• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,532 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Transcending Pony limits.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust


Chapter. 23

Disclaimer- My little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Rarity notices the downcast face on Big Macintosh. She has never seen him so sad before, sure he did cry that one time for Applejack when he thought she’ll never come back home but this face. It, it just spoke of complete utter loss.

Rarity gets close to Big Macintosh and places a hoof on his shoulder. This simple kind act causes him to look at her.
“Is there something wrong Big Macintosh? You look so sad. It’s like somepony sucked out all the happiness out of you.” Rarity asks.

Big Macintosh figures it’s time to stallion up and just come clean about smarty pants, she is now gone and buried under his favorite tree.
“Ah just lost something important.” Big Macintosh says in a deep sad voice.

“Oh. Was it a very important somepony?”

It hit Big Macintosh with simple realization. He got so caught up about smarty pants that he forgot all about his forming relationship with Lyra or Heartstrings as Bon Bon calls her. Smarty pants meant so much to him, but he calculated that he’ll one day let go of smarty pants. But that day was forced upon him through Bon Bon’s plan. May Smarty Pants rest in peace.

“That too, Ms. Rarity. Look Ah know how close you and Applejack are, Ah’m sure both of you keep secrets between yourselves?” Big Macintosh asks kindly.

Rarity instantly thought up many reasons why Big Macintosh is asking her this question, did he have some clue about her relationship with Applejack, is he trying to use this as some way to hit on her or will he try to black mail her? Only one way to find out and maintain her poise at the same time.
“Yes, me and your sister are very close and of course we keep secrets between ourselves, but in case you’re wondering none of the secrets have anything to do about you so you’re safe.” Rarity forces a small giggle to make explanation as real as real gets in these sorts of situations.

“Time to spill the beans.” The red stallion tells himself.

“Ms. Rarity Ah’m just wondering if you can do the same for me too.” Sweat falls from his brow.

Rarity relaxed, Big Macintosh is still in the dark about her relationship.

“How so?” Rarity asks with slight eagerness.

“In the secret thing, there is just something Ah want to get off my chest. So can Ah trust you with my little secret?” Big Macintosh now feels butterflies in his stomach and too bad he can’t notice his eyes are no longer half closed but wide open.

“Why of course! I’ll more than happy to hear whatever secret you have…oh! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”Rarity chants.

Big Macintosh takes a deep breath. “You remember that time when everypony went crazy for that smarty pants doll, something, something, then Princess Celestia came and saved the day by making everypony uncrazy with her mighty magic.”

“Yeah…” Rarity answers in a tone of question.

“Well Ah…uh…sort of…Ah uh…Ah sort of kept it!” Big Macintosh shuts his eyes tight to wait for the agonizing laughter.

Instead Rarity does not laugh she just pats Big Macintosh while doing a typical awww when a mare sees something adorable.
“Big Macintosh that is very cute of you! I just want to pinch you cheeks. OoOoOoO! To be fair though, Gold Sky likes to put on Octavia’s bowties now and then…but just for laughs though! He told me this because I beat him in a game of truth or dare poker.” Rarity exclaims.

Big Macintosh sighs in relief, somepony didn’t judge him for keeping smarty pants.

“But still.” Rarity went on. “If you just told me that you kept smarty pants, then I’m sure that has something to do with you downcast state, wouldn’t you say?” Rarity questions with such intuitiveness.

Big Macintosh nods at Rarity.
“She’s gone…”

Rarity tilts her head in question.

Big Macintosh kept his eyes closed so no tears will run out.
“Bon Bon sliced her to shreds… You see Ms. Rarity, Ah’ve been trying to woo the heart of Lyra. But Ah didn’t know Bon Bon also had the same intention, she warned me to stay away from Lyra and she warned me good. But Ah didn’t listen to her. She tricked me with an olive branch to put me to sleep and she won. She won. How pathetic…that a simple stuffed toy can be so dear to me. That Ah cared more losing smarty pants then Ah did losing Lyra.”

Rarity sees how much smarty pants means to Big Macintosh. It made her wonder how the strongest stallion in Equestria had such an enormous soft spot for Twilight’s old toy. But everypony has something they cherish dearly and for Big Macintosh it happened to be smarty pants.
“There, there Big Macintosh. Smarty Pants is in a better place now.” Rarity couldn’t believe she said that, but if it meant in comforting Big Macintosh then it’s okay. “All that matters is that she enjoyed the love you gave her, allowing her to die a happy death.”

Big Macintosh opens his eyes slowly. Rarity is right…His love for smarty pants must of allowed her to die peacefully.

The red stallion approaches Rarity with no emotions being expressed on his face.
Thus Rarity starts to feel tense for she never seen Big Macintosh become like this.

Big Macintosh takes hold of Rarity and starts to hug her tight. Tight to the point that some of Rarity’s bones popped.
“Thank you Ms. Rarity. It's very kind of you to keep my secret a secret and not make fun of me. Thank you.” Big Macintosh hugs Rarity even tighter.

“Ooooh that’s too tight! Oh my back!" *SNAP!* "No wait… that feels better. You’re very welcome Big Macintosh, oh don’t tell Gold Sky about the bowtie thingy.” Rarity struggles to say through the tight hug of Big Macintosh.

Big Macintosh letd go of Rarity so she can breathe and have some personal space.

“Of course anytime Big Macintosh. Anywho, I wonder when we should go see Applejack. Somepony gave her a severe beating…you don’t think it was Bon Bon?” Rarity hopes Big Macintosh’s beef with Bon Bon didn’t spill over onto Applejack.

Big Macintosh scoffs at that idea because Bon Bon knows better than to ever involve somepony else in this beef between them.
“No she would not lay a hoof on Applejack, only on me. We should wait a few minutes though and want until she calls us.”

Rarity sighs as she looks at the stairs.
“I guess you’re right darling.” Rarity sat on the couch while Big Macintosh sat on his rump, both waiting for Applejack to call them.

Applejack applies pressure to her formerly broken leg, she wants to make sure her leg is a-ok, she also bent her right forearm a couple of inches to make see if her elbow is fully healed. Gold Sky’s blood sure does its work pretty fast.

The Earth pony looks in the mirror to look at herself in question.
“Ah can’t lie to Rarity, but I can’t tell her it was Octavia who beat me…again. My sugerlove been hurt too much, Ah don’t want Octavia to came and hurt her too because of my big mouth. But if Ah tell Big Macintosh of my relationship with her. Will he accept it? Ooooh! Rarity will be mad at me but Ah rather get yelled at by her then to see her in the hospital because of me…” Applejack feels her emotions fighting each other in trying to finalize her decision.

“Ah’m sorry Octavia…Ah’m sorry Rarity. May Celestia, Luna, or Cadance help me.” Applejack places her hat on her head and walks out of her room.

Applejack came down the stairs just as Rarity looks up to see her.

The white Unicorn's heart beats for joy in seeing her love up and walking also miraculously healed.

Both Rarity and Big Macintosh run up to Applejack to inspect every inch of her. Pretty much to sum it up, no scars, no bruises, and no bones sticking out.

“Applejack darling what happened to you? Please you must tell us who did this to you? I’m more then sure Shining Armor will be more than happy to lend a helping hoof in catching that criminal.” Rarity in her forced docile state explains.

“Yeah sure. Like he can handle Octavia.” Applejack thought to herself.

“Yeah sis, please tell us who did this you.” Asks the red stallion.

Applejack quickly shot Rarity a wink which in turn causes Rarity to tilt her head.

Here it goes. In order to protect Rarity she must expose their hidden love.

“You know what, Ah got something way more interesting to tell you Big Mac.”

Big Macintosh turns to Rarity who only shrugs in return.
“What can be more interesting then knowing who beat you?” Big Macintosh asks.

Applejack walks over to Rarity and carefully places an arm on her shoulders.

Rarity’s eyes shot wide open. She knew what will come next.

“A-A-Ah’m in love Big Mac!” Applejack forcibly blurts out.

For the first time Big Macintosh wonders if the beating made Applejack nuts.
“With the pizza dude?”

Applejack nods confidently. “Ye…WHAT!!? NO!! Not the pizza dude, Big Mac, Ah am in love with good beautiful Rarity!” Applejack declares and to make sure he got the picture she starts to nuzzle the white Unicorn who stood still in a complete state of shock.

Big Macintosh’s jaw falls to the ground. He saw Rarity’s face turning red before finally nodding at him.
“Applejack you’re kidding? You’re kidding right!” He asks as he slowly backs away from the unordinary love happening before him.

Applejack had to raise the stakes a bit which will of course be much to Rarity’s expense.

“Bear with me sugerlove.” Applejack whispersinto Rarity’s ear.

Applejack then took Rarity into a passionate kiss which soon led to both of them rolling on the floor and stopping before Big Macintosh’s hooves.

Big Macintosh forces himself not to start screaming like a little filly and franticly run around the house, like Granny Smith once did when she saw Applebloom kiss Scootaloo because they were playing truth or dare and Sweetie Belle dared both of them to kiss because she thought it’ll be funny… it was printed on the foal free press the next day with a picture. (Courtesy of Diamond Tiara and an HD camera.)

Applejack and Rarity finished making out, both then got up on their hoofs.
“So Big Mac, what do you think of our relationship?” Applejack asks. She knew Big Macintosh will have a hard time accepting this.

Big Macintosh wants to yell at both of them for being in such a disgusting relationship. A mare being with a mare! How disgusting…so like Bon Bon. But Big Macintosh remembers Rarity is Gold Sky’s sister. If he made her cry Gold Sky will be furious.

Bon Bon took away Lyra but she is only one bad mare and Big Macintosh knew Applejack will never become a bad mare along with Rarity being pure and kind of heart. Family is family, and he knows Rarity for quite awhile now, perhaps both of them are meant for each other.

Big Macintosh suddenly took both of them into a super tight hug. “Ah love you Applejack and Ah love you too Rarity. Ah’m sorry for acting crazy earlier. Ah accept both you. Rarity you are like family to me now. Please take care of Applejack and let’s not talk about your relationship until my head fully absorbs it. Now run along both you.” He lets them go and went outside to make some cider.

Applejack sighs in relief. She turns to look at Rarity to which Rarity is not very pleased.
“Applejack why did you tell him about our hidden love!! What if he tells other ponies, pretty soon all of Ponyville will know of our relationship...” Rarity stops herself to calm down. “Why did you tell him?”

Applejack looks into her eyes.
“For your own protection sugerlove and please don't ask me who beat me, Ah mean it. Because like Ah said before it’s for your own protection, now let’s head over to the Sugarcube corner we got a party to catch.”

Rarity shook her head and follows Applejack to town.


A pair of eyes open.
Teal irises scan the surroundings going from to and fro.

Gold Sky breathes slowly, he had to wait until his vision can fully adjust before making any sudden movements. He feels warm liquid pooling around him. His vision now fully adjusted he comes to realize the warm liquid is his sparkling blood, it's his own blood all over the floor.

“What happened? How did I get hurt?” Gold Sky asks himself.

He attempts to move one of his hind legs but the second he did, huge amounts pain stabs his lower rear.
The stallion looks over to his rear. That is when he figured out where his blood was coming from and that is way he is so weak.
“How…what happened? Did somepony do this to me? Must concentrate…ahh it hurts so much. Octavia…concentrate. Heal, the wound inside of me. Heal, can’t lose anymore blood. Try to ignore the pain the best I can.” Gold Sky feels some of the pain go away but it still clung to him, but at least the blood stopped flowing out.

The Alicorn slowly drags himself to his bed. Little by little he places one hoof in front of the other, while not moving his hind legs. He made it to his bed, at a turtle’s pace he places his right hoof on the bed to pick himself up. But he can’t. He is just too weak.

Gold Sky fell back down to the floor. He has no strength, all he has is pain and wonder how he got hurt in the first place.

LT. Toudou came into the brig to check on the guard.
“Strange I was told there was a guard on duty.” He turns back around to leave but he heard a groan come from one of the cells. “*Sigh* Might as well check before I leave.”

So he trots over to the cell from where the groan originated. What he saw horrified him.
“Oh my Celestia! Are you all right!?” Toudou yells.

“Help me…please…p-please help me.” Gold Sky struggles with each word.

LT. Toudou figures out why Gold Sky is bleeding from his rectum. But if Gold Sky can kill anypony with ease as Celestia once said, then how the hell did he get raped?
“Gold Sky who raped you?”

Gold Sky suddenly gasped…That’s why.
“Wha…I-I was raped?”

Toudou nods.

Gold Sky uses more of his energy to shake his head in denial.
“No. I-I-I couldn’t have been raped. It isn’t possible, it just isn’t.” Tears falls from his eyes.

“Gold Sky calm down. I’ll get Nurse Redheart right away, so for right now let me help you.” Toudou getd close to Gold Sky.

Gold Sky can not absorb the truth. He feels worthless…worthless of life and Octavia.

Toudoh takes Gold Sky to the hospital. He places two guards outside of Gold Sky’s room and tells Nurse Redheart everything he knew so far.

“Nurse please help him, I never seen anything like this before. But more importantly I don’t understand why somepony will rape him, sure he is charged with rape but how did somepony manage to do it to him? Princess Celestia told me he’s very strong and…” Toudoh got cut off.

“What makes you think he’s been raped Lieutenant? Perhaps he mutilated himself.”

“Because Nurse I spent five years in forensic study and trust me from what I saw, I can deduce somepony drugged him with a date rape drug and well you know the rest and how in the world can he mutilate himself if he cannot use his magic. Anyway I need to go and report everything to my superior officer.” LT. Toudou left Nurse Redheart’s presence.

“He knows his stuff.” Nurse Redheart says to herself

Nurse Redheart goes inside Gold Sky’s room. His room is specialized for prison inmates, iron bars barricade the window and shackles connected to the wall are placed around Gold Sky’s forearms.

She notices how slow his heart rate is, slow breathing, low amount of blood, and pale skin color. Nurse Redheart took off her cap and undid her bun. She sat down next to his bed to watch over him.

Gold Sky faints when she placed an IV line in him but for precaution no liquid flows into his system. She wished she knew how to help the poor soul, but despite her five hundred years of knowledge. An Alicorn has never been a patient of hers.
Her mind spins around with suggestions and contradictions.

“Will an operation be necessary for him? Can his body take somepony else’s blood? Should I give him any medications…but what if his body fights it? He is immortal and, and, and…what can I do to help him? What can I do!” Redheart hopelessly thought.

Redheart tenderly places a hoof on Gold Sky’s head and slowly strokes his mane. She had some words to say, maybe those words can somehow work up a miracle.

After all even though a patient is comatose or unconscious they can still hear everything going on around them.

“Gold Sky you can’t die. Please, don’t die. Octavia needs you, s-she needs you. I know you are accused of a terrible crime but there is always the possibility of being cleared of the charges, you have so much to experience. So much to learn, so much to love. You know why? You’re going to be a da…” Redheart stops herself. Redheart realized that not even Octavia knows that she is pregnant.

Gold Sky must know he’s going to be a daddy, but she cannot tell him confidential information.
“Gold Sky please come back. If you won’t do it for yourself… then at least do it for Octavia, she is your heart, she is your pulse.”

Those words caused Gold Sky’s mind to react. His purpose for the love of his life.

Redheart got up to get some water.

“Nurse…” Gold Sky calls out weakly.

Redheart came back to Gold Sky’s bedside. “Gold Sky you woke up! Thank goodness, how are you feeling?” She happily asks.

Gold Sky took a deep breath so he can talk and ask the question Redheart had to answer even though she didn’t want to.

“Nurse was I really ra…” He stops on purpose.

Redheart’s ears drop.

Gold Sky begins trembling.

Redheart did not know how to answer his question.
“I’m sorry, I-I can’t answer that. You must be extremely hurt. When there are so many bad things happening to you…this is just unexpected.”

Gold Sky just nods to Redheart's words for not everypony has the answers.

“Don’t tell Octavia please.”

Redheart looks at the alicorn with disbelief.
“She must know, Gold Sky. Octavia must be told what happened to you, speaking of which, I should ask her to come here and spend some time with you. Perhaps that can help you recover faster.” Redheart offers to the alicorn.

Gold Sky breaks eye contact with the white mare. “It’s over…it’s over.” Gold Sky cries quietly.

Redheart at first did not understand.
“What do you mean?” Redheart asks. Gold Sky answers her question by pointing at his wedding band he always wore around his horn.

"Oh..." Redheart moves in and hugs Gold Sky.

She realizes Gold Sky lost everything now.

“It’s all right Gold Sky. She will come back to say good bye.” Reassures Redheart.

“She won’t… oh and Nurse, let me sleep and please keep Dr.WholookslikeCarmeleventhoughhe’saUnicorn away from me.” Whispers Gold Sky.


Augustus and Victorious canters happily to Pony Joe’s doughnut shop.
The haughty mare passes the front window, she decides to use it as a mirror to see if her hair is not messed up at the moment. So as she looks at her reflection, she notices a drastic change in her skin texture. Real drastic change.

“Augustus come quick! Look at my face…! No wrinkles!! My hair and mane, no gray hairs! It’s back to beautiful blond! Let me see your face.” Victorious ecstatically grabs Augustus’s head to inspect every inch of his skin and just like her all his wrinkles were gone.

“It worked Victorious! I told you it’ll work!” The Earth pony beams quite happily.

Both ponies decide to celebrate inside the doughnut shop and by celebrate they really blew up the joint, causing Pony Joe to relocate to Ponyville.


Delta Scorch watches Cloud Kicker smile at him, he never felt so happy being smiled at.

Cloud Kicker came out of the hot spring fully refreshed, walked up to Delta Scorch to thank him for giving her such a wonderful experience
“Thank you, Delta. You know you are quite a nice guy.” Cloud Kicker rubs her head under Delta’s chin.

He became redder then red.
“Cloud Kicker I-I don’t know what to say.” Delta Scorch said sheepishly.

“Relax Delta Scorch, just relax. I can see you are really shy around me, if you want I will take this slow, all right. Deal?” Cloud Kicker extends her hoof.

Delta smiles at her and shook her hoof.

Just then Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash arrive.

So Delta’s smile got bigger at seeing Luna.
“Your majesty, you’re back! And hello again Rainbow Dash.”

“What’s up.” The cyan Pegasus replies.

“Good to see you Delta and you too Cloud Kicker, anyway we should call it a day and head back to the palace. Oh and you’re invited to come along if you wish Cloud Kicker.” Luna kindly offers to the pegasus.

“Really!? She can come with us!”

Luna places a hoof on Delta’s shoulder. She loves her son very much and seeing him happy always made her day.
“Of course and you can show her around the palace I’m sure she’ll love that.”

Delta turns to Cloud Kicker who nodded in return.

Luna’s horn starts to glow.
“Perfect! Now gather around everypony I’m going to teleport us all back to the palace.”

So the four of them made a jump to palace. Luna nudges Delta Scorch to show Cloud Kicker around and to also show her guest room. So Delta and Cloud Kicker leave Luna’s presence.

Luna nuzzles Rainbow Dash on the cheek. “So…where were we.” She asks seductively.

Rainbow presses her nose against Luna’s.
“We were going to Pinkie’s party.”

Luna giggles.
“Let’s go my beautiful Rainbow.” So both mares flew off, while Princess Celestia watches in complete wonder.


Gold Sky saw he can't sleep and Redheart hasn’t left his room at all. Since death is coming he might as well talk about the what ifs.

“Nurse, can I tell you something?”

Redheart tells him yes.
“Gold Sky please call me Redheart.”

Gold Sky took a deep breath, because this is the first time in his life he will talk about being with a mare other then Octavia.

“Redheart I am just going to speak my mind, since that is only thing I can do right now anyway. Look, when I came back from my failed and scarring journey, Octavia was the first pony I met since I took six years of total isolation during the last six years of my journey. But *sigh* what if…I never met her and I met you instead. I know what I’m saying is very stupid. You’re two hundred and ninety seven years older then me, wiser and well if I ever asked you. Would you of gone on a date with me?”

Redheart corrects Gold Sky in one thing.
“Gold Sky I am two hundred and eighty seven years older then you. You left when you were three, you grew up pretty fast. When you came back two hundred years later you were two hundred and three years old. Fast forward ten years of wonderful marriage with the love of your life makes you two hundred and thirteen years old. But to answer your question. Yes, I would have gone out on a date with you. After all, your red blood cells are shaped like hearts. Love runs in your blood, not sure how that is even possible but I would of gone out on a date with you. If I was the first pony you met when you returned from your journey.” Redheart gives Gold Sky a beautiful smile.

Gold Sky smiles back with one tear.
“Thank you…Redheart.”

Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy arrive at the Sugercube Corner.

Twilight’s brain reminded her to deal with Gold Sky, but how can she deal with that stallion if she is stuck with Fluttershy.

“Hey girls welcome back! You two ready for some good pre party food?” Solution.

Twilight calls Pinkie to the kitchen.
“Yes Twi? What can Aunt Pinkie do for you?” Pinkie in her happy joy self aska.

Twilight’s horn glows and telepathically told Pinkie to keep Fluttershy busy along with not letting her leave the café.

“Ookie dokie Loki!” So Pinkie pops up in front of Fluttershy, scaring her, and start to go on and on and on and on. About random things that can make anypony else wonder if Pinkie reads more than Twilight.

“Perfect.” Twilight squeals as she left the café through the front door.

Fluttershy saw Twilight leave and to top it off she can’t escape Pinkie.
“Oh Twilight you owe me for this!”

Twilight teleports to the library and dons cloak Rarity made for her awhile back.

Before teleporting she stops to declare a small speech.
“To unleash him I will have to go to the heart and make the heart call out for him. Once he hears her cry nothing can stop him, nothing!”

Twilight teleports to Octavia’s house.

Octavia lies in bed looking at Gold Sky’s side of the bed. She passes her hoof many times over his section. Seeing that it will be empty from now on. She then focuses her attention on the two cellos leaning against the wall, one is Gold Sky’s while the other is her’s.

She reaches over to pick up a picture frame that holds a picture of her and Gold Sky having a fun lunch…their first date.


“Huh?” Octavia notices a cloaked Pony just appearing out of nowhere in her room.
Suddenly the horn of the cloaked pony starts to glow.

Octavia feels magic grabbing her and throwing her to the ground. Octavia instantly enters combat mode, she dashes quickly at the cloaked pony and manages to deliver a strong blow to the unicorn.

"Ow!" Twilight yelps.

Octavia swung again but this time a force field stops her powerful punch.

Twilight throws Octavia across the room, hurting the gray mare in the process then brought Octavia close to her.

"Call him!" Twilight growls.

"Who?" Octavia asks.

"Bring him here! Bring Gold Sky!" Demands the cloaked Unicorn.

Twilight shocks Octavia with a blast of electrical magic.

Octavia screams in suffering agony.

"Call him! BRING HIM HERE!!" Twilight shocks Octavia again.

Octavia calls out for him... "GOLD SKY!!!!"



Gold Sky picks up his head.


His pupils shrinkz to black dots.

"Octavia!" He yells.

He immediately jumps out of his bed and tries to run out of his room but the shackles around his forearms stop him.

"Do it." Gold Sky closes his eyes, he feels his energy coming back to him. And with one swift pull he rips the chains off the wall.
He runs out. Past Redheart, past the two guards and past Dr.WholookslikeCarameleventhoughhe'saUnicorn.

One of the guards freaks out.
"Oh this isn't good what are we going to tell Cpt.Samier!?"

The other guard came up with good excuse that will cover his rear.
"Don't know bout you but I'm diabetic and I can't eat sugar...SO SUGAR RUSH!" His horn glows as he took a bottle of sugar and pours it into his mouth, but nothing happened.

"Doofus you're type one diabetic not type two!"


Gold Sky ignores the pain which each step he took. He runs out of the hospital and into Canterlot, street by street he ran. Avoiding ponies, carts, business stands, and guards hopelessly chasing him.

Cpt. Samier and LT. Toudoh spots Gold Sky heading for the wall surrounding Canterlot.

With one great leap Gold Sky went over the wall and he spreads out his wings.

"Oh no you're not! Archers aim at the wings. Fire!" Orders Samier.

So the unicorn archers takes aim and fire at Gold Sky's wings.

The arrows however are not regular arrows but spring tip. A type of arrow that fires out two blades from the arrowhead with enough force to shatter nearby bone.

"AHH!!" Gold Sky cries out in pain but can't pay too much attention to that for soon he went into free fall.


"I'm coming Octavia! I'm Coming!" Gold Sky shoots out his wings despite being unable to maintain a stable form therefore creating huge amounts of drag, but with the drag came the searing pain from his wings and the broken bones rattling about in his wings. He lands hard but safely on the ground.

Gold Sky dashes forward at full speed. His Love for Octavia gives him strength.

Back in Canterlot Spitfire, Soarin, and Fleet-Foot are enjoying a picnic until Captain Samier shows up.

"Spitfoot, Soarfire, and Fleet-Something! Make yourselfs useful and help the Royal guard capture an escaped convict, he has a horn and gold color wings he shouldn't be hard to miss. Since he is on foot running. GO! GO! GO!" Demands the pegasus.

So the Wonderbolts flew off while Samier starts to gather up more guards to capture Gold Sky.

"Must go faster!" Gold Sky groans. His body releases huge amounts of adrenaline and his heart beat became a solid tone instead of the regular two beats rhythem.

"Octavia I'm coming!" The love in his blood releases even more adrenaline.

The Wonderbolts meanwhile spot Gold Sky running down below.

"Whoa he's pretty fast! I mean look at how the leafs come off the trees when he runs by them." Soarin exclaims.

Spitfire and Fleet-Foot nod in agreement.

"But he's not too fast." Fleet-Feet pointed out as the trio start to catch up.

Gold Sky looks back spotting the Wonderbolts behind him. "Oh no!" Gold Sky's mind search for ways to lose the Wonderbolts. His answer is a little thicket coming up at a distance.

"I could lose them there!" So Gold Sky went straight into the thicket.

The Wonderbolts followed as he expected.

"Look out! Too many low hanging branches!" Spitfire cries to Soarin and Fleet-Foot.

It didn't take long for the three of them to stuck in the thorns and branches.

"Quickly! Get out of the suits!" Spitfire yells.

"Aww, but I just got mine!" Fleet-Foot whinesa.

"NOW!" Barks the mare.


"Hang in there I'm coming!"

Gold Sky feels his chest becoming hot as fire and his muscles screeching in pain and now being pushed to his last resort Golds Sky closes his eyes... Only pure Alicorns are allowed to break limits, he cannot.

He prays.

"Yahshuah oh Son of the Great Spirit I ask you to please hear my plea… please oh Yahshuah allow me for this one time to transcend pony limits to save my wife. Who calls out for me because I can't live without her. Please allow me this one time! For my wife! For my wife!”

The Son looks down from his throne and answers the plea.

The Wonderbolts now free from the thicket resumed chase.

Gold Sky feels a new form of power flow throughout his body, he could feel himself going faster and faster. The clarity around him becomes distorted, the movement of his legs became a blur, and a mach cone forms around him.

Spitfire witnessing all of this knew what will come next.

Gold Sky opens his eyes...rings of clouds explode behind him.

"OCTAVIA!!!" He roars.


Spitfire grabs hold of Soarin and Fleet-Foot. "Hang on! Incoming shockwave!"

The shockwave knocks them out of the sky.

Soarin recovers. "Did h-he just break the sound barri..."

"He did. He sure as hell did." Spitfire admits.

Gold Sky runs through Ponyville with incredible speed. Windows shattered, ponies that were close to him got sent flying, and some roofs come off nearby buildings.

Gold Sky sees his house, he jumped into the air so he can crash through the walls.

The Son helps Gold Sky one last time by allowing him to see through the walls, he spots Octavia being held up by the magic of the cloaked unicorn.

Gold Sky shields his face as he crashes through the walls.

"Huh!?" Twilight see Gold Sky sliding on the floor coming straight towards her.

Gold Sky punches the cloaked Unicorn causing Octavia fall to the floor.

"Ow! Not again!" Twilight moans.

Now ready Gold Sky stands in front of Octavia to protect her from that cloaked Unicorn.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" The Alicorn roar in fierce anger.

Twilight saw the collar around Gold Sky's neck and the arrows in his wings. No magic and no ability to fly. Just the Earth pony part of himself, a huge advantage for Twilight.

"Bring it!" Snarls the cloak Unicorn.

Gold Sky charges forward to the cloaked unicorn whose horn glows brightly.


Chapter 24... The end of one.

"Lakota squad...Search and Destroy!"

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