• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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The Fear in Generosity's Heart and the End of Retribution

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust


Chapter. 55

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

“The daughter becomes the father and the father the daughter.”

Gilda let out a short cry to those words being played in her father’s voice.
“He hurt me!” Gilda flew up to the highest cloud in the blue sky. She took in so much breath that her chest enlarged while her belly shrunk exposing every one of her ribs with the large breath in her lungs she let out a majestic roar that will make Fluttershy’s rarely seen lion jealous. “FATHER!! DADDY!! WHY!!!” The griffon jumped off the cloud going into speeding free fall to the ground. “I WANT TO HURT HIM!!!” With spite, Gilda’s wings flapped taking her off of her freefall trajectory and took her back to the sky. She changed her direction back to her house in order to make her father pay for hurting her even though she understands that it is Gold Sky’s fatherly duty to protect her from anything and even though that anything had to be him absent for ten years of her life.

The daughter plans to unleash all of her anger onto the father by letting the pain of the war, pride, scorn, and grief, be free and take over every part of her rationale. Anyhow Gilda by chance looked down to see an old ash tree near a old trekked dirt path. “Huh.” Gilda glided down to land in front of the old tree. “I remember this tree.” She touched the trunk and examined the tree. The left hand moved up the trunk only to be stopped a left over stump of a broken branch that never grew back. The loving griffon inside the heart remembered something.

Gilda looked down the dirt path to see Gold Sky and next to him is her. Not her in general but a much younger, with Sweetie Belle grade adorableness of course, and loving Gilda. Little Gilda happily walks next to her daddy while her daddy happily gives her a soft nuzzle on the head. Just then little Gilda sees the tree with a breathtaking eagerness to climb it. “Daddy, I’m going to climb that tree!” She ran up ahead to climb the ash tree.

“Please be careful sweetheart.” Gold Sky says as Gilda runs towards the tree.

The young griffon hopped off the ground and with her sharp talons gripped the strong trunk to begin her climb like a felidae…it sort of fits her since she is part of the felidae family.

“She looks so adorable climbing the tree!” Gold Sky said in his mind.

“Ooh!” Gilda grunts to her talons sinking into the trunk. “Just need to grip that branch and I’m on top of this tree!” The young griffon grabbed the branch. The instant her grip applied its weight the branch snapped, causing her to fall down and hit the ground. “AHH! DADDY!!!” Gilda shouted out to her father.

Gold Sky sprinted to Gilda and took her into his arms. “It’s okay, it's okay, sweetheart!” The Alicorn cooed to his daughter. “You’re okay, you’re okay.” He gently kissed her on her head to prevent tears from coming out of her eyes. “I will take away the hurt sweetheart.” More kisses comforted the young griffon. “I love you Gilda and I will hug you tighter sweetheart.”

Gilda wrapped her arms around Gold Sky’s neck, placed her head on his shoulder and smiled. The golden eyes moved up to gaze at her daddy and remind her that he is taking away the hurt. “I love you daddy, hmmmm.” Her little arms squeezed her daddy’s neck while her talons scrape his neck. But Gold Sky sucked it up to provide what his daughter needs. Love.

The little living flashback disappeared. “He had that look of fear on his face before he took me into his arms. Stupid tree why did you have to break on me?” Gilda carved the word dweeb on the ash tree, giggling as she does and circling the word so anybody who passes along will stop to look at the tree, notice the word and have a little giggle. “I wonder if father is thinking about me right…AH!!” A quick shake of the head buried that question inside a shallow grave. “That uh son of a...that son of a…that son of a…” She can’t lay a curse on the pony who loves her. “Strange! Why can I lay a curse on him? Is it because I love him so much now that I am back to my self. He loves me very much.” Gilda made a fist. “NO! I will make him pay for what he’s done to me!” She flew back into the air to seek her emotionally driven revenge.

In Gilda’s house Rarity is thinking of designs by doodling on some pieces of paper while Gilda’s adoptive mother snores loudly on the couch. “My, I’m amazed how she can sleep through Gilda’s shouting. Perhaps Gold Sky’s telepathy is that strong to put her in a deep sleep. Maybe some lace around on the collar will look good along with some silver colored lining around the end of the sleeves. There, now let’s look at my design!” The flawless Unicorn levitated the papers before her eyes. “Ugh, my magic was not in tune with my mind but in tune with my heart.”

The first design is Gold Sky holding a baby Gilda in his arms. “I think Gilda looks like this when she was just a little neonate.” The second design shows a much older Gilda but not in the adolescent years cowering behind Gold Sky while he stands in a defensive stance to protect her. “Now this I can see in Gold Sky.” Finally the last design is Gold Sky standing on his hind legs with his winds spread out; in his hooves he holds the earth in front of him and on his face is a fatherly smile. “I may be too daring to say this but I think Gold Sky is the father of Earth, he cannot hate but just love even his enemies. He loves children a lot, me of course, Octavia, Sweetie Belle, Rainbow Dash, Derpy, Big McIntosh, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Luna, and Celestia his mother. The Father. Gold Sky the Father.” Rarity made an emphasis on the last four words to see how it sounds to her ears. “If Gold Sky does not know his purpose then I think his purpose is not to be a son or a husband but a father. A nurturer, protector, and guider. Hehe sort of like my father.” Rarity knows she is her father’s favorite because he always encouraged her to be herself by practicing on him after she got her cutie mark. So many fine hats plus Hawaiian shirts lined with gems. Once Sweetie Belle came into the picture he began to show that tendency some fathers may have by trying rough and tumble activities with the young filly but he still treats Rarity the way he always treated her. A princess she has always been. “I bet if I was Gold Sky’s daughter he’ll be letting me make him suit after suit or dress after dress and he’ll be so loving to me so much like he is Gilda.” *Ting* “But what about his child that Octavia is carrying inside her womb? If he vowed to never be a father ever again then how is…” *Ting* Rarity stuck out her tongue in thinking this sort of thing, especially if it has Gold Sky in it. “I can take a wild estimate in seeing where he gone wrong. Ew, ew, ew, why am I thinking this, ew, ew, ew! Shame on you Rarity for coming up with that!”

Now with that done Rarity focused on something much more dire back in Ponyville. “If everything goes well here and Gilda comes with Gold Sky back home, I’m more than sure Twilight will be waiting for me, I know I won’t be able to fight her again, she’ll be expecting that from me also I know she has in her mind every one move of my fighting style. Even if I got angry like I did last time she will still defeat me but how can she heal!? She must have stolen some of Gold Sky’s blood!” Yeah no, that does not make much sense. *Sigh* “Gold Sky must have given her some of his blood. I bet she used the puppy eyes on him or he just did so because he’s so loving. My own brother unknowingly helped Twilight by giving her telepathy and tissue regeneration. Perhaps.” Rarity stopped when realizing that she is being selfish to ask Gold Sky to help her. “I can’t ask Gold Sky to help me, I just can’t ask him to help me when he wants Gilda to forgive him and there’s Octavia plus his child. I need, no, I won’t ask him to help me!! He has the potential to be powerful by having his body glow like it did last time when he came down from the sky.”Rarity’s magic dropped the paper on the table. “I don’t know what to do!” Her eyes got watery. “I’m scared! I’m scared! What am I going to do!?”

Rarity quietly cried to the dark fear surrounding her once again, Twilight is waiting for her; Spike can’t protect her because she does not want him to know what Twilight did to her. Rainbow Dash might get hurt too, Octavia also, Fluttershy, Rarity needs to tell Fluttershy she forgave her. Who can she turn to for help if she’s all alone here? “Let me see this picture again.” It’s the third design. “Lauren.” Yes…wise words from the wise Archangel can provide her with strength. “Lauren. Lauren!”

A bright flash of white light shined down. “Rarity you called out to me.” The beautiful Archangel specified.

Rarity smiled intensely to see the Archangel. “Lauren, I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Me too Rarity, now please tell me what troubles you.” Lauren sat down next to Rarity.

Rarity hyperventilated for a few seconds. “I-I.” Her fear came up again. “Lauren I-I’m scared!”

“Why my dear?”

“I’m scared of Twilight w-w-will erase who I am and, I need somebody to help me! Lauren, I don’t know what to do!” Rarity quickly wiped her tears away so she will not look so uncouth before the Archangel.

Lauren will remind Rarity of the words that have been spoken before. “Rarity you are afraid but the answer is already told. You can prevent Twilight from hurting you and you can change he by destroying the lust in her mind.”

“But I’m scared! I’m scared for me, for Gold Sky, for Gilda, for Octavia, and Gold Sky’s son! I fought her twice and she defeated me twice! I can’t do anything!!”

“Rarity!” Lauren voiced sternly. “Stop being afraid! Twilight has done terrible things to you but she does not have a yoke over your life! You are Rarity! The Element of Generosity, the mare who has the biggest heart in this earth. Of course it is bigger then somepony we know, right?” Lauren asked that to lighten up Rarity’s mood.

“Mh-mhm.” Rarity nodded. “But I know I shouldn’t ask him for his help b-b-but what happens if I do ask him for his help, will he help me?”

Lauren closed her eyes and nodded slowly. “Knowing him, he will help you because he loves you and you gave him something he never had in life before.”

“What?” Rarity asked softly.

“You gave him a sister.”

Rarity’s heart beat got deep to hear how she contributed so much to Gold Sky’s life. “I have no idea if I should or not.” Fear is understandable when the darkness in the mind is trying to get past the rainbows and green fire that gave Rarity the ability to use her full magical power.

Lauren sighed, she wants to tell Rarity not to ask Gold Sky for help but she can’t tell Rarity what to do only provide wisdom. “Do you really want to risk his life Rarity? He has his daughter, his wife, unborn child, and mother all waiting for him. His life will be in grave danger when you take him back to Ponyville. You see Rarity the ponies who create the laws believe that Gold Sky is still alive and are waiting for him. If they find him they will execute him also Luna will apprehend him if she finds him. So please Rarity, please I am asking you to find the limitless power in your heart to end the fear that is waiting for you. Don’t ask him to help you, don’t let him go through so much pain and go far to the other side of himself to fight. Please, you can do this on your own and he can help you a little bit to tap your limitless power but do not ask him to fight by your side. There is so much at stake for him.”

Rarity looked away. “Lauren please don’t take what I’m going to ask the wrong way but why do you care so much for him?”

“While he was in the heavenly paradise he saw me as a mother not mother figure, so I will live up that seen concept for his sake and before you ask…if he chooses to help you then that his decision, but remember what he has to lose. Don’t take away a stallion from his family, the thing a stallion or any male will love and protect with his life.” The archangel waits for Rarity to ask for more detail in this through the now known perceptions Gold Sky has revealed to her.

“Elaborate please in the last part.”

Lauren obliged. “Rarity is it known that stallions or males in general cannot be controlled, no government or ruler can have their word over them because no male will ever bend the knee or give their loyalty to an institution. Unless of course that male chooses to, which sometimes it looks convenient to those who bend the knee but as for the rest the one thing a male will be loyal to is family. And that is what motivated him to run across the universe to be back here. So now you know what you can do or want to do, I cannot choose for you nor influence you just provide wisdom but just think. Think about this, how far will he go to protect to you and how far do you want him to go? You can very powerful Rarity…it's your decision. Your choice. Your life and his is in your hooves, *sigh* every choice will have a consequence. Just don’t have the audacity to cry if he gets hurt by helping you. Is that clear Rarity.” Lauren has to repeat herself to have the possibility of Rarity understanding what has been explained.

“I understand Lauren and thank you for coming down to see me.” Rarity looked back at Lauren to show respect and reverence that the Archangel rightfully deserves.

Lauren passed a hoof down Rarity’s face and then hugged her to ease some of the fear. “Good bye Rarity, oh Element of Generosity.” The light came down and Lauren went back to the heavenly paradise.

Rarity felt like crying however. “Oh Spike give me strength.” The fear went away allowing limitless power to fill every muscle of her body plus magic but only for the duration she thought of Spike.

The dragon she loves is what will allow her to tap that limitless power. Which explains why Rarity broke the sound barrier when she swung her hoof to punch Twilight now if only that power lasted a bit longer then who knows what she could have done, sadly that is a theory yet to be put into necessary practice, until then it is nothing but the unknown to Rarity.

“I can’t ask Gold Sky to help me…but he is the only one who I trust in this situation.”

*CLANG!!* The knife blocked the sword of the female griffon who leads the other four against Gold Sky. “I must not kill these female griffons! They may have children so I can’t! But they want to kill me!” Inner conflict in a not so good time.

Gold Sky pushed back the leader and swung his right arm that holds his tomahawk to stop another sword. “They have armor but that does not mean they are durable themselves. Maybe??? Still got to try to force them to relent.” He rolled on the ground to avoid the other four, upon dashing up in front of a female griffon he threw the knife up into the air and punched her square in the face. “That should make her relent!” He then caught his knife and spun it so the blade can be pointed down.

The female staggered back. For few seconds she looked dazed along with stars flying around her head but she shook off the feeling plus the stars and with an angry face looked at him.

Gold Sky didn’t like what he saw. “Oh great that didn’t work …Maybe it’ll work on this one!” He did a side flip over a charging female, slid down to dodge a long sword only to stop inches of another with a spear. *GASP!* The spear is what ended his life. “Jump!” *Poof*

“Great!” The griffon got her spear stuck on the ground.

Gold Sky appeared next to the nearest female, he dropped his weapons to use his genetic fighting style to grapple the sword and shield out of her grip. “She’ll relent!” Quickly he grabbed her by the back of her neck to lean her forward and buried his knee three times into her stomach after which he threw her away from him.

The female gagged for air and got back up.

“Oh man I forgot female griffons are very strong…but not as strong as Gilda though!” Nothing like some out of place optimism to makes things just plain less tense or trivial.

Gold Sky sensed a griffon coming at him from behind, so with some timing he elbowed her in the face. “That so didn’t work.”

It didn’t.

“Ooha!” The Alicorn got tackled. At looking up he can see only the silhouette of the furious female but that alone sparked his emotional and physical scars from his violation to flare up taking his focus from his fight for survival, making him paralyzed.
The female griffon raised her fist, with the high pounds per square inch to put a dent in the side of a bronze shield she buried her fist into his face. The first punch didn’t do anything to Gold Sky rather than just show him to power of this female which is about one ten thousandths of Nightmare Moon’s physical strength. The second punch broke Gold Sky’s nose all the way to the nasopharynx, the crunch of the cartilage shattering made a smile appear on the griffon, unsoundly though her eyes got a firsthand experience of the nose rapidly reconstructing itself. The third punch took the mandibular notch out of its socket; again the tissue regeneration rapidly moved the socket back into place. Fourth punch to the side of Gold Sky’s head almost knocked him out, luckily the shockwave to the brain brought some kind of a disturbance to the paralysis allowing him to snap out of it.

“Block! Must block!” He blocked the right fist swaying it out of its path giving him a nice time to grab her head and head butt her off of him.
“I know that didn’t work.”

“AHHHH!” The fifth griffon yelled as she charged towards him.

“Take this!” Gold Sky kicked her in the chest sending her flying ten feet away from him. “I know for a fact that kick had the power to shatter her sternum, even if though she’s wearing armor that isn’t chain mail in the front but rather bronze like the shield.”

The fifth griffon staggered back up.

“OH C’MON!!!” Now he knows that he must end every one of their lives or they will stab him in the heart and take him away from Gilda, Rarity, Mother, and Octavia. Fighting for life has no bias. He killed many enemies now these new ones must be taken care of because it just doesn’t matter to him. Live or Die. Fight or Flight. Them or Him. The Angel of Death touched him once and he would not let that happen again. “Good bye oh dear griffons. You are not my enemies and I love all of you but your actions have forced me to end your lives to which I will not blink to. I am truly sorry to the five of you, please forgive me.”

“Jump!” *Poof*

The griffon with the spear got her weapon out of the ground and joined the rest of her group. The five griffons rubbed the areas where they got struck. “Is that all you got pony or fallen angel!” Yelled one of the griffons.

Gold Sky’s left eye brow went up. “Hmm, that voice almost sounds familiar.”

The leader stepped forward. “We shall see that even angels can be killed!”

“I am not an angel! So at least stop calling me that before I kill the five of you!”

The five griffons gasped! “You will kill us!?”

“Well aren’t the five of you trying to kill me!” Gold Sky shot back.

The leader briefly stopped herself. “You got a point there I guess.” The rest nodded with agreement. “Why yes he does. Yes, yes he has a valid point.” Said the other four.

“I will make this quick and painless…try my hardest in the painless part. I better.”

The five reengaged the lone pony.

In the palace the gray mare woke up in the middle of her sleep with a feeling of extreme nausea. She jumped off her bed and ran into the bathroom. “Not again oh not again! OH NO!” Octavia vomited into the toilet. “Oh please. Uh oh!” More projectile vomit came out. “Oh my dear son Gold Sky I take you didn’t like the food.”

Octavia lied down on the bathroom with her left hoof over her belly. She expected nausea to be so unpredictably forthcoming but not in the night when she’s dreaming of her dead husband. She closed her eyes to feel Gold Sky talking to her in his reassuring voice that everything will be okay because she has one liter of his sparkling blood in her system, of course he maybe didn’t take into consideration that his blood does not help with the huge hormonal changes in her body. His voice in her mind calmed her stomach along with settling the hormones too, because in the prenatal instructions given to her by Redheart it’s highly recommended that she does not take any form of medication out of fear that it will harm the developing baby. When Octavia opened her eyes the stallion she has married is not by her side. “I am just alone in the bathroom well not technically alone but I still have ten more months.

Octavia rinsed her face with some cool water. “Back to bed, since I don’t want to wake up Celli again. Nor Luna plus Rainbow Dash because maybe they sleep in the same bed together. Nor Cadance, I don’t know if she’s the type of pony who loves every minute of their sleep. Oh well, a big cup of water should make things better.”

The gray mare drank of some water, got back into feeling much better now even though she is now low in nutrients and electrolytes. Nevertheless breakfast will fix that plus forgiving Applejack and visiting Harmonic Breeze.

The Daughter will reconnect with her Mother. After all, Harmonic Breeze is her mother…Now.

Gilda sped past a field full of beautiful wild flowers she didn’t bother looking down because she remembered Gold Sky bringing her here so the both of them can run through the fields the same way many characters do in the books he’ll read to her. Also she breathed through her mouth to prevent the perfume of the flowers from belaying her with nice little memories of smelling each flower. “Don’t give in to stop and smell the flowers!! If I do I will end up forgetting my need for retribution!” The griffon leaned forward and picked up her speed. It didn’t take long for her to avoid the entire field however she looked down to the green grass to spot a patch of yellow flowers she knows far too well. “Daffodils!”

Her favorite flower.
“Don’t do it…oh damn it!” She swooped down to the daffodil patch creating a strong breeze making the happy trumpets to lean away from Gilda making them look lovely to her. “Great I can’t believe I am being bogged down by my repressed memories.” She picked one up of the daffodils and looked at it. “Daddy loves…” *Scoff!!* “I remember Go-Gold Sky planting a lot of these flowers. I remember standing in my crib looking at him and then smiling at him when he turned to look at me. I, as an infant smiled at my loving father.”

It’s amazing to see that griffons have the ability to start remembering things from a very early period of life when for ponies they will start developing the ability to have memories at around four to six years old.
Gilda began to remember how Gold Sky lied down on his back next to this same patch and placed some birdseed on his belly while telling her to be very quiet and watch with eager glee. So Gilda stayed quiet. Within a few seconds some cute little sparrows landed on his belly, pecking away to have some free birdseed. Gilda smiled at how her daddy can stay perfectly still while the little hopping cuties just hop and peck.
“Humph, these flowers won’t stop me!” Gilda closed her hand around the daffodil but found that she could not close her hand all the way to crush the flower. “I see these flowers as his love for me!” Instead she threw it on the ground. “What was it that he said to me…? Oh yeah, I am like one of these yellow daffodils. I start off as a seed but with soil and water which is his love and guidance I will grow up and bloom like a proud daffodil showing the world my magnificence.” Gilda thought a bit to those words. “If I was still in my now gone identity I will find those words to be lame as lame can get times ten or twelve.” *Sigh*

“How can I be thinking of taking vengeance on my own father?? He raised me, loves me, protected me, gave me vital teachings, never once showed me any kind of scorn whenever I did something wrong because I never did anything wrong. I am like his Love…he is as he says the emotion. So that means I am Love too.” Gilda plopped down in middle of the daffodil patch sitting perfectly still allowing some sparrows to land on her shoulders, head, around her on the ground hopping around and one landed on her hand. “The old saying that has been passed down from the beginning of time. The Daughter becomes the Father and the Father the Daughter. I am who I am. Gilda a griffon that has been raised by a pony, I, myself see nothing wrong with that but most of my own species do see something wrong with that along with only having him to raise me. Those fools! Do they not know that fathers are only reason civilizations, society, and nations exist! Without fathers the whole world might as well just damn itself to eternal damnation and go into total degeneration. AHHHHH!” The sparrows flew away. “I want him to pay but he did what he had to do for my own protection from himself. Damn it. I still got a long way to debate with myself.”

Gilda jumped back into the air.

Gold Sky who got thrown to the ground like a sack of flower, his weapons on the other note got loose from his grip causing one of the griffons to grab the knife but she couldn’t pick it up. The other griffon tried to punch Gold Sky but he moved his head to the left avoiding the fist, he stopped a swing from another griffon. He struck the one whose fist he’s stopped then he swung his hoof to the other one. “Uh oh.” With a quick roll he spun his body while his wings are spread out getting the griffons off their feet so he can get back on his own.

“I will kill you Angel!” Shouted one of the griffons.

“I am not an angel!!” Gold Sky moved with lightning speed to prevent every one of her hits from hitting him. “Take this!” He pushed her away with five hits to the head and body. Telepathically he sensed one of the females coming from behind he swung down his hoof to lead her fist downward while with his right hind leg kicked her into a tree. “Got ya!” He grabbed the leader and threw her into a tree next to other griffon.

“Oof!” She hit the tree rather hard.

Two other griffons engaged Gold Sky. They tried to subdue him with their swords but the knife and tomahawk broke their swords. One of them got punched in the stomach while the other got hit with a wing. “AH!” The rather durable leader of the five got onto Gold Sky's back stabbing him in the neck with her talons.

“Got off of me you fool! Jump!” He teleported to be above the ground upside down so he can land on her. “I will start with you!” The blade in his left horseshoe got extended. “Good by, AHWA!” Being tackled isn’t such a pleasant experience.

Gold Sky instinctively raised his left blade. *Clang!* The left blade intercepted a shiny dagger. The horn of the pony glowed retrieving the tomahawk to his right hoof. The nonlethal side of the tomahawk pounded the side of the griffon’s head getting her off. The griffon somersaulted to get back up.

Gold Sky who also stands on his hind legs waits for the griffon to come at him. His knife is on the ground but unusable for the griffons instead his left blade is extended and of course his tomahawk awaits its opportunity to sink into something.

The griffon thoughtlessly charged at the Alicorn with a dagger in her right hand. She launched the dagger to the abdomen of the pony only to have the dagger moved away by the left horseshoe blade. The pony’s left leg stepped forward while his right arm holding the tomahawk pulled back to build up energy. The time occurring around the griffon just slowed down as the tomahawk came forward to her belly, her breathing sped up as her body became completely cold to what’s to come. “OWHA!!” The tomahawk buried itself in her belly. She dropped her dagger as the pain struck her body without mercy; her eyes saw the tomahawk swing out and then swing back into her belly making more pain hit her again. The griffon fell to her knees grasping her belly but her eyes looked into the pink eyes of the pony seeing nothing but regret in them so she closed her eyes so she can open them when the white light comes after the tomahawk swings down.

“Please forgive me.” The Pony said as he pulled the tomahawk out of the griffon’s helmet.

The armor on the lifeless griffon created a loud thud on the ground alerting the other four griffons that the pony will not go out so easily. And to confirm that feeling the pony retracted the left horseshoe blade, kept his left arm extended while his horn glows making a knife come to take the blade’s place.

“You have the chance to run away and I will not give chase.” Gold Sky yelled to the remaining four. “Take my offer and leave me alone!”

But the four shook their heads.

Gold Sky snorted his breath. “Fine! Come and meet your end!! Abandon everything you had before by facing me in your attempts to satisfy your needs for vengeance! COME FOR I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT!!”

The four charged. Gold Sky pushed one away with the wind, dropped down low while shooting out his wings with extreme velocity to get the two at his flanks off their feet. He remained low folding in one wing and spinning his body so with the extended wing got the leader off her feet. Quickly Gold Sky got up and punched the leader down to the ground while she was in mid air. “Táte!” The wind pushed the leader away from him. “Don’t!” Gold Sky caught a fist; he punched the griffon in the windpipe, grabbed her and then threw her at another griffon. “OW!” A spear stabbed him in the back coming out in the right side of his chest. “TOO CLOSE!” Magic wrapped itself around the spear removing it from his body along with taking it out of the griffon’s grip. “AH! Not again!” Now a short sword went into his left shoulder. “TOO, TOO CLOSE!!” He did a back flip to be out of the griffon’s way but did the flip so she can turn around. “Good bye.” At the instant she turned fully around he punched her with so such power in the stomach that his right hoof went through her body.
Gold Sky paused momentary after taking out his right arm of her body and cursed himself for doing what he did to her. “Take her into your kingdom, Great Spirit.”

Now just three remain. The offer Gold Sky gave them still stands; nevertheless the remaining three will not take the offer.
“DIE!” The leader from behind made her presence known to the distracted pony.

Somehow Gold Sky made a force field to block her swords at the cost of his sparkling blood gushing out of his mouth and nose along with providing him great pain.

“No…” The leader gasped to the tomahawk and knife going through her bronze armor then the horseshoe blades followed suit. After falling to her knees like the first griffon, the severely injured leader looked directly into Gold Sky’s eyes so she can show him her deep scorn but her scorn does not frighten him at all one bit. “I-I did this for the loss of my husband an-and father because you took them away from me oh G-g-guardian Angel of the Republic. You will never live in peace Angel, we will kill you to aven-avenge all of the ones you have killed. We will ki-ki-kill you. Now end me once and for all!” The griffon asked.

But Gold Sky had a different idea. “Do it yourself.” His magic levitated her sword to her hands. “Bring your end with jigai for it is the least you can do for being driven by rage and vengeance.”

“Frak you!” The leader took her sword and plunged it all the way into her stomach, ending her life.

Two left.

“It ends. Jump.” Gold Sky appeared in front of the remaining two, engaging them in hoof to hoof or hand to hand combat easily gaining the upper hand or hoof over both. He stuck one of the griffons away from him and for the other he blasted her point blank with his magic leaving nothing but ash behind. "I'm losing more blood cause of this."

Last one.
The last griffon groaned while she got up. “Oof!” A hoof pressed her back down on the ground.
Gold Sky extended the blade of his right horseshoe and aimed it to where a painless end will be given. “Any last words?”

The griffon loudly exhaled her breath. “Kill me. Just do it already! Kill me so I can be with him in the heavenly paradise! Send me to him, send me to him!!”

Gold Sky tilted his head at hearing what the griffon just said. “I don’t know why you want me to kill you instead of begging me for your life but for some reason you sound so familiar.” He took off her helmet. *Gasp* “YOU!” Gold Sky retracted his blade and got away from the griffon.

“What are you doing!?” The last griffon took off her remaining armor. “KILL ME!! SEND ME TO THE HEAVENLY PARADISE SO I CAN BE BACK WITH MY SON!!”

“You’re the mother who had me flogged! You joined these griffons not with the intent to kill me but joined them with intent to have me kill you!” Gold Sky’s nose bled as his magic took away weapons to prevent the single mother from having any ideas even though she wants him to kill her rather than to take her own life and end up in eternal damnation. “Hold on.” Gold Sky collapsed on the ground vomiting more of his sparkling blood. “I should not use my magic too much. Oooooooh…ahhhhhhh.” He vomited more blood. “Heal.” The pain from his magic usage went away and whatever great internal damage that has been done by his magic healed instantly.

The mother with her tail slapped Gold Sky on the flank, something that is not very wise.

Gold Sky had the wind slam the griffon on the ground for committing such an act that can harm him mentally. “DON’T YOU EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN! IS THAT CLEAR! DON’T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!”

“Then kill me!” The mother pointed to her heart because to the mother her fallen son is her heart so having death through the heart is the right way to die.

Gold Sky extended a hoof to the mother. “Get up, because you think that by going to the heavenly paradise you are going to recognize your son and your son is going to recognize you.”

The mother took the help to get up and stood in front of the pony. “Yes he will remember me! I am his mother who raised him since birth and he loves me very much!”

“It loved now not loves.” Gold Sky corrected.

The mother growled, she raised her hand to strike the pony but a sudden horseshoe blade to her carotid artery which provides a painful death made her lower her hand. “Watch yourself oh mourning mother don’t try to unleash your supposedly fearsome fury on me because it will get you nowhere. In fact we have something great in common.”

“Something in common!? What great thing can we have on common angel!?” The mother asked loudly in the safety that the horseshoe blade has been retracted seconds ago.

“Stop calling me an Angel. I am no angel, perhaps I may be close to the Angel of Death but I am no Angel of good. And to answer your question what we have in common is the sheer fact that both of us are parents. You are a mother to a son and I am a father to a daughter. We are both single parents, we both raised our children with our love so at least that will be our good qualities. Except your son is of your flesh and blood while my daughter I adopted and love her like she is my flesh and blood. So in that I see we have an understanding between us. Now I want you to listen as a mother with an open mind because I can sense that your love is still alive. Though it is only reserved for your son I will say that your love can be given to somebody else that you will love the same way you did your son, you jus…”The mother interrupted Gold Sky.

“Why should I listen to you if you loved a child that’s not even of your own flesh and how can I love somebody else besides my son!” Oh how this griffon just opened herself up to the vast love of this Alicorn.

Gold Sky began to walk around the mother. The both of them are surrounded by trees that cover them with blankets of dark shade, so as Gold Sky walks around the mother the same way a vulture circles its meal his eyes glow grayish purple every time he’s under a blanket of shade.
“You dare to go that low oh dear mother. You dare to say that no adopted child deserves the full Love a parent can provide? Well guess what, two can play that game then. I am not usually one to dishonorably put someone in their place but I will put you in your place. I guess that since I love my adopted daughter as if she is my flesh and blood, my love for her is greater than then any amount of love you have for your son.” He stopped under a blanket of shade so his eyes can remain glowing. “The truth can be so unnerving wouldn’t you say?”

The mother looked at pony seeing that she has been put in her place by logical loving reason. This single father is more then what meets her eye plus he is the only way to her son in the heavenly paradise. “So what if you love your daughter with all your heart. What makes you any different from me!”

“My daughter is a griffon not a pony.”

The mother wanted to raise her eyebrows to hear this testament but to do so will only satisfy this pony. “How quant.”

“Quant? You know what’s quant is you thinking that your son will remember you in the heavenly paradise. Do you even know why the heavenly paradise is called the heavenly paradise? Simple…you are given a clean slate the instant your spirit goes through the golden gates. All of the memories you had before are erased, why? Because how can you have a paradise if you remember the past? If I kill you right now and you go to the heavenly paradise you can walk past your son and neither one of you will remember each other.” Gold Sky came out of the shade. “You are going to ask me if what I say is true. Well it is true. I have been to the heavenly paradise oh dear mother and I have found my birthparents and they did not remember who I was. Even though I am of their flesh and blood I am nothing to them. Take my words as truth oh dear mother. Because the heavenly paradise is paradise but for me well just a place I have been to and back…you know what let me show you so you will believe me.” Telepathy showed the mother what she needs to see about the heavenly paradise and its little trick of the clean slate.

The mother gasped out loud when the telepathic revelation came to an end; she collapsed grasping her heart while tears run down her cheeks. Gold Sky being who he is sat by the mother and placed a wing over her to comfort the mother not with his loving nature but with his paternal instinct. “There dear mother don’t be sad it’s alright. All that should matter to you is that your son is in paradise.”

“My son does not remember me anymore nor will I remember him when I go to the heavenly paradise…how can this be…how can this be. I am his mother who raised him. Please let me.” The mother looked at Gold Sky with a face of need.

“Ssh, ssh, ssh, there’s no need to cry oh dear mother.” Gold Sky wrapped his arms around the griffon the same way he did to Gilda and young Oliver. “I know as a parent you love your son with all of your heart and moving on seems like an unspeakable option but you must move on oh dear mother. I say these words to you as a father not as an immortal pony.”

“Why should I move on huh!!? You speak as if it’s easy when it’s not. How can you say such words like you expect me to move on even after you showed me the heavenly paradise!”

Gold Sky gently stroked the mother’s hair. “Adopt.”

“What?” The mother asked.

“My mother adopted me and she loves me very much. I adopted my daughter who I found minutes after she hatched. You still have your great maternal instinct oh dear mother and that maternal love can provide a griffon with the love he deserves. Adopt an egg that you know will hatch and give you a son, love that son because that son will love you so much and will always, always see you as his true, true mother. You deserve that very much oh dear mother. I can never have children ever again but you can. Please adopt a son to enjoy the happiness motherhood will provide for you. I enjoyed my fatherhood so I know you will enjoy your motherhood again if you heed my words and adopt a son.”

The mother nodded her head on Gold Sky’s right shoulder. “What do you mean you can’t have children ever again? Were you castrated?”

“No…castration does not work on me. Don’t ask but I know first hoof that it does not work on me.” He let go of the mother so his magenta eyes can peacefully look into her eyes. “I can ask you to think of my words. Children deserve the love a parent can provide. This is all that I will tell you oh dear mother, the rest is up to you.”

The mother nodded quite rapidly. “I’m sorry for wanting to hate you pony. You showed me what I deeply fear and it weren't for your words I will be having a clean slate in the heavenly paradise. It takes a father to show me the right way. As a mother I thank you for being so understanding. Thank you…thank you.”

“Will you adopt a son?” Gold Sky asks while his telepathy scans her mind just to be sure if her maternal instinct will answer for her.

“Yes.” Maternal instinct answered.

Gold Sky smiled at the mother griffon. “Good bye dear mother. I will leave you to let you think. Good bye.”

“Wait! Where are you going!?” The mother asked at seeing Gold Sky flap his wings a couple of times.

Gold Sky folded back his wings. “I am tired of killing oh dear mother, but yet the five of you made me kill some more. I am tired, I don’t want any more blood…” Gold Sky suddenly got taken over by emotion. “No more, no more, no more! I am tired of killing, why are you making kill! I am Love, but you and the world stands against me by making me take lives and every time I take a life it makes it easier for me kill! Stop making me kill! How can I be father if I kill!? If I keep on killing I will end up not being the loving, nurturing, and protective father I have always been but I will end up just being a shadow with glowing eyes standing behind my child with my wings spreading out showing every one that I am not loving but just a monster.”

The mother sighed. “You are a father pony so it is expected in fathers to go far in protecting the ones they love. The question is. Is how far will you go?”

Gold Sky scoffed to that all knowing saying. “If you knew me then you will know that I went beyond the point that everyone will define as far to protect someone I loved.”

The mother understood. “Good bye oh dear father. May you have children of your own flesh and blood.” She hugged Gold Sky one last time.

“Never.” Gold Sky said once free from the arms of the mother. “Never.” He repeated again so the mother can get the picture once and for all before flying off into the sky with his weapons. After a few seconds he closed his eyes and thought of Gilda’s home. “Jump.”

“Oh!” Rarity nearly gasped at the sight of Gold Sky just appearing in front of her. “Gold Sky, it’s good that you’re here.”

Gold Sky felt something is wrong with Rarity because of the low reaching tone in her voice. “Rarity, is there something wrong?” Gold Sky came over to cover her with his wing. “Tell me what’s wrong my dear sister. I am here for you just like you are here for me.” Gold Sky gently nuzzled her on the head not because he wanted that affectionate gesture to help Rarity open up but he did that since he still feels a bit shaken up from having a spear come out of the right side of his chest.

Rarity leaned over to rest her head on little brother’s shoulder despite little brother’s age is in the triple digits. “We finally have a moment to ourselves my dear Gold Sky. You and me, brother and sister. Say how are you doing and feeling? No wait, why did you tell me that you’re sorry for not telling me about Applejack?”

Gold Sky’s wing wrapped itself a bit tighter around Rarity. “Rarity, I know what I’m going to say is going to be hard to believe b-but I’ll just be straightforward. *Deep breath* Rarity, uhm, Applejack just wants to use you…for sex. She just wants to bed you and then use you as her greatest achievement in her entire life.” Gold Sky looks worriedly at Rarity because he prays that he didn’t make her sad or mad.

Rarity on the other hand or hoof felt rather safe to have Gold Sky’s wing wrap itself tighter around her like a blanket of security protecting her from the coldness of this warm world however, it will pay to know how Gold Sky knew this…poor Rarity though, she thought Applejack was so sincere and somepony to love but, humph, not everyone is who they seem they are and Rarity found that out the hard way. After all she was blind at first and it is her fault that she couldn’t be with Rainbow Dash and be happily ever married with the Element of Loyalty but she now she sees and she moved on from not having the courage to confess her feelings to Rainbow Dash long ago, after all there is one purple dragon that she loves so much now and he loves her so much too. “Gold Sky, how do you know this?? Just tell me please.”

Gold Sky sees he hasn’t made Rarity sad or mad in any way, prompting him to smile at her and lovingly nuzzled her on the head. “Rarity do you think I will let anypony or in your case any mare just be with my dear sister without me first reading every crypt and crevice of their mind? I almost became enraged but restrained myself so I can help Applejack bake some apple pies, I decided to tell you privately but I got sidetracked and you know the rest from there.”

Rarity rubbed her head on Gold Sky’s shoulder. “You read her mind with your telepathy. Oh Gold Sky, you love me so much that my love for you can’t be compared to yours, I love you so much!” Rarity happily confessed. “But Gold Sky in your…your…” She couldn’t the right word.

“Absence.” Gold Sky filled in.

Rarity’s ears dropped in hearing him say that word in a tone of voice that displays indifference to his death, this could be through Lauren’s being a mother to Gold Sky or it could be Gold Sky being able to kill with no sympathy nor thought. “Absence, I found out Applejack only wanted to use me. My blindness went away to truth being my cure so I am no longer with her Gold Sky and I might as well say it but I had the chance to be with Rainbow Dash but I was afraid to express my feelings to her and to add insult to injury Rainbow Dash also had feelings for me but was afraid to act out on them. Anyway moving on, my love for Spike can finally blossom now that I have the full chance to be with him. Gold Sky thank you for looking out for me and thank you for coming back from the other side to protect me.” Rarity moved her head up to give Gold Sky another kiss on the cheek. “Also I’m glad to be Gilda’s aunt, I am finally a aunt to the daughter of my little two hundred uh something years old brother. Never knew you were a father but I always knew you will be a great father.” The happiness in Rarity’s voice concealed the anxiety in her mind, she will not tell or ask Gold Sky about Octavia plus she would not dare to mention his son in Octavia’s womb, right now it is important for Gold Sky to get Gilda to forgive him, which is the most imperative objective right now. Then only then when Gold Sky asks anything about Octavia she will happily oblige him with everything he needs to know as for his son, she has to think of a good approach to reveal the developing son to the immortal father.

Gold Sky felt like crying tears of joy because his sister accepts his dearest daughter as her niece, first him and Gilda now at least he can live his life with his daughter if she forgives him and chooses to have him back in her life, sisters, loving mother, friends including Luna, and just the freedom of forgiving himself brings. “Thank you Rarity, I think Gilda will love you very much and she will love Sweetie Belle too. Thank you again for accepting my daughter into your family just like you accepted me.”

Rarity couldn’t help herself. “Will Gilda be nice to Sweetie Belle?”

Gold Sky’s left eyebrow perked up. “Rarity, I know Gilda didn’t have a good first impression but that wasn’t her so please for my sake give her a second chance.”

“Of course Gold Sky, your family is my family and how are you feeling right now?” Rarity asked.

“I’m feeling alright so far Rarity. I mean I got to tell Gilda what I did to her and now I wait to see if she’ll at least forgive me. Oh and remember that question you asked me earlier before I went hunting? Well the reason I didn’t say anything is well, you’re my sister Rarity I know you will never be a threat to Gilda so I don’t know why you asked that sort of question also you’re family and I will never ever harm you. ” Gold Sky said quietly before nuzzling Rarity and taking a quick sniff of her hair so he can smell her nice scent.

“Gold Sky, I didn’t mean that. What I meant to ask is…are you okay??” Rarity is treading lightly in this question, knowing that her brother will not want to discuss this coming topic.

“Okay from what?” Gold Sky asked.

Rarity tilted her head up so her eyes can connect with Gold Sky’s eyes. She did a quick shallow exhale to pave the way for turmoil her question will create. “Y-your…violation.”

Instantly Gold Sky looked away while starting to hyperventilate, his heartbeat skyrocketed to points unimaginable, his temperature went down very much, and his head relays the pain he felt to his body.

Rarity was kind of prepared for this. “Gold Sky, look at me!”

But Gold Sky couldn’t look at her, his whole mind is going haywire and he can’t get himself up so he fell down to the ground.
“Please don’t hurt me, please don’t, please don’t, please don’t, please don’t, please don’t, please don’t, please don’t, please don’t…” His tail went in between his legs to cover a certain body part due to the fact he is having a panic attack which is something entirely new to him.

Rarity lied belly down next to Gold Sky to calm him down in the only way she knows how. By singing to him with her beautiful voice. “Peace now dearest brother, sister is right here. She will save you from the darkness that is given by your pain. Hear me dearest brother, oh hear me dearest brother because no matter what will happen…I will be here by your side.” Rarity ended by nuzzling Gold Sky tenderly on the cheek. “Peace my dear Gold Sky. I am here for you. Peace.”

Gold Sky’s panic lessened by huge variable allowing him to come back around and focus back to Rarity’s voice. “Thank you, Rarity. Wh-what w-w-will I do without you?” His voice sounds weak but yet meek with a touch of his usual love and he rubs his head against Rarity’s head.

“I think Gilda should be told of this Gold Sky, she needs to know of the horrible deed done to her father.”

“No!” The weak meek voice is replaced with a voice of grave seriousness. “Gilda must not know of this nor must anybody else!” His eyes began glow again because he only wants to talk about this once and will not want to talk about it again. “This must only be between you and me, is that clear Rarity.” No need to end with a tone of question in his voice.

Rarity’s heart went cold in seeing how Gold Sky is being like this when going through such a thing. “But Gilda must know then what about your mother. Perhaps she is one of two mares you can trust in the entire world regarding this topic.” Rarity placed a hoof under Gold Sky’s chin. “Your mother is very wise Gold Sky and I know she can help you just like I want to help you.” Rarity intentionally did not say Octavia’s name. She plans to only tell Gilda about Octavia and Gold Sky appears stable enough.

“No Rarity! Please don’t tell mother. I want no one to know what happened. This is something that must always stay between us.”


Gold Sky’s eyes stopped glowing. “Do you think anybody will believe me? Me a stallion? Nobody believes a stallion even after the terrible deed is committed against him but more importantly even if somepony were to listen to me will they even bother believing me when I’m accused of doing such a deed to you. I will have to learn how deal with this myself but as for you we will find the pony who harmed you.”

“But what about you Gold Sky! Whoever harmed you must be brought to justice just like the pony who harmed me!” Rarity can feel Twilight’s telepathic alibi waiting to be put into effect.

“Somepony harmed you Rarity and they must pay…I will deal with my own problems my way and I will handle the rest.” Gold Sky lowered his head and his wings wrapped around him to show Rarity how hurt he is but wants to deal with it himself.

Rarity came up and hugged Gold Sky. “I don’t understand his reasons for this but he is very old so maybe his mind can handle what happened to him. I just don’t understand him now, it’s like death changed him completely.” Rarity kissed him again on the cheek, still she loves him very, very much but he is doing what Lauren said he’ll do. He will help her but first she needs to ask him. “Please Lauren forgive me for what I going to ask Gold Sky to do. Please forgive me for going against the wisdom you have gave me, forgive me for putting his life in danger but he is the only I trust in this.”

“Gold Sky…” Rarity knows Lauren will not be pleased. “I-I need you to use your telepathy on me.

In the sky above the cemetery where the fallen sons of the Republic rest Gilda flew still debating herself whether or not to extract retribution. Within the present moment her mind is clear of too much emotion so the debate going on is a fair one with no signs of unfairness coming about. Gilda remembers how that when she was a toddler, father will speak lovingly to her and will get his face close so she can touch it with her little hands, feel it, and know that it is father. Gilda looked down at the many rows of markers created for each fallen son of the Republic. She began to feel her heart go cold when she remembered that her friend Jun-Park is there down below. The fact being is well, she can handle the pain of loss, she can handle that Jun died before her eyes, and she can handle that he had so much to live for. But what she couldn’t handle is that now in her true self she lost a dear friend. A dear, dear friend who asked her to save him. “Jun…” Gilda moaned. “I must.”

The griffon glided down and landed in the cemetery looking at each marker so she can find Jun-Park. “Where is he?” Gilda continued walking down every row with a feeling of butterflies in her stomach to see Jun-Park. After minutes that seemed like hours and seeing marker after marker of the fallen sons she finally found Jun-Park. Gilda stopped to look at the marker until finally out of sadness she fell to her knees and wept quietly.
“Jun, it’s m-me Gilda. Not Colonel Gilda but Gilda your friend. Oh my Great Spirit! Jun! I’m so sorry that I couldn’t do anything to save you so you can be with your future wife.” Gilda wiped her tears away. “Jun remember how I told you how I started to see Gold Sky as my father…well, he is my father. He raised me since my birth and I love him very, very much also he loves me very much that he fought by me in combat.” Gilda sniffled a bit. “You should have seen him Jun, he fought with so much grace and agility that I couldn’t believe he nursed me back to health back then and fighting like a killer now. He protected me many times during the battle and saved many of our brothers but what gave me the most astonishment plus horror is Gold Sky taking on Mao and killing him by literary ripping him apart. I mean he ripped Mao apart, top and bottom.”

As Gilda goes on talking to Jun-Park, Lyca lands behind her with flowers in hand. The once been fiancé recognized the griffon talking to Jun-Park is Colonel Gilda, she got impressed that Gilda cares a lot of Jun causing a tremor in the heart. “I should wait until she’s done talking to Jun-Park.”

“I don’t know what to do Jun. If you were alive right now, I would be asking you to help me decide if I should allow Gold Sky back in my life and be my father like he has always been. But Jun, what I really want to tell you is the Gilda you knew and followed into battle is not the Gilda that is not the same Gilda talking to you right now. I have always been a loving griffon with the eyes to see everything in the love of light instead of just seeing everything with the eyes of picking things to see with the high price of a prideful ego. I wish you met me and not her but after I thought about it, the me right now would have not survived the first battle or even be a marine because my father Gold Sky taught me that if I am to fight then I should fight for something I love. Because without Love then how can one fight to protect anything? Jun, I am so sorry that I couldn’t do anything in your final moments and I’m sorry for not telling how important you were to me. I saw you as a new friend with whom I can connect to and share what I feel inside. You are good friend whom my father unintentionally killed.” Gilda now feeling so much different got back up. “Good bye Jun or Lieutenant Jun-Park, may you be in the heavenly paradise waiting for your dear Lyca.” She gave Jun a salute and turned around to gain some distance from the marker in order to fly back up. “Oh!” Her golden eyes caught sight of Lyca.

Lyca softly smiled at Gilda while she clings a little tighter to the bundle of flowers. “Colonel Gilda I’m honored to now know how much you cared about my Jun-Park, I didn’t know the both of you bonded so much.”

Gilda bowed her head at Lyca. “Please don’t call me colonel anymore; I now see that I am not able to continue being a marine.”

“Why?” Lyca asked.

Gilda sighed softly while she passes a hand through her hair. “The Gilda that fought in the war is not the same Gilda now. I-I took lives…many lives. I killed and I…I…I just want to…just want to be back with my father so he can lead me back home. I can’t be a Marine anymore, I just want to go home and find the peace I need. Hopefully through my own will I can move on with the help from my father.”

Lyca understands what Gilda means. “I know what you mean Gilda. Even though the enemy is the enemy they are still griffons like us but what you do mean by your own will you can move with the help of your father?? You have to move on! It isn’t a option it’s a necessity that you cannot put off because if you do it will scar you for the rest of your life and bring you to ruin.”

“I know but I am dealing with something that I must forgive. A part of me wants to forgive the other part does not. I want retribution also I want to love.” Gilda motioned Lyca that she will place the flowers on Jun-Park’s marker.

Lyca nodded and gave the bundle of flowers to Gilda so they can be placed in front of Jun’s marker. “Gilda, I will take a wild guess here but I will say that the pony you were standing next to is your father.”

Gilda’s eyes widened. “How did you know that!?”

“During the memorial I seen the way you looked at him and how in your face was an expression a daughter will have when she is reunited with her father. Also I seen the way he looks at you too, so much love in those eyes that I can’t imagine him being the reason Mao attacked the Republic because he spared that fascist.” Lyca laid a hand on Jun’s marker while blinking her eyes dry.

Gilda scratched the back of her head. “Do you…resent my father for making that decision? I-I mean he took away Jun-Park from you.”

Lyca turned back around to look at Gilda. “Why? I can hate all I want, I can plan vengeance all I want, and I can wish his death all I want but it won’t bring him back. And do you think the angel of death will listen to the pleas of some mourning griffon? I want my Jun back more than anything in the world…” Lyca picked a flower from the bundle. “Like this flower, it will die so it means that nothing will last forever, meaning I will die too someday and I will finally meet my Jun in the heavenly paradise, get married and live happily ever after forever.” High hopes when there is no knowledge of the clean slate. “However there is one thing that is preventing me from trying anything against that pony.” Lyca placed the flower back with the rest.

“What is that thing?” Gilda asked with a tilt of her head.

“You.” Lyca answered.
Gilda took three steps away from Lyca. “Wha-wha-what do you mean by that!?” Gilda nearly stuttered the question.

“I mean Gilda that if I was driven enough to go attack your father I won’t be fighting him I will be fighting you because you love your father very much, that I know for a fact, that you will fight to protect him and to me, it’s a big diverter. You love him very much Gilda and your eyes say it all. So you will probably maim me or kill me, it depends on what your father will say to you, nonetheless Gilda, you have nothing to fear I will live my days helping others so time can fly by and my end will come so I can see my Jun in the heavenly paradise.” Lyca suddenly sighed like Gilda persuaded her to say something that she has been holding back. “I forgave him Gilda, tell him that I, Lyca, the fiancé of Jun-Park your friend forgives him and tell him that I admire him for admitting to sparing Mao’s life in front of the citizens. Oh it must have been hard for you to shed his own blood…the blood of your own father. Maybe it was hard for him to see his own daughter flogging him, poetic justice if I may say except without the screams of pain and his back healing instantly, humph! Lucky pony to just heal so fast OH, almost forgot he’s an angel too. Hehe, lucky you Gilda, lucky you.” Lyca moved a bit of her hair out of her line of sight. “You know Gilda, talking to you made me feel much different now and seeing how much Jun means to you also makes me feel different too, so thanks Gilda, it was a stroke of luck to find you here paying your respects to my Jun-Park. Hey can I hug you? That’s not weird right??”

Gilda shook her head and extended an arm.
Lyca came and hugged Gilda tightly. “Thank you for being by his side in final minutes, thank you Gilda. Thanking you too much but for Jun I will thank you until there’s no tomorrow.” Lyca finally let go of Gilda. “Well gotta fly. There are some orphans that can use some comfort right now.” Lyca flew away after touching Jun’s marker one last time.

Gilda got struck by something powerful. “Forgiveness. Forgiveness…FORGIVENESS!!” Gilda yelled to her surroundings due to realization. “Lyca forgave father and she knows I will protect him even though I’m angry at him. Uh Oh, uhhh, good bye Jun-Park, I am honored to be your friend.” She gave Jun an honorable salute and jumped up to fly back to her father.

The concept of forgiveness dawned out of her heart when she thought of Gold Sky again. Gilda entered into a semiconscious trance of where her perception of the world mixes with the perception of the seen immaterial of the mind.

“Father, oh father my dearest father what have I become when I strangled you!” Flashbacks from random periods of her life played in her mind to allow the concept of forgiveness rise to the highest part of her mind.

Gilda remembers going out of her room and waltzed into her father’s room at night, she looks at her father sleep peacefully while to her young sense of humor sees him hugging a pillow. “Daddy?” She whispers quite loudly.
The sound waves of Gilda’s voice woke him up. “Sweetheart, don’t ask, just let me get on my back so you fall asleep to the sound of my beating heart.”
Gilda hopped on the bed, got on Gold Sky’s chest with her head over his heart, and fell asleep. Gold Sky smiled while he passes a hoof through her hair. “Oh sweetheart you do this every night.” He gave her a loving kiss on head and said goodnight.

“Father who leads and guides me.” Gilda whispers to herself.

Gilda turns her head to look at her father who once again for the unknown time has been lashed upon by some discriminatory derision from some overzealous griffons. But what surprised her is that the griffons who harassed him were mostly female and two or three males but they relented when they saw they cannot break his integrity but then resumed, the female griffons continued on with their words. Gilda wanted to confront the griffons and tell them to stop being such imbeciles but Gold Sky nudged Gilda with a wing to make her walk away with him before flying away.
“Daddy? Why did you let those griffons curse you and not do anything about it?”
Gold Sky smiled at Gilda. “Sweetheart do you know what makes us different from them?”
Gilda shook her head.
“They’re weak.”
“What do you mean by that daddy?”
“The weak are bitter for they are broken by their lack of conviction and love so they decide to mock what is different and what is different here? Me. A pony, but do I care if they mock me? No, because the strong walk away so the weak can see more of their failure. Gilda always keep your conviction, it will help you from being corrupted by the weak who sadly most of the time control the workings of society. Well let me give you an example, in the weak controlled society the weak will make the intent of never forgiving a virtue and the willingness to forgive an act of cowardice. Sweetheart, take what you’ve seen today as an act of strength because when you come of age you will be strong in love and conviction, the weak will not hold you back and you will rise up.” Gold Sky reached out to stroke Gilda’s face. “The daughter becomes the father and the father becomes the daughter…of course my dear Gilda, I will always be here for you to provide you with my love and guide you to whichever path you want to take. Whatever you become Gilda, you will have a proud father behind you.”

“Father, you have taught me to be a strong griffon.” Gilda’s chest got warm to feeling her deep emotional yearning to be hugged by her father right now. “Father may you always lead and guide me in life! I know that you expect me to cast you out and resent but I Love you very much father, I always wanted to be looked upon by your loving eyes and see you smile at me, you raised me since my birth and I remember how you never shy away from playing that little princess or tea party whatever it’s called when I asked you to play with me, you always brushed my hair, nuzzled me, read me like three or four bedtime stories and I will end up sleeping under your protecting wing…so much to remember.” Moaned the daughter. “But the memories I cherish most are ones where we spend our time together in the meadows, together me and father reading and eating or running side by side laughing oooh the more stories he’ll tell me.” The more she remembers the more her yearning to be with father drives her to fly faster.

Forgiveness. A virtue that can give her everything she had before the decade of her untrue self made her life kind of blank.

“Father…dad…daddy. Nurturer, guidance, protector, the light to help get out of the pit the scars from the war threw me in. My only father from who I am not of his flesh and blood but he does not care, he knows from his heart that I am his flesh and blood because he loves me.”

The Power of Forgiveness unleashed itself in the center of Gilda’s rationale, causing a mass cession of her old intentions for the old and incompatible cannot advance with the new therefore after the induced end of retribution the synthesis of forgiveness can spread its glory in Gilda’s psyche.

“Daddy…” Gilda calls out to Gold Sky. “I FORGIVE YOU!”

The Daughter becomes the Father and the Father the Daughter.

“Rarity?? Why do you want me to use my telepathy on you? Only once I used the thought implication of my telepathy on you and that was to prevent you from intervening when Gilda began to strangle me.” Gold Sky asked.

Rarity took a silent breath; she has to prevent the alibi from coming forth and harm Gold Sky by having him hear her accuse him of violating her. “Gold Sky, whatever you do not ask me who violated me but I desperately need you to look into my mind and free me from the telepathic chains.”

At hearing of the telepathic chains Gold Sky got very confused. “Telepathic chains? Rarity who violated you!?” He just did the thing Rarity told him not to do.

“NO, NO, NO, NO! You!” Rarity covered her mouth to show him it was the telepathic chains not her. “Gold Sky, I didn’t say that! It’s the chains please don’t get hurt Gold Sky, you know with all of your heart that I would never blame you. So you have to use your telepathy on me to free me from the chains. Please Gold Sky, please; I’m begging you to use your telepathy so you can free me!”

Gold Sky fought back tears…it hurts him to hear his sister accuse him. “At least I know it’s th-th-the cha-cha-chains tsssh ooaohh…” *Gasp* “N-n-not again.” His speech impediment returns even after Rainbow Dash helped him overcome it. “I’m afraid to know what I need to know. The Razor will look for any way to be unleashed so if I use my telepathy will you promise to help me fight the Razor?” Spoke low to prevent himself from stuttering.

This is a promise Rarity will keep. “I will help you fight the Razor.” Rarity placed a hoof over Gold Sky heart along with over the scar. “You and me will fight that thing within you and then both of us will fight the pony who harmed me.” Suddenly Rarity spotted Lauren standing behind Gold Sky.
“Lauren!” Lucky Rarity kept her poise intact.

Lauren is invisible to Gold Sky and is not very pleased. “Rarity, your will be responsible for his life, fate, and blood. Your will take the blame if anything happens him. You! You will be the reason he will get a clean slate if he comes to the other side again. Permanently.” Lauren unfolded her wings to their full span to make herself very intimating. “I will not be very pleased to bring his spirit to the heavenly paradise again nor can I blame you for trusting him. I understand your intentions but still, you are responsible for his fate. Do not fail me.” Lauren disappeared from Rarity’s sight.

Rarity took another silent deep breath. “Gold Sky, are you ready?”

Gold Sky sat down on his rump to concentrate his telepathy. “Rarity, I will break the cha, what!”

The door slammed open and Gilda flew in stopping a yard and a half in front Gold Sky. For thirteen seconds she didn’t say anything until mustering up the courage to say one word. “Daddy…!” She calls Gold Sky the name she has always called him. “Daddy…!”

Gold Sky quelled his telepathy, moved Rarity out of the way to focus on something more important right now. “G-Gilda.” This is too real for him; forgiveness can’t be this powerful can it? “Sweetheart. Come here.” He extended his arms. “My dear daughter ple-please come, please come.”

Gilda dashed into the arms of her father and wrapped her arms around her father. “Daddy I love you!! I love you!”

Gold Sky felt warm tears run down his cheeks, this is real and it’s happening. “Gilda, please forgive me. Please forgive me sweetheart.”

Gilda smiled at feeling the tears land on her head. “Oh I forgive you! I forgive you, just promise me you will always, always be here for me.”

Rarity looked on. “I can wait a little bit longer.”

“I promise sweetheart, I promise with my love, heart, spirit, body, soul, and blood. I promise to always be here for you sweetheart. I love you Gilda.” Gold Sky smiled a smile that’s bigger than the smile he had at seeing Octavia walking down the aisle and nothing will take away this moment.

Gilda couldn’t help but just lose herself to being with the pony that is a part of her heart.
“I Love you too...daddy.”


In Canterlot.

Princess Cadance felt a warm feeling in her chest wake her up from a pleasant dream. “Huuuuuuuuh? Why do I feel such a warm feeling in my, oh, oh, ooooooooh!!” Cadance began to smile.

“Father and daughter are reunited!! They’re reunited! Oh Gold Sky you finally have your daughter back in your life!”

Mother love Cadance touched her heart and levitated the drawn picture before her line of sight.

“I am very happy for you Gold Sky, at least in the darkness there will always be light.”

But for how long until the Night takes the Light to its execution.
For the Night is dark yes, but sometimes, full of terrors.

Chapter. 56- Forgiveness Is (Not) Alone.

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