• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,531 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Bon Bon's message and Octavia goes to the other side.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.



Disclaimer- My little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Bon Bon passes her ka-bar over the whetstone one last time to ensure its fine shiny edge is sharper than the finest razor.
She holds her knife to her eye level inspecting the physical glimmer, a sign that her ka-bar can cut through even the thinnest of thin.

“If Flying Havoc is correct than slicing the thing Macintosh holds dear, should hurt him a lot. He has no right to go after Heartstrings when I had my eye on such a beauty for a long time. It’s kind of sad though…Macintosh is a really nice fellow, along with being such a good dancer, and I still can’t believe he paid for all those doughnuts. Well, he did say something about returning a wedding ring he bought by accident. I might feel a little bad but he’ll get over it. Heartstrings or Lyra is my love and my love alone she cannot be somepony else’s.” Bon Bon spun the knife on her hoof throw it onto the table where the tip buried itself deep into the wood. “I love you Heartstrings.”

There is a point in one’s mind which lies between rage and peace. Being between that point guarantees power for the strong and sadness…for the weak.

Octavia knows this well. She is willing…

“To get to that point that lies between rage and peace, you must be willing to go to the other side. Many have gone to the other side to become what they’re not. You see, when you come back from the other side are you prepared to live with yourself? You will do things that will hurt you and others, but that's where your will comes in. What you’ve done you can choose to leave it behind and move on or you can keep it and let it shatter you night after night. Somepony may get hurt but that will become part of the past, because the past will have no end and you cannot change it and even if you can why would you do so in the first place? You must live the present and wait for the future to unfold itself. If you go to the other side for a reason… some will never be the same once they see what they’ve done. The rest will not care because they were already lost before crossing. I live with that every day…immortally is a curse and a blessing. The other side is neither. Stay who you are because when you take a life be prepared, because the look on their lifeless eyes will forever stay in your mind.” Words of the Pure Alicorns.

Octavia crosses to the other side. Vengeance is pure when it is properly administered.
Applejack is the reason she’ll be living in misery forever, it’s only fair if Applejack knows how that feels. Octavia opens her closet door and piece by piece she puts on the silver armor and at first the helmet, horseshoes, and body armor are rather too large for her.

But this armor has been charmed with a fit to wearer spell by Princess Luna. So before Octavia knew it the armor started to shrink to every every beautiful curve of her body, the horseshoes shrunk tight but snug around her hooves, the side vents from where the wings come out closed, and the hole for the horn on the helmet closed. Octavia looks in the mirror to admire herself in the armor. She knew Gold Sky would not mind if she puts on his armor which has been passed down from his father. But before leaving the mirror she did a quick pose.

“Applejack will pay…nopony will get in my way. Applejack will use the night and apple trees for cover, because I would too if I were ever in her situation. Hahaha, which is where she makes her mistake. But I’ll go easy her only because Rarity loves her with all her heart.” Octavia came back from the other side, she stays who she is.

What she did not know is that Gold Sky kept what he had done. It shatters him because he never wanted to go to the other side. But he had to. Kill many to save one. And that one was not Octavia.

Bon Bon trots to Sweet Apple acres to start phase one of her plan. "Envelop a cloak of deception. " She knocks on the door and waits for the red stallion to answer.

The door open. “Why hello there oooh… Ms. Bon Bon.” Big Macintosh’s voice lost its happy tone to become one of dreaded expectancy.

“Now, now Big Macintosh don’t be like that. I haven’t said a word and yet you act like I offended you in some way. Whatever happened to the nice Big Macintosh back at Princess Celestia’s party?” Bon Bon uses her eyes to convey a sense of innocence to Big Macintosh so he can feel guilty for expressing annoyance at her.

“Ah’m sorry Ms. Bon Bon Ah didn’t mean to sound like that to you, Ah just wasn’t expecting you at all. So what can Ah help you with?” He asks.

“Would you care to join me for breakfast at my place? Because I feel its proper to pay you back for all the doughnuts you bought for both of us. Even though I ate most of them and so yeah, you want to come over to my place?” Bon Bon hopes Big Macintosh will say yes so she can end this contest once and for all.

Big Macintosh starts to think of every possibility for Bon Bon coming out of the blue and inviting him over to her house to join her for breakfast. There is the chance of her forgetting about Lyra, but by judging from the look on her eyes when she came to visit days ago that will be a ultra low probability. Did she come to create a friendship between them? Well, if she did then the X and Y will equal each other.

“Ah think Ah’ll be happy to, Ms. Bon Bon, let me just do something very quick.” Big Macintosh quickly went inside to brush his teeth and brush his mane. Even though he wasn’t very fond of Bon Bon to say the least, he still must be presentable in the presence of a mare.

Once done he follows Bon Bon to her house which was only a short fifthteen minute canter.

Bon Bon opens the door for Big Macintosh.
The red stallion marvels at the interior beauty of Bon Bon’s home. He never seen so many paintings and beautiful sculptures that seemed to look a bit like a certain turquoise Unicorn.
“Sit please.” Bon Bon calmly requests.

He complies and sat down, but as he did he felt like he needed to ask a typical question.
“So what are we having?”

Bon Bon gave a Big Macintosh a stern but kind smile, not even sure how is that even possible but Bon Bon is probably the only mare capable of creating such an expression.

“Well, now that you ask. We will be having grape salad with apples on the side, that answers your question, no?” Bon Bon sees the red stallion nod his head up and down.

So after setting the plates of food on the table Bon Bon joins Big Macintosh and commence eating.
The earth pony mare decides to ask Big Macintosh a few questions first before carrying out her plan.

“So…Big Macintosh can you please tell me how long you been smitten with Heartstrin…I mean lyra. Of course you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Bon Bon cautiously checks her tone of her voice as she answers his question so the red stallion would not have any suspicions.

Big Macintosh answers the question without having any thoughts in his mind.
“Ah guess for awhile. When Ah first heard her play her beautiful lyre, Ah just don’t know what came over me. It felt like everything became a tone of never ending peace that caused me to forget everything else and just focus on her.” Big Macintosh took in a spoonful of grapes and drank some orange juice.

Bon Bon nods. Really, is this the only reason he fell for her? “Perhaps this is the first mare Macintosh falls in love with, ho-ho this will be good because it would double the world of hurt.” Bon Bon thought to herself.

“And you Ms. Bon Bon? How long have you been in love with Lyra?” Asks Big Macintosh.

“Longer then you have, Big Macintosh, I first met her in one of Pinkie Pie’s parties three years ago. When our eyes first made contact I knew for a fact that she is the mare for me, we became great friends but I don’t want her friendship I want more. And now you… yes you, is going to ruin everything for me and I cannot allow that. But first before anything else, would you like some more orange juice?” Bon Bon saw Big Macintosh’s face doing it’s best not to show what he’s thinking because he must be getting scared of her.

“W-why sure, thank you Ms. Bon Bon.” He saw her disappear into the kitchen.

In the kitchen Bon Bon took out a large capsule of potent sleeping powder, she undid the capsule and pours all the contents inside Big Macintosh’s juice. Afterward she took her ka-bar and places it in a sheath strapped to right front leg.

Bon Bon hands the cup of juice to Big Macintosh who smiles at her as he took his cup.
“Ms. Bon Bon since you invited me to your home, gave me some of your food, and been really nice to me for a change Ah take this as an invitation for friendship.”

Bon Bon just laughs in her mind.
“As if Macintosh as if.”

Unfortunately Big Macintosh didn’t realize he provided Bon Bon with the greatest opportunity to get him to drink the whole glass of orange juice.
“In that case how about a toast to our new found friendship?” Bon Bon raises her glass high and Big Macintosh does the same too.

“To our friendship and may it be a grand one!” Declares the red stallion.

Both glasses rung upon impact of each other. "Oh what a glorious day is this."Bon Bon’s lips form a diabolic smile in seeing Big Macintosh drinking all his spiked juice.

Suddenly Big Macintosh starts to feel extremely tired, his hearing became very sharp, the world turned into blurs, and Bon Bon’s voice became deep and echoed.

Big Macintosh got up from his seat and threw the chair aside.

“What have ya done me!? You poisoned me! Stay away from me! Ah should of known you’ll be planning something like this!”
Bon Bon got near Big Macintosh but he kept backing away from her with eyes full of fear.

“Ah c’mon Big Macintosh don’t be like that. Why would I waste my time killing a simple country bumpkin like you? It’s a complete waste of my time and energy, you won’t die Macintosh you will just fall asleep and wake up to a world of pain. Because Heartstrings is mine! Consider this a message.” All that is heard is a voice of happy malevolence.

Big Macintosh saw everything go black with Bon Bon’s face being the last to disappear into the blackness.
Bon Bon happily without a care in the world trots over to Sweet Apple acres, went inside the house and into Big Macintosh’s room to find the one thing he loved very much.

“Hello there Miss Smarty Pants. I think you will look better in shreds, say hello to Miss KA-BAR!” Bon Bon laughs and laughs in carrying out the deed.

Big Macintosh woke up in his room. How did get here? But more importantly what is the message Bon Bon said she’ll give him?

He reaches over for Smarty pants so he can have something to hug and feel safe.
But he couldn’t find her. As expected Big Macintosh become frantic. "Where is she!!" He got off his bed to look for her.

“Under the pillow!” Big Macintosh lifts up his pillow… his heart sank to his stomach.

The red stallion fell to his knees upon feeling the shreds of Smarty pants rub against his hoof.

He cries his heart out… the death of his parents ran through his mind.

Destroyed beyond the point of any form of repair Smarty pants can no longer be with Big Macintosh.

Bon Bon’s plan is a success.


Twilight lags behind Fluttershy.

“C’mon Twilight don’t be such a drag, we’re almost there.” Fluttershy ushers as she lands behind Twilight to give her a soft nudge.

Twilight felt chills run down her spine at feeling Fluttershy touch her flank, a very uncomfortable feeling indeed.
Both mares arrive at the Sugercube Corner. Twilight took a seat across from Fluttershy but Fluttershy sits next to her.
Pinkie Pie came with the menus and hands them to Twilight and Fluttershy.

“Here you go girls give me a holler when you are ready to order.”

Fluttershy took her menu while Twilight tries to look at it but with Fluttershy sitting this close to her, she can feel the Pegasus’s body heat radiating unto her.

“Got any questions you want to ask Twilight?”

Twilight asked the obvious which is not normal for her, taking into account that Twilight firsts go for the unknown.

"Fluttershy why do you love me?" Whispers Twilight.

“Oh Twilight I waited for a long time to answer that question. I love you because you complete me in ways you may or may not understand. It’s like we’re destined to be together forever! But right now first thing I will need to do is open your eyes to that prospect, because chances are it will take a long time, but we got all the in the world. Oh there is something behind your ear Twilight.” Fluttershy said with her default kind tone.

“There is?” Twilight was about to wipe her ear but Fluttershy held down her hoof and nuzzles her tenderly. Twilight’s face blossom into a shade of red, not the brightest but still a noticeable shade.

“Why am I enjoying this? Stay calm Twilight just imagine Fluttershy is Rarity. She is Rarity, she is Rarity, and Rarity is the one nuzzling me behind the ear.” Twilight hopelessly reassures herself.

Pinkie Pie came out of the kitchen to check on her friends, she was about to use her mysterious powers and just pop up between them. But when she saw Fluttershy nuzzling Twilight…a feeling of disgust came over her. Luckily she saw Twilight cringing so she threw out her feeling of disgust and got back to her happy hippity hop happiness.


Princess Celestia stood in front of Gold Sky’s cell, he called for her to discuss something about his trial.

“So I guess you finally came to your senses, I knew Octavia will be able to convince you. So when do you plan to make your move?” Celestia smiles at Gold Sky thinking that he finally wants to live.

“I will be making no move. I simply called you here to tell you I want Pinkie Pie as my lawyer. She will delay the inevitable and Octa…”

Celestia cuts him off.

“You are a pity Gold Sky you know that. Why? I thought you loved Octavia. Why do you persist in doing this? Tell me…EVERYTHING!” Celestia’s voice became mighty and demanding.

Gold Sky figures its time somepony knew about the catalyst and voices that sometimes keep him up at night.
“You really want to know, your majesty because I was planning to tell Luna first then Octavia and you last. *Snort* I never told Octavia this because if I did, h-h-how can she love a monster? The honor you instilled heavily into my mind caused me to go to the other side.” Gold Sky opens the part of his mind he blocked off from Luna’s and Celestia’s telepathy.

“Tell me Gold Sky, please.” Celestia Teleports inside his cell and placed a wing over him.

“You really want to know? Because not even Octavia knows of this and I never planned of telling her about this, until I had enough courage.” The screams of children echo in Gold Sky’s mind.

“Please tell me.”

Gold Sky swallow his saliva and lets out some deep breaths.



Nightmare Moon demanded that she wanted to finish up the part between Twilight and Fluttershy and she will pick up with Delta Scorch in chapter 20. She has such a silver tongue.

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