• Published 28th Nov 2011
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Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust. - FoxofRarity

Even the best of Ponies like Twilight can fall to the Power of Lust. Leading to clashes with Friendship and Love Itself.

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Turn Around.

Joy of hidden Love and the Wrath of Lust

By. FoxofRarity

Chapter. 36

Disclaimer- Readers please comment your opinions. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Shining Armor dropped a heavy hoof on a pile of documents…Paperwork. Being the Captain of the Guard is a very high noble honor but paperwork is the one thing that can drag down even the most attentive stallion. Being Captain allowed Shining Armor to make his own custom armor and instead of the duel silver bars through which his rank is presented he made them the color of Princess Cadance’s coat because he just loves his wife so much and he retired from being Captain so he can spend more time with her.

The concept of immortality still hasn’t quite sank in, so he still considers every minute valuable even though it shouldn’t because in certain terms his minutes are unlimited and worthless.

Shining Armor finished his last form, the paper nearly ripped because Shining Armor with his quill pressed it hard on the line where he puts his signature.

“Finally, no more stupid paperwork. I always wonder why is there so much paperwork, if we all we do is just stand guard and provide protection for her majesty?” Shining Armor slouched down on his chair. When he retired from being Captain, he didn’t want to spend another minute behind this desk so when Princess Celestia presented him with the files of the potential candidates to take his rank, he just looked at the pictures. He saw Samier’s picture. That Pegasus looked pretty tough so Shining Armor picked him and automatically made him the new captain without having Samier take mental and personality tests or even bothered to look at his qualifications.

After Samier failed to capture Gold Sky and also getting a platoon of Royal guards nearly killed at the hooves of the Razor, Princess Celestia made Shining Armor Captain of the Royal guard again, sadly without his consent though. But with the promise of less and she stressed less paperwork. And for Samier’s case Celestia demoted him to Private. Permanently.

Shining Armor sat back up on his chair to look at a picture of him and his wife until a loud knock alerted him.
The stallion stood up. His horn glowed brightly for he can’t too sure if this is a threat.

After another loud bang, his door flew off its hinges. A pony wearing a pitch black cloak stood at the entrance. All that can be seen is a horn and glowing eyes.

Before Shining Armor had a chance to identify what he’s seeing, the cloaked pony charged at him with astonishing speed bringing him down and putting some kind of a double layered metal plate on his windpipe.

“Da-da-dark matter, great! Just plain great!” Shining Armor said at feeling the flow of his magic stop. He figured out that the layer above the dark matter is lead (Pb) which can explain why the cloaked Unicorn’s horn and eyes are still glowing.

The cloaked Unicorn levitated a syringe filled with a glowing liquid that will come out of a long slender needle.

Shining Armor’s pupils shrunk to black dots at seeing the syringe.

“I am not doing this for you Shining Armor I am doing this huge favor for Cadance. In time you will understand why, because now, I give you life but more importantly I am giving your wife the benefit of the doubt in one little but major factor...complements of your dearest little sister.” Spoke the cloaked Unicorn which finally allowed Shining Armor to know its gender.

All of a sudden the pitch black cloak magically turned into a white cloak.

The syringe came down onto the left side of Shining Armor’s chest. The needle pierced the muscle above the heart. Slowly the needle buried itself into Shining Armor’s heart and the glowing liquid flowed inside the right atrium.

Shining Armor screamed in pain.


A guard rushed in. “Princess Cadance is there something wrong!” Sergeant Tecumseh asked franticly.

Cadance got up from her bed and connected to her husband’s mind to check on him. She sighed in complete comforting relief at feeling her dear Shining Armor bored out of his mind.

“It’s only a dream” Cadance told herself.

“Your majesty will you like for me to get you anything to drink or e-e-e…” Sgt. Tecumseh’s Post Traumatic Stress Disorder caused him to freeze with the thousand yard stare. Cadance’s scream caused the Razor to flash in his mind. “Or eat?” Tecumseh came back around.

“I think my nap is over for good and it’s time for your treatment Sergeant.” Princess Cadance ordered Tecumseh to sit down on the couch she borrowed from Rarity. A days ago Cadance asked Celestia if Tecumseh can be reassigned as her personal guard, because when she was helping Nurse Redheart treat the wounded Guards she used her telepathy to see how many Guards will now be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Almost all of the stallions in the platoon are suffering from it. However, when Cadance reached Tecumseh, she saw that his scars are deep in his flesh but light in his mind. Cadance saw that she can treat him; it could take long because scars last for a long time. Nevertheless, Tecumseh can overcome his disorder and Cadance will make sure of that.

“I wonder what was in that syringe. Along with why will somepony attack Shining Armor if he has no enemies, well I better ponder about that dream some other time because now its Tecumseh’s treatment session.” Cadance thought.

“Close your eyes Tecumseh and meditate. For the Razor is no longer here because you are free, free to live and breathe because death can't lay its hands on you.”


Bon Bon passed her hoof over a pile of ash. “Dearest diary.” Bon Bon canted. “I’m so sorry!”

Just yesterday after Lyra showed Bon Bon the pain betrayal brings. Lyra treated Bon Bon’s face with ice packs to prevent noticeable swelling and inflammation to prolong its stay on her face.

But Lyra ended her kind act with a seal of sheer might. She burned Bon Bon’s diary.

Lyra can see great pain in Bon Bon’s eyes. There was no need for tears to be shed, because Lyra knew that even though Bon Bon is hurt, the Earth pony will not give her the benefit tears bring.

Bon Bon went to the master bathroom to look herself in the mirror. She brushed off many blood covered cotton balls that lied on the side of the counter into the trashcan and instinctively she took out some foundation to cover up her black eye. Bon Bon carefully began to apply the makeup. Little by little the black eye became concealed, but before Bon Bon knew it her hoof started to shake. Bon Bon began to apply the makeup incorrectly now, the eyes of the pony in the mirror became pink with tears running down. Bon Bon dropped the makeup; she couldn’t apply it any more.

The Earth pony fell to her knees and just broke down. Her tears washed away the foundation revealing her black eye.

Bon Bon last hope of escaping the abuse failed miserably when Shining Armor casted her out of his office. Lyra is in Princess Cadance’s good graces, so now getting help from the law is out of her hooves.

“I am trapped in this world of pain. Why is Lyra like this…why? Why!? I love her but why when she mistreats me, how can I be so blind to this. I know Macintosh will not allow himself to be treated like this but why am I allowing it! WHY! WHY!! WHY!!!” Bon Bon cried her damaged heart out.

Just then her ears picked up the noise of a colt chatting with Lyra downstairs, so Bon Bon pressed her ear against the door so she can clearly hear what’s going on.

“Running Sun!” Bon Bon cried out. Quickly she placed her hoof on the doorknob but before she had the chance to turn it a bright aura surrounded the door locking the deadbolt which can only be unlocked from the other side. The Earth pony saw that she imprisoned in the bathroom.

Bon Bon fell to the floor and curled up into the fetal position. “I failed to protect him, I failed. Oh what have I done…why did I have to chase after Lyra’s heart. No, the important question is why did I fail to protect Running Sun. This is my fault, I tried to protect him when I can’t even protect myself.” Once again Bon Bon cried as she heard Runny Sunny’s laughter.

“Lyra I can’t thank you enough for helping me! I still can’t believe that she’ll say yes when I asked her if she wanted to join us tomorrow for a cup of coffee at the Sugarcube corner! Thank you!” Running Sun run up to Lyra to give her a tight loving embrace.

Lyra smiled at seeing how happy Running Sun is, she couldn’t help herself but she began to have a little soft spot for him. “You’re very welcome Running Sun, it makes me happy that you’re happy.” Lyra passed a hoof through his hair.

“Is Bon Bon around?” He asked in pure innocence.

Bon Bon heard her little brother’s question. She wanted to shout out for him but her mind told her that she will be out of line. Fear took control of her. Fear told her to stay quiet.

“She’s in Canterlot doing some errands and won’t be back until evening.”

“Oh. Well can you please give her a huge hug for me and thank you. Bon Bon is so lucky to be with a mare like you.” Running Sun hugged Lyra again and she kissed him on the forehead before he left.

“He’s starting to grow on me.” Lyra told herself. Slowly with pomp and elegance she trotted upstairs to the master bathroom. Bon Bon heard Lyra’s hoofsteps approaching. A magical aura unlocked the door and slowly the door creaked open.

Lyra stood at the entrance in a stance that displayed her deadly authorial power, her eyes spotted Bon Bon cowering in the corner. Lyra silently approached Bon Bon without any emotion being expressed in her face.

Bon Bon trembled violently before Lyra. She did not know what Lyra will do next or even say for that matter.

Lyra gently placed a hoof on Bon Bon’s head who flinched in return. “Bon Bon why are you afraid? Please don’t look at me with those eyes. I just want you to know that I love you and to remind you that you failed.” Just the way Lyra said the last sentence gave Bon Bon more pain than the inflections from Lyra’s hoof.

“You said to me that you will protect Running Sun from the likes of me, well kudos then. Because today me and your sweet dearest little brother spent some time together plus! I got him to talk to that mare he has a huge crush on, something of which is supposed to be your job since you’re his big sister. But I took over in that part and now he’s happy and he wants me to come with him on his first little mini date. Wow…see I’m amazed that you allowed this to happen. What you feared the most is coming true before your eyes. I, the mare you love, bonding with your little brother whom you vowed to protect. You failed and that is a terrible shame. My, my, I don’t know if I should feel sorry for you but I think you can use a hearty meal. Come, I made you a big chocolate pie with some candy you love.” Lyra extended to her hoof so Bon Bon can help herself up.

Bon Bon became defiant and stayed in the corner.

“Hm. Very well then, if you wish to stay here, so be it.” Lyra left Bon Bon alone. But as she went to the dining room an idea came to her head. Perhaps maybe just maybe she can try an alternative method.

The turquoise Unicorn’s horn glowed getting her lyre, she did a quick warm up. “The first pluck will alert her. The rest will bring her to me.”

Lyra Heartstring’s magical aura pulled back a string. The moment her magic let the sting loose it created sound waves of a musical note. Bon Bon’s ears picked the note. “NO!

The harmonic serenity filled every inch of the house and every inch of Bon Bon’s mind. “I’m hopeless…” Bon Bon got up to her hoofs.

Lyra continued playing. She can hear the hoofsteps of her marefriend coming down the stairs in pure reluctant doubt.

The Earth pony sat at the table and began to eat. She could not believe that Lyra can make such a good chocolate pie, which is rich in Pony Dane chocolate also with Dutch white chocolate to give a nice after taste. So the earth pony ate the candy to as well.

Now Lyra continued with her sweet torture with musical serenity. She plucked every string in rapid secession to create a song that can put anypony to sleep in just a few mere minutes but for Bon Bon it will weaken her iron will.

“Oh Bon Bon I knew my lyre will convince you to come down and eat.” Lyra voiced cheerfully.

Resist! Why now when she abuses me! This can’t be! I am giving myself to her…Resist!!!!” Bon Bon yelled to herself in searing fright.

The harmonic corruption overtook her will.

Bon Bon threw the food off the table. An expression of great displease formed on Lyra’s face.

“How dare you throw the food off the table do you know how long it took for me to bake that damn pi…huh?” Lyra saw Bon Bon molding herself in a very seductive position. Bon Bon’s black eye added to the sensual atmosphere being developed between both mares.

“Is she really doing this?” Lyra asked herself. “This too good to be true, Bon Bonny will never do this, she wants to retain her purity, I guess until we get married which I think is out of the picture now…but that’s not my dream.

Lyra hopped on the table to give Bon Bon a kiss when she bent down Bon Bon grabbed her neck. Lyra felt Bon Bon’s warm tongue slide up her cheek slowly until it finally reached her ear. The tongue went inside tickling Lyra with a moist touch, then after a few long seconds Lyra felt the warm breath of her mare friend dancing over her ear.

“Take me to places I never imagined.” The Earth pony whispered in everlasting bliss.

Before Lyra’s mind had the opportunity to comprehend completely the words spoken from Bon Bon she felt the brute strength of her marefriend pull her down and kiss her with awaiting passion.

What made her become like this!

Lyra wrapped her arms around Bon Bon’s neck, oh she has been craving this wonderful moment the minute Bon Bon asked her out on their first date.

Hot damn! Bon Bon’s tongue is an expert in its own respect. Lyra’s warm nerve impulses traveled instantaneously to the sacred part of her body, this is it.

Lyra nudged her off gently so Bon Bon can look into her golden eyes and oblige her. But Bon Bon shook her head and instead got on her back, reflecting Lyra’s begging expression.

I LOVE HER!!!!” The turquoise Unicorn roared in her mind.

Lyra got on top of Bon Bon and kissed her again but this time her kisses started to journey down the cream colored body.

Bon Bon’s eyes widened at feeling the euphoria filling her body. “LYRA!” She screamed.

Bon Bon gave up her purity…unintentionally.


Princess Celestia raised her Sun to wake her precious subjects. The sunlight blanketed Bon Bon with its warm touch.

The cream colored mare opened her eyes. She felt the remains of a happy feeling lingering about in her mind, body, and soul. “What happened?” She whispered quietly to herself.

Bon Bon’s eyes looked down to see Lyra asleep on her chest with a huge smile. “I never seen her with a smile that huge before.

It did not take long for Lyra to wake up. *yawn* “Good morning my love.” Lyra kissed Bon Bon on the nose.
Bon Bon still did not know how she ended up here in bed with Lyra because she remembered staying in the bathroom when Lyra came over to get her out. But she wanted to know.

“How, I, mean what did we d-d-do?” Bon Bon saw Lyra look at her with a face of confound confusion.

“Are you gaming me?”

Bon Bon still did not understand.
“What did we do? Please tell me because I don’t remember ever leaving the bathroom.”

“Ok is she really being serious or did she have such a good time last night that her slate got wiped clean.”

“Do you really want to know?” Lyra shifted off of Bon Bon’s chest and got to her side of the bed.

Bon Bon nodded.

Lyra’s lips got close to Bon Bon’s highly perked ears. “I took to places you never imagined, you felt so much joy filling every inch of you tender body, you screamed in high pleasure, and you wanted it all.” Lyra then nuzzled Bon Bon behind the ear.

“Wha…” A warm sensation radiated from the sacred part of Bon Bon’s body.

Bon Bon turned to look at Lyra who responded with a sly grin and a tilt to her head.



Bon Bon felt her heart sink to her stomach. She gave Lyra, the mare she loves, the mare who beats her, and the mare who burned her diary...her Purity.

“This couldn’t have happened! This couldn’t have happened!” Bon Bon covered her face with her hooves and started to cry.

Lyra placed her right hoof on Bon Bon’s shoulder, she felt sorry for Bon Bon. Almost.
“It’s alright my love, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Bon Bon spoke through her sobs.

“What do you mean there’s nothing to be ashamed of!? I gave myself to you when I never wanted to in the first place! We’re supposed to be married first! On our honeymoon we join our bodies in physical union to seal our marriage, our marriage. Lyra why! Why will you do this to me…? From the minute I saw you for the first time I made it my life goal to take your hoof in marriage and live happily ever after. But you hit me, what have I ever done to you to deserve that. I give you my love and my heart and you pay me back with pain instead of love. WHY!!” More tears flowed from Bon Bon’s cyan eyes.

Lyra’s grin became a serious expression, she passed a hoof through her mane and sighed with annoyance.

Might as well.

“All right. You see a long time ago when I was just a little filly, I lived with my mom and dad. But you see my dad used to be a good stallion, you know like typical stallions and their set duties. He will go out and work, come back, spend a little time with me, spend a little time with mom, eat, have a ten minute chat, and then it’s off to bed. Mom and I spent so much time together obviously since I love her very much and the only parent I have, but I wished I could spend some more time with dad though. Now as time went on, dad’s work demanded more and more and more from him, they just put so much stress on him that it caused him to drink. Of course as drinkers come, he tried to keep his drinking away from home, at first he tried to control his consumption of alcohol. He’ll have a cup or two at the bar come home chewing many sticks of triorbital gum to hide the smell of alcohol in his breath, but I knew he was drinking because I can tell by his eyes which were bloodshot. As you may expect more stress came upon him and so did the alcohol. He’ll come home drunk, but hey even a drunk can still think a bit. So he will head straight to bed to avoid facing me and mom…” Lyra paused to let out a sigh. This is the first time she tells somepony the real truth of her mom and dad.

“However, one thing came about which I thought will never come in the first place. My mom confronted my dad about his drinking; she wanted him to go to group therapy and promise to never drink again. But instead he went to sleep…after a couple of months his behavior took a drastic change, the nagging from mom reached its boiling point. He struck her. The look on mom’s eyes will never leave my head and also the look on dad’s eyes when he realized what he’d done. He ran out. Cheeky basterd tried to quit along with sleeping on the couch because he couldn’t face mom, being a young filly at the time I do not understand what was going on but what I did understand is that my dad struck my mom and I will never forget that. But stallions are always weak, he couldn’t stop drinking and would hit my mom every day, until one day I couldn’t take it anymore. I stopped my dad from hitting mom by telling him to hit me instead. So he did and from then on I took mom’s pain.” Lyra stopped because she saw that Bon Bon wanted to say something.

“You allowed your dad to hit you?”

Lyra scoffed. “Yeah, but it was too late. All the trauma to my mom’s head took its toll. A few of her capillaries which weakened over time broke open which caused blood to leak into the cerebrospinal fluid killing many brain cells.” Lyra ran a hoof down the back of her head. “She became a vegetable...then came her last day because she wanted to free of her misery. Mom smiled at me for the last time and told me to forgive my dad.” Lyra’s breathing now became deep with anger. “After all the terrible things he did to mom, she expected me to forgive him!? Plus she said that I will never find peace until I forgiven him which I find to be a load of frak. Pfft! When Nurse Redheart hugged me after she turned off mom's EKG. That is when I decided to carry out my own so called form of forgiveness. I changed. I changed completely. For weeks I planned a deadly plan along with exercised my magic so it can be strong. Dad took care of me. For once he stopped drinking cold turkey but that only lasted a week because like I said earlier stallions are weak, he took up drinking again when he smelled mom’s pillow. Dad tried his best to be what a dad is supposed to be.” Suddenly from out of nowhere a deadly sadistic smile formed on Lyra’s lips causing Bon Bon to feel cold.

“Too little, too late. I set my plan into motion. One night when he was in the restroom, I got a piece of long but strong wire. Step by step I crept up behind him…I pounced on his back and wrapped the wire around his neck. With all my magical strength I pulled the wire back so I can end his pathetic abusive life. Through the mirror the poor basterd saw that is was me strangling him. He begged me to stop but I pulled harder, tears ran down from his eyes so I pulled harder and pretty soon he fell to his knees. I can tell his life is coming to its joyful end. I placed my lips near his ear to tell him the last words he’ll hear.” Lyra stopped so Bon Bon can ask the obvious.

But Bon Bon didn’t want to ask Lyra what she told her dad, fear now came over her again. “W-wha-wh-what d-d-did you t-t-tell him?”

The Unicorn mare kissed Bon Bon on the cheek. “I told him. Sssh, it’s over because your end has finally come. Your own flesh and blood is the Angel of Death because you killed mom. Your wife, your soul mate, my mother!! SO NOW I KILL YOU!! DIE! MAY YOU BURN IN ETERNAL DAMNATION YOU BASTERD!! YOUR OWN DAUGHTER ENDS YOUR LIFE!!!” A long stream of breath shot from Lyra’s nostrils. “I killed him with my own hooves and boy did I feel great! Vengeance has never been so sweet. Quickly I took off the burn mark of the wire around his neck, placed a bottle of alcohol near him so it can look that he drank himself death, took one last look of my old home so I can remember what changed me, and finally I called the Royal guard. To speed things up a bit since I’m telling you too much I got placed in foster care with my Uncle who became more of a father to me than my dad's ever been and he’s the one who introduced me to the lyre in which I saw I had a natural talent to and through some self defense lessons I learned that I can use violence to get what I need whenever I need.”

Bon Bon now had to more reason stay afraid of the mare she loves but a spark inside of her exploded.
“You’re just like your dad!” Bon Bon blurted out.

“WHAT!” Lyra growled.

Bon Bon covered her mouth when she realized what she said.

“Listen to me Bon Bon and listen well I am nothing like that basterd! I AM NOTHING LIKE HIM!!!”

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not!”

“Yes you are.”


“No you’re not.” Bon Bon retorted.

“Yes I am! Huh!” Lyra stopped to think.

“Why you!” Lyra raised her hoof.

“Then why are you going to hit me then?” Bon Bon asked calmly.

Lyra stopped herself and lowered her hoof, she turned her head away from Bon Bon.

“Lyra, you do realize that the daughter and father share a powerful bond.”

The turquoise Unicorn turned her back to Bon Bon.
“Please enlighten me about this so called powerful bond that daughter and father supposedly share because last I checked, fathers want sons and bond with them.”

Bon Bon sighed, she knew that she will be treading over thin ice but of course she wants Lyra to see the error of her ways.

“True my love, most stallions want sons and barely any of them wish to have daughters because most of them have a strong belief of their bloodlines continuing on to the next generation even though they don’t know that their bloodline can still pass on to the next generation through daughters too, but most fail to recognize this. Cutting to the chase, fathers will and always bond more with their daughters then with their sons; mothers will bond more with their sons then with their daughters. Sure don’t get me wrong ninety-nine point ninety nine-nine percent of the time mares are the ones who take care of the children while the stallions work to provide for them. But for the point one percent. Sometimes there are stallions who will take care of their children just like mothers do. There are ultra rare cases in which a mare will become abusive to her children, henceforth causing the stallion to take the role of mother and father for his children. Some stallions love their children so much that they will do anything to protect them and as I was implying earlier, a father loves his daughter to a level that nopony can ever understand. The bond between father and daughter is always there whether you like it or not because despite that little saying that goes uh, great how does it go again. OH! The son becomes the father and the father the son, it’s never like that most of the time instead it’s like this. The daughter becomes the father and the father the daughter! However, there will always be terrible fathers like yours and so most of the time stallions maintain their implied duties of providing for their families. So frankly...Lyra you are like your dad…I can give testament to that.” Bon Bon couldn’t believe the words she told Lyra and now she wanted to see what Lyra will do now.

Lyra got off the bed and headed for the door but before leaving the room she decided to say a few words first.
“I will no longer hit you because you gave me what I wanted, your sweet purity. I give you my word as the daughter of my dear mother and as the Angel of Death to my father to never hit you again. Never again.” Lyra left the room and went to practice room to play her lyre.

Bon Bon’s heart skipped a beat.

“Help me...papa.”

Bon Bon now had more the reason to go get Lyra the help she needs so she can forgive and get the peace she needs.


“Ma…why can’t you believe me! Lyra is abusive! She hit me many times, just look at my black eye! What makes you think that I will honestly inflect that on myself! Ma what does your instinct say.”

Bon Bon’s mother closed to eyes to think. A mother’s instinct is never wrong,at least that’s the theory in Bon Bon’s mind.

“My dear you were always quite the drama queen if I recall, plus you did lie to me a lot over countless issues or what should clear everything about this so called abuse from Lyra. Ahem, if Lyra is really hitting then how come you haven’t told Captain Shining Armor of the Royal guard about it then.” Bon Bon’s mother gave her the high expectation eyes.

Bon Bon knew that she can't tell her parents the same words Shining Armor told her. Because if she told them about Lyra’s connection to Princess Cadance her parents immediately drop the subject out of fear of angering Equestria’s powerful Royalty.

“Because I’m afraid.”

*sigh* “You’re a grown mare Bon Bon and you’re lying to me again. How can I believe you when you are lying to me at this very moment.”

“Ma…?” Bon Bon just didn’t want to absorb the fact that her own mother doubts her.

The Bond between a father and daughter is strong.

“Pa you believe me right?” Hope grew inside of her.

The stallion scratched the back of his head. The look on his daughter’s eyes spoke the truth, her black eye brings great pain to his heart but his wife is right. Bon Bon used to be quite the drama queen along with lying to him. He got up and walked over to Bon Bon.

“Come here my dear.” The stallion embraced his dear daughter, tears ran down his cheeks for his decision is already made while a red hot dagger stabs his heart only to give a freezing pain.

“I’m sorry Bon Bon but I must agree with your mother. You are a grown mare and I always told you to never let fear take savage control of your heart. I love you Bon Bon b-but, but, I-I just can’t believe you.” The pain dug deeper.

Her last chance.

“Where’s Running Sun?”

“He’s with Lyra. He really looks up to her and just thinks the world of her after she helped him secure a date with Apple Cobbler.” Bon Bon’s ma replied.

Bon Bon got out of her pa’s loving arms. Her own parents were her last resort while giving her more proof that hope is just a cruel joke.

“Good bye.” Bon Bon headed for the door.

“Bon Bon…” Pa cried out with pain.

The cream coated Earth pony paused to give her pa a nod before going home.

“There, there, we are doing our daughter a huge favor. In time she will come to understand that she must handle things on her own.”

“I failed her…her own papa. I-I failed my daughter.”

Ma did not understand her husband’s sudden sadness nor did she want to inquire him about it.


The afternoon sun radiated high in the sky above Lyra, Running Sun, and Apple Cobbler. All three of them enjoyed a nice coffee with each other’s company. While Apple Cobbler had her eyes closed to drink her coffee, Running Sun gave Lyra a smile that represented endless thanks.

Lyra smiling back. “He’s grown on me.”

Lyra dropped off Running Sun at his home after giving him a strong hug with a kiss on his forehead.

The Unicorn came home to find her marefriend sitting on the couch eyes of no hope.

Just as planned.

“Oh Bon Bon my dear Bon Bon with just a silver tongue and a few kind gestures I made your parents see you with indifference. You may think you’re alone but you’re not because you have me and isn’t that what you always wanted? To be with me, that you will harm poor Big Macintosh to get him out of the picture. Heh, I guess you and me have so much in common.” Lyra kissed Bon Bon with cold dire love.


Bon Bon walked out of Lyra’s house. A quiet walk through Ponyville always puts her mind at ease. With a medium tempo canter Bon Bon traveled about Ponyville.

Her eyes looked at the love occurring around her.

She cantered past Derpy and Soarin who sat on a bench in the park nuzzling one another while Dinky played with Silver Spoon.

“Sweet love between them.” Bon Bon told herself. At that very moment she entered a perspective of self conscious soul searching.

Bon Bon is lost in this self created world of pain. She had the chance to find herself the moment the abuse started but she refused, she loves Lyra so much that leaving her is not an option.

She tried once but her dear diary burned before her eyes.

Bon Bon’s eyes looked over at the other side of the park, there she spotted Sweetie Belle with her parents. Sweetie Belle laughed with tremendous delight as her father threw her up high in the air and caught her with his magic. Sweetie Belle’s father hugged her tight.

“My own parents don’t listen to me anymore or anypony for that matter. Nopony listens to me, not even pa.” Bon Bon turned and left the park. She cantered in different direction then she originally planned.

Unfortunately a stroke of invisible stimuli caused Bon Bon to turn her eyes to the right. She saw Running Sun with Apple Cobbler entering the spa. Bon Bon saw how happy her little brother is, but this caused her heart to break down because she wanted to help Running Sun. Now as her ma said, he doesn't think the world of her anymore, now he thinks the world of Lyra.

"I failed him as his big sister...the one thing that matters to me a lot and I let get taken away from me."

Bon Bon slowed her pace to a walk. This road she picked for her life is a broken one, the love she wanted isn't the one that provided her with happiness. Where can she turn or who can she turn to in this world. Nopony will believe her not even Running Sun.

This life of pain just has to have a end in sight, there has to be an end in sight. The new fear gripping her heart isn't fear of the physical abuse, Lyra is a mare of her word so the physical abuse is over once and for all. This fear is fear of the irrational psychological instability caused by a traumatic childhood and the long wire Lyra used.

"But whats the point if nopony listens to me, I am lost in this broken road I chose to walk myself because I couldn't leave when the abuse started. I have to save myself from this I have too. HOW!!."

The whole world around her started to spin. Lyra came to greet her with two shadows of separate identities behind her. Ma turned her back on her. Pa with tears in his eyes did the same the same. Running Sun scorned her for saying lies about Lyra. Pain is what she deserves...but love the invisible force that works in mysterious ways came to her to show her that she has hope...because one stallion.

The true love in her heart told her to turn around.

She laid her eyes on a red stallion.

Her savior... Big Macintosh.


Lyra looked in the mirror.

She never wanted Bon Bon's purity in the first place, but the words Bon Bon said to her caused her to think about him

"I am nothing like him! I am nothing like him! I am nothing like him!"

"Are you sure?"


Chapter 37. When two minds deny what the heart wants.

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