• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Crimson stained armor and Home

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. Nightmare Moon

Ch. 61

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

In the Chamber of the Queen.
The Son of Celestia ignores the warm breath coming from the Queen and running down his neck. “Every one of them! Every one of these bloody Changelings shall die! I am going to kill every last one of…not the children, no!! I may be a killer and I know I can kill without moral hesitation and never be stopped but I will not kill innocent children again nor their fathers and mothers.” That is if he can tell which is which. “Not the children. As for the Queen I will torment every inch of her disgusting mind! I will desecrate it bringing her to total ruin then I will plant my tomahawk in her heart twisting it as she looks at my grin.” Gold Sky grimaces to feel Chrysalis’s limb push against his stomach. “She thinks I will allow myself to be her spouse, like eternal damnation I will allow myself to wear a wedding band from her when she threatens the life of my Gilda and expects me to be her love!” *Deep breath* “I will kill every one of these Changelings! I will kill this…wretch!” First time Gold Sky ever uses that curse word. “I will kill the Queen!

While Gold Sky fills with the desire to shed the blood of the Changelings, two of the Queen’s guards stand outside smelling what they think they smell.
“The Queen has mated with that pony.”

The other guard shakes its head. “Not mate more like pleasure herself with him.”

“Uhh doesn’t that mean the same thing?”

“No it doesn’t besides she’ll be having him as a mate when they get married then when they both have sex it will be mating for real.” The guard thinks for a bit. “I think they’re be a great couple and we’ll have a king!” Pretty excited to have a pony for a king. “This little moment of pleasure thing will lead to great things!”

The other guard beams in agreement.

Oh great things are coming alright when they lay dead on the floor slain by their once thought of future king.



From the heavens Lauren the Archangel stands by Gold Sky stroking his face wishing she can make herself take a physical form and tell Gold Sky to just turn away from the path of blood. She knows what she’s feeling can be a maternal feeling or it can be a loving feeling not to see one embrace the other side of the galaxy. “Gold Sky if you do this then I know you can live with the cries of spelt innocent blood. Though you will not spill innocent blood this time, I ask you oh Gold Sky to call out to me when all of this is over. You will need me.” Lauren bent down and kissed the stallion in the center of his forehead putting him to sleep. “If only you were a pure immortal then you wouldn’t endure so much pain.

The Archangel left the Son of Celestia.


In the Crystal Empire.
Princess Celestia stands awake in the minutes before her sun rises to awake everyone in Equestria. From a balcony in the crystal palace magic turns her magenta eyes in lights shades of glowing gray permitting her vision to see through walls and roofs for that matter. The Princess sees sons asleep by their mothers and those mothers keep their sons close. “Sons and Mothers. I am not worthy. But Cadance knows I am, at least I got to cover him with my wing like a real mother does with her son.” Celestia flew out into the sky and raised the sun.

At landing back on the balcony. “Because Tia you are worthy.”

Celestia hugged Cadance good morning. “Easy for you say oh Mother Love.”

“Yes I guess I’ve always been filled with maternal love before you were.” Cadance smiles ear to ear. “And Luna too. Anyway let’s go inside so you will enjoy a taste of the cuisine here in the Crystal Empire.”

It won’t be long until Cadance receives a cold feeling in her chest. For Mother Love Cadance will feel what…Father Love Gold Sky will do.


The Queen has awaken but her squeeze still has yet to awake for the kiss given by the Archangel provided him with a lovely dream of a immortal mother and immortal son flying together in the stars of the universe. Lauren has created a calm before the coming raging tempest.
Queen Chrysalis presses her nose into the jet black hair of the stallion she has given her heart too. “In time Gold Sky you will learn to love me the same way you loved that mare. We shall create a family and an empire great as us but for your sake I will not make another attempt on Equestria. I know you will never go against your mommy.” Her nose breathes in the still there heavenly scent Rarity smelled some time ago. “Even your scent matches the beauty of your love Gold Sky and oh sweet love did you take me to the heavenly paradise!” The Queen happily shivered to think of more nights filled with sex. “Never thought I’ll be having sex with Love itself and he’s mine!”

Meanwhile in the dream Gold Sky is having.
Celestia and the Alicorn land on the dust of the orion nebula overlooking the orion’s belt constellation. Both study the beauty around them while the mother covers her son with her wing. “My son you realize you are more beautiful to me then all of the galaxies and stars combined.”
“I am!?” Asks the son.
“Yes you are.” The mother tightens her wing around the son giving him a hug an Alicorn can give. “I love you will all of my heart.”
“And I too mother.”
Suddenly all of the stars start being sucked away and lastly mother is sucked away by a rising scale of noise and light.


“Ahh you finally awoken my love.” The Queen turns Gold Sky to be facing her and kisses him good morning.

Be patient. When the perfect time comes I’ll strike.”Gold Sky went cold to withstand everything that’s to come from the Queen. “MEEP!!” Almost everything.

The Queen instantly retracted her hoof. “Oops sorry, I didn’t mean to touch you there.” For the matter of fact the Queen is sorry for touching the stallion down there she for one does not know how her hoof ended up down there.

BE PATIENT!” Gold Sky freezes himself, now he deeply wants to kill the Queen right now but as he told himself before he has to be patient. “Morning.” Gold Sky grunted to the Queen gleefully climbing on top of him and got another kiss. “I take you liked what happened last night.”

Chrysalis shook her head. “Poor choice of words Gold Sky, I would have appreciated if you picked the word Loved instead of liked.”Chrysalis feels something dark rising inside of the stallion. “Right there is the shower if you wish to take one. I’ll join you shortly.”

Gold Sky got out from The Queen and got slapped in the flank before taking a step. He stops with his back to Chrysalis, if he wastes time to think about it…so many lines have been crossed and consequence have not been delivered for those transgressions committed along with threats being allowed to linger over him like a collar of dark matter. “Ignore it! For the sake of enjoying her cries for mercy and blood I have to be patient also I must warn Rarity and Gilda to stay safe during…” An act yet to be perpetrated deserves a name of infamy. “Crimson. Danger.” Crimson for it’s the color of blood and danger because the Changelings are in mortal danger thanks to their Queen. Gold Sky went into the shower to at least physically wash himself of the Queen. “When this is all over I can finally take Sweetie Belle into my arms and tell her how much I miss and love her.” The anger went away to be replaced with Love and in a time like this a smile. “It will be funny to hear Gilda call Sweetie Belle aunt taking into account Sweetie Belle is so much younger.” In the raining warm water Gold Sky imagines little sister embracing his daughter.

Until he hears the Queen comes in and affectionately rubs his head with hers. *Sigh*

“Gold Sky.” Begins Queen Chrysalis. “It will take a while for you to open your eyes to the love that will soon bloom between us. Together we shall rule as King and Queen and with you as my king everything shall be grand.”

“Grand?” Gold Sky growls in a whisper.

“Yes grand my Love.” Chrysalis nuzzles Gold Sky the same way Octavia will do so on the cheek making him go emotionally below one hundred degrees below freezing point. “You and I shall become one through marriage which is something you want don’t you? I will give you my heart and you shall take your heart back from that mare and give it to me. Together as husband and wife we will be happy.”

“Husband and wife.” Like eternal damnation that will happen.

Chrysalis mistakenly thinks Gold Sky is accepting this grand aspect. “Yes. Then we shall be parents. Already I can tell you will be a wonderful father taking in from seeing how you will adopt a griffon. I myself am amazed, I would think the son of Celestia will adopt one of his own species but for being the physical manifestation of Love you love Gilda very much.” Chrysalis pauses to gently laugh. “If it takes a long time for you to appreciate me judging from the way your face is at least I know full well you will really appreciate our children.”

“She knows me and she’s right.”

“I will give you children you can love. I can give you another daughter if that is what you want or I can give you sons to expand your bloodline. Besides you must desire having more children besides that griffon.”

“That griffon you dare to speak about is my daughter and what makes you thinks you can specifically give me a son or daughter. Whatever you might give me I will love.” Gold Sky treads lightly, he loves children yes but he cannot allow children to be used against him to bound him to this Queen and he cannot allow his only child live in constant danger day after day.

“Oh don’t underestimate your future wife Gold Sky. I may seem predictable but I am full of surprises.”

Gold Sky just pushes the Queen away from him with his left wing. “Tell me about it.”

Chrysalis likes how Gold Sky is playing hard to catch. “I feel so warm already!!” Frak, this Queen is really enamored with Gold Sky. So enamored she cannot feel his telepathy reading every thought in her mind giving him a plan of attack and choosing his words to say to the Queen when he buries his tomahawk into her heart. “Control yourself! The honeymoon will be long and joyous! The clouds will be the best place to consummate our marriage.”Chrysalis can be given props for a creative idea.
Nonetheless, she wants to know something first. “Gold Sky, this mare who used to be the love of your life did she mean so much to you?”

“I paid the ultimate price to protect her.” His hoof leads Chrysalis’s hoof to the scar over his heart. “An act that I will do again to protect the ones I love…not even the angel of death can take away my love for her sure it took away my life but it can not take away my love.” In this Gold Sky will allow the Queen to make physical contact with him.

Queen Chrysalis retracts the thought of the happy honeymoon. “Damn it! His heart will always belong to that mare he loves even though he will never be with her. How is it I can charm stallions…plus a mare or two but I can’t with all my wisdom understand this stallion I truly want!!” *sigh* “He needs privacy; he needs to see I am a mare of my word by allowing him to hug his Gilda.” With Gilda done with the thought process Chrysalis grinned to thinking about a certain Unicorn. “I will have Rarity by my side!! EIEEEEE! Gold Sky will be raising our children staying completely away from me, damn truth, he won’t be much of a husband nor will he do his duties to provide me with pleasure. Humph.” Any who. “With Rarity close to me, we shall deeply bond! Making my fantasy become a reality.

“To think she can have a bond with sister, well that is so not going to happen. One, Rarity will be repulsed by Chrysalis threatening Gilda and Two, Rarity hates being in the desert.” Gold Sky’s train of thought shifts to a way that’ll get the Queen away from him and will shorten the time here. “Drink my blood already and leave me!”

Chrysalis rolls her eyes with a smile. “Oh dear groom you already show signs of cold hooves yes it may take centuries for you to like your future wife but with time you will eventually love me and at least you will love our children.” With a hoof she slowly moves the wet jet black hair out of the way exposing the scar and marking she gave him.
“My squeeze with his lovely blood.” Chrysalis is sharpening Gold Sky’s tomahawk through words and she is so blind with her unclean Love to read Gold Sky’s mind. Her telepathy is on par with Gold Sky’s powerful telepathy thanks to his love she’s obtained through his blood…and…physical union. Such pride in thinking she’ll have a perfect husband with perfect blood. “Thank you my dear husband and dear king.” Chrysalis’s fangs penetrated the skin over the vein, drinking three liters of his blood. “Ta-ta my love.”

The Queen with the final word brushed Gold Sky’s chin with her flank as she left him alone.

*sigh* “Why do I resort to killing to solve this problem.” Indeed, why does this Alicorn resort to killing? “It’s the most straightforward method to end problems once & for all.”

Walking through the hallways with still wet hair the Alicorn hears whispers coming from the lips of Changeling guards calling him the Queen’s squeeze also laughing for the mark on his neck is very noticeable and even the little Changeling children know what it means. Though being children along with innocent with a drop of curiosity some come near the squeeze to study every detail of the Alicorn through touch. The Alicorn does not mind at all if the curious Changeling children satisfy their curiosity he loves them very much prompting him to stop walking to his sister and daughter so he can trot around the halls with the children on his back to give them happiness. “Time to find my child.” After telling the Changeling children to run along Gold Sky resumes his way to the guest chamber.

The doors open and close. Gold Sky sees Gilda and Rarity peacefully asleep, he gently goes to Gilda first lovingly stroking her face, telling himself she is safe and sound, it’s quite surreal for him to know what breaks him and witness it almost happening hours ago. Losing Gilda can might as well be his end though living along with breathing. What can he do to live every day knowing he is the sole reason for the death of his dearest daughter. A wife’s love, a mother’s love, a divine father’s love, and an archangel’s love all combined can’t bring him back to life. A sad truth considering being the physical manifestation of Love is a whickering flame. Waiting to go out or continuing burning in this world. “My dearest Gilda perhaps I told you this already and you know it but I’m just near the edge right now so I’ll tell you. I will give up my life up to you, no matter when or where if I need to I will give you my life to ensure yours. You are my heart living outside my body and I’m sorry!” Gold Sky pressed his forehead against the side of sleeping Gilda’s head. “I’m sorry for putting your life in stake by coming her to build armor and train Rarity, please my dear Gilda I’m so sorry for almost getting you taken away from me! Forgive me.” Gold Sky does nothing to stop tears from falling onto Gilda’s cheek. “Oh my dearest daughter, I love you and I will make the Queen pay.” The father kisses Gilda’s cheek and goes to Rarity.
Oh my lovely sister, one decision made by Twilight affected the both of us in ways unimaginable. She is our enemy and we will fight her with no mercy. You know what she is capable of however she may think what you’re made of but I rebuilt you to be strong as valyrian steel making what Twilight knows, a lie. And Twilight does not know what I will do.” The stallion nuzzles Rarity. “Rarity you know this may weird but I feel like having a nice dance with you, hehe like at my wedding we danced a bit sure also it was nice to dance with Sweetie Belle when Scootaloo started to rock up a jam of hers. I want to spend a lot of time with you Rarity like maybe when all this is over we can take pottery classes together or maybe art classes no not that you’re good at art. Cooking classes sound good also add camping to the mix.” Gold Sky kisses Rarity a couple of times. “Wake up sister; I need to tell what I am going to do.” A much rougher nuzzle on Rarity’s cheek attempted to wake her from the potent effect of the dark shade herb. “Please wake up sister.” Another rough nuzzle fails to wake up the sister. “Hmmm, water will do the trick.” With a rather large bucket floating above Gold Sky tilts the bucket bringing forth one large drop of water to fall on Rarity’s forehead.

“Oooooh.” *yawn* Rarity rubbed her eyes focusing them on a blurred figure of what appears to be a pony. Within seconds of clarity Rarity can now see Gold Sky’s loving face. “Gold Sky!” Rarity launched up to embrace the Alicorn. “I love you little brother!” Rarity like the previous morning gives hundreds of kisses to the Alicorn. Rarity feels so attached to Gold Sky which explains all of the love she gives him so freely. But with all of the love she gives so freely there is guilt, guilt for the sole reason she didn’t feel something in her chest when little brother died.

“Rarity I need to tell something in private.”

The white mare got off of the bed carefully making sure not to wake up Gilda though it took a drop of water to wake her up while a lot of tears didn’t wake up Gilda so a shake in the bed should much less wake up the griffon. “Should we go into the bathroom?”

“Yeah that sounds good.” Gold Sky kicked the door closed. “Rarity, there is something you to know.”

Rarity nods her head. “Gold Sky, tell me what troubles you or ask me what you wonder about.” Inside her mind an endless amount of thoughts fly around like showing the ultrasound picture and Octavia’s memories of him never being purged. “I need to find the right time and a place for the both of them to be united. It will be like Gilda and Gold Sky hugging each other tight.
Gold Sky shamefully lowered his head. “Through my decision to come here, I placed Gilda’s life in danger.”

*Gasp* “What happened!?”

Gold Sky closed his eyes remembering what he did to protect Gilda. Normally Gold Sky never talks about his sex life, eternal damnation he doesn’t even talk about it with Octavia much less with Rarity. But in this that has no regard to Octavia he will talk through mentioning. “Queen Chrysalis threatened Gilda’s life by pointing a magical green dagger at her heart.” Gold Sky places a hoof over Rarity’s mouth. “She planned to kill Gilda the same way I died except from the front then from the back. I became so scared once again I wanted to cry and beg the Queen to spare Gilda and take my life instead.” Gold Sky opened his eyes. “My blood was not enough to please her. She wanted more than my blood and through me…or through my sex. Satisfy her desires.” Gold Sky removed his hoof from Rarity’s mouth. “Take a guess.”

Rarity picked up what the Queen wanted from Gold Sky when he mentioned his sex. “She forced you to have a sexual relation with her and you gave her everything even though it harmed you.”

Gold Sky rubbed the back of his head sighing deeply for the fact other ponies might congratulate him for having a sexual encounter with a Queen. Sadly the sole prime reason other ponies will congratulate him is because he is a Stallion. “It harmed my heart Rarity but what’s terrible is my flesh enjoyed the sexual encounter. I felt pleasure, sadness, betrayal to the mare that has my heart, and shame. I hate the fact I had to do this when I much rather commit seppuku but who am I to have more than that choice. Rarity, sister, I feel so dirty and foul for having sex with Chrysalis…I CAN STILL FEEL HER!” Gold Sky heavily ventilates through his enlarged nostrils only to then fall to his knees before his older sister. “If she threatened your life Rarity I wouldn’t have this intention I have now.” Guilt for putting Gilda’s life over Rarity’s.

Rarity laid a hoof on the scar behind Gold Sky’s heart. “What is the intention you have right now Gold Sky?”

“I will kill Queen Chrysalis and any Changeling that gets in my way Rarity.”

*Ting* “If the Queen threatened me you wouldn’t think of killing her on my behalf. You will kill her for threatening Gilda instead.”

Gold Sky looked up into Rarity’s eyes silently expressing how remorseful he is for caring more about Gilda. “Sister please forgive me.” Gold Sky grabs Rarity’s left forearm and hugs it. “Please forgive me.”

“Brother. I am not mad but I am glad you will not kill the Queen on my behalf.”

The speech impediment flares up. “Wha-wha, tssherr ooorrr, wha-what!?”
“I will not allow you to shed blood for me; I cannot allow you to be near the verge of the Razor for me. Save your anger for Twilight, save it for her. Please don’t waste it on the Queen. Forgive her and let’s go home!” Rarity ends her wise words pulling back her arm and hugs Gold Sky’s head.

But Gold Sky will not be driven away from his intentions now that he’s been forgiven. “Rarity please lock or barricade the door. Whatever you hear don’t leave the room also keep Gilda in the room! Do not open the doors for anybody; I will come to you when I’m done.”

“No…” Rarity is now afraid. “Gold Sky don’t do this, please just forgive the Queen.”

The Alicorn rises to his full height. “I will forgive her before I stab her heart.”
Gold Sky kisses Rarity on the forehead signifying there is no turning back, his horn glows getting every piece of his armor on. The side compartments in the armor hides the tomahawk and knife making Rarity frown. Lastly his cloak is donned sealing the way for Crimson. Danger. “Rarity please stay here but if you and Gilda wonder about to find me then know I will still protect both of you. Except I can’t protect you from the horrors you might see on the floor, don’t be horrified though it’s normal of me to…fight with sheer brutality. As for Gilda please do your best to keep her here. Oh and please put on your armor.”

Rarity slips on her last horseshoe to the sound of the doors closing.

“Huh? Who’s there!” Demands a Changeling guard to the sound of metal echoing in the air. “Oh it’s the Queen’s squeeze.” The guard relaxes while remaining alert.

“Really now.” Gold Sky walks past the guard to the throne room but the guard stops Gold Sky because of the silver armor.

“Why are you wear AGAH!!” An extended horseshoe blade stabs its windpipe.

“My new armor is not even a day old and already it’s covered in blood.” The Alicorn continues walking towards the throne room eventually being covered by shadows causing his eyes to glow grayish purple.

Another guard looks down the shadow covered hallway noticing the glowing dots heading its way, it freaks out and of course out of normal reaction it takes a combat stance. “Whatever the frak you are I will kill you!”

The two glowing dots ceased glowing. *Tirah* Now deep crimson color glowing dots look at it after hearing a chilling hollow cacophony. *Poof* “What! UGHHH!” A knife tears open its belly letting its guts fall out.

“I am your frakken end.” The deep crimson glowing eyes is terrifying when the end is nigh. Also this is the first time Gold Sky uses that curse word and slowly sinks the knife into the Changeling guard’s superior vena cava to provide a slow painful death. Carrying on.

*Thud* A flayed Changing guard falls to the floor while its partner tries to run away with the intention to warn the Queen.

*Thish!* A tomahawk to the back of the head stops the guard.
Gold Sky retrieves his tomahawk from the dead changeling suddenly he ducks from a attack from behind, he waits for the Changeling to attack him again from which with perfect timing he catches the Changeling punches it in the stomach then knees it, throws it to the ground, and sinks his left hoof into the face flattening it and splattering its brain all over the floor. “Wow that’s a big brain.” Gold Sky swings his left hoof around to get whatever brain matter left over, off.

In the throne room.
Chrysalis has surrounded herself with many of her subjects skilled in different professions and in those professions they are connected to wedding preparation.
“No, no. Rarity will be my bridesmaid wearing a gown similar to the one she wore at that Cadance’s wedding, hmmm, yes this design is very close hurry, go make it now!” Chrysalis orders a seamstress to make Rarity’s gown. To another seamstress. “Your design for my wedding gown is very nice though it can’t compare to the least of designs Rarity can think off but black? Well I think a black wedding gown will look good on me and for Gold Sky make him a white tuxedo out of silk now get a move on!” The seamstress flies away to do its work. Now speaking with a wedding planner. “Gilda will be walking my Gold Sky down the aisle giving him away to me also she will be wearing a simple black shawl.” Chrysalis pauses to imagine Gilda walking her father down the aisle. “Blacksmith!” She screeches. “Show me the crown you made for your future king.”

The blacksmith holding a chest like his life depends on it and bears it in front of the Queen. Her magic levitates the chest slowly opening it. Inside is a crown made out of gold, it’s a full circular crown unlike Princess Celestia’s tiara like crown, it has no triangular peaks but it does have rubies. Sixteen to be exact. Aligned around the crown and in the front is a large diamond, to signify that among the rubies the diamond or Gold Sky is the most valuable jewel. A jewel the Queen thinks she’ll have forever. “This is good blacksmith. It’s simple as its wearer, because though he may be my king I will be doing the ruling while he’ll be my pleasure, Love, and raising the children.” Chrysalis giggles while the other Changelings dare not to. “Also elegant. Gold Sky is very…handsome! He’s like something created to be lovely and skipping details, he’s mine. Who would have thought I defeated Celestia once in combat and now once again I defeat her by having her dearest son under me plus what’s can be worse to see her grandchildren come from me.” Queen Chrysalis laughed then stopped to look at her subjects.
*Rising laughter* They all began laughing with their Queen. “This is going to be the best day of my life.

The doors of the throne room slam open being an abrupt end to the laughter. “MY QUEEN!! YOUR SQUEEZE, EH YOU ARE IN GRAVE HIAA!” The Changeling falls forward revealing a tomahawk in the back of its head.

Queen drops the chest holding Gold Sky’s crown and gets up. “What the!” She sees the tomahawk float to a figure with glowing deep crimson eyes standing at the entrance.

“Oh this will be the best day of your life Chrysalis a day where all of your dreams will come true with this tomahawk going through your heart.” Gold Sky closes the doors to the throne room.

A forced groom will kill his Love crazed bride.
But it’s not like this groom ever wanted this bride in the first place.


In the Crystal Empire.
“The cute little colt comes up to me and gives me a card asking me if I can be his special somepony.” Cadance is telling a story to Tia about something adorable that happened in Hearts & Hooves day. “I never been so touched by this adorable act so I took his card and gave him a big kiss on the cheek giving him the best Hearts & Hooves day.”

Tia and Shining Armor laughed. “If I remember right, you and the little colt ended up on the newspaper.” Said Tia.

Princess Cadance nodded with closed happy eyes. “Ah yes I should have the article somewhere arou…” A freezing cold feeling attacks Cadance’s chest. “I’ll be right back.” Cadance sprints to her room.

“What happened?” Tia asks Shining Armor.

Shining Armor shrugs his shoulders. “Most likely she’s heading to the restroom. Anyway, right here is the newspaper article.” Shining Armor had the article within his reach all this time.

Cadance bolted the door of the bathroom shut and looked into the mirror with a face full of scolding hopeless fear. “Father!! Did Gold Sky die!!!!?

“No my dearest daughter he’s still alive full and well.” Answers Yahshua.

What about Gilda!!?” Cadance’s heartbeat is skyrocketing to levels tolerated in only immortals.

“She’s alright too.”

Then why do I have this cold feeling! If my little brother and my niece are alive then what’s going on!?

“Gold Sky is shedding blood and intends to kill Queen Chrysalis.”

Cadance gasps. “Why is Gold Sky doing this!” Now she can’t understand why her brother wants to kill Queen Chrysalis.

“It is his nature my dear Cadance, everything he’s done reshaped his own nature.” Yahshua invisibility laid a hand on her shoulder. “I know what you’re thinking. Nurture. You are capable of it, just make sure you don’t mind if he smells your hair and on a side note please don’t have Shining Armor close whenever your brother is with you.”

Even with the cold feeling still in her chest Cadance gets over her shock to think about the potential she has to bond with Gold Sky. “How come Shining Armor can’t be close to Gold Sky.

“It’s better you hear it from Gold Sky than from me. Now go back to your husband and aunt to erase any suspicions.” He gave Cadance a small nudge.

Before leaving the bathroom Cadance flushed the toilet and did her hair. “I would love it if Gold Sky smells my hair.” The mare flicks her hair. “It’s a thing that makes me so sad he bonds so much with Rarity who’s not even his biological sister and he’s deeply afraid of me his biological sister. I still love him though with all my heart and I know despite his fear he loves me very much.” Cadance sighs.

“I’m back oh Shiny you have the newspaper article.”

Cadance canters on while the cold feeling rages on.

Gold Sky stands on his hind legs while above him he holds a Changeling. Without a grunt he twists the Changeling bringing it apart and raining its blood upon him.

He throws the body aside and makes his way to the Queen.

“Wake up.” Armored up Rarity shakes Gilda. “Please wake up Gilda my niece.”
Gilda is still in deep sleep. “C’mon wake up.” Rarity pauses to strain her hearing to pick up anything outside the chamber in case Changelings want to get inside. “There’s nothing .”

On the other hand or hoof Gilda hugs her pillow.
I got to admit it though. Gilda does look very adorable when she’s sleeping, I think Gold Sky thinks the same thing too when little Gilda slept under his wing. Okay get back in track Rarity, wake up Gilda so we can find Gold Sky and go home.” Rarity resumes shaking Gilda.

From above Lauren comes down invisible to physical senses. “Wake up Gilda, wake up right now and bring your father back to his true self.” She whispered into Gilda’s ear.

Within seconds Gilda stirs provided Rarity a chance to smile a bit. “Gilda are you awake?”

Gilda now fully awake immediately looks at the center of the bed, at seeing nothing there she picks herself up to look around the chamber. “Where’s daddy?”

“Hello did you see me?” Rarity asks.

Gilda didn’t answer instead she hugged her aunt and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Why are you wearing armor?”

Rarity couldn’t help but pose in the armor. “Don’t I look nice Gilda. What do you think?”

“You look like a Warrior Princess, Aunt Rarity.” Gilda taps the armor with a talon.

Rarity beamed with a blue light shining being her. “OH! Gilda we need to find your daddy and to be very careful.”
“Careful why?”

Rarity sighed. “Gilda, he said Queen Chrysalis threatened to kill you last night in order to force him to have sex with her.” Rarity got red. “He had sex with her to protect you and now he’s enraged for doing what he did and for Chrysalis threatening you so now he’s on his way to kill her.”

Gilda’s jaw dropped and quietly gasped. “The Queen made daddy have sex with her even though he’s married to Octavia. But why would the Queen threaten me if I didn’t do anything to her!”

“She threatened you because she knew Gold Sky will never have sex with her so by threatening you he complied but she didn’t take into account his anger and we must find him! If we don’t who knows what he’ll do.” Rarity points at the doors showing urgency in her almost shaking hoof.

Gilda however does not reflect Rarity’s urgency. “Let him do what he needs to do Aunt Rarity, the Queen threatened me and she must be held accountable for making him go against his marriage! I know he loves Octavia, Aunt Rarity.”

“But Gilda I understand how you feel but we can’t let him kill Changelings or the Queen, if we let him kill he might not come back.”

“He killed fascists in the battlefield so what’s make him killing the Queen and her Changelings any different?” Gilda lowers Rarity hoof.

“I don’t want him to shed blood on your behalf Gilda, I see this as a way for the Razor to find an excuse to resurge and…take him away from you.” Rarity had to add the bit about the Razor to make Gilda realign on her line.

“We have to find him and stop him from killing the Queen!” Gilda with her strength picks up Rarity and carries the Unicorn out of the chamber. “Where do you think he went?”

“I’m amazed she didn’t say about my weight.”Rarity thought.

Both by chance look to the right to spot a dead Changeling. “Follow the bodies I guess.” Rarity sighed with no sign of disturbance.
They pass by more dead bodies cringing to the creativity Gold Sky has killing the Changelings, like some have their hearts gorged out and stuffed in the mouth, head twisted one hundred eighty degrees, one hung from the roof with its intestines tied around its neck, two of them got sliced top from bottom, and another is killed in a regular manner…top part of its head is sliced off. Nonetheless, despite the death they see children clinging to their alive and well parents with eyes of fear but spared by the Alicorn. “He does not kill the parents, no wait he said he does not kill fathers he can’t! Oh my Great Spirit these are male Changelings!” Gilda says to Rarity.

“Well that’s good to know at least.”
Suddenly a Changeling rams into Gilda sending the griffon slamming headfirst into the wall, Rarity with her reflexes slowed down by surprise gets struck square in the face making her go down to the ground with Gilda who has stars flying about her head.

“I will destroy you pony!” This Changeling thinks Rarity is the one who killed these Changelings.

Gold Sky senses something.

Just as the Changeling unleashes its attack, a knife bursts out of its chest making the Changeling look down at the knife before it travels down slicing it open.

Rarity looks up from the body to make eye contact with the glowing deep crimson eyes. “You didn’t heed my warning. Hm, don’t matter, just stay alert and you should be able to kill any Changeling that comes your way.” Those glowing deep crimson eyes focus on Gilda. “Please protect her Rarity.” Gold Sky passed a hoof through his dazed daughter’s hair. “This will be over soon.” *Poof* He teleported back to the throne room.

Rarity felt like breaking down to this unloving trait. “Brother…please…this isn’t the son Celestia raised.”

“NO!” A Changeling screams to the extended blade of the horseshoe. “For the Queen!” Taken out by the tomahawk. “WAIT!” Knife to heart followed by a slow twist. “Please!” Both tomahawk and knife kills it.

Queen Chrysalis shakes her head to this sudden amount of bloodshed being done by her future husband. Every one of her subjects who attempts to stop Gold Sky dies and he makes his way towards her with a look she knows is only found in fathers. “I overstepped myself this time…” Chrysalis looks away from the slaughter of her Elite guard. “My dear subjects are dying because I fell in love with this stallion. A stallion that is love and that is all I want. Somebody to love me…somebody to love me or at least a piece of me.” She levitates the design of her black wedding gown. “I could have been wearing this and hear my groom say I do, I could have been having the wonderful life provided by marriage.” Queen Chrysalis frowns to be accepting the fact all of her dreams are being strangled by its own umbilical cord. “NO!” The Queen screams. “I will get what I want and I will put you in your place Gold Sky!” Chrysalis first moves Gold Sky’s crown out of the way and charges towards the stallion.

“Finally.” Gold Sky raises his left arm to block Chrysalis’s downward swing from above. “Oh dear Queen you fight me though it will be useless to stop your punishment.” He punches the Queen directly in the face launching her into the high ceiling.

“Ow, huh!” Gold Sky appears directly in front of Chrysalis throwing her back down then he reappears before she can hit the ground striking her with his left wing.

“Chrysalis you have two choices.” The deep crimson glowing eyes glow brighter. “You can just stop attempting to fight me and accept your fate or you can go out with honor by fighting to your last breath.”

Chrysalis wipes what she thought is blood on her lower lip but it turned out to be saliva. “Why are you doing this to me!?”

“You threatened the life of my daughter Chrysalis and the last being who threatened my daughter’s life I tore him apart.”

“But I love you Gold Sky!” Chrysalis screams. “You can be my king and the father of our children!”

Gold Sky folds his wings back to his body. “And I love you too Chrysalis but that does not mean I won’t hold you accountable. My daughter means everything to me Chrysalis to the point that when I failed her I promised myself to never be a father again. Yet you know if we ever and I stress ever, had children together I will love them with all my heart and raise them. Sadly that will never happen. Your end comes now my Queen.” He spreads out his wings again. “Question is how will you go out.”

Queen Chrysalis now becomes furious. “I will defeat you son of Celestia. I defeated your mother and now I will defeat her son.” Her magic is fully unleashed. “Then I will use your own love to wipe your mind clean.” Chrysalis wanted to include Gilda in her ultra short monologue but figured if she did, she’ll infuriate the father even more. “Feel my scorn!”

“HA! Your scorn does not frighten me one bit.” His horn starts glowing too but it’s more for show than actual use. A bit of an idiot to rely too much on his physical strength.

Chrysalis fires her magic at Gold Sky. “Uh oh.” Gold Sky fires his magic to counter the Queen. The green and grayish purple magic collide causing a strong gust of air to rush past them, just as before Gold Sky strains with all he has to try at least cause an explosion in the event horizon.
“Watch your love be used against you!!” Chrysalis’s magic is easy peaseyily overpowering Gold Sky’s magical offense.

“I am going to lose and I will be defeated like mother was then I’ll pass out giving Chrysalis a chance to go past my telepathic blocks by using my love to wipe my slate clean…SHE WILL ERASE MOMMY FROM ME!!” Gold Sky thinks up something drastic to prevent his defeat. Very well it’s not drastic since he done it before.
“Ignore the pain.” Gold Sky with his extended horseshoe blade slices off his horn ceasing his magic therefore preventing Chrysalis from defeating him the same way she defeated Celestia. “AHH!” Gold Sky is struck by Chrysalis’s magic burning off his coat and breaking all his ribs thanks to the concussion power too.

“Damn.” Chrysalis is amazed to see Gold Sky’s sliced off horn on the floor. “That’s ingenious and disturbing in so many levels.”

With the horn sliced off Gold Sky’s eye stop glowing, he takes his concentration from combat to feel the leftover stump leaking magical fluid; he doesn’t know how long it will take for his horn to grow back with his instantaneous tissue regeneration. Frak though, is he does know he gave Chrysalis a chance to attack him. “AAHA!” The Queen slams his back into the wall. “Here!” Gold Sky delivers strong uppercut and fast left hook to gain some distance.

Chrysalis spits out a tooth and pushes Gold Sky back against the wall to blast him point blank with magic however, when she pushed him back against the wall she redirected the flowing path of the magical fluid into his eyes.

“Use your magic now Gold Sky.” Lauren telepathically whispers to Gold Sky.

Gold Sky uses his magic as told by the motherly Archangel. The magenta eyes flash two times and unleash beams of powerful magic unto the Queen inflicting her with tremendous amount of damage and giving Gold Sky invaluable distance from her. “I rain my wrath upon you.”

Chrysalis recovered just in time to see Gold Sky strike her without mercy with a combo of two hits to the face and a third ended in the stomach granting her a point without air in her lungs. Two lacerations are imprinted on her sides by the blades, the blades are then retracted to then feel two arms get placed on her shoulders. Chrysalis can see her reflection on the silver covered valyrian steel helmet milliseconds before she gets a strong head butt. Its force brought about ringing in her ears and blurred vision that is ninety three percent of time accompanied with disorientation. “Oooh can’t see clearly.” Even with the ringing in her ears Chrysalis hears approaching hoofsteps, desperately she tries to crawl away from the approaching source. “AIAEEE!!” A extended blade stabs her right hind leg to stop her escape.

“Come back here.” Gold Sky drags her back to him.

Chrysalis tries to hit Gold Sky but he caught her hoof in mid-swing and swung it back at her. She tries to gain back orientation but another strong hit is belaying her chance to at least gain a foot hold in a minimum advantage. “He’s going to end me…” Chrysalis feels her pain go away. “At least his blood heals me, YES! Telepathy!

The Queen rolls out of the tomahawk’s way, she sighed in relief for avoiding a hacking death, she flaps her wings taking to the air and spits out two more teeth. “Gold Sky, I will take this fight to the mind!!” Her telepathy goes into him. “Stop this and bow before me!”

Gold Sky hovers in front of Chrysalis and laughs. “You imbecile like you can control me telepathically!”

Fully healed plus orientated Chrysalis fires a bolt of magic at Gold Sky hitting him in the helmet, her bolt nonetheless bounced off the helmet but it took it off the Alicorn’s head . Chrysalis takes advantage to see him stagger in the air thinking he’s disorientated. “Bow down before your wife Gold Sky!!”

*PING!* The telepathic block stops her attack but it’s strong enough to feel like a physical punch to the face. “Wow her telepathy is really strong!”

Chrysalis finally figured out where this battle needs to go. “I am going to defeat you son of Celestia!” She steps foot into the Andromeda galaxy of Gold Sky’s mind.

“Ooooooh bloody hell boy.” Gold Sky concentrates to take the fight to his mind.

The Queen flies towards the core of the galaxy to implement her will upon him and have the groom under her iron hoof.
Not so fast!” Gold Sky appeared in front of Chrysalis kicking her in the chest just missing the heart.

The Queen tries again but is intercepted and taken down to a cluster of star dust or memories. “I will kill you here and then I will kill again by burying my tomahawk into your heart!”

“Like you can you succeed in killing me Gold Sky!” Her magic generated a bright flash blinding the stallion. “You shall pay for striking your Queen!” Chrysalis bucks Gold Sky in the face, swings both hooves getting directly in the stomach. “I will beat the son!” Chrysalis blasts Gold Sky with her powerful magic, she sees without the horn Gold Sky can’t use his magic but with sudden observation of the surroundings she sees the star and planets of the galaxy disappear with every impact. She rains down more pain onto Gold Sky destroying more of the galaxy.

Suddenly Gold Sky catches her left hoof in mid swing and knees her in the stomach followed by an elbow to the back of the head. “You think you can defeat me!” Gold Sky grapples with the Queen on a nebula. “I defeated Nightmare Moon, a giant purple dragon, Mao, hundreds of fascists, Royal guards, Elite Commando guards, and your subjects. The odds are really stacked against you Chrysalis.” Gold Sky buried his hoof in the chest breaking something because he heard bones cracking.

Chrysalis blasts Gold Sky with her magic again to gain a lot of distance. “You may think that Gold Sky but I will let you in on a secret. The reason why Changelings feed on love isn’t just for the euphoria it gives we feed on it because it gives us power. I wanted to conquer everything around my kingdom realizing nothing can stand up to the power of Love so I decided to start with Equestria but you know how that went. But with your Love I can use it against you and defeat you once and for all.” Chrysalis closed her eyes to focus all of her magic. “Your Love is your end. This you is going to perish when the love I drank from you cleans your mind.” Her horn emits bolts of magic to surround her and begin orbit. “FEEL THE POWER OF LOVE OH PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION! AH!” From her horn, magnificent beams of her magic fly out surrounding the whole galaxy and the beams shine brightly reflecting the love they have stored.

Whoa.” Gold Sky gasps in complete astonishment to see this kind of telepathic use combined with magic surrounding him and his mind like a web.
Without warning the beams join together forming a halo around him and shines brighter than the sun itself. *Gasp* A bright green beam of magic shoots down stabbing him in the left eye, Gold Sky screams to the sheer agony of this transorbital lobotomy poking deep into his frontal lobe for whatever happens to his telepathic self also happens to his physical self. His regeneration heals the tampering allowing him to block the green beam with his left horseshoe thanks to the valyrian steel.

You’re stronger than I thought son of Celestia.” Chrysalis compliments for a rare turn of events.
Her magic shines brightly again and shoots down at Gold Sky.

AIIEHHAHHHAHH!!” The green beam tears off his left arm and wing.

Feel the pain that comes before loss Gold Sky pain is what comes to one who thinks he can defeat me!” Her magical web shines and unleashes more magic but not upon the stallion but upon his galaxy as well to bring ruin through desecration. “Suffer!” Magical charges explode all over Gold Sky burning off meat, his freshly re-grown horn is sliced off again, and his armor glows red hot thanks to the heat of the charges.

Keep fighting!” Gold Sky ignores the pain of the exploding magical charges.

Another beam of magic stabs his right eye, the pain stabbing his frontal lobe ends to his realization the beam is moving downward on assumption he covers his heart with the right horseshoe.

It is hopeless to resist Gold Sky.” Chrysalis increases the power of the beam tenfold. “It hopeless to fight the future without your sister, without your daughter, without the mare who has your heart, and the future without your mother. A future where the son of Celestia is no longer her son!

Gold Sky groans to the pain from the magic of Chrysalis’s telepathy for it is taking over little by little… “No…NO…NO…Gilda, Rarity…mommy…no, I will not be taken away from her!” Gold Sky’s left arm and wing are growing back much faster now, so far the muscle is rapidly regenerating but until then those limbs are practically useless meanwhile the right horseshoe glows red hot from the magic he’s blocking. “My family, you will not take them away from me and I don’t believe in hope!!

“I will Gold Sky I will.” Chrysalis gently loves to see progress develop in her favor.

The magical beams forming the web around the mind encloses itself around the galaxy leaving just the precious core and Gold Sky left to be enclosed. “No! Mommy…” In the core a warm whiteness surrounds the Alicorn showing him Celestia waiting for him with open arms, calling for him to join her and hug her like he’s always done. “Mommy…mommy…MOMMY!!!”
The scar over his heart glows and tears open unleashing his infinite love and taking the shape of a sword. “YOU WILL NOT TAKE ME AWAY FROM MY MOMMY!!” The infinite Love swings around cutting through the web.

IMPOSSIBLE!!” Chrysalis’s magical web shatters like a crystal flute striking the floor. “How can this be!? Wha!” Gold Sky tackled her in the stars. “How did you defeat my magic!?”

Like this!” Gold Sky swings his right hoof so fast a mach cone forms around it. *BOOM!* “You can’t defeat me with your telepathy!” *BOOM!* The last bit of skin in the left arm finally closes allowing him to pull back his left arm. “You may be strong Chrysalis but you cannot fight me with my own Love.” A mach cone also forms around the fully functional left arm. *BOOM!*

Chrysalis tries to fight back tears but in all vain attempts they run down her cheeks showing defeat in the horizon.
Get out of my head!” The grayish purple beam of infinite love blasts Chrysalis out.

“Oooh…ah!” Chrysalis crash lands on her throne breaking the marble beauty into two.

Gold Sky lands in front of Chrysalis, taking grip with his left hoof while pulling back his right arm.
“Please!! No more!” Chrysalis begs. “No more, no more, please no more, no more, no more, please no more!” Her arms shield her face. “Please…Gold Sky please have mercy.”

Gold Sky lowers his right arm. “Very well then I will show you mercy Chrysalis.” Gold Sky suddenly punches Chrysalis to the ground. “I will kill you right now.”
His horn glows to get the left horseshoe that is still on the severed off left arm to his regenerated left arm and extends the blade.

Chrysalis whelps to the blade pointing down to her chest causing her to throw in that card when plan after plan fails. “Gold Sky wait! We had sex last night and chances are high you impregnated me with our beautiful children.”

Oh she did not just say that to him. “I’m going to let you in on a secret Chrysalis. You know when I said earlier I promised to never be a father and after ten years married to the Love of my life we never had any children all thanks to me. You. Well you are not pregnant…because I always pull out and you were so happy to even bother noticing the moment I pulled out.”

That card will not be saving her.

Gold Sky buried his left horseshoe blade in the right side of Chrysalis’s chest almost enjoying her long scream of pain. Slowly he picks her up and flaps his wing to stand perfectly on his hind legs, his magic opens the side vent to get his tomahawk in his right hoof. “If dying through the heart worked for me then it will work for you. Any last words Chrysalis?”

“P-please don’t kill me your future wife and Queen.” Chrysalis will never take no for an answer.

“What terrible use of last words Chrysalis.” Gold Sky aims the tomahawk at the heart and swings it forward to kill this immortal making this kill worth more than all the other kills he has.

“NO!” A voice roars out.

The tomahawk stops, leaving a one millimeter left between the sharpened edge and skin.

“Daddy please don’t kill her! Spare her life and forgive her!” Gilda pleads.

“I already forgave her sweetheart, I am simply rewarding her with the death she deserves. “ Gold Sky moves the tomahawk back.
From above Lauren comes down and touches Gilda’s shoulder infusing the griffon with the same words her father spoke to the single mother. “But daddy didn’t you say you’re tiring of killing!”

Chrysalis sees the magenta eyes widen.

“You are love in physical form and as love you don’t want to kill anymore, it just isn’t you daddy, I mean even in the battlefield I was horrified please don’t kill the Queen. End it here! End it here! If you won’t do it for yourself then please do it for me!”

Gold Sky doesn’t express any emotion keeping the Queen on the line of uncertainty.

Gilda comes and takes the tomahawk of Gold Sky’s grip dropping it to the floor. “Do it for me…how can you be my loving daddy if you end up becoming a shadow standing behind me. Becoming a monster.”

“Please. I hope it works.” Rarity says in her mind.

Of course it will work.” Lauren says from the heavenly paradise.

*Sigh* Gold Sky retracts his left horseshoe blade dropping Chrysalis to the floor and turns his back to her. “Come, sweetheart lets us leave this place.” With his wing covering Gilda he walks towards Rarity standing at the entrance but suddenly stops. His magic brandishes his knife. “Something I need to do.” The knife skins off his cutie mark.
Chrysalis on the floor can only crawl.

“Here Chrysalis.” Gold Sky throws the skinned off cutie mark at her. “Have a piece of me and this too.” His magic brings forth Chrysalis’s crystal bottle full of his blood. “I suggest you limit yourself Chrysalis.”

“Gold Sky wait.” Chrysalis calls out stopping him. “You could be my king.” She slides his crown over to him. “We could rule together as one.”

“My what a nice crown.” Rarity thinks to herself.

Gold Sky levitates the crown to study it. “I am not worthy to be a Prince so what makes you think I’m worthy to be a king.” The grayish purple aura breaks the crown in half and throws it at the Queen. “If you ever come near me ever again Chrysalis I will beat you to an inch of your life. If you ever come near my daughter and mother, I will kill you in the slowest way possible. Is that clear.”

Chrysalis with tears in her eyes again reaches for the shattered crown. “Why…”

“ANSWER ME! IS THAT CLEAR!” The yell echoes in the throne room.

“Y-yes.” Chrysalis answers in defeat

“Good oh.” Gold Sky telepathically asks Rarity to create a heart with her magic. “I will always have your heart Chrysalis. I will keep it but I will never cherish it, I will keep it in a prison. Immortality is a curse you will always have now that heart is you’re greatest pain.”

Rarity, Gilda, and Gold Sky leave the throne room.

The Queen is defeated, cursed with an unattainable love, and Rarity will never come near her again. “I lost everything.” Chrysalis starts sobbing and frankly even though Gold Sky could hear her he just doesn’t give a damn.

“It’s time to go home.” Gold Sky speaks the words Rarity wants to hear. “Ready you two, wait a minute something is not right.”

“What do you mean?” Gilda asks.

“I hear a child crying.” Gold Sky finds the child near its parent, he did not kill the parent but the parent past out causing the child to believe its parent died. He takes the child into his arms and soothes it with a song he has always sung to Gilda whenever her mind was not at peace.

Gilda and Rarity marvel from Gold Sky being a killer of so many Changelings can be so loving to this little one. After all Rarity did call him the father of earth perhaps she is right in that aspect.

“Sleep peacefully little one. By the time you wake up your parent shall also be awake too. Now let’s go home.” Gold Sky takes Gilda and Rarity under his wings and thinks of Rarity’s room.



In the Crystal Empire.
Cadance with some help from Yahshua sighs in relief to see Gold Sky spare the Queen at least Gold Sky will listen to his daughter to come away from the threshold. Sure Cadance may not trust the Queen especially when Chrysalis deceived Shining Armor but she will never wish death upon anyone much less will she want her brother shed blood and then be much closer to be the Razor without becoming the Razor. “I can now telepathically watch over him and go into his mind without any blocks stopping me.” Cadance who is in deep concentration watches the reconstruction of Gold Sky’s galaxy. She looks at some warm rays of light orbiting around the core watching memories of Princess Celestia. “Gold Sky though he does not show it to Gilda and Rarity he really wants to be with his mother. The mother is the wisest mare he knows and more importantly the mother’s love is what he wants. He simply wants to feel the love and comfort his mother can provide. Well as it is said, behind every strong stallion is a strong mother.” Though in deep concentration Cadance suddenly smiles. “It’s good to know he’s back home where he belongs.” Happy she is still curious to the point she travels to an inner band of the galaxy. “He gave Rarity his blood transitioning their relationship from adoptive to blood relationship but me and him are biological, yet only once we had a genuine conversion and he stuttered a lot plus almost peed himself when I touched his shoulder.” Cadance touched the core. “I want my brother to truly be my brother. Why does Rarity take away my brother from me.

“She did not.” Yahshua sternly declared.

“I mean, why is Rarity so lucky to have Gold Sky look up to her when he should be looking up to me.” *sigh* “I have time and I will protect him. He is Love and I Spread Love. We are one of a kind.

Cadance got out of Gold Sky’s mind when she found she isn’t in any of his memories in fact she is nowhere to be found in the galaxy.

“We’re home.” Rarity instantly jumped to her bed to feel it soak in its familiarity. “We’re home!”

“Yes we’re home my dear sister. We’re home.” Gold Sky looked outside of Rarity’s window to lay his eyes on Canterlot. “I’m home mommy.”

Nonetheless first things first. “Rarity please bring little sister. I want to tell Sweetie Belle how much I missed her.”
Rarity removed her armor first, quickly brushed her hair, checked if she has any sweat, and had a quick thought of Spikey-Wikey pass their her mind. “I’m on my way. Jump!”


Still in his blood stained armor and cloak Gold Sky tells Gilda to be prepared to meet somebody she’ll love very much.

Rarity reappears with the adorable filly. “GOLD SKY!!” Sweetie Belle who in total consuming happiness is blind to the blood stained armor and cloak instead she sees is Gold Sky. “Gold Sky!” That little cute break in her voice came just like the hug she’s giving him right now. “I missed you so much!”

“And I missed you too Sweetie Belle, you don’t know how much I missed you and longed to see you again.” Gold Sky kisses Sweetie Belle and hugs her tight. “I’m sorry if you thought I perished.” From his eyes a tear lands on the filly. “I love you little sister.”

This is impossible. Daddy was a killer moments ago and now he’s very loving just like he was with that crying child, my daddy has two sides of him. Love and Death.” Gilda tells herself.

When the end of the hug came to an end Gold Sky passed a hoof down Sweetie Belle’s happy face. “Sweetie Belle there is somebody I want you to meet.” He moves out of the little filly’s field of view.

“Is that a griffon Gold Sky?”

Gold Sky softly chuckles. “Yes that is a griffon. And she is my beautiful daughter.”

Sweetie Belle gasps and looks up to Gold Sky with super wide adorable eyes. “She’s Gil-Gilda!?”

Gilda is surprised to see this little filly knows her name.

“Yes that’s her.”

Sweetie Belle goes up to the tall and rather big griffon. “Hello Gilda.”

“H-hi Sweetie Belle.”

Without any sign of warning Sweetie Belle jumps up and tightly hugs Gilda. “I love you!”

Shocked Gilda froze to those words. “Y-you love me even though you just met me??”

“You are my big brother’s beautiful daughter Gilda and you’re family.” Amazing for a young pony to just love this griffon. “I love you Gilda!” Sweetie Belle sealed her love with a kiss to the cheek.

Gilda smiles at her father. “I can’t believe this little pony is my Aunt!” Talk about a major difference in years.

“I-I love you too Sweetie Belle.”

Gilda never thought she’ll experience something like this.

Love’s testament…Family.


Chapter. 62- Seven times Seventy and still working on title. (Focus mainly on Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle, Gilda, CMC, Big Macintosh, Bon Bon, and a little bit of Gold Sky with Lauren the Archangel oh and AppleJack too.)

My dearest subjects if you didn't understand the DC Super Heroine FoxofRarity referenced in the previous chapter it's Power Girl his number four favorite super hero, Kara Zor-L. Also my dearest subjects I know I said I write short chapters but I wanted to write a bit about Sweetie Belle accepting Gilda.

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