• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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A test for Honesty and Octavia attempts Reconciliation with Mother.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 57

Disclaimer- My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust. Arthur's note at end.

In the Griffon Republic an oath is being made and sparkling blood has been shed to seal the oath. Gold Sky picked up the custom to seal oaths with blood from the griffons, he prevented his tissue regeneration from healing in order for his sparkling blood to flow out and fall upon Rarity’s hoof. Rarity didn’t react to the sight of blood instead she smiled to feel brother’s blood run down and then become absorbed into her skin. “Sister my blood is your blood and your blood is my blood.” Gold Sky levitated his knife so Rarity can take it and shed her blood.

Rarity’s magic took hold of the knife and quickly cut herself. “Gold Sky, can you please use your magic to keep my tissue regeneration from healing the wound.” Rarity asked.
A grayish purple aura stopped the wound from healing therefore allowing her blood to flow out and fall upon Gold Sky’s hoof. “Brother my blood is your blood and your blood is my blood.”

Rarity’s crimson blood and Gold Sky’s sparkling blood combined when their blood covered hooves made contact. Together in unison they recited their pledge. “Brother and Sister together shall face the coming hardship, together they shall bleed, together they shall fight, and together they shall prevail.”

Rarity hugged Gold Sky, thanking him for agreeing to help while in her mind asks Lauren to please forgive her though Rarity has only been warned and has not been exposed to any form of wrath from the Archangel.

From the window the sun is setting. The day is coming to its end along with Gold Sky’s, Rarity’s, and Gilda’s stay in the Republic but Gold Sky will ask Judith one last thing. His loving nature cannot accept Judith accepting her condition. Gold Sky stood outside Judith’s room and knocked on her door.

“Yes?” Judith asked.

*Sigh* “It’s me Gold Sky may I come in?”

Judith opened the door for Gold Sky and then closed the door behind her. “What is it Gold Sky?” She asked as she sits down on her bed.

Gold Sky looked at the griffon. “Judith I just can’t accept your decision to refuse my blood…please Judith!” He fell down to his knees. “Judith please! I’m begging you to accept my blood, please Judith, please accept it! I just can’t let you have such an end.”

Judith came over to the stallion and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Oh Gold Sky this must be hard for you. Hard for you because you have the ability to heal me but yet see me deny it. I won’t accept your blood Gold Sky, I’m sorry but I won’t accept your blood.”

“Pleasssse! Judith please I just can’t see somebody like you suffer! It’s against my nature to let someone loving like you go through the coming agony! You have done so much for Gilda, please at least do it for her!”

“Gold Sky I’m sorry…I accept what I have and I can’t escape it. How can I live if my own children don’t even care about me! You Gold Sky have Gilda and that other pony but who do I have, nobody, I have nobody.” Judith now took the stallion into an embrace. “I’ve always dreamed of escaping this reality.” She felt Gold Sky gasp. “Yes you heard me right Gold Sky, I cannot handle reality anymore. When my eldest son died I felt my whole world cracking and when my husband died it was the last straw, my world completely collapsed and I reached out to my nine remaining children asking every one of them to please comfort me but every one of them came up with an excuse to turn their backs on me.” *Sigh* “My eldest son I just knew he’ll be the only one to wipe away my tears and tell me how much he loves me with all of his heart…my first born, m-my heir, my eldest son! Isn’t it a funny fact in life ninety nine percent of the time it’s the daughters who take care of their mothers but for me I had the one percent…the son take cares of his mother. For years I dreamed in escaping reality, escaping to a place where I feel loved by everyone around me, appreciated, and whole. You know what I mean Gold Sky?”

“Reality cannot be escaped Judith, I tried suicide many times to escape reality I even became insane and I don’t know for how long but reality brought me back. Judith we cannot escape from what believes in us we can only escape from what we believe in. But if we escape from what we believe in it will hurt us and those we believe in.” Gold Sky moved a hoof up to cover Judith’s mouth. “I left behind my dear Gilda because I was weak and a coward and what did it do to her! It affected her, it affected me, and my wife who desires children but I do not desire any children due to my sin against Gilda. You Judith you have not done anything wrong like I have but your nine children have abandoned you, I know your pain but your pain shouldn’t be your only reason to deny my blood when you can have the chance to bond with them again. You are their mother, their mother! You nurtured them, love them with all your heart, and cherish them so why will you give up so easily! Please Judith think… a mother does not give up so easy.”

“Yet you Gold Sky you think you failed Gilda by leaving her behind but truthfully you never sinned against her, you did your duty as her father to protect her…”Gold Sky stopped her.

“How do you know this if you were asleep!!?” Gold Sky frantically asked.

Judith pointed her ears. “I may have been asleep but I still heard everything you said to Gilda. You never sinned against her, you were only protecting her and I, well, I took her under my wing only because she reminded me of my eldest son. Gilda is your daughter and mine but you are her only parent.” Judith gently wrapped her hand around Gold Sky’s horn. “Funny isn’t it.”

“What can be so funny Judith?” Gold Sky asked whose voice is not loving but rather testy for Judith choosing to refuse his blood.

“Both of us tried to escape reality, though you had a better reason to escape while I tried to escape when my nine children rejected me. It hurts a mother you see when her children reject her, I raised all of them with my love! Kissing every one of them before they went to sleep, wiped away their tears to remind my children how I love them, and yet they reject me! All of my hearts reject me and you expect me to just be healed so I can try in vain to alter this reality when I know it won’t matter. You as a father believe in a set of beliefs and I as a mother believe in a set of beliefs and I believe my fate is sealed.”

Gold Sky snorted under his breath to see a trait Judith shares with him. “You’re just like me.”

“How so Gold Sky?”

“You’re a nihilist like me, well in a certain light. You don’t find purpose in my blood just like I find no purpose in hope along if I may add you see no purpose in hope too.”

Judith nodded. “Yes and like you said in a certain light I hope as reality breaks down around me the images of my nine children become undone but for last my dearest eldest son will hug me one last time before my mind breaks him apart and I become a motionless griffon.”

Gold Sky sighed; Judith is sticking by her decision to accept her fate. He wants to use his telepathy on her. He cannot understand why this mother will not attempt to reach out to her nine children to him that’s like Celestia never reaching out to him when he returned home from his journey but he can’t use his telepathy, he will not abuse it to go against a mother’s wish. She sees purpose in her condition and if she can find purpose in that then who is he to derive her of her path. “Very well then Judith, please forgive me for trying to make you change your mind. I’m sorry.” The stallion got out of Judith’s embrace and headed for the door to leave but then abruptly stopped one step from the door.

“What's wrong?” Judith asked.

Gold Sky fell to his knees and began sobbing.

“Oh dear!” Judith came and once again wrapped her arms around Gold Sky. “Please don’t cry for me! Please don’t cry for me! My own children won’t cry for me so why should you cry for me!”

“This hurts me…you don’t deserve this!” Even in his sobs Gold Sky manages to growl. “I want to cure you but I can’t force you. Oh my Celestia! I wish I can do more for you. Please at least let me do more for you.”

Judith snatched her blanket, softly using it to wipe away Gold Sky’s tears. She understands his deep compassion for her it is what makes him a loving father for Gilda; his heart is everlasting in love and Judith just by hearing him talk to her can feel the power of his Love touch her own heart. “There, there Gold Sky. You showing how much you care about me is the least you can do. Gold Sky please listen carefully to what I’m going to say, you are pure of heart and with that purity you are so full of Love. That is your strength and weakness but I know your strength outweighs your weakness, take care of Gilda like you always have. Love her, guide her, protect her, and be the parent, be her parent you have always been. Honor me by letting go of her when the time comes when your daughter shall fly from under your wing and journey into the world with everything you passed down to her. Also don’t cry when you walk her down the aisle…she will always remember you because you her father loves her so much, more than a mother, more than me.” A kiss on Gold Sky’s forehead stopped his tears. “Go wish your daughter a good night.”

Gold Sky dried his eyes before leaving Judith’s room. Within the core of his mind he says good bye to a hopeless mother consequently he wishes she found the hope to take his blood, funny how he wants Judith to have hope despite his wrath against it. He found Gilda lying down on her bed appearing like she’s trying to fall asleep, with his lips perked into a small smile Gold Sky went over and sat down on the edge of Gilda’s bed softly stroking her hair. Gilda felt his loving affection causing her to grab his hoof and pressed it against her cheek; she tells her father how much she loves him through her golden eyes.

Gold Sky bends slowly down; he tenderly presses his lips on Gilda’s forehead and kisses her good night. “Sweet dreams my dearest daughter, my lovely heart living outside my body. I love you.”
Gilda with her other hand moves father’s head and kisses him on the cheek good night. “I love you very much daddy, I love you very much.”

Gold Sky nuzzled Gilda and left to get some shut eye, he will not say good night to Rarity when he can do so telepathically. “I sensed something wrong when I sealed the oath with our blood, it’s like someone is trying to tell me I’m making a huge mistake here. Humph, it must have been my weak side as Judith said or it could be the Razor looking for an excuse like he’ll get one!”

Rarity awaits Gold Sky to come kiss her good night but seeing him walk past her room without even bothering to look in shocked her. The white mare was about to get up until coming to the realization she’s putting Gold Sky’s life in risk in every step they’re going to take, after which she made up her mind, she will go to him and wish him good night.

Gold Sky eyed the orange bottle holding the tablets of Lorazepam, he chuckled to fooling the chemist by pretended he had a psychiatrist’s order, true he’s a physiologist but only psychiatrists like Time Turner are allowed to prescribe medications, still he will bend everything to help Rarity. Haphazardly though, Lorazepam is designed for short term usage, mostly at max three weeks to a month. Otherwise there is the high risk of dependence or addition and he has four months worth of Lorazepam. Gold Sky levitated the bottle. “I can resist it. I resisted the urge to kill the chieftain; I resisted the urge to spare the third baby dragon when it fearfully cowered in the corner of the cave when it saw I killed the other two dragons, I resisted the urge to kill the Elite Commando leader thanks to my dearest wife, I resisted the urge to succumb to defeat when I couldn’t fight against Nightmare Moon any more, and I resisted the urge to attack Applejack when I read her mind. I can fight the dependency or addition. I am a psychologist…yeah who only had two clients unlike Time Turner with his hundreds or thousands, ha, lucky fellow due to being a psychiatrist. Anyway, after midnight if I have a panic attack I can take a pill if I need to.” Gold Sky made himself comfy in bed and instantly fell asleep the moment his eyes closed, not allowing him to hear Rarity come in, kiss him good night and nuzzle him on the cheek with a calm look on her face.

“Hmm.” Rarity looked at the orange container holding Gold Sky’s medication. “I should look at it.” She reached out to grab the pill bottle.

“Aunt Rarity don’t.” Gilda whispered. “Leave it alone please and go to bed.” Gilda gave Rarity a quick hug.

Rarity asked Gilda why she’s not leaving too and how did she get here so quietly.

“I am going to watch over him in case he has a panic attack. It’s my turn to protect him with my wing just like he has always protected me with his wing, good night Aunt Rarity.”
Rarity left and Gilda passed her hand through Gold Sky’s jet black hair just like he has always done to her when she will come and sleep over his beating heart. Because what is more beautiful when a father uses his heart to sooth his daughter.
Especially when the daughter has scars from the war she fought in and perhaps the only way to quell and maybe heal the scars is to listen to father’s heartbeat after getting used to the scar over it.

The sun sets over the Griffon Republic and rises over Equestria.


Octavia’s developing child woke up the gray mare because it needs nutrients and the mother needs to rebalance the loss of electrolytes and liquids.
“Hello new day. I am going to forgive Applejack and see my mother for the first time through my own free will.” *Happy sigh* “I know Celestia will be very pleased and Rainbow will probably gently pat me on the back. Mother…I am going to be a mother and I am going to reconnect with my mother oh the cycle of the last of my mortal life before it fully becomes immortal.” The gray mare got up from bed and performed her usual morning routine. “Take a peek.”

Octavia looked into the mirror for the Alicorn in her. “There I am. Could this be a sign that maybe my son will be an Alicorn like his daddy? Perhaps, that is the most logical reason for my reflection being like this; also maybe Celestia will say the same thing I’m saying right now. Luna has no business in this while Cadance…well the ultrasound is more than enough for her, she had me all wild up for twin boys.” Octavia got her bowtie on. “I’m off to see Applejack, first I need some carrots, juice, and more carrots.”

After the quick breakfast and receiving some kind words from Celestia after making her intentions known to the white mare, Octavia boarded the train to Ponyville. After forty minutes give or take, the gray mare arrived at Ponyville. With a sigh of content she took another fifthteen minutes to trot all the way to Sweet Apple Acres finally in front of the door Octavia felt her heart beating slowly. “I hope she won’t freak out when she sees me here.” *Knock, knock.* “Oh.” *Knock.* Three knocks are mostly the charm.

Bon Bon answered the door prompting Octy to raise an eye brow as for Bon Bon she sees the wife of the Alicorn stallion and the founder of the music academy standing on Big McIntosh’s door step. “May I help you Octavia?”

“Yes. Can you please tell Applejack I wish to speak with her.”

“Sure.” Bon Bon went to find Applejack; meanwhile the red stallion asked her who’s at the door. “It’s Octavia, Big Macintosh. She wants to speak with Applejack.”

“Oh, well Ah’ll get her for you. Ah don’t want Applejack to hit on you and Ah still don’t trust her around you.” Big Macintosh went up to Aj’s room. “Applejack.” Big Mac paused. “There is somepony who wants to see you.”

Applejack jumped out of her bed but one of her hind legs was tangled with the blanket stopping her in mid air and gravity bringing her down. “Ow! Who is it Big Mac?” Applejack shook off the blanket off of her hind leg.

Big Macintosh intended to tell his sister it’s Octavia but decided to have fun by making this a joke. “It’s Dj Pon 3.” He quietly giggled to himself.

*GASP!* “Dj Pon 3! Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my! Thanks Big Mac!” Applejack scrambled to make herself presentable for the talented artist.

And Ah’ll move to the right now.” Big Macintosh got out of dashing Applejack’s way. “Hehehehe Ah’m so mean.

Applejack opened the front door. “Dj Po, oh FRAK!” What a perfect way to greet the gray mare.

No it’s not actually.

“Hello Applejack.” Octavia gave Applejack a better greeting.

“Oc-Octavia, wh-wh-why are you he-here?” The sound of liquid striking the wooden floor can be heard.

Octavia’s eyes looked down before moving back up at Applejack. “Look I know that the last time I came here I harmed you and I’m sorry for doing that to you. So today I come here to tell you I forgive you for writing that letter which all led to Gold Sky’s death. Please accept my words Applejack and please forgive me for attacking you.” Octavia lowered her head. “I forgive you Applejack.”

Applejack took in the forgiveness. “Thanks Octavia.” She gave Octavia her forgiveness. “Ah forgive you.”

With this now done Octavia sees she can leave now so Applejack can stop being so tense. “Oh Applejack.” Octy whispered.


Octavia pointed at something behind Applejack. “You may want to clean up that puddle of pee behind you. Farewell Applejack I pray we can be friends.” The gray mare trotted away.

Applejack sighed with relief and in that relief she backpedaled into her own puddle causing her to slip and fall in it. “Ooooooooh…ew just ew. But at least it’s my pee…time to clean it up.”

Nearby Big Macintosh laughed to himself. “Hey Bon Bon, can you please come with me to the Hallpony store?”

“Yeah I’ll be more than happy to but are you going to get a birthday card or get well card for somepony or me?” Bon Bon elbowed Big Mac with a laugh.

Big Mac with a cute rosy hue on his cheeks scratched the wooden floor with his hoof. “Ah uh Ah want to get a card for Pinkie Pie, th-that’s all.”

Bon Bon grinned. “Big Mac, that’s so sweet of you that I will kiss you on the forehead!” Bon Bon grabbed his head and gave him an adorable kiss making the rosy color on Big Mac’s cheeks spread to the rest of his handsome face.

“No stop it! Why are you so mean Bon Bon, ugh! You know I can’t shield myself from your cuteness!” Either way it’s all in good faith, after all Big Macintosh loves Bon Bon and Bon Bon loves him and their relationship will not…ok maybe out of just necessity to quiet any lingering questions…their relationship will never cause them to fall in Love, Love. Big Macintosh is in Love with Pinkie Pie and Bon Bon has Lyra Heartstrings, all said and set in stone.

The stallion and mare head off to the Hallpony store.

Coming off the train in Canterlot, Octavia stops in the station to look around at the other ponies around her. First thing she sees is a mother lovingly stroking her daughter’s hair, then from above comes the father who’s a Pegasus with his son on his back. A family, complete, whole, and Lovely. The Nuclear family, Octavia dreamed of this but her dream is only coming true halfway, without the father, without the husband, a family can never be complete and she herself is a product of a single parent upbringing so she never wants her son to go through what she has gone through sadly nevertheless; things must go on for the good of relative occurring reality. Octavia sees the husband and wife affectionately rub heads how it must be nice for the husband to go through a rough experience and then come home to have the wife comfort him with her love and understanding then to just look into her eyes to remind himself how lucky he is. For the wife whenever she’s going through a time of uncertainty or tribulation she can look to her husband as a solid foundation to provide her with guidance and reassurance who then takes into his arms to seal everything with a nuzzle to the cheek. As for the son and daughter both have the mother to nurture them with her Love for nurture puts them in front of the crossroads, the father guides them with his light; shows them how to see right from wrong, translate the foulness of the hidden messages in a society collapsing into immorality, be good at heart, and most importantly be Responsible. For in the collapsing society responsibility is seen as a disease when it is the cure and father passes down the cure to his children then his children passes the cure down to their children and so on and so on.

Of course there are some exceptions, the immortal mother otherwise known as Princess Celestia nurtures and guides. Luna well, she’s near that threshold hence this is due to Celli having a one thousand year advantage over Luna. Cadance is on par with Celestia though she has the mindset of a teenager entering adulthood but that is nothing to even be worried about, after all, before Celestia became the loving motherly ruler of Equestria, Cadance has always been Mother Love.
“Don’t mind them, just go and see Gold Sky to let him know about his son. If he doesn’t know then how can he watch over him, also tell him about my Alicorn reflection.” The gray mare made her way to the cemetery guessing Celli had made a marker for Gold Sky or if not she can just pretend she’s leaving. “Shame on me for not telling him sooner deep shame on me.” She walked past the currently closed location where Gold Sky practices his psychological business. “Nothing can excuse me of my carelessness.” Indeed in her mind she sees her time taken to tell Gold Sky as if she’s never told him in the first place. “I’m here. Damn, this place is supposed to feel cold but yet to me I feel warmth accompanied by a breeze.” Octavia knows where Gold Sky’s parents rest so if should serve as a possible locater for her once immortal husband. “There.” Octavia stood before the marker stating her Love’s name. “What!? Why is his flower dead! Why is his flower dead!! His father’s flower is still blooming so is his mother’s then how come his IS DEAD!! Where’s that damn gardener…calm down, please calm down. I’m here.” Octavia stepped on the dead flower. “At least Celli came to leave a bouquet of roses for him. She came long before me and she’s the mother and I’m his wife. I’m supposed to be the first one here not her, I’m sorry Gold Sky.”

Funny thing though, the dried up roses are from Twilight Sparkle who came before Octavia to pay her not so nice respects.
“Gold Sky my love, my husband. I have something to tell you.” Octavia stopped as if he’s alive and asking her what is it she wishes to tell him. “It’s good news Gold Sky!” Indeed. “I’m pregnant…I’m pregnant!” Once again Octavia stopped to see the emotion on Gold Sky’s face, she imagines his lips twitching before emitting nothing but gibberish and his eyes becoming wider than Twilight’s adorable puppy eyes. “I know I couldn’t believe it either.”

It’s a pity this conversation is actually happening, a pity it’s with a piece of stone, a pity everypony who sees her doing this finds it normal since it’s in a cemetery, and it’s a pity Octavia didn’t tell him as soon as she found out. “Now to the best part Gold Sky, it’s a boy. Yes that’s right; we are blessed with a son!” Octavia said the word blessed out of remembrance for seeing the first dream Gold Sky wanted before he died. “I’m sorry I took so long to tell you, it took me by surprise and I’m sure it’ll take you by surprise too. But you’ll be asking me if I’m really pregnant and not just playing a prank on you. Don’t worry, our son shall know of your legacy.” Octavia ever so gently placed a hoof on Gold Sky’s marker. “I want to cry for you.” Octavia passed her other hoof over her eyes. “I won’t, you don’t want me to cry for you. Good bye my love, I will never remarry because just like your heart belongs to me my heart belongs to you. I love you and our son loves you too.” The gray mare didn’t look back as she walks away from her husband’s resting place; her husband wanted her mind purged of him so why give him more reasons to be justified.

Octavia sat on a bench outside the cemetery to watch the world walk around her, oh the world, by what reason will the world even care for anyone’s loss when it can move on without taking in the outlook of the loss. However, seeing the reasons behind loss can help the world learn but seeing the world is arrogant just like Octavia has been in her hesitation in telling Gold Sky of their child. Octavia asks herself if the world is sinking its weak minded claws into her. It took Celestia’s explanation to see Immortals guide the mortals and as an immortal herself she will one day guide the mortals of Equestria, sure she’s not guiding mortals right now even though as a music teacher she teaches and in some cases guides some students to use music as pathway to self enlightenment. But once she becomes a mother then she can pick up the leading traits Celestia and Cadance have and watching her son and his future generations progress through time then it will be her time to lead the mortals to a path to which not even the weak minded world can tempt the mortal. “Time for this future mother to meet her mother.

The gray mare leaves the bench and proceeds to the address her mother lives in.

All right Applejack, before Ah can be with Dj Pon 3 Ah need to control myself and by controlling myself Ah need to tame my mind and stay faithful to her.” Applejack sat in one of the outside tables in the Ponyville café for what is a better way to tame the mind by having a front seat to watch every pony walk and watch them with her green eyes. “Ah know this is the hardest thing Ah’m doing to mahself but if it means in me changing to a better mare for Dj Pon 3 then should be worth it.” Applejack ignored a beautiful earth pony trot in front of her eyes.

Should? You mean it will be worth it Applejack, remember you are not doing this for her you are doing this for a better you Applejack, keep that in mind.” Chero speaks in a mixed voice containing the fuzziness of a hearty mare and the monotone feeling of a stern stallion.

Applejack ignores another beautiful earth pony mare. “Sorry Chero, Ah well normally correct myself but you did that for me.

Chero did a one syllable laugh. “You are taking the rights steps Applejack.

Applejack beamed an ear to ear grin.

But just how exactly will looking at mares help you in any way? You are instead exposing yourself to more opportunities for your lust to stay in your already weak mind.

Hey!” Didn’t take long for Applejack to get her hair out of its bind.

Don’t get mad at the truth Applejack; just get mad at your not so good plan. Sure your intentions are good but overall futile.

Applejack thought in depth about her plan. Trying to control her lust infested emotions is good and looking at beautiful mares walk by is also a good idea well not for someone like her, good for somepony else but not her. “Oh…!” A beautiful Unicorn walks by Applejack’s field of view.

Chero rolled its brown and magenta eyes. “Well let’s see how this goes.” Chances are it won’t go well.

“Don’t damn you!” Applejack scolded herself. “She is only a mare, only a mare not a nice night of magic and sex, she’s only a mare. Damn it! Control it!” In her chest a warmness saturated with a spirally chill journeys all over her body, oh this little normal impulse of hers heads up to the mind where for the first time it meets a resistance.

Chero tilted its head in consternation. “I’m amazed, not too much but yet I’m amazed!” First time it sees inner conflict inside of Applejack.

Think about something else Applejack! Think about my friends…no don’t think about my friends.” Rarity happens to one of them and guilt is behind her image. “Think about something else!” Applejack searches her mind for something else.

“No, do think about your friends, because if you avoid feeling the guilt then you can’t find more reasons to change, wait I helped you more than enough already.” Chero closed its mouth.

Huge beads of sweat run down Applejack’s brow. The impulse meanwhile hits the resistance with a stronger force; it does not like this drastic change one bit! It wants Applejack to check out the mare from the flank to the head but this wall of immaterial willpower is stopping that. “Fight it; Ah must fight it, uh oh!” Now if one beautiful Unicorn is bad enough try adding two to the picture. “No, there’s another one!” Now the beads of sweat are flying off of Applejack’s head.

Ahhh here’s the true test because now there’s three beautiful Unicorn mares.”

Applejack groans to keep her lustful emotions from making her thoughts go the bedroom surrounded by those three nice Unicorn mares. “Ah can’t do this anymore!”

Don’t quit!” Chero roared.

“Ah’m not quitting Chero Ah’m just seeking an alternative!” Applejack took her eyes off the mares.

“Alternative?” Chero asked.

Next to Applejack is the cute Pink Pegasus with blonde hair and bangs enjoying a warm cup of coffee.
“Hey you!” Applejack loudly voiced at the Pink Pegasus.

“Huh?” The Pink Pegasus lowered her cup of coffee.

Here’s the alternative. “You want to have sex with me!?”

“That’s the alternative…?” Chero groaned in typical disappointment.

“WHAT!!!?” The Pink Pegasus’s ears dropped in disbelief.

Applejack repeated herself. “I said do you want to go and have some nice sex with me?”

The Pink Pegasus scoffed in total fair disgust. “What the frak is wrong with you!” She splashed her warm coffee on Applejack’s face.

“It’s not that hot. Ah!” She received a slap from the Pink Pegasus.

“Wonderful.” Chero pointed out.

“Get away from me you disgusting, foul, yucky, UGH!!! What is wrong is with you! I am not into mares like you and I have nothing against that but why the heck will you just ask me to have sex with you! You’re sick!! Yeah just sick! Frak off!” The Pink Pegasus jumped into the air and flew off.

Applejack slouched back and sighed in relief, the alternative provided a stimulus to get her mind off of the three Unicorn mares. “Ah think Ah need to meditate first so Ah look into my mind and control the lust inside there, maybe try having a cup of coffee with Dj Pon 3 outside and control my wondering eyes.”

Well devised plan Applejack. A plan you should have created in the first place instead of trying something drastic like this and get slapped. Still, if you wanted too, will you have sex with that that Pink Pegasus?” Chero asked.

No. When Ah had sex with Flitter it was nothing special and nothing Ah enjoyed. So as soon as she fell asleep Ah left after Ah wrote a simple thank you note. After that Ah only focused my sights on Unicorns. Earth ponies don’t get my attention at all. Well there was Golden Harvest but she beat me in my own game.

“Well Flitter got depressed if that matters to you Applejack to which it doesn’t but I’m amazed you tried to change by taking a huge step first instead of taking a small step first along with having that lustful impulse met with resistance and getting a slap so you can snap out of it. Of course Applejack, you still got a long way to go.

Applejack felt something in Chero’s words. “You have confidence in me!

“Yes I have confidence in you Applejack if you can change and stay loyal to Dj Pon 3 then all your work will pay off. Oh…” Chero realized something.

Oh what Chero?

Your friend Twilight Sparkle is a Unicorn.

Applejack did a small laugh. “Ah see where you’re going Chero and no, Ah don’t have any form of attraction to her. Sure she has nice hair but she’s my friend and Ah made a promise to never hit on my friends.

Except Rarity. When it came to her you broke your own promise and made it your life mission to have sex with her but at least you had the common decency to just end your quest for Rarity and just see her as your friend.

Applejack almost rolled her eyes at Chero, luckily though she didn’t. “Ah know, Ah know.” *Sigh* “Ah should have never dated Rarity in the first place, she just wasted her time on me…oh my. She knows what Ah am and Ah think she will never speak to me ever again and Ah also can’t go to her because Ah tried beating Gold Sky to death and had him killed.” Applejack’s eyes suddenly widened. “Why are you not mad at me for having a Chero killed!”

Because I am filled with the love Mother Love Cadance spreads and for now let’s ignore that aspect Applejack and continue.

Applejack continued. “Rarity will disown me for figuring out that Ah only wanted sex from her and for having Gold Sky killed. She won’t believe me after Ah change meaning Ah gain Dj Pon 3’s love and Ah lose Rarity’s friendship.” This gives a whole new meaning to she can only have one or the other.

Chero’s voice took the guidance of a fatherly stallion. “Perhaps it may be so. But you’ve been forgiven by the wife of Gold Sky so have hope Applejack. With hope many things can be possible now let’s go meditate.

Applejack left the café and headed back to the farm in order to find the point where Applejack’s mind wants her to be and where her flesh does not want her to be.

“I am in front of my mother’s door.” Octavia exaggeratedly breathed out. “Everything has a first step.” She knocked on Harmonic Breeze’s door.

Within one minute the door opened and on the side of the entrance stands an old gray mare though she is a shade lighter and does not have the same eye color as the daughter. “Octavia.” Harmonic Breeze said quietly.

“Hello mother, I’m here to see you.” Octavia’s voice scratched her mother’s ears with the unknowing chance of anger waiting to just manifest itself.

Harmonic Breeze got out of Octavia’s way. “Please come in.”

The door closed and Octavia studied her surroundings of her mother’s home. All around her are objects displaying the young days of Harmonic Breeze’s glorious singing career. Golden records, tickets to her concerts, pictures with some nice looking fans, newspaper articles about her, covers of her albums, and lastly a framed poster of her best concert. Octavia told herself Harmonic Breeze has an anchor in the past of her singing career. It’s kind of normal for somepony like Harmonic Breeze to cling to the past because now she’s been reduced to a singer in a nice restaurant. Ha, from a true Star to just an employee paid way less than what she used to earn and the question is what brought Harmonic Breeze’s career down.

“Mother, you have a nice house. Such a lot of art around you and I never knew you performed in so many concerts.” Octavia touched her mother’s first record.

Harmonic Breeze nearly got tense. “Don…” She stopped herself. “Please be careful with that it’s fragile.”

Octavia turned to her mother to look into those old eyes. “So mother, why do you bask yourself in all of these objects that make you stuck in the past instead basking yourself with the menus from the restaurant you work in that continues with your wonderful career?”

Harmonic Breeze simply stared at Octavia; the daughter just comes and mocks her with elegant composure and does so with no intention to back down to give some respect. “Octavia, are you hungry?”

“No I’m not hungry mother but thanks for your sudden concern for me or for my child so you can lie to him by claiming how much of a mother you have been to me when you never were.” Just then Octavia raised her hoof the same way Celestia does when silencing a talkative Royal Court member. “I know what I’m doing mother and I want to get it out of my system first because if I don’t get rid of some lingering feelings then I can’t show you this.” Octavia reached to get something out of her bowtie. “Look mother.” She slid the ultrasound photo of her developing son.

Harmonic Breeze gasped. “Is that…!?”

“Yes, it’s your grandson mother. Look at him and smile please. For one I’m done giving you the heartless words you deserve and for two you need to smile.”

Smile is what Harmonic Breeze did. “He’s so beautiful…oh my Great Spirit, he’s so beautiful! My grandson your son!” The mother instantly forgot Octavia’s harsh words. “Thank you for showing me this, thank you Octavia and I’m so sorry for abandoning you and your father. I’m so sorry.” The ultrasound photo served to open the floodgates in Harmonic Breeze’s mind to let out the guilt inside. The guilt that filled her came when her career came to an end when a sneaky little paparazzi caught Harmonic Breeze saying she has more majesty and elegance than Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance…a boast that is never to be boasted about because even the most devout fans and sponsors will never go that low to mock her majesty and will shun those who do. So there came the end of Harmonic Breeze’s singing career, all of her time spent signing record deals, signing autographs, and being in many newspaper interviews, obviously came to an end as stated twenty three words earlier. Adding to this heart shattering and on a side note well deserved pain Harmonic Breeze lost eighty percent of her earned money partially due to her laziness to keep count of her money and the exit of her bookkeeper who didn’t want to be connected to somepony who deeply disrespected her majesty. (Plus taking some of the money under the cover of a fee.) With the remaining twenty percent Harmonic Breeze came to her senses that what is done cannot be undone and there cannot be a comeback either, sad pretty sad, if one ignores her past sins which given the lopsided or just plain one sided degenerate society coming about in the likes of Manehattan, Las Pegasus, and Canterlot to a certain extent, but as for the rest of Equestria it’s not sad for she bought a small dominion in Canterlot, quickly got a job thanks to a generously open minded manager who does not show sympathy but shows consideration for talent even if it’s left over talent.

Octavia took back the ultrasound photo. “Mother I understand your happiness and your out of place unnecessary apologies but please don’t ruin the photo. I only got three, I have one in a frame, second one I will give to Rarity my husband’s sister, and the third well it’s not for you it’s for somepony more important.”

A wordless screech echoed out of Harmonic’s mouth, she wants to ask why Octavia is doing to her but being shown forgiveness is more than…not enough for Harmonic Breeze but who is she to demand more than what is generously given to her. “Why?”

Octavia didn’t blink. “Because mother, I remember having my imagination create a scenario ten hours after father died. I remember, oh my, the scenario never happened but my imagination is just my imagination. I told father with Gold Sky standing behind me, I’m pregnant.” Octavia said what needed to be said.

“I don’t want to make you mad Octavia but I want to know something. Father meant the world to you did he? Did you almost get depressed?”

The gray mare sat on the a soft arm chair remembering the first twenty four hours in a world without her father the only things she had left of him were the memories of him, photos, his teachings and morals, and lastly his Love. “I almost went into a depression…” Now she will shed tears for her father now. “I couldn’t believe a good stallion like father will die before my eyes and just minutes after he gives Gold Sky his blessing! JUST MINUTES!” She stopped to have a breath. “My Gold Sky held me in his arms as I cried, h-his skin absorbed every one of my tears but what really surprised me is his quietness. I guess he knew his words will not fill in the void in my heart but just being there for me, oooooh, he just stayed quiet and the only noise that came from him is the hum his horn made when he’ll wipe away my tears. The next day I stayed secluded in bed, he came to my house to care for me. He made me breakfast and made sure I ate all of it without ushering a single word.”

“Was this before you married him?” Octavia’s mother asked.

“It was the one day before my marriage…you insulted him, I said enough already. Look mother to go on with this little visit between us is pointless. I mocked you too much today when I shouldn’t but as a soon to be mother I wanted to show you what a true mother is, don’t get me wrong though, I don’t hate you but I just want to get my anger for you completely out of my system first before we can build something between us. Mother, I know in your, ahem, heart you love me and you want something to be there between us.” Octavia pointed at one of Harmonic’s posters. “You know great things always burn like your singing career however, from the ashes something grows, us. Of course do not even think of including my son into this, you will be in his life yes but not too much. I’m leaving. Oh and I will always be a better mother than you.”

The gray mare got up from the chair, opened the door, and stepped outside but before leaving she stopped to say something else. “I will come tomorrow I promise and mother…I love you.”
Harmonic Breeze held back her tears to hear those words come from her daughter because the last time she heard those words came out of Octavia’s mouth was when she was a little filly.

Once again the Canterlot cemetery got visited by the gray mare, she walked past the many granite markers until reaching Flowing Octave’s grave.

A few times Gold Sky asked Octavia why she always called Flowing Octave, father, through her life. It puzzled the Alicorn, puzzled him for the reason she never once called him daddy the affectionate term children will say before moving on to the next term. Octavia too finally thought about that, she always called father, father, well she not only loved Flowing Octave, she deeply respected him. Respected him not only for being father, respected him because he prepared her for everything life will throw at her, for in the beginnings of life things are good and when the beginnings end the good becomes lukewarm, things change as one matures. Seeing things in a whole new light frequency takes the good out of everything and can make things pretty grim for a not very often happy pony and in the lukewarm stance of life, the not so cold turns freezing when sadness comes albeit the death of Octavia’s father and the death of her husband but then the not so warm becomes hot when seeing the ultrasound of her child. Life cannot be interrupted by the deaths of Flowing Octave and Gold Sky who are two very important male figures in her endless life. The father who raised her with his love and the husband who loves her with all his heart and died through that. So it may be understandable if Octavia wanted to be depressed when father died and it’s understandable if she chooses to after seeing Gold Sky’s body disappear before her eyes.

But she won’t.

Octavia will use the strength passed down from her father to become the loving mother her son rightfully deserves.
After all…The Daughter becomes the Father and the Father the Daughter.

“Father.” Octavia got down to her knees to talk with love. “I have something to tell you father. I am pregnant.” A warm breeze blew through her gray black hair. “Yes father, you are going to be a grandfather to my son and you’ll be very happy right now. Sadly you’re not with me just like my husband is not with me too, I lost you and him while mother still lives, humph, the worst ones always live while the good perish for no reason. Father I mourned for him but I can’t do so any longer, I have move on and live my life without Gold Sky for my son, not only will I teach him what I know and what you passed down to me I will also teach everything I picked up from Gold Sky. Father, I love you and I wish I can be held in your arms right now and hear your comforting words.” Octavia reached into her bowtie to retrieve the ultrasound photo. “Here father, a picture of my healthy son, this is a gift for you. OH! And my son shall know of his mother being the daughter of the world’s greatest father.” Octavia got a rock over the top right hand corner so it would not blow away with the wind. “I love you father.”

The gray mare left her father’s resting place and went back to the palace.


“Wow Octy did that? Dannnnng, if I had mother like that Harmonic Breeze I’ll just tell her to eat Lightning Dust’s dust and die.” Rainbow reasonably expressed to Princess Celestia. Because Luna is busy evaluating potential candidates for the Elite Commando Guard, Cadance boarded the train back to the Crystal Empire after getting the photo of Gold Sky with a young Gila back from Luna thanks to Rainbow Dash, and Celestia wants to grow a strong bond with Rainbow prompting a little get together in balcony of the highest tower.

Celestia causally shrugged to Rainbow’s words, she for one will not voice agreement or disagreement for she has never experienced any sort of motherly love but has provided motherly love for her subjects and Gold Sky. “Rainbow I understand you saying that but you must give Octavia the recognition she deserves for taking such a huge step many will not choose to take. Besides it may be natural for Octavia, she lost her father and husband, leaving only her mother who is the last of her immediate family until her child is born.”

Rainbow nodded to Celli’s wisdom. “Well if Harmonic Breeze is the last of Octy’s family then you will be in for a surprise about that part. She made me her son’s aunt.”

The Princess of the Sun thought of new words to say. “Rainbow Dash, if only you knew how happy I am to hear that, when one thing end something new blossoms. Trust me before you ask about what I just said I have seen it countless times over the years. Also it I can take a wild but probable guess, you hope Octavia’s child is a Pegasus.”

Rainbow Dash adorably blushed. “Yes you got me Princess.”

Celestia smiled her beautiful smile and patted Rainbow Dash with her wing, it’s quite swell to see Rainbow be so different in a good way to being grafted into a new family. This Pegasus changed so much by the simple power of sincere words by Octavia and love for Octavia’s husband. Love changed a prideful mare into a Loving Loyal mare where pride does not have a strong grip over her. “You seem more than happy in this I’m sure Octavia’s child will be glad to have two aunts.”

Rainbow smiled. “Eey, err, yup, me and Rarity. Hehehe, Rarity for the elegance and I for the awesomeness!” Rainbow held her head high while a convenient wind made her hair sail around creating a magnificent pose.

“And what will you name Octavia’s role?” Celestia asked.

Rainbow maintained her head in its high status. “Mother and guidance to her son, just like you and Gold Sky. Mother and Son.”

“Rainbow, you never fail amaze me in ways unimaginable.” Celestia again patted Rainbow with her wing.

“Do you underestimate me your majesty?” Rainbow asked.

Celli shook her head. “No I don’t underestimate you Rainbow Dash I’m just amazed to see you take up the role of aunt in a new family. You are part of a new family and you shall forever be a part of it.”

“Yeah…*ting* oh heck I just realized something!” The rose colored eyes widened. “I am now Octy’s sister!”

“Mh-mhm.” Celestia knew but she wanted to be humored by seeing Rainbow Dash finally figure it out.

Rainbow dropped on her rump to think about her uncovering of this new role in her life and turned to look at Celestia but upon laying her eyes on the white mare she notices a tiny smirk. “Hey! You knew this!”

“Oh Rainbow Dash, I wanted you to figure it out because it is always sweeter like that and now that you know of being Octy’s sister can you think of a reason why she will do this?”

Rainbow placed her right hoof under her chin to think. “She has Rarity as a sister in law and both are tight, I am a good friend to Gold Sky plus Octavia said if it weren’t for me then she and him may have never gotten married. I am Loyal to the ones I love and I love Gold Sky, so Octavia sees that since I love him then I will love her child as well to which I will and I will love her too.” Rainbow went into deeper thought. “Also she doesn’t have any brothers and sisters until Rarity then I guess with Gold Sky gone she needs more to fill in the void so that is where I come in. Just like Gold Sky I will never forsake her and her child. Octy wants to be surrounded by family…and if I can also add, Octy is an Earth pony, Rarity is a Unicorn, and I am a Pegasus so with herself, Rarity, and me Gold Sky is here! All three of us make him! We are him! Octy’s perseverance, Rarity’s generous love, and my steadfast devotion!”

Now Celestia had a reason to be more than amazed with Rainbow Dash. “Uhhhhh…” Along with speechless.

Rainbow got up and looked at Princess Celestia to hear the Alicorn’s opinion. “Your majesty, are you alright?”

Celestia’s mouth moved with no words coming about. In all her wisdom she can’t comprehend Rainbow’s ability to come up with what she just said. “Remember what I said earlier?”

“I never fail to amaze you in ways unimaginable.” Responded the Element of Loyalty.

“Well you just did so at this very instant.” Celestia levitated a chocolate bar for the Pegasus.

Rainbow took the chocolate bar and got close to the Alicorn so she can be looked upon by those Magenta eyes. “Thank you, your majesty for giving me the honor for making an immortal like you speechless.”

Celestia simply grinned. “You’re very welcome.” *Ting* “Huh? Octavia is back. You want to come with me to see how it went with her mother?”

“Yeah and can we teleport to her!?”

“Of course just come under my wing.” Celestia lifted up her wing. “Ready?”

Rainbow nodded.

Octavia sighed in relief to have Celestia and Rainbow Dash appear in front of her.

“How did it go Octavia?” Asked the Princess of the Sun.

Octavia broke eye contact and frowned. “I screwed up your majesty.”

Rainbow and Celestia took quick glances at one another. “What happened Octavia?” Celestia asked.

“I had to let my anger out of my system first, she needed to feel the pain she deserves but I assured her, tomorrow I will see her again and start things anew between me and her.” Octavia reestablished eye contact.

Rainbow came up and covered Octy with an arm over her shoulders. “But did she look happy to see you?”

“I guess so was happy to see me and I showed her the ultrasound photo but did not give it to her.” Octavia patted Rainbow’s arm over her shoulders.

“Why?” Celli asked.

“I gave the ultrasound photo to my father instead, but I will reconnect with my mother tomorrow. I-I had to get my anger out of system first now I don’t feel angry at my mother anymore.”

“Ahhh.” Celestia now understands. “I see Octavia. You cleared your mind of anger and I understand.”

Octavia went on. “I also told her I’m a better mother than she is.”

“Whoa!” Rainbow exclaimed. “That may be far Octy but you’re right. You won’t forsake your child and I admire you very much for having such great integrity to have this uh, reconnecting mission with your mother.” Rainbow brought Octy closer.

“You just of thought of that did you?” Octavia asked while making eye contact with Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow gave Octavia that you’re so right look. “You can say that Octy. I’m just happy you got all your anger out of your system any who, do you want to stop talking about this or do you want to continue.”

Celestia got closer too to hear Octavia’s response.
“I’m done and can we go and spend some time together? I’m hungry.”

Celestia giggled. “Don’t you mean your child is hungry?”

Octavia got herself out of Rainbow’s friendly arm, she motioned Celestia to get down and placed her arms on both Rainbow’s and Celestia’s shoulders. “I’m hungry, not my son. Let’s all hang out together and just enjoy each other’s company.”

Rainbow cheered to this nice idea and Celestia grinned ear to ear. The Princess of the Sun teleported every one of them to the highest tower to have dinner Celestia suggested to Octavia earlier of course though this isn’t dinner it’s more like a pre-lunch grand meal and she will be in this occasion too. “The servants are coming up here with food my dears.”

Rainbow gave Octy a small nudge. “Thanks Octy for making me your sister.”

Octavia smiled warmly to Rainbow Dash slowly sat down on a cushion next to the Pegasus. “You’re welcome Rainbow Dash and thank you for accepting. And Celli thank you for becoming well you know to my son.”

Celestia reached out and passed a hoof down Octavia’s beautiful face. “No need to thank me Octavia. I’m just happy to await the coming day I’ll hold the son of my son.”

Earth Pony, Pegasus, and Alicorn bond.


Applejack sighed. “Alright Ah got to focus. Pheeeeeew, focus, focus. A true, true friend helps a friend in need uh man no, uhm, everywhere Ah turn she’s just a step ahead Bab’s Seed, Bab’s Seed, WAIT!!!? Why in tarnation am Ah thinking of Babs? Heck focus! Princess Cadance needs our help; her magic will not last forever I think we can do it but we need to work together…ok stop.” Random songs just plan random songs come to well random thoughts.

Well I think they’re catchy except for the last one but the Babs Seed whatever she’s called can be my favorite.” Chero said to ease Applejack’s mind so she can focus.

Applejack calmed herself down. “Thanks Chero, but how can Ah change if Ah can’t focus for more than two seconds? There is so much on the line for me.” Again she closed her eyes to zoom in on area of her mind where Lust has its dwelling. “Ah can change, Big Mac always told to hang on to hope and only hope can make my gear join with the mechanism of the world watch.”

Applejack.” Chero laid a hoof on her shoulder though not physically but mentally. “I will help you like this. Focus on what drove you to start changing in the first place. Ignore everything else, please ignore Rarity, ignore Rainbow Dash, ignore Spike, ignore friendship and its possible cessation, ignore Big Macintosh, in fact ignore everything that has it to have a purpose. Focus on Dj Pon 3. Focus on her for without her who knows what terrible predicament you will be in right now if you continued with the horrible lifestyle you are trying to escape from.

Applejack opened her eyes and just stopped everything she’s doing. “Chero…”

Yes Applejack.

“A-A-Ah’m sorry for using the death of my parents as excuse for my behavior. And Ah cannot thank you enough for carrying my mum’s dying wish and watch over me. Thank you Chero, thank you.” Applejack let out a tear or two to the feeling of humbleness embracing her.

You’re welcome Applejack. Now focus on Dj Pon 3 and on her alone.


In another part of the palace, Captain Delta Scorch sits by her majesty Princess Luna. The immortal mare secretly smiled to this it seemed like a long time she has been close to her son.

“Your majesty.” Even though Luna has told Delta to always call her by name he will not do so when there are other ponies around. “Do you think any of these ponies are worthy of becoming an Elite Commando Guard?”

“Very few show promise Captain.” Luna only calls her son by name but when there’s other commandos around then she refer to him by rank so the other ponies won’t get jealous for some reason. “The mares absolutely had no potential at all. None of them can hold anything close to Fleur-de-Lis which is kind of weird because she looks like the type of mare who’s more of a lady then a fighting machine. Plus she has a beautiful figure.”

“And hair don’t forget her hair your majesty.” Delta Scorch added.

Luna chuckled and gently nudged him with her shoulder. “Well that too and it will be a while until I find a mare who can become a commando like Fleur.”

“You may want not to hold your breath your majesty. Mares like Fleur will only come like once in an ultra while or if you really want another female commando then you can try griffons. I myself have some experience with griffons and they are very fierce but yet very kind even an assassin named Isao taught me his fighting style and some other assassins too taught me their fighting styles.” Delta knows her majesty will not consider female griffons but will show some admiration in his teachings by griffon assassins.

Luna shook her head only once. “The Elite Commando Guard belongs only to the ponies and I am amazed to see you how much a fighter you are. But yes I will give you the benefit in your eagerness to recruit griffons. Oh! Hold on Captain.”

Luna got up and walked over to the candidates. “My dear ponies, I am honored to say to you seven stallions, you are entering phase two of your training. Where in there you will all be put to the ultimate test. Any questions?”

“No your majesty.” The seven stallions bowed down and thanked her.

Luna went back to Delta Scorch. “Everything is done here Delta.” It’s just both of them now. “You can go and spend time with Cloud Kicker, it’s Sunday after all so go have fun.” She extended a wing to give the Unicorn a soft nudge.

However, Delta Scorch has felt he hasn’t been spending enough time with her majesty, they are very close and by close both have the liberty to express their feelings to one another. "Luna do you want to have a ice cream at that new Ice cream parlor that opened next to the Psychologist shop?"

Luna stopped in her tracks. "Celli the mother of the son I killed has done nothing to Delta Scorch." She quickly turned back around to look at Delta. "SURE! Come on Delta Scorch."

Princess and Commando or as Luna likes it to be written Mother and Son spend time together.

Chapter 58- (Name still in progress)

Next chapter will focus on Twilight, Gilda (Minor), Octavia and her Mother, and of course, Princess Luna and Delta Scorch.

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