively.

The red stallion walked in the house and heard the loud closing of the door behind him.

"You hungry? Because I made some breakfast." Lyra asked.

Big Macintosh's heartbeat slowed down. "Thank you, Lyra." He sat down and watched a wonderful display of magic set a plate of food before him.

"Amazing." He thought to himself.

"Orange juice?" Lyra asked.

"NO!" Big Macintosh shouted. "Uh sorry Ah mean no thank you."

Instead Lyra gave him some water.

Both ponies ate and it did not take long for Lyra to ask Big Macintosh why Bon Bon is at his house.

"Because Lyra, Applejack invited her over for a sleepover."

Lyra's horn glowed, all the plates, silverware, and cups got sent to the kitchen sink.

"A sleepover only lasts for one night Big Macintosh, so that means she is supposed to be here by now."

Big Macintosh cursed himself for not coming up with a better cover story.

"Well Bon Bon told me some things about you Lyra."

"Did she now." Lyra's magic moved the table. "So what exactly did she tell you?" Her voice now became mixed with pending dread.

"She told me that you need help... psychological treatment because you are a threat to her and maybe to yourself."

Lyra laughed. "Is that what she told you? Well aren't quite the gullible type."

Big Macintosh knew she will try to deter him. "Ah believe her Lyra."

Lyra scoffed. "So you're telling me that you will believe the mare who never respected you, took advantage of you at Pony Joe's doughnut shop, told you to stay away from me, fooled you with a false olive branch, drugged you, and let me see hmmm, what did she do...it's on the tip of my tongue." Lyra placed her golden eyes on him.

Big Macintosh snorted his breath out of his nostrils "How dare she."

"C'mon Big Macintosh help me here I know she did something terrible to you but I just can't remember." She mocked.

His kind green eyes glared at Lyra. Temptation is trying to overtake him but just as he is noble he is also headstrong, nothing will over come his unbreakable will.

"Oooooh now I remember..." Wait for it. "Smarty Pants, she took away your dear Smarty Pants without any form of remorse." Lyra smiled at him.

Unbreakable will.
"And your point is?"

Now Lyra fully got taken by surprise, she expected him to get angry at reminding him what Bon Bon did to him but it didn't work, WHY!? This stallion is a rare breed...did he forgive Bon Bon? Because if he did then it will spell out multiple obstacles. Big Macintosh may just be a Earth pony but he's the strongest of all and he may seem docile but if provoked he could become a dangerous titan.

Lyra is losing her patience.
"What did she offer you."

"She offered me nothing." Said Big Macintosh.

"She did. Did she offer you money!"


"Objects of great value!"

"No." Replied the red stallion.

Suddenly a nerve wreaking thought entered her mind.

"She offered herself to you did she." Lyra snarled. Her anger is getting loose.

"WHAT!! She did not offer herself to me. Ah FORGAVE her and Ah will protect her from you. Ja heard me Lyra. Ah...will...protect...her...from you!" Big Macintosh declared in glorious might.

Lyra stood up. "You can't keep her away from me! She's mine! She's my Bon Bonny!!"

"Ah will protect her and Ah will help you. You weren't the only one who had a bad childhood!" Big Macintosh replied in steel calm. "Ah will help you."

"NO! Stay away from Bon Bon!!!" Lyra lunged forward at Big Macintosh, she brought him down to the floor and held down his forearms.

"Let go of me Lyra!"

"You have no right to help Bon Bon after what she did to you." Lyra said loudly.

Big Macintosh tried to free himself but he saw that for a unicorn, Lyra is really strong!

"You imbecile! Why are you helping her!?"

"Because it's the right to do now let me go!" Big Macintosh yelled.

"Give her back to me! Give her back to me! Big Macintosh for once in your simple country bumpkin life choose the correct choice and give her back to me. YOU OWE HER NOTHING!!" Lyra shrieked.

Big Macintosh took in a long deep breath. His chest enlarged while his abdominal area shrunk.

"LET GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Big Macintosh roared. His powerful roar caused a visible distortion in the clarity between him and Lyra. A shockwave shot out, shattering glass objects and windows.

"AHHHH!" Lyra got off of Big Macintosh, covering her bleeding ringing ears.

Big Macintosh got up and headed for the door. Before leaving he turned to look at Lyra who lied on the floor groaning in pain.

"Ah will help you Lyra and Ah will protect Bon Bon for as long as it takes." He turned and went home.


In Sweet Apple acres Bon Bon waited anxiously for Big Macintosh in the living room. The clock says ten o clock.

Applebloom came into the living room with a glass of apple juice. "Ms. Bon Bon will you like some apple juice."

"Thank you." Bon Bon took the glass.

"You're welcome!" Applebloom grinned ear to ear before joining Sweetie Belle who waited for her outside.

Ten more uneasy minutes passed, all that can be heard is Granny Smith snoring and Applejack bucking some apple trees.

Finally Big Macintosh arrived. Bon Bon's eyes lit up with joy seeing that he came back unharmed.

Big Macintosh sat down. "Bon Bon" He said quietly. "Please come here."

So she joined him on the couch. He took her into his arms and hugged her tight. Tears formed in her eyes, she doesn't deserve any of this but this kind act from Big Macintosh proved otherwise.

"I'm so sorry Big Macintosh, please forgive me." Bon Bon cried softly.

"Ah did already and Ah will protect you from Lyra."

"Y-you p-p-promise." Bon Bon's voice cracked at asking that question.

Big Macintosh backed up his head so he can look into Bon Bon's eyes.

"Ah Promise."


Chapter. 40. Arigato

My dearest readers I'm very sorry for making you wait so long for this chapter, the reasons being...I thought Nightmare Moon was writing this chapter so when I asked how she's coming along in this chapter a few days ago she told me that it's not her turn. She will be writing chapter forty because forty is twenty times two and twenty is her favorite number, so I'm sure you can imagine the look on my face when she told me that because it's been a week.

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