• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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The Loving Stare.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.



Disclaimer-My little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.


The Stare… When the voice of meekness is gone it's replaced with a voice of a deadly yet lovely personality.

“Don’t be afraid Twilight because I know what you’re thinking…I, Fluttershy the shyest but yet kindest pony you’ll ever find in Equestria has a secret for you. I am in love with you! WOOHOO!” Fluttershy brings her nostrils to Twilight’s bangs and took in a magical whiff.

Twilight could not move her body at all and she could feel the warm exhalations of Fluttershy’s breath on her horn. How can she let this happen? Fluttershy is not supposed to be on top of her, instead Fluttershy should be in the corner cowering with her face behind her pink mane.

Or can this be a confirmation of Twilight’s personality study of the kind Pegasus?

Fluttershy- Three personalities.

Kindness from the day of her birth and it’s amplification when she received her element.

Cruelness when Discord corrupted her but fortunately Twilight saved her.

Love, oh dangerous love for it is mixed with kindness and cruelty.

“Twilight when we first met, you really scared me for real. I thought you were going to hurt me by cutting off my wings with your magic and kidnap my birds. But I guess you never had that intention. So when I tagged along to help you find the Elements of Harmony I thought you were only following an empty intuition. But when I saw you ready to charge towards your death at the manticore, I had to intervene so you can live Twilight. Because seeing bravery like that had such an enormous impact on me. You don’t hate me right?" A sudden question that's erased by the clearing of the throat. "Because I want you Twilight…I really…really…do.” Fluttershy seals her short story by giving Twilight’s horn a slow lick. The Pegasus feels a strong surge magic enter her body giving her slight euphoria while Twilight felt an extreme discomfort.

Twilight hopes Spike will be home anytime soon, because she really needs him right now!

“I don’t know why I love you Twilight, but seeing you with thae tiara on your head just made you look so beautiful…like you really are perfection created by tender magnificence and to be completed with my kindness. You may or may not love me Twilight. But after seeing that poor heartbroken stallion walk out of the library I had to make my move. Because I know you love somepony Twilight, I can see it in your eyes. But in time you’re going to love me just like I love you…”

*Knocking and door opening.*

Fluttershy with the Stare quickly ordered Twilight to stay put and she quickly flew off to take care of Spike.

“Oh hey Fluttershy how you do...Uh why are you looking at me like that? AHHH! Spiders! Spiders! Spiders! Its too late they can fly, they can fly! AHHHHHHHHH! PLEASE DON”T EAT ME! EAT JUNE BUG! AHHHH!” Spike shouts in complete state of panic because Fluttershy is making him see his fear of spiders evolving and eating him.

The young dragon fell to the floor with his arms shielding his face from the terrifying spiders. Fluttershy then got close to him so she can place a hoof on his shoulder making him can look at her.

“Shhhhhh. Look into my eyes Spike and please go to sleep because when you wake you will not remember seeing me. Sweet dreams little one.” Whispers Fluttershy with a voice of sweet tenderness.

Twilight on the hand or hoof tries to move but she can't she cannot believe a timid little pegasus like Fluttershy, has an ability almost compatible to the thought implication part of telepathy. Curse this rare unique talent.

The lavender unicorn’s ears pick up the sound of Fluttershy’s cute humming as she slowly flew back up…

“Wake up you rapist. Sleep time is over.”

Captain Samier shook an unconscious Gold Sky but he will not wake up.

Lieutenant Toudou reminded Samier of something.
“Sir, I think you must of hit him too hard behind the head. If Princess Celestia finds out about your harsh treatment of the prisoner she will not be very pleased, especially since the prisoner has close contact with her. Plus don’t you think it would have been proper to let him say good bye to his wife first?”

Captain Samier spat on Gold Sky and slowly but deadly approaches Toudou to put some wise words into his head.

“Princess Celestia will not find out LT. Toudou. Because you will not tell her…look young colt I do things differently here. This is the first time in Equestrian history in which we finally capture a rapist. And I will treat him how ever way I want! I am your superior officer Toudou and if you dare to blabber anything to Princess Celestia I’ll make sure you are in a world of hurt. Trust me you don’t want that.”

LT. Toudou locks eyes with Samier’s eyes.
Both stared at each other tense long seconds.

Honor and what’s right against Power and rouge ways.

Toudou will not put aside his honor in his duty because of a threat and his horn starts to glow.
But Samier a guard without honor hid blades in his front golden horseshoes, something of which only the Elite Commando guards are supposed to have.

Samier quickly points the razor sharp edge at Toudou's windpipe, causing the unicorn to subdue his magic.
“Now Toudou what will you be telling Princess Celestia?” Samier’s voice reflects the smirk on his lips.

Toudou snorts his breath at Samier.

“We got the prisoner in custody and…that is all.” So much for having honor while the leader has none.
Samier retracts the blade back into his horseshoe and pats Toudou on the withers.

“Atta boy LT. Toudou now let’s take the prisoner to the blacksmith so he can brand him.”

Both ponies drag Gold Sky to the blacksmith, while Toudou prepares himself for the upcoming stench of burning flesh.

Fluttershy start to stroke Twilight’s beautiful face.

"Here goes nothing."Twilight makes an attempt to use her magic but Fluttershy with the Stare puts an end to her insurrection.

“Twilight please don’t be afraid. Do you honestly think I will force myself upon you? I am not like that. Uh…well unless…no, I will not force myself upon you. So where was I? Oh! You will fall in love me Twilight. You may think you’ll never will, but in case you’ve never noticed, wrinkles haven’t appeared on our faces yet.” Fluttershy speaks with slow meek tone of a soft yet assertive mare.

Twilight raises an eyebrow in question? For two reasons that is.

Is Fluttershy just going to go on about her love for Twilight? Or is the shy Pegasus just going to give in and force herself on Twilight? Either way one choice is boring while the other is just plain heinous. Pretty ironic having that thought coming from Rarity's rapist.

Suddenly Fluttershy licks Twilight’s horn and journeys down. Twilight can feel the warm tongue over her face, running down her neck, run down her chest, go down her belly, and just as Fluttershy’s tongue was only inches away from her sacred part of her body it stops.

Twilight let's out a sigh of relief. Weird…when taking into account what she did to Rarity.

Fluttershy got back on top of Twilight and smiles a kind adorable smile.

“Tomorrow night Twilight we shall sleep together. And before you ask we will just sleep together in the same bed and not be doing, uhm, stuff. You know, the kind of stuff Octavia and Gold Sky do on their honeymoon. Oh and you will not be telling anypony. It will be our little secret." *SQUEE*
Fluttershy looks into Twilight’s eyes and began bending the Unicorn's freewill.

Once done the Pegasus softly gave Twilight a small kiss on her lips and flew away into the vanishing day.

Twilight sees she can move her body now. Too bad she can no longer travel back in time, oh it would have been useful but the spell is only a one time use. All she can hope now is that Fluttershy keeps her word and that she also has a soft bed.

In the sky Rainbow Dash finds a certain unicorn sitting on a hill looking at the sun set slowly in the west, so carefully she glides down and lands next to Rarity.

“I knew I’ll find you here.”
Rarity turns to look at Rainbow, smiles, and then looks back to the sun.

“Rainbow last night umm…” Rainbow stops Rarity.

“Rarity I know I can’t love you more than just a friend. But I want you to know I just felt so happy taking care of you, and just having you close to me made me forget the pain from Soarin’s rejection.” Reveals Rainbow.

Rarity wishes her pain can be gone but she knew there is more on the way because Applejack sent a letter to Princess Celestia. And Gold Sky may or may not allow himself to be taken away from Octavia…she knows he has the silver armor in his closet for a reason. The principles of an Immortal are hard to understand. But more importantly is Spike. If he finds out about of what Gold Sky is being accused of, it can spell out danger; danger of the fearsome dragon returning.

Rainbow Dash just stays quiet, because sitting next Rarity on a hill and looking at the sun set was one thing she can enjoy right now. But she wanted to ask Rarity an important question in which she knows any other answer given to her by the white unicorn other than a yes, is a lie.

“Rarity there is something I must know and please be truthful.”

"Of course." Rarity nods.

“How long have you and Applejack been together?”

Rarity’s pupils shrunk, her heartbeat accelerates, and her breathing increases. First Twilight and now Rainbow Dash knows about her hidden relationship, can anypony else find out about her hidden love?

Rarity initially thought of denying everything, unfortunately Rainbow asking this question means she already knows, so there is no reason in trying to lie.

However,the white Unicorn did not want to hurt Rainbow Dash by telling her about the relationship with Applejack but has to be done has to be done.

“We’ve been together for two years. W-we had no intention in telling any of you of our relationship. Because we’ll afraid of what all of you might think, especially you Rainbow, because our love is out of the ordinary. I won’t tell you how we fell in love because that’s unnecessary. But now that you know Rainbow what are you planning to do about it?” Rarity maintains her dignity before Rainbow. Why? Because she wants Rainbow to choose her next words wisely.

“Who else knows about your relationship?” Asks Rainbow.

“Only Gold Sky and Octavia know.” Twilight’s mental chains prevents Rarity from saying the third name.

“Rarity, I don’t care if your love is not ordinary, because all that matters to me is that you’re happy. I may seem all rough in the outside but inside I’m soft, I want you to be happy Rarity and you should not care of what anypony thinks because in the end they will never be with a pony who is more truthful than Applejack.”

Rainbow’s wise words dig deep in Rarity's mind. Tears of realization and joy sprinkle out of her beautiful eyes.

Slowly Rarity moves in to taking Rainbow into a tight but huge loving hug. Such great Loyalty in Rainbow Dash, even through her heart is broken she still wants Rarity to enjoy what she has with Applejack.

“Thank you…Rainbow. You are such a tough but loving friend! What will I do without you?” Rarity let go of Rainbow so she can breathe.

Rainbow Dash smiles in seeing Rarity get a bit of happiness back inside of her.
“Well you can enjoy the sunset with me Rarity.”

So as Rarity places her head on Rainbow’s shoulder.

The Cyan Pegasus closes her eyes because at least now she has somepony who loves her for who she is, and is enjoying seeing the sun set with her.

Samier tosses a bucket of cold water on Gold Sky to wake him up.

Once seeing the Alicorn stirring Samier smiled devilishly.

The Pegasus orders the blacksmith to ready up the branding iron and after heating the metal to six degrees from its melting point Samier makes sure Gold Sky is fully alert and awake.

“So Gold Sky this might hurt a bit but I’m sure you can handle it.” So immediately after saying those words, Samier jabs the red hot iron onto Gold Sky's hip.

The smell of burning flesh fills the air and it very much disgusts Toudou.

Gold Sky feels pain but he will not give Samier the pleasure of hearing him cry out in pain, so he keeps his mouth shut and just thought of Octavia.

Samier seeing how resilient this Alicorn is removes the red hot iron from the Alicorn’s hip. "What!!?" The mark disappears because of tissue regeneration.

*ting* An evil idea pops into Samier’s head at witnessing that.

So once again he jabs Gold Sky on the hip and same as before Gold Sky does not cry out in pain resulting in the same result of the wound healing leaving behind no scars.

“You know Gold Sky I can do this all day but I guess I will have to go to a very important spot...” Samier recites.

The blacksmith reheats the iron and hands it back to Samier.
Samier held the iron directly in front of Gold Sky’s face.

The cutie mark.

Gold Sky can only watch as Samier approaches his right flank.

Samier shot a smile at Gold Sky before jabbing the red hot iron onto the golden heart of the alicorn’s cutie mark.
Now one thing about the cutie is since it appears with magic it grafts itself onto the skin and develops a major cluster of nerves therefore, a pain unimaginable will strike Gold Sky. “AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The great roar of pain scared Toudou.

Captain Samier laugh. “Oh I am going to enjoy this. But I think threes a charm so that should be enough no…? Nah. I’m just going to keep branding you until you no longer able to heal.”

Just then Gold Sky spat on Samier’s face.

Samier gasps at this. “Now that was rude! I guess I better teach you a lesson in respect you foal!”

So Samier just jabs the red hot iron repeatedly into different parts of Gold Sky’s body while only seeing to get screams he must brand the cutie mark. And all while this happens Toudou can only stand by and watch as a magnificent creature gets tortured.


Octavia criesout in pain.
“Gold Sky! What are they doing to you!? AHH! Tell me!” Screams Octavia.

Captain Samier is trying to brand me but he won’t be able to because of my tissue regeneration.” Gold Sky telepathically replies.

The mental bond between Octavia and Gold Sky is powerful because forgivness heals everything.

“The pain! I can feel it! Please hold on Gold Sky I will do anything I can to help, so you can be free.” Octavia winces as she felt more pain attack her body.

You can’t. OW! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh not the heart…

Octavia begs Gold Sky to hang in there.


“What is it Gold Sky.” Frantically and fearfully answers the gray mare.

“I love you and I will do anything to be back with you…anything. Even if it means…
He stops himself when he realizes he has to utilize a skill that only he is a Virtuoso.


Chapter 17- Dawn.

Princess Luna watches as Delta Scorch sleeps soundly under her wing.

"Look at me Gold Sky. Tell me why you've done this." Askes Princess Celestia.

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