• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Twilight against the Razor

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity


Disclaimer- My dear readers I heavily suggest you click on the musical links for the short piece will truly show emotions in the Griffon section of the chapter. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

“I sense the direness I or we have felt before I sent the spear to find the heart!” Luna’s slurred speech pattern makes Octavia roll her eyes.

“Celli she’s talking about him and I am going to get upset and trust me, she’s talking about him! I don’t want Luna talking about him anymore!” One thing is being near Luna another is listening about the fateful deed Luna has ordered.

“Uhhm, well you must realize Luna is still kind of drunk…oh forget it.” Celli stops her attempt to make an excuse for her younger sister.

Luna spins in a circle adding more untidiness to her already drunken state. “We will fight the dire razor blade myself for the moon is bright and the nighty night is the terror that is empty for we are not drunk but just tipsy in the sober light!” She stops spinning and dashes for the balcony to fly out into the night and confront the razor blade. “OOOF!” Instead her face is gracefully greeted by the doors of her room. “Ow our beautiful face is hurting.”

Celli’s magic picks Luna, dusts her off, and points the dark blue in the right direction. “Right there is the window sister now be…” Before the white mare had a chance to finish the dazed slash dizzy plus still drunk Luna dashes out again except without having the slightest idea to flap those darned wings.

“Here I gooooooo!” Luna jumps over the balcony.

*Goofy yell* Gravity can be so pleasant sometimes.

“Oh dear!” Octavia looks down from the balcony seeing a rising cloud of dust that wouldn’t be rising if the dazed slash dizzy plus still drunk Luna flapped her wings. “W-will she be alright?”

Princess Celestia comes to stand by Octavia and covers the gray mare with a wing. “Don’t worry she’s been through worse like dropping down from lunar orbit.”

“Heh, well I wonder what she meant by the razor blade though.”
Celestia nudges Octavia. “How about we have ourselves some late night chocolate cake?”
Octavia nods so the happy duo head to the dining room for a sweet late night delight.

Down below, Delta Scorch fans away the dust. “Mother are you okay and how the heck did you end up down here!??”

Luna with a totally confused face points up to the balcony. “We don’t know my dear boy ehhhh come here!” She grabs the stallion and begins kissing him all over the cheeks. “I will protect you from the razor blade that I sense again but I can’t get back from here again so I can be so elegant so the relevance of the evidence is not so evident.” Oh great now the Princess of the Moon is trying to sing.

Delta Scorch can’t believe his mother is drunk but hey there’s always a first time for everything. “Come mother I’ll take you to bed.” With his magic he places mother onto his back and teleports to Luna’s room. “There, there mother, I’ll be here with you for the whole night.” His magic covers the Princess with her blankets.

“I love my boy Delta Scorch, I-I love him more than you Cloud Hugger!” Just all the more surprises for Delta Scorch.

“Cloud Kicker mother.” Delta corrects the mare just the sake of well correcting a drunk.

Luna waves it off. “Whatever, go to sleep!”

And finally Luna dozes off to sleep.
“Good night mother.” Delta kisses his mother’s cheek.

Alas, what Octavia, Princess Celestia and Delta Scorch fail to take into account is the razor blade is the Razor making its presence known and only Luna can sense such a dire presence but whom in their right mind will believe a drunk?

“Gold Sky is that you my brother?” Rarity’s mind with unrelenting power denies the reality where Gold Sky is the horrible Razor.

The Alicorn whose wings glow brightly, eyes are the same as Nightmare Moon, anger unleashed, and will be unstoppable. “I am the Razor; I am the unstoppable monster that longed to be free to taste the crimson purity of blood and now I will taste the blood of my enemy.” Slowly his gaze shifts from the white mare to the lavender mare.

Twilight feeling the trembling inducing gaze of the Razor is afraid to be facing the monster she’s read about in the book about the Chero, adding to her trembling is a quick flashback of witnessing the Razor ripping off the wings of a Royal guard then licking the blood off its lips, ripping off the horns of the Unicorn Royal guards, and other things that makes her urinate in her bed at nigh if she thinks too deeply about them. Deep down she is afraid but on the surface she is pleased to be facing a REAL STRONG STALLION instead of a pathetic weakling named Gold Sky who for many reasons offended her for having such power as an Alicorn yet chooses not to utilize that amazing power. “Finally I face a real stallion!” These are the words Twilight chose to say to the Razor. “I will finally get the fight I rightfully deserve instead of that weakling named Gold Sky, now if it’s my blood you want then come and get it Razor!”
Hmmm, Twilight is too confident to realize the impact of her words.

*POOF!* The Razor appears in front of Twilight without giving her time to prepare for his coming attacks.

“What!” Twilight gasps to the Razor standing before her.

“Thank you.” The Razor with just a millisecond of a second slams the lavender mare flat on her back and buries its right hoof in the center of Twilight’s chest. “Your blood reeks of overconfidence!” Quick as the Razor slammed Twilight on her back, he picks up Twilight heads butts her making stars flying about. “Too much copper and not enough iron for my taste.” His left hoof impacts Twilight’s stomach creating visible ripples traveling from the epicenter of pain, while Twilight is still feeling the painful shockwaves the Razor with a mighty jab breaks Twilight’s jaw then the Razor ends by tossing Twilight in front of it and hits her with anger strength force.

“OOOOF!” A nice thick redwood tree catches Twilight. “Okay…he’s not weak anymore just mad.” A late general assessment is better than no assessment at all. “Uh oh!”

The Razor with its black cloak taking the terrifying shape of black wings tackles Twilight through the redwood tree and does not show any sign to stop.

“This is unreal!” Rarity breaths out. “He’s unstoppable when he’s the Raz- he’s dishonorable.” Rarity feels her heart give a mighty beat while the Razor deflects Twilight’s magic by throwing its body armor in the trajectory of the magic beam. “Though he’s dishonorable he’s efficient yet still dishonorable.” At least Rarity knows her brother well. “He is honor bound.” She knows it will only be a matter of time before the true Gold Sky takes control back from the Razor that is if he does or can.

“Got you!” Twilight with the nick of time use of her telepathy manages to catch the Razor’s left hoof. “Got you again!” Now Twilight with her tremendous strength keeps the Razor from doing anything with its captured hooves. “What’s the matter? Can’t move can you.” Twilight knees the Razor thinking the pain will force him to relent.

The Razor undaunted from the temporary collapse of its digestive and respiratory systems uses its full brain capacity in combat to improvise making it smile like a blood thirsty fiend.

“Why is he smiling at me?” Slightly unnerved Twilight still has the means to speak in her mind.

The Razor shifting all its power to the captured right hoof moves it forward a few inches before Twilight gets the thought to push it back without effort. “For this.” The Razor answers Twilight’s inner question.with the right horseshoe blade flaring to stab Twilight’s windpipe making the mare choke on her own blood and gives the Razor the opportunity to strike Twilight away from him. “Hmmmm?” The Razor licks the blood off the blade while Twilight continues gargling on her own.

Rarity despite her anger wishes she can help Twilight for the shock of hearing someone choke on their own blood can make anyone go cold. “Oh my, Gold Sky is licking her blood!” Not Gold Sky it’s the Razor to be exact.

Twilight on the other hand or hoof is fully healed though shaken up for experiencing aspiration on her own blood.

“You’re anemic which explains why your blood tastes horrible and reeks.” The Razor spits out Twilight’s blood. “I tasted better blood than yours but your blood still has potential of improving in taste.” After its spoken thought the Razor focuses back on Twilight only then give her its back.

“Whatever he’s planning it must how to make my blood taste better given how as the Razor he wants my blood along with saying indirectly its grade A number one so if he truly wants it then this is why he’s distracted with his desires.” With a smirk being born on her face her mind creates a plan of attack. “It’s time to commence my offensive.

Rarity keeping her distance from the fight becomes alarmed to see Twilight charging towards Gold Sky’s back with her horn glowing brightly. “Gold Sky!” However, her eye to detail notices a tiny sinister smile on brother’s lips. “He planned this!”

The Razor may be a blood thirsty fiend but it still retains the grand trait of the tactician Gold Sky has so how else can the Razor be so good at killing without being so good at luring prey to its fangs.

“Got you what!” Twilight’s powerful swing misses its intended target for the Razor ducked like it knew Twilight was coming. “Come here.” Quickly Twilight spins around to take another swing at the Razor but her hoof misses its target once again for it moved its head back. “Damn it that’s it!” Twilight fires a bolt of magic without taking the time to use her visual senses to lock on the target only to see him strafe to the right avoiding the magical bolt. “Jump!” Twilight teleports and reappears one & a half yards from his left side firing multiple bolts magic to which at the moment Twilight fires her bolts the Razor simply steps back to just see the bolts zoom past its line of sight. “C’mon!” Blindly, Twilight teleports to hit the Razor but her hoof is swatted away.

It’s almost out of the laws of Nature to see a little Fox toying with the Alpha Wolf as if the Alpha Wolf it’s the prey for the little Fox.

“Augh!” Twilight is struck making her fall to the ground; obviously she’s getting angered by this unexpected tactic taken by the Razor who she thinks will be doing savage relentless attacks. “Take this!” Twilight fires more bolts of magic.

The Razor back flips dodging the bolts.

“Wow.” Rarity is impressed. “So if Gold Sky is good fighter when he isn’t the Razor then right now he must be a flawless fighter.”

Twilight fires more bolts so the Razor front flips forward causally avoids the bolts then side flips when one of the bolts happens to home in on it but misses the Razor and goes straight for Twilight. “Oh not good.” Luckily the bolt hits Twilight’s energy helmet.

*Poof* The Razor reappears before Twilight waiting for her to take a swing at him to which Twilight takes the bait allowing the Razor to catch her arm and break it by slamming its knee on the joint. *Ping* Still Twilight creates a force field to get her away from the Razor. “Damn it, it’s like he got a hell of a lot smarter and is toying with me like a cat will do with a mouse. At least my arm has healed and its time to get invisible!” Twilight’s magic makes her completely invisible that not even Rarity’s eye to detail can find her.

The Razor stops in its tracks growling in discontent to see the nice prey disappear making it speak out loud to find Twilight Sparkle. “Don’t be shy wretch!” Sadly the Razor has a coarse language that it isn’t afraid to use.

“Oh my how harsh!” Rarity tells herself while she hides in a bush praying Twilight doesn’t find her.

The Razor decides to go for the hunt by going on a stroll. “You think you can hide from me Twilight Sparkle?”
Twilight Sparkle looking down from the highest branch of a nearby redwood tree comes to realize the voice the Razor is one of a charming yet sadistic killer who loves to show one little act of mercy to give the victim an ounce of hope before coming to the realization that it’s still going to be flayed alive in the end.

“I can’t see you.” The Razor pauses to study its environment to see if leaves are falling providing a homing beacon for Twilight Sparkle. “I can’t hear you.” Its ears twitch for the sound of a twig breaking which will be the most clichéd thing ever. “I can’t smell your scent.” Its nose can’t pick up the adrenaline soaked sweat leaking out of the pores the lavender mare secretes.

“Phew.” A visible cloud of breath escapes Twilight’s mouth. “The longer I keep this up then his anger will diminish until he turns back into the weakling allowing me to finish him off with a surprise offense from above then wipe the slate clean for Rarity...” Twilight’s train of thought is suddenly brought to an end by the charming sadistic voice of the Razor.


Huh??” Twilight looks back down. “WHAT!!? Where did he go!!?” Her eyes travel back & forth to find the stallion.

*Poof* The Razor appears next to the invisible Twilight Sparkle. “Your blood betrays you for I smell it like the strong perfume of a freshly bloomed rose.”

“Impossible!” It wasn't until Twilight realizes she hasn’t wiped off the dried up yet scent emitting blood from her neck where the blade went in.

The Razor flares out both horseshoe blades and though it cannot see Twilight Sparkle through sight, through instinct it knows where to plant the blades so by going in a rough downward angle the blades glide right underneath the energy armor and stab the nerve clusters of the brachial plexus nerves delivering the motivation for Twilight Sparkle to end the invisibility spell.

“Suffer.” The horn of the Razor glows blasting two beams of magic into the silver horseshoes converting the magic into electrical shocks.

“AUUUUUGGGH!” Twilight screams to the unmeasurable pain journeying all over her nervous system.

“Oh Twilight Sparkle, the nervous system cannot withstand a single voltage of external electricity much less five hundred thousand volts being delivered through my blades.”

Twilight being shocked with electricity??

Talk about poetic justice.

The Razor twists the blades severing the inferior nerve of the cluster and for six seconds increases the voltage tenfold due to the haywire. “Pain Twilight tells you you’re alive. Pain tells you to fight. Pain tells you to surrender. And Pain makes the nerves of your body to cease transmission causing unconsciousness to come upon you like the fire of a chimera.” Suddenly the Razor stops talking to lick the dried up blood from Twilight’s neck making goose bumps appear. “I will enjoy every minute flaying you and drinking your blood.”

Twilight feeling herself going in & out of consciousness slowly but with every bit of her remaining strength that hasn’t been numbed by the Razor’s magic picks up her hoof and thankfully pushes away the Razor freeing her of the pain and freeing her of the prospect of being flayed alive which doesn’t sound quite nice if she thinks about it. “Why did I blush when he licked my neck?” Twilight was always an oddball when it came to her thought patterns.

“Ahhh, you show such resilience to your inevitable end Twilight Sparkle. I really like that.” The Razor without giving Twilight a second to think what it’s going to do lunges forward slashing Twilight’s exposed belly with motions that are quite brutal yet smooth from Rarity’s point of view. “Stay!” The Razor getting its knife sinks it through Twilight’s left arm pinning her perfectly which is followed by the delivering of a powerful blow to the face of the lavender mare putting her in a dazed state which will keep her from doing anything, so while the eyes of the lavender mare spin in different directions the Razor slices Twilight’s abdominal area and with its magic rips out the small intestine in the duodenum section. Again to prevent anymore resistance, the Razor punches Twilight square in the face again keeping her in the dazed maze. “Augh!” The Razor tied the small intestines to the handle of its tomahawk, sunk the tomahawk deep into the tree, and picked up Twilight Sparkle. “I wonder Twilight Sparkle, is your body as strong as your might?” He drops Twilight from the high branch watching the intestines unwind like a spool of thread.

Rarity is too shocked to even think up a thought to tell herself what’s in mind.

*Plissh!* All of the intestines are ripped out of the lavender mare making the Razor jump up & down in joy to see Twilight dropping down to the ground. “AHAHAHAHAHA wait until I flay you!”

Twilight lands on the soft as a feather pillow ground thanking herself for taking the weaklings blood. “Oh frak, heal damn it, heal.” Twilight rolls to her back to wait out the long seconds until her intestines regenerate. “Gold Sky isn’t savage like he was with the Royal guard; I guess I misread the bit about the Razor when it said extreme prejudice. He doesn’t have to be an unrelenting monster; he can be a charming sadist that likes to make its prey suffer.” *Gasp!* “Jump!” Twilight teleports out of the coming Razor’s way.

Twilight reappears at the Razor’s side dashing forward thanks to a magical boost tackling the Razor for a change and finally using her strength to keep him down. “Flay this!” She punches the Razor with the same power she used to split open the earth. “How does it feel to be on the receiving end for a change you weakling!” With magic Twilight levitates the Razor, punching it in the stomach while squinting her eyes in case any blood splattered over her face, then Twilight throws the Razor, into trees, the stones, her force fields, and into the wrath of her right hoof. “This is your inevitable end you weakling!” Twilight punches the Razor directly over the heart.

Rarity who can only watch sees the eyes of the Razor change from the heartless turquoise to the loving magenta for a split second. “Twilight punching his heart!”

“SUFFER!” Twilight punches the heart again creating tremendous shockwaves in the ground that make the tall trees fall over and Rarity to lose her balance. “Let’s see if your heart is as strong as your will!” Another punch on the heart finally subdues the Razor which is quite the feat given how Nightmare Moon to had a hard time to bring the monster to a complete stop.

“Oooooh…” The Razor going by instinct to escape its current unfavorable situation begins crawling out of the impact crater at a rate where Tank will beat him in a drag race.

The Alpha Wolf savoring the chance to sink its fangs into the neck of the defenseless little Fox but taking cues from the once ferocious little Fox toys with him a bit by circling the incapacitated prey. “Oh Gold Sky you were always a weakling from the moment you were born and to the moment you died by the end of the spear.” The Alpha Wolf with its vanity picks up the head of the little Fox and slams it into the ground smearing dirt all over its face. “I can believe I once had feelings for you Gold Sky and even more insulted to know you had feelings for me too. Ugh! To be felt for by a weakling like you is disgusting!! STAY DOWN!” The Alpha Wolf delivers another blow to the heart but this time from behind by using the scar as a point of reference. “You shall always be weak Gold Sky for you are a stallion and yes even though stallions built civilizations and practically most of the world for that matter you are nothing like them! You’re weak, pathetic, and hopeless! I am strong, intelligent, and hopeful for the joy of all our kind! I am Twilight Sparkle the strongest mare in the entire universe and to think you can be any kind of determent for what I want is practically the most stupidest thing you can ever think of you pathetic weakling!” Oh how the Alpha Wolf longed to say everything she’s right now to the little Fox. “I will have your dear sister as my love Gold Sky and there is nothing you can do about it, for I don’t care if you’re Princess Celestia’s son, I don’t care if you’re Octavia’s husband, and I don’t care if you’re an Alicorn. I am going to end you simply to rid the world of someone who has so much power yet fail or purposely fails to use it.” The Alpha Wolf with its magic creates a spear to kill the little Fox the same way it died before. “Yes crawl a little bit more Gold Sky.” The Alpha Wolf lets the little Fox crawl.

Unknowingly to Rarity, is the sole fact Gold Sky didn’t or practically forgot to tell her about the insertion of the plates of valyrian steel to safe guard his heart.

The Alpha Wolf raises it spear to kill the little Fox once and for all. “I guess I won’t have to use the son against the father after all…DIE!” The Spear shoots down to the scar behind the heart.

“NO!” The Dire Wolf with all its love for the little Fox attacks the Alpha Wolf with no hesitation of mercy. “You will not kill my little brother!”

“Ooooh…” The Razor still incapacitated closes it eyes to allow its need for Twilight’s blood to rejuvenate.

Rarity avoiding a bolt of magic from Twilight extends her horseshoe blades and slices a second bolt coming at her into two. With speed combined with stealth Rarity teleports under Twilight’s field of view allowing the white mare to stab Twilight’s exposed underbelly with both blades and left up the vile mare above her. “My turn to provide you with the suffering you deserve!” Rarity’s horn glows brightly and fires a powerful beam of magic to Twilight’s body destroying the hard work tissue regeneration does. “Just suffer!” Removing one of the blades, Rarity slams Twilight down making the vile mare gasp a bit in this sudden savagery coming from the white mare.

“Hmmm.” Twilight with a force field projected just in the moment to keep a blade three inches from her face. “AAH, what!!” Because the force field is a plane spanned over Twilight, a bolt of magic from Rarity homed in from the side and struck Twilight creating a disruption on the force field.
Twilight with some luck jerked her head to the left avoiding the blade but lost a large piece of her cute right ear. Still with Rarity’s arm in reach Twilight seizes it and throws Rarity with just a mere flick. “Jump!” The vile mare prevents Rarity from having any sort of foothold by firing a flak bolt of magic.

“AHH!” The flak bolt of magic explodes in front of Rarity launching her about on the ground into complete submission. “Just one bolt of magic can do this to me! How bloody incredible.” Rarity tells herself while she feels her body healing but not at the rapid rate Twilight heals.

Twilight standing four meters from Rarity just laughs like she hasn’t done this before. “You’re mine.”

Rarity still in the process of healing takes a step back to prepare for what Twilight has in store until from out of nowhere the Razor with its black cape flapping loudly lands behind Rarity forcing Twilight come to a complete halt.

“Frak!” Twilight not only comes to a complete halt but takes a step back.

The Razor takes in a long breath enlarging its chest to great proportions all to say one word.
“TWILIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!” Hear the Razor’s roar for it is the fury of anger.

“Ow.” Rarity’s ears are ringing. “He protects me!”

“YOU’RE MINE!” With amazing speed the Razor turns into a black blur clashing into Twilight then disappear leaving a trail of flying of leaves in his run.

“AAH!” The black blur makes Twilight sing in pain. “OOF!” The black blur uppercuts Twilight into the air and with the same amazing speed it had in running it has it in its motions of delivering strikes to the vile mare. “No don’t vibrate your hooves on my helmet!” Twilight begs.

But the Razor does not listen to Twilight Sparkle when its hooves vibrate on the energy helmet causing an unstable resonance in the atomic structure of the physical energy forcing it to become to become undone and transfer into the power of a controlled explosion ending its physical form. “Take this!” A deep slash across Twilight’s forehead just cries out of insult to injury. “And this, you pathetic mare!!” The left horseshoe blade scalps Twilight giving it an early trophy and Rarity another opportunity to gasp. Of course, it licks the blood off the trophy. “Getting better.”

“Hey what the hell seriously what the hell! Why the frak will you do that!” Twilight feels her freshly scalped head and cannot believe the pain is just now arriving instead of arriving when the Razor scalped her. “My head!” Twilight focuses her tissue regeneration. “Frak you!”

The Razor zooms away from Twilight Sparkle knowing she will be getting upset making her become sloppy to which will make her an easy prey for the taking.

“Where is ahh!” Rarity takes advantage to take hold of Twilight with magic.
“From me to you Twilight!” Rarity’s gift is just an uppercut, nothing more nothing less fancy than that. While in connection to Rarity’s prediction the Razor strikes Twilight six times before she hits the ground thanks to its speed.

“Stay down!” The Razor aims its right hoof and launches it down not over Twilight’s heart to return the favor but over the chest to relish the sound of bones shattering…must be some kind of a twisted satisfaction to anyone’s opinion. “And still!” From above along with still having Twilight’s intestines tied to the handle, the tomahawk hacks Twi’s right arm pinning it down, the knife pins down the left arm. *GASP!* Rarity gasps. Why? “Very, very still Twilight!” The Razor has sliced off its own horn breaking it in half to pin down Twilight’s hind legs. “You know Twilight Sparkle you almost had me there for a moment.” A monologue with a punch to the face is like the act of mercy the charming sadist does to perform the best deception. “You had thinking me that you will prevent me from flaying you because I’m more than sure you the old saying, ahem, a captured pony has secrets.” The Razor flares out the right horseshoe blade. “A flayed pony has none. So tell me, Twilight Sparkle what secrets do you have for me? For I am unleashed to protect my sister and I wish to know why you do everything that led to this moment and for the other side of myself to rethink everything about Luna.” The Razor’s turquoise eyes see the soft glow of the energy armor and hears the hum in its ears. “First. Take away your means to a defense.” The Razor places its forearms on the armor vibrating the arms to the point they’re just a blur to the naked eye disturbing the resonance of the energy causing it to transfer into a free form after dispersing in a blast caused by instability. “Stay still.” Also telepathy forces Twilight to stay still along with slowing down her tissue regeneration to a crawl but the Razor does not specify for how long Twilight will stay still and Twilight’s mind is very enhanced. “Hmmmm now where to start?” With the right horseshoe blade going under the skin of the belly it begins flaying the lavender mare of her precious skin.

Twilight bits her lips to keep herself from screaming giving the Razor a sense of agonizing relish in his pursuit for secrets but the more skin the Razor removes the more reason she wants to scream and the more reason she bites down harder on her lip to the point of breaking it open.

Rarity from a distance dodges a chuck of Twilight’s skin that the Razor threw after he flayed it off. “Suffer Twilight Sparkle, suffer in the pain your rightfully deserve, suffer Twilight, suffer!”

Eventually Twilight’s teeth sink completely sink through her bottom li making her blood rush onto the surface of her tongue. “AAAH PLEASE STOP! I’M BEGGING YOU PLEASE STOP, STOP!” Twilight starts begging while resisting the urge to look down and see her body stripped of skin. “I fell in love with Rarity the moment I met her for the first time years ago!”

“Alas the flayed pony spills her secret but tell me more for I want secrets.” Instead of slicing the piece of skin off like it’s more cleanly preferred the Razor rips out the piece of skin finally getting the scream it so desired from its prey.

Inside of Twilight’s mind though it is slowly fighting off the grip of the Razor’s telepathic command but still needs time and to get that time Twilight has no other choice but to oblige the Razor with more secrets or otherwise, when she loses all her skin then Rarity might give the order to have the horseshoe blade stab the heart. “When I first saw Gold Sky in his true form I almost couldn’t believe my eyes but just like I became amazed without a seconds hesitation I began feeling something for him when I saw how much he admired me after Princess Celestia told him about me, I thought maybe instead of trying to be with Rarity I should try to be with him. So we spent time together satisfying not only each other’s curiosity for one another but satisfying Princess Celestia herself. Eventually I came to realize that the only reason I felt anything for Gold Sky was to get my mind off of Rarity and I saw through my own created ruse so I killed whatever, he thought was forming between us and resumed my pursuit for Rarity.”

“Keep talking.” The Razor asks. “Please.” In a rather kind way.

“I-I made Rarity have sex with me by using my telepathy on her an-an-and the reason I blamed you was because you were the greatest threat to me given your telepathy and sheer love for Rarity. Also to keep you completely occupied I modified a illusion…” Twilight stops herself. “I made you run from wherever you were by attacking Oct…” Again Twilight stops herself spilling this secret. “I see Gold Sky as a complete weakling who is undeserving of being an Alicorn but is so deserving of being stabbed in the heart for being so pathetic. I wish I can kill Gold Sky!” Twilight screams at the Razor while feeling she is almost gaining complete control of her mind. “I wish I can kill him! Have Rarity so I can live happily ever after while Gold Sky rots wherever he frakken is!!!”

The Razor laughs. “I got the secrets I wanted!”

Finally Twilight gained complete control of her mind. “Did you now!? Well I hope you want this too as well!” Twilight just fires her magic at the Razor only to have it back-flip avoiding the magical blast but gives the opportunity to free herself from the tomahawk, knife, and horn. “Take this!” The lavender Unicorn attacks the Razor but the monster’s speed is ahead of her hooves. “Huh!” Twilight senses Rarity coming. “You think I’m stupid Rarity!” So before Rarity come down on her Twilight shots lightning at the white mare sending the Element of Generosity away and turns back to the Razor that for the moment looks like it’s going to do something in a low stance.
From the low stance the Razor will avenge the act committed against big sister. “Taté” A powerful gust of wind launches Twilight to where the wind pushes her. “Sister.” The Razor comes by Rarity’s side to check on her wellbeing. “Sister are you alright?” The Razor exists to protect and it will be soft to the reason that made it become unleashed.

Ah yes the Razor exists to protect so I shouldn’t be surprised to see it nuzzle Rarity’s cheek.” Twilight notes on her observation while thinking up a new attack pattern.

“I-I am okay Go-Gol-Gold Sky.” Try as she may Rarity is afraid to speak to this monster that has taken over her honor bound brother. “I-I’m okay.”

The Razor on the other hoof takes Rarity’s words and turns into a black blur once more as it uses its amazing speed to confuse Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight Sparkle, why do you persist to fight you hapless harpy when your armor is all but gone and your mind is becoming more and more unnerved.”

Twilight fires a homing bolt at the black blur but each bolt can’t reach the target due to its speed. “I will defeat you Gold Sky!” Twilight Shrieks. “I have never lost to Rarity and I will not lose to a weakling like you! I never lose you hear me, I never lose!!” Except when it comes to Go of which Spike wins game after game. “Stand still and face me like a real stallion you coward!! Huh…”
The Razor stops in front of Twilight Sparkle. “As you wish.” It sinks it right horseshoe blade into the center of Twilight’s chest and throws the vile mare over to Rarity. “Sister now!”
Rarity on cue fires a bolt of magic that breaks up into multiple missiles. “Brother wait!” The Razor obeys sister and waits. “I will be beating you Twilight.” The white mare catches Twilight to hold her high above her head and after a few milliseconds to concentrate her strength swings Twilight down in her waiting knee striking the vile mare’s abdominal area with such a force it made Twilight whimper then vomit a large quantity blood. “Don’t try eating that Gold Sky!” Rarity didn’t want brother to lick up after noticing him glide its tongue over his chops.

The Razor heeds Rarity’s command and goes for Twilight Sparkle. “You words say one thing.” It picks her up with magic while it stands on it hind legs. “But your actions say another Twilight.” With the last word leaving its lips the Razor pulls back its right arm then with full strength sends it forward into Twilight’s face completely disfiguring the vile mare’s face and by that, it means the Razor has sink such into Twilight’s face all that is left what looks like a bloody crater. “I will never allow you to harm my sister ever again Twilight Sparkle!” The Razor punches Twilight in the stomach this time. “I will end you here once and for all, for you are just a pestilence that has been a thorn in my sister’s side for far too long!” Another hit to the stomach. “Don’t be afraid though Twilight Sparkle, once I’m done drinking your blood I will take your horn as my most valuable trophy.” Finally the final punch sends the battered Twilight to the ground.

*ting* The word afraid gives Twilight the incentive to an idea she thought of long ago to use. “Jump.” *poof*

“You think you hide from me Twilight Sparkle!!” The Razor commences to sniff the air.

Twilight gets rid of her energy wrist guards to successfully shape shift into the one mare the Razor or more specifically Gold Sky fears the most.
The Razor finally locks on to a scent and flares out both horseshoe blades but when the scent is fully processed the Razor freezes up completely.
“Gold Sky what’s wrong?” Rarity senses her honor bound brother is taking control back from the Razor not for the right reason as she wanted but for the wrong reason.

“N-no i-i-i-i-it ca-ca-can’t be her-her!” Stutters the Razor who slowly backtracks, its wings stop glowing, horseshoes blades are retracted, eyes change back to magenta, and voice is loving once again.

“Who!?” Rarity screeches. “Who is this her!!?”

“Me.” Princess Mi Amore Cadenza replies to the white mare.

Rarity gasps upon remembering Gold Sky fears Princess Cadance and is damned to see Twilight finally exploiting the ultimate fear to get rid of the Razor and have victory rise in the horizon. “No this can’t be happening! Gold Sky will never fight against Twilight now that she has somehow shape shifted into Princess Cadance, this is isn’t possible!

Twilight or in this case Princess Mi Amore Cadenza approaches the trembling stallion with a serious raised bow but emotionless face. “Kneel before your Princess, boy!” Oh how Twilight always wanted to say that to the weakling.
And kneel is what Gold Sky does to Princess Cadance. “Your majesty, please spare me of your wrath for you know I will never do anything to offend you.”

Rarity angry for this deception stomps the ground. “Gold Sky this is a trick! Twilight is playing a trick on you ooof!” Magic seals Rarity’s mouth shut.

Twilight is pleased with this show of unhindered submission from Gold Sky. “Oh you have offended me since the minute I laid my eyes on you weakling! You mock me every second you wake up every morning and you offend me for every beat your heart gives.” Twilight covers her mouth to keep her serious composure intact than to let it crumble with laughter but even if she did let her composure crumble it will mean nothing to the stallion thus his fear for Princess Cadance will keep him in the unknown for what Twilight has in store.

Gold Sky gasps but what seems like a physical display of his evident fear, the black cloak does not dance with the wind instead it just settles on the ground afraid to rise and offend Princess Cadance. “Forgive me your majesty for this atrocity I committed against you.”

“Mmm-hmm hummm mmmm!” Rarity still with her mouth shut does not stop telling Gold Sky this is just a trick. “Gold Sky, brother read my mind, no wait read her mind and you will see through this deception!!!” But alas the Alicorn’s fear keeps telepathy out of use.

Princess Cad…Twilight, yes ahem, Twilight Sparkle without thought for the apparent limits this deception will have just goes up to Gold Sky and strikes him. “Take my gift Gold Sky. It is one you rightfully deserve for so long.”

Gold Sky spits out blood. “Your majesty please, please I’m begging you, forgive me for my transgressions against you.” He gets up and comes before Princess Cadance to just kneel before her.

“I’m going to love this! He will not fight back at all, hahahahahaha!” Twilight taking motives from the charming sadist just lovingly strokes Gold Sky’s head reflective in the way Queen Chrysalis did when was disguised as Princess Cadance. “Oh my dear Gold Sky please relax, just enjoy my loving touch Gold Sky please do enjoy it.”

“Bloody hell!” Rarity attempts to move forward but gravity suddenly shifts out of her favor.

Twilight doing the right moves relaxes the stallion. “Never fear Gold Sky though I am Princess Cadance the one thing you fear whole heartily, I can be something else to you Gold Sky.”

“Which is what your majesty?” A brief closing of his eyes allows him to enjoy this affection from Princess Cadance.

The cerise mare stops stroking Gold Sky’s head. “Your inevitable end.”

“Wha-what augh!!” Gold Sky cries to the pain from being struck on the chin by Princess Cadance.

Twilight without hesitation hits Gold Sky with a beam of flesh searing magic knowing he is without the silver armor plus that black cape just won’t catch on fire. “Burn Gold Sky.” She picks up with magic while on certain points of his body the pressure of her magical grip is increased tenfold and shakes him violently breaking his limbs in the points of high pressure forcing him to sing with screams of different pitches. “I’m enjoying the aria you’re singing boy, in fact I wish you were a castrato just to enjoy your screams in the highest of notes and your groans in the lowest of notes but sadly I will have to settle for this aria.” Twilight throws the stallion down, dragging him all over the ground while having lightning from above drills through his flesh like the end of an arrow fired from a long bow and guided by the power of the archer’s aim to stab the nerves.

“Your majesty please!” Gold Sky begs. “Have mercy on me.”

Twilight stops and places her right hoof on neck of the stallion proving she is the superior one so to prove that she will weaken the stallion even more given fear can only do so much. “You’re a weakling Gold Sky, hence why you died.”

“MMMHHMM!!” Rarity with her anger rising in watching her brother torn apart like this can only move her arm two inches but those two inches of movement are better than nothing when the first movement will lead to another. “I will protect you brother.” Rarity moves her other arm forward. Love gives the sister strength to move against the force of gravity itself.

Twilight presses down on the windpipe. “You’re so weak that I’m not surprised you were raped.” Weaken the stallion with the power of scars. “Yes Gold Sky you were somebody’s pathetic little wench.”
Gold Sky gasps and the dark coldness embraces him.

Twilight carries on. “I…” Oooh almost a complete slip up. “Even Twilight Sparkle can overpower you and have her way with you for as long as she wants just like she had her way with Rarity.” She sees the stallion go into the fetal position shaking to the darkness engulfing him with its claws. “Humph! Look at you Gold Sky, just minutes ago you were declaring you were going to drink my blood now you’re cowering from what isn’t here in the real world but what hurts you in the mental world. Oh Gold Sky all you are is a wench to whoever had their way with you, so sad yet so deserving for a weakling like you.” Twilight turns him over to have unhindered access to his heart. “Now just die as you’re being raped again in your mind, heh, it sure makes for a terrible way to go when all you see are your aggressors tearing you apart.”

“C’mon move damn it!” Rarity continues inching closer to Twilight while in the back of her head hears reason say she won’t be able to save little brother from the might of the Lavender Unicorn.

“Perish.” Twilight using ALL her strength buries her right hoof in the scar in front of the heart.

“NO!” Rarity only manages to say this word before magic seals her mouth shut.

“Have another one weakling!” Twilight punches Gold Sky’s heart again. “And know this is from me!” The vile mare shape-shifts back to her true form to witness Gold Sky’s eyes widen upon seeing he has fallen to deception. “I, Twilight Sparkle learned a great many things from my studies you weakling and I learned the best way to kill a stallion is through deception a tactic that proofed ever so valuable to the Hellenics when they conquered Troas. Now I will end you weakling or as you called yourself…King in the sea of spilt Blood.” She strikes the heart again creating a shockwave of an 9.9 earthquake will report and raises her hoof again but comes to a pause when the magenta eyes of the stallion close and hears what she calls the last breath. “Good bye weakling.” Twilight walks past the fallen stallion whose black cloak lays completely spread out underneath him.

“TWILIGHT RAUHHHHH!” With a mighty surge of power manifested by love Rarity escapes the hold of gravity tackling the vile mare with both horseshoe blades extended. “I WILL KILL YOU TWILIGHT!!!!” Rarity going completely berserk slashes Twilight’s chest open and goes for the beating heart.

“Rarity stop!” Twilight barely catches the enraged Rarity’s blade leaving it two millimeters from contact with the cardiac tissue. “AUHH!” A head butt sends her back six meters. “Damn it!” Twilight manages to dash forward and push Rarity away. “This is the first time Rarity becomes, becomes…oh no! She must have turned into the Razor like Gold Sky!!”

*Ting ting* Rarity’s magic seizes the tomahawk, not by the handle but by the still tied on intestines and swings it at Twilight to keep the vile mare away.

“WOAH!!” Twilight jerked back to avoid the tomahawk. “Inspection!” She pats downs her body to feel for any cuts and so far finds nothing out of the ordinary until she touches her head. “MY EARS!!!”
The tomahawk succeeded in slicing off the ears.
Rarity spins the tomahawk around her, winding it up on her right arm and then steps on the intestine once the tomahawk is roped up weapon in the optimal position. “Jump!”
*poof* Rarity appearing one yard from Twilight swings the tomahawk in vertical motions slicing open Twi’s flesh then while Twilight has her eyes on the tomahawk coming to the right, Rarity with her left arm snatches the back of Twilight’s head to bend the vile mare forward allowing the right knee to hit Twi’s belly to which the right blade stabs the left side and the left blade sinks its tip into the right side of Twilight’s neck. Quickly before Twilight can do anything, Rarity throws the vile mare up into the air and shoots the tomahawk knowing it will sink perfectly and deeply into Twilight’s belly prompting Rarity to yank on the rather strong intestine pulling Twilight back down to the ground whilst in the motion of the yank Rarity herself spins to the perfect moment to Twilight landing on her back and Rarity flaring out the right horseshoe blade launches it down to the vile mare’s heart once getting in the perfect position.

*PING* The power of the impact from Rarity’s blade striking the force field forces the nearby Redwood trees to uproot and fall over to the side. Twilight fires a homing bolt of magic but Rarity swats it away making it fly towards Gold Sky and sever his horn.

“Get up!!!” The magenta eyes slowly open. “G-Get up!!” The pain from being struck on the heart in unbearable but it will not kill him even if he didn’t have the valyrian steel plates protecting his heart, instead the pain forced him to go unconscious because the scars he has is obviously a hint for anyone who wish to kill this immortal. Stab the heart something Twilight didn’t do. “GET UUUUUUUUP!!” Gold Sky moves to his side, slowly that is though. “Huh?” He feels liquid running into his eyes only to then realize where this liquid is coming from.

“Ugh!” Twilight is struck from a homing bolt of magic in the face almost taking away her concentration to keep the force field intact otherwise Rarity’s blade will just stab her heart, nothing big to completely about worry if this wasn’t Twilight on the receiving end. “Give me that!” Twilight does however disarm the white mare of the tomahawk. “Oh not good!” *PING!!* Another force field stops a knife being held by Rarity’s left hoof from coming down on the heart as well and from the looks of it Rarity is putting everything she has to stab the heart once & for all and isn’t going down without a fight. “Hard part is keeping my concentration and the harder part will be keeping my concentration as I modify the force fields.” Beads of sweat run down Twilight’s brow while she mentally pictures how her force fields will engulf Rarity’s arms. “Now!” The dual force fields engulf Rarity’s arms lifting up the white mare giving Twilight a chance to kick Rarity away with her hind legs.

“Ooof!” Rarity hitting a tree loses grip of the knife though her mind still is enraged for the heart of her enemy. *plissh* “AAUUAAHHHHHH!” A magical spear stabs Rarity’s shoulder pinning her to the Redwood tree. “No, not this!” Rarity’s magic tries to remove the spear but this magic will not budge instead it sinks in deeper prolonging the stinging pain.

“Why do you continue fighting when you know you can’t prevent the inevitable!” Twilight declares. “Now I will have victory!”

Rarity’s rage dies down seeing this is the end…the end of the coming future without Spike’s hand in marriage, without Gold Sky, without Gilda, and without her free mind. “No…wha…”
Suddenly a bright glow of grayish purple shines upon her face.
“What!?” Twilight turns around only to lay her eyes on Gold Sky standing tall on his hind legs.

In this mighty but rare sight Twilight sees magic visibly pulsating from Gold Sky wings and follow a path provided by the leaking horn to his eyes while a pitch rising in octave and decibel indicates his magic is charging up to a level only Lauren knows it will go.
Frak! He’s still alive!!” Twilight awaits whatever is about to be thrown at her knowing it will only tickle her at most along with having her wrist guards to thwart the magic as well.

Lauren perched nearby rubs her chin in causal amusement for she for one didn’t think Gold Sky will finally come to complete grips in his ability to expel his powerful raw magic by unleashing it from is eyes that is after he severs his horn off. “At least in this he can use his powerful magic though the usage in this method will rare as rare can be.” Nevertheless. “It is always impressive when he does this.”

Alas, nearing the pinnacle point of the rising octave, Gold Sky eyes glow even brighter and finally upon reaching the pinnacle point. Gold Sky unleashes beams of powerful magic onto the vile mare except this time he isn’t this to buy time like before he’s doing this to completely put Twilight out of commission and defeat her once & for all.

“Ouugh!!” Twilight holds her ground to the strong burning concussion force but slowly is being forced back. “This is too strong.
Gold Sky ends his attack.

“Come here!” Twilight lunges forward to deal with the little Fox.

“RAWWWH!!!” Gold Sky roars as he unleashes his magical beams again sending Twilight away from him and presses on with his magic until he feels his horn regenerating to full health cutting of the flow of the magical fluid to his eyes and Twilight collapsing to the ground. “Sister!” Carefully Gold Sky removes the magical spear and throws it far away before he starts trembling to the sight of the weapon that has stabbed his heart. “Twilight you will not defeat me for my heart still beats and my lungs draw breath and I will never fall because the reason why I fear nothing in this world is through my skill of being the best killer for I can kill anything and I shall fear nothing except her majesty Princess Cadance whose deception you employed on me.” The black cape in motion with his emotions flows around him the same way mother’s hair flows around her.

“Damn it…damn it just plain freaking damn it! You just won’t quit will you!” Twilight rubs the parts of her body where Gold Sky’s mighty magic has plagued her with a definition that means more than trouble. “Still you impressed me with this use of magic though but short lived.” Twilight pops her neck. “Jump!” *poof* She appears at arm’s length of the stallion and head butts to give him a dose of his medicine.

Gold Sky staggers back a bit but then starts laughing like Twilight just tickled him or tried to insult him with a lame joke. “You fool of a Took.” He gives her a real head butt that sends her packing nine yards.

Enough is enough for Twilight Sparkle. *Poof* Twilight grabs him and just throws him beyond the horizon. “Now for you Rarity, do you remember Trixie using that age spell when she had the Alicorn Amulet?” Twilight is pushed to her last resort to finally have victory.

Rarity doesn’t respond.

“Well after some time I finally learned how to use that spell and better yet I enhanced it with my little touch!” With no indicator of the coming spell Twilight fires her magic at the white mare. “Now I win.”

A bright flash of white temporary blinds the environment and once it died out all that can be seen is silver armor laying still on the ground until after a few seconds something wiggles out of the body and that little something is Rarity just a few weeks above infancy. “Wh-where am I?” Asks the little filly.

When Twilight said she enhanced the age spell it not only turns the pony into an early stage of life but gives them the mind of that early stage meaning the pony has what is called a clean slate but with a coat of wax over it. The Alpha Wolf with a grin joyfully approaches the innocent Dire Wolf pup to easily wipe clean this mind for the mind of a child does not put up any form of a defense. “Hello Rarity, you’re mine!” Twilight’s eyes glow for when she deeply concentrates her telepathy the exhaust of the usage must come out somewhere.

*GASP!* Frightened, Rarity runs away from this scary looking pony hoping to find shelter somewhere and feel safe. “Get away from me!”

“Great!” Twilight commences chase forgetting that a child’s mind is defenseless while their legs are powerful. “Huff, huff, how can she run so fast! Huff, huff she’s too fast!” Pants Twilight.

Far & Away. *BOOM* The sound barrier is broken.

Without thought which is something common in a child, Rarity runs to a random direction not realizing she’s running over water.
Twilight gasps to this sight. “Just like Gold Sky she can run over water without the need of magic!” So before stepping foot on the water she casts a water walking spell to keep herself form sinking. “Come here!” The Alpha Wolf raises a wall of water cutting off any means of escape for the Dire Wolf pup.

The little filly seeing that she’s cornered cowers in fear and starts to shed tears oblivious to the quiet appearance of bubbles popping behind her.

Twilight Sparkle finally getting what the heart wants laughs to express her upmost satisfaction finally feels a moment of peace cover her like a warm blanket in the coldest of winter nights. “Finally…” The bubbles that were popping behind Rarity suddenly turned into a counter-clockwise whirlpool and when a there’s a suddenly whirlpool like suddenly appearing then it can only mean the water is being sucked down or something is coming up and Twilight does not want to think it’s the latter.

Fortunately for the frightened Dire Wolf pup a horn rises out of the water and unfortunately for the Alpha Wolf the latter is rising up.
Again like before Gold Sky rises up from the water on his hind legs with his wings partially glowing along with ready to protect big sis… “What!!??? Rarity is a filly!!??? How can this be!?

*Gasp!* Young Rarity seeing another pony standing behind sheds even more tears thinking a second one has come to hurt her like the scary lavender Unicorn.

Twilight noticing the shock on Gold Sky’s faces seems to forget this is the latter only to then be taken over by another sense of satisfaction in her work.
This changes things so I must act with the upmost haste to protect Rarity, I must!!” Quickly yet gently Gold Sky takes hold of the young Rarity in his left arm lovingly cradles her the same way he once cradle his baby Gilda many years ago. “Uh oh!”

“Hey!” The Alpha Wolf jumps forward to snatch the Dire Wolf pup out of the little Fox’s mouth who carefully holds the pup by the scruff.

“Ssh, ssh, ssh, it’s okay Rarity, you’re safe.” Gold Sky lovingly comforts the young filly as he spins to his left avoiding Twilight along with building up momentum once he completes the three hundred sixty degree arc.

Hearing this stallion speak so gently her and carry her gently in his arms she begins to feel safe prompting Rarity to press her head against his chest so she will not have to lay an eye onto the scary lavender Unicorn.
Gold Sky upon completing the arc launches his right hoof forward punching Twilight, then spins to the right with his left wing extended striking her, and lastly hammers her down to the water knowing it will do little to keep Twilight away from Rarity.

*cough, cough* Twilight Sparkle resurfaces from the lake squirting out water from her nostrils and growling. “Pleth!” A tooth or two is spat out. “You’re pissing me off Gold Sky! I mean you are more than a thorn in my side; you’re many thorns in my side and I am tired of you for coming back like a cockroach!”

The Alpha Wolf in blind anger charges forward towards the little Fox who still holds the Dire Wolf pup by the scruff.

“LEAVE US ALONE!!!” Gold Sky with great power, telepathically orders Twilight to stay away from Rarity though he does not specify for how long or makes it permanent though but this use of telepathy is much stronger than when the Razor commanded Twilight stay still however, Gold Sky figured Rarity will only be a child for a short time so the telepathic command should wear off around the time Rarity reverts back to an adult, should, it should.
“NOOOOO!” Twilight freezes in place. “I can’t!” Can’t what? Given Twilight can do anything. “He has Rarity in his arms so the weakling’s paternal instincts must be up & running and from the book that I read to learn how to deal with a stallion by any means to an end, it said to never lay a hoof on the stallion’s children unless I have a death wish for the stallion’s children are the things he holds most dear and the father’s wrath…well the Universe in all its glory hath no fury like a father’s wrath. I can’t do anything and even if he didn’t use his telepathy on me I have no knowledge of how much power his paternal instinct will give him to protect Rarity. FRAK!! JUMP!” *Poof*
The Alpha Wolf teleports away but not without leaving a message for the little Fox still holding the Dire Wolf pup. “You may think this is a victory but this is only the first wave before the full might comes!”

Gold Sky just sighs and is relived this battle is over for the time being, he looks down to Rarity still wondering how Twilight could have changed big sister into a child but it doesn’t matter when the most paramount priority is her safety. “Sssh, ssh, sssh, we’re going home my dear Rarity.” The stallion softly coos to the filly.

Rarity looking up establishes eye contact with the protective stallion who so far in her young mind thinks of him as someone she can whole heartily trust without question and doubt. “H-home? We are going home?” She asks meekly.

“Yes my dear Rarity we’re going where you’ll be safe and I will protect you.” For some odd reason, Gold Sky feels something inside go warm when he looks into Rarity’s eyes. A warm feeling that sometimes comes about when he thinks about Gilda when he was raising her and how she was so loving as a child. Anyway, the stallion carefully places the filly on his back and tells her to hang on tight. “OH not too tight my dear! Okay that’s much better, jump!” *poof*
Gold Sky decides to leave behind the armor for the time being knowing it won’t rust.

Upon appearing in the boutique Lauren waves her hoof in the air.

In the Crystal Empire.
*ting* “What’s this?” Princess Cadance awakes from slumber to the sudden feeling of a connection being reestablished to her mind. “Connection reestablished! I can look over Gold Sky again, oh this is just perfect news though I do wonder what caused him to disappear a while ago but it doesn’t matter. Now that I can watch over him, any who back to bed.” So back to bed for the Princess it is. “WAIT, WHY IS RARITY A FILLY!?” So much for going back to bed.

Little Rarity slides off the stallion’s back and takes time to admire her beautiful surroundings. “Wow!” She exclaims in marvel. “You live here, in this amazing place!” She asks.

“Well I wouldn’t say live here my dear Rarity…yeah I live here and what is mine is yours, totally yours my dear.” Gold Sky beams a smile to the little filly to seal the authenticity of his words.

“Everything here is mine!” Rarity can’t believe this at all!

“Yeah it’s your stuff to begin with.” Gold Sky mutters under his breath. But nonetheless Gold Sky goes along with the filly’s joy. “Yes. Now my dear Rarity come along, it will be time for you to get some shuteye soon given how the night is still young you will have time for a bath because you’re sweaty and dirty so come along, I’m sure you don’t want to sleep in that nice bed of yours while being so uncouth will you not?”

“What’s a bath?” The young filly asks.

Gold Sky pauses a bit trying to contain himself from giving the young filly a super confused face to such an abstract question that really shouldn’t be asked yet Rarity is young Rarity and perhaps this is a chance to give Rarity an exception from getting a confused look “How about you come and see my dear. Come, come.” With his left wing he gently nudges the little filly to get her to walk forward to the tub. “Okay hold on please.” He turns on the warm water and waits until the tub is completely full. “Alright my dear the water is ready.”

Rarity with her hooves on the rim of the tub peers in and watches her distorted reflection on the water. “It looks scary!” She frets in complete nervousness.

Gold Sky feeling his paternal instinct take over once again lies down on his belly to be eye level with the young filly. “Oh my dear Rarity you have nothing to fear, water will not hurt you.”

Rarity shakes her head like crazy to deny truth of the stallion’s words. “Water is scary! It’s very scary!”

Gold Sky now sits down on his rump. “Rarity please look.” Slowly he puts a hoof in the warm and picks it up to let the water runoff. “See my dear. The water isn’t hurting me, please look again.” Again he puts his hoof in the warm water and moves it a bit to provide more of an effect. “See. The water isn’t hurting me my dear Rarity.” With his right wing he brings the filly closer to him. “How about we place our hooves at the same in the water and you’ll see that water is your friend.”

Seeing how the loving stallion is unharmed after making contact with the water perhaps she should follow his lead in this. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Gold Sky smiles at Rarity and passes a hoof through her hair. “Alright in five, four, three, two, one.” Slowly both place their hooves in the water.

“Ooooh!” Rarity cringes just before her hoof sinks into the water. “Huh? Oh my, the water feels nice!”

“See my dear Rarity, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Without thought the little filly jumps into the warm water to enjoy this feeling all over her body. “I love baths!!”

“Oh Rarity.” Gold Sky starts scrubbing Rarity’s hair with that expensive TurtleDove shampoo. “Keep your eyes closed Rarity, I don’t want the shampoo to get in your eyes.”

“What happens if the shampoo gets in my eyes?” She asks with closed eyes.

“It’ll sting, trust me you don’t want to experience that my dear.” His magic levitates the filly and wraps towels around her to keep her warm while she rests on his back in their little walk back to the master bedroom.
Rarity however, looks down at the stallion…she feels something inside of her heart. This feeling has to be has one of love, well given how this stallion is taking care of her, looks at her with loving eyes, speaks softly to her, has a milky white coat like she does, and carries her on his back then maybe this stallion is what she think he his.

Gold Sky tucks Rarity into bed. “There sweet eer I mean my dear Rarity, sweet dreams.” Just as his back is turned to walk out of the bedroom, Rarity jumps out of the sheets trembling to the thought of being left alone and with that scary Unicorn being out there.

“DADDY WAIT!!” The filly calls out.

Gold Sky freezes in his track when his mind processed what Rarity just called him. “Can it be that Twilight not only turned Rarity into a filly but her as well. Can it be that she temporary has a clean slate since her fully developed mind has devolved into the childhood stage and will imprint me as her father…hmmmm, she thinks I’m her father no she believes I’m her father. So once this wears off any memories she makes now will be joined with the memories of her fully developed mind creating conflict between me and her real father. Oh my Great Spirit, I’m threading over the tips of spears here.” He still has his back to the filly.

“Be what she sees you my son.” From above Yahshua whispers his wisdom into Gold Sky’s ear. “Be what your instinct wants you to be my son, for as of right now she needs you and later on she will know what you are to her so please do not worry about your fears. Besides you know better.”

Gold Sky comes to terms with Dad’s wisdom. “Thank you for setting me right.”

“You’re welcome my son.”

*Long breath* “Yes my sweetheart.” Oh the word Sweetheart is only reserved for Gilda and Gilda alone. “My sweet, sweet, sweetheart.” He is what he is.


“Please don’t leave me alone daddy! I-I don’t want to be alone an-an-an-and what if that scary Unicorn comes through the window and takes akes me away fr-from you!”

“I’ll kill…ummm.” Yeah that’s not something appropriate to say to a child. “Pass me a pillow and a blanket; I’ll be here be you sleeping on the floor.”

Rarity tugs the sheets away from daddy. “No! Be by me daddy, protect me from that scary Unicorn who you scared away!”

Gold Sky can’t believe he’s having the opportunity to relive the finest days of his fatherhood though it is his big sister that’s giving rise to his paternal instinct then there’s Gilda so what is he going to tell her once she sees Aunt Rarity is a cute little filly? Eh he has all night think of something. “Very well then sweetheart scoot over.” After himself comfy on his stomach, the stallion picks up a wing.

“Thank you daddy!” Rarity snuggles next to Gold Sky but not without rubbing her head a few times against his shoulder to preserve the physical feel of daddy in her mind.

“Good night sweetheart.” Gold Sky covers Rarity with his wing and now awaits the minutes before she’ll fall completely asleep.

However, just before the Dire Wolf pup can completely fall asleep the little Fox kisses pup’s head just to tell her he loves her very much.

“Sweet dreams sweetheart.”

In the Canterlot Palace.
Delta Scorch shakes his head to stay awake to keep a weather eye on dear mother who for sheer amazement does not snore at all. *Quiet yawn* “Oh mother, I hope you don’t have a hangover in the morning.”

In Redheart’s dwelling.
Gilda in the land of dreams, dreams something that isn’t made up by her psyche but in fact a flashback to her first outing to the park with daddy who for a matter of fact is very happy to have her first picnic in the park the same way she’s seen in the books daddy reads to her before bedtime. Gilda can’t wait for daddy to get the food ready for the picnic so Gold Sky to keep Gilda occupied or she might start causing havoc asks her to join the other children and play with them.

Gilda is curious about why the other little griffons don’t have a daddy that look like hers so why not go around and play first then ask questions later because getting on the swing looks like fun. Sadly, the adults notice how little Gilda came to the park with that pony single father and they don’t want their children to play with that likes of that and by that it’s little innocent Gilda whose only fault is being the daughter of that pony. The parents begin calling their children so they wouldn’t be near Gilda and one by one they leave the playground right before Gilda gets there, Gilda on the other hand does not understand why the other kiddos are leaving when they seemed like they were having so much fun seconds ago. She is a child after all so her mind can’t completely comprehend the ulterior motives of these parents nonetheless, Gilda takes the opportunity to jump on the swing but cannot move about without having someone to push her therefore she frowns when she sees nobody wants to play with her until from out of nowhere a push sends her forward giving her a startle. She turns her head around to see is pushing her and to her surprise it’s a boy that appears to be the same age as her. “OOH!” Strangely enough even though Gilda had such anticipation to meet the other kiddos she does not have the courage to talk to them though when playing with them means play not talk.

“There everything is set.” Gold Sky was about to call Gilda to eat but catches sight of her running towards him while being chased by another kiddo and behind the kiddo is his mother.

“Daddy.” Gilda gets underneath daddy to hide behind his front legs.

“Oh sweetheart he only wants to play with you.” Gold Sky mummers.

The young boy with a smile on his face wants to play with Gilda and stops to see Gilda hiding behind her father. “She sure is shy isn’t she mama.” The young griffon says to his mother standing behind him.

“Well maybe she wouldn’t be if you say hello Jun-Park.” Replies his mother.

So Jun-Park clears his throat and walks up to Gilda. “Hello!”
Gilda scampers back to hide behind Gold Sky’s hind legs. Undaunted along with still eager to play with Gilda he gets in between Gold Sky’s front legs. “I said hello!”

Gold Sky looks back at Gilda almost smiling at how she’ll be this shy with other children. “Well are you going to answer him Gilda?”

Gilda shifts her eyes to father then shakes her head.

Of course, Gold Sky knowing his daughter well will ask this second question. “Well you’re not afraid of him are you?”

AFRAID! Now why will Gilda be afraid if she’s brave like her daddy and he’s right here with her too. “NO!” With what appears like a grumpy face shakes her head to that notion of being afraid of Jun-Park.

“Then go on.” Gold Sky now behind Gilda nudges her forward with his nose. “Say hello to Jun-Park and introduce yourself to him as well.”

Thanks to the nudge Gilda now stands a few inches from Jun-Park and Jun-Park happy to await Gilda’s little hello wags his tail a bit.
Gilda looks back to daddy obviously showing him she’s having second thoughts. “Well go on, say hello sweetheart.”

This is the moment of truth for Gilda.”H-h-hello my na-name is Gilda…” Spoken almost below a whisper.

“Yay she said hello!” Jun-Park jumping up & down like a jumping bean laughs with joy to have his first friend. “Gilda said hello!!”

“Well isn’t this cute.” Jun-Park’s mother says to Gold Sky. “Your daughter became my son’s first friend.”
“And your son became my daughter’s first friend.” He replies back to the kind mother.

Meanwhile, Gilda begins to reflect the happiness in Jun-Park upon feeling she isn’t feeling so shy around Jun-Park, in fact upon noticing how happy he became when she greeting him this motivates her to reach out more to the other griffon and gains the courage to ask Jun-Park a question. “Do you want to join me and my daddy for a nice picnic?”

Jun-Park gasps in delight. “Mama can we join them, please, please, please, pleasssssse!”

The mother who’s completely different from the other griffons by having an open mind to interact with the pony and his griffon offspring nods to her son’s request. “Sure we can join them my son the food uhhhh.” She does not know the pony’s name.
“Gold Sky.”

“Yes, the food Gilda’s father Gold Sky prepared looks very enticing my son and it’s very kind of Gilda to invite us to this picnic.”
Gilda, Jun-Park, Gold Sky, and Jun-Park’s mother all sit down to break bread but pretty soon more griffons with open minds ask if their children can join the picnic so they can get the opportunity to know Gilda. “Yes, yes, there’s plenty of food for all the children.”
In that day alone Gilda made many friends but what makes this day ever so special is her first friend Jun-Park.

The flashback fast forwards to Gilda in the latter stages of her childhood before she steps into the path of adolescence. Over the course of time, all of Gilda’s friends begin to abandon her one by one for as they grew older so did their minds and egos. They begin to feel superior over Gilda who is raised by a pony therefore; she isn’t like them so why will they want to be around the likes of her? Well it’s just sad to see that the parents can have an open mind but their offspring do not share in that trait leading them free to hurt Gilda causing her to feel so downcast…however, there was one griffon who stuck by her through the thickness of it all. Jun-Park, her first friend and her only friend though more importantly he was almost like a brother and she loved him very much just like he did too. But good things don’t last forever for came the great famine over the Griffon Republic leading many citizens to migrate to other places in hopes to find food for their families moreover Jun-Park happened to be one of those many griffons migrating to faraway lands as expected this harmed her even more to see her only friend telling her he’s leaving. Both cried, both embraced one another, and both said good bye but Gilda couldn’t wave good bye at Jun-Park as he flew away to his parents in the air.
Gold Sky sniffs the air to locate his daughter because he knows what she’s going through and figured it’s time to comfort her.

“Sweetheart.” He joins her on the cloud she’s sitting on.

Gilda wipes her eyes first. “I have no friends daddy, all my friends are gone and Jun-Park may never come back because of this famine, why did Jun-Park have to go daddy? I-I mean I’m his best friend and best friend never leave…I miss him daddy!! I miss Jun-Park!!” Gilda sobs.
The father takes his daughter into his arms softly stroking her head allowing the daughter to ease her up a bit which will lead to her ears to absorb every word from daddy’s mouth. “My dear Gilda this is something that is normal in life, nowhere will it ever be written that one will go through life without hardship, without pain, without sadness, and without heartbreak. We all experience every one of those cruel virtues one time or another but nowhere is it written that you shall go through those cruel virtues alone.” Gold Sky smiles when Gilda looks straight at him with tears still fresh on her cheeks. “Now what I’m going to say is true. So true it will hurt sweetheart but please take my words with open ears instead of closed ones. Though you love him as your brother and he loves you as his sister, he will forget about you just like you will forget about him.”
“How can you say that daddy?” Gilda asks in a voice drenched with anguishing pain. “Why will you say that?”
“It’s better to have pain by the truth then to have hope through a lie sweetheart, believe what you want Gilda but understand this pain inside you will not last forever though yes, you may feel alone but in fact you will never be alone Gilda because through it all I will always be here for you. In the darkness, in the light, in the fog, in the clear I shall always be with you.”
The pain inside Gilda began to diminish when through the truth she sees the gravity of reality falling onto the core of her galaxy. “You will?”
“Yes my dear sweetheart I will always be with you even if the world abandons I will be here for you because I love with all my heart and the world can go die for all I care. Gilda things happen and those things are not always in our control but you can persevere for you are strong…” Interrupted.
“Strong like you daddy?” She asks.
“Yes or maybe even stronger than me.” A soft nuzzle to Gilda’s head adds to the comforting words. “You go through life with unstoppable strength that others wish they can have but will never have and remember you will never be alone Gilda for I will always be with you.”
Gilda wipes her eyes dry and embraces her wise loving father. “I love you so much daddy, y-you’re the greatest daddy I can ever have.”
Gold Sky let’s his affections for Gilda speak for him.
Nonetheless. “But daddy, I’m awfully hungry.” Loving words can’t hide the fact of the great famine. “I’m really hungry.”
“I know sweetheart but never fear I will find you something to eat.” Which is his ration and every other ration that he will give up so his daughter won’t starve.

Again the dream fast forward to a moment Gilda will never forget.
“I-I don’t want to die! I-I-I don-don’t to die! Please, please save me G-Gilda, sa-save me please!”

*GASP!* Gilda awakes from her sleep. “Oh Jun!” Indeed everything Gold Sky said came to pass. She forgot about Jun-park and Jun-Park forgot about her and more importantly when Gold Sky suppressed her memories during the decade without him she couldn’t have any slight clue to remember Jun-Park but her heart kept that familiar feeling when she fought along his side and now with her memories brought back, the pain to remember Jun-Park dying in her arms just hurts. Because there was a reason she felt so close around Jun-Park, why she cared for him unlike the other soldiers under her command, and why she opened up to him without considering if she asks herself why. Her heart always kept that feeling she felt when Jun-Park became her first friend and her returned memories allow her to see it once again. “Jun my dear friend, I couldn’t save you even when as children we promised to protect each other. Jun! Oh my Great Spirit it all makes sense why we got so close…his heart just like mine never forgot that feeling between us but our minds did. My first friend died in my arms, my brother my dear brother died begging me to save him and in the end I know he remembered chasing me in the park and telling me hello before the white light took him.

Indeed Jun-Park remembered that moment before his heart stopped beating.

“Oh no not now of all times when father isn’t near to comfort me!” The scars from the war are back with a vengeance covering Gilda with the blackness of blood drenched walls. “Remember! Remember why I love daddy so much!” Gilda came to her senses to fight back against the scars by going into the core of her galaxy and remember why she loves that pony.

For Gold Sky isn’t just a stallion who has taken her under his wing and raised her as his own. Gold Sky is her lynch pin to the network that ties her to the very definition of her existence in this Earth, his love is more than his magenta eyes, more than his beautiful jet black hair, more than his voice, and more than his wings. Gold Sky is the love that are the kisses her cheeks will receive when she asks for them, the warm gaze from his loving eyes when he looks upon her like the warm rays of light from the sun, the soft hair she will grab when she rode his back to help her stay stabilized, the soothing voice that’ll carry her with its gentle grasps like the wind, and his wings which will shelter her like a shield made of valyrian steel from the arrows of despair. Gold Sky is the love she has inside of her and the love that is her true being that will bless this world by becoming the second sentient being to have the love given by the Son of the Great Spirit to which the first sentient being is her father. So perhaps as Gold Sky once said, she is meant to be his daughter and what ironically adds any sort of truth to that inclination is when Gilda was growing up she never thought that she’s the adopted daughter of the pony she calls father, she thought she is of his flesh & blood and even now can’t come to think that Gold Sky found her when she hatched and isn’t of his flesh & blood. So even now she much rather not think about being adopted, it’s not true, being adopted…pathetic! She is from his flesh & blood and that’s that! End of story to the puny notion of being adopted she needs to remember father’s love to help her fight the scars from the war and like she imagines or feels, father comes down in a pillar of white light and takes her into his arms. For never will there ever be a shield as strong as a father’s love.

Gilda still awake wipes away her tears and feels better thanks to the scars being at bay plus how she never thought that will spend the night in the guest room of the grandmother that once never existed to her so now she will experience a older generation that loves her and perhaps as much to give her in wisdom plus some homemade cookies will be nice too by the way if Redheart is into that by the way. “So if Redheart loves daddy as her son then what about his real mother? I wonder if daddy will ever introduce me to her and see if she’ll love me the same way Redheart loves me and better yet, he’ll introduce me to his father!” Oh a grandfather will be nice, sadly none will ever exist. Finally now seeing she’s at ease, Gilda gets up to walk around Redheart’s dwelling to check on Sweetie Belle and Redheart before sitting down on an armchair under a sky window and observes the full moon thinking about the morning when she will go back home to embrace her father.

“I am my father’s daughter.”

And no one shall ever question Gilda.


Aboard the Icarus.
General Oliver stand in the bridge thinks about the numbers Geoghegan told him. “Something doesn’t add up with the numbers. Hmmm ten thousand three hundred thirty six are the number of troops that have fallen but when Geoghegan reported the numbers there is a difference of three indicating there are three deserters that have ran away.” Oliver sighs to himself. “Pathetic now if they ever come back I hope they have the guts to be butchered and fed to the birds of the air.” That is the execution that is handed down to deserters of the Republic’s military, gruesome yes, but well deserved for those who betray the Republic with cowardice.

Standing next to Oliver is Stannis and Phillip who like the General are lucky recipients of the Alicorn’s blood have begun to feel much more concerned with each life that is lost because those lost lives never had the higher probability of survival like they do but alas life isn’t so fair in the first place. “We’re almost home.” Oliver who is without his golden cape but still has the valyrian steel armor on given how he wants to hug his family once he’s back. “So Stannis you were saying that you’re from House Nimbus Black which founded the Griffon Republic centuries ago?”

“Yes sir.” Stannis replies. “And our sigil or was once the sigil of House Nimbus Black is We Don’t Spare and I guess if I think about it Colonel Gilda took the sigil to great effect.”

Phillip shrugs in agreement. “Though what really I want to know is why General Oliver didn’t take Musashi’s katana when the mother offered to you sir?”

With the images of his beheaded comrades still fresh in his mind that adds to his pain of losing so many troops under his command along with indirectly being annoyed by the fact more females died when he knew that might happen in the first place. “I will not accept the weapon that a coward will use to behead innocent troops that never fought back it’s almost dishonorable huh??”
A doctor from the medical ward whispers something into Oliver’s ear. “You got to be kidding me…Stannis, Phillip please keep an eye on things for me I’ll be right back.”

Oliver follows the doctor to the explosive charges kept because that’s where the bodies of the beheaded troops are kept and will be the most logical place for Lucy to be in. “I ordered her to be sedated! So explain to me how the hell did she got out of the medical ward in the first place! Answer me now!”

The doctor being speechless tries his best to explain his mistake to the General. “Well sir uhmm we only gave her a minor dose thinking that she only needs to be relaxed instead of being completely put down as you commanded.”

Oliver growls. “You do realize she LOST HER FATHER!!!” His voice echoes in the armory. “I ordered you sedate her! Because nothing can’t hurt the morale of the troops more than hearing about Lucy the daughter of Sergeant Jorah Mount mourn for her father by being next to his body! Didn’t you about that in the first place…” Both finally bear witness to Lucy being by her father’s body bag. “Go away doctor your use has come to an end and let’s keep this between ourselves is that clear.”
“Yes sir.” The Doctor leaves Oliver alone with Lucy before he receives anymore flack.

Oliver again asks himself why he sees Gilda mourning for Gold Sky when clearly from personal experience Gold Sky isn’t one that will be killed or even be killed for that matter. “Lucy.” Carefully with grace that matches the beauty of a swan he places his right hand over her shoulder.

“I killed him sir, I-I-I killed my own father like an ungrateful whelp and I couldn’t do why did he have to take my place when I’m facing the consequence for my decision!” Lucy has her father’s black cape clenched in her hands so it shouldn’t be any question of how she got it in the first place.

“You didn’t kill your father Lucy he choose to carry out his duty as father to protect you his dearest flesh & blood and I will do the same for my son Lucy, I will give up my life without thought if it means he will live on to live the life he deserves.”

Lucy clenches the cape even more when she realizes her father protected her one last time and it served its purpose to ensure she will live on to live the life Jorah ensured for her. “I-I remember when I was only a child I sat on his lap as he taught me to read. I started off with a good start- The tai-tailo-tailor with th-th-the selection in mi-mind picks the rigget. Right, dad corrected me when I mispronounced right by saying rigget and I asked why is there a G in right to which he said there just is a G in right, I mean how can I live with myself. I-I want my dad, I want my dad.” In didn’t take long for Lucy to start crying. “I-I-I should have done something to save my father!”

“Lucy.” Oliver gently whispers to her in a warm voice then decides to use his paternal instinct to comfort the female and covers her with his right wing. “You lost your father before your eyes and I too lost my parents before my eyes.”

“Wha-what.” Lucy stops crying

Thanks to having his memories given back to him he can use them to help clarity come upon Lucy. “Many years ago when I was just a boy the Fascists Griffons came and attacked my village putting everyone to the sword, males, females, children, my grandparents, uncle, aunts, and my friends. As for my parents, my father fought with every ounce of strength he had to protect me and my mother but being outnumbered they stabbed him in the stomach and left him to die of his wounds. Tears ran down from my eyes as my father who can only reach out to me and my mother before he dies, I-I cried out to father begging him not to leave me but his closed eyes never opened again.” Thanks to an inkling Oliver stops on purpose so he won’t feel the hassle of being interrupted.

“I can imagine your pain Oliver.”

“Yes you can Lucy, I remember this like it was yesterday anyway, my mother knowing that inevitable may come for me kissed me one last time while her eyes gave me there last gaze of love and she charged forward to protect me from the Fascists but like they did with my father their numbers overwhelmed my mother but…instead of killing her they ganged raped her as if to take a breather from the killing they’ve been doing to my village.” Oliver looks away because he can see in the core of his galaxy the pain in his mother’s eyes as she looked at while being raped. “I remember the pain yet calmness in her eyes after the Fascists were done raping her then all the pain disappeared from her eyes when a blade is placed on her windpipe, she cried out to me and then before I blinked they slit her throat. Being the last of my village they finally turned their attention to me, it was that moment that my young mind came to realize that I am going to die. Until.”

“Until what sir?” Lucy asks.

Oliver removes his helmet so she can see in greater detail examine its beauty and also serve as a clue. “The Vanguard, wait, you do know who the Vanguard is right?”

Lucy isn’t in the right mood to think of anything else besides her father but the General is right here and she remembers getting punched so it wouldn’t be a good choice to make him punch her again if she displeases him. “Is he that pony with the wings and horn?”

“Yes but he has a name, it’s Gold Sky. He saved me from the Fascists griffons with utter brutality, I, being young became afraid of Gold Sky until after he was done killing the Fascists he came to me softly speaking in a caring loving tone that he will protect me and will erase my memories of the my mother and father so I can live my life without hatred, sadness, and emptiness. Gold Sky, protected me for three week as we made our way to the Republic, he loved me as a son and I saw him as a father figure who will shelter me with his wing.” *Sigh* “Gold Sky found me a new home and new parents I can love plus this armor I’m wearing is his armor, like a father he passed it down to me so I may never have to pass it down to my son. Lucy, both of us lost our fathers before our very eyes, yet in the end they did what their Love made them do. Protect us, their flesh & blood. Your father was a good solider but more importantly he was a perfect father. I’m sorry for your loss Lucy, truly I am and I will never blame you for being struck with guilt but please Lucy live on…you are the last of Jorah Mount please don’t let the flame die out.” He takes Lucy into his arms to comfort her with an embrace. “To fallen soldiers let us sing. Where no rockets fly…”
“Nor bullets wing.” Lucy sings with Oliver.
Both continue in sync. “Our broken brothers let us bring to the mansions of the Lord. No more weeping no more fight. No prayers pleading through the night. Just Divine Embrace, eternal light, in the mansions of the Lord. Where no mothers cry and no children weep, we shall stand and guard though the angels sleep. Oh through the ages safely keep, the mansions of the Lord.”

Lucy looks to her father.

“Good bye daddy.”
She gets up and follows Oliver back to bridge where the light of the sun basks her with its warmth for the unknown yet unending time.

In the Griffon Republic a member of Congress stands in the landing area for the massive zeppelin landing craft, for ever since her son has boarded the Thunder Child and left for Fu’gxi she has stood here to wait for him while her trusty body guard asks her to go home for the arrival time of the Republic forces is unknown. “Milady, you’ve been standing here for a whole day and night.”

“I told my son that I will wait for him here and I will keep my word. I will be here to take him into my arms or to mourn for him.” Declares the mother.

“But milady…very well then milady.” The bodyguard notices many plastic bottles around the mother. “Say milady, you won’t mind if I take a sip from this forty four ounce drink?”

“Yeah.” The congress member takes the drink from the bodyguard. “I’ve been standing here without having to leave to go to the bathroom soooooo don’t drink that.”

“Oh!” The bodyguard places the drink down then his ears pick up the noise of engines approaching. “Milady, they’re here!”

The mother with hope in her eyes looks at the four approaching massive zeppelin landing craft. “Uhm, it’s the Icarus, Galactica, Thunder Child, and the Constitution and he’s on the Thunder Child, yes, he’s on the Thunder Child.” So the mother squints to read the name of the first approaching landing craft. “Aooh it’s the Galactica.”

Unbeknownst to the mother and the bodyguard, Lucy’s mother arrives just in time to see the zeppelins arrive.

The mother squints again. “Dang it, it’s the Constitution.”
Meanwhile. “Where’s the Icarus?” Lucy’s mother asks herself.
“The Icarus!” The congress member nearly scratches the ground with her talons. “Where is my son!!? Where is the Thunder Child!!?”

Again meanwhile. “Jorah and Lucy are here!!” She sprints to the Icarus’s landing bay eagerly waiting to see her husband and daughter walk out of the zeppelin safe and sound.

“There it is!” The mother gasps in joy. “It’s the Thunder Child, OOF!” She tried to fly to the landing craft but the body guard grabbed her tail and pulled her back to the ground.

“Don’t want you flying into a spinning propeller do we now.” Says the bodyguard.

“Yes right you’re right sorry. At least throw away all these yellow drinks please.”


The Thunder Child docks into its landing bay and the mother stands waiting for her son. “Where is he? Where is my son? Where is my dearest son??” The underbelly door of the landing open ceasing the thought process in mother’s mind to which all thoughts are replaced by hope. Hope to see her only son is alive and well for hope is the only thing the mother can grasp on to when her son marched off to battle. “Please oh Great Spirit…please I hope you heard my plea.” She looks intently while the sound of many approaching Griffons fill the air. “Please oh Great Spirit please.” She begs once more.

Then from the sounds of footsteps comes a voice that is testament to the Great Spirit answering her plea. “MOM!!” Her son is safe and sound though he has a scar on his left cheek he is still alive nonetheless.

“My son!!” The mother dashes forward and takes her dearest son into her arms. “Oh thank the Great Spirit you’re back!” She kisses her son multiple times not caring if the other soldiers see her kissing her son nor does her son care if his brothers & sisters in arms see this.

In the Icarus’s landing bay.
Lucy’s mother looks intently to the soldiers walking out of the landing craft, eyeing each one knowing that if she finds her husband or daughter first then the other one will be there. “Lucy!!” The mother dashes forward to hug her dear daughter. “Oh Lucy my dearest daughter thank goodness you’re safe! Oh thank goodness you’re safe my dearest daughter!” The mother kisses her daughter’s forehead. “Where is your father, where is my husband?” She asks.

The painful guilt is just so calm when all that is needed is only a simple response. “Mom…D-Dad…” In the end Lucy only gives her mother Jorah’s dog tags. “It’s all my fault.”

Lucy’s mother feels the whole world around her go into great silence, followed by blackness in this bright day, and all that can be seen is Jorah’s dog tags glowing in her right hand. A low tone suddenly plays to the dog tags declaring the name of her husband whom she fell in love with sixty two years ago who on the altar promised her he will never leave her. “Jorah…” The mother ushers her husband’s name as if the name will make him come down from the light of reality and wake her from this nightmare of which in this world she will her many remaining years without her Jorah. “Jorah…no-no, no, no, no, this, Jorah my love, no, no, no! Jorah, Jorah, Jorah, noooooooooo!” The silence disappeared, the noise returned with a loud report, and the dog tags fall to the ground just before her knees do too.

“Oh frak c’mon.” One of the nearby soldiers expresses his dismay to this show of emotion. “Get her the frak out of here please!!” The reason for these words being said by this soldier is the fact he doesn’t want to see any agony when the faces of the griffons he’s killed are still flashing before his eyes.

All that Lucy can do right now is just bury her mother’s face into her chest to muffle the cries.
Of course, there’s one Griffon that hasn’t walked out of the Icarus, Oliver is all alone in the bridge, silently crying for all of the troops that have died in this battle. All those soldiers that died while he did not can’t be overshadowed by self-sought conciliation, he wishes if he had but ten thousand lives instead of just one he will lay down each one to being back every soldier home to their loved ones just like his loved ones waiting for him back home. “Forgive me my dear brothers in…my dear brothers & sisters in arms, please forgive me for this.” Oliver falls to his knees asking the Great Spirit to please forgive him losing ten thousand three hundred thirty six troops. “Oh through the ages safely keep, the Mansions of the Lord.” Oliver rises back up, wipes away his tears with his tattered cape and decides to skip the briefing to go straight home to take his loved ones into his arms while others will never be taken into the arms of loved ones that carried their shields into battle. “I’m home.” Oliver quietly walks inside his home ready to see holds most dear in life. “Jonathan.” He calls out just once before the silence takes back everything he temporary took from it.

“DADDY!” The voice of a child who longed for his father’s safe return brings so such unspeakable joy to Oliver to see his dear running down the stair with a smile that is almost bigger than Pinkie Pie’s biggest smile. “DADDY!” Jonathan hugs father tight and seems like he will never let go. “You’re back daddy and I’m so happy!”

Oliver bends down and lovingly kisses his son’s head. “Yes my son, I too am glad and I love so much, I just love you so much my dearest son.”

“Oliver.” Valerie with a touch of denial yet with mostly truth in her voice is filled with joy to see her husband is back safe from battle. “My love Oliver, oh Oliver you’re here.” Like Jonathan, Valerie wraps her arms around Oliver and kisses like she hasn’t seen him for ages.

All three…a whole family together.

Father, Mother, and Child.

But, where there’s cries of joy there are cries of agony throughout the Republic.

Fathers feel the guilt of outliving their sons and daughters and what can be more reminding of their guilt then a receiving a folded up flag from a chaplain.


*sigh* President Ronald Madison sitting in the oval office takes his thoughts away from his coming wedding to think about the loss of life in Fu’gxi, oh how the children must be crying and that husband who carried with him the egg of his soon to hatch first born waiting for his wife in the Constitution’s landing bay only to never see her but receive her dog tags with a folded flag. The face of that husband is imprinted in Ronald’s mind and he cannot get himself to think of something but of that husband falling to his knees while sobbing for the loss of his wife, the egg when it hatches and the baby griffon when it hears its first sounds will never hear the voice of its mother. Ronald passes his hand through his hair as thoughts manifest themselves. “Husbands should not be crying for their wives, children should not be crying for their mothers, and fathers should not be crying for their daughters. Only the wives should be crying, the children should be crying for their fathers, and fathers should be crying for their sons, oh that’s how it’s always been since the beginning of time. Now with females fighting and dying in higher number than the males, can this society take it? Yes, this is equality at its finest like it should be, but why do I feel confused about this? Huh!?” Ronald is startled by feeling arms wrap around his neck in a slow affectionate way.

“What troubles you my dear groom?” Emilie with her telepathy senses turmoil.

Ronald at first didn’t feel like speaking for Emilie having her arms around him is sort of weird if he thinks about it and yes he’s never felt any sort of affection ever since he became an assassin and became hardened by his many killings he lost all thoughts of love along with thoughts to feel what love is. This griffon only cared for the gold his contract promised along with keeping his crimson cape clean from blood stains but one day in which what may be a sign of sheer Divine Intervention, he was going to swing down his sword on a male griffon until the target’s daughter stepped in front of Ronald to stop the assassin from taking the life of her father. Naturally Ronald pushes the girl out of the way so he can kill the target but the daughter will not back away from the assassin then when Ronald was about to just kill the girl too he just suddenly looked up into the heavens and felt something from the heat of the sun that made him open his eyes and see everything in utter clarity. What he’s doing is nothing but murder even if he’s killing under the flag of a contract he is no better than a regular run of the mill murderer that kills males, females, and children at will, Ronald is a murderer and all of his targets are innocent Griffons who just have dispute with other griffons that happen to have plenty of gold to spare. The love of this child compelled her to take the sword in her father’s place and Ronald witnesses a love so strong that he for the first time comes to his senses about being an assassin, being a killer, shedding innocent blood, and become cold like the icicles he once used to stab some accountant that found a money laundry scheme. This isn’t a path worth treading anymore, if next time his new target might be this brave little girl and Ronald will not lay a finger on such a gallant Griffon will despite all odds being stack infinitely against her she did not back down. His true calling is being a leader, protecting innocent lives, and be will to fight with everything to protect those innocent lives, that is his true calling and once it struck with a heavenly touch he dropped his sword and returned the gold he was given. So to completely start anew like a pine growing from the ashes of a burned forest, he fakes his death by carefully stabbing himself in spots that won’t result in internal bleeding plus taking a drug which slows his heart to a mere two beats per minute. Now once Ronald digs himself out from his grave his new life starts but not without repenting of his old sins. “So many of our soldiers died in Fu’gxi Emilie, and I’ve heard from a firsthand account that a father gave up his life to save his daughter from execution and I’m afraid if news of that spreads then Lucy Mount will never be given the time she needs to move on and chances are high she will sign her discharge papers. But what troubles me more is the fact more females died than males I mean almost by a wide margin and if this continues than I will begin questioning myself if equality is worth it? Females fighting war when males have been fighting it since the beginning of time and the number of fallen female soldiers can’t even equate to point zero, zero, zero, zero, zero one percent when compared to the percentage of fallen male soldiers of the Republic who’ve died ever since the Republic became an established nation. I ask if this is what equality means then is it worth it? Is it worth putting those who are not made to fight in the sands of the male arena into the world of war??”

The bride rubs her chin on Ronald’s head followed by a soft kiss. “Equality is equality and everybody has an equal chance when they stand behind their shields for an arrow will not avoid a female to instead piece the flesh of a male nor will a spear turn away from its path to stab a female instead. If females wanted this then so be it and they will have no right to complain since they wanted this as for males sadly they will always fight wars and can’t walk away from the sands of the arena but at least if you feel that equality isn’t fully implemented between males and females regarding the military then require females to sign up for the draft just like males are mandated by law once they hit the age of forty for it is at that time that the griffon is in the the first step of adulthood.”

Ronald arches his eyebrows with unfound thought to Emilie’s suggestion. “Say I haven’t thought about that at all! You’re right, as long as males are required to sign up for the draft when females are not then there is no equality, perhaps I can suggest that old fart to come up with a bill so the congress can vote on it and I will sign it into law once it’s approved.”

“Who’s the old fart?”

Ronald giggles. “He’s the one always drinking wine.”

However, Emilie isn’t done. “But Ronald I truly know why that husband slash future father who lost his wife really troubles you.”

*gasp* “How did you know, oh yes telepathy almost forgot about that.” Ronald admits.

Emilie lets go off of Ronald and sits in front of her groom to look straight into his eyes. “The husband is you and the unhatched egg is our future child as for the dead wife it’s me. You don’t want to feel what it means to lose a loved one and with our wedding being near it was out of emotion that you took in the visual representation of that husband’s pain. You’re afraid of what being a husband means adding to that is what if something happens to me in the time leading to our wedding.”
With his eyes becoming pink Ronald only nods.
“But rest assured my dear groom you have nothing to fear, for I will never leave you nor will you leave me because I am yours and you are mine.”

“Yes.” Ronald moans. “I am yours and you are mine.”

“Husband and Wife.” Emilie lovingly whispers.


In the cemetery where Jorah Mount is being laid to rest.
Lucy’s mother will not stop shedding tears for her dear Jorah while it hurts even more is not being able to see her dear husband and knowing Lucy caused him to die. The mother for now can’t even stand the sight of her daughter once Lucy told her Jorah requested to take Lucy’s place and just like Lucy tightly clenched Jorah’s black cape the widow tightly clenches the folded flag.

Oliver came to show Lucy his support and to at least comfort the widow by telling her how a great soldier Jorah but what really showed the widow his support is his act of removing his five star insignia and presses them onto the coffin, then Ramirez came and presses his former Marine insignia onto the coffin, then Deborah approaches and presses her Marine insignia, followed by Geoghegan, and Lucy…but Oliver takes out something he feels Jorah truly deserves for Jorah served not as a soldier, hell he did not serve not even as a husband, no, he served as a Father. Oliver puts a Medal of Honor above the other insignias and presses it down.
“Jorah Mount, did not fight for freedom, he did not fight for this soil, he did not fight himself, he fought for what he holds most dear and did not flinch to the katana that took him away from his dear daughter. The Republic lost a soldier, a wife lost her husband, a daughter lost her father, and I lost a brother. Jorah Mount will never be forgotten. His legacy will live on through Lucy Mount and may the Heavenly Paradise become a better place with his presence.” Oliver and every one attending Jorah’s funeral salute the fallen soldier as he’s finally put to rest.

“Damn Few.”

Oliver tells himself.


In the Boutique.
Gold Sky has not fallen asleep yet while dear little Rarity has with a smile on her lips as to signify her calmness to be protected by the stallion she loves as father. “Oh Rarity.” Carefully ever so carefully, Gold Sky kisses Rarity’s head. “Oops.” Rarity slightly moves but does not wake up as Gold Sky feared. “That was close.” Indeed.

But amidst his small smile the little brother or in this case the father, loses his smile to think about a certain gray mare when the thought of a Changeling Queen also popped up, but Gold Sky ignores the gray mare to think about the sin he did with the Queen. Oh how he tarnished his honor when he engaged in premarital sex with the Queen whose name he will not say along with being saddened for his flesh enjoyed her lips, her tongue licking the side of his neck, her limbs rubbing his side, intimate nuzzles, and what he cannot forget is her warmth. Her warmth when their bodies were physically united. “I did that to protect Gilda. I sinned to protect my daughter and I pray I don’t have to do anything drastic to protect Rarity for the duration of her child state. Hmmmm, Rarity is so precious as a child and deep down if I quit trying to lie to myself I’m glad she thinks I’m her daddy.” The small smile that went away now returned. “I love you my dear Rarity and to be your father though it’s temporary is beautiful plus a rarity, hehe.” *ting* But still smiling.

“Gilda won’t get jealous.”


Chapter. 70- Nightmare Moon write that chapter and she was kind enough to provide these little snippets.

"But Big McIntosh you must understand that Ah didn't..."

"You didn't what Applejack! You're telling me Twilight Sparkle forced you to did it with her, heh, like Ah will be dumb enough to believe that from you Applejack." Big Macintosh retorts.

"She used her telepath magic on me."

"TELOPATH!!" Oh now Big Macintosh hears what he needs to hear. "WE'RE GOING TO THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!"

"Why?" Applejack asks.

"To have a word with Twilight Sparkle's big brother!!"

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