• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Hoporrenē Wíŋyaŋ

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 78

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Arthur's note at end.

THERE SHE IS!!” The small fraction of the grain of loving sand inside Gilda gives her the strength to avenge her Father. “Luna, Luna, LUNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I WILL KILL YOU!!!

Father please do something, please save my niece before I see her die before my very eyes! Please Father save her!” Cadance try as she may can’t move a muscle making her come to her senses that this is the first time she succumbs to fear.

“Strange?” Luna tells everyone around her. “Why did the eyes of the Griffon start glowing yellow the instant Cadance said my name?”

However, Yahshua waved his hand over the group thus a miracle will occur though for a certain someone it will be very unfavorable.
For you Father!” With that said Gilda’s talons sink into the crystal floor to give her the necessary boost she needs when she lunges forward to take on Luna.

Then on the bases of details, details, and details. “Gilda my darling oh how your hair has become unkempt! Come my darling let me give you the grooming I promised you a while back.” With her horn glowing and utilizing a zero energy spell Rarity picks up the Griffon. “All you continue enjoying yourselves I’ll be grooming our Griffon guest ta-ta!” With haste Rarity removes the both of them from Luna’s presence. “Phew that was a close one.” Along with having the spell keeping Gilda’s mouth shut for the best of things.

Surprised as the frozen expression on Cadance’s face, Luna just asks the obvious or risk being seen as a pillock. “Who was that Griffon?”

Fluttershy on the other hand or hoof pipes up. “I think that’s…” Well let’s say Cadance has something in mind.

Shut it, you sick piece of real life fabric softener imitator!” Cadance did not feel it is right to use a curse word at Fluttershy.

“Nevermind.” Fluttershy hides behind Delta Scorch.

After a breath of relief and composure Cadance relaxes while secretly thanking Father for having Rarity here. “She’s a guest Luna, now why are you here and without the slightest bit of a proper notice. Because you know unlike the next Griffon I don’t like surprises.”

“Unlike the next Griffon what?? Ah anyway, I just need to discuss something with you and I want to do it now so, hey wait a minute where’s Shining Armor?”

“Uhhh he’s in his room and it is best not to disturb him right now. Really don’t disturb he won’t like it at all.” Best to keep the Xenomorph as the ashes it is now.

Luna shrugs in acknowledgement. “Very well my dear, carry on.” Thus the four carry on to the throne room to have their discussion while Delta Scorch isn’t very pleased to see Rarity depart.

In a far off corridor, Rarity with a fast gait avoids looking at Gilda just so she won’t see that furious face on the Griffon plus to Rarity, Gilda’s eyes are glowing red.
“MHHHMMM MHMMMM HHHMMMMMM!” Clearly Gilda is cussing the living flawlessness out of Rarity but thankfully Rarity’s magic is keeping her mouth shut.

“Yes Gilda, I know you are absolutely mad at me but in the end you will understand why I had to remove you from Luna’s presence also how in the world are your eyes glowing red? Oh yes, hold on I think I found a spot that’ll keep us hidden.” Setting Gilda down Rarity takes more of Gilda’s muffled curses. “I do hope you are not saying vile words at me Gilda for that will be most un-proper for a lady like you.”
Lady? Un-Proper? Hey, they all point to femininity and with regards to her femininity Gilda chills a bit.
“There you go Gilda my dear you’re free of my magic.” Rarity couldn’t help but dust the Griffon clean. “Hehehe bit of a habit my dear.”

“WHY!” Had to start with a roar, had to mess up Rarity’s hair. “Luna was in front of me! She was frakken in.” Interrupted to be corrected.

“AH AH language Gilda!! You will not use such language in front of me when I haven’t done anything to warrant it! Is that clear and please continue.” Rarity flicks her hair to it normal curl.

Letting out a snort Gilda continues without hesitance. “She was in front of me! Why! I could have made her pay for what she did to my daddy!”

“You really think you are a match against somepony who is immune to death and is a very proficient fighter.”
“A proficient fighter? I’m a Marine!! And how in the world can anyone be immune to death? That’s impossible and so what if she’s tough as you say, I found that I can make myself stronger by thinking of my father.”

*Ting* “Wait so that explains why your eyes were glowing red…” Now it’s Rarity’s turn to be interrupted.

“My eyes glow red?? Heh that’s weird, but, but I could have taken on that Princess Luna! But you had to get in my way!” Gilda though upset presses ever so carefully to be at least eight inches from Rarity’s face.

Rarity seeing how close yet restrained Gilda is being she sees this as a precaution that needs not to be ignored. “There is a time and a place for everything Gilda, believe me there is but to fight Luna is thoughtless as it is stupid. For she has many Elite Commando guards and each one are deadly so if you try fighting Luna you will end up fighting them before you ever get the chance to fight her then if, I mean if you manage to get to Luna she will use her magic before resorting to physical combat. Now tell me, can do any kind of magic like I and your dear father?”

Common sense dawns on the Griffon. “I can’t…STILL! I will make her pay and if I can’t then I’ll die trying if that is the last thing I do!”

Well in the short time being back as an adult and the combination of her child & adult mind Rarity came up something that is more of a theory then truth but in times like this a theory can do more good than…making a theoretical thought. “If you die trying to fight Luna then you basically killed your father.”

“Well if I die trying then father will be motivated to avenge not only himself but me as well.” In that logic Gilda is quite pleased with herself.
Thus Rarity will inject her theory in Gilda’s mind. “No Gilda. Think about it. The moment your father found out you were fighting in a war he ran all the way from Ponyville to the Republic nonstop to protect you. He let you flog him, strangle him, and whatever else you did why? Because he loves you and knowing him he loves you so much he…” Here comes the theory. “Connected his life to yours.”

“Huh??” This perplexes the Griffon very much. “What in world do you mean by that?”

“He loves you so much that if you die he dies. Because a father should never, never, never bury his child. He should not bury you Gilda it should be you burying you. Thus expanding, if he you die he dies if he dies you live.” Now to see if the theory pays off in it haste filled creation.

Nearby and invisible Lauren is very pleased in Rarity’s fruitful attempts to protect Gilda.

Rarity’s words strikes Gilda in the heart of her spirit and those words cause her to collapse and cover her face in dismay. “You’re right Rarity! Oh my Great Spirit how can I not see that when I remember in my earliest memories daddy telling me the same thing you told me. I was so thoughtless, stupid, and idiotic to think I can fight that Princess Luna. Rarity I don’t know if I should thank you or hug you for stopping me! Tell me what I should do?”

“Oh thank goodness she believed my made up theory though now that I think about it maybe I’m right still I should ask father I mean brother tonight.” Now back to occurring reality. “A hug will be more than enough and don’t worry I’ll come down to your level.” Rarity proves to Gilda that even though the Griffon no longer sees her as an Aunt, Rarity will still be loving and caring like a real Aunt.

“Thank you, Rarity.” Gilda going against her wishes throws out the notion of avenging her father so to keep the mind full or it might think back up the notion of vengeance thus replaying Rarity saying Lady helps create a question. “Rarity do you think I have a femininity?”

“Have a femininity?” At first Rarity wanted to ask Gilda if she was joking by asking if she has a “femininity” but then realizing that Gilda pretty much had to go a decade without the initial developing femininity Rarity prepares herself to answer Gilda’s question. “Uh well of course you have a femininity Gilda…”

“But I feel like I don’t Rarity! I mean I was a soldier, I took no prisoners, I killed every captured Fascist, my first friend died in my arms, I-I don’t like the color pink, and I never felt attracted to any males until I saw that Big McIntosh bathing himself when long ago I should have been curious about males wait I mean stallions. So tell me do you think I have a ‘femininity?’”

Rarity sits the Griffon up and using one of her many trademarks brings a couch from out of nowhere. “Sit first Gilda. All right, here we go, ahem. Gilda every mare has as you say it ‘a femininity’ the only thing is different for everyone like Rainbow Dash for instance. She may not seem like the most lady-like mare but she does love a beautiful dress that totally reflects her complete personality. You, you may not like pink but who you are makes what you are so while you think pink dresses are not your thing I bet if you see a magenta colored dress you might take a liking to it and try it on.” Okay Rarity is diving in her fashionista side which is not so helpful if she continues using clothes for analogies or examples or whatever else such colors to represent somepony. “Uhmm, look I can say the reason this is an issue to you may be the decade where you were not you pushed back your femininity and now it is slowly reemerging which naturally is freaking you out so you’re taking your time to accept or decipher this part of you in order to get a complete hold of yourself. But in the end you will completely understand your femininity thus your own questioning will be answered. So I suggest you observe other mares and ask yourself if your femininity will be like hers or will yours be different because you are living the most unique life ever.”

Gilda now thinks what Rarity said about the resurgence of her femininity and freaking out so maybe the white mare is right. Not being herself for a whole decade then suddenly coming back to herself wipes away the old but her mind slowly has to readjust as if that’s bad enough but hey if Rarity is willing to help her then it can’t be that bad. “Do you think I can use you as my own example?”

“Oh darling I’m flattered! Ho, ho, ho you flatter me Gilda but I have to be harsh and say you have to figure out everything yourself but never fear I’ll be more than happy to give you pointers. BUT!!” Oh there had to be a “BUT”.

“But what Rarity??”

Time for some facts of life. “Out there yes Gilda out there you will find some mares that like blabber that femininity is a social construct and how it’s oppressive, etc, etc, so if you ever encounter any of those thick as two short planks mares you have my full permission to go Holly Homes on them and give them a punch of common sense to the face. Because ironically those mares who say that load of bullocks always end up reverting back to their femininity when the go gets tough”

Of course Gilda will first be puzzled by Rarity’s strange phrases that come out of her elegant mouth. “Thick as two short planks?? I guess you don’t like saying curse words but is femininity really a social construct??”

“Of course not darling! There are just some mares who believe that their femininity is their own worst enemy because sadly they’ve been consumed by an entitlement complex and the notion that they are victims even though they’ve never been oppressed like ever. So go Holly Homes on them.”

“What does go Holly Homes even mean?” Unfortunately Gilda has not kept up with some things or cannot connect the dots sometimes.
“Punch them in the face just punch any thick as two short planks mare with common sense. Now come let’s go home, oh! I don’t want to leave Fluttershy…but you’re my Niece! So you’re more important than anything else so come let’s go home darling.”

Even though I didn’t call her aunt she still loves me as her niece…she’s a better mare than I am.” Gilda admits to herself. “Oh wait let me first write a note to Aunt Cadance.”

In Rarity’s mind. “Don’t know how she came to know that Cadance is her Aunt but at least she is in most excellent terms of relation with Cadance though I wonder what Cadance knows about brother and how much information Gilda has deluged her with. Well if anything is wrong Lauren will tell me.” Say in the act of notes. “Gilda I too will like to write a note to my dear friend Fluttershy.”

*Ting!* “Yes I wrote her this note as well.” After collecting Rarity’s note Gilda hands them to a passing servant telling her which note is for who. “If only you weren’t busy Aunt Cadance.” Gilda whispers. “Let’s go home Rarity.”

Both board the train and both don’t look back because neither noticed how every step they took on the crystal streets a bright glow appeared upon impact showing the Crystal ponies that even though they have Love running through the veins of their spirits they have Love running in the blood of their veins for Love gives them strength.

Mares with great strength.


In the privacy of the Throne Room.
Fluttershy despite being quite unhappy about Rarity leaving with Gilda she still is pleased with lifting up her spirts. Also reading Gilda’s sincere apology is heartwarming as well.
Cadance smiles at least that Gilda ends her note with the words I love you.Love you too my dear niece.” Cadance replies.


In the Canterlot Hospital, Nurse Redheart rounds up the nursing staff of the Day Surgery, Med Surge, Surgical, Post-Op, and Admissions units to have a small conference while omitting the staff of NICU, Pediatrics, ICU, ER, and Emergency Care units given how care is most important and cannot be paused.

“All right quiet down, quiet down everyone its come to my attention that some of you and I’m not going to say names, Carol, don’t know what Angina Pectoris is. Either because most of you don’t remember it, got too comfortable in your unit, or just plain never learned it.”

“Hehehe she said Angina.” Laughs some of the mare nurses nearby.

“Hey we’re all adults here so stop giggling you two anyway do any of you know what Angina Pectoris is?” Redheart asks.

A newly hired nurse raises his hoof.
“Yes, Shock Velvet.” Despite being recently hired Redheart takes the initiative to learn all the names of her fellow nurses.

“Angina Pectoris is acute chest pain caused by insufficient oxygen to the myocardium while Angina is chest pain brought on upon physical exertion or emotional stress.” Answers Shock Velvet.

“That is absolutely correct and stop giggling you two seriously! Going on the most common cause of angina is Atherosclerosis causing myocardial ischemia which as Shock Velvet said reduces oxygen to the myocardium now skipping past unstable and stable which all of should know and if you don’t look it up in the medical dictionaries in the nurse’s station. Now after thorough research I’ve discovered a third type of Angina STOP GIGGLING! I decided to call it Prinzmetal’s angina for it is caused by spasms of the coronary arteries and to be extraordinary the arteries may not contain plaque.” At the same time being observant Redheart sees most of the nurses jotting down notes for she can tell they are expecting a question or two. “Now tell me what is a common medication we use to treat angina?”

“Nitroglycerin…I think…??” Answers a nervous nurse.

“Correct! Elaborating, we use sublingual tablets and give a maximum of three in three to five minute intervals and the chest pain does not cease then more serious procedures are needed Uh oh.” Redheart remembers something. “It looks like today’s little meet will be cut short but before I leave do we IV push potassium?”

*Silence* Shock Velvet raises his hoof. “No we do not IV push potassium because it will cause a myocardial infarction and kill the patient.” Pays to have been taught by Redheart’s twin sister in Nursing School.

Redheart smiles at Shock Velvet. “Well answered, Shock Velvet I see you really studied hard in the cardiovascular system now bye and brush up in your medications for Angina, symptoms, adverse effects, and therapeutic effect. Bye.”

Waiting inside Redheart’s Iron Cloud turns to Fleur and asks her why she wanted him to come with her instead of having her husband be here with her.
“Look we spent a lot of time together as Elite Commando Guards and you’re my brother in arms so I am going to tell you something that I’ve never discussed with my husband. Uhmm, for a long time I’ve wonder why I couldn’t get pregnant.”

“Oh dear.” Iron Cloud sees where this is going.

“Is it me or is it him so first I decided to start with myself then him.” Fleur having a tinge of uncertainty in her voice reaches out and lays a hoof over his. “Oh something that I never thought of before can change the meaning of my life. Because what makes a mare a mare if she cannot develop a life in her womb.”

“Oh don’t say that Fleur because what makes a mare a mare isn’t her ability to give birth to a child is her ability to have an impact on others through her love and integrity.”

Fleur tries to smile but uncertainty denies her that ability. “I can say you are saying those words because your mother taught you something from your tribe.”

Iron Cloud will tell Fleur the little history of his tribe. “In my tribe the infertile mares are called Hoporrenē Wíŋyaŋ which means wise mare because despite being infertile they become beacons of knowledge to help the children of the tribe.”

Fleur repeats the word. “Hoporrenē Wíŋyaŋ I am Hoporrenē Wíŋyaŋ well if I am, huh?”

Redheart finally arrives with a folder in mouth and sits in her behind her desk. “Fleur for such a strong issue your test result will bring I will expect your husband to be here not one of your squad mates from Lakota squad.”

“I plan to tell my husband myself Redheart, he’s just here to keep me company now please tell me straight Redheart I want to know if it is me or my dear Fancy Pants.”

“Huh?” Iron Clouds sees his right hoof get grabbed by Fleur.

Straight to the point and without making a sigh to indicate something. “It’s you Fleur, you’re infertile.”

The elegant mare lets go of Iron Cloud’s hoof and frowns but yet where others in her situation will be shedding tears Fleur does not for in the wonder she’s been having it allowed her to be fully prepared if well not if anymore, to accept the reality that she is infertile. “Hoporrenē Wíŋyaŋ, I know I should be sad but I…I…I…”

“Was prepared.” Redheart finishes.

“Yes. I’m still a mare, a strong mare I will push past this yes, yes I will do that. I mean sure I...can’t have children. At least me and Fancy Pants can have a lot of vacations an-and I can have plenty of time to listen to the wind and hear the lovely voices of the Chero. Come Iron Cloud let’s go. Thank you Nurse Redheart at least I can call myself a Hoporrenē Wíŋyaŋ.” Without waiting for Redheart to say something Fleur is already out the door with Iron Cloud in tow.

“Fleur are you alright?” Iron Cloud being worried asks.

Coming to a complete stop Fleur turns to Iron Cloud. “I can’t have children…” With that Fleur just embraces the stallion to signify she accepted reality. “Can you please ask Luna to give me a few days off please, I’ll pay you back with whatever you want.”

“Of course Hoporrenē Wíŋyaŋ.”


In the Crystal Palace.

Fluttershy and Delta Scorch entertain themselves with a game of chess while the Princesses talk to each other.
“Tell me Cadance for I have been wondering why haven’t you seemed saddened by the death of your brother and why ever brought it up to me or Celli? Why Cadance? He is your blood.” Luna asks.

Even with the mind of a teenager entering adulthood the Princess of Love is nonetheless wise in her own right. “Being saddened will not bring him back, seeking vengeance will not bring him back nor can I ever try to grab a mortal emotion which I won’t dishonor myself with so how can I feel anything if I can’t do anything about it well besides feeling disappointed in you. Though I know you know of the Daughter which if you didn’t then you wouldn’t be here would Luna.”
Luna nods. “Tell me if you can Cadance. What do you know about her because she has somehow healed Flying Havoc then defeated him in hoof to hoof combat and he’s my best Elite Commando guard.”

Oh Cadnace is going to have fun scaring the frakken hell out of Luna but must be very careful at the same time. “Yes I heard about how she threw your defeated commando through your window as if to say she is coming for you next but she won’t.”

Luna feels like she can breathe the biggest sigh of relief as if she’s the pony who defused a charge that was stuck to its skin with just two seconds to spare with a pair of mustache scissors well dull ones to be exact. But still Luna feels there is something more about the daughter not seeking revenge like there’s almost a hook that’ll hook her left cheek after she breathes the sigh of relief. “How can you know that Cadance? I mean I bet even you didn’t know about his daughter though you do have your ways of getting information before others or simply being able to read me and Celli’s minds without us knowing.”

Hmmmm what is going to be said next is going to put the uneasiness in Luna. “Did you realize she is the daughter of your nephew Luna so everything he represented such as Honor, Love, Forgiveness, and Morals she embodied plus let us not forget her magnificent strength he has possibly given her. So maybe she may have desired to make you suffer for taking away her dearest father she knows it won’t bring him back so she won’t waste time making you suffer.”

“If you’re right about her being like him then I’m safe from her and more importantly my son is safe from her. I won’t ask you how you know a lot about her but I thank you for putting me at ease Cadance.”

“At ease!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…” *Two minutes of Laughter later*

The uneasiness Cadance wants for Luna to feels starts flaring up like diabetic nerve pain. “Why are you having Cadance?”

“Oh Luna, Luna, Luna you are so gullible you will lower your guard like the Southern Hellenics when they gave up their life of war which produced great warriors to become part of a so called Republic that later got brought to its knees by a falling gross domestic product. The Daughter is the least of your worries it is his personal guards that you should be worried about.”

“Personal Guards! He does not personal guards! That’s, that’s impossible I mean he’s not Royalty! He’s not important enough to need guards I mean why should about them I,I what can they do!”

Terrorize Luna with just simple words of the Xenomorph. “His guards are not ordinary guards Luna for they are night, terror, and insanity wrapped into one for you see Gold Sky is a fighter without Equal making him number one his guards are number two every one of them. And they don’t forgive oh no they don’t such a thing when their dear master is taken from them.”

“Night, terror, and Insanity…” Luna turns to look at her dearest son winning his fifth game of chess. “Are they coming for me?”

Cadance nods. “Why yes they are and when they come your Commandoes cannot protect no matter how many you have, your magic cannot stop them, and your might will fail you. Because they cannot be bargained with, you cannot reason with them, they never feel pity nor remorse much less fear, and they will never stop hunting you down until you are dead Luna. Oh and did I mention that his guards are all Mares not stallions.” Then in her mind. “Am I right Father??” She asks Yahshua.

Yes.” Yahshua replies.

Luna covers her face and frowns.

“Frak me.”

“You can say that again Luna.”

The Princess of Love smirks in joy for what she’s done to Luna.

He’ll make the first move and I will enjoy seeing Luna being broken.

It is Justice after all.

My dearest readers I thank you very much for your patience and know that I will be taking a respite to write a chapter for Octavia and the Alicorn's Peace given how I have some leeway which are a few days off for Thanksgiving. Oh the YES indeed!

But I will be posting a separate chapter of "deleted scenes" which will contain Lucy, Gilda discovering something in the Crystal Empire, and a battle at Fort Rivendell of the Griffon Republic. Sometime soon.

Again thank you for your patience my dearest readers.

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