• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 7,531 Views, 259 Comments

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Mother? and Confirming the Reservation

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust



Disclaimer- Arthur's note at end. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

“Dr. WholookslikeCarameleventhoughhe’saUnicorn, can you please watch Flying Havoc for a little bit.” Nurse Redheart asked in a forced calm voice.

“Of course Nurse Redheart I’ll be more than happy to.” Dr. WholookslikeCarameleventhoughhe’saUnicorn cantered over to Flying Havoc’s room to take his vitals and refill his PCA pump with more Morphine along with changing Havoc’s foley catheter.

Nurse Redheart placed her cap on the nurse’s station before going into her office.

Redheart sat down. She began to feel sadness growing inside of her, she looked to her dry erase board that had many photos taped to it. The photos were of her holding new born foals she delivered over the course of her long career, so many Unicorns. So many Pegasi. So many Earth ponies. But one photo stood out from the rest, it was her holding Gold Sky just minutes after he came into this world.

She got up from her desk to head over to the board. She placed a hoof on the picture and finally allowed tears to flow from her eyes. Just moments ago after Flying Havoc pressed the button on his pump, he told Redheart about his mission and he’s the one who stabbed Gold Sky in the heart. Redheart felt shock but being a nurse and along with being the head nurse she had to maintain a straight face as Flying Havoc told her every detail of his mission.

“I never got to tell him he’s going to be a daddy and I still haven’t told Octavia that she’s pregnant. If only I told him earlier then maybe he’ll still be alive right now.” But she couldn’t because of HIPAA regulation. “I need to finish my shift so I can pay my dear respect…” She remembered Havoc saying Gold Sky’s body became some kind of glowing dust and flew about in different directions from Octavia’s arms while only leaving behind his wedding band. “Good bye Gold Sky, where ever you are I hope you will watch over Octavia and your child.”

Redheart took down the picture she had of Gold Sky, she got a standing picture frame that was already on her desk and replaced the picture inside with the one of Gold sky. She softly tapped the frame before heading for the door.

Before leaving her office she turned to look at the picture frame. “If only I adopted you then you’ll still be alive right now.” Redheart left her office, trotted over to the nurse’s station to pick up her cap and continue her duty as Nurse Redheart.

Rarity left a generous tip for Mr. Cake before leaving the Sugarcube Corner and wiping off every unacceptable crumb from her wonderful meal.

The white mare stood on the front step of the restaurant, she took in a deep breath. The world around her began to spin while she herself felt her mind spinning in the opposite direction. This little pivotal moment of choosing a simple decision can be so unperceptive.

“Applejack…Spike.” Murmured Rarity.

“Twilight.” Rarity growled in extreme prejudicial hate.

She took a long look at the ponies going about their own business without having a complete sense of knowledge of Rarity’s terrible ordeal. Rose selling her beautiful roses, Derpy flying about delivering furniture, Lyra giving what seems likes a pep talk to a young colt while she points at a mare wearing glasses, and Big Macintosh pulling a cart full of apples. Each one of those ponies are living their lives to their points of self set ideologies to guide them in every minute of their set days.

“To each their own and so say we all…I still wonder why Pinkie just became so accepting of what she supposedly thinks of my relationship with Rainbow Dash, well we are her friends and she is very caring to all of us.” Rarity looked up in the sky hoping. Just hoping to see that wonderful streak of rainbow to give her some kind of a mystical peace, but no streak of rainbow appeared in the blue sky causing Rarity feel shallow again while having no twisting feeling going about inside of her.
Rarity made up her mind. She decided that since she’s here in Ponyville she might as well go pay Octavia a visit. Rarity knows that Gold Sky might be in the brig and only immediate family will be allowed to visit him so perhaps she can talk Octavia into taking her to see him. She misses Gold Sky but more importantly she wants to see him hoping he can use his telepathy to free her and make everything right along with giving him a huge hug.

“A lady always keeps her head up high so the world can know that I am Rarity!” Rarity told herself.

Many stallions and unsurprisingly a few colts admired or more specifically checked out the divinely beautiful Rarity as she trotted past their field of view.

“Ahem, what are you looking at!?” Golden Harvest asked her husband in a testy voice.

“OH! Uhhh…sorry.” Dr. Whooves blushed redder than red.

“Strike one and you only get two!” Golden Harvest snarled.

“Yes dear.” Dr. Whooves kissed Golden Harvest on the cheek to tell her that he acknowledged every one of her words.

A good ten minutes pasted until Rarity finally made it to Octavia’s home. Unfortunately she saw it has a great deal of damage and yellow tape placed around it to tell ponies that this property is off limits. Without taking any considerations about the law she teleported inside the house to find clues, instinctively Rarity used her powerful focus on detail to create answers to her questions.

“Ugh, such an undignified odor of urine! OH MY! Is that blood…?” Rarity wanted to leave but her gut told her that she must stay. “Just exactly what happened here? There’s blood, dried up urine obviously which I better start breathing from my mouth so I won’t continue smelling it, hoof impacts on the floor, and a feather.” Rarity decided not to move the feather in case there is an investigative task force doing its job, so she must not move anything out of place. But one thing caught her eye; she spotted Gold Sky’s silver horseshoes.

“Horseshoes? Gold Sky told me that if he ever needed to put on his armor it' only to protect Octa…I need to check his closet!”


Rarity teleported upstairs to Octavia’s room instead of using the stairs, her horn glowed to open the closet door. There she saw Gold Sky’s silver body armor and helmet, still some things didn’t add up. The main part of the armor is here, the horseshoes are downstairs, a spear rod missing its spearhead is lying near a sparkling spot that has a rose over it, and all the picture albums have been taken from their place.

Suddenly Rarity heard a noise so quickly she used her magic to grab the horseshoes, helmet, and body armor after which she teleported back home.

The Great Spirit turned to walk out of Octavia’s house and walked into the boutique the moment Rarity reappeared. “You are the key to everything, I know the right moment is coming soon you will find him and you will help him.” Spoke the Great Spirit. “It has been awhile since I been here upon this Earth. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance have done a sublime job maintaining it.” With that the Great Spirit went back to the heavenly paradise.

Rarity placed the silver armor on a mannequin along with hiding it in her closet in case Sweetie Belle comes to visit which might be soon because it could be any day that she’ll get back from Cloudsdale.

“What can I do now? Octavia isn’t home, I don’t want to see Applejack, don’t know where Rainbow Dash is, I already met with Pinkie, and I lost my schedule for the train that goes to Canterlot. Oh Fluttershy! Perhaps I could pay her a visit.” So Rarity closed her eyes to make a jump to Fluttershy’s house, upon arriving, Angel hopped out from a little slot in the front door and gave Rarity a little note that said Fluttershy is not home.

“Great.” Rarity looked up to see Canterlot, an emotion of daringness came over her. “I’m a Unicorn am I not. As a Unicorn I have magic flowing through my body just like my blood. So why do I need the train?”

Rarity got some distance away from the house. She closed her eyes to focus, it did not take long for fear to sink its claws into Rarity. “You’re alone…” Rarity felt that cold feeling coming over her. “You’re powerless…” Flashbacks of Twilight looking down upon her with that look of debauchery caused Rarity to feel cornered in this vast world. “You are mine!” The taste from Twilight after she climaxed came back to her tongue. Darkness now wrapped itself around Rarity’s mind, her scars grew with each passing moment and the hopelessness of never getting out pulled her down the endless pit.

But where there is darkness there is light. “I’m here, Rarity.” A crack appeared in the darkness and through the crack came light. “You’re my friend Rarity.” More cracks appeared allowing for light to shine brightly. “Rarity I love you.” Green fire melted the rest of the darkness. Her horn began to shine brightly, magic engulfed her body which started to levitate her off the ground. The light inside of her became brighter and brighter, rainbows flew in to wrap themselves around her mind, long streams of green fire ignited her courage to untold parallels.

The flying rainbows and the green fire flew side by side, together they broke Rarity’s self set limit that she constantly told herself that her magic isn’t that strong along with only being able to perform only small things. Rarity felt her full magic explode inside of her with great power and awe.

“To Canterlot.” She declared.

*POOF* A praxis shockwave shot out.

Rarity made a successful jump to Canterlot but she forgot to think of her precise destination.

She appeared above a table and gravity causally did the rest.
“OH! Will I say! Rarity how surprising of you to drop in like this.” Fancy Pant complemented while wiping off food from his face.

“Great! My armor is dirty and I just got it today!” Fleur-de-Lis’s horn glowed, levitating a napkin to wipe the mess off her silver armor.

Iron Cloud stayed quiet because he really wanted to laugh at this little misfortune.

Rarity rolled off the table. Her beautiful white coat is stained with red wine and cranberry sauce.

“Darling, I mean Darlings I’m very sorry to ruin your lunch! I, uhhhh, well…pushed my magic to teleport myself all the way from Ponyville to Canterlot but I forgot to pinpoint my destination so I guess that’s how I ended up appearing over your table.” Rarity laughed nervously hoping that Fancy Pants, Fleur-de-Lis, and their guest will believe her true story.

“You’re more beautiful than what the other commandos say.” Iron Cloud said from out of nowhere. He then noticed Fancy Pants and Fleur-de-Lis looking at him with raised eye brows. “What? She is the most beautiful unicorn in all of Equestria and the red spots look really good on her.”

“Thank you very much you’re such a gentlecolt.” A blue light glowed from behind Rarity which obviously amazed everypony.

Fleur cleared her throat. “Anyway I’m glad you’re here with us Rarity despite the fact that you arrived in such a semi-unorthodox method. And if you’re wondering about our guest, his name is Iron Cloud or Corporal Iron Cloud of the Elite Commando guard, I invited him for lunch.”

“Charmed.” Rarity held her hoof in front of Iron Cloud.

“The feeling is mutual.” Iron Cloud shook Rarity’s hoof.

“My dear I guess you forgot to remind Rarity about her little mess all over her coat.” Fancy Pants said while cleaning his monocle.

“Oh.” Rarity giggled before heading to the bathroom to clean up her coat.

“Ok I’m here!” Rarity came back to the table with a squeaky clean coat.

Rarity ordered her meal and began to chat with Fancy Pants, Fleur, and Iron Cloud. Rarity felt ease comforting her.

It’s been awhile since she spent some quality time with Fancy Pants and Fleur, plus she got to meet somepony new.

For now all is well with the world.


Twilight paused momentarily to look at the clock, it says one o clock on the dot.

“Whew, Ok I memorized the four billion characters of Gold Sky’s modified genetic code, hmm it took me less time than I anticipated at first but to make sure A,G,C,T,A,A,T,G,C,C,C,T,A,A,G,G…” *Twenty five minutes later * “T,T,A,G,G,C,A,T,A,G,C,T. Done. Talk about a mouth full, ok I have the DNA synthesized with my DNA. His strength and his magic combined with my already powerful magic shall make me as strong as dear Princess Celestia herself or maybe even stronger! Just need to use my magic to fully fuse the bases with my bases. I am doing what others only dreamed of doing.” Twilight’s horn glowed, she began to use a special form of micro combination spell. With her electron microscope she saw each pair fusing together. She hoped that Gold Sky’s DNA will not fight her DNA because if it did all her hard work will be for nothing.

“Oh Celestia, thank goodness.” Her DNA successfully fused with Gold Sky’s.

The powerful strength of the Earth pony race and the untapped full potential of magic from this dead Alicorn will now be hers. Twilight remembered when Gold Sky became the Razor. Deprived of emotion and restraint he sure became powerful. She saw with just his strength alone he took on many guards and she envisioned a more dreadful possibility if that collar of Dark matter hadn't snapped around his neck. Twilight knew how Gold Sky barely used his magic, she saw him as a stupid ungrateful twit who has been blessed with such a wonderful trait and has no desire to use it. But despite having telepathy she never got around to read Gold Sky’s mind to find out the reason why he chooses not to use his magic.

She got a syringe with a needle.

“Focus! More magic!” Twilight channeled more magic into the DNA.

Finally after what seemed like an endless application of her magic, a pool of silver glowing liquid shined upon the slide.

Twilight zoomed in with her electron microscope she couldn’t believe the sight before her eyes. A glowing spinning strand of perfect spiral DNA is hers for the taking. She levitated the syringe over the silver glowing liquid to collect it so she can inject herself.


“Huh? That doesn’t sound like Fluttershy because she never knocks that hard.” Twilight let out a small growl. “I might as well go check. Because I’m already done here which I’m still amazed that I done this so quickly! I mean I was able to memorize the four billion characters for his genetic code along with my two billion. Time to see who it is. Oh! Almost forgot.” Twilight collected the DNA into the syringe and placed it inside the safe in which she also had the immortality base contained, on one of the vials that had the immortality base it had Rarity’s cutie mark.

Twilight trotted upstairs. She opened the front door of the library to find Pinkie Pie and Zecora on the other side.

“Hey Twilight how you doing on this super awesome day.” Pinkie asked in a joyous manner.

“Good to see you Twilight Sparkle, I wonder if I’m not intruding or diluting any of your enduring studies.” Zecora said cheerfully.

Twilight felt a little happy to see Zecora.
“Zecora! It’s good to see you, so what can I help you with?” Twilight asked.

“First things first if I may say, but Pinkie Pie has something of which she wishes to say.” Said Zecora.


Pinkie popped up in front of Twilight. “HI!”

“Uh hi back to you, so what is it you wanted to say to me.”

Pinkie Pie took out two sealed envelopes. “I want you to mail them to Rarity and Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight’s horn glowed as her magic took hold of the two envelopes she concentrated her magic to mail the letters until a wee bit of curiosity got the best of her. “Are the contents of the envelopes sorry letters?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie’s lips perked into a large smile. “They’re not sorry letters silly. You see I rented the best of the best suite in the fanciest hotel in Canterlot so Rarity and Rainbow Dash can have intimate time together plus they will also have many spa treatments! Ooooooh, I never thought Rarity and Rainbow Dashie would ever be marefriends!” Pinkie exclaimed in a party voice.

“Pinkie, if I remember right weren’t you against mares being with mares? Because you did hurt Rarity’s feelings and also caused Rainbow to start crying along with Princess Luna shouting at you with the traditional royal Canterlot voice.” Normally Twilight didn't care for any of Pinkie’s intentions but since her intentions include Rarity in them she has to be vigilant. Because what if Fluttershy is behind this, Twilight now realizes that she may now have entered into a daunting game of cat and mouse with Fluttershy. But of course that is only a high possibility and not a true fact.

Pinkie shrugged her shoulders. “Yes Twilight I am and will always be against mares being with mares. But for some reasons that I cannot explain, I feel that Rarity and Rainbow Dash are perfect for one another. Just from seeing the way Rarity nuzzled Rainbow…I think true love exists between them. They’re perfect together like uhh, salt and pepper, or eggs and flower. OH! Like chocolate chips mixed inside cookie dough, nothing shows the meaning of a perfect pair than chocolate chip cookies. So Twi don’t you think Rarity and Rainbow Dash make the perfect couple because I sure do!” With mysterious powers Pinkie popped up behind Twilight's neck.

“Like hell they’re the perfect couple!!!! RARITY IS MY TRUE LOVE AND NOT RAINBOW’S!!! I mean Applejack's.” Twilight screamed inside her mind.

So Twilight mailed the envelopes to Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

“Thank you Twilight!” Pinkie gave Twilight a super tight hug which made her joints to pop.

“You’re welcome.” Twilight then saw Pinkie hopping away in good delight.

Zecora cleared her throat. “Twilight I wonder if you can please come over to my humble adobe because my roof got a huge hole thanks to finger of a dragon that crashed through it when I was melting some gold.”

“A dragon finger?” Twilight asked.

Zecora nodded her head.

Twilight quickly thought for a moment, she already got the DNA fully synthesized in such a short time than she originally thought.
“Okay.” So Twilight placed a hoof on Zecora’s shoulder and teleported to her hut.

Both mares reappeared in the Everfree forest. “The finger you see right there disrespects me with great despair.” Zecora said.

“How so?”

“You see Twilight that finger of the dragon is a middle one and if I’m not mistaken the middle finger always has a long disturbing nail.” Zecora pointed at the finger.

Twilight closed her eyes to fully concentrate, her magical aura surrounded the finger and with some physical effort on her part, Twilight took out the finger from the roof and repaired the hole on the roof leaving it good as new.

“Phew. There you go Zecora, your roof is repaired and what to you want me to do with the dragon finger?” Twilight still held the finger with her magic.

“Dispose of it you must for it stench is must displeasing.” Zecora quickly went into her hut to give Twilight a little gold nugget to thank her for her help.

“WOW! Thanks Zecora!” Twilight violet eyes became wide with cuteness.

“Of course Twilight.” Zecora went inside her hut to fix up the place.
Twilight teleported the decaying finger to the other side of the Everfree forest and teleported back home.

Fluttershy finished making some potato soup for both her and Twilight, she stirred the warm contents a few times before taking in a nice whiff of the soup.

“Twilight has been down there for quite some time now, perhaps she’s hungry so I hope she’ll like my potato soup with some lemonade.” Fluttershy with a spoon tasted a little sample just to make sure it’s just right. “Hmm, hmm, hmmmmm, tastes good.”


Twilight reappeared back in the library. *sniff sniff* “What’s that’s smell?” Twilight asked.

A small smile grew on Fluttershy’s face. “Oh Twilight, I made you some potato soup, you look like you can use a quick warm meal after spending so much time down there.”

“How kind.” Twilight thought.

Twilight sat down across from Fluttershy and both mares began to eat. The only noise that can be heard is their loud chewing, Spike’s loud snoring, the clock ticking, and Fluttershy doing an occasional flap of her wings. Twilight had two things revolving around her mind; the first thing is to inject herself with the DNA and the second thing is spying on Rarity once she gets used to the her new given power she’ll get in just a moment.

Fluttershy decided to break the solid silence between them.
“So, Twilight when do you think you’ll be finished with the DNA or genes thingie?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight enjoyed another spoonful of the potato soup, she gotta hand to Fluttershy she makes some good potato soup and asks some good questions.

“I’m almost done Fluttershy. I just took a quick break to lend Zecora some help and help Pinkie mail some invitations to Rarity and Rainbow Dash, OH!” She said too much.

Rarity, huh. I think Twilight is using the Pinkie part as some kind of a guise but I can’t be too sure of course. Remember Fluttershy, Twilight is the one in love with Rarity and Rarity is not in love with Twilight. So don’t even think of hurting her!” Fluttershy reminded herself.

Twilight quickly finished the rest of her soup, placed the bowl in the sink, and dashed off to her lab before Fluttershy can catch up to her.

Fluttershy gave chase. “Wait Twi…OOF!” A door slammed on her nose. “Oh shoot!”

Twilight’s magic grabbed hold of the syringe full of the glowing silver liquid. With tender care she applied the needle and tapped her neck a couple of times to make a vein bulge out a bit.

Twilight levitated the tip of the needle millimeters away from her vein…just one little prick and her life will change forever. So many good things are coming for her. The Epsilon code on Octavia’s child, her increased physical strength, magic in power that may surpass Princess Celestia and Luna, but more importantly Rarity’s heart will be hers FOREVER thanks to the immorality base.

Twilight injected herself with the DNA.

*Crack* The syringe fell to the floor only to shatter into pieces.

Twilight’s body began glow, the new DNA is violently fusing itself to Twilight’s body. Every muscle of her body twitched like crazy and charges of electricity flew from her horn.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Twilight screamed in agony. She slammed a hoof into the floor causing cracks to appear. She felt her magic organs that lie lateral to her lungs enlarging, while her horn grew three more inches in length. “THE PAIN…RESISIT IT!” Twilight told herself.

She pounded the floor again causing books, beakers, and flasks to fall off the shelves. More cracks appeared from the points of impact. Base by base the synthesized DNA destroyed the old pairs of Twilight’s original DNA and forced itself to bond with Twilight’s DNA.

Mighty shockwaves of power shot out from Twilight’s horn burning everything it touched while more pain struck Twilight.


Twilight unleashed less than .01 percent of her magic that destroyed everything around her.

It is done.

Twilight may now be the most powerful being in Equestria. Stronger than Nightmare Moon…Stronger than Discord…Stronger than Queen Chrysalis…Stronger than the Razor.

Twilight took a deep breath to relish her new found self. Time to test her power.

The lavender Unicorn left her wreaked lab and headed upstairs.



Rainbow Dash followed Luna to the palace gardens, both mares finally got some complete privacy and time for themselves. Rainbow unrolled a blanket so both of them can lie down upon it. Rainbow dropped down to her back with a seductive look on her face.

“My, my, are you inviting me?” Luna asked.

“Yup.” Rainbow replied.

Luna slowly lied down on Rainbow.
Rainbow wrapped her arms around Luna’s neck and brought Luna close to her lips. “I love you Luna.” Rainbow looked into Luna’s eyes.

“And I love you, Rainbow.” Luna moved in and kissed Rainbow.

“HO, HO, HO! This is hot!” Said a golden armored Unicorn as he watched Luna and Rainbow Dash make out passionately through a spyglass.

“What are you looking at?” Asked another guard.
“Uhhh…I don’t think your diabetes will let you live if you saw what I’m seeing.”

“Ok fair enough.”

Rainbow wrapped her wings around Luna. She can feel the ecstasy flowing inside of her because all this love. This precious beautiful love is hers.

Luna also felt her happiness rising inside of her. After thousands and thousands of years plus the one thousand on the moon, she finally has somepony to love with all her heart.


“Huh?” Rainbow stopped kissing Luna which wasn’t to her delight. Luna rolled off of Rainbow and lied next to her. “Is that a letter?”

Luna’s horn glowed to levitate the letter and give it to Rainbow. “It says your name my love.”

So with general eagerness Rainbow opened the letter to read the written contents out load. “Ahem. Dear Rainbow Dash I want to make up for my bad behavior which resulting in your feelings getting hurt along with Rarity’s, so I reserved a suite just for you in the fanciest hotel in Canterlot which also includes a complete spa package. So please Rainbow I hope you accept this act as my sincerest apology because I really didn’t mean to hurt you. Post script, I think you and Rarity make a wonderful couple so please love her just like she loves you. Sincerely Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow dropped the letter, while Luna tilted her head in complete confusion.

“Oh my gosh!” Rainbow squealed. “Pinkie thinks me and Rarity are a couple! She thinks we’re a couple!”

Luna nuzzled Rainbow. “Why are you so worried Rainbow? You’re no longer in love with Rarity anymore. You only love her as your best friend, so again why so worried?”

Rainbow Dash opened up.
“Luna, when I was taking care of Rarity I fell in love with her. She is so beautiful and just so giving. She’s done so much for me but of course I’ve always taken her generosity for granted but when she got close to me so I can shield her with my nurturing touch it finally hit me. I realized that I saved her again, first time in Cloudsdale and second time by simply taking her into my arms to hold her tight. How come I couldn’t be a better friend to her? I’m her best friend now but that is after she got raped!! Oh Rarity my dear Rarity. I even had the audacity to picture life with her! I don’t deserve a friend like Rarity…but she still looks up to me, she still loves me, she comforts me, she gave me her blessing and told me that she’s happy for me because I’m with you Luna. Rarity will always have a place in my heart, I’m going to be a better friend for her just like she has always been a good friend to me…” Rainbow remembered something that caused her to feel very ashamed. “Luna a while back when Rarity offered to make to make my gala dress along with making dresses for the rest of my friends, I bossed her around a bit so she can make my dress the way I wanted it, so after I modeled it in front of Hoity Toity he gave her a terrible rating causing her to become really distraught. So she secluded herself in her room because she didn’t want to face the great dishonor I and the rest of my friends brought upon her. But the one thing truly regret… Rarity said she became a laughing stock and you know what I said Luna, do you know what I said.”

Luna shook her head. “What did you say?”

“I said, she kind of is!” Rainbow covered her face with her hooves. “Instead of comforting her I insulted her. Now what kind of a friend does that…but in the end she still calls me friend and watches the sun set with me.” Rainbow felt Luna stroking her mane.

“Rainbow you are a good friend to Rarity. Didn’t you skip the first Wonderbolts performance to take care of her, didn’t you look for her when she teleported to some random place, and didn’t take her into your loving arms when Pinkie Pie shattered her feelings. Rainbow what happened to Rarity not matter what you could of done, you couldn’t prevented it in the first place, so don’t blame yourself for your past actions thinking it had to do with her rape. She sees you for who you really are Rainbow and what she sees is your true caring side. I see it and it causes me to love you even more Rainbow.” Luna brought Rainbow close to her. “And you will always be my lovely Rainbow.” Luna cuddled with Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes to feel Luna’s body heat, how lucky she is to be with a wise mare.

After some time of cuddling and kissing, both mares lied down together to enjoy watching the clouds move across the blue sky. Rainbow rested her head on Luna’s chest. Meanwhile, Luna decided to tell Rainbow that she should to go to the hotel- spa reservation Pinkie gave her. “You know what Rainbow, I think you should go to the hotel-spa reservation Pinkie got for you. It looks like you can use a good massage and a steam bath or whatever that steam treatment is called.”

Rainbow lifted up her head. “Really, you think I should go?” Rainbow asked.

Luna smiled at Rainbow. “Of course, you should have some alone time for yourself. It will do you the upmost good and it will give me some needed time to make your constellation shinier so you can see it clearly.”

Rainbow looked at Luna’s loving smile. She can physically feel its love just radiating upon her like the shining moon light at night.

“Thank you!” Rainbow gave Luna a hearty kiss and departed to the hotel with the letter in her mouth.

“I love you Rainbow.” Luna said to herself as the long rainbow streak disappeared.

The Princess of the Moon flapped her wings a couple of times. “Well Luna, it’s time to travel to the stars again. The faster I go the sooner I’ll be done and the sooner I can take a quick check on Celli and Octavia.”

So Luna flew up to the sky, she flew faster increasing her altitude with each flap of her wings. Past the lowest clouds, past the limit in which oxygen can breathed in by the mortal pegasi but Luna does not need to heed to the limits set on the mortal ponies. After all the Great Spirit created her in his hands and she is his favorite out of the pure Alicorn trinity but he still he loves them all equally. The Prandtl–Glauert singularity and cone of condensed moisture formed around Luna’s beautiful body. “Rainbow Dash can do a sonic rainboom which is breath taking, while I can break the sound barrier which is not as breath taking but still kind of prestigious.” Luna said at seeing the blue sky turn darker.


Luna reached the edge of space within a matter of milliseconds. “Ah yes just a few more flaps of my wings and I should be in space.” Luna finally left Earth’s atmosphere, she stopped for a couple of seconds to feel the vast difference the vacuum of space provides to her. She took a deep breath to remind herself that she is immune to all limits because in space there is no oxygen, Luna felt nano-particles pelting her at extreme velocities, she can feel the gamma rays coming from the sun and saw beta rays being emitted from stars light years away from Earth.

The Alicorn pointed her horn at a cluster of stars and one by one they began to shine brightly at her command. “There.” Luna’s work is done

Luna folded her wings to allow Earth’s gravitational pull to bring her back home.
“I just might break a sweat this time.” Extreme friction from re-entry scraped against Luna causing flames to surround her along with a huge grin forming on her face. “The fun has been doubled!” A Alicorn fireball is traveling fast towards Earth.

“Just a few more seconds.” Luna felt the moisture of the atmosphere cool down her red hot horseshoes, her mane transformed from star dust to wavy flowing hair. “Ahh! I miss my old look but more importantly is THIS!” Luna impacted the ground. A huge shockwave traveled out from the crater she created while a huge cloud of dust covered her. Once the dust cleared she brushed off a blade of grass that landed on her nose.

Luna with royal circumstance walked out of the crater.

“I hope Rainbow didn’t see that bad landing.”


“Hey what’s that?” Iron Cloud asked at seeing a letter magically appear out of thin air.

Fleur-de-Lis’s horn glowed to read the envelope. “It says your name Rarity.”

“Oh, well can you please be a dear and read what it says because I am simply enjoying this divine creme brulee, yum.”Rarity sank a bit as she enjoyed another spoonful of her meal.

So Fleur opened the letter and borrowed Fancy Pant’s monocle to read the letter, after she took a sip of water.
“It reads. Dear Rarity I want to make up for my bad behavior which resulted in your feelings getting hurt along with Rainbow Dash’s, so I reserved a suite just for you in the fanciest hotel in Canterlot which also includes a complete spa package. So please Rarity I hope you accept this act as my sincerest apology because I really didn’t mean to hurt you. Post script, I hope your huge love for Rainbow Dash is mightier than her sonic rainboom because both of you make such a loving couple. Sincerely Pinkie Pie. There…wait! What!” Fleur reread the letter.

Rarity on the other hand or hoof spat out her drink which soaked Iron Cloud.

“My mouth was open…so that means I unintentionally kissed Rarity?” Iron Cloud asked.

“I think so Corporal.” Fleur forcibly said.

“Yes!” Iron Cloud cheered under his breath.

Fancy Pants got his monocle back on, he can see Rarity becoming red, redder than red.
“Rarity are you Rainbow Dash’s marefriend?” He asked with a calm voice.

Rarity’s eyes darted back and forth at Fancy Pants, Fleur-de-Lis, and Iron Cloud. Did she hear what she thought she heard? Pinkie Pie thinks that she and Rainbow are a couple and now her friends and guest also believe the same thing now.

“I-I, she, Rainbow is my, uhhh, she…” Rarity’s mind began to shut down, she never thought that she’ll be in such a dire situation as this.

Fancy Pants smiled at her. “Rarity before you start speaking I will like to congratulate you for having a lovely marefriend.” Fleur looked at her husband with a raised eyebrow.

“Dear did you just congratulate Rarity?” She asked.

“Of course my love, I remember having a nice chat with Rainbow Dash and I say she is very charming, charismatic, and head strong just like Rarity. Plus I always suspected Rarity being with somepony but I didn’t have a clue who until now. Rarity I am very happy for you and I think you should accept this hotel-spa reservation so you can look your best for Rainbow Dash.” Fancy Pants held his cup high to Rarity.

Iron Cloud shrugged his shoulders. “How did you meet this Rainbow Dash?”

“AH! Excellent question Iron Cloud!” Fleur squealed.

Rarity knew how unladylike it is to lie but now will be good chance to try.
“Uh, me and Rainbow have been wonderful friends for a long time, she is sometimes very adventurous and hot headed. Well one time at Cloudsdale I got some magical wings but unfortunately I got carried with having wings, all the stallions admired me, and all the other pegasi gave me all the attention I wanted. Before I go into detail the reason why I went to Cloudsdale was to cheer Rainbow on for the best flyer competition, however, she became very afraid while I selfishly enjoyed all the attention.” Rarity started to feel the cold shame. “Rainbow Dash is a very loyal friend. She has always been by my side for so long and yet I tried to take away her moment to shine when it was never mind to grab in the first place. I know Rainbow she may be rough around the edges but she is soft in the core.” Rarity decided to tell them of Rainbow’s nurturing care but not the stimuli in which lead up to that. “I went through a terrible ordeal not so long ago…” Fancy Pants kindly interrupted Rarity.

“What sort of terrible ordeal?”

Rarity’s mind thought of what Twilight did to her and automatically the alibi set in her mind told her to what to say.

“It’s really close to the chest Fancy Pants and I do not want talk about it.” Rarity wanted to go on about Rainbow’s caring side.

“I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable Rarity.” Fancy Pants voiced.

“It’s all right. I just wanted to be alone because of my great pain, next thing I know Rainbow is by side holding me in her loving arms, she cared for me and she showered me with her love. She had plans to see the Wonderbolts perform because she is a huge fan of them and her tickets also served as backstage passes…she is a good friend, she skipped the first performance to take care of me. I-I never felt so loved before. Rainbow Dash my dear Rainbow Dash.” Rarity reminded herself that Rainbow is only her friend that loves her more than Applejack and Spike is still beating in her heart.

Iron Cloud used a napkin to dry his eyes, Fleur smiled at Rarity, and Fancy Pants gave Rarity the letter.

“Rarity my dear, you are very lucky to have a mare like Rainbow Dash. I hope you two have a prosperous relationship.” Fancy Pants gave Rarity a nod of respect.

Rarity’s eyes watered up at seeing Fleur and Iron Cloud tell her how happy they are for her. So her horn glowed, levitating all three ponies to get within her reach. She hugged all three of them.

“Thank you.” Rarity got up and headed to the hotel.

Fancy Pants, Fleur-de-Lis, and Iron Cloud held a toast for Rarity.

“May she and Rainbow Dash prosper.” All three chanted.


Princess Celestia looked into Octavia’s beautiful eyes, she can now see why Gold Sky loves her eyes.
“Octavia, I don’t want you to take what I’m about to say the wrong way but what if your child is a colt? I understand that you want a son.”

The gray mare’s small smile disappeared. She remembered her deep desire to have a son and despite knowing that Gold Sky doesn’t want a son she knew he will love and care for their son with all his fear ridden heart. “I-I…you’re right Celli. I shouldn’t ignore the possibility of my child being a colt, I want a son and I guess this is my first step in moving on. My son, our son, Gold Sky's son. I want a son, so I hope that my child is a colt. So do you suggest that I buy a crib that is color white?”

Celestia nodded at Octavia. "White is a neutral color so perhaps that's the color you should get."

“Okay, white it is.”

“Any who, let us make our way to the restaurant.” Princess Celestia opened the door and walked out first. Now LT. Toudou stood guard outside and when he saw Celestia he remained motionless, now when Octavia walked by he quickly bowed down before her. “Your Majesty.” He said with reverence.

“Huh?” Octavia didn’t know why Toudou bowed down before her.

Celestia giggled. “Toudou you little jokester! I forgot that Octavia is still wearing my crown and crest.”

Toudou grinned. “I hope you're not mad your majesty." Toudou said to Celestia.

Celestia smiled at him. "I'm not mad Toudou, so keep up with the good jokes.

Toudou sighed in relief and turned to Octavia. "Can I please have your autograph Mrs. Octavia.” The Unicorn stallion took out a notebook and a pen.

Octavia shivered at hearing Toudou refer to her as Mrs.
Celestia quickly placed a wing over Octavia. “Uh, Of course here you go.” Octavia signed the paper and Toudou squealed like a little foal in total joy.

“How are you feeling?” Celestia asked quietly.
“I’m okay.”

So both mares made their way out of the palace however, right before Octavia exited the Palace Celestia quickly stopped her. “Octavia, you forgot that you’re still wearing my crown and crest.” Celestia’s horn glowed in getting her crown and crest off of Octavia and placing the crown back on her head along with her crest back around her neck.

“Now let’s go.” Celestia with Octavia trotted out of the palace. Everypony around them bowed down before Celestia.

Before long Celestia pointed at the restaurant. “Here we are Octavia, I know for a fact that you will love it here.” Celestia voiced cheerfully.

The speechless hostess showed Celestia and Octavia to their seats, and then came the waiter who placed the menus before them.
Octavia looked around, this restaurant has a contemporary feel to it, dark soft colors on the wall, dim lighting to control the volume of the customers, and live singers to provide entertainment.

Celestia looked over to Octavia. She saw her eyes scanning the menu, but no emotion is being expressed something of which Celestia did not find very helpful in keeping close watch of Octavia’s emotional status. Celestia knew Octavia will be experiencing mood swings anytime soon, so her emotional well being will hanging on a thin wire and progress can be easily undone.

Slowly the white mare raised her menu to conceal her face, her horn glowed which caused her magenta eyes to softly glow gray. Octavia’s skin became transparent, Celestia can now physically see though Octavia. Below the abdominal muscles, Celestia found what she wanted to see. The placenta filled with amniotic fluid . An umbilical cord. But what gave Celestia a great amount of surprise is a developing fetus with a beating heart…so quickly? “Yesterday marked the first month of Octavia’s pregnancy, but how can her child already be in the fetus stage already?” Celestia’s mind searched her knowledge that she accumulating over the thousands upon thousands of years she lived on this Earth.

The laminated menu reflected Celestia’s majestic horn, her right eye brow went up. “Earth pony and Alicorn!! Her child is developing faster than normal, so instead of the normal eleven months her pregnancy is most likely less than that. I can’t pinpoint the exact duration of her pregnancy but I will remain vigilant.”

Now Octavia told the waiter what she wanted to eat and so did Celestia. On the stage the current singer finished singing. He trotted off the stage after whispering something to a mare who sat next to the stairs that lead of the stage. The mare is advanced in years. Her face is full of wrinkles, her physical status is below normal but still she is able to move with speedy confidence. Her voice remains young. She can sing like she’s a young mare with a voice that is still ripe with grace.

Now Celestia looked up to the old mare walking up to the stage. Octavia’s back is to the stage along with being a blur to Celestia’s vision while the old mare is clear. Celestia tilted her head.

The old mare now became a blur while Octavia became clear to her vision. From clear to blurry, Celestia pieced together Octavia’s gray black hair color to the old mare’s gray black hair color. Octavia’s gray coat to the old mare’s gray coat but a shade brighter.

The waiter brought Octavia's plate and set it before her, Octavia got her fork to begin her enjoyment of this warm food.

Celestia's eyes widened after connecting the similarities of both mare's appearances. The old mare started to sing with unearthly grace and beauty. Celestia saw Octavia's ears perk up, she dropped her fork, and her face created a shocked expression.

Octavia slowly turned around to see the mare who's singing.

When she laid her eyes on the old mare her face turned pale.

The old mare scanned her audience while she sang...when she looked at the table where Celestia and Octavia sat she abruptly stopped singing causing all the patrons to look at her.

Celestia used her magic to look into Octavia's mind. All she can see is hatred rising in Octavia's mind.
"Octavia do you know that mare?" Celestia asked hoping her question will divert Octavia's attention away from the old mare.

Octavia answered Celestia's question .

"My mother."


Twilight became ready to ambush Fluttershy the moment she comes within sight. Her ears picked up the yellow Pegasus's hoofsteps getting louder and louder.

"Here we go!" Twilight's horn glowed.

Just when Fluttershy was about to come by the corner a loud knock stopped her. "OH! I'll get it." Fluttershy flew off to see who it is.

"Damn!" Twilight couldn't test her new strength on the juggernaut, so she teleported upstairs to see who it is.

"Applejack! What a wonderful surprise it is to see you." Fluttershy gleefully voiced.

Twilight didn't feel any sort of insecurity at seeing Applejack.
"Hey Applejack what brings you here..." Applejack cut Twilight off.

"I'm here to talk about Rarity."

Twilight became all ears.

Fluttershy became numb.


Chapter 36-Turn around. (Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings chapter. With some Princess Cadance)
My dearest readers I know you are wondering why I made Lyra the way she is in the "Bon Bon's entry". Well the reason why is because Forgiveness has a major role in this story.

Also my dear readers on Chapter 33- Belief in Acceptance I originally wanted to use this song but it felt too short to me so I had to pick another one.

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