• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Twilight's remaining honor and to seek shelter in the Crystal Empire.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 83

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Arthur's note at end and found a musical motif for the Lady Toltecian Cobra. Also finding the ultimate quackery is harder than it looks.

Trotting about in Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle and Octavia slow down their pace when Octavia lets out her first pant. “Octavia perhaps we should slow down, I don’t want you to get tired so quickly.”
Sensing the concern in Twilight’s words Octavia lessen her pace. “Thanks for your concern Twilight now what was it you asked a few seconds ago.”
“Oh!” Twilight’s back on track on the thought she abandoned thanks to Octavia’s first pant. “Have you seen that big Cobra looking being slithering into the palace?”

Octavia chuckled to hear the sincere question in Twilight’s tone of voice. “You mean Gilda.”
“Why are you bringing up Gilda the Griffon? I’m talking about the big Cobra looking lady well I think she is a female given her remarkable hourglass figure and eyelashes.”

Again Octavia chuckles. “No Twilight, that’s the name of the Toltecian Cobra, Gilda her name is Gilda and she’s very, very nice.”

“She’s a Toltecian Cobra?? Hmmm never heard of a species like that, hmm reptile sentient beings that are also very pleasing to the eye. Anyway tell me more about her later for right now let’s just focus on you.”

Eager to get down to business Octavia prepares herself for the telepathic mind wipe part but then asks herself if she should first do something for Twilight Sparkle who going out of her way to be here. “Twilight do you like going to science seminars?”

Twilight nods.
“Wonderful! Because I remember seeing posters for a science seminar at the convention center today and I thought we can go and have some fun. Also I can learn a thing or two.”

Now delighted, that is because of knowledge and not sex Twilight tells Octavia to lead the way to the seminar. “How nice of Octavia to take me to a science seminar. I guess I can call myself lucky to have taken the opportunity to know her.

Arriving at the convention center Twilight grins ear to ear to see the word science on a poster. “Oh Octavia who knows what we’ll learn here! Physics, biology, medical science, chemistry, herpetology, outer space, the sun who knows!! WHO KNOWS OCTAVIA!! Oh do you have a pen, paper, whiteout, and a bottle of water!”

“Uhhhhhh…no.” Octavia nervously responds. “Because do I look like the type of pony that’ll be carrying those things around everywhere I go?”
Twilight surprisingly smiles to which if Spike was here he will be freaking out right now and just get the high tail out of there because when lacking such things Twilight becomes extremely displeased. “Well don’t worry! I’ve got you covered.”

Obviously Octavia is taken aback to be handed a pen, paper, whiteout, and a water bottle but goes with the flow as long as it keeps Twilight happy.
Once in, both mares take their seats in the front row while all around them more curious ponies show up to see what they can learn too or simply find something that’ll put them to sleep.

“EYY!” Twilight squeals joyfully when the soft outerspace like music starts playing and the scientist presenting the seminar pops out from behind the curtains with a headset. “Alright!” Twilight squeals once more.
Octavia smiles. “I’m glad you’re going to enjoy this Twilight.”

“Hello.” Greets the scientist. “I’m Professor Haywood Jabuzoff and I suppose like you I have many questions and when I want answers to enduring questions, I just shove my head deep into my colon.” And as if that couldn’t sound strange enough the sound control pony adds in echo to repeat his last four words in the background. “Deep into my colon, deep into my colon, deep into my colon.”

Suddenly the wide grin on Twilight’s face disappears. “Wait a minute I heard of this guy!” She whispers to the gray mare.
Professor Haywood Jabuzoff continues. “So journey with me as we look for answers through the cornhole. OH! And with me is the amazing artist Jack Pillock to help me illustrate the illustrious answers we’ll find today.”

“OH BLOODY HELL!” Now Twilight grabs Octavia. “This scientist is not a scientist! He got his degree from a degree mill that says he’s proficient in spirit science. Spirit science Octavia! You hear me! Spirit Science you know fake stuff, lies, phony, garbage, and saying crystals are alive which they’re not! THIS ISN’T SCIENCE! Also the art the artist paints is just splattering paint all over the place! There’s no detail, no structure, no edges, just dribbling paint all over the place and then claim this is meant to be interpreted by the mind of the viewer. Pfft seriously? To splatter paint all over a canvas and then say oh the beauty is in the eye of the beholder just yells complete lack of discipline, standard, and merit! Imagine if the painter of self-portrait at the age of twenty eight made something like this? He’ll never be known in the art world sadly this paint dribble is held at the same admiration as that painter of the self-portrait at the age of twenty eight.” Twilight laments.

But the only thing Octavia got from Twilight’s rant… “Soooo you’re saying this isn’t science and the paintings that artist paints is not art??” The gray mare says really, really slowly.
Twilight groans in response. “Octavia as someone who’s spent a major part of her life dedicated to science please believe me when I say this spirit science isn’t science it’s all just lies for the gullible to be scammed out of their money. Just like Flim and Flam humph stupid quack! Also it’s sad that art standards from the past were high resulting in detailed magnificent portraits plus sculptures now with no art standards dribbling all over a canvas or maybe even vomiting all over one is considered art.”
So Twilight raises her hoof to get the professor’s attention.

“Oh. Do you have a question?”
“Yes!” Twilight answers. “Tell me do you have thorough peered reviewed evidence of crystals having any form of biological components? Oh and…” Twilight’s trump card. “Citations Needed!”

“Uhhhhh…” Well this doesn’t look good for the professor who got his degree from a degree mill.
“Plus!” Twilight carries on. “If a crystal chooses its owner then does that means when one is bought does it equate slavery?”
Again the professor is speechless.
“Also!” Now directing her words to the artist. “Tell me do you consider this art!?” Using her magic Twilight brings some paint, a canvas, and clears her throat. “Hold on.” Twilight pretends to vomit then adds in vomiting sounds and splatters paint all over the canvas then shows it the artist. “Does this monstrosity look like art to you?”
Instead… “WOW!!” Gasps the artist.

Twilight with her head held high and eyes closed in satisfaction suddenly opens her eyes to hear the words she least expected. “What…”

“That’s amazing!” The artist jumps down from the stage and seizes the ‘painting’ from Twilight.
Twilight struggles to speak. “Wha-wha-what??”

“This is impeccable please teach me!”

“Teach you!! I-I just vomited well pretend vomited all over this canvas as to show that doing something like this and have be called art is an absolute JOKE! This takes no skill, no creativity, and it has no standards yet it’s considered ART!!!!!” Anyway Twilight lets him keep the ‘painting’.

*Five minutes later no just kidding Twilight doesn’t even bother waiting for the professor to explain himself and his fake science and allows the artist to have his cake and eat it to.*

Both mares walk out of the convention center one of which is in utter dismay while the other is frustrated to witness a complete slap to the field of science that’s almost in par with reflexology, anti-vaxxers, N-Rays, and phrenology. “Twilight I-I-I’m so sorry, I-I didn’t know that was fake science an-and art I well uhhh…”

“Oh Octavia, it’s alright.” Twilight reassures the nervous gray mare. “You didn’t know and I didn’t know too until he said his name. So putting that disaster behind us lets go for…chocolate milkshakes.” Twilight took a guess in the carvings a pregnant mare will have.

Instantly Octavia’s eyes shoot wide open to the delicious suggestion proving Twilight’s guess is correct. “Thank you!!” And a tight hug pops Twilight’s joints. Thus now in a happy gait both mares make their way to a newly opened malt shop. “Oh Twilight thanks for paying for my chocolate milkshake even though I accidently took you to that fake science thing.”

Pleased to hear Octavia’s gratitude Twilight’s waves off Octavia’s repetition of her apology. “Oh don’t worry about it Octavia, anyway you were saying before took me to the seminar.”

Taking a huge gulp of her milkshake, Octavia ignores her brain freeze and well continues. “Me and Celestia we’re talking about my mother and whatever, anyway I confessed to her that I committed infidelity and she changed in the way she treats me.”

“What??” Just like Celestia, she is taken by surprise to hear Octavia tell her she cheated on the stallion she thought will be most susceptible to cheating. This shows Twilight that stallions are not the only ones to cheat and to top it off a mare who was practically given everything…cheated.

Octavia repeats herself.
“I see.” Twilight doesn’t want to believe this for even she will admit that marrying a Alicorn stallion is a dream no mare will ever put to waste and will be happy for the rest of her life. “But why? I don’t understand how you can that, explain to me please.”

Hearing the way Twilight asks confirms that Octavia is completely comfortable with Twilight speaking ever so freely to her. “It was around the fourth year of our marriage and I wanted a child, yes I know I’m immortal. I have all the time in the world and I can wait hundreds or thousands of years given my fertility lasts forever but I couldn’t wait, in fact I set up a little nursery, crib, and I painted the room blue. I-I wanted a boy and I performed many attempts to hint my desires for a child but Gold Sky was either oblivious or ignored my hints and didn’t wish to press the issue with me.”

Twilight leans in closer. She so wants to know every detail of the details especially what made Octavia throw away everything she had. “Okay but tell me you are I-I-I mean were married to Gold Sky, he made you immortal, and uhh uhhhmm…”

“Helped me establish my Music School thanks to him using one of his blood diamonds, comforted me when my father died, carries me on his back when I feel tired, and supports me in my musical career. He has done so much me that I can’t even remember and in fact I’ve forgotten our anniversary like six times and he didn’t get upset, rather he’ll subtlety remind me such as presenting me with a slice of pie with a lit candle.” Octavia snorts. “I had everything, do you understand what I’m saying Twilight?”

Truth be told Twilight understands. “I know of the nature the many mares have, hypergamy, thank goodness for my dear…” Dear?? DEAR??? “Frak me. I mean thank goodness for the weakling giving me telepathy allowing me to exterminate that damning nature within me. Octavia wanted a child but Gold Sky was not ready. Humph the topic of children has to be mutual agreement between the both of them but Octavia couldn’t. Even when I will enjoy him as my pleasure I if I was married to him I will never betray him over anything including children. As his wife metaphorically speaking that is, I will hold to my duty as wife to always be faithful as I know he will always be faithful to me.” But then Twilight lost control of mental vocalization and shifted into verbal vocalization. “Shame on you, Octavia.” *Gasp!*

Taking the arrow straight to her heart Octavia nods in agreement to Twilight’s words and given all she’s been through she can use blunt honesty. For at least from Twilight she is honest, truthful, and soft at the same time. “Thanks, Twilight, I needed you complete honesty. Celestia is wrathful, Rarity will do her dramatic things, Rainbow will get furious she will I mean it, but you are honest and soft. I need that from you Twilight for you only speak truth. Thanks.”

“Phew…” Twilight sighs in relief. “Octavia logically speaking you had everything a mare can ask for and emotionally you developed a sense self-entitlement causing you to dishonor yourself. But how far did you go? One night stand, affair, or something??”

First taking a sip of her milkshake. “Just a kiss Twilight because I realized what I was doing right before he caught me. Basically becoming like my mother. I lost…no my dear Gold Sky lost faith in me but yet he still loves…I mean he loved me. However, what’s funny is when Gold Sky got infected with some kind of illusion spell causing him to do it with…I’m sure you know already. I felt betrayed! Like how can he do that to me and to make it worse I began hitting him over and over like I had every right to do so! Yet…” Octavia couldn’t finish thus Twilight will finish for her.

“You were not going to confess your infidelity to him but yet he even though he himself didn’t do it but through a curse, confessed to you. You wanted to hide your infidelity while he will do the right thing. Oh Octavia.” Twilight sighs in disappointment. “Look you had everything! EVERYTHING! Look I may sound upset which I am but know I will never abandon you right now still I am mad at you for doing that to him and I’m amazed yet at the same time not surprised he stayed with you. If I was him I will have divorced you, therefore cursing you with Immortality, and marry another mare perhaps a Unicorn.”

Octavia does a small smile. “Your honesty is deeply appreciated Twilight. I regret what I did and when he said he lost faith in me.” A sudden sniffle that’s followed by a quick snort as if to hide the fact she just sniffled. “He either knows or thinks that I will betray him again. His love for me is there but his faith in me will never return.”

Inside Twilight’s mind. “Even I feel sorry for him.

“He’s…he was too attached to you. You know when it comes to relationships and betrayal, stallions feel way more pain than mares given how a mare’s hypergamy grants her a resistance to guilt just like your mother made no attempt to reconcile with your father. Stallions real Stallions and yes that includes the Zetas too, will never bend the knee to any sort of power but they are willing to don a yoke if it grants companionship and children. Anyway theoretically speaking if you went all the way and were not caught then delivered the child…” Even the vile Twilight can’t finish her own sentence.

Figuring out where Twilight is going Octavia breaks eye contact when given the reason to think once more about her past intentions. “I-I will tell him it’s ours…”

“Can’t believe you’ll make him raise a child that’s not his. Imagine if he had the mentality of a lion and he found out the child is not his, I wouldn’t blame him if he acted like one.”

Octavia shrugs. “Now before you obviously ask about Princess Celestia, she does not call me by my name anymore in fact she simply calls the vessel as in the vessel holding the dearest child of her son. Then after I give birth she will wipe my mind and raise the child herself also have Shining Armor be the paternal figure.”

Hearing this Twilight’s jaw drops. “What!!? Is Princess Celestia really that furious at Octavia. Well I never knew Celestia will be doing that well soon I guess yet I understand Celestia’s reasons but why?” So now done her mental vocalization it’s time to switch to verbal. “Why??”

“Celestia wants to end the cycle of infidelity. My mother did it, I did it, so perhaps my child will do it too. That is why Celestia is going to do what she’s going to do and I know it is inevitable. I am not going to resist in any way and I know the Toltecian Cobra will be there to comfort me before Celestia wipes my mind.”

*ting* Hmmmm regarding the Toltecian Cobra. “The Cobra just who is she?”

The chance to talk about Gilda brings something to be happy about. “She was one of Gold Sky’s suitors and the mare Celestia wanted Gold Sky to marry OH Celestia wanted to arrange the marriage between them however, Cadance stopped it and that’s how me and Gold Sky ended up being together…bloody hell just who am I kidding. When he confessed I felt hurt, I struck him many times, and abandoned him in his moment of greatest need. I now ask myself if Gilda…”

“Wait. Gilda the Griffon?” Twilight interrupts.
What? “Griffon? No, uhm Gilda is a Toltecian Cobra.” Octavia corrects. “She is very kind, caring, and she is very, very, very Lovely. Have you seen her??”

*ting* “Oh yes I’ve seen that beautiful specimen and I couldn’t help but admire her a bit. Hmm I never thought that a being like her or a whole race like hers exists! I wonder what other unknown races are out there?”

“Well.” Octavia starts. “I heard Gilda and Princess Celestia discussing some kind of an Alliance with the Olmecen Monitors. She is very kind to me while I originally thought she will hostile to me given I took away the stallion she hundreds of years for. Thankfully I guess showing me who is the better mare she makes every attempt to know me also she picked me up with her tail so I wouldn’t have to walk too much.”

Gold Sky’s suitor, waiting for him hundreds of years, and is just conveniently show up after Twilight raped him just spells out a treacherous chain of events if the Cobra is here for the stallion instead of just being here to be here. “The Toltecian Cobra knows he’s alive and given what I did to the weakling well I don’t know and if Princess Celestia wanted to arrange the marriage between them than that means she is the best mare for him hmmm.” Ironically despite desiring to have Gold Sky as her own but not* as a mate Twilight can’t help but feel happy for the stallion to know that Gilda the Toltecian Cobra is the perfect mare for him. “Knowing Rarity she will perform something of a tactical retreat in order to help Gold Sky gain his strength back but it will be fertile however, just where she go for refuge?? Canterlot or Manehattan are the best places to search given her connections there.” Any who shifting back to Octavia. “She is a good mare. Ahem, Octavia no matter what I’m here for you sure I’m obviously disappointed but what’s done is done and you can only keep moving forward. As for your child he will be raised by Princess Celestia herself so he will be okay also my brother will be more than happy to be the paternal figure once he knows its Gold Sky’s son. But remember I’m here for you.”

Reaching out and laying a hoof on Twilight’s extended hoof, Octavia smiles. “Thank you Twilight and I guess Celestia is right in saying I have a habit of making ponies become attached to me.” With that Octavia embraces Twilight Sparkle. “I’m glad that Gold Sky at least had the chance of knowing a great pony like you.”

With her head resting on Octavia’s shoulder Twilight sinisterly smiles. “Me too, me too Octavia.” Then once more in her mind. “He’s MINE!
After all Twilight will have Rarity for her Passion and will have Gold Sky for her Pleasure.

In the Carousel Boutique.
“Gilda my dear.” Gilda the Griffon that is. “Can you please head down to the basement and turn on the hot water I have to wash my bed sheets.”

“Sure of course!” Heading down to the basement Gilda stumbles upon a brown parcel marked for Rarity. “Heh how does mother’s mail end up down here?” After turning the hot water Gilda takes the parcel back upstairs. “Mother I think you dropped a package in the basement.”
“I must thoroughly wash my sheets huh??” Rarity catches ear of Gilda saying something about a package. “Package darling?? What package??”

“This one here you go.” Gilda happily hands the parcel to Rarity.
“What!?” With magic Rarity takes hold of the parcel. *GASP!* Rarity recognizes the handwriting and she goes cold to be reminded of who is out there. “Keep it together!” So with a deep breath, Rarity calms down. “Thank you Gilda and if you want you can go upstairs to my workroom and pick the finest silk so I can make you something.”

“Okay!” Gilda does as she’s told.
Now before anything else Rarity locks the basement door to make sure whatever Twilight sent her will not be seen by Gilda. “What has that vile mare sent me!” Upon opening the parcel a note greets the white mare. “Hmm.”

The note reads.

Dear Rarity
I have something that you need to see Rarity my Love and just so I won’t ruin what you are to see I will only say this. Between me and your dearest brother, I switched our consciousness. Meaning I am in his body and he is in my body repeat I am in his body and he is in my body.

Enjoy my Love.

What’s more daunting is upon taking a whiff she can smell the scent of lavender on the note as if to say. Rarity I thought of you while writing this.
“A film reel??” Rarity retrieves her film projector from the storage chest next to her wash basin sink. “Switched consciousness, I don’t understand what Twilight meant by that.” Once set up Rarity double checks the door just to make sure it’s locked. “Alright let’s watch.” Hitting the play switch Rarity awaits to see what Twilight filmed. “What??” Rarity sees Twilight on the bed. “Is Twilight giving herself to him?? I don’t get it or did she cover herself in Octavia’s scent and out of desire Gold Sky gave in? Oh…oh my.”
Yes they’re doing it.

“WAIT A MINUTE!!” At last it hits Rarity like a slap on the cheek. “Switched consciousness…I am in his body and he is in my body. Consciousness as in the Self not consciousness as in being alert…” Her eyes immediately dash to Twilight’s eyes and to greet her sudden intuition Twilight’s are wide with fear. The same eyes she saw when Gold Sky found out Twilight raped her. “NO!!” Reluctant, Rarity shifts over to Gold Sky’s eyes. “Thi-this can’t be!!” The same lustful eyes Twilight had when she raped her.

Even without having the volume she can hear Gold Sky’s screams in her mind, she can see the pain in his face as he clenches his mouth shut while Twilight continues penetrating him, and his futile escape which only results in him being put on his back, and Twilight making unending eye contact with him. “No…no, not you my dearest brother NO! Just no this isn’t possible! Twilight got him but how! She’s dam…” She ceases talking because suddenly the camera zooms in…showing Twilight pulling out and her seed leaking out of her brother. “Wha…” No words.

Through the kisses, nuzzles, and unending yet loving eye contact Rarity realizes Twilight has beaten Gold Sky once & for all. “Twilight did not kill him for that’s a mercy she damaged him to send me a message. She’s telling me no matter what I do she will win at the end, she won’t but, but, but brother she damaged him.” Rarity turns back to the occurring film to see the moment in silence nonetheless where Gold Sky declares he will no longer help her. She has an uncanny skill in reading lips.

Just then. “I warned you yet you failed to heed it.” Lauren tells Rarity.

“Lauren…” Looking down at the floor, Rarity absolutely does not want to make eye contact with the lovely Archangel. “I-I…I’m sorr…”

“Don’t bother Rarity.” Lauren outright rejects Rarity’s apology. “You knew this can happen from the moment you asked your brother to help you fight Twilight Sparkle.” Using a small motion of her hoof Lauren has Rarity sitting before her. “You have the strength to defeat Twilight yourself yet you have no faith in yourself Rarity. Faith in yourself will allow you to have the power to defeat Twilight instead you placed your faith on your brother which is not mal-intentioned but wrong.”

Rarity cowering in her seat ignores the sweat going into her eyes. “Lauren he…”

“Of course he will say yes. He loves you very much and at the present moment Gold Sky made his choice to help you he believed it was only you and Gilda that was all he had left in this world before remembering Celestia. You abused his love for you.”

“I-I didn’t mean to!” Rarity attempts to counter but with fear of witnessing the Archangel’s wrath yes the Wraith of the Archangel wraps itself around her delaying her mental ability to counter Lauren’s words.

“Didn’t mean too Rarity?” Lauren rewinds the film and pauses it. “Look at that.” The Archangel points.
Rarity looks.
“You didn’t mean for that to happen? LOOK INTO HIS EYES!! YOU DIDN’T MEAN FOR THAT TO HAPPEN!!” Lauren zooms in on the eyes. “HE HAS FAITH IN YOU YET YOU DON’T!! Don’t you realize Twilight is an enemy Gold Sky can never achieve victory over!”

“Huh, but didn’t he defeat her when I turned back into an adult?” Rarity frets in the Archangel’s presence.
Lauren snorts out pure energy. “He just won a battle but he lost the war for Twilight is an enemy who takes the phrase…” But the Archangel stops in midsentence. “Say it Rarity for you know what Twilight is.”

Indeed Rarity does know what phrase perfectly describes Twilight Sparkle. “By any means to an end. Gold Sky fights with honor but Twilight is more than willing to utilize unorthodox methods therefore, he despite being a virtuoso in delivering death…he’s helpless when it comes to Twilight for to him she is worse than death.”
“Exactly Rarity but there is something more dire you failed to notice in fact I’m shocked you didn’t given your superb eye to detail just hold on.” Lauren fast forwards a bit then stops. “Look at Twilight’s eyes and tell me what do you see.”
Rarity looks and what she sees well to put it simply causes her to vomit. “That’s not possible!!” She vomits once more. “She’s looking at him as if she loves him! HOW!!”

First before anything else Lauren evaporates the vomit and provides Rarity a bottle of electrolyte rich liquid. “Drink up. Ahem, the thing about Lust Rarity is when you think you finally got what you want, you want more thus you take more yet you are not satisfied you want more, more, and more! You will always feel empty nothing will satisfy you and Twilight is experiencing this emptiness. Now she wants him too, she wants both of you because both of you satisfy her in ways that I find very repulsive. Basically polygamy eww.” Truly polygamy disgusts the Archangel.” I mean really she is in love with both of you and those eyes you saw on her you know them full well too.” Nearing the end of this Lauren motions Rarity to stand. “Have faith in yourself Rarity, for you are the one to end all of this while your brother will have his war against Luna. And one last thing.” Lauren points at the paused frame. “All of that is on you Rarity. This is all your fault and nothing will that also if you think I’m going to punish you know that I won’t. But remember…if Twilight wins she will not hesitate to use her genetic mastery to alter Gold Sky’s genetic code turning him into a mare, impregnate him with her seed, and break him. And for you same thing or turn you into a stallion so she can carry your child. Her lust will never leave her satisfied.” However. “Again this is all on you.”

But Rarity has something to ask. “Lauren where is he! Is he safe!?”

“Oh…” Lauren almost forgot to talk about Gold Sky’s current wellbeing. “He’s safe for there is someone who loves him with him.”

“Huh!!” Rarity gasps. “Is it Gilda!?”

“Ye wait no! She’s still upstairs.”
“Uh??” Rarity thinks of another name. “Octavia!”
Lauren shakes her head.
“Princess Celestia!?”
Another shake of the head.
“Then who!!?”

“Surprised you didn’t mention Cadance, Rarity but to quell your questioning he’s safe with the mare who he was destined to be with but circumstance said otherwise.” Then to humor herself. “Do you know who that circumstance is??”

But rather than answer Lauren’s question Rarity asks one of own. “Wait are you telling me he was meant to be with somewhere since the day of his birth?”

“Pretty much Rarity. That was a experiment by his creator to see if destined lovers will end up together.” In the end Lauren makes up her mind to just tell Rarity who the circumstance is. “However, what’s humorous to a certain extent is seeing Cadance be the circumstance that prevented him from being with the best mare in the entire world. With that Rarity I bid you goodbye and remember you must defeat Twilight yourself!”
Lauren disappears in a flash of white light.
Rarity frowns to accept the blame that she ultimately knows justifiably rests on her and of course before unlocking the door Rarity burns the film reel so nobody can see it. “When brother gets back I have to ask him to start training ASAP!!

Nonetheless, Rarity takes a deep breath to clear her mind and go back upstairs to be by being with Gilda and absorb the reality that she is well her niece’s mother figure. “Oh brother I hope you don’t mind me being your daughter’s mother figure for even though you thought that you failed in finding a mother figure for Gilda. The mother figure is someone ever so close to you.
Upstairs in her workroom Rarity sees Gilda is still in the process of selecting a fabric. “Hmm I guess Lauren must have made the time between me and her stay normal while the time occurring around Gilda must have been going way slower for I believe me and Lauren were in there for quite awhile.

“AHH!” Gilda finds a fabric that fits her picky fancy. “Mother I like this fabric! It’s dark but not too dark, feminine but at the same time can be thought of as neutral or somewhat stallion, and I like it!!”

Rarity takes a look at the fabric. “Hmm magenta, that is a very nice color my dear.”

Gilda nods with a big smile. “Oh yes mother and it’s also the same color as my father’s eye color. Anyway I wonder if it’s not too much to ask for but can you make me a scarf, shawl, or cloak??”

The elegant white mare looks at the fabric, her niece, and then at the window behind Gilda. “If Twilight was set to do something, I’m sure Lauren would’ve warned me while she was here.” Any way unrolling some of the fabric Rarity observes the silk in order to get a grasp of how much she’ll need for either the scarf, shawl, or cloak but then… this is for Gilda and for the first time asks for something from her. “This has to be meaningful for Gilda after all this is something a mother is making for her daughter.” But to continue her thought process Rarity places the roll of silk on her work table to observe the fabric in greater detail. “I want this to be perfect for Gilda…I want her to smile.” At last making up her mind Rarity motions Gilda to come and stand by her. “Gilda my darling I will make you all three. A scarf for when you fly, a shawl to look pleasing to the eye, and a cloak when the temperature is a bit out of your favor.”

Gilda quietly gasps but yet molds her lips into a smile. “You will do that!! But isn’t that too much work for you?”
Rarity shakes her head. “Gilda I’ve done orders way bigger than this and in less than one day in most cases. But I tell you this you can help me so we can speed time up.”

Suddenly Gilda feels a cold chill run down her spine. “But I don’t know how to sew.”

Rather than respond in a normal motherly response Rarity gathers the instruments she needs to create the gifts she wishes to indulge Gilda with. “Gilda darling I didn’t know how to sew when I first started. It’s all about trail & error sort of like your swordplay I mean it must have took many attempts to parry a thrust from either a spear or sword no?”

“Trail & error.” Gilda repeats. “It took me many attempts with many bruises to parry a spear thrust well if you are going to teach me how to sew then let’s do this! Wait you won’t get mad if I mess up a lot will you??”

“Darling you father eats my cookies no matter where I hide them and I have yet to get angry.” With her magic Rarity levitates a needle in front of Gilda. “Go ahead take it.”
Taking the needle, Gilda then realizes picking the fabric is the first step for the next step is picking the string. “Oh I have to pick the string.”
“How about we use the same color of the magenta fabric to make it easier for you.” Unrolling the string, Rarity motions Gilda to grab the end. “Okay first step is threading the needle now understand this may be a bit tedious but with steady hooves err I mean hands you should be able to thread the needle in the second or third try. So go ahead.”

With the needle in one hand and the string in the other Gilda closes one eye to help her focus on the tiny hole. “Okay let’s do this.” On the first attempt Gilda obviously misses but hey no fuss so she tries again this ever so carefully given how in military training you may get a second chance in scoring a hit on the enemy but don’t count on it. “Okay!” Gilda got the string through the hole.

“Well done darling!” Rarity praises.

But a knot is needed. “Ssh, ssh, ssh. Let me concentrate.” Grasping the tip of the string with her talons Gilda slowly pulls it through the hole. “Phew I got it…” What’s more funnier is Gilda sighing like’s she already done. “Alright got the knot now what do we next mother?”

Rarity smiles. “Carefully watch me.” She does some slow sewing in order for Gilda to see every motion of each stroke. “Did you observe every motion?”
“Mhmhm!” The Griffon replies.
“Okay do that end.”
Stopping a small tremble in her needle holding hand, Gilda passes the needle through the fabric being used to make her scarf. She’s practically using both hands in the motions while with her arms she keeps the fabric down. “OW!” Inadvertly she pricks herself with the needle.”

With magic Rarity takes hold of the needle. “Don’t worry darling OH I’m not mad before you ask. Now please watch me carefully again, this time I will be going slow, real slow.”

Oh mother.” While Rarity shows her the motions Gilda shifts her eyes to gaze upon Rarity and admire the lovely mare. “Thank you for giving me the love a mother can provide.


Sweet Apple Acres. That’s where big sister’s at.” Running Sun thinks to himself as he trots to the farm. “Oh Bon Bon…” Saying his big sister’s name Running Sun screeches to a complete halt. “Should I keep this to myself?? Bon Bon is already living on her own and ma & pa will go crazy if they find out about Lyra beating her especially ma…hmmm Lyra came to me, frakken mare I want to kill her for what she did to BON BON!!” Once again the protective instinct inside the stallion surges. “For now I just want to see Bon Bon.” Running Sun resumes his steady trot to the farm. “Then again I will stoop down to her level if I attempt to do anything to Lyra…” Seeing the farm up ahead Running Sun feels his chest becoming warm and at once breaks into a sprint to be there as soon as possible.

“Huh?? Who the hell is banging on the door!!?” Applejack trudges down the stairs to answer the door. “Hey you! Can you bang the door any louder and what!!”

“Bon Bon! Where is she!!”

For a moment or better yet in the most inopportune moment Applejack has a brain fart. “Bon Bon who?? AHHHH!” Next thing Applejack knows she finds on the receiving end of Running Sun’s protective instinct resulting in her being pressed against the wall.
“My sister WHERE IS SHE!!!”

Hearing the sound of her brother’s voice Bon Bon runs down just make sure she heard what she thought she heard. “Running Sun!??”
*Gasp.* Running Sun releases Applejack upon seeing his sister is well, unharmed, and without any sign of physical abuse. “Bon Bon!!” He runs up to her and takes the mare into his arms. “You’re safe! Oh Bon Bon you’re safe!”

From upstairs Big McIntosh can’t figure if he should be happy for Bon Bon or should he be surprised now that Running Sun knows of the abuse from Lyra given that’s what he’s picking up from Running Sun just popping in and hugging the daylights out of Bon Bon. “It’s good to see her smile the way she’s smiling right now.

Nonetheless, in Bon Bon’s mind she’s now afraid for the only reason why Running Sun is here is he finally gained knowledge of the abuse.

“Huh.” Amidst his tight hug Running Sun spots Big Mac standing nearby. “Bon Bon hold on.” He lets go of his dear big sister and runs up to the red stallion taking him into a tight hug. “Thank you for protecting my sister.”

“You’re welcome.” Big Macintosh realizes something. “Wait this means he knows right.”

And to answer both questions Running Sun says yes.
But before anything Bon Bon asks Running Sun to join her down below, meanwhile watching from a distance Applejack asks herself who did Big Macintosh protect Bon Bon from.

“Running Sun, how did you find out about this??”
Before answering Running Sun snorts. “She told me herself. Y-you can say she felt guilty and she had to get it off her chest.”

Bon Bon and Big Macintosh share a quick glance at each other while Applejack makes herself comfortable with some popcorn and root beer and watches what’s to conspire before her eyes. “When did Ah get some root beer again? Ehh who cares.

“That’s kind of odd of her to do.” Big Macintosh says to Bon Bon.
“What did she say before she told you what she told you??” Bon Bon asks Running Sun while scratching the back of his head.

“Huh?” But Running Sun catches something. “Are you not going to ask me how I feel about all of this? This mess you’re in and why do you seem more shocked that I know about all of this instead of being a victim in all of this!”

“Oh…” Bon Bon always thought her little brother wasn’t one to pay attention given his happy go lucky nature but she concludes he’s now serious and is showing how close he is to the threshold of being a stallion. “Are you furious?”

“Of course I’m furious! A mare I trusted and I trusted a bit too easily abuses my big sister, gives her a black eye, bruises, and strikes you with fear. You Bon Bon, my big sister gets abused by Lyra frakken Heartstrings! Yet you never came to me or to the very least ma and pa!!”

Lyra Heartstrings huh?” Applejack says to herself and then. *ting* “Did I ever hit on her??
No.” Chero replies.
Applejack lets out a sigh of relief. “Phew, Lyra sounds like damaged goods. Ah dodged a bullet.
Damaged goods?” Chero says that to itself. “Never mind I’m not going to ask you what it means.

Bon Bon stops scratching the back of her brother’s head. “I didn’t know what to do or who to go to. I mean I didn’t want to involve you in all of this you’re too young…” Just then.
“Tell me.” Running Sun interrupts. “That time I came to visit and I was enjoying cookies with Lyra then you arrived and shooed me away…” Suddenly stopping in midsentence Running Sun shifts his eyes to the floor. “Did she beat you?”

“Yes.” Bon Bon replies without hesitance.
“I’m your brother Bon Bon…”

To Big Macintosh’s perception all he sees is a young stallion developing a mature sense of responsibility that he too developed at such a young age. “Our protective instincts knows no age.” Big Mac frowns. “A young stallion like him should be living life, eating ice cream, flirting with nice mares, and listening to the Klash. Not feeling responsible for Bon Bon’s well-being.”

“You didn’t have to go through this.”

Bon Bon nods. “I told Captain Shining Armor but he didn’t believe me given Lyra is a mare so I had to use my last resort my last hope so I can get away from Lyra.”

”Really…” Applejack rolls her eyes. “You couldn’t go to your brother instead of mine!!
Be nice oh she can’t hear you never mind.” Chero mutters.

Running Sun reestablishes eye contact with Bon Bon. “Bon Bon, ma and pa know nothing but tell me what is going to happen to Lyra?? Are you going to go to someone else that can bring Lyra to justice?”

Before anything else Bon Bon lays a hoof on her little brother’s shoulder. “I am changing her little by little and pretty soon she will be a different mare and I can be with her once again.”

Unfortunately when Applejack finds this to be idiotic it is realistically speaking completely idiotic. “Poor girl just has no dignity.
Amazingly for Chero. “I have to agree with you on that.

Big Macintosh picks up his head from its frown to now holding it high.

But Running Sun is on same frequency as Applejack and in fact his rage grows but not for Lyra for Bon Bon. *sigh* Running Sun passes a hoof over his forehead, bites his lower lip, and jerks his sister’s hoof off his shoulder. “Do what you want…just…just do what you want I’m done here.”



Both Bon Bon and Big Macintosh say at the same time.
Running Sun gets up and heads for the door.

Meanwhile. “Oooh Ah think things are about to get good.” Applejack shoves more popcorn into her gob.

“Running Sun wait, huh?” Bon Bon feels Big Macintosh stopping her.
“Please don’t.” Big Macintosh warns.

However, Bon Bon dashes forward to stop her brother from leaving without clarifying himself. “Runny Sunny please.” At placing a hoof on his shoulder…

“I SAID DO WHAT YOU WANT!” Running Sun roars but failing to wake up a sleeping Granny Smith. “What part of that do you not understand Bon Bon. Does my worry not matter to you, does not my anger for all of this not matter to you, does your own well-being not matter to you!!” Running Sun then eyes Big Macintosh but his words are directed to Bon Bon. “Do you think that you can change a mare like Lyra Heartstrings? Are you just willing to be a victim! Just what do you think is going to happen here! Oh she’s going to change for you, you’re going to forgive her and go back to her then after a few weeks or months she’s going to start beating you again and then run back to Big Macintosh for shelter thus creating a cycle! I mean can you just sever all ties with Lyra and be with somepony else uhh like her over there!! I mean she looks tough and nice.” Running Sun points at Applejack.

“Hey Ah have standards such as my mare having something called DIGNITY!” Applejack snaps.

“Bon Bon, I love you very much but if you want to be a victim to a mare that’s going to beat you everyday then so be it. You’re an adult I’m sure you can live with the choices you make. If you’re going to throw away my concern then you have my blessing to do whatever you want. I’m not going to tell ma and pa but don’t ever come to me for help. I’m done here and I’m going to go home, go to my room, lock the door, cry for a little bit, and the next day go about like its normal.” With his eyes still on Big Macintosh. “Big Macintosh I thank you for the kindness you have shown my sister but it will be all in vain. Good bye never will I ever thought that my big sister will degrade herself for futile desires.”
Running Sun flicks his tail and leaves.

“Running Sun…” Bon Bon signs in disbelief. “Big Macintosh…I”
“It’s alright, he’ll come back around, its what brothers do.” Big Macintosh then looks straight at Applejack making her zoom off.

“Are you sure?” Bon Bon asks as her eyes began tearing up.”

“Ask Applejack, she’ll fill in on the details.”

A cycle? A cycle of abuse?” Bon Bon asks herself.


In her kitchen Lyra pours herself a cup of coffee and sits to read the latest issue of her favorite nature magazine. “The mountains of the Dragon’s Back are very beautiful.”
*Knocking* This time there is no banging.
“Huh?? Get it out of the way.” Quickly taking a sip of her coffee Lyra answers the door.
“What!!? Running Sun??”

Getting straight to the point. “You’re a lucky mare Lyra.”
Still shocked. “Running Sun you sai…”
“Shut up.” Running Sun interrupts. “You’re a lucky mare Lyra, my sister does not know any better. Humph, she thinks you can change well I will tell you what I told my sister. Do what you want. I don’t care anymore.” And with that he walks away.

“I can change!” Lyra screams at him.

Oh please spare me the theatrics.

Mocks the angel of death.


In Canterlot Twilight Sparkle and Octavia go the art museum to quench their sudden need for nice art, however a banner over the museum’s entrance prolongs their need. Why? They arrive on the day the art museum is hosting a modern art exhibit. “Oh dear Twilight!” Octavia points. “What are we going to do now??”

“Hmmmmm.” Twilight takes a moment to think; obviously this modern art exhibit will be absolutely dreadful given that most modern art lovers in the art community champion rubbish while detesting genuine beautiful modern art such as Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette and a sculpture called In Bed by a talented stallion named Mueck. “Such snobbish egos will be there but luckily their IQs are not as high as the number of bits in their wallets. I think I’ll have some fun with these snobs.” Getting back to Octavia. “Let’s go inside.”

With such a uttering from Twilight Sparkle the only natural response will be. “Twilight are you drunk?”

“Huh, what?? No! I’m not drunk! Let me finish first ahem! Let’s go inside and have some fun by creating AHEM our own art.” At the end of her sentence Twilight winks.

“AHHH!” Octavia gets it now and winks to.
So both mares head in each giggling for what malice can they inflict on modern art. Once inside Twilight with her magic grabs a blank canvas. “Hey Octavia got any ideas?”

“What ideas?” Octavia replies.
“Ha good one!!” So in tune with Octavia’s reply Twilight simply splatters some paint by smashing the brush against the canvas and with black paint does an X. “Look at my masterpiece!”

“Heh as if.” Octavia points to the spot next to a painting that’s nothing but deformed squabbled circles.
Now waiting for results and at the same feeling a wee bit tired of moving a little too much Octavia sits down on a gray colored bench. “Please give me a minute.”

Just then a museum guard comes to the duo. “Excuse me ma’am but you’re sitting on a exhibit.”
“What?” Both mares say at the same time.

The guard points at the bench. “That’s the exhibit. It’s called the elongated chair.”

“Well that’s just stupid anyway we apologize. Come Octavia.” With magic Twilight gets the gray mare moving and just in time too for some patrons are standing amazed at her little abomination she just painted minutes ago. “Hey Octavia look! There are some ponies admiring my poor excuse of art let’s listen in on what they will say!”
Listening Twilight and Octavia smile to hear what absurdities can be said as praises.

“I say can you believe the depth of this beauty!”
“Yes!” Replies the other patron. “It’s a visualization of a mare experiencing an orgasm.

“What the hell!!!” The sinister smiles on their cute faces just outright disappear.

Meanwhile the other patron. “No I think this is a mare giving birth I mean don’t you see the x signifies the dilation of the mare and the spots represent each personality the child will have.”

“What??” Once again the ability for these modern art patrons to perceive such notions just baffles the duo and allows them to understand these patrons are just emperors with new clothes.

“It’s wonderful.”
“Oh that is it!” Twilight hops out from her hiding spot and will just speak her mind. “This is just a canvas with paint splattered all over it!! I made it as a bloody joke and you’re here trying to sound all well seasoned when you’re not! I mean how can some ponies with deep pockets like yourselves support such atrocities! More than half of these so called artists have no merit while the ones who do are shunned. You know what give me all your money and go uhh drink ten gallons of wine!” The lavender mare commands with her telepathy.

“Twilight!” Octavia says in a scolding tone.

Catching herself thanks to Octavia, Twilight readjusts her command. “On second thought you give all your money to modern artists with genuine merit, standard, and discipline and don’t drink yourselves to death.”

“Ok!” Both patrons do as they’re told.
*TING!* Octavia has an idea. “Hey Twilight do you think you can give me a pair of glasses?”
“Uhh yeah sure.” With her magic Twilight produces a pair of glasses.
“Thank you!” Taking the pair of glasses Octavia searches for the perfect spot around the museum until seeing a large blank area between two paintings even though one of the paintings is just a white background. “I’ll be putting this here.” Setting the glasses on the floor Octavia and Twilight take their places nearby and in the time it takes for seagulls to mob a pile of chips three ponies are oohing and ahhing the pair of glasses and coming up with their overly complicated over thought, and this time non-sexual interpretations of a simple pair of glasses on the floor.
“Hmmm.” Octavia groans upon seeing some of the patrons taking pictures of the glasses. “This is just sad.”
Twilight nods in agreement. “Tell me about it.”

Just then when one of the patrons asks who created this sign of heaven one of the ponies points at a colt who brought his pet frog with him that he himself trained to ride a unicycle scream. “Hey it’s that boy!!”
Now with all eyes on the colt and his unicycle riding frog one of the ponies drops the pin that everybody will hear by saying. “Oh frak what’s up!”

“Uh oh!” The colt and his pet run out of the museum with the patrons hot on their heels.

Both mares look at each other in shock but break out in laughter when they realized that simply placing a pair of glasses on the floor now constitutes modern art and they wonder will they get the same reaction if they did the same with a bag of trash.


In the loving arms of the Tolectian Cobra one will expect it will comfort the fearful stallion but it does not. The stallion took Twilight’s words to heart. He can’t run from her, he can’t hide from her, nor can he shield himself from her. Such mighty is his submission to Twilight Sparkle that if she tells him to get on his back he will. Thus as Lauren said she is the enemy he cannot fight for Twilight achieves victory even before the battle begins. And such Gold Sky can’t live with such fear, he can’t handle knowing he’s afraid of a mare who’s shorter than him yet is lethal, he has always been fearless for the most part…not anymore.
Belonging to such a vile mare. “G…please…” He can’t fall on his sword but someone can help him without having them to hesitate. “Komm süßer tod.” He speaks the language the angel of death understands.

“What??” The angel of death swore she heard someone speak her language.

“What did you say!?” Gilda the Toltecian Cobra does not understand the first word but she understands the last two given how those words were whispered by a shadow before her twin brother ascended to the heavenly paradise. “Sweet death?? What??”

With his telepathy Gold Sky enters the mind of the very, very advanced in years Toltecian Cobra for even if her mind is very complex such as consisting of two galaxies for she was born then experienced Rebirth to cope with her twin brother’s departure Gold Sky’s powerful telepathy can implement his will upon it. “End me. Do it. Now”

“NO!!” The Lady Cobra pushes herself away from the stallion she holds most dear to her beating heart. “I won’t!!” She grasps her head. “I WON’T” Gilda fights Gold Sky’s telepathy.

*ting* He forgot about the plate of valyrian steel protecting his heart and how useless Gilda’s actions will be. “Wait…” Gilda that name belongs to the most important mare in his life. “NO! I can’t be a coward…”

“AAHH!” The Cobra screams as she fights herself to be free of the telepathic command. “I can fight telepathy!” Yet she finds herself slithering forward to the stallion she loves. “I can’t stop myself!!” Seizing him by the neck Gilda slams him onto a tree pulls back her right hand with a fist firmly formed. “Forgive me!!” With just one inch between Gold Sky’s heart and her fist, Gilda continues her futile fight against his telepathy but she can’t stop herself. “AHA!” Her fist launches forward…

And it slams into the plate of valyrian steel.
The Lady Cobra goes completely quiet to the sound of her fist hitting a metal plate in front of Gold Sky’s heart and with that quietness her nerves can relay a message. “YEEEEAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!” Every bone in her right hand shatters and a great pain ripples from the top of her head to the tip of her very tail.

With his telepathy Gold Sky tells to forget what he said and then telepathically communicates to drink his blood so her hand can heal fast and for the pain to instantly disappear. “Here.” He throws two drops of his sparkling blood into her mouth and quietly gasps in awe to briefly see her incredible fangs.
“Oh my!” Gilda is impressed by the blood of the love of her life. “Even his blood, his life source flowing through his veins can…” *ting!* “His blood can heal father of his terrible condition!” Now seeing she’s healed Gilda returns to the state she was in when she found him and coils around him and wraps her arms around his chest as she rests her chin on the top of his head.
“I have always wondered when the day that I hold you in my arms will come and at last it has arrived my dear Gold Sky.” Gilda tightens her hold on him then strokes his back with the tip of her tail. “

“G…” Gold Sky mutters. “I am sorry.”
Instantly confused the Lady Cobra flickers her tongue. “Oh! There is no shame in sobbing Gold Sky, to whatever has hurt you. You don’t have to tell me and I will not ask what harmed you. I’m here…with you, I am here with you Gold Sky.”

Resting his chin on her soft body this in turn makes Gilda smile like she found the biggest diamond. “I can feel his love flowing into me!” Truly his love is flowing into her and her bronze hue becomes shinier. “Please tell me if I squeezing you…” Nonetheless, Gilda can’t help but tighten her grip around his chest.

“You’re not squeezing me so don’t worry.” He relishes the sensation of her smooth scaly yet smooth soft skin on his cheek. “Yo-your Native Tongue is beautiful, I don’t understand it but even then it’s beautiful. Were you singing??”

“No I wasn’t Gold Sky, I simply said I’m here my love. I’m here my Love.” The Toltecian Cobra translates.
Hearing that Gold Sky shifts his head a bit to look at Gilda’s face to fully comprehend what she calls him and remembers she is still in love with him.

Seeing the face he’s making Gilda understands he is contemplating whether or not to continue being near her for she remembers Celestia saying something about him being totally monogamous to Octavia but maybe there is still a chance for her if he accepts the notion of death doing him and Octavia apart.
“Thank you for being here for me.” Gold Sky nuzzles Gilda’s soft skin and quite has to admit to himself that Gilda’s skin feels nice.

Phew.” Gilda is relieved to Gold Sky accepting that and comes to notice that the only source of light around them is the Fireflies. “It’s finally night. So it will be safe to get him to a secure place.

“Weytani.” Gold Sky whispers.

From deep within the forest, Weytani emerges. “Master! There you are, the rest of my sisters are staying put and have amassed quite amount of food so I don’t have to keep an eye on them. AH! Master is that the Lovely Lady Cobra all coiled up around you.” Strangely enough even Weytani knows Gilda the Toltecian Cobra is the perfect mate for her Master but she keeps her intuitions to herself for her mental development is at the point where she knows what to say and what not to say.

“Uhm if you put it that way Weytani then yes that is what is happening right now.” But inside his mind he does not want to be far from the Cobra in fact he wants to be close to her and just stay close to describe the basic psychological need he’s feeling right now.

Any who Gilda uncoils herself freeing the stallion in a sense from her loving coil. “Come we must fimd shelter.”
Wiping away his remaining tears Gold Sky nods but before he can get his legs moving he is literally swept off his hooves and finds himself being carried by the Lady Cobra. “G, you don’t have to carry me back to Rarity’s home.”

Gilda joyfully flickers her tongue at him then does it again knowing he adores seeing her do that. “You don’t know how long I wished carrying you in arms Gold Sky and I will have this!”


“I say darling the stitching on your cloak is quite impeccable. You’ve done well!” With her magic Rarity levitates the cloak before and dons it on the Griffon. “Oh you look magnificent!”

Pleased with her work along with pleased of pleasing Rarity Gilda. “Thank you mother.”
Just then knocking takes away their attention from the magenta cloak.
“Hold on my dear.” Answering the door Rarity is taken aback to Sweetie Belle at this hour. “Sweetie Belle what are you doing here??”

Instead of answering promptly as she should she walks inside before taking a deep breath to answer Rarity. “I’m here to see Gold Sky…say where’s Gilda??”
Smiling Sweetie Belle thanks big sister and heads upstairs to see her niece for when it comes to Gilda, the young filly just enjoys being with her.

Back to Rarity she finds it weird Sweetie Belle is here but now alone and Gilda being occupied by Sweetie Belle Rarity thinks about Gold Sky.

Where is my poor dearest brother?” Listening to what she said Rarity’s ears perk straight up. “I didn’t say father this time. I guess I am finally adjusting to seeing him as my brother rather than my father and I won’t be having anymore slips of the tongue when I say brother.” Looking out the window Rarity feels shame covering over her for what’s she going to say to herself at this very moment. “ I think what Twilight did to him has kept her satisfying for the time being for knowing once I seen the film and become engulfed by shock. My guard will be completely down and will not even sense her coming. But where is he? Seeing how Twilight was looking at him I know she won’t kill him rather she’ll keep him as her pleasure or let him go, wait for some time, and violate him when he least expects it breaking him until he’s completely docile.
Then remembering Lauren’s words. “It’s all my fault."


Under the shining stars, Weytani using her senses guides G and Gold Sky through the town to prevent them from being seen by any ponies. “Master we’ll almost home just hang in there please.
“I’m not wounded Weytani.” Gold Sky fills in while the Lady Cobra holding him just tells herself not to bother wondering what Weytani is saying.
I know that master I’m saying to hang in there because you’re not hurt physically!
“Oh…” Gold Sky can’t believe Weytani can sense he’s mentally hurt but is thankful to know his personal guard can deduce his emotions. “OH!” The stallion feels G’s hand move up and carefully squeeze his flank. “Never mind that.

Rarity.” The white mare hears in her mind.
*gasp* Rarity almost falls to her knees to hear the sound of her brother’s voice communicating telepathically in her mind. “Brother you’re alright!!

“Huh?” Gold Sky’s eye tilts his head to hear the near frantic tone in Rarity’s voice nonetheless, he feels relieved to hear it. “I’m coming but please know I’m coming with Weytani and a very, very dear guest.

“Dear guest?” Must be the being Lauren was speaking of. “Please hurry!

Heeding Rarity’s request, Gold Sky’s a hand on Weytani. “Jump.”

Appearing before Rarity the mare wastes no time to leap onto the stallion and wrap her arms around his head. “Oh dearest brother you’re safe!” It took long for Rarity to realize her hooves are off the ground and they’re being held by a Lady Cobra.
Up above Sweetie Belle senses Gold Sky is here and excuses herself from Gilda’s presence. “Time to tell him what I came here to tell him.

Finally seeing she’s off the ground Rarity shifts her eyes straight forward seeing only shiny bronze scales. “Huh?”Shifting her eyes up Rarity makes eye contact with a lovely Lady Cobra.

“You must be the…” Interrupted.
“G please put us down fast!! I smell Sweetie Belle’s scent! Oh! Weytani hide please!” A ear to ear smile appears on his face.
But once again for the Lady Cobra she asks Gold Sky to make her invisible with his telepathy given how she prefers not to be seen by a young filly who might end up calling her a snake.
Once down and making G invisible to Sweetie Belle’s vision he uses his super speed to find the filly and take her into his arms. “Sweetie Belle! My dear Sweetie Belle.” A little bit of happiness can come from anything even from a little filly he cares deeply for.

“Hmmmm.” Unlike him Sweetie Belle does not reflect the happiness rather she expresses nothing but just asks him to take them to a room where nobody can hear them talk.

Back to Rarity. “Who are you??”
G who for a change of pace can’t get a single word out of her mouth and why given how the Lady Cobra can say anything from wisdom to torturous scorn. Well let’s just say that even a well seasoned Immortal can be brought to awe upon laying eyes on the most beautiful being in this Earth! “Amazing…” The Lady Cobra ever so carefully reaches out and touches Rarity’s mane. “You are very, very beautiful. I thought Cadance was pleasing to the eyes but you are the fruit from the heavenly paradise. With such beauty and love for him, I can say the Young Prince is once again blessed with two sisters.”

*Ting* “You know about Princess Cadance!?”
The Lady Cobra goes silent again to hear the beautiful voice of the white Unicorn. “Even your voice is magnificent!”
In Rarity’s mind. “This is the mare Gold Sky was originally destined to be with. Hmm me and a dragon and him with a cobra except only I will be with the one I’m destined to be with.” Then to responding to the Cobra’s words. “Thank you for your kind words uhhh I-I don’t know your name?”

“OH yes of course where are my manners, ahem my name Gilda.”
The trouble Cadance has when saying the Toltecian Cobra’s name is nearly taken up by Rarity but the elegant Unicorn does not. “Gilda a beautiful name for a lovely Cobra and I thank you for bringing my brother to me.”

Hey what about me!!” Weytani asks despite knowing no one will understand her.
But Rarity obviously unable to understand the Xenomorph though kind of got the hint that she is asking for recognition. “Oh and thank you too Weytani for protecting him.”

The proud Xenomorph holds her head high to be thanked by Master’s sister.
“Wait you understand him I mean her, you understand her?” G asks.
“No, I just took the hint that Weytani wants to be thanked for helping Gold Sky.”

“Oh.” G admits to herself that the Young Prince’s very beautiful sister has more to her than just her looks.

In Rarity’s room Sweetie Belle finally pushes herself away from Gold Sky’s embrace. “Look Gold Sky I’m only here for one thing and one thing only. Don’t talk but listen. Uhm ever since I saw your memories…I saw you killing all those children I couldn’t that a stallion whom my big sister calls brother, loves as brother, and spends time with brother is a murderer!” Sweetie Belle growls. “You are murderer! Those zebras were innocent children and you killed them all just to save one griffon who in no way is related you…JUST LIKE ME!! I’ll understand if it was Gilda but it wasn’t…” Sweetie Belle stops herself to maintain her composure given she’s practically scarred…yes seeing the stallion she once held dear to heart slaughter zebra after zebra shocked to the point she almost went insane but luckily did not. “You are a murderer! All you deserve in life is pain and misery and I wish that upon you starting now and hereon. And finally from now on know you are no longer my brother and I am no your sister, I disown you, you murderer!” Now standing straight Sweetie Belle will end with this. “May eternal damnation find you.”

In shock but will not succumb to his emotions in front of the filly, Gold Sky nods a few times, breathes sharply out of his nostrils, and blinks rapidly. “You’re young and naïve Sweetie Belle, y-y-you’re young and naïve. When you come of age and your mind is fully developed you will regret all of this.”

Sweetie Belle snorts. “I doubt it.”
“So be it.” Gold Sky doesn’t bother looking at the departing filly. “So be it…Sweetie Belle.”

Rarity coming in to talk to her brother automatically hugs him. “Gold Sky I know what happened to you, Twilight uh Twilight sent me what she recorded. I’m so sorry brother, I didn’t mean for all of this to happen to you.”

“Sister I can’t…I-I-I can’t help you anymore, forgive me.” Gold Sky whispers in her ear. “Please forgive me but Twilight is relentless.”

Now feeling the guilt Lauren wants her to feel, Rarity strokes the back of the stallion’s head. “No Gold Sky please forgive me, this is all my fault. You have faith in me, you do but I don’t have faith in myself. I should have never gotten you involved in my conflict with Twilight Sparkle…” From out of nowhere she hears Lauren whisper to her. “We need to seek shelter in a place Twilight will think in looking for us.”

Feeling at ease thanks to big sister’s suggestion he asks her what is the place she has in mind.

“The Crystal Empire.”
*Sigh* “I trust your judgment sister.”


My Dearest Readers I thank you for your patience and I know I'm late but might as well Merry Christmas. Regarding the ultimate quackery, I originally intended to use Anti-Vaxxors given how well you know more bad than good but upon stumbling on some website that presents a list of quackery and it's purveyors. I was like oh man I may not be a man of science but even I know this quackery is well quackery. Overall I had to flip a coin to either pick anti-vaxxors or the other quackery.

Chapter. 84- Preview
"20 meters!" Luna reads from the hologram motion tracker spell she and Delta Scorch just created.
"Meters?" Delta asks.
"Oh yards I meant yards!" Luna corrects herself as the shining dot on the motion tracker hologram moves closer.

Du brauchst deine ganze kraft, den de zulunft der welt liegt in deiner hand!” Manda points out by having Phasma try the stag.

“I don’t know what you said but you have a point.” Phasma admits.

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