• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Rarity the daughter, Twilight's silent Retribution, and Love's Immortal Help for Vengeance

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 71

Disclaimer- My little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

“I have finally figured the reason for the existence of my purpose when it has always been under my under my wing…” A realization in the reality of the dream world and real world could not be finished thanks to a soft nudge on his cheek then a gentle tug on his jet black hair.

“Daddy?” Young Rarity grasps more of Gold Sky’s hair with her teeth and tugs it to wake him up. “Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy??” She rubs her head against his cheek until the thought of poking him with her horn came into the mix of thoughts being painted about in the developing core. *poke* Nothing happens. *poke, poke, poke, poke* So many pokes with the same end results. Daddy is still not waking up so more tugs of his jet black hair is in order.

The reason why Gold Sky hasn’t woken up yet is well he’s practically used to this given how Gilda will do the same thing except she didn’t poke him with a horn she’ll unintentionally scrape him with her talons and after six years of that happening every morning Gold Sky has gotten used to it. So this with Rarity isn’t something new at all though cute and adorable! “Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy??” Rarity is dried out of ideas to wake up daddy. “Uhh good morning. Muah!” She kisses his cheek which by the way took Gilda twelve years to figure out it’s the only way to wake him up on the spot.

Rarity’s eye light up with joy and kisses him again. “Daddy you’re awake yay!”

Unfortunately for Gold Sky the reason for the existence of his purpose is gone thanks to Rarity’s tugging, nuzzling, and poking but it will come back to him. Eventually, in the most unfavorable probability that is.
“Good morning my dear sweetheart, how did you sleep? Hmm.” Gold Sky blows his hair out of his face. “Strange? Did my hair get longer or is it just me?” At least his hair is no longer in a braid anymore.

Rarity hops on Gold Sky’s back to wrap her arms around his neck hugging him tight with her eyes joyously closed and cooing her happiness to see her daddy is awake. “Oh daddy I slept wonderfully thanks to you keeping that scary Unicorn away from us.” It’s understandable for Rarity to use the word us for despite her young mind she can deduce that if the scary Unicorn wants to get her it has to go through daddy first. Now as if it was expected on Gold Sky’s part Rarity finally has her full senses to notice his long hair. “Daddy why is your so long and why isn’t my hair your color? Or why isn't your hair the color of my hair, purple?”

With Rarity still on his back Gold Sky goes to Rarity’s mirror to help her see the clarity between them. “Look at us Sweetheart, though our hair may be different we do bare similar traits between us.” His magic carefully puts her on a cushion next to him.

Rarity looks at the reflection to see the similar traits between them to where sadly their eye color is different so no familiar trait there. “My coat is white and yours is white too but you have chocolate brown spots and I don’t how come??”

“Genetics my dear.” Quick save.

“What are those daddy wait you have a horn and I do too, yay!” Young Rarity cheers. “You look handsome and I look handsome too.” Well since the Gold Sky is handsome then that means she’ll be handsome too but she used the wrong word to describe her flawless beauty.

Gold Sky brushes Rarity’s back with his wing to foreshadow something she’ll learn in this very moment. “Sweetheart you are not handsome you are beautiful, the word handsome is a word that’s only used to describe stallions…” Well not to sound conceited. “Uhh like me. While you well you are what is called beautiful. The word beautiful is only used to describe mares and you my sweetheart.” Gold Sky picks her up with his arms to hold her in front. “Shall always be beautiful from here and here on Rarity.” Gold Sky brings her close and kisses her forehead. “However, I sense you have one last question sweetheart.”

“Let me kiss your forehead!” Rarity asks.
“Of course.” Gold Sky brings her close and smiles to the twenty something kisses she gives him. “Now to your last question sweetheart.”

“One more?” Young Rarity meekly asks with her big Dire Wolf puppy eyes.

“Oh Rarity.” Gold Sky gets one last kiss on the forehead. “It’s like she is reflecting the love I have given her to me.”

“How come you have wings and I don’t? Why, why, why daddy?” Rarity passes her hoof through Gold Sky’s wing who kindly puts a wing within her reach.

Gold Sky prays she doesn’t ask for much details about why she doesn’t have wings because if he has wings and she doesn’t then maybe she has horn because mommy has a horn forcing Gold Sky to feel pain inside plus to lie why mommy isn’t around. “Rarity the reason you only have a horn is well I-I-I, you can only be one thing so I…” He has to use that word he does not want to ever use but for young Rarity he will have to avoid seppuku and just say the word instead. “Hoped you will be a Unicorn cause I mean because as a Unicorn you will have much greater magic than me.” This better stop any inclination to ask for further details.

Rarity looks up at her horn before looking at Gold Sky’s horn and to sum the tension inside Gold Sky she smiles to where pretty much her smile alone sucks out all the tension out of the stallion. “So that means my magic will be stronger than your daddy?” Still a question is to be expected from a child.

Gold Sky almost sighs in relief. “Yes sweetheart, your magic will be much stronger than mine and going back to the question you asked earlier. Your purple hair goes well with you sweetheart but if you wish to see how I’ll look with purple hair then maybe after breakfast you can color my hair purple if you want that is.”

“Dang it! I wish he said red.” Lauren in a good mood will enjoy watching young Rarity and Gold Sky bond even more even if it will be temporary.

Rarity claps her hooves in delight even if she thought about it she doesn’t know how to paint his hair. “Hey daddy can I brush your hair?”

Without answering the little filly the stallion places her down and hands her the hair brush so she can brush his long jet black hair. Rarity giggles to brushing daddy’s hair and is doing a good job at doing it also she brushes his bangs to help daddy maintain his youthful appearance.

Gold Sky hearing little Rarity’s stomach growl suggests it’s time to eat breakfast making the filly pause to listen to her belly growl so before saying anything Rarity is on Gold Sky’s back acting like a little Princess well not just any princess she’s her daddy’s little Princess. “What are you going to make me daddy?”

Gold Sky chuckles to seeing Rarity on his back to which is reminiscent of little Gilda always being on his back long ago. “Oh you shall wee sweetheart, you shall see.” In the dining room Gold Sky places Rarity on her spot on the table then proceeds to the kitchen to cook breakfast for Rarity and Gilda when she gets back from Redheart’s dwelling.
However, as Gold Sky is in the kitchen the sun light coming through the window shines upon the stallion making his hair dimly shine to the eyes of the young filly looking at the stallion. She rests her head on her hooves and just looks at her father doing whatever he’s doing in there. “I love my daddy so much.” Rarity tells herself. “I love you daddy!” She shouts.

“And I love you too sweetheart.” Gold Sky exclaims. “I love you too big sister.”

It’s necessary to remind himself about Rarity or well just to remind himself so years from now both of them can journey back to this moment and remember this special bond they share.

In the library Twilight Sparkle treats herself to a warm bubble bath to get her mind off the smack down Applejack has laid down on her and Shining Armor just standing there in the shadows watching her get held accountable. “Damn it, first Applejack got Gold Sky killed as I unintentionally planned and she beats me up after she went and tattletale on me to Shining Armor.” Twilight does give Applejack some props in looking at this in a different shade of her mental vision. “Applejack really is changing. For who I can care less, but the only reason I let her lay down the smack down on me was to conceal my strength and tissue regeneration from Shining Armor.” Still Twilight isn’t one to let an action committed against her to fly by like forgiveness will let anyone else do. “I have nothing against Big McIntosh so I will not do anything against him not at all, Applejack I have something planned for her and she is changing for Dj Pon 3.” *ting* “I have telepathy to do its work on Dj Pon 3 and I will wipe Dj Pon 3’s mind of Applejack, hehehehe, Applejack will be shattered and I will have my retribution against her.” A nice laugh then changes the subject. “I guess it paid off to study Cadance’s scent in order to magically duplicate it when I shape shifted into her but sadly it was only her scent that I studied so imagine how much I can do if I had Octavia’s scent at my disposal. Heh pays to studied the impact of fears.” Just then loud knocks quiet Twilight’s little train of thought for her evil plan.

“Hey Twilight I-I need to use the toilet!” Spike is doing the potty dance outside the bathroom.

Twilight rolls her eyes. “Why?”

Spike groans to the pressure being excreted against his belly. “I ate topaz gems and you how I get when I eat those.”

“Uh oh!!” Twilight does not want to hear Spike’s loud flatus plus smell it too. “I’m coming out!”

*poof* A bright flash goes unnoticed by the purple dragon.

Twilight with a floating towel drying her off exits the bathroom so Spike can stink it up, clog the toilet, sigh in relief well loudly that is, and waste a whole bottle of air freshener to get rid of the stink provided by topaz gems. “He better not fart so loud.” Twilight tells herself.

“If I didn’t love you Twilight then I would have absolutely no reason to hold you accountable for the horrible deed you committed against Applejack.”

“AAH!” Twilight jumps up in unsuspecting fright.

“Oh don’t tell me you’re scared of your older brother Twily.” Shining Armor steps in front of little sister.

Twilight throws the towel out of the picture to which a pink arm catches it to have it dried cleaned and ready by tomorrow. “What are you doing here Shining Armor.”

Straight to the point. “Twilight I completely understand you’re still upset and clearly I don’t care. But please listen to me, I love you very much and as your older brother and not as a Prince I needed to hold you accountable for what you did to poor Applejack, I mean how can you do this to her when she is your friend and why will you go so low that only a lesser pony will go especially with the ability of telepathy.”

“So you call watching me get beat up by Applejack an act of love?”

“Yes. Because if I hated you Twilight, then I will let you walk down the path that’ll lead to your upmost destruction and believe me I was tempted to let you walk that path just so you see what pain awaits you but that was only for a spilt second. I cannot bear to think of you walking down that path Twilight, you just can’t that’s why I did what I did because I love you and maybe I was disgusted for the fact you’ll force your will on a mare then being into mares though yes I will much prefer if you end up with a stallion but in the end you can choose to love a mare if you want but do not do what you did ever again because you dishonor the victim just like you dishonor me.” Shining Armor takes Twilight into his arms. “You don’t need to think about my words Twilight when I know you fully understand everything I said given how intelligent you are. Remember if I didn’t love you Twilight then I wouldn’t hold you accountable now keep that in mind Twi…say how did you get the ability of telepathy when I don’t have it?”

Twilight will see this as a way to have a last laugh. “Princess Celestia’s son taught me it no wait I think he gave me the ability after I batted my eyelashes at him plus brushed his chin with my tail.”

Shining Armor groans. “You really do get what you want by any means to an end Twilight even if it means to use your femininity to get something you do not deserve in the first place hence, why it’s only immortals have it…you broke his heart I bet.”

“I did.” Twilight answers without remorse.

Shining Armor let’s go Twilight Sparkle. “One thing I do know is that the wrongs you commit will come back to bite you in the flank, trust they will come back.” With that Shining Armor kisses Twilight’s right cheek and leaves.

“Whatever.” Twilight waves it off and uses her telepathy to locate Dj Pon 3. “Ah yes, she’s with her manager enjoying a nice milkshake with the muscular Pegasus who’s the manager’s boyfriend hmm how cute any who. Putting in coordinates and jump.” *poof*

After some searching for the deejay in the malt shop Twilight finally zeroes in on the white mare. “Perfect. Now Applejack you gave me a smack down so I will give you a meaningful heartbreak.” Twi’s telepathy wraps itself around the core of Dj Pon 3’s galaxy. “Commencing mind wipe.”

Twilight’s retribution is much worse than physical punishment.

For nothing is the fury of a cold calculating intellectual with telepathy.


In the skies above Canterlot Gilda is coming back down to Ponyville but in a sudden surge in her mind persuades her to continue flying about in order to think about something. “This is the place I could have lived here if father forgave himself, I could have met grandmother Redheart, father’s loving mother who is Princess Celestia as Aunt Rarity told me huh so that means my father is a Prince but why will a Prince…” Gilda stops these thoughts for they will lead to the notion of being adopted and not of father’s flesh & blood; instead she turns to the live memories she seen in father’s mind when Redheart removed the blade from his spine. The screams of the children are heard by her core and the terror in their faces are seen by her eyes, every one of those children killed by her father all to protect that Griffon he loved as a sister and every attempt her father took to atone for the spilt innocent blood until seeing his galaxy collapse turning the loving stallion into an insane pony. Gilda sits herself on a cloud because seeing the galaxy of her father collapse makes her tremble in fear for this is a full detailed view of someone entering the black hole of insanity. “I’ve seen father become insane before my very eyes all because he wanted end his life to atone for the innocent blood but if he succeeded then I wouldn’t come into existence, then father wouldn’t have an opportunity to protect the children of the Republic…” Gilda thinks she figured out something in why father didn’t die at his own hooves. “I think the Great Spirit prevented death from coming to him by his own hooves as if to allow him to pay back the innocent blood by protecting the Republic’s children but that cold feeling I felt, I mean that cold, cold feeling I felt before the war started.” Gilda closes her eyes to calm herself down until the scar she felt flashes in the peripheral nerves of her fingertips. “He couldn’t have died…” Again the feeling of the scar flashes in the peripheral nerves on her fingertips. “I-I lost my father and I didn’t know he was my loving daddy during the decade but yet I still felt him, I am of his flesh & blood for if I wasn’t then I wouldn’t have felt the cold feeling…oooh!” Gilda moans. “My father died! Yet he’s back in front of me telling me he loves me, hugging me, cooking me my favorite meals, and kissing me the same way he’ll always kiss me when I was a child.” She briefly smiles to faint feeling getting a kiss on her forehead. Is he something more than being my father, a son, a husband, my father, a brother, my father once again, a stallion, a pony, and my daddy? What is he??? Dead is dead but he’s here, what is he!?” Gilda asks the blue sky. “What is he!?” *ting* “An Angel!! Daddy is an Angel!! Yes, that’s the most logical thing to explain why father is alive and I am his daughter!!!”

“Can I just tell her that Gold Sky is the physical manifestation of Love and not an angel? Because this may make me look bad.” Lauren asks Yahshua.

“Hold on this is too funny Lauren but can you see what’s going with Gilda here! The Love Gold Sky has given her and the Love she has for him is making her dive into the reasoning that she is Gold Sky’s biological daughter.” Yahshua explains to Lauren.

Lauren puts aside the Angel clause by Gilda. “Well she’s a Griffon so clearly she isn’t his bio…wait a minute he gave her his blood no?”

“Yes.” Yahshua answers.

“So his blood in order to provide tissue regeneration binds with the recipient’s DNA making a piece of him become part of them but for Gilda not only did he give her his blood, his heart or the silver dust essence of it became a part of Gilda’s heart therefore cementing them as one! So his heart is in Gilda’s heart beating away at this very instant making her his flesh & blood! And when can I tell her about the angel thing?” Lauren still can’t help it about the angel clause.

Yahshua simply arches his right eyebrow.

“Ah yes, Gold Sky will correct her.” Says Lauren

“Absolutely correct.”

Meanwhile while Gilda thinks about the collapse of father’s galaxy her eyes shifts to Sweet Apple acres given how the cloud she’s on is just above the apple farm and low & behold she lays her eyes on Big Macintosh taking a dip in the big tub that’s usually used to wash the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Huh?” For some indescribable reason a warmness in her chest arises to the sight of the stallion waving his long hair to which in her point of view the stallion is moving in slow motion. “He looks very handsome.” The warmness shows itself on her face with the help of a thick red line. “He does look very handsome.”
Well of course Big Macintosh looks handsome every mare can see that…mare, Griffon?
Gilda comes to her senses. “Uhmm yeah, anyway, must get home to daddy, huh?” Braeburn is caught by the golden irises of the Griffon. “Wow…he too is very handsome.” Gilda lies on her belly with her head resting on the palms of her hands to study every intricate detail of the stallions, on a side note it pays to have the sharp vision of an eagle.

“Uh oh.” Lauren expresses out loud.
“Well it’s a good thing Gold Sky already had the birds & the bees talk with Gilda already.” With that said Yahshua goes back to the heavenly paradise.

No longer a soldier, no longer worried for the soldiers under her command, the Republic, General Oliver, and Lyca, Gilda can finally be her true self in mind and personality so as herself she can finally notice males or in this case she can notice the beauty of stallions. Nevertheless, it’s strange she notices the beauty of stallions while in the Griffon Republic she was the only female in the military and was practically surround by males but never had she ever noticed their beauty and the reasons why is her pursuit to prove herself to all of them, to protect herself from the rowdy few soldiers, pride to be alone, inner quakes to see why doesn’t feel connected to them, and the decade long burial of the initial development as the new prideful shade had her in its grasp. Gilda may in fact feel something for stallions then for male griffons and it may be unsettling but if a dragon can love a mare then a griffon can love a stallion. However, she won’t mind if father has some input in the stallions she may like but she does not know that father trusts her with his life and honor in whom she chooses. “Ahem! Back to father! No more checking out those stallions!”
Gilda flies back the boutique. “I’m home daddy.”

In the dining room Gold Sky observes Rarity performing all her little ladylike mannerisms while enjoying her meal such as those little sips of her chocolate milk, constant cleaning with her napkin, tiny bites, and the occasional flick of her hair while she contains the anticipation to color daddy’s jet black hair to purple. “These pancakes with bananas inside are yummy daddy!” Rarity licks her chops after swallowing her morsel.

Gilda without declaring she’s here doesn’t need to let father know she’s arrived if he can smell her scent from miles away or maybe sense her with his instinct so there is no point in what was already mentioned. “Father.” A slip of the tongue on Gilda’s part but she is overjoyed to see him right now and a hug can attest to that. “I love you so much daddy.” Now she speaks without making mistakes.
Of course, Gilda does not notice little Aunt Rarity at all and Rarity does not know why this weird creature hugging daddy will call her daddy, well daddy.

“Who’s that daddy??” Rarity asks.

“Huuuuuuh?” Gilda thinks she heard what she thinks she’s heard. “Who said that?” Gilda looks around the room to find the source of that little yet adorable sounding voice.

“I did!” Gilda’s vision shifts down to see the source of this voice is coming from a little white filly that strikingly bears a super close resemblance to Aunt Rarity but instead of asking a question Gilda says something else. “Daddy don’t tell me you adopted a child last night.”
“What?” Both Gold Sky and Rarity say at the same time plus gave Gold Sky enough time to think up something on Rarity’s part. “Gilda that’s Rarity.”

“Whoa, whoa what!?” Gilda’s jaw drops to this. “That’s Rarity!”

Gold Sky nods. “Yes sweetheart that’s Rarity and before you go on asking questions, Rarity tried to perform a spell to accelerate the transformation of a piece of carbon to a diamond but the spell backfired turning her into a little filly and she imprinted me as her father.”

When the father part is mentioned by Gold Sky, Gilda’s face displays a face of utter dismay. “Why does she think you’re her father when you are my father!!!” Oh dear, it’s totally real now for the griffon.

“Oh boy, I knew this will happen.” Gold Sky mutters under his breath. “Look sweetheart your aunt turned herself into a child and this will only be temporary and besides you get to be big sister!”

While Gilda is still focused on Gold Sky she does not see little Rarity take advantage of this and jumps on Gold Sky’s back. “Daddy who’s that?”

Gold Sky quickly glances on Rarity to let her know he acknowledged her question. “Her name is Gilda, Rarity, she is my first born daughter and she is your older sister. Oh! She’s a griffon, which is half lion half eagle and your older sister!” Gold Sky emphases the older sister part twice to get Rarity quite excited plus to forcibly pacify Gilda.

“She’s my sister! I have a older sister yay!!” Rarity leaps from Gold Sky’s back and wraps her arms around Gilda’s soft neck. “You are my older sister Gilda and I Love you very much!!”

Gilda goes cold to relive this moment she previously experienced with Sweetie Belle just moments she comes home.

“How does it feel to relive this moment again sweetheart.” Gold Sky asks. “Gilda please don’t get angered for Rarity seeing me as her father, it was something that was out of my control when she imprinted on me and I will not turn away from this role I am to her. She needs me Gilda and like you she loves me very much also like I said sweetheart this is only temporary.” Gold Sky with his right hoof strokes Gilda’s face to relax her with his words and affection.

Gilda’s left arm wraps around the little filly as to tell Gold Sky she accepts what happened and is no longer upset for Rarity seeing the stallion as her father. “Hello, I am your older sister.” Feels kind of nice to have a sibling especially when little sister was Aunt just hours ago.

Little Rarity climbs up Gilda’s neck to kiss her on the cheek then jumps onto Gilda’s back to hug the griffon’s neck again. “And I am your little sister Gilda and guess what!”

“What?” Gilda asks.
Rarity claps her hooves first. “I am going to color daddy’s hair purple, the same color as my hair!!”

Gilda turns to Gold Sky with a confused face which is answered by a shrug. So the three go to Rarity’s work room where Gold Sky sits on the podium while Rarity with a little help from Gilda to reach the higher things gets everything she needs to color Gold Sky’s hair purple. “Father why are you letting Rarity doing this?”

Gold Sky smiles at Gilda and before answering her question he asks her to groom his hair before Rarity gets started in the process making Gilda do as she’s asked. “Why not, Rarity wants to feel very close and so by letting her do this she will feel close to me besides this will not be the first time my hair changes color. It was dark brown before my death, jet black after my resurrection, and now it will purple thanks to Rarity. Hahaha!” Gold Sky suddenly laughs when Gilda licks his head with her rough surfaced tongue. “Anyway hahaha I forgot how much it tickles when you groom me say are you planning to groom Rarity too?”

“NO!” Gilda doesn’t even take the time to consider even grooming Rarity.

“I take Gilda sees grooming as an act of affection only shared between me and her so she will not share it with Rarity plus I know she’s still rather testy for Rarity seeing me as father.” Gold Sky understands his first born and will ask Gilda to reconsider knowing the end result will still be the same.

Rarity with the hair coloring fully prepared comes to daddy just after Gilda gives the jet black hair one last lick. “All right daddy I’m ready to paint your hair.” Rarity stands ready for daddy to give the word for her to start.

Gold Sky takes a deep breath seeing this is the point of no return with little Rarity but hey perhaps the little filly might do a great job on his hair and he can always cut his hair making it grow back at the speed his tissue regeneration heals. “Do it sweetheart.”

Gilda lightly groans to hear father call Rarity that.
Rarity on the other hand or hoof does her work that normally at her normal adult age with be a virtuoso at but as of now she’s below novice level, nothing to be worried about.

*One hour later*
“Oh my!” Gilda gasps in awe. “Daddy your hair looks amazing! I-I mean look!” She turns the podium in order for the stallion to be facing the mirror.

Gold Sky is very impressed with Rarity’s work on his hair. “Wow this is incredible sweetheart!” He does notice at the very least that the ends of his hair is still jet black

*SQUEE!* Rarity comes by and sits very close to Gold Sky. “I’m amazed it worked…” Rarity thinks out loud. “I-I mean our hair is the same daddy! We both have purple hair yay!” She starts rubbing her head against the stallion’s shoulder and Gold Sky moves down to lovingly nuzzle filly while his eyes look upon her with love.
Gilda groans in a quick flow of jealousy even though Gold Sky loves her greatly. “Gilda.” Gold Sky calls her. “Please come.” Upon Gilda sitting by him, he wraps his left wing around her and rubs her head with his. “You know I love you Sweetheart so never think otherwise.” His other wing covers Rarity too.
Allowing this father to cover both his children both his Princesses.

“Táte K’olá.” A young voice that’s been waiting to say those words finally gets to say them in the flow of a pleasant breeze.

Gold Sky smiles to hear Jonathan call out to him prompting him to ask Gilda if she will like to come with him to the Griffon Republic to see Oliver and his family.

Gilda’s heart trembles to even stepping foot in the land where Jun-Park is resting in but while she thinks of Jun-Park the sensation of Gold Sky flashes again in her peripheral nerves. “Daddy you can go without me to the Griffon Republic, I think I’ll stay here…” *ting* “Y-you can take aunt Rarity with you daddy to show her around the Republic I’m sure she’ll be very pleased to spend time with you.”

All of this coming from Gilda absolutely took Gold Sky by surprise. “She couldn’t have adapt to all of this in mere minutes but perhaps she did after I told her I will always love her and it’s nice to see her want to spend time with Redheart. Oh Gilda, I know you want to feel what it means to have a grandmother.

Meanwhile in Gilda’s mind. “I will ask Redheart if she knows who killed daddy. I will find the one who killed him, I will give that killer my anger, my wrath, my scorn, and my VENGENCE! Whoever, killed my father will never hide from me and I will find that killer because no one will kill my daddy and get away with it!” Of course Gilda knows or most likely theorizes that father will not read her occurring thoughts with his telepathy otherwise he’ll stop her from exacting vengeance nevertheless, she does not need to worry about Father reading her thought because Gold Sky will never use his telepathy to read Gilda’s thoughts.

“Rarity will you like to come with me to the Griffon Republic?”

The notion of being with father. “Yes, yes, yes!” Rarity jumps up & down to go somewhere with father. “Where’s the Griffon Republic?”

“You’ll see sweetheart.” Of course before teleporting to the Griffon Republic, Gold Sky takes Gilda into his arms and hugs her tight like he’s going to be away for a long time. “I love you Gilda and remember never think otherwise Gilda, my flesh & blood. My dearest flesh & blood.” Gold Sky places little Rarity on back then thinks about Oliver’s dwelling. “Jump.”

Gilda sighs in joy to be called flesh & blood by daddy allowing for more power to push back that notion of being adopted by daddy. “Wait a minute what’s that?” She catches eye of a photo album on a book shelve not knowing this is the same photo album Gold Sky looked at earlier. “Hmm, it’s daddy with Octavia in these photos.” Each one Gilda studies the smile on daddy’s lips as he’s with the gray mare. “Daddy looks very happy with her and it’s nice to see daddy happy. Though what I don’t understand is why he hasn’t said anything about her, I mean through marriage Octavia technically is my mother.” Just then Gilda sees a photo. “Oooh! Daddy and Octavia are playing cellos though it looks like Daddy is having a hard time playing the cello given how his tongue is sticking out, sweat running down his brow, and his determination on his face. I think daddy and Octavia need...hmmm.” Gilda thinks about something before going on about father being with his wife. “Both look happy and I know daddy loves her very much but I am his flesh & blood, hmmmm.” More thinking on the Griffon’s part. “You know, Octavia had a decade with him and I didn’t so decade without him isn’t something I should be concerned with. I’m with my daddy, all to myself, me and my daddy. Father and Daughter.”
Sadly this is an example of the Electra complex being in play inside the Griffon’s core of her galaxy, the thing Gold Sky feared whenever a thought of Octavia came into his mind and sadly Gilda will keep father to herself rather than to encourage him to seek out Octavia because believe it or not, if Gilda told him to reconnect with Octavia he’ll do it on a seconds notice. “A decade without him is a decade I deserve! No one else does.” With that said Gilda puts away the photo album to think about her plan for vengeance against the one who killed her father. “Who do I think knows the killer? Someone here in Equestria has to know, I mean truly someone has to know about who gets killed plus deals with the body…Redheart! She’s a doctor I think or is she a nurse, well whatever, no wait I think she’s a doctor since she operated on Daddy to remove the blade stuck on his spine, yes! Redheart should have the answers then when I get them I will start my campaign to avenge my Father.” Gilda starts looking around for Gold Sky’s silver armor to find the things that’ll help her avenge father. “Where is the armor? I know where there’s the armor that’s where I’ll find his tomahawk and knife.” After searching high and low for the silver armor she does not find it until after sitting down on Rarity’s bed she notice a black cloak rolled up and lying on a chair. “You got be kidding me.” Quickly Gilda unrolls the cloak to find the tomahawk and knife glowing brightly before her golden eyes. “Perfect.” Gilda hides the weapons figuring with Rarity being a child he will think about them. “Wait…” Gilda thinks about what father will say about her very intentions. “Father will say to forgive that killer who took him away from me, to move on and never look back. That is what father will tell me and he’s right, vengeance does not get anyone anywhere but vengeance is the only thing that’ll hold that killer accountable, it will hold that killer accountable. I am Gilda, the daughter of Gold Sky, his dear flesh & blood. I am a Marine!” Gilda declares.

But first before anything else she eats the still warm breakfast Gold Sky has cooked for her with so much Love. “Hey he got me stag!!” Now how he got it isn’t a question except that there’s a missing stag at Fluttershy’s cottage if anyone bothers to even care.

After breakfast Gilda exits the boutique to fly back to Redheart’s dwelling but on second thought there are many stallions walking about Ponyville and what not admire a few of them first before getting on to see Redheart. Beside there’s nothing wrong enjoying some eye candy before rolling the sleeves up and getting down to business. Gilda walks about the market in Ponyville admiring each stallion she lays her eyes on such as the brown stallion with a hourglass cutie but quickly stops admiring him when she noticed he’s with a yellow mare so presumably it must be his wife. So to unwrap another piece of eye candy Gilda looks around until she finds a stallion who’s dark gray, has a polished grayish blue Mohawk, and his cutie mark of a speeding raincloud with a bolt of lightning shooting out. “My, he looks rather charming along with being a Pegasus, I wonder.” Looking as innocent as she can along with whistling without a care in the world Gilda walks by the stallion and presses her tail against her flank to feel every inch of it. “It feels nice! Uh oh!” She speeds away upon seeing the surprised face on the Pegasus once he feels the intimate touch rub against his flank.

“Who touched my flank!!” Thunderlane shouts making everyone around him stop in their tracks and just break out in laughter to this out of the normal outburst.

“Dude you’re tripping!”

“What?” Thunderlane asks.

The pony who told him that points to something on the ground. “I mean it dude, you’re about to trip over that stone oh too late!”
Thunderlane in his angry outburst tripped over a stone.
“Oh just my day.” Thunderlane just sighs in annoyance.

“That’s my cue!” Gilda flies off to Canterlot to see if Redheart knows who killed Gold Sky.


In the Crystal Empire.
“Gilda my dear niece, is going to trek the path of revenge to avenge my dear brother’s death.” Cadance feels the faint darkness rising in Gilda and to reason it in order to find an interpretation can leave only Yahshua to understand it. Of course Cadance understands this and is compelled to get Gilda the justice she needs. “Luna oh Luna why have you set your own coming tribulation by killing Gold Sky causing him to rethink everything. Now he will be coming for you Luna but that’s after a spark ignites the mountain of black powder inside of him.” Cadance frowns to know Gold Sky is still hurt by being killed through Luna’s will. “He’s hurt, deep down he doesn’t want to believe Luna has killed him when just hours before his death he was crying on her shoulder and greatly appreciated Luna’s compassion for him. Gilda my niece I will help you for you are your father’s daughter and I know you will do the right thing once you have your vengeance.” Cadance telepathy calls for Shining Armor.

“Yes my love?” Shining Armors before his wife.

Cadance sighs first because this is the first time she takes a major step to play her hoof in Gold Sky’s life. “Do you think you can teleport me to Ponyville?”

Shining Armor thinks very quickly before answering his Love’s question. “Sure I can teleport you to Ponyville it will take me a whole a day and night to gain back my strength to teleport you back home.”

“Works for me and here’s a kiss for good luck.” Cadance kisses Shining Armor to thank him for doing this for her.

“All right, stay still.” Shining Armor concentrates to pin point the square of Ponyville then his magic emits out of his horn to wrap itself around Cadance and teleports the mare to the thought of location. “Oh boy, I’m beat.” Shining Armor falls to his stomach panting like a dog who spent all day in the park.

Cadance appears in Ponyville and before anypony can notice her she dashes upwards to intercept Gilda. “Good thing, I got this sample of Gold Sky’s blood and it’s still fresh like it’s been taken just minutes ago.” She levitates the glowing sample and uses her telepathy to find Gilda.

“Hehe good thing that stallion didn’t know it was me who touched his flank hehehe!” Little childish laughter is acceptable when Gilda did that out of a bit of curiosity instead of pleasuring herself with more feeling of the stallion’s flank. “I feel like a little school girl secretly kissing a boy’s cheek in the theater.” Can this be Gilda is finally thinking about stallions like any normal growing mare will do? And yes mare, because Gold Sky doesn’t like calling Gilda female for it sounds a bit too cold to his preference.

“Gilda.” A loving voice stops the griffon.

“Huh??” Gilda gasps to the sight of this pink Alicorn with a golden crown on its head. “Who are you and how do you know my name!?”

Cadance lands on a cloud. “Why don’t you join me so I can tell you everything you need to know, my dear niece.”

“Niece…?” *gasp!* The gasp should have come first but Cadance can care less when right now she’s just happy to finally make contact with the daughter of her brother whose name she sometimes forgets and was the first to discover he’s the physical manifestation of Love.

“Yes Gilda I called you what you are to me and you shouldn’t be surprised when I am an Alicorn like your dear father who by the way is my biological brother.”

Nothing but a face of pure confusion on the Griffon is what’s seen not heard by The Princess of Love.
“Yes I think now is the moment I start explaining things to you Gilda beginning with how I know who you are well, truth be told I am watching over your father to protect him and in my watchfulness I discovered you Gilda.” Cadance scoots over so Gilda can have more space for some extra coziness. “I finally discovered what Gold Sky holds most dear in his entire life making me long to meet you until finally here we are sitting in the same cloud together like we know each other even though we don’t and why am I rambling on like this??”

Gilda can only say this. “You are daddy’s sister?”

“Biological sister to be exact Gilda unlike Rarity.” Cadance says nothing about Sweetie Belle given how the filly is a filly.
“Huh?” Gilda’s head tilts to Cadance’s confident voice.

Cadance just can’t help but be a bit too over clarifying to the Griffon despite being corrected by Yahshua on one occasion. “Rarity isn’t his biological sister she adopted him into her family while I, oh yes I am his biological sister but for reasons I just don’t know he fears me with all his heart while Rarity he loves plus adore and does everything that he should be doing with me. Feels very unfair to me and sometimes I feel like getting distraught whenever, I see your father and Rarity spend time together…” A sudden pause because Yahshua being invisible to Gilda while visible to Cadance crosses his arms before Cadance continues on with her long list of aggravations against Rarity. “Uhm, I see you are finally noticing boys Gilda.”

Yahshua with his right palm on his forehead shakes his head to Cadance shifting to something that’s much better being discussed when their relationship is completely established as Aunt and Niece not just sudden Aunt and Niece. “It could be worse and it’s stallions not boys my dear Cadance.”

Gilda blushes and looks away from Cadance feeling rather uncomfortable to discussing this with another mare instead of discussing this with father whom she much rather seek counsel from. Still it will be quietly fulfilling to hear something from a mare’s perceptive about boys. “I guess I am noticing stallions…Aunt Cadance.” Wow Gilda called Cadance, Aunt Cadance in this chance meeting.

Just get to the point in why you came to her!” Yahshua says this so Cadance won’t get out of line in something that wasn’t supposed to be discussed right now.

And get to the point is what Cadance does. “Look Gilda my dearest niece, why I’m really here is I know of your mission to avenge your father’s death and you are on your way to ask Redheart if she knows who killed Gold Sky.”

“How do you know this!” Gilda’s heartbeat accelerates thinking Cadance will stop her from getting vengeance.

Carefully Cadance places her right hoof on Gilda’s shoulder to ease up the Griffon with kind touch. “I am a telepath like your father Gilda but never fear I don’t look into your private thoughts, of course your father from what I can collect from his thoughts he never used his telepathy on you except for that one time to suppress your memories.”

“Wait a minute! You’re telling me daddy never used his telepathy on me but you are using your telepathy on him with any end in sight!!?” Gilda doesn’t like that Cadance is spying on her father without his knowledge.”

“It’s the only way to keep him from being taken away from you Gilda.” Serious but yet soft, Cadance gets her point delivered. “Rarity told you about Princess Luna will end his life if she finds him and I don’t want that to happen again because he only gets a second chance…and he already had his second chance.”

Gilda looks down when the cold feeling resurges in her chest. “If he dies today then that’s it, I’m fatherless, again but permanently.”

Cadance nods. “Yes but it won’t be that way if you let me help you my dear niece. OOH!” A sudden tight hug from Gilda stops the cerise mare in midsentence.

“Please protect my daddy Aunt Cadance! Please protect him, he’s all I got and I can’t ever think of living in a world without him. You, Rarity, and Princess Celestia must protect him from this Princess Luna! Please I’m begging you Aunt Cadance protect him!” Gilda pleads.

“I will protect him and you shall help me get back at Luna for taking away my brother from me.”

Another confused face from Gilda says it all.

“Luna going through an act of cowardice had her Elite Commando guard fight him and while he was distracted their leader, Captain Flying Havoc stabbed him in the heart from behind with a spear ending him nevertheless, in a fit of rage Octavia severely wounded him putting Flying Havoc in a hospital bed. Luna deeply cares for all her Commandos and to know Flying Havoc is injured again will hurt her.” Cadance conceals her sly smile. “So with half a drop of his blood you can heal Flying Havoc and get the vengeance you deserve against Luna because I a pure immortal can’t extract vengeance wait, wait don’t ask Gilda, as a pure immortal I can never be taken over by vengeance an emotion only found in mortals like you but I will to punish Luna through your vengeance.” Cadance gives Gilda the vial of Gold Sky’s sparkling blood. “Remember give Flying Havoc half a drop of Gold Sky’s blood otherwise if you give him a drop he will gain the ability of tissue regeneration making your mission for vengeance impossible. However, I must warn you Gilda, Flying Havoc is the best of the best in Luna’s Elite Commando guard, he will not go down very easily plus he can or will kill you but it doesn’t matter to you does it.”

“No.” The Marine speaks for Gilda. “I am a Marine, a soldier so as a soldier I will avenge my father no matter the cost and thank you Aunt Cadance for doing all of this for me and if you like we can secretly meet to get to know one another and I will try my best to help daddy get over his fear of you so you two can be the close brother and sister you are supposed to be.”

Cadance sighs in satisfaction to see she has helped her niece get what is desired. “Please be careful Gilda, please do forgive Flying Havoc, I know when the smoke is cleared you will be the daughter your father has raised since your birth. Oh! I almost forgot Flying Havoc is in the Canterlot Hospital in private room one, one three eight also wait in the cover of night to do everything.”

After taking a quick look at the vial of the sparkling blood Gilda shifts her vision to look deep into Cadance’s eyes. “My family is ever growing. Thank you Aunt Cadance, you’re like my father in being so protective.” Gilda embraces Cadance with a love so reflective of father’s love. “Thank you.” Oh how easy it is to say thank you when Love is present.

“You’re very welcome my dear niece now go and do what needs to be done.” Cadance gently strokes Gilda’s left cheek as a way to say goodbye.

Gilda is flies away to wait for the sun to come down.

Oh Cadance my dear daughter I never knew you’ll gamble with the very life of your brother’s daughter.” Yahshua laments.

“I know she will succeed father I just know it with all my heart.” Cadance responds.

*sigh* “Probability does not equate fact neither does a feeling in your heart my dear Cadance.

Cadance frowns to the words of her father. “Then please hug me father and please forgive me for I’m doing this out of anger for the death of my brother your son thanks to Luna’s word. Surely you understand do you father?”

“I understand my dear daughter.”

And hug the cerise mare is what Yahshua does.


In the tree library Twilight is deep in thought about the words she has told herself in the flows of her thought when developing her plans of course; Twilight will never be in deep thought without having a book or books within her reach and this book lying on her cute belly is titled Murphy's Law while the other book covering her face is titled Finagle’s Law. “I didn’t want to harm Gold Sky at first and isn’t this Finagle’s Law similar to Murphy’s Law?” And getting off topic is can be normal as well. “Err, he’s a physical embodiment of both laws starting with Murphy’s Law when I took my time to defeat and he came down from the sky and Finagle’s Law when he became the Razor. I didn’t want to hurt him but now I don’t have that choice anymore, he knows everything I have done to Rarity, his telepathy is way stronger than mine and maybe right now he’s reading my mind but won’t do anything thanks to Rarity, he’s a good fighter despite being weaker than me, knows how maneuver about his limitations and find mine, has nerves of steel, but his scars serve me well until he eventually figures out to maneuver around it, but what I want to know who his daughter is? Is she a baby? A child? Teenager? Young Adult? Or Adult? And who is she??” *sigh* “Now his brotherly Love for Rarity will be joined by his fatherly Love making him a threat that’s beyond immeasurable for next time I face him he’ll be fighting as a father not a brother…ah yes I have discovered another embodiment of Finagle’s Law, his daughter. If she is like him which I bet she will come for me and if she’s a Alicorn then by all means I should starting writing my will right now.” Twilight removes the book from her face and rubs her face with both hooves. “When everything starts coming against me I always come out in top. Because I am Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic, and I break whoever challenges me.”

Twilight can always find optimism for herself.

“I never fail, for I am Lanchester’s law and everything I’ve calculated falls in my favor.”



Gold Sky and young Rarity appear in Oliver’s house knowing who’s going to tackle him Rarity is placed on the ground.

“GOLD SKY!!” Jonathan shouts his glee to see Gold Sky and as expected tackles the stallion with a tight hug.
“ow.” Yes indeed.

“Gold Sky how kind of you to come.” Greets Valerie.
“I’m glad you’re here Gold Sky.” Oliver helps the stallion by getting Jonathan.

“Who’s that daddy?” Rarity speaks making her very presence known.

“Huuuuuh?” Oliver, Valerie, and Jonathan say at the same time. “Who’s that?” Plus that.

Gold Sky uses his wing to nudge Rarity. “This here is Rarity.”

“What?” Says the trio of Griffons. “Hold on, you’re saying that little pony right there is Rarity your sister?”

Rarity tilts her head upon hearing the sister part. “Who’s sister?”

Gold Sky nervously laughs to keep that question from being asked again by Oliver. “Hey Jonathan how about you and Rarity go play outside for a bit, I’m sure the both of you will have the upmost fun.”

Jonathan loves the sound of that idea. “Hey Rarity do you want to play with the lawn darts outside.”

First before anything else. “Can I daddy?”
Gold Sky smiles at Rarity and nods. “Have fun sweetheart.”

“YAY!” The joy the children laughing echoes about the house until it’s gone when both are outside enjoying themselves.

“Hey why is your hair purple??” Valerie asks.

“I can explain!” More nervous laughter.

“That can wait Gold Sky because right now I want to give you this.” Oliver almost like Jonathan but thankfully not as strong embraces the stallion feeling how relieved to see Gold Sky is here. “You don’t know how much I longed to embrace you Gold Sky.”

Gold Sky without having to use his telepathy senses pain inside Oliver and knows why the griffon embraces him yet he’s happy to be embraced by Oliver because right now he’s being embraced by Son.

The Son, Gold Sky can never have.

My dearest Readers the reason why this chapter is short, is having delay after delay over the past day greatly hindering the length of this chapter of which I wanted to include more but to do so will prolong your wait. So everything that was not included will be in the next chapter of which after that one I'll take a respite to a chapter for Octavia and the Alicorn's peace while Nightmare Moon will write another chapter.

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