• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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A day with Rainbow Dash. The Alpha Wolf against the Dire Wolf and little Fox

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust.

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 68

Disclaimer- Arthur's note at end. My little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

“ETA to enemy fortifications ten seconds and time before General Oliver gets here twenty seconds!” Captain Geoghegan of 501st Marine Corps being the fastest griffon in the Republic volunteers to go in first and drop a thermobaric charge on the Gatling arrow anti-air towers. “Fear the black cape oh and Danger Close!” As soon as Geoghegan breaks through the clouds he immediately commences evasive maneuvers for the arrows are coming at him. *Clang*“Frak, here!”

A massive explosion destroys the targeted tower while Geoghegan swoops in an upward angle to be ahead of another tower’s line of fire and in the dash of speed all that can be heard is the roar of a jet engine speeding off.

Meanwhile east of the destroyed anti air tower the turret operator spots a second griffon holding what looks a like charge breaking through the clouds so he aims at it, spins the handle, and unleashes a fury of arrows striking the griffon causing it to spin out of control but head his way. Another massive explosion destroys an anti-air tower.

“FORWARD!” General Oliver’s brave yell is heard as he leads the troops through the clouds and feels the sudden heat from more explosions as the Airborne bombs out the anti-air towers while being careful not to harm any of the other troops who are not six hundred yards away from the designated target, hence why, danger close.

Jorah coughing out some cloud that got in his mouth before looking at his daughter prompting her to look at him too. “Lucy, I have seen you grow before my eyes and I want it to stay like that.” Heartfelt words that are combined with simple words paint the picture to the daughter. “Stay by my side.”

“I will dad.” Lucy swallows the saliva in her mouth to prepare for the experience of her life.

While already in the first minutes of the coming battle there are griffons of the Republic that will now be labeled…



“Whenever you want Rarity, we shall strike Twilight Sparkle though I prefer we lure her out of Ponyville to keep this out of other’s eyes and to prevent anypony innocent from getting hurt.” Gold Sky whispers to big sister. “Oh, Gilda looks like she wants to cry. Please hold on Rarity.”
Rarity however, sits the stallion back down. “Gold Sky focus! We have something more important, uh oh…why are you looking at me like that?”

Little brother comes close and stops two inches from Rarity’s face. “Do that again big sister and you will regret it. Don’t ever get in between me and my daughter.” A crimson red twinkle runs through his eyes. “Just because you’re my sister it doesn’t mean I will let you get away with this next time.” Gold Sky goes over to sit by Gilda as she continues telling Redheart about being his daughter, her wonderful childhood, home schooling, their adventures, and lastly why Gold Sky left her behind.

“Rarity you should add what happened to you in the list of what not to do.” Lauren speaks softly into the mare’s left ear. “You should never try to do that again and to encourage this advice to imprint itself in the list you should remember what little brother did to General Mao.”

“He won’t tear me apart would he…”*Ting!* “Idea!” Rarity’s cute ears perk up.

“Oh no I know what you’re thinking Rarity and it will have dire consequences plus the Elements of Harmony cannot function without the Element of Magic but more importantly I know you can’t live knowing you’re the reason for the death of your friend even though you deeply desire justice.” Even the Archangel has to be the voice of reason when it comes to the proper implication of Justice.

Rarity’s cute ears drop. “Yes your right Lauren.”
Lauren gently strokes Rarity’s face. “Just remember, Princess Luna cannot find out of his very existence or you risk losing Gold Sky and your niece.”

“My niece!?”

“The daughter becomes the father and the father the daughter.” Lauren’s right eye brow arches up. “Just like he’ll do anything to protect her, she will do anything to protect him to which I find it odd, that the daughter will risk having the parent outlive her instead of her outliving the parent as it most preferred but Love is Love so this is all I have to say about this little topic. Now Rarity with all of this in mind tread lightly because things can spin out of control and blood that isn’t supposed to be shed will be shed.” Lauren leaves just like she come.

“Redheart now you know why I could never be a father and why I never started a family with Octavia.” Gold Sky barely feels anything at the ushering of his formers wife’s name and is feeling ashamed thanks to his heart reminding him he still loves her very much.

Redheart sees this is the perfect time to tell him about his son in Octavia’s womb. Rarity meanwhile, through her eye of detail figures out what Redheart is going to tell Gold Sky. “I hate that I have to do this!”

“Gold Sky there is something I want to tell you and now in front of you and your daughter is the perfect time oof!” Rarity’s hoof stops the nurse in midsentence.

“Yes haheha…Redheart can you please come with me to the kitchen there’s something I forgot t-to tell you.” *bump* The strong hips send the nurse flying into the kitchen and the loud racket of dishes breaking gives testament to that. “Don’t worry it’s nothing.” Rarity waves off the broken dishes.
“Redheart, sorry for not saying this earlier but I want to be the one to tell Gold Sky about becoming a daddy again and being his sister along being the second one who’s most close to him it should be I to let him in on the joyous news.”

Redheart peeks out of the kitchen to see her son kiss his daughter’s head. “I never knew I was always a grandmother while my son was a loving father to a griffon of all of things but I have a granddaughter…I have a granddaughter! My son has given me a granddaughter!”

“Well I wouldn’t say he’s given you a granddaughter Redheart, he didn’t mate with a griffon he adopted her b-but I can see why you’re saying this.” Rarity too takes a peek at little brother. “Though if I come to think of it. How will Gilda look if Gold Sky mated with a griffon?”

“I heard that and that’s messed up Aunt Rarity!” Gilda shouts from the living room. “Really why are you even thinking that!?”

“She calls you Aunt!” Redheart gasps. “You accepted my son’s daughter as family and she accepts you as family! This is incredible; if you abruptly found out about Gilda just like me then you must have been surprised just like me!” Luckily Redheart erased the tension accidently created by Rarity.
“She was Redheart.” Gold Sky enters the kitchen with Gilda. “You have a granddaughter…do you accept her as your granddaughter?”

Gilda’s eyes widen at the sheer meaning of those words. “Daddy!?”

“My son you know I will accept your daughter as my granddaughter! You’ve given what I desired the most in my life. You and a grandchild which I, a mother will want.” Redheart waves her hoof at Gold Sky to have him come close then waves her other hoof to have Gilda come close. “I love you my dearest son and I love you my dear Gilda. Oh how you don’t know how much I wished for grandchildren and my wish is coming err I mean came true.”

Again like with Rarity and Sweetie Belle, Gilda has to ask how out of the blue she can be loved so much by a pony who just meets her. “H-how can you love me as your granddaughter if I-I-I’m a griffon, not a pony from my daddy’s flesh and blood??”

With some invisible telepathic input from the Alicorn, Redheart focuses her complete attention on Gilda to hug her. “I don’t see you as a griffon Gilda.” Before the coming hug Redheart places her right hoof under Gilda’s chin. “I see you as my granddaughter not as a griffon, Gilda, and no matter what others will think, I will always love you.” Finally Redheart embraces the griffon. “Not as much as your father but I will love you my dear granddaughter, I love you.”

In the embrace Gilda looks to Gold Sky and smiles at him. Gold Sky points to his forehead telling Gilda he’ll connect to her mind. “How does it feel to have a grandmother Gilda?”

Oh daddy it feels wonderful to have new family in my life, I have two aunts and now a grandmother! It’s too much me for me to absorb but will it still be you and me daddy?

Gold Sky nods. “Oh Gilda it will always be you and me to take on the world together. Always you and me.” He reassures.

Deep down he understands why Gilda is asking him this. She thinks with all this introduction to family, he’ll suddenly leave her again but in good hands though, but no. He will never leave again for just as much she needs him he needs her because raising her for forty seven years has grown an indescribable bond between them, Gilda is attached to him and will never let go which not only to the bond that her attachment to him is strong but to be exposed to the infinite Love Gold Sky has given since the moment he found her. Gilda has her father back in her life and she wants it to stay like that.

Suddenly from out of nowhere, a loud knock interrupts everything.

“I’ll get it.” Rarity goes to answer the door and is greeted by a mare with a rainbow colored mane. “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity closes the door behind her to prevent Gilda and Gold Sky from hearing her voice. “What are you doing here!?”

“Wow you’re surprised to see me today? Anyway, did you forget that you’re going to cheer for me at my Wonderbolt auditions which yeah, I’m already a Wonderbolt so I’m just there to inspire everyone else to their best in their own personal quest to copy me.”

“You mean in their own personal quest to be a Wonderbolt?” Rarity tries to clarify what Rainbow just said.

Rainbow waves it off. “You know what I mean Rares so c’mon times are wasting!” She lowers herself so Rarity can easily get on her back.

“Hold on!” Rarity dashes inside and again slams the door behind her. “Gold Sky, Gilda, Redheart, and Sweetie Belle! Something important that needs my upmost attention is about to commence and I need to go, uhh, I-I might be back until dusk.” In midst of her words being delivered Rarity in what the others besides Gold Sky will see as a simple body movement taps her forehead. “Brother we strike at dusk when Twilight is tired from all the reading she does.”

“Strike when the enemy is weak. I like your plan of attack Rarity, it’s something I’ll do when facing an enemy I have little knowledge about their strength and abilities. Have fun in whatever you’re going to do sister and the photo albums, you keep them in your room bookshelf right?

Yes.” Rarity hugs everypony and leaves.

“Alright let’s go.” Rainbow speeds off to the Wonderbolt Academy. “Hey I forgot to ask but do you know how to do a spell to walk on clouds?”

“Yes, now don’t worry Rainbow Dash; time is of the essence here.” Rarity hangs on just before Rainbow Dash speeds off.
I want to be alone but Sweetie Belle will stay by me.” Gold Sky thinks about how he can get everybody to leave without having to use his telepathy. “Maybe I’ll have Redheart take Gilda and spend time with her.” *ting* “Gilda needs to be away for the entire night when I and sister fight Twilight Sparkle.

“Say, Redheart how about you take Gilda with you to Canterlot and spend time with her also show her your dwelling if you want so Gilda can come to know more about you.” Gold Sky is biting his tongue praying Gilda will agree to spend time with Redheart to the point that since its night she’ll sleep the night in Redheart’s guest room.

“Hey that sounds like a good idea my son but what does Gilda have to say about it?” Redheart in tune with Gold Sky turns to look at the griffon.

“Why not! I never experienced anything with a grandparent in my life before but you won’t mind if I spend the whole day with Redheart would you father?” Gilda asks.

“Not at all Sweetheart nor will I mind if you spend the night at her dwelling either, in case you get too tired so go sweetheart. Have fun with Redheart. I’ll be here resting.”
“Perfect!” Redheart awaits at the door for her granddaughter.
Sweetie Belle, made up her mind and goes with Gilda and Redheart without saying anything to big brother. Gold Sky notices this and understands little sister’s intentions.

Before leaving Gilda hugs her father and kisses him on the cheek. “It will always be you and me.”

“Always Gilda.” Gold Sky nuzzles Gilda and watches her leave with the white mare. “I love you my dearest daughter.” *sigh* “Now that I’m alone let me find those cookies first.” The stallion sniffs the air. “Rarity has taken precautions to hide her cookies from me but she made a little mistake.” Gold Sky opens up the cabinet where the cereal is stored, he moves one of the boxes and finds an air tight plastic container that hasn’t be sealed properly allowing for the scent of the yummy cookies to run about in the air. “A ah! Hello my beauties!” The stallion takes the container up with him oblivious to the act of being watched through the window by Twilight Sparkle who for a quick taking over by her feminine side lays her eyes on his flank for a few seconds.

I forgot how physically appealing he is.” Twilight runs the thought through an empty mind so his telepathy won’t sense also she took the added precaution to temporary erase her scent so the stallion’s keen sense of smell won’t pick her up. “Uh oh!” Twilight sees Gold Sky suddenly stop in his tracks sniffing the air. “How can he smell me!!?”

“Ahhhh yes, here are some more!” Gold Sky reaches underneath a little table where a vase is and takes out another pack of cookies. “Funny how big sister will tape these cookies underneath the table to hide them from me but nobody can hide cookies from me.”
Oh there were only cookies, phew.” Twilight flicks off a drop of sweat from her brow. “Rarity is not there with him and if I try using my telepathy to find her I risk being sensed then attacked when I have no knowledge at how he normally fights when he isn’t the Razor plus Redheart was there though she’s out of the picture but the bigger question is Gilda?” Twilight remembers the fiasco with the griffon long ago. “I bet she’s here to reconcile with Rainbow Dash and came to Rarity for lessons in trying to be nice perhaps.” The lavender Unicorn decides to ignore the griffon however, what’s more interesting is Twilight ignoring the fact that Gilda made Fluttershy cry once and if somepony is going to teach a mean griffon like Gilda to be nice then it will have to be Fluttershy given the timid Pegasus turned Discord into a loyal puppy. Well he’s only a loyal puppy to Fluttershy only. But Twilight has no reason to think about Fluttershy anymore. The Unicorn has triumphed over the juggernaut so that’s that. “Okay the weakling is looking into Rarity’s bookshelf, oh he’s got a photo album and now he’s on Rarity’s big bed. Gosh I wish I was in his position, oh great now he’s grabbing one of her pillows to smell her scent and oh, I’m right as always. That weakling loves smelling Rarity’s scent.” Twilight focuses her vision to zoom in on the photos. “Odd.” How? “I guess the weakling asked Rarity to hold a photo album of his. Hmmmm, at least he’s not leaving crumbs on Rarity’s bed as he chows down on the cookies.

“Octavia.” Gold Sky touches one of the photos. “I remember this one like it was yesterday before my death.”

Remember what?” Twilight also enhances her hearing to intrude in Gold Sky’s privacy just in case he mutters anything about vengeance, justice, retribution, and anything regarding him and Rarity coming after her.

“Rarity, Octavia, mother, and Aunt Luna spent weeks planning my birthday party and boy did they give me a wonderful birthday.” The photo is Gold Sky getting kissed on both cheeks by Octavia and Princess Celestia. “Oh how Octavia wanted to cry when she saw the number of candles on my chocolate cake. It’s a tear jerker to see me this old stallion and yet still alive like a youngster. M-my wife, Oc-Octavia m-my wife.” The stallion touches a photo of only him and his wife rubbing heads which is then baptized with a tear.

*sniffle* “What!?” Twilight realized she sniffles. “Why am I feeling sorry for this weakling mewling like a frightened kitten over his wife…oh, the epsilon code is why I’m feeling sorry for him and his wife looks up to me. Also I made a promise to myself not to do anything to Octavia so I can use the son against him.” Still she can’t look away from the stallion. “I guess from a neutral point of view I can feel sorry for him. A stallion that dearly misses his wife is sad, sort of like Elizabeth rejecting every word from Mr. Darcy when he finally expressed his true feelings for her.

“I should have never asked mother to purge every thought of me from Octavia’s mind if I knew Dad had it planned since the beginning to have me resurrected, right now I could be hearing her practice and be taken to a land far away that alleviates me of everything that makes me uneasy.” Gold Sky continues looking at his wife smiling in every photo, sort of showing what a perfect life can look like captured by a lens of a camera.

Twilight’s cute ears perk up to this new piece of spoken information. “Ahhh the weakling thinks he’s been erased from Octavia’s mind…hahahaha! I can telepathically fight him with the wife.

Gold Sky starts weeping. “I miss my wife, my lovely wife who loves me with unconditional Love an-and looks at me with eyes I truly adore since the minute I looked into them. Why did I have to leave my wife like this? Why!!? Why!? Why am I such a stupid stallion…” Gold Sky stops weeping and dries his eyes with Rarity’s blanket. “I no longer have a wife, a thing many married stallions can’t even think about.” Suddenly Gold Sky slams the photo album shut and pushes it away from him. “It doesn’t matter.”


“In my life I have been a son to my birthmother and birthfather. I am a son to Redheart and my adoptive mother. I am no, I was a husband to the greatest mare in the entire universe. But with those two traits I am the most important thing that I can ever be.” Gold Sky lies on his back and spreads himself all over Rarity’s bed. “I am a father.”

WHAT!!!?” Twilight nearly screams in bewilderment. “Does he know of his child in Octavia’s womb!?”

“Forget about being a son! Forget about being a husband! I am a father! Redheart can die, Mother can stop being my mother, nothing to say about dad, Octavia can marry somepony else and be happy I will always be a father to my daughter no matter what happens to me, to the bloody world, to Equestria, to my sisters, my friends, anything that may matter to me, it doesn’t matter! The world can burn but as long as I protect my daughter that’s all that matters to me, in fact let this world burn for all I care, the weak have already corrupted it and violated me so now it’s up to me to find them to make them pay.” He levitates some cookies to his mouth. “Yum. My daughter is the only thing I can’t live without and the Divine Trinity can give testament to that. Hmm, yum.” Gold Sky finishes.

*sigh* “Is there anything this stallion has that I don’t know about! Frak him and frak this, his daughter has to be near so I better wait for the right moment when he has his guard down so I can use my telepathy. Jump!” *poof*


“My spear!” Oliver nearly felt what is called fear try to inject itself into his mind when a katana sliced his spear into two but with quick thinking he thrust the stick through the eye of the of the shogun warrior. “Frak!” With a millisecond of a reaction he managed to raise his shield to block a shiny tachi and what’s extraordinary, the tachi went through his shield, stopping just one inch of his wrist, and got stuck. Oliver dropped his twenty two pound shield taking the stuck tachi out of the warrior’s hand and he whipped out his sword but punched the warrior twice square in the face before stabbing the heart.
Unfortunately, a shogun warrior came from behind and swung his katana down onto Oliver’s back but the sword shattered into pieces when it made contact Oliver’s armor. Fortunately, Oliver spun around and slit the warrior’s throat. “I almost forgot the griffons here use tamahagane steel for their swords. Heh, very strong metal compared to my bronze shield.”

At some distance a shogun mercilessly kills a female soldier laughing to the thought of being dishonored by fighting a female in the first place. “Ugh!” He looks down to see a spear protrude out of his chest then is yanked out allowing him to turn out to look the adversary in the eye and his adversary is none other than Francis Clalin who finishes him off with a mighty thrust.

“For you sister.” Francis pays her respects and continues fighting.

“Oof!” Oliver bumps his back into somebody so out of impulse as he turns around he raises his sword yelling in anger for seeing his brothers and sisters die around him only to see the griffon who bumped into him is Phillip. Oliver smiles at Phillip seeing he’s alive and well. “The battle is ours.”
Phillip nods at the general.

In the other side of the city where the fight has spread out Jorah slams the edge of his shield, slices off the head of a warrior, throws his sword to stop a shogun warrior from attacking Lucy from behind, and reaches for his MK II knife to commence close quarter combat.
“DAD!!” Lucy screams to alert her father at a coming shiny katana.
*CLANG!* Jorah blocks the sword with his shield. “Damn, that was close.” Jorah and Lucy stab the warrior together. “Thank you my dearest daughter.”

“Dad is such an amazing soldier.” Lucy suddenly has brief flashback of dad teaching her how to read. “Dad please forgive me for following the footsteps you didn’t want me to follow.

In the Palace Princess Celestia and a near reluctant Octavia pay Princess Luna a nice visit. “Do we have to do this Celli? I’m more than sure she’s asleep right now and won’t like it to awaken for a little hello from the both of us.”

“Now Octavia I understand you’re still adjusting to be near Luna given what she’s done but you need to keep your end of the act. Just because you have limitless time it doesn’t mean you’re going to use it as an excuse to keep distance from Luna, now we’re going to greet Luna, you’re going to embrace, kiss her right cheek, and smile at her like the family you’re are all right.” Celli suddenly giggles. “Can’t believe I have to tell you everything you have to do when Gold Sky always did it the instant he saw Luna.”

“Wellllllllllll do I have to smell her mane?” Octavia asks like she ever does that and will have to do it.

Celli shakes her head. “Octavia I think it’s time to let you in on a law that is created specifically for your…” Celli pauses.
“I don’t mind if you say late Celli.” Clarifies the gray mare.

“For your late husband Octavia.” Celli’s magic poofs a scroll of the laws and with a magical light beam points to law above another. “It says here that, ahem, Only the son of Princess Celestia and the Nephew of Princess Luna has unlimited permission to smell their manes whenever he desires.”

“Heh.” Both of Octavia’s eyes brows arch up. “So if I smelled Luna’s mane I will get in trouble and thrown into the brig. So smelling Luna’s mane out of the picture and can we get this over with already?”

“If you stop talking then we can get this over with now do me the honors and knock on my sister’s door.”

Now its Octavia’s turn to shake her head. “No it’s okay Celli.”

The beautiful white mare lowered her head to eye level with the gray mare and with the same kind tone of voice Celestia spoke to Fluttershy with she will say only this. “I wasn’t asking you Octavia.”

*Knock, knock* The gray mare complies.

“No! I not feel go-good.” Princess Luna’s draggy voice murders the royal grammar etiquette that Luna herself gave birth to.

“What!?” Octavia turns to Celestia. “The heck did she just say?”

Celestia gives Octavia a shrug. “Let’s find out my dear daughter in law.”

“Hey it’s rare that you call me that Celli.” Octavia points out to try to get free of having to see Luna.

Celli stops in her tracks to think about this. The Immortal comes to realize this is the seventh time in a whole decade Celestia calls Octavia her daughter in law, why? Celestia is still trying to figure out how this Earth Pony can relate to her other than being married to her son. “I’m still trying to relate to you Octavia. A Earth Pony. An Earth Pony, of all the three pony races can get my son fall in Love with you. I always wanted my son to fall in love with a Unicorn such as my most faithful student Twilight Sparkle or Rarity a beauty hallmarked with a flawless heart or perhaps a Pegasus like Fluttershy or the pink mare with blond hair and bangs. But instead my son an Alicorn like me falls in love with an Earth Pony. What do Earth ponies have to offer Octavia when flight can control the weather and magic can do things that are only imagined. What can you do that I can’t?”

Octavia’s mouth goes agape. In the front of her mind right now she is being demeaned by Princess Celestia but in the back of her mind there is something more to this. “I-I d-d-don’t know?”

“When my son returned and learned he is still single along with being completely brainless about Love, I instantly thought to have him meet with Twilight Sparkle so my most faithful student can be even closer to me instead I choose to let him follow his heart. You. I had no right to secretly arrange a marriage with a mare I thought will suit him best, yes, I wanted my son to be happy like any mother will want but, the hardest thing to do Octavia was letting him choose who he wanted to give his heart to. An Alicorn fell in love with an Earth Pony instead of the other two races that had much to offer him.” Celestia quietly scoffs. “As a Princess I wanted my son to have a wife that can be like him well maybe not fully like him but somewhat close, anyway, how can I, an Alicorn, relate to you Octavia? You’re just an Earth Pony, a race that Pegasi and Unicorns fear to become if they lose their abilities. Just how can I relate to you and accept you as my Daughter in Law when you have given me nothing to go by. You’re not intelligent like Twilight Sparkle, not beautiful like Rarity, not soft spoken like Fluttershy, not a Wonderbolt like the pink Pegasus with blond hair, and you’re easily taken over by emotion. All reasons why I ask how my son can fall in love with you.” Celestia stops and places a hoof under Octavia’s chin to lift up the Earth Pony’s head so it can see a smile from the lips of the immortal princess. “Because just like my son, you are different from everypony else. Strong in areas others are not, beautiful in what other think of the less, soft spoken to the one you truly love, and intelligent by a certain means to an end. You have everything others wish can have and Gold Sky saw that in you the moment he laid his eyes on you and I like a fool almost wanted to tell him not fall in love with you but I bit my tongue to see him smiling his biggest smile when you were walking down the aisle.”

“Is that reason why you didn’t marry us Celli and instead had Luna marry us?” Octavia asks.

“No I just felt guilty for having the intention to interfere with my son’s journey with Love and for still being amazed that you a Earth Pony is the wife of an Alicorn…well wife to the only Alicorn stallion in Equestria so far.” Celli giggles. “I love you Octavia and your womb has the son of my son. I love you very much and I hope you help me get over what I’ve been feeling for you since my son first breathed word of you long ago.”

The thought of being demeaned by Princess Celestia. “Well to answer your question Celli; I’m starting a family. Not a complete one but still a family.”

Celli slowly nods in reverence to the gray mare. “Something you can do and I can’t. Now let’s try this again, ahem, Luna we’re coming in.”

“Not feel good sister. *hiccup* Goes away please, I-I feel my brain is being battered by the Hailey comet. *hiccup* Rainbow is a heavyweight in this. *hiccup* OW! Hurts my brain to u-use it to spoke.” Luna’s words are slurred and she is doing an excellent job butchering the grammar she spent writing for language arts textbooks.

Both mares walk in to find Luna a total mess on the floor and some empty bottles of wine on a table. “Uhh sister how many bottles of wine did you drink?”

*Hiccup* “Nine, we drank nine bottles of wine on the wall, nine bottles of wine. Take one down and chug it all down, nine bo-bottles of wine that I’ve drunk from the wall.” *hiccup*

“Why the heck will you drink nine bottles of wine Luna!??” Octavia spins one of the empty bottles to comprehend how Luna hasn’t died of alcohol poisoning. “I mean you don’t do this as a causal thing right?”

Luna rises up to her hoof rubbing the heck out of her forehead while her crown falls to the floor and gets accidently stepped on by the Princess of the Moon. “Rainbow Dash I decided to play who can drink the most wine and she won by drinking ten bottles of wine on the wall.”

“Wouldn’t that kill Rainbow Dash?” Octavia whispers to Celestia.

“Something is not right here, ho, ho, please don’t touch me until you washed up sister.” Celestia uses her magic to keep the distance with Luna at an acceptable range. “Are these the bottles Rainbow drank out of?”

“Eeyup! Oh no, I owe Big McIntosh of the Apple farm ten bits or he might not update himself.” *Hiccup*

“What!???” Octavia wants to shake some sense into the Princess Luna but she refrains because to do so includes physical contact, hence, no. Just no shaking some sense into the either hung over Luna or drunken Luna.

Celestia levitates one of the bottles Rainbow Dash drunk out of and sniffs the inside of the bottle to see if she can smell the brittle scent of wine. “Ahhh, this is too funny sister. Rainbow Dash has played the classic you drink wine and she drinks grape juice trick on you. Hmm, I wonder why she’ll do ohhhhhhh, I guess it was so you can be so drunk you won’t get jealous when Rainbow Dash spends the day with Rarity.” Celli holds her head high to become speechless once again by Rainbow Dash. “Well played Rainbow Dash.”

“Well…can I go now?” Octavia asks.

“Yes you can go and practice your music.” Celestia waves Octavia away. *sigh* “Come sister, I’ll have to give you a bath.” She picks up Luna, dumps the mare into the tub, turns on the water, and starts washing the drunken mare.

“Hey the water is cold like the glaciers in the ice caps of Mars.” Luna is shivering.

“You deserve it sister.” Celestia quietly giggles to herself. “And Rainbow Dash deserves to enjoy her day with Rarity without having to think about your jealously.”


“Hang on Rares, we’re going in for an epic landing.”

“Wunderbar!” Rarity is excited but the tightening of her grip around Rainbow’s neck says otherwise.

Rainbow Dash does a aileron roll in her decedent, folds in her wings to do a front flip like a Olympic diver, then shoots over her wings to land like a lovely dove on the cloud. “We’re here Rarity.” She lowers herself for the Unicorn can get off.

Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts come to give Rainbow Dash a well-deserved greeting. “How is our fastest most awesome flyer doing.” Spitfire without her sunglasses for a change is happy to see the cyan Pegasus.

“I’m doing great as always Spitfire so cutting to the chase how much time do we have before I do my stuff to inspire the new potential Wonderbolts.”

“Right.” Spitfire pulls out her pocket watch. “We got two and a half hours till show time Rainbow and who’s this beauty you brought along with you.” Spitfire goes up to the white mare to admire the Element of Generosity. “I say Rainbow Dash if you couldn’t score with anypony you sure as hell scored with the most beautiful mare in Equestria.”

Rainbow tilts her head. “That doesn’t even make sense.

“Say what now?” Rarity too tilts her head to the make no sense words Spitfire has spoken.

“How long have you two been bedding each other for from the looks of it, it’s in the thousands.” Seriously how in the world will Spitfire think this when she doesn’t completely know Rainbow Dash as well as everypony does and lets her position as leader of the Wonderbolts to get to her head by making out of the line assumptions knowing no one will saying anything but Rainbow Dash isn’t any of those no one’s.

“Spitfire, me and Rarity, are not bedding each other, we’re not dating, we’re not an item, a couple, marefriends, having sex, or anything that couples do! Me and Rarity are best friends! She’s here to cheer me so I can do a good job inspiring the rookies and she’s here to have a better experience of Cloudsdale! Next time you see with her how about you think carefully about the words you say because I don’t like it at all when ponies assume that I and Rarity are dating. We’re best friends, from here and here on!” Rainbow Dash is practically in Spitfire’s face breathing her own fire at the leader of the Wonderbolts without a single ounce of fear in her.

Everypony besides Rarity have their eyes widen to Rainbow Dash overstepping the invisible line of Rank. Spitfire on the other hand or hoof isn’t offended at all nor does she even care if Rainbow Dash chewed her out. “So you won’t mind if I ask her out on a date then will you?”

Spitfire included with everyone else turn to look at Rarity who for the moment is blushing in embarrassment for being put in this tight spot in just so little time of arriving.
Rainbow rolls her eyes. “Uh yeah I will mind.”
“Somepony is being so possessive here.” Spitfire currently is checking out Rarity thanks to putting on the polarized sunglasses and starts approaching the mare too.

Staying in place Rainbow starts smiling to see what Spitfire will do next. “No, I’m not being possessive Spitfire, I forgot to mention that Rarity plans to propose to a nice dragon she loves with all her heart.”

“Oh!” Spitfire screeches to a halt. “Mission abort.” And backs away from the white mare. “Any who, we still got plenty of free time before the show so go show Rarity around and stuff. Oh and bunk rooms are open if y’all get warm if you know what I mean.” *wink*

“You put me to shame Spitfire.” Rarity with the never ending grace finally speaks her mind to end this once and for all. “Rainbow, darling, please show me around the place. I’m dying to have a first class tour…uh, ahem, yes a first class tour.” Rarity notices the cute pink Pegasus with blond hair and bangs gave her a wave.

“Sure let’s go Rares.” Rainbow’s left wing nudges the Unicorn to get her moving. “C’mon move along.” Rainbow is being motivated by haste here to get Rarity far from Spitfire. “Faster will be nice Rares.”

“Yes, yes of course.” Rarity moves along then with some distance from Spitfire. “Rainbow, did Spitfire really mean every word she said to the both of us and did she really plan to hit on me??”

“I’m sorry for what happened Rarity, are, are you mad?”

Rarity shakes her head. “Not mad but just ashamed she will give me such a good first impression and will say the things she says plus even tell us the bunks are available even after you told her about Spike.

“Yeah about the bunk thing, what did she mean by that?” Rainbow asks for she didn’t understand the slang Spitfire used.

Rarity nervously smiles at Rainbow Dash praying not hoping she doesn’t have to explain it and cause an awkward feeling to rise between them. “Do you really want to know Rainbow Dash?” Rarity will try to prevent herself from answering this question by asking one of her own.

*ting* The tone of voice Rarity uses to ask her question tells Rainbow is best to be in the unknown rather to in the know about this slang. “I think not.”

Suddenly from out of the blue that they’re surrounded by, the pink Pegasus with blond hair and bangs lands in front of Rarity with an expression on her face showing a curiosity that isn’t always normal in normal matters. “Hey Rarity you’re the sister to that Alicorn stallion right?”

“Alicorn stallion?” Is there any other stallion that happens to be an Alicorn?

The pink Pegasus smiles while she nods like crazy. “Yeah the Alicorn stallion, you know the handsome one with hot muscular flanks, nice gold colored wings, fit body, a bit taller than every pony else, handsome if I hadn’t said it before, nice horn, dark brown hair, oooh my! Tell me he’s your brother!”

“Yes…” Rarity stops upon feeling Rainbow wants to say something.

“Look not like it’s any of my concern but why do you want to know if Gold Sky is Rarity’s brother?” Rainbow feels her chest go cold as to remind her how much she misses the stallion.

“Glad you asked Rainbow Dash! You see I want Rarity to put in a good word for me.”

Rarity and Rainbow Dash share glances. “Why would you want me to put in a good word for you?”

The pink Pegasus almost grunts in discontent. “Ugh! I want you to hook me up with your brother that’s why and chances are if you put in a good word then he will hook with me.” A sudden aerial flip is accompanied with a cheer. “I know you will put in a good word Rarity because you’re very generous!”

The coldness in Rainbow’s chest is getting colder by the second the more she thinks about Gold Sky and remembers how she helped him on his first date with Octavia. “Oh man…” The Pegasus whispers.

Rarity through her eye on detail knows tears will follow in Rainbow’s violet eyes that are slowly turning pink. “My brother is married to the love of his life and is very happy.”

The cute pink ears drop. “Well can you still put in a good word for me??”

“WHY!” Rainbow shouts scaring the pink pegasus plus Rarity too of course. “What part of happily married to the love of his life do you not understand!!? Do you think that he will abandon everything just to have a stupid one night stand with you and you will maybe think nothing about his loss thanks to your lust! So how about you go to your frakken bunk, lie down, and frak the hell out of yourself with your bloody frakken hoof you stupid mare! Frak you! Seriously, frak you! Frak your pathetic self-entitlement mentality, frak your curiosity, and just frak every moment you thought about Gold Sky! He’s my friend who I helped in his dates and if it weren’t for me then he would have never married Octavia! So get lost before I make you get lost!” Rainbow shoots out her wings in anger.


“NOW!” Now Rainbow is angry like the Razor.

“Okay sheesh I’ll get lost.” The pink Pegasus flies off.

Carefully Rarity lays a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder in case the mare gets enraged through any sort of physical contact. “Rainbow?”

Rainbow folds back her wings feeling terrible for cursing at a fellow Wonderbolt and the coldness resurges now that the warmth of anger diminished into nothing. “Rarity please come with me to the bunks.”

“Sure.” Rarity follows Rainbow to the bunks unknowing Spitfire and crew are watching everything they do through the big telescope.

“Ha! I knew they’re get warm and head to the bunks. Maybe the two of them are going to have a quickie.” Spitfire moves so the rest can have a quick peer through the telescope.

“How can two mares have a quickie?” Flitter asks. “I can’t see two mares having a quickie.”

Everypony backs away leaving Flitter with Spitfire because everypony else knows what Spitfire is going to know next or in other words Spitfire is very hooves(hands) on, on thing she wishes ponies to learn since a tactile method of teaching really benefits the flaming Pegasus. Though it may not benefit the student. “How about I show you.” Spitfire seizes Flitter by the tail and begins dragging her to the captain’s cabins.

“Show me what!?” Flitter isn’t freaking out right now so things won’t end well when she does freak out.
“How mares have a quickie.” Spitfire clearly speaks even with the tail in her mouth. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

“What, wait, wait, wait! You can’t mean it!” The doors to the captain’s cabin slam shut. “Oh you are gentle, let's do this.”

“I miss him Rarity! I just miss him so much.” Rainbow can finally cry with the only mare she trusts regarding her feelings. “I miss pups.”

“Pups?” Did Rainbow Dash just call Gold Sky pups?

“I used to call Gold Sky pups when I was teaching him to be a better flyer and he’ll do anything I tell him even bring me coffee, scratch my back, and a lot of other things.” Rainbow Dash places a hoof on her forehead. “I wish I had the chance to tell him how much he meant to me and danced with him when he asked me to dance with him at his last birthday party. Oh damn it I miss him!” Rainbow starts crying again.

“There, there Rainbow Dash, it’s okay to cry for…pups. I’m sure wherever he is he’s misses you just as much you miss him and perhaps in the heavenly paradise he’s the greatest flyer thanks to you.” Rarity monitors the tone of her voice to make sure Rainbow doesn’t notice the absence of sadness and forces her to tell Rainbow, Gold Sky is alive and then Luna will find out leading to utter chaos which will be a prime 3-D attraction for Discord.
Rainbow looks directly into Rarity’s eyes causing everything to freeze around them and an old feeling to rise. “Rarity, do we have to be this way? Do we have to embrace what’s right instead of running off in the wrong path to be happy?” How weird in this private moment for Rainbow Dash to start diving into the emotions both once had for one another when she was crying for the reality without pups.

“Rainbow Dash you all of ponies shouldn’t be asking that question when you are Element of Loyalty, in fact it should be me asking that question but being the sister of a honor bound brother and having absorbed his morals I will have to put you back on the line. Luna has you. Spike has me. We can never be together now that we know of each other’s emotions and it makes it harder when we talk them. It hurts when our hearts beat but it heals when our hearts beat for the ones we love.” Rarity needs to remind Rainbow that letting emotion out like this isn’t good for any one. “Who does your heart belong to Rainbow Dash?” Her hoof rests over Rainbow’s beating heart.

“To Rarity…” Rainbow clamps her mouth shut she hears her own response.

Rarity presses harder against Rainbow’s chest. “Rainbow Dash, who does your heart belong to.”

“To Luna. That’s who my heart belongs to.” Rainbow replies with a heavy heart but suddenly she lifts up her head that was once frowning a moment ago and places her own hoof over Rarity’s beating heart. “Rarity who does your heart belong to?”

“To Rainbow…” Rarity clamps her mouth shut allowing Rainbow to acknowledge Rarity too has the same turmoil going on right now.

Just like Rarity did, Rainbow presses her hoof harder against the beating heart. “Who does your heart belong to Rarity?”

“It belongs to Spike.”
Rarity removes her hoof from Rainbow’s chest and Rainbow removes her hoof from Rarity’s chest.
“We are so the best of friends.” Both mares express at the same time. “We’re together in things emotional , in things physical, and in things that our hearts may wish. Anything that time will give to us will put us to the test and will never cease. We the Elements of Generosity and Loyalty, two Elements made for one another. For Love is Generous and Love is Loyal. We shall always be friends and shall always stay as friends.” Both mares recited their pledge and in the end Spike and Luna flashed in their minds.

“I love you.”

“I love you.”
Rarity and Rainbow Dash said to each other at the same time to which a hug sealed the meaning of their words.

After some time, Rainbow shows Rarity around the place, provides the Unicorn with a nice spinach salad from the mess hall, plus has an air suit for Rarity so the Unicorn can try on the rather fashionable uniforms. “Rainbow Dash, I can see why you looked so nice in these suits.”

“Why’s that Rares?” Rainbow Dash is quite pleased to see Rarity looking extremely nice in the suit.

“Because I look nice in the suit.” Rarity laughs to her own little joke. “Please help me take it off though.”

“Nah.” Rainbow waves off Rarity’s request for help.

“But I need to return it to the Academy or else I’ll get in trouble Rainbow Dash.” A blue aura of magic surrounds the suit but even then it cannot be removed given how it’s skin tight.

Again Rainbow Dash waves off Rarity’s request. “Rarity, the suit you’re wearing is the same suit I wore when I was in the academy. So please at least do me the honor of keeping it.”

“I will Rainbow Dash and thank you for this.” Rarity’s magic ceases surrounding the skin tight suit and decides to keep it on. “Ohh, I finally have something from Rainbow Dash! She still has the first gala dress I made for her and the bridesmaid dress too. I have something from Rainbow Dash!! So first thing I’m going to do is put this in a frame and hang it in my work room wall.

“You’re very welcome Rares, hey! Check this out!” Rainbow points to the little cloud factory. “You want ride one very quick?”

“Yes! It sounds like the most joyous of fun Rainbow Dash!” Rarity first does the spill that’ll allow her to walk on clouds.

Rainbow jumps into the air. “Hold on while I hound one down.” The cyan Pegasus waits for a fresh cloud to be puffed out and making sure it isn’t one that is a lightning cloud. “Here you go Rarity! Hop on.”
The Unicorn hops on and makes herself comfy. “I almost forgot clouds are as divine as a memory foam bed.”

“That’s nice, here we go!” Rainbow pushes Rarity across the sky.

“Wow.” Flitter lights up a smoke. “You really were gentle, here.” She lights up Spitfire’s cigarette.

“I told you and thanks.” Spitfire takes a long draw of her smoke and exhales the fumes from out of her nostrils. “Don’t tell me these are those lady cigarettes.”

“Yeah…” Flitter nervously responds.

Spitfire takes another drag. “Eh a smoke is still a smoke anyway, now you know how mares have a quickie. Let’s check on Rarity and Rainbow Dash.” The flame colored Pegasus and Flitter plus the rest of the Wonderbolts all peer through the huge telescope watching Rarity wearing the skin tight suit having fun with Rainbow Dash.
“They’re just having fun Spitfire.” The pink Pegasus points out. “I don’t think they engaged in any form of sexual activity.”

“Were you spying on them?” Spitfire asks even though what anypony does behind closed doors shouldn’t be any of her concern.

“No, instead Rainbow Dash in a stern tone told me Rarity has her heart for Spike.” The pink Pegasus couldn’t continue thanks to Spitfire being so rude and interrupted the pink mare.

“What kind of a pony is named Spike??” Truly this can’t become a normal thing when Rarity mentions the name of her Love. Hopefully.

“A dragon.”

Spitfire goes quiet while everypony remembers Rainbow Dash saying Rarity is in love with a dragon. “Well, the most beautiful mare is bound to have tastes that surprise everyone.” *ting* “Wait a minute, Rainbow Dash told me Rarity is in love with a dragon so why am I acting like this the juiciest news in the world?” Spitfire asks. “Oh yeah, I have the tendency to easily forget things! Haha, I’m funny sometimes!”

“Funny my rear.” The pink Pegasus rolls her eyes at the flame colored and leaves to do the tedious act of getting the skin tight Wonderbolt suit on.

When the time for Rarity and Rainbow Dash to have fun came to an end the Pegasus took the Unicorn to the locker reviewing the moves Rainbow will perform for the potentials. “Okay Rares, you see everything I’m going to do. Spiral dive, the yoyo, barrel roll, snap roll, and last but not least to do a Sonic Rainboom!” Ahh yes, the Sonic Rainboom, which has to be seen as the ninth natural wonder of the world if the current seven and the previous usurped seven are not enough for the mortals to admire.

“I cannot wait to cheer for you Rainbow Dash! I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t!” Rares claps her hooves in gleeful anticipation.

“I know you can’t.” Rainbow beams a grin then commences the near impossible mission to put on the skin Wonderbolt suit.

“Need any help?” Rarity doesn’t like seeing Rainbow struggle to put on an article of clothing when she can put on anything with ease.

“No I’m good Rarity!” Rainbow continues her struggle. “Oh c’mon! Whoa!” She loses balance and falls down but luckily is caught by Rarity’s magic from hitting the floor. “Yeah, okay, I can use some help, thank you.”

“You’re very welcome Rainbow Dashie.” Rarity helps Rainbow suit up.


In Fu’gxi.
“Eugh! NO MY SWORD!” Lucy is shocked to the might of the shogun warrior who with one swing of his katana stripped her of bronze sword. *clang!* She manages to block the shiny katana with her shield but the force of the impact sent her down. *clang!* Lucy blocks another strike from the seasoned shogun warrior so he grabs her shield preventing Lucy from blocking this strike from the non-lethal broadside of the katana allowing him to get the shield out of her grip. “No…” The female griffon’s pupils shrink to see the warrior raise his blood stained katana up to his maximum height to ensure the most output of power in his swing downward.

“You will be the seventh female I kill today.” Declares the shogun warrior as the nervous impulses travel from his brain to his arms to swing down his curved sword.
*tissh!* A sword comes out of his stomach splashing Lucy’s face with the blood of the shogun warrior. *tissh* A second sword stabs the back of the warrior’s head and comes out through the mouth.

“Lucy my daughter are all right!!?” Jorah dropping both his weapons grabs Lucy’s head to inspect her and when finding no signs of damage he kisses her forehead. “Thank goodness…” The father feels the whole world being lifted off his shoulders.

“Thank you dad.” Lucy gets her helmet back on until her eyes catch a shogun warrior coming towards her father’s back. “Dad!” She fails to push him out of the way.
*thud!* “Ohaugh.” Jorah is struck by the pommel of a tachi and is knocked out.
“No!” Lucy dashes forward catching the blade but ends up cutting her hand still she is given the opportunity to hit the warrior, so while the fates are smiling upon her she pushes the warrior back to grow momentum and jumps forward seizing the warrior’s head by which is followed by burying her left knee into his face.

“Ow my face!” Screams the warrior as his eyes fill with tears because when kneed in the face his nose is broken prompting the instant or much rather the instinctive release of tears.
Lucy punches him in the stomach. “Must finish this quickly to get dad out of here!” Her talons slash the warrior’s throat ending this fight. “Okay…frak!” Her eyes catch sight of an approaching shogun warrior.

“Die you stupid wretch!” The warrior spins his shiny tachi just seconds before he performs a swift downward stroke.

*Clang!* Sure is good Lucy has her wrist guards on. “Must disarm him!” She hits the tachi with her left wrist guard getting the deadly sword out of his hands. “Anger him with a taunt since he may take my gender as my ultimate weakness.
“Are you going to let a female disarm with such relative ease?”

Angered to see his sword out of his trusty left hand he roars in sheer annoyance and sprits forward to engage Lucy in hand to hand combat. Lucy strafes right avoiding a straight jab. “Good!” Lucy grabs his arm and using her weight is able to throw the warrior over her shoulder putting him back flat on the ground. Still having the arm she kicks it on the elbow breaking the joint and ends this by slashing his throat with her talons while the enemy is or was writhing in pain. “Frak!” She senses another warrior coming her way. “Ooof !” Lucy is tackled into the wall but with her life and that of father on the line she ignores the hurt to deliver a head butt to her adversary. “Take this damn it!” She swings her right fist but it is caught, in desperation she swings her left fist but it too is caught. “C’mon damn it!”
The shogun warrior is overpowering her with his strength alone but instead of giving her the finishing blow he decides to toy with this female.
This can’t be happening to me!” Lucy starts feeling fear again. “No don’t succumb to fear! Look to dad!” The griffon looks to her unconscious father remembering every loving moment they spent together. “C’mon!” From the core of her galaxy her strength surges to untold levels and is now overpowering the shogun warrior. “I hate that I have to do this but what choice do I have.” Lucy does a low blow to the warrior with her right knee. “Die!” She snaps his neck with ease.
“Dad don’t worry, I’m going to get us out of here!” Lucy puts her father over her shoulders. *thud* A strike from a blunt object sends her into a world of blackness.

“Take them with rest of the prisoners and inform Lord Musashi it’s time to put them to the sword.” Lucy and Jorah are bound and taken away to be joined up with the rest of the POWs and experience first-hand the honorable methods Fu’gxi has in store for them.

Rarity looks for her place in the auditorium while everypony else tilts their heads wondering why a Unicorn is wearing the skin tight suit the accepted candidates wear in the Wonderbolt academy still nevertheless they shrug it off to await the magnificent show Rainbow Dash will give them. “Oh found my spot!” Rarity sits down waiting for the show to start. “Hmmm?” From above the pink Pegasus lands next to the white mare.
“Hey is this spot taken?”

“No.” Rarity’s magic drops a nice cloth for the pink Pegasus to sit on. “Please sit.”

The Pegasus sits down next to Rarity.
“Say, shouldn’t you be getting ready since you’re a Wonderbolt?” Rarity asks.

“I can but I don’t feel like putting on the skin tight suit just to sit behind a table and sign autographs for the fans and it’s such a hassle to put on the suit and taking it off is trying to solve a Rubik’s cube. So.” The pink Pegasus points at Rarity’s suit. “Did you have a hard time putting it on?”

The beautiful mare shakes her head.

“What!?? Never mind, look the reason I’m here Rarity is to…ahem, I’m sorry for asking you about your brother and for upsetting Rainbow Dash. I didn’t know he was married so please forgive me Rarity, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay; it was only a misunderstanding my dead so no need to fret about it of course you’re not to just apologize.” Rarity shifts herself to be fully facing the pink Pegasus. “You have another question you want to ask me so please go ahead.”

The pink Pegasus nearly gasps to Rarity’s precision. “How did you!?”

Rarity smiles like a sly Fox. “It’s a thing I have my dear so please ask your question.”

The pink Pegasus fixes her cute bangs first before asking her question. “Why did Rainbow Dash get so defensive about Gold Sky? Was there a thing between them before he got married and still is in love with him?”

“No my dear there was never a thing between them, instead, Rainbow believe it or not cared so much about Gold Sky and she liked it that no one knew about her caring side for the stallion so before I continue you promise to never breathe a word about this?” Rarity looks around to make sure nopony else can listen in.

“I promise.” The pink Pegasus does the usual Pinkie Pie promise motions.

“When Rainbow Dash first met him she instantly took a great liking in him even though the first impression wasn’t a normal one per se but we got to know him pretty well. As you may guess, Rainbow took it upon herself to make him a better flyer and by making him a better flyer she bossed him around like crazy but Gold Sky took her harsh training like nothing, he became better with each passing day while she couldn’t understand how he can be so, uh, so passive about the treatment. Eventually Rainbow gave up trying to figure it out and instead grew to love the stallion as a great friend who not only is good flyer but really loving. A loving stallion that will never push her away but will always embrace her plus when it came to Love he came to her first instead of me.”

“Why?” The pink Pegasus couldn’t believe the part of Gold Sky going to Rainbow Dash first when it came to love.

“Because I wasn’t available plus Gold Sky already felt close with Rainbow Dash so he didn’t care who he went to as long as he got the answers he sought after. So fast forward the details, Rainbow is his first kiss.”

“The first kiss her ever had with her?”

“Noooo. The first kiss he ever had in his entire life! She took it upon herself to see if he’s a good kisser and again fast forward some more details if it weren’t her then Gold Sky may have never married the love of his life. She is perhaps the sole reason he is married and Rainbow Dash being the mare we all know loves to hold her head high whenever she see Gold Sky with his wife.” Rarity couldn’t help but feel a warm feeling for Rainbow Dash.

“Wow.” The pink Pegasus never knew Rainbow Dash can have more unique features and features no one will possibly ever think she’ll have.

Suddenly the trumpets sound.
“Oh! The show is about to begin!” Rarity claps her hooves eager to see Rainbow’s beautiful art in the sky. “I can’t wait to see Rainbow!”

When in Rome. “Yeah me too!” Join in with the most beautiful mare in Equestria.

Spitfire and her wing mates do a quick fly by over the potentials to bask them in the grace of her presence which is so incredible which can make up for the recent changes in her voice.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash pops her neck, flaps her wings a few times to get the blood flowing, reminds herself everyone will be amazing by her ultimate show of awesomeness, calculates the altitude she’ll need to perform the Sonic Rainboom, and most importantly Rarity will be there to cheer her on. “It’s show time Rainbow Dash and this is for Rares plus I still think Luna is still drunk like hell.” A small giggle to add to her bravery.

Spitfire looks at her pocket watch counting down the seconds Rainbow Dash will do her part. “Still can’t believe Rarity is in love with a dragon.” She whispers to her wing mates.

“Drop it ma’am.” One of the wing mates sternly responds. Well the wing mate that Spitfire has tremendous respect for and probably the only Pegasus Spitfire has tremendous respect for.

“But I don’t believe it! Surely you don’t believe it too!?” Spitfire is acting like the classic gossip.

“Ma’am I’ll say it again, drop it! Rarity has every right to love whoever she wants and if she loves a dragon then end of story!” Declares the stallion wing mate.

Spitfire looks ahead for Rainbow Dash. “Yes Rapidfire.”

“There she is!” Rarity stands up to cheer her heart out for Rainbow Dash. “GO RAINBOW DASH GO!”

Rainbow Dash hears the cheers and her heart goes warm with confidence. “Thank you Rarity!” She performs her eye catching yo-yo causing one of the potential’s heart to skip a beat then comes her barrel roll through a flurry of thunderclouds as the lightning shrieks around her making a potential faint in awe.
“YOU’RE AMAZING RAINBOW DASH!” Rarity is practically jumping up and down like Scootaloo does.

“Thank you Rarity.” Amidst the cheers, gasps, awes, and screams, Rainbow only hears Rarity’s voice. A voice she’ll never ignore and a voice that she’ll forever Love no matter what. “This is for you Rarity.” Rainbow flies straight up for the grand finally.

“Aw yes I love this part.” Spitfire whispers to Rapidfire.
“I know ma’am you’ve been telling me for the past twenty two seconds.” Poor Rapidfire.

Rarity’s eyes widen upon realizing what Rainbow Dash is going to do next. “She’s going to do it!”
“Oh!” The pink Pegasus grunts to being grabbed by the Unicorn.

“Rainbow is going to do it, she’s going to do it!” Rarity is now standing on her hind legs waiting out the agonizing seconds for the miraculous spectacle. “She’s going to do it!”

Rainbow reached the altitude she needs. “Let’s do it AUGH!!” The Element of Loyalty exerts her power in journey downward. Soon the clarity around her starts to distort, lines of condensation flow from the tips of her wings, and lastly the amazing mach cone.

Everypony holds their breath.

The rainbow praxis wave spreads its glory in Rarity’s pupils along with everypony else watching the magnificence creating by Rainbow Dash. “This is the best thing Rainbow Dash has ever done.” Rarity’s smile continues growing.

“I couldn’t have done this without you Rarity.” Rainbow loses herself to the cheers of the mare she once loved with all her heart.

Sometime later, Rarity and Rainbow Dash walk happily together despite being stop continuously to sign autographs, pictures with every Wonderbolt potential, speaking with Spitfire while keeping the flame Pegasus away from Rarity just to be safe, and behind the flame colored Pegasus Rainbow sees the making its way down the horizon. “Sunset!” Rainbow quickly hugs Spitfire as to say thanks for being allowing to perform and goes to Rarity. “C’mon Rares it’s almost sunset!” She pushes the Unicorn thinking the Unicorn isn’t speedy on her hooves. “Move you, you!”

“How can I move when you’re pushing me oh!” Rarity decides to let Rainbow do all pushing and keep her mouth shut.

Obviously Spitfire was about to open her mouth but a hoof from Rapidfire seals her mouth tight. “Ma’am I know what you’re going to say and I ask you please don’t.”

“But!” Spitfire somehow manages to open her mouth.
“Don’t!” Rapidfire gives her the serious stare. “Just don’t say anything about them.” Sometimes it takes seriousness to keep Spitfire in check.
“Okay.” Spitfire keeps her mouth seal or she’ll risk another reprimand from the tough as nails stallion.

In the Canterlot Palace.

“Octavia my dear evening is upon us and Luna is still drunk…I don’t get it. She’s not supposed to be drunk anymore. She can burn through that much wine in an hour so why is, wait a minute.” Upon more careful observation of the empty wine bottles, Celestia is able to retrieve one drop with her magic. “Let’s separate the properties through their liquid densities.” If there’s something more than wine then it should be wine being just a bit denser than the secretly added ingredient. “I see now.” Celestia’s magic has two drops of liquid that came from the one she retrieved. “Rainbow Dash has added vodka to the wine to enhance its potency. Heh, what a clever mare.”

“So knowing this what do you want me to do with Luna?” Octavia shivers when she feels Luna place an arm over her shoulders. “Don’t touch me Luna!” Octavia shrugs off Luna’s arm.

“Thy shoulders deserve the weight of our royal arm to be rested on thy *hiccup* shoulder or shoulders whichever one our arm is resting on.” Luna rests her arm on Octavia’s shoulders again.

Octavia grunts under her breath. “Ours? What does she mean by ours?”

Before flying out to begin the sun set. “Royal we Octavia.” Celli flies out.

*Long groan* “Huh?” Octavia feels Luna’s entire body be shifted onto her. “Why are you crying?”

Yes the Princess is doing the drunkards cry because they’re (royal we) drunk and most drunks just start crying for no reason. “We’re sorry for the loss of thy nephew by the end of the spear that we ourselves did not forge but the black smith did and we directed the spear through the heart of our nephew who the three of us love with so much love of the love we love by our love for love so love be love in love and love may live forever in love for love.” *hiccup*

“Uhhh…” Octavia decides to say nothing to Luna who currently is crying on her shoulder. “Why did this have to happen to me.

Celetia returns and refrains herself from laughing at Octavia’s little misfortune. “Octavia, will you like if I take over?”

“No.” Even though Octavia doesn’t want to ever be close to Luna, a drunken Luna is okay for she is spilling secret after secret and as a former assassin once said. Secrets are more valuable than the biggest payment and Octavia is memorizing every secret Luna is babbling out. “If I need to, I can use Luna’s love for Delta Scorch against her.” Octavia will not make a move on Rainbow Dash for obvious reason. “She took away something from me so I will take away something from her and she will never know who it was that took away what she loves.” More importantly. “Unlike that coward I will do things myself instead of having someone else do the act.” To Octavia only a coward will have someone else put a spear through someone’s heart. “Take your time Luna, take your time.” She pats Luna’s head a couple of times to help the secrets keep coming. “Just keep talking.”

Celestia smiles to Octavia’s kind act while being blind to Octavia’s true motive.

The Gray Mare creates plans of which she will set in motion if it’s ever called for.

If it’s ever called for.

“You comfy Rarity?” Rainbow asks.

“I very much am darling.” The white mare relaxes under the wing of the cyan Pegasus while their eyes look at the beautiful setting sun. “Oh isn’t the sun set flawless Rainbow Dash? Isn’t it flawless like your beauty which is so much more beautiful than mine.”

“What!!?” Rainbow Dash can’t believe what Rarity just said. “ Rarity you are infinitely more beautiful than me! I mean are you feeling lightheaded? Because if you are we can get back on the ground.”

“Oh darling I am not lightheaded, you see I always wanted to tell you this because while my beauty may never be matched even by immortals it is also my great obstacle to find anyone I may want to fall in love with. I can never know if one is being sincere to be with me forever or to just bed me, I almost fell to one clever stallion if it weren’t for my father seeing through his ruse and stopping before stepping out the door with him.”

“Wow good thing your dad uhm, saved you from this shady dude.” Rainbow says to the face of the white mare.

“I came to see I can never be with anyone if I couldn’t trust them and if I couldn’t trust myself to trust them. Until I found Spike, oh dear Spike my Love, my heart, my future husband whom I may one day spend the rest my life with.” Unbeknownst to everyone but the Archangel, Rarity’s heart releases the limitless power she possesses inside. “You Rainbow Dash, you can find the love of your life whenever you want for you are free of my little curse. You are never a target of stallions who only want bed you I am. You are feared by stallions thanks to your strength, I am endlessly sought after by lust filled stallions…and by a mare we both know so well…” Rarity shakes herself to clear her head. “I’m so glad we can look at the sunset together, just you and me, I’m so glad you took care of me in my in darkest hour, I’m just so glad to know you Rainbow Dash.”

Stay quiet Rainbow Dash! If I say something then it may come out wrong ruining the nice thing between us.” Rainbow stays quiet.

Suddenly from the boutique.
Sister the time has come to extract vengeance on our enemy.

Hearing the voice of little brother, Rarity does not let it stop her from enjoying this moment with Rainbow Dash. “Oh Rainbow, thank you for asking me to cheer for you…”

Sister it’s now or never.

“Ahem I thank you Rainbow Dash for being my friend and this sunset is the most one I have ever seen.”

Rainbow sees she can say something that will not be out of line. “What makes you say this is the best sunset you have ever seen?”

Rarity gets close to Rainbow. “It’s the best because I’m watching with you.” She gives Rainbow a soft lick across the cheek making the Pegasus blush the brightest shade of red. “I love you Rainbow Dash and I hope we can watch the sunset more often.” An embrace is delivered. “I love you very much Rainbow Dash and I want you to know that I am pleased to see the magnificent show you did…” Interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

“I did everything for you Rarity, I mean everything I did I did it for you. I knew without you I couldn’t have done this.” The sun is nearly disappearing under the horizon so Rainbow Dash gently takes hold of Rarity’s head and kisses the Unicorn’s forehead causing Rarity to blush the bright shade of red. “Thanks Rares.”

Gold Sky feels horrible for using his telepathy on Rainbow Dash but what’s done needed to be done.

“Rainbow I have to go and again, I love you very much.” Rarity stands up on all fours.

Rainbow smiles at Rarity. “I love you too Rares and bye.”

“Bye. Jump!” *Poof*

Bound and barely conscious.

Lucy and Jorah Mount.
“No, no you can’t do this to me I’m a female you can’t kill me I’m a female no don’t please don’t! I’m a female please don…” *Thrish!* Jorah hears a female begging then silence came upon her while his body is slowly returning to consciousness.

Lucy’s ears picks up the sad voice of a male knowing his fate is sealed and cannot do anything to change it. “If I had but one life to give then I give it for my family. I regret they will know of my death through a letter but I will give my life to them and to them alone.” With his last words spoken. *thrish!*

“Bring me the next prisoner.” Orders Lord Musashi. “It’s feels so wonderful to behead our enemies once again.”

The Lord of Fu’gxi is a proud bastard born to a dishonorable father who broke his vows of marriage for his wife gave him daughter after daughter when he wanted a son to be the heir to his position but as it is said; the son becomes the father and the father the son. Musashi murdered his father upon finding out he is a bastard born from some lowly prostitute and not his dear mother’s son. His mother though dishonored and ashamed of her husband’s act showed him she’s is the better griffon and so she raised Musashi with love as if he was a child born of her flesh and blood. Of course, Musashi enjoyed killing his father and taking the power that he was originally going inherit when he’ll come of age so he decided to find his birthmother while having his half-sisters married off to Kings, Barons, Warlords, and powerful Knights so he can never be reminded he is not their brother and they will not be an obstacle in his climb of power leaving him with the griffon he calls mother. Eventually he found his birthmother in the bed of one of his bodyguards, so there it was engraved in his mind that through an dishonorable act he is the Lord of Fu’gxi instead of being the son of some prostitute. He beheaded his birthmother and placed her head on a pike so the vultures can feast on her flesh. Now free of anything, Musashi ordered an edict that his enemies shall face the honorable edge of his katana of which his subjects cheered to. His adoptive mother on the other hand regretted raising this griffon upon seeing her nurture couldn’t change his nature but yet…she still loves him for he is her Son. Her only son. A Bastard son.

Pride is the nature Musashi is infected with and pride is why Musashi is beheading the captured griffons of the Republic as the battle with the Republic forces rages on.

So one of Musashi’s bodyguards grabs another female so the order of male then female can on without a gap in the going order. *Thrish!* Musashi beheads the female even before she had the chance to usher any last words. “Next.” However, for the male prisoners Musashi will give them time to say their last words because he only sees males capable of being soldiers and rulers while females he sees them as only raising children and being queens of their households plus an insult to the battlefield. *Thrish!*

Jorah finally regains consciousness. “Lucy my daughter are you all right?”
The daughter regains her consciousness as well. “Dad I can’t move my arms!”
“We’re prisoners Lucy.” Jorah admits in despair. “Prisoners that are going to face the honorable methods of Fu’gxi.”

The bodyguard seizes Lucy by the hair. “You’re next female.”

*GASP!* Jorah’s body freezes up to see his daughter being dragged to her death. “No please don’t!” He leaps forward but is grabbed by shogun warriors preventing him from protecting his flesh and blood.

“Dad!” Lucy screams to her father because in fear she cries out to her protector.

“Hold.” Musashi halts the delivery of Lucy being laid before him. “You soldier of the Republic is this female your daughter?”

“Yes! She is my only child please she is my only child!” Jorah is brought before Lord Musashi.

“Hmmm, is she also of your flesh of blood and not some bastard born from a prostitute?” Pays to see why a father who is past his prime so willing to fight when everything is stacked against him starting with the daughter.

“She is my flesh of blood.” Jorah replies.

The answer Musashi wants to hear. “I am willing to fulfill one request solider of the Republic, any request you have so please tell me.” The reason why Musashi is doing this, well, he already knows what Jorah is going to request and it’s almost cruel to make it a request for the father to ask for.

“Let me go before her l-let me take her place. It’s better that way.” Jorah has never sounded so calm in his life when his life is basically going to end to ensure enough time for his daughter to live and maybe just maybe be rescued by the Republic forces.

“As you wish.”

“What no! Dad no! Dad don’t do this, please don’t do this! I’m sorry but please don’t do this! Dad please don’t do this!!” Lucy manages to break free from her captors and gets close to her father who just kisses her cheeks and forehead while looking at her with the calm yet strong fatherly eyes Jorah has always given her. “Dad!”

Jorah let’s himself be taken some distance from Lucy and on his own will gets on his knees before Musashi. “I love you Lucy my dearest daughter, I have seen you grow before my eyes and now I can go knowing you will become full grown griffon with the great possibly of a future that I will not be a part of but helped laid a foundation for it.”

“Dad! No dad don’t do this, please don’t Dad! DAD DON’T DAD PLEASE DON’T DAD!! DAD!” Lucy screams while she is being held down by three of the strongest shogun warriors. “DAD NOOOO DAD!!”

Jorah looks at his daughter for the last time before closing away the screams of his daughter, the sound of the wind making Musashi’s katana vibrate, and the very sound of his shallow breaths. He looks up to the sun feeling its heat that once basked him and little Lucy when they flew together long ago. Now the sun basks him for the last seconds he has before the katana swings down. *long breath* “Good bye my daughter.” With his last words spoken to his dear Lucy, Jorah bows his head to whisper his last plea to the Great Spirit. “Oh Great Spirit I ask you please watch over my daughter with your ever mighty hand and may you show her *THRISH!*”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAAAAAAAAD!” Lucy is let go so she can suffer by feeling the motionless body of her father lie forever down and never get back up. “DAAAAAAAD AHHHHHH!” Lucy unleashes unbearable cries of sorrow. “DAD PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS, DON’T LEAVE ME!! NOOOOOOO! DON’T LEAVE ME!!”

“Bring me the next prisoner but not the mourning female. Her suffering is just beginning so I will let it grow without end.” *Thrish*
Lucy lying her head on father’s lifeless body sobs begging the Great Spirit to being father back to life. “Daddy…nooooooooo.” Her cries continue filling the air making the other prisoners have the worst final moments.

“Her suffering had its due now bring her here.” Musashi commands after cleaning the blood off his katana with the feather down from a decapitated Airborne soldier.

“No! Let me be with my dad please let me be with my dad please let me stay with him!” Lucy goes completely limp through the pain of being dragged away from her father while still sobbing. “Dad!”

“Look at it this way you hopeless female.” Musashi touches the back of Lucy’s neck with his katana to find the sweet spot. “At least you will join your father in the other side.” Musashi raises his katana.

“Dad…” Is all that Lucy can say.

The katana swings down at full force.

“What!” Musashi sees a griffon wearing silver armor and a tattered golden cape stop his katana with a two mere short swords.

“At last we meet Lord Musashi and from seeing body after body of my precious troops lay dead by your hand I will return the favor to you except I will do it my way you bastard ruler of Fu’gxi.” Upon dropping his two short swords Oliver punches Musashi sending the Lord away from Lucy along with disarming the griffon from the deadly katana. Other Republic soldiers engage the fierce bodyguards of Lord Musashi leaving the bound Lucy alone who only crawls back to headless body of her father and lays her head on his back crying once again.
Oliver head butts Musashi then gives the Lord a uppercut to the stomach, strong right to the left cheek, powerful left to the right cheek, picks up the Lord who is skilled with the sword but is nothing when it comes to fists slams him on the ground, and buries his fist in the chest of the Lord. “It is said the sword is the soul of the warrior.” Oliver takes hold of the bastard’s katana. “Well how will it feel to have your own soul be used against you.” Oliver punches Musashi again to subdue him making it easier to extend both arms and chop them off with one fast stroke of the katana.

Oliver kicks Musashi and lays the katana before the Lord. “Quickly so he won’t bleed to death cauterize his wounds.”

A medic with a lit flare cauterizes the left over stumps under the smell of burnt flesh plus the end of the sound of blood evaporating informs the medic the wounds are fully closed.

“You have only one choice Lord Musashi not two because the second I know it’s seppuku so you can retain your honor but how can you hold your soul if your arms are cut off.” Oliver pushes the katana closer to Musashi. “Your shogun warriors are now on their knees, most committed seppuku while the others who are not true to their honor gave up their swords to live another day. Your bodyguards are dead and now all you can do is live ashamed with your new scars I gave you without the honor you abused for so long.” Oliver unrolls a treaty while seeing Geoghegan escorting Musashi’s mother towards them. “Your dear mother is here Musashi and I suggest you follow her decision to sign the treaty so we will never fight each other again because next time I will kill you…with an arrow. Yes I will use a coward’s weapon to kill you since you’re no longer a threat. So what will it be bastard ruler of Fu’gxi?”

Musashi looks to his mother thinking what he can go and what can’t do but right now he can’t do anything to General Oliver. *sigh* He nods at his mother signaling her to sign the treaty to at least retain whatever honor he has left.

Oliver gives the treaty to the mother and turns around ordering the troops to cut loose the POWs and to carefully pick up their fallen brethren while having the medic match the heads to the bodies. Nevertheless, Oliver himself approaches Lucy who clings to the body of her father while ignoring his touch as he cuts her loose from the binds. “Lucy.” The general speaks softly to the mourning griffon.

“I killed him.” Lucy’s hands clinch Jorah’s black cape. “I killed my own father just to be something he never wanted me to be, he died protecting me so I won’t outlive him oh my Great Spirit I killed him! H-he’s always has been by my side whenever I needed him…” She stops for reasons she does not know.

“You have to let go of him.” Oliver places his hand on her shoulder to make his words have a greater effect on her. “You need to let of him, he’s gone and never coming back because he choose to lay down his life for you, his dearest daughter. Please let him go so we can give him a proper burial.” Oliver tries to move Lucy from Jorah.

“NO!” Lucy slaps away Oliver’s hand from her shoulder. “Let me stay with my dad!”

Oliver frowns. “Why do I see Gilda clinging to Gold Sky’s body?” He asks himself. “Lucy is filled with guilt for seeing her father die before her very eyes. I never thought this will ever happen in the battlefield, father and daughter fighting side by side.” Oliver tries again to get Lucy away from Jorah’s body but she will not budge until finally Oliver is left with no other option. “Lucy please look at me, I want to tell you something your father told me before.”

Lucy turns around. “What OOF!” She is gets punched square in the face by Oliver knocking her out.

“Right, put her in the medical ward of the Icarus and keep her sedated. Bring in the medical and food supplies and tell me the count.”

“We lost ten thousand three hundred thirty six troops sir.” Geoghegan reports.

Oliver passes his hand through his hair while holding back his tears at thinking about how loved ones will be mourning tomorrow. “Now tell me the specifics.”

“Six thousand eight hundred ten are female; three thousand five hundred twenty three are male.”

“Bloody…at least they went down fighting and now we have to deal with the mental scars the surviving female soldiers will have from now on.” Oliver watches the medic say small prayer to Jorah’s body before taking it away. “A hard earned victory for the Republic but a devastating loss for a daughter.”

Redheart, how is Gilda?” Gold Sky telepathically asks.

She is doing well my son, in fact we had so much fun together that she tired herself out and fell asleep in my guest room also Sweetie Belle is asleep under her wing too.” Though the communication is telepathic Redheart is able to reach out and stroke Gold Sky’s left cheek. “You gave me a granddaughter my son.

Gold Sky connects to Gilda’s mind to check on her before doing what he’s going to do with Rarity. “Please watch over her tonight Redheart and later on I will tell anything you wish to know with telepathy.

I will my son.

Gold Sky ceases the telepathic connection with the loving mare and thinks about the silver armor as his horn glows bringing forth every piece of it. “Who knew I will be fighting against mother’s most faithful student and the most faithful student harmed my sister along going out her way to put the blame on me, to my point of view though, Twilight has done a well-played move. And she will pay for making such a move nevertheless; I will not underestimate Twilight Sparkle for with such a mind she may have it can think of anything to help out of anything that comes against her.”

*poof* Big sister appears before little brother.

“Brother I am ready for what we must do.” Rarity assesses Gold Sky in his armor until one flaw or detail from her point of view is caught by her eyes. “Gold Sky, are you going to fight with your hair loose like that?”

Gold Sky only nods.

“Well from personal experience it isn’t a good idea to have your hair all over the place like that. Do you mind if I put it in a braid?” Rarity sits on cushion she like already knows the answer she’ll receive from the stallion.

“I don’t mind at all sister.” There’s nothing like a moment shared between brother and sister before they head into a fight to end all fights.
Rarity after having Gold Sky sit before she removes his helmet to begin to new experience of putting little brother’s jet black hair in a braid for the first time adversely comes the thought of whether being attached to little brother having the braid instead of having his hair down or being attached to little brother having his hair down instead of leaving it in a braid. “The braid over the shoulder belongs to one little filly as it is so this will only be a temporary fix.

“Thank you sister.” Grayish purple magic levitates a mirror. “I look well different now, anyway, you should the bathroom before we start don’t want to into battle with the urge to go.”

Rarity blinks two times to be told this causing her to think if all the troops use the bathroom before marching into battle. “S-sure I guess it’s a good idea to do my business.” She waltz into the restroom. “AH!” Rarity finds something she so does not approve at all but she finishes her business. “All right! Who left the toilet seat up!?”

“It wasn’t me! Uhhhh, it was Sweetie Belle!” The stallion blurts out.

Rarity stamps her left hoof in discontent. “The nerve of that filly! She knows full well that I, wait a minute it was you who left the toilet seat up!”

“No it wasn’t!”

“Yes it was you Gold Sky, you once told me you don’t like using the toilet seat because it makes you very uncomfortable and you always have it up or in my case leave it up.” Rarity cornered the stallion where she wants him.

“Okay I’m sorry sister for leaving the toilet seat up but did you do your business?”

“Yes I did.” Rarity’s horn glows putting on every piece of her armor she decided to keep Rainbow’s academy uniform on to use it as a protectant from the fiction of her armor constantly rubbing against her skin even though she has tissue regeneration which will keep her skin very soft like she’s using that expensive TurtleDove cream every day.

Gold Sky sighs; right now he’s feeling a warm to see his own sister standing before him wearing silver armor just like him plus she is going to fight by his side with no feeling to back down. “Oh sister do you remember our pledge?”

In unison. “My blood is your blood, your blood is my blood.” Brief to save time.

Gold Sky’s telepathy scans Twilight and her surroundings to make sure the little dragon is either in deep sleep or far away. However, the stallion finds the little dragon present so telepathy stops the dragon from reading issue eighteen or seventeen of Power Girl where the super heroine has to save Huntress...again. “Go to sleep oh dearest Love of my sister.”
“Rarity, I sense you intend to strike first with shock and awe in the moment of time when she is at her weakest state given this is the time she’s in-depth with her studies or getting prepared to sleep. Do you want me to strike on your signal or to come in when I see it fit?”

Rarity does not think. “I trust your judgment brother in fact I never question your judgment so strike when you see fit.”

Just then Gold Sky embraces Rarity. “Be careful Rarity and I love you, now go!”

“Jump!” *Poof!*

In the library Twilight for a change is thinking about if Mr. Darcy can beat that weasel Mr. Wickham in a fair hoof to hoof fight. “I know Mr. Darcy well win fair and square against that weasel even if Mr. Wickham is a military officer.” Then Twilight levitates one of Spike’s comic books. “Hmmm, I bet this Power Girl is as strong as Princess Celestia or maybe just maybe strong as me.”

*Poof!* Rarity appears before Twilight to which she has the element of surprise once more going into full combat mode by hitting Twilight abdominal area first to take the air out of the lavender Unicorn to gain a quick foothold in this battle. “How does it feel Twilight knowing now we can fight on even ground.” Rarity throws Twilight to the ground then wraps her arm around the neck stopping the air from reaching the vital lungs. “Jump!” Rarity takes this fight away from the library. *Poof!*

Rarity and Twilight appear in the in the isolated fields near the Everfree forest, Twilight jumps up flipping over to her backside landing on Rarity freeing herself from the white mare. “Rarity you’ve return for another fight with but did you forget what happened last time?” Twilight’s horn glows creating her armor from nothing and donning it on. “I decided to make armor of my own seeing how your armor was effective in nullifying many of my attacks also I cannot see you fighting me without that Gold Sky being near to aid you as if the both of you can take me on.”

Rarity hides her astonishment for Twilight’s armor that isn’t made out of any kind of metal. “I can take you on Twilight so let me proof it to you.” Rarity fires a bolt of magic at Twilight.

“Humph!” Twilight fires a bolt of her own destroying Rarity’s bolt causing a wall of smoke but it gives Rarity the perfect opportunity to break through with the perfect offense. “Oooh why did I fall for this again! AHH!” Twilight is sent to the ground.

“Find your strength Rarity, find your strength to defeat this enemy that has hurt me so many times!” Rarity goes the point between Rage & Peace increasing her strength though it will be much better if she found the way to use her limitless power but what’s most important right now Rarity is fearless thanks to Gold Sky’s training in the Changeling kingdom. “Take this!” A powerful hoof to the exposed face breaks Twilight’s nose.

“Damn it!” Near rage Twilight swings at Rarity but Rarity avoids Twilight’s hit. “Oof!” Twilight’s arm is snagged by Rarity, gets slammed to the ground, and feels Rarity buries her hoof in her stomach again. “Any harder and maybe I’ll vomit my dinner.” Twilight’s horn glows.

*gasp* Rarity‘s eye to detail make her shut her eyes for Twilight is going to do a bright blinding flash to get an advantage. “Jump back!” She jumps back while with her closed eyes she sees a bright red shade telling her this is the bright flash Twilight has done and it’s bright enough to be seen through the eye lids.

Twilight gets up on all fours to stand in front of Rarity looking straight into the white mare’s eyes. The wind blows making their hair flutter in endless directions while their emotions zero down to determination and retribution while they figure out how to have it implicated one another. Rarity shines brightly with her silver armor while Twilight dimly hums with her armor made out of pure energy. This is a pause in the stance of probability where one will surely make a mistake while the other will not but the probability is even for both, yes Rarity and Twilight wish to deliver the powerful ending blow to end this but to make a move on that intention is as delicate as the process to forge the perfect tamahagane steel. “Bingo!” Twilight figures out the perfect moment to strike.

There!” Rarity spots the perfect opportunity to put Twilight to her knees.

“Now!” Both mares charge forward delivering the powerful blows to one another before coming to a complete stop yards away from each other.

“Ahoh!” Rarity stumbles down but luckily does not fall to her knees. “Twilight has dislocated my shoulder again.”

“Hahahahaha what!” *PLISSH!* A fountain of blood erupts from her sliced carotid artery.

“Got you!” Rarity retracts her left horseshoe blade and feels her shoulder heal. “Now you know I won’t hold back!”

Twilight’s body commences the tissue regeneration closing the slashed carotid artery and replenishes Twilight blood level. “Incredible! I did not see that coming at all Rarity.”

“I will make you kneel in submission Twilight, for my brother whom you had killed helped me get over my weakness that didn’t allow me to defeat you the first two times.”

“Weakness?” Twilight tilts her head to hear this nonsense come out of Rarity’s mouth like getting rid of a weakness will make Rarity anymore lethal.

“The weakness of loving you as my best friend clouded my mind but now I will fight you without hesitation! Is that clear Twilight Sparkle! I will not let our once mighty friendship stop me from avenging everything you did to me!”
Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes and scoff out her breath like Rarity made some kind of a scientific contribution to the harnessing of magical waves to convert them to radio waves in order to create a radio wave telescope. Which by the way is impossible. Impossible for Rarity to make a scientific contribution to be exact.

“Our mighty friendship!?” Twilight question in pompous declaration. “Our friendship is mighty and shall always be mighty.”

A cloud of breath is exhaled out of Rarity’s nostrils. “If I never became your friend Twilight Sparkle then you will have never become the Element of Magic. Where will you be right now? In Nightmare Moon’s bed as her squeeze? A lonely librarian in Canterlot? Living in your older brother’s basement? Seeing the hope Princess Celestia had for you slowly fade away until she finally does not look at you anymore.”

Suddenly Twilight’s mind goes cold to realize everything Rarity said is true and is parallel to the theory of the butterfly effect in the continuation of liner acts committed by everyone and if Rarity was not present which is the disturbance in line then the line becomes distorted affecting everything that Twilight is right and become what Rarity has laid out. For truth be told…Friendship means everything for Twilight Sparkle just like Fluttershy means everything to the animals the *kind* Pegasus cares for.

“Is that clear Twilight Sparkle!” Rarity shouts.

Twilight feels a cold tug at her heart to be called her full name by Rarity. Rarity of all ponies is calling her by her full name and not in that oh so lovely voice. “Why do I feel hurt?” The purity Twilight once had is trickling in but sadly it’ll do nothing except be a single lived thought. “Huh?” Twilight’s cold tug has distracted her long enough for Rarity to do a leg sweep under the lavender Unicorn.

Rarity with speed unnatural for her rises up to her hind legs hitting Twilight in the wind pipe making it collapse then Rarity uses her magic to launch Twilight higher into the air aiming at the exposed underbelly where the armor of pure energy does not cover Twilight and fires powerful bolts of magic each tearing open Twilight’s belly and severely burning the insides.
“If Twilight didn’t have brother’s blood then it wouldn’t stop me from doing this to her.”

Twilight spins aimlessly in the air with each impact from Rarity’s magic, how is it she can make armor identical to Rarity but fails or just ultimately fails in creating protection for the underbelly. For having a powerful mind it failed in something that the powerful mind will cover up first.
“No!” Unfortunately Rarity mistimes her given opportunities striking Twilight in the armor making the bolt of magic bounce off allowing Twilight a moment to think in clarity rather than in pain.

“Jump!” Twilight teleports out of the way of coming bolt of Rarity’s magic.

“Quiet!” Instead of panicking or rallying up a massive defense Rarity gets calm to close her eyes and gently moves her ears in different angles to pick up the one flaw Twilight has in teleportation.
*Poof* The loud noise shouts out Twilight’s location which happens to be behind Rarity.

“Ugh, what!” Twilight sees Rarity has evading her sudden attack from behind simply by dropping down. She decides to improvise her offence by mimicking Rarity’s own set of moves by going with a move set that is with right swing but it’s blocked so Twilight goes with a uppercut aimed at the belly but Rarity counters by arching her belly in and head-butts Twilight in the nose breaking it once again.

Angle Twilight’s hits with my hits to lead them away from me giving room to give her hits of my own.” Rarity swinging her left arm upward intercepts Twilight’s right arm in the edge putting it out of its tight angle then magic holds back Twilight’s left arm but Twilight’s strength in such short time is already overpowering Rarity’s magic. “Give her leeway.” Rarity releases Twilight’s left arm forcing it to go in its same path except Rarity isn’t in the path. “I’ll use what I saw the Griffon in the golden cape did to the fascist Griffon in the crimson cape.” Just like her brother Rarity has adopted the fighting techniques she’s seen from the Griffons.

“What?” Twilight didn’t expect Rarity to grab her left arm when she expected Rarity to knee her in the chin instead. “Oof!”
Rarity using her forward inertia for momentum throws Twilight over shoulder slamming the lavender Unicorn, then stomps Twilight in the center of the exposed chest shattering Twilight’s nice sternum and punchers the lungs with some fragments, Rarity goes for the elbow breaking it making Twilight whelp in pain.

Nonetheless, Twilight connects the dots where Rarity will go for next and that’s her cute face. *PING* A force field stops Rarity’s vicious leg. “My turn Rares!”

“You’ve been spying on me and Rainbow Dash!” Rarity is absolutely correct.

Twilight distracted says yes. “Take this!” The force field rushes forward to shock Rarity with magical energy. Luckily Rarity back flips away and upon landing witnesses a horrifying act.

“NO! That’s impossible!” Rarity sees Twilight’s horn glowing, speeding up the tissue regeneration healing everything in mere seconds. “H-how!?”

“You can thank that weakling you call brother Rarity, when we last fought I saw how he used his magic to heal his wings in a matter of seconds so I experimented on myself by cutting myself and figuring out how to speed up my regeneration until finally I mastered it.” Twilight adjusts her helmet a bit. “Now enough talk Rares…” Interrupted.

“You have no right to call me that Twilight! Only Rainbow Dash and only her alone is that clear or do I have to beat it into you!” Rarity’s mind is forced to become clear in order to ready for any surprises Twilight has in store.

“You should have…” Twilight stops herself. “And here we go!” A bright blinding flash catches Rarity off guard. “I’ll say again, my turn!” The Alpha wolf while happy to have the opportunity to sink its teeth into the Dire wolf’s neck it restrains itself to rather maim the Dire wolf instead.

Twilight strikes Rarity with a solid right hook making blood fall to the ground while in the galaxy rethinks her next attack so a knee to Rarity’s exposed belly is the right attack to pay back for the magical bolts that occurred earlier. “Now see if you can handle this.” Twilight tosses Rarity and punches her sending the white mare flying in deep into a boulder. “Ha! I thought you’ll put up a fight Rarity!” Twilight taunts after waiting a few seconds for Rarity to counterattack only to get nothing in return for her patience. “But it looks like you’ll be giving me nothing instead. Hahahahahaha!” Twilight gloriously laughs like the beautiful Nightmare Moon along with having her back to the boulder.

Inside the boulder a bright flash of sky blue shines out and a bolt of magic shoots out hitting Twilight in the back of her head. “What!?” Twilight turns around to encounter two more powerful bolts explode in her face disfiguring her cute face and making a piece of her jaw fall to the ground. “HEAL FASTER!” Twilight’s tissue regeneration regrows her jaw, the tendons, nerves, facial muscles, and lastly the skin. “OOF!” One last bolt of magic hits her again.

The boulder where Rarity is explodes into millions of pieces freeing the white mare from that little calamity. “You want a fight Twilight! Well you just got one!” Rarity charges forward. “I will use what I witnessed from my brother when he fought and killed thousands of Fascist Griffons!” Rarity’s horn glows not to fire more bolts magic but to make her magic take physical shape of wings.

“Bring it!” Twilight lunges forward to tackle Rarity with incredible power but Rarity side flips over Twilight and shoots down her right magical wing striking Twilight straight in the neck breaking apart the cervical discs.
It’s nears shocking Rarity is only delivering lethal blow after blow to Twilight not even blinking to the sound of the bones breaking because the sound of bones breaking is something no one wants to hear but Rarity not only hears it she nearly smiles to hear it because as long as it hurts Twilight Sparkle then let the bones break and let the nerves transmit the pain.

Rarity lands on her hooves, quickly moving to keep Twilight down by diving down slamming her elbow on the back of Twilight’s neck again to keep Twilight immobilized. “AUGH!” Rarity grunts to exert her full power in a punch to the back of Twilight’s head creating a circular shockwave in the energy helmet then another punch hits Twilight’s head smearing Twilight’s face into the dirt. *ping* A force field blocks her attacks. “Jump!” So Rarity teleports away before Twilight can do something with the force field.
“Where is she!?” Fully healed and on her hooves, Twilight looks around along with using her telepathy to find Rarity.

*poof!* Rarity appears before Twilight in a low stance performing a wing sweep forcing Twilight into the air, imitating what she saw from Gold Sky Rarity jumps up and spins in the air with her magical wings spread out giving Twilight strong hits followed up by a right, left, knee to the stomach, right again, right elbow to the face, right uppercut, head-butt, and ends by throwing Twilight into a redwood tree in rapid cession.

“Ow…huh.” Twilight looks up catching sight of Rarity screaming ever so ferociously as the white mare charges towards forward and tackles her through the sixteen foot thick redwood tree.

“Take this!” Rarity’s magic picks up the downed tree and hits Twilight with it. “YOU WILL PAY!” Rarity slams the tree down on Twilight. “YOU THINK I WILL GO DOWN JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU’RE STRONGER THAN ME!” Rarity seizes Twilight by the exposed hair granting the lavender Unicorn another taste of Rarity’s fury. “I WON’T GO DOWN!” Rarity blasts Twilight with an ice spell freezing Twilight. “Now if only I had telepathy.” The white mare lets out a deep breath now that Twilight is frozen in place. “Brother will take care of that.”


The instant she thought of calling out to Gold Sky the sound of ice breaking stopped her from the intention. “Oh no.”

The ice holding Twilight breaks apart unleashing the Element of Magic down on Rarity forcing Rarity to react on the whim of blocking Twilight attack creating a deep crater where Rarity is standing displaying the output of Twilight’s strength. “Clever attack with the magical wings Rarity, I never thought you’ll be this unpredictable.”

Rarity grunts to use every ounce of power to push Twilight away. “Unpredictable yes Twilight and clever as well. Jump!”

“Jump!” Twilight’s telepathy picked up where Rarity will reappear but when Twilight appears in the coordinates Rarity isn’t anywhere to be found just a bolt of magic breaking up into mini missiles. “Oh hate that before and I hate it now.” The missiles devastate Twilight’s exposed bodily sections while they bounce off and explode in the air when they struck the energy armor.
“Damn it!” The blood running down the side of Twilight’s side goes slithers up into the broken skin then the broken skin heals.

Rarity appears above Twilight coming down with a diving kick. Twilight tries attacking but Rarity teleports away. *poof* Rarity appears punching Twilight then teleports as Twilight growls in this annoying pattern of attacks. *poof* Rarity does another wing sweep getting Twilight off her hooves then blasting the dreadful Unicorn with magic. *poof* Rarity’s magic seizes Twilight’s tail ripping it clean off.

“That’s it!” Twilight stands on her hind legs concentrating to manipulate a fundamental force of nature or probably the most fundamental force of nature. “Increasing gravity eight fold!”

*poof* The moment Rarity appears she is forced straight down right into Twilight’s waiting hoof. “OOF!” Rarity is struck and instead of flying back as it should be given by physics she goes straight down to earth.

“Your advantage can only last for so long Rarity.” Twilight taking hold of Rarity’s head slams it on the ground. “And it came to an end.” Then Twilight punches Rarity.

Rarity spits out some blood. “How!” The gravity exerted upon her dissolve the magical wings.

“Oh it took me years to figure out to manipulate gravity because I couldn’t find a book that explains how to create electromagnetism because I once thought that since the core is spinning rapidly then it must be the magnetic force keeping us down but I thought some more coming to another deduction that it isn’t the electromagnetism creating gravity but it’s the force of earth’s inertia from its rotation.” Twilight pauses to overly simplify her scientific explanation. “Think of it like this, you fill a bucket halfway with water and spin it about without letting it go the force being exerted on the water prevents it from spilling even when the bucket is above your head plus upside down. However, I calculated that I will have to be rotating at probably nine hundred thousand one hundred seven rotations per second to achieve the peasant gravity earth presents every second of the day so you can only imagine how many rotations per second I will need to exert the gravity I’m exerting right now.” Twilight kicks Rarity in the face laughing at having her own advantage right now. “But! I finally found a much simpler way to increase gravity by increasing my density and with my increased density I can control the gravity in a large radius around me.”

Rarity senses something inside of her and decides to keep twilight talking. “How much do you weigh right now an-and h-how come you’re floating above the ground?”

Twilight hits Rarity again. “Rarity a white dwarf is a star that is very, very dense and by dense I mean that a piece that’ll be the size of a pebble can weigh hundreds of tons now a piece that’s as big as you can weigh millions of tons so if you bring a piece of a white dwarf here to earth it will have its own gravitational pull but with its mass it will go straight through the earth. Hence, why I’m floating a little bit off the ground.” Twilight’s horn glows removing Rarity’s helmet while failing to notice Rarity isn’t doing any form of resistance to the removal of the helmet. “Now Rarity, any last words before I give you a clean slate?”

“Can’t believe you will let pride take over you when victory isn’t even near your hooves Twilight.”

“Victory? Oh I have victory Rarity!” Twilight raises her right arm to pose her declaration.

Suddenly the sound of something whizzing in the air is picked up by Rarity’s ears but isn’t picked up by Twilight’s ears. “You lose Twilight.”

“Wha, AAH!” Twilight’s raised arm is cut by a knife causing her violet eyes to widen to their full capacity. “You got to be kidding me AAH!” Next a tomahawk cuts her left check.

Gold Sky drops down landing in front of Twilight in full armor but instead of having his signature white cloak he’s worn in battle he decides to don the black cloak as to signify everything he’ll do will be merciless. “Do you honestly think victory will ever be in your grasp when I still draw breath Twilight Sparkle?” Gold Sky’s magic retrieves his weapons placing them in the armor compartments while his face is concealed by his hood to make his eyes glow to make his presence more terrifying to the strong lavender Unicorn.

“G-Gold Sky! T-this isn’t your fight!” Twilight’s wounds heal while she watches the stallion help his sister back up to her hooves and putting the silver helmet back on the white mare.

“This isn’t my fight?” Gold Sky quietly laughs while shaking his head. “So you will violate my sister more than once, you will accuse me of doing such an act to my own sister, and what you did ends in my Aunt, yes my dear Aunt Luna making the choice to kill me! Me, someone of her own family whom she did not hesitate to kill and to make it worse like a coward she’ll have someone else kill me instead of killing me herself of which I find very dishonorable all of which is thanks to your lust. This is my fight Twilight Sparkle, no matter what you say and what you do by trying to use what we once had.”

“Damn it!” Twilight scowls her discontent rather loudly instead of keeping it to herself like she should have.

Rarity and Gold Sky stand side by side, brother and sister facing their enemy then the charge forward engaging the vile lavender Unicorn.

What the!!?” Cadance’s ever present connection to Gold Sky’s mind is suddenly ceased and she cannot reestablish stealthy observance. “What happened? I was just hearing Gold Sky putting on his armor now I can’t know what he’s doing…” Cadance tries harder to reconnect with her brother. “I just can’t!” The ears of the lovely mare drop when coming to realize she cannot do anything but wait until she can reestablish a connection to Gold Sky’s mind.

“Perhaps he knows I’ve been keeping an eye on him and now he’s blocking my telepathy to keep me away not only physically but mentally as well.” Cadance sighs and decides to find Shining Armor to treat him out to a nice cup of hot coco like old times.

“Some things are best kept in the dark Cadance, where you shall never know.” Lauren is one who brought the darkness over Cadance.


“Taté!” Wind with the strength of six category five hurricanes slam into Twilight Sparkle giving her a new level of pain that’s has yet to be expanded upon.

Rarity uses the wind to give her a strong boost forward and kick Twilight straight through another sixteen foot thick redwood tree.

Gold Sky appears before Twilight. “Time to taste my wrath Twilight Sparkle.”

“Like in the name of frakken logic I will taste anything from you weakling!” Twilight’s horn glows as it charges up in magic. “Take this!” A gust of wind shoots out as she fires her magic at the stallion.

“Whoa!” Gold Sky blocks the magic with his silver horseshoe while the force of the blocked magic is slowly pushing him back. “Never tried this out but now is a good time to put it to use.”
“Taté!” Gold Sky directs a vortex of wind at Twilight’s magic pushing it away from him and to counter her magic with something he’s strong in instead of using his weak magic. “Incredible! The wind is strong as magic. Rarity now!”

*poof* Rarity uses the opportunity fire many bolts of magic each one dividing into many missiles and homing in onto Twilight. “Rarity!” Gold Sky halts the wind while using his back armor to block Twilight’s magic, takes Rarity into his arms, wraps his wings around her to shield her from massive explosion.

“Is she?” Rarity asks while the fire blocks her line of sight.

“No.” Gold Sky’s telepathy picks Twilight’s location. “Behind me!” He turns around to block a right from Twilight then blocks her left almost struggling to the sheer power coming from the lavender Unicorn. “Your advantage is in magic Twilight Sparkle, mine is in hoof to hoof combat.” Gold Sky flings up his arms getting Twilight off balance then head butting her, his arms bring her down to properly knee the vile mare in the stomach letting out a loud blast of noise, Gold Sky throws her to the ground buries his hoof on her windpipe completely subduing the vile mare. “Surrender!”
Twilight spits on Gold Sky’s face. “Jump!” Twilight reappears delivering a mighty blow to the stallion and then using her magical armor wrist guards blocks a bolt of magic from Rarity.
“Ha, is this the best you can do!”

Rarity performing a high jump comes down unto Twilight only to be caught by the vile mare’s magic. “Gold Sky now!

Just when Twilight is about to hit Rarity. “OAUH!” Twilight is struck but yet cannot find the stallion in her bloody sight. “OAUH!” Again struck by what she cannot see but thinks she saw a black blur.

*BOOM* Breaking the sound barrier Gold Sky delivers the powerful blow to get Twilight off vital focus.

The section of the struck skull shatters apart nevertheless; Twilight directs her regeneration to heal her brain. “Of course, Gold Sky is using his amazing speed to attack me.” Twilight’s regeneration heals her completely.

My blood is the only reason she’s still standing without any thoughts to back down even when she can read Rarity’s mind and trying to read mine, I must be careful not to overestimate her abilities.” Gold Sky being the smart fearless stallion he is does not underestimate Twilight Sparkle, he knows Twilight is very intelligent despite the cute docile appearance and many enemies that have a docile appearance are the most dangerous. Yes, the most dangerous enemies are the ones that appear the most docile.

Rarity using teleportation begins her offence by using her own fighting style to keep Twilight from adapting to the adopted fighting style. The white mare bucks Twilight up and jumps up endlessly punching Twilight for the duration they’re going up in the air.
Twilight catches Rarity’s hoof, slaps the white mare then proceeds to fight back with her own brutal fighting style; she rains down punches on Rarity’s face. “HUH!” Her hoof is caught by Gold Sky. “Let go!” Instead Gold Sky does not go he pushes her back and spins with his wings extended hitting Twilight and changing their direction back to the ground.

“Counter fast!” Twilight using her telepathy plus her enhanced mind gains even ground against Gold Sky but even with that the stallion is still formidable in their fall. Twilight slams both her hooves on the temples of the stallion while Gold Sky knees the chin of the mare.

“Jump!” *poof* Rarity reappears safely on the ground feeling tense for the inevitable impact on the ground. “Brother!” Rarity is telepathy ordered to temporary sit this part of the fight out.

“Ow.” Rarity couldn’t help but express the pain Twilight and Gold Sky did not feel upon hitting the earth but she does not know that.

In the cloud of dust a bright flash lights up the environment before a beam of magic shoots Gold Sky out of the cloud.
“Brother!” Rarity sees his helmet is glowing red hot and his face healing in the milliseconds she had to see the damage.

Twilight appears in front of the duo.

“Wait for my signal Rarity.” *zoom* With his amazing speed he delivers punishment to Twilight Sparkle leaving her swinging at the empty air. After three more amazing punches Twilight calculated where to intercept the speedy stallion.

“Have you now!” With ninety nine percent of her physical power Twilight bucks Gold Sky while in the process distorts the clarity and briefly decomposes his molecular structures for buck had the force one hundred forty one pounds of enriched uranium being split and the power is released upon impact from the energy horseshoes.

Rarity now use your magic then use what you gotten from me.” Right now Gold Sky is in the bottom of a deep lake.

“Twilight!” Rarity yells at Twilight. “Freeze!” The white mare freezes Twilight only to then shatter the ice off with the power of her hoof hitting Twilight. Rarity clears her senses to allow her attention to detail; Rarity using her flexibility dodges Twilight’s fast upper body attacks, swats away a stun bolt, suddenly Rarity trips over a exposed root falling down and getting struck. Unhindered Rarity jumps forward striking Twilight in the nose. “I wonder.” Rarity’s magic grips Twilight’s energy helmet. “Whatever this helmet is made of it should come off!
“Oh now you’re not!” Twilight jerks back but a gale of wind keeps her in Rarity’s magical range.

Rarity strips off the energy and throws it far away as possible. “Here!” The horn of the Element of Generosity glows and unleashes burning magic onto Twilight’s eyes completely disintegrating them.
*ping* A force field redirects Rarity’s magic in the innocent redwood trees.

From the bottom of the lake. “Sister, take my weapons now!” The tomahawk and knife fly out of the lake heading towards

While Twilight is rolling about the ground wailing in pain Rarity stops to voice her doubt in the handling of such deadly weapons that who knows how lives they have ended. “I don’t know how to fight with them Gold Sky!”

It isn’t about knowing how to fight with them Rarity it’s about knowing to move like the wind with them.”

Rarity takes hold of the weapons just in time as Twilight’s regenerates her violet eyes. “I need balance to fight like Gold Sky in the battlefield.” The white mare recreates her physically magical wings, flapping them rapidly like Scootaloo, and after a wobbles gains perfect balance to stay standing on her hind legs. “Perfect!”

“Oh no!” Twilight’s exposed belly transmits the feeling of a sharp burn given by swift stroke of the knife. “Rarity you can’t!” Twilight is almost starting to feel afraid.

“Shut it!” Rarity angles the knife to intercept Twilight’s right arm and then hacks the arm with the tomahawk, quickly Rarity elbows Twilight and with the tomahawk swings it at windpipe of the vile mare but Twilight managed to jerk her head back in time to avoid the tomahawk’s edge. So Rarity takes advantage of the moment throw both weapons in the air, buck Twilight into the air, stand back up on her hind legs in time to catch both weapons, and stab Twilight in the exposed as she fell down to which in the twinkle of an eye Rarity removes the knife and swings down the tomahawk onto Twilight’s back know the tomahawk can’t hurt the vile mare but the hydrostatic shock can be painful as well. “Oh!” Rarity’s eyes catch sight of the vile mare’s horn glowing. “Close.” A back flips saves her from the agony of a praxis wave of magic emitted from Twilight’s horn.

Even with accelerated tissue regeneration the pain is almost unbearable and I can’t outmaneuver Rarity with her sudden new fighting style.” Now in the back of Twilight’s head she is beginning to think if this is the end and Rarity will defeat once & for all.

“AAHH!” The knife sunk in diagonally in the neck while the tomahawk is buried in the side of the left knee.
Twilight’s left eye feels the burden of a tear while she looks into Rarity cold, cold eyes and what looks like a near sadistic smile.

“Sister it’s my turn to punish Twilight!”
Rarity takes out both weapons, kicks Twilight into a redwood and pins the vile mare to the tree with the knife.

“TATÉ!!” From the lake two massive waterspouts take form surprising not only Rarity but Twilight as well, while Gold Sky rises from the lake standing on his hind legs resting on the surface of the water.

He can stand on water without magic!” How normal of Twilight to be more surprised at Gold Sky standing on water than to be surprised at the two waterspouts in double helix form spinning around the stallion.

“Kakiյe!” The twin waterspouts unwind and charge forwards towards the vile mare to gladly expand the levels of pain the wind can give.

“Oh…” Luckily for Twilight she got her helmet back right before the twin waterspouts with the power to go through steel hit her.

If I know Twilight she has taken note in how I died and used it as a base to create her armor plus her head which houses her most vital weapon to prevent from being forced on the path I was forced on when the spear went through, still the pain is great and her suffering is only going to get worse.” Gold Sky stands by Rarity. “Rarity she is at cliffs, let’s go.”

Twilight groans as her body heals the damage, while her helmet reverts back to normal because before being stuck by the twin waterspouts she extended the energy field to shield her entire head and extended a part of her body to shield the heart as well for Twilight came to the conclusion if she didn’t die from the lethal strike Rarity has been dishing out then Gold Sky’s blood well let her die if the heart is stabbed just like he was. “He controls the wind but only the wind while I control gravity and something else.” Twilight’s telepathy picks up the brother and sister coming at her. “Face the wrath of lightning!” From the sky the scream of lightning comes down ready to hurt whoever it strikes down and burn them ever so severely.

“On my back and hang on!” Gold Sky’s magic places big sister on his back just seconds before the lightning streams through the place where Rarity once was. “Not so tight!” He jumps up evading the lightning heading towards him, at hitting the ground his magic brings up a patch of earth to help him perform another jump while spinning avoiding another lightning bolt but receives a small nick on his right cheek. “JUMP!” *Poof*

“Increase gravity!”
Rarity falls straight down to the ground but Gold Sky is strangely unaffected by the huge shift in gravity allowing him to push Twilight against the cliff and attempts to punch her in the heart but the energy armor absorbs his punch.

“Why is he not effected like Rarity!!??” Twilight’s thought is then interrupted when she is again pushed against the cliff and given a controlled uppercut forcing her helmet to fly off.

“STOP THAT!” His mighty telepathy makes Twilight shift gravity back to normal helping Rarity to get back on her hooves and join Gold Sky in pushing Twilight against the cliff.

In flawless synchronization brother and sister deliver powerful punches to their vile enemy in her exposed weak spots creating pain unimaginable, shattering bone to pieces unimaginable, making tears fall from Twilight’s eyes and onto the ever silent grass, and cracking the cliff due to the unimaginable power of the brother and sister.

Then the ever dreaded sound of Twilight’s signature force fields ring the ear drums of the brother and sister. “Frak off!” Twilight hits Gold Sky all the way to who knows where. “You’re mine Rarity!” Twilight now enraged for the beating she has just taken uses her strength to lunge forward dragging Rarity against the ground until coming to a complete stop then commences beating Rarity without an end in sight. “I will beat defeat into you if I must!!” Twilight is now hitting Rarity with the silver helmet adding insult to injury.

*ZOOM* Gold Sky strikes Twilight with his amazing to get her attention off of Rarity by making Twilight come after him.

She will hit me when I run back at her but it will be worth it if gives Rarity time to heal.” A black blur dashes down its suicide run only to be caught by the vile mare, getting not only a blast of magic to the face but a blow to his reproductive organs as well for Twilight mocks him as both the weakling and a stallion.

*ting* An idea arches Twilight’s right eyebrow to further insult the stallion by any means to an end. “I’ll be needing this.” The vile mare tears off Gold Sky’s horn.

“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” Gold Sky screams in pain but keeps his regeneration from doing its thing. “Perfect.”

Rarity meanwhile, regains herself and wipes away the blood from her nose nearly trembling to see her own blood falling to the ground. “Don’t be afraid for with brother by my side I shall fear nothing!”

Twilight spins Gold Sky’s horn in her hoof then repeatedly stabs the stallion where she sees fit to stab only to make a mistake she doesn’t see as a mistake by picking up the stallion shaking him a bit directing the magical fluid to his still magenta eyes.

“Look at me Twilight Sparkle.” Gold Sky catches Twilight’s hoof. “Look at me Twilight Sparkle, LOOK AT ME!” Quick as the wind he seizes her head. “LOOK AT MEEEEE!” His magenta eyes flash two times unleashing his powerful magic onto Twilight’s face in point blank range.

After seven seconds of decimating the mare he once thought was the incarnation of purity he stops his magic letting a completely motionless Twilight Sparkle fall to the ground and he accidently steps on her when walks towards Rarity. “Oh Rarity, you fought so well with my weapons.”

Rarity spits out left over blood. “I only thought of you when I was using them as for Twilight is she subdued?”

No thoughts are running through Twilight’s mind and she still has the scent erasing smell cast on her allowing for…

“She’s completely subdued Rarity and once she recovers I can use my teleeeeeeeee…” Upon looking at the spot he let Twilight fall to there isn’t a vile mare to be seen. “Clever.” Weird, for he isn’t surprised at all.

“THAT’S IT!” Twilight Sparkle is ten yards from the brother and sister. “I WILL CRUSH YOU!” She punches the earth with ninety nine percent of her strength splitting open the ground.

“Whoa, whoa!” Rarity almost loses her footing but little brother keeps her from falling again.

Twilight’s magic picks up a gigantic piece of rock amazing her adversaries to their very cores. “I WILL CRUSH YOU GOLD SKY!” The rock that weighs two million tons floats over the stallion emitting a silent sense of pending doom.

“RARITY MOVE!” Gold Sky pushes Rarity away from him just as the giant rock fall on him.

“NOOOOOO! GOLD SKY, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Rarity falls to her knees screaming at the thick cloud of dust. “BROTHER, BROTHER, NOOOOOOO!”

“Well that’s that.” Twilight with vanity that is reminiscent of Mr. Wickham walks so happily to Rarity. “Alas he’s out of the way leaving me the prize.”


When push comes to shove.
“That’s it! I’ve tried fighting honorably but no more! I will fight till that end and I will fight with no mercy like I should have since the beginning! Twilight is my enemy! Twilight is my enemy! Twilight is my enemy! Twilight is my enemy! Twilight is my enemy! I will no longer be the stallion that has died, I will be the stallion that I need to be for my sister! For my big sister! For Rarity, for Rarity, for her, for Rarity!” His eyes start glowing again this time not grayish purple but turquoise like the beautiful Nightmare Moon. “I am the RAZOR!”

Up above.
“Oh Rarity, this will all be over soon.” Twilight lovingly strokes Rarity’s hair. “Trust me it will, huh?”

Rarity senses hope rising inside her heart. “Gold Sky!” And hope is in her voice as well.

A pillar of magic shoots out from the rock marking the beginning of the coming rage.

“Frak!” Twilight turns her attention to the pillar of magic.

The pillar of magic dissipates just as a hoof shoots out of the rock and Gold Sky climbs up without a scratch much less broken bones.

*Gasp!* “H-h-how! How can you survive being crushed by two million plus seven ounces tons of rock! How can you not be dead!?” Twilight’s voice has a slight nervousness to it.

The Razor throws off its helmet and the wind makes its black cloak dance around it to let Twilight know this isn’t the weakling know as Gold Sky this is the Razor.

“Oh I’m not dead…I’M JUST MAD!!”


Chapter. 69- Twilight against the Razor.

My dearest readers, I will be taking a respite to write chapter twelve of Octavia and the Alicorn's Peace. Also on a side note I finally got the Rarity dog tag! yay! Now that I got Rarity plus two Rainbow Dashes I can stop my hunt for Rarity and Rainbow Dash dog tags. Wish they had a dog tag of Gilda though. Sad face.

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