• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Celestial Light of a New Genesis.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 47

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

A Griffon sat down on her little dining room table to drink a cup of coffee, the table is small. It’s nothing fancy or even good wood but it’s been with her for many years without having the need to replace it. The table can only sit two griffons and this griffon only lives with another griffon with whom she shares this table with.


She got up to answer the door.
A messenger stood there with a letter and hat in his hand. “Ma’am this is for you.”

The envelope had four bold letters. GRMC- The Griffon Republic Marine Corp.

The griffon covered her mouth. “No…no…no…no…no! Please…no! No! No!” Her legs slowly became weak, she gave out but the messenger caught her.

“I got you ma’am.” The messenger was warned of this but he himself was not prepared for it.

“Nooooooo…oh my Great Spirit why…why! Noooo. He can’t, he promised me before he left. Noooo.” Her voice turned into cries and out of needed comfort she wrapped her arms around the messenger and the messenger did the same.

“MY only son!!! My only child!! NOOOOOO!! Please my son, why! MY SON!! MY SON!!! MY SON!!!” The mother just lost control, she sobbed on the messenger’s shoulder.

The messenger sighed quietly, hearing the cries of this mother losing her only son will be something that will haunt him for the rest of his days, but this is only the first message he has delivered today. Sixteen more letters…and an empty chair in a table for two.

Far from the messenger and the grieving mother is a massive zeppelin landing craft carrying the entire Grand Army of the Griffon Republic.
A griffon holding a pen and paper started to write a letter.

*Deep breath*
My Dearest Wife.

Valerie, you asked me a few weeks ago if I can ever stop being funny and just be serious. You said I am sometimes an embarrassment to you when I take things too lightly. I laughed at that but deep down I felt ashamed, that is why I changed. I didn’t want you to be embarrassed of me, I also want you know that I plan to make up for the argument we had before I departed. I want you to know Valerie that I am sorry for kissing you on the cheek when I should have kissed you on the lips. I didn’t mean to make you cry when I snapped at you, I was just scared, I was just a little bit scared to board the landing craft. I love you Valerie, I pray when you receive this letter my heart is still beating. I’m fighting for you and I’m fighting to come back to tell you how sorry I am. Please don’t lose hope.

Sincerely your loving Husband.


The Lieutenant Colonel sealed his envelope; he gave it a small kiss and placed it in the bin so it can mailed immediately.

Oliver is in command of the Grand Army of the Griffon Republic, General Sherman placed him in command because a leader who’s with their soldiers in battle gives the troops high morale. Oliver has to live up to General Sherman’s expectations, after all Colonel Gilda whose rank is higher than Lieutenant Colonel is a female…a female who is in command of the entire Marine Corp and who personally killed five pawns with her bare hands. Oliver in his own right is a skilled soldier but with the training he got it will all boil down in direct combat with the fascists.

The sound of artillery whistling in the air can be heard from the zeppelin carrying him and Grand Army along with the explosions keeping the fascists cowering in their holes.

Oliver looked at his watch. “Three minutes until we land.” He stood up to tell his solders the battle plan he came up with.
“Soldiers of the Grand Army of the Griffon Republic, the Marines have done their part to keep the enemy away from the Republic, now it’s our turn to show these fascists what the Army can do. Once we land I want to front line to have their spears only and their swords in the sheath, the second line will be the archers. Now hear me good, the archers will not vertically parallel like the rest of the lines. Once the artillery stops shelling the enemy they will charge at us, so our archers will fire six volleys after which the archers will fly to the back, the front line with the spears pointing forward will charge and the rest of the Army will follow. Any questions?”

A solder raised his hand.

“Yes private.”

“Where will you be sir?”

Oliver grabbed his spear and shield. “In the front line of course.” Oliver looked at his watch. “One minute. Soldiers! I hope you’ll ready to fight because the time has finally come, remember once the zeppelin lands we must hurry to take up battle positions. Remember Colonel Shaw! Remember the Brave Eighty! For our families! For our freedom! For the Republic!!”

The soldiers banged their shields.

Thirty seconds.” Oliver stood in front of the doors while the troops stood behind him.

The artillery rained down more incendiary shells on the fascists to prevent them from attacking the Army while they got off the massive landing craft zeppelin.

The doors slowly opened, the sun light touched Oliver first before touching the rest of the troops.
“Move, move, move!” Oliver led the troops into the battlefield. A shell whistled past them.
Oliver stood ready in the front, the rest of the front line positioned themselves while the archers signaled Oliver they’re ready. He took another deep breath. “May the Great Spirit protect us.” Oliver raised his fist into air.

A spotter for the artillery saw the fist. “Cease fire! Cease fire! Our troops will be engaging the enemy.” The howitzers stopped firing. “Protect them oh Great Spirit.”

Oliver looked at the smoke clearing up, he can smell the stench of burned flesh but it did not provide any form of assurance because what the fascists pawns deeply lack in skill they make up for it in high numbers.

A trumpet sounded.

“Here come those little basterds.” Oliver turned around. “Archers get ready!”
The archers had their arrows ready. Thousands upon thousands of fascists pawns charged forward from their holes. Oliver is right in knowing that once the artillery stops bombarding the enemy, they will come.

“Archers stand ready!” Oliver focused his vision. “Five hundred yards.” The soldiers of the front line pointed their spears out. “Four hundred yards. ARCHERS FIRE, FIRE!!”
Oliver felt the slipstream of the arrows zooming past his ear. “Second volley FIRE!!!”

An arrow went clean through a fascist’s eye before the arrowhead stabbed the frontal lobe.

“Third volley FIRE!!”

The enemy kept on coming, ignoring the pleas of their wounded brethren and trampling over some.

“Keep on coming you basterds! Fourth volley FIRE!!”

Oliver’s face made a serious expression.
“Fifth volley FIRE!! AH!” An arrow nicked the tip of his ear. “Watch your aim fool!”

“Sorry sir!” Replied the archer.

The enemy continued charging forward. “Hold!” Oliver waited until the enemy is within two hundred and fifty yards to ensure the chance that the arrows will penetrate deeper into the flesh.
“FIRE!!! FIRE!!! FIRE!!”

The archers fired their last volley. “Colonel Oliver good luck sir.” All of the second line flew off to the back.

“It’s Lieutenant Colonel.” Oliver spoke quietly to himself. “Now here they come again…soldiers are you ready!”

“Yes sir!” Yelled the front line.

I will return Valerie, I promise you that.” The enemy is now two hundred yards away.
Oliver raised his spear. “Soldiers the time has come to show the world what we can do! For our families we shall fight! For our enemies we shall kill them! CHARGE!!!!!”

The soldiers of the Grand Army of the Griffon Republic yelled as they charged towards the fascists, with his spear pointed forward Oliver felt his spear shatter into millions of pieces as it stabbed a fascist in the chest. Prompting him to take out his sword and quench its thirst of enemy blood.

Rarity appeared in front of Twilight, with speed faster than anything Twilight has ever witnessed, Rarity struck Twilight in face.

Twilight felt the burden of a tear hanging in her eye. “Rarity my dear Rarity is hitting me.” Twilight shook off the pain to block another blow from Rarity with her magic. Gold Sky’s blood is a rapid pain killer and it healed the damage from Rarity’s powerful blow.

Rarity felt that she cannot continue her offense in Twilight’s front. So quickly she teleported away.

“Huh!? Where did she go?” Twilight stood still and strained her ears to become sharp in order to pick any sound of Rarity’s reappearing sounds. But Twilight never took note in Rarity’s quiet teleportations.

A Lady never brings too much unneeded attention to herself. Rarity applied this philosophy to her teleportation technique.

*Poof* Rarity appeared above Twilight, using gravity to increase the power of her attack she struck Twilight on the head as she dropped down.

“Ah!” Twilight yelped in pain.

Rarity gave Twilight a right upper cut.

Twilight predicated what will come next; her mind has the ability to connect patterns in rapid cogitation and memorization. “Block left hook.

Twilight blocked it, so Rarity went for the stomach. But Twilight leaned her belly back to prevent Rarity from hitting her.

Got to rethink my strategy.” Rarity tried to pull back but Twilight placed both her hooves on Rarity’s shoulders.

Twilight head butted Rarity but that proved to be a rather minor mistake on Twilight’s part…she forgot about the helmet that is made of reinforced steel blessed with a drop of pure Chero blood.

“Ow. Ow, ow, ow!” Twilight staggered back with spinning eyes providing Rarity a perfect opportunity to fire a powerful stream of magic at Twilight.

Twilight shook off the feeling only to see the magic beam coming towards her. “Hell.” The magic hit Twilight with bone breaking force and flesh burning heat, Twilight went clean through a large boulder, nearby hill, and tree.

Twilight felt her pride being shattered by the beautiful and strong Unicorn she loves but now it’s time to go on the offensive, she cannot let her hard earned pride be shattered by Rarity who’s nowhere in par with her in magical strength. The blood of the Alicorn healed her. “Damn, I owe it to Gold Sky for his incredible blood.

Meanwhile Rarity stood at a distance she knows her magic may have hurt Twilight but it won’t keep her down for long. “Come on Twilight, I know you don’t go down that easily.” Rarity noticed a small glow from where Twilight is.
*SHROOM!* A beam of velvet magic sped towards her but Rarity managed to do a back flip and avoid the beam.

Twilight teleported to be in front of Rarity the instant she lands on the ground.
Rarity landed and caught sight of Twilight’s bright jump flash.

“I’ll make her take up a strong defense.” Twilight swung her hoof to the ground to make Rarity jump back. The impact of Twilight’s punch to the ground made a gopher pop out from the ground. Twilight using her new strength dashed forward at Rarity to swing her hooves at her but she realized that Rarity’s supreme eye to detail gives Rarity a huge advantage to read her body movements.

Rarity ducked a swing, she used her flexibility to bend back to avoid a straight jab, front flip forward to get out of Twilight’s front, and lastly teleported back to Twilight’s former front when she sensed Twilight turn around or to be more direct Rarity appeared in front of Twilight’s rear end.

“Uh oh!” Rarity’s eye to detail on Twilight’s body movement told her Twilight is going to buck her. So without thinking Rarity crossed her forearms to protect herself from the coming kick.

“Oof!” The impact of the kick sent Rarity flying into the air, the force of the kick slowed down Rarity’s reaction time. Rarity landed hard on the ground but Gold Sky’s armor absorbed much of the shock. “Get up Rarity! Get up! NOW!”

Twilight’s vision zoomed in on Rarity slowly getting up. “Wow, Rarity’s strong will is amazing. No wonder I love her!” Twilight quickly thought up of a magical bolt that will end this little pointless engagement with Rarity. “This bolt should knock her out which will give me the perfect opportunity to telepathically clean Rarity’s mind of Spike and place thoughts of me in her head so we can finally be together. I, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity the most beautiful Unicorn in the history of Equestria will be together forever.” Twilight controlled the power of the stun bolt to ensure Rarity will not get hurt.

Twilight fired the bolt.

Rarity looked up to see the bolt zooming towards her. Another mistake on Twilight’s part. Rarity waited for the bolt and then with great speed along with the silver horseshoe she swung the bolt away from her causing it to fly into a squirrel making the rodent fall down to the ground.

“Frak! Her eye to detail helped her again!” Twilight’s superior mind came up with every possible way Rarity can attack her both physical and magical.

*Poof* Twilight appeared in front of Rarity, she made a false swing. “She will duck.”

Rarity ducked as expected.

Twilight did a low leg sweep. “She will jump.”

Rarity jumped.

“Fire a bolt.”

Rarity did a back flip.

“Bright flash to blind her.”

Rarity couldn’t see anything.

“Checkmate.” Twilight carefully gave Rarity a light swat to the face. It may have been just a swat but it proved effective in stopping Rarity. Twilight moved in.

“Jump!” Rarity teleported away to get much needed distance from Twilight.

Both mares stopped to stare at each other. Rarity noticed how Twilight has no bruises on her face or body. Twilight saw blood on Rarity’s lower lip.

Twilight’s heartbeat is calm as a normal day in which she sits down to enjoy a book.

Rarity’s heartbeat is hard but solid as a day in which she has many orders to fulfill with a lot of time to rapidly switch from idea to idea that presents itself in relative creativity.
The white mare wiped the blood off her lower lip and spat out some blood that pooled with her saliva.

“Twilight.” Rarity called out

“Yes Rarity.”

Rarity’s azure eyes glowed.

“I’m just getting started.”


Oliver’s shield blocked a battle ax, he plunged his sword in the pawn’s belly and moved on. He ducked a sword swipe, he spun his sword one hundred eighty degrees degrees so the tip of the blade can be pointed backwards. He stabbed the pawn that attacked him and he used the edge of this strong shield to strike another pawn in the face, breaking its skull. Oliver spun his sword back to its normal position. “I have to kill many them in order to force them to retreat.” Oliver threw his sword at the back of a pawn to save a downed comrade. He reached down to his left side to get his sword but he forgot that he just threw it.

“Damn!” Oliver only had his shield but even with just a defense it can turn into a powerful offence.
*Clang!* The sound of the loud bang of his shield stopping a sword made his ears ring. Oliver pushed the enemy back, using the newly made milliseconds he punched the pawn in the face making the pawn open to a powerful bone breaking strike from Oliver’s shield.

Oliver picked up the yell of a pawn yelling as he came towards him.
“Perfect a leftie!”
The pawn raised his sword high above his head giving Oliver who is right handed a chance to grab the left wrist of the pawn to prevent him from swinging down his sword therefore allowing Oliver to hit the pawn multiple times in the head with his shield. “Beat the left by using my left.”

Nearby a Republic soldier took his spear out of a pawn. This soldier has made it his self set duty to watch LT Colonel’s Oliver’s back because he knows the importance of troop morale in a time like this. “Sir! Behind you!!”

Oliver from the corner of his eye spotted two pawns. He extended his left wing, dropped down close to the ground, and quickly spun his body to get the two pawns off their feet.
He finished them off by slamming the edge of his shield on the back of their necks, the noise of the bone and cartilage disks breaking made goose bumps appear all over his back.

“Sir, here you go!” The soldier of the Republic threw a sword at Oliver.

“Thank you!” Oliver spun the sword before slashing the carotid artery of a pawn.

“I wonder how Colonel Gilda is doing?” He thought.

Twilight teleported above Rarity, she used her magic to thrust forward to try to take off the silver armor. “Somehow I think the armor has something to do with Rarity sudden durability in the pain I’ve been dishing on to her. It’s been twice that my bolts of magic bounced off her armor. Hmmm, is that even her armor? Anyway I have to remove it or at least the helmet.” Twilight kicked some dust into Rarity’s eyes. “I can make her pass out!” Twilight jumped on top of Rarity’s back and wrapped her arm around Rarity’s neck. She tightened her grip around Rarity’s neck.

Rarity struggled hard to breathe but she couldn’t.

Twilight felt Rarity’s resistance lessening with every passing second.

Blackness slowly crawled over Rarity’s vision, she started to lose sensation of everything around her. But her iron will kept on fighting. Rarity’s horn suddenly glowed brightly shooting a big bolt of magic into the air. The bolt divided itself into many mini projectiles that homed themselves onto Twilight’s back, exploding upon contact.

“AHHHH!” Twilight felt so much pain stab her spinal cord; she fell off Rarity’s back convulsing violently on the ground with exposed nervous tissue.

Rarity gasped for air as the blackness went away from her vision. “Oh…my!” Seeing the tan colored fleshy cord stick out from Twilight’s back freaked Rarity out.

“Please heal.” Moaned Twilight. All the pain she is experiencing right now is preventing her from moving a muscle.
Five seconds passed until the nerve blocking abilities of Gold Sky’s blood killed the pain. The healing process began.

“Great heavens! That’s why Twilight has no bruises, she can heal!” Rarity stomped the ground in frustration.

Twilight’s skin finally closed. A little tingling wave ran down her spinal cord as to tell Twilight all the damage has been healed.

Rarity didn’t waste any time, she quickly attacked Twilight. A punch to the nose, followed by knee to the face, left hook, uppercut to the stomach, a mighty kick to the body, and a blast of magic.

Painful yes, but not effective.
Twilight got up. “My turn.” Twilight attacked Rarity. A soft swat to the head, a punch to Rarity right side because even though the armor absorbed much of the impact, the hydrostatic shock from her punch can still do damage. Twilight grabbed Rarity but jumped away.

Rarity shook off the pain and came back to attack.

Twilight’s mind is now deadlier than Rarity’s ferocity.

Block magic blast.” *Ping!* Twilight’s force field stopped Rarity’s magic.

“Behind me!” Twilight bucked but she knew Rarity would duck.

Teleport now.” *Poof* Twilight appeared behind Rarity. “Let see if I can fracture her arm with a blow that she will block but will still do her damage.”

Rarity turned around in time to block a controlled blow from Twilight but just as before, Twilight's powerful might caused her to fall to her knees. Rarity groaned to move Twilight hoof away. *Snap!* Rarity’s elbow of her right forearm popped but it didn’t fracture as Twilight intended it to.

Twilight levitated Rarity to punch Rarity in the stomach and then give Rarity a right hook of her own. Rarity yelped in pain causing Twilight to pause momentarily but resumed punishing Rarity while restraining her strength output with every strike.
Twilight threw Rarity a couple of feet away from her.

Rarity coughed up some blood along with struggling to get back up.
Twilight stood over Rarity with a smug grin on her face, slowly Twilight’s velvet aura removed Rarity’s silver helmet. “You look so nice in that armor Rarity, I mean it.” Twilight lovingly stroked Rarity’s beautiful face with her right hoof.

Rarity slapped Twilight’s hoof away and looked up at Twilight with eyes radiating pure anger.

“Rarity, Rarity, Rarity. You fought well and bravely but for what. What will you gain by trying to hurt me? You can’t avenge yourself and you can’t avenge Gold Sky’s death.” Twilight’s voice sound so calm and yet so desperate at the same time.

Rarity tried to get up but Twilight pressed her back down.

“I like you better like this Rarity. Anyway, it looks like now is the perfect time to wipe your mind clean of Spike, take away every little memory of Gold Sky from your head, and just place thoughts of me in there. Because think about it Rarity, you and me as a wonderful wedded couple. I can already see Princess Celestia giving you her blessing when I tell her that both of us are getting married.” Twilight’s horn glowed but stopped so she can add more salt to the wound. “Rarity, I telepathically erased some of Rainbow Dash’s memory when she found out what I did to you so please do me the luxury by telling me this…did you truly Love Rainbow Dash?”

When it comes to Rainbow Dash Rarity becomes soft with Love.
“I did. I-I wanted to marry her, I and Rainbow Dash joined together in Love as one. I dreamed of her for many nights. I will invite her for lunch so I can just listen to her voice go on and on about her flight skills, Wonderbolts, and of course her awesomeness. I let all of that pass.” Rarity fought a sniffle. “She is the one thing that I can’t never have in my life, Rainbow Dash, I just wanted to spend my whole life with her, b-b-but that is all behind me now. Spike’s Love for me is something I want grasp with all my heart.” Saying his name reigniting the spark of green fire in Rarity.

A piece of Twilight’s mind went into thought. “Rarity and Rainbow Dash are made for each other but they had their chance.”

Twilight’s horn glowed. “Well Rarity, I’m going to enter your beautiful mind.”

“NO!!” Rarity’s forearms shot up hitting Twilight’s chin. “I WILL BE WITH SPIKE!!! HE IS MY SPIKEY-WIKEY!!”

Rarity gave Twilight a powerful left followed with a right. *Ping!* Rarity created a small force field to block a punch from Twilight, she then used the force field to push Twilight against a tree.

Rarity with her left hoof held Twilight against the tree while she pulled back her right hoof as far as her body will allow…
For some reason the flow of time began to slow down, Rarity swung her hoof forward. A cone of condensation formed around it followed by a sound that signifies the breaking of a limit.

Rarity swung her hoof so fast it broke the sound barrier.

Trees broke in half. A mountain got a hollow pony shaped tunnel. Twilight skipped across a lake like a stone. The force of the sound breaking punch came to an end when she landed on the hard ground. “ooooooh, ooooow, ow.” Groaned Twilight.

Rarity denied Twilight some breathing room. “Spike, give me strength!

Strong right.

Rarity stumbled but rose back up.

Tremendous left.

Gold Sky’s blood went into overdrive.

Right, left, right, magic, knee, right, left, uppercut, and straight to the nose. Rarity fell to her knees panting hard.

Twilight whimpered, for once in her life she felt like crying out in pain.
“No more. I will fight Rarity with her own ferocity”

Rarity gasped quietly at the sight of Twilight getting back up.

Twilight spat out some blood. “Let’s finish this!”

The white mare got her helmet back on. “Agreed.”


In the heavenly paradise.
Lauren came by Gold Sky to place a wing over him. She looked at him with eyes that can be compared to Princess Celestia’s motherly magenta eyes.

Gold Sky smiled at Lauren.

The Great Spirit patted Gold Sky on head before giving Lauren a nod. “Gold Sky, has your mother ever told you how special you are.”

Gold Sky knew who to connect that word with.
“After my second birthday, Celestia told me that I am a unique colt. A colt that will someday do something great. Hmmm, after my party Celli and I walked about in the gardens, I walked underneath her wing and she looked at me with eyes that say I Love you. We sat down and of course I began to rub my head against her shoulder along with smelling her flowing mane. I asked her if loves me. She said yes then she asked me if I Love her. I said yes.” Gold Sky remembered Celestia’s scent then Octavia’s scent. “Celli bent down to kiss me on the head and lovingly stroked my face. She told me I Love her so much more than she Loves me. I finally understand what she means by saying that…I am Love. Love. Love. Love.” Gold Sky turned to look at the stars because one of those stars is Earth. “I Love you mother.” Celestia.

The Great Spirit smiled at Gold Sky. “Just like Cadance you are abundant in Love and absent of hate. You and Cadance are my Son’s greatest creation.”

Gold Sky thanked the Great Spirit.

Lauren tapped Gold Sky’s shoulder with her wing. “Come Gold Sky I want to show you something.”

So Gold Sky happily followed Lauren eager to know what she’ll show him.

Lauren took Gold Sky through the golden gates of the heavenly paradise.

The entire universe in its created beauty ends at just twenty feet from the golden gates of the heavenly paradise.

Lauren sat down at the edge of divinity and mortality, Gold Sky followed suit by sitting down next to Lauren.
The Archangel covered Gold Sky with her right wing. Both of them looked the revolving galaxies of countless shapes, Gold Sky looked at a nebula that is shaped like an hourglass with a eye in the middle. The name of this nebula is on the tip of his tongue but he couldn’t dig in about it since Lauren is next to him. He just Loves spending time with Lauren.

Lauren focused on one planet.

“Gold Sky.” Lauren said softly.


“Have you ever wondered why you allowed yourself to go down so low that you will try many attempts of seppuku?”

Gold Sky got closer to Lauren, he needed to feel her shoulder against his cheek. A gesture of habit rather than need.
“I thought by ending my own life I can make it up to the innocent children of the Rouge clan…” Gold Sky heard their screams in his mind. “I-I-I wanted to die. How can somepony like me live when innocent children died through my own actions. When a dragon killed Ruby, a-after I killed that dragon, I grabbed my knife and just stabbed myself in the belly thinking everything will end, the screams will leave my head, the blood of the children will wash off my hoofs, and I will just end up here in the heavenly paradise or in eternal damnation.”

Lauren nuzzled him tenderly to make him continue.

“My intestines spilled out, I felt the pain bring me some kind of a twisted relief knowing that my death at my own hooves will let those children rest in peace. I waited for the white light to come take me to either paradise or damnation. But instead I felt my pain go away, my intestines slithered back inside my body, and the sliced opening healed. I tried again and my body healed. I went crazy so I stabbed myself many times to the point that I became immune to the pain allowing me to completely lose sensation of it. I silt my throat, I stabbed major veins and arteries, sliced off my horn…I became insane. I lost it completely…no more please. I’m sorry Lauren but I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

Lauren stroked Gold Sky’s face. “You told me everything I needed to know Gold Sky, now please listen to my voice so you can clear your mind.” She saw Gold Sky close his eyes.

Gold Sky pressed Lauren’s hoof against his cheek. “Something…there is something more.”
“Lauren please, I can hear their screams. Please…”

The Archangel stopped stroking his face and took Gold Sky into an embrace.
Gold Sky looked at Lauren’s beautiful red hair. He wondered how will he look if he were to dye his hair red or will Lauren just laugh at seeing how his dyed red hair does not match with his milk white coat with chocolate brown patches.

However, when Gold Sky was following Lauren here he spotted Trixie.
“Lauren, why is Trixie here in the heavenly paradise?”

“She died Gold Sky.” Lauren answered warmly.


“Well she and another mare ended up in a dark cave, after two days of no food and water. The mare got very desperate to the point that she attacked Trixie, used her magic to harvest everyone of Trixie organs, and gave them to a Tinker for food, water, and a map back to Ponyville.”

Gold Sky pulled himself out of Lauren’s hug. “Are you kidding me!?”

“Does this face looks like it’s kidding?” Lauren had a smile on her face.


“That’s how she died; painful, sad, but in her last moments she made up for all the wrong she committed before. Allowing her to have her name written in the Book of Life.” Lauren sensed Gold Sky’s empathy rising. “I know what you’re thinking Gold Sky. Resurrection is only for those the Father chooses. Of course the Son can also provide resurrection but only for his creation.” Lauren hoped Gold Sky will make a connection from the words she said. Already in her mind she see the pain in Gold Sky’s face when she’s tell that he is going home.

It’s better to tell him he’s going home rather to say he’s being cast out.

“He has grown too attached to me.” Lauren said in her mind.

But to Lauren’s dismay Gold Sky made no connection. “Oh Gold Sky you are so innocent.”

No connection to resurrection but a connection to the revelation he has kept from Octavia.

“Lauren can I ask you a question?”

“Gold Sky there is no need to ask me that question if you know that I am more than happy to answer any question you ask.”

For a moment Gold Sky saw Princess Celestia instead of the Archangel.

Lauren said those exact words with the exact voice and exact speed Celestia said to him when he first asked Celestia that question when he was under Celestia’s wing.

Lauren tilted her head. “Gold Sky, are you all right? Hello, Lauren to Gold Sky are you there?” She waved her hoof in front of his face.

Gold Sky blinked three times. “Oh uh sorry about that Lauren. Ahem, Lauren if my wife…” Correction. “I mean Octavia. If I was still alive right now and told her about the innocent blood I spilled and leaving behind the most valuable thing any stallion can have. Will she still Love me? Will she Love this monster, this coward, this weakling who has kept these secrets from her.”

Lauren’s smile disappeared, she had to cover Gold Sky with her wing. “First of all she is your wife…” Gold Sky interrupted.

“I asked Celli to purge her mind of me. She is not my wife any more since I am no longer a…memory.”

Lauren knows Celestia never purged Octavia’s mind, consequently she decided not to tell Gold Sky about it, she will enjoy seeing the happy reunion between husband & wife.

“She is your wife Gold Sky, she is your heart & she is your pulse, you Love her so much. Even from here she can still feel your Love right now. But to answer your question, she will Love you no matter what. She may be horrified at first, of course she will also understand why you kept it from her in the first place but your second secret will be the hardest one for her to understand. Nevertheless, if you forgive yourself and go protect that one thing you left behind, she will understand completely. You and Octavia, are one, by Love, body, soul, and spirit; both of you are one. Forever.” Lauren went back to stroking Gold Sky’s face to add power to the words she has spoken.
And you shall be a daddy once more.”

Lauren took a quick glance at Earth. She can see Twilight firing a stream of magic at Rarity who created a magical wedge to deflect Twilight’s magic. Lauren sighed, she doesn’t want Gold Sky to be sad, and she doesn’t want his resurrection to be bittersweet.

“You’re going home Gold Sky.” Her voice had a heavy touch to it.


“You’re going home.”

Gold Sky’s face made an innocent expression. “Well of course I’m going home we’re just feet away from the heavenly paradise.” He ended his sentence with a little laugh.

Lauren stood up, she lifted up her right hoof. A miniature Earth with moon formed above her hoof. “No Gold Sky, your home is here.”

Gold Sky’s jaw dropped slightly.


“I-I don’t understand your joke Lauren.”

The miniature Earth disappeared. “I know you won’t understand Gold Sky because I’m not joking. You going back home. Back to the place where you were born.”

Gold Sky’s mind stopped working. This is his home not earth. He died in the arms of his wife, his body is one with the Earth, there is no way that he can go back to Earth. He knows the Great Spirit will not resurrect him.
“Lauren…I…I just don’t understand.”

“What she means my Son, is that you are going to be resurrected.” Yahshua appeared next to Gold Sky.

Gold Sky gasped and looked directly at Lauren.

“Lauren…” His eyes became pink just like his voice is filled with hurt.

“His face is just like I pictured it. Full of pain.”

Rarity did not move fast enough to avoid a blow from Twilight. The armor absorbed much of the impact but she felt her side ripple with pain.

Twilight successfully avoided every one of Rarity’s attempts to hit her. Of course Rarity also avoided most of her attacks.

Keep fighting you won’t get another chance like this.” Rarity panted hard, in any form she is not getting tired but is finding it hard to fight Twilight. “Think Rarity think. Ahhhhh!” The pain on her side is getting greater.

Twilight wiped some blood off her lower lip. “Rarity this fight was already over even before it started.”

“Shut it!” Rarity yelled.

“Ooooh how very unladylike of you…” Twilight never got to finish because Rarity teleported and kicked her with everything she got. Rarity figured she will have to make Twilight talk in order to distract her.

Twilight growled. “No more!” Twilight ran towards Rarity.

Rarity advanced with no intention to relent.


“Colonel Gilda, there is a town that is still in the process of being evacuated. Scouts reported that the fascists plan to attack it. So I need you hold them off until everybody is evacuated, then you will fall back. Now when you’re falling back I think, I repeat, I think the enemy will start ransacking the town of anything valuable. So once you’re out of the town I want you to order the artillery to carry out protocol 1138” General Sherman pointed where the artillery are stationed on a map he has before him and Gilda.

Colonel Gilda thought for a quick moment until her eyes widened at remembering what protocol 1138 is. “Hammer down sir!? You intend to destroy the whole town of Houston sir!?”

General Sherman took off his glasses. “If it means by reducing the chance of losing Marines then I will destroy that town than to risk your life and that of our Marines. We are at war Gilda and we cannot take any chances with the enemy.”

Gilda nodded. “All right sir I will quickly head to Houston immediately.” Gilda turned around.

“With only a battalion, Colonel.”

Hearing this caused Gilda to freeze completely.
“Sir you want me and twelve hundred troops to hold off thousands of fascists!”

Sherman wanted to nod but the pain from his battle scar stabbed his cervical nerves causing him to groan in pain.

“Sir!” Gilda quickly went to Sherman’s side. “Are you okay!”

“Get me the bottle of pills on my desk please.”

Gilda quickly grabbed the bottle of pain medications along with a glass of water.
“Th-th-thank you.” He took two pills.

“We need to keep this a two front war Colonel, which is why you must take a battalion of Marines with you. Remember we have the entire Marine corp engaging the enemy in the western front along with Lieutenant Colonel Oliver with the entire Army also engaging the enemy fourteen klicks away from the western front. If the enemy saw you taking too many Marines then they will split up their numerous forces even more. We cannot allow our forces to be spread thin, so that is why I cannot spare too many Marines, Colonel Gilda. Now I also understand you did not take the loss of seventeen of our brothers too well.”

Gilda looked away from Sherman.
“I was prepared for the screams, for the blood, for the battle but I wasn’t prepared for the loss of our brothers.”

Sherman came and placed a hand on Gilda’s shoulder.
“You said so yourself that Marines will die, I’m sorry but that is the cruel reality war is.”

“But they were young…” Sherman stopped her.

“Gilda, I know you might get mad by hearing me say this. Those young Marines were only sons. Not fathers, not husbands just sons. They will be mourned for but only by their parents. Sad but it is better if grief is only limited to few griffons rather than many.”

Gilda looked at him with no emotion. War brings out the true colors of unwanted reality.
“I understand General Sherman; I will depart right now for Houston with a battalion of our best Marines.”

“Good luck Colonel Gilda and please do not get yourself killed. Every Marine looks up to you.” General Sherman said.

Gilda saluted before leaving.
Outside waited Jun-Park who is looking at the picture inside his locket. “Lyca my beautiful Lyca, I Love you very much.”

“Jun!” Gilda called out.

Jun closed his locket. “Sir yes sir!”

Gilda handed him a chocolate bar. “We got citizens to protect, so what do you think, are you up to the challenge?”

Jun-Park got his helmet on. “Sir I am up for whatever the enemy will throw at us.”

Gilda laid a hand on his shoulder. “I’m glad to have a Marine like you. It’s an honor to have you.”

“And it is an honor to be under your command sir.”

Gilda smiled at him. “Come we must make haste.”

“Jun progress report on the citizens!”

“About seventy nine percent are already out sir, I think the rest should be out within twenty or thirty minutes tops.” Jun said with some optimism.

Gilda prayed Jun is right about this, with only twelve hundred of the best Marines Gilda can only hang on to hope but for how long if the enemy comes in overwhelming numbers. Still, Gilda knows the enemy barely has any skill to fight so it is probably a good idea to keep hope alive.

“Ugh!” Gilda threw her spear with all her strength. “Hot damn two on one spear!”

The enemy came to attack the town, but General Mao made a fatal error. The town of Houston is on high ground and from the proverb of a famous cunning general.

If the enemy holds the high ground, do not ascend and do battle with him.

General Mao ignored the pleadings of his personal assassin who suggested not attacking the town of Houston because of the high ground.

General Mao’s ignorance and thoughtless rush into battle is what General Sherman counted on.

Gilda threw another spear. “Archers fire at will! Jun how much time left!?”

Jun-Park handed Colonel Gilda his spear and looked at his watch, from the rate the citizens are evacuating it will end up taking thirty minutes tops. “We have nineteen minutes left sir!! Nineteen minutes!”

Gilda handed Jun back his spear. “I hope time flies by, huh.” Gilda noticed an archer not firing any arrows. “You why are you not firing at the enemy!”

The archer showed Gilda his empty quiver. “I’m out sir.”

“Frak.” Colonel Gilda went to thought mode. “If he ran out of arrows then pretty soon the rest of the archers will run out of arrows, that might be sooner then I realize.

Colonel Gilda saw another archer reaching to get another arrow from his quiver only to find out he has none. Gilda looked up to see the sun behind her and the Marines. “Hmm.” The sun is behind them and the enemy is in the shade fully exposing their numbers. “Maybe the enemy has no knowledge of how many Marines I have with me plus they’re stupid enough to attack high ground, ha, dumb lame fools!

In war risks must be taken but in this battle the move Gilda plans to carry out is more of an intention than risk. “Jun how many minutes left!?”

Jun-Park looked at his watch. “Eleven minutes sir!”

Aw man…wait!!!” Gilda looked down from the ridge with a spyglass. The pawns who were lucky enough to not be hit by the arrows are panting heavily as they continued their trek up the high ground. “Thank you Great Spirit!! Thank you!” Gilda held her spear above head.

“MARINES!! Rally up!”

Jun-Park took his position next to Colonel Gilda and the rest of the Marines took position.
“Marines, the enemy has been handed to us on a silver platter! OORAH!!”

“OORAH!” Yelled the Marines of the Griffon Republic.

“FORWARD ONTO VICTORY!!” Gilda jumped up and dove down towards to pawns.

A pawn looked up but couldn’t see anything due to the bright sun shining down on him, he can hear yelling that is getting louder by the second. So the pawn placed a hand over his eyes to block the sun light only to see Gilda coming with a spear aimed at him.

Gilda took out a pawn. “We took them by surprise!” The pawns didn’t anticipate the Marines to charge down from the high ground.

Jun-Park took out a pawn and swung his spear to slice the throat of another.

Gilda raised her shield to block an enemy’s sword, she then lunged at him to stab the pawn with her spear. “Damn!” Another pawn with a long sword is heading straight towards her, with lighting fast speed she used her shield to lead the long sword to the ground. Knowing she has little room to use her spear, Gilda dropped it to punch the pawn square in the face with all her power. The pawn fell to his back, Gilda pounced on him. Using her shield she swung it into his neck with so much force, she severed off his head and broke the handles of her shield.

“No, no, no, no, no, no!! My shield!” Gilda became distracted for a couple of seconds.

“Die you Republic filth!” Yelled a fascist pawn while holding a dagger.

Without thinking Gilda raised her left hand to block the dagger, but it ended up going through her left palm.

“FRAAAAAK!” Gilda roared in pain. “Don’t give him an opportunity to kill me!” Gilda jerked her left hand down to get the dagger out of the fascist’s grip while ignoring the searing pain. Gilda brought him down and began punching him the head again and again and again.
“You freaking son of a basterd, die damn it, die! Make you pay for this!!”

The pawn started to convulse violently. Gilda gave the pawn irreversible brain trauma that will soon lead to a painful slow death as each body system shuts down in random order.

“Damn dagger!” Gilda took hold of the handle. *Fast shallow breathing* “Ok, ok, ok! AHH DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT!!” She threw the dagger and looked at the bleeding wound on her left hand. “Oh man! MED…holy mackerel!” Gilda felt the pain disappear. “What the hell am I dead!?” She quickly patted her body to see if she got stabbed. “Oh my…” The wound on her hand healed completely leaving behind no scars. “Impossible.” She turned her hand around to see the back of her hand. “Fully healed, heh, how is this possible. Huh!?” Gilda looked up to see a pawn flying towards a fellow Marine.

Gilda grabbed her MK II knife and threw it at the pawn. “Gotcha in the artery for a fountain of red.” She reached for her knifes to commence close quarter combat.

On a cloud half a klick from the battlefield, Mao’s personal assassin looked at Marines kill every one of the regulars with astonishing ease. The assassin stopped looking so he can pass a hand over his face. “They’re just sheep to the slaughter. I can’t believe this! That Marine leader knew when strike at the perfect time and he fights alongside his troops which encourages the Marines to fight harder.” *Sigh* “So little Marines against a much larger force! General Mao, you do realize this Marine leader is not playing chess like you are instead he’s playing Go. Killing so many regulars with so little troops. I wonder if I can catch a glimpse of that Marine leader. Whoever he is, he must be Sherman’s son.” The assassin peered through his spyglass to watch the Marine leader kill more regulars. “Amazing how he doesn’t use his shield but duel welds knifes instead. Hmm, I’ve never seen that type of fighting style before.” To his astronomical convenience, the helmet of the Marine leader came off. “Ah, perfect! Hey, get out of the way!” The Marine leader killed the pawn blocking the Assassin’s view. “Nani!!!”

The assassin felt a chill run down his spine. Below him stood the trumpeter. “You sound the retreat now!!” Ordered the scared assassin.

“But Sir General Mao said no retreat…”

The assassin dropped down to grab the trumpeter by the neck. “I said sound the retreat now or I will gorge out your voice box with my claws!”

“Yes Sir!!” The trumpeter sounded the retreat.

The assassin looked through his spyglass to watch the regulars retreat. “Who is she…? What is she?” He can see the female Marine leader holding a regular by the neck, he then saw her snap the neck and throw the body to the ground. “She’s strong, brutal, and a tactician.”

“Mr. Isao are you alright?” Asked the trumpeter.

Isao looked down to see his right hand shaking. “Yes, now head back to camp and report to Mao that we had to retreat because the Republic started to use artillery. Don’t question my order if you wish to speak another day.”

“Yes sir.” The trumpeter flew off.

“Never have I ever seen anything so intimidated ever since father told me about the pony in silver armor that killed five assassins. I can’t believe I’m scared of her…she’s just a female but yet I’m scared of her.” Isao flew back to camp to tell Mao what he just saw but came to realize that it will all be in vain because if Mao finds out he’s fighting against a female then that dumb prideful son of a wretch will only waste more regulars. “I guess I will have to send in my brethren hoping that maybe they’ll have a chance against her.

Isao is afraid of the female Marine leader of the Griffon Republic.

Gilda studied her left hand while the rest of the Marines are busy killing any wounded pawns left behind when the rest ran away.

Jun-Park came by to give Gilda the reports she asked for. “Sir I have the reports.”

Gilda closed her left hand. “Tell me straight Jun.” Gilda closed her eyes in case he tells her what she didn’t want to hear.

“All the citizens are safe, obviously the enemy ran away, artillery will not be carrying out Protocol 1138 and General Sherman has ordered us back to the western front.” Jun finished his report.

“Is that all Jun.” Gilda asked without bothering to look at Jun.

“Zero casualties’ sir. We really beat the enemy today.”

Gilda sighed in relief; a huge weight fell off her shoulders. No brothers died today. “Thank you Great Spirit, for protecting my brothers.

“Jun, are you alright?” Gilda asked as she turned to look at him.

“Yes sir not a scratch on me.” Jun handed Colonel Gilda a canteen of water.

Gilda patted him on the shoulder once she drank some much needed water.
“Thank you, Jun. Marines back to the western front. Oh! OORAH!!”

“OORAH!!” Yelled the victorious Marines.

So as Gilda, Jun-Park, and the rest of the battalion flew back to the western front she kept looking at her left hand. She is puzzled in how the hell it healed…is she something special? Or is it something else? She will have to figure it out by herself.

But…The blood of the Alicorn who took her into his arms is the reason why her hand healed in the first place.

Gilda may not be his flesh but she is his blood.


Rarity and Twilight appeared two thousand seven hundred and forty four feet high in the sky. Both mares went into freefall.

Twilight struck Rarity in the face twice, but it didn’t faze Rarity. Twilight wiped some tears out of her eyes and struck Rarity again without mercy.

“Don’t black out Rarity, don’t black out! Take the pain and return it!” A flashback appeared before Rarity. The sound of the air rushing pass her got quiet.

“Rarity you won’t believe how much fun I had today with Gold Sky today!!” Sweetie Belle squealed happily as she ran through the boutique’s doors followed by Gold Sky who smiled warmly at her.

“I’ll believe you if you tell me Sweetie Belle.” Rarity took off her working glasses and asked Rainbow Dash to please step off the podium.

Sweetie Belle got in front of big sister to tell her everything. “Well after Gold Sky picked me up from school, he put me on his back and we went flying all over Ponyville! It was super, super awesome!”

Rainbow Dash came by and placed a hoof on Gold Sky’s shoulder.

“After we went flying, we landed in the lake and we enjoyed playing with ducks and other animals! Right Gold Sky it was fun!!”

Gold Sky nodded happily at his little sister.

“Once we finished playing with the animals he took me to the Sugarcube Corner for milkshakes!” Sweetie Belle’s voice had that little crack whenever she emphasized things; however, this crack in her voice is a happy one.

Gold Sky ruffled up Sweetie Belle’s hair. “I Love spending time with you Sweetie Belle, Love ya.”

Sweetie Belle stood up on her hind legs to wrap her arms around Gold Sky’s neck. “Love you too, Gold Sky.”

The flashback ended to the sound of the rushing air getting louder. “Block it now!” Rarity blocked a right from Twilight. “NOW!” She blocked a left from Twilight. Rarity flung Twilight’s arms to the side to allow her to place both hooves on Twilight’s shoulders to give her a strong head butt.

Rarity took advantage to spin around so she can be on top of Twilight in order to rain down enraged punishment while they fell back down to earth. Rarity slowly felt the tired feeling as her hoofs endlessly punished Twilight but came to notice the ground getting closer. She decided to blast Twilight with all the magic she has in her and then teleport at the last second.

*Poof* Rarity teleported .

Twilight hit to the ground. Sadly for Rarity but lucky for Twilight, because of Gold Sky’s blood inside of her, the Earth got soft to catch Twilight with its loving hands.
What the bloody heck is this! Why is the ground soft as a cloud!? Hahahaha this is so, phew, I can use a shot of rough cider right now to numb my nerve receptors but Gold Sky’s blood will take care of that.

Twilight got back up and walked towards Rarity. Her face healed before Rarity’s eyes.
“You’re getting tired Rarity I can see you panting lightly.”

The white mare shook her head. “How can Twilight survive a fall from that high in the sky!? Well it doesn’t matter I will continue pressing on.

Twilight entered Rarity’s mind, she cannot use the thought implication of her telepathy because of the helmet but she can see a flashback.

“Rarity, are you tired yet? It’s past midnight already. Not that I mind staying up this late so I can help or should say be a model for making suits for stallions.” Gold Sky suddenly winced when Rarity poked him with a needle by accident.

“Sorry about that Gold Sky, but it is really past midnight??” She levitated a clock to see the time. “Oh you’re right, stay still so I can remove the clothes.”

“Rarity I can’t figure out how you are so, uh, so, ooooh I can’t come up with a good word, please help me.”

“Talented?” Rarity grinned, sometimes the words Gold Sky looks for are mostly the most simplest ones.

Gold Sky’s eyes lit up. “Yeah! How are you so talented at making such fine dresses, suits, and picking the right hat?”

“Hmmm. I guess that is because I can connect colors in different combinations by the personality of each pony I make a dress or suit for. Like Rainbow Dash for example…” Gold Sky interrupted her.

“Do you like her Rarity?”

Rarity closed her mouth to make an agape expression. “Gold Sky of course I like her she’s my friend and she saved my life at Cloudsdale.”

Gold Sky flapped his wings when Rarity removed the suit from his body. “Rarity I didn’t mean like that, I mean do you like, like Rainbow Dash. Because I noticed how you spend so much time with her and she looks at you, well, she just looks at you.”

Rarity smiled. “Oh Gold Sky why do you ask such funny questions. Rainbow Dash is my friend and nothing more, but I can understand your curiosity. Seeing me, oh beautiful Rarity being single while others are not. Still I’m pretty flattered you asked me that, Rainbow Dash is a one of a kind pony. She’s very, very beautiful and what do you think of her Gold Sky? Do you think she’s beautiful?”

A thick red line ran across his face. “Uhm, I…I.” Gold Sky’s speech impediment prevented him from answering Rarity’s question or there is something he’s hiding between him and Rainbow Dash.

The white mare yawned. “Oops sorry Gold Sky. I shouldn’t have asked you that question.” Rarity got close to grab his cheeks. “Little brother here is married to the mare of dreams so why will little brother think that Rainbow Dash is more beautiful than his wife. Oh say by the way I’m still the most beautiful pony in Equestria right?”

Gold Sky enjoyed this sisterly affection. “Of course you’re beautiful Rarity, who else is the fairest of them all.”

“Aww, Gold Sky you’re so sweet.”

“Besides Octavia of course.” Gold Sky giggled.

Rarity happily rolled her eyes at him. *Yawn* “Gold Sky can you please be a dear and take me to my room? I’m just so exhausted that I feel I can’t take another step.”

“Sure.” Gold Sky got down to his knees so Rarity can climb on top of his back. He walked upstairs, got besides Rarity’s bed, and leaned to the side so she can slide off his back.

Rarity covered herself. “Almost forgot.” She extended her arms out. Gold Sky hugged Rarity good night.
“Good night Rarity.” Gold Sky gave her a good night kiss on the cheek.

“Good night Gold Sky and thanks for all the help today.” Rarity gave him a good night kiss on the cheek.

“Love you Rarity.”

“Love you too Gold Sky.”

Twilight got out of the flashback, seeing it reminded her of Shining Armor.
“You really loved him didn’t you Rarity.” Twilight asked.

Rarity stopped in her tracks. “Who are you talking about wretch!”

“Gold Sky. That’s who I’m talking about Rarity.”

Rarity stood still, she will only answer her question. “He’s my brother just like Shining Armor is your brother and you love him, I love Gold Sky very much.”

“He’s not you brother Rarity he’s just a stranger.” Twilight wanted Rarity to get filled with grief.

Rarity’s heart skipped a beat. “How…DARE YOU!!!”

“He doesn’t have a single drop of your blood, I just don’t know how Sweetie Belle can just love that stranger.”

“He is no stranger he is my brother, he's Sweetie Belle’s brother, he is family. Family! I will not let you talk about him like that!” Rarity fired a bolt a magic at Twilight.

Twilight fired her magic at the bolt making it explode in front of her.

To her utter dismay she caught sight of Rarity coming through the smoke.
Oh great, that was only a distraction.

Rarity broke Twilight’s jaw.



In palace Princess Luna nuzzled Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash looked away from the photo of Gold Sky with the young griffon. “Huh, Luna.”

“Rainbow my Love, there is something I want to show you. Please follow me outside.” Luna nudged Rainbow with her wing.

Both mares stood on the highest balcony. A balcony so high one may want to reach out and touch the beautiful night sky.

Luna pointed at the stars. “Rainbow look right there and tell me what you see.”

The cyan Pegasus looked up at the night sky to see some stars shining brighter than the rest. Her rose colored eyes connected each star.

Rainbow Dash’s winds shot out in delight.
“Luna, y-y-you made constellation of me.”

Luna rubbed Rainbow’s neck. “Don’t tell me you forgot about this my Love. Do you like it?”

Rainbow Dash saw this to be the perfect opportunity to use one of Rarity’s mannerisms.
“Like it? I Love it Luna! Thank you!” Rainbow tackled Luna down to give her a tight hug.

Luna kissed Rainbow on the head, seeing Rainbow this happy made the trip to space which causes her stardust mane to revert back to wavy hair when she falls back to Earth worth it.

“Let’s take a picture of it!” Rainbow suggested.

“Way ahead of you Rainbow.” Luna’s magic held a camera in mid air. “Super high definition pictures of your constellation are coming up!”

The Princess of the Moon was about to take a picture until she heard the tired voice of her older sister call her.
Luna can you please come to my room.”

“Celli are you up at this hour?” Luna asked.

Luna, Octavia wants to see you. She really, really wants to talk to you.”

Luna lifted up Rainbow Dash with her magic. “Octavia wants to see me? Well why is it I don’t believe you Celli.” She gave Rainbow the camera. So Rainbow happily snapped photo after photo.

“Nopony ever wakes me up once I’m asleep…not even you.” Celestia has a point there.
Luna’s ears dropped. “Rainbow once you’re done taking pictures please go to my room, I need to go see Celli right now.”

“Oh, well ok and thanks once again Luna, I Love you.” Rainbow gave Luna a peck on the cheek.

Luna walked slowly to meet Octavia.

The gray mare nuzzled Princess Celestia good night and went outside her room to wait for Luna.
Rarity’s words had a burning effect on her.

Gold Sky will forgive Luna no matter what.

The words Octavia heard in her mind some time back rang again.

Never are you more like the Great Spirit then when you forgive.

Octavia will do the right thing by forgiving Luna. On the other side of the coin when she went to wake up Celestia she remembered Gold Sky spending time with Celestia every mother’s day.


Octavia decided to let go of the anger she has for her mother and forgive her too.
“Father would forgive her, I know he will. He raised me with his Love, so the least I can do to honor him is to forgive mother.”

Luna came around the corner to Celestia’s room. “Octavia, you wanted to see me?” Luna hoped, no, prayed that Octavia will not look at her with those cruel beautiful grayish purple eyes.

Octavia took a deep breath.
Forgiving Luna is top priority and forgiving her mother is the second priority.

“Your majesty.” Octavia turned to look at Luna with kind eyes. “Can I ask you a simple request.”

The Princess of the Moon tilted her head in awe, those eyes are kind and Octavia is talking in a meek voice. “W-w-well what is your request?”

“Can you please join me for lunch tomorrow at the restaurant that has all those fancy live singers?”

Luna opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. This is so weird because Octavia is just being so, well, normal Octavia. “Are you a changeling?”

“What?” Octavia’s eye brows went up.

“I said are you a changeling? Ok you know what I’m just going to use a true nature spell. Stay still.”

“Uhhh…Princess?” Octavia slowly back away from Luna.

Luna’s horn glowed, a little praxis wave shot out. The wave touched Octavia…nothing happened.

“Sorry about that Octavia, I-I thought something was wrong with you.”

“Princess why will you think that?” Octavia asked.

Luna’s ears dropped while she broke eye contact. “I thought you’ll still be resenting me, I expected to be hit by your cruel eyes but instead you look at me like I never gave out that order to my commandos.”

Octavia’s eyes shifted down to the floor. “Are you going to join me for lunch tomorrow or not.”

“Can Rainbow Dash come too?” Luna asked.

Octavia remembered Rainbow Dash’s tough but caring relationship with Gold Sky.
“Of course she can come. Good night your majesty.” After bowing to Luna Octavia turned around.

Luna’s mind is still in question. “Octavia why do you want me to join you for lunch tomorrow?”

Octavia stopped but did not turn around.



“Gold Sky, you said that the heavenly paradise is not paradise. So why are you so saddened when I told you, you’re going home.” Lauren asked.

Gold Sky fell to his rump. “Lauren…I…” He just wanted to cry even though he knows there are no tears in the heavenly paradise.

“My son, have you ever wondered why do some get second chances while others don’t.” Yahshua asked.

Gold Sky looked at his heavenly father. “Why dad? Why are you doing this to me!? WHY!! Am I not your son! Did you not create me to be the perfect example of your infinite Love!?”

Yahshua took his son into his arms. “Some get second chances because they asked for it while others simply wish to just end and wake up in paradise.”

Gold Sky buried his face on Yahshua’s shoulder. “But I…” He remembered asking the Great Spirit to please let him live again so he can be back with Octavia. “What is there to go back too?”

“My son, I love you very much so I’ll tell you what you need to hear. You haven’t forgiven yourself. I, the Father, and Lauren hold forgiveness as a foundation to the universe and everything else created. I know what you did in the United Zebra clans harmed you but I forgave you the moment you asked me too and so did the Father. You see Gold Sky forgiveness is something that grants freedom, life, and joy.” Yahshua rubbed Gold Sky’s head.

“Octavia doesn’t remember me anymore, what do I have down there to Love.”

“You have your mother, your sisters, your friends, and her.”

Gold Sky’s heart glowed brightly at hearing her.
“She will hate me…I let fear take control of me! I didn’t want to hurt her and what I did seemed like the best option. The screams of the children echoed in my mind every night when she slept under my wing. I BECAME AFRAID THAT I WILL HURT HER!!!” Cried Gold Sky.

“My son, you Love her with all your heart. You cherished her, she was everything to you. Her smile always made your day, she thought the world of you Gold Sky, and you were her hero. How great your love is for her, it’s more than the Love you have for Octavia. You gave up a piece of yourself when you kissed her one last time. Your heart that lives outside your body needs you my son. You never erased her memories you simply suppressed them. Sing that song to her and once you do you’ll have to make your choice. You can forgive yourself by asking her to forgive you or can stay a coward by erasing every memory she has of you.”

Images of Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Celestia, Rainbow Dash, Big Macintosh, Gilda, Derpy, Luna, and lastly out of Love, Octavia flashed in his mind. He misses them all.
“Dad, I don’t want to go. This is my home.” Gold Sky got out of Yahshua’s arms.

Yahshua looked at Gold Sky with great Love.
“My son you are a stallion. An immortal with the life of a mortal. When you were just a foal whose arms did you always run to when you were afraid?”

“My mother.”

“Who did you spend the most time with here in the heavenly paradise?”


Yahshua smiled. “Stand by her, my son.” He knew Gold Sky will always be drawn to the maternal figure rather than the paternal. After all he was given a mortal life, so with the mindset of the mortal male he will always cling to the maternal figure no matter what.

Gold Sky went to stand by Lauren.

The Archangel placed a wing over Gold Sky to help him feel open to her words that will drive him to go across the universe to rejoin with his body & soul.

“Gold Sky, do you remember how you made her fall asleep when you held her in your arms for the first time.”

Gold Sky closed his eyes, after a few seconds Gold Sky opened his eyes and looked up to Lauren to look into her loving blue eyes.
“I placed her head over my heart. My soft heartbeat soothed her restlessness, the next night when I went to bed, she cried. I picked her up and held her by my heart so she can fall asleep, she did but the instant I put her down she started to cry again. After like many attempts of picking her up and putting her down, it came to me that she will only fall asleep if she is with me…” Gold Sky broke eye contact. “When we went places I will always carry her on my back.” Gold Sky chuckled lightly. “She will always wrap her arms around my neck and rub her head against my neck…she loved me very much.”

“It’s Love not loved. Present tense not past.” Lauren corrected.

“Lauren you are never wrong, you’re right she loves me but can she forgive me?”

Lauren created an expression of comforting understanding.
“Sing her that song Gold Sky. Only then you can forgive yourself by asking her to forgive you.” She decided it’s time to just enlighten him.

“Gold Sky, I know how much you Love me, your dad, and the Great Spirit. But Gold Sky, you just need to forgive yourself, the Father cannot allow anyone in the heavenly paradise who has no forgiveness in their heart.”

“But why was I allowed the paradise if I haven’t forgiven myself.”

“You need to feel the pain you have brought upon yourself by refusing to let go of the sins you committed.”

Gold Sky’s mind went into total chaos, Lauren can’t be right about this.
“So you wanted to hurt me Lauren?” His voice trembled with catastrophic pain.

Lauren quickly took him into her arms. “No. You know I will never do that to you Gold Sky because you did it to yourself. Think about it, you were forgiven by the Father and the Son but yet you refused to accept it. You chose to live with the screams of the children and you chose to be with the pain of leaving her behind despite knowing you can make everything right by seeing her. You don’t want to go back because you don’t want to leave me, you Love me so much. You look up to me, you Love to be by me, every word I say you hang on to it and do you know why Gold Sky.”

He can only shake his head.

Before answering his question Lauren kissed him on the head.
“You never grew up with the complete upbringing a mother can provide. Why else are you drawn to me? I remind you of your dear mother, Celestia, in every way possible; I helped you open your eyes to everything that you need to see. You say what is there to go back to well let me tell you. You wife needs you, your mother needs you, Big Macintosh needs you, She needs you, but perhaps this will really persuade you. Your sister needs you.”

*Gasp* “Rarity!?”

“Yes Gold Sky, Rarity needs you.”

“What’s happening to her! Please Lauren tell me please tell me!!” Gold Sky frantically asked.

“You must see for yourself Gold Sky, but if you don’t Rarity will experience terrible change. She will not remember you and she will not be the Rarity you know.” Explained Lauren.

Gold Sky got up to all fours to stand at the edge of divinity and mortality. Before him lies the entire universe. Behind him stand Lauren, Yahshua and the Father. The Divine Trinity who guides every sentient being on the Earth.

This choice, I must make it on my own…” Then as if Lauren was reading his mind.

“Gold Sky, whatever decision you make I will always be proud of you.”

Lauren…she, I mean, I-I don’t…” Internal torment. “I need Lauren, I need dad, I need the Great Spirit, but they are doing this for me, I have to go back… Octavia, Rarity, Celli need me! I-I need them. I can’t…no, no, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! She, she needs me! SHE NEEDS ME!!!!! WHY!!”

The Father looked at the Son.
“He's just having internal conflict Father.”

Image after image flashed through Gold Sky’s mind, his beginning to his end.
Lauren is right, I may not have Octavia by my side anymore but I will have Celli, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle.” He felt a tingling coldness when he said Rarity’s name. “She needs me.” Gold Sky frowned. “She needs me.” His wings dropped to the ground. Images of Lauren, Yahshua, and the Great Spirit flashed in his mind. “She needs me.

The Son, The Father, and The Archangel all placed their hands and hoof on Gold Sky’s shoulder.
“We will guide you in every aspect you can think of. Just call out to us.” The Great Spirit assured.

Gold Sky sighed; in the end Lauren is right. All the pain he has felt through every day in his life has been brought upon him by himself.
“How can I get home?” He asked.

“Like this my son.” Yahshua waved his hand at the universe creating a path for Gold Sky to follow. “This is the path to a new beginning or as I will say it, a new Genesis. For in your beginning my son, I created you as an egg in my hands. I planted you in your birth mother’s womb and through your birth mother and birth father you were born, two hundred and thirteen years later your end came. But today marks a new In the Beginning for you. Your own Genesis my son."

Gold Sky looked at Yahshua. "You planned this from the moment I got here."

"Yes my son."

The Divine Trinity watched Gold Sky place one hoof on the path. He hesitated and retracted his hoof.

"I will not make the same mistake I made with mother." Gold Sky ran to the Great Spirit to hug him.

"Good bye, Lord."

The Great Spirit hugged Gold Sky tight. "Don't worry Gold Sky, I will always be watching over you. May you save your sister and reconnect with your mother."

Gold Sky let go of the Great Spirit and went to hug Yahshua.
"I Love you dad, thank you for creating me and giving me so much Love. I Love you dad."

"My son I will always be there for you, whenever you call out to me I will be there either for a hug or to give you strength in times of need."

Yahshua kissed Gold Sky on the head before letting him go.

Gold Sky quickly took Lauren into a ultra tight embrace, so tight he didn't want to let go of her.
"Lauren...thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you."

The Archangel smiled at hearing those words, affectionately she rubbed the back of his head to show him how much he means to her too.

"I'm very proud of you Gold Sky...I will be the Angel by your side." Lauren said with a soothing voice.

After ten minutes of hugging Lauren Gold Sky finally let go and went to stand at the start of the path.

"Oh!" Lauren remembered something. "Gold Sky you must run faster than light, I know you can do this. Just imagine I'm running alongside with you and think of your sister."

Gold Sky nodded, he placed one hoof on the path...he just needed one last ounce of courage. Gold Sky darted back to Lauren and hugged her again.

"Good bye Lauren..." Gold Sky's voice finally cracked but no tears flowed from his eyes.

"I'll will always be with you Gold Sky, like I said, I'll be the Angel by your side. Now go Gold Sky, go."

Gold Sky got up, looked back once last time, and ran.

Yahshua opened up his right hand to change some things in Gold Sky's body and soul.
"Well like they say on the Earth, the son becomes the father and the father son."

"My Son what do you mean by that?" Asked the Father.

"Father, Gold Sky is already born with my traits, I'm simply giving him more of his birth father's traits. Being pure Chero and having long flowing hair that is darker than the night sky instead of dark brown. Plus like they also say on earth the son becomes the mother and the mother the son."

"Son?" The Father asked again.

"His eyes shall be magenta likes Celestia's." Yahshua made the changes on Gold Sky's DNA. "Also he ate from the Tree of Life, he is allowed to break some limits." Yahshua waved his right hand to the universe and instantly the body & soul arrived at earth to wait for the joining with Gold Sky's spirit.

Yahshua opened his left hand hold the three memories he took out from Gold Sky's mind. "His memories I will give them back after he saves his sister."

*Boom!* Gold Sky broke the sound barrier, across the whole universe he ran gaining more and more speed with the hope of saving his sister.

He ignored the beautiful stars, galaxies, planets, nebulas, supernovas, and ran past black holes without being sucked in by their massive gravitational pull.

"Lauren...Faster!!" Gold Sky pushed himself to go faster than light.

On Earth.
Twilight caught Rarity in mid air with magic. "Gotcha!" Twilight slammed Rarity on the ground.

"Faster! I must go faster!!" Gold Sky started to see spots of energy appearing in front of him.

Rarity screamed in pain as Twilight punched her in the side causing her left kidney to rupture. Twilight has increased the power of her punches whenever she strikes the silver armor.

"Rarity please if you can hear me I'm coming! I'm coming!!" A tunnel started to form around Gold Sky but he still needs to run faster. So he closed his eyes for a few seconds.

Rarity head butted Twilight to get some distance from her but Twilight's quick speed and unstoppable offence proved too much for Rarity who is now feeling the effects of fatigue.

Gold Sky opened his eyes, there next to him is Lauren whose flowing red hair is dancing with the wind. Gold Sky smiled at seeing her. She turned to look at him. "Don't be afraid Gold Sky." Lauren reassured.

A rising whistling pitch entered his ears.

This is it.

"Arigato, Lauren."

"You're welcome." Lauren disappeared from his vision.

The spots of energy became long.


Faster than light. Fast than thought.

Rarity struck Twilight and rapidly followed up but Twilight caught her hoof. Without any puny hesitation Twilight punched Rarity on the right shoulder causing the arm to get dislocated. Rarity cried out in pain all while Twilight kicked her away.

Gold Sky ran past Pluto.

Fighting back tears Rarity's horn glowed brightly with blinding light, she fired a mighty bolt of magic at Twilight only to see it had no effect on her other than burning off Twilight's eyebrows.

Gold Sky ran past Neptune. "Rarity please hang on!!"

Twilight gently slapped Rarity before using magic to pick up the beautiful Unicorn and strip her of the silver armor.

Gold Sky zoomed past Uranus, he didn't know Uranus had rings. It would have paid to ask Twilight in the first place.

Twilight slammed her hoof on the helmet in an attempt to flatten it but because of the Chero blood she couldn't. Rarity took advantage to hit Twilight in the windpipe. Twilight gagged for air, however, like that she still caught Rarity's left hoof.

Gold Sky looked at Saturn as he passed it. "How beautiful."

"That will cost you some ribs Rarity." Twilight slowly pressed down. *Crack* She made sure to break the lower ribs of Rarity's left lung so none of them will puncture the lung. Rarity screamed again and this time tears fell out of her eyes.

Gold Sky ran past the huge magnificent Jupiter, remembering how Lauren brought him here once.

Twilight threw Rarity on the ground to watch her cry in pain.

Through the asteroid belt Gold Sky gasped when he saw a large rock ahead but because he is in his spiritual form he simply went right through it.

Twilight brought Rarity close, she began to wipe the tears out of Rarity's face. "Rarity you have failed. Finally we shall be together."

Gold Sky spotted Mars. "ALMOST THERE! RARITY I'm coming!!"

Rarity used the last of her strength to teleport some yards away from Twilight.

Gold Sky ran towards Earth, his body & soul rushed towards him to rejoin with his spirit. Suddenly he turned into a glowing silver sphere coming down towards earth.

Twilight laughed at Rarity. "You're mine. Time to clear you're mind of dear little Spike..." Without Warning a loud boom of thunder stopped her.

Both mares looked up to the sky to see the silver sphere coming towards them.

Twilight's eyes widened, this silver sphere is the same one from her dreams.

The silver sphere landed in front of Rarity.

Both mares witnessed a stallion shining with Angelic majesty as he stood up with eyes glowing grayish purple.

To Twilight this stallion is the fiend...

"Gold Sky..." Twilight whimpered in fear.


Chapter. 48- Conflict with or without emotions. (Bon Bon, Big Macintosh, and Lyra Heartstrings chapter.)

Go- Is a Chinese board game that is based on strategy like chess but instead of killing the other player's king. The players must surround a larger area of the board than the opponent.

Some may say that strategies based on Go are more effective on the battlefield than chess.

My dearest readers, I guess you can compare the Griffons of the Republic to the Greek Hoplite and the Fascist Griffons to the Persian immortal of true history and not hollywood's inaccurate depiction of them. Also for Gilda she has none of Power Girl's traits other than her adoptive upbringing, instead Gilda shares the traits of Deborah a famous judge, Hua Mulan, and Joan of Arc.

Gold Sky is a Pinto (Painted) horse. Since that breed of horse is extremely popular with Native Americans.

Nani, is the Japanese word for What.

Arigato, is the Japanese word for Thank you .

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