• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Lay down your burdens.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.



Disclaimer- Arthur's note at end and please comment your opinions. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

In the Heavenly Paradise Lauren the Archangel laid in the highest tower overlooking the vast infinite serenity below her, gracefully Yahshuah, the son of the Great Spirit appeared next to her.

“I felt devastating amounts of shock in Gold Sky but I can’t find him. Lauren do you know where he is, since he is always close to you.” Yahshuah asked.

Lauren nodded and lifted up her right wing. Right there slept Gold Sky, close to Lauren. She quickly covered him with her wing so the light radiating from the Great Spirit wouldn’t wake him up.

“Aww, how sweet of you Lauren.” Yahshuah doted.

“Thank you, I had to enter his mind so I can show him memories of his wife so he wouldn’t have a complete nervous breakdown, after seeing that his own parents didn’t recognize him. I could see his last bit of himself that maintains his liveliness about to crumble completely. I guess he doesn’t know that when a pony dies all their memories they stored from their time on Earth dies with the body while their spirit starts with a clean slate when it comes here unless they were a married couple and died together at the same time like his parents, then they only keep that one memory that reminds them they’re married. But he retained all his memories expect for the ones you took out.” Lauren said.

“Does he know about his wife’s condition and did he ask any questions about her?”

Lauren’s horn glowed in making her voice invisible to Gold Sky’s ears. “He doesn’t know she’s pregnant and when he asked why she was rubbing her belly I simply told him that she’s hungry. It will not be long until he finds out and then what? He will just become a shell…he will be a father who cannot guide and protect his child.”

Gold Sky started to stir; quickly Lauren lifted up her wing and gently nuzzled Gold Sky. “There, there Gold Sky go back to sleep I am right here by you.” He stopped stirring, got closer to Lauren and fell back asleep. Lauren covered him with her wing once more.

“He’s warming up to you Lauren. Still, I already know what you’re thinking, however I will have to give him back the memories I took out from his mind. If I am to do what you’re thinking, I understand your empathy for him and I too wished he didn’t die but he’s here with us. Because everything happens through the will of the Father.” The Son created some shade so Lauren can uncover Gold Sky allowing him to place a hand on Gold Sky’s forehead.

“You are really a living testament of my love. Love thy enemies, turn the other cheek, and love those around you just as you love yourself. The reason you are here is to finally realize the one thing you refused in doing for many years. And that is forgiving yourself.” Yahshuah voiced in a loving fatherly manner.

Lauren covered Gold Sky and brought him closer to her. “His wife’s pregnancy will be an abnormal one, her child will develop much faster at half the time than those of the mortal ponies. We only got five and a half months until his wife gives birth and those same five and a half months may be his last because after seeing his wife give birth he'll give up the will to live and his spirit...will die.” She nuzzled him again because how can terrible things happen to this kind stallion.


Pinkie Pie woke up to the sound of Mr. Cake’s voice telling her to rise and shine. “Time to wake up dearie and I got to say your mane is puffier than ever, did you put cake frosting on your mane again?” Mr. Cake asked.

Pinkie yawned all while Mr. Cake looked on with wonder at seeing how Pinkie’s jaw can get that wide. “I will be down in a minute let me just make two invitations first.”

“Oh for who are the invitations for?”

Pinkie thought for a quick moment since half in her mind is still in sleep mode. “Uhh…OH! They’re for Rarity and Rainbow Dash.”

“Ah, those two mares are very charming anyway I be downstairs, Cup Cake (Mrs. Cake) had to take Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake to Nurse Redheart for a checkup.” Mr. Cake left Pinkie’s room to head down to the kitchen.
Pinkie thought about her thoughtless actions she commented towards Rarity and Rainbow Dash, she felt bad for making Rarity cry but more importantly she became a bit afraid because what if Gold Sky were to find out that she made Rarity cry, he will be furious at her.

Still she intended to make up for it to Rarity and Rainbow Dash, so Pinkie went to a safe she hid under her bed and after putting in the combination she opened the safe to get a gallon sized bag filled with hundreds of shiny bits. Truth be told, all of those bits were from customers who wanted her to be quiet.

“Perhaps I can make it up to them by getting them a suite at that super fancy hotel in Canterlot so they can have a night for themselves…ahohoahoa!” Pinkie shivered violently at that thought. “I will always be disgusted by the fact that Rarity and Rainbow are mare lovers but on Rarity’s part I blame Blueblood, Rainbow Dash well hmmm? I guess she got used to all the stares the mares gave her after becoming the best flyer champion. Time to work and maybe during lunch I can ask Twilight to mail the invitations out to my friends because no matter what, they will always be my friends. Check!” Pinkie pulled out a green checkmark from behind her ear.


Zecora arrived at the library, but her usual happy go lucky feeling turned into despair at seeing the closed sign on the library door. “Oh dear me, Twilight Sparkle isn’t present at this pleasant but xquisite home. Have some brunch I will go.”

The Zebra mare trotted over to The Sugarcube corner because she heard that the Derpy & Sorin muffin pie is good.

The hard rain pouring down on the Everfree Forest started to soften with the passing hours, prompting Spike to wake up from his ecstasy induced sleep. He felt Rarity’s loving arm on him and her warm breath tickling his neck, he felt so happy that he was able to express his love for Rarity without fear of ridicule. The terms of their relationship are now sealed in his mind and he will have to let go of his fair lady Rarity. If Rarity can do it then so can he.

Rarity’s ears twitched slightly at hearing the rain letting up outside, so she opened her eyes to be greeted by the dragon she loved. Spike may be a dragon. “But he’s my Spikey-Wikey.” Rarity said in her mind. Spike’s green eyes looked deep into Rarity’s azure eyes, in unison they smiled at each at other, in unison they frowned.

Once the rain stops and once they leave this cave. Their love for one another must stay here. Permanently. Spike’s dragon heart finally accepted truth. No amount of magic can change him from what he really is just like no amount of magic can change Rarity into the most beautiful dragon.

“Rarity.” Spike called out in a meek voice.

“Yes, Spike.” She answered.

“It ends here doesn’t it?” Spike asked in a heavy voice.

Rarity looked away from Spike to gain the courage she needed to answer his question.

Spike nodded at her while trying to control his ever increasing breathing which will then lead to tears. Rarity, also felt grief rising inside of her, she didn’t want to go back to her set normality of suffering and unpredictable appearances from Twilight Sparkle.

However, the rain hasn’t stopped yet.

One last time.

Rarity shifted to lie on her back. “Spike, let’s make our last moment count.”
Spike saw the tender smile on Rarity’s face, this is their last loving moment together and he wished time can stop.
So Spike slowly got on top of Rarity while Rarity wrapped her arms around his neck, he looked into her eyes and felt the fire in him raging with content.

“Can I say it one last time?” Spike asked. Rarity nodded.
“I love you, Rarity…I-I-I love you and may my love for you be put to rest.” Said Spike.

Rarity’s smile got bigger at hearing those words with genuine emotion. “I love you too, Spike. If only our love was allowed to blossom, I love you Spike, you will always be in my heart” With those words Rarity brought Spike down to kiss him.

Their lips met and locked. Spike ran his hands down Rarity’s body, this caused her to moan softly. Spike kept moving his hands down until his left hand finally made it to her flank. He could feel the solidness of her leg muscle, she moaned louder so he started to rub her flank. Rarity meanwhile hugged Spike tighter and decided to surprise him a bit by wrapping her back legs around him. “OH!” Thought Spike as he felt Rarity’s back legs wrap around him, he kept rubbing her flank and he kept relishing Rarity’s lips.

The rain stopped…their cue.

Their long violent kiss ended. Rarity unwrapped her back legs from Spike, they slowly pulled away from each other causing a long bridge of saliva to form between them. Spike nodded at Rarity, got off of her, and helped her up.

It’s time to go back home and move on. Rarity felt a cold feeling rising in her chest, such powerful love she felt with Spike but yet this feeling she never had with Applejack whenever they made out. Again Rarity asked herself if Applejack really is the right pony for her. Questions always filled Rarity’s mind when it came to love. She knows what true love is or to be more clear she seen what true love is. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor is a supreme example of true love, their love saved Equestria and their love is bliss. Rarity wants to be loved. It’s a basic instinct everypony has and so far Rarity hasn’t found anything close to that bliss with Applejack but amazingly she found it with Spike. Painstakingly though, her love for Spike has to end here. Sweet things die first while the unsweet lasts forever.

“Spike, I-I…” Rarity started to choke up. “I wish that if I knew that I was ever going to meet a sweet, kind, gentle, helpful, loving, and unique dragon like you. I’ll do anything to change my coat for scales. I-I wish we could have something Spike…*sigh* Thank you, Spike. I will always be there for you. Your love is beautiful.” Rarity rubbed her head against Spike’s head.

Spike closed his eyes to find the right words. “Rarity, not a day goes in which I wished I could change my scales for a coat. But I am what I am just you are what you are. I am a dragon with no wings and you are a Unicorn, well a very lovely one too if I might add. You see I come to self realization, after I transformed into that fearsome side of me when I became greedy on my birthday. How can somepony love a creature that can cause so much damage and harm, but yet I am in love with you. You are always kind to me but the more I thought about you caused me to think, what if that kindness is only pity for me. Since I’m a young dragon and just an entrance exam, my first breath came through magic and I guess magic makes me more…Pony. Rarity, if you can move on then that means I can too and as hard as I can’t believe the words coming out of my mouth we must leave the emotions we have for each other in this cave. Forever.” Tears ran down Spike’s cutest chubby cheeks. The experience of true love made Spike feel whole again, he got to hear the mare of his dreams confess that she had feelings for him, he got to kiss her, sleep by her, and protect her. “I remember Gold Sky telling me about how he first met Octavia…hm, now I know how he felt.”

Rarity told Spike to get on her back, after getting on, she slowly made way to the entrance of the cave, but Rarity stopped one step short. “Just one more time! One more time!” Rarity yelled in her mind. Her horn glowed, creating an aura around Spike which levitated him to be in front of her.

“Please! I don’t what we had to be gone now! Spike, I love you! But deep down my intuition tells me you’re right. This hurts me as much as it hurts you.” Rarity brought Spike close to her and kissed him with sad passion for the last time.

The kiss ended and Spike got back on Rarity’s back. The left part of his chest where his heart is started to glow with each beat, his heart wants to be part of Rarity but his mind knows better.

“I’m sorry, Rarity…but we must leave everything behind. For your own good.” Spike said.

Rarity sighed deeply.

Move on.

“Spike, please say it. Say it for the last time.” Rarity asked.

The young dragon patted Rarity on the neck. “I love you, Rarity. I love you and I will always cherish you, Fair lady Rarity.” Spike hugged Rarity.

“And I…I love you, Spike. My dear Spikey-Wikey.”
She hesitated but forced her hoof to take the last step out of the cave. Rarity, felt a massive jolt of pain sting her heart but as Spike specified earlier it’s for her own good.

Time to go back home, back to fear…back to Applejack.


Fluttershy followed Twilight out of Ponyville, she did not know where in the world Twilight was going but as long as she got to spend time with Twilight, then overall she didn’t care where she went.

Both Elements made it to their destination. Twilight saw how wrecked Octavia’s and Gold Sky’s house was, Twilight went in first. Her nose picked up the smell of dried blood, urine that must have been left behind by the wounded guards, and magic. She smelled the magical fluid that flows from the magic organs that rest lateral to the lungs, the fluid must have flowed out when the Razor broke off the horns of the Unicorn guards. Twilight wanted to pay her dearest respects to Gold Sky, she didn’t intend for Octavia to get injured which caused Gold Sky to turn into the emotionless Razor and she never intended for Gold Sky to get killed by the Elite Commando guard. Sure that thought crossed her head once or twice but her plan looked better if he’s only subdued.

“Uh, Twilight. Whose house is this and why is there so much damage?” Fluttershy asked after entering the home.

“It Octavia’s and Gold Sky’s house, I…ERR! Somepony attacked Octavia causing Gold Sky to run all the way from Canterlot to protect her, he broke through that wall and tried to fight the pony that attacked his wife. Royal guards arrived to apprehend him but they couldn’t stop him then the Elite Commando guard arrived to stop him and they did by killing him. I just learned about this a while ago, so I came here to pay my respects.” Twilight continued looking for that sparkling spot.
“Oh…that’s so terrible poor Gol…” Twilight cut her off.

“Fluttershy there is no need for false sympathies I understand that you didn’t know him very well, but do not express sadness when you don’t have any! AH!” Twilight found the spot.
Twilight’s horn glowed in taking out the rose and placing it on the spot. Her vast intelligent mind connected the dots.

She looked up at the hole in the ceiling which led to an upstairs room. “The commandos engaged him up there and used magic to bring him downstairs.”

Twilight turned her head to the right and spotted an impact crater on the wall. “Gold Sky threw a guard against the wall.”

“I’m sorry Gold Sky I didn’t mean for any of this to happen to you. May you rest in peace and may your child know about the loving stallion that died protecting his wife…from me.” Twilight recited in her mind.

Fluttershy meanwhile noticed some silver horseshoes near her, so out of curiosity she placed a hoof into one of the horseshoes. “Aw, it’s too big, OH!” She became amazed at seeing the horseshoe shrink to fit around her hoof. Fluttershy became astonished so she proceeded in putting on the rest of the horseshoes, she noticed a mirror lying sideways on the ground. Fluttershy trotted over to the mirror to admire her reflection. “Wow. I look so cute in horseshoes, perhaps I could borrow them and…” Fluttershy couldn’t finish her thought because while Twilight was giving her respects she caught ear of the tapping noise the horseshoes make.

“Fluttershy! Take off those horseshoes and put them back where you found them!” Twilight yelled at the yellow Pegasus. Fluttershy obeyed and took off the silver horseshoes.

Suddenly Twilight noticed a sparkling spear nearby, she knew the commandos stabbed Gold Sky in the heart. How else can they kill him? Not with magic, his body healed rapidly. Physical strength? He was able to hold out against many pegasus and unicorn guards with only his strength. Then came the Elite Commando guard and killed this monster. It may or may not been easy but they accomplished what the Royal guard couldn't do by going for the heart. *Ting!* Twilight remembered an excerpt from a book she read by Starswirl the Bearded, the blood from the heart is the purest of blood.

Twilight’s magic levitated the sparkling spearhead.
“Blood from the heart is the purest of blood; I should be able to extract perfect DNA”

The lavender unicorn broke off the spearhead and placed it in a Ziploc bag. She then took out some slides, used her fine brush to brush some sparkling particles onto the slide and placed the slides in her saddle bags.

“C’mon Fluttershy we’re done here.”

“Good! Let’s go eat something and then we could study together.” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Huh?” Twilight got taken aback at hearing Fluttershy say that she studies.

“Fluttershy, what do you study?” Twilight asked.

“You.” Replied Fluttershy.

A chill ran down Twilight’s spine at hearing that. Twilight wants to be free from Fluttershy, but no matter how hard she tries to create a permanent fix against Fluttershy. It never works.

Desperate times call for unethical desperate measures.

Magic, Strength, Flight, and Immortality all in a single strand of DNA, so all she needs to do is take magic and strength and carefully synthesize it with her own DNA. Genetics…

And then perhaps she can have a chance to fight back against this kind juggernaut.

Princess Luna walked to into the chamber of the royal court. “Honorable members of the royal court, I, her majesty Princess Luna come before you, to tell you that the prisoner Gold Sky has fled from Equestria.” Luna decided to keep Gold Sky’s death a secret from the royal court but more importantly she will always maintain the law. But to also maintain his honor.

All the members of the royal court huddled together to discuss the matter. “Great the first rapist we catch gets away! I told you we should of placed him under the watchful eye of the Elite Commando guard!” Said a member. “We should create search parties to find that rapist!” Another one said. “Didn’t you hear what her majesty just said!? The prisoner fled from Equestria, there is no way we’ll be able to track him down because chances are high that he went into the Griffon Republic. And the treaty states that no fighting force is allowed in.”
In the heat of the bickering Augustus and Victorious decided to yell out a random suggestion.
“Why not use his wife to make him came to us in which we can use the Elite Commando guard to capture him!”

Princess Luna became tense at hearing that! But she cannot interfere with the duty of the royal court.

The whole chamber went quiet at hearing that idea. A few of the members started to nod until the senor member spoke. “NO! We will not resort of going that low! We are after the suspect not his wife! She will not be thrown into this because if all of you think about it. That rapist husband of hers never laid a hoof on her or commented marital rape on her. If any of you dare to mention that idea again I will personally shove a can *smoker’s cough* excuse me, a can of *smoker’s cough* sorry ok, a can *more smoker’s cough*…just don’t involve her in this! Anypony got a light?” The members just stared at him with total question.

Finally after long minutes of arguing, blowing big puffs of smoke into faces, more coughing, and somepony eating a cupcake filled with a laxative. The royal court finally came up with a decision.
“We will wait for him and capture him if he is to return and visit his wife. There problem solved…UH OH! BATHROOM!!!”

Princess Luna sighed in relief, she left the royal court to go wake up Delta Scorch.

Cloud Kicker woke up long time ago, she was simply enjoying this moment at watching Delta Scorch sleep soundly by her. She enjoyed seeing how cute he looked. Cloud Kicker moved in to nuzzle him on the cheek. Delta stirred a little at feeling this and moved closer to Cloud Kicker, he moaned softly.
“Delta my Delta, being blinded by that bright flash allowed me to meet you. I’m so lucky to have you…you’re my special somepony.” Cloud Kicker whispered softly in his ear.

Slowly approaching the door Luna’s horn glowed.

The Princess of the Moon entered the room. She smiled at seeing her son being with a loving mare. “Delta wakey, wakey. You have to meet the two new members of Lakota squad now that Flying Havoc will be grounded in the hospital for a long time. Are you listening to me? Wake up please.”

Cloud Kicker helped out by softly kissing Delta. His eyes opened. Cloud Kicker turned to Princess Luna. “I’m not kissing him!” Luna blurted out.

“Your majesty, um good morning. I overslept right?”
Luna unfolded her wings in response to Delta’s question.

So Delta smiled at Cloud Kicker before getting up from bed. He told her that he will try to have lunch with her. Cloud Kicker was about to answer until Luna butted in.

“Delta! Barracks, suit up now!” Luna ordered.
*POOF* Delta teleported.

Cloud Kicker smiled at Princess Luna and Princess Luna smiled back.
"Your Majesty I'll be leaving your presence." The Pegasus got up to leave but before she can exit the guest room, the doors slammed in her face.

"Cloud Kicker, I want you to listen and listen well, I know it's been a couple of days that you and Delta Scorch started dating and from the looks of it you seem to like him a lot." Luna said in a regal calm voice.

"Yes your majesty he's a really nice fellow, I feel really comfortable around him he isn't like at the other stallions from Cloudsdale..." Princess Luna placed a hoof over Cloud Kicker's mouth

"Listen Cloud Kicker, Delta is my personal guard and my son."

Cloud Kicker's eyes widened at hearing those words.

"Not my biological son, but I love him very much as my son. You see I took him under my wing after his father and mother died. I care about him very much. It feels so good being a mother. I will always comfort him whenever he is experiencing a bad dream of the death of his father... Let me cut to the chase, Delta Scorch has been heartbroken once and I will not allow that to happen again. If you ever...!" Luna got closer to Cloud Kicker. "If you ever!" Luna's eyes glowed. "If you ever hurt my son! I will become your worst NIGHTMARE!! Is that clear!"

"Y-y-yes, Princess Luna." Cloud Kicker fearfully answered.

"I'm sorry if I have to be blunt and really straight forward with you. I'm immortal and I want my son to be happy as much as he can. So if you want, you can visit him or move in with him, but let me just tell you that couples who live together before they're married often end up getting divorced, telling you the statistics. Any who, I can sense Delta's happiness whenever he thinks of you, I think he told you that he almost died but you saved him, thank you, Cloud Kicker." Luna gave Cloud Kicker a nod of respect and left.

Cloud Kicker sighed. "I will never hurt him your majesty."

"Captain Delta Scorch, sir!" Iron Cloud declared.

"At ease Corporal. Iron Cloud. Sgt. Helo Fox."

Princess Luna walked in with a Pegasus stallion and a elegant Unicorn Mare.

"Lakota squad say hello to your two new squad mates, Crazy mare and Fleur-de-Lis." Luna said happily.

Helo Fox's pupils turned into hearts, he took off his helmet to slick back his mane, and checked his breath.
"Well hello there Ms. Fleur- de-Lis, my name is Helo Fo..."

"She's taken Helo Fox." Luna injected.

"Woo and I'm going back to my place." Helo Fox went back to his spot in line.

"Ok as I was saying these two are the new members of Lakota squad. They will be replacing Flying Havoc, and once again the Pegasus's name is Crazy Mare and the Unicorn's Fleur-de-Lis." Luna laid out.

Delta Scorch tilted his head in amusing confusion. "Uhhhhh, your majesty did you say that the name of the stallion is Crazy Mare???"

"Yes I did Captain, that is his name. Now I will be leaving so all of you can get acquainted. Both of them are very well trained so don't bother trying to give them a hard time and don't hit on Fleur-de-Lis she doesn't like that. OH! And don't let Helo Fox be the one to take their body measures for their armor."

"Dang!" Helo Fox pouted.

"Good bye Lakota Squad." Luna left to go find Octavia.

"So Crazy Mare, umm..." Iron Cloud inquired hesitantly. "Did your parents lose a bet in which somepony else got to name you?"

"No sir, my parents wanted a daughter but instead they got me so out of frustration they named me Crazy Mare, sir! If I might also add, sir! Please just get all your laughs about my name out of your system right now please, sir!" Crazy Mare said.

So Delta Scorch, Iron Cloud, Helo Fox, and Fleur-de-Lis all started laughing until tears came out of their eyes.

"Humph, I thought they will be more serious." Crazy Mare thought.

"Ok, oh, ok, ok, ok I think that's enough laughing for today. Iron Cloud please take their body measurements for their armor." Delta said while trying to catch his breath.

"Yes, sir." Replied Iron Cloud.

"Awwww, but I wanted to measure them." Whined Helo Fox.

"You want to do my job!" Iron Cloud yelled.

"YES!" Helo Fox screamed.

Iron Cloud got caught off guard. "Well...you can't."

Helo Fox just hung his head low. Delta Scorch looked at his new squad mates, first time he sees a female commando and first time he finally adjusts to his new rank.

Captain Delta Scorch of the Elite Commando guard and Luna's powerful Fox Company.


In the palace dining room Princess Luna stood at the entrance waiting for Celestia and Octavia to finish hugging. She thought she felt some actual butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. Luna didn't want to face Octavia. After all she gave the order to her commandos to kill Gold Sky and Octavia beat the fight out of Flying Havoc, her best commando.

Princess Celestia's magenta iris reflected Luna. So Celestia let go of Octavia, and got some distance. "Octavia, there is somepony who wants to talk to you. I will leave you two alone." Celestia nuzzled Octavia on the head before leaving. As she walked by Luna, Celestia told her something. "Luna, she may resent you. So good luck."

Luna took a deep breath and slowly approached the gray mare.

The sharp ears of the gray mare picked up Luna's heartbeat.

Octavia's grayish purple eyes looked at Luna with cold cruelty. How she wanted to make Luna suffer just she made Flying Havoc suffer, but if she tried, she might end up being blasted with magic.

"What do you want...your majesty." Octavia said in a cold voice.

"No words I can say will be enough to comfort you. You hate me, you want to hurt me, because you want me to feel what you're feeling. I gave that order out of fear. I was scared, I didn't want to, but I had to. Feeling my connection fading away from his mind hurts. There is nothing I can do, all I could now is ask for your forgiveness. Please Octavia, I know what I did took away your husband and your child's daddy. I remember asking him when he wanted to be a daddy, he shrugged while saying he doesn't deserve to be one. And when I asked him if he wanted a colt he became pale with fear, I'm telling you this because I think you should know. He was a good stallion a-an-and...I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Octavia." Luna waited for Octavia to say something.

Octavia flared her nostrils wide and breathed out a stream of breath. "Sorry, humph, sorry. Is that all you can do Luna!? Sorry? You think by simply saying that word it will change everything, I hate...no. I don't hate you. Gold Sky will never hate, so why should I. You can't do anything! Nothing! If you saw what I saw before he died you will fully understand why I will never consider forgiving you. I AM GOING TO BE A SINGLE MOTHER!!" Octavia roared. "I am immortal like you, but you're used to it. His sparkling blood is on you not your commandos! My child will never join in the celebrations of nightmare night. She will grow up to hate the night."

Luna frowned, what was the point of her trying if Celestia was right already.

"Luna, you can say you're sorry by taking me to Sweet Apple acres."

"Of course, Octavia." Luna said hopefully.

"But that doesn't mean I'm even close to ever forgiving you."

So Luna placed a wing over Octavia and both of them went to the farm. Upon arriving Luna wondered why Octavia wanted to come here.

"Please stay here, your majesty." Octavia told Luna. Octavia knocked on the door and Applejack answered.

Applejack's eyes widened with fear at seeing the gray mare while her body trembled. "Oc-Octavia why are you here and is that Luna?"

"Don't worry about her Applejack. I'm just here to tell you something."

Applejack tried her best not to stammer. "Tell me wh-w-what."

Octavia blinked her eyes dry. "Gold Sky died."

A soft western wind blew through the manes of both Earth ponies. Applejack being the Element of Honesty knows when somepony is lying. Her gut didn't tell her anything after hearing what Octavia said.

"Don't lie to me Octavia, Gold Sky is not dead. C'mon now sugarcube he is not dead." Again her gut told her Octavia isn't lying.


Gold Sky's wedding band spun a couple of times before finally coming to a stop.

"You know he will never take off his wedding band."

Applejack shook her head in disbelief, this is all to much to comprehend.

Suddenly Octavia got within a hairs reach of Applejack's face. "But whats worse, you killed my child's daddy." Octavia growled.

The orange earth pony gasped. "Ah'm sorry! Ah'm so sorry! Ah didn't you're pregnant I'm sorry!" Applejack fell to her knees begging for Octavia to forgive her.

Octavia went between Rage and Peace.
"You're the second one to tell me that." And with that Octavia buried her hoof into Applejack's face.

Luna was about to act until Octavia turned around to look at her.
"Don't you dare."

Octavia went inside and closed the door behind her.

Luna's horn glowed which in turn sharpened her hearing, she can hear the sound of somepony being thrown around, sounds of bones breaking, and Applejack's voice. "Please stop! Ah thought they will just arrest him not kill him AHHHHH!"
"Hmm, broken ribs." Luna thought.
Applejack kept on begging. "Octavia please! Ah'm sorr..." "Octavia struck her in the windpipe to make be quiet."

"Whats going down there! Applejack are you and Apple Bloom wresting again!" Granny Smith asked.

Octavia stopped to clear her throat. "Yes." She replied in perfect imitation of Applejack's voice.

"Oh ok, don't play too rough girls." Granny said as she went back to take her nap.

Luna heard Octavia resume punishing Applejack. Finally after what seemed like half an hour the door opened and Octavia walked out wiping some blood off her hoof. She picked Gold Sky's wedding band and went up to Luna.

"Thank you."

"Why did you hurt Applejack?"

"Because she accused Gold Sky of raping Rarity... all of which lead to his death. Please take me back to Celesta." Octavia asked.

Luna teleported back to the palace.

Applejack let tears run down her cheeks. So much pain again and from the same mare, Applejack tasted the bitter metallic flavor of her blood.

"Ah'm sorry, Gold Sky." Soon Applejack felt her pain going away, his blood began to heal her body.


"Where am I... is this Ponyville?" Gold Sky looked around at his surroundings. "Anypony here? Hello"

"Gold Sky." Said a voice.

The alicorn turned to the voice.

"Octavia! Is that you! OCTAVIA! It's you! MY HEART AND MY PULSE!" Gold Sky started to run towards her but he did not hear something whistling down on the left part of his back.

"AH!" Gold Sky screamed in pain. He saw that it was a spear causing his heart to beat slower. Gold Sky kept going but soon the weakness infecting his body caused him to start crawling towards Octavia. "Octavia! I'm coming. I'm not leaving you!"

"You broke your vow Gold Sky. Farewell my love." Octavia turned her back on him and sprinted off.

"OCTAVIA DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME!!" Blackness engulfed him.

"Wake up, Gold Sky wake up!" Lauren pleaded as she shook him.

Gold Sky gasped as he woke up.

Only a dream.
Lauren embraced Gold Sky to help him calm down, she knew what he dreamed and this is only the beginning.

"Ssh, it's over Gold Sky, it's over. I'm right here, sssh listen to my voice and relax it was only a dream." Lauren used her soothing voice to comfort him.

Gold Sky hugged Lauren tight, he wanted to cry but not on Lauren's shoulder. She's the Archangel and there are no tears in the heavenly paradise.

"You want to go see her?" Lauren asked.

"No." He replied.

"I understand."

"Thank you, Lauren."


Nightmare Moon will be writing the next two chapters. Yes, she will be writing the next two chapters. She scary. Also there is a reference from a well known film somewhere so if you know the reference please comment below.

Oh and in case you're wondering, Princess Celestia is always the optimistic one.

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