• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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When the truth does more harm...

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.

By. Nightmare Moon


Disclaimer. Arthur's note at end. My little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

“Strange? It's morning and I still can’t sense Gold Sky’s thoughts.” Octavia says to her reflection as she brushes her beautiful mane.

Last night around nine o' clock the bond between her and Gold Sky went numb.

“Perhaps he went to a party and Rainbow Dash decided to spike the punch again… to bad I can’t leave just yet, he must miss me a lot.” Octavia stops brushing her mane and just starts to think of her husband.

A usher came, knocks and pokes her head inside Octavia’s dressing room.

“Octavia get ready you’re next in two hours! OH! And remember in this performance Princess Luna herself will be attending, especially since every song you play is flawless.”

Octavia slowly rolls her lovely eyes at the usher.

“So you came in here to tell me to get ready for my performance that will start in two hours?” Voices the gray mare with a mix of aggravation and sarcasm.

“No, wait I think I misspoke uhhhhh… oh it's four hours hehe sorry about that. Got any questions before I leave?”

“Yeah, can you please tell me why my Gold Sky isn’t allowed to be by my side? You know that in all my performances he is always with me.” Asks Octavia.

The Usher took out a flash card that Princess Luna gave to her, in case Octavia ever asks her that question and donned her reading glasses to read the fine cursive written by Princess Luna herself.

“Ahem. Octavia I’ve seen play before you met Gold Sky and I think you can still play wonderfully even when he is not around. I guarantee it. Signed, Princess Luna. HallPony flashcards. The best flashcards if you keep reading this then you went too far…oh oops” After that the usher leaves in embarrassment.

Octavia sighs, went to her cello, and took it out of it’s case. She then gazes upon a picture she taped to the inside of her case. The picture showed Gold Sky lying down next to her with one of his gold colored wings covering her so she can be warm while she slept; his face meanwhile had a pleasant smile that seemed to say. Next to me is the most beautiful mare in the universe and I love her with all my heart.

Octavia smiled. “Gold Sky I miss you so much and I will be home soon.” Octavia tells herself in her thoughts.

She got her bow and cello to start practicing her masterpiece that took her six years to write…immortally has its perks.


Twilight woke up with anger. Her plan is moving along so smoothly, really, really smoothly until she decided to have her curiosity answered by wanted to do sexual relations with Delta Scorch.

But instead the only thing close to that is the fact that both them only made out passionately before Delta Scorch stopped, so he can read poetry he wrote for her.

Twilight lied next to Delta Scorch who sleeps soundly next to her. How is it that he is able to sleep so peacefully? Was it because he had his first kiss with the mare of his dreams? Or is it because Twilight presented herself to him in such a proactive way? Only the Great Spirit knows.

“Of all the stallions Delta Scorch had to be, he’s the slow romantic type! AHHH! Just like that foal Gold Sky!!! Well at least I can always satisfy myself with my dear love Rarity while I form a pseudo relationship with this unicorn so I can do him.” Plans Twilight within her vastly organized mind that's connected with the Black Rose.


Princess Luna came inside the room.

“Delta Scorch will you please tell me why you haven’t wok… Twilight? Don’t tell me you’ve tried doing what I think you wanted to do.” Princess Luna asks in full surprise upon seeing the Element of Magic in the same bed with Delta Scorch who is still sleeping soundly while holding Twilight’s hoof.

“Princess I can explain! You see he, wait!? What do you mean by try?”

Luna smiles before breaking out into laughter.

“Oh Twilight don’t you see! Delta Scorch is deeply romantic and will take everything slow. He loves you and I know that for a fact. And his ultimate goal is to take your hoof in marriage. Well that's what he told me so far.” As soon as Princess Luna’s last word entered Twilight’s brain her jaw dropped.

*Sigh.* “Figures why he read me all this poetry, I’ll be leaving now, excuse me your majesty.”

But Luna shot a wing in front of Twilight, preventing her from leaving.

“Uh, uh, uh. Do you think I’ll let you harm Delta Scorch like this? You are going to go on a date with him so you can PROPERLY tell him that you are not interested in him. Instead of leaving like this which will most likely break his heart and I can’t stand any of my commandos suffering like that.”

“But your majesty!?” Pleaded Twilight before being silenced by the glowing eyes of Princess Luna.

“That’s an order Twilight!”
Twilight looks at Delta Scorch and then looks back at the Princess of the Moon.

“As you wish your majesty.” Twilight replies in a voice of utter defeat.

Princess Luna’s eyes stop glowing.

“Prefect! Now I need to find Celli. I had to raise the sun this morning.”

Gold Sky felt the warm gentle touch of the sun on his eye lids. His body now became conscious, but he chose to keep his eye lids closed so he can relish the sound of Octavia’s heart beat.
Unfortunately he never made love to Octavia last night, for it was never her in the first place.

Meanwhile the white mare opens her eyes. Last night marked the first time in many years with many more years that she experienced such divine pleasure. Her duty, given to her by the Great Spirit grants her little to any chances of having time for herself, plus she also follows a strict code of never putting pleasure before duty.
When the white mare decided to look at the stallion who did her such a huge favor, she also thought of rewarding him with a monthly allowance.

However, when her magenta eyes spotted a horn and a pair of golden colored feathered wings on the stallion who had his head on her chest, something told her when he wakes up a very, very dire situation will follow…especially with Octavia. "No...NO!! How!!? HOW!! With him...WITH HIM! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Shame, a warm but yet damning feeling overtakes her.

Gold Sky felt the heartbeat of Octavia accelerate causing him to open one eye.
“Are you having a nightmare Octavia?” He asks.

*Knocking *
"No please not like this!!" Celestia groans in her mind.

Princess Luna came into the room.

“Celli please don’t tell me you got drunk again last ni...” She sees Gold Sky in the same bed with her sister, but her eye caught a stirring bump under the sheets on the other side of the bed.

“Gold Sky why uhh why a-are you in bed with Celestia?” Luna does not know how to approach this. "Oh please don't tell me what I think happened!!"

Gold Sky chuckles, thinking this is some sort of a joke.

"What are you talking about Luna? I’m in bed with Octavia not you know.”

“Uhhhhhh… what color is her coat.”

Gold Sky looks down and instead of seeing a beautiful gray coat he can only see a white coat.


“Hey good one with the flour prank.” He passes a hoof over her chest to remove some flour but there is no flour. He repeats it again but reality slowly nonetheless surely sets in.

He lifts up his head and slowly turns to face Celestia.

When the teal eyes of the Alicorn stallion met with the magenta eyes of the Alicorn mare, a huge shockwave run through Gold Sky’s body.

What has he done.

“No, no, no! This has to be a dream, a dream! What have I done! What have I done!? W-Wi-with you! OH NO NO, NO, NO, NO! I-I-I committed a great sin!! NO, NO!" Pain stabs his heart. He commented adultery and something else that does not want to tell himself given how Princess Celestia was not always called Guardian Aunt.

“You had sex with Princess Celestia duh.” Rang a voice from underneath the sheets.

Derpy pokes her head out of the sheets.

“Derpy!!! Did we…uh…you know…oh my Luna! Did we…have sexual relations?” Gold Sky fearfully asks.

“Pfft. Of course not, I just came here last night to sleep. At first I had trouble because of all the noise both of you were making, but when both of you started to rock the bed I slept like a baby. Oh a breakfast muffin! Thank you Princess of the moon.” Derpy took the muffin from Luna and flew out of the palace.

Gold Sky curls up in the fetal position and sobs heavily. Sadly for him the damage that's set to come upon him is just beginning.

Princess Celestia can only frown, knowing that Gold Sky’s heart is on the verge of meltdown. "I am never going to forget this."

Celestia could not remember how she ended up in bed with Gold Sky and she knows Gold Sky did not know too.

“Gold Sky please stop crying perhaps it was all a dream and Derpy thinks this is a prank so probably that’s why she made up that story.” Celestia uselessly attempts to assure Gold Sky.

Luna’s horn glows which in turn enhanced her sense of smell, got near the bed and picked up the scents of her sister’s fluids and that of her best friend.

“Oh you two did it all right. I can smell your fluids from here especially Gold Sky’s.” Luna amazingly says calmly but inside she wants to wake herself up from nightmare but she knows this isn't nightmare, it's reality.

Gold Sky starts to go cold, of all the terrible things he did in the past; killing the mother dragon and unintentionally helping the United Zebra clans wipe out an entire rouge clan. This is the worst...second worse thing he’s ever committed.

He destroyed his fidelity… Octavia his wife, his heart, and the reason why he decided to keep his immortally and not resume his past attempts of futile seppuku. He knew telling her what he did will kill his marriage but this is his fault.

(Despite this being part of Twilight’s secret plans.)

“I don’t deserve her…I broke our eternal union. Oh Octavia! My dearest love, my heart. I-I-I…” The stallion could not find any words to express the rising agony over taking his mind.

Luna places a hoof on his shoulder.

“I’ll be by your side when you tell Octavia.” Luna with a voice of empathy tells Gold Sky.

“As will I.” Declares Celestia.

“No! Celli its best if you don’t come, for Gold Sky’s sake and that of Octavia’s.” Luna lays out to the elegant white mare.

Gold Sky got off the bed, wipes away his tears, and makes his way to Luna.

“The hard part about all of this is not knowing how she’ll react when I tell her.” His wings drop from his body and drag on the floor. “It will shatter her world. Why did this have to happen to me? Is it for my past sins? Is it for giving Octavia immortally, I’m sorry Octavia. Please forgive me… Know that I love you. Even if you leave me my love for you will never cease”

He slowly walks out of the room while Luna attends the performance Octavia is set to play leaving Celestia all by herself.

The Princess of the Sun closes her eyes to prevent tears from escaping; she hopes Octavia will forgive Gold Sky. But more importantly she needs to find the pony that placed the illusion spell on her.


Nurse Redheart saw how Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were all asleep peacefully on Rarity’s bed. She also noticed how both Applejack and Rarity were cuddled extremely close to each other.

But what kept gnawing in her mind is the fact that Rarity said it was Gold Sky who raped her.

Her mind couldn’t believe what Rarity said, it just couldn’t. Redheart was there when the young Alicorn came into the wor…

“Nurse Redheart you don’t look so well are you all right?” Asked a barely awake Rainbow Dash.

The Earth pony nods.

After a couple of minute both the Elements of Honesty and Loyalty met with Nurse Redheart in the kitchen downstairs.

“Ah say we need to tell Princess Celestia what that lowlife, piece of scum did to Rarity.” Angrily voiced Applejack.

“No we shouldn’t! C’mon I for one know Gold Sky will never do such a thing to Rarity. She is his sister and also he is married to Octavia. I seen how he happy he gets whenever Octavia is with him. He loves Octavia!” Rainbow shot back.
Applejack’s anger rises at hearing Rainbow Dash defend Gold Sky.

“Is there something wrong with ya damn mind Rainbow!? Huh! Why will you defend that rapist! HE RAPED RARITY!!! And Ah for one will like to go and beat him to death.”

“I will like to see you try Aj!”
Rainbow presses her face against Applejack’s.

“Look Applejack maybe Nurse Redheart gave Rarity lying serum instead of truth serum.”

Applejack turns to Nurse Redheart.

“I gave her truth serum.” Nurse Redheart replied.

“Need Ah say more Rainbow?”
Rainbow Dash’s ears drop and just when she was about to open her mouth Nurse Redheart cuts her off.

“I don’t believe Rarity. Yeah you heard me Applejack, I don’t believe Rarity. Sometimes the serum does not do what it is supposed to in rare cases” Nurse Redheart witnesses Applejack’s jaw drop with utter disbelief.

“Nurse y-y-you can’t be serious…”

“I am Applejack. You see when Gold Sky was born, I saw nothing but pure innocence in his eyes…”
Rainbow Dash butts in.

“Hear that Applejack, Gold Sky has innocence. WAIT!? Wha...! Did you say when he was born? But that’s like two hundred something years ago.”

Nurse Redheart simply smiles.
“I am more than five hundred years old. You see me and my sister Tenderheart were the only ponies to practice nursing back then and still today...well we established nursing schools thus we are the oldest. Princess Celestia knew this so she decided to delay our aging to a point where many will think we’ll immortal but we’ll not. Basically for every twenty five years I age one month.”
Applejack slowly starts to understand what Nurse Redheart meant when she saw the innocence in his eyes.

“I was there when his parents died. Never seen such sadness in a colt, I wanted to take him in but Gold Sky’s mother and father asked Princess Celestia to take care of him. I have seen him grow into a stallion of great honor, integrity, love, and pain from the death of his parents. And there is one thing I am willing to bet my whole life on…Gold Sky will never do such a thing to anypony especially to Rarity.” Nurse Redheart took off her cap and sighs.

“So what do we do?” Rainbow asks breaking the silence.

Applejack meanwhile had different intentions, even though Nurse Redheart voiced her doubt in Rarity’s confession Applejack took it to heart.

“Ah am going to tell Princess Celestia, because Ah know that Gold Sky harmed my sugarlove and he must be brought to justice. Ah’ll do it myself if Ah need to.” Applejack swore to herself.

“I don’t know Rainbow, I just don’t know.” Nurse Redheart admits in disdain.

Gold Sky waits for Octavia to come home.
He felt fear flow heavily into his mind and heart. Not even with Luna’s company did it help calm his anxiety.

The sun slowly sets starting the countdown until Octavia arrives.
“Stay calm. She won’t leave me. She will, no she won’t. She will. She won’t”

“Gold Sky don’t do this to yourself.” Luna gently whispers.

Suddenly a loud knock is heard on the door of his home.

Gold Sky immediately looks at Luna.

“Go! I’ll be in the closet.” After saying that Luna teleported inside the closet. "Uh oh, I can't see or hear a thing in here!!"
Slowly Gold Sky went to the door and opens it.

“Applejack? What are you doin…”

A powerful blow struck the alicorn in the face.

Applejack then proceeds in giving Gold Sky a powerful buck to the stomach, sending him crashing across the room.

Meanwhile in the closest. "Did I feel a crash or something??"
Gold Sky coughs out some sparkling blood and looks directly into Applejack's eyes.

“Why are you doing this to me? What have I done to you?” Tearfully asks Gold Sky.

“Don’t play dumb with me fool! Ah know you raped Rarity so now you must pay.” Her voice has no other emotion but rage.

Gold Sky's eyes widen at hearing this. But before he could ask her if Rarity is all right Applejack struck Gold Sky again and again.

Octavia sees her house from a distance, causing her to smile that is until she senses Gold Sky calling out for her.
“He’s in trouble!!” Instantly she broke into a gallop.

Sparkling blood and teeth littered the floor. And Applejack’s hoof is covered in Gold Sky’s sparkling blood.

He could see her hoof raised to strike him and as it came down a gray hoof stopped it in mid swing…

“Huh?” Applejack jerks her head to the right only to see Octavia, whose eyes stared at her with extreme prejudice.

“Get away from him you wretch!” Snarls the gray mare.

Octavia delivers a knee to Applejack’s chin and followed it with fast but powerful blows to Applejack’s body. Octavia did a flip over Applejack, punches her in the kidneys, struck Applejack in the face, and lastly gave Applejack a powerful kick to the stomach. Launching Applejack through the wall.

Luna taught Octavia well.

Applejack realizes she is no match for Octavia so she ran off into the night despite feeling pain given to her by the gray mare.

Octavia snorts out her breath.

“That’s right run you coward!” She yells at Applejack.

“Are you okay Gold Sky?” Octavia worries as she took Gold Sky into a tight embrace… the same she gave to him on their wedding day.

Gold Sky's tissue regeneration does it's work and now Gold Sky looks good as new.

“No, I am not okay.” The Alicorn’s heartbeat speeds up and Octavia can clearly hear it.

“Tell me what happened, please let me help you.” The gray mare nuzzles him on the cheek, causing tears to form in Gold Sky’s eyes.

"I think Octavia is here." Luna tells herself
He does not want Octavia to become heartbroken, but if he never told her the truth then it will haunt him forever.

“Octavia you will hate me…” Gold Sky’s voice starts to stutter.

“What do you mean my love?” Octavia did not know what he's talking about.

His heartbeat begins to beat loud, to the point that even Princess Luna can hear it from the closet she hid in. "Wait a minute, I can't hear nothing yet I think I can hear his heartbeat."

Sometimes the truth does more damage than a lie. Gold Sky knew this… he didn’t want to lose Octavia, but not telling her the truth is something a dishonorable cowardly stallion will do.

“Octavia I-I-I don’t deserve you. Last night I-I did something terrible.” He pauses to study Octavia’s facial expressions, but all he could see is love coming from her beautiful eyes. He now felt more pain stab him in his heart.

“I-I h-had se-se-se-sexual relations with another mare.” The Alicorn fell to his knees before his wife.

“What…” Octavia at first thought this was some sort of a cruel joke but then she realized something. Gold Sky never lies to her.

Octavia felt the world crumble around her.

Her beloved husband broke his vows.


My dear subjects originally FoxofRarity planned of writing this chapter and wanted to use My good side (Luna obviously) and Trixie instead of Celestia and Derpy in the morning scene. But I reminded him that I'm writing this chapter.

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